Wedding Bells War Relief

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Wedding Bells War Relief OLD NAME OLD POLICY BOOST ALL THE NEWS UNARDSVILLE ABOUT THE FOLKS YOU c emarfrstrille KNOW OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BERNARDS TOWNSHIP Vol. 22. No. 18 BERNARDSVILLE, SOMERSET COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1916 FIVE CENTS CHILDREN'S DAY A SUCCESS Mary Pickford Here Oct. 1 BASEBALL Mary I'ickford, the famous film star Amusements for Young and Old. WEDDING BELLS MRS. MARY HELZMOUSKY vho last year appeared in the role of WAR RELIEF fAR Hnxs CAPTURES ANOTHER. lie Far Hills Baseball Club on the The funeral of Mrs. Mary Helzmou- Lawns Beautifully Decorated. GARRABRANT-IU'NSTER 'Madam Butterfly" which was taken s grounds, Saturday afternoon con- sky, fifty-one years old, who died Sun- Automobiles were plying all after- The marriage of Miss Olive Punster, t "Yademos" the country estate here j its winning streak by disposing day of apoplexy, was held at 9 o'clock loon between Olcott Square and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. f Mrs. Charles Pftxar, will return to COMMITTEE MEETS ,J|"|)e strong Orange A. C. The game Tuesday morning in the Church of Our f'rancis J. Lloyd estate, on the Moun- Dunster, of this place and Paul S. lam*fdsville October l n*\t. Reports of Various Committees Read ^Wcalled at tne en^ °^ ^he seventh Lady of Perpetual Help, where a mass ain, where Children's Day is being Sarrabrant of Brooktlde, was solemn- She will appear in several scenes ! owing to darkness, the score of requiem was celebrated by theelebrated for the benefit of the Somer- zed Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at Which are to be taken at different es- •nd Officer* Choieo.—Mn. C. rector, Rev. William I. McKean. the Methodist parsonage, Morristown, ates in this section. • Far Hills 7; Orange 2. Batter- et Visiting Nurse Association. Ledyard Blair Resigns. g^Far Hills, Jaeggera and Dow; Or- Burial was in St. Vincent's Cemetery, Hundreds of children and equally as Rev. Thomas T. Crawford officiating, Sidney Olcott, director of the Famous Bee, Barry, Cohan and Kling; umpires, Stirling. Besides her husband, Mrs. nany "grown-ups" were scattered over The young couple were attended by 'layers Film Company of New York of Helzmousky leaves two daughters and PRAISES WORK OF MEMBER BEai-a. Dargel and Howlett. he spacious lawns of the large estate. Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Walker of this which Miss Pickford is a member, hus one son. They are Mrs. Kalman Nagy, There were all kinds of games for theplace. ngaged all the rooms in Bernards Inn Another year of good work was com- Miss Margaret Helzmousky and John No GAME AT RIDGE. hildren and any quantity of refresh- Following the ceremony a reception or an indefinite period beginning with pleted Tuesday bv the Somerset Hills Helzmousky. i '{he Peapack team Saturday after- ments. was held at the home of the bride's lext October. It is thought that be- War Relief Committee. A spontaneous IHOH failed to show up for its game Mrs. Lloyd took an active part, being parents, after which the bride and ide9 Miss Pickford, Miss Marguerite organization of women from towns in irtth the Ridge boys and local fans MRS. ARTHUR K. BALLENTINE n charge of the tea table. Motion groom departed on a honeymoon trip Ilarke, another star, will also appear in this vicinity, not incorporated but cenes here. i forced to miss a game. Funeral services for Mrs. Arthur K. pictures were shown in the dining room and upon their return will take up their bound together by sympathy for war Ballentine who died Sunday at the f the Lloyd home, this part <Jf the en-residence at Brookside. A company of about fifty will assist sulTerera, it has done a great work, aa the home groundB Saturday after- Plainfield hospital, were held Tuesday ertainment being in charge of Mrs. n the productions. shown by the various reports submitted, i the Pastime Club of Mendham, afternoon at her late home in Plain- Walter P. Bliss. Among other amuse- NUTT-KAGAN doing Bernard's Township's share of ieated the Heptasophs, of Morris- field. Following the services the body ments provided were quoits, lawn ten- The marriage of Miss Marietta B. Closing Exercises at Far Hills relief work, with great credit to the wn at the tune of 10 to 2. Righter was brought to Bernardsville for in-nis, croquet, golf and the English game Kagan, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. community. terment in St. Bernards Cemetery. Graduating exercises of the eighth bl the visitors down to five hits and if bowls, all being well patronized. Lambert Kagan, of this place and jrade class were held in the Far At the annual meeting Tuesday in Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. L. itruck