Vol. X No. 1 Tishre-Kislev-5745 September-November, 1984 i"D2


This year Lincoln Square Synagogue community with incredible religious welcomes the arrival of Rabbi Saul diversity. In most communities there is Berman as our new Senior Rabbi. Rab¬ the expectation that everyone 'be bi Berman is a noted lecturer and there', wherever the community may educator who has received widespread be religiously. And that exists in recognition as the Chairman of the Reform and Conservative congrega¬ Faculty at Yeshiva tions as well. The extraordinary thing University's Stern College for Women, about this community is that there are where he has served as professor since people at various stages in their 1971. religious development that other peo¬ Previously, Rabbi Berman served as ple are willing to accept and realize that a pulpit rabbi for congregations in the process of religious development is Berkeley, California, and Brookline, a slow and gradual one. Everyone is Massachusetts, where he was also ac¬ willing to support one another in their tive with campus youth groups. religious struggles. Rabbi Berman Rabbi Berman, who received ordina¬ On the short term, my reason for tion from (REITS) coming to LSS was the experience of also holds a Masters degree in Hebrew that Shabbat in January. It was really and Rabbi Buchwald but caters Literature, a Masters ofArt in political the first time in thirteen years that I primarily to people who do not have science, and a Juris Doctor degree. The had been at the synagogue for shabbat rich Jewish backgrounds. It seems to rabbi has written on topics of contem¬ and I felt a tremendous sense of me that a growing percentage of the porary concern and has published in warmth and connectedness with the congregation have extensive prior Tradition, Judaism, and Journal of community, and the kind of respon¬ Jewish education, and their need to Jewish Studies and was a contributor siveness to the things I'm committed to continue learning has not lessened but to the Encyclopedia Judaica. teaching. is greater, as part of their Jewish As an introduction to the congrega¬ Q. Rabbi Riskin had a certain ap¬ growth spiritually and intellectually. I tion as his first year as rabbi of LSS, proach to his role at LSS that would see the intensifications of those Rabbi Berman has consented to be in¬ developed the synagogue to kinds of opportunities as one impor¬ terviewed by Nina Wachsman, editor, where it is today. Do you feel tant direction. for Echod's premier issue for 5745. your approach will be radically I think that the Outreach work the Q. What made you decide to come different? What would you shul has been doing very successfully to Lincoln Square? describe as your approach to the over these past years should at least be A. I spent 9 years in the rabbinate role of pulpit rabbi? sustained if not broadened in different and then I decided to go into education A. I think that much of what I have directions. as a different utilization of myself in mind is continuous with the kinds of Certainly, I think Phil Sherman has towards the same goal, namely, the things Rabbi Riskin had worked to achieved very nice things with the education of Jews. Teaching at Stern develop. I may take them in slightly youth movement in the shul, but I see a College has been enjoyable, I have seen different directions, but these will be need for intensification of the the program grow, but over the past differences in emphasis rather than dif¬ character of youth work which the con¬ few years, I have felt more of a need to ferences in kind. gregation offers. I think the introduc¬ relate to a community. I wanted an op¬ I would like to see, for example, tion of Bnei Akiva this year will offer a portunity of sustaining relationships much greater development in the area new opportunity for students to be in¬ which would enable me to see the con¬ of opportunities for learning, par¬ volved in an ideologically based youth tinuing effects of my teachings. ticularly for those who have rich movement. One of the things to Q. Is there anything about LSS that Jewish backgrounds. Currently JSI has recognize is that the youth movement specifically appealed to you? achieved absolutely remarkable things in the shul primarily is comprised of A. Lincoln Square is a remarkable through the leadership of Rabbi Riskin (continued on page 2) Page Two E C H O D

FROM THE RABBI'S DESK. . . LINCOLN SQUARE SYNAGOGUE 200 AMSTERDAM AVENUE My own evolving unpublished part of the Teshuva task which New York, N.Y. 10023 demands that we look at 874-6100 manuscript entitled "Tales of the personality Shlomo Riskin Founding Rabbi Misnagdim," contains the following qualities. Here, the questions seem brief exchange. "Said the adherent to more abstract but are equally rooted in his Rav, the Misnaged: 'It's Ellul again our daily experiences. A reasonable and my struggle towards Teshuva has guide to the appropriate questions is begun. I just don't understand why I Rambam, Hilchot De'ot, which points must go through the painful process of to the following sort of issues - evaluation of the past. Why can't I Have I adequately mastered the simply commit myself to do what is qualities of jealousy, pride and anger? right in the future? After all, God For example, when I see someone else's already knows the past anyhow. To financial or relational success, can I re¬ SaulJ.Berman Rabbi which the Misnaged responded, 'God's joice for the other person without let¬ Herschel Cohen Associate Rabbi Sherwood Goffin Cantor demand of people is that they appear ting jealousy or offended pride cause Ephraim Buchwald Educational Director before Him whole. Wholeness me to express Martin Katz Executive Director requires inappropriate anger? Philip Sherman Youth Director self-knowledge and ex¬ Is my capacity for love sufficiently Suri Kasirer Hebrew School Administrator self-knowledge ists only when you have studied your mature to enable me to make a lasting OFFICERS OF THE CONGREGATION and stable commitment to Richard W. Joselit President own behavior. God knows you well, marriage Morton Landowne 1st Vice-President but do and the raising of children? Perry Davis 2nd Vice-President you know yourself?" Jerome Stern 3rd Vice-President Yes, the central religious task of the Have I cultivated my spiritual Warren Weiss Treasurer Amos Alter Executive Secretary month of Ellul is to gain a more objec¬ capacities with the same intensity that 1

David Olivestone . Financial Secretary Joseph C. Kaplan Recording Secretary tive picture of our own lives, to step, as devote to the gratification of my Chaya Gorsetman . Corresponding Secretary Fred Ehrman Honorary President it were, outside of ourselves and to physical and material needs? For ex¬ Stanley Getzler Honorary President at our at our Maurice S. Spanbock Honorary President look behavior and per¬ ample, do I spend as much time and Ruth L. Belsky Honorary Vice-President sonalities. thought preparing for Shabbat or for George Feldman Honorary Vice-President Simple behavioral questions are often the most effective going to the Mikvah as I spend on BOARD OF TRUSTEES starting

