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P¯oniu¯a‘ena:A Luminous z = 7.5 Hosting a 1.5 Billion Solar Mass Black Hole

Jinyi Yang,1 Feige Wang,1, ∗ Xiaohui Fan,1 Joseph F. Hennawi,2, 3 Frederick B. Davies,2, 4 Minghao Yue,1 Eduardo Banados,3 Xue-Bing Wu,5, 6 Bram Venemans,3 Aaron J. Barth,7 Fuyan Bian,8 Konstantina Boutsia,9 Roberto Decarli,10 Emanuele Paolo Farina,11 Richard Green,1 Linhua Jiang,5 Jiang-Tao Li,12 Chiara Mazzucchelli,8 and Fabian Walter3

1Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, 933 N Cherry Ave, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA 2Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530, USA 3Max Planck Institut f¨urAstronomie, K¨onigstuhl17, D-69117, Heidelberg, Germany 4Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Rd, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA 5Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, 100871, China 6Department of Astronomy, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 7Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA 8European Southern Observatory, Alonso de C´ordova 3107, Casilla 19001, Vitacura, Santiago 19, Chile 9Las Campanas Observatory, Carnegie Observatories, Colina El Pino, Casilla 601, La Serena, Chile 10INAF – Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, via Gobetti 93/3, I-40129 Bologna, Italy 11Max Planck Institut f¨urAstrophysik, Karl–Schwarzschild–Straße 1, D-85748, Garching bei M¨unchen,Germany 12Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan, 311 West Hall, 1085 S. University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1107, USA

(Received; Revised; Accepted)

ABSTRACT We report the discovery of a luminous quasar, J1007+2115 at z = 7.515 (“P¯oniu¯a‘ena”),from our wide-field -era quasar survey. J1007+2115 is the second quasar now known at z > 7.5, deep 9 into the reionization epoch. The quasar is powered by a (1.5 0.2) 10 M ± × (SMBH), based on its broad Mg II emission-line profile from Gemini and Keck near-IR spectroscopy. The SMBH in J1007+2115 is twice as massive as that in quasar J1342+0928 at z = 7.54, the current quasar redshift record holder. The existence of such a massive SMBH just 700 million years after the Big Bang significantly challenges models of the earliest SMBH growth. Model assumptions of 4 Eddington-limited accretion and a radiative efficiency of 0.1 require a seed black hole of & 10 M at z = 30. This requirement suggests either a massive black hole seed as a result of direct collapse or earlier periods of rapid black hole growth with hyper-Eddington accretion and/or a low radiative efficiency. We measure the damping wing signature imprinted by neutral hydrogen absorption in the intergalactic medium (IGM) on J1007+2115’s Lyα line profile, and find that it is weaker than that of J1342+0928 and two other z & 7 . We estimate an IGM volume-averaged neutral fraction +0.22 xHI = 0.39 . This range of values suggests a patchy reionization history toward different IGM h i −0.13 sightlines. We detect the 158 µm [C II] emission line in J1007+2115 with ALMA; this line centroid −1 yields a systemic redshift of z = 7.5149 0.0004 and indicates a star formation rate of 210 M yr ± ∼ in its host galaxy. arXiv:2006.13452v1 [astro-ph.GA] 24 Jun 2020

Keywords: galaxies: active — galaxies: high-redshift — quasars: individual (UHS J100758.264+211529.207) — cosmology: observations — early universe

