Sundridge with Parish Council

Topic: SWIH Full Council Meeting Time: Nov 16, 2020 07:00 PM

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a) Residents are welcome to submit any comments by email or text or call the Clerk. These must be received by 5pm on Monday 16 November 2020. b) Please refer to the SWIH Remote Meeting Guidelines available on the website, the Facebook page or from the Clerk for further details on how to use Zoom and the procedure for attending Parish Council meetings remotely.

Amanda Barlow Clerk to Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Tel: 07495 962372

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council


1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence None received to date. Please note that we agreed at the last meeting to also include a list of “Absent” Members. This is just so that the records are accurate. Please do inform the Clerk if you are unable to attend a meeting. Apologies must be given to the Clerk. Thank you.

2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests.

3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 19 October 2020 – attached.

4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below 8.3 Handrail at Coronation Gardens 8.4 SDC have agreed the location of the bin and Clerk has ordered dog bin.

5. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. 6. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960

7. Finance items for noting and decision 7.1 To agree the updated budget for 2020/21 The updated budget was agreed by the Finance Committee. The PC needed to update the budget following the impact of Covid19 pandemic on the income and the decision by Members to keep the public conveniences at Ide Hill fully open. The attached budget was agreed by the Finance Committee at the meeting on 9 November 2020. 7.2 To agree the earmarked reserves for 2020/21 Members to agree recommendations from Finance Committee regarding earmarked reserves and the use of funds for replacement of streetlights. Info on streetlights attached. Earmarked reserves attached 7.3 To agree the Earmarked Reserves Policy Attached. 7.4 To agree the Grant Awarding Policy - attached 7.5 To note the bank statement at 7 November 2020 - attached 7.6 To agree the Terms of Reference for the Finance and Personnel Committee – attached The Finance Committee recommend that it becomes the Finance & Personnel Committee and includes the management of Councillors and Staff in its remits. 7.7 To agree the Financial Regulations 7.8 To agree the signatories on the HSBC internet banking account The Finance Committee recommend that there should be 4 signatories: Cllr Evans, Cllr Banbrook, Cllr Allgood and Cllr Kempster. 7.9 To note the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting on 9 November 2020 - attached 7.10 To approve the items payable and paid - attached 8. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 8.1 To discuss the proposals from Ide Hill Football Club - papers attached. 8.2 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, a dog bin for Chapman’s Way - attached 8.3 To discuss Community Assets There was some discussion over the email – however it was agreed to discuss at this meeting – attached is the information about how to register a Community Asset 8.4 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, road markings on Main Road, Sundridge by the village shop - attached 8.5 To agree the Terms of Reference for the Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party - attached

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council 8.6 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the Terms of Reference for the Sundridge & Social Club Working Party – the TOR have been sent to Brasted PC for approval – Changes in red. Clerk had Brasted has informed that they are in agreement subject to the amendment regarding membership – SWIH Clerk has added additional point re: Code of Conduct 8.7 To adopt minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting minutes of 19 October and 2 November (not yet approved) 2020 - attached 8.8 To agree an additional meeting date for the Full Council to approve the AGAR Clerk is suggesting date of Monday 30 November 2020 at 7pm to approve AGAR following audit on 16 November (deadline for submission is 30 November). 8.9 To agree the meeting dates for 2021/22 – attached 9.1 Items for report 9.1 Highways 9.1.1 To receive update on A25 Parish Group meeting on 12 November 2020 – update at meeting 9.2 Communications 9.2.1 Christmas Newsletter – Clerk is working on newsletter but needs some more photos of the Parish Council’s amenities. 9.3 Amenities 9.3.1 To receive update on amenities - attached 9.3.2 Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party – Draft notes attached 9.3.3 Update from Stubbs Wood Working Party - attached 9.4 Christmas 9.4.1 To note the arrangements for Christmas trees and lights – update at meeting. Sundridge have been offered a tree by a resident. Budget for Christmas trees and lights is £1500 - £750 for each ward. 10.0 Items for noting 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 To note general correspondence - attached 10.2 Meeting Dates 10.2.1 To note the dates of meetings for 2020/21 - attached 10.3 Committee Membership 10.3.1 To note the updated Committee Membership – attached Updated following the resignation of Polly Furse. 11. Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. 12. Date of next meeting Monday 18 January 2021 (via zoom)

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 3.0

Minutes of Full Council Meeting held on Monday 19 October 2020, 7.00 pm Remote meeting via Zoom

Present: Councillors Allgood, Banbrook, Darby, Evans (Chair), Jones, Miller, Kempster and Powell Attendance: Amanda Barlow (Clerk) and 2 members of the public (in part).

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies were received from Cllrs Baker and Furse. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. None. 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Parish Council meeting held on 21 September 2020. The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record. 4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below 5.0 Clerk has contacted Highways regarding the Highway Improvement Plan 7.1 Finance Committee meeting was cancelled due to the number of apologies. New meeting date set for 2 November 2020. 7.2 Ide Hill Public conveniences are fully open. 7.4 Goathurst Common – Clerk obtaining quotes and has advised resident. 5. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. Residents from Ide Hill asked if the well on Ide Hill Green could be used to display artwork in lieu of any Remembrance Sunday ceremonies. Members agreed that the well on Ide Hill Green could be used for the display as long as social distancing measures were in place. 6. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 None. 7. Finance items for noting and decision 7.1To note the updated budget for 2020/21 Noted. 7.2 To note the bank statement at 7 October 2020 Noted. 7.3 To note the Clerk’s pay award for achieving the CiLCA qualification Members congratulated the Clerk on achieving the CILCA qualification and noted the pay award as per her contract. 7.4 To approve the items payable and paid Members resolved to agree the items payable and paid as at Appendix A. 8. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 8.1 To agree the General Power of Competence Members resolved that the Council should have the General Power of Competence. 8.2 To adopt the Code of Conduct Members resolved to adopt the Code of Conduct. 8.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, next actions with regard to Coronation Gardens Members resolved that the Clerk should spend up to £500 to get the hand rail fixed at Coronation Gardens. 8.4 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, a new dog bin by Coblands Garden Centre Members resolved that the Clerk should purchase a bin at a cost of up to £200 and discuss a location with Coblands Garden Centre and District Council. (Action: Clerk) 8.5 To agree the Terms of Reference for the Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party Members agreed that the Terms of Reference should be taken to the November meeting. (Action: Clerk) 8.6 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, draft Terms of Reference for the Sundridge & Brasted Social Club Working Party

