arXiv:1101.5749v3 [astro-ph.SR] 24 Mar 2011 bevtr ne rgam D383.D-0619 ID programme under Observatory agrta ntecniumfor continuum the in than larger olrsas h ie nteTOasrto adare band absorption TiO the larger e in are this band sizes band that TiO The TiO and . the the continuum, cooler in to the other sizes in close the the those spectrum that than and the found band, of They TiO nm). part the (754 s continuum in 47 of the centered set one in a filters, of interferom two visibilities MkIII the the using with measured nm c 712 authors at These of band eter. atmospheres TiO the stellar in of stars stu giant regions 2001) observ absorption (1993, al. are extended variations et the Quirrenbach size interferometer. these co an that with of extended atmospheres so surfa The are that frequency. giants of hence diameter opacity, The with produced. varies atmospheric is the of absorption extension the the where to related is size the , h pct fteselramshr tta aeegh Si wavelength. that at atmosphere e stellar we the of opacity the e The Introduction 1. tne eotdvr ag ierto 5%o oe o som for i more) for or (2004), (50% al. ratios et size stars. large Perrin very and reported (2002) stance, al. et Mennesson stars. iumadi ad otiigasrto adhaso othe of H heads as band (such absorption containing molecules bands in and tinuum seta ye 3M)ada uha 0 agrfor larger 30% as much of as indices color and M3–M4) types (spectral oebr1,2018 11, November ⋆ Astrophysics & Astronomy ae nosrain aewt S eecpsa h Parana the at Telescopes ESO with made observations on Based iia di Similar ff .7mcos edrv osln nua imtro 7 of diameter angular Rosseland me a derive we We visibilities, microns. 2.47 dispersed spectrally the From star. AGB htshr.W lodtc ierices ntesz sa as size heads the band in CO increase the linear in a 10% detect around also We of . variations size detect We K. erpr nKbn VLTI K-band on report We A&A in publication for Accepted 1 4 3 2 neoei h ue ato h topee naycs,nei case, words. Key any In atmosphere. the models. current of the part using outer e the water-vapor in extended envelope an of addition wit stel the increase from with size estimated increase linear star the size the reproduce of cannot and mass observed, the on based atmosphere, Obnhas ihrtems ftesa soeetmtdby overestimated is star the of mass the Either bandheads. CO ff cieymauetedaee fthe of diameter the measure ectively ciesz fasa tagvnwvlnt eed on depends wavelength given a at star a of size ective p.Atooi srfıia nvria eVal`encia, de Astrof´ısica, Universitat i Astronomia Dpt. uoenSuhr bevtr,Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. Observatory, Southern European nvri¨tHiebr,Lnesenat K¨onigstuhl 1 Landessternwarte Universit¨at Heidelberg, e-mail: a-lnkIsiu ¨rRdosrnme u e H¨ugel dem Auf f¨ur Radioastronomie, Max-Planck-Institut .Mart´ı-VidalI. ME bevtoso h G trR a:Extended Cap: RS star AGB the of observations AMBER ff [email protected] rne ewe h ie bevdi h con- the in observed sizes the between erences ∼ topeeadcmaio ihselrmodels stellar with comparison and atmosphere ehius:itreoerc–sas:amshrs–sas: stars – atmospheres : stars – interferometric : techniques 2 . seta ye M6–M7). types (spectral 2 2 rC)hv enrpre o AGB for reported been have CO) or O 1 , 2 ..Marcaide J.M. , aucitn.16120 no. manuscript / ME bevtosa eimseta eouin( resolution spectral medium at observations AMBER R − I oo nie of indices color τ ff 1 = c ssrne for stronger is ect .Quirrenbach A. , ufc fthe of surface 1 ∼ ,D617Hiebr (Germany) Heidelberg D-69117 2, region C ∼ . R sr h trdaee safnto fosrigwavelengt observing of function a as diameter star the asure 95 / aeegh ewr f22 irn.W r bet oe th model to able are We microns. 2.29 of redward wavelength, h 10% ABSTRACT died able ,D878Grhn e M¨unchen (Germany) bei Garching D-85748 2, ucino aeegh einn t22 irn.Mdl o Models microns. 2.29 at beginning wavelength, of function r oie 0 -60 ujso (Spain) Burjassot E-46100 50, Moliner Dr. tars nce − 9 -32 on(Germany) Bonn D-53121 69, ool 1 ± vlp rudtesa.Hwvr eaeual ofi h data the fit to unable are we However, star. the around nvelope ce n- ol hrtewtrvprevlp o h Oevlp a eexpl be can envelope CO the nor envelope water-vapor the ther . h tla-vlto oesand models stellar-evolution the 0 6 e a-vlto oes rdc Osz e CO-size predict models, lar-evolution I r - l . 7ms hc orsod oa e an to corresponds which mas, 07 3 hc r niaieo togoaiye opacity strong of indicative are which , .Ohnaka K. , OAitreoee Mnesne l 02 erne l 20 al. et Perrin and 2002; 1993) al. et al. (Mennesson et interferometer IOTA (Quirrenbach interferometer obtai MkIII be the could with than information more considerably provides h s fABRi eimrslto oe( mode medium-resolution in AMBER of use The aysas lhuheouinr oespeitmse as 5 masses as observ predict ratios models evolutionary diameter although large stars, the many fit could masses stellar low ffu olgatsastruhteC adhasa 2.3 at heads band CO the e through stars the measure giant cool to four band of K the larger in AMBER as much such appear atmospheres e size model stars hydrostatic AGB the PHOENIX by make predicted to than bands) molecular xsec fatasto oea h aeo h tla wind stellar the of su base provide the could at zone transition (the a of existence i adt h otnu adare ihtemdl com- models the t with of agreed ratios band masses for continuum diameter puted the the to con- giants, band it oxygen-rich TiO For since observed atmospheres.) modeling, the plane-parallel the of from in deviation used the was trols mass stellar (the mass opeemdl eecntutdadue opeitthe predict e to ban model continuum of the function used and a as band and TiO the constructed in diameters uniform-disk g were cod cool models atmosphere of mosphere stellar set general-purpose latest the PHOENIX the from with models data ant their reproducing tatively aetp tr niiul:R Cap RS : invididual : stars – type late osbeepaaino hsicnitnywudb the be would inconsistency this of explanation possible A urebc ta.(93 01 eescesu nquali- in successful were 2001) (1993, al. et Quirrenbach M MOLsphere ff ⊙ csfrteC adhas hrfr,w eie ouse to decided we Therefore, heads. band CO the for ects . codn oti itr,oewudepc similar expect would one picture, this to According . peia,hdottc asvl iebaktdat- line-blanketed massively hydrostatic, Spherical, . ∼ 2 50 fR arcri nM6 an Capricorni, RS of 1500) ..Guirado J.C. , ..Tui20,adrfrne hri) which therein), references and 2008, Tsuji e.g. ; ∼ ffi 0 in pct nteTObns(n other (and bands TiO the in opacity cient . 5 M ff / rteei nadtoa xeddCO extended additional an is there or ⊙ cietmeaue ufc rvt,and gravity, surface temperature, ective ec,mdlamshrswt very with atmospheres model Hence, . ff 1 cietmeaueo 3160 of temperature ective n .Wittkowski M. and , ff cso bu aftesizes the half about of ects ff cso Oi h stellar the in CO of ects / 7I semi-regular M7III ff cieszso set a of sizes ective ⋆ rm21 to 2.13 from h h stellar the f λ/