Janet Abelow Dr. Jenna Weissman Joselit points. planning for my vacation? Samuel Kevelson* Peter Abelow Do I daven three times a These questions, and so many Jeannette Zevin Aptheker Freddy Kohn day? others Gerald Blitzer Aron Landau Do I refrain from discussing like them, are the framework of the Lenore Brown Leon Leslau* Robert Chambre Marcel Lindenbaum business on Shabbat? honest rediscovery of self and the first Arlene Chertoff Martin Markowitz Mrs. Irving Chesnin* Arthur Morgenstern Do I give sufficiently to charity? step in the process of Teshuva — the Martha Cohn* Ceil Olivestone central Barry Eisenberg Glenn Richter Do I sustain proper ethical standards duty of the months of Ellul and Leon Eisenmann Harvey Ross* in Tishrei. Sam Feld Dr. Norman Ruttner my business or professional con¬ Nina Freedman Prof. Leon Shapiro* duct? Shellee joins me in extending to the Phil Gassel Myron Smith Phyllis Getzler Steven Spira Have I checked my mezuzot and entire LSS community our gratitude Elliot Gibber Dr. Roy Stern Jay Golub* David Stone tefillin twice in the past seven years? for the gracious welcome which you Marvin Goodman Marvin Sussman Aaron Green Frank Taks* Have I set aside time for daily Torah have extended to us and our wish that Hillel Gross Morris Tiefenbrunn we Paul Gugenheim Mrs. Gerson Wald study? grow together, both behaviorally Jonathan Herlands Shirley Wald These and many other simple ques¬ and Rachel Herlands Nathan Woloch* attitudinally, over the coming Zavon* Sam Horwitz Sol L tions of fact emerge from the objective years. •Honorary Trustee demands which halacha makes of us. Saul J. Berman BOARD OF GOVERNORS more Debbie Abelow Simon Katz Infinitely complicated is that Blima Abramson Richard Kestenbaum Henry Adler Michael Klapper Barry Bergman Boruch Kramer Amy Benishai David Lansky Elaine Bernstein Robert Miller Interview (continued from page 1) Itta Brief Sidney A. Miller Robert Burnat Florence Pine Jesse Cogan Helen Plumer yeshiva day school students, which community. Fred H Diamond Molly Pollak Michael Edelhart Ralph Rieder means most of their cognitive relation¬ In conclusion, I feel that the rela¬ Robert Ehrlich Dr. Andrea Penkower Rosen Vivien Eisenmann Jack Schenker ship to Yiddishkeit is already provided tionship of the rabbi to the congrega¬ Mark Elbaum Max Schwarz to tion should be as educator and Gerald Feldhamer Mrs. Joseph Shapiro them. Therefore, it is necessary to spiritual Benjamin Fruhlinger Samuel D. Shechter leader to help people grow spiritually Peggy Gellman Allen Smith carefully consider what a youth pro¬ George Gold William Stanley gram to and educationally. This means being Fred Gorsetman Irene Stern ought offer, which is distinctly Carol Gross Joel M Wachs different from what they are getting in available to people; it means not only Harry Hausman Emanuel Weidberg Moses Janowski Miriam Weiss school. I think they will get that from in sad crisis but at joyous times as well. Miriam Zuckerman the kind of ideologic orientation a Q.What past experience as a pulpit rabbi has most ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF youth movement like Bnei Akiva of¬ been enjoyable or Deborah Mittel Marilyn Osgood fers. 1 think it is very important that has most affected your outlook? Arlene Porath Janet G. Posner A.I think both of the Rev a Rapps Lila Sesholtz children should feel that they too can congregations make a contribution to the community I served shaped my awareness of the Nina Wachsman Editor "Echod" and that the youth group should in¬ religious community. The congrega- clude opportunities for service to the (continued on page 3) E C H O D Page Three


NEW JEWISH The synagogue board recently ap¬ addition, the entire area in front of and UNDERGROUND proved an expenditure of $60,000 for alongside the synagogue building will much-needed renovation and preven¬ be dug up and replaced as a sunken Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, as part of his tive maintenance to the synagogue plaza. The continual leaks in the multi-year agreement with the building. Starting in mid-September, ballroom required this drastic step. synagogue, will be returning this year, the exterior of the synagogue building Finally, repairs will be made to the after Simchat Torah to give two will undergo major recaulking and roof of the building, to extend the life Wednesday night lectures in the Joseph repairs of the walls to prevent any fur¬ of the present roof for another few Shapiro Institute. The topic will be the ther deterioration of the stone slabs. In years. Machteret, the New Jewish Underground: Politically, Messianical- ly, and Value of Life, an evaluation of the Jewish terrorist movement that in¬ cludes the 25 arrested for anti-Arab LSS MAINTENANCE CAMPAIGN terrorist attacks on the West Bank. Rabbi Riskin will also join the con¬ TO RAISE $ 140,000 gregation for shabbat, and will give a drasha in the main sanctuary on Shab¬ Starting September 18 and running deficit of $100,000 for the next year. bat Parshat Noach, October 27, and through October 3rd, board members The goal of this phone-a-thon is to try Parshat Lech-lecha November 3. will be calling on congregants to ask and get every member to participate It is expected that Rabbi Riskin will for an increase in their High Holiday and contribute his/her share to helping be with us for about two weeks bet¬ Maintenance pledge by 10% over last the synagogue reach its maintenance ween Purim and Pesach, and also for year. The synagogue faces a budget campaign goal of $140,000. an additional two weeks during May- June.

Interview (continued from page 2) offered hospitality. Jewishly and in¬ Tefilah. In a sense that is really the tellectually, it was generally a well- most direct moment, where the person developed community that exposed me is talking either to or about G-d. I tion in Berkeley was largely of non- to a different side of the equation of think greater emphasis should be plac¬ observant people, who recognized that what the orthodox community is like. ed on teaching both quantity and quali¬ the orthodox shul was the place where In a way I see Lincoln Square as an ty of private prayer. Over a thousand they could become knowledgeable amalgam of those two types of popula¬ people daven in shul every Shabbat about authentic Judaism. They were tions. morning. Most of those people daven not personally observant. What I Q. Do you have any particular only on Shabbat with a minyan. The learned from that experience is that an theological concept or favorite rest of the week they tend to daven at honest non-apologetic presentation of mitzvah that you wish to advance home, privately, or particularly in the the meaning of Mitzvot and the within LSS? case of women, tend not even to daven beauties of Jewish life can really move A. In the religious community as a a few times a day. Our community people, and can move them in different whole, we suffer from a lack of tended not to emphasize that kind of ways. There are people who start with spirituality. When I say spirituality, I private tefilah for women and not to a firm commitment to G-d and that in don't mean asceticism, the two are place adequate emphasis on "Kavana" turn moves them into more of a com¬ confused. What I mean about during private tefilah. I would like to mitment to Mitzvot. And other people spirituality is an awareness of the develop some ways in aiding people to who start with great uncertainty in presence of G-d and His involvement think about davening in a way to help terms of G-d, develop a kind of con¬ in our lives. That is a difficult quality increase their "Kavana." nectedness to Mitzvot which enables for people to develop. I would like to For example, there is a preference them to grow into a life of Mitzvot and be able to use the services of the shul as for the individual when davening alone eventually leads them into a belief of a way of helping people develop more to daven at the same time that the com¬ G-d. That kind of diversity in spiritual spiritual qualities. We're a very munity is davening. At one level it development was very important for pragmatic behaviorist community. seems odd, and yet Chazal tells us that me to understand. American society moves us even fur¬ in this way the individual is able to feel In Brookline, the community was ther in that direction. When we do the a kind of connection to the community largely a very observant community right acts we tend to think that ex¬ davening and therefore feels a kind of and a very warm community. The first hausts our responsibility, but in the togetherness rather than aloneness in time in my life I saw a community that religious context, doing the right act is the davening, which is very important really went out of its way for only part of the piocess of being towards the development of spirituali¬ Hachnasat Orchim in which guests related to G-d. One of the avenues for ty. who came into shul were greeted and achieving relatedness to G-d is through (continued on page 5) Page Four E C H O D


