ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(3), SUMMER, 2021 Research Article The Teachings of Character in Local Wisdom Study On: Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo Rituals

Ken Widyatwati1 Dadang Suganda2 Faculty of Humanities, of Faculty of Humanities, Padjadjaran University of , Bandung, Indonesia [email protected]

Reiza D. Dienaputra3 Titin N. Mamun4 Faculty of Humanities, Padjadjaran University of Faculty of Humanities, Padjadjaran University of Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

1Corresponding author Faculty of Humanities, Padjadjaran University of Bandung, Indonesia Email: [email protected].

Abstract The Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual is carried out every 30th of the month of Rajab on the Javanese calendar. The symbolic meaning in the Labuhan Alit ritual can be revealed from the uba rampe (ritual equipment), and the behavior patterns shown by ritual actors and participants. The Labuhan Alit ritual can make people into one unit regardless of religion, race, and ethnic. The ritual actors and participants become one unit as guardians of the existence of the Palace and the Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual. This paper focuses on the local wisdom function of the Labuhan Alit ritual as a source of education and teachings for the community in maintaining inter- religious harmony. Important teachings that can be learned in the Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual are: the motto of rukun (living in harmony, mutual respect), sabar (patience, being able to control oneself, not complaining in facing problems), tawakal (always submitting to God), legawa (relieving, being able to accept situations sincerely). This guideline is still being maintained and used by the community in dealing with various problems. The teaching contained in the Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual provides lessons that, if in society there are differences and conflicts between religious communities, then in dealing with these conflicts each individual is required to behave rukun, sabar, tawakal, legawa to maintain the harmony of social life. This study makes a significant contribution to existing knowledge about local wisdom in the community by empirically determining some of the values contained in local wisdom that are needed by the community in dealing with problems and conflicts between religious harmony. This study has documented values and teachings for the community, especially the interests of teachers in local wisdom-based learning.

Keywords Learning, local wisdom, ritual, education, religious harmony

To cite this article: Widyatwati, K.; Suganda, D.; Dienaputra R, D, and Mamun, T, N. (2021) The Teachings of Character in Local Wisdom Study On: Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo Rituals. Review of International Geographical Education (RIGEO), 11(3), 527-535 Doi: 10.48047/rigeo.11.3.55 Submitted: 08-01-2021 ● Revised: 15-02-2021 ● Accepted: 18-03-2021 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(3), SUMMER, 2021


Religious harmony is a relationship between fellow religious people based on tolerance, mutual respect, and respect for diversity in terms of religion, race, and ethnicity. Indonesian society consisting of various ethnicities and races, such as Javanese, Madura, Padang, Dayak, Bone, Papua, Bali, Sumbawa, Chinese, Arab, Indian, Pakistani, and so on is the basis for maintaining community harmony (Priyatiningsih, 2020; Rohimin, 2009). Indonesian people have culture and local wisdom that serve to keep people’s lives in harmony, both in relations with fellow humans and with their surrounding environment. Local wisdom in Indonesia has meaning and value that is used as a reference for people's behaviour in living life. Local wisdom is also used to facilitate interaction with other people who are different in terms of culture, ethnicity, and religion. Oral tradition is local wisdom that exists in communities where the tradition develops (Hudayana, 2021; Rohimin, 2009). Oral traditions are classified as local wisdom, among others, myths, rituals, fairy tales, and proverbs. Local wisdom as a form of local intelligence is used to overcome problems in social life, especially those related to social interaction in society. The existence of oral traditions in the midst of Indonesian society in the era of globalization is one form of cultural inheritance. Some Indonesian people believe in myths and mystics related to the implementation of traditional ceremonies or rituals. The people who live in the Yogyakarta Palace have a high belief in the existence of myths in traditional ceremonies or rituals. The Yogyakarta Palace is viewed by the people of Yogyakarta as a cultural centre and ritual that upholds the values of local culture and traditions. As a special area under the rule of a king, the Sultan Palace until now still holds various traditional ceremonies or rituals. The traditional ceremony or ritual carried out by the Yogyakarta Palace is trusted by the community as a provider of safety and prosperity. The Yogyakarta community is very enthusiastic in following the ritual held by the Palace. Of the many rituals carried out by the Yogyakarta Palace, one of which always receives a rousing reception from the community is the Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual. This ritual is held every year with regard to jumenengan, namely the coronation day of the Sultan Yogyakarta,on the 30th of the month of Rajab on Javanese calendar.(Bernard, Wutich, & Ryan, 2016) Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the problem in this study is why the Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual as a local wisdom can be used as a learning model in maintaining harmony between religious communities and to resolve conflicts that occur in society. Society must respect each other; maintain tolerance, between religious communities in social life. This attitude of cooperation and mutual respect for differences can be applied in the implementation of traditional ceremonies or rituals. The implementation of traditional ceremonies or rituals will facilitate not only tolerance between religions, but also the spirit of unity and cooperation in building society. The implementation of traditional ceremonies and rituals is expected to encourage the community to maintain local traditional values that can be used to help resolve or reduce conflicts between religious communities.

