PORTLAND DAILY ■ —— PRESS. —I .1 ■ —T—" 111 ■ ■ ———— ■ ■■ I- ■ _| ~ ^ M ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 18(>2-V0L. , WEDNESDAY MORNING, 35._PORTLAND, JULY^20. 1898. PRICE THREE CENTS MISCELLANEOUS. Annual Sales over6.000»000 Boxes THE HEALTH OF OUR SOLDIERS.

FOR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such as Wind and Fain in the Stomach, Precautions Being Taken at Unclean Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head- Gen. Miles Not Gone But Soon to Go ache, Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat. Loss of Appetite. Costiveness. Blotches on the Skin. Cold Chills. Dis- Santiago—Immunes Called for— turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all —Gen. Brooke’s Nervous aud Trembling Sensations. Preparations THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF Condition of the Span- About IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer Contradictory Reports —What Will them to be Troops will acknowledge ish Hospitals. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. and the Be Sent. BEECHAM'S PILLS, taken as direct- Dewey Germans. ed. will quickly restore Females to com- plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys- tem and cure sick Headache. Fora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion A FILMY CITY. SANITARY PRECAUTION. Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN More Sail From San Francisco to Hie Beecham’s Pills are Troops Help The Condition of Without a Rival Sanitary Santiago The Efforts to Protect Our Sol- And have the is Bad. Out. LARCEST SALE Very diers. Admiral of any Patent Medicine lu the World. 25c. at all Drue Stores.

Santiago, July 18., via Kingston, Jam., HOBSON’S CHOICE Santiago, July 18.—6 p. m.—via King- July 19.—Noon.—General Shatter ha3 had ston, Jamaica, July 19.—9.10 a. m.— a examination made of the Would probably be a pair of thosi thorough Strenuous efforts to prevent the spread of sanitary conditions of Santiago. The handsome Russet Calf or Vic i disease among the victorious American Is Bals we are a o E work was done by Dr. Goodfellow, of the The Fall of Manila at making specialty troops in. front of Santiago de Cuba were Hourly Expected at General’s staff and a civilian by made as soon as the city surrendered, and Dr. Orlando Dwiker. They physician, for the the past 36 hours our soldiers have find that there are at Washington. although present been sent as rapidly as possible to the but six cases of tevor in the WE KNOW yellow city, hills north of the city, where they have in addition to town is suspects, Jthe established new who is for com camps. Every lady looking ripe for an epidemic. Santiago and Rio fort as well as stylo will be mori Everything possible Is being done to Janeiro are considered the greatest fever man sausneu wim our liusse improve the sanitary conditions of the '■ breeding centers in the world. This town Polish Shoes, kid and cloth top, a camps, especially in the case of the troops lacks every sanitary feature at its best, whloh are expected to take part in the ex- $3.50. and now after two months siege, leaving is pedition to Porto Rico. Of the regiments Washington, July 19.—The Navy Department hourly expecting word from it dirty and it is a veritable repellant, here, only those which are not in the pest hole. The awful stenches that arise Dewey that Manila has fallen. slightest infected will be allowed to go from the streets stagger and choke one. to Porto Bloo. The others will remain The second must be almost at Manila now. No cordial In Santiago has the power to expedition Its arrival will mean the Center & McDowell, here for the present oamped on high wash out this odor from one’s throat. ground north of Santiago. Two immune surrender of Gen. or the is so on 539 CONGRESS The. otly of Santiago is a typical tropical Augustin, government,which relying hopefully Dewey, ST., regiments from New Orleans and Mobile plaoe, with narrow, crooked streets, low will be in its man. are expected here daily and, upon their sadly mistaken BROWN’S BLOCK 1 one storied dwellings and stores. Many jyodtf arrival they will be sent into the city at of the houses are stuoooed and painted The officials feel much less concern over and once and will form the only American Germany’s attitude, there is good with startling colors, sky blue and vivid garrison force which will remain there. 1 reason to shades of green predominating. These, believe that direct assurances have been received from that she 6uT°-towin The physloal condition of our troops is Germany Visitors as well as with the red tiles of the roofs and the not considered serious, now that the would offer no obstacles to the execution of our verandas, show evidence of plans. quaint past number of cases Of fever is eTowina less picturesqueness, But now it is In a state all the time, and it ia believed the disease 1 ■ NATIVES of dilapidation and decay, and the city is i will disappear with the removal of the on the basis of $100 for every at- Can have their cleansing or dyeiuj but a shadow of its former self. The ma- Spaniard done and Wo iiav, soldiers to healthier localities and the ex- tached to i\o promptly correctly. jorny oi me nouses are ansoiuce ruins ana Montojo’s squadron. money tailors’ pressmen. tra precautions which are being taken. will bo paid for civilians or non-com- publio squares, once green, with fountains TWO ADMIRALS. DEWEY'S WORK. Gentlemen’, clothing a specialty. batants on board the at MAJ. GEN. JOHN R. BROOKE. in their are now Spanish ships the Ladle.' playing centre, utterly clothing a specialty. SHAFTER WANTS IMMUNES. time of the battle, except those regularly Kid Gloves Cleansed neglected. The iron fences are broken Every Day. i 19.