DO A MITZVAH LSS VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE FOR THE NEW YEAR Unlike Tevye who prayed for the to register as many eligible Jews as Lord to preserve and keep the possible on the West Side. The holidays can be an especially Czar. . . "far away from us," the There are three ways you can help. lonely and sad time for many elderly American Jewish community is blessed First, make sure you, your relatives people. Each Rosh Hashanah Project with what Rav Moshe Feinstein recent¬ and acquaintances are all registered. DOROT volunteers deliver food ly called a "malchut shel chesed" — a To vote this November (if you have packages and pay social visits to the benevolent government. never registered or if you have moved) isolated elderly of the Upper West The best way we can preserve our you must register by October 9. By the Side. These food packages, containing condition as a protected minority in way, how you register is also impor¬ traditional foods like challah, apples, this "malchut shel chesed" is by tant. As Lincoln Square congregants, honey, and wine, along with the visit voting. As we approach two crucial we pride ourselves on our uniqueness from a younger person, help to make elections — this year's presidential and independence, and we often the elderly person's holiday a brighter election and a mayoralty election in register that way — as independents. and happier occasion. This year the 1985 — it is useful to reexamine the Don't. No matter which party you af¬ delivery will take place on Sunday, condition of the American Jewish filiate with you can, of course, vote September 23rd, between 10:00-2:00 voter. We are known as an influential anyway you please. But unless you are from Congregation Ansche Chesed, voting group. It is said that we vote a registered Democrat or Republican 251 West 100th Street (5th floor.) Have heavily and often as a unified block. you cannot vote at all in those party's you an hour to spare to do a mitzvah Moreover, the Jewish voter is seen as crucial primaries. So affiliating with a for the new year? an opinion leader influencing more party, any party, automatically makes For more information: Sheila votes than just his/her own. your franchise worth that much more. Hochman (212) 864-7410 Unfortunately, our sterling reputa¬ You should also know that registration tion is less than fully deserved. A re¬ does not increase your likelihood to be cent study designed for the New York called for jury duty (an equally impor¬ HOSPITALITY IS City Jewish Community Relations tant responsibility). You are already on Council has shattered some long¬ the jury rolls if you own or just drive a ALWAYS WELCOME standing myths about the Jewish vote. car, pay State taxes, or pay a phone or The survey found that contrary to ex¬ electric bill. "If anyone needs hospitality, please many see Bob Burnat." We have all heard pectations, there remain Second, please volunteer to help the L.S.S. voter this announcement often, but what unregistered Jewish voters — over registration drive. Call 150,000 in Manhattan and Brooklyn Rabbi Katz at the Synagogue office really runs through our mind? Do we alone. Even more startling are the and we will be in touch with you. You wonder whether anyone really needs fin¬ dings about actual Jewish voter turn¬ will find it an exhilarating experience hospitality, or whether that's the an¬ out. In no recent election did more and a nouncement for those who are too lazy good opportunity to meet new than 50% friends. Also your to make their own Shabbat meals? We of eligible Jews actually presence on the vote. streets will have those politicians quak¬ may not be fully conscious of the need Lincoln Square Synagogue has join¬ ing in boots. many visitors and even members of their ed the J.C.R.C. in a massive voter Third, LSS may have, to share a Shabbat get out and vote! registration drive. table with someone in the congrega¬ Through its Issues Perry Davis and Action Committee, L.S.S. is work¬ tion. As stated by one family after the ing with other local synagogues and the Shavuot holiday, "We had guests who West Side Jewish Community Council were LSS members for dinner, who, except for that meal, ate alone during \ HOME HOSPITALITY ] The LSS Home the entire Yom Tov." There are many people from all walks of life." There is j Hospitality Pro- j gram is in need of volunteers to | single LSS members who are spending the opportunity for a great deal of live¬ j serve as hosts & hostesses for | many Shabbatot alone, to whom the ly Shabbat table conversation from in¬ j j Hospitality recipient — requesting | offer of hospitality would be most telligent and interesting people you and sleeping ar- welcome. Another family who has would not otherwise meet. One hostess j Shabbat meals I j rangements. entertained many through the shul's also felt that "once you're preparing a I am willing to host for: hospitality agreed the "people are very Shabbat meal for your family, it really I sleeping. appreciative of being invited, they are is no trouble to prepare a little extra." I am willing to host for Shabbat not just takers, but are people who just If you get a call from the shul I I meals. want to meet others — and that's what hospitality committee before shabbat Lincoln Square is all about." or a request from Bob Burnat on shab¬ j NAME | From the standpoint of hosting bat please reconsider before you I DAY & EVENING PHONE I guests for Shabbat, one couple felt refuse, and be willing to open your that, "you meet a lot of interesting home to a worthwhile experience. E C H O D Page Five

RABBI BERMAN (continued from page 3)