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Members agreed that the Clerk should send the Terms of Reference of the Sundridge & Brasted Social Club to Brasted Parish Council. (Action: Clerk) 8.7 To adopt minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting minutes of 5 October (not yet approved) 2020 Members resolved to adopt the Planning Committee Meeting minutes of 5 October (not yet approved) 2020. 9.1 Items for report 9.1 Highways 9.1.1 To receive update on A25 Parish Group Cllr Evans advised that he will be proposing to the Group at the next meeting that average speed cameras are put on the A25. 9.2 Communications 9.2.1 Newsletter Noted. 9.3 Amenities 9.3.1 To receive update on amenities Noted. 9.3.2 Stubbs Wood Noted. 9.3.3 Ide Hill Public Conveniences Noted. 10.0 Items for noting 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 To note general correspondence. Noted at Appendix B. 10.1.2 Correspondence from NALC regarding updated Covid19 advice The Clerk advised that she will look into the new guidelines and carry out further risk assessments. 10.2 Meeting Dates 10.2.1 To note the dates of meetings for 2020/21 Noted at Appendix C. 11. Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. 12. Date of next meeting Monday 16 November 2020 (via zoom)

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20.10.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Appendix A

Cheque Payments up to 16 September 2020 Cheque Total Basic Contract / Cllr Pls tick when VAT vch no. No Payee Details Payable Amount Authorised authorised 1148 British Gas Gas supply village hall 149.04 4.95 99.09 1149 HMRC Income tax for Clerk (June to September) 1,874.10 1,874.10 1150 G Barlow Clerk's salary 898.82 898.82 1151 Val & Sander Reytenbach Cleaning of Ide Hill toilets (500) Hall (120) Sundridge Rec Pav (160) 740.00 740.00 1152 Multiprint Digitial & Display Ltd Covid19 signage for all properties 321.96 53.66 268.30 1153 KALC KALC Annual Conference ticket for Clerk 60.00 10.00 50.00 1154 Zurich Municipal Insurance for Parish Council 1,403.16 150.34 1,252.82 1155 D Baker Reimbursement of costs for Ide Hill Public conveniences survey 18.07 18.07 1156 Norris & Fisher Insurance for Village Hall 593.83 63.64 530.19 1157 A Barlow Clerk's expenses 198.99 198.99

6,257.97 282.59 5,930.38

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Appendix B

Correspondence 20 09 18 to 20 10 18

1. SDC - Development Control Committee – 10 September 2020 – Minutes 2. SDC -Cabinet – 17 September 2020 – draft minutes 3. Gatwick 360 unsustainable future 4. KALC - CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 5. The Rural Bulletin - 22 September 2020 6. KALC -NATIONAL CSSC Green Message - NFIB Cyber Bulletin - 23 Sep 2020 7. KALC - KCC Trading Standards UPDATE on group contact details for Test &Trace 8. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 9. SDC - Sevenoaks Joint Transportation Board – 15 September 2020 – Minutes 10. The Rural Bulletin - 29 September 2020 11. SDC - Portfolio Holder decision 29 (2019/21) – Changes to the current planning system consultation – SDC Response 12. KALC - KRF EU Transition Threat and Risk Assessment 13. -Police activity targeting anti social behaviour in the 14. KALC NEWS - SEPTEMBER 2020 15. Gatwick Announcement 16. SDC -Licensing Committee – 22 September 2020 – Minutes 17. The Rural Bulletin - 6 October 2020 18. Sevenoaks District Council: Community grants of up to £5,000 now available 19. PCSO - Newsletter Sept 2020 20. Sevenoaks District Council: Refuse trucks clean up when it comes to cost, safety & the environment 21. SDC - Development Control Committee – 1 October 2020 – Minutes 22. KALC - Urgent: Local Electricity Bill – Parliamentary Debate next Wednesday 23. KALC - FREE - KALC/KCC/ KENT AND MEDWAY ENVIRONMENT BOARD - NET ZEROENVIRONMENT EVENT 24. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 25. Sevenoaks District Council: HSE and Council team up to ensure businesses are COVID-secure 26. SDC - People & Places Advisory Committee – 6 October 2020 – Minutes 27. SDC - Mobility Exercise Programme for Seniors 28. The Rural Bulletin - 13 October 2020 29. Keep Britain Tidy -EVERYTHING'S GOING GREEN TO CELEBRATE THE BEST OF BRITISH PARKS 30. KALC - Planning White Paper & Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee inquiry on the planning system 31. Sevenoaks District Council: Test and trace support payments for workers on low incomes 32. SDC - Improvement and Innovation Advisory Committee – 8 October 2020 – Minutes 30 (2019/21) – Local Lettings Plan for 1A and 1B Gilchrest Cottages, 33. Sevenoaks District Council: Parking charges frozen again! 34. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN

For Covid19 updates visit:

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Appendix C

2020-21 Parish Council Meeting Dates Parish Council Meetings – Mondays at 7pm During the Covid19 pandemic all meetings will take place remotely via zoom 18 May via Zoom 15 June via Zoom 20 July via Zoom 21 September via Zoom 19 October via Zoom 16 November via Zoom 2021 18 January Zoom/venue to be confirmed 15 February Zoom/venue to be confirmed 15 March Zoom/venue to be confirmed 19 April Zoom/venue to be confirmed 17 May Zoom/venue to be confirmed 2021 Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 12 May 2021 - Sundridge Village Hall Amenities Committee Meetings Finance Committee Meetings Mondays at 7pm Mondays at 7pm

7 December 2020 12 October 2020 2 November 2020 2021 1 February 5 April Planning Committee Meetings

Monday 19 October 2020 at 6.30pm Monday 2 November 2020 at 6.30pm Monday 16 November 2020 at 6.30pm

Committee Meetings are subject to change and cancellation. Please confirm with the Clerk or check the website.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 7.1 SWIH Income & Expenditure – attached separately

