01: Country 02: Name 03: User name 04: Title 05: Section 06: 8th EXHIBITION PHOTOGRAPHY "ECOLOGICAL TRUTH 2013 – ZAJECAR" 07: 1st EXHIBITION PHOTOGRAPHY "ECOLOGICAL TRUTH 2013 – NOVA GORICA" 08: 1st EXHIBITION PHOTOGRAPHY "ECOLOGICAL TRUTH 2013 – BANJA LUKA" 09: 1st EXHIBITION PHOTOGRAPHY "ECOLOGICAL TRUTH 2013 – OHRID" 10: 1st EXHIBITION PHOTOGRAPHY "ECOLOGICAL TRUTH 2013 – SOFIA" 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Argentina Ana Robles birkeye C x x x x x Argentina Ana Robles aprendiendo C x x x x x Argentina Ana Robles ojitos tristes C x x x x x Argentina Ana Robles saltona B x x x x Argentina Ana Robles hormiga B x x x x x Argentina Ana Robles nacimiento B x x x Argentina Ana Robles hermanos mbororo C x x x x x Argentina Ana Robles chaco A x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel derrumbe en el matadero A x x x x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel madree hijo en las terrazas C x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel tropilla diversa C x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel mancha en la destruccion A x x x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel troncos arrancados A x x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel troncos desnudos A x x x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel matas amarillas B x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel elefante macho B x x Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel recompensa en el pico B x Argentina Lidia Lopez al bajar el agua A x x x x x Argentina Lidia Lopez ventanas al cielo C x x Argentina Lidia Lopez barco hundido A x x x x x Argentina Lidia Lopez el bosque de los presos A x x x x x Argentina Lidia Lopez otras raices A x x x x x Argentina Lidia Lopez vinagrilla B x x x x x Argentina Lidia Lopez faustino C x Argentina Lidia Lopez carancho en la copa B x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke el abandono A x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke la costumbre de oscar C x x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke espera del mas alla C x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke los arboles mueren de pie A x x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke solo raices A x x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke devastacion A x x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke salinas grandes B x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke cerros nevados B x x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke zorzal patagonico B x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke ratona con su presa B x x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke vias en la sal C x x x x Argentina Luis Alberto Franke canal en mazzorbo C x x Australia Alfred Zommers fill her up A x x Australia Alfred Zommers yellow mountain views B x Australia Alfred Zommers canyon curves C x x x Australia Alfred Zommers tioga lake-2 B x Australia Alfred Zommers castle rock B x Australia Alfred Zommers all alone C x Australia David Miller melie hides C x x x x x Australia David Miller sandy landing C x x x Australia David Miller dune c B x Australia David Rowlands dangerous C x x Australia David Rowlands emma 2 C x x Australia David Miller baci rock bride C x x Australia David Miller burn no1 C x Australia David C G Smith cloud eruption C x x x Australia David C G Smith a walk in the dunes C x x x x Australia David C G Smith belvedere dawn panorama C x x Australia David C G Smith washed up A x x Australia David C G Smith breaching humpback B x x x x Australia David C G Smith lake mungo lunette C x x x Australia David C G Smith whale tail B x x x Australia David C G Smith just surviving A x x Australia David C G Smith cracked earth A x x Australia David C G Smith swamp wallaby profile B x x Australia Felix Staub bush fire hunter island A x x x x Australia Felix Staub lone cottage 2 C x x x Australia Felix Staub regrowth A x x Australia Felix Staub draginfly and meal B x Australia Felix Staub redback spider climbing B x x x x x Australia Felix Staub calf roper birralee C x x x Australia Felix Staub dawn eleanor bay C x Australia Graeme Watson what happens next C x Australia Graeme Watson death by plastic bag A x x x x x Australia Graeme Watson dinner A x Australia Graeme Watson egret with fish B x x x Australia Graeme Watson lining the nest B x x Australia Graeme Watson silver gull bathing B x Australia Graeme Watson thats my boy C x Australia Ian Rolfe lillies bay C x x x x x Australia Ian Rolfe pashupatinath A x x x x x Australia Ian Rolfe wetlands of salt A x x x x Australia Ian Rolfe copperhead snake B x x Australia Ian Rolfe shades of red B x x x x x Australia Ian English visual pollution A x x x Australia Ian English you don`t say... C x x Australia Ian English homesick C x x x x x Australia Ian English the orphanage C x x x x x Australia Ian English tools of the trade A x x Australia Ian English cockatoo island toilets A x x x x Australia Ian English cotton top tamarin B x x x x Australia Ian English cotton top dad and bub B x x x Australia Ian English emperor tamarin B x x x x x Australia Ian Rolfe dead winter A x Australia Ian Rolfe st.michael`s dawn C x x Australia Ian Rolfe fire and smoke A x x x Australia Ian Rolfe bennetts wallaby B x x Australia Ian Rolfe delicate arch B x x x Australia Ian Rolfe lake nillahcootie C x Australia Ian English breakfast B x x Australia Jacqueline Hammer white lipped tree frog B x Australia Jacqueline Hammer nest building B x x Australia Jacqueline Hammer recycling A x Australia Jacqueline Hammer bees nest B x Australia Jacqueline Hammer at the gallery C x Australia Jacqueline Hammer 3 peas in a pod C x Australia James Lu shaking C x x x x x Australia James Lu the zombie girl-3 C x x Australia James Lu wow C x x x x x Australia James Lu foggy morning-1 A x x x Australia James Lu life in the desert A x x x x x Australia James Lu mt tongapiro-2 A x Australia James Lu lotus-1 B x x Australia James Lu ms colou run C x x x Australia James Lu bombo beach-9 A x Australia James Lu dragonfly-1 B x Australia Jan Hollingsworth highway 61 A x Australia Jan Hollingsworth market place C x Australia Jan Hollingsworth turtle laying B x Australia Jan Sharples tulips of the sea B x Australia Jan Sharples the hug B x Australia Jeffrey Venning lichen B x Australia John Chapman agony of the long jump C x x x Australia John Newton cheeky chick no 2 2010 C x x x Australia John Newton time to let go C x x x x Australia John Newton red fungi barrington no1 B x x Australia John Newton power and determination C x x x x x Australia John Chapman icy tower of mentsumo B x x Australia John Newton mungo 2004 no11 C x Australia John C North vienna graffitti C x Australia John C North 5 at lunch C x Australia John P Stein down and out C x x x Australia John P Stein trains and silos A x x x x Australia John P Stein bright eyes B x x x x Australia John P Stein bp pinkenbar A x Australia John P Stein baby sitting C x x Australia John P Stein traralong power station A x x x Australia John P Stein mountain goat B x x Australia John P Stein new growth B x x x Australia John R. Smith green tree frog no 1 B x x x x Australia John R. Smith cattle egret in flight no 2 C x Australia John R. Smith ghost bats no 2 C x Australia Joseph Tam power station at mongolia A x x x Australia Joseph Tam braving the storm C x x x x x Australia Joseph Tam golden beach C x x x x x Australia Joseph Tam caught C x x x x x Australia Joseph Tam red valley B x x x x Australia Joseph Tam lost control C x x x x x Australia Joseph Tam sunrise at great wall B x x Australia Joseph Tam day break B x Australia Julie Martin leopard with impala kill B x x x Australia Julie Martin moeraki boulders at dawn C x x x x Australia Julie Martin hammerkop with frog B x x x Australia Julie Martin the jetty, aitutaki C x x x Australia Leanne Alessi future aspirations C x x x x x Australia Leanne Alessi introspective C x x x x x Australia Leanne Alessi enshrouded C x x x Australia Leanne Alessi city limits A x Australia Leanne Alessi watchful eye B x x Australia Leanne Alessi the grace of flight B x Australia Leslie Armstrong after the bushfire A x x Australia Lorraine Jones great catch C x x x x Australia Lorraine Jones riding high 7 C x Australia Lorraine Jones dragonflies mating B x x Australia Lorraine Jones superb fairy wrens being fed B x x x Australia Lorraine Jones gotcha ya C x x

Australia Lorraine Jones black headed skimmer with insect B x Australia Margaret Zommers the great wall C x x Australia Margaret Zommers flame seared C x Australia Margaret Zommers transport to bodie A x x Australia Margaret Zommers californian wilderness B x x Australia Margaret Zommers monument to freedom C x Australia Margaret Zommers stone gait B x x x Australia Margaret Zommers the leaning bathroom A x Australia Margaret Zommers monumental dusk B x Australia Margaret Zommers yosemite B x Australia Mark Mackojc copter A x x x x Australia Mark Mackojc pk two A x x x Australia Mark Mackojc juve C x x Australia Mark Mackojc pk one A x x Australia Mark Mackojc big smoke A x Australia Mark Mackojc let me sleep C x Australia Martin Young coconut crab in distress A x Australia Martin Young kimberley croc B x x x x Australia Martin Young natures_rock_scultpure B x Australia Martin Young pelicans preening B x Australia Mieke Boynton an outback sunrise C x x Australia Mieke Boynton the stillwater shallows C x x Australia Mieke Boynton the rock B x x Australia Mieke Boynton cloudscape C x x Australia Mieke Boynton riverside reflections C x Australia Neville H W Foster mating red-eyed flies 7370 B x x x Australia Noel Clark bird with cicada B x x Australia Noel Clark see my world 1 B x Australia Noel Clark aged woman C x Australia Phillipa Alexander leading the race C x x x Australia Phillipa Alexander king penguins on snow field B x x x x Australia Phillipa Alexander cormorant arrival B x x x x x Australia Phillipa Alexander harbor seal B x x x x Australia Phillipa Alexander elephant seal fight three B x x x x x Australia Phillipa Alexander bluff beach C x Australia Phillipa Alexander twelve apostles dusk C x Australia Pia Jessen sorting coffee beans C x x x Australia Pia Jessen bug nymph B x Australia Ron Sharples adelie on ice B x x x Australia Ron Sharples different stripes B x x Australia Roy Killen trees in dam A x x x x Australia Roy Killen about to get wet C x x x x x Australia Roy Killen pelican eating fish B x x x Australia Roy Killen ant attacking bee B x Australia Roy Killen flying fox feeding B x Australia Roy Killen open wide C x Australia T.P Huynh in-line C x Australia T.P Huynh family-training B x x x x Australia T.P Huynh swan-and-seagull B x x Australia T.P Huynh family-traing-2 B x x x Australia T.P Huynh cowboy C x x x Australia T.P Huynh golden-field-2 A x x Australia Valerie Armstrong all in a whirl B x Australia Vicki Moritz woman on beach C x x Australia Vicki Moritz kerford rd pier1 C x x x Australia Vicki Moritz grrr C x x x x Australia Vicki Moritz leaving town A x Australia Wai Man Tsim in desert C x x x x x Australia Wai Man Tsim resting C x