Literature Review

Local Wisdom as a Source of Knowledge

Local wisdom is knowledge and outlook on life in the form of activities carried out by the community. Local wisdom can also be used to help solving problems in people's lives. Local wisdom is the policy of the local community or local knowledge or local intelligence (Capello, 2020; Rahyono, 2009). Local wisdom is the result of human intelligence possessed by certain groups of people or ethnicities derived from life experiences in society. Rahyono (2009) defines local wisdom as the results obtained by the community based on life experiences that are not necessarily experienced by other communities. The values of local wisdom will be firmly attached to the local community. Local wisdom grows and develops in accordance with the development of culture in the community. Anthropologists such as Koentjaraningrat (1994), Spradley (2016), Chambell (2015) and Jalil (2015), categorizing community culture including local wisdom are ideas, social activities, artefacts, and myths. Culture is the overall knowledge possessed by a group of humans and used as a life guide for interpreting its environment in the form of daily actions (Burhani, 2017).

528 Widyatwati, K.; Suganda, D.; Dienaputra R, D, and Mamun, T, N. (2021) The Teachings of Character in Loca….. Tiezzi explains local wisdom as explicit knowledge that emerges from a long period that evolves together with the community and its environment in the local system that has been experienced together. Substantially, local wisdom is the values that apply in a community that are believed to be true and guide community behaviour (Rohimin, 2009). Local wisdom can be expressed in the form of advice, proverb, rhyme, poetry, folklore, life principles, teaching, social and moral rules. Local wisdom can be used as a community social system such as rites, traditional ceremonies or rituals that are patterns of community behaviour. Culture is the overall knowledge possessed by a group of humans and used as a life guide for interpreting its environment in the form of daily actions (Spradley, 2016:45).Indonesian people have a variety of local wisdom that can be a guardian of inter-religious harmony in their respective regions. Local wisdom has functioned well for years in the community's traditional community. Some of the local wisdom in Indonesia have lost, some still survive and function in the community, and there are also some local wisdoms that have experienced cultural acculturation due to technological and information developments. The existence and preservation of local wisdom in the community is a joint task between the government and the community. Some local wisdom is also an oral tradition that needs to be preserved because local wisdom can be the basis for resolving conflicts in the community. Local wisdom can be used as a guardian of unity and to prevent conflicts in the community, such as local wisdoms held by Indonesian people such as ritual labuhan (offerings to the sea), metridesa (cleaning village rituals), nyadran (ritual before Ramadhan fasting), wiwitan (ritual ceremonies before rice harvest), and syawalan (ritual a week after Eid). In the past, Indonesian people had local wisdom which was used as a basis in managing the norms and rules of life in the community. Every region in Indonesia has its own system of values and norms that are passed down through generations. The system of community values and norms is usually the basis of community life. This proves that local wisdom can be a guardian in fostering inter-religious harmony in Indonesia.Local wisdom in Indonesia has benefits that can be used in community life. Local wisdom is one of the guidelines for life in the community. Local wisdom contains living teachings, such as morals, beliefs, norms, and customs that are obeyed by the community (Ichsan & Hanafiah, 2020; Purwani, 2014). Local wisdom is local knowledge created by the adaptation of a community that comes from life experiences that are passed down from generation to generation. Local wisdom is the knowledge that people use to survive. Local wisdom in the community includes a system of beliefs, norms, and customs. Rahyono (2009) describes local wisdom as an oral tradition that develops and is believed by the community to be used as social glue. Local wisdom is also a reference in managing relations and harmony between religious people. Cultural diversity in Indonesia forms distinctive characteristics and various kinds of culture in society. Indonesia as a country that has a large area also has people from various ethnic groups who have different cultures and beliefs. Indonesian people adhere to different religions and beliefs. The diversity of religions and beliefs that exist in society sometimes causes conflicts based on their individual interests.(Piere, 2010) Local wisdom and culture that are maintained in people's lives can be used as a unifier in religious life that is mutual tolerance and mutual respect. Inter-religious harmony is a dynamic process that must be sought by every citizen and government. Religious harmony is the basis for National harmony because social, economic, and political conflicts are very vulnerable to inter- religious conflict Conflicts that occur in society are enlarged by the existence of socio-cultural, economic and information technology developments. Harmony of the religious community will be harmonious and well preserved in the community if the diversity of cultures available can be used as a basis for guidelines for behavior in the community. Research on local wisdom in Indonesia needs to be done so that local wisdom can be used by the community as a way of life. One of the local wisdoms in Indonesia is ritual or traditional ceremony. Traditions in performing rituals or traditional ceremonies are widely used as study materials and researches so that the existence of rituals can be expressed meaning and benefits for the people of Indonesia (Ichsan & Hanafiah, 2020). Traditional rituals or ceremonies in Indonesia are a source of knowledge for the supporting community. Indonesia is a country consisting of different ethnic groups, races, cultures, and customs. Indonesia is a united country, so harmony between citizens needs to be maintained. Religious harmony is a capital for national harmony. Religious harmony is an inter-religious relationship based on mutual respect, respect, and cooperation in community life (Burdah, 2017; Handayani, Sumarwati, & Setiawan, 2020).

529 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(3), SUMMER, 2021 Harmony of religious communities can be established well if the community respects and maintains the norms of life, social and culture. Conflicts that arise in the community arise because of the existence of social, economic, and political disparities. This conflict can develop into a multi- religious conflict. Therefore, the harmony of religious people is not only the responsibility of the government but also the responsibility of the community.

