This project was financially supported by Montreal– Healthy City’s 2017-2019 regional action plan. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

This study was carried out under the supervision of an oversight committee composed of various agents in the Montréal food industry. The extensive and varied profiles of the committee members have been tremendously valuable. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to them.

Le comité d’encadrement • Anne Marie Aubert Conseil du système alimentaire montréalais • Catherine Boyer Moisson Montréal • Richard D. Daneau Moisson Montréal • Jean-Paul Faniel Table de concertation sur la faim et le développement social du Montréal Métropolitain • Sylvie Lepage City of Montréal • Caroline Marier Regional Director of Public Health • Annabelle Petit Moisson Montréal • Mario Régis Centraide of Greater Montréal • Sylvie Rochette Regroupement Partage

De nombreux collaborateurs ont aussi contribué à ce travail par leurs généreux commentaires et conseils.

Les collaborateurs, collaboratrices • Élisabeth Beaulne-Morin Moisson Montréal • Ginette Boyer Research Chair Community Approaches and Health Inequalities • Ghalia Chahine Montréal, métropole en santé • Mathieu Chaurette Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montréal, 211 • Gaëlle Janvier Alternatives • Fédérico Roncarolo Canada Research Chair Community Approaches and Health Inequalities • Jesse Scott Translator • Charles Vanasse Montréal, métropole en santé

• All the coordinators of the IUHSSC for the Island of Montréal • All community development advisors of the City of Montréal • All organizations who took the survey • All the people in charge of neighbourhood round tables

Analysis, writing and graphic design • Catherine Boyer • Annabelle Petit • Marie-Noëlle Routhier-Beaulé • Ariane Savard

Lastly, none of this would have been possible without the trust and financial support of our donors:

This project was financially supported by Montreal– Healthy City’s 2017-2019 regional action plan. TABLE OF CONTENT


2 Methodology P.5

3 Results P.8

Distribution of Organizations and the P.16 4 Material and Social Deprivation Index Number of Individuals Assisted 5 with Food Aid P.18

6 Supply of Food Assistance P.19



How many people are hungry every day in Montréal? Who are they, where are they and what can we do to help? These are all crucial questions for the Montréal food aid community that are very difficult to answer at this time.

Hundreds of agents work every day to alleviate food insecurity in the city of Montréal. However, not all of their efforts are recognized.

When creating the Conseil du système alimentaire montréalais through the Montréal Métropole en Santé initiative, it became a priority for the main actors in this enterprise to have a clear and detailed picture of current food security practices in order to better target their approaches, and to invest time and resources on projects that will have the greatest impact on the ground and in the lives of people suffering from hunger. Moisson Montréal, who already distributes food to a network of 241 accredited organizations, was the ideal partner to conduct this study. In 2017-2018, it donated 16 million kilos of food to organizations on the island of Montréal, as well as to several other Moisson centers in Québec and other provinces.

This portrait is intended as a factual starting point for broader considerations aimed at optimizing food aid in Montréal. Its goal is to answer specific questions brought forth by each of the actors involved. We hope that each of our partners will find empirical information for their questions, so that we may further study and target new and more specific issues.

More specifically, we hope that the Conseil du système alimentaire montréalais will recognize the scope of services offered in Montréal in order to propose relevant projects. As for Moisson Montréal, this study should determine whether its food distribution is sufficient and adequately meets the needs of the community, while presenting a clear picture of the current supply so as to encourage complimentary services and not duplicate the same offers. We also believe that all players involved in food security in Montréal would benefit from becoming better acquainted with potential partners.

We hope that this overview will answer some of these questions.


The initial purpose of this study was very broad. The objective was to identify all food security actors on the island of Montréal, to draw a picture of the work undertaken by these hundreds of organizations in order to identify the best practices and recommend priority actions to be undertaken within the community.

Along the way, we quickly realized that this was too broad and complex a mandate for the time and money allotted to this study. With the consent of the project’s management committee, we reduced the scope of this study, and limited ourselves to identifying the parties involved in food aid in Montréal. Unfortunately, we will have to postpone our review and recommendations of the best practices to a later phase of this project.

The purpose of study therefore is to identify all the community resources for food security available to the population.

2.1. Eligibility Criteria

Any organization that provides food services to those in need was considered relevant.

The organizations selected for this survey were those that offer one or more of the following services:

• Food assistance • Food bank • Holiday baskets • Back-to-school basket • Food-sharing store • Meals on Wheels • Mobile food baskets • Community meals • Soup kitchens • Snacks • Frozen meals • Mobile canteens • School snacks and meals • Community kitchens • Creative kitchens • Food-buying groups • Community restaurants / cafeterias • Community or group gardens • Community grocery stores • Specialized cooking workshops • Community fridges • Coupon groups • Mini-markets • Fruit and vegetable counters at low cost • Seasonal / sustainable markets


2.2.1. Survey

In order to identify all the organizations present in Montreal, we combined various lists compiled by many regional and local agents.

In order to achieve the most complete breakdown possible, the following organizations were approached:

• Centraide of Greater Montréal • Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montréal, 211 • Canada Research Chair in Community Approaches to Health Inequalities (CACIS) • Coalition montréalaise des tables de quartier • Regional Director of Public Health • Food Justice and Sustainability in Montréal • Community development advisors of the City of Montréal • Regroupement partage • Moisson Montréal • Table de concertation sur la faim et le développement social du Montréal métropolitain

By doing so, we identified 668 organizations, groups and associations. After removing the 241 organizations accredited by Moisson Montréal, whose services are already well known as part of food donation partners and administrators in the Hunger Count survey, we needed to become better acquainted with the 427 organizations that remained.

An initial survey was conducted with organizations in the Montréal-North borough in order to identify their missions and activities, as well as the number of food aid recipients and various socio- demographic data. This proved too cumbersome and demanding to complete. Only a small portion of the surveyed organizations responded.

In order to ensure a greater response from the organizations, a smaller, though less thorough survey was conducted, this time including only one third of the questions. Though much less detailed, these questions did provide information on the organization’s main activities.

This second survey was sent to the 427 identified organizations. In order to encourage these organizations to take part in our survey, our team and referral contacts picked up the telephone and called them personally. The heads of the neighbourhood round tables, the IUHSSC community organizers and the community development officers of the City of Montréal were very supportive during this phase. All the organizations were approached directly to encourage their participation.

After considerable effort, 118 of the 427 organizations answered the survey.


Only 118 of the 427 organizations answered the survey, despite the numerous reminders sent by our team and the decrease in the number of questions in the survey. This sample represents 27% of the organizations. For the purposes of this study, we will consider it as representative, although it would have been more useful to establish a complete picture of those involved in the field, and not simply rely on an estimate.

We received many different reasons to explain this response rate, including the fact that many community organizations are experiencing a severe lack of resources and funding. As a result, the employees and volunteers involved have little time to devote to such initiatives. Also, the fact that Moisson Montréal administered this survey may have alienated some organizations that were reluctant to share their financial information or any information about their services with a regional agency, or even perhaps believing that Moisson Montréal had not sufficiently collaborated with these organizations prior to this project.

Moisson Montréal and the Conseil du système alimentaire montréalais will consider these comments and address them if a second phase of this project is considered.