—General on the muster rolls of those vessels. It is and rusted, while the fountains, on ao- Washington, July Shafter, tire const patrol. There is felt to be no has estimated here that the count of the dearth of water have asked the War Department to hurry Spanish crows further need of this so that with PflPTPnj O Forest City Dye House an, ! long Reads Dledericiis a patrol, Steam forward the of immunes for Dewey numbered 2000 men. If this is correct the The Government Not Worried ■ Uu I Lll u Carpet Clean.in) : been dry. But here and there, through regiments the exception of a few important points service at and in amount to be to Admiral the open doors of more Santiago city vicinity paid Dewey the auxiliary craft will be withdrawn for 18 Preble Preble lionsi pretentious St„ opp. order that there may be a minimum Lesson. f'.”d his officers and men will be $200,000 : dwellings, one meets the vision of an open the Germans. service in Cuba. of further infection of 6f which the Admiral will receive By . THE court filled with palms, brilliant hued danger our troops one- from the fever which or pouchianos and other flowering trees and prevails at Santiago. twentieth, $10,000. CHAPMAN NATIONAL BAN! 1 plants. Completing Arrangements For Cavite, July 14, via Ilong Hong- of Portland, JHaine, There is no sewage system. The city Washington, July 19.—It was stated at SDFPIHSU SANTIAGO. Admiral said that the MORE drainage is all from the surface into the Dewey today TROOPS SMI. the Navy Department today that no dis- situation with reference to the actions patches had been | harbor, and the lower part of the city, received from Admiral CAPITAL, $100,000.01 through which much of the drainage of the German warships in the harboi Dewey relating to the important events Sle Failed To Get His Orders From at the runs, especially from the people’s quarter here had much improved, and that il Philippines described*in the pre?s and Undivided cables. Surplus Profits, $25,000.01 around the bull ring, to.the northwest ol Provisions for the was now more satisfactory than at any Thirteen It is evident, however, that the Washington. Unloading Hundred Volunteers on officials do not now feel Solicits the accounts of Banks,Mer the oity, is the seeding centre of malarial, time since the annoyance began. the same concern Washington, July 19.—Because of a fail- to and other slow fevers. relative the attitude of the German ure on cautile Firms, Corporations an, 1 typhoid Starving People. After the incident at Subig Bay, where Their the part of General Miles to ru- are naval fcrce at Manila and is to fui There four hospitals in the city, the the German cruiser Irene is said to have Way. they did when the ceivo the orders the President prepared Individuals, prepared Admiral’s olvil hospital, presided over by the sisters last dispatch was received. It late to take of the mili- Washington, July 19.—General Miles nish its patrons the best faciltiie j refused to allow the insurgents to attach yesterday charge of and the Mercedes is not so stated but there is did not start for Porto Kico yestorday as and liberal accommodations. charity, military, the Spaniards on Isla Grande, there was officially, tary expedition against Porto Bico that reason to and Conches good believe that either through ifficor did not as was was expected, but either has already hospitals. Santiago de Cuba, July 13, via King- some correspondence betwe-en Admiral San depart expected Francisco, July 19.—Tho transport Ambassador or In these four hospitals arel747 patsents, White at Berlin or the repre- :rom The mistake was soon sailed this morning will get away ston, July 19, (noon)—The Red Cross and Admiral the steamer Siboney. loterest Paid on Dewey Diedcricbs, Pennsylvania sailed for sentative of the The was Deposits. which is a comparatively small number, today German government here,, 3orrected this morning, and as during the day. delay owing to society’s steamer State of Texas arrived German the result of which the however, commander, Philippines. The car- the State has a to receive the orders considering the lack of food and long Pennsylvania Department received some k result of some short telegraphic corre- failure necessary SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS yesterday at 6 o’olock In the afternoon has been a better ried but it must be remembered that the understanding. nearly 1500 men including the first assurances