There is another ideological area I about this last year at LSS, on the issue but there are very few opportunities for would like to develop. It seems to me of Chumra, and how the core attitude the advanced study of the broad range that the Centrist Orthodox community of Centrist Orthodoxy is even more of areas of Jewish knowledge; Jewish has been suffering for a long time from consumate with the tradition than that History, Jewish Philosophy, Tanach, of the a very bad case of neck strain from right wing. I have made Halacha and Talmud. The second fac¬ looking over its right shoulder. reference in other lectures to a set of tor is that NY is an unbelievable 'Modern Orthodoxy' has gotten very additional ideological issues and that resource of many Jewish scholars who the attitude towards bad press, so that the term is not even includes women, are at the cutting edge of their redeemable, and it makes sense to use Daat Torah, secular education, non- disciplines who are superb teachers, the term Centrist Orthodox. It is time Jewish society and government in and whose potential for contribution that we look with more assertiveness at general. I would like to see the com¬ to the adult Jewish community is simp¬ the kind of ideological significance munity look more closely and define its ly not fulfilled. What we are hoping to characterized by Centrist Orthodoxy. own ideological commitments more do for the coming year, starting on a The positions of Centrist Orthodoxy carefully, to enable people who have small level, beginning Nov. 5 for the are not only at least as honest as the Centrist commitments to have a sense following 6 consecutive Monday authentic tradition, but at times even of pride and courage of their convic¬ nights, we will offer a set of courses more authentic than those purveyed by tions. taught by the kind of outstanding the right wing of Orthodoxy. I spoke Q. What kind of programs do you teachers and scholars who are available wish to initiate at LSS? within the Orthodox community to HOLOCAUST MUSEUM A. One program I would like to in¬ satisfy both of those aforementioned itiate immediately is a program which I needs. PLANNED FOR NYC am calling Lehrhaus. It emerges from a There will be a set of three classes A NYC Holocaust Memorial combination of two factors; one is that running from seven to eight p.m., from Museum is planned for being lower there is generally very little opportunity eight to eight-thirty will be a time for Manhattan, at the U.S. Custom within the Orthodox community for in¬ socializing with cookies and conversa¬ House. The memorial center, if ap¬ tensive study of Yiddishkeit by adults tion, and then from eight-thirty to nine proved by the Federal government, who have already had an intensive thirty will be the second set of lectures. would combine a museum, chapel, Jewish education. There are certainly People will have the opportunity, auditorium, library and archives to many opportunities available for the hopefully to expand their vistas in portray Jewish immigration to NY, study of Talmud at an advanced level, Jewish knowledge, (continued on page 6) European Jewish life and the Holocaust and its aftermath. The Memorial Museum will be the WHEN IN , VISIT THE ISRAEL CENTER first of its kind for NYC, the city with the largest population of Holocaust The most popular yellow door in religious, social, aliya and educational survivors. It is being established under Jerusalem belongs to the Israel Center, matters, to educational programs and the auspices of the NYC Holocaust the Israeli address of the Union of Or¬ seminars on topics of Torah to current Commission, consisting of more than thodox Jewish Congregations of events. The Center also runs an outreach 120 distinguished community mem¬ America, and its youth movement, the program in which teams of bers. National Conference of Synagogue professional and volunteer leaders run The Memorial Museum will utilize Youth/NCSY. youth activities in several schools, computer data banks and video con¬ Every week hundreds of "young neighborhoods, and absorption centers Jerusalem as well as a col¬ soles to convey the major themes. people of all ages" pass through the around There will be exhibits on such themes yellow door to attend a lecture, hear a legiate program on college campuses. addition the own as the rise of Nazism, Jewish concert, participate in a tour, check the In to Center's pro¬ resistance, the Jewish culture that was notices on the bulletin board, or just grams, the Rabbinical Council of destroyed, the role of bystanders and find a quiet place to read a book in the America, the Israel Defense Forces, the the U.S., the birth of the State of library, write a letter, or relax and chat Jerusalem Municipality, and other Israel, and Jewish immigration in with a friend in an informal at¬ organizations run programs at 10 NYC. mosphere. Strauss Street. The pavillion will provide outreach The Israel Center was conceived and Anyone interested in more informa¬ tion or interested in programs to the general community to created by George and Ilse Falk, with visiting the Israel Center should contact the Union of Or¬ help create courses of study on the the assistance of Rabbi Pinchas Holocaust and Jewish cultural life. Stolper, Orthodox Union executive thodox Jewish Congregations of They will promote scholarly research, vice-president, to be a "home away America, 45 West 36th St., New York, NY publish a journal and invite all Jewish from home" for Jewish tourists, 10018, (212) 563-4000. cultural and Holocaust-related institu¬ students and olim of all ages and The Israel Center in Jerusalem is tions in the greater New York area to backgrounds, providing them with a located at 10 Strauss Street, (02) 246-206 or 246-207. share a space in the center to further its wide array of services ranging from Everyone has an goals. home hospitality and counselling in open invitation to visit the Center. Page Six E C H O D

RABBI BERMAN (continued from page 5)

live If the program is successful, we will the community at large, both the there, and he won't feel any kind hope to have another cycle in February Jewish and non-Jewish. In the Jewish of strangeness. Efrath is almost 7 and or March. community, I think that LSS can serve going into second grade at MDS, and There is a large community of people in many ways as a model, for example, she too is excited. Akiva is three, and in New York who are able to handle in terms of its outreach. The shul has he is starting the half day nursery at that kind of advanced study, and who been tremendously successful at MDS, and Esther Golda, will be one can meet the basic requirement of be¬ outreach, there are things that the com¬ year old in September. ing able to read from primary texts, munity as a whole can learn from the Shama has asked me if this is going but who are also able to handle courses successes that it's had. Also, as the to mean that I have less time to spend being taught in Hebrew. This opens for community as a whole becomes aware with him. I must say that that was a us the opportunity to expose the com¬ of LSS in terms of its religious health very real concern that Shellee and I munity to scholars who may be visiting and centrist ideological commitments, both had. I have been a very active the United States and who would feel the more other synagogue communities father and I spend a lot of time with more comfortable teaching in Ivrit. will be able to say, it really is possible the kids, and I cherish the time that I There is another program I'd like to to be Centrist and be religiously com¬ spend with them. Certainly, Shellee's develop, probably towards the end of mitted and religiously healthy. There role with them will have to change, and she will be the year, beginning with Pesach and may be a lot of people who identify spending more time with as them. I running to Yom Yerushalyim, and that themselves being 'right wing' and hope to monitor this very close¬ is the Family Study Group or yet are really Centrist and feel that the ly, and make whatever adjustments are Chavrusa. What I'd like to do is to en¬ only way to retain their Yiddishkeit is necessary as we go along. courage sufficient numbers of families by relating to what is apparently more observant. or individuals to agree to study People like that, if they together a particular text, of a sus¬ really could sense that there is religious DEDICATED SEATS tained basis. To take either the whole confidence and spiritual growth that If you wish to dedicate a seat in the of Tanach or the whole of Mishna, and takes place within a Centrist orthodox Main Sanctuary please contact the have the community complete the community, would feel more comfor¬ Synagogue Office. study of the entire text. Perhaps there table identifying with it. Payment of $3000 can be made at would be a Siyum on Yom As a Jewish community, one that once or in installments over three Yerushalyim. People should feel that has great roots within Torah and years. the process of study is a 'family' pro¬ Halacha, we can speak to social pro¬ cess and not just an individual process, blems that confront the community out and that it is part of their relationship of a perspective that's relatively to the community. Part of being in an distinctive. I'm a great believer in Jews orthodox community should be that fulfilling their responsibility to serve as models of what Torah can produce and people should be engaged with the MIKVA community in the process of study. It is bringing that kind of distinctive ap¬ a Chavrusa format, whether it is hus¬ proach which emerges from Torah, to awareness The Community MIKVA band and wife, or a group of single the of general society. I is located at people who wish to study together. realize that's a big order, but this is a 234 West 78th Street Q. What ideal relationship do you remarkable community with a lot of forsee between LSS and its potential, that I don't want to Tel. 799-1520 members, the West Side Jewish underestimate. Community, and the Jewish and Q. How is your family going to react non-Jewish Community as a to your new role at Lincoln whole? Square? A. The individual should feel, in A. My wife Shellee is a social relation to the community, that there is worker, who works part-time as a One service of LSS which we pray an expectation of religious growth. supervisor of social workers at Bais may be unnecesary is that of the Ezra which is a network of residences People should feel, which I think they Chevra Kadisha. To insure the pro¬ for mentally retarded Jewish adults. already do at this point, that the com¬ vision of a proper burial service, we Shellee has a lot of excitement in terms munity is with them. That they can de¬ urge our members to immediately of the pend on the community. If they have potential of fulfilling the needs contact the Synagogue office, or of our family in relating to a communi¬ needs, that the community will resp¬ any of those listed below. ond to their needs — whether it be a ty. We have four children, of whom Rabbi Berman 724-3267 the death, or a simcha. I think that that is a oldest is Shama, who is 9Vi and go¬ Rabbi Cohen 799-8521 very important quality to develop — ing into the fourth grade. Shama is Dr. Roy Stern 362-5597 that sense of community. particularly thrilled about the move, Leon Eisenmann 874-1853 because he'll be I also think that LSS as a community walking distance to his Rachel Herlands 799-2176 has a tremendous amount to offer, to school (MDS) and most of his friends E C H O D Page Seven


