CHILDREN'S DAY A SUCCESS Mary Pickford Here Oct. 1 BASEBALL Mary I'ickford, the famous film star Amusements for Young and Old. WEDDING BELLS MRS. MARY HELZMOUSKY vho last year appeared in the role of WAR RELIEF fAR Hnxs CAPTURES ANOTHER. lie Far Hills Baseball Club on the The funeral of Mrs. Mary Helzmou- Lawns Beautifully Decorated. GARRABRANT-IU'NSTER 'Madam Butterfly" which was taken s grounds, Saturday afternoon con- sky, fifty-one years old, who died Sun- Automobiles were plying all after- The marriage of Miss Olive Punster, t "Yademos" the country estate here j its winning streak by disposing day of apoplexy, was held at 9 o'clock loon between Olcott Square and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. f Mrs. Charles Pftxar, will return to COMMITTEE MEETS ,J|"|)e strong Orange A. C. The game Tuesday morning in the Church of Our f'rancis J. Lloyd estate, on the Moun- Dunster, of this place and Paul S. lam*fdsville October l n*\t. Reports of Various Committees Read ^Wcalled at tne en^ °^ ^he seventh Lady of Perpetual Help, where a mass ain, where Children's Day is being Sarrabrant of Brooktlde, was solemn- She will appear in several scenes ! owing to darkness, the score of requiem was celebrated by theelebrated for the benefit of the Somer- zed Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at Which are to be taken at different es- •nd Officer* Choieo.—Mn. C. rector, Rev. William I. McKean. the Methodist parsonage, Morristown, ates in this section. • Far Hills 7; Orange 2. Batter- et Visiting Nurse Association. Ledyard Blair Resigns. g^Far Hills, Jaeggera and Dow; Or- Burial was in St. Vincent's Cemetery, Hundreds of children and equally as Rev. Thomas T. Crawford officiating, Sidney Olcott, director of the Famous Bee, Barry, Cohan and Kling; umpires, Stirling. Besides her husband, Mrs. nany "grown-ups" were scattered over The young couple were attended by 'layers Film Company of New York of Helzmousky leaves two daughters and PRAISES WORK OF MEMBER BEai-a. Dargel and Howlett. he spacious lawns of the large estate. Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Walker of this which Miss Pickford is a member, hus one son. They are Mrs. Kalman Nagy, There were all kinds of games for theplace. ngaged all the rooms in Bernards Inn Another year of good work was com- Miss Margaret Helzmousky and John No GAME AT RIDGE. hildren and any quantity of refresh- Following the ceremony a reception or an indefinite period beginning with pleted Tuesday bv the Somerset Hills Helzmousky. i '{he Peapack team Saturday after- ments. was held at the home of the bride's lext October. It is thought that be- War Relief Committee. A spontaneous IHOH failed to show up for its game Mrs. Lloyd took an active part, being parents, after which the bride and ide9 Miss Pickford, Miss Marguerite organization of women from towns in irtth the Ridge boys and local fans MRS. ARTHUR K. BALLENTINE n charge of the tea table. Motion groom departed on a honeymoon trip Ilarke, another star, will also appear in this vicinity, not incorporated but cenes here. i forced to miss a game. Funeral services for Mrs. Arthur K. pictures were shown in the dining room and upon their return will take up their bound together by sympathy for war Ballentine who died Sunday at the f the Lloyd home, this part ers by a chorus of girls; a playlet, en-reason, her inability to give to tha Mrs. Cornelius Webb, all of this place. Kighter and Butera; Hesta- Morristown M. E. Church will officiate. itled "The Boy Franklin," by thework all the time necessary to assure I .intuit and C. Meslar. [racfuating class, and two cornet solos it unqualified success. Mrs, Robert Exercises at St. Bernard's School Resuscitated.—Heart Failed Him Stevens was elected to succeed her. Harley Apgar, twenty-five years old, KALINA-SAKOS iy John Brown. C. B. Mitchell, of the Closing exercises of St. Bernard's Much praise was bestowed by Mrs. Far Hills Carnival a Success. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Apgar, Miss Margaret Sakos, daughter of 3oard of Education, who was introduc- School, Gladstone, Thursday afternoon, ed by the principal, Miss Mary Frost, Blair on Mrs. Albert Jollilfe who was Despite the inclement weather, the f Mine Brook, died Sunday, when his Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sakos, of Far were held out of doors and were follow- spoke, and Supervising Principal Lester commended for her activities in con- leart failed him after having been Hills and Charles Kalina, also of that lan carnival of the Far Hills Fire ed by a fire drill, in which the boys put Meseroll presented diplomas to the fol- nection with war relief work. Mrs. aved from drowning. The young man place were married Saturday morning Company, hold last Friday and Satur- out an actual fire on the premises. owing: Elizabeth Little, Gertrude Scott, Jolliffe, Mrs. Blair declared, had gain- lad been swimming in a stream at in St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. The day mi the fair grounds, proved a suc- Four boys received certificates from ed the reputation of going everywhere Quincy, Mass., where he has been em-Rev. Francis X. Langan, rector of the leanor Stratum, Charles Terry, Thos. fless. Several thousand people attended the first year high school course, and with ;i shirt under her urni. it was )loyed. church officiated. Following the cere- itavson, Cornell Whitenaek, Frank Or- he carnival Saturday and hundreds of will leave the school to take up their mony there was a reception at the through her efforts that Bernardavllle The body laid unidentified at the ando and Mr. Brown, l^itiiinoliilfs were parked in the open studies in more advanced schools. Six home of the bride's parents. and Basking Ridge made such excellent morgue of J. J. Hall, of that city, until At the close of the exercises Mrs. W. Daces around the fair grounds. Every boys received diplomas from the gram- murks in the record of tho achieve- this morning, when it was identified by Mr. and Mrs. Kalina will reside in A. Bixby presented prizes given by tht Httni?ti"n ilit the carnival did well and mar department. The high school stu- ments of the organization, one of the firm by which he was emFa- r Hills. W. C. T. U., for the best original es- •ft is expected that the proceeds from dents were Edward McClane, Robert The need for such a band of women )loyed. The authorities at once got in DOUGLAS-BALDWIN says on temperance, written by pupils the affair will net the firemen a clear Townes, Philips Jackson and James constituted the Somerset Hills War ;ouch with the parents here and ar- Miss Eretta Baldwin of the local n the Far Hills School. The first prize •profit of about $600. Weber. teaching staff and Donald Douglas, of $2.50 was awarded to Miss Little. belief Committee is more a necessity ! The Cricket game between the Sons angements were made for shipment of ww than ever before, Mrs. Blair insisted, An inspection of the new infirmary, were married Saturday in Newark. Three other prizes of books, were given ©f St. George and local teams, one the body by express. It is expected to lecause of the threatening situation in the gift of Mrs.vGeorge Bliss, was held. to Hazel Todd, Miss Stratton and Mr. ©f the many attractions at the carnival, arrive Saturday morning. Mexico. Following the ceremony, the big bundle Orlando. The funeral will take place on Sun- KRISTENSEN-HILL A summary of tho work done since 3vas won by Far Hills , the score being of boxes and wood in the center of the (*> to \x. The visiting team held an day afternoon, at two o'oclock, at the A very pretty wedding was solemnized ast June shows that Irom Bernards- yard was set ablaze, the alarm sounded at six o'clock Saturday night at the luting and participated ir foot races lome of his parents. Rev. J. W. To Lay Corner Stone ^ ville articles as follows were sent to and the boys hurried to the barn, got ?lynn will have charge of the services. home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hill, iii.>i other athletic events. In connection with the blessing and Europe; Knitted articles, S3; gar- their emergency apparatus, attached it Interment will be in Evergreen Ceme- when their daughter Mis9 Mary Eliza laying of the corner stone for the new ments, 22ti, surgical supplies, 1,805. to the hydrant and in three minutes had tery, Basking Ridge. Hill became the bride of Paul Kristian parochial school and Sisters' home, The work from the contributing places Scouts Guide Wedding Guests water on the fire. They were one min- Kristensen. The ceremony was per- special services will be held in thewas as follows: Mendham, knitted The Boy Scouts of Troops 1 and 2 of ute ahead of the apparatus from Pea- formed by the Rev. Dr. Thomas A. Miss Larocque Enlists Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help garments, 95; garments, lrtt>; Basking thia place Friday afternoon acted as pack, which responded to the alarm. Conover, rector of St. Bernards Parish. Miss Theodora Larocque of the mnun- this Sunday, June 25. At H a. m. there Ridge, knitted articles, lift; garments, guide* for the guests who came here to i A test of the pressure was made, Miss Frances Hill, a sister of the bride ;ain section, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. will be a Mass at which a large class of 30; and surgical supplies, 881; Far Hills, attend the wedding of Miss Florence1 which proved satisfactory to the fire- was maid of honor and H. M, Bock knitted articles, 15; garments, 89, and Joseph Larocque, leaves on Saturday for children will receive their first Holy Ledyafd Blair, daughter of Mr. and men. This is the first fire plug to be oven of Mendham acted as best man surgical supplies, 181; Peapack, gar- France, where she has enlisted in one Communion. At II a. m. there will be Mrs, C. Ledyard Blair, of "Blairsden," attached to the new borough water fallowing the ceremony, a supper was ments, 2. A total of 3,600 articles waa of the American Hospital units. a High Mass with special music by the Peapaok, and H. Rivington Pyne, son supply. served at the home, furnished by John completed and shipped during the year, choir. In the afternoon at 1 o'clock the of Mr. and Mrs. Percy R. Pyne, of D. Bailey of Bernards Inn and catered ending June I. Holy Name Society will meet at the "Upton Pyne" this place. To Drive Ambulance in France >y Arthur Laver. The bride and groom Called to Colors rectory and will form a guard of honor The committee purchases material Meredith H. Pyne, son of Percy R. are now on a two week's honeymoon The guests who arrived by auto to Raymond Oliver, of this place, a mem- Pyne, of "Upton Pyne" estate, leaves to the Right Rev. James A. McFaul, D. which it cut and supplied to the trip and upon their return they wil attend the ceremony at St. John's ber of Company K, Fifth Regiment, Saturday for France where he enlisted D., L. L. D., Bishop of Trenton. At women and various organizations of as ambulance driver at the front. take up their residence in Bernards Chapel on-the-Mountain were met at Mountclair, has been called to the 1.30o'clock the society, a children's women and children, who sew them to- ! ville. the station by the boys and were colors and is now in camp with his choir of forty-five voices, acolites and gether. It is largely winter work, and directed to the scene of the wedding. company at Sea Girt preparatory to To Open Home For Children clergy will meet the Bishop and will many of the women of this vicinity being called to the Mexican border. W. Willis Reese, son-in-law of Mrs. Manager Garrabrant Surprise! march in solemn procession to the church have been busily engaged in this man- Another local soldier is Henry L. George Bliss and a brother-in-law of The Basking Ridge Baseball Club and where at 'i o'clock the prelate will ad ner for some time past. Election at Far Hills a number of fans from that place Sat Mrs. Walter P. Bliss, the treasurer, An election for the purpose of deciding Weber, of Getzoff & Mayberry's, who Walter P. Bliss, has leased the Dayton minster the sacrament of confirmation served in the Spanish American War Burrill house introspect street, Sum- urday night tendered a surprise dinne to a class of about thirty children. The showed that during its organization of whether or not a sewage disposal plant to their able manager, Robert Garra a little over a year, $0,741.80 had been will be installed and for the election of under General Edwin W. Hine, and mit, and will convert it into a home blessing and laying of the corner stone who for seven years was a member of for anaemic and dependent New York brant. The boys gathered at Bernard of the new Elizabeth Jane Hamilton received by the committee and $f>,528. - Commissioners to supervise the work, Inn and then telephoned to Mr. Garra 63 spent, leaving a balance of $216.17, will be held in the Fire House at Farthe regiment. children. Brady Memorial Building, at which the brant, saying that he was wanted The money disbursed went as fol- Hills, June 27. The following have The home is to be conducted by Mr. Bishop will officiate, will take place at Reese entirely as a private charity. the Inn. Not being aware of what wa 3 o'clock. The principal Bpeaker on lows; To the Red Cross, $2,664; bean mentioned as probable candidates Win W. C. T. U. Prizes being planned, the host to be hurried t United States Relief, $360; Belgium, for Commissioners: L. Vernon Ludlow, Each child admitted to the home will this occasion will be the Rev. R. II. The following pupils of the eighth the hostelry and when he, arrived h $1,040; French, $550; England, $356.60; 1>. C. Rinehardt, William Seuter and be cared for for two months. Girls be- Tierney, S. J., of New York, editor of grade have been awarded the prizes tween the ages of four and twelve was escorted to the dining room whic "America." The regular choir, assist- Vacation War Relief, $260, and the D. Lane. was in total darkness. Suddenly the Committee of Mercy, $100. The total offered by the W. C. T. U. for the beat years and boys from four to eight id by the children's choir, will render 1 lights were turned on and Mr. Garra- cash sent to Europe amounts to $5,209.