Local Wisdom and Social conflict in the community

Local wisdom contained in the community as a form of local intelligence is expected to be able to overcome community problems related to social interaction. Today's Indonesian society is a multicultural society so that social, economic, and political differences have the potential to cause conflict in society. Religious diversity in Indonesia results in differences between religious believers who can develop into differences between ethnicities and cultures. The level of life of the Indonesian people also creates social inequality due to differences in economic and educational levels(Yuliastuti & Pasopati, 2015). Social conflict occurs when community goals are not aligned, various differences of opinion and conflicts can usually be resolved without violence, and often produce a better situation for most or all parties involved (Weber, 2013). Social level differences in society can trigger the emergence of inter-religious conflicts. So that the existence of local wisdom as a guide to community life is expected to help resolve and prevent conflicts.Maintaining the tolerance of mutual respect and respect among followers of religion is a life goal of the people of Indonesia. Every citizen is expected to adhere to existing norms and regulations so that they can maintain community harmony. Some people in Indonesia still consider differences in religion, race, or ethnicity. This difference of views can lead to conflict. Local wisdom as a source of norms can be used to resolve and prevent conflicts in society because local wisdom is the spiritual wealth of the community. Conflict is an expression of conflict between individuals and individuals, groups with groups for several reasons. Disputes that occur in the community indicate differences between individuals (Bull &.John, 2015). Indonesia (Ichsan & Hanafiah, 2020) explains that social interaction in society can cause conflict if there are differences of opinion. This can happen if each community group has different goals and interests, and there is no cooperation between them. The development of information technology in the era of globalization also influences people’s mind sets and attitudes. The development of information technology also influences people's mind sets and attitudes. Indonesian society is now a society with a modern lifestyle, which is more applied to technology and information development in everyday life. Constant conflict is centred on several main causes, (Taylor, 2017; Weber, 2013) In resolving conflicts in the community, an approach that is based on local wisdom in the community is needed. In the daily life of the people of Indonesia apply the rules, customs, and social order. The relationship between citizens is based on the aim of maintaining the bond of brotherhood. Local wisdom as a source of norms in the community serves to maintain harmony and resolve conflicts that occur. These local functions include the following: a. Marker of a community's identity. b. Adhesive elements across citizens, across religions and beliefs. c. Local wisdom is not coercive but is a cultural element that exists and lives in the community. Therefore, the existence of local wisdom still persists. d. Local wisdom provides a colour of togetherness for a community. e. .Local wisdom will change the mind set and reciprocity of individuals and groups, by putting it in the same culture. f. Local wisdom can function to encourage the establishment of togetherness, appreciation as well as a joint mechanism to ward off the possibilities that are diminishing, even destructive, communal solidarity, which is believed, originates, and grows on shared awareness, from an integrated community (Ginting, Sumarno, Karina, & Lubis, 2020).

Local Wisdom as a Learning Media

Learning in the community based on local wisdom according to Prasetyo (2013: 3) is a conscious effort that is planned through exploring and utilizing the potential of the local area wisely in an effort to realize the learning process, so that the community can actively develop the potential for local wisdom and preserve it. So that the existence of local wisdom in the community can be useful for developing knowledge and providing life learning for the community

530 Widyatwati, K.; Suganda, D.; Dienaputra R, D, and Mamun, T, N. (2021) The Teachings of Character in Loca….. The concept of education and learning must be able to provide an understanding of the values of social responsibility in society. The concept of learning based on local wisdom must also be able to provide a real picture to the community that they are part of the social system. Society must synergize with culture and the universe to create harmony. The concept of learning and maintaining local wisdom in the community can integrate local wisdom with existing knowledge in the community. The application of local wisdom learning in the community aims to introduce the function and meaning of local wisdom. The integration of local wisdom in learning is an effort to create a learning model that not only equips the community about knowledge and its development but also instills a sense of love for local diversity in society. The impact of implementing wisdom-based learning can provide new knowledge to the community so that they can participate in maintaining the existence of local wisdom and preserving it.

Research Methods

This study uses a qualitative method. The problems in this study are cross-sectoral in nature related to the facts of anthropology such as rites, institutions, beliefs, and rituals. The approach used in research is phenomenology. Data collection techniques used are observation, documentation study, and interviews. Observation and study of documents are directed at the visual and verbal forms of research objects. The validity of the data in the study is based on the criteria of Lincoln and Guba (Sumaryanto, 2007) namely the degree of trust, transferability, dependence, and certainty. The technique used to achieve the degree of trust in research uses triangulation, i.e. information is obtained from various sources. Data analysis uses qualitative analysis. Data in the form of words are arranged into complete text and through three activity lines, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.