1. INTRODUCTION Luminous reionization-era quasars (z > 6.5) pro- vide unique probes of supermassive black hole (SMBH) growth, massive galaxy formation, and intergalactic Corresponding author: Jinyi Yang medium (IGM) evolution in the first billion years of the [email protected] Universe’s history. However, efforts to find such objects ∗ NHFP Hubble Fellow have proven to be difficult because of a combination of 2 Yang et al. the declining spatial density of quasars at high redshift, veys that covers 20,000 deg2 of high Galactic lati- ∼ the limited sky coverage of near-infrared (NIR) photom- tude sky area with z/y, J, and WISE photometry to the etry, and the low efficiency of spectroscopic follow-up depth of J 21 (5σ), and have used this dataset to ∼ observations. carry out a wide-field systematic survey for quasars at During the past few years, high-redshift quasar z > 6.5 (Wang et al. 2018, 2019; Yang et al. 2019). searches using newly available wide-area optical and IR J1007+2115 was selected in the area covered by the surveys have resulted in a sixfold increase in the num- DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (DECaLS, Dey et al. ber of known quasars at z > 6.5: 47 luminous quasars at 2019), the Pan-STARRS1 (PS1, Chambers et al. 2016) z > 6.5 have been discovered (e.g., Fan et al. 2019; Ven- survey, the UKIRT Hemisphere Survey (UHS, Dye et emans et al. 2013, 2015; Wang et al. 2019; Mazzucchelli al. 2018), and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer et al. 2017; Reed et al. 2019; Matsuoka et al. 2019a; survey (WISE, Wright et al. 2010). For the WISE pho- Yang et al. 2019), although among them only six are tometry, when we applied the selection cuts, we used at z 7 (Mortlock et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2018; Mat- the photometric data from the ALLWISE catalog 1. To ≥ suoka et al. 2019a,b; Yang et al. 2019) and one at z > 7.1 identify quasars at z & 7.5, we required the object to (Ba˜nadoset al. 2018). These discoveries show that 800 be undetected in all optical bands. We used a simple million solar-mass black holes exist already at z = 7.5 IR color cut J W 1 > 0.261, S/NJ > 5, S/NW 1 > − − (Ba˜nadoset al. 2018) and that the IGM is significantly 5. Forced aperture photometry in all PS1 and DECaLS neutral at z & 7 (e.g. Ba˜nadoset al. 2018; Davies et al. bands was used to reject contaminants further. After 2018b; Greig et al. 2017, 2019; Wang et al. 2020). How- the selection cuts, we visually inspected images of each ever, both early SMBH growth history and IGM neutral candidate in all bands. In this step, both the ALLWISE fraction evolution at z > 7 are still poorly constrained and unWISE (Lang 2014; Meisner et al. 2018) images because of the small sample size. For statistical analysis, were included. All photometric data are summarized in more z 7 8 quasars are necessary to investigate the Table1. ∼ − IGM, SMBH masses, and quasar host galaxies at this critical epoch. 2.2. Near-infrared Spectroscopy In this paper, we report the discovery of a new quasar J100758.264+211529.207 (“P¯oniu¯a‘ena”in the Hawaiian J1007+2115 was confirmed as a quasar during our language, hereinafter J1007+2115) at z = 7.5149. This Gemini/GNIRS run in 2019 May. The discovery spec- object is only the second quasar known at z 7.5, close trum was of low quality because of the high airmass ∼ to the mid-point redshift of reionization (Planck Col- when it was observed. A one-hour (on-source) obser- laboration et al. 2018). Its discovery enables new mea- vation with Magellan/FIRE was used further to con- surements of a quasar Lyα damping wing and provides firm this new quasar shortly after the GNIRS observa- new constraints on the earliest SMBH growth. In this tions. To obtain higher quality spectra, we observed paper, we adopt a ΛCDM cosmology with parameters the quasar for 5.5 hours (on-source) with GNIRS and for 2.2 hours (on-source) with Keck/NIRES in May ΩΛ = 0.7, Ωm = 0.3, and h = 0.685. Photometric data are reported on the AB system after applying a Galac- and June of 2019. The redshift measured from the Mg II line is zMgII = 7.494 0.001. Since J1007+2115 tic extinction correction (Schlegel et al. 1998; Schlafly & ± Finkbeiner 2011). was first discovered with the Gemini North Telescope in Hawaii, J1007+2115 was given the Hawaiian name 2. CANDIDATE SELECTION AND “P¯oniu¯a‘ena”,which means “unseen spinning source of OBSERVATIONS creation, surrounded with brilliance” in the Hawaiian language. In this section we describe the selection method that With Gemini/GNIRS, we used the short-slit (cross- led to the discovery of J1007+2115 and the spectro- dispersion) mode (32 l/mm) with simultaneous cover- scopic observations. This quasar was selected based age of 0.85–2.5 µm. A 100. 0 slit (R 400) was used on the same photometric dataset used for our previous ∼ for the discovery observations, while a 000. 675 slit (R z 6.5 7 quasar surveys (Wang et al. 2018, 2019; ∼ ∼ − 620) was used for the additional high quality spectrum. Yang et al. 2019) but with selection criteria focused on For Magellan/FIRE, the echelle mode with a 000. 75 slit a higher redshift range. (R 4800) was used. Keck/NIRES has a fixed con- ∼ figuration that simultaneously covers 0.94 to 2.45 µm 2.1. Selection Method We have constructed an imaging dataset by combin- 1 ing all available optical and infrared photometric sur- http://wise2.ipac.caltech.edu/docs/release/allwise/ 3