OSH HASHANAH honey is available, fresh in the UCCOT honeycombs at most natural food Chag Ha Asif — the feast Elul - for the full month stores in the neighborhood. of Ingathering, another preceding the holiday, the name for Succot because it shofar is blown each morn¬ Shofar — for a new twist on a shofar, take a look at the Sephardi shofar, is an autumn harvest fes¬ ing to remind everyone to available at most Jewish book and gift tival. There are four species of plants prepare themselves for Teshuva (repen¬ shops. The blast from this longer that we are to obtain on Succot, tance). shofar is deeper and more gutteral. representing plant life varying in Tsedaka — it is customary to distribute Tashlich — meet at Lincoln Square at degree of their usefulness; from the charity to the poor, to demonstrate 5:40 p.m. to go with to a compassion for fellow human beings. congregation Ethrog, fruit enjoyed in many ways, the Hudson River at 72nd St. to the Arovot, with no apparent value. Apple and Honey — at the beginning of the holiday meal it is customary to OM KIPPUR Ethrog — a citrus fruit which is similar to a lemon, but is a different species. dip the challah and then a slice of apple Shabbat Shuva — the Shab- into honey, with the thought of usher¬ bat between Rosh Usually an Ethrog is imported from Hashanah Yom Israel, but can be bought from other ing in a sweet and good New Year on and Kip¬ the first night. On the second night, a pur. It is customary for the parts of the world provided it meets the religious new fruit that has not been tasted dur¬ rabbi to give a special drasha to his requirements. Most impor¬ tant of the Ethrog's parts is the Pitom, ing the current season is used. congregation to prepare them for Yom the blossom at the top of the fruit. If Aseret Yemai Teshuva — the ten days Kippur and Teshuva. the Pitom has been removed, the of penitence. It is customary to ask Yom Kippur Fast — In ordaining Yom Ethrog is no longer fit for ritual use, forgiveness from one another for any Kippur, the bible states "You shall af¬ unless the fruit originally grew that transgression that may have been com¬ flict your souls." This is the basis of way. The best Ethrogim should be oval mitted during the past year. We greet fasting, abstinence from food and in shape, with a bumpy surface and a one another during this period with the drink. The purpose of the fast is to em¬ clear skin, without blemish. blessing: May your inscription be for a phasize the spiritual nature of man, The Lulav — the palm branch, should good year (Gemar Chatima Tova). and the G-d like quality in each of us. measure four hand-breaths in length, Shofar-ram's horn, blown during mor¬ Children usually begin to fast at the and must be fresh green with its leaves ning services and at the conclusion of age of 13. firmly attached to the stem. The tip of the Yom Kippur fast. Blown to rouse Kol Nidre — "All the vows," the the branch should be close together the individual to repentance, and to re¬ prayer that begins Yom Kippur. The and should not be separated. mind G-d and ourselves of Abraham's haunting and inspiring melody speaks Hadasim — myrtle leaves must be willingness to sacrifice his only son, as of G-d's absolution of religious vows. is fresh, green and should have triple well as claiming G-d's sovereignity on It conjectured that the music was leaves. earth. composed during the Spanish Inquisi¬ Arovot — willow twigs. Tashlich — on the first afternoon of tion (1492) when many Jews were forc¬ The Lulav, and Arovot Rosh Hashanah it is customary to ed to declare public allegiance to Chris¬ Hadassim are bound together, the Hadassim on the gather on the bank of a river or near a tianity. right, on body of fresh water to symbolically, Non-Leather Shoes — is customary not and the Arovot the left. "cast all thy sins into the depths of the to wear leather shoes during Yom Kip¬ (continued on page 8) sea." Appropriate prayers are recited pur, because (1) leather is a sign of lux¬ and then it is customary for each per¬ ury and (2) animals must be killed to BEST BETS. . . son to shake the corner of his garment produce the shoes. You can to indicate our desire to shake purchase your Ethrog and BEST BETS. . . ourselves free of sin. Lulav through the synagogue by con¬ Kittel — It is customary, in particular tacting Rabbi Cohen, but for a trip by the rabbi and cantors, to wear white back in time, you can go to BEST BETS. . . the Lower during the holy days. A special gar¬ East Side for your Lulav and Ethrog. Shehecheyanu — along with the ment of white is worn by men to shul. Lulav custom to wear a new article of capsules — to protect your Lulav and keep your Hadasim and clothing on Rosh Hashanna, it is also NEW YEAR'S QUIZ Arovot fresh, a customary to eat a fruit not eaten the Jacob Ben Wolf Franz was better you can keep them in solid whole year, to make the Shehecheyanu known by what name? (Hint: He's a plastic capsule, available in clear bracha. One such traditional new fruit Freddy Kohn favorite.) Answer in plastic or bright colors in Judaica has been the pomegranate, but this Echod for 5746. shops on the Lower East Side. Succot Party — if you prefer the joy of year, you may want to try little orange Answer to 5744 quiz: The woman kumquats, or green kiwis for a taste of whose work advanced Talmud study eating with more than a handful of something different. for the past hundred years was people from your building with the custodian watching, LSS will have Honey — if you're tired of the super¬ Deborah Romm ("Ha'almanah"), catered meals in the succah. For more market version, take a taste of the real publisher of the famous edition of the information, contact stuff. Real un-watered down bee's Talmud known as the Vilna Shass. the office. Page Eight E C H O D


Hoshana Rabbah — the last day of to delay the closing of the holiday Choi Hamoed (the intermediate days). season by celebrating an additional BIRTHS According to tradition, the final decree day. Mazel Tov to: for the new year is proclaimed in Simchat Torah — the festival for the Mrs. Itta Brief on the birth of a heaven on this day. Another oppor¬ Torah, and perhaps the most joyous of granddaughter Sarah Toby Miller. tunity for repentance is granted all. The singing and dancing pour out Susan & Abbe Carni on the birth of through this time. of the synagogue and onto the street, their son Meyer Ephraim. Shemini Atzeret — the holiday which is where traffic is detoured. Francine & Jay Cinamon on the birth of their son David Aaron.