Results and Discussion Harmony in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is one of the famous cities in Indonesia. Yogyakarta society is a society that respects differences in community life. Society views diversity in religion, ethnicity, and race not as a gap but as a source of spiritual wealth in understanding life. Yogyakarta Palace as a centre of government and culture organizes many rituals involving all levels of society. The people of Yogyakarta regardless of their religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds help each other in celebrating traditional rituals. As is the case in the Labuhan Alit ritual which is supported by the people of Yogyakarta as a form to preserve cultural heritage (Kahar, Triyuwono, Irianto, & Ludigdo, 2013) In creating good religious harmony in Yogyakarta, the Yogyakarta government cooperates with all parties from community leaders, religious leaders, traditional leaders and the general public. Thus, the inter-religious harmony in Yogyakarta is manifested in the form of cooperation for the common interest. The harmony of religious people in Yogyakarta is based on mutual respect and respect between religions. This spirit of mutual respect happens because of Yogyakarta's great public trust in the Sultan and the community's view of the Yogyakarta Palace as a centre of government and culture (Hakim, Liu, Isler, & Woodward, 2015). The Yogyakarta community is a multicultural society that has many differences and views. Differences that exist in the community are not a barrier to living in harmony and tolerance but it aims to enrich diversity in the community. The Yogyakarta government and the community collaborate with awareness to maintain inter-religious harmony as a foundation for preserving cultural traditions. The communities as guardians of tradition behave in mutual respect and tolerance without degrading other religions, tribes, and races in their daily lives or in the administration of traditional ceremonies or rituals. The Labuhan Alit ritual is one of the methods used by the Yogyakarta Palace to facilitate inter-religious tolerance to create harmony in people's lives. Every citizen must respect each other and maintain tolerance between religious people in their daily lives. The attitude of cooperation and mutual respect for these differences is applied in the implementation of traditional ceremonies or rituals in the community. The implementation of traditional ceremonies or rituals can facilitate not only tolerance among religious people, but also as a spirit of unity and cooperation in building the community. The implementation of traditional ceremonies or rituals functions so as to encourage the communityto maintain local traditional values that can be used to help to resolve and reduce inter-religious conflict

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The role of the Yogyakarta Palace in teaching and maintaining Harmony