AGENDA ITEM 7.2 Earmark Reserves

Recommendations Recommendations from finance meeting for Full Council 15/04/2019 Meeting on 16/11/20

Election Expenses £2,000.00 £2,000.00 Well £0.00 £0.00 Bowers Meadow £9,000.00 £9,000.00 Highways Streetlights - Recommend that the FC agree to replace 2 columns immediately and transfer £3800 to budget to cover the cost of replaced. This leaves £1200 in Highways - recommend move to streetlighting.6 columns need replacing in total. Earmarked reserves for streetlighting set at £7600 to cover 2021/22 (2 columns) and 2022/23 (2 columns). £5,000.00 £1,200.00 Streetlighting Recommend streetlights set at £7600

£0.00 £7,600.00 Sundridge Rec £5,000.00 £5,000.00 Ide Hill rec £2,000.00 £2,000.00 Sun Vill Hall £10,000.00 £10,000.00 Coronation Gardens £2,000.00 Recommend move to Budget to cover cost of reapir to memorial Goathurst Rec £2,000.00 Recommend move to Budget to cover cost of reapir to fence. Ide hill public conveniences £5,000.00 Moved to Budget following Finance Committee Meeting November 2019 Ide Hill Parking lot £3,000.00 £3,000.00 Emergency/flood plan £2,000.00 £2,000.00 Professionl Sevices £15,000.00 £15,000.00 Village Plan £5,000.00 £5,000.00 Total £67,000.00 £61,800.00

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITMEM 7.2 STREETLIGHTS

-----Original Message----- From: "Cllr Banbrook" Sent: Tuesday, 10 November, 2020 06:51 To: "Amanda Barlow" Cc: "Vikki Allgood" Subject: Fwd: Sundridge Parish Council.xls Hi Amanda

See below the communication from Ken, looks costly, 6 columns at £1900 a column.

He has suggested doing two columns per year, I will review each column and advise.

It may be that we start to reduce the number we have, a PC decision.


John Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message: From: [email protected] Date: 28 April 2020 at 15:42:32 BST To: Cllr Banbrook Subject: RE: Sundridge Parish Council.xls

Hi John,

Yes they do all have power from underground up to the old pole box.

They are safe for now, but have no protection at the top (where they have been cut) so are degrading accordingly.

A new column would be £800 + Vat. and we would charge £82.50 to transfer everything across.

I believe that UKPN would charge £906 + Vat. to disconnect and reconnect the supply, but subject to a formal quote from them.

Please let me know what the PC decide in due course and I will make any necessary arrangements.

Kind regards,


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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council

From:Cllr Banbrook Sent: 22 April 2020 21:23 To: [email protected] Cc: John Banbrook ; Amanda Barlow Subject: Re: Sundridge Parish Council.xls

Hi Ken

Thank you for you communication.

This move by UKPN has come as a surprise, do the columns still have power and how safe are they? Could you also supply a cost for a new column and advise if the connect will need to be dug in?

I will ask the Clerk to table you report for our next meeting to start consideration and funding.

Kind regards

John Sent from my iPhone

On 2 Apr 2020, at 09:58, [email protected] wrote:

Hi John,

Just a quick email to draw your attention to a couple of issues for the coming year.

I’ve attached a copy of your latest inventory, with the obsolete lanterns highlighted in Red.

The lamps for these lanterns are no longer available and we need to have a strategy for dealing with them if we are called out and the lamp has failed.

Knowing what to do will save two trips and unnecessary expense, which will be in everybody’s best interests.

Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

Also, UKPN have removed their overhead supplies from several of the poles along the main road (PB’s 2, 8, 21, 23 & 24) and cut the pole down to just above your lights.

They have done this because the poles required replacement and they didn’t want the cost or liability of maintaining them.

The best solution is to replace them with a Galvanised 5m column to match the others along that stretch of road and forget about them for 25+ years.

We would therefore recommend doing two a year, so within three years the issue would be resolved.

Once again, please let me know how you would like to proceed.

I look forward to your further communication in due course.

Kind regards,


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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 7.3

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Reserves Policy

PURPOSE The Purpose of the policy is to set out how the council will determine and review the level of reserves.

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council is required to maintain adequate financial reserves to meet the needs of the organisation, but has no legal powers to hold reserves other than those for reasonable working capital needs or for specifically earmarked purposes. As part of the year-end Annual Return (now referred to as an AGAR – Annual Governance & Accountability Return) submitted to the External Auditor, whenever the total of the council’s reserves (total reserves -Box 7) is more than twice the annual precept value (precept – Box 2), the council is requested to provide an explanation of the high level of reserves.

Reserves can be used for long term planned or exceptional (unbudgeted or higher than expected) expenditure on the following conditions:- • the expenditure must not be recurring • income in the reserves from the sale of fixed assets (capital receipts) such as the sale of land can only be used for capital projects, such as the acquisition and enhancement of land, building, vehicles, plant and machinery.

Budget allocations can be moved from one budget line to another during the course of a financial year, with approval from the council, so long as the total expenditure for the financial year is not exceeded. This is commonly referred to as “virement”.

TYPE OF RESERVES Reserves can be categorised as:- • Earmarked • Ring Fenced • General

EARMARKED RESERVES Earmarked reserves are a means of building up funds over several years to deliver a defined project, predicted liabilities or for known significant expenditure. They are not to be used for emergency operations.

Earmarked reserves must be reviewed (and usually established) by the council during the annual budget setting process. Every earmarked reserve proposal must include reasonable costing for each project and an estimated timescale.

Earmarked reserves will be administered by the Finance & Personnel Committe in consultation with the RFO. Any changes to the proposed use of reserves must be agreed by full council.

The RFO will note earmarked reserves movements at the end of the financial year.

Earmarked reserves can be held for:- • Renewals - to enable services to plan and finance an effective programme of equipment replacement and planned property maintenance. These reserves are a mechanism to smooth expenditure so that a sensible replacement programme can be achieved without the need to vary budgets or excessive Precept increases. • Carry forward of under spend - some services commit expenditure to projects, but cannot spend the budget in year. Reserves are used as a mechanism to carry forward these resources.

RING FENCED RESERVES Ring fenced reserves are money or grants (legacies / bequests) allocated for a specific project only. Section 106 funding and the new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding passed down to parish/town councils are effectively a ring fenced reserve.