- essays on "The Effects of Alcohol. " years only will enjoy the benefit of the special music. Prof. James Davifi will brant faced an excellent outlay of good 60. The value of the material pur Offering for Relief of Armenians First prize $3, George McGuinness private philanthropy. The home will ^reside at the organ. At the union service to be held at the second prize $2, Miss Helen Meser- accommodate about thirty-three child things to eat. The toastmaster at the chased from funds of the committee Millington Haptist Church on Sunday, oll, and third prize $1, Miss L. Alren. Such a place for delicate child- banquet was none other than that and made into useful articles and sent to the other side was $1,819. •Iuric 25, nt 11 o'clock, trJere will be apaugh. ren was maintained by Mr. Reese for famous orator, Charles H. Buck, pres- Round Top Council to Celebrate special offering made for the relief of seven years in Orange, The local ident of the club, who made the open- The local Round Top Council No. '437, The other otticers elected were: First tin Armenians in Turkey, Syria and benefactor is a member of the New ing speech. Speeches were also made Jr. O. U. A. M. is making arrange- vice-president, Mrs. Albert Jolliffe, Former Sen. Childs Improving by other members of the team, after ments for an elaborate celebration to second vice-prssident, Mrs. John F. IVrsin. Among the many appeals for Former Senator Samuel S Childs York real estate firm of Post & Reese. American sympathy nnd help there is which Mr. Buck presented Mr. Garra- be held July 17 in commemoration of Tnlmage; secretary, Mrs. Dean Sago who Saturday underwent an operation brant with a gold stylographic pen as a the twentieth anniversary of the in-and treasurer, Mrs. Walter 1'. Bliss. ROM roOTI worthy, if uny comparison for appendicitis at Overlook Hospital, Four Join Board of Trade CU) b« made, than tin- pitiable condition token of the team's appreciation of the stitution of the. lodge. Summit, is reported to be rapidly im The Board of Trustees of the newly of t)M CUM million non-combatant women, work done by their able manager dur- The committee appointed to decide proving. formed Board of Trade, at a meeting children and aged persons in the wur ing the past two years. The guest of on the character of the celebration is Fortune Made on Honeymoon held Monday night, approved four new honor responded in a most creditubk tiickcri rountrit'H of the Armenians. composed of Louis H. Nu.se, Jr., chair- Mr. and Mrs. George B, I'ost. who applications for membership. manner and thanked all present for man; JoHeph Gold.srnith, C. John < »tt, recently returned to the United States "Hi of two million thtTS have died Union Service at Millington Following the trustees' meeting, the On Sunday June 25th nt eleven thuir kindness to him. Lewis S. Graham nnd Joseph Weimer. from a wedding tour of the Orient, through rnasMiere, wounds and fX« Board met and elected tho four new ap- o'clock, tin1 congregations of All Saints The festivities closed wjth old familiar At the regular meeting for election were not at all bothered over the ex- liaustion over ttVffl hundred and fitly plicants. The organization now has a Episcopal and the Millington Baptll songs by all of those present. It wa.s of olllcers Friday night the following pense of their honeymoon trip. When thousand, and among those that are membership of forty-three. A commit- Churches will meet at the Baptli truly a gala night and n total surprine wen- choM'ii: Counsellor, C. JiihnOtt; the young couple lunded in San Fran- left, over one million "iv destitute tee on membership comprising Hev. J house of worship to listen to a sermon to Mr. Garrabrant. Viw-cotin.sellor, JoMph Allen; Secre- cisco, Mr. Post received I telegram Th< MOM might be Haiti about the del- 11, S. Fair, David Huist and Harry T. by the Rev. Henry V. B. Darlington tary, John K. 1'ufT; Assistant Secre- notitving him that the war itocll Im tituttoi Poland mid other countries Miller, was appointed and two mort M(| Rector of St. Barnabas, Newark. The tary, Frunk Uowers; Financial BtCffl bought jn;i! before his Wedding h*»d hi" w at war and it mnv be possible to members are to bl added at the nexi New Drum Major ( combined choirs of both churches wil tary, Henry U. Hill; Treasurer, Louis creased £60,000 in value. Mrs. Pout l"ii little for each, no it. is planned t» mMttngi JtUH -*th, at which time al W. Arthur KiehardHon, of Husking 1 II, Niise, Jr.; Conductor, Frank Tracy; was formerly Miss Irene LanghOTH "ml next Sunday's offering to the At render several, anthems and lend tin RfdgSi one of the ablewt ntnateur adorn other committee's will be appointed, Wnnlcn, Qacrgi I'. Reid; [nsldc Gibson, daughter of Chuiles l»:ma Hil'.- ""•ninns. If any wish to give and Win congregational Hinging. All are in in this ciMimunity, was elected l)rum l\ V. Stryker, who attended the StuU Sentinel Harry Uoe; Outride Sentinel, 100, the fatuous American nr11.• t. Mr. l»t nt tend the service, tlu'ir offering vjted to make thin a get-together and Major Monday night, of tho United Chamber of Commerce, at Heed John F. Mirnvtiiuru and Trustee, Daniel IV*t is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bin bf mailed to Rev. W. II. Mount, go-to-church Sunday. Fil'i' and Drum Corps of this place and llnven, as u special delegate from tin It liillio. It, Post, of thin place. Mr. urul Mrs. Mllllngton, and hu will forwnrd rtmttO Morristowti, Mr, RiehurdKon WUH for local Hoard, gave a most interesting re Post'l marriage in New York was one ">'' committed with the oll'ering to b« MILLINGTON many years at the head of some of tb< port. Advertised Lettert. of the fashionable weddings of the earljf 'mule us unnouncod. "The Elopement of Ellen," a plav best corps in this country. His ability A genural dmcusHion of the matter.' List of letters remaining uncalled for spring. which was given last night in tho Fir. in a leader makes him a mo*t valuuMe reported upon nnd tOBM special lubjsfltl at this ollicu for thu week ending June House, by tho Millington Dramatic So- addition to the local corps. '!'"<• MIHHOU Siidlo Kirkpatrick and followed and the Hoard decide! to takt 17, 1011, Adainy, who huvo boun gntttl ciety, will be repeated Saturday night. up these utii mooting to be held In tht Mr. A, Alexander, Mr. Samuel S. Kuser Chauffeur Fined The W, C T. U, will ami lllH O«orfie AHamy, havn roturncd The proceed! will b« for the benefit of near future. Cohovi-r, Mr. Samuel l^'Crey, Miss Eugene Von Qrulmgeii, chauffeur fw Friduy afternoon in Olcott School. '•> WellHboro, Pa, the Fire Cmupuny- The Hoard of Trade is open to mem Bbtfffi CoL A. R. Kustr, wa» fined 180 and Tho play, "A Regular Flirt," will bo btn from other organization*, win Tlieno Isttem will IM' .sent to the Dead costs Tuesday night bjf Jmtlwjof tin l'fed«rlck W, TbomaS, of Nnnuet, N. repeated July Id, by tho Myc-rHville may appoint a special representative lot Mr, and Mr*. N. Wyekoir Kiel LittoT Qfflflt on JunV27, if not delivered Peace, William I'. Carter, of Spring- v membtirHhlp. bttn Httertuinlntf their daughter, MiHH -, paid a iileusant visit to the NOT! ChrlltlM Endeavor Society at Myers- Loll Rltl, of PhlTsdtlphlB. bttatt, Reid Von (imieiigun, w\u, pleaded 1'iintery this forenoon. Mr. Thonm« villc Hall, MycTHvlllc. The Hoard of Trade will meet JNO, j rOLBT guilty tO the eluirgi of violating Mm Ofl Wednesday evening, June 2Mth, at Alnkl of beeoming u ronldent here, Owing to tlif scarcity of labor, the Postmutn auto speed laws, paid hi* Hue, Tho Morris County Crushed Stone Company H o'clock, following which a meeting ol MIHH Emma Marling has font ft) ohauiTeur'i arrai followed the running Wutchung for ths minnner, a bM IHKI tO IIMtOPfWtlBgaitiMn Mhov the entire cr(jiinl»nUon will be held, MIMM Caroline Cofnlfll i« spending the • •1 l.i I car into | |ree in frOHl Of the Hdwmil i',i unwell unil l,oormM BM 1 «« haw responded to the ''till to colon ,.1 to do work which in the pnut It him Moth meetings will behold in thfl Qloot' summer w'uh hoi purinUi in Adams, residence "i 3, S< CaldweH, In Spring* "id both urn now in camp, iiwaitlriK d upon laborers to do, School auditorium, Today IM tln< longest day In N. V, field Monday night or lui week, •T'lcrH to i.n.iwltu the Mexican border. The Bemardsville News, Thursday, June 22,

And it is further ordered that public a stone jtice of such application, addressed to one-tenth of a foot now or greet twenty-ieven moiluiiM.-iit, a corner IK said John K. JJavison, mortgagee i i:n-«. IA.L.G Of Uk HO, two ' •"•-'. ''' Hardenbergb a.s aforesaid, and his heirs, devisees and u cninuti i.r.i foui hundred and thirty- formerly of »aid Henry J John Pi Dry- personal representatives (without nam- • ud four-tenths of a foot .iini of lands formerly of line of lunils ... Iiuiiil thence (9) along a ing them) IIB served i>y publishing a to ih or placfc of 8B- |I II ; [u ; Lncer) ••' '>"«v •i-lv of said Dryden South tlniiy- copy of this order in ihe News-Kecord- OVNNJ of !• 011. -i l'' I 'i:. 'i. n, yusla J 'iv- ••'ii'l 64-1000 acres nine ('•'i\ij degrees eighteen (l!sj minuteser, a newspaper published and ci. "culat- , •,,, •. i n i i n v Claremont Hotel i twei n and Richard \ Llndabury, •M 4 OI' 1< .SH. liiiet .seven hundred and seventy-two in« In the said. County of Somerset, for land i" ' Iii • premises conveyed (772) feet to the middle of. the roud four consecutive weeks, once in each a...t executor* ,i mi 11 ugti es under the tJElN'i the samn«t and Alice M. JJo.st, le.iiliiiK from Mine -Mount School House last will «.n1d i.'.-i.niiriii of Cynthia '•' I, i;...:.' Bto the said John K. Drydi a, to .Menilli.uii; thence tlie following four 1 Drydenil,l deceased, complainants, and in H \* if DANIEL H. BEEKMAN, Judge. defi nd- dated October S't, 189fj ;in.,vu e of ;i decree for sale, made middle of the road leading from Mine ty-four feet and three-tenths Ui Court ot Chancery of New . . .Mount School UOUSe to Mendliain in imcl si-velliy-iuui icm ui,u ,.. „,.,by , [hiin n,.- abov'e "stated cav.ae, bearing flate Mas 2S, 1818, I, Kd*rard A. Day, tine of a tract ot land conveyed by otefn a (!0foo)t CJ74.3degree) st o forty-sia stakex; (11(4b)) Soutmi h H oni i,f i in. Hperial Maatora In the Court Thatcher M. Adams to John F. Dryden '"ute"H (10Kas)t degreethree shundre forty-sid anx d (46forty-tw) ir.ino- The Place to Buy Pure of thancen of s&ld .si.iii', will gel! at as aforesaid at the tj»-KIHIIinj^ corner feet and two-tenths of a foot (>I4J I) public ttucllon, t" the highest bidder, of a trait of forty and. forty-eight orie- to a stake; (12) South ten (10) degrees Hi the irMili'iH'i; of ilie ia.Ce Cynthia K. iniiidretiis tivAX) acres of land, here- flfty-two Co'i) minutes West one hund- Dryden, known as "Stronghold," locaj- inafter mentioned, conveyed by Wil- red and eighty-one feet and three- 1 liam Alexander and wife to Henry J. tenths of a foot (181.3) to a stake; (13) OF NEW JERSEY ad mi i in J.• •;.i) degrees ten I wo feet and seven-tenths of a foot comprise all of the lands and premises 1'itinau had six births, three mar- (HO minutes wrest two hundred ana (332.7) lo 111.- fifteenth corner of (said conveyed to Cynthia F, Dryden by riages aud Un'ee deaths in May. i-luhly-four Civl) faeti CO nontli fifty- forty 'mil forty-eight one-hunareatha lt.'ilph W. Hyatt, by his deed dated J. W. Hoffman two (62) deureea ton (I'D minutes WCM (HI is) acre Had, B corner of lands November SO, 190C, hereinbefore refer- elgul hundred and sixty-six (SGC) feet formerly of John P. Dryden; thence > feet; thence southeast corner of .'i tract of land now fj) along said otiI road to Mendham •Said lands will be sold as a whole and chicken houses in Camden of George r formerly belonging to William nnd not in separate parcels North nine i») degrees, forty <•"') Jnlin Rial; thence U) South thirty-two The sale will be made expressly sub- Cramer. iiiiimi' • caul one liuiiili • -«1 and four <:s:!) degrees ten (10) minutes Eiist ject to confirmation thereof by the (]04) feet nix ci) inches; tbence (7) fourteen chains flfiy-six links to the Court of Chancery of New Jersey and nldiiK sold old road to Mciidhnm north middle of (lie roiid leading from veal- The Hotel Proprietors' association of five (6) degrees, twenty-five ("!i) min- town to Malachl McCollum's dwelling at the conclusion of the sale the said Special Master will require the highest Ocean City has elected George T. Mann utes west our hundred and ten (lio) holme; thettce (2) IUOIIR the middle of bidder for the said lands and premises feet; thence (>>) along said old road lo said road South ilfty-two (52) degrees to deposit with him ten per cent, of presido-at Mendliain north ten (10) degrees fifty forty-live (46) minutes West seven the amount of such bid. (HO) jiiinud'H west one. hundred anil chains thirty-four links; thence (3) flfty-three (tr.:!) feat! thence (9) along- North thirty-five fSr,) decrees forty- EDWARD A. DAY, George L. Pharazyn and Harry Har- mild old road to Meiidham North fifteen five (45) minutes West twelve chains .Special Master in Chancery. FORREST F, DRYDEN, ding have been elected fire commission- (ir>) degrees thirty (.')'>) minutes West sixty-four links to a stake and stone SUSIE DRYDEN KUSER one hundred and ninety (19") foot three heap; thence (1) North thirty-nine RICHARD V. LINDABURY, ers of Llndeuwold. O) Inches: thence (10) aloiu; Hitid old CS!») degrees thirty (30) minutes East Executors of Cynthia P. Dryden, fOftd Id Mendhain north Iwenty-two eight chains thirty-six links to the „ , deceased. CSi) degrees thirty-fiva (86) mlnuten point or place of KKCINNINU. Joseph Holeton of Riverside was went one hiindri'd and seventy-three Containing lo 87-100 acres of land Dated May 24, 191C. 5-25 to (17:D fi.»i nix (6) Inches; thence ) minutes Kasi deeds for nald county nt pages 11 fietc . the record of a Mortgage. will be closed Wednesday afternoons five hundred »nd sixty-nine (MS!)) feet; KIKTH TRACT. BECiINNING in the No. 1 on Petition. Order to show cause. in June, July and August. thence (il) miuih fifty-two (68) de- middle of the last mentioned road at It appearing by satisfactory proof grees Bast four hundred and seventy the southeast corner of the said fourth from the petition of Dudley Olcott, duly Farm and Garden Tools and Machinery (470) feet; thenoe (15) south thirty- tract! thence (1) by a line of the said verified by affidavits, that there is a Pennsgrove council awarded a con- PIKIU (88) degrees west eighteen OK) fourth tract North thirty-one and one- certain mortgage upon lands in the Household Furnishings, Etc. : : : : : half (91H) de grass West fourteen tract for the improvement of Broad feet to a point in range with the chains Ilfty-six links to a stone heap, Township of Bernards, in the County middle tine of Claremonl Avenue afore- a corner of now or formerly l'eter of Somerset in this State, owned by street and Maple avenue. said; thence (Hi) along said East named Olllunl's farm and to the farm'novy or the said Dudley Ulcott and described line south forty-six (48) degrees Hix formerly of said John and William in the said petition, which was execut- CANNEL COAI FOR FIRE PLACES (II) iniiiiiirs enat nine hundred ami ed hy one Ugden Allen to one John S. ninety-two (99!) feet Hix (0) inches to Rial; thence (I!) the line now or form- Quiniby, on January 9, 18S3, to secure The City National bank of Salem has the place of BEniNNINQ. erly of said Cillnni North forty and the sum of $150 and interest, which been appointed a United States depos- three-fourths (40%) degrees Kast one. said mortgage was on December 15, Containing forty ami seventy-three chain seventy-Six links to a stake and hssa duly registered in the office of the itory for bankruptcy funds. one-hundredths (Ifl 7;t-ioti) acres, be stone heap in said line; thence (3) Clerk of said County, in Book Z 2 of tin1 name more or less. Bouth thirty-four (34) degrees East Mortgages, page 325, and which still Being tin1 Kiune property conveyed to three chains three links to a stake remains nncancelled of record, and that The freeholders have accepted the John K. Dryden by Thatcher M. Aiiums standing against the west side of a siiid mortgage has been of record for and Prances C Adams, his wife, by peach tree; thence (J) South thirty more than thirty years preceding this new concrete bridge over Cooper creek deed da led January 18, is'.t'J, iiinl re- CIO) degrees East alon^ the fence as it proceeding, and that said applicant, at Mann's hill, Iladdonfield. corded in the Clerk's office ot the stood In 1s:M, eleven chains nlnety-flvp Dudley Olcott, after diligent and care- County of Somerset in Book W S of links (o the middle of the aforesaid ful inquiry therefor, has been unable deeds for said coimly pages 89 etO, road; thence (S) along- the middle of to ascertain whether said mortgagee, BBCOND TRACT. ' HICUINNINiS at or said road .South fifty-four (54) degrees John S. Quimby, is still alive, or if The Cape May fire department has near the Wenieiiy end of Claremont twenty-five (85) minutes West one dead, has been unable to ascertain the re-elected William B. Gilbert chief and Avenue ai a point described as tha chain four links to the point or place names nnd residences of his heirs, de- of BEGINNING. Supposed to contain visees or personal representatives; and John Shields assistant chief. third corner of a lot of land of tell two acres of land be the same more or it further appearing that there is noth- and four hundred and sixty-lour onc- less. ing due upon said mortgage, thouaandths (in iiii-innn) acres con« Loring Thompson of Haddonfleld has vi'.vi'ii by Qeorge 13. I'OKI and wife to BRING the second tract describefl in IMalvlna A|iplclon by deed dated l)e- the said last mentioned deed from An- IT IS THEREUPON on this twentieth received an appointment to the Naval pember 6, UB8 and recorded in the thony U. Kuser and wife to John F. day of May, A. D., 1916, by virtue of an Clerk's oiilee of Somerset County in act entitled "An act providing for the academy from President Wilson. Hook v 8 or deeds for said county nt SIXTH TRACT. BEGINNING, ae- canceling of record of mortgages h.v THE UNIVERSAL. CAB/ pages 890 etc. said point being »1NO a cordlnff to a deed from John Jeroloman order of a Circuit Judge or Law Judge corner of lands conveyed by Tiiateher and wife to Daniel Ryal, dated January of a County" approved March 10, is;u ry council has passed an or- l'i. 1S34, anil recorded in Book S of and the several supplements nnd Al. Aaams and wife to ,ioim K Dryden amendments thereto, ordered that the dinance prohibiting city employeepy s by deed dated January ],'), 1898 and re- deeds nave r,fi!