SWAT Team Acts, Ends Standoff Bar the Press and Public from Which Three Guards Were Slain and Mcdonald Jr

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SWAT Team Acts, Ends Standoff Bar the Press and Public from Which Three Guards Were Slain and Mcdonald Jr 24 - THE HERALD, Wed.. April 8, 1961 Coverage of hearings seen possible WATERBURY (UPI) - A defense in the April 1979 robbery of jury. Republican and American. move the trial from Waterbury, the Hartford, ’The Hartford Courant, attorney says he may drop efforts to Purolator's Waterbury garage In But State’s Attorney Francis M. I^ rtin said the Purolator case had closing of the pretrial hearings WFSB-TV in Hartford and ’The New SWAT team acts, ends standoff bar the press and public from which three guards were slain and McDonald Jr. objected to the received attention nationally and might not be necessary. Haven Register also were called to pretrial hearings for a suspect in the nearly $1.9 million stolen. request to close the hearings, saying probably internationally. Hull also said the request for a testify on Williams’ motions. bloody 1979 robbery of a Purolator Williams went before Hull at a the state did not “believe there is a “It (Purolator case) was the change of venue was reievant to Security garage if the case is heard hearing Tuesday on the request to station between trial and pretrial in biggest story of the day and the week Williams’ request to close the Raiph Elliott, an attorney Wethersfield v/oman in another area. close the hearings on a dozen defense respect to a murder.” and probably of the fortnight that pretrial hearings. representing The Courant, also Attorney John R. Williams said a motions to suppress certain evidence Several news reporters and followed,” said reporter John Sablon Hull, who lives in Danbury, urged Hull to keep the pre-trial 'Hlanrhpatpr closed pretrial hearing may not be gathered by law enforcement of­ executives testified Tuesday that the of WVIT-TV in West Hartford. recessed the hearing untii today. He hearings open to the public. Manchester, Conn. needed if Superior Court Judge T. ficials during the robbery investiga­ commando-style robbery and “If a news item is hot and in­ indicated representatives of The Thursday captured uninjured Clark Hull agrees to an accom­ tion. murders of the guards had received teresting for a month continuously, New York Times and ’The Advocate He said alternatives were Aprils, 1981 panying request for a change of Williams said news coverage of widespread coverage. it’s going to get attention ali that of Stamford would be called to availabie to the court and the 25 Cents venue in the trial of Donald Couture the hearings might generate “It certainly is one of the major time,” Sablon said. testify on the amount of news defense to ensure a fair trial without By MARTIN KEARNS of Wallingford. prejuicial, pretrial publicity for cases that I can recall in my 32 After the hearing, Williams in­ coverage the Purolator case closing the pretrial hearings, citing a Herald Reporter Couture is one of four persons Couture, harming his chances of years,” said Eugene Martin, assis­ dicated that if Hull granted the received in southwest Connecticut. change of venue or a delay in the MANCHESTER - A young Unofficial facing murder and robbery charges receiving a fair trial by an impartial tant publisher of the Waterbury request for a change of venue to Representatives of WPOP radio in start of Couture’s trial. Wethersfield woman with a history of psychiatric problems barricaded hostages Serving the Greater Manchester Area for 100 Years herself in a local motel early this morning, firing four shots, until a Several patrons o( C arrie special police assault squad stormed Nation's Cafe on F.ast Center Lobby favors the room where she had kept police Street ended up as unofficial Republicans say vote at bay for nearly five hours. hostages early this morning as the With four kicks to the door of a result of a woman firing a rifle change in tax i-i corner room at the Essex Motor Inn, from a motel room window on East Manchester SWAT team members Center Street Page .■>. is evidence of^waste rushed the room as she turned a 35 HARTFORD (UPI) — FToposed changes in the (k)nnec- caliber rifle at them. The incident — ticut’s corporation business tax to aid sta.e companies which began at 1:24 a.m. today — E.H. officers HARTFORD (UPI) - A by the Legislature’s Office of Fiscal reward state agencies for overspen­ and take a larger tax bite from out-of-state firms has won ended without any injuries when Sgt. legislative committee has voted to Analysis. ding and yet we have asked key business lobby support. Roy Abbie grabbed the rifle and sub- heip in talks cover $5 million in overspending by Republicans on the Democratic- municipalities to take cuts in the “The bill is designed to benefit Connecticut-based com­ d u ^ the woman at 6:31 a.m. state agencies