Observed wavelength (A)˚ 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 6 ) 1 1.5 [CII] − 0.75 CIV MgII

˚ A 5 0.4 2 0.50 − λ λ f f 0.2 4

cm 1.0 0.25 1

− 0.00 0.0 3 1500 1600 2700 2800 2900 ergs 0.5

17 2 − (10 Flux Density1 (mJy/beam) λ

f 0.0 0 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 222.5 223.0 223.5 224.0 Rest-frame wavelength (A)˚ Observed Frequency (GHz)

Figure 1. Upper-left: The combined spectrum of J1007+2115 from GNIRS and NIRES data, compared with photometric data in the Y, J, H, and K bands (orange points with error bars). The J-band data point is from the UHS and data in other three bands are from our photometry with UKIRT obtained after the discovery of this quasar. The photometric data are consistent with the spectrum. The purple dashed line represents the best-fit pseudo-continuum. The two inner plots show the fits to the C IV and Mg II lines. The red solid lines represent the best-fit spectra. The orange lines are the Fe II components and the blue lines denote the best-fit emission lines. Upper-right: The spectrum of the [C II] emission line with the uncertainty (grey) and best fit Gaussian profile (red). The [C II] line peaks at the observed frequency 223.2 0.01 GHz, corresponding to a redshift of 00 00 ± 7.5149 0.0004. Bottem: Images (15 15 , north is up and east is to the left) of J1007+2115 in PS1 z, PS1 y, DECaLS z, ± × UKIRT Y , UHS J, UKIRT H, and UKIRT K bands. This quasar is not detected in PS1 z, PS1 y, and DECaLS z. The 3σ flux limits in these three bands are measured from our forced photometry and reported in Table1. with a fixed 000. 55 narrow slit resulting in a resolving galaxy. The observations were taken in 2019 October power of R 2700 (Wilson et al. 2004). All NIR spectra with 15 min on-source integration time. The synthe- ∼ were reduced with the open-source Python-based spec- sized beam size is 000. 46 000. 34 and the final data cube × troscopic data reduction pipeline PypeIt2 (Prochaska et reaches an rms noise level of 0.4 mJy beam−1 per 10 km al. 2020). We corrected the telluric absorption by fitting s−1 channel. The ALMA data were reduced with the an absorption model directly to the quasar spectra us- CASA 5.4 pipeline (McMullin et al. 2007). J1007+2115 ing the telluric model grids produced from the Line-By- is strongly detected in both the [C II] emission line and Line Radiative Transfer Model (LBLRTM3; Clough et al. the continuum. The source is not spatially resolved. 2005). We stacked the spectra from GNIRS and NIRES, The [C II] emission line provides the most accu- weighted by inverse-variance, and scaled the result with rate measurement of the quasar systemic redshift. A the K-band magnitude. The final stacked spectrum is Gaussian fit to the [C II] line yields a redshift of shown in Figure1. 7.5149 0.0004. We use the [C II]-based redshift as the ± systemic redshift of the quasar. We obtain a line flux 2.3. [C II]-based Redshift and Dust Continuum from of F = 1.2 0.1 Jy km s−1, and an FWHM = [CII] ± [CII] ALMA 331.3 31.6 km s−1, corresponding to a line luminosity ± 9 of L = (1.5 0.2) 10 L . Applying the rela- We observed J1007+2115 with ALMA (configuration [CII] ± × C43-4, Cycle 7) to detect the [C II] emission line and un- tion between star formation rate (SFR) and L[CII] for derlying dust continuum emission from the quasar host high-redshift (z > 0.5) galaxies from De Looze et al. (2014) which has a systematic uncertainty of a factor of −1 2.5, we obtain SFR[CII] 80 520 M yr . This is 2 ∼ ∼ − https://github.com/pypeit/PypeIt similar to the SFR of quasar J1342+0928 at z = 7.54 3 http://rtweb.aer.com/lblrtm.html (Venemans et al. 2017). The underlying dust contin- 4 Yang et al. uum is also detected, and we measure 1.2 0.03 mJy Universe Age (Gyr) ± at 231.2 GHz. We obtain far-infrared (FIR: rest-frame 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 1.0 42.5–122.5 µm) and total infrared luminosities (TIR: J1342+0928 at z = 7.54 12 1010 J0100+2802 at z = 6.33 8–1000 µm) of LFIR = (3.3 0.1) 10 L and LTIR J1120+0641 at z = 7.09 12 ± × = (4.7 0.1) 10 L , assuming an optically thin grey J0252-0503 at z = 7.00 ± × This work, J1007+2115 body with dust temperature Td = 47 K and emissivity 8 ] 10 index β = 1.6 (Beelen et al. 2006) and taking the effect M of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on the dust [ emission into account (e.g., da Cunha et al. 2013). The BH M 106 SFRTIR is estimated as 700 M /yr by applying the ∼ local scaling relation from Murphy et al.(2011).