>, In the road at a corn- said John S. Quimby, and his heirs, de- corded in aald Clerlra office In Hook er of lots numbers 3, 4 nnd 7; from visees and personal representatives, do from drinking liquor while on duty. AV JS of deeds for said county at pane thence running (1) as the needle point- appear and show cause before me at High-class in every detail, smart in ap- XU ele; and funning thence (1) nloiiK ed in 1888, South tlfty-four (54) degrees forty-five (4S) minutes West along the the Court House in Somerville, New The Cape May freeholders have sold the middle of si toad leading Northerly middle of the road two chains fifty Jersey, on the thirtieth day of June, pearance, built on »the durable Ford from ihe i>iul of Maid Claremout Ave'- links; thence (2) North thirty-three 191fi at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, why $106,000 of thirty year 5 per cent bonds IHI<- lo Mendham following land now or (88) degrees forty (40) minutes "West the snid mortgage should not be can- chassis, the new Sedan combines style lor.nei'b of said Aiipleton North eleven tweve chains to a stake in the long celled of record in pursuance of the at a premium to New York bankers. (11) degrees ten (lMKe 991 Ho and place, he * ' 1 North seventeen (17) degrees one (ti Containing 3 acres nnd 0-100 of an ana place, he served by publishing a William Garland of 632 South Third I: M B acre of land be the same more or less. copy of this order In the News-Record- $590; Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Vl'Jl.'i'*;. '' » ven hundred nnd «ixiv HKINIi the third tract described in er, a newspaper published in the Town- street, Camden, was severely Injured. (7iyden. weekly, for four consecutive weeks, A building containing five stores will sale at Ellis Tiger Co., Gladstone. BKVBNTH TRACT. BEGINNING in once in each week from the date of the middle of the road known as the this order. be erected at the corner of Broad and et and nine-tenths of a foot Delaware streets, Paulsboro, at once. . lo Ihe Intersection thereof with .Mine Mount Road, which leads pnst DANIEL H. BEEKMAN, Judge. a ro;td leading Southwesterly there- Mine Mount School House, said beKhi- 5-25 ta from; th nlnK point beinK the southerly corner , elu'e I I) nloiiK the middle of of the tract herein described'and the The city authorities of Montclalr tthhe road lam mentioned and following; easterly corner of lands now or former- landfl now or formerly of the g SOMKHSNT COtrjtTV COVBT OF have refused to allow an open air mo- H.ihl ly of Jane J. Boudlnot, and running COMMON PLEAS Qeorge H Post south sixty-two thence (1) nlontf; line now or formerly tion picture theater to be opened there. degrees flfty-one (Tit) minutes *\<>K(68)t of said Houdlnot'H land (passing over one hundred and Sixty-nine and one In the matter of thme Application o.f. half feet (169H); thence (81 HtlH iilunir ii stone monument set on the north- y Oltt f westerly side of said roiul) North Dudley Olcott for an Order cancelling Robert Eldridge has been appointed the middle of unlil road and land now or twenty-tight (It) (U'Riees thirty-seven the record of a Mortgage. formerly of said Post South nighty-one l.li) minutes West seven hundred, and a state supervisor over the new gravel (M) degrees ten (1") minutes Went ninety feel and nix-tenths of a foot No. 2 on Petition. Order to show cause. four hundred and eighty-eight feet mid it appearing by satisfactory proof road being built from Malaga to Ne*w- •IX-tSntflS of a foot (tSS.fi); thence (ti) lilHi.d) to a stake in Ihthe fencefence;. thenothenoto. from the petition of Dudley Olcott, duly Ktill lllonK tin' middle of HIIIII road anil of paid verified by atlldavlt, that there is n cer- field. IL'> along land now or formerly tain mortgage upon lumls In the Town- laud now or formerly of said. l'OHt North elghty-aeyen ts7) Nliip of Bernards, in the County of ty-tighl (tK) minutes Degrees (wen- Somerset In (his State, owned by the The Cumberland freeholders have red and i-irlii \ -four West one lumd- said Dudley Olcott and described in the ecldod to Bend Indigent tubercular im- tenths of II Foot (18*.4) feetot n ancorned fourr «>-f Kiiiil petition, whlrli WHS executed by of one John Lewis and Nuncy Ijcwlfl, IUK ents tO the new hospital at Plensant lands convejid by the said Deorge wife, to one John It. Davlson on April Post nnd wife lo Martini Turn bull liItv ty Ci(i) (frees thlr- minutes West one hundred nnd :':', l'CT, to secure tlio mim of $1,000 nnd me. ileed dated Much 1. 1898 and recorded fifteen Interest, willed said mortgage was on in the Clerk'* office or mild County In (11S.6) feeto t nnd flvii-lentlm of a font Hook M 7 of (IIMMIM for said count v ill an Iron pin, said iron pin June !!•, 1 si;7, duly registered In the Kdgitr It. Spnrks of RurllnRton has pane l!71 eti being Office of the Clerk of said County In lice (7) Hltll alllllK the southerly coiner of a tract een ftppolnted by Governor Fielder as middle of lid mad and folloWltlf Hue of fifteen and tifiecn one-hundredth* Hook j of mortgages, pnwe 4lK, »nq of lauds* in (If. !ri-lllll\ acres conveyed to the Hull! whicrecordh , nnmildl tharemaint s unoancelled of tnenilicf of the state board of pliar liull Soutl * oi formerly of HUM Tuni- 11 »-i 111 v-sc\ I'u ;"i) tlllntllOH V\ <'KI one liulKll'cd eijthi i IS) degrees Hve t '•> mil) lien I WwtvllU io better protect the heavy nmi thirty- foui 11:; 11 feat; thence (B) West six hundred nnd Ihlrlj iioven feet Ellis Tiger Co. still aloiu'. the mlttiHci of said road and nnd slx*tetith* nf n foot 1837 i i u< a rnvel. I.IIHIN nonow in formerly of said Turn- stonHade monument, the second cornet of a litlll Soul Turn of innd of B«\ em v oni oni hund- I edllis . 'iitlon Infor111nli1.11 hns bci'ii rci'clvt'd tlinl • [Established l8()d\ ffou r S(I*) ntlnutps west Rv« (Wellty- said (71- MUM itcrn emivpj i d b) tho | 1 .us given t» xecnri llll Kl'V, III > I ,•. .. |, ,| ;,|,,l hundred li.lllidl 11iorife it I'm i nnd nil., in \\ ii- furl in r !(• pattal uutii'iriiios win grout (nt seven-tenths Ajes.inili r by ill ' 'I il il' d Nnsi in toi iipppnring by miHnTm of ii fool i ., . i to n bet py, l ool ih.it 1 point in ilie line 1900, ;iiid i. . i.nit .1 in said tin prlruipnl RIIIII of le!her,\ In IInnituiititon within n IIMV Of I.'IIHIH IMIV. or Inlh ClerU's Mciiiidd Ihi'ieliy unit iii'cd hy its iin • i. iii••• ri' ii, hi ingcrlj of Henry .'• 1 il•.• III Conli I *..i B nf (I. . ill nunllis. |i( lh« Intpreseilon 1 > - • • • • ti'i'iiiH more thnn nfty years next prior of i he iii '•!'• "i wtlti road :in7 . ie II being the tenth thi GLADSTONE, N. J. 1 i" thi linn wlun NIK li npiillcatlon ci-iiiii ni iin- pond Ii niin| r with Die coMier nf ;i I • ,. • .•.-I I iPor in i i \ n IMm Il Iini V- III l,"11 t0 ' "• *'">< Main Sciifroo m nfpnd- ri: hi on«-huiidrhundi-ii tltiiH hi i iI n i1 4h looi 00) i nn Wort die new si nt c nnd eount.v Of I.Il"I ...I'i m,'\ 'i • , ,1 In I I,,' Sold S\ t H in III '"•"" ''"' ' "II 111.' 1111(1(1 HoiiRfi: lust menjlonril •„„ , of nald vie vui.i. i i '. lo Henry J Hit i - roftd iK'l i I't'iiiiMuidVc nnd I'liint i|. lili, i I'll M ;i Inl ' ; ilil; Hi. in ,i. l Automobiles and Supplies, Etc. i«<•» or )..i n,i i i ' ""ne of lnmiM No, *j dt tin powder wofiu ims bwo ttnrt line of Im ,, ' Hni rtirtb i i ith 111mil iho In i cf th i.Mi.i.. I III ,1.,,, 1,,. Il '•• I \ , A,, uM l ,111111Jh 1 f, iiicii|iinu' tin i ii i.i ii i oursi '•• i ' • • ••< fo! B tart eft, died i ,i i v ,•'• Hflfdmborgn by lin\ inc. I,mils now "I Im im I i '. ni • Id cm d (1 i ii iii \ i 11 :' .i, • i , 11-ii i not i ii sixty iuH "I ini.ilnlil, it ml t lint thr holder 11 1 nlil, III' |||H h-l'.lll l'e|ll'eflellt!lttV4M Vlni'liiinl iinirlmutM nnd clprkH hnve I NO !l of ill I '• ' I i! : i i •. IiI I' ' I. I ,I 111i I , J ) IllllilllII l '! It 1

"--•:!/•;;.';;;:.,::<,>;,;<;;' ia I ,, ,i ... .i '>•' | i le, Smiiii \\;\h\ inn I ,nl . 'I '.i .II •'. . i,l fouf feel Ml, or have no fui 1 h»IMr InterVsIntert t tI hhere- •tnrted B wove nt tot n lmlf holidft? I I'M lllllllllcH 1 linannd nine.tenths o1 i Fool (82(.ti) to n IT is T I.Ill In | in,,! ; ' """ thousand ana I'lnio monumvi >. thi ni i (81 Norl ii one HI M I! Ml'I'i i^ on Ihln tW«ntl»tl Wednesday nftwnowi dtirittf (lie hot ' ' '< I'IIDIH or a Fool ill iii ni . til', in MII (1,1 in.null 'I ,\, h , Iflf by \ lilui' of ;il I1 ""I iii iii n |,, ml 11liH. 1 HH ,ltllS. i* line of n h, •Hi in the Northwest! i VVl I (Hie liilli'lt'ed hiid |i\cnt\ I \\ "An ti*' t iit'iivliilnir feu tli tht ciid joiui ";i ';i Itind ronv»y«d to fool and foui tent hs of s fool h il t \ l nf lei'iuil nf MiuHHitxt' . '" •• rn, lielliu (irmui Honed 11 UP Nnrlh fort* -one (41) eli one-liumlredlliM (I "-luni noros con- nnd tin Hin'ei'nl Mu)i|i|elnelitH an ftrees ttuny raoj veyed by (laid William Alexander nnd i iiieiiilniclit.i tin i ilu. iiiili'iid thai (Ii Iiy New Vnrli nml I'lillmlellipln Subscribe for hundred nmi t)• 11 minutes Snst five wife to ilin Hiild (leorHi' It. I'osl; thence x.ilil John II. I'avli'on, and IIIN nelfS y-tivo oiii.-iiiniiii the feet imd lUn i7) North MiMy-Uiree (fj) osgrees for- li'viKei'fi mid peinoiini rtpjrssent&tlvei eillhM of n font (BlI.SI] ly-devcil (471 iiilIlllleH I;HH( (He hulid- .In n|ipeiir imd i>liow ciuiHe before iti<< n comer nf the trnot of red mid ntiiotv-lwo Cell nnd flv»-tenthH tin- t'oiirt IIOIISP In Hotnervllte, N«v Helen liui-nn of the Jsrssy. <>n tho thlrtlotii (SOU" of ii foot (filtiB) to u nt one n M; KCIII»IIH IIII'I (IIUHIH'II tlir<« Iciini Will) thnnrn (S) North nfty-soven (67) d«- .I tine, 101 n nt 10 ovineii In the ...,.-,,-•.,, The Bernardsville News thirty-tighthirtytight (3)1(3D)) minutes K««K««I why tti" unld mnrtarnRe should not b out ini-'-'liir, a IIHMIC duv. nor wns uhi< four hundred and finty-nini a feet dand aald act. of record In Uurmitnnuursuanoea of tli «var InrtJv. The Beraardiville New«, Thursday, June 22, 1916

sermon every Sunday at 8 p. m. " iRNARDSVlLLE Sunday School following morning ser- vice at 11:30. Bishop Janes Methodist Church, St. Murk's Church, Dusking Ridge, Basking Ridge L. n. Aiiohutz, L,iy Header, in charge. BUSINESS MEN —Holy Communion all Bund&yi except BERNARDSVILLE STATION Rev. E. J. Guest—Pastor the second Is the month at 9:45 a, m.. 10.30 a, m. -Morning worship second Sunday in the month at 7 a. 11.45 a. m.—Sunday school, ni., morning prayer every Sunday at GARAGE 0nder this head will be published each 7.45 p. m. — Epworth League. 10:30; Sunday School at 11:30, even- Junior Epworth League Wednesday ing prayer on the first and third Sun- week the cards of Business Men at 3.15 [>. m. days in the month at 7:30 p. m. in Bernardsville who deserve Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7.15 BEST EQUIPPED MACHINE SHOP IN p. ni. The Reformed Church of Beiiminster. *»; your patronage Rev. Charles Gilbert Mftllery—Pastor Bernardsville Methodist Church. THE COUNTY Sunday School at 10:00 a. in. Kev. J. W. Flynn—Pastor. Morning worship at 11:00 a, m. Morning worship at 10.45. Christian Endeavor worship at 6:45 Bible School session at 11:50 a. m. p ni. Tires and Accessories Batteries Charged VETERINARIAN L H. NUSE Graded lessons. Modern methods. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Classes for adults. Every Men's Bible Mid-week service, Wednesday at HORSESHOEING Class, J. W. Flynn, Leader. 7:30 p. m. Overhauling a Specialty |SLe and Infirmary Ketohani Place —AND— Epworth League devotional service Women's Missionary Society first jflioneUU-W Bernardsville JOBBING at 7:10 p. m. Wednesday of each month at 3 p. m Special attention sfiven to Evening worship at 7.45. Ladies' Aid Social in the chapel Coach and Driving Horses. Every Wednesday, 8 p. m., Hour of each month as announced. DOGS BOARDED Wheelwrightinjj and Rubber We do any machine work Satisfaction Guaranteed Prayer and Bible Study. Regular meeting of Consistory, first AND TREATED Tire Work a Specialty Monday of each month at 7::*0 p. n>. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED A warm welcome to all who wor- The regular business meeting and All Work Guaranteed ship with us. Agent for Racine and Goodyear A ccrdial welcome to all at tho social of the Christian Endeavor So- Adjustments Promptly Made Automobile Tires and the Church on the Hill Top. ciety the first Friday evening of each | ADAMS Westcott Automobile month at 7:30 p. m. TELEPHONE 183-J. Communion service the second Sun lorseshoeing & Jobbing MAIN ST., BERNARDSVILLE, N. J. First Congregational Church. ay of January, July, October and Eas- JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ter Sunday. Howard E.Clarke, M. A.—Minister. l'jlILL ST. Bernardsville Sunday School 10 a. tn. W. SHAFFER'S Morning worship 10.45 o'clock. St. Elizabeths Church. BUS LINE Far Hills, N. J. Telephone 170 Bernardsville Christian Endeavor, 7 o'clock. Rev. Francis Langan—Pastor HARRY C. SHINN Leaving Bernardsville Evening worship 7.45 o'clock. Masses on Sundays at 8 and 11 a Morning—7:00, 8:00 and 10 o'clock. Midweek services at 7,30. Choir m., Holy Days at 6:30 and 8 a. m. Civil Engineer & Surveyor Afternoon—1:00; 3:00; 5:00. ractice 7.30. Week-day mass at 7 o clock durinj ••*••+•••"»•+••••••••••••••••»•••••••••••••••••»••••••• Saturday NighU-7:00 o'clock. May, June, July, August, September Bernardsville, N. J. Strangers in town are cordially in- Sundays—7:00 trip omitted. ited to attend these services and par-and October. 8 o'clock during No- Arriving Bernardsville icipate in the worship and work of vember, December, January, February I. B. BOWERS Morning—8:00, 9:30 and 11:30. he church. You nave need of a March and April. Confessions before I A. B* Walmsley Afternoon—2:30; 4:30; 6:30. :hurch. We need you. Let. us get the Masses and week days. Benedic Funeral Director and Sunday—8:00 trip omitted ogether for the advancement of the tion of the Blessed Sacrament at 11:45 o'clock on Sundays. Baptisms after Embalmer Leaving Morristown Kingdom of God. the Masses on Sundays and by special An,pie Equipment. Prompt and Remember your dally prayer for the Mo ning-7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 appointment. Devotions for Slavon Efficient Service. church and the town. o Flour, Feed, Grain, Baled Hay, Straw. Shavings X Afternoon—2:00; 4:00; 6:00. ian, Hungarian and Polish people im Sunday—7:30 trip omitted. Telephone 192 Bernardaville, N. J. mediately after the 11 o'clock mass OD | Fertilizers, Stable and Poultry Supplies Saturday Nights-11:00 Basking Ridge Presbyterian Church. Sundays; Christian Doctrine Sundays All Errands and Parcels care Rev. L. G. Bennett, Pastor. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS at 8:45 and 10 a. m. fully attended to. Morning worship 10.30. Societies — Communion Sundays: Evening worship 7.45. Kosary Society, first Sunday of the MAIL8 RECEIVED MAILS DKP1 R. E. Mosedale,M.R,C.V.S Mid-week prayer service Wednesday month; Young Ladies Sodality, second 6.35 a. m. 7.89 a. m. Sunday of the month; Holy Nam* So ANTHRACITE COAL 7.89 " 9.ia " at 7:45 p. m. 1.26 " VETERINARIAN Junior Christian Endeavor Wednes- ciety, third Sunday of January, April 9.18 " 12.65 p. m day at 3:30 p. m. July and October; St. Aloysius Boy« 2.55 p. m 4.89 " Tel. 12-M Bernardiville, N. J. Woman's Home and Foreign Mis- Society, fourth Sunday of each month 6.80 " 6.80 " . . . Dogs Boarded . . . sionary Society second Friday in the All Orders Carefully and Mails close 10 minutes before time of month at 3:15 p. m. -Iberty Corner Presbyterian Church despatch. Ladies' Aid Society third Thursday Rev. Peter K, Hageman—Pastor. Promptly Filled Office oloses evenings >t 7 o'clock. at 2:30 p. m. QR. C. M. HENRY Sunday School at 9:45 a. m. Morn Brotherhod meetings for men fourth ng worship and sermon at 10:45 a. m Thursday at 8 p. m. Hwiry Scheuerman Wm. L. Scheuerwan DENTI8T Junior C. B. at 2 p. m. .Y. P. S. C. E BERNARDSVILLE A cordial Invitation is extended to at 7 p. m. Evening worship and ser BKRN^RDSVILLK N. J. all strangers In the community to at- mon at 7:45 p m. Midweek service on Telephone 135-J Schcuerman Agency tend these services. Stages tun from Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Woman1 Bernardsville for the convenience of Real Estate and Insurance Missionary Society on the first Wed Milton G. Faust those who have no means of conrey- nesdiy of each month at 2:30 p. m ••+•••»••••••••••»•••*•••••••••»••••••••••»••••••••» Managing and Renting ance. Girls' Missionary Guild on the firs of Estates a SpecialtyJ»J» Dry Goods : Groceries Sunday of each month at 3 p. no. Men' Sacred Heart Italian Church. NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS Commissioner of Deeds Organized Bible Class each Sabbath Mass on Sunday with announce- morning for Bible study at 9:45 a. m. Lackawanna Independence lackawanna Post Office, Basking Ridge, The next call for the Fire Laddies ments and sermon in Italiaqgjmd Eng- and for business and social on the Building N. J. may be at your home. Railroad lish at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at ast Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p. Day Railroad Loans Negotiated Bernardsville, N. J. 2:30 p. m. Benediction of the Blessed n. Regular meeting of the session on Sacrament at 4 p. m. Devotions in the Friday evening before Communion honor of the Sacred Heart every first on the first Sunday in February, May, Friday of the month with Mass and August and November. No Communion at 6:30 a. m. Confessions the preceding Thursday and Friday NIAGARA FALLS morning. Baptisms and marriages to it has been demonstrated in oiouces- be arranged. ter county that where strawberry growers have irrigated the fruit is 100 per cent better. E X C U R S N Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Because he Insisted sleeping out at Sundays night instead of at home Joseph Kud- lavage, a schoolboy, of Da yon no, was Masses with sermons at 8 o'clock put on probation. A Little Chat and 11 o'clock. Special Devotions with Benediction Former Assemblyman William Por- ter was sworn in as city clerk of Cape $11.80 ot the Blesed Sacrament for the Slay May, taking the place of the late OnTelephoneEtiquette and Hungarian parishioners at 3:30. thomas \V. Millet. Evening devotions with short set. Tickets good goingfon mon and Benediction of the Blessed Carl Thoinpsou, a pupil in the Pauls- O YOU remember the old, well- Sacrament at 7:30. boro public school, bus finished his All Trains JULY 1st, 2d and 3d i thumbed book we used to have on Baptisms on Sunday after the 11 third year without misslug a tingle day o clock mass, or In the afternoon by »nd without being tardy. f the parlor table at home — the cpecial arrangement. Return Limit, July 5th,llnc. "Handbook of Etiquette and Guide The Children of Mary receive Com- Woodlmry board of health bus almost For further information and Pullman reaervatiens consult local agenta or write D exhuustnl its supply of "Contuirlnus to the Social Graces"? We consulted it for munion in a body at the 8 o'clock Disease" sltcns because' of so many J. L. HOMER, Division Passenger 'Agent everything — from the Inaugural Ball to ac- mass on the first Sunday of month. cases of measles recently. FIREMEN'S HLD'G., Cor. Uroail and Market Street*, Newark,[Ncw^Jene knowledging an invitation. The girls ot the Holy Angel Society on the second Sunday. When mi automobile trick b&ckad If a revised edition of that old work is ever Tho boys of St. Aloyslus Society on over un embankment Into the Weieset brought out, it will contain a chapter on tele- the fourth Sunday. marble yard nt GlnMboro four costly nrNt iiiiiriiiufiiie nnimiiatiio phone manners. People are beginning to pay IUOllUUU'lltN VVCI'C I'airniis of thi> railroad between neighborhood, more attention to their telephone manners WOIMIIHU'.V mid PenBeffQTe ire elfsltm St. Bernard's Pariah Arninu'cineiitx Imvc been uindo by pttitloua for belief train tervtee when Became <>f the prtoee aeked to bM- thi« borough uuihurltles to Klvo a two than formerly. Hev. T. A. Conover—Pastor. the lumtaec icbedule noes tato effect dCTI for ii new draw M|iitn al the PeOB'l weeks' Vocation to every CoUinglWOOd S:()() a. ni. .Holy Communion. Neck lrmi brtdga and a new fender The telephone "Hello" is no longer in use policeman in July or August. 1 10:00 a.m., Morning prayer and Holy More tiHU! WOO children from tint pli-r, the Hulein freehnMetH IHIM ''''• orphanages, Butvetfei and other among particular people. It is becoming ob- Communion and sermon by tho rector Jected nil liidw. Tiiu Gloucester Prteaoldtri hate or- jjiNtiMilio by When his home telephone is answered by a Holy I>H.VH and HIIIIIIH Pay*, holy have I'uiind einployineut for the HUIII precodotiU> Itn thread ultu tbe family 1 NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. nrrnml Hiimltiy In tho month at 9:45 a. ihliiilii'ilH ni IIIIIIIH of Offltff ibellfl f John i Hhrwre, si Ulsckfl I have lieeii plnccd mi the routl lift ween in ; morning prayer mid Harmon tmiry TIlO TM'W Hlltiilll'ililli. niilliMlain e fur hi'ii pefiWfd loinel him; [il enl Ilil I) (JIIIIINIIIUII mill l(e|iini|M(i gad the nun I the Mi'iimrhil liiM|iltal, MorrlHtovvn, ,ir Bumlny at 10:30; ovcnlng prayer ami |I|MHI Will) n 'Illtlilfle,! [II III I I . otlionvlnu iwiilinl In ninny i>lnei;«, rivtid nail WUH nut lu MTWIV. It 1« the I ii\ Juitlce of ihe IV II ' riu", The Bernardsville

THE BERNARDSVILLE NEWS AN!) [N1WS-BEC0EDER] Published Every Thursday MORK1STOWN, N. J. Why UV rHBEBCOfOIK PU0U8HIKG oiMl'ANV Incorporated in 1892 AU.he.key Building. Opposite D. L * W. R R- Station conscience Bernard.vHle, N. J. Telephone 37-J Capital, $600,000 STRENGTH OF „ ,„ . , , L. R. Trumbull, Vice-Pre.ident GIBRALTAR H M. Trumbull JPre.ident •;• SURPLUS AND PROFITS " C. E. Trumbull, Secretary-Treaiurer OVER > insure your lit Advertising Rates on Application ONE MILLION DOLLARS Think it over! fcUd at hHMk N. J.. Post Office as tm*Cm Mail Matter. Deposits Received Daily A,lchanK,Hf,riadv,rtiSement9n,u8tbein this office not later than Tuesday rftamoom at five "'dock,t0 insurejngertion. AT THE RATE OF 3% INTEREST Subscription Rate. Payable in Advance Information Furnished to Customers and Depositors on al .$1.50 Three Months iOc Investment Securities and Orders Executed One Year for the same without Charge ,,..75c Single Copies. ,5c Six Months Official Newspaper of Bernards Township SAMUEL FREEMAN, President Wn LAKD W CUTLER, Vice Prep. JOHN H. OAPSTICK Vice Pres and observation will restore the conli- THE FLlGifT FROM MEXICO CITY, JNO H B COKIELL, Secretary H. A. VAN GILDKB. Treasurer dencc of the people. RAU-H S. STREETT, Assistant Secretary aud Treusnrer Old neighbors and MM* »* Captain For the last four years a dark cloud F. j. A. Dart and wife, whoM Home FORREST F. DRYDEN, President has hovered over us. Our rights are DIRECTORS usurped in both hemispheres. American Farm is at Claditonc, will I"' glftd to William V. S. Thome Samuel Freeman John H. Cftpitick Irani that th<-y aiv not among the lives have not been safe within our own Director, Union Pacific borders. The .Mexican policy is a last- President Member of Congress, BiK hundreds of refugees who arc flying Disl. N. J, System, N. Y. ing disgrace. Iluerta, the only symbol Wilhrd W. Cutler Ex-Law Judge, Morris James N. \\'allnce S. Harold Freeman from Mexico Cily to escape the "Dogs of power was dethroned in preference Presiiieiit (Yntral Trust Morristown, N. J. Prudential Day County, N. J. Nicholas V- Brady of War." A complete list baa been to the most Inhuman brutes the world G. Q, Fivlinirhuysen Company, N. Y. The National Pay-Day President. New York Edison published and their nattes do not appear. has seen since the time of Nero. They Counselor at Law, N. Y. A. H. Whitney, Jv. Ask What Ii Meant Co,, N. Y. 1 trampled on the flag; saturated the soil 0. H. Kahn The Whitney Company, Upon leaving Gladstone, several years J. W. Og-den -.•.VA . (Mexican) with the red blood of Ameri- Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Bankers, Engineers, N. Y, Morristown. N. J. ago, the farm being let to a husband- can men, women and children; outraged N. Y. James B. Duke Somerville, N. J. Charles H. Sabin man, ths Captain, (who was a Went holy women {desecrated temples; robbed, Walter G. Oaktnan Ptefident, Guaranty Grwiville M. White President. Hudson Tunnel Trust Company of N. Y .nicer of distinction) and his wife murdered and pillaged. Now, American Vice-Pres. The Mutual Life Companies. N. Y. Frederick Strauss troops are trying to catch one of the Insurance Company (Mrs. Lizzie Townsend Unrr, who came Henry F. Taylor J. & W. Seligman & Co., incorrigible "pets" while the other one of New York MICHAEL MADDALUNA & CO. of the New York City Townsenda, Denny, Poniroy & Com- Bankers, New York shakes his "whiskers" in the face of pany, Bankers, N, Y. Harrie T. Hull Robert H. McCurdy, widely known to the BOcial and political the administration, defying it. Louis A, Thebaud Morristown, N. J. McCurdy, Henderson & Co. world) went to Mexico city where they Morrislown, M J. Bankers, New York Masons, Builders We have no settled foreign policy, i occupied apartments in the Hotel Ge- much less have we a domestic one. neve, whence Mrs. Townsend Darr, who One day we 'don't need to be prepared, the next day we do; one day we must and Contractors is u brilliant writer contributed many have free trade, the next day we must valuable articles to Till-: NKWN. These have protection; one day the tariff is Phone 59-W All Work Guaranteed P. 0, Box 60 will be recalled by ^ome of our readers. not a matter for scientific discussion, During their residence at the "Ge- the next day it is, so we must re-estab- Office Claremont Road, next door to Buist Building neve" Captain was appointed to drill lish the "Tariff Board;" in the mean- time deficits increase and we are bur- Bernardsville New Jersey ii and command the Hotel Guard through- dened with a "War Tax" in times of out the bloody riots in the City in peace. This i» the chaotic condition we Huerta's day, and saw some very lively find the country in today. ^action in which he participated. The eyes of the country have been on The girl or boy Grad- Later the Parrs went to Gautemala the Republican Convention, in times of uate will be delighted trials and distress the L 'ntry has where they now are and whence THE with a gift from this SQUIBB'S MINERAL OIL always turned to the Republican Party establishment. NEWS very recently received a most in- and not in vain. The campaign is EQUAL TO THE BEST RUSSIAN teresting letter from the Captain, who already organized, the wheels began to We offer for your se- turn the moment you accepted the SUPERIOR TO ANY AMERICAN finds Gautemala a country of vast at- lection a most compre- traction and with great opportunity for nomination and under your able leader- ship we will march to victory. hensive stock of Grad- investments and industrial adventure. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST MINERAL With kind regards and best wishes, uation Gifts. At any rate it is well for our old 1 am, yours very truly, OIL OBTAINABLE neighbors and friends not to be mixed (Signed) JOHN MCGIUNNESS, Watches, Rings, La Vallieres, Brooches, up in another Mexican imbroglio, of Secretary Republican Club. Bracelets and many other appropriate gifts in wl.ieb they have had enough one would Gold and Silver. say. We congratulate them on their That's So. The person who wishes to present a gift to some more civilized, country '•But suppose R foreign fop should nt- nieli Now VnrkV" that has permanent and lasting charm, that "We'ro go) the trenches ready, Our will delight the recipient and the giver, is re- "Watchful Wailing" is bearing fruit; Streets are always torn up."—Louisville Big Bargains spectfully invited to inspect our stocks. and It tl bitter -biUfr, How many fine Courier-Journal. young Americana soldiers and others- Ruinous. have, been murdered since the ultimatum "What ruined your business?" went forth: "Salute the flag you have "Advertising." "IIOAV?" insulted, or ." There was no salots, Used Autos "I lot it all lie done by my competi- and nothing happened. Any more tors."—SpoUnno Review. Some rebuilt and repainted. laudations of "our Mexican policy?" The first hour of the morning Is the All cars in best condition. rudder of the day.—Beecher. Packards, Fords, Cadillacs, Chalmers, Hupmobiles It is not unlikely that that political Misunderstood. burr, "W, J. B " hopes to get back his "Throw up your baodsl" VA Mitchells. In fact, all kinds and models, old job of Secretary of State should he "What's tliis, some new system of physical culture?" -New 1'ork Press. succeed in helping re-elect the man he so basely deserted in a crisis. And he Some Abbreviations. SHERIFF'S SALE $150 up to $600 Viz., OS., cwt., d«t.. (a, a/c. Notice of Settlement may get it, too, IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Do you know why we write these Between William Childs, Jr., Com- everyday ligns and whai thoir origins plainant, and Christine B. Alpaugh and ore"? viz. is derived from the first two NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Charles W. Alpaugh, Defendants. —Fi. CARL H. PAGE MOTORS CO., INC. ••••••••< *••••>••••••••••• the final accounts of the subscriber, Fa. for sale of mortgaged premises. letters of the Latin wmd "Videlicet," executor of the Will of Rachael A. meaning "namely." The i is a cor- By virtue of the above stated writ of Moore, deceased, will be audited and fieri facias, to me directed and deliver- 35 Halsey Street, Newark, N. J. {lubltr jfantm ruption of »n ancient sijni something stated by the Surrogate and reported ed, I will expose for sale, at public ven- like n ,'( that, in the middle ages, was for final settlement to the Orphans' due, Court of the County of Somerset, on D. M. Dow, Mgr. Used Car Dept. •••••••••••••••*•••••••••• always placed at the end of an ab- MONDAY, THE TENTH (10) DAY breviated won] in mark Its tiienmplp- Friday, the 30th day of Ju.ne next. (This department will be maintained tiun. WlLLETT NEEU, OF JULY NEXT for a free Interchange of views on In course of time thin slmi became z. Executor. between the hours of twelve and five Dated May 23, 1916. any Blatter of public interest, and The same applies to oz,, our abbrevia- o'clock in the afternoon of said day, nil contributions are welcomed, the Basking Ridge, N. J. 5-25-6t that is to say, at two o'clock p. m., at only conditions being that no offen- tion fur ounce. the Court House, in Somerville, to wit: sive personalities be indulged in and The letters n>., standing for pounds All that certain tract or parcel of that writers lie not too prolix.) 