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TEXAS VOLUME25, NUMBER 18 JULY 2 - JULY 8, 1999 9 BOOKS Slut! Growing Up Female With A Bad Reputation by Daniel Harris 16 FRESH BEATS Amber's New Album On The Horizon & Much More by Jimmy Smith OF THE YEAR 20 HEALTH & FITNESS "The Pot Belly" by Michael Kasten 23 COVER FEATURE Chris Steele by A.J. Marroquinez 1999 33 HIGHLIGHT 's Red, White & You Weekend by Chris Salza 37 CURRENT EVENTS On Friday, July 9 the names of the enterlalnen 55 BACKSTAGE Beyond Opens At Dallas' Theatre Three you've said are your favorites will be announced. 59 STARSCOPE Scorpio Opposes Lucky Jupiter, The Fur Flies! ...Enjoy!! by C. Lichtenstein They'll all be invited to eo.pete on 67 TEXAS TEA 75 CLASSIFIEDS SUNDAY •. 'ULY IS 94 THE GUIDE

for over $1,500 in cash and priles. TWT(ThisWeek in Texas) is published by TexasWeekly Times Newspaper Co .. at 3300 Reagan Street in Dallas. Texas 75219 and 500 Lovett Suite 102 in Houston. Texas 77006. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWTor of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or ,; , Texas Enlertainer ,.ilC advertising in TWTis not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $79 per year. $40 per half year. Back issuesavailable at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1999 by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete repro- of Ihe Year 1998 duction of any advertisement. news. article or feature. copy or photograph from TWTIsspecifically prohibited by IAIEN federal statute. THIS WEEK IN TEXAS MAGAZINE EDWARDS Texas' Leading Goy & Lesbian Publication Since 1975 • Weekly Circulation: 20,000 DALLAS OFFICE PRESID\~~~~~WF2~rJROLLER HOUSTON OFFICE lal'l Enlertainer 3300 Reagan Street PUBLISHER 500 Lovett Blvd" Suite 102 Dallas. Texas 75219 RICHARD BANG Houston, Texas 77006 of Ihe Year 1998 Dallas Fax (214)520-8948 EDITOR Houston Fax (713)527-8948 (214)521-0622 CHRISTOPHERSALZA (713)527 -9111 DAISY E-mail: [email protected] PU:~~~EI~~~~US E-mail: [email protected] ART DEPARTMENTSTAFF:Christian Moller CONTRIBUTINGWRITERSJohn Alan Cohan. Mark Coleman, Paul Harris. Phil Johnson. Michael Kasten. DEADPETALS f ' Gary Laird, Charlene Lichtenstein. Steven Lindsey. Jimmy Smith. STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERSFrancis Alvarez. Graham. A. J. Marroqulnez, Midori. Robert Miller. Shawn Northcutt, Jerry Stevens. Tio. Albert Tovar. Advertising rates are available on request from the salesperson in your nearest city. Houston / Galveston - Steve Nally (713)527-9111 • Dallas / FI.Worth - Mark Coleman (214)521-0622 Austin - Esther Marie Anzaldua (512)445-5607 • Statewide/National - Steve Miles (214)521-0622 CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING • Brian Keever/Houston. Daddo Ceran/Dallas

TWT© 1999 Published by Texas Weekly Times Newspaper Company vwmoge 5lEqlrld~ Stephen J. Miles. Dallas, Texas Represented Nationally by Rivendell Marketing Co., Inc .• 212-242-6863 1911 CEDARSPRlIGS • DAUAS • 214-559-0650

The Label Game:"Slut, Fag, Dyke!!!" Author Daniel Harris talks to L. Tanenbaum about her new book and the social impact of stereotyping on our youth. Leora Tanenbaum is the author of "Slut! random guy? We care about your health Growing Up Female With a Bad Reputation," LT: Not exactly. It's true that the school slut may just published by Seven Stories Press. In the exhibit a casual attitude about sex, and she may aftermath of the Columbine murders, "Slut!" in fact be quite promiscuous. But a girl's sexual touches on an issue on the minds of parents and activity is her choice. When a guy is sexually teens alike: adolescent ostracism and cruelty. active, no one stigmatizes him. To the contrary: and your financial health Tanenbaum investigates one particular variety he is congratulated for being a stud. The sexual of adolescent harassment, which she calls "slut- double standard clearly didn't go away with the bashing"-when teenagers label a girl a "slut" sexual revolution. But of the 50 girls and women you are HIV+ and considering selling your life and gang up on her. The "slut" insult, like "fag" I interviewed-all of whom had been targeted as or "dyke," is a way of judging and deriding sluts-the majority of them had "not" actually insurance policy, consider this... someone's sexual status. The irony is that been sexually active. Some of them had never many girls who are called "sluts" aren't sexual- even kissed a boy when they developed their ly active at all, just as many "fags" are simply reputations. As one of the oldest and most knowledgeable skinny boys who can't get the basketball in the A girl might be called a "slut" for a number of hoop and many "dykes" are just girls who refuse reasons. One factor is if she is an early devel- viaticaI settlement brokers, we have the experience to to wear lip gloss, flirt with boys, and wear tight, oper or is just very busty. Another factor is if a cropped tops. girl is a social outsider--if she fails to conform in get you the highest cash settlement possible All of these labels describe kids who don't fit some way (new in school, overweight, a class into gender norms. Magnified by sexual meta- minority, or considered "weird" for whatever rea- through a proven competitive bidding process. We phor, their difference comes to define everything son). Also, a girl might be picked on if she is very M. Bryan Freeman about them. Tanenbaum spent three years inter- attractive and has mthe attention of boys: this work for you, not the buyer. We are your advocate. viewing fifty girls and women from around the causes other girls to envy her, and sometimes founder & Chief Client Advocote country, ages 14 to 66, who were all called they fabricate a rumor of sexual activity to make "sluts" when they were in high school or junior her less popular. Finally, when a girl is raped, high. She spoke with black, Asian, white, Latin either by a stranger or by someone she knows, Return your completed One quick, simple application. girls and women from twelve different states most people are inclined to disbelieve her. They around the U.S. They grew up with different eco- assume that the sex was consensual, and that application and receive nomic levels and with different values in cities, therefore the girl must be a "slut." No cost or obligation at any time. suburbs, and rural towns. On the surface, then, DH: How does being called a "slut" affect a a free videotape: these girls and women have absolutely nothing female? Up to 85% of face value. in common. But there is one uniting characteris- LT: When you are publicly humiliated, you Exercises for tic: They were all stigmatized in sexual terms. develop coping mechanisms. Often these cop- Confidentiality, now and always. Their stories, along with Tanenbaum's own ing mechanisms are unhealthy. Many girls turn People with HIV personal account of how she herself was to alcohol or drugs. Many develop eating prob- May qualify up to 1,000 T-cells. labeled a "slut" in high school, provide evidence lems, especially if their reputations were stirred by People With HIV. that slut-bashing is a real, serious, and preva- up by their physique. Many girls become lent problem. And, as Tanenbaum persuasively severely depressed to the point of contemplat- May be tax-free '- ask us. shows, it has enormous consequences for ing and attempting suicide. Many girls develop a everyone, not only for the girls who are serious hang up about sex that persists into harassed. adulthood. Free brochure: 14 Questions You Must Ask Before Selling Your Life DH: What made you decide to write this book? One ironic consequence is that some girls Insurance Policy. LT: I wanted to let people know about the all-too- actually become more sexually active after common experience of "slut-bashing". Just developing their reputation where they may not about every high school in the country has a have been before. Their feeling is: "Well, if peo- All policies: group (employer or association), individual (term, whole designated "slut." Being known as the school ple are going to assume this about me, then I slut is terrifying: classmates gang up on you, may as well live up to their expectations." Since life, universal), FEGlI, SGlI, VGlI and policies less than two years old. people yell out "slut," "whore," or "bitch" when these girls are initiating sexual activity to prove you walk down the hallway or enter the cafete- a point, they tend to enter into loveless, casual ria. It is a humiliating position to be in and one sexual encounters and often become emotional- that far too many teenage girls-whose self- ly hurt-not to mention the fact that they are ------esteem may be already suffering-are subjected opening themselves up to the potential dangers -- BENEFITS to. of pregnancy and disease. - ..• I'm in a position to know: I myself was known On the other hand, strange as it may seem, -.-...,. as a slut when I was a freshman in high school, being called a "slut" can turn into a positive -- AMERICA fifteen years ago. The reputation developed experience, because when you're an outsider after I fooled around with a guy whom a popular you see things more clearly than someone in the 800-777 -8878 friend of mine had her eye on. Big mistake. She mainstream can. You made that point so clearly was so angry with me that she spread the word in your own book, "The Rise and Fall of Gay Always gay owned and operated around school that I was a slut. For a long time Culture." You argued that as gay culture is guys and girls both called me names to my face assimilated into the mainstream, its loses its Member: Viatical Association of America Benefits America NA, Inc. and whispered about me behind my back. edge and becomes drab and homogeneous. Everyone gossiped about me. Likewise with any outsider group, including DH: So a slut is a girl who fools around with a sluts. Every single girl and woman I interviewed

PAGES JULY 2 - JULY s19ii JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE9 told me that the reputation made her critical of LT: First, teachers have to be able to recognize the whole good girl/bad girl script and the sexu- slut-bashing as a serious problem. Too often, 4th of July al double standard. It made her stronger and they dismiss it as part of the normal fabric of gave her a sense of freedom to go outside of the adolescent life. But slut-bashing is a form of sex- Weekend Special restrictive ideal of what a "good" girl should do ual harassment, and it is illegal under Title IX, and be. One girl said that being called a "slut" which entitles students to a harassment-free $1 Sex On gave her the freedom to have a lesbian relation- education. If a teacher witnesses slut-bashing, The Beach ship during her senior year-something she says she must make sure that it stops. She must con- she wouldn't have had the courage to do, at front the ringleader and other name-callers. Of Saturday • Sunday least at that age, had she stayed on course as a course, teachers and school administrators "good" girl. Meanwhile, a teen girl who fits into shouldn't wait for slut-bashing to occur. They Monday the perky and popular mold is going to follow all must create and publicize awareness through All Day/All Night the mainstream, restrictive rules of what it sexual harassment policies for their schools. means to be a "good" girl-which means closing Second, parents should strive to raise their chil- off her sexuality and, for that matter, her mind to dren in a household without the sexual double provocative ideas. standard. It's too easy to fall into using insults DH: How does this kind of namecalling affect like "slut" on an everyday level. How many of us other teenagers? have called Monica Lewinsky a "tramp"? Kids LT: Slut-bashing affects every girl because she pick up on this. They understand the sexual Summer internalizes the message that sex is bad and double standard and then they perpetuate it that being considered a slut is the worst thing themselves. you can be known as. As a result, girls in gener- Parents should be open about sexuality with al may be unwilling to carry or use contracep- their children-and that means being open about Nights Are tives when they do initiate sexual activity female sexuality as well as male sexuality. They because they have been taught that girls who should teach their daughters and sons that girls prepare for sex are slutty. as well as boys have sexual feelings, and that Slut-bashing also affects boys. It fosters a sexual feelings are entirely normal. That way culture of sexual entitlement that says that they won't have to pin their sexual anxieties on "easy" girls are expendable while "good" girls a scapegoat and then distance themselves from Sizzling! deserve respect. Boys corne to believe that it's her. OK to mistreat a so-called slut. And the whole process reinforces the sexual double standard. Daniel Harris is the author of The Rise and Every Tuesday DH: What can we do to stop slut-bashing? Fall of Gay Culture. China Blue's Male Strip Contest $100 Cash Prize 11:30 pm • $1.50 Well All Day/All Night Every Thursday Kourtney Wells Wet Jockey Shorts Contest 11:30 pm $100 Cash Prize l() ~ '.'~ (.~Q " I . " 'IN '.:("f") · ·M .,\~ ..'\~'l"- .'r~

lthough it's a bit early to get you all hot chant{u9~ Simone Denny. A beat-laden A and bothered over Amber's soon-to- explo/aVon in pop, their first album Broken OVER be-released second album due out in Bones (certified Platinum in Canada) has about 8 weeks on Tommy Boy, we do feel yield~dr a steady flow of chart-topping 9 that we should tell you that we just got an singlrsl as well as two Juno nomina- • advance copy and it's absolutely sensa- tions~ for "Best New Group" and tional. By now, everyone has already been "Best, \. Dance Recording." LET bouncing over her current smash "Sexual." Additi'onally, their videos have But the cream of the crop comes in "Above receiv~d~eaVy rotations on Houston The Clouds" which is the first track on the Canada\' uchMusic, garnering Leath release and we hear, the second single. 2 award~,t it year, including This time o~.tbe~Serman brothers give_a "Best Video< t{usic fans are Ad iJrE:JadX familiar~ith,Q;)any com- r--- very Hex Hector-mgeis~;J;QnyMor~"st1Iing J. that rehlly gives the girlies,. ~m6J.t!iAg'1o pilati0.Q'aIQums that,.g}lep~lTas jerk.{over. NQtA0·sli~ the Bepnan's own been Inv:~ved with, InciusiR 1100/0 crfative .,vrrtues...just~.aking\ a stylistic Dogwhistle, Gf,. ove Station and Club Cutz 1o~·~~.o mention his 1 with c comparison. The lyrics are beautifully writ- L _ tein androffer an uplifting l.EIlPpr0ch1' leaving long career as . r.adio DJ and tKe list~ner out of breath and all tender- remixer for bands i~~ New Order, h~arted 'at the end. W~lr tell YIDUall about Jesus Jones and S~nIi1YPuppy. For it ih",afew\veeks FRESH ~EATS exclu- someone who has w\>rked with every- }!;~~'#I!M sive'i.ntervieW-With~mber. Jlst mark your one from Rick Rubin,. and the Beastie book fQ~the end of Aug~tf Boys to Psychic TV's 'f3~nesis P-Orridge, 713-944-6010 While I<'was ou~e"other night I heard forming one's own banij! Vl(.asa logical next E-Mail: [email protected] one of my fa~rite DJ's, Splash's Kevin step. The ambient el~c~ronic trio BKS, 1207 SPENCER AT ALLEN GENOA South Houston. TX 77587 Frank, play the,new Barbara Pennington which also featured Henny Bekker and Exit Gulf Freeway at Airport I College. Then East 2 Miles single "24 Houts ~ Day." This is a cover, Greg Kavanaugh, released a string of suc- Open Daily 10 am M Midnight > Mail Orders Welcome and has been dpne several times over the cessful albums during the early 90's. years, but Barbar~ was actually the origi- nal. This time o~t .~he. teams up with the boys over at Alrn] h and goes off! Everything old ~ew again ... especially The New the song that ne.v'er gets too tired, "Missing" by Everyibin~ But The Girl. ~xecutive Check out the very ra~ra~nchild remixes that are currently floatln~rou ...nd for a sen- 1121 Basse Rd. • sationally darker interpreratidn ...that will (210)732-4433 have you in a state! Speaking of rarities ...Donna SUmIll.ei"'is $10 Private Lockers killing all the dance floors with her gloriOus cover of "I Will Go With You." It's all great A Private Club and fine but if you really want to get a huge for the Private Man thrill, find a copy of her new remix of "I Remember Yesterday." It's extremely hard Private Rooms Available to find but worth it if you do. Now, it's time to brag about another $20 A Night Texan! Hats off to Houston's JD Arnold and Kat Jones for their brilliant work with their recent remix projects. Everyone has been fiending for their remix of BIOndie's "Maria" and now it's availabl~.1on Logic Pride Volume 2 so check it out! In my opin>! ion, it was the absolute besf mix fbr the project. ..hands down! Also s~cond t£ none is their remix of "You're A S~perst~ I Open 24 Hours A Day 17 Days A Week I Love Inc. , .'\ Love Inc. is a musical team that features Your Home Away From Home Canada's best-known DJ/promot'er/~- er/producer Chris Sheppard anc{