Australia Wally Cannon london bridge - great ocean road C x x Australia Wally Cannon australian sea lion B x x Australia Wally Cannon kata tjuta B x Austria Andreas Kuen verdeckt C x x x x x Austria Andreas Kuen berg im nebel B x Austria Andreas Kuen eichhoernchen 3 B x x x Austria Andreas Kuen sibirischer uhu B x x x x x Austria Andreas Kuen power woman C x x Austria Andreas Kuen red portrait C x Austria Andreas Kuen not stop C x Austria Guenther Breidler smog A x Austria Guenther Breidler svolvaer C x x x x Austria Guenther Breidler lotosbluete B x Austria Guenther Breidler stromboli B x x x Austria Guenther Breidler erzberg rodeo 17 C x x x Austria Guenther Breidler gasblase B x Austria Guenther Breidler erzberg rodeo 6 C x Austria Guenther Breidler verkehr A x Austria Irene Ehrenreich gratwanderung C x x Austria Irene Ehrenreich inversion C x x Austria Ludwig Winkler ramada hotel C x x Austria Ludwig Winkler schrott A x x Austria Ludwig Winkler say eeee C x x Austria Ludwig Winkler train A x Austria Ludwig Winkler rusty sky factory A x x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger tischtennis C x x x x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger Schraglage C x x x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger tricolore A x x x x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger hugel B x x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger motocross C x x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger gorilla B x x x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger wespe B x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger air power A x Austria Rudolf Schabetsberger flugshow A x Austria Stefan Stuppnig flying high C x Austria Stefan Nagy agame B x x x Austria Stefan Nagy stelzenfischer C x x Austria Stefan Stuppnig aufwrts 02 C x Austria Stefan Nagy christine C x Austria Stefan Nagy pfau B x Austria Stefan Nagy fog B x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger sleeping oldie A x x x x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger in the desert A x x x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger water B x x x x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger dachstein B x x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger horserace C x x x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger the cry C x x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger eisspeedway C x x Austria Tobias Oetzbrugger fliege B x Bahrain Hanan Hassan Al-Khalifa hameliya B x x Bahrain Hanan Hassan Al-Khalifa sphinx C x Bahrain Hanan Hassan Al-Khalifa premeds C x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim barrel A x x x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim romanian C x x x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim speedo C x x x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim woman cooks C x x x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim cut palms A x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim fire palm A x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim oi A x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim octopus B x x x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim assassination of childhood C x x x x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim al khawd 2 B x x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim al khawd B x Bahrain Isa Ebrahim shadow the desert B x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous little earth surfer A x x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous salt C x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous family C x x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous be with me C x x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous graveyard of the ships A x x x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous a million little dreams A x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous surviving life A x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous rush hour C x x x x Bangladesh Shabbir Ferdous waving buddha B x x Belgium Bernard Huysmans goede B x x Belgium Bernard Huysmans uitgebloemd B x x x Belgium Bernard Huysmans appelbloesem B x Belgium Bernard Huysmans snap B x Belgium Claude Simon luna in black C x x x Belgium Claude Simon grand-duc B x x Belgium Claude Simon hippopotame chamo lake B x x Belgium Claude Simon premiers soins a neshisar B x Belgium Claude Simon le grimoire C x Belgium Coolen Pierre brigitte C x x x x x Belgium Coolen Pierre draperie C x x Belgium Coolen Pierre touche C x x Belgium Eugene Ponsaerts life in railway station C x x x Belgium Eugene Ponsaerts pollution A x x Belgium Eugene Ponsaerts la nature en cappadoce B x Belgium Eugene Ponsaerts galaxy station C x Belgium Eugene Ponsaerts peinture C x Belgium Farid Frida yvetta C x x x Belgium Farid Frida prcieuse C x x x Belgium Farid Frida threat A x x x x Belgium Farid Frida protection B x x Belgium Farid Frida gaby C x x Belgium Farid Frida ara B x x Belgium Farid Frida sur le nil A x Belgium Farid Frida epeire diadme B x Belgium Farid Frida diamant mandarin B x Belgium Francis Nicoll mika 5 C x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen delhi garbage A x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen hookah smoker C x x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen preparing meal C x x x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen sikri man C x x x x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen slippers A x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen bikaner butterfly B x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen gazing langur B x x x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen green frog B x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen plastic polution A x x Belgium Jacky Panhuyzen tree frog 01 B x x x Belgium Jacques Hutting mur C x Belgium Jacques Hutting manuel C x Belgium Jacques Hutting peruvienne C x Belgium Jacques Hutting ballons C x x Belgium Jef Lemmens doel A x x x x x Belgium Jef Lemmens orange ball C x Belgium Jef Lemmens rossignol C x Belgium Jef Lemmens tessenderlo A x x x x Belgium Jef Lemmens smoke A x x x x x Belgium Jef Lemmens colourful B x x x Belgium Jef Lemmens gulls and fisherman C x Belgium Jef Lemmens egyptian goose B x x Belgium Jef Lemmens around fire C x x Belgium Jef Lemmens kingfisher B x x x Belgium Jef Lemmens blue meconopsis B x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck groene draad 2 A x x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck vechtende buizerds B x x x x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck hongerige vos B x x x x x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck zwevend gevecht B x x x x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck veteranensprint C x x x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck dartele meeuwen B x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck voorzichtige stap C x x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck argwanende vos C x x x Belgium Jhony Vandebroeck groene draad A x Belgium Luc Bracke massai schoolboys C x x x x x Belgium Luc Bracke to san giorgio C x x Belgium Luc Bracke lazy cheeta B x x Belgium Luc Bracke playing hippo`s B x x Belgium Marcel Beauraind chanson our lily C x Belgium Philippe Meeus transport d`ordure A x x x x Belgium Philippe Meeus surf la chute C x x Belgium Philippe Meeus Maree noire A x x x Belgium Philippe Meeus purification par le feu A x x x x Belgium Philippe Meeus tigres blancs le baillement B x x x Belgium Philippe Meeus gorille houu B x Belgium Reine Jacquemijn leeuwenhoofd C x Belgium Reine Jacquemijn here i come 1 C x Belgium Rene Van Echelpoel giervalk met prooi B x x x x x Belgium Rene Van Echelpoel jonge vuurlibel B x x x x x Belgium Rene Van Echelpoel rammelende hazen B x x x x Belgium Rene Van Echelpoel greylag goose in flight B x x x Belgium Van Mensel Dre catching fish B x x x Belgium Van Mensel Dre eating gyrfalcon B x x x Belgium Van Mensel Dre opvliegende ganzen B x x x x Belgium Van Mensel Dre silent flight B x x x x x Bosnia and Herzegovina Ahmet Hukic lines and circles C x x Bosnia and Herzegovina Ahmet Hukic oval stairs 02 C x x x x Bosnia and Herzegovina Ahmet Hukic aisha 2 C x x x Mariza Formaggini family B x Bulgaria Bojan Ivanov danube river A x Bulgaria Bojan Ivanov silence B x Bulgaria Bojan Ivanov loneliness B x Bulgaria Bojan Ivanov thirst A x Bulgaria Yavor Michev chemical spraying of a farmland A x x x Bulgaria Yavor Michev gypsy camp A x Bulgaria Yavor Michev sandspit B x Bulgaria Yavor Michev flight C x x Bulgaria Yavor Michev ploughing C x x x Bulgaria Yavor Michev like old times C x Canada Dany Chan grizzly snatches salmon with eggs B x x x x x Canada Dany Chan a gathering of wildebeast B x x x x Canada Dany Chan chaos B x x x x Canada Dany Chan grizzlies fighting over salmon run B x x x x x Canada Herman Ng great grey owl B x x x x x Canada Herman Ng great grey owl B x x x x x Canada Herman Ng great grey owl B x x x x Canada Herman Ng great grey owl B x x Canada K. C. Tam falling down C x x x x Canada K. C. Tam against the waves C x x x x x Canada K. C. Tam roped C x x Canada K. C. Tam struggling C x x x Canada Phillip Kwan majestic sunrise C x x Canada Phillip Kwan white-tailed eagle and crane B x x x x x Canada Phillip Kwan bear running B x x x x x Canada Phillip Kwan snowy owl landing B x x x x Canada Phillip Kwan bull charging C x x x Canada Phillip Kwan egret fighting C x x Canada Phillip Kwan snow monkey swimming B x x x Canada Phillip Kwan great egret at sunrise C x Canada Tin Sang Chan great gray owl landing B x x x x x Canada Tin Sang Chan gray jay landing B x x Canada Tin Sang Chan flying puffin with tinyfish B x x x Canada Tin Sang Chan tern fighting B x x x x Canada Wendi Donaldson melancholy memories C x x Canada Wendi Donaldson abandoned at silverton A x Canada Wendi Donaldson whyalla red A x Canada Yung Niem final sprint C x x x x Canada Yung Niem please let me go C x x x x x Canada Yung Niem aurora appearing over yk C x x x Canada Yung Niem a mysterious boy C x x x Chile Alfredo Santamaria drougth A x x x x Chile Alfredo Santamaria fishing fleet A x x x Chile Alfredo Santamaria chapo lake B x Chile Alfredo Santamaria palafitos A x Chile Ana Ewert where did the wood stay? A x Chile Ana Ewert the remains of life A x Chile Carmen Stoiber contamination A x Chile Martina Vasselin hoping for life A x Chile Martina Vasselin skeletons of the wood A x x x Chile Martina Vasselin galloping strongly C x Chile Martina Vasselin a harmonious walk B x Chile Martina Vasselin looting A x Chile Martina Vasselin thaw in the andes B x China Baoli Lou emission A x x x x x China Baoli Lou feed the babies B x x China Baoli Lou flying cranes C x x China Baoli Lou cranes flying C x China Daduan Deng set out for sea C x China Daduan Deng color of autumn B x x China Daduan Deng flaming rocks B x China Ge Xiao rainbow C x x x x China Ge Xiao morning C x x x China Ge Xiao anbusaili B x x x x x China Ge Xiao impala and birds B x x x x China Ge Xiao flamingos B x x x x x China Ge Xiao three friends B x x x China Ge Xiao white teeth C x China Ge Xiao light and shadow C x x China Jinghui Chen overwhelmed A x x China Jinghui Chen first snow C x x China Jinghui Chen path C x x x China Jinghui Chen opportunistic B x China Jinghui Chen wind and waves C x x China Jinghui Chen soui A x x x China Li Wang tending sheep-1 C x x x China Li Wang tideland sunset C x x x China Li Wang bursting up B x x x China Li Wang mountain top B x China Li Wang on boat C x China Li Wang morning light C x China Qihong Xia color palette C x x x x x China Qihong Xia baboons B x x x x China Qihong Xia of camels B x x China Qihong Xia mining weeds little girl C x China Shaoyang Lin wreckage A x x x China Shaoyang Lin the death of the albatross A x x x China Shaoyang Lin the penguin traveling B x x China Shaoyang Lin plateau of tornadoes A x x x China Shaoyang Lin between earth and sky B x x China Shaoyang Lin family of three B x China Xuedong Du desert camel bell C x x x x x China Xuedong Du childhood C x x x x China Xuedong Du childhood laughter C x x China Xuedong Du hillside B x x x China Xuedong Du giraffe B x China Xuedong Du tibetan ayi C x x China Yi Wan tianshan grassland C x x x x x China Yi Wan unyielding A x x x x China Yi Wan tianshan light and shadow B x x x China Yi Wan mountain scenery B x x x x China Yi Wan colorful mountain B x x China Yi Wan poplar spirit A x x China Yi Wan sheep regression C x x x China Yi Wan desert no.1 C x China Yi Wan snow area plateau B x China Youqi Sun smoke awnings A x x x China Youqi Sun to swallow cloud spray A x China Youqi Sun pollution of the sky A x China Yue Liu the tears A x x China Yue Liu life zone B x x x China Yue Liu the mother river - the tarim river B x x x China Yue Liu kazakh knight 1 C x x China Yue Liu knight's frustration C x x China Yue Liu tenacious of life A x x x China Yue Liu tianshan snow lotus B x x China Yue Liu cloud wonderland C x China Yue Liu rest of the desert A x China Zhiming Tang cottage C x x China Zhiming Tang construction site A x x x China Zhiming Tang dreamy tulin B x x x x x China Zhiming Tang dynamic and static B x x x x China Zhiming Tang colorful beach B x x x x China Zhiming Tang labor C x x x x China Zhiming Tang heat wave A x China Zhiming Tang in the woods C x x China Zhiming Tang misty B x China Zhiming Tang late autumn C x Croatia Bojan Sontacchi Speaker`s corner 3 C x x x x Croatia Bojan Sontacchi haleakala B x x x x Croatia Bojan Sontacchi Speaker`s corner 2 C x x x Croatia Bojan Sontacchi Speaker`s corner 1 C x Croatia Boris Sontacchi sand storm A x Croatia Boris Sontacchi morris A x x x x Croatia Boris Sontacchi stone elephants B x x x x Croatia Boris Sontacchi irish cliffs B x Croatia Boris Sontacchi airplane C x x Croatia Boris Sontacchi generations C x Croatia Boris Sontacchi water mill A x Croatia Boris Sontacchi skrpin & lumbrak A x Croatia Boris Sontacchi arcade reflection C x x x Croatia Dijana Sontacchi kew flowers B x Croatia Dijana Sontacchi yellow symphony C x x Croatia Dijana Sontacchi painter C x Croatia Miljenko Marotti brunch C x x Croatia Miljenko Marotti on the back seat C x Croatia Miljenko Marotti friends B x x x x x Croatia Miljenko Marotti not hungry B x Croatia Miljenko Marotti gnu trail B x Croatia Miljenko Marotti monster A x x Croatia Miljenko Marotti bussy day C x Croatia Mirjana Bocina cyclone juliana C x Croatia Petar Sabol radiation holocaust 1 A x x x Croatia Petar Sabol desert magic C x x x x x Croatia Petar Sabol arabic dunes C x x x x x Croatia Petar Sabol natural abstract B x x x x Croatia Petar Sabol butterfly magic 2 B x x x x Croatia Petar Sabol future and past B x x x x Croatia Petar Sabol jin jang B x x x Croatia Petar Sabol first light C x x x x x Croatia Petar Sabol desert tree C x x x x Croatia Petar Sabol radiation holocaust 4 A x Cyprus Agis Taramides stairs C x x x x Cyprus Agis Taramides leverage C x x Cyprus Agis Taramides walking in the rain C x Cyprus Andreas L Andreou two flamingos C x x Cyprus Andreas L Andreou woman in white C x Cyprus Buket Ozatay being cuban C x Cyprus Buket Ozatay coffee shop C x Cyprus Buket Ozatay floating market C x Cyprus Buket Ozatay baroma C x Cyprus Mustafa Muezzinoglu who C x x Cyprus Mustafa Muezzinoglu life goes on 2 C x Cyprus Tevfik Ileri the guitarist C x x x x x Cyprus Tevfik Ileri the eucalyptus bark B x Denmark Carl Erik Mabeck man made ii A x Denmark Carl Erik Mabeck starlings ii B x x x x x Denmark Carl Erik Mabeck vilnius iii C x x x x x Denmark Carl Erik Mabeck aurora borealis C x x x Denmark Carl Erik Mabeck get away ii B x Denmark Erik Holmgaard big stone B x Denmark Leif Alveen global warming C x x x Denmark Leif Alveen the old coachbuilder C x x x x x Denmark Leif Alveen plumes A x x x x x Denmark Leif Alveen cold winter of sea gulls B x Denmark Leif Alveen after the fire A x Denmark Leif Alveen all ends C x Finland Antti Seppala lubricator C x Finland Antti Seppala on the beach C x x Finland Antti Seppala icy art_01 B x Finland Antti Seppala haunted house A x Finland Arja Salo squirrel B x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho swans in helsinki A x x x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho grasses 4 C x x x x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho the thrill of speed 2 B x x x x x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho too heavy B x x x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho waitress B x x x x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho foggy pond 4 C x x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho water drops 3 C x x x Finland Eero Hauta-Aho family together B x x Finland Jarmo Mantykangas too much A x x Finland Jarmo Mantykangas under great tit B x