111 weight, nre the first niul third letters Juniors Banquet the Seniors land and premises situate in the Town- of tlie Latin word "librae." Cut. ship of Bernards, County of Somerset "Walk-Over" Shoes (hundredweight) sod dwt (penny- At the Junior to Senior banquet ami State of New J ersey, described as BernardaviHe, N. J., June 18, Hrto. given last Friday night in St. Bernards follows: and Editor Ni:us: weight) iin> uiso abbreviations of Latin Parish Hall, Supervising Principal Beginningg g in the southerllyy line of Hear Bir; words. The e is the Latin numeral , Wolfe Avenue as laid down on a map 1 am end" Ing herewith a copy of a for n hundred] the d the initial tetter Lntor Meteroll, was the recipient of of property belonging to David H. Mor- "Regal" Shoes i>f iirmnins (penny), and the wt. in a gold watch the of the students ris, nt Bernardsville, N. J,, at a point letter to Mr Hughes, it embodies brief- Short for the word weight and a purse of the gift of the distant three hundred (800) feet easter- for both Ladies' and Children ly the issue-; which will CORIf before US ly from the easterly line of the old A,v standi for "account current," Liiyton l'rout, president of and may bt considered the first gun in Menhuni Road which beginning point is Hie stroke only being put to separate the Junior Class WBI to&stmaeter, Thealso in the north-easterly corner of lot Dr. Posner's Scientific Shoes the campaign here. the letters, The S itanun for "ad.," number Forty-nine (49) on said map; I hall WHS decorated In the colors of ths for Children and (Jrowinp; r, W. A.Sharpe; thence in a south- Take fwenty square yards of Ham) Abraham i li, uln In the person of (!ha A. B, Ye-rger, Robert Olllle, Stanley • B terlj direction along bis line one K. HUJ !"• >, n uiun of broad vision and Miid pebble*, stir In SUfBi lent clu\ i" hundred fifty feel more or less to the "ON THE SQUARE" Will on and Mis* Rachel most south westerly corner of loi num fores it'll' i n of deliberate i wvk Liken (t'nip.i.i w uier lii'lil oats, ram uwn bard atifJ score the surface w Itn ber fort} six on aid map; thence in a Regal Shoe Shop BernaHsville, N. J. Mow . fl '!' il to si wj occasion, mi.i', \dd care full j .ten packets at wciti i ly direction along the dividing line between lots numberi forty-six who will . at h;(.,,; • i,,i,, of the must ningnlflconi Bower Used to It. we) iin i i which i he u -I torts aevon on wid map two nun iii.ii will grovi nii.v where and 1 (Ililll ili: buyta and i u'lii i.ri in.ne or less to mi'id now i atlii her .safely to her mil, t BOj ' undU • >• • . i itrofl in | up a „"' 7 ( ';' « '! • area nna elRftt f, >t i eorlesi more lots n«t( t<\ the one my house Is therlj line of Wolfe Avenue al mooring) I • her cititeni under ontlnvioni KQCPO iston of piioruiotu BOU 1 1 on. "•I and khonco wostorlwys y aloni the i ami then i feat ,• [J] ,v Ufa lOWOr III! i I rp'iu Min'i'h t•> N<> • i S it" rae you ' vo not ni pretty me hundred dun) ivn to the place of I'l'tV. |iro I ' I | |,,I, , ; . n'v, etcn i-r'ii H e tin Jw« acrona and bit pta< I tt Is," known and designated no if (lie llihest nml ie • I J !>V.V> • lints. mortgage • imben fortj »»ven(47)and forty- ^" • erj irnl.s, "i i 'i"", bal tbe mortgage in nearly ll! (|v Thin Is the fin m ..in I of nil floWtff I I -> on the nbo' a mi rHlom .1 niii'i, .i"iiN McOuiN] i pntil olf mi,I I've fo1 to lime SOUIP 1 LANDSCAPE GARDENER will IM- foUIKi II led ..II Mliv [WfS li UJLKS I'. 8KHR1N0. Khvrlff. thing to worrj RHOUI " Bxcbange, i (wnnij* Smith, Solrs. of Compli Bernard \ llli>, N ,1 , June I'J, 1916, Of anv Borl I'H > ! i i: >'. • .• 11«• Sel III.' 1 KxchRngo Plnco, Jersey City, N. J, ll»>'. CtUS, I. Ill i,MI.:'. whole out 10 riie. Neaping it aolsi and One l'"M. i Dated May SB, 1816, ($10 60.) wiirnt Aiier niiuwUiu the iiin-f* to She Ohi 'li'iii, do you Un.nv .lni> AND ENGINEER ii I . li Washington, i». C rise four months upritikle wJ spldors mine goi the eutwi llttls (able for My Dear Mn. tiUOlllll nml Ki-eeu a|ihlile- plentiful) h<>r birthday? ,\u y<» hare to flo is I hMtttt to "inl iiiiiKniiiilniionM on top mid soak weii with tears, Tin press i lever nml ii chfingtM into R The Right Re\ Paul Matthsws, Blih Hie great honor which IU\H OOTOI to yen AMI Be Xbat'i notning AH I bad iiel KSttll niny he ptMOr^od In n op of New Jertey, will administer eon and Of On heiirty anil loyal Wppori liniilt' of alcohol for future reft t» do WUN id press the steering wheel A. J. KULL liniuitioh this Sunday in Sfc Bernardi Far Hills, N. J. Your great qualities of ntatp*manshl| —lMilladel|ilila North American on By until and It timed Into II tell I'. B, Churi'lv The choir will rtnd«I and patriotism, your wide cupcrlencp phone post Cornell Widow. Hpoi'lol music. The Bernardsville News, Thursday, June 22, 1916 NEWS prints RANDOLPH AGENCY YOU ARE NOT INSURED the news about NATIONAL BANK BUILDING against lire, but if you have a properly written noli.-v in n ,•,-, 1 i | Real Estate Insurance Bonds by a reliable agent, you arl insured aSnst'u^ I,I *£?"** "*"**< **«" ie folks you know. The ONLY insurance you can obtain against fire is a well organized and equipped tire Titles ?.rfected_Estate5 Settled—Legal Papers Drawn •• | Commissioner of Deeds for New York and New Jersey $1.50 per year NOTARY PUBLIC FOR NEW JERSEY RANDOLPH AGENCY Telephones! Office 13 National Bank Building •••••« Bernardsville, N. J. >»•»•»•»«»•••••»< »•••••»•••••••••••••••••»•»•••»••••••••#••••••••••< i

Ask to See the New "WARNER" Straw, $ TWO $ CAREFUL, CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT characterizes this Company. Its business is conducted along conservative lines; its affairs are subjected to careful super- The Young American Style vision, not only by its own directors, hut also by the State of New Jersey; its investments a;e made by a Committee of Hart Schaffner & Marx financial experts: and its securities are under the joint control of two Officers. It is the kind of financial institution to which you can safely entrust your funds, and your business is cor Varsity Fifty Five dially invited. Resources $6,500,000.00 There's more than just good lines to these suit BANKING designs—the fabrics carry out the Varsity Fifty Five 1 '< INTEREST by idea: many of them are woven exclusively lor Hart on Special Department MAIL accounts Schaffner & Marx; new stripes, checks, overplaids, THE rich mixtures, tweeds, cassimeres, crashes, home- PLAINFIELD TRUST COMPANY spuns, worsteds. Plainfield, New Jersey

Weaves and patterns that are new to you. $12 and up. Col. E. A. Stevens and P. V. Stryker Saturday attended the convention of the N. J, State Chamber of Commerce, held at Beech Haven. Col. Stevens gave an address on "Road Organization Jos. Goldsmith and Administration.'' First National Bank MENSWEAR Mr. and Mrs. Max Hemmendinger MORRISTOWN. N. J. have been entertaining Mrs. Albert Bernardsville, N. J. Blumgarten, of Newark. EXECUTOR, TRUSTEE, ADMINISTRATOR Joseph Rainsbury, a student at the Letter* of Credit and Travelers' Check* University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., has been visiting his parents. PAYS LIBERAL RATE OF INTEREST William Childs, Monday, began his On Household, Individual and Buiine** Account* Copyright Hart Sduffnei * Man duties in one of the Childs' restaurants SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES in New York City. Mrs. John W. Flynn has returned STORAGE VAULTS from Tenafly. The Home of OFFICERS Lost at Mrs. H. J. Foskett's on Hart Schaffner June 13 one pair long white kid gloves. H. WARD FORD, President Please return to Graham's store. Rudolph H. Kiasell, Vlce-Pretld«pt Joseph H. Van Doron, Cashier & Marx Clothes Found the same day and at the same Guy Minton, Vjee-President Henry Cory, Assistant Cashier place one pair short white kid gloves. SHIRTS Frank Corwin and Miss Susie Cor- win of New York were guests over the ^S^^^^Sgg^^^oSS^ ^s weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Milton G. Faust. rr J. Oren Riel and family have moved BANKING BY MAIL DEPARTMENT to Somerville. The Misses Ethel Varley and Eleanor Miss Bella Wright has been visiting Accounts opened by mail have the personal attention of the Lacluwanna Passenger Train Service'Between Verpillier, of Newark, spent the week- in Asbury Park. A shoe social will be held at the home bank's officers, NEW YORK and BERNARDSVILLE ofM. and Mrs. Smith Kagan on the end with Miss Helen Rainsbury. Miss Pauline Fortay, of New York, Send check or money order payable, or endorsed OH back, to the In effect May 21. 19 U Slope this Thursday evening under the has been visiting Mrs. John Heimroth, order of American Trust Company or send bills by registered mail. Arthur MacKenzie is visiting his auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. 1-1 Leave New York aunt, Mrs. Margaret Black, of Brook- of Ford avenue. Advise whether you wish an active business account or a bank S Mrs. Bella Wright, of Claremont road book in the 1 v interest department. >l Ii lyn. Mrs. Minnie Smith, of Boston, is has returned from Fire Island Beach. Proper bank book showing the amount of deposit entered in Miss Florence Hight has gone to spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. o Mrs. Daniel Compton is in Ocean your name will be sent you by return mail with all necessary in- a. m. a.m. a. tn a.m. a. m. a. in. a. in- a. m. Ocean Grove for the summer. Thomas G. Mayberry. Miss Evelyn formation. The Bank's officers welcome the opportunity to answer u 16 6 46 7 nol 4 no 4 I HI 4 00 I SO IS 24 Smith who has been spending a few Grove. 8 4- 8 f)4 8 2111 7 10 7 15 1 19 7 »' 9 11 Homer D. Brook ins has returned any questions and are always glad to advise depositors and their sT 12 8 22 - ll 11 00 9 00 9 M 9 IE 10 37 from Rochester, where he attended the days at the Mayberry home has re- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allsheskey have friends regarding business and financial matters. fi3 9 i p.m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. turned to Boston. had aa guests this week, Harry Larner, ; tn i 12 a 2.1 •12 HO rlj WriS i"i rlL' 15 1 3< commencement exercises of his Alma 4'< allowed in interest department for every full calendar month. 27 10 -I 12 st>f 12 90 f 18 30 fl. 46 1 16 Victor Phillips and Charles H. Hermann, 9 14 10m. p.m. fl It fl 22 fl 2(H> to n » i 93 1"> al! r>d si 1- si M B 00 The Misses Rachael Reed and Mar- of Irvington. $10,000.00. p.m. ., 4 00 4 Oil 4 (Hi 4 IS S 33 garet Anderson of the High School fac- Woods, of Liberty Corner. 1 :i- 3 26 4 40rl 45 r1 SO r4 50 ro 07 H Hi Township Counsel, H. P. Lindabury 2 56 4 27 G 5 30 6 37 5 40 5 R4 7 08 ulty, Friday attended the commence- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Gillie have i ;!'.) 856 it In s"i &} sf, 37 sj 40 .,;, :,.-, 7 43 and Philander Bctta, Inspector of the AMERICAN TRUST COMPANY 7 27 3 •6 15 7 4:1 ment exercises of St. Elizabeth's Col- | been entertaining Mrs. Fredericks, of 41 S> sli II' i sli Ml sfi 00 MORRISTOWN, N. J. X 22 9 5* 11 SSI t in» s IM s 00 - ll 0 4fi lege, at Convent Station. New York, Public Utility Commission, are pre- f.i 'in 111 fll 30 fll :»«fii no fll fill 1 28 paring an amendment to the franchise SUNDAY TRAINS Miss Edna Allen ia spending the sum- Children's Day will be observed this of the Bernards Water Co. a. m. a. m. a. mJ a. m. a. m. a, ni. a. m. a- in. mer with her parents, in Adams, N. Y.Sunday in the First Cougregational 7 5? H 2^ H 4n| HIS1 Hl5 x 16 8 3010 02 Church. Stanley G. Wilson, of the High School 4 :i- T55*iT*fil 11 H> 11 IW 11 HI U K> 12 34 Stanley G. Wilson entertained over faculty, is in Hagerstown, Md. ^ 59 7 s> 7 r.:J s so 5 So ? Sfl MB in 17 the week-end, J. O. Small. Miss Anna Wermelskirchen has had Miss Anda C. Frazer is spending the Arriving time in Nuw York is at Harclny St. In the Methodist Episcopal Church as guest the last few days, Miss Ellen f; Saturday only. r; BXOaot Saturday Piekell, of Pottersville. summer with her parents, in Elizabeth, S. A. Rogers Nursery Co. a; Will not run on holidays this Sunday morning, Rev. Dr. George These time tables are subject to chanaro 0, Vogel, District Superintendent, wil! Mrs, Robert P. Fairing has been en- Miss Mildred Sutphen haH been enter- Nurseries—Liberty Corner, N. J. without notice and paswntrers nhoulil apply to station agents for definite information. preach. In the evening there will be a tertaining Miss Nora Humphrey, of taining Vivian Murray, of East Orange. Store 14 Branford Place, Newark, N. J. special musical service and an address Newark. Miss Ada Simpson has gone to Jay, by the pastor. The Misses Ethel W. Gibb and Susie N. Y., for the summer. EVERGREENS While riding a bicycle down Post's Quimby have returned from Trenton. Mrs. (Joorge L. Frost, Monday night Hill last Wednesday afternoon, Domi- where they attended the meeting of the entertained the Five Hundred Club. FLOWERING SHRUBS nlck Leonardo collided head-on with an Alumni Association of the State Nor- LOCALS The village was without water for auto owned by Haley Fiske, Leonardo mal School. FRUIT TREES a while Tuesday, due to a break in the was badly cut and bruised. He was S. W. Clark and Mrs. A. F. Boffey, water mains. TEL. MARKET 1743 Estimatec Cheerfully Given Kthel Allsheskey, pupil of Mme. attended by Dr. J, Gordon Rosa, and ia of Newark, spent Sunday with Mr. and AtiK>li(> Pardon, will given piano rveitul, now able to tie out again Mrs. A. B. Gibb. The Misses Oliver have been enter- assisted by Carl Kupprei'ht, of N»'W taining Miss Emily Conklm, of New Vurk, in tho VVarfurd School of Music, Mrs. William (iartz entertained over Dr. and Mrs. Josiah Meigh have been York. Do you want to tell your farm? Morriatown, on l'Yiday evening, .lum128, the week-end her son, James (iartz, of entertaining Mrs. Francis Flower, of I have a buyer for you if your Kenvil. riiilad(>l|ihia. The strawberry and icecream festival Mllu. Alice Vurlet, the at.nr Ii. l^ian given Tuesday evening on tho lawn of price ii right! •infer, first coloratura loprwo of tin On the occasion Of the first nnniver- Miss Anna McWHliams and Misn the < 'out'.relational ChUfctl proved u Notice! Send along description, location sary of their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. 'iiiind Opera, I'ariH and t'hicuKo, CWM Flora Woodruff an ipondlng the week- i About !jy:i was eltMrtd and price to, Robert J. Murphy, l«1 wivk to see her old fricml, Mmo. Tank W. Muse, of this place, were end in Asbury I'ark. mttrtalnsd at Newark Thursday night Mr. nnd Mrs. Hurry Btotckof und Real Estate, Summit, N. J. Xiiirlic 1'ardon, of Brussels, Mrn, David Buiat ip6titMvaraldaya The Business of the 1 Mr. ami lift, AIIUTI liiiiiiliusli, of NtW Tin now coal pockftl mi Mine Brook Herbert Plsming'i »uto, whisk was ill l'ullTSnll, this Wei'K. Vork, weren nl gUMtl of Mr and •"•i'l urc about eomplclt'il, iirul B IWltch inii'ii in; 1 Wtdnssdaj evening from the 11 1 1 Mi:; OtOPgll A'luniy will ihortly Mrs. J, s. Hamilton, late Notice of Order to Limit ('• - ' I" ' !) laid by iii<" niiirn.'id i ipany I] 11! ,\.\v itFMt, Nrwnit, WM |e;i\e I < i\\ II tn Ipl In] nme Illnr \K'\[h 1 ' Ww kwllding, I'niiiiiiatiniiM tot an found ;ii Sniiiii Oringt avanus, il ripped Ml ! loronoa Right, at thi Hight < loi •OMI i. BTcocim nnutooA re1 coi m Of liiv i. horn, tool bOD and Other v;il in biing built t»d Ut, N< clu ! i . in (ii ran (inive, N. .I, KENNETH : i itstc XpWtl hit Rrii tshipmrnl ofeotl within ' 11.,1 Ii 1 to ths extent of > U". FOR SALE !•<•- Mi i M;iln'l 0, Ailair h:i< b«tl1 I •d Ab-- ' tifi"'1!! 1 ii ir 1 of the Ekr tnlnlng Mill Anna V, (juimi, of N8W -. MACKENZIE Notli • Is hi rtbj fh • i In hi u il f« tin' "Mil ad ' to II;I 1 ( ,'i,i•" t: in< 'i Sli f i!| i *idlaw, of K'T'llHIl ,\l || En iin Rocorder'i Courl on Monday fl \i iin. ( hrl Uan 1 id< avorrflll held Wlnthi ip, Mann, ••• H i m»di i',y tin' But n ; ••,,. tdjourned tonexi in Log HI.'.I1U Fridaj nl !i John by his son in1 tin' iTi'ditor* nl n • - ild K< n ii|!ilii • ,ii'ai wen tettli I and i ' Mi-, (in itavfl 11 • • 111 r»j •. "i" Ni ••• 'i irl Cows and Springers ni ili M • PI Ii di . , , a iii W !• lynn |ti 1 1 ii'Vi I'l'ul t .ill, Mr I1 Ii ili 111 riemiindi nn pa Hi , Mr and : A- tulti wi'iv put on tiic wlindWi Mynn lniik for his 1 hsfflS, ' I in- Bush All Tuberculin Twted, niundoi il .• rm*> niiir Bwringtr, who WM W ih.it vvmiM Nni Bum." Robert Mi h ALEXANDER J. I | preiwnt thi 'i"i^\ niriit on charjfi ol b< Ini (fcuinN -. rlbei within NINE n I kw Mr. and Mrs, QtOfge I. Jotttl, of Tin' B il. B. Ainu lanea will b* "H| 'ii !iM,i,riy. Monday nlfhi p«W « i sic] order: end In . K, KKSM:TII M,M Kl N QfOtft H l'"Ht, llllH lellHCli OAt "I 1 | Nnrmnl Schoul, ISSpSJftdtng btf MflUim "Tower Farms" 'Hi" Qlrls CHendh 8 it* l,\'Hitor. I-l.iffiici- MacKr hi " viicnliiiii with her parent!, Mr, andCharieMA. UoftO'l OOtUgH 08 Mint* , iiniii'c Cueeda) muhi m \fr<> !.".'•' .Inhn H Mrwl, llg hw couiln, MIHH Mnrjurip Mount, fur tho mimmor, Old Inn Farm, PiWM '.W V2 llouw, , of M Mrs, Samuvl A. Allen. Mich, lti!»t The Bernardsville