2.3 Semantic considerations

We cast a very wide net in order to include as many hunger relief initiatives in Montréal as possible. In this sector, the alternative descriptions between food aid, the fight against food insecurity, food security initiatives, food assistance, emergency food aid, and so on are quite abundant. Seeing as the purpose of this study is no longer to evaluate and distinguish existing practices, we chose to use the term ‘food aid’ to cover all forms of food donations made to people suffering from food insecurity.

In order to simplify this text, we also use the term «organization» loosely to refer to the many different organizations, cooperatives, places of worship, initiatives and projects surveyed.

2.4 Limits of the study

This profiling of the actors in Montréal involved in food assistance does not take into consideration schools or social economy enterprises. Although many schools have set up food aid services for their students, the focus of this study was to get better acquainted with community actors. We have therefore excluded those from the public system. Furthermore, the resources available for this study were not sufficient to cover all schools in the Greater Montréal area. The only schools included in this overview are the six schools accredited by Moisson Montréal.

We also chose to exclude social economy enterprises from this study, preferring to focus our efforts on non-profit organizations, groups and associations.


3.1. Multiple service locations

By combining the resources of many food aid actors in Montréal, 668 community organizations were identified. This is a much higher number than we expected.

This assessment alone is extremely significant for the entire food aid network, because no single entity to date has had a complete list of all the organizations working, one way or another, to reduce food insecurity in Montréal.

3.2. Geographical distribution

Figure 1 shows the geographical distribution of the 668 organizations identified by actors of Montréal’s food network.

Based on the data collected, the largest concentration of community organizations providing food aid is located in the Ville-Marie Borough, which encompasses 84 organizations. The Boroughs of Villeray — Saint- Michel — Parc-Extension and the Sud-Ouest are next with 65 and 60 organizations, respectively. It should be noted that while the organizations are concentrated in the central areas of the city, nearly all sectors of Montréal have at least one source of food assistance. Of the 19 boroughs and 14 related cities, only Kirkland, Senneville, Montréal Ouest and Montréal Est do not have any organizations offering food aid.

The data collected enables us to pinpoint the locations of centres in the Montréal area, but unfortunately not the residency of the recipients. Therefore, we cannot conclude that the distribution of those suffering from food insecurity is the same as the location of the organizations. Some would argue however that community services reflect the demands of a specific neighbourhood and population. Many organizations limit their services to the residents of their borough or even smaller areas. Nevertheless, most organizations do not discriminate on the basis of place of residence, and will serve anyone who comes to them.

8 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Figure 1: Geographical distribution the organizations offering food aid on the Island of Montréal

ALL ORGANIZATIONS (668) Excluding 13 confidential organizations

13 10

2 16 11 22 19 24 1

9 26 12 15 14 21 25

23 7 4 3

5 18 20





AHUNTSIC- SOUTHWEST SAINT-LAURENT 8 1 39 (5,8%) 60 (9%) 15 25 (3,7%) ANJOU MERCIER-HOCHELAGA-MAISONNEUVE SAINT-LÉONARD 2 12 (1,8%) 9 52 (7,8%) 16 9 (1,3%)


BEACONSFIELD BAIE D’URFÉ 21 26 2 (0.3%) 1 (0.1%) DOLLARD-DES-ORMEAUX 22 13 (1.9%)

OUTREMONT 23 3 (0.4%) SAINTE-ANNE-DE-BELLEVUE 24 4 (0.6%) MONT-ROYAL 25 1 (0.1%)

9 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL We thought it relevant to compare the geographical distribution of organizations based on those who come to Moisson Montréal for supplies and those who do not. Such a comparison would allow Moisson Montréal to better assess if the services it provides to community organizations are well distributed from a geographical perspective.

Figure 2: A comparison of the geographical distribution between Moisson Montréal’s accredited organizations and other non-accredited organizations

MOISSON MONTRÉAL’S ACCREDITED ORGANIZATIONS (241) Excluding 13 confidential organizations

13 10



11 1 19

9 12 15 14

7 4 3

18 5 20

8 17 6


1 3 1 0


1 6 11 22 1 9 24 1

9 26 1 2 1 5 1 4 21 25

23 7 4 3

5 1 8 20

8 6 1 7





10 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL If we compare the six boroughs with the most organizations in each category, we notice they are not distributed evenly. While Ville-Marie has the largest number of organizations in both cases, Moisson Montréal serves a greater number of organizations in the second and third largest areas, the Sud-Ouest and Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve regions. However, the distribution of non-accredited organizations is more numerous in Villeray — Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension and Côte-des-Neiges — Notre-Dame-de- Grâce.

Table 1: Breakdown of Organizations by Borough

Among the 427 Among the 241 organizations members of listed Moisson Montréal

Ville-Marie 47 37 Villeray—Saint-Michel—Parc-Extension 45 20 Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame-de-Grâce 36 17 Rosemont—La Petite Patrie 36 10 Southwest 35 25 Mercier—Hochelaga-Maisonneuve 31 21 —Bordeaux-Cartierville 29 10 Rivière-des-Prairies—Pointe-aux-Trembles 21 7 Pierrefonds-Roxboro 17 3 Verdun 15 9 Plateau Mont-Royal 14 20 Saint-Laurent 14 11 Lachine 13 9 Dollard-des-Ormeaux 13 0 LaSalle 10 8 Anjou 10 2

Montréal-Nord 9 8 Pointe-Claire 9 2 Westmount 5 1 Saint-Léonard 4 5 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue 4 0 Dorval 3 3 Outremont 3 0 Beaconsfield 2 0 Mont-Royal 1 0

Baie d’Urfé 1 0

Confidentials N/A 13


3.3.1 Types of Organizations

Who are the food aid actors in Montréal?

The organizations below are extremely diverse in their missions. In order to simplify the breakdown, we have divided them according to the nature of the missions. Table 2 shows the distribution of all 668 organizations based on their general mission.

Among the various actors in Montréal, places of worship or religious organizations and community centres are the largest providers of food assistance to people in need.

Several hypotheses, which we are unfortunately unable to confirm, can be put forward to justify why places of worship and religious organizations are the most numerous food aid providers. Traditionally, churches were places where the most vulnerable people were able to receive help. Moreover, places of worship can also be a gathering place for people of similar backgrounds from immigrant communities. Unfamiliar with the existing community resources available, newcomers in economically vulnerable situations may perhaps turn to a familiar religious institution. While these hypotheses could unfortunately not be confirmed by our survey, they are certainly worth further study.

It should also be noted that among the 153 places of worship identified, 51 were from the Conferences of the Society of Saint-Vincent de Paul. We chose to examine them separately since they are each rooted in their community. However, it should be noted that only one such actor has a very large number of affiliations.

12 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Table 2: Breakdown of Organizations Based on their Primary Mission

Percentage of Percentage of organizations Primary mission of the 427 accredited to the organizations organizations Moisson Montréal

Reception and integration of newcomers 4,20% 1,60%

Job search assistance 1,10% 1,60%

Other 14,10% 3,20%

Community Centre 22,10% 25,30%

Home-care centre 2,30% 16,50%

Multi-service day centre 1,10% 7,60%

Pediatric service centre for pregnant 2,80% 1,20% women

Drug addiction rehabilitation centre and 0,20% 1,20% dealing with addiction

Food bank 2,60% 13,30%

Community kitchen 2,30% 1,60%

Advocacy 1,90% 1,20%

School - 2,40%

Church 32,10% 6,80%

Community grocery stores 0,70% 0,40%

Social integration 1,40% 0,40%

Youth Centre / Youth Organizations 3,90% 8,00%

Organizations that help people with 3,90% 3,60% an illness

Restaurant or soup kitchen 2,6% 4,00%


In our attempt to gain more insight into current food security practices in Montréal, we believe it is important to distinguish between organizations whose primary mission is to fight food insecurity and those for whom food aid complements their basic services. This will enable us to better understand the breakdown of these actors, as well as the dynamics in place.