c slinear is ∆ 4 S 2018 ESO nthe in ± ained λ 160 ∼ 1500) din ed most high 04), µ ned the m. he i- d e 2 I. Mart´ı-Vidal et al.: AMBER observations of RS Cap in which narrow-band filters were used. In this paper, we report to atmospheric jitter. This allowed us to simultaneously observe on the results obtained from the analysis of the observations of a large spectral range of the K-band (between 2.13 and 2.47 µm) the first star of our sample: RS Cap. using medium-resolution mode. This wavelength range contains RS Cap (HD200994) has a K-band magnitude of −0.2 the 12CO (2−0), (3−1), and (4−2), as well as the 13CO (2−0) (Cutri et al. 2003). It is a semi-regular variable (SRb) of spec- band heads, together with the continuum blueward of the 12CO tral type M6/M7III and is located at α = 21h07m15.4s, δ = (2−0) band head at 2.29 µm. −16◦ 25′ 21.4′′ (J2000.0). It has a visual magnitude of 8.3 and a The data acquisition was carried out in the following order: parallax π = 1.26 ± 0.86mas (van Leeuwen 2007), which maps (1) observation of an artificial signal for calibration of the in- into a distance between 500 and 2500pc. However, following strumental dispersive effects; (2) one exposure of dark frames Scalo (1976) or Winters et al. (2003), a bolometric absolute mag- (an exposure consisted on 200 frames of 200ms each); (3) five nitude between −4 and −5 is derived for RS Cap (around −4.8 exposures of the target; and (4) one exposure of empty sky close in the case of Winters et al.). These estimates, in addition to the to the target. The observations of dark, target, and sky exposures spectrum fitted between 0.1 and 2µm, translate into a distance of were iterated once for 18Cap (spanning 10 minutes), three times ∼300pc (Richichi et al. 1992). for RSCap (spanning 1 hour), and one more time for 18Cap A variability amplitude of ∆V ∼ 0.5 is seen in the Hipparcos (spanning 10 minutes). The dead time between iterations, when data (Perryman & ESA 1997), although a larger variability am- the sources were not observed, was dedicated to the setup of plitude (in photometric magnitude) of ∆B ∼ 2 was reported in the instrument: preparation of the optical-delay lines, telescope Kukarkin et al. (1969), which has a period of ∼ 340 days. pointing, etc. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: In Sect. The raw visibilities and differential closure phases for RS 2, we describe our AMBER observations and the strategy fol- Cap and 18 Cap were obtained using the amdlib libraries (ver- lowed in the data calibration and reduction. In Sect. 3, we report sion 2.2) and the interface provided by the Jean-Marie Mariotti on the results obtained: Sect. 3.1 is centered on our estimate of Center (JMMC). First, we manually aligned the spectrally- the effective temperature and Sect. 3.2 on the size effects ob- dispersed photometry channels of the ATs to the interferomet- served at the CO band heads. In Sect. 4, we compare our results ric channel, based on observations of the target and calibrator with synthetic data obtained from model stellar atmospheres. In stars. We removed the bad pixels and took into account the flat, Sect. 5, we summarize our conclusions. dark, and sky contributions. Afterwards, we calibrated the in- strumental dispersive effects and fringe-fitted each frame of RS Cap and 18 Cap (based on the P2VM algorithm of Tatulli et al. 2. Observations and data reduction 2007). The resulting visibilities of individual frames were se- lected and averaged for each exposure in several ways, to test We observed RS Cap with the ESO Very Large Telescope the robustness of our results on different averaging and selec- Interferometer (VLTI) using the Astronomical Multi-BEam tion schemes. The finally chosen selection scheme was based on combineR, AMBER (see Petrov et al. 2007 for details on this an atmospheric piston criterion (keeping only frames with a pis- ∆ ∼ instrument), in medium-resolution mode (λ/ λ 1500). This ton smaller than 8 µm, to select only well-detected and centered instrument performs simultaneous observations of the inter- fringes in all three baselines) and keep 50% of the remaining ferometric fringes generated by three telescopes. Therefore, it frames based on a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) criterion. measures closure phases, which are quantities independent of After the frame selection, we obtained a single frame- atmospheric or instrumental telescope-dependent contributions averaged visibility spectrum for each exposure. The last step in (e.g. Rogers et al. 1974). AMBER also measures the so-called the data reduction was to average the visibilities of all exposures ff di erential phase on each baseline, which roughly represents of each star to increase the SNR. This step was performed out- the phase of spectral features with respect to that in the con- 1 side amdlib, with an in-house developed python-based program tinuum . The observations were performed on 4 June 2009, that uses the PyFITS library (provided by the Space Telescope from 06:30UT to 08:30UT, using the three VLTI Auxiliary Science Institute, operated by AURA for NASA). The averaged Telescopes (AT) positioned on stations E0, G0, and H0. These closure phases and differential phases (i.e., those resulting from stations are distributed roughly in the east-west direction. In the averaged exposures) are zero within 3◦, in absolute value, for Table 1, we give the projected baseline lengths and position an- both stars and for all the spectral channels. These small values of gles for our observations, together with a summary of the at- the closure phases indicate that the emission from both sources mospheric observing conditions. 18 Cap (M0III star located at is symmetric, at least in the direction of the projected baselines α = . δ = − ◦ ′ . ′′ 20h51m49 3s, 26 55 08 9 , J2000.0) was also ob- of our observations and to the scale corresponding to our spatial served as a calibrator, with the same observing configuration resolution. This is unsuprising, given that we probe only the first used to obtain the RS Cap visibilities. lobe of the Fourier transform of the observed source structure, The high flux densities of RS Cap and 18 Cap in the H band which is, therefore, only partially resolved. (magnitudes of 0.25 and 0.42, respectively), allowed us to use The uncertainties in the amplitude and phase for each spec- the fringe tracker FINITO (see Gai et al. 2004), which employs tral channel were computed from their standard deviations dur- part of the H-band light to correct, in real time, the delay shifts ing the averaging of the exposures. Fractional uncertainties of of the fringes due to atmospheric turbulences, thus increasing only 1 − 2% in the observed visibilities were obtained for all the coherence of the signal. A larger coherence allows the use of channels and baselines. a longer detector integration time (DIT). Given the moderately good atmospheric conditions during our observations (see Table 1), we achieveda DIT of 200ms with a negligiblesignal loss due 2.1. Visibility amplitude and wavelength calibration