Building a Battleship. Our Disappearing Frontier Life. Do you Un v, ijow many hours' work Chas. E. Allsbeskey 'Phone 24-M William F. llshes Tb'-ro is biil) a keen delight la watch- iiui'.d a modern drcud- lug the rapid obliteration of frontier it takes to naughtV l'i' bablj' you have never giv- life. Tie frontier town began with a . a thought, so it will iu- ALLSHESKEY BROTHER^ fuw scattered dwellings, oa ihe out-eu the mattei teiwi you toh-am 1 lint a big battle- , , . Manufacturers of ... ukiris and then a single block or two i, w. ....« ... uut 7,2oQiQG0 man hours, of t-iioajiiy built frame structures ran-gMp entailt s | orlabor equivaleul to tiie work of oue FINE HARNESS. »***•*** w Hint.' parallel with the railroad. i» loan working that time. other day* the iir>t sign oee saw oa The maUiim of the turbine machinery Horse Furnishing Goods and Auto Supplies OPPOSITE s POSTOmCE tVt? fruutk'!', ami the largest, was '*&&• 1,850,000 man hours, ami loon." Next in order was "lintel," then absorbs seine of ihrliiKumiscsuieasi- , . . Of Every Description . . . Restaurant." "Hii.ik" and. If a land the mountings ly acquire two years' work, while UBIU- EXPERT BUILDERS OF RIDING SADDLES TO ORDER loom was on, "Heal lv»vne." .Now mi j:le armor plate may take nearly three frontier towJI, however small, is with- months to finish. None of. those proc- Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done out 'lie latest attraction of "moving esses can lie unduly hurried, as the CEIZOff & MAYBERRY picture*," ami, thanks to the develop- very best Work must be put In, the BERNARDS7ILLE, NEW JERSEY ment of good roads mid of the uutoino- Mle Industry, the largest itgn BOW *up- least scamping making all the differ- Branch Store at Peapack ence between viiiory and defeat pluuting Saloon" IK the word "< Ja- in the background may bi> Between 40 and ~M pel cent of tue scon the steeple of a chorea, bat you coat of n dreadnaught's hull goes iu la- win always, no matter how small the ior. Curiously enough, far less is spent This Store is noted towa may be, «%• the American Hay (in labor when constructing a turbine that flies in front of the American engine than when making one of the schoulhouse. That flag is always in uhl reciprocating type. Much of the for its Quality and ___ , eveu when the porch of thematerial is made by machinery, leav- church is below the sky line.~Leslie's, ing only L:S pel cent, of the cost for la- bor, whereas 45 pet rent, went In wages when the older kind were in use.—Lon- HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL | Curious Spider Eggs. don Telegraph. Service The Attus family of spiders, abound- ing in Java, have, iu additlou to nu- Armenia's Royal Pretenders. merous smaller eyes, a pair of large The last king of Armenia died in unes, which have been called "gig EQUIPMENT Paris in 1303. but his alleged descend- lamp" eyes. ants have frequently asserted their A specimen of the spider, lately cap- rights to the Armenian crown. The tured near Buiteuzorg, exhibits a re- last well authenticated claimant, Guy The Best of Everything markable power of changing the color de Lusignan, died in a Parisian cellar of its eyes. When taken the eyes in 1795, but a considerable stir was were dark brown, like the body, but created some forty years ago by the The Best Materials and Supplies suddenly they changed to bright grass pretensions of an Armenian family green. Soon afterward they turned named Khorian. Archbishop Khorlan, back from green to brown, and this the head of the family, gained many are kept constantly on Hand for change of color was repeated several influential supporters in England and times in succession, apparently et the on the continent, but was unable to The Particular Store will of the creature. attain his modest desire that Cyprus Whether this action on the part of should be made over to him as a first these two Departments of our this curious species of spider is an ef- step toward the complete restoration fort to inspire terror In Its enemy or of the Armenian kingdom. One of his whether it is an effort of Its own ter- brothers married an English lady, who Getzoff & Mayberry ror is uncertain. may be still living. Another wedded Business .'. .*, .'. / Another singular fact is that the col- Victor Hugo's friend, Mile, de Nosrois, or of either one or both eyes could who subsequently styled herself Prin thus be chauged at will. cess Marie de Luslgaan of Cyprus, Je- I rusalem, and Armenia.—London Globe Origin of Baliol. I Baliol college, Oxford, originated in WHITCOMB & GARDNER medieval times. John de Baliol, the "Temper'' and "Humor." founder, for certain outrages on the The history of the words "temper' TEL. 186 churca was condemned to be flogged and "humor" Is very curious. Accord in the porch of Durham cathedral and ing to ancient physiology, the human ! to endow poor scholars at Oxford. body included four "humors" (liquids Plumbing, Tinning and Heating This occurred before 12GG, so Baliol —blood, phlegm, bile and black bile can make a plausible claim to be the or melancholia. Their combination oldest college with a continuous his- formed a man's "temperament"—and Bernardsville •*. New Jersey tory in Oxford university. Although we speak of sanguine, phlegmatic and DAVID BUIST AVicllf was one of the earliest masters, melancholy temperaments to this day the college rarely prospered until the "Temper," the synonym of "tempera close of the eighteenth century, and at ment," has undergone the strange de one time the members became so no- velopmeuts which we have noted, so that "losing your temper" and "being HAVERFORD L. D. "Phone 1886 Mulberry! Plumbing and Heating Co. itorious for drunken rowdlnesa that they -were styled "men of Belial." The in a temper" mean the same thing Excess of one humor over the rest led CYCLE CO. National Auto Top Co. Intellectual supremacy of Baliol dates [Distributors of[the HARDWARE, SUPPLIES | from the reign of Dr. Parsons, who In- to oddities; whence a "humorous" man Manufacturers of Auto Tops, Slip vented the examination system, and came to signify an eccentric person Excelsior Auto-Cycle Covers and Trimming. Re-trimming the arrival from the Scottish universi- And now "humorous" applies not t Everything Beautify the Home the odd person, but to the man wh (The machine thatfalways makes of Limousines and Touring Cars. Side ties of the "feelosophers," at whom Curtains, Division Curtains made to Cobbett scoffed.—London Chronicle. Bees the oddity In him.—London Spec good) andi tator. order. (Special line Radiators, Gaso- Smith's Motor.Wheel lene Tanks. Mud Guards repaired and COMPLETE LINE An Interesting Election. The* new bicycle puthar The tenth presidential election, 1824, Individual Verdict*. guaranteed.) Low prices. MIXED PAINTS, was unusually interesting. Twenty- The lady jury had been out for hours. four states took part, having 201 elec- The Judge looked tired, the clerk 420 Halsey St. 45 Beecher St. OILS, VARNISHES, toral votes, which were divided as fol- yawned, the loungers slept. Everything in the line oftMotor- Newark, N. J. lows: The bailiff, after listening at the key cyclet " Etc. John Quincy Adams - M hole several times, shook his bead with Andrew Jackson SM a discouraged air. Jobbers of the well-known HUDSON DOUBLE TIRE CO. "William H. Crawford 41 And then, quite unexpectedly, the Henry Clay 37 Dayton, Haverfordtand Packard jury announced It was ready to report We have succeeded in procuring a No candidate having a majority, the and the twelve ladies filed in. Bicycles house of representatives on Feb. 9, Sold for cash or easyjpaymenta. resh new lot of factory seconds, and "Have you agreed upon a verdict?' iome are firsts, all of Btandard makes, 1825, elected John Quincy Adams on the demanded. A large assortment of second-hand the first ballot. He was supported by of tires and tubes before the tire The forelady smiled. Motorcycles always on [hand. thirteen states, Jackson by seven market went up, therefore we are able "We have agreed upon twelve ver Dealers apply for agency at once. states and Crawford by four states. to sell them at exceedingly low prices: Chas. Heussy's John C. Calboun bad been elected vice diets, your honor," she told him in he flutellke voice. 945 Broad St. Newark, N. J 30xi.$6.50; 32-31J. $7,75; 84-4, $.00; president by the electoral college. The 36-4, $10 00. Double Tread Tires iB our popular vote at this election, the first 'You are discharged!" roared thi we have a complete record of, amount- Judge. specialty we make them perfectly ed to about 350,000. "Isn't be horrid?" said the ladies.— smooth inside and give re-liners free. Exchange. S. N. PUFF Buy direct from us and save salesman's commission: Measuring Hidts. Just to Help Oxt. Bernardsville Cash Market The ancient tanner paid an expert high wages to guess at the contents of "Well, well!" exclaimed Mr. Dubsor AUCTIONEER his hides when sold by measure. To- to a flustered acquaintance who rush HUDSON DOUBLE TIRE CO,, In day an unskilled workman hands the ed into a railroad station carrying two 269 Halsey Street, Newark, N. J. Irregular shaped pieces to a little ma- large suit cases. "Going away on the Two Doors Below Post Office chine that looks something like a ta- choo-choo?" TWENTY YEARSJXPESIENCE ble with a double top, which, quicker "Oh, no!" answered the acquaint- Phone 113 J than the mind of the expert can guess ance In a sarcastic tone. "My sole Auctioneering in alHudsol n Double Tire it, reckons with exactness the square Idea in buying a railway ticket and its branches promptly content! In both the metric und stand- hastening hither with all the,baggage Company ard systems. I could stagger under was merely to attended to. Increase the stir and bustle of this L. D. Phone 2682-M Market great city."—Exchange. More Than Enough. impossibility. PFINSTAG Choice Meats,Groceries and Vegetables Toward the end of a tiresome long "I see the BtW stylish costume* play an actor came on in a prison Going the Rounds. from Paris arc sensible." "The Lamp Man Best Teas and Finest Coffee scene and bopan picking at the walls "How is it you know so much about "That's impossible." Manufacturer of auto, coach and the neighbors' nffuirs as you tell at carriage Lamps, Radiator* and of his cell with an iron bar. Pausing "Why?" wind shields repaired Donation 1'iiy for the Fire Company is June 9th. I am ready! Are you? and wiping his brow, he said: the club?" "If sensible they couldn't be stylish." All kinds of Metal Spinning, Plating, "This will take years." "Oh, my wife's maid picks it up —Exchange. Japanning & Polishing "Good night," said a youth iu the from the other servants, and then my Oil Lamps changed to jgas or electric gallery.—Pittsburgh Telegraph. wife will Insist on rtpMtfBf it all to Lamp Supplies! of all kinds TlSLKPIIONK MUUIKBRY 1190 me. You know how women will gos- The first step looking toward tht iip."—Baltimore American. 381 Halsey St .". Nnwark.N.J On* Phase of Efficiency. crmllratloii of the 0,000 or nu>n>mis "And you huve had the MUM servant that infest Kiist Side park, l'uter oii, for two yonr*'.'" Too Much Ambition. was taken when twelve pounds of "Yes." replied Mr. CrOnlOtft, "She "I can't uinlcrstaml why you dls- poisoned ontnteul WDH fed to them. nays she doesn't believe In changing dMfftd Jny boy, You advertised for after she has gone to the trouble of a boy with mnUlttmi, ami he"— A chain attached to a cow he wns 1Mi< htritr I he family her wnys."—Wash "Thnt'M just it, nuulnui; that's Junt leading 1o pasture bttUM entwined lngtiin Slur, it. lie wnsn'l In the pttCt two da.VN about the itSI of .lobn Uovosky, u Mill before lie liml his feet on my dfsk nn The Sacrifice. your money, with the price of every- 1'otltUum lire lxMnit circulated In SAVE SHOELEATHER thing fOtOf Opi" Mr«. ltlclilclnh (Hciiriifully)-I you li;ii| BQN liralnn, Ferdinand, In- Rloomtleld asking for an election to bi "Hut why? The longer I nave It the held mi the adopt len of the couimtoloii Tire. Are Cheap For one week only loss 1 ciin biy with It." stead Of MI Him b iminc?. Fcrdlnnml 3 I illil oncp, dour, but It took form of j?itvcrnmcrit fur the town. A ,4*4 DiAry,OND *io.SO. Guaranteed not to he dffective Various mayor aiul HIX counrilmno now farm im lar price imi rw ivwl 1(>t nil of thorn t» get money. mammmn^' V " i "' " • of KELLEY' One of Those Question!, the fOftfBSCBti sl lllNof.(ff .r IM" lire* fri'iih factory neconda. which w« u,ili .„» .» k .... "It WltH third attempt at FllrUtion. cent off HM. Ink,, advantage of thin opportunity a- we hav# only » limit ride." Five i>f the Montclttlr coutu'lliueii iflartlja HUwitimjUiu ...I inmntity SUCH 0IMH)RTUN1TIK.VTURN III' VERY RAIlfa?Y "What rrnlly constitutes fllrtationf" have tB&OMiiccd thimmelvcN u» caiidl (UaiiMm "And didn'1 t he *m-< wd at either of atked t&t yOBftg mini of th« wntunu of LftftH Sl\. NKWAUK, N. J. thn other* /" dntcn for a canitntaiiluncrNhlp, and It Is Minulnrtufttl tml Oittnliutnl l.v TEL. UW, MIM.MHHHY the world. expeited that leu BBOTI will I8&9B&0I "Atlmtlou without Intention." »• tlielr randldai'len before June '.M, ihiW. C. BALDWIN &t CO., Inc. Bad Enough. r>)tr<] tin1 ttptftttttd one. l>ld you know that drink In- I liny fur Mini: p|ttttOBI< Mill) ' 'llu r I .' .iiullirit, I «, li.l » ROANOK1, VIKI.INIA drives H mim into bud eotnimnyV I'IIH ouer Yes, your houur. h brought mr Salary. Of '•• HTCIVIMI unit an port of 19 CENTRAL AVE.. NEWARK, N. J. before you, ttl pi'in haken arv 111 wltl their pay. V\'h(>n iln> unit wnn com the There are other cnnon h fur iiiMh the lnttt-r w»» a the imvn. unit *eve-al children havi BernardiTillelNews—$1.50 the Year Tin re U not nny benefit HO glorUm* "nfllnrlnm," will inniift)', nr "unlnry." 1 In HMf Unit It limy not be IW—tlDld jibiM'Ht from Kilo A SB tin MUM 1lutin miy tbo Hid Improved by the manner of ttlvlnu Tin' iiii mli Exclusively by it, » Hum tlu» LEWIS S. GRAHAM