PAGE 16 JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 17

equivalent. For instance, walking for an hour overall success. Reason being that when you equals weight training for 20 minutes equals are exercrsmq and dieting, you are gaining running 20 minutes. Get it? If you can do aer- muscle mass (although you may not notice it obic activity and weight training together, then for a while). Muscle, as we all know, is 20 per- you are way ahead in the race to lose cent heavier than fat. You will be exchanging unwanted pounds. Studies have shown that fat, a light puffy substance for a much heavier your metabolic rate will increase after 20 min- one, muscle. Be consistent with your girth utes of aerobic activity. After about an hour measurements. Always measure your belly preceding this type of exercise, the body re- circumference at the same place. calibrates its metabolism to it's usual speed. Be realistic about your expectations. It After weight training, however, the body can takes 3500 calories burned or depleted to maintain it's high metabolic rate for up to 9 lose one pound of fat. That means that you hours after a work out. So you see how would have to decrease your caloric intake by important it is to include aerobic and resis- 500 calories per day to lose one pound of fat tance training in your overall health plan. per week. By the way, that is the healthy way There is no such thing as spot reduction to lose weight at keep it off, a pound a week (something we have talked about before). No is the best method. exercise, diet, or fat melting process will take One last thing. Diet pills and over the away pounds exactly in one area of the body. counter remedies and quick weight loss diets Those advertisements you see in bodybuild- are very unhealthy, ineffective at keeping "11Ie Pot BellV" ing magazines and on infomercials for weight weight off and will not work in the long run. loss in a certain body area are pure bull. If And be serious and conscientious about your y very good friend was asking me the changes are encouraged by a decrease of they seem too good to be true, then they are! diet plan goals. You may never get back the physical activity and improper diet. Just M other day about his ever-growing pot Fat reduction takes place on the entire body, body you had when you were 20, but who belly. He's going to turn 40 at the end of this notice the people standing in the line at not in just one area. cares? Be all you can be by being happy and year and is really concerned that his belly will DisneyWorld, who are over the age of 45, When you evaluate your progress, please healthy. Take good care of yourself by watch- continue to grow and grow and grow. When and you'll see just how fat Americans have remember that it's not so much what the ing what you put in because, whatever you you look at him from the backside, you would become. As we age, fat gets distributed dif- scale says, but what your waistline says. put into your body is what you will get out. Put never know he has this large, hovering gut ferently than when we were young. In men, Weight loss alone can underestimate your good stuff in and good stuff is what you'll get! out front. His profile however, tells a different intra-abdominal fat increases (around the story. My pal wanted to know if there was a intestine, colon and stomach). In women, fat ------~~ way to control or reduce his ever-expanding, increases around the hips and thighs. The persistent pot belly. Having friends ask you subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin) also these kinds of questions is challenging. If you decreases as we age. You will notice older don't know someone, then it's easy to dictate folks tend to get colder faster than younger a plan of action. Friends, however require ones because of this fat redistribution. Ever some coddling. Good friends, on the other been in a retirement home? It's like a sauna! hand, get the truth without all the fluff. So, my It is true that most of us, at some time or instructions to him were simple. Stop drinking another will develop somewhat of a paunch so many alcoholic beverages, stop eating (even those who are fit). Some however, will high fat foods, stop eating late at night and develop a serious sized belly that can pose cut down on the carbohydrates (pasta, bread, certain health problems. The pot belly is the cereals, cookies, cake) especially at night! first step in a series of diseases such as dia- ltl!'liIllill1ll3l . Simple right? NOT! No sooner did I make my betes, hypertension and high cholesterol. In l,m,@:m31 ~ suggestions, than he began to excuse him- recent medical studies, a link has been found ,....suooayk between weight and colon cancer. A pot belly .'7~" ~TnllT 8 self into oblivion. "We'lil eat this cause I need • "0 energy, I can't eat early because I don't get is a sure-fire way to be on the road to medical * We Got What Girls Want * Brunch at 8.0 .t;vo home from work early, I like cake, I like to problems. It is also a major contributor of The GoldBar-1900ElmSt.(DowntownDallas) 2800RouthSt.(Quadrangle) j EntertainersNicoleHutchinsandSonyaJevette '45 Admissionco, mplimentarybuffet& openbar drink, my boyfriend cooks fattening foods." lower back pain. So my friend's concern ~.•v.~ 8 $7door,$5withWeekendPass ;;: The last time I checked, we all make our own about his pot belly is really a valid one. Not 7om-Mid' lIam-3pm decisions about what we shove down our just because of esthetics. Losing weight, ~ throats. The problem is that some of us just especially this type of weight, is a difficult task don't think, we just do! Eating becomes a for's seldom easy. But perseverance CMP$M f habitual process based on past experience. If does payoff. You can expect to lose 1 inch of ".sutxlay7.. TeA Roo"," you are used to eating a piece of cake after your waistline with every 6 pounds of weight ! 2 .DJJJlL;UJ':'~JJ ~ every meal, then it becomes a force of habit, you shed. The quickest way for you, and my * Dallas' Hottest Dance Event , *The Perfect End for a Perfect Weekend D A I I A I DJ David Knapp (NYe Roxy & Limelight) Uhe Brick -4117M I Ave SUl'fllCUTS' j not a need, to fork some chocolate Bavarian friend, to lose these unwanted pounds, is with GypsyTeaRoom-2513 MainSt. (DeepEllurn) ape . cream pie into your mouth after a meal. OK, a proper diet and exercise. Here are some '35 advance;'40 door - 10pm - 4 am House~J - '15 door- 5:30pm - II pm C back to my friend with the pot belly. pointers to keep in mind.... J I explained to him that it is known that as Every form of exercise, either weight train- TICKETS: Weekend Pass to all events: $90 advance, $100 at Girls Rule event we get older, we tend to get fatter. All the ing or aerobic exercise, work equally well if Call 1-214-331-3482 or visit Platinum Collar e 3309 Oak Lawn Ave. (214) 521-2474 e ol08118S J while losing bone and muscle mass. These the energy expenditures for the activity are TRAVEL PACKAGES: U Go Girl Travel l.877.U GO GURLe214.333.GIRL VISA lEE - t=~

PAGE 20 JULY 2 - JULY B 1999 PAGE 21 JULY 2 - JULY B 1999 Photos by A.J. Marroquinez FIRECRt\.CRER

~~~ ~~m;ill _m;'TI'TI~@ ~©wr'TI' ©~ W~'TI'TI©l]3)f 1f@~ IQ)©©ill~ (Q)lJ!m;~~'TI' ®g@@ lJ!~ 0 ~l]]©~TI~ cyg@@ lJ!~ ~~ ~ ®~i&~~""'MiSSFire~racke~ '98 ~. ~~f3.~ ~j Cl«e l,' \;,'" J Maya Douglas Michael Lee Carmen Del Rio & Scott Chalaire ~i!i ~.~.. -.- - .. ..••....- .. AND STARTING IN JULY • EVERY WEDNESDAY OOff@r}N (}.{}@~)g)©>~~ ~~. ~I3 \P~~~~! Wednesday, July 7th features Dwight Skruggs Produced And Hosted By Karen Crowell SHOW TIME 10:30 pm to 12:00 am lJJJ A.\!lH ~ ~ Something New On Cedar Springs And Something To Do On Wednesdays!

~ ~-~~.& .•••• ~~ Mter appearing on our cover in March of 1998, Chris Steele was discov- If you'd like to ered by adult video power- check him out in the house Studio 2000. Since flesh,you can usuaDy then, he has appeared in 15 find him behind the magazines and 5 films - bar at Dallas' newest Uncle Jack, Cadet, Night hotspot, The Fratern- Riders, Czech Point and his ity House. In his very latest release Trust Me. If rare spare time, Chris you'd like to see more of enjoys surfing the net Chris, you can check out and of course, working his website at www. chris- o GUESS WHO'S HERE NEXT? Saturday, July 3r COLT'S MAN OF THE YEAR & UNZIPPED COVER MODEL ~Xfil .... - Billy Be~rin.ton Q'IY THIS 4TH OF saturday, J~y 3rd ~ .. ~ JULY, THE 6:00 to 10:3<\pm _<..JST'N. Tlli!:x .•••a FIREWORKS at Mango's - WILL BE AT \ :r~ 2815 Guadalup~ ri:li.:~·~!\ ' (112 block south of 29th) LJ~ !,\\ Music and Entertainm~nt ProvIded• by Local Club DJ's• A~BUS_ Featuring 1;11l{~1S~lllSat!iJ9118l11

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RED, WGaOI1[3 ~ YOU '99 THE 2ND ANNUAL 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND OF SOCIO-CULTURAL EVENTS WILL BENEFIT HIVIAIDS AND CANCER GENE THERAPY RESEARCH The Hope For A Cure Foundation has for- after entertainer is currently scheduled to mally announced the schedule of events for appear in over twenty events worldwide this year's Red, White & You weekend. The through the end of the year. Savy party travel- annual event is the foundation's single largest ers are sure to recognize him for his memo- fund raising drive slated for the upcoming hol- rable performances and hosting stints at iday weekend of July 2-5, 1999. Last year's Miami's White Party, Gay Disney, White Party- attendance was estimated at over 1,100 and Palm Springs and at his home bar, Salvation, managed to raise over $63,000. This week- located in Miami's prestigious South Beach. In end, organizers expect to entertain over 2,000 addition to his party schedule, Palacious is attendees and according to Foundation currently featured on two internationally Trustee and producer extraordinaire, Charles broadcasted television features and is pursu- Solomon, the city of Houston is finally sharing ing a career in the television and film industry. the spotlight with other major cities like Miami, His planned performances include appear- Sunday, July 4, 1888 Los Angeles, and by hosting socio- ances at R,W & Y Bal/ /I and Freedom cultural weekend events of this magnitude. Indepen-Dance Day party at Rich's on Continuing in the tradition of providing high Sunday, July 4. quality entertainmnt, this year's weekend ros- Also slated to appear at R, W & Y 8al/l/, will OJMark MacEwan ter will feature four show- be AM Records and Billboard recording artist stopping events. The '99 Jeanie Tracy who will perform her current Top from Atlanta weekend kick off party 20 dance hit "Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You," will start with Friday's Billboard Rucording Artist Reunited welcome party at Rich's with Dallas' OJ Ric Herrington at the MARQHS helm and will feature a dual CD release promo- tion for the weekend's Circuit Diva two headlining Billboard recording artists, Jeanie Tracy and Texas-born Kitty MROW W .AW! crooner, Marqus. Living up to the saying, "Everything is big- "Keep The Party Jumping" and a medley of ger and better in Texas," Red, White & You her new releases. Described by Aretha Ball II promises to be a benefit dance gala of Franklin and Patti LaBelle as one of the best Texas size proportions that will be staged at voices in the world, Jeanie not only calls her- 18+ the Astroarena on Saturday, July 3 at 10:00 self a songstress, but adds songwriter and p.m. Producer/Remix Artist/OJ Abel (Florida) actress to her credits. She has been fortunate Doors Open At Bpm will supply the music for the star-spangled enough to work with some of the best and leg- event. Abel has made a name for himself as a endary performers in the business, including producer and remix artist with partner, Ralphi Sylvester, , Izora Armstead and Rosario. Together they are known as ROS- R&B diva Whitney Houston. Tracy comes to ABEL and are currently working with Donna Houston following her highly successful per- Summer and her upcoming CD release. formance at Miami's White Party which helped Returning by popular demand will be world spur the continuation of her U.S. Tour with AM famous Shawn Palacious a.k.a. Kitty Meow, Records. who will act as official weekend host. This Sunday's July 4th Freedom Indepen-Dance ~ world reknown illusionist has travelled the party will feature Beat Records recording artist HOUSTON globe performing, hosting, producing, direct- Marqus and Atlanta's Mark MacEwan. , ing and choreographing over 500 special In May of this year DMA Magazine heralded events in the last six years. The much sought Marqus' "Closer To You" the most important

2401 San Jacinto' 713~158-8606 JULY2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 33 ~~ White Party Week. Since then he's played Aspen Gay Ski Weekend, Atlanta's Purple "Masquerade" Party, (NYC), and pro- moter Jeffrey Sanker's "Beach Maneuvers V" (Pensacola,FL). MacEwan descibes his stYle Selling your life insurance as High Energy House Vocals that incorp-; rates tribal, latin and jazz influences. is a maior decision. On Monday, July 5 the celebration will come to a close with Red, White & You-Wet Shouldn't this option be discussed face-to-face? release of Spring '99. Originally from Texas, & Wild, a poolside Marqus currently resides in Philadelphia and mixer that will guest will treat attendees to a medley of his Billboard feature OJ Michael When you're gay, living with a terminal dance hits including "Closer To You", "Can You Tank from 2:00 p.m. to Feel It", "Feeling Lovely" and his current sin- 7:00 p.m at the illness and thinking of selling your life i gle, "Feel Your Soul". Radisson Astrodome, OJ, par excellance, Mark 8686 Kirby Dr. insurance, shouldn't you be given a MacEwan attained notori- VIP Weekend Passes and individual event ety abroad after headlining tickets are available at Box Office Tickets by face-to-face consultation in a pressure- at Puerto Vallarta's Latin calling (800)494-8497. Further weekend event Fever event over the information may be obtained from the event's Thanksgiving weekend of website at or call free environment? At linked Viatical '98, followed by succesful (713)250-9709. 100% of this weekend's pro- stints at two official Winter ceeds will be awarded to HIV/AIDS and can- Benefits, we pride ourselves in being the Party '98 events including cer gene therapy research projects across the White Stars during Miami country. 'OW only gay owned and operated viatica I

broker with local offices in Dallas,

Houston and Oklahoma City, After all,

OUf Reputation we believe in providing you the personal attention you deserve and isbuilt on our members! getting you the most money in the shortest time!