Grants/legacies/bequests often come with strict criteria as to how and when the money provided must be spent. 20 11 16 SWIH Full Council Meeting Page 12 of 41

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council

GENERAL RESERVES General reserves are funds which do not have any restrictions placed upon them as to their use. These can be used to smooth the impact of uneven cash flows, offset the budget requirement if necessary or can be held in case of unexpected events or emergencies.

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council considers a prudent level of general reserves to be no more than 6 months or 50% of its annual expenditure/precept. However, the amount of general reserves should be annually risk assessed and approved by the council.

If in extreme circumstances general reserves were exhausted due to major unforeseen spending pressures within a particular financial year, the council would be able to draw down from its earmarked reserves to provide short term resources.

Even when in times of extreme pressure are placed upon the councils finances the council must always keep a minimum balance sufficient to pay 3 months salary to staff and associated payroll costs (e.g. employers NI) in general reserves.

OPPORTUNITY COST OF HOLDING RESERVES In addition to allowing the council to manage unforeseen financial pressures and plan known or predicted liabilities, there is a benefit to holding reserves in terms of the interest earned on funds which are not utilised.1 This investment income is fed into the budget strategy.

However, there is an “opportunity cost” of holding funds in reserves, in that these funds cannot then be spent on anything else. As an example, if the funds were used to repay a debt, the opportunity cost would equate to the saving on the repayment of interest, offset by the loss of investment income on the funds. However, using reserves to pay off debt in this way would leave the council with no funds to neither manage unexpected risks nor provide a mechanism to fund unplanned expenditure for which the reserves were earmarked.

Given the opportunity costs of holding reserves it is critical that reserves continue to be reviewed each year as part of the budget process to confirm that they are still required and that the level is still appropriate.

As approved by the Council at the meeting held on 16 November 2020


Chairman of the Council Clerk/RFO to the Council


Earmarked reserves Funds set aside for the purchase of land and the establishment of additional burial grounds within the parish.

To invest in the replacement of play equipment within the parish councils’ open spaces

Ring fenced reserves Grants/match funding received from external bodies that have been specifically earmarked for a project such as replacing/improving playground equipment or for the investment in youth services. Another example - the Council may wish to support the independent Village Hall Management Committee to provide disabled access/toilets etc. and agree to “ring-fence” say £5,000 towards the project on condition that the Village Hall Management Committee match funds the project in some manner). Could be Section 106 monies?

1 This is more relevant in times when interest rates for deposits are high. However, it should remain as a note within the policy for such times when the economic downturn reverses and the financial markets become buoyant again. Opportunity costs would be advantageous and should be considered more carefully. 20 11 16 SWIH Full Council Meeting Page 13 of 41

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council

General reserves Funds remaining unspent at the year-end are usually by default added to the General Reserves, unless the Council has a policy on “underspends” and the “rolling forward” of previous year commitments.

The Council could choose to convert these into earmarked reserves that can be reserved for future needs such as:-

Emergency tree works or increase to planned programme of works. Replacement of vandalised equipment within the parish where not covered by an insurance claim/re- imbursement. Improvements to open spaces or allotments (Fencing/gates etc). Special events in the future (Memorials/anniversaries). Community development/support.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 7.4 Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Grant Awarding Policy

1. Introduction Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish (SWIH) Council is committed to supporting and strengthening the networks and community groups that help to make a positive difference to Sundridge and Ide Hill as a vital place to live and work for everyone. Under current legislation Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council is able to set aside funding from each year’s budget for disbursement as grants to support voluntary organisations promoting community initiatives within the parish of Sundridge and Ide Hill. Such provision is to be determined prior to the financial year during which grants may be paid 2. Policy a. SWIH Parish Council will consider applications for financial assistance throughout the year from organisations serving Sundridge and Ide Hill, who can demonstrate a clear need for financial support to embark upon a specific project which will benefit the parish by: i. Improving the range of services and activities ii. Improving the environment and promoting the parish in a positive way iii. Enhancing the quality of life b. SWIH Parish Council will not provide grants to finance shortfalls in the provision of community services that are the responsibility of other Authorities. c. Grants will not routinely exceed 50% of the cost of the project. d. Organisations must provide a report of how the money has been spent. Where a grant exceeds £1,999, the SWIH Parish Council is required by statute to obtain evidence from the Grantee that the grant has been spent in accordance with the description of the project given at the time of application. e. Any unspent money must be returned to Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council. f. Grants cannot be made retrospectively. g. Only one application for a grant will be considered from any organisation in any one financial year (April to March). h. The provision of a grant in one year, does not set a precedent for another year; nor does it preclude further grants in subsequent years. i. TSWIH Parish Council will normally expect to distribute grants to a variety of organisations. This may mean that a smaller amount is awarded than that applied for. j. As a condition of receiving a grant, organisations will be required to acknowledge the SWIH Parish Council’s support in publicity material. 3. Who can apply? An organisation which: • provides services directly benefitting the area and residents of Sundridge and Ide Hill • is independently established for charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes • has a constitution or written document setting out its aims and objectives • has a bank or building society account in its own name • can provide audited, or for smaller organisations, signed accounts for the last two financial years • if starting up, has a feasible project or business plan

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council 4. Who can’t apply? • Private individuals • Commercial organisations • Regional or national organisations, unless it is for a specific project in the Sundridge and Ide Hill area • Political parties • Religious organisations: unless for a purpose which does not discriminate on grounds of belief 5. Award of grants a. Applicants will be informed of the decision on their grant application within two weeks of the meeting considering the application. b. Grant awards will be paid by BACS direct to the bank account of the organisation or by cheque. Payments will not be made to individuals. c. The grant award cannot be increased after the decision to award has been made. d. You must spend the grant within one year – we recognise that project timescales can slip for good reasons; we would expect to be informed of any problems. 6. Contact details Please submit all enquiries and completed application forms, with supporting documentation, to the SWIH Parish Clerk.

You can contact the Clerk by telephone or email or in writing.

Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council C/o 11 Clover Way Paddock Wood Kent TN12 6BQ

Tel: 07495 962372 Email: [email protected]

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The Council will not consider any application unless all questions have been answered and the required information supplied at the time of application.