Pnina & Michael Edelhart on the birth of their son Tuvia Avigdor. Nan & Robert Ehrlich on the birth of their daughter Ariella Simcha. LSS HIGH HOLIDAY GREETINGS Suzan & Fred Ehrman on the birth of their son Jeremy Samuel. Molly Pollak and Phil Gassel on the May we, in 5745, earn the arrival of May the New Year bring Peace, Good birth of their son Harry Joseph. Moshiach through our spiritual growth, our Health and Prosperity to the LSS family Ruth & Michael Gropper on the devotion to family and our commitment to i,"2,1111 12121 n2it3 rutto birth of their son, Dov Elimelech. community. It is our pleasure to join you in JANET ABELOW Sondra Gross on the birth of her striving towards these goals grandson. RABBI SAUL & SHELLEE BERMAN Best wishes to all for a happy, Barbara & Sheldon Gewirtz on the SHAMA, EFRATH, AKIVA and healthy New Year birth of their son Elie Menachem. ESTHER GOLDA ,12112 ncnra 12112 Ohra and Manfred Hahn on the

• ,13115 nrrnm 12112 from ALAN AXELROD birth of their daughter Bella Rosa. JENNA & RICHARD JOSELIT Rachel & Jonathan Herlands on the Warmest wishes for a healthy & happy birth of their daughter Nannette. New Year to all of our friends at L.S.S. Marcy & Neal Hendel on the birth of ROBERTA & CHUCK BERNSTEIN RABBI & MRS. SHLOMO RISKIN their son. BATYA & EDDIE JACOBS Lois and Leslie Katz on the birth of ELANA SHARON Best wishes to all our LSS friends for a their daughter Tziona Shira. HILLEL SERAYA and npiim.rmo n:w Gloria and Richard Kestenbaum on RABBI YONATHAN EPHRAIM CHAIM, SUSIE and the birth of their son Aaron Menashe. SHMUEL YOSEF CASPER wish the entire Congregation a year of Cathy & Fred Lawrence on the birth health, happiness and growth of their daughter Miriam Emunah. ,12112 152i Linda & Michael Mazin on the birth RABBI & MRS. HERSCHEL COHEN, BOB & SUSAN CHAMBRE of their daughter Leah. YEHUDA and DEVORA EPHRAIM, YONATHAN and DANIEL Sara and Meir Rabbani on the birth wish the entire Congregation of their daughter Daniella. a year of health and rejoicing Best wishes for a Healthy Nancy & Jack Renick on the birth of & Happy New Year their daughter Jordana Arielle. CANTOR & MRS. to all of our friends at L.S.S. Rivka and Michael Rapaport on the SHERWOOD GOFFIN THE CHERTOFF FAMILY birth of their son Ezriel. NISA, TSIPI, ELLY and URI Joan & Barry Saltzman on the birth wish the entire Congregation a happy of their daughter Ariella. and healthy New Year Best Wishes for 11L"i1 Clarisse & Fred Schlesinger on the in which our prayers will be fulfilled to Lincoln Square Synagogue birth of their daughter Malka Pnina. for our loved ones and all of Israel under the new Leadership Mr. & Mrs. Morris Tiefenbrunn on MARTHA COHN the birth of a grandson Hillel Aryeh. 12121 12112 rut?1? Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stern on the AIDEL, EPHRAIM, YEDIDIAH Best wishes for a Happy birth of grandson. AYELET and ORLY BUCHWALD & Healthy New Year Rhoda & Jack Wachsstock on the DR. MARTIN FINKEL, LARRY birth of their daughter Chaya Rochel. 12121 n3c,!7 & RICKY Mr. Abraham Widlanski on the and best wishes for the New Year birth of a grandson. A to the Congregation Happy & Healthy New Year Penny & Bernie Zweig on the birth YAFFA & RABBI MARTIN KATZ, ZIPORAH & FABIUS FOX, of their son Joshua Heshel Judah. YEHUDA, YITZCHOK and AVRAHAM ARI and DANIEL (continued on page 9) E C H O D Page Nine


New Years Greetings May Rosh Hashanah be the start CONDOLENCES ANN GLUSKER of a Happy Year and bring special Mrs. Anna J. Cohen on the passing blessings of health and happiness of her beloved sister Dora Bears. Greetings — with a wish for Peace MAE SCHETZEN Mr. Sidney Grodman on the passing LILLIAN GOLLER of his beloved father Joel Grodman. nana nstsrt Mr. Denis Kleinman on the passing Best wishes for a happy Best wishes for a Happy of his beloved father Dr. Albert Klein- and & Healthy New Year healthy New Year man. PHILIP & NAOMI SHERMAN MARILYN, JERRY and ADAM KAHN Mrs. Frieda Kushner on the passing of her beloved husband Julius naits To All My Friends & Members of LSS Kushner. THE TIEFENBRUNN FAMILY Good wishes for a Healthy, Happy, Mrs. Shoshana Moskowitz on the Successful & Peaceful New Year passing of her beloved father Henry RUTH & HARRY KARPE Ayoung. SHANA TOVAH - A Happy & Healthy Mrs. Joan Papier on the to entire passing of lonnni 13nsn naia rutr1? Year the LSS family from her beloved father Howard Axelrad. RHODA & JACK WACHSSTOCK May you be inscribed and sealed Mr. David Rosen on the passing of and DAVID AZRIEL for a good year. his beloved father Clement Rosen. and CHAYA RACHEL ABBY KOSOVSKY Mr. Michael Rapaport on the pass¬ ing of his beloved father Leo nam rutr1? nron mits nit?1? to all Rapaport. LEON LESLAU my friends and congregants Mrs. Greta Weinman on the passing GRETA WEINMAN of her beloved brother Morris DAVID MARGULES Neuman. Shana Tova to all! wishes HaRav Riskin, his family, and ILANA & BERNARD KABAK the Congregation a year of health, WE WELCOME OUR NEW MEMBERS happiness and growth Debra Balaban Best wishes to all Mark Carmel for a New Year of Health, Peace Chani & Lazar Fruchter Happiness and GLORIA MOND Sondra R. Gross Robin J. Hoyt Best wishes to all our friends Arthur Kaplan I and greatly appreciate the outpour¬ Arlene & Charles Klein neighbors ing of sympathy and support ESTHER, ELMER and Rosalind & Daniel Levine recent of JOSEPH OFFENBACHER following the death my Erika Pardes beloved father. The LSS community Rachel & Seth Peyser is a very special group of people and Debbie Pine nam rumm nzrro I feel privileged to be part of it. Best wishes to the entire Barry Pogash congregation Thank you, Valerie & David Rubin for a year of health, happiness Barbara Klein Mae Schetzen and prosperity Yosef Schein CEIL & DAVID OLIVESTONE Natalie & Irwin Schlass NAFTALI, ELISHA and HILLEL Ethel Schnipper Orna & Geoffrey Stern Shannon Z. Taylor Aviva Urbont Eva L. Weiss ference of America. MARRIAGES Frances & Edwin Wolf and Family Philip Sherman on his re-election to Leah & Mervyn Adler the Board of Directors of the Cantorial Sonia & Vernon Dorfman Council of America. BAR MITZVAH MAZEL TOVS Daryl & Dr. Merritt Hubsher Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald on his Judith & David Katz Michael Eisenberg re-election as Vice-Chairperson of the Phyllis & Phil Kornbluth Jimmy Klein West Side Jewish Community Council. Elaine & Scott Leibman Rosalyn & Danny Levine ENGAGEMENTS Faye & Neal Shapiro PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT Marjorie Munsterberg & Charles Carol & Jonathan Spanbock Chazan Goffin on his election as 1st Gregor. Susan & Danny Turk Vice-President of the Cantorial Con- Eric Rosen & Sharon Maza. Page Ten E C H O D

