That Eep Quality Inside

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That Eep Quality Inside The West Coast Fisheries, Volume 2, Number 8, June 1930 Item Type monograph Publisher M.W. Eley Download date 09/10/2021 12:05:16 Link to Item Ill Ill Ill eep all that quality inside When you've used painstaking care to pack only highest quality fish-why risk the chance of losing that quality on the way to market? Ouality on the dealer's shelf is the thing that counts- in sales and ever-growing volume. Canco's metal fish packages have built up an enviable record among sardine1 tuna and salmon packers. They have the knack of keeping quality in the can-on the trip to market1 to the dealer's shelf and to Mrs. Housewife's table. AMERICAN C/\.1\J COMPA.I\JY CANCO- I lI ncrease your~ profits on 1r1~' :Make you1· 19.30 Tuna Pack the most profit· able of all! I Investigate your possible savings by using { Continental's Inorlern dosing n1aehines and tuna cans of the finest quality. More and more Packers are finding this complete service 1neans faster packing­ fewer interruptions and Jnore net profit fron1 every ean of tuna. An experienced Continental representa­ tive will take a keen interest in your prob­ lems ancl will he glad to fnrtber demonstrate the advantages of Continental cans and ectnipment. CONTINENTAL CAN COMPANY, INC. E.~o·t·win• Offin•• NEW YOHK CIIICA<;O SEATTLE · LOS ANGELES · SAN .JOSE · OAKLAND I E L Hiqh Speed Equipment ,-------~--~~--------------- t·r It's Better Pachell i11 Tin'' JUNE, 1930 3 25 to 200 horsepower Complete line of Fairbanks.. Morse Diesels meets the power needs of the fishing industry UILDING a new vessel? Refitting an B old one? Then get the facts about Fairbanks-Morse Dies e 1 Engines! Whether your need is for main drive or auxiliary power, you will find that there is an F-M Diesel to suit your require­ ments. You will be interested in the advantages that Fairbanks-Morse Diesels have to offer ... interested because by whatever standards you measure power, these engines will meet them all. Fuel econ­ omy. Dependability. Low maintenance. Long Life. Small space requirements. The Pacific Coast's largest tuna boat, "The Hermosa,'' Wider cruising range. Freedom from is powered with a 560 hp. excessive attendance demands. These F-M Model 37 Diesel Ma· rine Engine. T h c equip­ MODEL 37 are a few F -M Diesel advantages. There ment of this modern craft in­ cludes, also, an F-M Diesei are others. generating set a n d Fair­ F-M Diesel Marine Engines banks-Morse pumps. Respo-n­ In the Fairbanks-Morse Diesel you will sibility for power and pump­ now available in sizes from 250 ing equipment is thus cen· find an engine of the utmost simplicity­ trallzed to 1200 hp. a two-cycle, airless-injection engine that Because of the markedly successful perform­ reflects the practical experience of more than 35 years of building ance record of Fairbanks~Morse Model 37 Die­ internal combustion engines. Back of every F-M Diesel is the sel Marine Engines in the 16" x 20" cylinder l'-ize, the same desirable construction features guaranty of America's largest manufacturer of Diesel engines. have~ been extended to include a complete line Back of these engines, too, are unequaled service facili'ties­ of engines from 250 to 1'200 hp, F-M service departments are maintained in principal ports the Model 37 F-M Diesels develop greater horse­ world over. power