Name of group/organisation

Name of applicant and position held in Group/organisation

Address for correspondence

Telephone number

Email address

Is your organisation a registered charity?

If yes, charity number

Year of formation

Constitution – please attach

Group/organisation objectives

Current membership

Number of members in Sundridge/ Ide Hill

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council DETAILS OF GRANT APPLIED FOR

Total cost of project and how this will be achieved (include detail of funds from other sources)

Amount of grant requested from Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council

Describe the project/purpose for which the grant is being sought and how many Sundridge/Ide Hill residents will benefit (continue on a separate sheet if required)


Details of previous grants given to your group/organisation by Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council in the last five years


Please attach a copy of your most recent accounts. New organisations should attach a budget forecast.

Please provide BACS details

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above information is correct. In order to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), effective from 25th May 2018, WTC requires your consent to hold the personal information you give on this form. Only relevant information is requested in order to facilitate your grant. Your data will never be shared with a third party. By completing this form, you are consenting to us holding and using your data in this way. You may request its amendment or deletion at any time. Signed Position

Name (please print) Date

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 7.5 Bank Statement – sent to all members

AGENDA ITEM 7.6 Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Terms of Reference Finance & Personnel Committee

The role of the Finance & Personnel Committee is to oversee all aspects of the financial administration and governance of the Council as well as all human resources (HR) activities for both employees and councillors. a) Membership i. The Committee shall consist of minimum of five Councillors appointed at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council each May. ii. The Committee will elect a Chair from Councillor Members at its first meeting after the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. iii. The Quorum for a meeting will be a minimum of three Councillor Members. b) Meetings i. The Committee is required to hold meetings at least three meetings per year. ii. The Committee will have the right to convene special meetings in accordance with the Council’s standing orders. iii. Committee meetings are formal and therefore the agenda will be displayed publicly and standing orders will apply. iv. The Clerk shall attend all Committee Meetings and be responsible for producing accurate minutes of the meetings. v. The meetings shall be open to the public. c) Voting i. All decisions of the Committee shall be determined by majority vote. The Chair of the Committee has the casting vote when there are equal numbers of votes. d) Finance The Finance and Personnel Committee will have delegated powers to: i. Develop and recommend to Council policies and procedures for the financial management of the Council ii. Carry out an annual review of the Financial Regulations and Finance and Personnel Committee’s Terms of Reference and present them to Council for adoption.

iii. Monitor reserves to ensure that surpluses are not built up other than for working capital or for earmarked projects and known liabilities, ensuring that sufficient reserves are retained for future maintenance, replacement or upgrading of items for which the Council is responsible

iv. Receive and consider annual budgets prepared by the Amenities Committee

v. Prepare an annual budget for the Council and recommend an annual precept.

vi. Undertake a review and reconciliations of the accounts

vii. Monitor purchasing decisions to ensure value for money as agreed in the Financial Regulations.

viii. Undertake a financial risk analysis annually and review the Council’s insurance arrangements to ensure that property and identified risks are adequately insured.

ix. Receive and review Audit Reports and ensure the implementation of any recommendations.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council v. Consider requests for community and other grants within agreed annual budgets and make recommendations to the Council.

e) Organisation The Finance and Personnel Committee will have delegated powers to: i. To determine and recommend to Council, policies and procedures for the line management of the Council’s human resources ii. To promote and lead the continuous professional development and training of both staff and councillors iii. Members of the Committee will be invited to stand on a Complaints Committee if and when required. f) Pay and Conditions The Finance and Personnel Committee will have delegated powers to: i. Consider and recommend to Council the pay and contractual conditions of employment of the Clerk and review/update these as necessary to comply with UK Employment Law as well as good practice g) Grievance, Misconduct and Dismissal The Finance and Personnel Committee will have delegated powers to: i. Oversee the grievance, misconduct and dismissal procedures in relation to staff and make recommendation to Full Council when appropriate. h) Health and Safety The Finance and Personnel Committee will have delegated powers to: i. Ensure that Health and Safety of all involved in the work of the Council by providing appropriate workspaces, tools and equipment and to train staff as necessary to safeguard their health & safety at work. ii. Further assess personnel risks as defined by the External Auditor and provide appropriate recommendations to Full Council. i) Rules and regulations i. The Councillor’s Code of Conduct will apply to all Members of the Committee. ii. The conduct of the meeting will be governed by the Council’s Standing Orders. iii. Any financial transaction approved by the Committee will be governed by the Council’s Financial Regulations.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council

Personnel Sub-Committee

The role of the Personnel Sub-Committee is to provide line management to the Clerk. The Personnel Sub Committee is a subcommittee of the Finance & Personnel Committee. (a) Membership i. The HR Sub-Committee shall consist of three Councillors, the Chair of the Council, the Vice Chair of the Council and the Chair of the Finance & Personnel Committee. Members may also agree to include another Councillor if they have specific expertise in the management of staff. (b) Meetings i. The Personnel Sub-Committee will arrange meetings as required. ii. The meetings shall not be open to the public. (c) Voting i. All decisions of the Personnel Sub-Committee shall be determined by majority vote. (d) Rights and Powers The Personnel Sub-Committee will have delegated powers to: i. Make recommendations to the Finance & Personnel Committee and the Council for consideration and approval. (e) Responsibilities i. To provide regular updates to the Finance & Personnel Committee on the Clerk’s progress. ii. To carry out the annual and interim appraisal of the Clerk and make recommendations to the Council. iii. The Personnel Sub-Committee is to take responsibility that confidentiality is maintained over all staffing matters under the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Model Code of Conduct as signed by all members of the Parish Council. (f) Rules and regulations i. The Councillor’s Code of Conduct will apply to all Members of the Committee. ii. Any financial transaction recommended by the Personnel Sub-Committee will be governed by the Council’s Financial

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 7.7

Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting held remotely via Zoom on 9 November 2020, 7.00pm,

Present: Councillors Allgood (Chair), Baker, Banbrook, Evans and Kempster In attendance: Mrs A Barlow – Clerk and 0 members of the public Absent:

