The DEERFIELD SCROLL Vol. 45. No. 5 Deerfield Academy, Deerfield, Mass. 01342 November 21, 1970 Trustees Select Science Building's Architect

by Bruce Goodwin Examine Needs construction of the building. The The existing Science Building architect's plans will be The Board of Trustees recently With the architect selected, the nine will not be razed upon completion months to a year in the making, of approved the selection of an archi- next step will be for Mr. Ward to the new buildiing. Probably the interior will be tect for the proposed Science Build- examine the specific needs of the and after that construction will remodeled as class- rooms, possibly becoming a math- ing. The board's Building and school, the features he desires for begin as soon as the school has ematics building. Grounds Committee interviewed the building, and possible sites. adequate available money. Since and recommended Mr. Robertson Offices Relocated The new building will likely con- architect's fees and construction Ward, Jr., of Chicago from among The Board of Trustees has also tain, in addition to classrooms and costs have not been determined, no four firms under consideration. approved plans for renovation work laboratories, offices, specialized pro- target date has been set. Mr. Ward designed the Benning- on the study hall of the School ton College Science building in Ert,".:vp 20/ ;1,• 4 Building. The designs, done by Bennington, Vermont. The structure Roger 0. Hoit '58, will provide for was designed for complete flexibil- six Administration offices. Mr. ity in the use of interior space. David Foster, Mr. James Kolster, This year's art festival will em- Most of the interior walls are mov- and Mr. Russ Miller will have of- phasize active participation by all able to enable room size to be ad- fices in the east end, while the Ad- students. Seniors Garry Bowne justed to fit current needs. The missions offices of Messrs. Law- and David Lee have been planning moveable walls are made of per- rence Boyle, Thomas Tobey, and since last summer. manent-looking soundproof panels. William Tyler will be located in Utilities are in the roof, and ser- the west end. Two small rooms for Winter Art Festival vice units for laboratory equip- interviewing purposes and an area are spaced at regular intervals for secretaries are also planned. Stresses Involvement throughout the building. Lack Privacy The present offices, which were Of Entire Academy Provide Flexibility originally designed for use as class- Mr. Laurence According to rooms, lack privacy and cause con- The Winter Programs Committee Science De- Bohrer, head of the fusion because of the several func- recently chose the end of the modular plan partment, this type of tions operating there simultaneous- winter term as the date for the for the would provide "flexibility ly. Relocation of the offices will Arts Festival, this year. It will with class- future" in accordance provide privacy and open up need- center upon arts and crafts, and needs. The room and laboratory ed classroom space. The renova- therefore, the committee hopes to was built present Science Building tion work may be completed by gain direct support from the boys were in 1931, when only 250 the end of Christmas vacation. student body. attending Deerfield. Now, there are Mass testing previously done in The committee, headed by sen- over 350 boys taking science cours- the main study hall will probably iors Garry Bowne and David Lee, es. The present building has only Headmaster and Mr. Bohrer study preliminary plans for the be conducted on tables set up for wants the program to maintain a one classroom specifically equipped The proposed Science Building. —photo by Cowan that purpose in the Gymnasium. substantial amount of participation for classes laboratory work. Other and activity by the students and areas in- now meet in renovated basement ject rooms, and storage less of the "traditional classroom vibration-free balance rooms. cluding a Committee Weighs Spring Study, participation." In addition, all the room. faculty are urged to participate Mr. Bohrer stated that the Sci- The principal site now under con- this year. the ence Department would like to in- sideration is the area west of Off-Campus Work Is Possibility To Promote Participation Other possibilities have troduce new courses, but it does library. The primary objective of the mentioned, but most would A newly formed Spring Term selves must decide on projects. In- not have the classroom space to been planners is to create "self-motivat- necesitate the tearing down of a Study Committee has been review- itiative must come from the sen- accommodate them. In addition, ed" interest and participation in creating new problems ing plans for the "Alternate Study iors and not from the faculty. Such dormitory, the arts. They hope to do this by laboratory experiments are pres- Program" that will permit seniors an outlook stresses the responsi- for the school. covering topics that will appeal to ently conducted under crowded and to become involved in independent bility of the senior toward this Target Date Set the student body, and they expect conditions No projects this spring. A limited new program." Potentially dangerous to include moviemaking, drama, The Board of Trustees has not number of seniors will be allowed that would be alleviated by the new An important emphasis will be sculpturing, graphic and sensory the actual to leave the campus for work on yet authorized funds for placed on the arts, painting, metal and wood- building. projects. student's success with his spring project. His faculty ad- working, music, and dance. The committee, consisting of one viser will award a grade of pass or Need Money Students faculty member from each depart- Plan Devised To Allow fail upon ment, will examine project pro- completion, and a mark The committee has $549 from positions submitted by seniors. If of pass is a mandatory diploma re- last year's program and has re- To Share Talent In Local Area approved, the senior will further quirement. ceived a donation of $1500 from the refine