(1m-mess Call 1-800-275-30901 --L:.• 2~!!!!£ ~7 Let us show you how LWB our program will work for voul LINKED VIATICAL BENEFITS 4040 Milam • Houston (713)524-9932 3500 OAK LAWN SUITE 400 DAlLAS 214-523-9678 Mon. - Fri.5 am - 10 pm 3701 KIRBY SUITE 1036 HOUSTON 713-528-6777 Sat and Sun. 8 am - 8 pm 1400 N. SHARTEL SUITE 100 OKLAHOMA CITY 405-524-2221

PAGE34 JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 Selling ~ your life .:r..• D""'A••••• A-S For the first time, a seminar program The Living Positive Program offers indi- specifically designed to explore and facili- vidual, couple and group counseling for peo- tate growth opportunities in gay and lesbian ple surviving and thriving with HIV. Dennis insurance? commerce has been set for, October 12, at C. Hartzog, M.Ed.,has facilitated these ses- San Francisco's Argent Hotel. Business sions with PLWt\s since 1989 and has 18 Outlook '99 is the production of Com- years experience working with abuse sur- munity Marketing, Inc., a San Francisco- vivors, bereavement and depression issues. based gay and lesbian marketing and com- For more info, or to schedule an intake ses- munications company, in association with sion call (214)351-5657[voicemail # 308] / gay and lesbian business associations (214)528-5751. across North America. Members of gay and The upcoming calendar of events for the lesbian business associations and repre- Posittve-Personals includes an annual 4th sentatives of gay-friendly corporations from of July party to be sponsored by Immuno- around the world are being invited to San cise; dating workshop in Denton County, Francisco for a remarkable educational and sponsored by AIDS services of North Texas networking opportunity. Please encourage on Friday, July 9 and a retreat on Saturday, all leading gay and lesbian business peo- September 18 to be sponsored by Merck At NVR,we're committed to getting ple, as well as representatives of gay- Pharmaceuticals. For more information, friendly corporations, to mark their calen- contact program coordinator Auntjuan Wiley you the most money for your policy dars for this first-ever event. Featured at (214)521-5444 ext.151. in the shortest time- regardless keynote speaker will be Jay Conrad The Caring Friends Center, 5029 Lem- Levinson, author of the "Guerrilla" market- mon Ave., will offer free breast cancer of your health condition or type of ing, advertising and internet series. "Panels screenings by appointment on July 14. of Experts" are being formed for each seg- Testing is generously provided by the St. policy-at no cost to you. ment of gay and lesbian commerce, as well Paul Medical Center. To make an appoint- as marketing, PR, advertising, database, ment or for more details, contact Jerry Lynn We understand your situation. internet, etc. If you would like to be a fea- at (214)219-7300. Our founding President, David S. tured speaker (or if you want to recommend Lambda Weekly, lesbian and gay radio someone) email [email protected] for North Texas since 1983, airs every Landay, has been on the front lines addition, appropriate gay-friendly corporate Sunday at 8:00 p.m. on community radio and media sponsors may help support the 89.3 KNON-FM. If ¥Q.Y. know of a potential of the fight against HIV/AIDSsince conference and promotion, keeping atten- guest, call the station at (214)520-1375 or dance costs low. Qualified contacts are email [email protected]. the early 1980's. He is a founder of Broadway Cares/ --~. --- also welcome. Every Equity Fights AIDS,and a board member of the Question National Association of People With AIDS. You Need The summer event of ArtHouston 1999, To Ask On Saturday, July 10, AIDS Services of will encompass exhibitions at 28 local gal- Call our knowledgeable and caring staff, and find Before Austin [ASA] will host their sixth annual leries across the city introducing new artists Selling Your Viva Las Vegas! from 8:00 p.m. to midnight and celebrating established ones at their out how we can help you. We'll send you our free Life Insurance at the Austin Music Hall. The casino-style opening on Saturday, July 10. The day long 60-page guide to selling your life insurance, with no Policy fundraising event will feature a Vegas-style event will include several evening recep- buffet, door prizes and more than 200 other tions. ArtHouston is an event organized by 3rd Edition obligation. Call today: 800-932-0050. live and silent auction items. In addition, at the Houston Art Dealers Association, includ- David S. Landay the end of the evening there will be a draw- ing both member and non-member galleries. .,,_.TM ing for a '99 Honda Civic, courtesy of First The event is free and open to the public. For Texas Honda. Admission is $10 in advance more information or to receive a copy of the •••• ~ NATIONAL VIATOR REPRESENTATIVES, INC. and $15 at the door, with all proceeds ben- event brochure, call Rebecca McConnell at A Viatical Settlement Consultant and Brokerage - 56 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019 efitting ASA and the Capital Area AIDS (713)522-9116. Legal Project. For more information, con- Nightingale Adult Day Center is now Gay owned and operated - Visit our website at - Se habla espanol tact Heath Riddles at (512)406-6175. offering an employment assistance program Ask about our referral program, The Buddy System'

JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 37 for people who are HIV+. The program con- EWING and ASSOCIATES, INC sists of job skill training in the areas of suc- Southwest Infectious Disease Associates VOLUNTEERS NEEDED cessful job application completion, profes- 2540 Walnut Hill Lane • Dallas, TX 75229 ...... sional resume development, interview tech- FOR CLINICAL TRIAL niques and much more. For more informa- LIFE INSURANCE Board Certified in Infectious Diseases, tion, contact employment specialist Byron Internal Medicine Norton at (713)981-1543 or (713)527-6767. UP TO $350,000 au: I "c •• [iJ _VAtaN Houston's Gay & Lesbian Switchboard Specializing in Infectious Diseases, needs volunteers. The next training classes Tropical Medicine and HIV Care TO PREWNrJr BlV will be held Friday, July 9 and Saturday, July 10. In order to sign up, call them at Drug studies (713)523-4390. Anonymous HIV Testing/Counseling The Lone Star Volleyball Association Insurance Filed League meets Sundays at the Jerabeck Athletic Center on the campus of the University of St. Thomas, 4000 Mt. Vernon, from 4:30 p.m. until 9:30 PM. For further information, call (713)878-4629 or surf the web to Research volunteers are need- Family To Family Adoption Services is ed for clinical trials to test a sponsoring a free workshop for prospective synthetic vaccine to prevent adoptive parents seeking more information and immunize against OIV on how to adopt internationally. Single men, Phone Answered 24 Hours (the virus that causes AIDS). women and couples 25-57 years old are eli- House Calis Available You cannot get OIV infection gible to adopt. The workshop will be held at Columbia Bellaire Medical Center, 5314 3801 Gaston Avenue, Suite 300 from this synthetic vaccine. Dashwood 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in confer- Dalias, Texas 75246 VOLUNTEERS MUST BE: ence room 'B'. Other scheduled workshops will be conducted July 28, August 25 and • 18-60 years of age September 22. For more information, call • Gay or bisexual males at risk for Maxine at (713)219-1472. acquiring OIV The Executive and Professional Asso- • Females at risk for acquiring OIV ciation of Houston [EPAH) will host Leather • N~gative for OIV by & Lace on July 17, 7:00 p.m.-10:30 p.m. at OIV-screening test Pacific Street located at 710 Pacific St. A • Willing to accept safe-sex Mr. and Miss Leather will be selected from ~ i~~~S~~Provider dedicated to serving the HIV communit)l counseling the attending participants. Proceeds will ben- efit AssistHers. Tickets are $15 as a dona- This study involves a double-blind tion, and will be available at the door. Exercise Programs I i'" I administration of receiving either vaccine or placebo. The chances of Personal Trainers receiving active vaccine versus Nutritional Intervention placebo are 2 to 1. OIV testing is The Gay and Lesbian Community Now Accepting anonymous and free. Center of San Antonio and the San An- Massage Therapy tonio Health District, in res- Medicare, Stress/Pain Therapy FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL ponse to recent statistics, have expanded their regular free and anonymous HIV test- Some HMOs, Neuropathy Therapy UTMB ing and counseling on the third Sunday of Peer Support The University of Texas Medical Branch each month to include testing for sexually PPOsand transmitted diseases, and Hepatitis C Standard Workshops & Seminars Center for Clinical Studies (upon request). Testing is scheduled for Steroid Education HOUSTON Sunday, July 18 and Sunday, August 15 from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. For additional Insurance Increase Self-Esteem testing dates and sites, call the Center at (281 )333-2288 (210)732-4300. GALVESTON Gay Fiesta Inc., presents this year's Gay Fiesta: A Summer Dream to be held (409)772-1641 August 15 from noon to 8:00 p.m. at La Villita Assembly Hall. For more info, call Fran Mendez at (210)402-0269. 'OW JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE39 PAGE 38 JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 -GregMcNerney President, Funds For Life

The leader in viatical settlements, Funds For Life is committed to helping people sell their life insurance policy for the highest cash value. This year alone, we'll have arranged for the sale of as much as $100 million dollars" in policies. Call today ... and have Funds For Life tomorrow. L.. 1.800.556.0807 "Projected clos;ngs 011 policies through Funds For Life

PAGE43 PAGE42 JULY 2 - JUlY 8 199' JULY2 - JULY 8 1999 r-,...rrr rr~r~r~,F7 r r-' r r r- r r- r r r r r r rrrrrrrrrrrrr ,...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ,_rrr rr -" rr rf'"rr~r~r~r~r~r~r~r~r~rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rrr -" rr rr .r ;: .r rr rr rr -" rr -" -" rr~r~r~rr rr r rrrrr,..rrr,...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r I r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Irrr:rr r- r"rrrrrrrrrrrrr.r r- \ I-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr c..••e•.•".• 1I'1r.,-gII_~~~ ¥ ·,..r-,.."'r-rrrr \. .,\a'-'" \.a'*' COUNSELING & pSYCHOTHERAP rr r- ,.."..~,\e\ • n'1>e\o( at r- rr rr rr r t\d GOu r -" rr-"-"rrrrr ,-"g "a rrrrrrrrrr "'O\'(\ e·1 r r r r r- r r r r r Jtt..,t'> r rrrr-" -"rr -" rrrrrr r- "Where the gay and lesbian r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,r r r r r r r r community comes to talk. II rrrrrrrrrrr '" rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r \ ~"",' Individuals • Couples • Group • Family r r r r r- r- r- oav.. '-v Private, Confidential, Comfortable, r~r~rr ~r r t;)00 00 Home·Like Environment ~ S\l\te ~ 1S9.,\Q '1e1-&S OA- O&\\&S,., S9.'\-~Soa\\'I r Flexible Hours n'\••, nl, ,",0\)('1> r- rr rr rr r ~ -,. rrrrrr Sliding Fee Scale ~ ~e(eo rrrrrrrr Jtt..,f\c.J r rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,.. r r r r r r r r ,..r r r Insurance Accepted r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,..r r ,..r r r ,.. r r ,..r r r ,..r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r BY APPOINTMENT r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Call (214)948-5557 r r r r r r r r r ,..r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 223 S. Montclair Ave., in Oak Cliff • Dallas r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r Mastercard, Visa, Amex & Discover accepted r r ,..r r r ,..r r r r r r r r ,..r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r C C ere ere err c c c c c c c c c

Leave the Providing financial support for people facing a life-threatening illness. Details to Us. We can turn your life service. Call your local insurance policy into representative for a cash and provide you free consultation RSVP take. the entire Clult Med® re.ort with what you deserve - and start the application & create. a say and le.ltian paradhe. All meal. included. confidentiality, personal process today. Hot partie., dance., entertainment, .porb and activitie •. attention, and fast Leave the details to us.

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JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE46 JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE47 hink you have what it takes to be an erotic dancer? Let's I see how you do in wet boxers. ,&Ma~i1<~'~

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W7w$oeu;[TFUl/ s Learn Easier Ways to Have Happier Relationships

A realcouple,TonyCarroll, and his partner,Dr,Bruce W, Smith, invite you into their homefor this series of seminars in which you will learn easier ways to have happier love relationships,

Singles....I~arn to: date to find the perfect partner, profit from your earlier experiences, eliminate incompatible people faster, meet others who want what you want, explore new places for meeting people, be attracted to more appropriate partners, identify and overcome what keeps you single, understand the natural stages of relationships, plus much more, Jacuzzi Suites> Continental Breakfast Coumes .. Jearn to: solidify a new relationship, communicate more clearly, put Pool> Hot Thbs • Color TVs • Phones T recurring problems to rest, enhance romance and passion, help you both get what you want, please partner while pleasing self, strengthen the relationship, & develop planswhich ensure pleasure, Walking distance to the bars, close to The Galleria, ToNY CARROLL, LMSW-ACP the Medical Center and museums. Consultation and Psychotherapy Licensed Master Social Worker Single Gay p,jIen $115per person Advanced Clinical Practitioner National Academy of Psychotherapy M,y I, 2 Aug, 28, 29 ----,.;;'>----- Certified Imago Relationship Therapist Single Lesbians $115per person 501 Lovett Blvd•• Houston- 77006 Day One: 10 - 4 • Day Two: Noon - 4 (713) 522--5224(in Houston) • (713) 528-6708 Fax Saturday Lunch Included M,V 15,16 Sep. 18, 19 Umited Space· Call 713.522,3045 to Reserve 1-800-779-5224 G & L COUP!!! $165per couple 2211 Norfolk, Suite 50S, Houston. TX 77~8 Jun. 5, 6 Oct 2, 3

PAGE 52 JULY 2 - JULY B 1999 JULY 2 - JULY B 1999 PAGE 53 'Ii') ienvenue Theatre presents Party, On This Island is a fairy tale of star crossed ,!.£) David Dillon's comedy about seven lovers that weaves together the classic gay men who get together one evening for themes of love, loss and redemption with cocktails and a truth-or-dare style game the fabric of island culture, art, religion and that reveals their secrets, past, personali- social structure. Performances are ties and much more! Party is an adults only Tuesday-Friday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday at Ili~ Iexe:!§ experience containing adult themes and 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., and Sunday at nudity. Performances run Fridays and 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m .. Tickets are $32 for Saturdays at 8:00 p.m. through August 14 adults; $26 for senior citizens and $18 for at their Heights location on 3722 Wash- students and children 18 and under. Tickets ington Ave. For reservations and addition- to this special two-week engagement may al ticket information, call the box office at be purchased by contacting TicketMaster at (713)426-2626. metro (972)647-5700, or by visiting the Casa Manana Theatre box office located at 3101 West Lancaster. New Heights Theatre, 339 West 19th St., will present the Houston premiere of the musical comedy, Pageant. Originally produced in London by Andrew Lloyd Webber, this comedic foray into the beau- ty contest arena has enjoyed numerous incarnations in regional theaters through- out the U.S. Conceived by Robert Long- bottom, with book and lyrics by Bill Russell Christian, Rob, Randy,Todd, Kenny, Kevin and Tim star in and Frank Kelly and music by Albert Bienvenue Theatre's weekend production of Party! Evans, Pageant is a comic satire modeled FREEDOM As part of their 1999 Houston Fringe after the Miss America Pageant. Perform- Theater Festival, Theater LaB Houston ances are every Friday and Saturday Saturday July 3, 1999 • Astroarena • lOPM--{AJ;1 Sunday,J,uly4, 1999 • RICH); Houston' 9PM-6AM presents the U. S premiere of Chicks with evening at 8:00 p.m. until August 7 with Remix AnistIProducer OJ ABEL &: Circuit Diva IroTI'MEOW DJ Mark MacEwan (Atlanta) Flicks: an evening of hairspray & harmony. tickets at $20. There will be Sunday with Billboard recording artistjeanie Tracy r.; ==~-==::'I; with BiUboard recording artist J\.1mQus This English play is written and performed evening performances at 7:00 p.m. on July $'lOa:Mrm$45:W $25~ by Jackie Clune. Ms. Clune dispenses 18,25 and August 1 ($18). Group rates are "Curl Power" along with her brand of ABBA, available. For information or to make The Nolans, Olivia Newton John, Kiki Dee, reservations, call (713)869-8927. Kelly Marie in addition to her uncanny Galveston's Grand 1894 Opera House, impersonation of the incomparable Karen designated the official Opera House of the Carpenter. Performances are July 7-July State of Texas, will offer a special produc- FOUNDATION 11.Tickets are $20. For times and to charge- tion of The Male Intellect: an oxymoron? by-phone, call (713)868-7516. July 6-11. Tickets range from $7.50-$15. Friday,July 2,1999 • REUNITED' RICH'sHouston' DJ Rie Herrington (Dallas)• 9pm - 4am • $15 Monday.]uly 5, 1999 • WET &: WILD • RadissonAstrodome' DJ Michael Tank (Houston) • 2pm - 7pm • $10 Fort Worth's Casa Manana goes Show times are Tuesday-Friday, 8:00 p.m; Caribbean for the production of Once On Saturday, 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.; Sunday, VIP Weekend Pass $95 This Island, a touching musical that takes 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. For tickets and Ticket Locations' Boxow"" Tkkets(National)800.494.8497 • BasicBrothers(Houston)• LoboBookshop(Houston)• Copy.Com(Houston)• UnionJack(Dallas)• N4l (Austin) audiences on a journey to the heart of the information, call The Grand's box office at Host Hotel: Radisson Asrodorre 800.627.6461 • Travel Package: Uniglobe FlISt Choice Travel (National) 800.856.1835 Caribbean. The story is set on an island in (800)821-1894 or (409)765-1894. The the French Antilles during a violent tropical Opera House is located at 2020 Postoffice ~. mEv,ntInfonna •• or7I32~~;alSSlJll. _ storm. A huddled group of islanders ride out in historic downtown Galveston. the storm around a fire reenacting a story As a dramatic conclusion to its '98/'99 • IOTEL ASTRODOME & _ about the power of love. 'Island' is an Mastercard Broadway Series season, •••.b•••••••ov" ••••:" n"" 0 NT' n N r, NT,,, 104· American musical with book and lyrics by Houston's Jones Hall is proud to present H 0 U S TO N KRBE ,~mIEiLJlBE p Lynn Ahrens and music by Steven Flaher- the four-time Tony Award-winning musical e-~1Jpp.l~m~.m PqaO Travel e:;;J! ty-the creative team behind the the current Ragtime, August 3-15. Based on E.L. ~LA~ErOUl _ Broadway hit, Ragtime. Directed by Joel Doctorow's beloved novel, Ragtime is a Ferrell and choreographed by Lyn Cramer, panoramic portrait of three remarkable fam- _~WI OQ.!Sm~r.t l!EJJ••.,", !mIUSI1!.. with musical direction by Joe Stecko, Once ilies-one upper-middle class, white Anglo- •100% of Proceeds Awarded To HlVlAIDS &: Cancer Gene Therapy Research and Wcllness Programs JULYZ - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 55 PAGE 54 JULY Z - JULY 8 1999 Saxon Protestant; one socialist immigrant begins its 39th season with Christopher Jewish and one Harlem black. As they Durang's Beyond Therapy, July 1-August CAUTION: embark on personal voyages of self-discov- 29. This modern satire examines two of the ery, dramatically intertwined and juxtaposed 20th century's nuttiest ideas-psychoanaly- NOT SUITABLE to realistic historical events and personali- sis and personal ads. When a man and a ties. Tickets range from $15-$58.75 and woman meet through the classifieds, they FOR THOSE WITH may be purchased at all TicketMaster ticket can't help dragging their respective psychi- A LOW TOLERANCE centers including Foley's and Kroger. atrists into their hilarious courtship, Per- Showtimes are Tuesday-Saturday at 8:00 formances are on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m., FOR EXCITEMENT! p.m., Saturday and Sunday matinees at Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. and Sunday evenings at 7:00 Saturdays and Sundays at 2:30 p.m. Ticket p.m. To charge-by-phone, call (713)629- prices are $18 or $25. For more informa- 3700; for groups of twenty or more, call tion, contact the Theatre Three box office LEGACV' (713)693-2692 or toll free at (800)889-8457. at (214)871-3300. Oscar Wilde's famous farce, The Beginning July 9, Hip Pocket Theatre "As a gesture of our commitment to the com- Importance of Being Earnest, comes to presents the premiere of Old River High, a munity, I am pleased to offer you the chance to Houston's A.D.Players Grace Theater. new work by Fort Worth's resident play- purchase an exciting new 1999 Subaru at actu- The play will be staged from July 9-August wright Johnny Simons. The play is des- al dealer invoice. This offer will be announced 15 at their 2710 West Alabama location with cribed as "a late 50's idyll-not Grease, not to the general public in the near future, so see previews on July 7 and 8. Showtimes are at Happy Days, not what you think"-that me soon for the best selection. Offer valid on 8:00 p.m. on Thursdays through Saturdays focuses on the joys and craziness of a all Subaru models except the Forester and and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets prices yearbook come to life. Shows will take lmpreza RS. " are $17 and $14 for groups of fifteen or place at the Oak Acres Amphitheatre more and seniors over the age of sixty. For Friday-Sunday at 9:00 p.m. Tickets range -"Gov." Bobby ticket information and seat availability, call from $8-$12 with half price tickets every the theatre box office at (713)526-2721. Sunday. Call (817)246-9775 for reserva- Dallas' Theatre Three, 2800 Routh St., tions and more information. ~ OUTBA~H~

P.S.Remember, we will also donate $100 to the charity of your choice with every new car pur- chase.