• The Bernardsville News, Thursday, June 22, 1916 N.me of the "Dogger Bank." [THE LITTLE 5er Bank nebeen car«- protected1 SUrr0UD, becausd eU i ntherel tne shallos thew LACEMAKER fishingflft ' that is to be found anv- Breaking ••acre uear the English coast. The A B uff wide stretch that shelves down to a By SADIE OLCOTT The Law san lW?ly m feet to the lar6e8t sand bank in the North sea, and in bv- By EDWARD T. STEWART gone times it was claimed by both "i wish my son would marry and Holland and Denmark. Th.^e. name has ijttle down." nothi nothing to do with the geological for- We detivtlves are tupposed to get •Ehese words were spoken by Mrs. mation of which the sand bank i com- Whon 1 lirst wont to the west, a 8 yoong man of twenty years, 1 secured after those who break the laws. Wo '•' jjaliwarlng of Baltimore to Mrs. Btet- posed. "Dogger" is a sandy, iron Im- are not imposed to break the laws our- gon of Providence while the two ladles pregnated stone that la well known to employment lu a bank. It was a P'UKII country In those ilaya, road afmts, •U'tvps. Hut 1 once N'Onuie tt law listening to the orchestra at the tne geologist. But this bank took its breaker. A younn woman was held In name from the two masted fishing boat horse thieve.s and the like being plentl at Luzerne, Switzerland. fill. The bank lu which 1 was em-the adjoining state under duresx. and "My Alice," replied Mrs. Stetson, that has been used by Holland for sev- w I was sent there to nnd a way to get ployed was ill a smuU mining tnwu— be out of school within a few eral centuries in the herring and cod possession of her. nsuing in the North sea. The dogger Soda not many people, but a food dcul of jjays, and I shall have the matrimoni- money In propi»rUon to the inhabitants Miss F.ucy Scheuck, who was but problem for her on my hands." is similar to the ketch, but adapted Crackers for fishing, especially In the shallow One day the cashier told me that he twenty years old. had no one to look "Flow I wish," rejoined Mrs. Main- with a Flavor wanted me to carry elRhteen hundred to but her stepmother's second hus- faring, "that I could get her for waters surrounding the Dogger Bank. —St Louis Globe-Democrat. dollars In currency to a man in Taylor- band. Bhepard, and he uvailed himself tick-" Flavor is not expected of vllle who owned and ran a stamp of the opimrtunlty of her confidence In I "I should be very happy at the alll- ordinary soda crackers. But mill. The distance was forty miles. him to g»t her fortune Into the hands tnce, I assure you; but, from what you Far Better. Uneeda Biscuit are extraordinary soda and there was no public conveyance. of those from whom he could have H -#ay. your sou will not marry." In a neat English village live a to- crackers and have a distinctive appetizing I mounted a horse and with a roll of tmnsfemxl to himself. f "lie will In love with some inno- bacconist named Farr. Now, this tobac- bills in my rtnlit boot leg set oat on Lucy, finally Niispecting that matters cent country girl, unsophisticated and conist had a rival. Both wanted the flavor. my Journey. My only defense was a were not as they should be, employed trade of the town. Farr, being a wit, "uncultivated." Buy Uneeda Biscuit because they are 42 caliber revolver at my hip under a lawyer to look Inti> f ho case. Shepard, t The result of this dialogue when con- devised a sign and hung it outside his my coat. shop: learning »f the fact, ran her off Into wns a sclieme to throw together soda crackers with a flavor, but, above another state and kept her In hiding. Klice Stetson as a Swiss lacemaker "Best Tobacco by Farr." all, buy them (or their crisp goodness. I had done about half the distance Her lawyer found out where she was I|and Dick Ma in waring. When Miss The townsfolk, relishing a pun, flock- when I overtook a plrl riding on horse- and I wns selected to pi there and Kjlce returned from school the plan ed to his shop, and his trade increased S cents everywhere back In the same direction as I was report some method of taking her away Eras proposed to her not as one to make at the expense of his rival's business. She was astride, anc! had It not DM] from Shepiml. f?a match for her, but as a lark. She Now, Ills rival brooded and meditat- I NATIONAL BISCUIT for her feminine costume I would not I found that he was keeping her un- gJwas b.V no means averse to it. Dick ed, consulted many books of ancient COMPANY have known that R'QO was a woman der the pretense that she WM mentally ||wns on the way from Italy to join his lore, a Roget's Thesaurus and a rim- However, when ah« turned her face as Incompetent. If her lawyer attempted I mother, and when ha arrived he found Ing dictionary. One day his face was I rode up beside her I saw thnt she to tight him by tlie law he W0H14 likely |i'domesticated with her a very pretty seen to wreathe itself into smiles. Gos- was quite gooil looklnsj, though not 01 rim her olT to sonie other place, and &• girl dressed In the attractive costume sip hovered expectant about his shop. a rellned type. I doffed my lint am oven If he illil not lie had the police The anticipations of the townsfolk The Negative Egotist. ana cord coffee nnd making hlmselt |t of tlie country, filling an order for luce. "I believe," the occasional philoso- generally disagreeable, bade her good monilng. She replied to force In tlu- town with him and a I Alice, who took the name of Gretchon were not disappointed, for that very tin- salutation, nnd we rode on to- shyster lawyer \vli<> would take any day he hung out a sign which read: pher said, "that there may be such a "Don't growl so over your breakfast, I ami was supposed to si>oak only Ger- thing as the negative egotist. I mean John," said his generally meek wife. get her. method to evade the law. I therefore I nian—the language of eastern Switzer- "Far Better Tobacco Than the Best by this a person so modest about his "Nobody is going to take It away from In those days women were scarce In reported that the best way was to fight laml—sat In a diair before a board on by Fair."—New York Post. own merits that his self depreciation you." the west, and I, being young and not the devil with tire; that Is to take an Which she worked the threads. A may be a kind of ecotism turned in- overthoughtful, was much pleased at Illegal COtttSe and kidnap the young B Interesting Uses of Asphalt. lady. •f real lacemaker had taught her to do side out. I am not sure whether this * 4. * * * .!. .;. .J. .J. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. * .!. having a traveling companion of the I the simplest kind of work, which was When the word asphalt Is mentioned is a form of egotism that is to be con- opposite sex. The young woman did Miss Schenck had 11 lover, who had the first thing we think of la pave- * + not appear averse to my company, and • all that was needed. demned or condoled. We all have a * PRACTICAL HEALTH HINT. + succeeded in getting Into communica- Upon his arrival, seeing the little ments and streets, but this interesting touch of it at times. For instance, we + + we were soon on friendly terms. She tion with her by letter that is, she had I lacemaker at work in his mother's substance has found many other uses, may feel a painful degree of humanity Shoes and the Feet. asked me more questions about myself written him giving him tho place where boudoir, he went up behind her and chiefly through the efforts of the chem- about a grease spot on our clothes or + Careful attention to the fit of than I liked, but I judged that it was she was held captive, 1 asked that watched her work. Believing her to ists employed by the asphalt compa- a splash of mud on our shoes, and the+ one's shoes will prevent the forni- through the idle curiosity of a girl, this young man, Hastings, should be be unconscious of his presence, he said: nies. The number of different com- pain of this humility consists largely 4* ing of blisters on the feet. An whom I Judged to be not over seven- sent to hell) Oft He was naturally '•Frauleln, your delicate fingers are pounds devised by the chemists for in the thought that a large part of the + ill fitting shoe that rubs the heel teen. very much Interested, and together we well adapted to such fine work." various purposes is enormous. Some world has its eyes fixed firmly oirHhat After awhile we saw two men about. laid our plans. The automobile has + will cause blisters to form the proved an excellent iiieaim of effecting Gretchen turned and, seeing a young uses are In shoemaklng, waterproofing, grease spot or that splash of mud. •fr very first time you wear it. a quarter of a mile ahead of us ride vat linings, linoleum, driving belts, The egotistical part of this humanity, out from behind a rise in the ground such purposes, and we concluded to im man bending over her, appeared to be + A shoe that is too narrow in one. very much disconcerted and made no rubber articles, cork flooring blocks, of course, is in the idea that so many + front and crowds and pushes on to the road. From the way they reply, proceeding with her work. protective paints, asphalt putty and a persons are likely to take note of a 4- the front of the ball to one side looked back at us I feared they were Since Miss Schenck was not permit- host of others. — Metallurgical and defect in our attire. It is quite evi- + will cause Ingrowing toe nails. road agents. I Imparted my suspicion ted to go out of the house, but was kept Muinwarlng, thinking that the girl did In It under the care of a middle aged not understand English, repeated what Chemical Engineering. dent that distress of this kind can ex- + In bad cases it Is best to consult to my companion, and she said she ist only where a certain amount of suspected the same thing. woman, we were obliged to take the he had said In German. •$• a chiropodist, but afterward if captive from her dwelling prison by Its Use. pride about appearances is kept alive." + one would prevent a recurrence "Are you armed?" she asked. " Vch, herr," she replied, "you flatter Nick-What good Is an asbestos cur- —Indianapolis News. force. 80 far as I could l«arn she was me." + of the trouble see to it that shoes "I have a revolver." tain, anyway? Nax—Keeps the show "I got $15 In my pjeket," she said, guarded only by the woman—her name Dick heard his mother approaching •i« which do not pinch the toes are was Saunders— but there was a man on from being roasted.—Yale Record. •£• worn. "and a gold watch and this rlru on my and, not earing to be caught chatting Quean Elizabeth's Coal. the premises, supposed to bo a butler, with her employee, walked away. But Hard Headed. •fr A great many adults have finger. You take 'em. If you ^eat tho and I fancied he, too, was In the pay of Advertisement.—Lost—Walking stick Queen Elizabeth was the first Eng- + weak feet. This is because in men off you can give "em back to me." Gretchen was always there—that is, lish monarch to realize the value of Shepard, whose place of abode was hi by gentleman with an Ivory head.— + their childhood they contracted "They're much more likely to relievo a house two or three numbers away when Dick was there—and it was as Boston Transcript. the coal mines as a state owned mono- mo of them than you," I replied. "Keep impossible for him to keep away from + bad foot habits or were made to from the one In question. The Thrifty Swiss. poly. She obtained a lease of all the + wear shoes that were too small them. And here—take this." her as for a bee to ignore a flower. Durham fields for £90 a year and then I dare not take any one except Has- Alice may have just left school, but Beggars are few in Switzerland, and •£• or too large. I dived Into my boot leg, drew forth tings Into my confidence, so I must 'our-iiftns of the adults there have proceeded to manipulate a corner in •5* Then they did not notice It for my roll of tflis anft handed them to Nhe had a woman's natural spiderly coals with much success. She annexed needs rely on him alone for an assist- instinct lu catching a fly. She waited )ank accounts. •5" their bodies were light and their her. She took them and stuffed them ant. Fortunately be was a good driver the private pits of the Percys when •$• muscles strong, but as middle Into a pocket In her dress. lill Dick began to say tender things to they were profitably developing them- of an auto, and this was n great help. her, then mildly reproved him for talk- •}• age approaches the elasticity of When we enme up with the two Our plan was a very simple one: We selves and only consented after a time •fr tissue and muscles decreases and men they asked us If wo had seen ing thus to one so far beneath him. to allow them a small percentage on were to take the auto to tho house. I RIGHT NOW + foot ills develop. + gome stray cattle they were looking was to ring the bell and when the door The next stage was that she listened their own stuff. She chartered a com- for, and when wo told them wo had to him, but reminded him that if his + was opened was to push In, followed We can save you money pany.in Newcastle as virtual monopo- not they aajd nothing more, and w« by Hastings. We were both to bo mother canie to suspect that he was lists in the sale of Northumbrian coal rodo on. I was very much relieved, saying them she would discharge her armed and play burglar, going through on bicycles and supplies! We to shippers and so engineered matters Wrong Quarry. for, to tell the truth, my heart was In the house as If looking for plunder, but employee at once. Here forbidden that the lord mayor of London formal- With a wild sweep the wind tore lave a large assortment of my throat. It was beating too wildly really looking for the girl. As soon as fruit came in to make it all the more ly complained that Newcastle freemen's round a sudden corner and removed for some time after the meeting (or Hastings naw her he was to make him- interesting for the young Lothario, and aicycles and supplies which rights had been bartered away to a the hat from the head of a respectable mo to say anything to my companion. self known and tal;e her down and out it was not long before he endeavored monopoly and begged for some limita- and nearsighted citizen who chanced When I had quieted down and looked to Un> auto, I Joining him there. to steal a kiss. are to be sold at lowest tion to the price, which had now been :o be passing. aside at him I saw that her own Peering wildly round, the man Wo wished to d<> the Job before the The lacemaker put him away with prices ever offered. forced up to a pound a chaldron. Coal fright bad been either negligible or prisoner Trent to bed. We had learned a look so reproachful that it made him had previously been sold in London at thought he saw his hat m a yard be- her equanimity very quickly recovered. hind a high fence. Hastily climbing which was her room nml after dark feel as if he had been stealing pennies SOME POINTS TO 4 shillings a chaldron. — Pearson's She looked pleased rather than scared. watched for a light to api>ear In It. from a Salvation Army children's fresh Weekly. over, he started to chase It, but each "Well," I said after we had proceed- REMEMBER time he thought he had caught It, it This DCCBrijpd about 0 o'clock. Run- air fund. He stammered an apology, p ed a short distance, "I'll not need to got yet another move on. ning tho car up to tho house, we began but she told him that if he respected We are the agents for the Poett and Dogt. trouble you any longer with my prop- operations. The butler came to the himself and wished her to respect him Poets have always loved dogs. In Then a woman's angry voice broke erty." door I shoved n revolver against hLn lie must not speak to her again unless Iver Johnson, Pierce and this poets and boys resemble each oth- on his enrs. "What property V" breast, while Hastings dashed past us 'What are you doing there?" she de- in the presence of his mother. How- other standard makes. er. Walter Savage Landor was de- "Why, the roll of bllla I gave you to both nnd upstairs, throwing open Miss ever, on his promise not to try to steal voted to his dog Giallo, and Byron's manded shrilly. keep for me." 8cb*Dcli> door. Her duenna wan with any more kisses he might occasionally Our tires are priced from epitaph upon his dog Boatswain we all He explained mildly that he was "I don't remember your giving me her, but Hastings frightened her by only trying to retrieve his hat, where- nay a very few words. remember: any bill*" shaking a revolver In her face and, 98 cents up and bicycles upon the woman said, in wonder: I cast a quick side glance at her. catching hold of his astonished sweet- It must be admitted that Dick was To mark a friend's remains these stones $14.50 up. Come and be arise. Your hat'/ Well, I don't know, Her expression was very much chang- heart's arm, ran her down to the auto. at a disadvantage. Miss Stetson was I never had but one, and there ho lies. where it Is, but that's our little black ed. All that Innocence I bad noticed a lady, quite a beauty, with a very Meanwhile I had taken the key out convinced. Get the most Cowper was very fond of his dog, hen you're chasing!"