1 To be precise, two pieces of information are lost in the differential A standard calibration procedure, to assign the corresponding phase, compared to the original Fourier phase: the phase offset (or phase wavelength to each spectral channel of the AMBER detector, at the first spectral channel) and the phase gradient (phase as a linear is not currently available. This is a concern, especially for the function of wavenumber). mid-resolution and low-resolution modes, where it is difficult, or I. Mart´ı-Vidal et al.: AMBER observations of RS Cap 3

UTC Seeing Air mass Coh. time E0-G0 G0-H0 E0-H0 PA (hh:mm) (′′) (ms) L(m) L(m) L(m) (deg) RS Cap 07:08–08:06 0.61 / 0.94 1.03 / 1.12 1.6 / 2.4 14.4 / 15.5 28.7 / 31.0 43.1 / 46.5 119 / 113 18 Cap 06:47–06:56 / 08:16 – 08:26 0.57 / 1.19 1.00 / 1.11 1.5 / 2.7 14.9 / 16.0 29.7 / 31.9 44.6 / 47.9 110 / 123 Table 1. Details of our observations. For each star, we give the ranges of values obtained during all the exposures. L(m) is the projected baseline length (in meters) and PA is the position angle of the baseline (North through East). Coh. time is the coherence time estimated from the atmospheric conditions.