Based on the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Regulation (2015) religious harmony can be divided into three concepts of religious harmony, namely (1) internal religious harmony; (2) inter- religious harmony; and (3) inter-religious harmony with the government. Religious harmony is a relationship between religious people based on tolerance, mutual understanding, mutual respect, and respect for equality in the practice of religious teachings and cooperation in community life (WI dodo & Saddhono, 2012). The government of the Yogyakarta Palace as a protector of the community carries out the government wisely without distinguishing ethnicity, race, and religion even though the Yogyakarta community is a heterogeneous society. The seriousness of the government towards fostering harmony in religious life in Yogyakarta can be seen from the cultural agenda held by the Yogyakarta Palace which involves all components of the Yogyakarta community regardless of position, race, ethnicity, and religion. The role of the Yogyakarta Palace in maintaining harmony between religious communities is very important because the Yogyakarta Palace is a centre of government and culture. This can be seen in the implementation of the Sekaten, a traditional ceremony for commemorating the birthday of Prophet Muhammad, or jamasan, a traditional ritual washing the palaces heirloom and so on. The roles of the Yogyakarta Palace to maintain tolerance between religious people are giving freedom to the community to embrace religion and worship according to their respective religions and beliefs; Reducing conflict and creating problems that can make inter- religious disputes in Yogyakarta; Organizing traditional rituals by the Yogyakarta Palace involving all components of societyThe Yogyakarta Palace and Sultan have a central role in maintaining religious harmony in Yogyakarta. The Yogyakarta community, which is very diverse to date, sees the Sultan and Yogyakarta Palace as government leaders and guardians of tradition. This view of the people of Yogyakarta is realized with support during the implementation of traditional ceremonies and rituals in the Yogyakarta Palace. The community is enthusiastic regardless of diversity because the people of Yogyakarta believe in the implementation of the ritual Hel Teachings in the Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo Ritual as a guide in maintaining harmony Indonesian people have a variety of local wisdom that is able to support the inter-religious harmony in their respective regions. Local wisdom is carried out and functions well in everyday life. Local wisdom can be a basis for maintaining harmony, peace and preventing conflicts between religious communities. The norms in the community are the basis for creating social interaction and harmony between religious groups. Indonesian society has a distinctive value system, customary, and social norms, which is shown by the diversity of cultures that exist. Every ethnic group in Indonesia has its own system of values and norms which are passed down from generation to generation. The value and norm system can create harmony in people's lives. This harmony is manifested by the implementation of rituals or traditional ceremonies that are trusted by the community. The Labuhan Alit ritual contains many symbolic meanings. This meaning can be revealed from various ubarampe or ceremonial equipment, offerings offered and behaviours pointed out by the perpetrators of the ceremony. Ubarampe or ceremonial and offerings in the Labuhan Alit ritual are symbols of sincerity as a form of gratitude for all the blessings that Allah has given. The behaviour patterns of the perpetrators and ritual participants are symbols of patience, trust, and loyalty. The community follows the ceremony with one goal to get blessings for the life of the people. During the Labuhan Alit ritual the community becomes a unity without distinguishing between religious and ethnic differences. Society becomes a unity as the perpetrator and guardian of ritual existence. Religious life in Indonesia varies greatly because in Indonesia there are several religions and beliefs. The community has the freedom to embrace religion based on their respective beliefs. Differences in embracing religion make Indonesian society rich in culture. Indonesian society views diversity as the basic capital for people to interact.Religious life in is also based on different socio-cultural factors, education levels, economic and religious levels. The differences in culture, ethnicity, religion that exist in the community must be maintained so that they can synergize to prevent the emergence of inter- religious conflicts. Local wisdom in the community is expected to be able to resolve and prevent the emergence of inter-religious conflicts. Local wisdom in the community is sought to be implemented properly. At present, there are several local wisdoms that cannot be maintained. This happens because of a shift in culture and the influence of technological and information developments in society.