... Your Community Connection written & performed by Proud founding sponsor of the Rainbow JACKIE CLUNE Endowment and National Sponsor of The HRC. The Rainbow Card,m benefits com- DIRECT FROM LONDON! munity health, civil rights and cultural interest. "Gov." Bobby GuiloHe iinlifil Get Curl Power and ABBA, For more information call 800-99-RAINBOW. SUBARU SILVER AWARD OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN, MARIE OSMOND, KELLY MARIE and Jackie's brilliant, uncanny impersonation of the ARLINGTON fWifil GREAT KAREN CARPENTER Jackie sings their biggest songs and reveals the "true" stories of their careers! If you ever wore polyester, flares or platform shoes this is the show for you! (;-m=~ Wednesday, July 7th thru Saturday, July 10th at 8:30 pm (817) 861-3377 Sunday, July 11th at 7:00 pm Thursday, July 15th thru Saturday July 17 at 8:30 pm zn E. Division Arlington, 1X 76011 FOR TICKETS CALL (713) 868-7516 FEATURING A FULL LINE OF QUALITY PRE-OWNED CARS

PAGE56 JULY2 - JULY8 1999 I Jiiiy 2 - JULY8 1999 PAGE57 jULg 2 - jULg 8 1999 Berry BUCKley ~OlJ~W ~~ ] ~~Ll J11)orn ~~[(OOOrn9 UM

CANCER (June 22 - July 23) Is it possible to ways than purely financial. There is a great have too much of a good time? The Mars / temptation to shop till you drop or to be lav- Jupiter opposition pours it on hot and heavy. ishly generous to lovers and other toys. They Do I smell something burning? Is romance in say that you can't buy love but they never said the air? Be advised, pink Crab that this is a fast anything about raw sex. Ask for a hard copy and furious transit; the love of the moment receipt.. could indeed be a love of the moment. Ever SCORPIO (October 24 - November 22) Fiery hear of a trip to the moon on gossamer wings? Mars moves into your own sign and opposes Expect one of those things. Jupiter this week. Partners demand considera- LEO (July 24 - August 23) Proud Leos feel in tion. Are you willing to cash in on a bit of your command of their home surroundings but may independence for the sake of marital harmo- be tempted to attend to career issues that take ny? (Hint: the answer is, "Of course!") For those them away from their comfortable lair. The obstreperous gay Scorps who can't bear the Mars / Jupiter opposition encourages you to thought of compromising anything, anywhere, balance these two area of your life. BBO the I hope you enjoy ringing in the millennium with corporate sharks in your backyard. Redecorate your pet. both your home and your office. Perhaps SAGITTARIUS (November 23 - December 22) something in a prideful lavender? Proud Archers feel particularly giving and self VIRGO (August 24 - September 23) Proud sacrificing during the Mars / Jupiter opposi- Virgins push the envelope and our political tion. Maybe you are prepared to put in a few agenda when mouthy Mars opposes jolly extra hours on the job or volunteer for a worth- Sausalito Jupiter this week. Do you have an opinion? while community cause. The warning is to not & Seafood Pasta STUv.v"" State your case clearly and emphatically to rush or overdo; Mars give you extra pizazz ,. VILVEN cousin and see how far you can get. Feisty as Jupiter pulls into overdrive. You would hate h... House of \ll DESIGN Mars gives you courageous oomph and to be rernembered as the oil spill on the road ~~/t; Coleman, Inc. GROUP ~ expansive Jupiter gives you a microphone. to salvation. Testing.... testing ... is anyone Out there?? Oh CAPRICORN (December 23 - January 20) yeah, they are! Gay Caps are urged to rub elbows with corn- LIBRA (September 24 - October 23) Take padres and have fun, fun, fun when exuberant InVentory of all that you hold near and dear, Mars opposes jolly Jupiter. It will be easy to qUeer Libra. The Mars / Jupiter opposition accornplish; your personal magnetisrn lures requires you to survey the bottom line in more the troops like moths to a flame. However, be "'i:~N'~, /~(,-t,~ ,, , ·"'~:,.7·" ;'w~

I.0JRlc H;;Ii1:rf£! .::MlxDi1!:!l Meltdown '99, Re.d Wil'itef'1:f'\'l(ijJ1 '93


$15 Door $40 Advance / $45 Door Ticket Locations. IloxOIfJreTicke~(National) 800.494.8497· BasicBrolhm(Houswn)· Lobo Ilookshop(Houston)· Co!'}'Com (Houston)· Union Jack (Dallas) • N-8(Austin) Ticker Locations: Box OfficeTicke~(National) 800.494.8497· BasicBrothers (Houston) • Lobo Ilookshop(Houston)· Copy.Com (Houston)· Union Jack (Dallas) • N-8(AUSlin) Host Hotel: Radisson Asrodome 800.627.6461 • Travel Package: Uniglobe First Choice Travel (National) 800.856.1835 Host Hotel: Radisson Astrodome 800.627.6461 • Travel Package: Uniglobe First Choice Travel (National) 800.856.1835 Event lnfonnation: www.redwhiteyou.oom or 713.250.9709 Event Infonnation: or 713.250.9709 ~ •• 1fUC 1~~L9s\~o~~t~· ••rL ••••_ov£ •••£"t.co_ Wl~-.r.04 .A "W;IN~~NEc, ....._~.M!:tH5 "104 }~~S~~~~o~~~~· HOUSTON KRBE P$O ~ H 0 U S TO N . KRBE ,,& WEilJlBE C"'~PRt~!'!~ c ~Upf!'.~"m~m P~O Travel ,.• w_ o.qt!Sm~ri ~ ..---- o.JJJ!s.J.IJ~IiiIJ••·.". ---1()()% 6: • of Proceeds Awarded To HIVIAIDS Cancer Gene Therapy Research and Wellness Programs • 100% or Proceeds Awarded To HIy/AIDS & Cancer Gene Therapy Research and WeJlness Programs

PAGE62 JULY2 - JULY8 1999 I JiJiY 2 _JULY8 1999 PAGE63 Bill Sanders, D.V.M. st gay dance bar. ling floors with Visit 2525 Wycliff, Suite 103 Dallas, Texas 75219 and lights around. Houston (214) 520-8835 AND STAY AT Th on THE Anything good is WI Open Thursday-S t9pm Montrose 301 South Ochoa • El 15.533.6055 Inn Walk to 15 Gay Veterinary Hospital and San Antonio Mining Company Bars! Grooming Salon "The Friendliest Cruise Bar In Town" EVERY ROOM: .Gift Certificates Available Open Daily 3pm-Zam • QUEEN BED & 2ND for Grooming and 800 E. San Antonio • EI Paso • 9XS-S33-9SX6 BED • TV • VC R • GAY Veterinary Services MOVIES. PHONE • FREE PARKING • FREE BREAKFAST • FREE SNACKS & SOFT DRINKS • FREE LAUNDRY The "Basic & Butch" Gay Male Bed & Breakfast IN the Gay Bar District Rooms from $59 SHARED BATH Rooms from $79 PRIVATE BATH PLUS TAX ADD $10 FOR 2ND PERSON ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 408 Avondale 800-357-1228

PAGE 64 M.A. Productions By Special Arrangement With Alan Gellman SAN ANTONIO TEA - features If you missed the fun at the Copa S.A. and JUMEX Productions weekly events that are fun and packed to last Friday, and many in San Antonio didn't the rafters every week. Monday Night is because the club was full for the Spurs Presents The 6th Annual International Music Night with DJ Pete, game being shown on their giant screen your hostessJenny McCall and guests Tersa TV. The festivities lasted long after the Matthews, Jade DeSante and Kourtney game. This week, they are celebrating their Devereaux. Tuesday's A Star Is Born brings official grand opening-look for more out all the new girls competing in details in their ad. There will be a special Pauletta'sTalent Search. Come on out a be appearance by San Antonio's very own a star! Wednesdays, Shady Lady hosts San dance troupe, Arte De Danza Regional, Antonio's go-go gods with drink specials along with a mariachi group to entertain all night. Tandi's TeaThursdays with hostess the crowd, starting at 11 p.m .. If that's not Starring Dallas' Favorite Erica Andrews, Layla LaRue, Melissa enough, check out their drink prices for Crawford and Denise Mykels. Friday night this weekend. LastTuesday,the Gay Dart Me and Hostess Follies with hostess Shady Lady, Erica League of San Antonio held their annual Andrews and Tersa Mathews. The Sunday banquet, with catered food, drawings, Donna Day Super Show featuring Miss Gay USofA award presentations and a benefit show for Erica Andrews, Shady Lady, Pauletta Leigh Chrissie's Kids hosted by one of our Former MDGUSofA and special guests is always a huge hit. Titleholders Lastweekend the Saint featured a beach Danyelle Winters Kourtney Van Wales Whitney Paige

And Miss Gay Dallas favorites, Joey. Great night for everyone. US of A Next on the schedule is the "Studio 54" J999 party and here are door prize winners show on July 10 hosted by the Firedancers Denise Mykel~ Matt, Jose, Denise Mykels and Rene [above). Don't miss this event.. [above, l-rl. Coming in July, Miss Alamo Papi Chulo Nite is set for Thursdays at Plus Miss Gay Texas City USofA 1999 with your hostess and Myth, in addition to the already-popular MC Jenny McCall, Co-hostess Miss Pauletta Boxer Shorts Contest. Latin music ala Ricky US of A 1999 Leigh, with special guest Miss Alamo City Martin will be featured. Other additions to USofA Corrina Foxx, Miss Gay Texas Myth's line-up include Spotlight Dancers Layla LaRue USofA Layla LaRue, Miss San Antonio on Friday and Silhouette Contests on USofA Jade DeSante and Miss Gay USofA Saturdays. Make sure you get a taste of the the beautiful Erica Andrews. What a show, stuff which legends are make of, only at make plans to attend. The Saint extends their congratulations to the San Antonio Spurs.... What a night it was at the Annex last Friday for the championship game which of course, the San Antonio Spurs WON. Things really got loud and busy; ask man- ager Pete if he can even talk by now. Any how, everyone had a great time. The Annex has some big events coming up in July, so Myth. Here's a CRUISE CAMERA photo of be sure and watch for all the details right Myth manager Will and Mario [above, l-rl here in TWT. There's always some hunky putting their heads together planning their men and a fun loving crowd hanging out at holiday weekend party time ... the Annex. Come on over and check it Regretfully, we forgot to identify Lauren out.. .. Capri as the second runner-up at the recent

JULY2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 67 Miss Gay San Antonio at Large hot sweaty men. Afterwards the roof is the that Alfredo has in store for you at Pageant. Please best spot to catch the fi reworks... Bamboleo's. Last Friday night, our CRUISE accept our apolo- Charlie's invites you to the Austin Tavern gies, Bonham Guild's Picnic at Waterloo Park on July 4th ~-"~ Exchange party at 12 noon. Volleyball tournament begins TRAVEL THRU TIME boys Mike and at 1 p.m. and you can contact the friendly Javier [left, I-r) folks at Charlie's for more information. & BECOME YOUR Following the picnic will be the Super posed for the CRUISE CAMERA during a recent Sunday Show featuring Emcee Lauren FANTASY PERSON! visit to the club. The visitors still pack the Taylor, and special guestsVanessa Raye party palace nightly to experience the JOIN OUR 21sT ANNIVERSARY FANTASY and Goldie Hanes. Make plans to party all finest and fiercest party in the Alamo City. FEST, THE MOST OUTLANDISH ADULT weekend at Charlie's. Make your way over, and check it out this COSTUMING CELEBRATION YOU'LL DALLAS TEA - Every year, the state of CAMERA found bartender Guerro and cute EVER SEE! 10 DAYS & NIGHTS OF weekend .... Texascomes together to cast their votes for customer Tino Lerma [above, I-r] checking NON-STOP OUTRAGEOUSNESS! FOR Silver Dollar and Texas Entertainer of the Year and now is the out all the party people and having a great RESERVATIONS OR FESTIVAL BROCHURE, Pegasussaid farewell to time. The top vote-getters will compete live time ... CALL (305)296-1817 OR VISIT US AT: manager Lonnie [right) on stage at the Village Station on Sunday, The Round-Up Saloon will host the 11th WWW.KEYWEST.COMIFANTASYFEST this past Sunday and July 18 for over $2500 in cash and prizes Annual TGRA Sunday July 4th with Miss ACCOMMODATIONS GUIDE: everyone wants to wish and the right to represent Texas in the 1999 Firecracker '99. Cookout on Patio by TGRA KEY WEST: (800)527-8539 him good luck. Make National Entertainer of the Year. Laken with showtime at 7 p.m .. All Proceeds ben- sure to check out all that LOWER KEYS; (800)872-3722 Edwards will step down as '98 EOY and efiting TGRA Charities. Guests include is going on inside and SPONSOREDBY KEY WEST THE UNCOMMON PLACE, '98 National EOY Daisy Deadpetals will emcee Michael Lee, Miss Firecracker '99 outside of the club. They THE FLORIDA LOTIERY, PIER HOUSE RESORT & show off her unique talents. Everyone at Ellie Mae, Maya Douglas, Carmen Del Rio CARIBBEAN SPA, BELL SOUTH, OCEAN KEY . are gearing up for a most I ."