impossible, to use line profiles either from the observed objects or from Earth’s atmosphere for the calibration. We performed 1 (a) the wavelength (λ) calibration of our AMBER observations by L comparing the positions of the minima of the observed CO band heads in RS Cap to their values derived from the models de- 0.8 Norm.

scribed in Sect. 4.1. The use of different stellar models did not H affect our λ calibration at a level higher than our spectral resolu- tion. 0.6 In the amplitude calibration, the CHARM2 catalog of high angular-resolution stellar-diameter measurements (Richichi, 0.4 Percheron, & Khristoforova 2005) indicates that the uniform- Intensity disk K-band diameter of our calibrator star, 18 Cap, is 5.02mas. 0.2 This uniform-disk diameter was used to calibrate the visibility amplitudes by comparing those of 18 Cap to the model predic- (b) tions correspondingto a uniform disk of 5.02mas diameter. This 1.4 amplitude calibration was performed as described in Annex B of L the AMBER Data Reduction Software User Manual (Revision 2.1) of the JMMC2. 1.2 Norm. H

2.2. Photometry calibration 1

In Fig. 1(a), we show the normalized spectrum of RS Cap, ob- Gain tained from the average of the photometry channels of the three 0.8 ATs. We note that there is a clear discontinuity in the spectrum 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 at ∼ 2.2 µm (a similar discontinuity is also seen in the spectrum Wavelength HΜmL of 18 Cap). This discontinuity is caused by the transmission of the K-band fiber of the AMBER instrument. Therefore, it can be Fig. 1. (a) Normalized spectrum of RS Cap, as observed with understood as an instrumental multiplicative effect, which biases the ATs; (b) inverse of the atmosphere+detector spectral trans- the photometric and interferometric channels in the same way mission profile. for wavelengths shorter than ∼ 2.2 µm. An additive contribution to these channels would have affected the contrast of the fringes relative to the photometry and, therefore, would have translated we assume that the airmass is similar for target and calibrator, into a changing amplitude of the visibilities, which is not ob- which is indeed the case in our observations (see Table 1). served. Since any multiplicative bias in the data has no effect on We note that there are some atmospheric telluric lines that the visibility amplitudes, the atmospheric opacity and any un- can be clearly seen in the transmission profile shown in Fig. 1(b); modeled gain effect in the detector do not affect the visibilities, those at 2.45 (three lines), 2.44, 2.42 (three lines blended), 2.37, but only the observed spectra. and 2.32 µm. Theeffect of the optical-fiber transmission jump at If we wish to use the observed spectrum of RSCap in our 2.2 µm is also seen in the gain, together with a slight increase modeling,it is necessary to calibrate it with the atmospheric (and as a function of wavelength redward of ∼2.35 µm due to wa- instrumental) spectral transmission profiles. To perform this cal- ter vapor in the Earth’s atmosphere. We also note that, although ibration, we proceeded in the following way: 1) we obtained a the CO bands might have slightly different depths in 18Cap and template spectrum of an M0III star, which is corrected for atmo- BS4371,no clear featuresareseen in theregionsof the CO bands spheric effects (star BS4371, observed3 by Lanc¸on et al. 2000); for the gain shown in Fig. 1(b). 2) we divided the template spectrum by the observed spectrum of 18 Cap, to obtain the inverse of the transmission profile of the atmosphere plus the detector (we call this quantity gain and we 3. Results and discussion show it in Fig. 1(b)); and 3) we calibrated the spectrum of RS Cap, multiplying it by the gain. The normalized calibrated spec- 3.1. Continuum angular diameter and trum is shown in Fig. 2(a). By applying this calibration strategy, In Fig. 2, we show (a) the normalized spectrum of RS Cap, (b) the amplitude visibilities for the three baselines (higher visibility 2 processing amber.htm corresponds to shorter baseline), and (c) the resulting diameter 3 This spectrum has a resolution of λ/∆λ ∼ 1100, similar to that of estimates obtained from the fit of a uniformly-bright disk to the our observations visibilities at each spectral channel. 4 I. Mart´ı-Vidal et al.: AMBER observations of RS Cap

1 1.00 (a) L 0.90 0.8 L 0.80

Norm. 0.6 Calib. H H 0.70

0.60 0.4 0.50 Intensity 0.2

Intensity 0.40

1.0 0.5 1 1.5 2 (b) Radius HNorm.L

0.8 Fig. 3. Monochromatic intensity profile, normalized to RRoss = 1, correspondingto the MARCS model described in Sect. 4.1. This 0.6 profile was computed in the continuum part of the spectral cov- erage of our observations. 0.4 malized to the Rosseland radius, RRoss = 1), then the model used Amp. Visib. 0.2 to fit the visibilities is ∞ V(q) = I(r/R )J (K q r) r dr, (1) Z Ross 0 9.25 0 (c) L where J is the first-kind Bessel function of order 0, q is the 9.00 0 baseline length, and K is a constant to scale r and q to their corre- mas

