Uss Rankin News Issue #21 ● the Newsletter of the Uss Rankin Association ● May 2013 San Antonio Bound !
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USS RANKIN NEWS ISSUE #21 ● THE NEWSLETTER OF THE USS RANKIN ASSOCIATION ● MAY 2013 SAN ANTONIO BOUND ! AKA-103 USS1945-1947 RANKIN 1952-1968REUNION OctoberLKA-103 10-13, 1969-1971 2013GOLD E SAN1960-1961 ANTONIO, TX NEW MEMBERS These shipmates have joined our Assocation since the last time we published such a list: ur tenth annual reunion will be held San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. John A. Breen from October 10-13 in sunny San Millions of people visit each year to enjoy C. Wayne Burkhart o Antonio, the most-visited city in Texas. It’s the world-famous River Walk, one story be- August Collier also the seventh most populous city in the low the busy downtown streets. (And yes, Raymond W. Delavan Richard A. Devinny United States, and the fastest-growing of the our hotel is right on the River Walk!) A few Paul N. Federer top 10 largest cities in the country. blocks away is the Alamo, where in 1836 Edward J. Felter San Antonio is famous for The Alamo William Travis, Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, Larry D. Fisher and other Spanish missions, the River Walk, and 186 others fought to the death against a Clifford B. Hagedon a unique Tex-Mex culture, and the Tower of thousand Mexican troops. Richard T. Harmon the Americas, as well as the four-time NBA You can see more about San Antonio Donald C. Johnson James G. King champion San Antonio Spurs and the annual and the 2013 reunion inside on Page 2. Timothy L. Latimer George Mayo Ronald J. Miller ANNUAL FUND DRIVE John D. Psilopoulos Vincent Reilly he envelope that brought you this Every year we are more and more con- Daniel J. Thornton T newsletter also brought a paper about vinced that we have one of the best, if not Joseph Williamson our Annual Fund Drive. We hope you will the best reunion and reconnection groups for Larry E. Wright read it carefully and make whatever contri- a ship of the Rankin’s size. Our web site is bution you think is suitable. You can see a second to none, and our reunions have been list of 2012’s contributors inside on Page 4. memorable and well-attended. Any member The number of contributors was up substan- can get a personalized directory of all his tially from 2011—Thank you! shipmates, not to mention a wide assortment Our Association has no annual dues, so of hats, shirts, ship’s pictures, etc. And every our funding depends on voluntary contribu- year we mail three or four newsletters like tions from shipmates like you. Thankfully, this one, with a copy to every shipmate, fam- these contributions have been generous over ily member or friend in our database. We the years, so we can run an operation that hope you like them, and we hope you will every Rankin sailor can be proud of. make a contribution to our cause. PAGE 2 USS RANKIN NEWS ISSUE #21 2013 REUNION ITINERARY Shipmate Feedback San Antonio, Texas – October 10-13, 2013 On Attending Rankin Reunions This will be a great reunion, and we expect about a hun- If you’ve considered coming to a reunion, but haven’t yet dred people to attend. As always, we’ve scheduled some taken the plunge, we’d love to see you in San Antonio. great optional tours, and there will be plenty of time for Here’s what shipmates are saying about USS Rankin reun- getting together with friends or exploring San Antonio on ions: your own. Here’s the tentative schedule: “Our time on the Rankin was something special. Some THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 good memories, some not so good, and some of them 10:00am - Hospitality Room opens. Enjoy the day visiting “terrific.” To attend a reunion is a time to find old friends, with friends. Lunch is on your own. make new ones, and if you’re lucky, to meet a few of your 3:00pm - Check in to the Crowne Plaza. Early check-in shipmates from your time on the Rankin. But we’re all may be available, but is dependent on previous guests shipmates, and the reunion is the best thing on my annual checking out on time. The hotel has no control over this calendar” Ed Gaskell, Navigator, 1954-1956 – you can ask for it, but nobody can promise it. 5:30pm - Water Taxi departs from the back of the hotel “I like going to the reunions because it allows a chance (Event A) to see new places and renew friendships. Every one of us 6:00pm - Dinner at Casa Rio Restaurant have served on the ship at some time, and we can share our 7:30pm - Sightseeing cruise departs from the restaurant views and enjoy the few days we have together.” Elton Gould, CSSN, 1956-1960 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11 6:30am - 10:30am - Breakfast in the hotel’s 111 Grill “For those of you who have never attended a Rankin 9:00am - Bus departs for San Antonio City, Missions & Reunion, I would strongly encourage you to do so this Alamo Tour. (Event B) year. My wife and I attended the first one in Norfolk in 11:00am - Alamo IMAX Movie 2004, and have attended all but one ever since. 