104 3. A 1.5 BILLION SOLAR MASS BLACK HOLE The central black hole mass of the quasar can be es- 30 25 20 15 10 5 timated based on its luminosity and the FWHM of the Redshift Mg II line. We fit the near-IR spectrum with a pseudo- Figure 2. Black hole growth of J1007+2115, compared continuum, including a power-law continuum, Fe II tem- with those of quasars J1342+0928 at z = 7.54 (Ba˜nados plate (Vestergaard & Wilkes 2001; Tsuzuki et al. 2006), et al. 2018), J1120+0641 at z = 7.09 (Mortlock et al. 2011), and Balmer continuum (De Rosa et al. 2014). Gaus- J0252–0503 at z = 7.00 (Wang et al. 2020), and J0100+2802 sian fits of the C IV and Mg II emission lines are per- at z = 6.33 (Wu et al. 2015). The black hole growth is formed on the continuum-subtracted spectrum. A two- modeled as MBH = Mseedexp[t/(0.05 Gyr)], assuming that the black holes accrete at the Eddington limit with a radia- component Gaussian profile is used. The uncertainty is tive efficiency of 0.1 since seed formation. The curves are estimated using 100 mock spectra created by randomly normalized to the observed black hole mass and redshift of adding Gaussian noise at each pixel with its scale equal these quasars. J1007+2115 requires the most massive seed to the spectral error at that pixel (e.g. Shen et al. 2019; black hole under the same assumptions of black hole growth. Wang et al. 2020). All uncertainties are then estimated based on the 16th and 84th percentile of the distribu- ratio of Lbol/LEdd = 1.1 0.2. Note that the black hole ± tion. The best-fit pseudo continuum and the line fitting mass uncertainty estimated here does not include the of C IV and Mg II are shown in Figure1. systematic uncertainties of the scaling relation, which From the spectral fit, we find that the power-law con- could be up to 0.5 dex. The uncertainty of the Ed- α tinuum has a slope α = 1.14 0.01 (fλ λ ). The ∼ − ± ∝ dington ratio is subject to the same systematic uncer- rest-frame 3000 A˚ luminosity is measured to be λL3000 = tainty as the black hole mass. 46 −1 (3.8 0.2) 10 erg s , corresponding to a bolometric Observations of previously known luminous z 6.5 ± × 47 −1 & luminosity of Lbol = (1.9 0.1) 10 erg s assum- ± × quasars (e.g., Mortlock et al. 2011; Wu et al. 2015; ing a bolometric correction factor of 5.15 (Richards et Ba˜nadoset al. 2018) have already raised the question al. 2006). The apparent and absolute rest-frame 1450 A˚ of how these early SMBHs grew in such a short time magnitudes are derived to be m1450,AB = 20.43 0.07 ± (e.g., Volonteri 2012; Smith et al. 2017; Inayoshi et and M1450,AB = 26.66 0.07 from the best-fit power − ± al. 2019), which probably requires massive seed black law continuum. The line fitting of Mg II yields an holes, as illustrated in Figure2. The black hole of −1 FWHM = 3247 188 km s and a Mg II-based redshift J1007+2115, which is twice as massive as that of the ± −1 of zMgII = 7.494 0.001, implying a 736 35 km s z . ± ± other = 7 5 quasar J1342+0928, further exacerbates blueshift relative to the [C II] line, similar to other z & 7 this early SMBH growth problem. To reach the observed luminous quasars (e.g., Mortlock et al. 2011; Ba˜nadoset SMBH mass at z = 7.5, a seed black hole with a mass of 4 5 al. 2018; Wang et al. 2020). The C IV fitting results in 10 (or 3 10 ) M would have to accrete continuously −1 an FWHM of 6821 2055 km s . The C IV line has a ∼ × z ± at the Eddington limit starting at = 30 (or 15), assum- 3220 362 km s−1 blueshift compared to the Mg II line. ± ing a radiative efficiency of 0.1 (see Figure2). Under this These measurements are summarized in Table 1. same set of fixed assumptions about black hole growth, We estimate the black mass based on the bolomet- J1007+2115 requires the most massive seed black hole ric luminosity and the FWHM of the Mg II line by compared to any other known quasar. This is consistent adopting the local empirical relation from Vestergaard with the direct collapse black hole seed model rather & Osmer(2009). The black hole mass is derived to be than the Pop III stellar remnant seed model. Even with 9 MBH = (1.5 0.2) 10 M , resulting in an Eddington ± × 5