Table 3: Classifying Organizations that Provide Community Food Services

Food aid oered as Primary mission complementary focused on to a dierent food aid mission

• Food assistance • Community Centre • Meal service • Home-care centre • Food bank • Youth Centre • Community grocery • Youth Organization stores • Multi-service day centre • Place of worship • Home care resource (Meals on Wheels)

14 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Among all the organizations offering food assistance on the Island of Montréal, only 19.6% of them have the fight against food insecurity as their main mission. This percentage increases to 33% among Moisson Montréal’s accredited organizations, which is understandable given Moisson Montréal’s very mission of ensuring that an optimal food supply is given to community organizations serving those in need in Montréal.

Why do so many actors, whose primary mission is not the fight against hunger, choose to add food aid to their services? Although the response rate to this question was too low to provide a conclusive answer, feedback suggests that many organizations are seeing a significant demand for food among their recipients, and are adding food assistance to their services to fill this need. Moreover, most of these organizations work with socially or economically vulnerable individuals. It is therefore likely that many of them would want to offer a meal, snack or other form of food assistance to their recipients to encourage them to participate in other activities. Clearly, these hypotheses are worth exploring in a future study.

15 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Distribution of Organizations and the 4. Material and Social Deprivation Index

In order to more accurately determine whether the supply of food aid correlates with the needs of the population, we compared the distribution of listed organizations with the material and social deprivation index compiled by the Regional Director of Public Health1.

When comparing the geographical breakdown of food aid providers in the area with the distribution of material and social deprivation, a similar geographical pattern emerges.

Since food insecurity is strongly related to household income2, it seems relevant to compare the distribution of organizations whose main mission is food security with material deprivation.

It would be worthwhile to more thoroughly explore the distribution of material and social deprivation on the island in relation to the missions of the organizations present in the field. On the surface, it would appear that organizations working mainly on food security are more prominent in sectors where material deprivation is more widespread. This type of deprivation reflects levels of education, employment and income. Contrarily, organizations providing food aid, but whose primary mission is to address issues other than food security, appear to be more present in areas where social deprivation is present. This form of deprivation primarily reflects differences in family structure and marital status.

This seems to be the case with the Health and Social Services Centre of Bordeaux — Cartierville— -Saint-Laurent, which includes the Borough of Ahuntsic-Cartierville. The latter includes a large proportion of organizations whose primary mission is food security, 17 out of 39.

By contrast, the Jeanne-Mance Health and Social Services Centre, which covers the Boroughs of Ville- Marie and Plateau-Mont-Royal, has the highest concentration of people in socially underprivileged circumstances. In these boroughs, there is a significant disparity between the number of organizations working primarily in food security, 11 and 2 organizations respectively, and those working on more general missions, 75 and 34 organizations, respectively.

This situation is not noted throughout the area, but in some cases, it provides greater insight into the availability of services offered by the community based on sector. However, different zoning practices, either by district or by IUHSSC, make such comparisons very complicated.

1. “Regard sur la défavorisation en 2011, région sociosanitaire de Montréal, Public Health Branch, Centre-Sud-de-l’île-de-Montréal Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre. 2. Tarasuk, V., et al. (2014). “Household Food Insecurity in Canada, 2014”. PROOF Insecurity Policy Research, 2014, p. 11-12.


17 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Nombre de personnes desservies par 5. les activités d’aide alimentaire

We would be very interested in knowing exactly how many people are receiving food aid in Montréal, but many constraints in methodology make this a very difficult task.

For one, not all agencies systematically keep a record of those who receive food aid. In food banks, checking proof of identity and income is a very common practice. However, organizations offering emergency food assistance, meals and food aid services as a secondary service rarely keep a systematic count. Therefore, only an estimate of the number of recipients is available.

It is also very difficult to assess the frequency at which those suffering from food insecurity require community resources. They may visit more than one location and receive food aid from several resources, thus introducing a bias into the survey.

Moisson Montréal, in partnership with the Québec Food Banks and Food Banks of Canada, conducts a major annual survey to determine the number of people affected by food insecurity. We are referring to the Hunger Count. It is currently based on the number of individuals assisted by organizations that obtain their supplies from Moisson Montréal and on the number of food bank users who are part the provincial and national networks.

In light of the large number of organizations that do not avail themselves of Moisson Montréal’s services, we can only conclude that this report is most undoubtedly incomplete. It would be rather relevant to find a more precise method to calculate the exact number of individuals helped by these 427 organizations, and include them in local, provincial and national surveys. In doing so, we would have a far clearer picture of the number of individuals suffering from food insecurity.

5.1 Future Expectations according to those Surveyed

In the interest of a greater understanding of the challenges faced by these organizations, we asked for their feedback on the services that will be required in the next 3 to 5 years in providing food aid. Of the respondents, 55% expect a rather significant increase in food aid requests, which would require an internal pooling if their resources. The reason cited most often for this possible increase is the aging of the population.


6.1. Supply Sources

The organizations surveyed indicated that they obtain most of their food supplies from grocery stores. While 74% of those surveyed reported buying products at the grocery store, 34% of them reported receiving donations from grocery stores. Partner organizations and public markets are the other two most frequently identified sources for both food supplies as well as donations.

More than 45% of those surveyed said they were not interested in receiving food from Moisson Montréal. Half of them reported that they had no need for food offered by Moisson Montréal, indicating that their food supply was sufficient. Given that the majority of these organizations are not primarily concerned with addressing food insecurity, these results seem to be consistent.

Several also stated that they would like to become accredited by Moisson Montréal, but indicated that the lack of time to submit a partnership application, as well as a lack of knowledge regarding the service offered by Moisson Montréal has so far prevented them from doing so.

6.2. Sharing of Purchases

Several initiatives to share purchases and resources are currently being developed in the metropolitan area. The Conseil des industries bioalimentaires de l’île de Montréal3 and the Réseau alimentaire de l’Est4 recently addressed this issue. They found that organizations sharing food purchases did not have a significant impact on the actual amount spent on food purchases considering the relatively small needs of the organizations. However, shared transport and storage showed a far great potential for efficiency.

More than 40% of the organizations surveyed said they would be very interested in joining a food purchasing group initiative but they do not say they would be interested in sharing transportation, storage, or other human resources. Considering the high interest in purchase sharing among the organizations, it could be interesting to focus on small local partnerships with only a few participants so as to ensure that they remain effective and enable the organizations to save on costs.

3. Arsenault-Hétu, C., Audet, R. Brisebois, É. (2018). “Pratiques, intérêts et défis de l’approvisionnement alimentaire. 4. Florent, Luc in partnership with the Ecological Transition Research Chair, UQAM No.2 (October 2017). “Cartographie du système alimentaire de l’est de Montréal, Repérer, catégoriser et analyser l’offre des dix quartiers du territoire du Réseau alimentaire de l’Est.


