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We Know Kids WE KNOW KIDS... …from their heads and shoulders Pediatrics, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center - La Crosse down to their little knees and toes. Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m., Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. With evening and weekend hours, Saturday and Sunday, 8-12 p.m. we’re making it easy for kids to be cared (608) 775-6766 or (800) 362-9567, ext. 56766 for by those who know them best. If Pediatrics, Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center - Onalaska you’re looking for compassionate, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., family-focused care for the little heads, Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. shoulders, knees and toes in your life, (608) 775-8138 or (800) 362-9567, ext. 58138 count on Gundersen Pediatrics. gundersenhealth.org/pediatrics Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center, Inc. | Gundersen Clinic, Ltd. &RQWHQWV SUMMER (june/july/august) Editor/Publisher .......................Lissa Carlson [email protected] Associate Publisher ..................Tracy Jaquette Marketing Communications Specialist . Kendra Arch 8 24 Account Representative ..............Michael Scott A Parent You Know Play It Safe Art Director .......................Karen Wallander Tim Kabat: New mayor, seasoned Summer safety tips Designer ...............................Renee Chrz Coulee Region supporter Designer ................................Allison Lee 28 Family Fun Calendar Editor ............Kendra Arch 11 Distribution .............................Lisa Wilson Extraordinary Families . Peggy Drake The two-mom family Going Somewhere - Today! . ..................................... Stacey Blegen Our annual tribute to day trips . Rachael Kaiser 30 . .Kim Shockey 16 On Impact The Great American Power of prayer P.O. Box 2576, La Crosse, WI 54602 Family Road Trip 608.317.8748 Tips for going somewhere by RV 32 [email protected] | www.cpclax.com Teen Times 18 Tips for the college-bound teen This publication is produced bi-monthly by Coulee The Silver Lining Parenting Connection. While multiple businesses, 34 schools, and organizations are represented in our in Tough Times pages, and magazines are often distributed to Disappointment offers great lessons Complimentary & students according to the policies and procedures Alternative Medicine of each school district, this is not a publication Should you consider it? coordinated or endorsed by any public or private 20 school district, nor is it a publication with any religious Parenting with Pooh or political objectives. As a mass media outlet, it is This bear had parenting all figured out 36 our oath and responsibility to communicate with due diligence, through our content, the plurality of views Word on the Street and opinions reflected in our Coulee Region audience, 22 with a confirmed readership of more than 20,000 Parenting Karma 40 audited annually by Circulation Verification Council. What goes around comes around Family Fun Calendar Schedules, fees, and other information printed in CPC may be abbreviated due to space or periodically change by time of publication. Readers are strongly encouraged to verify information with programs and businesses directly. Phone area codes are 608 unless otherwise specified, and cities listed without reference visit www.cpclax.com to state are in Wisconsin. CPC does not necessarily endorse the claims or contents of advertising or editorial materials. Parents are urged to thoroughly research any decisions involving their children. Copyright 2013 by Coulee Parenting Connection, LLC. Looking for a great All rights reserved. All material, including artwork, deal this summer? advertisements, and editorial, may not be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. Check out Going Somewhere... for Less on our website. More at