per given cylinder size because greater heat transference is obtained by oil--cooling the pistons. By combining the pressure lubricating Interesting information about F -M Diesel Engines will be sent system with the oil cooling features, the com­ promptly upon request, or a competent Fairbanks-Morse engineer plications and maintenance liabilities encoun­ tered in previous attempts to introduce oil will discuss your power requirements with you at your con­ cooling arc avoided, venience. The advantages of Model ~37 are important when applied to fishing vessels where fuel FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., Chicago economy, wide cruising range, high engine ef­ Los Angeles, Calif., Seattle, Wash., 550 First Ave., S. ficiency, dependability and compact power are 423 East Third St. Spokane, Wash., important. Write for details, San Francisco, Calif., 1113 West Railroad Ave. Spear and Harrison Sts. Salt Lake City, Utah, Portland, Ore., 14 S. West Temple East First and Taylor Sts. Tacoma, Wash., 432 Perkins Bldg. General Offices: Chicago Branches with Service Stations in Principal P'orls FAIRBANKS ... MORSE 1Ql0 begins the SECOND CENTIJRY DIESEL ENGINES of building - FAlllllANKS SCALES POWER, PUMPING AND WEIGHING EQUIPMENT OA 27.320 THE WEST COAST FISHERIES ADVERTISERS A Morse, Andrew J. & Son, Inc. 26 Mission Bell Petroleum Co... -· 41 Alaskan Glacier Seafood Co .. 61 Mutual Fish Co........ 59 American Can Co ........ Front Cover McCaHrey (The) Co 37 Underwriters Approved American Chain Co........ 26 American Fisheries Co ......... 37, 38 N American Fisheries, Inc...... 59 American Paulin System. Inc. 23 Naylor, Geo. E.- 60 Anderson Barngrover Mfg. Co. 6 Nnhalem Bay Fis~ Co...... 63 Anderson (Arthur) Fhh Co .. 58 New England Fish Co_. __ .. 62 Arcadian Seafoo:l Co __ . 56 Newport Fish Co 63 Arden Salt Co.. 45 0 B Oakland Fish Co.. 64 Bay View Supply Co .. 39 Ocean Fish Co......... 59 Berry Bros. 43 Pacific Mutual Fish ·c~:;-· Inc. 64 Bibb Mfg. Co ............ .. 21 Paladini (A.), Inc.... 65 Blwnenthal, M. N. .. 61 Parke & Kibele, Inc 33 Blue Mountain Trout Farm .. 48 Patterson Sargent Co.. 23 Booth (F. E.) Co., Inc .......... 45 People's Fish. Co.......... 38 Brenner ·0. J,) OY!Iter Co_ .. 62 Perkins Marine Lamp Corp.. 26 Bristol Bay Pacldng Co ... 56 Pioneer Fisheries .......... 59 Portland Fish Co.. 63 c Protane Bottled Gas Co 41 California Electric Worlcs ....... 41 R California Thorn Ccmlage... 40 Calif. Press Mfg. Co .. Back Cover Reeves, .T. H. 63 Central California Fish Co ...... 64 Ripley (Edwin) & Son.. __ 62 Central Fish & OY!Iter Co... 60 Ripley Fish Co., Inc .. 62 Central Sheet Metal Works ____ 37 Ritchie (E. S,) & Sons 21 Coast Electric Co.. 40 Coast Fisheries .... -..... 48 s Continental Can Co .. Salazar, M. Luis. 37 Inside Front Cover San Diego Fisheries Co ..... - 38 Cunningham, Allan .......... -....... 43 San Diego Marine Canst. Co.. 41 Custom House Paddng Corp. 46 Sands (A, B.) & Sons Co ..... - 20 Crab-Salmon Fishermen's Pro- San Francisco International tective Assn. 33 Fish Co. ........ ---.---···-·--·--··· ..... 65 THE "PANAMA" San Juan Fishing & Pacl,ing D Co.. Inc. ..... --..- .......... ·--·--······ 62 Davis (F. A.) Co ........ 18 San Luis Fi~h Co __ .. _.......... .'.. -- .... 64 Dowden, Henry Co .. .. 