." I TWT would like to congratulate Laken and Mr. Gay Round Up / Mr. Gay Dallas HOUSE RESORT & MARINA, BACARDI, KEY WEST memorable 4th of July celebration. You Edwards for her victory in Denver, Scott Chalaire. New at the Round-Up every HILTON RESORT & MARINA. won't want to miss this big weekend. See Colorado this past weekend as she came Wednesday "Comedy Hoedown in the OCTOBER 22-31,1999 you there. home with the title of Miss Queen City. Parlor" July, 7 features Dwight Skruggs AUSTIN TEA - The Forum definitely This title will take Laken back to Miss Gay Produced and Hosted by Karen Crowell. KEY WEST, FLORIDA knows how th keep them coming back for America 2000 ... Showtime 10:30 p.m. to 12 p.m .. more and more. Mondays Motown Night The Dallas Tavern Guild's raffle is going Something NEW on Cedar Springs and with ParisChanel had the crowd rocking on through this Sunday, July 4 at all DTG something to do on Wednesdays! ... an screaming for more. The shows get bet- member clubs. Everyone has a chance to There is always something different ter each time and with it's move to win a trip for two to destinations in going on at the Zone and this week is no Tuesdays, along with happy hour all day Canada, the continental United Statesor exception with Monday's Wet Boxer 216 Euclid (210) 472 2800 should make it all the more festive! Their the Caribbean when they purchase one of Contest, Tuesday's Muscle Contest, Wacky new hunky bartender Christopher, on the the $1 tickets from their favorite bartender. Wednesdays, Thursday's roof always keeps us smiling. Divas Kelly You do not have to be present to win when Leather/Levi Country and Goldie had the boys and girls cheering you complete the information on the raffle Western Night and as contestants vied for cash prizes during ticket stub. Get in on the action and get Sundays on the patio. Fame Night Thursday. Bob's happy hour ready to win this fabulous prize. Enter Plus you can always find buffet Friday was no less than spectacular. often and increase your odds. All of the adorable guys like The food, the men, the drinks. It's the talk proceeds go toward this years Alan Ross Richard Martin [right) of the town. Guest DJJT from The Frat TexasFreedom Parade to be held on enjoying themselves. House in Dallas had the house packed Sunday, September 26.... Check with your bar- Saturday spinning till 4 a.m. Bartenders M.A. Productions by special arrangement tender for information on Ryan and Christopher on the roof gave with Alan Gellman and JuMex Productions all the summer fun at the quite a show in nothing but boxers! presents the sixth annual Miss Gay Dallas Zone .... Sunday afternoon's tea are just a carefree USofA 2000 Pageantat Bamboleo's The Fraternity House will welcome Colt day whether you choose to gather down- Sunday,July 11 at 10 P.M.. Starring your model and adult video film star Billy stairs or lounge on the roof during the favorite emcee and hostess Donna Day, Herrington to center stage tonight in a live cookouts by Bob. He's already getting former titleholders Danyelle Winters, performance that will be too hot to be ...:=."'C-~;,.. ready for the 4th of July cookout, which he .::li!:-.::...=•.••"='••• Kourtney Van Wales, Whitney Paige, Miss missed. The cover charge for this incredible assureswill leave us breathless. Be sure to Gay Dallas USafA 1999 Denise Mykels show is $3 and will be worth every penny check out Lonnie Gordon this Saturday at ~ltc(J.e VUd~«d) and Miss Gay Texas USofA Layla LaRue. and much more with the memories you Mango's on Guadalupe. The proceeds are For information contact Manny at [214)- will go home with. New on Sundays at the San Antonio going to pay for Last Splash, which of 327-3066 orTWT Dallas at [214-521- Frat House is karaoke at 10 p.m. with Movies and more. course we are all gearing up for. Join us 0622. This must see pageant will keep you Glenn Laken and the biggest and best set Sunday for fun at Waterloo Park.There will 1031 N,E, Loop 410 on your feet and wanting more. Get ready up in town. Glenn has 6900 songs to be a pet contest, volleyball and all those (2 10) 821 .5345 for this and other summer time surprises chose from, so anyone can become a star

JULY2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 68 JiiiY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 69 I and have a ball like customers David Miller so you won't miss a moment of true Drayke, Candy Cook, David Marcus and Dallas Eagle fun .... McCalVKelly Productions Heather Dolan [below, I-r]. Check out the JR's introduces EdnaJean Robinson's presents Mister Monday Strip Contest July 5th. Think Ill' you have what it takes to be an erotic dancer? Let's see how you do in wet box- ,ll ers. First prize is $75 and the chance to ,III ~ Mi~~llam~~ib~~~U1'" ~ dance at the Village Station. This past ( Monday. July 19 • 11:00pm hottest amateur strip show every Tuesday night when China Blue brings you her tal- with ents and some delightful dancers every week for your enjoyment. Thursdays fea- MC Jenny McCall ture the madness of Kourtney Wells with Wednesday night our CRUISE CAMERA caught her Wet Jockey Shorts Contest at 11:30 cute customers Matt, Dan, Paul and Co-MC Pauletta Leigh Check with manager [an Milstead for infor- Brandon [above, I-r] enjoying their summer mation on all of these hot summer specials with all the hot men on Cedar Springs.... and watch for Wednesday's new Talent Crews Inn is celebrating the 4th of July Special Guests Night with hostess Miss Gay Texas Charity with a bang all weekend long with specials Missalamo City usofa '98 Corrina Foxx Case beginning July 14.... and fun enough for everyone. Kick your holiday weekend off this Friday with trash MissGay Texas usofa Layla LaRue night with OJ Chris Austen at 9 p.m. MissGay usofa Erica andrews Make no mistake, this disco night will take you back and set your boogie shoes on MissSan antonio usofa Jade DeSante fire. Saturday and Sunday feature happy Miss Gay Fiesta Tersa Matthews hour from 12 noon - 9 p.m. and the hottest male dancers from 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. This MissTri-States Usofa Monique Johnson and San antonio's Latin Queen Shady Lady Very sexy Village Station customers Gabriela and Miss Gay Universe Lindsey Adams [above, l-r] know where to find the Former Titleholders fiercest party in town. Always packed full ariel andrews • Toi Brooks • Dita Marlo of beautiful people, the Station gives you more dancefloor, more music videos, more past Tuesday night, our CRUISE CAMERA cap- Tatissa Mychaels • alexis Nicole Whitney shows, more of everything you like to tured this threesome-Melody, Mr. Gay make the party right. With the holiday Universe Kristian Kline and Bianca [above weekend now in progress, you can double I-r] having a ball. Make sure to include your pleasure and double your party fun Crews Inn in your holiday plans.... . when you make the Station your party des- The Zandunga Bar on Maple has some- tination. Check it out tonight... thing every night for their customers. And The month of July at the Dallas Eagle is Saturday night midnight musical chairs is full of events and specials that will turn the not to be missed. Check with Mrs. Perla heat up and cool you off at the same time. Next Friday, July 9, the Eagle will welcome TXMC to their club. On Saturday,July 17 Mr. Texas Fantasy is at 8 p.m. with a $5 COverand a Leather Knights Slave Auction. Sunday,July 18, Larry Arbo presents "Christmas in July," a benefit for AIDS Services of Dallas starting at 8 p.m. with a door donation of $3. Friday, July 23 at 10 p.m. is a Dallas Area Male Naturalists Carrillo owner [above, r] with handsome Party.Check with Dallas Eagle owner Matt customer Joey [I] for specials and events

JuLY 2 - JULY8 1999 PAGE 71 female Hot Buns Contest this Sunday July 4 announced Dominique Denman [c) as the IndepenDance. For more details and for this weekend and all summer long. club's Star Search Gold grand prize winner. information, check out the HIGHLIGHT article Check out an evening at 'Z' Cabaret every with $100 for both. Your Me's for the buns / Ms. Denman received a $150 cash prize on pg. 33 of this issue.... Thursday with female impersonators as contest will be Lauren LeMasters and along with a $50 donation to her favorite This Sunday,July 4, the Venture-N, hosts celebrity look-alikes, MC EssenceDeville Ashley Rhone. The party will go on all, the Stone Soup Pantry.This "Stars, Stripes & Pink Triangles Forever" as Dionne Warwick and special guests weekend long as Mama and the staff show . weekend, while they're welcoming the featuring a tasty barbecue at 1 p.m. and a every week. Every Friday brings Salma and their holiday spirit with drink specials and participants of the 14th annual Texas truly stunning show at 5 p.m. Weekly guests at 11:30 p.m .. You can never tell after hours. Coming in July, Victoria West, Kofi and Maya Douglas and on August 1, Invitational Bowling Tournament, the highlights at the club include Monday Club what you will see at the Z-Bar.... friendly folks atJR's will be celebrating the Night, Tuesday Harness Night, Wednesday The Caring Friends Center invites you to Miss Gay Arlington. Congratulation to the ,4th of July with that infamous well vodka Bare Chest Night, Thursday Uniform Night join them for lunch this Sunday, July 4 at 1 newly crowned Miss Gay Fort Worth Candi Carroll and 1st alternate Fallon Scott. Both juice drink special, SRO karaoke and a and a tasty Sunday barbecue for 5-7 p.m .... p.m. They'll be serving hamburgers, hot Candi and Fallon will represent Fort Worth . super strip show on Sunday.... The list of things that you can count on at dogs, fried chicken, BBQ, potato salad, Summer is sizzling and the Montrose Pacific Street always includes incredible coleslaw, apple pie, ice cream and water- in the Miss Gay Texas2000 Pageantthis Mining Company's tropical patio and new dance, cheap drinks and a multitude of melon. Caring Friends Center continues to September when Charity Case, a Fort full service bar is a great magnificent men. If you want to put a little serve men, women and children with HIV/ Worth favorite will step down. place to celebrate the 4th extra sparkle into your celebration this AIDS and women with breast cancer. of July. That's where the weekend, join Make your reservation now. men of the Mine serve up Christine and Lloyd TARRANT TEA - D.J.'sBar and the club's new variety of [left, I-r) and all of Restaurant, 1308 St. Louis Street, proudly imported draft beers. your friends at P.S., presents an Independence Day Weekend They also throw in some wher the fireworks Special Holiday Show. This Saturday July, 3 big, buff male dancers continue all night at 10:30 p.m .. With entertainment by Ms. like Chris [right) and "the long. The club's Jessica Lord, LaTashaLaMoore, Michelle best damn sound in weekly party Lynn, Cindy l.u, Deb "0", Nancy, During JR'sexciting town" to make sure that schedule continues Bosephus, Tammy, Nitty Titty Dirt Band and HOUSTON TEA - you'll be coming back for to be highlighted by Tuesday Executive Calhoun. Come Celebrate the 4th of July at seventeenth anniversary party, karaoke hostessMarsha Carlton [above, \] and more.... Night featuring no cover with a personal D.).'s.... . This weekend, July 2-5, The Club is business card, Wednesday Hump Night Magnolia Station will host a male and special events coordinator Randall lobe [r) celebrating its 26th anniversary with four with its "Be My Guest" get-in-free party days of locker, room and membership pass and Thursday Muscle Market offering specials, giveaways and catered cookouts. free admission with a current gym card.... Get on over to the Club and enjoy some fun !!:";'I? in the sun.... This Sunday, Don Gill Productions and Tfe Montrose Inn are highlighting the boliday with the Boy of Montrose Contest at Mary's. Proceeds benefit PWA Holiday Charities. Submission begins at 7 p.m ....

Last Sunday, Picasso was the site ofThe Goddess '99 Pageant.At the end of the evening, talented Tara Dion [above, c) was crowned the winner. She is surrounded by fellow contestants, first runner-up Following last weekend's , Dyan Michaels, contest Rich's presented Pizzazz and All That Jazz, emcees and event a star-studded extravaganza that featured organizer Byron Norton. Miss Gay USofA Erica Andrews, Mr. Gay This Sunday,July 4, TexasGregory Bosarge, Kara Dion, Picasso'sown Lindsy Love Christina Rossand a couple of delicious [right) welcomes special dancers [above). Tonight and Sunday, Rich's guest Lawanda Jackson for welcomes two parts of the Red, Wh ite and an Illusion 2000 all-star Youfour-day weekend- Reunited and blowout.. ..

JULY 2 - JULY B 1999 Jiiiy 2 - JULY B 1999 PAGE 73 PAGE 72 at there favorite watering hole .... I! Last Saturday's Gay & Lesbian Pride If by chance you prefer the surfside Paradewas bigger and brighter than ever. atmosphere, be sure to check out The huge mirror ball hanging over the Boulevard Saloon. The club's panoramic ,1"11 intersection of Montrose and Westheimer view of the ocean is lovely.... was absolutely amazing. Be sure to look for So you say you like a cruise bar? Well, San Antonio. Very popular San Antonio bar with a a full spread of parade pics next week. FOR RENT strong following. Excellent cash flow, bottom-line Pec'son Postoffice is the place you want to TEA BY THE SEA - The Island is sizzling financials, great lease terms, low operating expens- be. Bobby and his staff will treat you Austin. Free Apartment Locating. 14 years expe- es and it's fully equipped. This is a perfect opportu- IIII hot this summer. With all the new clubs right.... rience-courteous, efficient! (512)495-9988. nity for someone to assume a "turnkey" operation, at that have been opening in the recent Moving to Austin? 1-800-807-3065 for relocation the right price!! For seriously interested parties Rumor has it that a new country & west- months,gay travelers certainly have a lot to packet. Windsor Company. only!! Forward all inquiries to BM Ent., P.O. Box ern bar is about to unleash a grand pre- 12411, San Antonio, TX. 78212 or email choose from when visiting the Texas Gulf miere. Look for more information about Austin. Near Barton Springs/Downtown: Huge one [email protected]. Include a name and method of Coast. Our Island tour and two bedroom units, gas water cable paid. Free contact for a prompt response. Those that are mere- The Sand Dollar Saloon in upcoming covered parking storage. Small complex, tropical starts off with the ly curious need not respond. issues.... pool, skyline views. Chateau de Paris. (512)707- soothing sounds of the And for great summer getaway, don't for- 9554. only piano lounge that Dallas. get about Hollywood @ Galveston, the HONDO PARK the Galveston area has Island's only gay bed and breakfast resort. National. Highest paid National agency SEEKING 2544 Hondo Ave. the next BIG PORN STAR for video, dance tour and to offer, Le Papillon. (214)522-8436 This is a great place to escort work in all areas. Make excellent money- [email protected] fast. (888)325-1967. relax and jack [right] is - Nationwide. always happy to serve 1/1 studios, lofts, flats. bills paid (including full cable). CONTROLLED access, skyline views, tropi- your favorite refresh- TRANSEXUALS cal pool/spa, Quiet lifestyle complex and caring 888-325-1967 ment. ... management. Texas. Seeking young athletic to bodybuilder types And if by chance Dallas. Oak Lawn, 2/2 w/full size washer/dryer con- for escort work. We can promote and make you your looking for the I . '.' nections.