Son Succeeds Indira Gandhi

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Son Succeeds Indira Gandhi :» - MANCHESTKR HKRALD, Tuesduy, Oct. 30, 1984 BUSINESS Personal financial services changing rapidly Chilly tonight; For investors and savers, there is probably no from your living room. The implications: Those of you who are well Manchester, Conn. development in recent memory of such profound In every sense, this is a time of profound change. informed and alert to opportunities will have new cloudy Thursday importance as the revolution that is taking place in the options and advantages in the way you handle your Wednesday, Oct. 31. 1984 Your Now, as technology advances, together with the — see page 2 financial services business. demographic and regulatory pressures factored in, money and how it is handled for you Single copy: 254 there is no telling exactly how far the revolution in the The United States stands at the threshold of a large While you have been bombarded by news about the Money's financial services industry will go, and it's not clear expansion in the market for savings and investment iUanrh^atFr Mfralft development, my guess is you are utterly confused that the changes are entirely in the best interests of vehicles in the 1980s, reported a recent survey by the about what it means to you and how best to take Worth consumers or the nation. No-Load Mutual Fund Association. Three principal advantage of the dramatic changes involved. To begin Sylvia Porter What's happening is that regulations, in the past, factors are contributing to this expansion: with, the upheaval in the look and structure of the restricted the various financial services entities to 1. New federal tax policies and other incentives for institutions historically serving us, investors and their specific types of services. Now, changing increased savings. savers, is creating a "new landscape in personal Sikhs face new violence government attitudes and policies are causing these 2. Growth in the number and affluence of savings financial .services. regulations to be amended or superseded by more households as the postwar baby boom reaches middle The traditional divisions between financial services investing and savings products and services; mutual liberal interpretations of the ground rules and thus age. institutions are breaking down very, very rapidly. For funds companies are going into the banking business: permitting the various financial institutions to 3. Redeployment of household assets resulting from example, a credit card company has gone into insurance companies are going into the investment operate in each other’s backyards. And as this interest rate deregulation and a more competitive investment banking and so bas an insurance company business; retailing giants such as Sears now offer deregulation process continues, the competitive financial services industry. and an international commodities firm: banks and insurance, real estate, credit card and brokerage environment for financial institutions seeking your It seems clear that the financial system will offer all Son succeeds savings and loan institutions arc going into the services; supermarket chains are selling mutual business has become even more intense, with pricing of us more in, the future — more choices, more brokerage business, offering investment advice, funds and offer other financial services; mutual fund and service being the touchstones of success — and efficiency. issuing checkbooks and credit cards, becoming cash Hrms are opening ground-level stores and operating survival. Finally, the advance of the computer age For consumers of financial services — which managers, offering money-market funds and getting in supermarkets; and banking and investment has facilitated the development and offering of includes all of us — the challenge is simply to get the geared up to sell mutual funds and a variety of other transactions can already be handled by computer financial products and services. best deal for our money. Indira Gandhi % A restaurant By Paul Wedel minster, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, is no the hospital where cabinent minis- * Business United Press International more.” ters were meeting in emergency ___ ’The news agency said she was session. V ' In Brief NEW DELHI, India — Prime shot as she walked from her Police and paramilitary forces “ ' helps its own Minister Indira Gandhi was assas- residence to her office in an were put on special alert as angry , London addresses groups sinated outside her home today in a adjoining building. mobs in Calcutta stoned a Sikh J a JL volley of submachine gun fire by Tiwari said two security guards temple in reaction to the assassina- I Kal lx>ndon, president of Connecticut Travel Sikh members of her own