Figure 3. a). The intrinsic quasar spectrum from our PCA fit (red-side) and prediction (blue-side), compared with the observed spectrum in Figure1. b). The zoom-in Lyα region with 100 draws (thinner blue lines) from the covariant prediction error calibrated from the 1% of most similar quasars in the PCA training sample. c). The mock quasar transmission spectra with the 4.0 volume-averaged neutral fraction xHI = 0.3 and quasar lifetime tQ = 10 yr which are from the maximum pseudo-likelihood h i model. The solid blue line represents the median of mock spectra and the shaded region is the the 16th–84th percentile range. a massive seed black hole, Eddington accretion with to analyze the spectra of three other luminous z & 7 a high duty cycle and low radiative efficiency ( 0.1) quasars (Davies et al. 2018a; Wang et al. 2020). Briefly, ∼ is required. A lower mass seed would imply an even we first model the quasar intrinsic continuum around higher accretion rate (e.g., hyper-Eddington accretion) the Lyα region using the principal component analy- or a lower radiative efficiency (Davies et al. 2019). It has sis (PCA) approach in Davies et al.(2018b). This been suggested that maintaining super-Eddington accre- approach predicts the intrinsic blue-side quasar spec- tion might be possible in specific environments (Inayoshi trum (rest-frame 1175–1280 A)˚ from the red-side spec- et al. 2016; Smith et al. 2017), but whether or not this trum (1280–2850 A)˚ using a training sample of 13,000 ∼ mode of rapid black hole growth is sustainable remains quasar spectra from the SDSS/BOSS quasar catalog. an important open question. We then apply the method from Davies et al.(2018a) to quantify the damping wing strength and estimate the 4. CONSTRAINT ON THE IGM NEUTRAL volume-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction, xHI . This h i FRACTION FROM A WEAK DAMPING WING method models the quasar transmission spectrum with AT Z = 7.5 a multi-scale hybrid model, which is a combination of At z > 7, the damping wing profile, detectable as ab- the density, velocity, and temperature fields, large-scale sorption redward of the Lyα emission line caused by the semi-numerical reionization simulations around massive highly neutral IGM, is one of the most promising trac- quasar-hosting halos (Davies & Furlanetto in prep), ers of the IGM neutral fraction. J1007+2115 provides us and one-dimensional radiative transfer of ionizing pho- with a new sightline to estimate the IGM neutral frac- tons emitted by the quasar (Davies et al. 2016). We tion through damping wing analysis at a time deep into construct realistic forward-modeled representations of the reionization epoch. quasar transmission spectra, accounting for the covari- To estimate the IGM neutral fraction through damp- ant intrinsic quasar continuum uncertainty. We then ing wing analysis, we follow the procedures described perform Bayesian parameter inference on the mock spec- in Davies et al.(2018a,b), which has also been used 6 Yang et al.