This study has enabled us to draw up a map of the organizations offering food aid in Montréal. Although our expectations were more ambitious than the conclusions reached, we consider this to be a first essential step towards a global overview of the current actors and dynamics within the Montréal food aid community.

As a result, 668 organizations work directly or indirectly to fight food insecurity in Montréal. They seem to follow the same manner as the spread of poverty in Montréal, with services provided mainly in the central boroughs, but nevertheless, with a presence all over the city. This also serves as a reminder that hunger is present everywhere in Montréal, not just in the downtown area.

An interesting factor to note is the significant and enduring involvement of religious organizations in the fight against food insecurity. The fight against hunger, and poverty in general, is deeply rooted in the social doctrine of the Catholic Church; founded on dignity, charity and solidarity, its members always seem to be active in this fight through various initiatives. The same applies to people from different religious communities.

Furthermore, the sheer number of organizations suggests that a much larger number than the 137,000 individuals listed in the 2017 Hunger Count are receiving food assistance in Montréal. Although unfortunately, we cannot provide a more precise estimate, it is nevertheless worth considering this number, 137,000 recipients, as being the absolute minimum.

After identifying the hundreds of actors working every day to fight food insecurity in Montréal, it would also be relevant to evaluate in greater depth the various services they provide. There is a myriad of different initiatives within organizations, ranging from basic charity to social inclusion and the empowerment of individuals. All these initiatives deserve to be studied as part of a comprehensive assessment of current practices.

In fact, the approaches are very diverse and it appears that a survey to identify specific practices makes it difficult for organizations to explain their actual work in the field. The strategies are so wide- ranging that in our opinion, interviews would be more effective in identifying current practices. In fact, this is the method recommended by the Canadian Research Chair in Community Approaches and Health Inequalities, who is currently analyzing Montréal initiatives to address food insecurity.

Such a study would also allow for greater analysis on whether there is really an increase in services. While this document provides a deeper insight into the geographical dispersion of food aid organizations, this understanding can only be achieved with more information about the services and programs available to individuals. It is with this in mind that we can recommend avenues of improvement in the existing food aid system in order to promote the most effective strategies to ultimately reduce hunger in Montréal.


Arsenault-Hétu, C., Audet, R. Brisebois, É. (2018). “Pratiques, intérêts et défis de l’approvisionnement alimentaire” found in: https://gallery.mailchimp.com/45162cf28bc156024d620dc4f/files/86f20538- c3a1-44a7-b38d-f04aa1568ff6/RapportAppro_CIBIM_final.pdf

Florent, Luc in partnership with the Ecological Transition Research Chair, UQAM No.2 (October 2017). “Cartographie du système alimentaire de l’est de Montréal, Repérer, catégoriser et analyser l’offre des dix quartiers du territoire du Réseau alimentaire de l’Est”, Found in: https:// chairetransition.esg.uqam.ca/wp-content/uploads/sites/48/2018/09/Cartographie-du-systeme- alimentaire-de-lest-de-Montreal.pdf

Public Health Branch (2011). “Regard sur la défavorisation en 2011, région sociosanitaire de Montréal” found in: http://emis.santemontreal.qc.ca/sante-des-montrealais/determinants/socio-economiques/ defavorisation-serie-3/

Moisson Montréal (2018). “Montréal Hunger Count 2017”, Found in: https://www.moissonmontreal. org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/BIlan_Faim_2017_FR.pdf

Tarasuk, V., et al. (2014). “Household Food Insecurity in Canada, 2014”. PROOF Insecurity Policy Research.

Vendette, D., Maillé, D. (2017). “Consolidation des activités de cueillette chez Moisson Montréal”. Final report.


Accredited or not Name of the organization Borough to Moisson Montréal C.R.P. Autour du bébé Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Centre communautaire et culturel Doux refuge Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Centre d’action bénévole Bordeaux-Cartierville Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Centre d’appui aux communautés immigrantes (CACI) Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes Centre de Bénévoles Ahuntsic-Sud Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Corbeille Bordeaux-Cartierville Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes École Félix-Antoine Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes Entraide Ahuntsic-Nord Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Foyer du Liban Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes La Maryse Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Le Réchaud-Bus Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Logis-Rap Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Maison de la famille Pierre Bienvenu Noailles Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Maison des jeunes de Bordeaux-Cartierville Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes Maison des parents de Bordeaux Cartierville Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Mosquée Madani Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Œuvre des Samaritains Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes Paroisse Saint-Sauveur, Cathédrale Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Pause-Famille Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Première Église Évangélique Arménienne de Montréal Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes Prise II Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes Projet Sault-au-Récollet Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Regroupement Prasab Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Saint-Maron’s Cathedrale Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Service de Nutrition et d’Action Communautaire (SNAC) Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence La Visitation de la Bienheureuse Vierge Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Marie Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Notre-Dame-de-Cartierville Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-André Apôtre Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Antoine Marie Claret Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Isaac-Jogues Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Paul-de-la-Croix Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Odile Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saints-Martyrs Canadiens Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société des dames d’entraide libanaise, syriennes, canadiennes Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Société Saint-Vincent de Paul de Saint-Joseph-de-Bordeaux Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Solidarité Ahuntsic Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Table CLIC / Le comité SALSA de Bordeaux-Cartierville Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Ville en vert Ahuntsic-Bordeaux-Cartierville No Carrefour des femmes d’Anjou Anjou No Carrefour solidarité Anjou Anjou No Centre Humanitaire d’organisation de Ressources et de Référence d’Anjou (CHORRA) Anjou Yes Chevaliers de Colomb Anjou No Concertation Anjou Anjou No Le Bel Âge d’Anjou Anjou No Le Carrousel du p’tit monde d’Anjou Anjou No Popote roulante Anjou Anjou No Service d’aide communautaire d’Anjou (SAC Anjou) Anjou Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Jean-XXIII Anjou No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Notre-Dame d’ Anjou Anjou No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Conrad Anjou No Jardin Fritz Baie D’Urfé No Beaconsfield Newcomers Club Beaconsfield No Briarwood Presbyterian Church Beaconsfield No Agence Ometz Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Association de la Communauté Noire de Côte-des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Association des parents de Côte-des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Association Yemba Canada Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Banque Alimentaire de l’Université de Montréal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Baobab Familial Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Bethlehem Healing Fountain Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes

22 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Cafétéria Communautaire MultiCaf Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi de Côte-des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Centre Chabad de ville Mont-Royal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Centre communautaire de loisirs de la Côte-Des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Centre communautaire Mountain Sights Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Centre d’activités de jour Benny Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Centre de la communauté sourde du Montréal métropolitain Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Centre des aînés Côte-des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Centre juif Cummings pour aînés Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Chabad Chai Center Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Club oriental portugais de Montréal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Coalition sur la Sécurité alimentaire à Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Corporation des juifs espagnols et portugais Shearith Israël de Montréal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Église presbytérienne Côte-des-Neiges Presbyterian Church Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Église unitarienne de Montréal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Évasion centre de jour alternatif Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Fédération CJA Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Fondations du quartier Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Frères des écoles chrétiennes Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Garde-Manger Communautaire de la Paroisse St-Monica Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Head & Hands / A deux mains Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Hive Café Cooperative Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Icna Relief Canada Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Jamaïca Association of Montreal / Association jamaïcaine de Montréal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Jeunesse ouvrière chrétienne (Montréal) Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Jewish eldercare auxiliary Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No L.c.#53 NDG senior citizen’ council Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No MADA Community Center Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Mosquée Muaz bin Jabal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Muslim center of (Centre musulman du Québec) Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No NDG Food Depot / Dépôt alimentaire NDG Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes New Hope senior citizens’ Centre – (NHC) Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No PROmotion Intégration Société nouvelle (PROMIS) Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Relais Côte-des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes River’s Edge Community Church Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Rossignol en cage pour la culture et les multimédias Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Service d’aide communautaire et de liaison pour immigrants de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Service d’interprète d’aide et de référence aux immigrants (SIARI) Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Service de dépannage alimentaire du Comité des sœurs de la communauté musulmane Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No de Montréal Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Ste-Catherine-de-Sienne Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Société environnementale de Côte-des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No SSVP Conférence St-Pascal-Baylon Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Synagogue Young Israel of Montreal Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Table : CDC de Côte-des-Neiges Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Westhaven-Elmhurst commumity centre Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Women on the Rise Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Yes Zornica centre culturel canadien-bulgare Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce No Action Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’Île Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Centre juif Cummings pour aînés Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Cloverdale Multi-Ressources Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Club des aînés Dollard-des-Ormeaux Dollard-des-Ormeaux No DDO club 55 Dollard-des-Ormeaux No First Church of Nazarene Montreal Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Harnac Temple Dollard-des-Ormeaux No La Communauté catholique de St-Luc Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Les petits frères de l’Ouest-de-l’Île Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Mosquée AL JAMIEH (Canadian Islamic Center) Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Ste-Geneviève United Church Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Synagogue Beth Tikvah Dollard-des-Ormeaux No Centre d’éducation des adultes Jeanne Sauvé Dorval No Cité de Dorval - Assistance communautaire Dorval No L’Equipe Entreprise Dorval No Ressources communautaires Omega Dorval Yes Royal Canadian Legion branch 57 Dorval Yes Association musulmane de Lachine Lachine No Carrefour d’Entraide Lachine Lachine Yes Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Marquette Lachine Yes Centre de formation populaire de Lachine Lachine Yes Club des Personnes Handicapées du lac St-Louis Lachine No Comité de revitalisation urbaine intégrée du quartier Saint-Pierre, Marché St-Pierre Lachine No Comité de Vie de Quartier Duff-Court (COVIQ) Lachine Yes Église Vivante de Christ Lachine Yes Extended Hands / Mains Tendues Lachine Yes

23 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Groupe d’entraide Lachine Lachine No La P’tite maison de Saint-Pierre Lachine No La Théière Lachine No Le Relais Populaire Lachine No Maison mère des soeurs Ste-Anne Lachine No Œuvre soupe maison Lachine Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Saint-Pierre-Aux-Liens Lachine Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Notre-Dame des Rapides Lachine No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Nazaire Lachine No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Catherine Labouré Lachine No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Lachine Lachine No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Resurrection of Our Lord Parish Lachine Yes Table Concert’Action Lachine Lachine No Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de LaSalle LaSalle No Centre Action LaSalle Yes Centre du Vieux Moulin de LaSalle LaSalle Yes Club d’âge d’or Falchi de LaSalle LaSalle No Club d’âge d’or mille Fiori LaSalle No Club Garçons & Filles de LaSalle / Boys & Girls of LaSalle LaSalle Yes Destination Travail LaSalle Yes Échange de services de LaSalle (C.A.D.R.E.) LaSalle Yes Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar LaSalle No Handicap-compétences-Travail (Triade HCT) LaSalle Yes Maison des jeunes de LaSalle LaSalle Yes Muslim community of LaSalle (Communauté musulmane de LaSalle) LaSalle No Nutri-Centre LaSalle LaSalle No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, LaSalle LaSalle Yes St. John Brebeuf H.O.P.E. Society LaSalle No Table de développement social de LaSalle LaSalle No The Council for Black Aging Community of Montreal Inc. LaSalle No Association d’entraide Le Chaînon Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Atelier d’éducation populaire du Plateau Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Autisme Montréal Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Centre Communautaire Restauration Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Centre d’amitié Autochtone de Montréal / Native Friendship Centre of Montreal Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Centre d’apprentissage parallèle de Montréal Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Centre d’aide à la famille Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Centre de solidarité lesbienne Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Centre des femmes de Montréal Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Centre du Plateau Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Centre interculturel l’Auditoire Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Centre le Beau Voyage Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Club optimiste Plateau Mont-Royal Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Corporation Félix-Hubert d’Hérelle Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Dîners St-Louis Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Fabrique de la paroisse St-Pierre-Claver Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Groupe-ressource du Plateau Mont-Royal Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Hirondelle, Services d’accueil et d’intégration des immigrants (L’) Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Jeunesse au Soleil Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Les Foyers de la Création Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Les Petits Frères Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Maison d’Aurore Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Maison des Amis du Plateau Mont-Royal Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Maison du Parc Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Mile-End Community Mission / Mission Communautaire Mile-End Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Oeuvres de St-Jacques Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Racine Croisée Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Resto Plateau Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Santropol Roulant Le Plateau Mont-Royal Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Jean Baptiste Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Marie Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Santa Cruz Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Table CDC Action Solidarité Grand Plateau Le Plateau Mont-Royal No The Yellow Door Le Plateau Mont-Royal No Accoham Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Almage Senior Community Centre Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Association de Défense des Droits Sociaux du Montréal-Métropolitain (ADDS-MM) Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Auberge du coeur Foyer de jeunes travailleurs et travailleuse de Montréal Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Bistro le Ste-Cath Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Carrefour d’Alimentation et de Partage Saint-Barnabé (CAP Saint-Barnabé) Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Carrefour familial Hochelaga Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Centre communautaire congolais des aînés Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Centre communautaire Hochelaga Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Centre d’Entraide le Rameau d’Olivier inc. Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Centre des Jeunes Boyce-Viau (CJBV) Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes

24 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Centre NAHA Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Chez-nous de Mercier-Est Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Chic Resto Pop Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Comptoir alimentaire de rencontres, de références et d’entraide Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Corde à linge (la) - Centre d’entraide de Mercier-Est Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Cuisine Collective Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Dopamine Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Église Reflet de Christ Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Escale Famille Le Triolet Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Escale Notre-Dame Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Fondation du Dr Julien Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Groupe d’Entraide de Mercier-Ouest (GEMO) Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Impact Famille Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes JoJo Dépannage Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Le garage des jeunes Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Le Mûrier Inc Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Maison à Petits Pas Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Maison de réhabilitation l’Exode Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Maison des jeunes MAGI (La Piaule) Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Maison du Pharillon Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Maison internationale des femmes Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Maison Kangourou Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Maison l’Échelon Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Maison Tangente Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Mercier-Ouest, quartier en santé Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Mosquée al Hidayat Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Projet Harmonie Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Regroupement Entre-Mamans et Papas Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Répit Providence Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Résolidaire - Centre de services et d’activités pour aînés Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No REVDEC Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Service d’éducation et de sécurité alimentaire de Mercier-Est Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, St-François d’Assise Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Hochelaga-Maisonneuve/Longue-Pointe Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Justin Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Nom-de-Jésus Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Claire Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte Louise de Marillac Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No SOS Itinérance Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Table de quartier Hochelaga-Maisonneuve Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Table Solidarité Mercier-Est Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Un Élan pour la Vie (le Frigo des Élans) Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Y’a QuelQu’un l’aut’bord du mur Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve No Mont-Royal Mont-Royal No Amour en Action Montréal-Nord Yes Association québécoise de défense des droits des personnes retraitées et préretraitées Montréal-Nord No Montréal-Nord Carrefour des retraités de Montréal-Nord Inc. Montréal-Nord Yes Centre communautaire multiethnique de Montréal-Nord Montréal-Nord Yes Centre d’action bénévole de Montréal-Nord Montréal-Nord No Centre de Pédiatrie sociale de Montréal-Nord Montréal-Nord Yes Centre éducatif communautaire Philos Montréal-Nord Yes Centre Toxico-Stop Montréal-Nord Yes Église du Nazaréen Montréal-Nord Yes Entre parents de Montréal-Nord Montréal-Nord No Espace jeunesse le Salon Montréal-Nord No Fondation de la Visite Montréal-Nord No Fourchettes de l’espoir Montréal-Nord Yes Montréal Nord en Santé Montréal-Nord No Panier Futé Coop Montréal-Nord No Parole d’excluEs Montréal-Nord No Phare de Montréal-Nord Montréal-Nord Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Colette Montréal-Nord No La cathédrale orthodoxe russe Montréal Outremont No Outremont en Famille Outremont No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Madeleine – Saint-Viateur Outremont No 122e Groupe scout Marie-Reine de la Paix Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Carrefour des 6-12 ans de Pierrefonds-Est Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Centre d’intégration multiservice de l’Ouest-de-l’Île - Pierrefonds Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Centre Multiculturel l’Amour Pierrefonds-Roxboro Yes Château Pierrefonds Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Église Baptiste Évangélique Emmanuel Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Fonds d’aide de l’ouest de l’ile Pierrefonds-Roxboro Yes Fonds d’aide de l’Ouest-de-l’Île Pierrefonds-Roxboro No La Corde (Jeunesse sans limite) Pierrefonds-Roxboro No

25 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Maison des jeunes À-ma-Baie Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Maison Entre Famille Pierrefonds-Roxboro Yes Mosquée AL HUDA Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Mosquée DARUS SALAM Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Mosquée MAKKAH AL MUKARRAMAH Pierrefonds-Roxboro No On Rock Community Service Pierrefonds-Roxboro Yes Pères à coeur Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Projet communautaire de Pierrefonds Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Roxboro United Church Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Table de quartier du nord-ouest de l’île de Montréal Pierrefonds-Roxboro No The Parish of St Barnabas Pierrefonds-Roxboro No West-Island Network Pierrefonds-Roxboro No Banque Alimentaire Action Chrétienne Pointe-Claire No Cedar Park United Church Pointe-Claire No Centre de Ressources communautaires Pointe-Claire No Church of the Resurrection Valois Pointe-Claire No Corbeille de pain Lac Saint-Louis Pointe-Claire No Église presbytérienne St. Columba By-the-Lake - programme alimentaire Pointe-Claire No La maison des naissances du lac St-Louis Pointe-Claire No Parrainage Civique de la Banlieue Ouest / Citizen Advocacy Pointe-Claire Yes Table de Quartier Sud de l’Ouest de l’île (TQSOI) Pointe-Claire No Vergers de Chez Nous Pointe-Claire No West Island Mission Pointe-Claire Yes 1, 2, 3 GO! Pointe de l’Île Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Action Secours Vie d’Espoir Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes AQDR-PDÎ Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Carrefour familial les Pitchou Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre Bienfaisance Mont - Sinaï Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes Centre communautaire fath (mosquée) Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre d’aide familiale éducative et sociale «de tout repos» Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre d’entraide aux familles (CEAF) Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes Centre de jour l’Échelon Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre de l’enfance de Rivière-des-Prairies Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre de la famille haïtienne et interculturel de RDP Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre de promotion Le Phare Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes Centre des femmes de Montréal-Est/ Pointe-aux-Trembles Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre des femmes de Rivière-des-Prairies Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Centre local d’initiatives communautaires du Nord-Est de Montréal (CLIC) Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes Coopérative d’habitation Giron d’aile Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes Corporation de développement communautaire de la Pointe Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Corporation de développement communautaire de Rivière-des-Prairies Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Cuisine collective À Toute Vapeur Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes L’échoppe de GAÏA Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Les Relevailles de Montréal Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Maison de la famille coeur à rivière Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Maison des jeunes de Rivière-des-Prairies Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles Yes Maison des jeunes Pointe-aux-Trembles Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Monastère recluses missionnaires Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Popote roulante Les Bons Mangeurs Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Enfant Jésus Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Maria-Goretti Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Marthe Rivière des Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles No Aide aux Villageois du Village Olympique Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Alternative Naissance Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Armée du Salut / The salvation Army - Centre communautaire Chrétien (Rosemont) Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Bouffe-Action de Rosemont Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Buffets Insère-Jeunes (BIS) Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Bureau de la communauté haïtienne de Montréal Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No CAB Montréal / Saint-Esprit/popote roulante Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Carrefour communautaire Montrose Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Carrefour familial l’Intermède Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Centre communautaire CEFEDI Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Centre communautaire Petite-Côte (Ex L’Entre-Gens) Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Centre d’aide Nouveau Départ Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Centre d’hébergement Auclair Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Centre d’information pour Espagnols / Mission catholique espagnole Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Centre de Ressources et d’Action Communautaire de La Petite-Patrie (CRAC Petite Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Patrie) Centre N A Rive de Montréal Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Compagnons de Montréal Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Coopère Rosemont Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No COPSI Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Cuisine collective amicale (La) Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Dynamiques du village olympique Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Écho des femmes de la Petite Patrie Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No