as to the attitude of that followed some mistake of persons through siege, and this Dr. El- Germany spondence during the day it through morning at daybreak Admiral sent a tc Montana towards Interviews and Correspendense Invited. reoonoentrados were never admitted to Dewey messenger regiment and 300 recruits for the Philippines that have in a was gathered at the department that the whose hands they travelled. General Miles well, who was in charge of the work of the the and when the notifications of German Admiral recently to inquire the first California volunteers now at large measure removed the Fale would start here over night and the orders CULLEN hospital seoured stores in the grave appreX tonight. Contrary to telegraphed C. CHAPMAN, President unloading, eight whether are at henslons tho proposed bombardment by our bat- America and Germany Manila. The will bo under the heretofore entertained that Ge^ she first intention and with were repeated to him and he was told to heart of the city and one large shed on troops probably THOMAS H. EATON, Cashier. teries were who peace or at war. If are at he command of many would offer obstacles to the execu- Seneral Miles’s the Yale i3 start for Porto liico without delay. raoeived, every patient the 80 stevedores and be- they peace, Col. Kessler. seeking, to be dock, engaged tion of our ^- DIRECTORS: could out was driven into the demanded that the German The plans. It is not known just a naval vessel that Admiral stagger gan to unload the steamer about 0 warships transport City of Rio de Janeiro is sonvoyed by streets. wbo were in the here a different course. If what the nature of these assurances is. It has been instructed to seloc! CULLEN SETH L. Twenty lepers o’olock. She bad 1400 tons of pursue they being loaded, and is expected to sail for Sampson CHAPMAN, LARRABEE, provisions is known that oivil hospital were turned into the streets are at ho wanted to know so that for political reasons the :rom his fleet. This may result in E. M. STEADMAN, CHARLES J. CHAPMAA on board. war, it, Manila next Friday. It will carry Jirig. delay- and they have beon roaming through the he could Navy Department with-held from publi- ing General Miles’s progress as none 61 BRICE M. PERLEY P. BURHKAI j The distribution began at 3 o’olock govern himself accordingly. Gen. Harrison Gray EDWARDS, Otis, Major Ruhliu, cation a and of oity ever since. Admiral von large important section Sampson’s vessels is able to pace HENRY S. JAMES F. allowing a pound and a half of rations Diederichs, in command Major Derol, Cant. two keep OSGOOD, HAWKES, The of Blaine; surgeons, Dewey’s last received several with largest number patients are in of the German re- cablegram tho Yale. Neverthless there is no WILLIAM M. MARKS. to eaoh citizen, This morning when the fleet in the Pacific, the staff and two battalions of the first _ the where there are 87 days ago. # doubt that the General will reach Porto 1«1M,W&Ftflstp military hospitals a verbal was unloading began, crowds of starved citi- turned answer, which South Dakota 35 : wounded officers and 431 volunteers, numbering The reported negotiations between the Bico before the from Charleston. The As To The Chieka- Spanish zens crowded to the in tone and troops Question dock, fighting, apolegetic satisfactory. But officers and G80 enlisted men; recruits of THE WEATHER- wounded soldiers and sailors. In addition insurgent leader Aguinaldo and the The President announced privately to- trampling on one another, axLi/i y»a.i.uo owui lu XAUiiural « the breaking open jL/t;wuiy first and second ^Danish Ciftnfftin f-loTi nm 1 A nrmofin ha.vo there are hundreds of cases of malaria battalions of the that while no date of oi inauga the cases and the day departure Troops. stealing supplies. note, stating that ho objected to the eighteenth S. not and dysentery, and six cases of yellow U. infantry, including one yet been reported officially to our ;he troops to bo sent from Chickamauga Finally a pioket of troops was placed on Americans German which fever. stopping ships officer aud (15 enlisted men; recruits of government. It is, however, a matter of to Porto Bico had been fixed he the admittance to oxpected wharf, refusing any have been in the and have the congratulations to the officials here that The sailors were wounded in the battles bay once, Utah light one oiuy wouiu reave aoout ono week irom to- one. The entire had been landed artillery, including in all the relations we have had with the cargo been visited. ia.