H 8.75 sponding units (e.g., milliarcseconds and megawavelengths, re- spectively). The use of this fitting model, instead of the Hankel 8.50 transform of a uniform disc, allows us to take into account 8.25 limb-darkening and, simultaneously, to estimate directly the Rosseland radius (RRoss in Eq. 1). 8.00 The best-fit Rosseland diameter of RS Cap is θRoss = 7.95 ± 7.75 0.07mas. Our size estimate, together with the bolometric flux of (2.1 ± 0.2) × 10−6 erg cm−2 s−1 reported in Richichi et al. (1992), Disk Diameter 7.50 translates into an effective temperature of Teff = 3160 ± 160K. 2.15 2.20 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 Lunar occultations of RS Cap, recorded with the TIRGO Wavelength HΜmL telescope at 2.2 µm, resulted in a uniform-disk diameter estimate of 7.75 ± 0.67mas (Richichi et al. 1992). This diameter, together Fig. 2. (a) Spectrum of RS Cap (normalized); (b) calibrated vis- with the bolometric measurements performed by the same au- ibility amplitudes; (c) uniform-disc angular diameter at each thors, implies an effective temperature of ∼ 3200K, higher than AMBER spectral channel. the temperature derived from the calibration of Bessel, Castelli & Plez (1998) (∼ 2900K) and that derived from the calibration of Scalo (1976) (∼ 2600K), but in agreement with the calibra- tion given in Ridgway et al. (1980). A later re-analysis of the The mean uniform-diskangular diameter fitted to the RS Cap Lunar-occultation events (Richichi et al. 1999), to estimate the visibilities in the continuum (i.e., blueward of 2.29 µm) is θ = Rosseland angular diameter, resulted in an even higher effec- 7.75 ± 0.07mas. To derive the effective temperature accurately, tive temperature for this star (3481 ± 177K). Dyck, van Belle the size estimated with a limb-darkening model must be used, & Thomson (1998) estimated a size of 7.0 ± 0.8mas from a instead of that estimated from a uniform-disc model. We note single-baseline interferometric observation in the K band us- that Teff is a function of the criterion adopted for the radius of the ing the Infrared Optical Telescope Array (IOTA). This size also star. In spherical atmospheres, the actual Teff used to compare to translates into a higher effective temperature for RS Cap (around the models should be computed using the diameter at which the 4000K). Our estimated diameter of RS Cap is compatible with Rosseland opacity is 1 (i.e., the Rosseland diameter, θRoss; see, that reported in Richichi et al. (1992) from lunar occultations e.g., Sect. 3.4 of Wittkowski, Aufdenberg, & Kervella 2004). and that reported in Dyck, van Belle & Thomson (1998) from We estimated the Rosseland diameter of RS Cap by fitting IOTA observations, although the precision in our estimate is an the visibilities in the continuum part of our spectral coverage order of magnitude higher. to the Hankel transform (i.e., Fourier transform of a circularly- symmetric source) of the monochromatic intensity profile of 3.1.1. A word of caution about the use of FINITO the MARCS atmospheric model described in Sect. 4.1. We show this intensity profile, normalized to a Rosseland radius RRoss = We note that the use of FINITO in our observationsmay bias the θRoss/2 = 1, in Fig. 3. If this profile is given as I(r) (where I is absolute amplitude calibration of the visibilities of each baseline, the intensity normalized to 1 and r is the radial coordinate nor- since the percentage of lost fringes during the DIT is not taken I. Mart´ı-Vidal et al.: AMBER observations of RS Cap 5