$725.00, plus $400 deposit. 1/1 $450 plus excellent money, call (888)325-1967. alternative nightclub '\ / ! $250 deposit. Both units ALL BILLS PAID. (214)520-2497,for details. Dallas. Crews Inn/Zippers is seeking bartenders scene, be sure to stop in at Evolution. On and barbacks. Call David Moore at (214)824-4749. Dallas. Fridays and Sundays, the largest show cast Dallas. on the Island give you the best in female IMMEDIATE OPENINGS MELROSE PLACE for all bar staff positions, door, bartenders and bar- impersonation with talented entertainers Rich R. Rangnow, Community Director backs. Contact Laurie at (214)520-2497. • Starting at $450 THE BRICK MOBY DICK • Plush new interiors • Controlled access gates Dallas. Wanted Escorts (214)443-0794. • Eff., one and two bedrooms Houston. Now hiring Bartenders, Barbacks and • Tropical landscaped courtyards Doorman. Apply in Person. M-F 2:00-4:00 p.m. • Seconds to Cedar Springs, Tollway and 1-35 2517 Ralph. No calls please... 2816 Lucas· (214)526-3473 Houston. Expertise services is a 15 year company Houston. 45/610 North, 2/1 house, all new, fenced looking for bondable, honest, self motivated people yard. $600. Betty/Agent (713)697-2852. to fill cleaning positions. We are in West Houston @1-10and Hwy 6 area, must have transportation to Houston. office and home. We provide transportation during MOTEL business hours. Working hours are Mon-Fri 8:30 Montrose bar area 2 story refurbished 1930's home a.m.-6:00 p.m. One week paid vacation after first Pvt. bdrm/antique-ciaw bathtub and shower/kitch- year. Serious callers ~. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. like Serina, Miss Gay Teen Universe Tionne enette. Open June 25th thru July 7. Pride thru July (281)467-3799. 4thweekends~. Basic, Gay Male bed and break- DiCarlo, Jamie LaDay and jasmine [above, fast accornrnodations-. (713)521-1613. Houston, I-r]. Every Friday and Saturday, Evolution is THE CLUB HOUSTON Houston. Highrise 23rd floor with Balcony and Now accepting applications for all positions. open till 4 a.m.... downtown view. Recently remodeled, one bedroom Janitorial/Clerk Maintenance. washer/dryer $950/month all inciusive. Available APPLY IN PERSON ONLY AUQ 1st. (713)862-2091 NO PHONE CALLS Houston. Great deal! 2 bedroom, all bills paid. 2205 FANNIN, HOUSTON. ~3)688-8845 or (713)770-9707,610/290 area. Houston. Houston. Westbury Sq. Townhomes, 1,2 and 3 bed- HAIRSTYLIST AND MANICURIST roomsfor sale or lease. From $495. Jack (713)729- LEGENDS HAIR DESIGN ~99. Agent. A well established Montrose area Salon has private Houston. AVAILABLE NOW. Law office in the stations available for lease or commission (For Shepherd Plaza area with library, break-area, Stylists w/ Clientele). (713)527-0188/(713)527-8118 reception,ample parking and non-smoking environ- Tony. ment.$350/mo. Call John at (713)521-0867. Houston. Florist needs help delivery, plant mainte- nance, preparation of fresh flowers and general FOR SALE help. Must know key map; full and part-time. And over at Kon Tiki you be sure to say Tim (713)521-7111. "hi" to the friendly staff and management. ~allas.Houses/condos, Owner Financed, low Houston. Wanted: work to do in my home. Please As you can see, [ason, Vincent, and Eric ~, easy qualify. Call (214)350-4507. page me at (713)727-3840. [above, I-r] know how to enjoythemselves JiiiYz - JULY 8 1sss PAGE 75 JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 74 NationallTexas. SMALL ENDOWED? Dallas. prefer us? 100's state/nationwide, Details. SASE, San Antonio. ROBERT YORK OBITUARIES COLLEGE GUYS p.O.Box610294, Bayside, NY 11361-0294. HOUSE CLEANING TeXas. (21 O}228-4196 Also hiring. HOT TEXAS MEN (214)314-8900 CALL NOW! MEET HOT TEXAS MEN TONIGHT! Alfred Ramos San Antonio. MARC Houston/Statewide. Record, listen and respond to ads free (October 28, 1968 - June 9, 1999) Austin (512)478-ACMEoHouston (713)526-9393 6 ft., 1951bs, Good Looks, Great Body. Dallas (214)953-ACMEoSanAntonio (210)614-8833 Our beloved Alfred Ramos of Austin cell (210)241-4155. AMERICAN MOVERS EXPERIENCED. TRUSTED· INSURED 18+, use free code 9017 Texas, was called away by Our San Antonio. TREY (210) 615-0911. (713)522-1717 National. II' FREE LIVE HOT GAY CHAT Heavenly Father to his eternal rest on San Antonio. WE SELL BOXES! JASON HOLLYWOOD MANHOLE June 9th, 1999. Dearest AI, you touched (210)804-9351 And Deliver Them Free' powerCruise, Orgy Rooms, Personals More! I I, (800)522-2670 (213)213-6999 so many lives with your humor and per- TxDOT: 005282035C 'THE HARDLINE' sonality. You made me laugh and you 2412 Taft A Houston, 77006 (617)933-3499 Dallas. 'In selected areas with minimum order. Hard Men--Hard Core! made me cry, but for almost ten long The Market Antiques and Home Furnishings Only Low Regular LD Rates 18+ Houston. years we were good friends. Now you in Dallas has a variety of full time Texas. DETAIL CLEANING SERVICE are at peace, above, watching over us. positions available with benefits: Residential. Commercial> Make Ready MEET LOCAL GUYS TODAY! Inwood Village: Interior Design/Sales Associate Bonded. Insured FREE to browse and respond to personal ads. Dear Friend, rest in peace, till we meet 100% Local system. (214)352-1220. (713)869-3195 Pgr (800)391-8241 Austin (512)480-84000 Dallas (972)705-9500 again! Preston-Parker: Delivery/Stock Person (972)596- Houston. Need a shave? (713)727-6661. Houston (713)225-5500 Love and God Bless, 2699. Houston. Hate housework? Let Lavelle! Use Pub. 649 (18+) Interior Design/Sales Assoc/Office assistant (713)529-0228. Texas. Art Garza (214)748-0472. Corporate Office: Office FREE COMPANIONS Assistant/Full Time or Part Time (214)748-0472. Houston. "GUARANTEED SINGLES" Your Friends: Bill Smith, Richard Riley Dallas. BOX BOY MOVING IN YOUR AREA Call (900)388-0300 Ext:6601 Ray Hackerr, Robert Ramos, Richard A, Gay owned and operated! Must be 18+ $2.99 min. ALWAYS READY Kenny, Gilbert, Randy, Roel, Roy and (713)524-2288 Houston. THANK YOU TO ALL FROM BOY LUTHER Didi MOVING AND DELIVERY Houston. Just a note to say how much I appreciated the GARY BREWTON, M_D. packed house we had for the LOCKOUT '99 Apartments, Residential, Offices. Primary Care for Adults party, and the money we raised for 1745 West Alabama· Houston, Texas 77098 PWA Holiday Charities. Willie Lee White III (713)529-9224. facsimile (713)529-9311 (214)343-7041 I look forward to running this weekend and the Boy Board Certified in Internal Medicine of Montrose contest at Mary's...Naturally. (FuFu) Houston. We take your move personal. (June 19,1964 - June 8,1999) FRENCH'S Willie White III (FuFu), 34, of Waco, Dallas/Fort Worth. MOVING National. MEL'S Northwest Florida Dance/Cruise Club For Sale. passed away Tuesday June 8, 1999, at a (713)861-1212 Turnkey Operation, 10 minutes from Florida's AREA MOVERS TXDOT#534438B Whitest Beaches. P.O.Box 1385, Albany, GA.31702. local hospital. Survivors include his par- Mel Mitchell and Phil Taylor Houston. Mr. Domestic. House, offices, condo and ents Willie and Hattie White; a sister (214)720-4419 apartment cleaning. (281)492-8460 TRA VEL Marilyn White; seven uncles; three All credit cards accepted. Houston. aunts; a roommate Donald Robertson; Dallas/Ft. Worth. Lan Mann construction. No job Dallas. AHOY CRUISES too big or too small. Call Larry (214)770-4433. RAINBOW MOVING CO. and a host of nieces, nephews and loving Your Cruise Specialist Dallas. "Tender Loving Care" family and friends. Back by popular demand Insured (713)942-2507 2 for 1 Scandinavian special http://www. (214) 522-1972 or (800) 484-2910*3772 FuFu will be in our minds and hearts MasterMovers Texas. forever. He was kind with a helping hand 3915 Demster Avenue NationallTexas HOLLYWOOD @ to one and all. FuFu supported Dallas, Texas 75211-4960 HORNY TEXAS MEN !! GALVESTON Shows and Club benefits like no-one Anywhere to anywhere CALL TODAY TO HOOK UP WITH A LOCAL (409) 750-8900 (214)337-8101 else here in Waco. We all miss our dear GUY 1-206-457-4444 FREE! One- on -One / 1-888-899-0899 (800)289-0417 Group conferencing/virtual chat. National Studs caring friend a whole lot.i.Adios, Friend Galveston's First Gay Resort !! TX DOn000538638B Available too! 1-206-457-6666 18 and up Seawall at 31st St. for now, until we meet again. Dallas/Fort Worth. No Hidden Charges. MeXico. From: Terrell, Paige, Drillana, Billy, National. A#1 MOVERS ACAPULCO LAS PALMAS Raven, Daniel, Yanice, David, Byron, THE HOTTEST UNCENSORED Mexico's premier resort!! NUDITY, pool, bar, (800)584-5096 GAY PARTY LINES restaurant. Security, Free Brochure, call 011-52-74- Cyanna, Alan, Justine and Sheba. Full Service, Friendly Staff, Local and Long (758)457-6069 87-08-43, Distance, Gay Owned and Operated (473)441-1065 _ E/Mail:[email protected] (TXDOT#522394B (268)404-7440 (214)521-6825 Metro: (817)649-7456 Only Int'I LD Rates 18+ JUiY2 - JULY81999 PAGE81 WOKS - FREt FfElS - FREt lOVf - FREt liNKS - FREt EDUCATE YOURSELF IN DARK.PLEASURES THEY'RE HOJliHARD RED, YELLOW OR BLUE AND HU"KY HANKIES ••• FIND OUT WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT ON VOlcEMALE HOUSTONISMI! 713.850·7900 code 2113 Hattest Internet Action Hot and hunky cubs are looking for YOU on VOICEMALE DALLASTM! New! All-Goy Search fngine

Adultl over 18 only.

---- ~ - p'"''111.""0'''·' DVDs NOW Foreign • Bondage browse Amateur • Alternative , ••"..p.9••• , to' ~v~~~~ AVAILABLE SALES AND RENTALS Mainstream p"O"· ,.- _.,. HUGE SELECTION ffom6,99 NEW RELEASES 0111"'··___JO-BOOB,. DAILY! Sea. 7111 So. IH-35 • Austin,TX • (512) 442-5430 MC572 Outside local area cobe, toll charges may apply. Callers are not prescreened and Gay Live Dallas assumes no liability for who you may meet. 18 or older, please. South Bound on IH-35 North Bound on IH-35 A portion of our proceeds goes towards local AIDS awareness & education. Exit Slaughter Lane and u-turn on frontage road Exit 228 (Wm. Cannon Drive)

Jiiii; _IIIIV 0 'I nnn PAGE83 PAGE82 Hideaway 4144 Buena Vista 559·2966 D.I.C.D.l{Dal.lnvil. Columbus Day Tm. Bowling Org.) . COMMERCE ORGANIZATION (AC: 903) ANGLSlAssociation for the Needs of Gay and Lesbian Slu. JR's. . .. 3923 Cedar Springs 559-{)650 ..... 240-8351 Jugs...... 4117 Maple Ave 521·3474 Dallas Legal Hospice 370 W. 7Ih...... 941.2600 at East Texas State Univ 886·5205 Moby Dick 4011 Cedar Springs .520·MOBY Dallas Silver Sabres 3230 Adbritain or.o5211 ~@JlIlffii'i)~(AC:361) Round·Up Saloon 3912 Cedar Springs 522·9611 ...... 467·3474 Club Diva 12141eopard 882·0500 Side 2 Bar 2615 OakLawn. . 528·2026 Dal. Tavem Guild ... 3300 Reagan SI175219 521-0838 CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCHES & ORG.(AC: 361) Sue Ellen's 3903 Cedar Springs .....• 559-{)650 Deaf Action Canler.. .. 521.0407 MCC of Corpus Chrisli .... 1315 Craig st.: .. 882·8255 TMC.. . 3014 Throckmorton 559-{)650 DIFFA . .748.8580 Firsl Steps- Coming Oul Support Group 853·2993 The Zone 3810 Congress .. 559-{)880 Different Strokes Golf Assoc.. . . 4130 Proton Dr., #13.0 Gay Falhers 01Austin.. .451·5835 Socie~ 01 Friends {QlJakers) P.O. 3298178483 Treslle 412 S. Haskell .826·9988 ...... Addisonl75244 (Unless otherwise indicated, the area code for Dallas AUSTIN CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN. (AC: 512) Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Networ1c ...... 993·1207 Village Stalion 3911 Cedar Springs 559-{)650 Eastlield Lambda Student Alliance. . 324·7185 listings is 214; the area code for Houston listings is 713.) Affirmation (Melhodisl). . ... 451·2329 .... P.O. 3803178764 . .. 373· 1271 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 512) Zandunga Bar 4100 Maple Ave 521·2311 Federal Club P.O. 191153175219 699·5889 All Saints Ecumenical Catholic Church .... clo SI. George's Heart ofTexas Bears...... P.O. 884391178768 Coastal Bend AIDS Foundaton . . 527 Gordon Zippers.. . .. 3333 N. Fitzhugh. . 526·9519 Federal GLOBE of Texas, Inc P.O. 50961175250 TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS ... 4301 N.IH·35 . .374·4483 ... 344·2114 ...... 78404...... 814·2001 (AC: 2141972) ...... 264·2800 Byzantine Calholic Church 01America.. . {210)520·8213 AIDS Inlertailh Alliance. . . .. 444·0767 DALLAS COUNSELING Hel~ng Hands for Ufe, Inc. . .478·1210 Coasl~ Bend Alliance .. 881·81731{8OO)411·2027 Bedrick, Diama M. Ph.D., LP.C ..... 223 S. Monleiair Ave. Firedsncers (Ieatherlevi club) .... P.O. 190869175219·0869 Slate TGRA Inlo. . . . {210)946·7052 Dignity/Austin. . . P.O. 2666. .467·7908 HIV Denial ProjecVSansing Clinic. . . . .479·6633 Gays Getting Togelher . . ... P.O. 331394178463· 1394 ...... 75208. .948·5557 Food Panlry.. .. 521·3390 SPECTRUM. . .{800)747·9880 First Unitarian Church. . ... 