OUTREACH CALENDAR SCHEDULE OF SERVICES 5745 Shabbat Services SEPTEMBER Shabbat Early Services followed by classes in Bible and Talmud .7:50 A.M. Tues. 25 Rosh Hashana - Outreach Regular Services — Main Sanctuary 8:30 A.M. OCTOBER Services for beginners and those with little Synagogue background. . 9:15 A.M. Sun.-Wed. 14-17 Sukkahmobile Shiur — Cholent Kugel Minyan 9:45 A.M. Youth Minyan 9:30 A.M. NOVEMBER Shabbat Nursery (3-5 years old) 10:00 A.M. DECEMBER Daily Minyan Tue.-Tues 18-25 Public Weekdays 7:15 and 7:50 A.M. Candlelighting If a member requires a shiva minyan at his home, the second minyan meets JANUARY there. FEBRUARY Wed. 6 Tu B'Shvat Outreach Sunday 7:15 and 8:30 A.M. MARCH Legal Holidays 7:15 and 8:30 A.M. Thur. 7 Purim Outreach Rosh Chodesh 7:00 and 7:40 A.M. Sunday 31 Model Sedarim Fast Days 7:00 and 7:30 A.M. APRIL Daf Yomi MAY Daily, 6:15 A.M. Sunday, 7:40 A.M. JUNE During Eastern Standard Time, in addition to our regularly scheduled after¬ Friday 7 TFNIS noon services, there will be a Maariv only Service at 6:00 P.M., Monday- Thursday, except on legal holidays.

Friday September 7 Wednesday, September 26 (Eve of JOSEPH SHAPIRO

Kindle Shabbat Candles .... 6:59 P.M. Rosh Hashana) Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Selichot and Morning Services INSTITUTE OF 6:45 P.M. 6:00 and 6:45 A.M. Saturday, September 8 (Kee Tetze) Eruv Tavshilin JEWISH STUDIES Shabbat Kindle Rosh Hashana Candles Morning Service. . . 8:30 A.M. Talmud and Bible Classes ..6:00 P.M. 6:27 P.M. Mincha 7:00 P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Rosh Hashana First Daily Mincha and Maariv ..7:05 P.M. 6:40P.M. Day of Classes: Friday, September 14 Thursday, September 27 Rosh Hashana Services ....7:45 A.M. Monday, October 22, 1984 Kindle Shabbat Candles .. . .6:47 P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Tashlich Walk 5:40 P.M. 6:45 P.M. Mincha 6:40 P.M. Kindle Rosh Hashana Candles not Saturday, September 15 (Kee Tavo) before 7:27 P.M. Shabbat Morning Service. . . 8:30 A.M. Talmud and Bible Classes ..5:45 P.M. Friday, September 28

Mincha 6:45 P.M. Rosh Hashana Services ... .7:45 A.M. Daily Mincha and Maariv ..6:50 P.M. Daf Yomi 5:35 P.M.

Kindle Shabbat Candles .... 6:24 P.M. Friday, September 21 Daily Mincha and Maariv ..6:25 P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Kindle Shabbat Candles ... .6:36 P.M. 6:35 P.M. Friday, October 5 - Eve of Yom Kippur Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Selichot and Morning Services 6:45 P.M. Saturday, September 29 (Haazeenu) 7:00 and 7:30 A.M. Shabbat Shuva Saturday, September 22 (Nitzavim Mincha 3:00 P.M. Shabbat Morning Service... 8:30 A.M. -Vayelech) Kindle Memorial and Shabbat Yom Mincha followed Shabbat by Shabbat Shuva Morning Service. . . 8:30 A.M. Kippur Candles 6:12 P.M. Discourse 5:35 P.M. Talmud and Bible Classes ..5:35 P.M. Kol Nidre Shabbat Services .6:15 P.M. Mincha 6:35 P.M. Sunday, September 30 - Fast of 6 - Yom Gedalia Saturday, October Kippur Daily Mincha and Maariv ..6:40 P.M. Main Sanctuary 8:00 A.M. Selichot and Morning Services Saturday Night 11:30 P.M. Rabbi Ber- Auditorium 9:00 A.M. man's Selichot Lecture 6:45 and 8:30 A.M. Final Shofar Blast 7:12 P.M. Selichot Services 12:30 A.M. Mincha 6:20 P.M. Daily Mincha and Maariv ..6:15 P.M. Daily Selichot and Morning Services Daily Selichot and Morning Services 6:45 and 7:30 A.M. 6:45 and 7:30 A.M. (continued on page 11) E C H O D Page Eleven

SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Saturday, October 20 (Beraysheet) Friday, November 30

Shabbat Morning Service... Kindle Shabbat Candles ... .4:10 P.M. (continued from page 10) 8:30 A.M. Daf Yomi and Bible Classes .4:50 P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Mincha 5:50 P.M. 4:20 P.M. Daily Morning Services Daily Mincha and Maariv ..5:55 P.M. Saturday, December 1 (Vayetze) Shabbat 7:15 and 7:50 A.M. Friday, October 26 Morning Service. . . 8:30 A.M. Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Talmud and Bible Classes ..3:25 P.M. Monday, October 8 - Columbus Day Mincha 4:10 P.M. Morning Services. .7:15 and 8:30 A.M. Morning Services. .7:00and 7:40 A.M. Kindle Shabbat Candle 5:41 P.M. Daily Mincha and Maariv . .4:25 P.M. Wednesday, October 10 - Eve of Suk- Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat kot Friday, December 7 5:50P.M. Kindle Shabbat Candles . . . .4:09 P.M. Eruv Tavshilin Saturday, - Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Kindle Festival Candles ... .6:04 P.M. October 27 (Noach) 4:20P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Yom Tov Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Shabbat 6:15 P.M. Morning Service.. . 8:30 A.M. Saturday, December 8 (Vayishlach) Daf Yomi and Bible Classes .4:40 P.M. Shabbat Morning Service... 8:30 A.M. Thursday, October 11 - Sukkot

Mincha 5:40 P.M. Talmud and Bible Classes . .3:25 P.M. Sukkot Morning Service ...8:30 A.M. . . Mincha 4:10 P.M. Daf Yomi 5:15 P.M. Daily Mincha and Maariv 4:45 P.M. Mincha 6:15 P.M. (Eastern Standard Time) Daily Mincha and Maariv ..4:25 P.M. Kindle Yom Tov Candles not before Friday, November 2 Friday, December 14

. .. Kindle Shabbat Candles .4:32 P.M. . 7:04 P.M. Kindle Shabbat Candles . . .4:09 P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, October 12 4:45 P.M. 4:20P.M. Sukkot Morning Service ...8:30 A.M. Daf Yomi 5:10P.M. Saturday, November 3 (Lech-Lecha) Saturday, December 15 (Vayeshev) Shabbat . . Shabbat . Kindle Shabbat Candles .. . .6:01 P.M. Morning Service. 8:30 A.M. Morning Service.. 8:30 A.M.