4. Modeling 0.8 4.1. MARCS model atmosphere We compared the observed size effects in RS Cap with differ- 0.6 ent model atmospheres computed with the MARCS code (e.g. Gustafsson et al. 2008). The MARCS code computes the hydro- static atmospheric structure in radiative and convective equilib- 0.4 rium for spherical atmospheres with molecular and atomic lines taken into account using the opacity sampling method. Each Amp. Visib. model in spherical geometry (suitable for AGB stars) is speci- 0.2 fied by the effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity (log g), stellar mass (M), microturbulent velocity, and chemical compo- 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 sition. Baseline MΛ H L For Teff, we adopted 3200K, the nearest possible value in MARCS models to our estimated 3160K. We also assume the Fig. 4. Visibility amplitudes between 2.13 and 2.29 µmasafunc- “moderately CN-cycled” chemical composition (C/N = 1.5 and tion of baseline length. Black, observations; red, model predic- 12C/13C = 20), which is usually found in stars after the tions with a uniform-disk diameter of 7.75 + 0.07mas (lower branch, and [Fe/H] = 0.0. The stellar mass can be estimated by line) and 7.75 − 0.07mas (upper line). comparing with theoretical stellar evolutionary tracks, once Teff and the are known. While the parallax of RS Cap is not precisely measured (the relative error is on the order of 70%, so the error in the luminosity can be as large as an order of mag- nitude), Winters et al. (2003) estimated the luminosity of RSCap into account in the process of frame integration of each expo- to be log L/L⊙ = 3.82, by applying the period-luminosity re- sure. Any possible bias may be different for calibrator and tar- lation for semi-regular variables given by Feast (1996)4. From get, and translate into a different absolute amplitude calibration Fig. 5 of Feast (1996), we estimated an uncertainty of ±0.25 in for each star. As a result, our size estimate of RS Cap might be the bolometric of RSCap, which translates (slightly) biased even after performing the calibration described into an error of up to 20–25% in the luminosity, much smaller in Sect. 2.1. However, the spectral resolution of our observations than that related to the Hipparcos parallax. The luminosity from is much higher than that used in Richichi et al. (1992) and Dyck, Winters et al. (2003), together with the above Teff, places RS van Belle & Thomson (1998) (who, indeed, only measured the Cap close to the evolutionary track of a 2M⊙ star with Z = 0.02, 5 visibility at one projected baseline). The higher spectral resolu- computed by F. Herwig . Therefore, we adopted 2M⊙ for RS tion of AMBER allows us to precisely obtain the behavior of vis- Cap. ibility amplitudes through relatively wide regions of the Fourier We note that the luminosity estimated by Winters et al. plane. This sampling of visibility amplitudes through the observ- (2003) for RS Cap is much higher than that corresponding to an ing band encodes information about the source size, which is in- RGB star with 2 M⊙ (which is only log L/L⊙ ∼ 3). Therefore, ac- dependent of the absolute calibration of the visibilities. In Fig. cording to its luminosity, RS Cap would be clasified as an AGB 4, we show the visibility amplitudes in the continuum (i.e. blue- star, as it is indeed assumed in the P-L relation by Feast (1996). ward of 2.29 µm) as a function of baseline length. In the figure, The luminosity estimated in this way for RS Cap is, thus, self- we also show the model predictions using a uniform-disk diam- consistent in the framework of the P-L relation of semi-regular eter of 7.75 ± 0.07mas. It can be seen that a disk model with this AGB stars. diameter satisfactorily fits the visibilities of all baselines through From the luminosity and Teff, we estimated a stellar ra- the whole spectral coverage in the continuum. This result gives dius of ∼ 260R⊙, which, combined with our angular-size esti- us confidence about the amplitude calibration of the RSCap vis- mate, translates into a distance of about 310pc. Hence, from the ibilities. adopted stellar mass of 2M⊙ and the estimated radius, we de- rive log g ∼ −0.1. We adopted log g = 0.0 for the selection of the MARCS models. For the microturbulent velocity, we used the 3.2. CO first overtone bands: λ> 2.3 µm MARCS models with 2 and 5kms−1. However, the effects of this parameter on the visibility are very small. In Fig. 2(c), there are two clear aspects in the region of CO first We downloaded the models with the above parameters from overtone bands (λ > 2.3 µm) worth noticing. On the one hand, the MARCS website6. Using the temperature and pressure strati- we see an increase of ∼ 10% in size for all the CO band heads, fications of the model, we computed the monochromatic inten- compared to the sizes in the continuum.On the other hand, there sity profiles and the synthetic spectrum for the spectral range is a linear trend of increasing size with observing wavelength, of our AMBER observations with a fine wavelength mesh of beginning at 2.29 µm. Owing to this latter effect, the size in the 1.4kms−1, sampling several points over each line profile. The continuum at 2.45 µm is ∼ 12% larger than the size in the con- CO (12C16O, 12C17O, 12C18O, and 13C16O) and H O lines were tinuum for the wavelengths shorter than 2.29 µm. 2 taken from the line lists of Goorvitch (1994) and Partridge & Large size increases redward of 2.29 µm have been observed Schwenke (1997), respectively. The monochromatic visibilities in Mira stars (Woodruff et al. 2009), which are interpreted as were computed from the Hankel transform (i.e., Fourier trans- being caused by water-vapor extended zones. However, in those cases, the size variations reported are 3–4 times larger than that 4 Although the period-luminosity relation is a matter of debate, as observed in RS Cap. In Sect. 4.2, we discuss how our model of Winters et al. (2003) mention. water-vapor envelope can explain the observed increasing size 5∼fherwig in RS Cap redward of 2.29 µm. 6 6 I. Mart´ı-Vidal et al.: AMBER observations of RS Cap form of a circularly-symmetric distribution) of the monochro- matic intensity profiles (computed as described in Ohnaka et 1.00 al. 2006) and then convolved to the spectral resolution of our L 0.90 AMBER measurements. In Quirrenbach et al. (2001), limb-darkened photospheric 0.80 models were used to generate equivalent disk sizes. These sizes Norm. H were then compared to the disk sizes fitted to the MkIII visibili- 0.70 ties. In our case, this approach would have had the disadvantage 0.60 of being sensitive to scaling factors between different baselines (i.e., to the absolute amplitude calibration) and would have de- 0.50 pended on the use of an intermediate model (a uniform disk) to 0.40 compare observations to models. To avoid those drawbacks, we Intensity chose a new approach to the modeling of the RS Cap visibili- ties, which minimizes the effect of possible calibration artifacts 