452·6168 HIV Siudy Group. . .450· 1866 ...... 882·6550 Oak Lawn Community Services 4300 MacArthur Friends Assoclaling & Relaling 328·6749 THRF AIDS Legal Resource Pr~ecl . . ... P.O. 1626 Grace Uniled Melhodisl Church. . .205 E. Monroel78704 HIV W~lness Ctr. . . . clo St. George's Epls. Church loa Mujeres (Yo) . . . 854· I 547 ...... 520·8108 Gay and Lesbian Communi~ Cenler 2701 Reagan SI...... Austinl78767·1626 .... (800)828·6417 ..... 442·5944 ..... 4301 IH·35178722. . . .. 467·0088 Loving Spoonful PO. 3534178404 883·7783 DALLAS DOCTORS (AC: 214/972) ...... 528·9254 TEXAS GROUPS BASED IN AUSTIN lAC: 512) Inlegnly (Episc.). . . . P.O. 4327 . Hospice Austin...... 4107 Spicewood Springs Rd. The Passage (AIDS care residence) P.O. 1454178403 Bel~s, Nicholaos C .. M.D .... 3801 Gaslon Ave., Suile 300 Gay & Lesbian Parents Coalition tntemational·DIFW .. Am~ Inl'l Mbrs lor UG Concems ... 837· I 5961fax 836·9715 .. 445-61641478·2494{TTY) . Suile 100178759 ..... {800)445·3261 ...... 887·7042 ...... (24 hours).. .828·4702 ...... P.O. 670069175367. 521·5342, e~.808 B.O.AT. . . . . P.O. 1357178767 . . .. 472·3333 Inlertailh AIDS Care Teams (lnlerACT)...... 472·4934 Informe SIDA (informaciOn en espanol) RSIC Texas Riviera Empire. . . .. P.O. 3882178483 Nelson-Tebedo Community Clinic ..... 4012 Cedar Spnngs Gay & Lesbian Swilchboard...... 528·0022 Ecumenical Calholic Deanery 01Texas .. P.O. 10213178766 The Kingdom Seekers (cllarismalic) . .472·2001 ...... 937·6557 GaylLesbian Info. Line (OLCS) ...... 374·4483 . 1811 A S. Congress. . . . . 443·5940 .. P.O. 190869175219-0869 .... 528·2336 KO.OP Radio P.O. 2118178768. ..472·1369 DALLAS ADULT THEATER lAC: 214) P.O. 191069 . P.O. 2579178768 Swanson, Jan, D.O.. . . . 1244 S. Ridge Ct.ll03, Hursl Lesbian/Gay Righls Lobby LClACT·Lulherans Concerned (David Auslin) . Lesbian/Gay Pride Commissioo of Austin. AIIemal"es 1720 W. Mocking;;rd 630·7071 . 520·8781 .... 474·5475 .832-4159 ...... (817)268·4 100 .... P.O. 402064178704 .479·9431 DALLAS ATTORNEYS (AC: 214/972) DALLAS FITNESS CENTERS lAC: 214/972) GaylLesbian Young Adulls 2701 Reagan SI. Log Cabin Republicans 01TX . . P.O. 50484178763 Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church .. Log Cabin Republicans of Austin .. P.O. 5484178783 Kowalski, John 3210 Oak Lawn 526·9699 The Club ...... •... 2616 Swiss. .. 821· 1990 ...... 521·5342, e~. 260 ...... 467·9797 ... 13276 Research Blvd. #109 .. .219·9008 ... 467·9797 Siewart, Chartes L .. .3500 Oak Lawn 1400 Midtowne Spa...... 2509 Pacific...... 821 ·8989 Gay Married Men's Support Group 558· 1696 Texas AIDS Netwo~. P.O. 2395178768 . . . 447·8887 MCCA . . .. 425 Woodward...... 708·8002 Men of All Colors Togelher . . .. P.O. 7161178713 ...... 521·3804 DALLAS ORGJHELPLlNES(AC: 214/972) Gaymslers Bndge Club. . P.O. 190856175219·0856 Texas Freedom Nefwork . . P.O. 1624178767 MishpachalAm Echad {Jewish).... . P.O. 9591 ... 928·2590 DALLAS BUSINESSESISERVICES (AC: 2141972) Addicare Aiicohol & Drug Crisis Line. . . .. 824·6503 ...... 946·6464 ...... 322·0545 .451·7018 Nat. Lealher Assoc .. P.O. 49801178765. . .703·8927 Ambassador Capital Group. . ,4514 Cole Ave. African·American HIVIAIDS Support Group. ..941·7696 GLAADlDalias P.O. 190869175219·0869 TEXAS GROUPS BASEDIN DALLASlAC: 2141972) Open Circle at Universi~ Baplist .... 478·8559 OulYoulh (gay, les. and bi. teens) .. 1117 Red River178701 61hFloor175205. . . 559·7182 African·American Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Coalition. ... 521·5142, ext 260 Lambda Amaleur Radio Club. . P.O. 35343175235 SI. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch.. . 14311 Wells Portl78728 . 708·1234rli~pline 477·HELP Aardvark, Etc veterinary services/grooming HIVAnon. Tesling & Counseling 920·7916 522·1458 .... 251·0698 ..... 521·5342, e~.828 P. F.l.A G . .. .. P.O. 9151178766. ... 302·FLAG ...... 2525 Wycliff, Suile 103 520·8835 AIDS ARMS .4300 MacArthur 1160, L85 .... 521·5191 HIV Tesling (AIDS Resource Center) . . 528·2336 Texas Republicans for Equality & Privacy, . SI. Luke's Uniled Melhodisl Church. .1306 W. Lynn People's Communi~ Clinic. . . . . 478·8924 Crossroads Ma~et. . . 3930 Cedar Springs HIV Testing & Counseling 819· 1980 . . . P.O. 191033 ...... 520·6655 .476·8164 AIDS CliniclParirland Hosp~~ .. Prida Health Fest Club. . .. 4805 A tet Rd. .. 521·8919 ...... 5201 Harry Hines B.d. #6B 590·5632 Hands 10 Hearts (sociaVsingles). . . . 699·5763 TEXAS GROUPBASEDIN SAN ANTONIO lAC: 210) Texas Region~ AIDS Inlertailh Net (TRAIN) ... 451·0991 .707·9070 E"ng & Assoc. (insurance) . . . 888·9445 AIDS Funding Associalion . . 522·3722 Housing Opportunilies for PWAs (HOPWA) 819·1828 Texas Gay Rodeo Inlo...... 946·7052 Trini~ Uniled Methodisl Church.. ..800 Easl 50Ih Prime Timers .... P.O. 14892178761-4892 ..... 282·2861 teamer by Boots . 2525 Wyrjiff, S~le 124 528·3865 Immunocise (aerobics). . . 522·0650 ... 459·5835 AIDS Hoilhe.. . 5591243711·800·924·AIDS Projecl Transilions, Inc ... P.O. 4826178765 . . ,454·8646 Linked Vialical Benefils 3500 Oak Lawn #400 AIDS Info Une (24 hrs).. .1·800·299·2437 Kyro Proj. Inc. {KYRO News) P.O. 214223 ABILENE CHURCHES lAC: 915) &1!!J1S'ii'DO@Ol1l!JllllS(AC: 512) Dav~ Powell HIV Assessmenl & Treat. Clinic .... 479-6121 ...... 523·9678 AIDS Inlertaith Networ!< (Oak Cliff) 941·7696 ...... 526-KYRO (5976) Covenant of Hope Community Church .. SapphFire . . . 323·2476 Oak Lawn Records & CDs. . . .. 3810 Congress Lambda Amaleur Radio Club P.O. 35343175235 'Boul TIme 9601 N. 1·35 .. 832·5339 AIDS Maslery 521·5342, ext. 325 .. 142 Grape St...... 677·7654 Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous. . . .. 440·1494 ... 521·0350 ...... 522·1458 Charlie's...... 1301 Lavaca...... 474-6481 AIDS Prevenl~n Projecl {Iree and anon.) 905·2190 Exodus.MCC. . .. P.O. 2473179604 .. .. 672·7922 Southem Country. . P.O. 13151178711 . .. 243-1578 Outtines. . 41108·C Cedar Springs 528·1955 Lambda Bowling (men and women) .. {MelroJ817)267·9055 Dick's Deja Disco .. 113 San Jacinlo . ..457·8010 AIDS ProgramslOLCS 2017 Cedar Springs The 01 Parties (HIV+ Singles)...... 406·6408 Tapelenders 3926 Cedar Springs 528·6344 Lambda Car Club .' P.O. 710271175371 521·7309 &lllDI1l3ii!Jl3 ®I1l!JllllS (AC: 915) The Edge.. .. 213 W. 41h...... 480·8686 ...... 520-8108 Team Austin. . . . 453·8878 Union Jack 3920 Cadar Springs 528·9600 Lambda Codependenls Anonymous. . . 520·8108 Club Unity.. .. 721 South lst ... 672·1322 The Forum 408 Congress...... 476·2900 AIDS Resource CenlerlFHU. .2701 Reagan SI. I G. R. A . . ... P.O. 1511178767 ... 833-{)747 Zebra Prining & Graphics. .4054 McKinney, #103 .... P.O. 190869175219·0869 521·5124 Lambda Meeling/Sex & Love Addicls Anon 241·5442 ABILENE ORGANIZATIONS lAC: 915) 1920's Club.. . 918 Congress.... .479·7979 United Court of Auslin, lnc.. . .. P.O. 150235178715·0235 ...... 599·9264 AIDS Services of DallasiPWACD. . . . P.O. 4338 Lambda Overeaters Anonymous . . 488·3301 Big Counlry AIDS Resources.. . . 1109 WalnuUP.O. 1976 Rainbow Cattle Co 305 W. 5th St...... 472·5288 Walertoo Counseling Cenler ...... 2525 Wallingwood DALLASCHURCHES& ORGAN.IAC: 2141972) ...... 941-{)523 Lambda Wee~ (radio program) P.O. 35031175235 ... 79604 .. 672·30nnax 672·3182 Splash...... 406 Brazos 477-6969 ... Bldg. 15, Suile 1500178746. .329·9922 Affirmalion (Melhodisl). . 528·4913 AIDS Updale (ARC newslener) . . . 521·5342, ext. 220 .823·8930 IC.H.D. STD/AIDS Clinic...... 317 Pecan St AUSTIN COUNSELING (AC: 512) BASTROP ORGANIZATION (AC: 512) 8e~any Presbyterian Church. .. 4523 Cadar Springs Rd. Alcoholics AnonymouslLamlx:a Group ... 2727 Oak Lawn Lambda AA. . .. 2727 Oak Lawn .. .522·6259 ..... 676·7825 Slephen Terrell, M.S ... Rural AIDS Servo Pro .. 1002 Chestnul ...... 303-1403 Ca~edral of Hope MCC. . . 5910 Cedar Springs .. 522·6259 Leadership Lambda InciToastmasters ...... 3004 Soulh FirsISt.178704 ..... 441·6226 P.O. 190228175219. . 712·6430 .MiI&IllDI1I1@ @l1l!JllllS (AC: 806) BEAUMONT CHURCHES & RELIG. ORGAN. ... 351·1901 Alliance of Desi\1l Professionals P.O. 565112 AUSTIN FITNESS CENTER (AC: 512) (AC: 409) Congregation Beth EI Binah. . P.O. 191188175219 .526·2085 A League of Our OWn (bo"ing) . . 383·9418 The 212 Club... .. 212 W. 6th SI. 372·7997 Midtowns Spa. .5815 Airport B.d...... 302·9696 Church of Kindred Spirits ... . 1575 Spindlelop ..... {972)497·1591 ARC Clienl Services. . 521·5444 Lealher Knighls P.O. 190111175219 521·5342, ext. 871 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS lAC: 806) AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONSlHELPLINES (AC: 512) MCCR Home Groups. . . 2106 Hazel St...... 835·4765 Be~any Presbyterian Church 528·4084 ARC fax line. . . 522-4604 Lesbian Book Club 331·5513 MCC of Amaril~...... 372·4557 AA Austin (Lr.e and Lei Lr.e) . Minislers of Chari~ Oralory ..... 2247 N. 10th St., Apt. 316 Calhedral of lighl ... 2040 N. Denlon. . . . 245·6520 Asian Gay Males: Dragon Flies P.O. 190869175219 Lesbian/Gay Polilical Coalilon of Dallas P.O. 227273175222 Panhandle AIDS Support Organizalion. . . . 372· 1050 .. 2700 W. Anderson Ln #412178757 .. 453·1441 .... 924·9660 Community Unitarian Universalist 2875 East Parker Rd. . 521·5342, e~.852 ...... 504·6724 Texas Gay Rodeo Associalion. . 355·2666 Lesbian Moms and Gay Dads . . 526·5088 Advenluring Outdoors. . . P.O. 2332178768 Spindlelop Unitarian Church . I 575 S~ndlelop Rd. Plano, TX 424·8989 Assoc. for Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Educalors ... 824·5924 ANGLETON ORGANIZATION (AC: 409) .... 445·2870 Lesbian Resource Center... . 821·3999 .. 7770510136. . .. 835·4765 rngni~lDalias (Calholic gays.1esbians) . P.O. 190133175219 Big D Longhorns Square Dance Club .. P.O. 190869175219 Gull Coast Cenler (HIV case manage.) ... 2512 N. Velasco Lesbian Visionanes ... P.O. 190712 .. 521·5342, ext. 944 AIDS Deaf HY.. . . 459·DEAF ...... 521·5342, ert. 832 .. 521·5342, e~.272 ...... 649·2311/{713)489·0545 llll3&1!J@j]@)OO'®ii'I1l!JlllIS (AC: 409) Life Walk. . . . 443·WALK AIDS Leg~ Resource Project. .. 815 Brazos 11000178701 ~sci~es of Christ gaylesbian support (GLAD) .. Bryan's House. .. 559·3946 ARLINGTON CHURCHES (AC: 817) ..... 479·8473 Men of Ail Colors Togelher.. .. P.O. 190611175219 Crockett Sireel St•... 497 Crockett...... 833·3989 ...... P.O. 190181175219 946·2184 Buddy Project .. . 520·8108 Lulherans Concemed·Fort WorthlMn~on ...... 521-4765 AIDS Services of AuSlin . .. . P.O. 4874178765 BEAUMONTORGANIZATIONS(AC: 409) A~I Unitarian Church of Dallas. . 4015 Normandy Caring Foeinds. .. 5029 Lemmon Ave 219·7300 .... 2800 W. 80yce . . . . 924·3966 ..... 458·2437 Log Cabin/Melroplex Republicans. . P.O. 191033 Lambda Group AA .... 6300 College...... 835·t508 ...... 528·3990 CaliOulleen lntc-lne . . 520·7433 Trini~ MCC . . .. 609 Truman. . {Melro)265·5454 ..... 520·6655 Am~ Inl'l Mbrs for UG Concems ... 837·159611ax 836·9715 Triangle AIDS Network...... 2544 Broadway177702 Fnends Full Gospel 5427 Phillip Ave 821·4332 Cheer Dallas 1317 McAdams/75224 922·9229 ARLINGTON BUSINESSES (AC: 817) NAMES Project .... P.O. 190869175219. .520·SEWS Austin lesbianfGay Politicat Caucus. . ... 474·0750 ...... 832·8338 Grace Fellowship 4 tl S Weslmoreland 333·9779 Classic Chassis Car Club P.O. 7703175209 Artinglon Subaru ... 711 E. Doision...... 861·3377 Narcolics Anonymous (24 hrs.)...... 699·9306 Auslin LalinoJa Les. & Gay Organ. . . .. 472-2001 BROWNSVILLE ORGANIZATION (AC: 956) Ho~ Tnni~ Communi~ Church. . .. 4402 Roseland CUenl Services fax line. . . 521 ·3859 Nelscn-Iebedo Clinic. .4012 Cadar Springs. .528·2336 &IllI1DOO@'U'@OO@l1l!JlllIS (AC:817) ASA Infomnalion Line...... 458·AIDS V~ley AIDS Council...... 668·1155 ...... 827·5088 Club Fran"is Gai de Dallas.. . 66O-{)100 Nal. LealherAssoc...... P.O. 190432175219 ASHA{ HIV/AIDS) .. P.O. 3891178764 . ..444·5715 ... AIDS Information line. 1·800-333·7432 Hones~ (Baplisls). . P.O. 190869175219 Cc-depenoents AnonymouslLambda . . 520·8108 Arlinglon 651 Club ... 1851 Wesl Division .... 275-9651 ... 521·5342, ext, 820 Ausfin Bablisl Women. . . 442·6415 BRYANICOL.STA.REUGIOUS ORGAN,(AC: 409) ...... 521·5342, e~.233 CouplesiMelro Dallas. . .. P.O. 803158175380 North Texas Assoc. of Physicians for Human Rights. ARLINGTON ORGAN,/HELPLINES (AC: 817) Auslin Gay Nudisls. . . . . P.O. 684101178768·4101 Rainbow Christians...... 846·8187 MCG in Oak Cliff 3839 W. Kiest Blvd 941·5769 ...... 521·5342, ext. 464 NAMES Project...... P.O. 14178767 .385·3094 .12222 Coil Rd...... 233·3100 AIDS Oulreach Cenler. . .. 401 W. Sanford, Suite 1100 SI. Mary, the Holy Theolokos Orthodox Catholic Church. Crossdressers (TVs) Helpline. . . 264·7103 .. 275·3311 Austin Radical Faeries...... 837·0970 lllIllYl&OOU©®I1, 1S'ii'&' @l1l!JllllS (AC: 409) Northem lighlsAilemaloes. .871·1611 ...... 521·5342, ert. 465 DIFW Big Man's Club. . . 264·2449 Austin Gay & lesbian Chamber of Commerce .. 472·8299 Oak Lawn Band...... Sammons Center for the Arts Tarranl Coun~ Gay Pride Week Assoc.. . .. P.O. 3459 The Club 308 N. Bryan Ave.. . . . 823·6767 51.Thomas Ihe Aposlle Episcopal Church .. D/FW MAN. {Melro Area Nudisls) .. P.O. 612813175261 .... Fort Worth, TX 76113 Austin VD Clinic. . ... 15 Waller...... 469·2070 ..... 3630 Harry Hines Blvd ... 972-497·1458 BRYANICOLLEGE STATION ORGAN. lAC: 409) ...... 6525 Inwood Rd 352·0410 .... 933·4334 Oak Lawn BO"ing Associalion. . . .. {972)285·8842 UT GaylLes. Assoc ... P.O. 19348·77 . ..794·5140 Bisexual Netwo~ ... P.O. 8439178713 . .370·9573 AIDS Services of Brazos Valley. . .. 