in a move decried by controlled committee sought to adopt money we had already promised panies and to encourage others to build facilities or ex­ Three East Hartford Police of­ Republicans as evidence of wasteful a $24.9 million deficiency budget set them,” Shays said. “If 0PM says pand payrolls here,” said John Rathgeber of the Connec­ Police transferred 26-year-old ficers, who had personal knowledge spending by agency heads. at the start of the fiscal year by the they (state agencies) can live on it, ticut Business and Industry Association, the state’s Janet Adams to Manchester of a woman captured following a The 19-18 vote Tuesday by the Ap­ executive branch’s Office of Policy why don’t we make them do it?” largest business lobby. Memorial Hospital where she was shooting incident at the Essex propriations Committee will add $5 and Management. Shays said despite a host of cuts The measure immediately placed under psy­ Motor Inn aided Manchester Police million to the projected $45 million Although the difference between already made in the $2.7 billion before the chiatric observation. She was later in attempting to talk the woman deficit in the state budget for the the two packages was $8.6 million, budget adopted by the. 1980 Legislature’s transferred to Norwich State into surrendering her rifle and current fiscal year which ends June Legislature, "we have managed to Finaifce, Revenue Outside firms Hospital. giving herself up Pagi- t. 30. come up with $12 million more in and Bonding Com­ n Abbie leapt at the woman who lay Committee co-chairman Rep. spending than we authorized.” mittee Tuesday sprawling across a circular bed Gardner Wright, D-Bristol, said The committee also approved a would amend the wili pay more littered with cigarette butts and beer most of the overspending was for Agency deficit measure endorsing the state complex formula bottles, Adams, who was just dangerment and attempted assault salaries and services for federally treasurer’s use of state employee’s \. that calculates waking, turned the rifle at him but on a police officer mandated programs in Medicaid, not tolerated pension money in the conventional firm’s tax liability............................................ was quickly disarmed. No one was injured In the five-hour general health care and mental mortgage loan market. in accordance with the 10 percent corporation business Officer (Jary Busick-followed im­ stalemate, but police were placed in health services. One half of the $500 million tax. mediately behind Abbie and helped jeopardy on several occasions. Ms. ••-d/ But Rep. Yorke Allen, R-New Ca­ Wright said the actual amount of expected to be invested in five years “’This bill directly benefits manufacturing companies :C' subdue the assailant. Two additional Adams reportedly discharged one naan, said he was “appaled at the new money to cover overspending by would be set aside for state which have significant investments in plant and equip­ SWAT team members came from round from her high-powered rifle overrun. Private businesses with the agencies amounted to about $5 employee applicants on a first-come, ment within the state,” said John P. Callahan of The the second floor balcony to join Ab­ when Manchester patrol officers larger budgets simply would not million. first-served basis regardless of their Stanley Works, a New Britain-based company employing bie and Busick. At the base of a first approached her room The of­ tolerate anything like this.” A deficiency is caused when a income. 5,000. stairway leading to the second floor, ficers were uninjured, and the As an example. Allen attacked as state agency spends more than was Republicans said more safeguards Capt. Joseph Sweeney stood with a projectile'lodged in the doorframe. "sloppy management and unduly lax budgeted. However, an esimated were needed in the plan to protect “Such investments provide the manufacturing jobs so handgun drawn to cover the team. Patrol officer Edward Tighe, controls' a request by the Correc­ figure to cover the overruns is set against fraud or a fast turnover by desperately needed by low-and middle-income families in Adams reportedly purchased the police union president, was believed tions Department for an additional aside in the general fund budget. quick-buck investors. They called for the state,” he said. rifle at Caldor of Rocky Hill, the shot at as he attempted to contact $1.8 million to go partly toward A motion by Rep. Christopher a cap on amount of money a worker Former Senate majority leader Joseph Solomon Karam, head of the legal division for the state same department store where she residents in the area Police have not paying bills from previous years. Shays, R-Stamford, to adopt the can earn to qualify in order to give Lleberman was back at the state Capitol in Department of Revenue Services, also supported the bill.
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