Finland Jarmo Mantykangas peanut fighters C x x Finland Jarmo Mantykangas dream house A x x Finland Jarmo Mantykangas ahjarvi and northen lights B x x Finland Jarmo Mantykangas swan start 01 B x x Finland Kai Hypen emissions? A x Finland Kristian Frantz ice formation 1 B x Finland Kristian Frantz me and my buddy C x x x Finland Kristian Frantz cheerleaders C x Finland Kristian Frantz cliff 2 C x x Finland Marko Airismeri home A x Finland Marko Airismeri navigating in paris C x x x Finland Marko Airismeri forrest of lost souls A x x x Finland Marko Airismeri magical lapland B x x x x x Finland Marko Airismeri hole in earth A x Finland Marko Airismeri waves B x x x Finland Marko Airismeri genetic manipulation A x x Finland Marko Airismeri sunset portraits C x Finland Olli Raty branta lencopsin 2 B x x Finland Petteri Mussalo my father C x Finland Petteri Mussalo result of evolution C x Finland Petteri Mussalo winter silence C x Finland Sami Lommi chained dancer C x x x Finland Sami Lommi rock! C x x x x Finland Sami Lommi waterfall C x x x x x Finland Sami Lommi highlander C x x x x Finland Sami Lommi curious B x Finland Sanna Svennblad in a hurry C x Finland Sanna Svennblad pappuses B x x Finland Sanna Svennblad spider net B x Finland Seppo Rintala ikeasaurus A x x Finland Seppo Rintala great grey owl 2 C x x x x x Finland Seppo Rintala steamswans A x x x x x Finland Seppo Rintala playing brown bears 2 C x x x Finland Seppo Rintala snowed owl 4 C x x Finland Seppo Rintala little gulls in the dawn B x Finland Seppo Rintala bubo C x x Finland Veijo Kantele large pharynx A x x x x Finland Veijo Kantele talking points C x Finland Veijo Kantele driving is over A x x Finland Veijo Kantele driving is over ii A x Finland Veijo Kantele towards factor C x France Bernard Dussouchaud marrakech A x x France Bernard Dussouchaud riviere poluee A x x France Bernard Dussouchaud eoliennes A x France Bernard Dussouchaud naufrage A x x France Bernard Dussouchaud dans le desert B x France Bernard Dussouchaud brice canyon B x France Geus Serge geoffroy. C x x France Geus Serge python vert. B x x x France Guy B Samoyault leopard et son butin B x x x France Guy B Samoyault lighter than air C x x France Guy B Samoyault michael en action C x x x x France Guy B Samoyault red smile C x France Jean Claude Bacle aiguille du midi C x x x x x France Jean Claude Bacle lac d`arpy C x France Jean Claude Bacle place at the baby B x x x x France Jean Claude Bacle grebe and crayfish B x x x France Jean Claude Bacle grindjesee 06 C x x France Marc Anagnostidis colza a charroux C x x x x x France Marc Anagnostidis pigeonnier et lavandes C x x x x x France Marc Anagnostidis la fermette C x x x x x France Marc Anagnostidis plauzat C x x x x France Marc Chambre annecy a deux C x France Marc Chambre carnaval et chats bottes C x France Marc Chambre grenouilles et eau B x France Raymond Le Berre trajectoire C x x France Raymond Le Berre why closed A x France Roger Jourdain old honfleur C x x France Roger Jourdain pirate eyes C x x x x x France Roger Jourdain chinese factory A x x x France Roger Jourdain fire in factory A x x x x France Roger Jourdain my submerged village A x France Roger Jourdain blue tit and ice B x x x France Roger Jourdain chacals a chabraque no1 B x x x x x France Roger Jourdain tree lions serengeti B x x x x x France Roger Jourdain mating pink flamingos B x x x x France Roger Jourdain biker drinking C x x Achim Koepf julia 45 C x x x x x Germany Achim Koepf antarctic art 59 B x x x Germany Achim Koepf antarctic art 63 B x x x x Germany Achim Koepf antarctica 762 B x x x x Germany Achim Koepf polar lights 30 B x x x x Germany Achim Koepf antarctic art 63 C x Germany Achim Koepf grytviken 1 A x x x x Germany Achim Koepf natalia 2 C x x Germany Achim Koepf polar lights 77 C x x Germany Andrea Harmssen wintry trees C x Germany Andrea Harmssen deer 1 B x x x x x Germany Andrea Harmssen mouse 0097 B x Germany Andrea Harmssen road to nowhere 2bw C x Germany Andrea Harmssen puffin 1 B x x Germany Andrea Harmssen inside 2 C x x Germany Christian Schweiger fragile world B x x x x x Germany Christian Schweiger just for a momet... B x x x x x Germany Christian Schweiger kiilop B x x x x x Germany Christian Schweiger only a beautiful arctic day B x x x x x Germany Christian Schweiger blue hour C x x x Germany Christian Schweiger lost in norway C x x x Germany Christian Schweiger waterghost strokkur C x x Germany Christian Schweiger winter wonderland C x x Germany Christina Baumann defense 2050 A x x x x x Germany Christina Baumann cyclist C x Germany Christina Baumann sleeping lion B x Germany Christina Baumann city smog A x Germany Christina Baumann last sun C x Germany Christina Baumann nach norden C x Germany Christina Baumann rain love C x Germany Dieter Boehm eagle 4541 B x Germany Dieter Boehm puffin 0843 B x x x x Germany Dieter Boehm wren B x x Germany Dieter Boehm bridgecafe C x Germany Dieter Boehm a little bit of mellbreak C x Germany Dr. Michael E. Boettcher hamm_2010 A x x x x x Germany Dr. Michael E. Boettcher latent danger A x x x Germany Dr. Michael E. Boettcher trumpet in the shadow C x Germany Dr. Michael E. Boettcher light view ii C x Germany Dr. Michael E. Boettcher hamm-86 A x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt hochhaus C x x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt seniorenstart C x x x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt traktor A x x x x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt baum B x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt laub C x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt rauch A x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt nebel C x x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt am morgen B x x Germany Ekkehard Dr. Roemmelt eichhon B x Germany Eva Flasche aussichtsreich B x x x x Germany Eva Flasche geschnaebel B x x x x Germany Eva Flasche kanadagans 1 B x x x x x Germany Eva Flasche schwaene B x x x x x Germany Eva Flasche synchron C x x Germany Eva Flasche auf der zielgeraden C x x x Germany Eva Flasche galopper C x x Germany Eva Flasche im eiskanal C x Germany Gunther Riehle elephant seal and barrels A x x x x x Germany Gunther Riehle adelie foot in the air C x x Germany Gunther Riehle white pocket lines top C x x x x x Germany Gunther Riehle laysan family tank 5 A x Germany Gunther Riehle my favourite 22 B x x x x Germany Gunther Riehle big ben at sunset B x x Germany Gunther Riehle kiss B x x x x Germany Gunther Riehle adelie troop on iceberg C x Germany Gunther Riehle laysan eastern cannon A x Germany Gunther Riehle chatham alba adult portrait B x x Germany Heiko Roemisch gooses and industrie 1733 A x x x x x Germany Heiko Roemisch white house at night 3349 C x x Germany Heiko Roemisch wintervillage 9627 02 C x Germany Heiko Roemisch through flowering appeltrees A x x x x x Germany Heiko Roemisch tree stumps 534 A x x x x Germany Heiko Roemisch nun gooses attention 1325 B x Germany Heiko Roemisch red deer at morning 2284 B x x x Germany Heiko Roemisch shadow at the wall 5542 C x x Germany Heiko Roemisch salad fields 9088 A x x Germany Heiko Roemisch tiered robbe at beach 4534 B x x Germany Heiko Roemisch piles five 02 0602 C x Germany Ingo Lau industriereste A x x Germany Ingo Lau atommoll A x x x x x Germany Ingo Lau schmetterling2 B x x x x x Germany Ingo Lau aufgelaufen A x x x x Germany Ingo Lau elch C x Germany Ingo Lau hengst C x Germany Ingo Lau schmetterling B x x Germany Ingo Lau kostenseeschwalbe B x Germany Joachim Hafner im fels C x Germany Johnny Krueger joy to the world A x Germany Johnny Krueger sun power plant A x Germany Johnny Krueger tarifa beach A x x x Germany Johnny Krueger deadly spots B x x x x Germany Johnny Krueger cateyes C x Germany Johnny Krueger snakes C x Germany Johnny Krueger lynx teeth B x Germany Klaus Strehlke licht und schatten C x x Germany Klaus Strehlke moviment C x x Germany Klaus Strehlke alt und jung C x x x Germany Klaus Strehlke aufbruch B x Germany Klaus Strehlke pfau B x Germany Manfred Voss pepsi light A x Germany Manfred Voss sightseeing C x x Germany Manfred Voss majestic C x x x x x Germany Manfred Voss madonnas child B x x x x x Germany Manfred Voss tree of wisdom B x x x x x Germany Manfred Voss jelly lights B x x x x x Germany Manfred Voss venezia C x x x x Germany Manfred Voss manhatten colours C x x Germany Manfred Voss en garde B x x x Germany Maria Menze 3 grazien B x x Germany Maria Menze kohl B x Germany Maria Menze dornen B x Germany Maria Menze sad C x Germany Peter Leyendecker lighthouse in the rocks C x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker children of our world C x x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker rails end A x x x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker dunes B x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker party of the vultures B x x x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker death vlei B x Germany Peter Leyendecker steam A x x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker death of the wood A x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker old woman C x x Germany Peter Leyendecker looking for ... B x x x Germany Peter Leyendecker forgotten A x Germany Peter Leyendecker exhibition C x Germany Ralf Hanisch kormoran mit aal B x Germany Ralf Hanisch sandzaun A x x Germany Ralf Hanisch flusspferd, schlapp B x Germany Ralf Hanisch norway gas A x Germany Reinhard Boemke kimberly-01 C x x x Germany Reinhard Boemke puffin B x x x Germany Reinhard Boemke olga1-020 C x x x x Germany Reinhard Boemke an unequal fight B x Germany Reinhard Boemke medienhafen 1 C x Germany Reinhard Boemke stubble fire A x Germany Werner Baumann industrie A x x x x Germany Werner Baumann kuehlturm 2 A x x Germany Wolfgang Everding salsa C x Germany Wolfgang Everding paarung B x x x Germany Wolfgang Everding baumschrecke B x Germany Wolfgang Everding wste A x Germany Wolfgang Everding besucherin C x Greece Manolis Papadakis girls in red C x Greece Manolis Papadakis coccinella path B x x Greece Manolis Papadakis snail path B x x Greece Manolis Papadakis distillation C x x x Greece Manolis Koutsakis creation C x Greece Manolis Koutsakis elafonisi 1 B x Greece Manolis Papadakis white snail B x Greece Manolis Koutsakis antonia 1 C x Greece Manolis Koutsakis rust C x Greece Maria Vogiatzaki etna C x x Greece Maria Vogiatzaki facades C x Greece Maria Vogiatzaki lunch time B x x Greece Maria Vogiatzaki look at me B x Greece Maria Vogiatzaki free spirit C x Greece Markaki Chara peacock B x Greece Markaki Chara dolphins B x x Greece Markaki Chara part of nature A x Greece Pantelis Sapounakis fireman C x Greece Pantelis Sapounakis st. nikolaos C x Greece Pantelis Sapounakis thunder B x Greece Pantelis Sapounakis chania C x Guatemala Holger Tobuschat big hole A x x x x Guatemala Holger Tobuschat frozen traffic A x x x x Guatemala Holger Tobuschat red rock canyon sunset B x x x Guatemala Holger Tobuschat the bellezas of amatitlan C x x Hong Kong H.W. Chan spring area C x x x x Hong Kong H.W. Chan cherish 1 C x x x Hong Kong H.W. Chan posture B x x x Hong Kong H.W. Chan snow are 3 B x x x Hong Kong H.W. Chan the heroic posture B x Hong Kong Henry Ho coal shoveling A x x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho downhill grazing C x x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho duck herding in maze C x x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho trailing after moses C x x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho collecting sulphur A x x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho ever increasing garbage A x x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho life amidst pollution A x x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho pairing off B x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho alignment at dawn C x x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho call me champion B x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho i am hungry too B x x x Hong Kong Henry Ho chaos B x x x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee lotus family B x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee new with old C x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee sister and brother C x x x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee catching B x x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee fly dancing B x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee silent dawn C x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee behine street is a beauty A x Hong Kong Hon-Kwong Lee the burma sunset C x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok give you some flowers C x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok locomotive maintenance C x x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok horse group C x x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok hungry seagull B x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok one by one B x x x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok give me first B x x x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok against B x x x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok eagle and snake C x x x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok boiling water A x x x Hong Kong Miu Anthony Kwok steam locomotive two A x Hong Kong Ngai Leung Ip window C x x x x Hong Kong Ngai Leung Ip go to school C x x x x x Hong Kong Ngai Leung Ip winter morning C x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho save nature A x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho working at dawn C x x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho golden land C x x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho dragon boat festival C x x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho breath-less A x x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho earth is sick A x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho survivors A x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho alert B x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho i want to share B x x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho family affairs B x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho Mother`s love (2) B x x x x Hong Kong Yau Ming Charles Ho a warm bath C x x x x x Hungary Elek Papp the gipsy chief C x x x x x Hungary Elek Papp the ill lamb C x x x Hungary Elek Papp artificer C x x x x Hungary Elek Papp talisker bay C x x x Hungary Gyula Bedi prayer C x x x x Hungary Gyula Bedi shepherd C x x x Hungary Gyula Bedi widow C x x x Hungary Gyula Bedi airborne C x Hungary Janos Danis cigarette break C x x x Hungary Janos Danis in smoke C x x x Hungary Janos Danis quarreling hawfinches B x x Hungary Janos Danis charcoal maker portrait C x x x x Hungary Janos Danis shepherd portrait C x x x Hungary Janos Danis stag at alert B x x Hungary Janos Danis dispute B x Hungary Kornel Bedo breakfast B x x x x Hungary Kornel Bedo canceled breakfast B x x x x Hungary Kornel Bedo dictatorial bride B x x x Hungary Kornel Bedo splash B x x x x Hungary Kornel Bedo on the end of the road A x Hungary Nandor Barbalics the king B x x x x Hungary Nandor Barbalics breakfast2 B x x x x x Hungary Nandor Barbalics hortobagy B x x x x Hungary Nandor Barbalics pink flower B x Hungary Nandor Barbalics golden forest C x Hungary Pal Teravagimov spinning wheel C x x x Hungary Pal Teravagimov i am getting angry B x x x Hungary Pal Teravagimov sundarpur C x x Hungary Pal Teravagimov morning bath C x Hungary Pal Teravagimov catch of the day B x Hungary Tamas Fekete down the road C x x Hungary Tamas Fekete ghost in the factory A x Hungary Tamas Fekete touch C x Hungary Zoltan Lokos togetherness C x x x x x Hungary Zoltan Lokos dawn 1 A x x Hungary Zoltan Lokos arcanum C x x Hungary Zoltan Lokos chapel C x x Hungary Zoltan Lokos woman in black A x x x Hungary Zoltan Lokos snow princess C x Hungary Zoltan Lokos tyres A x India Abani Paul angry rino B x India Akundy Krishna Mohan 6418_9_27 C x India Akundy Krishna Mohan 6418_11_27 C x India Basudeb Chakraborty dirty environment A x India Basudeb Chakraborty mating mosquito B x x x India Basudeb Chakraborty killer & the killed B x x India Basudeb Chakraborty frogs mating B x India Basudeb Chakraborty tune in life C x India Kuntal Paul flamingos in flight B x x x x India Kuntal Paul returning home B x x x x India Kuntal Paul hands of the creator C x x x India Kuntal Paul lonely C x India Kuntal Paul flamingos of nalsarovar B x India Kuntal Paul holyman of varanasi C x India Manjunath Solur Krishnamurthy tiger cubs sipping water B x x India Manjunath Solur Krishnamurthy blue tailed bee eaters B x India Mohammed Sharif rickey treveler A x x x India Mohammed Sharif chameleon laying egg B x