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Powell. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. None. 3. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 None. 4. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Finance Committee meeting held on 11 May 2020 The minutes were approved and signed as a true and accurate record. 5. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below All matters arising were covered by items on the Agenda. 6. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. None 7. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 7.1 To review budget for 2020/21 and agree updated budget for recommendation to Full Council Members agreed that the updated budget should be recommended to Full Council for adoption. (Clerk) 7.2 To review the budgets of the Parish Council’s assets Members noted individual income and expenditure of each asset. 7.3 To review earmarked reserves Members agreed that the Clerk would take further advice and Members would agree a proposal to put forward to the Full Council meeting. (Action: Clerk) 7.4 To discuss and agree next steps with regard to internet banking Members agreed to recommend that the Members on the Finance Committee should be the signatories on the account. 7.5 To discuss sharing of the financial data Members agreed that the Clerk should investigate a file sharing device. (Action: Clerk) 7.6 To discuss and agree Asset Register Members noted the Asset Register. 7.7 To agree policies related to the Finance Committee Members agreed to recommend the Grant Policy to the Full Council for adoption. 7.8 To agree the remits of the Committee and make recommendations to the Full Council Members agreed to recommend to the Full Council that the Finance Committee should be the Finance & Personnel Committee and the Terms of Reference be adopted by the Full Council. 8. Urgent issues at the discretion of the chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda. None. 9. Date of next meeting Thursday 7 January 2020 at 7pm.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 7.10

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council


-----Original Message----- From: "Keith McGinn" Sent: Friday, 13 November, 2020 13:05 To: "[email protected]" Cc: "David Miller" , "Lee Suter" Subject: Community development plan for sundridge recreation field

Hi Amanda

Apologies for the delay but please send out to the parish council members so they can read through prior to the meeting on Monday.

I have amended our plan to try and show the benefits to the whole community but I must stress we see the football club as being only part of the whole development of the Sundridge site . I submit this proposal in the hope the parish can at this stage at least give an indication to support our plans for the future. The finance plan is at present a rough estimation and will need further detailed scrutiny before a final finance plan is in place. The figures quoted on our plan at the lowest end.

Please send me a link for Mondays meeting so I can say a few words in the public section. Please confirm receipt of this e mail.

Regards Keith McGinn. Secretary Ide Hill FC 07980 683614

Attachments sent out on Friday November 13 – and also attached to this email.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.2 -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Monday, 19 October, 2020 16:44 To: "[email protected]" Subject: Dog and other waste in Chapmans Road Dear Ms Barlow Apologies for sending you two emails in quick succession!

A short while ago the overgrown undergrowth along the one-way part of Chapmans Road near Church Road was strimmed. Subsequently this has become even more of a dumping ground for dog waste bags than normal. Today I have cleared 25 of these bags from the undergrowth along with other litter. This is of course not only an eyesore but a health hazard too.

Is there any way that a litter bin could be positioned on this stretch of the road?

I am unsure whether this is within your remit and if not I would be grateful if you could advise accordingly Many thanks Kim

Kim Viner

SDC cost to empty a bin is £4.95 per week. The clerk needs to agree location of bin with SDC before installation.

• Proceed to Checkout • Product Name Unit Price Qty Subtotal

Continue Shopping Update Shopping BasketClear Shopping Basket

Sirius Dog Waste Bin £134.00 1 £134.00 Capacity Update • Edit 60 Litres Fixing Post Colour Moss Green - RAL 6005

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.3

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.4

-----Original Message----- From: "[email protected]" Sent: Friday, 6 November, 2020 20:03 To: "[email protected]" Cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Subject: RE: Full Council Meeting - Monday 16 November 2020 Amanda

Martin from the shop in Sundridge has requested some keep clear road markings outside his shop and up to and including the Doctors surgery on the other side of the road. To try and prevent people parking and causing congestion and accidents. I will up load some photos when I have a moment. I guess ACV is already on the list. update on dog poo bin. martin

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.5

Terms of Reference for the Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party

1. Membership Members of the Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party (working party) will be appointed every year at the Annual General Parish Council meeting. Members of the working party will comprise the Councillors representing the Ide Hill Ward. Members of the Full Council may also agree to appoint a Councillor representing the Sundridge Ward or a non Councillor member who is a resident in the Parish.

The Parish Clerk may sit on the working group ex officio (non-voting) and be responsible for taking the minutes and giving notice of the next meeting.

2. Chair The Chair will be elected by the members of the Working Party at the first meeting following the elections every four years. The Chair will be the main point of contact for the Clerk, Council members and members of the public,

3. Powers Working parties cannot make decisions on behalf of the Parish Council, and any recommendations made by working parties will be subject to approval by the Council or suitably authorised committees or members of staff.

4. Responsibilities and Areas of Operation • Day to day management of the toilets is undertaken by the Clerk • The working party will devise the future strategy of the facility and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the toilets. • The working party will apply for grants from SDC and other sources • The working party will carry out an annual review of suppliers and cleaners

5. Reporting The working party will submit a report to the Full Council and a budget to the Finance & Personnel Committee.

6. Code of Conduct Any non councillor member of the Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party must agree to sign the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct.

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Terms of Reference

1 Background: Sundridge and Brasted Social Club Working Party (the working party) is a working party of the two parish councils of Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council and Brasted Parish Council, formed under section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 to administer these councils’ functions as owners of the Sundridge & Brasted Social Club

2 Name: Sundridge & Brasted Social Club Working Party

3 Territory: The Sundridge & Brasted Social Club located at 132, Main Road Sundridge Kent TN14 6ET

4 Functions: The working party will discuss and agree actions with regard to the social club which will be recommended to each parish council for agreement.

5 Composition: The working party shall consist of the following number of councillors, nominated by their respective councils: Any Councillor who is a member of the Sundridge & Brasted Social Club Committee is precluded from membership of the working party.

Sundridge 3 members Brasted 3 members 6 Terms of Office: Every municipal year, the Annual Meeting of each parish council will review and confirm their council’s representation on the Committee.

7 Chair/Vice Chair: Every municipal year, the working party will elect a Chair and Vice Chair. This should ideally alternate between each Parish Council.

8 Meetings: The working party will meet on no fewer than three occasions in each municipal year.

9 Rules: The working party will comply with all procedural requirements that apply to working parties of the parish councils. In addition, the working party may adopt its own rules or standing orders, which shall not be in conflict with those of either parish council.