Universe Age (Gyr) 2.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 J0252 0503 at z = 7.00 1.0 − McGreer+2015 J1120+0641 at z = 7.09 Davies+2018 J1342+0928 at z = 7.54 2.0 0.8 Wang+2020

J1007+2115 at z = 7.52 i This Work HI

x 0.6 h 1.5 0.4

1.0 0.2

2 10− 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 Neutral Fraction

0.5 3 Posterior Probability Density 10−

4 10− Fan+2006 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 x h HIi Redshift

Figure 4. Left: The posterior PDF of the volume-averaged neutral fraction xHI for J1007+2115, compared to xHI estimated h i h i from the other z > 7 quasars that show a damping wing (Davies et al. 2018a; Wang et al. 2020). Right: Constraints on the IGM neutral fraction derived from high redshift quasars through measurements of Lyα optical depth (Fan et al. 2006, black squares), dark gaps (McGreer et al. 2015, blue squares), and damping wings (Davies et al. 2018a; Wang et al. 2020, blue and orange pentagons). The new measurement for J1007+2115 is shown as the red filled pentagon. The dark and light grey shaded regions represent the 68% and 95% credible intervals from Planck observations (Planck Collaboration et al. 2018). These quasar measurements indicate a rapidly changing phase from z = 7.5 to z = 6 with large scatter in the neutral fraction. tra to recover the joint posterior probability distribution Specifically, neutral gas fractions of xHI 0.48 at z = h i ∼ functions (PDF) of xHI and log tQ from the observed 7.09 and xHI 0.60 at z = 7.54 have been reported h i h i ∼ spectrum. In the Bayesian inference, the likelihood is (Davies et al. 2018a). Recent analysis of the damping computed from maximum pseudo-likelihood model pa- wing feature of the quasar J0252–0503 at z = 7.0 (Wang rameters and the pseudo-likelihood is defined as the et al. 2020) also suggests a highly neutral IGM with product of individual flux PDFs of 500 km/s binned pix- xHI = 0.7. All of these measurements are based on h i els, equivalent to the likelihood function of the binned the same methodology used in this work. We compare transmission spectrum in the absence of correlations be- our result with these estimates, as shown in Figure4. tween pixels (see more details in Davies et al. 2018a). It is evident that the damping wing absorption is much 3 To measure xHI , we set a broad tQ range of 10 yr < weaker in J1007+2115 compared to that in the other 8 h i tQ < 10 yr with a flat log-uniform prior, and compute three z > 7 quasars. At the resonant Lyα wavelength, the posterior PDF of xHI by marginalizing over quasar the observed spectrum of J1007+2115 does not deviate h i lifetime. As shown in Figure4, from the posterior PDF, from the blue-side prediction based on red-side PCA re- we can estimate xHI and its 68% confidence interval construction. This result is to be compared with J0252– +0h.22 i as xHI = 0.39 , which is consistent with the maxi- 0503 (Wang et al. 2020) where the observed spectrum is h i −0.13 mum pseudo-likelihood model parameters shown in Fig- 40% lower than the prediction without damping wing ∼ ure3. To avoid possible contamination from any inter- absorption. The xHI estimated from J1007+2115 at h i vening damped Lyα absorber, we search for associated z = 7.54 is lower than the measurements from all of metal absorption. No such absorption has been found the other three sightlines. Studies of the Lyα emission in our current spectrum. We conclude that the neu- from z > 6 galaxies have suggested neutral fractions of +0.11 tral IGM should be responsible for the damping wing xHI = 0.59 at z 7 and xHI > 0.76 at z 8 h i −0.15 ∼ h i ∼ features of J1007+2115. If any potential damped Lyα (Mason et al. 2018, 2019). The sightline of J1007+2115 absorber plays a role in generating the damping wing is thus a 2σ outlier, compared to the previous results. feature, the IGM neutral fraction will be even lower. Although it is difficult to draw solid conclusions because The detection of damping wing signatures in two z > 7 of the large uncertainties (and the broad PDF) on the quasar spectra has previously provided strong evidence value of xHI , the much weaker damping wing seen in h i for a significantly neutral Universe at z & 7 (e.g., Mort- J1007+2115’s spectrum indicates a significant scatter of lock et al. 2011; Ba˜nadoset al. 2018; Davies et al. 2018a). the IGM neutral fraction in the redshift range z = 7.5 7 to z = 7.0, which can be interpreted as observational Table 1. Photometric Properties and Derived Pa- evidence of patchy reionization. rameters of J1007+2115.