India Mohammed Sharif crimsonbreasted barbet fidding chik B x x

India Mohammed Sharif to tracks one for mens one for monk C x x x x India Mohammed Sharif last train A x India Mohammed Sharif life with sand dunes C x India Mridul Dasgupta brick furnace A x x x India Mridul Dasgupta hanu B x x x x India Mridul Dasgupta speechless C x x x India Mridul Dasgupta only feeder C x x x x India Mridul Dasgupta ganjawala A x India Mridul Dasgupta brickworks C x India Mridul Dasgupta lame grasshopper B x India S.V.S. Rao curious C x x India S.V.S. Rao bug laying eggs B x India S.V.S. Rao food for kids B x India Saikat Ganguly apatani queen C x India Saikat Ganguly people at work A x x India Saikat Ganguly boju C x x India Saikat Ganguly formation C x x India Saikat Ganguly mother with her cubs B x x India Saikat Ganguly the king B x x x India Saikat Ganguly twing B x India Sanghamitra Sarkar water is too fara1 A x x x x India Sanghamitra Sarkar the clouds of smokea2 A x x x x India Sanghamitra Sarkar eye in the skyb2 B x x x x India Sanghamitra Sarkar enjoying the rain togetherc2 C x x x India Sanghamitra Sarkar mysteriousc4 C x x India Sanghamitra Sarkar lost in the smokea3 A x x x India Sanghamitra Sarkar smokinga4 A x x India Subrata Bysack white in white B x India Subrata Bysack cynosure C x x India Subrata Bysack sublime C x x India Subrata Bysack worried man C x India Sudhir Saxena pollution A x x x x India Sudhir Saxena the royal bath C x x x India Sudhir Saxena young shopkeepers C x x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta before the rain fall A x x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta playing with roaster 1 C x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta herding back home C x x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta roaster duel 1 C x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta big smoke 1 A x x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta cleaning the garbage A x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta polution A x x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta butterfly for my kids B x x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta big catch 9 B x x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta look what i bring B x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta northern lights 5 C x x x Indonesia Agatha Bunanta delicious food 1 B x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo big air pollution A x x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo street of garbage A x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo fish for breakfast 4 B x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo black swan splash 1 B x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo fish for breakfast 5 B x x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo take a bath 2 B x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo wushu 6 C x x x x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo the carver C x x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo the eyes C x x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo papua lady C x Indonesia Angela Muliani Hartojo not good for landing A x Indonesia David Somali-Chow frog with red eyes B x x x x x Indonesia David Somali-Chow i have to go B x x x x Indonesia David Somali-Chow briliant red coral B x x x x x Indonesia David Somali-Chow chief of papua C x x x x x Indonesia David Somali-Chow fly away B x x Indonesia David Somali-Chow amigo C x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda playing with roosters 2 C x x x x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda bird market 1 C x x x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda ocean trash 2 A x x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda environmental damage 2 A x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda ocean trash 3 A x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda silent killer B x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda cotton top tamarin B x x x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda gotcha 5 B x x x x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda robberfly 3 B x x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda the last train C x x x x x Indonesia Deddy Suwanda fighting roosters 1 C x x x Indonesia Djoko Joedaatmadja the choir C x x Indonesia Djoko Joedaatmadja face of mandarin fish B x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda watery horse racing C x x x x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda river morning activity C x x x x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda tango in movement C x x x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda catch no4 B x x x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda got fish B x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda time to eat B x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda final race C x x x x Indonesia Edwin Djuanda egreta duel no4 B x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda making gong c2 C x x x x x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda tengger man c3 C x x x x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda water harmony 4 C x x x x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda garbage man a3 A x x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda fighting rooster c1 C x x x x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda birds and garbage a2 A x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda almost b1 B x x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda another me b2 B x Indonesia Hendi Suwanda komodo dragon b4 B x Indonesia Hendro Hioe northern light on waterfall C x x x x Indonesia Hendro Hioe old me C x Indonesia Hendro Hioe iceberg i B x x x Indonesia Hendro Hioe iceberg v B x x x x x Indonesia Hendro Hioe huge ice cave C x Indonesia Hendro Hioe the universes C x x Indonesia Hendro Hioe riverside laundry A x x x Indonesia Hendro Hioe silent road A x Indonesia Hendro Hioe glacier tube B x Indonesia Hendro Hioe walking back home B x Indonesia Indra Prameswara glide with style C x x x x x Indonesia Indra Prameswara raja ampat B x x Indonesia Indra Prameswara i am flying C x x x x Indonesia Indra Prameswara beauty swimmer C x x Indonesia Indra Prameswara a minutes of magic C x x x Ireland Cliff Hutchinson gannets in love_ B x x x x Ireland Cliff Hutchinson gull B x x Ireland Cliff Hutchinson puffin with sand-eels B x Ireland Cliff Hutchinson desert travellers C x x x Ireland Cliff Hutchinson kjeungskare lighthouse C x Ireland Paul Maher ballycroneen C x Ireland Paul Maher rocky bay surf C x Ireland Paul Flynn washed up C x x x x x

Ireland Paul Maher ballybrannigan before sunrise B x Ireland Paul Flynn guileen C x x Ireland Paul Flynn hook storm C x x Ireland Paul Flynn golden brown C x Ireland Paul Maher black valley cottage C x Ireland Teddy Sugrue open1-c1-calm C x Ireland Wesley Law car A x x x x x Ireland Wesley Law wreck of the sunbeam 4 C x x x x x Ireland Wesley Law long strand 8 C x x x x x Ireland Wesley Law ballycotton 7 C x x x x x Ireland Wesley Law tree stump A x x x x x Ireland Wesley Law mountain stream B x x x Ireland Wesley Law torc waterfall B x Ireland Wesley Law roches point 3 C x x x x Ireland Wesley Law tree in sea A x x x x Ireland Wesley Law power station A x x x Ireland Wesley Law powerscourt waterfall B x x Arik Kaneh modern waist A x Israel Arik Kaneh new era in human development A x x x x Israel Arik Kaneh ecological truth 2 A x x x Israel Arik Kaneh something for my dearest B x Israel Arik Kaneh ecological true A x x Israel Arik Kaneh chukar B x Israel Arik Kaneh relax in the desert C x Israel Boris Aron karina sharipova, portrait C x x Israel Boris Aron preciosa C x x x x Israel Boris Aron chair & sandal A x x Israel Boris Aron mirage de jerusalem C x x Israel Boris Aron ain avdat , as de pique B x Israel Gil Shmueli a1 sea of garbage A x x x Israel Gil Shmueli b2 under protection B x x Israel Gil Shmueli a2 sunset over death A x x Israel Gil Shmueli b4 double saw B x x

Israel Gil Shmueli c3 alone on the wheat spike C x Israel Gil Shmueli b3 arabian babbler B x Israel Yehuda Sameach embroidering sheets3436 C x x Israel Yehuda Sameach lighting the candles3778 C x x Israel Yehuda Sameach seems green but harmful 0120 A x x Israel Yehuda Sameach snakes are poison the earth003 A x x Israel Yehuda Sameach communing with god 6338 C x x x x x Israel Yehuda Sameach painfully stretched lips-4105 C x Israel Yehuda Sameach attack of the cranes6422 B x Israel Yehuda Sameach getting ready for landing6327 B x

Israel Yehuda Sameach love and jealousy in nature 5420 B x

Israel Yehuda Sameach beautiful disguised air pollution93 A x x Israel Zvi Lahav human activities A x Israel Zvi Lahav I`m working C x Israel Zvi Lahav the family B x Alberto Salvaterra glaciers 2 C x x Italy Alberto Salvaterra nest 1 B x x Italy Alberto Salvaterra nest 2 B x x x Italy Alberto Salvaterra glaciers 1 C x x x x Italy Alberto Salvaterra hound C x Italy Alberto Salvaterra on the road 2 C x