26 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Église Baptiste Évangélique de Rosemont Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Église Méthodiste libre de Rosemont Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Entraide Saint-Esprit Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Entraide ukrainienne de Montréal Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Épicerie solidaire de Rosemont (dont le fiduciaire est Bouffe-Action de Rosemont) Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Groupe l’Entre-Gens Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Groupe Part Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Habitation deux volets Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Halte la Ressource Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Hôte Maison Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes La Place de La Petite-Patrie (RTCPP) Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Maisonnette des parents Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Mission catholique Sainte-Thérèse d’Avila Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Mosquée Abou Bakr Asseddique Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Mosquée al Gods Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Nourri-source Montréal Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Oasis des enfants de Rosemont Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Pastorale sociale le Réchaud Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Regroupement partage Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Service d’aide et de liaison pour immigrants / La Maisonnée Rosemont-La Petite Patrie Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Bonaventure Rosemont La Petite Patrie No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-François Solano Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Jean-Vianney Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Square Rosemont Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Table CDC de Rosemont Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Tablée du quartier (la) Rosemont-La Petite Patrie No Armée du Salut - Services aux Familles Saint-Laurent Yes Association culturelle arménienne tekeyan de Montréal Saint-Laurent No CARI Saint-Laurent (Centre d’accueil et de référence sociale et économique pour Saint-Laurent No immigrants)) Cèdres (les) - Centre d’accueil pour personnes âgées Saint-Laurent No Centre Communautaire Bon Courage de Place Benoît Saint-Laurent Yes Centre Cummings Saint-Laurent No Centre d’action bénévole et communautaire St-Laurent Saint-Laurent Yes Centre d’Encadrement pour Jeunes Femmes Immigrantes (CEJFI) Saint-Laurent Yes Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Saint-Laurent - Au coeur de l’enfance Saint-Laurent Yes Centre Soutien-Jeunesse de St-Laurent Saint-Laurent Yes Comité des organismes sociaux de Saint-Laurent Saint-Laurent No Comité logement Saint-Laurent Saint-Laurent No Congrégation Thora Vehaim Saint-Laurent No Corporation culturelle latino-américaine de l’amitié (COCLA) Saint-Laurent Yes Direction chrétienne Saint-Laurent No École Secondaire St-Laurent Saint-Laurent Yes Moisson Montréal Saint-Laurent Yes Mosquée Al Islam Saint-Laurent No Oasis de Saint-Laurent Saint-Laurent Yes Ressources Jeunesse de St-Laurent Saint-Laurent Yes Simonet, Réseau de soutien et de service pour mères monoparentales Saint-Laurent Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence St-Hippolyte Saint-Laurent No Société Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Conférence Saint-Sixte Saint-Laurent No UGAB-Union Générale Arménienne de Bienfaisance Saint-Laurent No Vertcité Saint-Laurent No Alerte providence Saint-Léonard Yes Association haïtiano-canado-québécoise d’aide aux démunis (AHCQAD) Saint-Léonard Yes Bureau Associatif pour la Diversité et la Réinsertion Saint-Léonard No Centre des aînés du réseau d’entraide de Saint-Léonard Saint-Léonard No Centre islamique Badr (mosquée) Saint-Léonard No Chapelle bonne nouvelle / Good News Chapel Saint-Léonard Yes Mosquée Al Tawheed Saint-Léonard No Mouvement fraternité Multiethnique Saint-Léonard Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Léonard Saint-Léonard Yes Cégep John Abbott Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue No Comptoir alimentaire Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue No St George Anglican Church Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue No Volunteer West Island Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue No ACHIM, Alternatives communautaires d’habitation et d’intervention de milieu Sud-Ouest No Action Santé de Pointe St-Charles Sud-Ouest Yes Âge d’or Saint-Henri Sud-Ouest No Amitié soleil Sud-Ouest No Arche Montréal Sud-Ouest Yes Armée du Salut - Centre Booth Sud-Ouest Yes Association des popotes roulantes du Montréal métropolitain Sud-Ouest No Atelier 850 Sud-Ouest Yes Auberge communautaire du Sud-Ouest Sud-Ouest Yes Bible Way Pentecostal Church Sud-Ouest Yes

27 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL CEDA Comité d’éducation des adultes Petite Bourgogne et St Henri Sud-Ouest No Centrami Sud-Ouest No Centre africain de développement et d’entraide Sud-Ouest No Centre communautaire des femmes actives Sud-Ouest No Centre communautaire Saint-Antoine Community centre 50+ Sud-Ouest No Centre d’aide à la réussite et au développement CARD Sud-Ouest No Centre des ainés de Pointe-Saint-Charles Sud-Ouest No Centre des Femmes West Island Sud-Ouest No Club âge d’or Saint-Jean-Bosco Sud-Ouest No Club de l’âge d’or Saint-Zotique Sud-Ouest No Club populaire des consommateurs de la Pointe-Saint-Charles Sud-Ouest No Coalition de la Petite Bourgogne / Quartier en santé Sud-Ouest No Comité d’éducation aux adultes de la Petite Bourgogne et St-Henri (CÉDA) Sud-Ouest Yes Continuité - Famille auprès des détenues (C.F.A.D.) Sud-Ouest Yes Corporation des marchés publics de Montréal Sud-Ouest No Cuisine collective Alpha Sud-Ouest No Dépannage alimentaire Église Catholique Saint-Charles Sud-Ouest Yes Église de la Pentecôte Chemin de la Bible Sud-Ouest No Épicerie le détour (bâtiment 7) Sud-Ouest No Fabrique de la paroisse de Saint-Gabriel Sud-Ouest No Famijeunes Sud-Ouest No Fondation Bharat Bhavan (Maison de l’Inde) Sud-Ouest No Garde Manger pour Tous Sud-Ouest Yes Habitations Oasis de Pointe-Saint-Charles Sud-Ouest No James Lyng Adult centre Sud-Ouest Yes Les chevaliers de Colomb Ville-Émard Sud-Ouest No Madame prend congé, Centre de femmes de Pointe-Saint-Charles Sud-Ouest No Maison Benoit Labre Sud-Ouest Yes Maison d’Entraide Saint-Paul & Émard Sud-Ouest Yes Maison des jeunes L’Escampette Sud-Ouest Yes Maison du partage d’Youville Sud-Ouest Yes Mamies immigrantes pour le développement et l’intégration Sud-Ouest No Marché/Café Petite Bourgogne Sud-Ouest No Milieu éducatif La Source Sud-Ouest Yes Mission Bon Accueil / Welcome Hall Mission Sud-Ouest Yes Mission du Grand Berger Sud-Ouest Yes Mosquée Anas Sud-Ouest No Mosquée Khadijah Sud-Ouest No Paroisse de la Très-Sainte-Trinité Sud-Ouest No Partageons l’espoir / Share the Warmth Sud-Ouest Yes Point de couture tlh Sud-Ouest No Réseau entraide la Main qui partage Sud-Ouest Yes Saint Columba House / Maison Saint Columba Sud-Ouest Yes Scientifines Sud-Ouest Yes Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, St-Paul & Émard Sud-Ouest No Solidarité Saint-Henri Sud-Ouest No Station Familles Sud-Ouest Yes Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre Sud-Ouest Yes Union United Church Sud-Ouest Yes Aisha islamic center Verdun No Association entre tes mains Verdun No Bureau de consultation jeunesse Verdun No Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Verdun Verdun Yes Centre communautaire pour aînés Verdun No Centre d’Aide aux Familles Immigrantes (Casa C.A.F.I.) Verdun Yes Centre de formation professionnelle des Carrefours Verdun Yes Centre des femmes de Verdun Verdun No Centre islamique Verdun Verdun No Charité Soleil Levant Verdun Yes Église Épiphanie Verdun No L’Ancre des Jeunes Verdun No La Maison des familles de Verdun Verdun No Maison des Jeunes Le Point de Mire de Verdun Verdun Yes Maison Levinschi (Douglas Hospital) Verdun No Manna Verdun Verdun Yes Plant de tomate à la fois (un) Verdun No Projet P.A.L. Verdun No Relance Jeunes et familles Verdun No Repaire jeunesse Dawson Verdun No Réseau d’entraide de Verdun Verdun Yes Réseau- Bénévole de Verdun Verdun Yes Saint-Willibrord - soupe populaire Verdun No South West mission Verdun Yes SSVP de Verdun Verdun Yes Toujours ensemble Verdun Yes