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 between baselines and, in addition, avoids the use of an inter- Wavelength HΜmL mediate fit to a disk. The synthetic visibilities obtained from the MARCS models were computed at the points of the Fourier plane Fig. 5. Calibrated spectrum of RS Cap (black), synthetic MARCS corresponding to each exposure in our observations. We then spectrum (blue), and synthetic spectrum with the additional averaged the synthetic visibilities over all the exposures, in the water-vapor envelope (red). same way as we did with the real data. In this way, we directly compare the observed visibilities to the model predictions. by a factor ∼ 2; and changing the size of the shell by a factor of We show in Fig. 6 a comparison between observed visibil- two increases the χ2 by a factor ∼ 2. ities (black lines) and those computed from the MARCS model red Although the water-vapor envelope enhances the contrast of using Teff = 3200K, M = 2M⊙, and log g = 0 (blue lines). The match between observations and model predictions in the the CO features in the visibilities, thus improving the fit also in continuum (i.e., for wavelengths shorter than ∼ 2.3 µm) is very the CO band heads, the observed depths in the band heads are ∼ good. still larger than those of the model for some band heads ( 50% for the band head at 2.29 µm). Furthermore, increasing (decreas- The reduced χ2 for this model is χ2 = 18.2. The relatively red ing) the stellar mass results in smaller (larger) depths of the visi- large depth of the features of the CO band heads cannot be re- bility amplitudes in the CO band heads, but decreasing the mass produced by the model. The discrepancy remains even if we to a value as low as 1M does not translate into CO visibility = ⊙ lower the mass to values as low as M 1M⊙ (models with amplitudes comparable to those of the observations, even after higher masses predict more compact atmospheres and, there- the addition of the water envelope (the χ2 using 1M is only ff red ⊙ fore, smaller size e ects in the CO band heads). Additionally, 7.2% lower than that using 2M ). the observed visibility amplitudes at wavelengths longer than ⊙ In Fig. 5, we show the calibrated spectrum of RS Cap ∼2.29 µm are systematically lower than the model predictions; (black) and, superimposed, the synthetic spectra obtained from this difference between model and observations is larger at the MARCS model only (blue) and the MARCS model with an addi- longer wavelengths. In other words, the effective size of the star tional water-vapor envelope (red). Both model spectra are very at wavelengths longer than ∼ 2.29 µm is systematically larger similar, and only differ for the longest wavelengths, where the than the effective size derived from the MARCS model. model with water envelope predicts a slightly lower flux. Since the fit of both modelsto the observedspectrumis of similar qual- 4.2. An additional water-vapor envelope ity, it is difficult to extract any additional conclusion about the water-vapor envelope from the spectrum alone. An extra contribution must be added to the MARCS models to fit the visibilities in the observed spectral range. We can reproduce the lower visibility amplitudes (i.e., the larger effective sizes) be- 4.2.1. Water-vapor envelopes in AGBs. The problem of RS yond 2.29 µm by adding a contribution to the stellar opacity due Cap to water vapor around the star. The opacity corresponding to the The presence of dense water vapor envelopes in semi-regular or wide absorption of water vapor centered at ∼2.7 µm may account irregular (i.e., non-Mira-type) AGB stars was first revealed by for the larger angular sizes observed at the longer wavelengths. Tsuji et al. (1997), who unmasked the 2.7 µm water vapor band We added a simple water-vapor model envelope to the MARCS originating in the dense molecular layers extending to ∼2 stel- pressure/density profiles, consisting of a narrow spherical shell lar radii. On the basis of infrared interferometric observations, with a radius of 2 and a width of 0.1 (both in units of the stel- Mennesson et al. (2002) found an increase in the angular size of lar radius), a column density of 1021 cm−2, and a temperature of 30–60% between the K and L′ band in five semi-regular AGB 1500K. Using these parameters, we are able to fit the amplitude stars, which the authors interpreted as being due to the emis- visibilities at λ> 2.29 µm, as we show in Fig 6 (red lines). With sion from the extended molecular layers. However, they used fil- 2 2 this model, we obtain χred = 8.1. This large reduced χ is par- ters which are incapable of spectrally resolving the water vapor tially due to the discrepancy in the CO bands, which is discussed bands. Our AMBER measurementsare the first study to spatially in Sect. 4.3. Our model follows the general trend of decreas- and spectrally resolve the water vapor emission from the dense ing visibility amplitudes for wavelengths longer than 2.3 µm, al- molecular layers for a semi-regular AGB star. though underestimates the visibility amplitudes at wavelengths We note that a similar increase in the angular diameter red- longer than 2.4 µm. Changing the column density by a factor of ward of 2.3 µm is also found in Mira stars. Based on K-band 2 ten results in an increase of χred by a factor 2 − 3; a slight mod- interferometry using narrow-band filters with a spectral resolu- 2 ification of the water-vapor temperature (∼ 15%) increases χred tion of ∼20, Perrin et al. (2004) showed that the angular diam- I. Mart´ı-Vidal et al.: AMBER observations of RS Cap 7 eters of Mira stars are larger at 2.0 and 2.4 µm than at 2.2 µm. Wittkowski et al. (2008) observed the Mira star S Ori from 1.29 MARCS E0 − G0 to 2.32 µm using AMBER with a spectral resolution of 35 and MARCS + WATER found that the angular size increases redward of 2.2 µm. The 1.00 wavelength dependence of the angular size of Mira stars from the near- to mid-infrared is primarily governed by the opacity of water vapor, which is abundant in the atmosphere of Mira stars 0.90 (e.g., Ohnaka 2004; Wittkowski et al. 2008). The model by Tej et al. (2003) shows that a shell with an enhanced water vapor abundance forms behind a shock front propagating outward in 0.80 the extended atmosphere of Mira stars. Comparison between in- Amp. Visib. frared interferometric observations of Mira stars and dynamical models lends support to this picture (e.g., Ohnaka et al. 2006; 0.70 Wittkowski et al. 2007). The shock wave in Miras is generated by the periodic, large- 0.55 G0 − H0 amplitude pulsation. Therefore, the shock in non-Mira stars with much smaller variability amplitude is expected to be much ff weaker. However, despite the striking di erence in the variabil- 0.50 ity amplitude (∆V = 6–9 and 0.5–2 for Miras and RS Cap, re- spectively), the semi-regular AGB star RS Cap produces a warm water vapor envelope similar to that of Miras. The column den- sity, temperature, and radius of the water vapor envelope derived 0.45