Italy Alberto Dumassi C`mon let`s dance C x Italy Alberto Salvaterra fox 31 B x x x Italy Alberto Salvaterra bath B x Italy Alberto Dumassi foggy lebanon cedar B x Italy Alessandro Zaffonato venice carnival i C x Italy Alessandro Zaffonato cormorant B x x Italy Alessandro Zaffonato rupicapra rupicapra family B x x Italy Alessandro Zaffonato young rupicapra rupicapra B x Italy Andrea Maina winter in the city A x x Italy Antonio Cunico a hole in the wood A x Italy Antonio Cunico pfm C x x x Italy Antonio Cunico radio peak A x Italy Antonio Cunico snow battle A x x x Italy D.Odoardo Gibertoni il casolare C x x x x Italy D.Odoardo Gibertoni memories of war C x x x x Italy D.Odoardo Gibertoni tiro alla fune C x x Italy D.Odoardo Gibertoni ora et labora C x x x x x Italy D.Odoardo Gibertoni pettegolezzi B x Italy Daniele Zaffonato venice carnival 2 C x x Italy Daniele Zaffonato pollution 1 A x Italy Franco Marchi ready for the beakful B x x Italy Franco Marchi birds against B x x x x Italy Franco Marchi the trapezist B x x Italy Franco Marchi sacred ibis landing B x x Italy Franco Marchi to nose-dive C x x Italy Giancarlo Malafronte cava di monticchio A x x Italy Giancarlo Malafronte il frate C x x x x Italy Giancarlo Malafronte il fabbro C x x Italy Giancarlo Malafronte musicista di strada C x Italy Giancarlo Malafronte la parata C x Italy Igor Tubin planet earth 4 B x x Italy Igor Tubin mother nature`s hourglass B x x x x x Italy Igor Tubin 7 sisters B x x x Italy Igor Tubin curiosity C x x Italy Igor Tubin fiery sunset A x Italy Igor Tubin long way to go C x Italy Luciano Cardonati akakus B x Italy Luciano Cardonati ubari B x Italy Luciano Cardonati uzbekistan C x x x Italy Luciano Cardonati depuratore A x Italy Luciano Cardonati matrimonio uzbeko C x x Italy Luciano Cardonati soldatini C x x Italy Luciano Cardonati bimba indiana C x x Italy Luciano Cardonati rifiuti A x Italy Marco Garabello reflejos C x x x x x Italy Marco Garabello strings C x x x x x Italy Marco Garabello predator B x x Italy Marco Garabello l'urlo B x x x Italy Marco Garabello ottocento C x Italy Marco Garabello flamenco C x Italy Micol Olga mucilages in trieste A x x Italy Nicola Esposito sea essence n.12 B x Italy Nicola Esposito dino C x x x Italy Nicola Esposito running C x Italy Nicola Esposito dancing on the beach C x x x Italy Nicola Esposito sea essence n.14 B x Italy Nicola Esposito pick the milk C x Italy Pierfrancesco Baroni half marathon C x x Italy Pierfrancesco Baroni weaver C x x x x Italy Pierfrancesco Baroni florence music city C x x Italy Pierfrancesco Baroni sector c C x x Italy Roberto Mancini silhouette C x x x Italy Salvatore Correra working for life C x Italy Salvatore Correra contrast C x x Italy Scaramelli Massimo laghetto ghiacciato B x x x x x Italy Scaramelli Massimo julian lynn C x x Italy Scaramelli Massimo maschera a venezia C x Italy Scaramelli Massimo nobile veneziano C x x x x Italy Scaramelli Massimo musica a venezia C x x Italy Scaramelli Massimo il dono B x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove Winter`s beach C x x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove emissions 02 A x x x x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove autumn on the lagoon B x x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove the light behind the tree B x x x Italy Sergio Vaiani king city 021 C x x Italy Sergio Vaiani an open window C x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove emissions A x x x x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove sheep on the range C x x Italy Sergio Vaiani the hive C x x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove the way C x Italy Sergio Delle Vedove sunny reflections B x Italy Simone Boddi diotto#1 C x x Italy Simone Boddi pienza #1 C x x x Italy Simone Boddi pienza #11 C x x Italy Simone Boddi children of kalaw C x x x Italy Stefano Malfetti firenze marathon C x x x Italy Stefano Malfetti nude C x x x x x Italy Stefano Malfetti milano C x x Italy Stefano Malfetti industrial beach A x x Italy Stefano Malfetti unbreathable A x x x Italy Stefano Malfetti growing smog A x x Italy Veniero Rubboli saltworks A x x x x Italy Veniero Rubboli snow 7 C x x x x x Italy Veniero Rubboli valley water A x Italy Veniero Rubboli cobweb B x x Kuwait Abdulaziz Alasousi r10 C x x x Kuwait Abdulaziz Alasousi wildbeest 2 B x x x x Kuwait Abdulaziz Alasousi lion 2 B x x x x x Kuwait Abdulaziz Alasousi lion 1 B x x x x Kuwait Abdulaziz Alasousi india 8 C x x Kuwait Abdulaziz Alasousi wildbeest 1 B x x Kuwait Abdulaziz Alasousi angry eyes C x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar a1(desert cables) A x x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar c2(pray reverence) C x x x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar c3(camels journey) C x x x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar a2(tires cemetery) A x x x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar a3 (smoky tires) A x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar a4 ( double pollution) A x x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar b2(the crap) B x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar c1 (colorful sunset) C x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar c4 (sunset reflection) C x x x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar b3(lonely in the desert) B x Kuwait Ahmad Akbar b4(stand alone) B x Kuwait Fahad Alajmi destruction of the environment A x x x x x Kuwait Fahad Alajmi nature beauty C x Kuwait Fahad Alajmi running B x x Kuwait Majed Ali nature attack A x x x Kuwait Majed Ali smoke A x x x x Kuwait Majed Ali desert B x x Kuwait Majed Ali the king B x x x x Kuwait Majed Ali africa C x x Kuwait Majed Ali land smoke A x x Kuwait Majed Ali killer A x x Kuwait Majed Ali ambosili B x Kuwait Majed Ali kuwait towers C x Kuwait Mohammed Yousef romance B x x x x Kuwait Mohammed Yousef captivity A x x Kuwait Mohammed Yousef african path C x x Kuwait Mohammed Yousef remainings of light B x x Kuwait Mohammed Yousef escape B x x Kuwait Mohammed Yousef seconds before action C x Kuwait Mohammed Yousef the cook C x Kuwait Naser Alomari meditation C x x Kuwait Naser Alomari looking for future C x x Kuwait Naser Alomari thinking C x x Kuwait Naser Alomari indain girl C x x Kuwait Salah Alrashed leave C x Kuwait Salah Alrashed to work C x Kuwait Salah Alrashed breather C x Latvia Mihails Ignats the invasion A x x x x x Latvia Mihails Ignats on the field C x x x x x Latvia Mihails Ignats the boats C x x x Latvia Mihails Ignats white river B x x x x x Latvia Mihails Ignats the river C x Latvia Mihails Ignats the greenhouses A x Latvia Mihails Ignats the roofs A x Latvia Mihails Ignats the lines C x x x Latvia Mihails Ignats on the water A x Latvia Mihails Ignats the coast B x Macau Pun Tak Cheong he tripped and fell down C x x x x Macau Pun Tak Cheong in the morning light C x x x x x Macau Pun Tak Cheong flight C x x x Macau Sio Hong Fong kharunisia C x x x Macau Sio Hong Fong noble lady C x x x x Macedonia Vladimir Arsovski london C x Macedonia Vladimir Arsovski berlin C x Macedonia Vladimir Arsovski skopje C x Macedonia Vladimir Arsovski paris C x Macedonia Vladimir Arsovski christhmas morning B x Malaysia Alex Goh Chun Seong lifework C x x x x x Malaysia Alex Goh Chun Seong the battle C x x x x Malaysia Alex Goh Chun Seong the final splash C x x x x Malaysia Alex Goh Chun Seong busy at work C x x x x x Malaysia Chee Keong Lim muddy football C x x x x x Malaysia Chee Keong Lim on the way home C x x x x Malaysia Chee Keong Lim charcoal maker 2 A x x Malaysia Chee Keong Lim fight B x x x x Malaysia Chee Keong Lim bull race 2 C x x x x Malaysia Chee Keong Lim the farmer A x x Malaysia Chee Keong Lim lotus and the earlybird B x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong burning A x x x x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong trash picker 1 C x x x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong smoke A x x x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong garbage dump A x x x x x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong destruction A x x x x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong beautiful planet B x x x x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong orang utan B x Malaysia Danny Yen Sin Wong a bottle C x Malaysia Ho Sung Wee ouch C x x x x x Malaysia Ho Sung Wee put your hand up C x x Malaysia Ho Sung Wee dazzling B x x x Malaysia Ho Sung Wee fishing bird B x x x x Malaysia Ho Sung Wee touch down B x Malaysia Ho Sung Wee brave C x Malaysia Ho Sung Wee solitude C x Malaysia Lau Tick Ngee magnificent spray #2 C x x x Malaysia Lau Tick Ngee moven bamboo basket C x x x Malaysia Lau Tick Ngee lady bird B x Malaysia Lau Tick Ngee hairy caterpillar B x Malaysia Yap Chunkuang fight for king B x x Malaysia Yap Chunkuang sprint racing bull C x x x Malaysia Yap Chunkuang sprint C x x x Malaysia Yap Chunkuang love B x Malaysia Yap Chunkuang searching B x Malaysia Yap Chunkuang bali sunset C x Malaysia Yew Weng Lai curiosity no 1 B x Malaysia Yew Weng Lai rest time no 1 B x x x x Malaysia Yew Weng Lai go home C x x x Malaysia Yew Weng Lai happy together C x x Malaysia Yew Weng Lai shoot stars A x Malaysia Yew Weng Lai fly together A x Malta Bertram Vella generations C x x x x Malta Bertram Vella angelic C x Malta Bertram Vella born model C x Malta Bertram Vella hold on B x Malta Bertram Vella run for your life C x Daniel Lybaert scheldetafereel A x x x x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert winters tafereel C x x x x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert mono contpiep C x x x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert verdriet in doel A x x x x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert opvliegende fazant B x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert blauwgroene liefde B x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert wegrennende fazant B x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert winterlandschap oranjedijk C x x x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert verboden toegang A x x x x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert aanvliegende uil C x Netherlands Daniel Lybaert kruisspin op web B x Netherlands Jan Ros mudvulcano C x x x x x Netherlands Jan Ros carolina C x x x Netherlands Jan Ros rainforest saba B x x x Netherlands Jan Ros mudvulcanos B x Netherlands Jan Ros beateney C x x Netherlands Max Van Son burniss travis C x x Netherlands Max Van Son sculptural staircase C x x x x x Netherlands Max Van Son a comfortable place B x x Netherlands Max Van Son fighting foxes B x x x x

Netherlands Max Van Son amsterdam gay pride winners 2012 C x New Zealand Scott Fowler got a grip C x x x x x New Zealand Scott Fowler depression C x x x x x New Zealand Scott Fowler is this a last goodbye C x x x x x Norway Arne Bergo fire helicopter sund A x x x x Norway Arne Bergo red lechwe in golden light C x x x Norway Arne Bergo little bee-eater B x x x x Norway Arne Bergo common terns courtship B x x Norway Arne Bergo steel and rivets A x Norway Arne Bergo lion mating B x x x Norway Arne Bergo impala grace okavango C x Norway Arne Bergo arctic tern in flight C x Norway Atle Sveen beetles in the forest A x x x Norway Atle Sveen forgotten A x x Norway Atle Sveen shattered C x x x Norway Atle Sveen to silence a scream C x x x Norway Atle Sveen curious deer B x x Norway Atle Sveen king eiders B x x x Norway Atle Sveen siberian jay B x Norway Atle Sveen levitating banana C x Norway Lillian Krona kayak and industry A x x x Norway Lillian Krona ranten B x x Norway Lillian Krona last dream C x Norway Lillian Krona red stones B x x x x Norway Lillian Krona burj khalifa view A x Norway Lillian Krona desert B x x Norway Lillian Krona kanskje et talent C x Norway Lillian Krona factory A x Norway Lillian Krona gun shot C x Norway Roald Synnevaag pa jeren A x x x Norway Roald Synnevaag traveling alone C x x x x Norway Roald Synnevaag berlin 2012 C x x x Norway Roald Synnevaag the weekend is over C x x x x x Norway Roald Synnevaag mort A x Norway Roald Synnevaag etter stormen A x x x x Norway Roald Synnevaag over og ut A x Norway Roald Synnevaag winter in krakow C x x x x x Norway Roald Synnevaag bondhusdalen B x Norway Roald Synnevaag trollklo B x Norway Rolf Tore Kjaeran the waterfall B x x x Norway Rolf Tore Kjaeran kannesteine silence B x x x x Norway Rolf Tore Kjaeran lise nude C x x x x x Norway Rolf Tore Kjaeran looking i C x x Norway Rune Eide alessandro pavone C x x x x Norway Rune Eide power lines C x Norway Rune Eide winter morning C x x x x Norway Rune Eide autumn window C x Norway Rune Eide broken reality A x Norway Terje Kolbeinsen the storm A x x Norway Terje Kolbeinsen automn in vats B x x Norway Terje Kolbeinsen gale force A x Oman Abid Al-Balushi empty quarter-3 B x x x x Oman Abid Al-Balushi golden sands B x x x x Oman Abid Al-Balushi end line C x Oman Abid Al-Balushi net maker C x Oman Abid Al-Balushi pottery-1 C x x Oman Abid Al-Balushi al-khubba beach C x x Oman Ahmed Albusaidi child look3 C x x x x Oman Ahmed Albusaidi street man C x x x x x Oman Aziza Al-Adhubi sagacity C x Oman Aziza Al-Adhubi the look C x Oman Aziza Al-Adhubi wadi sabt 1 B x Oman Aziza Al-Adhubi fishermen 2 C x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali friends C x x x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali dry land A x x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali waiting for the rain A x x x x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali memories of rain A x x x x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali suffering to stay A x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali old place C x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali camel B x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali wadi subt B x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali after the rain B x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali dream fantasy C x x Oman Faisal Al.Zadjali sunset color B x Oman Hamed Alsulaimi in frames C x x x x x Oman Hamed Alsulaimi maaled C x Oman Hamed Alsulaimi mistake 1 C x x x x x Oman Hamood Al Harthy beach rocks C x x x Oman Hamood Al Harthy bright colors B x Oman Hamood Al Harthy jogging B x Oman Hussain Al Bahrani old C x x Oman Hussain Al Bahrani man of the house C x x Oman Majid Alamri old man2 C x x x x Oman Majid Alamri strong start1 C x x x x x Oman Majid Alamri waiting2 C x x x x x Oman Majid Alamri alhota3 B x x x Oman Majid Alamri layers desert B x x x x Oman Majid Alamri magic sunset3 B x Oman Qasim Al Farsi mangrove tree A x Oman Qasim Al Farsi khuba B x x Oman Qasim Al Farsi miky way B x x x Oman Qasim Al Farsi warm sunset B x x x x Oman Qasim Al Farsi sunrise from fins B x x Oman Qasim Al Farsi ras ruwais hdr C x x Oman Qasim Al Farsi dreem sunrise C x x x Oman Salim Al Busaidi holi lady C x x x Oman Salim Albusaidi arabian beauty C x x x Oman Salim Albusaidi coverd face2 C x x x Oman Salim Albusaidi new morning B x x Oman Salim Albusaidi bedouin boy C x x x x Oman Salim Al Busaidi overfishing A x x x Oman Salim Al Busaidi wadi sabt color 1 B x Oman Salim Al Busaidi drums C x Oman Salim Albusaidi khalifa C x Oman Salim Al Busaidi happy holi C x Oman Salim Al Busaidi holi 1 C x Oman Salim Albusaidi s3 A x x x Oman Salim Albusaidi s2 A x Oman Salim Albusaidi s4 A x Oman Sulieman Al Riyami anger sunrise b2 B x x x x Oman Sulieman Al Riyami magic sunrise b3 B x x x x Oman Sulieman Al Riyami time talk c2 C x x x x Oman Sulieman Al Riyami at rest b1 B x Oman Sulieman Al Riyami hopefull b4 B x x Oman Yaqoob Al Riyami simplicity C x x x Oman Yaqoob Al Riyami the girl C x x x Oman Yaqoob Al Riyami working time C x x x x x Oman Yaqoob Al Riyami salalah B x x x x x Oman Yaqoob Al Riyami bedouin man 2 C x x x x x Oman Yaqoob Al Riyami al-hotta-1 B x x x Oman Yousif Al Baloshi wadi bani khalid 6 B x Oman Yousif Al Baloshi that tree 3 B x Poland Ela Waszczuk avanti C x Poland Ela Waszczuk magic in ice B x x x Portugal Francisca Da Silva geometrical shapes C x x x x x Portugal Francisca Da Silva bink C x x x x Portugal Francisca Da Silva natural beauty C x x Portugal Joao Taborda sapience C x x x Portugal Joao Taborda bactreial A x x x Portugal Joao Taborda gold lion famely B x Portugal Joao Taborda the litle boy B x x x Portugal Joao Taborda go to the storm C x x x x x Portugal Joao Taborda colored trash A x Portugal Rui Pires the diyer of marrakech C x x Portugal Rui Pires the fate of earth ii A x x x x Portugal Rui Pires the fate of earth iii A x x x Portugal Rui Pires the fate of earth iv A x x x Portugal Rui Pires chefchauen blues C x x x Portugal Rui Pires the fate of earth i A x x Romania Gabriel Stanciu angry danube B x x Romania Gabriel Stanciu stabilo C x x x Romania Gabriel Stanciu curiosity C x x x Romania Gabriel Stanciu cristal spider B x Romania Gabriel Stanciu sculpture C x x Romania Gabriel Stanciu old pier C x Romania Gabriel Stanciu solitude B x Romania Livia Corcoveanu separation-01 A x x Romania Livia Corcoveanu graceful discorder-03 B x x Romania Livia Corcoveanu story-04 C x x Romania Livia Corcoveanu refuge-03 C x