532 Widyatwati, K.; Suganda, D.; Dienaputra R, D, and Mamun, T, N. (2021) The Teachings of Character in Loca….. The people of Yogyakarta still believe that in order to obtain salvation, they must be friends with the surrounding environment and seek strength from the inheritance of their ancestors. People believe that in life there is a visible and invisible life. This visible and invisible life is dominated by good spirits and evil spirits, and each is very influential in people's lives. Good power will bring good, and evil forces will bring disaster and disaster (Dale, 2020). Based on the description above, to achieve the safety of the Yogyakarta Palace, the ritual is held. One of the rituals is the Labuhan Alit ritual which is held once a year on Friday with the Sultan or the Sultan's coronation day on the 30th of Rajab. Local wisdom is knowledge and outlook on life in the form of activities carried out by the community. Local wisdom can also be used to help solve problems in people's lives. Local wisdom is the policy of the local community or local knowledge or local intelligence (Rahyono, 2009). Labuhan Alit ritual is one form of local wisdom that is always held by the Yogyakarta Palace. The Labuhan Alit ritual contains an important message in the spiritual and socio-cultural context, namely the Labuhan Alit ritual is a manifestation of the unity of all Yogyakarta citizens without seeing differences in religion, belief, race or ethnicity. Local wisdom is the result of human intelligence possessed by certain groups of people or ethnicities derived from life experiences in society. The Yogyakarta palace and the community actualize the teachings in the Labuhan Alit ritual as the guardian of the harmonization of community life. The teachings in the Labuhan Alit ritual as the guardian of harmony between religious communities are explained as follows: a. Rukun (unity, mutual respect), sabar (patient, able to control oneself, not complaining in facing problems), tawakal (always surrender to Allah) and legawa (relieved, able to acceptd by the Yogyakarta Palace; the community will obtain safety and prosperity in life. Situations sincerely) If in society there are differences and conflicts between religious communities to prevent greater conflict in society, each person in conflict is expected to be legawa (relieved) , sabar (patient), legawa ( relieved ) and surrender to the power of God, respect each other, respect differences in life, eliminate characteristics. Ego and win alone to maintain harmony in society b. Manunggaling kawulo gusti means that the leader and the people are not separated by boundaries but must have unity in life. The leader must be able to feel what the community feels and expects. The community as the people must also be able to accept what the leader orders. The Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual which is a media for the gathering of people from various levels, various professions, with the Sultan, palace relatives, courtiers is expected to be a space to unite with each other, regardless of position, religion, race and ethnicity. The harmony of religious people is harmonious and well preserved in the community if the diversity of cultures can be used as a basis for resolving conflicts. Local wisdom that is maintained in people's lives can be used as a unifier in religious life. Local wisdom that exists and develops in the community can be used as a guide in resolving conflicts. Local wisdom is also used by the community to organize relationships and maintain harmony between religious groups. Inter-religious harmony is a dynamic process that must be sought by every citizen and government. Religious harmony is the basis for national harmony because social, economic, and political conflicts are very vulnerable to inter-religious conflict. The Yogyakarta community together helps the success of the Labuhan Alit ritual as a form