58 San Pedro Boat Building Co., Durntite Putty Co.. 26 Inc ........................................._,._ 44 San Pedro Fish Co... 59 This new boat owned by the !to, lshi, E San Pedro Grocery & "S~p·p·iy Co .............................. -.... --··· Shindo Syndicate is the latest recruit to Ederer (R J,) Co .. -­ 23 Sardine Canners' Association o:f Ets· Holdn & Galvan .. - 43 California ............ 52 Seattle Glove Co.. 40 the long list of Lux protected Commer­ F Sebn:otian Stuart Fish Co....... --··· Fairbanks-Morse & Co_. 3 ..... - ............... Inside Back Cover cial Boats. Federal Wood Yard .. 41 Ser.ur{t"y Trust & Savings Feller, Chas., Inc .......... -.. 5B Bank ··-·· 3 7 Fishermen's Cooperative Assn. 33 Shockey Boiler Works........ 41 Fletcher, Wiest & Co._ .. _. 56 Silvergate Canned Goods.. 40 Frost (D. 0.) Corp .. 40 Southern California Jap. Fish- LUX DISTRIBUTORS ermen's Assn .............. _. __ . 33 G Stamford Foundry Co .. 25 Southern California Northern California Northwest Standard Fisheries 66 General Fisheries Corp ....... 51 Stanrlard Products Co., Inc ____ 25 PAUL W. HILLER JIOUGll & EGBERT ALEX GOW, INC. Gold Beach Packing Co.. 56 Stand!ird Fisheries Co.. 59 Wllminglon San Francisco Seattle Gross (E. B.) Canning Co ... 52 Star and Crescent Oil Co... 41 Star Fisheries .... ............. 38, 59 LUX AGENTS H Stellar Fish Co... 38 Haines Oyster Co.. ... 62 Stose, Clem ...... 41 ~unset Fish Co ...... .. R. V. 1\Iorris ... , ..... , ............. San Diego Hall and Olson ......................... 62 63 Superior Sea Food Co__ 60 Yacht & Motor Sales Col'Jl· .......... Wilmington Hannula (John, Jr.) Fish Co_. 62 Suttora (Frank) Fish Co__ Harbor Fish Co........ 60 " Craig Ship Building Co •.......... , , Long Beach Harbor Sheet Metal ·w·~k;::·· 33 T Harbor Supply Co __ .. 40 William Sylva Co •............... San Francisco Hendry {C. J.) Co 37 Tacoma Fish & Packing Co .. 62 Beebe Co. ..... , ............ , . , , .. Portland Hercules Oil Co.... 39 Tint's Fish Market 63 Higashi Fish Co ... -.. ·--· 64 Tower, A. J, Co._ .. 23 Seattle l\Iarine Equipment Co., .... , , , ... Seattle Horman (J, P.) Fish CQ.. 64 Tubbs Cordage Co __ .. 23 Hovden (K.) Co...... 47 Hoffnrs -Ltd. , ................... Vancouver u Pacific Salvage Co ••.....•..•. ~ ..•.. Vancouver 38 Independent Fish Co __ i~ g~~~ I~~shCo~~-· _._A2, 44 Ingle Mfg. Co ........ Walter Kidde&: Company, inc. Isenberg, M. N .. 60 v 140 Cedar Street K Van Camp Organizations ... 38, 55 Kidde (Walt-er) & Co., Inc. 4 Van Camp Sea Food Co., Inc. 51 New York Kuhls (H. B.) Fred .. 22 Koulouris & Co ... .. ....... 57 w Tear out and mnil Coupon to nearest Dealer. Walker, Thomas & Son, Ltd. 25 ·······················---·-······---·--- L Warrenton Fisheries. Co ....... -.. 63 Landers, Chas. A ...... 41 \Veems S.vstem of Navigation. 44 Please Send me copy of "No More Fire Disasters" and Larco ( S. Fish Co ....... 6~ Western California Fish Co 66 Laughlin, The Thomas Co. 21 Western Enterprise Engine Co. 44 Lawrence (J. E. & Co .. 63 Western Salt Co ...... ----------···- 51 details of system for my boat.............................................. .. Long Beach Salt Co ..... 51 Wl'stern States Grocery Co.. 40 ILos Angeles Fish & Oyster WhiT. Fish Co .... ·----······----···· _ 62 she is ................ ft. long; .............. wide and has 2- ............ HP Co. of Los Angeles ... 60 Wickwire Spencer Steel Co'""" 20 Los Angelell Fish & Oyster Woolsey (C.
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