Romania Livia Corcoveanu baiting the lake`s serenity-04 A x Romania Zsolt Moldovan flying moment B x x x x x Romania Zsolt Moldovan goshawk reflection B x x x Romania Zsolt Moldovan bathing buzzard B x x x Romania Zsolt Moldovan jumping rabbit C x x Romania Zsolt Moldovan the conductor 2 C x x Romania Zsolt Moldovan face to face B x x Romania Zsolt Moldovan the death of the mouse C x Russia Alexander Sysuev walking in the fresh air. A x x x x Russia Alexander Sysuev in anticipation. C x x x x x Russia Alexander Sysuev factory producing clouds. A x x x x x Russia Alexander Sysuev oxygen factory. A x x x x x Russia Alexander Sysuev magnitogorsk at sunrise. A x x x x x Russia Alexander Sysuev triumph. C x x x Russia Alexander Sysuev tree and rainbow. B x x Russia Alexander Sysuev lonely tree. B x x Russia Dmitry Chastikov amster-dames with rings C x x Russia Dmitry Chastikov victoria 1 C x x Russia Dmitry Chastikov chucha and a sphere C x x x Russia Konstantin Shamin *** C x Russia Konstantin Shamin expectation C x x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva winter. A x x x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva look. B x x x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva beautiful. B x x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva thinker. B x x x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva yellow-eyed. B x x x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva paganel. C x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva kiss. C x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva prayer. C x x Russia Olga Shiropaeva moscow. A x x Russia Sergey Majorov ecological portrait A x x x x x Russia Sergey Majorov iceberg A x Russia Sergey Majorov sunflower A x Russia Sergey Majorov dostoevski C x x Russia Sergey Majorov baby bird B x x Russia Sergey Majorov smile of nature B x Russia Sergey Majorov corner C x x Russia Sergey Majorov narchadka C x Russia Sergey Majorov iguana B x Russia Viktor Kanunnikov frog 1 B x Russia Viktor Kanunnikov victoria amazonica B x x x Russia Viktor Kanunnikov civilization A x Russia Viktor Kanunnikov in the morning 4 C x Russia Viktor Kanunnikov baroque 2 C x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov rubber valley A x x x x x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov sunflower A x x x x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov wounds land A x x x x x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov no! A x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov autumn sketch B x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov capriole C x x x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov elegy dance C x x x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov the heat C x Russia Vladimir Chesnokov iron giraffes C x Russia Yuri Vorontsov industrial landscape A x x x x Russia Yuri Vorontsov railroads C x x x Russia Yuri Vorontsov ancestral home C x x x x Russia Yuri Vorontsov ship graveyard A x Russia Yuri Vorontsov last berth C x x x Samoa Stuart Chape industrial pollution A x x x Samoa Stuart Chape low tide 1 C x x Samoa Stuart Chape paddlers C x x x x x Samoa Stuart Chape sadhu 3 C x x Samoa Stuart Chape ship wreck 1 A x x x x x Samoa Stuart Chape svalbard 8 A x x x Samoa Stuart Chape crimson-crowned fruit dove B x Samoa Stuart Chape reef shark and coral B x Samoa Stuart Chape svalbard 5 B x x Samoa Stuart Chape poverty 7 A x x Saudi Arabia Ahmad Alsaif my school C x x x Saudi Arabia Ahmad Alsaif glance 5 C x x x x x Saudi Arabia Ahmad Alsaif schools in india C x x x Saudi Arabia Ahmad Alsaif blue house C x x Saudi Arabia Ibrahim Alsalem lovely girl C x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alkharari camels C x x x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser true story C x x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser face story C x x x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser painful pleasure B x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser old story C x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alkharari at the mosque C x x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser playful B x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser convoy B x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser wild rituals B x x x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alkharari arabian horse C x x Saudi Arabia Mohammed Alnaser my home C x Scotland Paul Cunningham into the light A x x Scotland Paul Cunningham wirral coastal defences A x x x Scotland Paul Cunningham winter falls B x x x Scotland Paul Cunningham passing storm glencoe B x x Scotland Paul Cunningham versailles after the rain C x Scotland Rosslyn Shanks royal stag C x x x Serbia Aleksa M. Trbovic eighth day A x x Serbia Aleksa M. Trbovic green metal C x x Serbia Aleksa M. Trbovic badges of the past C x x x x Serbia Aleksa M. Trbovic foggy smile C x Serbia Aleksa M. Trbovic tetris C x Serbia Aleksandar Manasiev akt 22222 C x x x x Serbia Aleksandar Manasiev maratonci 10 C x x x x Serbia Aleksandar Manasiev eko bor 92 A x x Serbia Aleksandar Manasiev eko bor 93 A x Serbia Aleksandar Manasiev eko bor 94 A x x Serbia Aleksandar Manasiev maratonci 02 C x x x Serbia Anica Zupunski bird flu A x x x x x Serbia Anica Zupunski magnificently B x Serbia Anica Zupunski extensive feeding A x x x Serbia Anica Zupunski on the rock B x Serbia Bojan Petrovic old house 1 C x x Serbia Bojan Petrovic our room C x x x Serbia Bojan Petrovic window 1 C x Serbia Dragan Ilic bor river_0561 A x x x x Serbia Dragan Ilic bor river_0615 A x x x Serbia Dragan Ilic bor river_1527 A x x x Serbia Dragan Ilic bor_0660 A x x x Serbia Dragan Ilic photo 71 C x x x Serbia Dragan Ilic photo 73 C x x x x Serbia Dragan Ilic u magli 59 C x x x Serbia Dragan Ilic photo 20 B x Serbia Dragan Ilic photo 2821 C x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic bor 1 A x x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic prahovo 2 A x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic svadba 2 C x x x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic svadba 3 C x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic svadba 4 C x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic prahovo 1 A x x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic kanjon 2 B x x Serbia Dragoslav Ilic svadba C x x x Serbia Edo Iglic silent witnesses A x x x x x Serbia Edo Iglic after the race C x x x Serbia Edo Iglic i will call the police A x x x x x Serbia Edo Iglic forgotten charity C x x x x Serbia Edo Iglic water pollution 2 A x Serbia Edo Iglic waiting 1 C x x x x Serbia Edo Iglic water pollution 1 A x x Serbia Edo Iglic sunset B x x Serbia Maja Stosic rainy day in prague C x x x x Serbia Maja Stosic wool making C x x Serbia Maja Stosic wicker basket maker C x Serbia Maja Stosic granny and a rooster C x x Serbia Misa Mitranovic dim A x x x x Serbia Misa Mitranovic tragovi kise, ljudi i pasa A x x Serbia Milosh Popovich i don A x Serbia Milosh Popovich the best friends B x x x Serbia Sasa Preradovic nude 13021003 C x x x x Serbia Sasa Preradovic nude 11100302 C x x x Serbia Sasa Preradovic nude 12021703 C x x x x x Serbia Sasa Preradovic acrocephalus arundinaceus 01 B x x x x x Serbia Sasa Preradovic palingenia longicauda 01 B x x x x Serbia Sasa Preradovic falco tinnunculus 01 B x Serbia Sasa Preradovic nude 12021701 C x x Serbia Stefan S.Stojanovic man and dog C x x Serbia Stefan S.Stojanovic in italy012 C x Serbia Stefan S.Stojanovic veseljak02 C x Serbia Vojislav Pesterac fog 8643 C x x x x Serbia Vojislav Pesterac fog nadja 8634 C x Serbia Vojislav Pesterac sail h 3531 C x x Serbia Zdravko Simijonovic shepherdess C x Serbia Zdravko Simijonovic djura iz gaja C x Serbia Zdravko Simijonovic gatalinka 5 A x Singapore Eng Siong Yeo mating lions B x x x x x Singapore Eng Siong Yeo frightened fawn B x x x x Singapore Eng Siong Yeo nice catch 2 B x x x x Singapore Eng Siong Yeo jackal B x x Singapore Giap Chiu Teo kaseena in black C x x x x Singapore Giap Chiu Teo litter derrick lee C x Singapore Giap Chiu Teo wen xin in white C x Singapore Michael Ee sewing 3 C x x Singapore Michael Ee joyful moment C x x Singapore Michael Ee lone tree 2 B x x Singapore Michael Ee crane fighting 3 B x x x x Singapore Michael Ee old man and dog 2 C x Singapore Zee Kek Heng sailing through reflecion C x x x x x Singapore Zee Kek Heng jump down C x x Singapore Zee Kek Heng out of net C x x x x Singapore Zee Kek Heng family love B x x x Singapore Zee Kek Heng head lock C x x x Singapore Zee Kek Heng poverty A x x Singapore Zee Kek Heng no choice A x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik skiing 3 C x x x x x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik the disaster 2 A x x x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik hope of despair A x x x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik hills B x x x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik colors of nature B x x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik dogs 2 C x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik line of life A x x x Slovakia Andrej Belovezcik in mountains B x x Slovakia Radimir Siklienka fight B x x x x Slovakia Radimir Siklienka chase B x x x Slovakia Radimir Siklienka love of birds B x x Slovakia Radimir Siklienka red kite C x x x x Slovakia Radimir Siklienka start C x x Slovakia Radimir Siklienka dormouse C x x Slovakia Radimir Siklienka southern festoon C x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak crossover A x x x x x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak internal space iii C x x x x x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak toskana 2 C x x x x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak natural artefact B x x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak linear B x x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak room with a view C x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak urban reflections i A x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak untitled A x x x Slovenia Andreja Ravnak Hitchhiker`s guide part i C x x x Slovenia Anton Tratnik vineyard C x x Slovenia Anton Tratnik life and concrete A x x Slovenia Anton Tratnik why A x x x x Slovenia Anton Tratnik wire A x Slovenia Anton Tratnik keeper dark forest B x x Slovenia Anton Tratnik new morning B x x x Slovenia Anton Tratnik traces B x x x Slovenia Anton Tratnik caught the thoughts C x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan youngster C x x x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan hermelin B x x x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan mating in threesome B x x x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan take a walk B x x x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan white death two B x x x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan children C x x x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan generations C x x x x Slovenia Artnak Marjan granny C x x x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj fogginess C x x x x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj island B x x x x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj isolated B x x x x x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj spring B x x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj melancholy C x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj oil A x x x x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj still life C x Slovenia Bogdan Kralj dawnhill C x Slovenia Bostjan Snoj my tree B x Slovenia Bostjan Snoj light captured in the fog B x Slovenia Bostjan Snoj morning B x Slovenia Branko P. Petauer jamnik 325 C x Slovenia Branko P. Petauer skobec 016 B x Slovenia Danilo Lesjak kobarid C x Slovenia Darja Persic lost in water B x x x Slovenia Darja Persic shows the age C x x Slovenia Darja Persic fresh again B x Slovenia Doris Jug Cigoj shadows C x x x Slovenia Doris Jug Cigoj fog i. B x Slovenia Doris Jug Cigoj fog iii. B x Slovenia Doris Jug Cigoj sun C x Slovenia Ivo Borko dead valley A x x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko dead guard A x x x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko dryness A x x x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko the end A x x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko flamingos in red water B x x Slovenia Ivo Borko winding brook B x x Slovenia Ivo Borko laguna grande B x x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko emeralds eye B x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko stolen memories 4 C x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko cursed castle 9 C x x Slovenia Ivo Borko cursed castle 11 C x x x Slovenia Ivo Borko good news C x Slovenia Janez Ribnikar prohibited C x Slovenia Janez Ribnikar tree C x x x x x Slovenia Janez Ribnikar look C x x Slovenia Janez Ribnikar in color B x x x Slovenia Janez Ribnikar colours B x x x Slovenia Janez Ribnikar i go to their C x x x x Slovenia Janez Ribnikar tree B x x Slovenia Lili Jazbec waiting C x x x Slovenia Lili Jazbec widow three time C x x x x x Slovenia Lili Jazbec the earth is rounded A x x Slovenia Lili Jazbec family C x Slovenia Lili Jazbec fenced C x Slovenia Milan Jazbec young monks C x x x Slovenia Milan Jazbec stone moshrooms C x x x x Slovenia Milan Jazbec work C x Slovenia Milan Jazbec birch tree B x Slovenia Milan Jazbec frozen rain B x Slovenia Milan Jazbec blu eye C x Slovenia Milan Jazbec view from air B x Slovenia Milos Princic lavander field C x x x x x Slovenia Milos Princic snowy vineyards C x x x x x Slovenia Milos Princic new and old A x x x x Slovenia Milos Princic late autumn C x x Slovenia Milos Princic house on the field C x x x Slovenia Milos Princic jump B x Slovenia Milos Princic from my window A x Slovenia Miran Krapez popeyes village C x x x Slovenia Miran Krapez before shaving B x x x x Slovenia Miran Krapez misty walk C x x x Slovenia Miran Krapez in wind and snow B x Slovenia Miran Krapez mustela erminea B x x x Slovenia Miran Krapez white man B x Slovenia Rafael Podobnik man with scythe C x x x Slovenia Rafael Podobnik rime C x x x x x Slovenia Rafael Podobnik after inundation A x x Slovenia Rafael Podobnik homage to zmago jaraj A x Slovenia Rafael Podobnik open air theatre C x x Slovenia Rafael Podobnik quarry in solkan A x Slovenia Rok Godec the eye C x x x x x Slovenia Rok Godec awakening 03 C x x x x x Slovenia Rok Godec on a winter day C x x x x x Slovenia Rok Godec warning 02 A x x x Slovenia Rok Godec wirescape 01 A x x x Slovenia Rok Godec bloke 01 B x x x x Slovenia Rok Godec jezersko 12 C x x x Slovenia Rok Godec veiled sun A x x x x Slovenia Rok Godec swans in the morning fog B x x Slovenia Rok Godec waiting for morning sun B x x Slovenia Simon Kovacic papilion machoan B x Slovenia Simon Kovacic pair 1 B x Slovenia Simon Kovacic winter morning C x x x x Slovenia Simon Kovacic secovlje salina C x Slovenia Simon Kovacic lavoriero 2 C x Slovenia Simon Kovacic devastation A x x x Slovenia Simon Kovacic artificial lake A x x x Slovenia Simon Kovacic pygmy cormorant B x Slovenia Tomaz Sedej varanasi C x x Slovenia Tomaz Sedej river bank A x x Slovenia Tomaz Sedej other side A x x x Slovenia Tomaz Sedej ghat C x x Slovenia Vasja Leban planina lake C x x x x x Slovenia Vasja Leban portugal 3 C x x x Slovenia Vasja Leban cow food supply A x x x Slovenia Vasja Leban good publicity A x x Slovenia Vasja Leban ice impressions-2 B x Slovenia Vasja Leban military memorial1 C x x x x Slovenia Vasja Doberlet industry A x x x Slovenia Vasja Doberlet labyrinth B x Slovenia Vasja Leban up stairs C x Slovenia Vasja Leban garbage A x Slovenia Vasja Doberlet new camacchio C x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo liquid manure 7 A x x x x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo foggy morning B x x x x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo survival 4 B x x Slovenia Vlado Jehart eco bomb A x x x x x Slovenia Vlado Jehart urugallus urugallus 2 B x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo walkers 03 C x x x x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo shadows C x x x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo old crafts C x x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo victim A x Slovenia Vlado Jehart muddy bath A x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo forgotten A x x Slovenia Vlado Bucalo frozen landscape 4 C x x x Slovenia Vlado Jehart the power of fog B x Slovenia Vlado Jehart observer B x Slovenia Vlado Jehart polje C x South Africa Andre Serfontein flying sa champ C x x x x South Africa Andre Serfontein live ghecko catch B x x x x South Africa Andre Serfontein trout strike C x x x x South Africa Andre Serfontein landing spurwing B x South Africa Andre Serfontein live lizard catch B x x x South Africa Andre Serfontein landing cormorant B x South Africa Anne 'Oliveira tha basket carrier C x x x x South Africa Anne 'Oliveira the significance of beauty C x x x x x South Africa Anne 'Oliveira the off loading point A x South Africa Anne 'Oliveira is that C x x x x South Africa Anne 'Oliveira giant protector B x South Africa Anne 'Oliveira wave power B x South Africa Anne 'Oliveira watching and waiting B x x South Africa Carolyn Greathead Greathead battle for life A x x x x South Africa Carolyn Greathead Greathead last attempt A x x x South Africa Carolyn Greathead Greathead a day in our lives C x South Africa Carolyn Greathead Greathead banjo bridge C x South Africa Carolyn Greathead Greathead dreamer C x South Africa Eugene Fincham mg_8793 A x South Africa Eugene Fincham mg_2287 C x x x x South Africa Eugene Fincham mother and daughter B x South Africa Eugene Fincham oil burners 95381 A x South Africa Gaby Grohovaz water hyacinth C x South Africa Gaby Grohovaz the only thing left A x South Africa Gaby Grohovaz new life B x x South Africa Jenny Stilwell hockey girld C x South Africa Jenny Stilwell this is rugby C x South Africa Jenny Stilwell female weaver B x South Africa Jenny Stilwell spurwing about to land B x South Africa June Fincham the ballerina C x x x South Africa June Fincham siblings B x x South Africa June Fincham acrobatic act C x x South Africa June Fincham ancestral dance C x Spain Iosu Garai udazken izoztua B x x x Spain Iosu Garai uraren sinfonia B x Spain Iosu Garai sama C x Spain Iosu Garai ezinaren ametsak C x Spain Iosu Garai samurtasuna B x Spain Iosu Garai garbiketa A x Sri Lanka Niranga Nanayakkara autumn B x Sri Lanka Niranga Nanayakkara surprise C x x Sri Lanka Niranga Nanayakkara medieval man C x x Sri Lanka Niranga Nanayakkara folk dance C x x x Sri Lanka Sanka Sammana Perera reflections A x Sri Lanka Sanka Sammana Perera making stucture C x x Sri Lanka Sanka Sammana Perera baby care B x x x Sri Lanka Sanka Sammana Perera leader B x Sri Lanka Sanka Sammana Perera pattern C x Sri Lanka Vickum Senanayake resting B x Sri Lanka Vickum Senanayake yummy B x Sri Lanka Vickum Senanayake contemplation C x x x x Sri Lanka Vickum Senanayake the catch B x Sweden Goran Zebuhr outside lummelunda B x x x Sweden Goran Zebuhr at school C x Sweden Goran Zebuhr tunnel of light C x Sweden Goran Zebuhr blues and rock B x Sweden Nils-Erik Jerlemar old lady C x x x x x Sweden Nils-Erik Jerlemar open door C x x x x Sweden Nils-Erik Jerlemar pedestrian crossing no 4 C x x x x Sweden Nils-Erik Jerlemar cat on the graveyard no 2 C x Switzerland Urs Jenzer china reisterassen b A x x x x x Switzerland Urs Jenzer farn 2 B x x x x Switzerland Urs Jenzer mohn 2 B x x x x Switzerland Urs Jenzer basst B x x x x Switzerland Urs Jenzer antarktis k B x x x Switzerland Urs Jenzer china reisterassen a A x Switzerland Urs Jenzer arktis 3 eisberge C x x Switzerland Urs Jenzer china dcher 1 C x Switzerland Urs Jenzer china reisterassen c A x x x x Switzerland Urs Jenzer vietnam lachender mann C x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh morning mist C x x x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh snatches the food-16 C x x x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh in the rain C x x x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh delicious-5 B x x x x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh spider-6 B x x x x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh to grab-3 B x x x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh to prey on-5 B x x x x Taiwan Chun- Liang Yeh foraging-8 C x x x Taiwan Chen-You Li a picnic 6 B x x Taiwan Chen-You Li grace 10 B x x Taiwan Chen-You Li hunting 15 B x x Taiwan Chen-You Li winter sun C x Taiwan Chen-You Li fishing 10 B x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai envy C x x x x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai bird in sunset C x x x x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai fancy meal C x x x x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai lively tree frog B x x x x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai spider family 1 B x x x x x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai sweet family B x x x x x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai im hungry 6 C x x x x Taiwan Chi-Chang Tsai its prey B x x x x Taiwan Chi-Lai Huang train jammed C x x x Taiwan Chi-Lai Huang crowded factory with pollution A x x Taiwan Chi-Lai Huang hungry calling B x x x x x Taiwan Chi-Lai Huang kingfisher catch-1 B x x x x x Taiwan Chi-Lai Huang mother warning B x x x Taiwan Chi-Lai Huang white neck honey bird B x x x x x Taiwan Chi-Lai Huang mountain field A x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang hold on C x x x x x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang pulling nets C x x x x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang daddy is home B x x x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang catches B x x x x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang elephant family B x x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang hold there B x x x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang very few catches A x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang harvest C x x Taiwan Chih Sheng Huang fishing net C x x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou jump B x x x x x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou snatch 4 C x x x x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou snatch C x x x x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou feeding B x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou fighting 3 B x x x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou snatch 2 B x x x x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou bird 10 C x x x Taiwan Chun-Yung Chou girl 3 C x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen setting the vessel ablaze A x x x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen dance skirt C x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen light firecrackers A x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen chapped ground A x x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen flying B x x x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen fighting 2 B x x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen feeding 10 B x x x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen eating a red fruit 4 B x x x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen sky lantern 7 C x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen soil forest 2 A x x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen misty morning C x x Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen rural area C x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng preparing for meals C x x x x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng sunning the buddha-1 C x x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng worship C x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng green cap spider -30 B x x x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng delicacies-5 B x x x x x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng lots of competition B x x x x x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng snatch-14 B x x x x x Taiwan Ming-Hui Cheng perilous situation-2 C x x x x x Taiwan Rich Chiou opportunistic-3 B x Taiwan Rich Chiou pleasure-5 B x x Taiwan Rich Chiou search-3 B x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu sea gull C x x x x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu final sprint C x x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu snatching food 7 C x x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu to prey on B x x x x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu peucetis formosensis 3 B x x x x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu natural affection 4 B x x x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu snatching food 5 B x x x x Taiwan Yan Zong Hu peucetis formosensis#2 C x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang the disappearance of arable land 02 A x x x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang insanity C x x x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang sprints 02 C x x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang the journey 02 C x x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang the disappearance of arable land A x x x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang animals great migration B x x x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang household B x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang blessing C x x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang amuse B x x Taiwan Yu Pei Huang the acinonyx jubatus B x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng wildebeest crossing the river C x x x x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng insanity 01 C x x x x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng returned at C x x x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng snatch B x x x x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng mother and child 02 B x x x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng clashing B x x x x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng iron man C x x x Taiwan Yun Feng Perng feeding 02 B x x x Akin Acar the king of the rain C x x x x x Turkey Akin Acar iron flowers A x x Turkey Akin Acar in love B x x x x Turkey Akin Acar red and green C x x x Turkey Akin Acar alack they come A x Turkey Akin Acar mantis and butterfly C x Turkey Aysu Bilgic hope C x x Turkey Aysu Bilgic loneliness C x x x Turkey Aysu Bilgic pink night B x Turkey Berna Yildirum ciglik A x x x x Turkey Berna Yildirum sanayi A x x Turkey Berna Yildirum keyf-i su C x x Turkey Berna Yildirum sis C x Turkey Berna Yildirum gitme A x Turkey Burak Senbak clean up and dump to sea A x Turkey Burak Senbak lake cildir - fishermen on ice C x x x Turkey Burak Senbak paint pros C x x x x x Turkey Burak Senbak production monster A x x Turkey Burak Senbak silhouette A x x Turkey Burak Senbak i can not play C x x x x x Turkey Burak Senbak corrupted earth A x Turkey Burak Senbak operator 2 C x x Turkey Burak Senbak the lake B x Turkey Cemil Guven destiny C x x Turkey Cemil Guven fearful C x Turkey Cemil Guven alone C x Turkey Cemil Guven lotus B x Turkey Fatih Balkan baharatci C x x x Turkey Fatih Balkan klarnetci C x x Turkey Fatih Balkan ana_kiz C x x x x Turkey Fatih Balkan sandalda C x x Turkey Filiz Koc the doctor C x x x x Turkey Filiz Koc shoesshine-1 C x x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli agac A x x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli la galeria C x x x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli onarim C x x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli ubein C x x x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli nazare B x x x x x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli kayiklar C x x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli selaleler B x Turkey H.Bahar Kaleli tepe B x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver sea4 B x x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver sea1 B x x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver soil B x x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver spoonbill C x x x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver silk C x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver sema2 C x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver uncle C x Turkey Ibrahim Dilaver doga1 B x Turkey Kazim Kuyucu crater lake A x x x Turkey Kazim Kuyucu master C x x x x Turkey Kazim Kuyucu dragonfly B x x x Turkey Kazim Kuyucu workers in the sunset C x Turkey Kazim Kuyucu dry soil A x x x

