Alternating sums concerning multiplicative arithmetic functions ∗ L´aszl´oT´oth Department of Mathematics, University of P´ecs Ifj´us´ag ´utja 6, H-7624 P´ecs, Hungary E-mail:
[email protected] Journal of Integer Sequences 20 (2017), Article 17.2.1 Abstract We deduce asymptotic formulas for the alternating sums ( 1)n−1f(n) and n≤x − ( 1)n−1 1 , where f is one of the following classical multiplicative arithmetic func- n≤x − f(n) P tions: Euler’s totient function, the Dedekind function, the sum-of-divisors function, the P divisor function, the gcd-sum function. We also consider analogs of these functions, which are associated to unitary and exponential divisors, and other special functions. Some of our results improve the error terms obtained by Bordell`es and Cloitre. We formulate certain open problems. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 11N37; Secondary 11A05, 11A25, 30B10. Key Words and Phrases: multiplicative arithmetic function, alternating sum, Dirichlet series, asymptotic formula, reciprocal power series, Euler’s totient function, Dedekind func- tion, sum-of-divisors function, divisor function, gcd-sum function, unitary divisor. Contents 1 Introduction 2 2 General results 3 arXiv:1608.00795v2 [math.NT] 29 Dec 2016 2.1 Alternating Dirichlet series . 3 2.2 Meanvaluesandalternatingsums . 4 2.3 Methodtoobtainasymptoticformulas . .. 7 2.4 Twogeneralasymptoticformulas . .. 7 3 Estimates on coefficients of reciprocal power series 9 3.1 TheoremofKaluza................................. 10 3.2 Kendall’srenewaltheorem.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 ∗The present scientific contribution is dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the foundation of the University of P´ecs, Hungary. 1 4 Results for classical functions 12 4.1 Euler’s totient function .