security shot the prime minister in the chest tion. Sikhs are an offshoot of DENVER (UPI) — At Ming's Dynasty, a popular \ ^ 4 Services in New Britain, spoke at a recent travel force. The two assassins were and stomach with a submachine mainstream Hinduism — the pre- I, Chinese restaurant in this city's fast-growing trade seminar in immediately shot and killed by gun and a revolver in mid- dominant religion in India 4 southeast quadrant, proprietor Bunhaku Yano Phoenix on how other guards. morning. Police said one assassin, Police swinging heavy bamboo W travel businesses proudly carries on his aristocratic family's tradition of helping others. Her son Rsgiv was sworn in as identified as Satwant Singh, 40, of clubs broke up the crowds, the can acquire corpo India’s sixth prime minister the Home Ministry security force Press Trust said. Two buses were rate accounts. Yano, great-grandson of a Peking mayor and grandson of a Chinese governor, said he found shortly after news of her death was was immediately shot and killed set afire by the mobs and one man Over 1,100 people announced to the nation. by other security guards. was hospitalized with stab wounds, ________ immense gratification as an owner of a restaurant attended the se­ Gandhi, a Hindu, had been under The other attacker, Bains Singh, it said. \ minar. which was noted not only for its cuisine, but also for its reputation as a refuge of sorts for job-hunting Orientals. heavy security in recent weeks 26. of the Delhi Armed Police In the capital, crowds of students I ^ Travel Trade because of assassination threats Constabulary, was wounded and chased Sikhs and set fire to "W e have become a training center for Chinese W Publications. by Sikhs angered by an army died later in a hospital, police said, motorbikes and cars in southern restaurants in Colorado, " said Yano, who with the / London also was attack on the Golden Temple at Both men were members of the New Delhi. help of a brother opened Ming's in 1977. "People who one of four panelists Amristsar, the holiest shrine of the Sikh religion — one wearing the The assassination came as India * at a question-and- have worked in my kitchen are now owners of their own restaurants all over the state." Sikh religion _____ traditional Sikh beard and one prepared for parliamentary elec- answer seminar en­ In Calcutta and New Delhi clMn-shaven tions, which must be held by the i titled. "Ask the Bus­ Yano. 43, said it was the memory of the lean years after arriving in the United States and his rich family Hindus attacked Sikhs in scattered President Zail Singh, ceremon- third week in January There had iness Experts." acts of violence in which a Sikh 'a> head of government and him- been indications that the opposi- T he foliowing heritage of helping others that makes him feel compelled to assist others. temple was attacked and several self a Sikh, administered the oath tion wac ^ainincr «nnnnrt in itc hiH week, in mid- vehicles and shops set on fire. Sikh of office to Rajiv Gandhi, the prime to crack Gandhi’s S g Congress September, London "When I came to this country, I had only $800, I religious leaders appealed for minister s only surviving son. Party’s hold on power was program chair­ worked for $25 a day doing janitorial work in the « r • 1. a a In Washington, a White House man for a special morning and went to school in the afternoon," he said. Gandhi. 66, was clinicaily dead Calcutta, was appointed as general snokesman said Pradripni Raaoan meeting of Travel " I know how hard it is to get started in a foreign niimg Congress-I T s n ^ K Gandhf’s deafhl? 3 Trust International country." of Medical Sciences, riddled by at Party two years ago and was being g.m and “ exnressed his deen K al London Las Vegas. Yano, the son of a Japanese mother and Chinese ieast 10 bullets, said a doctor groomed as a successor to his personal sorrow ” ** UPI photo London is first father, said he primarily employs Orientals needing quoted by the Press Trust of India. mother. He was an airline pilot and But a snokesman for the WnHH In d ia n P rim p M in ietp r InHira O on riK i vice president of Travel Ti-ust, a consortium of 51 assistance getting started in America and friends and The government radio waited only entered politics at the urging sikh OreanizaUon !2i?f ^ Gandhi prime minister was shot and killed at her commercial travel agencies, as well as a member family from the Orient, nearly eight hours to announce her of his mother in 1980 following the California announced- “ We are l3 lk s With h e r SOn, RajiV, in th e g a rd e n o f home today by two Sikh members of her of its board of directors. death. death of his brother Sanjay in an ecstatic'” h e r N e w D e lh i r e s id e n c e o n O c t.
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