out seventeen. Catches by C. The affair was a success financially, Harvey W. Nutt of Newark, will he iills School Thursday evening. The the fire house, Mrs. C. Ledyard Blair C Pope and a sister of Mrs. Albert La and K- Mcslar and Beaver's home run ;he exact receipts not being known at solemnized on Saturday, July 1. Rev. irogram consisted of three vocal num- resigned as president, giving as tho Roche, Mrs. Theodore Wright and %ere features of the game. Batteries: this time. Thomas T. Crawford, pastor of the >ers by a chorus of girls; a playlet, en-reason, her inability to give to tha Mrs. Cornelius Webb, all of this place. Kighter and Butera; Hesta- Morristown M. E. Church will officiate. itled "The Boy Franklin," by thework all the time necessary to assure I .intuit and C. Meslar. [racfuating class, and two cornet solos it unqualified success. Mrs, Robert Exercises at St. Bernard's School Resuscitated.—Heart Failed Him Stevens was elected to succeed her. Harley Apgar, twenty-five years old, KALINA-SAKOS iy John Brown. C. B. Mitchell, of the Closing exercises of St. Bernard's Much praise was bestowed by Mrs. Far Hills Carnival a Success. a son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Apgar, Miss Margaret Sakos, daughter of 3oard of Education, who was introduc- School, Gladstone, Thursday afternoon, ed by the principal, Miss Mary Frost, Blair on Mrs. Albert Jollilfe who was Despite the inclement weather, the f Mine Brook, died Sunday, when his Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sakos, of Far were held out of doors and were follow- spoke, and Supervising Principal Lester commended for her activities in con- leart failed him after having been Hills and Charles Kalina, also of that lan carnival of the Far Hills Fire ed by a fire drill, in which the boys put Meseroll presented diplomas to the fol- nection with war relief work. Mrs. aved from drowning. The young man place were married Saturday morning Company, hold last Friday and Satur- out an actual fire on the premises. owing: Elizabeth Little, Gertrude Scott, Jolliffe, Mrs. Blair declared, had gain- lad been swimming in a stream at in St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. The day mi the fair grounds, proved a suc- Four boys received certificates from ed the reputation of going everywhere Quincy, Mass., where he has been em-Rev. Francis X. Langan, rector of the leanor Stratum, Charles Terry, Thos. fless. Several thousand people attended the first year high school course, and with ;i shirt under her urni. it was )loyed. church officiated. Following the cere- itavson, Cornell Whitenaek, Frank Or- he carnival Saturday and hundreds of will leave the school to take up their mony there was a reception at the through her efforts that Bernardavllle The body laid unidentified at the ando and Mr. Brown, l^itiiinoliilfs were parked in the open studies in more advanced schools. Six home of the bride's parents. and Basking Ridge made such excellent morgue of J. J. Hall, of that city, until At the close of the exercises Mrs. W. Daces around the fair grounds. Every boys received diplomas from the gram- murks in the record of tho achieve- this morning, when it was identified by Mr. and Mrs. Kalina will reside in A. Bixby presented prizes given by tht Httni?ti"n ilit the carnival did well and mar department. The high school stu- ments of the organization, one of the firm by which he was emFa- r Hills. W. C. T. U., for the best original es- •ft is expected that the proceeds from dents were Edward McClane, Robert The need for such a band of women )loyed. The authorities at once got in DOUGLAS-BALDWIN says on temperance, written by pupils the affair will net the firemen a clear Townes, Philips Jackson and James constituted the Somerset Hills War ;ouch with the parents here and ar- Miss Eretta Baldwin of the local n the Far Hills School. The first prize •profit of about $600. Weber. teaching staff and Donald Douglas, of $2.50 was awarded to Miss Little. belief Committee is more a necessity ! The Cricket game between the Sons angements were made for shipment of ww than ever before, Mrs. Blair insisted, An inspection of the new infirmary, were married Saturday in Newark. Three other prizes of books, were given ©f St. George and local teams, one the body by express. It is expected to lecause of the threatening situation in the gift of Mrs.vGeorge Bliss, was held. to Hazel Todd, Miss Stratton and Mr. ©f the many attractions at the carnival, arrive Saturday morning. Mexico. Following the ceremony, the big bundle Orlando. The funeral will take place on Sun- KRISTENSEN-HILL A summary of tho work done since 3vas won by Far Hills , the score being of boxes and wood in the center of the (*> to \x.
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