for RS Cap are similar to those derived for Mira stars (Ohnaka Amp. Visib. 2004). Not only the properties of the water-vapor envelope, but −6 −1 also the mass-loss rate of RS Cap (∼1×10 M⊙ yr ) is compa- −7 −1 0.40 rable to that of Miras (e.g., 5×10 M⊙ yr for S Ori) (estimates from Winters et al. 2003). The dynamical models with small-amplitude pulsations, re- 0.24 E0 − H0 ported in Winters et al. (2003), produce outflows slower than −1 −7 −1 0.22 5km s with mass-loss rates lower than 3 × 10 M⊙ yr . However, the expansion velocity measured for RS Cap is ∼10km 0.20 s−1 (Winters et al. 2003). Therefore, it is not clear whether this kind of small-amplitude pulsation model applies to RS Cap. At 0.18 the moment, there is no satisfactory explanation for the origin of 0.16 the warm water envelope in RS Cap. Amp. Visib. 0.14 4.3. An additional CO envelope 0.12 It can be seen in Fig. 6 that the observed visibility amplitudes at 2.15 2.2 2.25 2.3 2.35 2.4 2.45 the CO band heads are much lower than the model predictions, Wavelength HΜmL either with or without a water-vapor envelope. This discrepancy is especially large for the shortest baseline (i.e. E0 − G0) at the Fig. 6. Black: AMBER visibilities of RS Cap. Blue: model 2.29µm band head. The low visibility amplitudes at the CO band visibilities computed using a MARCS pressure-density profile heads provide evidence of an extended envelope of CO around (see text). Red: model visibilities computed using the MARCS the star. For instance, if ∼20% of the emission in the CO band pressure-density profile and an additional water-vapor envelope head at 2.29 µm were to originate from a very extended envelope (see text). of, say, ∼20mas radius or larger, it would map into a decrease in the visibility amplitude that would roughly match the observa- tions in that part of the spectrum. Unfortunately, we do not have Using the pressure/density model profiles obtained with the enough data to be able to characterize well this possible extra MARCS code, we have been able to generate synthetic visibilities component of CO absorption. and compare them directly to our AMBER observations. The fit is rather good, although we are unable to reproduce the low vis- 5. Conclusions ibility amplitudes in the CO band heads using a mass for RS Cap estimated from the theoretical models of . We have observed the AGB star RS Cap with VLTI/AMBER In this sense, our situation resembles that of Quirrenbach et al. in the K band with medium-resolution mode (506 channels be- (2001), who observed interferometrically a sample of cool-giant tween 2.13 and 2.47 µm). We have estimated a Rosseland diam- stars in the TiO absorption band at 712nm. The discrepancy be- eter of 7.95 ± 0.07mas in the continuum, which translates into tween models and observations in the CO band heads might be an effective temperature of 3160±160K. The apparent size of resolved either by using a much lower mass for RS Cap (below the star increases monotonically by ∼ 12% between 2.29 and 1M⊙, thus in contradiction with the stellar-evolution models) or 2.47 µm. We have detected lower than expected visibility am- by additional unmodeled effects in the base of the stellar wind (a plitudes in all the CO band heads observed. These lower ampli- transition zone with prominent absorption in the CO bands). tudes translate into larger apparent sizes of the star in the CO To fit the observations at wavelengths longer than 2.29 µm, band heads. we have found that an ad hoc narrow spherical water-vapor en- 8 I. Mart´ı-Vidal et al.: AMBER observations of RS Cap velope around the star, similar to the models used in Perrin et al. (2004), must be added. We have modeled this envelope with a temperature of 1500K, a size twice that of the star, a width of 0.1 times the stellar radius, and a column density of 1021 cm−2. Finally, there is a hint of an extended CO envelope around the star, based on the low visibility amplitudes at the CO band heads in the shortest baseline.

Acknowledgements. IMV is a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. Partial support from Spanish grants AYA-2006-14986-C02, AYA2009-13036-C02-02, and Prometeo 2009/104 is ac- knowledged.

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