10 Code of Conduct: Members of the working party must adhere to their council’s Code of Conduct.

11 Attendance at meetings: Meetings of the working party will be quorate when no fewer than 2 members from each parish are present.

12 Finance: (i) Before the end of December each year the working party will prepare a budget for the following financial year, showing what financial contribution is requested from each of the parish councils if required. (ii) The working party can discuss any financial decisions and these should be recommended to each parish council for agreement

12 Delegation: The working party may delegate to an officer such aspects of its day-to-day decision–making as it considers appropriate, in accordance with section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972. The terms of delegation must be clearly documented in the Committee meetings’ minutes.

13 Review and Amendment: The two parish councils will review and may agree to amend these Terms of Reference as required.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.7

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held remotely via Zoom on Monday 2 November 2020 at 6.30pm

Present: Councillors Allgood, Darby, Evans, Jones (Chair), and Powell Attendance: Amanda Barlow (Clerk) Apologies received and accepted from Cllrs Kempster and Baker 1. To approve as correct the Minutes of the last Planning Committee meeting Agreed. 2. To take Matters arising from those Minutes. None. 3. Public Forum None. 4. To consider the following planning applications requiring comments:

Application No: SE/20/02434/HOUSE Deadline: 6 November 2020 Site: The Willow, Ide Hill Road, Ide Hill, Kent TN14 6JZ Development: Erection of rear extension and demolition of existing annexe. No Objection.

5. To Note Applications Amended, Granted, Refused and Withdrawn by District Council

Amended: None

Granted: None

Refused: None

Withdrawn: None Prior Action Not Required: None Not Valid: None

No Objection Lodged: None

Street Numbering and Naming: None

6. To Note any Licence Applications: None 7. To Note any Tree Preservation Orders: None 8. To Note any Conservation work: None 9. To review any correspondence: 9.1 Changes to the Planning System – SDC 9.2 SDC - List generated by Parish From: 28.09.2020 To 25.10.2020 10. Date of next meeting – Monday 16 November 2020 at 6.30 pm.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 8.9 2021-22 Parish Council Meeting Dates

Parish Council Meetings – Mondays at 7pm During the Covid19 pandemic all meetings will take place remotely via zoom 2021 19 April Zoom/venue to be confirmed 17 May Zoom/venue to be confirmed 21 June Zoom/venue to be confirmed 19 July Zoom/venue to be confirmed 20 September Zoom/venue to be confirmed 15 November Zoom/venue to be confirmed 2022 17 January Zoom/venue to be confirmed 21 February Zoom/venue to be confirmed 21 March Zoom/venue to be confirmed Zoom/venue to be confirmed 2021 Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 12 May 2021 - Sundridge Village Hall Amenities Committee Meetings Finance Committee Meetings Mondays at 7pm Mondays at 7pm

2021 2021 5 April 2021 10 May 2021

Planning Committee Meetings At 6.15 pm 2020 5 April 2021 19 April 2021 10 May 2021 17 May 2021 7 June 2021 21 June 2021 5 July 2021 19 July 2021

Committee Meetings are subject to change and cancellation. Please confirm with the Clerk or check the website.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 9.3.1

1. Ide Hill Public Conveniences • Update at 9.3.1.

2. Stubbs Wood • Update at meeting from Stubbs Wood Working Party

3. Goathurst Common • Members will need to consider improving the facilities – earmarked reserves? • Covid19 signage in place • 3 companies asked to quotes for new gate/fence.

4. Bowsers Meadow • Complaints received about the bin not being emptied – SDC contacted • Covid19 signage in place • Fence to be put around the play area

5. Coronation Gardens • Memorial cleaned – funds to be moved from earmarked reserves • Awaiting repair of iron railings

6. Sundridge Village Hall – currently closed due to November lockdown • Recommended delay on kitchen refurb until April 2021 • Covid19 signage in place • Hand sanitiser in hall • Bins with lids and wipes in disabled toilet • Anti social behaviour being investigated and solutions being sought • All hirers issued with Covid19 Special Conditions • Regular Hirers a. Dance School (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) b. Pilates (Monday, Wednesday) c. Private Hire (every other Thursday)

7. Sundridge Recreation Ground – closed to regular hirers – Pavilion is closed due to November lockdown • Covid19 signage in place • Hand sanitiser in Pavilion • Bin with lid and wipes in toilet • All hirers issued with Covid19 Special Conditions • Regular Hirers – Radnor House and Sundridge United Junior Football Club • Radnor House paid for 1st term usage. • SUJFC – usage/rental costs being negotiated.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 9.3.2 Notes of a meeting of the Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party held remotely via Zoom on Thursday 12 November 2020 at 7.00pm

Present: Councillors Baker, Kempster and Miller Attendance: Amanda Barlow (Clerk)

1. Members agreed the Terms of Reference to put forward for approval by the Full Council on 16 November 2020. 2. The Clerk confirmed that the contract had now been moved to a local company, Goldservice which will result in annual savings on supplies. 3. The Clerk confirmed that she would contact other Clerks in the Sevenoaks District to see if there was any grants available for public conveniences. It was agreed that the Working Party should also apply for grants from the District Councillors in April. 4. Self Locking Doors. It was agreed that initially the disabled door should be returned to its previous state and the Clerk would look at contractors to carry this out. 5. Coin/Contactless operating systems to charge for using the conveniences. Cllr Baker advised the Committee about his investigations and that he was meeting with further contractors during the month. 6. Lighting – Cllr Kempster presented some possibilities for more cost effective lighting. It was agreed that the Clerk would get costs for an electrician. 7. Water Bill – the Clerk advised that she is negotiating the issue of the over charge on the water bill and Castle Water have frozen all interest and have informed the Clerk (verbally) that any interest accrued will be cancelled. 8. It was agreed that the Committee would meet again with a schedule of work. It was agreed that the Clerk should immediately rectify the situation with the disabled toilet.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 9.3.3 STUBBS WOOD UPDATE:

The Stubbs Wood Strategic Management Advisory Group last met on the 12th October 2020. The volunteer working party started clearance work on the 27th and 29th October but has since suspended operations until the end of the lockdown. It is hoped that a further volunteer working party can be arranged on the 8th December prior to the end of the year. Julian Miller has subsequently come back with a quotation of a total of £375 + VAT for three annual treatments to eradicate the Japanese Knotweed which has been accepted and planned for July/August 2021 which is the best time of the year to treat the Knotweed. Julian Miller has also been instructed to draft tender documents for the proposed coppicing work including improvement to the existing viewpoints which will be available in the next couple of weeks with a view to instructing a contractor in January to carry out the work. The proposed work is expected to be cost neutral or deliver a net profit. The Advisory Group are expecting the first payment of £3,720 from the RPA Stewardship Grant to be received towards the end of November and placed in the Stubbs Wood Charity Account. The Advisory Group will next meet in December to consider the draft tender documents prior to launching the tender process.