1702·B S. Texas Ave. Seven~·Day Advenlisl Kinship. . [email protected] DIFW Young Nalurisls Club. P.O. 802815175380 Oak Lawn Communi~ seeces.. . .. P.O. 191069175219 ATHENS ORGANIZATIONS (AC: 903) Bound by Desire (women's S&M support group) .. 339·9213 .. Suile 2021Bryan . .. 260·AIDS "...... 416·1358 Daire Cenler (adull day care lor PWAs) 522·4365 Capital City Men's Chorus. .477·7464 ...... 4300 MacArthur 1200. .. . 520·8108 Parenls, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays ..... 675·8326 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual AWes. . . .. 847·0321 Unoersal Crealor's Community Church. . 690·0883 Dal. Co. Deaf AIDS Task Force. . . P.O. 835546 Oak Lawn Ski Club. . ... 521·5342, e~. 469 AUSTIN ADULTTHEATER(AC: 512) CARE Free HIV Test. .. 1633 E. 2nd. . . . 473-CARE Lambda AA. . MHMR CoffeehOUse While Rock Com. Church ... 9353 Garland Rd 320·0043 . Richardsonl75083 . .. fax 476·0217 Oak Lawn Soccer Club...... P.O. 190995175219·0995 Adull Video Megaplexxx .. .711I S. 1·35. . . .. 442·5430 .(S. Bryan and sUns) . . . .. 846-3390 Wh~e Rock Friends HIV Support 320·0106 ..... 516-54421516-5443(TDD) Ceolex Rainbow Socie~ of Deaf. . . P.O. 2555178768 ... 941·3566 AUSTIN BUSINESSES (AC: 512) Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays. . .. 694·2617 Dal. Area Male Nalurisls [ext. 440J 521·5342 Kalz's Deli & Bar.. .. 618 W. 61h.. .. 472·2037 Classic Chassis Car Club. . P.O. 12553178711 1ll£\\1111&1S@l1l!JlllIS (AC: 214'972) Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc P.O. 224605175222·4605 Planned Parent. {HIV leslinglSTD screening) . :a.mboleo's 5027 Lemmon Ave 520-1124 Dal. Bears .... P.O. 191223175219 .. (e~. 880) .. 521·5342 Lobo.. . .. 3204·A Guadalupe. . . .. 454·5406 Cornerstone (Iesbiarv'gayibi. community center) . (972)390·0787 ..... 4001 E. 29th 1103iBryan . .260· 1061 BliCk. " 4117 Maple Ave 521·2024 Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance...... P.O. 190712 ManwalchlMarcy Flelcher.. . .448·3619 .1117 Red River178701. ..708·1515 OASIS Recovery PrograrrUOLCS ...... 4300 MacArthur Speakers Bureau...... 847·0321 Cuddies II 4025 Maple Ave. . 526·0887 ...... 528·4233 Midlowne Spa. ..5815 Airport Blvd. . . . . 302·9696 Couples...... P.O. 694413178768 990·0182 .... 972·327·2323 CARROLLTONCHURCHES& ORGAN.(AC:972) Drews Inn 3215 N. Fitzhugh.. ..526·9510 Dalles Gay & Lesbian Ice Hockey Club...... 640·2084 Outlines. . ... 1114 W. 5th 1100 . . .. 472·9476 E.C. Wood Found .... P.O. 608178767.. .451·9807 O.U.I{OVer & Under Thirty) .. clo Gay & Les. Comm. Clr. Calhedral of lighl ... 2040 N. Denlon...... 245·6520 Falias Eagle 2515 Inwood Rd. #107 357·4375 Dallas Gay Deuischklub. . . 324·8085 Top of Ihe Marc.. ...618 W. 6Ih... .. 479·9849 From All Walksof Life.. .452·WALK .. P.O. 190869175219·0869 Sevenlh.Day Advenlisl Kinship.. . .. P.O. 110118175011 Hr:lerni~ House 2525 Wycliff 520-FRAT DIVA (vrJleyball).. P.O. 190869175219·0869 Tapelenders Video .... 1114 Wesl 51h St. .. 472.()fl44 FrontRunners. . . 473·8334 Parents, Families & Friends of Les. & Gays. . 348·1704 .416-1358 I den Door 5025 Bowser. . . 526-0620 . 521·5342, e~. 604 Zachary Scolt Thealre. 1510 Toomey...... 476-0541 Gamblers (bo"ing) . . 719·4737

PAGE 95 JULY 2 - JULY 8 1999 Jiiiyz - JULY 8 1999 PAGE 94 Guava lamp.. "" ,2159 Portsmouth .. . . .524·3359 Gay & Lesbian Swilchboard .. . .. P.O. 66469177266·6469 PWA Holiday Charilies .. P.OBox 66849177266 .. 521.0911 Gull Coasl Cenler (HIV case managemenl) . Inergy.. ,5750 Chimney Rock ",666·7310 ...... 529·3211 Parents SUpport Group (PWA) . ..262·84791248·2721 Celebration Community Church ... 908 Pennsylvania Ave. a Patrol. . . 528·SAFE (7233) ..... 1721 Tremonl(23rd). . . . 762·5935 JR's 808 Pacific. "" 521·2519 Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network .. 529·4571 Pegasus Softball Assoc...... P.O. 191075 ...... 335·3222 Rainbow Fishing Club P.O. 66450177266 Lambda AA. . . . . 684·2140/(713)489·1573 GaysJlesbiansof Rice. . .. 527·8101 ... 972·327·2323 Fellowship 01 Love .. 711 Gambrell SI. .... 921·5683 lazyJ " , 312TuamSI...... 528·9343 Parents, Families & Friends 01 Les. & Gays. Mary's "" .. ,," 1022 Westheimer, """ 527·9669 Gay Men's Chorus. P.O. 541004177254·1004 PentamidillEl Mist Treatments...... 528-23361521·5124 Honesly (Baplisls). ...924·4159 Rainbow Aanglers Dance Club .. 3115 Hou~i~n'A;;~: (PFLAG) ...... 744·3200 Montrose Mining Co .. 805 Pacific .. , .. " .. , 529·7488 Gay Men's Nelwo~ . . 529·3211 People Like Us [PLUS.}.. . 521·5444 Special Invitation Ministries...... 1520 Hemphill ...... 880·0670 Silk Siocking Ball . outpost 1419 Richmond 520·8446 Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Alliance at U of H . Phil Johnson AIDS Research Libra~ 521·5124 1J'ij', W@Il3'U'1J(]@[l,I]IJIll~lAC 817) Rice U. Gay and Lesbian Alumni Assoc. (Rice GALA) ...... David Bump, P.O. 5295177554 .. 737·5484 Pacific Street. 710 Pacific. , , .. ,. ..523-0213 . P.O. 314177204·3650 743·5180 Phil Johnson Gay & Lesbian Libra~. . . . 528·9254 ...... (Neal Tannahill) 526·6718 Corral Club. . .. 621 Hemphill, . , ,335·0196 GALVESTON ACCOMMODATIONS lAC: 409 Picasso. ",2151 Richmond.... ,5211-8636 Good Sports (college sports lans) . . 523-9000 Soiree Aubergine. . 524.9304 PWA Coalilion 01 Dal~s. P.O. 4338. . 94HI523 Crossroads. . .515 S. Jennings...... 332·0071 Hollywood @ Galveslon .... Seawall @ 31s1 SI. .. Rich's 2401 San Jacinto.. . .. 759·9606 Greater Houston Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce . Southeast Texas Legal Clinic (HIV/term. ill. legal clinic) Police Harassment Reporting. . . .. 528·4233 D,J,'s" .. "" , 1308 S1. Louis... .. 927·7321 ...... ' .750·8900 Rainbow Room, 527 Barren Springs. " , .. 872-0215 .. 1109 Hyde Park/77006 523·7576 ...... 3400 Monlrose, Suite 203177006 .523·7852 Posilive-Personais . ..521·5342, ext. 250 Imperial Bar.", ... 150 West Rosedale.. ,,870·1799 HOOD COUNTY ORGANIZATION lAC: 817) Ripcord " ",715 Fairview 521·2792 Grealer Houslon Pocket Billards League (PJ) 863-8482 Soulhem Counl~ HouSion ...... P.O. 1502177252 Presbylerians lor Les~anlGay coocems ...... 823·2317 Magnolia Sialion . 600 W. Magnolia. . . , 332-0415 santa Fe Bar & Pallo. 804 Pacific" 521·2519 Grey Party . .. .. P.O. 130773177219 SI. Michael's AIDS Support Group...... 1801 Sage Prime TImers ..... P.O. 191101175219 .. (972)504·8866 AIDS Resources 01 Rural Texas. The 651 Club.. ,651 S, Jennings.. .332·0745 Gull Coasl Communl~ .... P.O. 66643177266 aueer NalioniDalias . . . . P.O. 64091175206 ...... P.O. 1720lllealhertord 76086 ... 596·3022 611 Club" """" 611 Hyde Park."""" 526·7070 ...... , .. 621·4370 ...... 7811-4282 .... 504·8720 FORT WORTH DOCTORS lAC: 817) HOUSTON ACCOMMODATIONS lAC: 7131281) VenlUre-N "" 2923 Main 522.QOO0 Steven's House. . 522-5757 Swanson, Jan, 0.0.. 1244 S. Ridge C1.1103, Hursl Viviana's Nile Club ... 5219 Washington , , ,862-0203 Hale Crimes Holline. . . . P.O. 66469177266·6469 Stene Soup (AFH) ...... 623·6796 Rainbow Flyers PiiolS Assoc.. . . P.O. 190990175219 The Love" Inn SOl Love". . . . 522·5224 . (800)779.5224 ...... 529·9615 Team Houslon P.O. 66405177266·6405 877- 1191 ...... 521·5342,e~.840 ...... 268·4100 HOUSTON COUNSELING lAC: 7131281) FORT WORTH ORGAN.IHELPLINES lAC: 817) Heallh Depl. AIDS Holline . . 794·9020 TGRAP.O .. 130585177219·0585 (281)873·0841 Rainbow Garden Club. . P.O. 226811175222·6611 The Monlrose Inn 408 Avondale. . . . 520·0206 Carroll, Tony, lMSW·ACP 522·3045 Heartsong (women's chorus) .... P.O. 980243177098·0243 Texas Invitational Bowling Tournament .. .(972)640-7386 AIDS Awareness Clinic. . 2825 E. Rosedale . .. (800)357·1228 Edd, Nicho~s, Dr., Psy.D.. . 647·8822 .534-CARE HOUSTON ADULT BOOKSTORES lAC: 7131281) Herpes H.E.L.P. Holline. . 917·4910 ...... (Andrea) 447·8133 ... (Tom) 522·9612 Rainbowlers(Tues. aI8:30). .528·5813 Montrose Counseling Ctr . . .701 Richmond 529-0037 HIV Counseling .... 701 Richmond. . 529·0037 Texas Biders-Houston P.O. 66545177266·6545 Rainbow Skydiving Club...... 357·9880 AIDS Helpline...... 870·7346 Adull Video Megaplex""...... 8100 N. FfW! Oslrin, Olivia, M.Ed., L.P.C 647·8822 AIDS Inlormalion Une . . . .. 336·0066 Big Cily News & Video .. .. . 10105 Gull FfW! HouSion Area Bears. P.O. 66443177226 867·9123 TLC House (HIV·poOlive sheller) 902·2231 Resource Center 01 Dallas. .528·0144 HOUSTON DOCTORSIDENTISTS lAC: 7131281) . (oulside Tarranl Co.). 1·800·836·0066 Gas Lighl News. . . 3519 Bellaire Houston Area Teen Coalition of Homosexuals 942·7002 TV·TG·TS Helpline...... 780·4282 Respecl All Youlh (!/Vb youlh) . . . 521·5342, ext, 288 Reicher, Richard/chiropraclor.. . 862·3897 145 North. . 9924 North FfW! Houston Black Tie Dinner 523-9611 United States Mission (res. shelter program) .. 810 Branard Rice Gay & Lesbian Alumni Assoc.lDFW Chapter .. AIDS Inlerlailh Nelwo~ . Smilh, Bruce W., D.D.S.. . 529·4364 1425 Pennsylvania Ave.. .. .870·4800 Houslon Gay & Lesbian Parenls. . . 284·4939 ...... 942·0355 . 834 S. Monlciair AveR5208·5856 . HOUSTON ADULT THEATER lAC: 7131281) HOUSTON FITNESS CENTERS lAC: 7131281) Houslon Gay & lesbian PoIihcal Caucus. P.O. 66664177266 Visiting Nurse Associatioo . . 520·8115 ... [Micha.) ...... 942·9537 AIDS Oulreach Cenler . 1125 W. Peler Smith French Quarter. . . 3201 Louisiana. .527-0782 The Club 2205 Fannin 659·4998 .... 335·1994 ...... 521·1000 V·Twin MOiorcycie Club. .. 861·1269 Sin Fronleras (radio program). .. P.O. 190922175219 HOUSTON ATTORNEYS lAC: 7131281) Midlowne Spa 3100 Fannin ,. 522·2379 Houston Gayllesbian Pride Week '97 .. Wednesday Nighl Mixers Bowling.. . (Tom) 522·9612 ..... 826·8869 Alliance News (TClGA) . . . 877·5544 Archer, Danna K.. . . 524·1273 HOUSTON HEALTH CLUBS lAC: 7131281) ...... P.O. 66071177266 .• 071 ..... 529·6979 Women's Inlo. and Relerral . . 528·2121 Slonewall(Narc. Anon.). . .. 5415 Maple, Suile 120175235 Assoc. 01 GayllesJBi. Educalors...... 329·3415 Green, BiM(24 hrs.). . .. 266·1004 Filness Exchange 4040 Milam 1100 524·9932 8ridge the Gap, Inc...... (HIVIAIDS lesling, educ.) Houston Lesbian and Gay Community Center. . Women lor Sobrie~ (pal). . . 520·1501 Sionewall Democrals. .521·8975 RilChie & Glass (24 hrs.) . .. 521·9216 Houslon Gym 233 Birdsall 880·9191 803 Hawlhorne.. . P.O. 2304177252 524·3818 Women's Cenler ...... 528·6798 Sionewall Dive Club...... P.O. 227031175222 ...... 2825 E. Rosedalel76105 ... 531·0223 Walker,Jim...... 552·1117 HOUSTON ORGJHELPLINES lAC: 7131281) Co-Oependents Anonymous. . . . 826-6127 Houston Metropolitan Billiards League. . 299-8969 HOUSTON RESTAURANTS lAC: 713) Stonewall Professional and Business Association. HOUSTON BUSINESSESISERVICES (AC: 7131281) Alrican·Ameriear Les~ianiGay Alliance. P.O. 130818177219 Houslon Ouldeor Group KAMP·OUT Sonoma 1415 Califomia SI.. 522·7066 .. P.O. 191343175219. . ... 526·6216 Couples w/gay or bisexual partner. . ... 338·4551 American Movers. .2412 Taft·A...... 522·1717 AIDS Alliance ollhe Bay Area .. Cowlown Lealhermen . . . .. 536·8051 HouSion Pride Band.1412 Richmond 1389 524·0218 HUNTSVILLE ORGANIZATION lAC: 409) Suicide & Crisis Center . . . 828·1000 Banza Design. . . . 779·8251 ...... 17511 EI Camino Realll07 ... 488·4492 Houslon Tennis Club 864·8468 Plamed Parent (HIV COIJnsellng) . . 2405·C Ave. I Texas AIDS Heallh Fraud Inlormalkln Nelwork (TAHFIN) CrisiS/Suic~e Inlervenlion (24·hr. help) 927·5544 Basic Brolhers. 1232 Weslheimer...... 522·1626 AIDS Foundafion Houslon ... 3202 Weslayan. . .623·6796 Diversily...... 689·7925 HOUSionWednesday Nighl Mixers Bowling.. .522·9612 ...... 295·6396 3310 Live Oak SIR5204 . . .. 655·5309 Black Hawk Lealher .... 2923 Main. . . . 520·6224 AIDSIHIV Inlo.line (relerrals) 902·2231 FI Worth Formal. . . . 877·5544 Houslon Women's Softball League ..... P.O. 70666177270 IRVING ATTORNEY lAC: 214) Texas Gay Rodeo Associalion .... P.O. 191168175219·8168 Crossroads Market .. 1111 Westheimer 942·0147 AIDS Holline (9a·9p) . . 524·AIDS ...... Insh, .. 688·9468 Kowalski,John.. ..(MelroI214)445·4149 .. 526·1115 FI Worth Gay Pride Week Assoc. P.O. 3459176113 Eros Boulique . . .1207 Spencer Hwy . . . .944·6010 AIDS Inlerlailh Countil 01 Houslon 682·5995 Houslon Wrestling Club ..... 1109 Hyde Park 1116177006 Team Dallas . . . P.O. 190868175219·0869 GAl.AJGay and Lesbian Assoc. 01TCJC .. Gingiss Formal Wear. Galleria Mallll!. .626·3318 AIDS Legal Holline. . . . 528·7702 1:!II11I1§~1lJ@[!'I]IJ[OOlAC: 254) . TCJC Siudeni Acl. Bldg. .. 828 Harwood ...... 453·7406 .... 521·5342, ext. 800 Jack Roach Ford.. . 6445 S.w. FfW!.. .. (281 )588·5000 AIDS Masle~ . . 524·AIDS Club Krosover ... 1509 Vel. Memonal Dr.. . .. 680·LADY .... Hurs1i76054 . . ... 788·6644 Imperial Court ollhe Single Star .. P.O. 980444177098·0444 Team Dallas Aqualics...... 333·1465 Kinetic Sports Clinic...... 349·9750 American Civil Liberties Union. .942-8146 Gayllesbon Youlh.. .338·4551 .. 587·5428 LAREDO ORGANIZATIONS lAC: 956) Texas Falhers lor Equal Righls . . P.O. 50052 Lealher by Bools.. .. 807 Fairview.. .. 526-2668 Asians & F,ends ...... P.O. 687100177266·7100 Independent Billiard League ... AIDS Galeway Communily Health Cenler .... 200 W. Lyon . One Main PI. Stat...... 741·4800 Heallh Depl. STD Inlo .' ... 871·7357 Linke

'2:00AM - 8:00 AM FREE 8:00 AM :00 PM POOL Drawing lor PRIZES @ Noon - t: 4:00 PM - Midnight HALF PRI /2 PRICE 6 month MEMBERSHIP, beginning @ 4: Ihru Midnight, MtJIIJMY 2PM SPECIAL POOL PART THIS SUNDAY, JULY 4 -- ILLUSION i!OOO FEATURING SPECIAL GUEST Miss Atlantic Universe Ir---