Turkey Kazim Kuyucu the end of the earth and the human A x Turkey Kazim Kuyucu goat's milk C x x Turkey Kursat Karabulut wired A x Turkey Kursat Karabulut shopping alone C x x x Turkey Kursat Karabulut i have seen a lot son C x x x Turkey Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz scarface C x x Turkey Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz tinsmith 3 C x Turkey Mehmet Turgut Kirkgoz hard life C x Turkey Murat Unal gypsy house C x Turkey Murat Unal birds A x x Turkey Murat Unal need water A x x x Turkey Murat Unal blue beauty B x x Turkey Murat Unal fruit seller C x Turkey Murat Tahiroglu reflection C x Turkey Murat Tahiroglu in straw house C x x x Turkey Murat Unal dried pepper C x x Turkey Murat Tahiroglu to look innocent C x x Turkey Murat Unal dreams C x Turkey Mustafa Bulent Pirincci meke lake A x x x Turkey Mustafa Bulent Pirincci soil and human A x Turkey Mustafa Bulent Pirincci butterfly B x Turkey Nurullah Genc keramik C x Turkey Nurullah Genc turna B x Turkey Nurullah Genc akbaba B x Turkey Serkan Turac dunya1 A x x x x Turkey Serkan Turac firin C x x x Turkey Serkan Turac kimabe C x x x x x Turkey Serkan Turac makewo C x x x x x Turkey Serkan Turac dunya2 A x x x x Turkey Serkan Turac dunya 3 A x x x Turkey Serkan Turac dunya 4 A x x x x Turkey Serkan Turac asker C x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel global warming A x x x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel amigo C x x x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel tunnel C x x x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel prayer C x x x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel fire A x x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel selden sonra A x x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel danger A x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel food time B x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel pamukkale B x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel love B x x x Turkey Tacettin Yuksel emek ve isik C x x x x x Turkey Tarik Zafer Kocabey pickers A x x Turkey Tarik Zafer Kocabey hard work A x x x Turkey Tarik Zafer Kocabey sunset in golyazi B x Turkey Tarik Zafer Kocabey potter man C x Turkey Veli Aydogdu little green frog B x x x Turkey Veli Aydogdu pine tree C x x Turkey Veli Aydogdu butterfly B x Turkey Veli Aydogdu cream lamp C x Turkey Veli Aydogdu water gauge C x Turkey Veysi Boran smith C x x x Turkey Veysi Boran toy city A x x x Turkey Veysi Boran fold B x x Turkey Veysi Boran maya B x x x Turkey Veysi Boran nylon A x x x Turkey Veysi Boran ending A x Turkey Veysi Boran marks C x Turkey Veysi Boran takiliyorum C x Ukraine Valentyn Aleksandrov landscape on mars (abandoned quarry A x x x Ukraine Valentyn Aleksandrov her happiness ... C x x x x Ukraine Valentyn Aleksandrov blind musician C x x x

