1 CERTIFICATE of SERVICE I, the Undersigned Attorney, Certify That on April 24, 2015, I Caused a Copy of the Foregoing Receiver
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, the undersigned attorney, certify that on April 24, 2015, I caused a copy of the foregoing Receiver’s Motion for Entry of an Order Confirming Sales of Substantially All of Certain of the Receivership Entities’ Assets Free and Clear of All Liens, Claims, Encumbrances and Interests and Granting Related Relief and associated Notice of Motion by the means indicated below. /s/ Bryan E. Minier Bryan E. Minier SERVICE LIST By Overnight Delivery to domestic addresses on April 24, 2015, with an estimated delivery date of April 25, 2015. By: Overnight Delivery to international addresses on April 24, 2015, with an estimated delivery date of April 27, 2015. By: USPS Express Mail to P.O. Box addresses on April 24, 2015 with an estimated delivery date of April 25, 2015 or April 27, 2015. USA Tank Sales and Erection Company, Inc., Chemstress Construction Company Henderson Enterprises Group, Inc., Tank c/o John Swansinger Holdings, Inc., Tank Connection, LLC, Global Buckingham, Doolittle, & Burroughs, LLC Storage Solutions, LLC and Lynn Gorguze 1375 East 9th Street, Suite 1700 Cleveland, OH 44114 c/o Thomas P. Hohenstein, Mark Weisman jswansinger@bdblaw.com Polsinelli, Jon A. Bierman 100 South Fourth Street, Suite 1000 CC, MO 63102 thohenstein@polsinelli.com mweisman@polsinelli.com jbierman@polsinelli.com 00762443v6 1 Shawn Stewart, Brian Damann, USA Tank Sales & Erection Co., Inc. and Grant Oilar c/o Jim Swartz c/o Jason T. Brown Polsinelli JTB Law Group, LLC 1355 Peachtree Street NE 155 2nd Street, Suite 4 Suite 500, South Tower Jersey City, NJ 07302 Atlanta, GA 30309 jtb@jtblawgroup.com jswartz@polsinelli.com c/o Anthony Pezzani and Timothy Engelmeyer Engelmeyer & Pezzani, LLC (local counsel) 13321 N.
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