American Interest
American Interest Pre-PublicationPublicity Copy Copy AutumnWinterVacationSummerWinter (September/October)(January/February) (July/August) ((May/June)Jan./Feb.) 200 2009 20099 2011, (Vol. 2009(Vol. (Vol. IV Vol. IV,(Vol. ,IV, No. No.VI, No. V,3 ) No.5)No. 6) 3 1) The following article, in whole or in part, may not be copied, downloaded, stored, further transmitted, transfered, distributed, altered or otherwise used, in any form or by any means, except: • one stored electronic and one paper copy of any article solely for your personal, non-commercial use; or • with prior written permission of The American Interest LLC. To subscribe to our online version, visit To subscribe to our print version, call 1-800-767-5273 or mail the form below to: TheTHE American AMERICAN Interest INTEREST P.O.PO BOXBox 15115338 NorthMOUNT Hollywood, MORRIS, CA IL 61054-752191615 BEST OFFER! Yes, send me two years (12 issues) of � Yes, send me one year (6 issues) for only $39*. I’ll The American InteresT for only $69*. save $5.75 off the cover price. I’ll save 23% off the cover price! Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip Country E-mail Credit Card Exp. Name on Card Tel. No. Signature Date *Please*Please*Please allow allow allowallow 4-6 4–6 4–64–6 weeks weeks weeksweeks for for forfor delivery delivery deliverydelivery of of ofoffirst first firstfirst issue. issue.issue.issue. Add AddAdd Add$14 $14$14$14 per per perperyear yearyearyear forforfor � Payment enclosed deliverydeliveryfordelivery shipping to toto addresses addressesaddresses & handling in inin Canada CanadaCanadato addresses and andand outside$33 $33$33 per perper the year yearyear U.S.
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