his topic of study with an school. Also, it tentatively has ar- Serving on the committee are Benefit adviser and submit a detailed out- ranged a large inter-school dance A proposed program will give Students Will line of his plans. From this out- the Messrs. Corning Chisholm, for the middle of the winter term, students the opportunity to share The program is designed mainly line, the committee will determine James Giddings, Moreau Hunt, D. to help raise money. The goal is their talents with students attend- for students to express their inter- time necessary to complete 84360, which is only one-third of ing local schools. esting and outstanding abilities. the Day Lee, Russ Miller, Wyllys Ter- project successfully. The senior last year's total expenditures. They would also gain valuable ex- the ry, and Roland Young. In a questionaire planned for the then drop a number of reg- perience through preparing and could near future, each Deerfield student courses. presenting demonstrations and talks ular Will be asked to identify his special plan for classes. Hopefully, the Offers Several Options talents or capabilities which he will aid the student in gaining new of There are several variations pos- might be able to share with others. appreciation and understanding sible within this program. A senior The his own talent. returned questionnaire would with a project that would require varied types of talent then be made available to local Many him to leave the campus could do exhibited and explained. school officials, who would inform could be however, must pay countries, so. The student, their faculties of these available Students from foreign ele- his own expenses while off-campus. resources. for example, could aid local mentary school classes by present- The senior whose project does with ing a brief geography lesson not necessitate his leaving the of customs and, perhaps, mention school can pursue his interest with- a few words and expressions of his out participating in a regular pro- native language. Musical skills and hobbies of all sorts would con- gram of study. stitute some of the other talents In addition, each department is program. included in this offering a set of electives for sen- Minor Problems Exist iors who meet prerequisite require- The main difficulty will be to as- ments. Tentative courses involving students that they sure Deerfield more than one subject are also will not be deprived of their own under consideration. classroom time. Bookkeeping, transportation, and other arrange- Stresses Student Initiative of the Spring Study ments must also be thoroughly Members Committee are (1. to r.): Mr. Young, Spring Committee Chairman Russ Mr. Lee, Mr. Giddings, Mr. Mr. Blain discusses the utilization planned before the program be- Terry, Mr. Chisholm, and Mr. Miller. "Students them- Missing is Mr. Hunt. —photo by Cowan of foreign talent with Klaus Hergt. gins. A. Miller said, 2 THE DEERFIELD SCROLL November 21, 1970 A Suggestion Bookkeeping Costs, Cash Outlay Weekends this fall have served to point out that virtually no studying takes place on Necessitate Financial Alterations this campus between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning, and rightly so. Because stu- by Mr. James T. Kilbreth simply attempts to reduce the vast dents anticipate the weekend as a long-await- Business Manager numbers of charge slips processed ed break from classes and work, because they for small purchases. are naturally procrastinators and most week- The change of policy regarding end studying student accounts has been made as Students often ask why we re- is left to the small hours of a Sunday night and Monday morning, we result of the heavy bookkeeping quire a deposit in their accounts. suggest: costs involved and the associated We do this to protect our cash flow. outlay of cash by the school. • That the Friday-night study hall be Although we will be repaid event- In analyzing the problem, the ually, we have to disburse the abolished entirely. (Perhaps a semi- first study step decided on was the elim- money in advance to pay for the hall could be established for ination of after Sunday's Sing.) items which should things that are charged. more properly be the direct re- A large number of schools have • That musical recitals, movies, etc. tak- sponsibility of a student or his already gone to what is basically ing place on Sunday be scheduled for family, rather than a charge to a cash system with very few Friday instead. his account. Major items in this charge items. These schools general- • That such cultural events as poetry category were outside medical and ly allow only books and athletic readings also occur on Friday night if dental bills, airline tickets, cloth- equipment to be charged. Deerfield possible, in order to promote more ing, and college application fees. student participation. is studying this development, which Prior to this change, these bills would carry with it the establish- Which evokes another thought: we are would be paid directly by the ment of a student "bank" in which sitting on a bundle of talent — musical, artist- school and the charges added to cash could be deposited and with- ic, dramatic — that is too often not appreciat- the student's account. Substantial drawn on request. ed by the student body. Friday night per- amounts were involved and an in- formances involving, say, half a dozen people definite period would elapse while Underlying all of this is a basic would be beneficial both for the student body our own re-building process and philosophy of reducing overhead and the budding artists themselves. receipt of payment was taking expense in areas which do not in- "Hold that line!" place. As an example, we paid out fringe on the primary function of nearly $10,000 for airline tickets the school. Credit equals added ex- around December 20th, a year ago. pense in personnel costs to handle A False Objective The Changing Scene These charges could not be billed billings, etc., and, unlike a business, to parents until early January, and which passes this expense on to its S