R.A. (J2000) 10:07:58.26 5. SUMMARY Decl. (J2000) +21:15:29.20 We report the discovery of a new quasar J1007+2115 z[CII] 7.5149±0.0004 with a [C II]-based redshift of z = 7.5149 0.0004, se- m1450 20.43±0.07 ± M1450 –26.66 ±0.07 lected with DECaLS, PS1, UHS, and WISE photome- a −18 −1 −2 −1 fλ,zPS1 1.3×10 erg s cm A˚ a −18 −1 −2 −1 try and observed with the Gemini, Magellan, Keck, and fλ,yPS1 2.1×10 erg s cm A˚ a −19 −1 −2 ˚−1 ALMA telescopes. The [C II] and dust continuum emis- fλ,zDECaLS 6.2×10 erg s cm A sion from the quasar host galaxy are well detected, and Y 21.30±0.13 −1 J 20.20±0.18 imply a SFR 80 520 M yr . It is only the sec- [CII] ∼ − H 20.00±0.07 ond quasar known at such high redshift and thus pro- K 19.75±0.08 vides a valuable new data point for early SMBH and W 1 19.56±0.11 reionization history studies. W 2 19.44±0.20 zMgII 7.494±0.001 By fitting the NIR spectrum, we derive MBH = (1.5 z 7.403±0.01 9 ± CIV 0.2) 10 M and an Eddington ratio of Lbol/LEdd = αλ –1.14±0.01 × −1 1.06 0.2 using the broad Mg II emission line. The ∆vMgII−[CII] -736±35 km s −1 ± ∆vCIV−MgII -3220±362 km s black hole in J1007+2115 is twice as massive as that −1 FWHMMgII 3247±188 km s of J1342+0928 at a very similar redshift of z = 7.54, −1 FWHMCIV 6821±2055 km s 46 −1 and thus places the strongest constraint to the early λL3000A˚ (3.8±0.2)×10 erg s 47 −1 SMBH growth, requiring a seed black hole with a mass Lbol (1.9±0.1)×10 erg s 4 5 M (1.5±0.2)×109 M of 10 (3 10 ) M at z = 30 (15). Through damp- BH ∼ × Lbol/LEdd 1.06±0.2 ing wing modeling of the quasar spectrum, we esti- −1 F[CII] 1.2±0.1 Jy km s −1 mate the volume-averaged neutral fraction to be xHI = FWHM[CII] 331.3±31.6 km s +0.22 h i 9 0.39−0.13 at z = 7.5. Together with three previous mea- L[CII] (1.5±0.2)×10 L surements from quasar damping wing analyses, our new S231.2 GHz 1.2±0.03 mJy −1 SFR[CII] 80 – 520 M yr result indicates a large scatter of the IGM neutral frac- −1 SFRTIR 700 M yr tion from z = 7.5 to z = 7.0, indicative of a patchy a reionization process. They are 3-σ flux limits in PS1 z, PS1 y, and DECaLS z bands, from our forced photometry with 3 arcsec aperture diameter.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Dave Osip for approving the request of FIRE spectropsopy which is important to the confirma- Observatory was made possible by the generous finan- tion of this quasar. J. Yang, X. Fan and M. Yue ac- cial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation. The au- knowledge the supports from the NASA ADAP Grant thors wish to recognize and acknowledge the very sig- NNX17AF28G. F. Wang thanks the support provided nificant cultural role and reverence that the summit of by NASA through the NASA Hubble Fellowship grant Maunakea has always had within the indigenous Hawai- #HST-HF2-51448.001-A awarded by the Space Tele- ian community. We are most fortunate to have the scope Science Institute, which is operated by the Asso- opportunity to conduct observations from this moun- ciation of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Incor- tain. This research is based in part on observations porated, under NASA contract NAS5-26555. L. Jiang obtained at the Gemini Observatory (GN-2019B-Q-135, and X.