—Iiondon Mall. before had departed, and a resolute of the front door and put It on the out- soft voice and softer eyes, and to and we know bow Charles Lamb, who look had taken Its place. It told (We crown all she was dressed in one of For your money at the Bldc. I followed t*M couple, locking the was a prose poet, loved his Dash and Elephant Thranodie*. story at once. She had offered me her door liehlml me, so that the butler the prettiest national costumes in tho how Mrs. Browning appreciated the The natives of certain portions of valuables as a suggestion that I offer world. Within three days she begau would be kept within, but gained noth- GENUINE PARK ROW GUARANTEE little Flush to whom she Indited a south central Africa look on the death her mine Instead. I had been victim- ing by this, for tho woman upstairs to interfere with Dick's day dreams, poem. The Earl of Shaftesbury kept of an elephant ua an event. They at- ized. She had my money. Sho wag a threw up a sash and shouted for help. Bad as for his night dreams he was CYCLE CO. F09t his noble collie In his library with him tach an iilninst religious uspevt to it. woman. I did not relish getting it Whllo she was doing so the three Of us unable to sleep. He tossed about in 1 Park Row, °w- °»~ at all times, and Samuel Rogers al- "As gaps us the animal stalked Is from her forcibly. were getting Into tho auto. Hustings 'icd, lamenting the fact that the lace N. Y. Phone Cort. 4311 ways walked out with his dog. Scott stretched on the ground the hunters "You gliis me that money," I said In started It, nnd we wheeled awny, the maker was only t poor Swiss girl with Open Evenings Till 9 o'clock declined BO Invitation to dinner when climb uix>ii the huge, warm body and no soft tone. cries of the duenna dying In the dis- whom an alliance would be impossl N. Y. Catalogs sent on request. IIIH dog died, saying that he could not there itcrform a dance, gesticulating "See hern, mister," she replied, "If tance. l»le. Now mid again he would resolve acctpt on account of the "loss of an and shaking their guna, accompanied you Intend to rob me, say so. Hut I As bad lurk would have It, Hhepard to throw common sense to the winds; old friend."—it. .lames' (Jazettc. by a sort Of litany, In which they extol want you to know that I'll get my was Just going lnt» tho house In which I hen would bring himself Up with 1 AVOID FINES the unlmal and his qualities, bU friend* after you, and If they kufcn ho llvod when the woman began her round turn, wondering If he had bo See ut about Dimmer*. Mirroteopet strength, his size, bis cunning; then you you'll swing like nny other mad shouts. Seeing u* get Into \\u< nuto, tiiiiio insane. Forget One* In Awhile, they praise tho skill of the hunter, hi.s agent." and Spotlight! ho took In the Hltuatlou, and as we One morning he entered his mother's The health of the body U well as of prompt «ye, his accurate shot. Anil The game wax developing rapidly. I dashed off he run to us ami Jumped boudoir, expecting to find tho hue the Bind nii'liinvy "f 11 WTOBf, Of IfifF? 'linker, but Instead found the room va 18 WILLIAM STREET were ufrnid that If they raised their Probably she wan a decoy-had been shovo that tumbled him In I heap, lint • si 111. It seemed as if some oue tad WOrdS, of petty nioHiiiiosM, linger and volres they Unllld lUtTOOt tho clirse nf sent out to waylay me or any traveler I saw him gtf up and follow us on a NEWARK, N. J. rankle in y"ur memory will imi only t uriiod off a thousand en mile power the spirit WSfen bus Juat left Hie mil —utid her friends had tholr eyos on tu. nin. lie kept It up till ho ciinic to "'i Phone-7844 Marke diMlpatt .vmir mental VDttgf, but It •lwtlifl light. Mrs. Mulnwnrlnir ninio mill 11ml li fttti flouting nrounl him." If I took rny money from her forcibly auto Handing by UM sidewalk, got tnto the room, and Dick asked: will mi' t ll|"i|i tile body. The sccie- tlie.v would 00BM down 08 me nnd Into It. ami followed us. ti.ilis will b« iliniinlshcd, dlffMtiOil Ini- " M in -mother, what's become of your Hi Kniw Shaktiptart. tinng BM for robbing a woman. I wnlteil till W* 'anio tn u nnrrnw l paired, sleep disturbed and tin- mttnl NOTICE Thin ciiiifitry pOMMMI many Inter- "Ynu've jrnt me," I said, "but tBMtti street ami n boOM that H '" being health siilTer In COB* iiUTice. Pwfft* t(| a rink fur you In this business. I can luillt ltn4M nu'iitul <"nlMhculc •ftUsg Nltd pointing back t<> the time nt Ihe Inilie'llMl Imnl Shnkcs|iciir»'. A tfet II |iOwse niter yini, nnd If tBty t-'et •lOWOd Tir> JIJM! enough fo eridlile me t'» ''* fio IIIH1 lins gone home!" or in books. Highest prices paid and 11 H'H'd Bftlicint fOI the Imd.v. • ''' h siiid nothing further, bni for United Cigar certificates, all relllilnli'1' WbtCb fllDlllil lint lie nVer tlielr )\nuI hunl withJump "nt wttnoof being kfllod, 1 Mil iu"iii,.|- wntiiicd his woebegone lM.>!,nl IK IM-* tpiUpb found >iver a you. ri«w much do you WISt to Mrt- a plash "tT 11 board nw in& resting •* other kinds of coupons, milk Two Probii. ( »lun wlih sinlsfiirilon. crave In rrnlerlcksliiirk', Va.: Her one CIHI ..11 tin' pile, blocked the > ' labels, soap wrappers, and to- •|•;,,, i,i;m (if :iinl liiiiinclitl proinl- ''"• i"'\i evening at the Cailno Mr» "HiI'M Hi • liilwiii'il lli'M"ii, 11 ini'il "HOW inil'li you got?" wlie -11M fOr the OOming ntlto. When Phi : i: I bacco tags. Scud your coupons nciK'o lui'i nH't with mi if' Ident "Wo lulu* nring Introduced bor son to I101 1 MI Mini rant HI practitioner, tt» I here's :o> In that fill," 1 n>plfc»d. goi out t.> rerooTo the pUwi 1 uiwd and libels by parcel post. Money w ill have i" probe," laid ttie doctor. bin don nod him and, ptittli • i <"l flOO'l iCOOpI the ceipt of samr. ,,,-, , , BUM and exclnlflwd II a nliort illne*'', In tli<< ,\'nr of OUr UatQ nfft-r I IWMf I'll lmv« you In tQC beard other • otnlng, then 1 Jntnped op Ditto AlncrlcMi: mil letiillll. WhPI II;I f r i( h| It'i 11 -in'..i' HI operation gn tnwid, \ni J01S, in the * \eiiiieiii \r:ir of bti IUIIHIN of thn v Ifiiaaet eommittoe with and ' '• wai Introduced ihe bowed ra S. S( IIWART/, If Jt'l .iii'ii-' 1 ni\' ilmitl'Mi gtVt me 19 ly 1'id; wn< dumfoundedi \ ' New \'ill in fottj eiri 1 Bonn," I'M- delay 1 affected on*' • 1 III.! Market St. in •""int, 1 a mm,! tpeak 10 bit tnotlie Newark, N. J. She 1 !• 1. 'I IIU hlie, llin. Mid thsl I..) to reach tne itste lit fittlOOl IMIUJ "vcrlieiul !'•' nwUi'l "i'11 Wine In Hit Way. •ba \\"ui HITOM him p.ut 1 ""' I :i11 s H* Paid It. 'I i DM ttH rest. Then I Itndltd nwlilU. niciiiit, Ho WBH told II111I Ml . 1!•> 1 1 iiii'i L"tie, HIM) the wife ! 1 . Fbroki 1 v mi i" pi'.v rou 1 ' ii.«w 1 iiiuM ktap her from know .:.i i j. ha bad lott, 1 '•• wing 11 "tin n Klfl of the new w AIM Ins I" '' t urii thing "ii "r' """'• T«lloi (rabbins bU Ink' tO4 atniMiiii -die hud In btf bt 1 iitiiinai prosecution rani wder mid hurt iMnfld I" W "\\ h\ iiiii jniti i< 11 him ynu abb 1 Hedden's Lunch Room bands) Ah, I'm tlid W set ja& 1 Banting* took Kin ! twiti lui ,.|f |,y mulling Im'o. Wln' imoklof, HTM took t drtnl '< < < tip 1 , v; I WMi tO |"i.v >' n 11 <"»" 1 "No," I said presently. "OlTi tnc the home she recovered t'i« belli 1 "• "ii 11 fobHIIC idopted tin pofltloi And Delicatessen ' or motoring tnd dkfn'l > BM f-" pi iperty, and 1 attendwl thp "..Mini: 1 1 plimeoi 1 •'< i our artljtio wty of dun' POPOj nnil ill gift >oii your plunder "" "• 1 nun- of nil operative ami 1 ba • -i.i-

GRASS SALE.-On Breeze Hill Farm, NEWS Stirling, N\ J., seventy-five acres10J ,-lover and timothy mixed and low meadow hav will be offered for sale, Saturday, July 1. at 2 p.m., sharp. Six horses will will also be offered lot CENT A WORD sale. Terms: three months note with ALL AROUND THE COUNTY WANTS good security. 8-22-ta * POR~SALE.-At a bargain, one 1916 "OR SALE-Gentla ro»4 boreei Phe* Maxwell auto, nearly new, run about ton iurrey, Two seated sleigh, har- 2 000 miles. Apply R. K. Mackenzie ness. All'at bargain and on reason- Bernardsville. 6-^-tr able terms. Inquire at NEWS Office. BASKING RIDGE MENDHAM Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Anschutz of Mr, and Mrs. Morris Nels NOTICE wo0 thave gg FOR SALE—Extra Plymouth Rock St. Mark's rectory have been entertain- a guest for the summer their bruits in ihcir dofrti, de. or ironing. State wages expected! present It to Cleopatra, but the senator Becretary, Miss Margaret Elliott ami of the said Mary C. Hill, deceased, to j maml* ami cUilsl ni!»in*t the WM ilfceflent, ft. Looker on Friday afternoon, Jnne bring in their dei U, demand* and claims I under ontli (ii i lliiiuMtiim, mid iH'ti-fnt the Write, phone or call. Joseph Dobbs, refused to part with It nnd for fear 23rd, at 2.30 o'clock. treasurer, Miss Lila Babbitt. • ., , , , ., i >Htni- in tin »Hb»mlh»r» within SINK months Bernardsville, N. J. 6-22-t2 that It would be taken from him by against tin-s.u.l aecedend, under oathjfmm iw 4&U ol <*>A onttr; nnd in ilofmilt Lewis C. Smalley is reported to be Arthur Aitkin of Baltimore, ia spend- or affirmation, nnd present the SftRte to fbw«l> miy «uyS creditor •hall be forever sheer force sought safety In flight. Inured ul l»f« of her LOST OR STOLEN.-Scotch! Terrier on the sick list. ng the smmmer with his parents Rev. to the subscriber within NINE months the HUbscriticrn. Here history loses all trace of this fa- from the date of said order ; and in de- bitch, answering to name of Lassie. mous gets, there being no record of its Lloyd A. Potter has returned to his and Mrs. James Fley Aitkin. WlI.LKTT NKEK, Return to John Sutherland, Edge fault thereof any such creditor shall AdMilni»tr»tor, transference from Nonius to any of his lome in New York State for the sum- be forever barred of his or her action Bnnkiint ll"l>;r, N. J. Hill, N. J., or Phone No. 2, Bernards- ville. family. mer vacation. therefor against the subscriber. 6-22-tIp PEAPACK-OLAD3TONE Miss Gladys Burnett is able to be HENRY TOUEI.MANN, WANTKI). Single young man wishes An Empire Sold at Auction. about again after being confined to her CAR HILLS Executor, THE position on private place. Under- The Uoiuaa empire was once sold to lome with tonsilitis. Banking Ridge. N. J. lit!) stands care of horses, autos and gar-the highest bidder, un the death of Sutton & Ernst have the contract for Morris County Savings Bank den. Wm. O'Malley, Millington, N.,). Pertaaa in 183 the Pnetorias guards Announcement has been made of the the building of a bridge at Peapack- MORRISTOWN, N. J. fi-l'2-tlp put ui> the empire tor sale by auction, narriage of Miss Eretta L, Haldwin Gladstone, to cost $4,000. ami after an animated competition be- and Donald Douglass on Saturday, No Difficulty. POSITION WANTKI), By married The Commencement exercises of the Brook* once gnvc a no 85th Semi-Annual Dividend Notice tween Sulplclan and .Julian it was ]une 17 at Newark. man, Garden and general work; han- knocked flown to the latter for 64150 Peapack-Gladstonc school will be held •ion i " i'v : • ah ;.„••, | , „ wojii The MMftgWI <>f tbll BtRfc have (irdtT- dy nmn; willing to work nt anything this Friday night. Joseph Laroctnu1 will •k« It'.", * Ii" nftli] !n< .1 ileil u l i'<) p lid irein the carningi of Address I'.o. Bo* 208, Bernardiville Iraehmss, The R as bold sacttons 1 of various kinds, the proceedings belnu Sixteen pupils will be graduat- « v.i .i i - i ; •, i ':,.:.,. e the liusim-ss I'nr the _ N. •)• 6 S-t2p nUCh tin'Mime In all eases. Tin? audio Injured Boy Recovering ed and will be given diplomas. IWdl (1H i . • • i . , . „,., . ,,,, ,!;•;, Six Monti.. Ending June 30lh, 1916 l WANTKI). High School Graduate, sub iiasta, which was n sale of plunder, Sidney Flurio, son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moore, of Pluckemin, has >•>]'•>•" - ! > ' ' • ;• "JoUBJl \va to thf dtpnttori entitled thereto tinder one nf I lii' iiii'u.i !>t.,|,!u'K" We jire unable to supply tba demand is bold under a spear stock In the viichael Florin, who was hit in the been nwnrded the contract for the ]uy- the H.v Uiws, n umi-anmm] Interest for our ffTttduatM who have ftlio had wound. rrii|. minister auctionis, orauc lividctnl UN follows: Mgh si'hm.l training. Call, or write nuuth SiUurdny by a golf bull driven ing of Hidewiilks an 1 curliH in Holland 8oicnce am) Philanthropy. [or booklet NVw York School of lonoer, nras chosen from among the by Mr. Holland, i* recovering, The IC< Avenue, IVapaek, The oentWWi price I'Keiiliirll, or Uioiioy rlmiitfei'H, ami tils "Think ul i in iivi n lenea slives." riling, Singer Building, New York. iilent occurod on the Somerset RUU is |4.2I6.38. "It nil depends on whether ytm sel ssisiimts trere tba cashiers, (Jolf Course, wht»rt> young Florio JH em- *>nllHt Is wnrkliit.' u it Ii iiii'dlclnoH or liloyed ej a caddie. Dr. Mt'i«h attended The Borough (Council will meet JttM At the rate of FOUR per centum per 2.*iRKWAKI) Fur return of one Sil~ Shop Talk. lilgh explosive ' Washington Slur. the Ixiy. 27th when th«>y will dt-cide whether annum on nil account! from IB (id yerton Cord Auto Tin- with Howard "The (rest trouble nowadays," begin they will furniah water tO Bedminster to $5,110(1.01). Demountable Rimm and inner lulies Hard Luck. Uu> curbstone philosopher, ••U thai m> Townwhiii and the dravity Watei Sup- P*y»bU on and after July 18th, 1916 lost on Thursday June 88d, between inaii is eatisfled v\itu bis Job/' BlnkH - Wns Hi,, (on on BMWB'I Minne liroolik andd KKiil Note our cent-n-word column, how it ply CO., of Fur Hills. dwelling total? .link! Yn, tba nciKii- Deposit* made on nr before the Third J. Drydcn Kuncr •My |ob soots me." Interrupted tbe (i-22-t-l chimney sweep, grows. There can be but one reason— Right Rev, Paul MHtthcwn, Bhhopof born WIVO-I si\ amhreDti, tml r< mil-/ iilsneH W of iln Munth draw inter "And I'M Htuek on mine," yelled (lie il fating!fttultB, Have you tried it? od tin-in nil." Pbttsdelpbla Bttflrtta, •H from (he Kirat ,,f lho Month WANTKI). ltioriUHmipp New Jersey, will make bin annual visit- or foreman, or » chart <• of a pri- ation to St. Luke'n Chapel, next Sun* to 1 tnr spreader from tbu adjoining pouf, Solicited VHt» iMtate. Have hai limit und Whoreupon tbe orate; turned hi* Kn»w What Wai Coming, day afternoon, .l\im> 2r.th, nt 8 o'clock, H»r Cl*tt, hUU "Potlmfwynir Wtf», ,.)i? Ttlm IKll.. Itmik open dnily from !> n, m. to 1 I timiim fron economics to preparedness "l'a, wJmt Is a ehronlO klekcr?" hi all lincH and limm-m's, including -ruck. 1 rrtifl, Isn't HIIPV" I'anuiuK in »|l it* brnnrlipn, gardening "if yon answer thnt boy ! question "nilMll! Net so luuil. I),,., , ,„,,„,, OH s«turdu,VH from t n. m, to 12o'clock In all itn branches, farm machinery, to it without making any reference, fee Hit C. >|»'> IC'M, i>. Duke's Park Open July 4th nauKht."-n«ltltiMiri. An., rl, an. noun. pumping outfits, roml building and all "f'n," Hid 1 lie boy, looking np turn mo," put In mot her I let Foil Free l'rtw Shakespeare's Midsummer Night'* PHILANDER B. TIERSON, P . linen of work oti Kontltn'a I'HtutcD. rM Write lo Aiiu'i'irmi. OVt NtfWK, llor MM book, ">vtini iim'N 11 Bias's 'bettor l>ieain i.s In be given by a cast of ovi-r Man In not tht> OTMtfin "f HORACE G. WOLFE, Sec, «nd Tr.M. npllll Q^S Imlf iiicnnV" two hundred people, Knglinh gnmen, 0 tttaeaii drcBmttiincw art ti Burning Gold, ITCH "Csuiiity, my son," replied bis fathei turm of int'ii. h Tho Chinese custom of burning xmnii parade, ata., all for the btntfil ol tho J POH SAI.lv Surrey, IHKMI M now. from tieiiini) iiie evening paper, "•hi SoniiTHet Anli TiiherculosiM A«M