of preserving the noble cultural heritage. From the description above, it can be said that the Labuhan Alit ritual is one of the local wisdoms that is used to protect and prevent inter-religious conflicts. Implementation of Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo Ritual as Teaching in Maintaining Harmony Local wisdom is the potential of an area as well as the results of human thought and human work that contain wise and wise values and are passed down from generation to generation so that it becomes the hallmark of the area. Integrating local wisdom in maintaining harmony between religious communities in society as a way to increase love for local wisdom, and as an effort to maintain the existence of local wisdom amidst the swift currents of globalization . The implementation of local cultural values in learning religious harmony in Labuhan Alit rituals in society can be studied based on the educational philosophy, namely perennialism. Perennialism views education as a very important process in transmitting cultural values to society. Cultural values that are owned by the community are very important to be transformed in learning, so that they can be known, accepted and implemented by the community. Learning based on local wisdom in the community aims as an effort to inherit and preserve culture from generation to generation. Likewise, learning and education based on the noble values of the Labuhan Alit ritual should be introduced to the community and developed so that the younger generation can take the meaning contained in local wisdom as a guide in maintaining harmony between religious communities. 533 © RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education 11(3), SUMMER, 2021 Labuhan Alit ritual is not only appropriate to be applied in useful learning to increase knowledge about harmony, instill character and equip people to deal with problems or conflicts between religious communities. Planting teachings that are sourced from Labuhan Alit ritual has a strategic role in the introduction and inheritance of culture in the community. Local wisdom- based learning is very appropriate for the community. Especially the young generation because the younger generation is the guardian of the preservation of local wisdom. To further strengthen and make local wisdom more effective as a source of learning about inter-religious harmony, cooperation between parat and community leaders is needed in the planning, study, trial, and decision-making process. The implementation of this learning model requires support from all elements of society so that the existence of local wisdom can continue to be appreciated and applied by the community as a guide in daily life.


Local wisdom-based learning is very important to be applied in the community because it is useful for increasing community knowledge and understanding of the meaning of local wisdom. The Labuhan Alit Parangkusumo ritual as one of the local wisdoms that develops in the community can be used as a social glue that can be a reference in managing relations between religious communities. The community is a medium in cultivating a sense of love for local wisdom, cultivating positive characters according to the noble values of local wisdom and equipping the community in dealing with problems and social conflicts between religious communities. Steps that can be used in implementing local wisdom-based learning as teachings of harmony between religious communities are as the following: 1) identify the potential for local wisdom, 2) determine the criteria for local wisdom, and 3) explain the function and meaning of local wisdom for the community. Funding: This study received no specific financial support. Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Acknowledgement: All authors contributed equally to the conception and design of the Study.


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