www.cpclax.com Thanks to our COVER KIDS! Madisyn Sedevie and Seth Kowalski. Special thanks to Forever Photography by Jaimie Rose. 4 • Summer 2013 www.cpclax.com Family Trusted Dental Care *jjyymj!thytwx 'U(OLVDEHWK'RPPHUDQDWLYHRI5HG :LQJ 0LQQHVRWD LV H[FLWHG WR FRQWLQXH KHU IDPLO\¶V WUDGLWLRQ RI GHQWLVWU\ 6KH JUHZ XS VHHLQJ WKH SRVLWLYH LPSDFW KHU IDWKHU¶V GHQWDO SUDFWLFH KDG RQ WKH FRPPXQLW\DQGVKHLVORRNLQJWRGRWKH VDPH 'U'RPPHUJUDGXDWHGIURPWKH8QLYHUVLW\ RI0LQQHVRWD6FKRRORI'HQWLVWU\DQG&RQFRUGLD&ROOHJH 6KHKDVUHFHLYHGFRPSUHKHQVLYHGHQWDOWUDLQLQJDORQJZLWK DGGLWLRQDOFRXUVHVLQDHVWKHWLFGHQWLVWU\YHQHHUV,QYLVDOLJQ DQGRUDOGLVHDVH'U'RPPHULVDQDFWLYHPHPEHURIWKH 0zhmf$wjfy#jjqnsl 0LQQHVRWD'HQWDO$VVRFLDWLRQDVDSDVW6FLHQWL¿F6HVVLRQV &RPPLWWHH PHPEHU DQG LV D PHPEHU RI WKH :LVFRQVLQ 1t,kkjw.zfqny~!jsyfq fwjns6tzw+jnlmgtwmttiÈ 'HQWDO $VVRFLDWLRQ $PHULFDQ 'HQWDO $VVRFLDWLRQ DQG $FDGHP\ RI *HQHUDO NEW PATIENTS 'HQWLVWU\ Schedule today choose one of the following get acquainted off ers! 'U.DUHQ6SLW]HU¶VGHQWDOFDUHHUEHJDQ DV D GHQWDO K\JLHQLVW XQWLO VKH GHFLGHG WR DWWHQG GHQWDO VFKRRO DW WKH 0DUTXHWWH 1 2 8QLYHUVLW\6FKRRORI'HQWLVWU\ZKHUHVKH FREE FREE JUDGXDWHG&XP/DXGH6KHLVDPHPEHU RI WKH $PHULFDQ 'HQWDO 6RFLHW\ DQG TMJ/Migraine Consultation :LVFRQVLQ'HQWDO6RFLHW\SDVWSUHVLGHQWRIWKH/D&URVVH Teeth Whitening Eliminate your migraine headaches caused by 'LVWULFW'HQWDO6RFLHW\DPHPEHURIWKH/D&URVVH,PSODQW New patients receive this FREE GIFT TMJ. Also help get relief from other annoying 6WXG\*URXSFHUWL¿HGLQWKHXVHRI/XPLQHHUV worth $75 following exam, x-rays, symptoms like “clicking” or “popping” of your jaw without surgery. Let us help you stop cleaning and in the absence of gum clenching and grinding your teeth at night so 'U6SLW]HUZDVDFRPPLWWHHPHPEHUIRUWKH¿UVW0LVVLRQV disease or decay. you can sleep better! RI 0HUF\ SURMHFW LQ WKH VWDWH RI :LVFRQVLQ ZKHUH WKH\ SURYLGHGWZRGD\VRIGHQWDOFDUHDWQRFRVWWRWKRXVDQGVRI 3 SDWLHQWVLQQHHG Initial Clear Braces 3DXO +XH\ ''6 REWDLQHG KLV GHJUHH FREE IURPWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI0LQQHVRWD6FKRRO Includes: Exam, x-rays, and diagnostic photos, Consultation RI'HQWLVWU\DVZHOODV*XVWDYXV$GROSKXV valued at $237. Or Free Teeth Whitening after completion of orthodontic treatment. &ROOHJH 'U +XH\ LV H[FLWHG WR EULQJ QHZ WHFKQRORJLHV WR WKH 1HLJKERUKRRG 6PLOHV 2QDODVND GHQWDO RI¿FH VXFK DV · Extended Hours Off ered · Most Insurances Accepted HQGRGRQWLFVDQG,QYLVDOLJQ'U+XH\LVD · Convenient Payment Plans PHPEHURIWKH/D&URVVH'LVWULFW'HQWDO 6RFLHW\7KH:LVFRQVLQ'HQWDO$VVRFLDWLRQ :'$ WKH$PHULFDQ'HQWDO$VVRFLDWLRQ $'$ DQGWKH 0hmjizqjfsfuutnsyrjsyytif~ $FDGHP\ RI *HQHUDO 'HQWLVWU\ +H KDV EHHQ LQYROYHG LQ DQXPEHUFRPPXQLW\RXWUHDFKSURJUDPVLQFOXGLQJ*LYH tw{nxny||| 0rnqjx4nxhtsxns htr .LGVD6PLOH'D\DWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI0LQQHVRWDDQGWKH ORFDO:LQRQD0RELOH'HQWDOXQLW LA CROSSE Call 866-788-6213 'U&KULV:HOFKJUHZXSLQ&RORUDGRDQG Dr. Karen Spitzer and Dr. Elisabeth Dommer UHFHLYHG KLV XQGHUJUDGXDWH GHJUHH IURP 3143 State Rd, Suite 201, La Crosse, WI 54601 | [email protected] WKH8QLYHUVLW\RI'HQYHUEHIRUHJRLQJRQ WRHDUQKLV'RFWRUDWHRI'HQWDO6XUJHU\ IURP1RUWKZHVWHUQ8QLYHUVLW\:KLOHDW WEST SALEM 1RUWKZHVWHUQ8QLYHUVLW\'U:HOFKZDV Call 888-780-2913 RQWKH'HDQ¶V/LVWDQGHDUQHG+RQRUVLQ Dr. Chris Welch 2UDO3DWKRORJ\ 1403 Waterloo Ave, West Salem, WI 54669 | [email protected] 'U:HOFKKDVDOVRDWWHQGHGWKHSUHVWLJLRXV/DV9HJDV ONALASKA ,QVWLWXWHIRU$GYDQFHG'HQWDO6WXGLHVZKLFKKDVORQJ EHHQ UHFRJQL]HG DV WKH SLRQHHU LQ OLYHSDWLHQW SRVW Call 866-782-0876 JUDGXDWH GHQWDO WUDLQLQJ /9,¶V FXUULFXOXP LQFOXGHV Dr. Paul T. Huey UHVWRUDWLYH GHQWLVWU\ LPSODQWV RUWKRGRQWLFV DQG URRW 1831 East Main St, Onalaska, WI 54650 | [email protected] FDQDOV %PPIVK] WSPYXMSRW VMKLX Lissa Carlson, Editor/Publisher YRHIV]SYV XSRKYI Going Somewhere It’s a theme we’ve used both literally and something to do with how you parent,” she figuratively throughout this issue: the idea replied. “I can see you’re a great mom.” And