Ukraine Valentyn Aleksandrov environmental disaster (steel plant A x Ukraine Valentyn Aleksandrov life goes by ... C x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi old drama C x x x x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi khalwa student C x x x x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi devastation of war A x x x x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi at the door steps C x x x x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi ashely 1 C x x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi crossing lines A x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi flamingo-1 B x United Arab Emirates Ahmed Ginawi big fish eats the small A x United Arab Emirates Maitha Bint Khalid fierce C x United Arab Emirates Maitha Bint Khalid beauty jump B x United Arab Emirates Maitha Bint Khalid just arrived B x United Arab Emirates Maitha Bint Khalid transposition ii B x United Arab Emirates Nasser Haji man from azer C x x United Arab Emirates Nasser Haji smok C x x x x x United Arab Emirates Nasser Haji decency C x x x x x United Arab Emirates Nasser Haji the shepherd C x x United Arab Emirates Omar Alzaabi pride B x x x United Arab Emirates Omar Alzaabi pride2 B x United Arab Emirates Omar Alzaabi stream B x x x United Arab Emirates Omar Alzaabi follow the light C x United Arab Emirates Omar Alzaabi to the unknown B x x x United Arab Emirates Omar Alzaabi salty A x Alan Edwards time to reflect C x x United Kingdom Alan Edwards seal harvest A x United Kingdom Alan Edwards coyote with kill B x x United Kingdom Alan Edwards looking for a mate B x x United Kingdom Alan Edwards great blue heron B x x United Kingdom Alan Edwards volcanic eruption C x United Kingdom Alan Edwards target practise C x United Kingdom Alan Edwards springtime in bruges C x United Kingdom Alan Edwards rhine industry A x United Kingdom Baden Bowen the waterhole A x x x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen a walk in the park C x x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen new industrail revolution A x x x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen abandoned boats A x x x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen elephant B x x x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen after the blitz A x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen mother earth C x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen little owl athene noctua B x United Kingdom Baden Bowen waxcap B x United Kingdom Baden Bowen illumination C x x x United Kingdom Baden Bowen set them free C x United Kingdom Bob Devine cheetah with kill in masai B x x x United Kingdom Bob Devine swainsons francolin B x x x United Kingdom Bob Falconer torridon hills C x x x x x United Kingdom Bob Falconer glitz and glamour C x x United Kingdom Bob Falconer black gold C x x x United Kingdom Bob Falconer splash and grab B x United Kingdom Bob Devine hippo gape 2 B x x United Kingdom Bob Falconer zoom C x United Kingdom Bob Falconer dipper with food B x United Kingdom Brian Magor mine colorado A x x x x United Kingdom Brian Magor hedgehog 03 B x United Kingdom Brian Magor harvest mouse and raspberries B x x x United Kingdom Brian Magor nuthatch 01 B x United Kingdom Brian Magor hairy louswort svalbard B x United Kingdom Brian Magor jealousy C x x United Kingdom Darron Matthews hard boulders soft sunrise C x x x x United Kingdom Darron Matthews red eyed tree frog C x x x x United Kingdom Darron Matthews common blue damselfly no2 B x x United Kingdom Darron Matthews german wasp and mites B x x x United Kingdom Darron Matthews immature common blue damselfly B x x x x United Kingdom Darron Matthews pixie cup lichen and angels bonnet B x x United Kingdom Darron Matthews splendid leaf frog C x x x United Kingdom David Byrne motion A x x x x x United Kingdom David Byrne stormfront C x x x x x United Kingdom David Byrne fire and brimstone C x x x x United Kingdom David Byrne round the bend C x x x x x United Kingdom David Byrne making clouds A x x x x x United Kingdom David Byrne natures struggle A x x x x x United Kingdom David Byrne the look out C x x United Kingdom David Byrne miners cottages A x United Kingdom Diana Magor remains of grytviken whaling statio A x United Kingdom Diana Magor micah with hat C x x United Kingdom Diana Magor mira C x x x United Kingdom Diana Magor penguins at stromness A x x x x x United Kingdom Diana Magor rusting remains s georgia A x x United Kingdom Diana Magor greater spotted woodpecker feeding B x United Kingdom Diana Magor vanishing point C x United Kingdom Eion Johnston billie C x x x x United Kingdom Eion Johnston reading matter C x x x x x United Kingdom Eion Johnston looking up C x x United Kingdom Eion Johnston landing pad B x United Kingdom Fred Price left to rot A x United Kingdom Fred Price great tit B x x United Kingdom Fred Price joker jim C x x United Kingdom Fred Price my home from home C x United Kingdom Fred Price the entertainer C x x x United Kingdom Gordon Bramham bald eagle 6427 B x United Kingdom Gordon Bramham elk bugling B x United Kingdom Jim Tarbox sunsetting windy post C x United Kingdom Jim Tarbox combstone B x x United Kingdom Jim Tarbox the end A x United Kingdom Leo Palmer docklands A x United Kingdom Leo Palmer alley light C x x x x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer the printer C x x x x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer potash factory A x x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer metal detecting A x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer trucks A x x x x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer black crested crane B x x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer two monkeys B x x x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer mountain gorilla B x x x x United Kingdom Leo Palmer sleeping dog C x United Kingdom Leo Palmer in dreams C x United Kingdom Margaret Sixsmith northern lights 1 B x x x United Kingdom Margaret Sixsmith table for 4 C x x x x United Kingdom Margaret Sixsmith red squirrel 4 B x x United Kingdom Margaret Sixsmith pine grosbeak 1 B x United Kingdom Margaret Sixsmith ponies in snowstorm C x x United Kingdom Mike Cowdrey grey seals at horsey beach B x x x United Kingdom Mike Cowdrey aquilo C x x x United Kingdom Mike Cowdrey grey seals on the shoreline B x United Kingdom Mike Cowdrey clocktower C x United Kingdom Mike Cowdrey the tower C x United Kingdom Richard Tickner at home C x x United Kingdom Richard Tickner lady of faith C x United Kingdom Richard Tickner temple of santeria, trinidad C x United Kingdom Ronald Jarvis in the shadows C x x x United Kingdom Ronald Jarvis curve shape C x x United Kingdom Ronald Jarvis jail time 01 C x United Kingdom Steve Reynolds one careful owner C x x x x x United Kingdom Steve Reynolds night market marrakech C x x United Kingdom Steve Reynolds in red C x x x United Kingdom Steve Reynolds two sides of charlotte C x United Kingdom Stuart Crump fighting time C x x x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump post no bills C x x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump dawn, the cobb C x x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump power for the people A x x x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump ovoid rocks, porth nanven B x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump volcanic sand, eigg B x x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump volcanic rocks, eigg B x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump old lead mine A x x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump abandoned grinding wheels A x x United Kingdom Stuart Crump puffin with catch B x x United Kingdom Sue Oconnell study time C x x x x United Kingdom Sue Oconnell temple landscape C x x United Kingdom Sue Oconnell colonnade C x United Kingdom Sue Oconnell roseate spoonbills B x United Kingdom Sue Oconnell last light lake inle C x x United Kingdom Tim Harris fixtures of st mark`s square C x x x x x United Kingdom Tim Harris beaten by nature A x x x

United Kingdom Tim Harris amusements welcome: great yarmouth C x United Kingdom Tony Potter european hawk 3 B x United Kingdom Tony Potter coniston vale C x USA Andy Nguyen christmas angel B x x x x USA Andy Nguyen night moth B x x USA Andy Nguyen the gator smile C x USA Andy Nguyen daring flight C x USA Chaman Rathore my camel A x x USA Chau Le rice C x x

USA Dan Sniffin b1-lichen_merced falls 9242 B x USA Dan Sniffin b4-dune study_4330 B x USA Dick Collins Harris`s hawk B x x USA Dick Collins bobcat in the snow B x x USA Dick Collins winter american avocet C x x x USA Dick Collins big horn ram C x USA Dick Collins male cardinal in snow B x USA Dick Collins canadian lynx C x USA Dorothy Beller harvesting wheat 2 A x x USA Ducte Le casting net in the rain C x x x x x USA Ducte Le two fishing boats C x x x USA Ducte Le sand dunes 3 B x x x USA Ducte Le struggle B x x USA Ducte Le highland children C x x x USA Ducte Le terrace rice fields C x x x x USA Ducte Le cranes at twilight B x x x USA Ducte Le egretta family B x x USA Gary Potts hoarfrost morning B x USA Gary Potts flight to oblivion A x x x x USA Gary Potts grand finale C x x USA Gary Potts the hand of man A x USA Gary Potts egret and rainbow B x USA Gary Potts desert beauty C x USA Gary Potts freestyle C x USA Ira Nemeroff oriental lily C x x USA Ira Nemeroff diving sea nettle B x x x USA Ira Nemeroff ice at the tourne B x USA Ira Nemeroff iguana 17 B x USA Ira Nemeroff milkweed #1 B x USA Jacky Wong my meal B x x x x USA Jacky Wong loving couple B x x x x USA Jacky Wong landing B x x x x USA Jacky Wong nursing B x x x USA Janet Chung dragonfly B x x USA Janet Chung white hair lady C x USA Janet Chung blonde hair woman C x USA Janet Chung yellow hat girl C x USA Jennifer Chi Hung Wen splashing boats C x x x USA Jennifer Chi Hung Wen happy egrets B x x x x x USA Jennifer Chi Hung Wen spoonbills fighting B x x x x USA Jennifer Chi Hung Wen shepherds in huyang forest C x x USA Jennifer Chi Hung Wen colorful nets and seaweed sticks C x USA Jennifer Chi Hung Wen mating spoonbills B x x x USA Jennifer Chi Hung Wen sunrise desert camels C x x USA Jerry Joaquin madison river fog B x USA Klaus-Dirter Schleim capital mufflon ram B x x x USA Klaus-Dirter Schleim buck in velvet B x x USA Klaus-Dirter Schleim cardinal on snow C x USA Klaus-Dirter Schleim on a lotus leaf B x USA Klaus-Dirter Schleim got that minnow B x USA Larry Beller winter morning B x x USA Larry Beller family discussion B x x x USA Larry Beller teewinot through the fog B x x USA Larry Beller winter sunrise B x USA Larry Beller academy chapel iv C x USA Larry Beller bird of paradise C x USA Loye Stone defacing dumont dunes A x USA Loye Stone sand dunes in the morning C x x x

USA Loye Stone poluted creek new idria california A x USA Marvin Miller beauty and beast two A x x x USA Marvin Miller las vegas brain clinic C x USA Marvin Miller zabriskie varigation B x USA Mary Miller built from ocean trash A x USA Mary Miller low tide sunrise sf C x x x USA Mary Miller pollution left behind A x x x x USA Mary Miller smoke and clouds A x x USA Mary Miller log rollers C x USA Mary Miller pollution no crabbing A x USA Mary Miller beach bridge view C x x x USA Mary Miller mammoth pools yellowstone B x USA Mohammad Ali Salim burning leather scrap A x USA Mohammad Ali Salim collecting plastic A x USA Mohammad Ali Salim plastic environment A x x USA Mohammad Ali Salim plastic for living A x USA Mohammad Ali Salim snow geese arrival B x USA Mohammad Ali Salim snow geese migration B x x USA Mohammad Ali Salim inani beach C x x x USA Mohammad Ali Salim hot spring geyser B x USA Mohammad Ali Salim dusk at beach C x x x USA Mohammad Ali Salim shampan boats C x USA Mohammad Ali Salim clouds on rocky B x USA Norman Johnson flycatcher with lunch B x USA Norman Johnson kingfisher with berry B x USA Rosalie Kreulen coppery-headed emerald hummingbird B x x x USA Rosalie Kreulen mother and cub B x USA Rosalie Kreulen eagle in flight B x USA Rowshan Akhter dumping A x x USA Rowshan Akhter towards the light C x USA Rowshan Akhter industrial smoke A x USA Rowshan Akhter staring C x x USA Rowshan Akhter crossing C x x x USA Rowshan Akhter subway riders C x USA Rowshan Akhter under water geyser B x USA Sharp Todd water and icicles #2 B x USA Sharp Todd horses you cant catch us C x USA Sharp Todd old truck with flat tire mono C x x x USA Sharp Todd spirit island #2 mono C x x USA Sharp Todd flower & grass backlit B x USA Shu Cheuk terraced rice paddy C x USA Shu Cheuk egrets engaged B x x USA Shu Cheuk greeting the morning sun B x x x x USA Shu Cheuk thump sucking primate C x x x x USA Shu Cheuk refinery pumping A x x USA Shu Cheuk red dawn C x x USA Shu Cheuk building a new home B x USA Shu Cheuk red and white wings B x x USA Shu Cheuk elegent egret C x USA Thomas Kreulen emerging racoon B x x USA Thomas Kreulen long-tailes sylph hummingbird feedi B x x x x USA Thomas Kreulen exotic frog B x x USA Xiang Ming Zheng splash C x x x USA Xiang Ming Zheng cleaning C x USA Xiang Ming Zheng surfing girl C x x USA Xiang Ming Zheng night heron C x x Vietnam Le Quang Thai harvest festival C x x x x x Vietnam Le Quang Thai early morning C x x x x Vietnam Le Quang Thai at the break of dawn C x x x x x Vietnam Le Quang Thai praying A x x x Vietnam Le Quang Thai worlds A x x Vietnam Pham Hung Cuong duabo C x x x Vietnam Pham Hung Cuong nho rung B x x Vietnam Pham Hung Cuong hasbund and wife C x x Vietnam Pham Hung Cuong sunset C x x Vietnam Pham Hung Cuong sunrise C x x Vietnam Pham Hung Cuong phuly afternoon B x Wales David L Edwards fighting to win C x x x x x Wales David L Edwards whooper swans in flight B x x x x Wales David L Edwards golden eagle defending prey C x x x x Wales David L Edwards all my own work C x

Wales David L Edwards whooper swan alone in a morning mis B x x Wales David L Edwards wolf running in snow B x x Wales David L Edwards nightmare no2 (snow leo) C x x Wales David L Edwards snow leopard on watch B x Wales Gary Shinner shapes and angles C x x x Wales Ian Ledgard canal junk A x x x Wales Ian Ledgard silent spring A x x x x x Wales Ian Ledgard relaxed C x x x