12:30pm - Lunch on your own in Alamo Plaza “This year, San Antonio offers a unique opportunity to 3:00pm - Bus returns to the hotel visit one of America’s foremost reunion cities. The hotel 4:30pm - Business Meeting this year is an excellent value and is in the heart of San An- 6:00pm - Bus departs for Rio Cibolo Ranch tour and Buf- tonio’s famous Riverwalk area. If this year’s reunion fet Dinner (Event C) matches up with others in the past, you will have the op- 10:00pm - Bus returns to the hotel portunity to share sea stories with your old shipmates while eating one of the planned meals or touring the many local SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 cultural and historical sites. The hospitality room lets for- 6:30am - 10:30am - Breakfast in the hotel’s 111 Grill mer Rankin sailors and their spouses renew old acquaintan- 9:00am - Bus departs for Fredericksburg, Texas and the ces and meet those who were aboard during different eras. National Museum of Pacific War (Event D). Lunch is on “I promise that you will enjoy the experience and hope your own in Fredericksburg to see you in October.” 4:00pm - Bus returns to the hotel George Berninger, LTJG, 1962-1964 5:30pm - Cash Bar “Bette and I are looking forward to attending our 8th 6:00pm - Formal Dinner Photos and Group Photos USS Rankin reunion. Over the years, we have thoroughly 7:00pm - Banquet Dinner enjoyed the comradeship of the Rankin shipmates and SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 spouses. Generally, we take a few extra days and make it a 6:30am - 10:30am - Breakfast in the hotel’s 111 Grill mini vacation. You will enjoy the friendship of attendees, 9:00am - Memorial Service in the Hospitality Room. Say reminisce old sea stories, and enjoy the planned San Anto- your good-byes until next time. nio tours and activities. You will not be disappointed.” 11:00am Hotel check out time Bill Devroe, SK3, 1963-1965 Registration forms will be available online soon. Our “It was pure joy going to my first reunion last year. It website, will have was enjoyable going over old experiences with people I all the details as soon as they are published. If you want to served with and listening to the WWII shipmates. I look receive printed registration forms, just check the appropri- forward to seeing all of you again.” ate box on the enclosed yellow form. Randall Jameson, CS3, 1966-1968 ISSUE #21 USS RANKIN NEWS PAGE 3 Dominican Republic Campaign, 1965 The Secretary of the Navy also during this period, including the pa- presented Rankin’s Operations Offi- trolling of the Dominican Republic cer, LCDR Howard A. Weltner, with coast line to prevent infiltration of the Navy Achievement Medal. The arms, personnel and material, and citation reads: Sneak Attack Defense Coordinator “As officer in charge of Rankin’s for the port of Andres. Commander landing party, Commander Weltner Weltner’s professional competence led three landing craft into the port of and devotion to duty reflect great Haina, the first U.S. naval surface craft credit upon himself and the United to enter the harbor, and, under threat States Naval Service.” of hostile fire, successfully evacuated These activities and the 1965-1966 twenty-one dependents of United U.S. occupation of the Dominican States personnel assigned to the Em- Republic came to be known as Opera- bassy in Santo Domingo. Additionally, tion Power Pack. You can Google he planned and assisted in the imple- that term and find a LOT more infor- CAPT W. T. Rapp, Rankin C.O. in 1965 mentation of several other operations mation about it. In April, 1965, USS Rankin was en- gaged in routine training as part of the Navy’s Caribbean Ready Group. Late in the month, she was anchored off the Puerto Rican island of Vieques. Electrical Officer Bill Hennings remembers what happened then: “One Sunday morning the order unexpectedly came to steam west to the Dominican Republic. Our first task there was a show of force off Santo Domingo, the capital. I wonder if the bad guys on shore paid much attention to seven amphibs in a col- umn going back and forth! “Several days later I heard the or- der to man battle stations, without the expected preface “This is a drill, this is a drill!” We launched the landing force with the embarked Marines and their equipment.