—. I of July 1 and July 2. They wore disem- officer aud 103 enlisted men and a detach- morrow. lie is awaiting a detailed Uhickamauga Military t'arK, juiy before the distribution began. Each ap- Admiral Insurgents Admiral Dewey has carefully roport barked from the of Admiral Dewey replied that Manila ment of refrained from the United from General Major General Brooke will roturn to hl3 ships with a ration the signal committing Brooke, recommending plicant was furnished is a corps, numbering fleet in order to assist in resist- blockaded port, and that he would States in any way. what headquarters at CampjThomas tomorrow I Cervora’s ticket, sirrmlied hv the local commission- three officers and 40 enlisted men. This troops and supplies should bo sent to the attack of the American continue have all ships communica- from The is morningj and tlien the question of what ing troops by ers, with Gen. McKlbbin’s endorsement. makes a total of 53 officers and 833 cn- Cliickamauga. present plan land. These soldiers that when the ted with when he whether on A STATEMENT FROM BERLIN."” stated to be to embark them at regiments will go to Porto Ilioo and say The water of the which desired, listod men. Newport supply city, will will bo fleet sailed out of the harbor, the first or tho 100th time of entering Berlin, July 19.—All official informa- News or Norfolk and those at when they go definitely Boston, July 19.—Forecast for Bostoi ( Spanish was cut off on July 8, above El Caney On Wednesday next the Tampa half of the sailors and marines on board the transports tion as to the incident in which the settled. This question has been the one of and for Generali' Gen. Garda’s will be turned bay. Ger- sither there or at Key West. vicinity Wednesday; by troops, Scandia and St. Paul will sail. Brig. main interest in the since weather with had been and in the man cruiser Irone at Admiral has received final or- big army camp cloudy showers or thunde fighting working on The ice re- CUTTING DOWN THEIR PRIZE figured Subig bay, Sampson again tonight. factory Gen. Otis is making great efforts to the of General Wash- storms AVA aw XWUAU Brooke for in the continue! L VI MriAiUl J/AWIAWIAUAJ, Philippine islands is refused here. The ders from the as to the departure afternoon; sumed work today, using the rain water MONEY. have the Navy Department warm; winds. also sacri- seventh California regiment go German officials will ington, several days ago. southwesterly Admiral Cervera, they assert, in the cisterns. only admit that part the American fleet is to take in tho supply Washington, July 19.—The Ad- on the It is Washington, July 19.—Forecast fo ficed his fleet In obedience to the Judge Scandia. differences of opinion betwoon Porto the duties generally believed that the regl- popular All the wholesale and re- Admiral campaign against Rico, Wednesday for Maine, New Hamp shir liquor stores, vocate General of the navy has decided monts second both in and Cuba, includ- Dewey and to of the to lend composing the first and and Vermont: Showers and clamor, Spain tail, are closed under Gen. Shatter’s or- tho MOKE TRANSPORTS. Admiral^Von Diedrichr.'as navy being every support tliuude question as to the superiority of the divisions of the first will be the cooler that he should give battlf the right of searching have oc- and assistance to the land A s corps storms; Wednesday ing Santiago, ders, but the Spanish soldiers have a American or ir warships operations. night large the Spanish squadron San Cal., 19. —The Rio ones to As far as can be learned winds to the American fleet. Francisco, July curred, and the Germans add Admiral there is no fleet in San Juan har- go. only southerly becoming westerly. stock of ram on hand which are ex- Spanish they the battle of Manila de Janeiro is now scheduled to leavo Local Weather Bay. Ma- Von Diedrichs’ refused to Porto Rican the two divisions will be taken. Report. for our hardtack and corned allow German bor or other ports, navy changing Under the law concerning the distribu- nila on The St. Paul is in the The indications here are that the move- YELLOW FEVER SUCCESSFULLY Thursday. to be searched. has a limited field of The re- Portland, July 19.—The local woathe beef. tion of warships operation. bounty or head money to the dry dock and will be ready as a ment will about the last of the bureau office records as to the weathe r transport duction of tho harbor fortifications will begin FOUGHT. Last night the was very and crews oi are as follows: oity- quiet of vessels that destroy the ships in a few The Scandia is also in SAGASTA’S PREFERENCE. days. dry be the main work, but this and all othei 8 a. ru.—Barometer, 29.982; tkermome there were no disturbances, the distribu- an the United States but able to Washington, July 19.—Surgeon Gen- enemy, governmem dock, will be leave before tho London, July £0.—The Madrid corre- of the fleet will be ter, 68; dew point, 67: humidity, 95 tion of the from the State of In operations supple- The Royal is the highest grade baking powder eral returned from ar supplies pays a sum of money for every man end of the week. It Is quite that of the Standard threater Sternberg today possible spondent says: “Senor to the main conduetet known. Actual tests show it one- wind, SW; velocity, 4; weather, Texas as there mentary operations goes of the which being anxiously awaited, the complement of a vessel destroyed, this vessel will bo turned over to tho to lng. inspection Olivette, has Rod Sagasta prefers solicit the assistance of the The third further than any other bread. was in the to by army. strategists, militarj 8 thormorm literally nothing city eat. The law t