-B. Wu thank the support from the National GN-2019A-DD-109), which is operated by the Associ- Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0400703) and ation of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., the National Science Foundation of China (11533001 & under a cooperative agreement with the NSF on be- 11721303). Research by A.J.B. is supported by NSF half of the Gemini partnership: the National Science grant AST-1907290. Foundation (United States), National Research Coun- Some of the data presented in this paper were ob- cil (Canada), CONICYT (Chile), Ministerio de Ciencia, tained at the W.M. Keck Observatory, which is operated Tecnolog´ıae Innovaci´onProductiva (Argentina), Min- as a scientific partnership among the California Insti- ist´erioda Ciˆencia,Tecnologia e Inova¸c˜ao(Brazil), and tute of Technology, the University of California and the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (Republic National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The of Korea). This paper makes use of the following ALMA 8 Yang et al. data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2019.1.01025.S. ALMA is a Chile. We acknowledge the use of the PypeIt data re- partnership of ESO (representing its member states), duction package. NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC Thanks to the Leo Ola program for naming this quasar (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Re- in Hawaiian language. The name P¯oniu¯a‘enais a result public of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of of the Leo Ola program offered through the University of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by Hawai‘i at Hilo’s Ka Haka ‘Ula o Ke‘elik¯olani,College of ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. The National Radio As- Hawaiian Language and the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center. tronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Sci- The efforts undertaken through Leo Ola help to create ence Foundation operated under cooperative agreement a pathway where language and culture are at the core of by Associated Universities, Inc. UKIRT is owned by the modern scientific practices, melding indigenous culture University of Hawaii (UH) and operated by the UH In- and science locally, nationally and worldwide. stitute for Astronomy; operations are enabled through Facilities: Gemini(GMOS), Keck(NIRES), Magel- the cooperation of the East Asian Observatory. This lan(FIRE), UKIRT(WFCam), ALMA paper includes data gathered with the 6.5 meter Mag- ellan Telescopes located at Las Campanas Observatory, Software: PypeIt (Prochaska et al. 2020)


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