Environmental Protection Agency § 117.3
Environmental Protection Agency § 117.3 (iii) Which are used or could be used (j) Process waste water means any for industrial purposes by industries in water which, during manufacturing or interstate commerce; processing, comes into direct contact (4) All impoundments of waters oth- with or results from the production or erwise defined as navigable waters use of any raw material, intermediate under this paragraph; product, finished product, byproduct, (5) Tributaries of waters identified in or waste product. paragraphs (i) (1) through (4) of this section, including adjacent wetlands; [44 FR 50776, Aug. 29, 1979, as amended at 58 and FR 45039, Aug. 25, 1993; 65 FR 30904, May 15, (6) Wetlands adjacent to waters iden- 2000] tified in paragraphs (i) (1) through (5) of this section (‘‘Wetlands’’ means § 117.2 Abbreviations. those areas that are inundated or satu- NPDES equals National Pollutant rated by surface or ground water at a Discharge Elimination System. RQ frequency and duration sufficient to equals reportable quantity. support, and that under normal cir- cumstances do support, a prevalence of § 117.3 Determination of reportable vegetation typically adapted for life in quantities. saturated soil conditions. Wetlands Each substance in Table 117.3 that is generally included playa lakes, listed in Table 302.4, 40 CFR part 302, is swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar assigned the reportable quantity listed areas such as sloughs, prairie potholes, in Table 302.4 for that substance. wet meadows, prairie river overflows, mudflats, and natural ponds): Provided, TABLE 117.3—REPORTABLE QUANTITIES That waste treatment systems (other OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES DES- than cooling ponds meeting the cri- IGNATED PURSUANT TO SECTION 311 OF teria of this paragraph) are not waters THE CLEAN WATER ACT of the United States.
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