Bible Classes . Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Talmud and .3:45 P.M. Talmud and Bible Classes ..3:25 P.M. 6:10P.M. Mincha 4:30 P.M. Mincha 4:10 P.M.

Daily Mincha and Maariv ..4:40 P.M. .. Saturday, October 13 Daily Mincha and Maariv 4:25 P.M. Shabbat Choi Hamoed Sukkot Friday, November 9 Tuesday Evening, December 18 Morning Service 8:30 A.M. Kindle Shabbat Candles ... .4:24 P.M. Kindle First Chanuka Candle Daf Yomi and Bible Classes .5:00 P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Mincha 6:00 P.M. 4:35 P.M. Sunday, October 14 Saturday, November 10 (Vayera) Shabbat Choi Hamoed Services Morning Service. . . 8:30 A.M. 7:00 and 8:30 A.M. Talmud and Bible Classes ..3:40 P.M. 4:25 P.M. Daily Mincha and Maariv ..6:05 P.M. Mincha Daily Choi Hamoed Services Daily Mincha and Maariv ..4:30 P.M. WOULD YOU LIKE TO 7:00 and 7:40 A.M. Friday November 16

DEDICATE A . . . Kindle Shabbat Candles ... .4:18 P.M. Wednesday, October 17 Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat High Holiday $14.00 Hoshana Rabbah Morning Services Machzor 4:30P.M. Daily 9.00 6:30 and 8:00 A.M. Prayer Book Sabbath (Rebound). 10.00 Saturday, November 17 (Chayei Sara) Prayer Book Eruv Tavshilin Chumash 18.00

Shabbat . . Kindle Yom Tov Candles ... 5:53 P.M. Morning Service. 8:30 A.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Yom Tov Talmud and Bible Classes ..3:35 P.M. 6:05 P.M. Mincha 4:20 P.M. Daily Mincha and Maariv ..4:25 P.M. Thursday, October 18 - Shemini Atzeret Thursday, November 22 Yom Tov Morning Services Thanksgiving Day 8:00,8:30,9:30 A.M. Morning Services. .7:15 and 8:30 A.M. Yizkor Memorial Service at each of the Friday, November 23

Morning Services Kindle Shabbat Candles ... .4:13 P.M. Mincha 6:05 P.M. Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat ANYONE?

Kindle Yom Tov Candles Not Before 4:25 P.M. While every effort is made to insure 6:53 P.M. Saturday, November 24 (Toledote) that our members receive an Aliyah on Shabbat morning in a systematic and Friday, October 19 - Simchat Torah Shabbat Morning Service.. . 8:30 A.M. Yom Tov Morning Service. .7:30 A.M. Talmud and Bible Classes ..3:30 P.M. organized fashion, inevitably, some members are overlooked. If any member Women's Service (Esplanade Hotel) Mincha 4:15 P.M. feels that he has not received an Aliyah 9:00 A.M. Daily Mincha and Maariv ..4:25 P.M. for an extraordinarily long time or that Daf Yomi 5:00 P.M. Sunday, November 25 he has obligatory Aliyot coming up,

Kindle Shabbat Candles .... 5:50 P.M. Rosh Chodesh Kislev please contact either Rabbi Cohen or Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat Morning Services. .7:00 and 8:30 A.M. Rabbi Katz. 6:00P.M. Page Twelve E C H O D

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THE WRITE STUFF Personalized Stationery At A Discount Large Selection From DR. DAVID KOHANE All Major Companies is Invitations — Rosh Hashanah Cards pleased to announce Business Cards and Letterheads the association of Announcements Informals DR. STEVEN SOLOMON Call 496-9685 for an appointment for the practice of GENERAL DENTISTRY As of September 1, 1984 the office will be open evenings and Sunday hours by appointment

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Telephone: 874-6100 or 6105 E C H O D Page Seventeen



OF THE MIDTOWN BOARD OF KASHRUT Shiur — Cholent Kugel Minyan 150.00 JONAS STERN & SONS PERL'S GLATT KOSHER 2251 Broadway (81st & 82nd Sts.) Beginner's Minyan 25.00 229 West 100th Street New York, N.Y. 10024 Seudah Shlishit 135.00 and 175.00 New York, N.Y. 10024 877-9640 MO 2-7081

PARK EAST KOSHER BUTCHER MEAL MART 1163 Madison Avenue (85th & 86th Sts.) GLATT KOSHER New York, N.Y. 10028 2180 Broadway (77th - 78th St.) 787-3545 New York, N.Y. 10024 787-4720 IMPORTANT KASHRUT FISCHER BROTHERS & LESLIE MICHELE & JOEL KARMAZIN ANNOUNCEMENT 230 West 72nd Street COMET CATERING New York, N.Y. 10023 Dairy or Meat If you bring any food or beverage into 787-1715 362-0412 any part of the Synagogue building, please be sure it has an (u)certification or P. FELDSTEIN BUTCHERS other reliable hashgacha. If you are not 2370 Broadway (86th St.) sure, please do not bring it into the New York, N.Y. 10024 building. Rabbi Berman or Rabbi Cohen 873-3560 will be happy to answer any questions on kashrut or reliable certifications.


If any LSS member wishes to change their mailing list status from the stan¬ dard 3rd Class Bulk, to First Class, please send a check for $35 payable to LSS to the Synagogue Office. This status can be renewed annually. TESHUVA AND THE COMMUNITY"

SHABBAT SHUVA DISCOURSE Lincoln Square is not responsible for the reliability of products or services advertised in this Bulletin given by

Rabbi Saul J. Berman H — E - L - P

For the price of a phone call or a postage on September 29 stamp, you can help the Synagogue Of¬ fice in its never ending quest for a perfect mailing list.

Are you an LSS member who is: A. Not receiving mail? B. Moving or already moved? Following Mincha Services (5:35 P.M.) C. Getting married? D. All of the above? Inform the Synagogue Office of any mail problems, address or name changes as soon as they occur. HAPPY NEW YEAR « "2.

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from Lincoln Square Synagogue

New Year's Card-Poland, around 1920 courtesy of YIVO collection.