28 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Accueil Bonneau Ville-Marie Yes Action centre-ville Ville-Marie Yes Agriculture urbaine Montréal Ville-Marie No AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM) Ville-Marie Yes Association Bénévole Amitié Ville-Marie Yes Association des jeunes chrétiens de l’université McGill Ville-Marie No Association sportive et communautaire du Centre-Sud Ville-Marie No Auberge du coeur Le Tournant Ville-Marie Yes Carrefour Alimentaire Centre-Sud Ville-Marie No Carrefour jeunesse-emploi Montréal Centre-Ville Ville-Marie No Carrefour Saint-Eusèbe Ville-Marie Yes Centre d’action bénévole de Montréal Ville-Marie No Centre d’Action SIDA de Montréal (femmes) (CASM) Ville-Marie Yes Centre d’entraide et de Ralliement Familial (CERF) Ville-Marie Yes Centre de jour de St-James Ville-Marie Yes Centre récréatif Poupart inc. Ville-Marie Yes Chambreclerc Ville-Marie No Chez Émilie, maison d’entraide populaire Ville-Marie No Christ Church Cathedral - social service society Ville-Marie No Comité social Centre-Sud Ville-Marie Yes Communauté Nazareth Ville-Marie No Concordia’s sustainable food system Ville-Marie No Conférence Sacré Coeur de Jésus Ville-Marie No Coopérative de solidarité miel Montréal Ville-Marie No Corporation du Centre Jean-Claude-Malépart Ville-Marie No Dans La Rue Ville-Marie No Dispensaire Diététique de Montréal (le) Ville-Marie Yes École Pierre-Dupuy Ville-Marie Yes Église de la Pentecôte evangel Ville-Marie No Église orthodoxe éthiopienne du Canada Ville-Marie No Entraide Léo Théorêt Ville-Marie Yes Femmes en action Ville-Marie No Fondation du Refuge pour Femmes Chez Doris Ville-Marie Yes Fondation mission humanitaire pour le développement des jeunes Ville-Marie No Fondation OLO Ville-Marie No GEIPSI Ville-Marie Yes Groupe de tâches et d’entraide de Centre-Sud Ville-Marie No Groupe L’Itinéraire Café sur la rue Ville-Marie Yes Information alimentaire populaire Centre-Sud Ville-Marie Yes Innovation Jeunes Ville-Marie No L’église Saint-Jean Évangéliste Ville-Marie No La communauté culturelle kimbanguiste du Canada Ville-Marie No Le café sur la rue Ville-Marie No Logis Phare Ville-Marie No Loisirs St-Jacques Ville-Marie Yes Maison du Père Ville-Marie Yes Maison Plein Coeur Ville-Marie No Maisons Adrianna Ville-Marie Yes Méta d’Âme Ville-Marie Yes Midnight kitchen Ville-Marie Yes Mission Latino-Américaine Notre-Dame de Guadalupe Ville-Marie Yes Mission Saint-Michel (la) Ville-Marie No Missionnaires de la Charité Ville-Marie No Mosquée Al-Oumah Al-Islamiah Ville-Marie No Mosquée Tawuba Ville-Marie No Nazareth House / Maison Nazareth Ville-Marie Yes Old Brewery Mission Ville-Marie Yes Our lady of Czestochowa parish Ville-Marie No PAS de la rue Ville-Marie Yes Passages : Ressources pour jeunes femmes en difficulté Ville-Marie No People’s Potato Ville-Marie Yes Pépinière & collaborateurs Ville-Marie No Poussons-poussettes Ville-Marie No Projet d’Intervention auprès des Mineurs-res Prostitués-ées (PIAMP) Ville-Marie Yes Projet LOVE Ville-Marie Yes Projets Autochtones du Québec Ville-Marie Yes Refuge des Jeunes de Montréal Ville-Marie Yes Regroupement des cuisines collectives du Québec Ville-Marie No Rue des femmes Ville-Marie No Ruelle de l’Avenir Ville-Marie Yes Sac à Dos - Action de réinsertion sociale Ville-Marie Yes Santé et mieux-être des hommes gais et bisexuels (RÉZO) Ville-Marie Yes Services plus Des Trois Pignons Ville-Marie No Sida bénévole Montréal Ville-Marie No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Notre-Dame de Bonsecours Ville-Marie No

29 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette Ville-Marie No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Saint-Antoine Cathédrale Ville-Marie Yes Société écocitoyenne de Montréal Ville-Marie No Spectre de rue Ville-Marie No Sphère de services de l’AEESG Ville-Marie No St-Michael’s Mission Ville-Marie Yes Table de concertation et d’intervention pour une garantie alimentaire dans le Centre- Ville-Marie No Sud Y des Femmes de Montréal Ville-Marie Yes Y des femmes Montréal Ville-Marie No YMCA du Québec (Les) Ville-Marie Yes Afrique au féminin Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Al-Ihsane - Bel Agir (mosquée) Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Anges de l’Espoir ACI (les) Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Association du troisième âge Filia Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension Yes Bouddhisme int.progres societe de Montréal Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Carrefour populaire de Saint-Michel Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension Yes Centre communautaire La Patience Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension Yes Centre communautaire Rendez-Vous 50 + Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Centre communautaire turque du Québec Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Centre d’orientation et de prévention de l’alcoolisme et de la toxicomanie latino- Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes américain (COPATLA) Centre des loisirs des sourds de Montréal Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Centre Sainte-Croix Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Church of pentecost agape food drive Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Comité Canada Québec Soins Relève Vie Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension Yes Comptoir alimentaire Villeray Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Concertation alimentation Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Conseil régional des personnes âgées italo-canadiennes de Montréal Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Corporation du centre des aînés de Villeray Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Cuisine et vie collectives Saint-Roch Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension Yes Famille Myriam de la miséricorde Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Gap-vies Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Greco-canadiens de Montréal «Asklipios» Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Groupe d’action pour la prévention de la transmission du VIH et l’éradication du sida Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Héberjeune de Parc-Extension Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes La maison des grands-parents de Villeray Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Les Jumeleurs / espace communautaire Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Madina muslim foundation Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Maison d’Haïti Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Maison de la famille de Saint-Michel Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Maison de quartier Villeray Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Maison des jeunes par la Grand’porte Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Masjid Alfarouq (mosquée) Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Messenian brotherhood of Canada Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Mon Resto Saint-Michel Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Mosquée / École As Salem Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Mosquée Al Rahmah Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Mosquée Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Mosquée Al-Amin Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Mosquée Baitul Muqaddis Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Mosquée Dar Al-Arqam Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Mosquée Madinah Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Mosquée Uthman Bin Affan Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No O.h.o.d. (organisme humanitaire d’orientations et de développements) Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Organisation des jeunes de Parc-Extension (PEYO) Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Parrainage civique les Marronniers Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension Yes Patro le Prévost Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Réchaud bus Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Renaissance Montréal Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Ressource action-alimentation Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Saint Marcos Eygenikos Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Service éducatif spécialisé et adapté de Montréal (Sésam) Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension Yes Société d’entraide des femmes grecque (la) Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Notre-Dame-du-Saint-Rosaire Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Alphonse Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Barthélemy Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Grégoire-Le-Grand Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Mathieu Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Michel Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Roch Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Saint-Vincent-Ferrier Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société de Saint-Vincent de Paul, Conférence Sainte-Cécile Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Société Durkai Amman Koyil Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Table de concertation en sécurité alimentaire Villeray Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc Extension No Table de concertation sur la faim et le développement social du Montréal métropolitain Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No

30 PORTRAIT OF FOOD SECURITY ORGANIZATIONS ON THE ISLAND OF MONTREAL Vue sur la relève Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension No Centre communautaire de l’avenue Greene Westmount No Centre Contactivité Westmount No Centre Cummings Westmount No Dairy Kitchen (congregation Shaar Hashomayim) Westmount No Temple Emmanuel Beth Shalow Westmount No The Open Door Westmount Yes PROFILE OF ACTORS IN FOOD SECURITY ON THE ISLAND OF MONTRÉAL