Don Baker 16th November 2020

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 10.1 Correspondence 20 10 19 to 20 11 12

1. KALC CEO Bulletin - October 2020 2. SDC - Cabinet – 15 October 2020 – Draft Minutes 3. The Rural Bulletin - 20 October 2020 4. Kent Police - Update on Anti Social Behaviour in the Sevenoaks District. 5. SDC - Cleaner & Greener Advisory Committee – 13 October 2020 – Minutes 6. Kent Police Fraud Alert - Fraudsters impersonating Internet providers 7. Sevenoaks District Community Safety Partnership Newsletter - October2020 8. SDC – Development & Conservation Advisory Committee – 20 October 2020 – Minutes Finance & Investment Advisory Committee – 21 October 2020 – Minutes 9. MEDIA RELEASE: KCC Leader says children will not go hungry during half-term 10. KALC - NATIONAL CSSC Green Message - NCTPHQ Bulletin - 26 Oct 2020 11. KALC - NHS Kent and Medway CCG: Your community news for October 2020 12. The Rural Bulletin - 28 October 2020 13. SDC - Special Cabinet – 27 October 2020 – Draft Minutes 14. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 15. SDC - Development Control Committee – 22 October 2020 – Minutes 16. Care for our Community - Sevenoaks District 17. KALC - HCLG Select Committee Public Survey - The Future of the Planning System in 18. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 19. The Rural Bulletin - 3 November 2020 20. KALC - EVENT - CHAIRING VIRTUAL MEETINGS - SKILLS FOR COUNCILLORS 21. KALC NEWS OCTOBER 2020 22. Sevenoaks District Council: Lockdown help is a just click or a phone call away 23. RSN Rural Funding Digest - November 2020 Edition 24. NATIONAL CSSC Green Message - NCTPHQ Change of Threat Level - 3 Nov2020 25. Sevenoaks District Council: Council services will continue during lockdown 26. SDC - Community Connectors newsletter 27. Gatwick Airport - Airspace and Noise Management Board Public Meeting Invitation 28. SDC - Cabinet – 5 November 2020 29. NALC CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S BULLETIN 30. Kent Police - latest Rural Task Force Report and Rural Matters newsletter 31. The Rural Bulletin - 10 November 2020 32. KALC - Notes on Neighbourhood Planning 33. KALC - Councils supporting their local community 34. KALC AGM - 28TH NOVEMBER 2020 35. Community Connectors newsletter - 11 November 2020 For Covid19 updates visit:

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 10.2.1 2020-21 Parish Council Meeting Dates Parish Council Meetings – Mondays at 7pm During the Covid19 pandemic all meetings will take place remotely via zoom 18 May via Zoom 15 June via Zoom 20 July via Zoom 21 September via Zoom 19 October via Zoom 16 November via Zoom 2021 18 January Zoom/venue to be confirmed 15 February Zoom/venue to be confirmed 15 March Zoom/venue to be confirmed 19 April Zoom/venue to be confirmed 17 May Zoom/venue to be confirmed 2021 Annual Parish Meeting – Wednesday 12 May 2021 - Sundridge Village Hall Amenities Committee Meetings Finance Committee Meetings Mondays at 7pm Mondays at 7pm

7 December 2020 12 October 2020 9 November 2020

2021 2021 1 February 2021 7 January 2021 5 April 2021 Planning Committee Meetings

2020 2021 Monday 19 October 2020 at 6.30pm Monday 11 January 2021 at 6.30pm Monday 2 November 2020 at 6.30pm Monday 25 January 2021 at 6.30pm Monday 16 November 2020 at 6.30pm Monday 8 February 2021 at 6.30pm Monday 7 December 2020 at 6.30pm Monday 22 February 2021 at 6.30pm Monday 21 December 2020 at 6.30pm Monday 8 March 2021 at 6.30pm Monday 15 March 20201 at 6.30 pm

Committee Meetings are subject to change and cancellation. Please confirm with the Clerk or check the website.

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Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 10.3

Committee Membership 2020/21 Amenities Vikki Allgood Don Baker Martin Darby Polly Furse Trevor Jones David Miller Steve Nash (Chair) Finance Vikki Allgood (Chair) Don Baker John Banbrook John Evans David Kempster Ann Powell Planning Vikki Allgood Don Baker Martin Darby John Evans Polly Furse Trevor Jones (Chair) David Kempster Ann Powell

Appointment of Members/Others to Areas of Responsibility:

Affordable Housing Trevor Jones Burial Facilities and liaison with PCC John Evans Footpaths and Tree Warden John Evans Ide Hill Public Conveniences Working Party David Kempster, David Miller, Don Baker, Polly Furse Highways John Evans/Vikki Allgood Streetlighting John Banbrook Stubbs Wood Management Committee Don Baker, David Kempster, David Miller Sundridge Recreation Ground Steve Nash Sundridge Village Hall Clerk Website Administrators Vikki Allgood Sundridge & Brasted Social Club Working Party Speedwatch Co-ordinators John Evans/Steve Nash

Appointment of Representatives of the Parish Council on Outside Bodies

Gatwick John Evans Nature Reserve Management Advisory John Evans/David Miller Committee M25 Slips Group John Evans Council for the Perseveration of Rural England John Evans (CPRE) Darent River Preservation Society (DRIPS) John Evans/David Kempster Ide Hill Village Hall Management Committee Don Baker Sundridge and Ide Hill Charities – Nominative Chair Trustees Vice Chair

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