at of “going somewhere.” From day trips and that point (I swear), she gave me the once-over RV vacations, to planning for college and with her eyes. It was one of my lowest mo- building resiliency in kids, we hope you’ll be ments as a parent and I secretly hated Heather inspired to get up and go in ways that make and her so stinking well-behaved kids. memories and grow your spirits. But time heals all wounds, and as I look back, The words summer and fun go together as I wonder why I ever thought my free-range, easily as peanut butter and jelly. And our Sum- ultra-spirited toddler would do well in such a mer issue is definitely fun reading. I espe- situation. But like many newer moms, I was cially encourage readers to enjoy “Parenting comparing him to Heather’s. Which brings Karma,” by Tiffany Doerr Guerzon, on page me to my next reading suggestion: “Parent- 22. Who among us hasn’t found ourselves ing with Pooh,” by Stacey Loscalzo, on page doing something we swore we’d “never” do? 20. Acceptance of our children as individuals Or feeling judged by or compared to another with imperfections, rather than trying to box parent with seemingly better skills? them in with unreasonable expectations, is liberating as a parent, and I wish I’d figured it I remember several years ago, when my oldest out all those years ago. /67, son wasn’t even 3 and I was progressing nicely As Guerzon says, parenting is more art than in cooking up the youngest, a friend and I science, and many of us find our parenting %PPIVK]%WWSGMEXIW decided to take our kids to a paint-your-own skills grow along with our children. Maybe SJ0E'VSWWIMWER pottery place to make a few homemade gifts for it’s what makes us good grandparents. I MRXIVREXMSREPP] the grandparents. Heather had a son the same especially enjoyed “meeting” our Face Behind age as my oldest and a three-month-old baby VIGSKRM^IHEPPIVK] Facebook for this issue, Rebecca Albrecht, 'EPP%PPIVK]%WWSGMEXIWSJ
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    2020 York County and Surrounding Areas Resource Guide As organized & researched by: Cathy S. Eichelberger, Ph.D., LSW, MSW Disclaimer: Although reasonable efforts have been made to assure the accuracy of this document the author is not responsible for nor can the information provided be guaranteed. It is the users responsibility to research and confirm the resources and programs listed in this guide No alterations permitted. Reprints or distributions for commercial or organizational purposes require the author’s 1written permission. To obtain permission please complete and return the COMMITMENT FORM for the York County and Surrounding Areas Resource Guide to: [email protected] The purpose of this guide is to share community resources with people in need so that they have the resources necessary to assist them in being self-determined and as self-suffient as possible. Dr. Eichelberger requests that those organizations who wish to utilize and share the guide commit to sharing the guide in its entirety. Commitment form is located at the end of this guide. TABLE OF CONTENTS Abuse & Neglect .3 Case Management & Debt Management .6 Child & Elderly Supervision Services .9 Community Centers 13 Counseling & Mental Health Services 15 Education & Self-Improvement 27 Elderly & Disability Services 35 Employment 39 Financial Assistance 43 Food, Clothing, Personal Items & Household Needs 44 Housing, Shelters & Utilities Assistance 56 Legal Services 66 Medical, Dental, Eye & Hearing Services 68 Miscellaneous Services 78 Substance Abuse 85 Support Groups 91 Transportation 94 Veteran’s Services 95 New Resources I have Found 98 Commitment Form 98 2 ABUSE &NEGLECT Organization Contact Information Services/Eligibility Access-Victim Web Site: Emergency Shelter: Housing on an emergency basis for victims of domestic Assistance Center http://www.ywcayork.org violence & their children.
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