, 1947 . Match 12. 1947 CLASSIFIED ADS DOWN BEAT

A COMPLBTK COUBSK in Modern Har­ mony and Orche.)..J Arranging 12 Texte DIOS including Imp-oviaatio' V .»I Scoring and Only REC-ALBUM Has MC Ccmpoaition. For a limited time only— “TIP-LOC” • TRICKS! CLASSIFIED 15.00. Mirn.it. Serle». P. O Boa 431 Fao- Broken Record« No More! st di> adena 18, Calif. Axel Ciiristensen’d bl-montlily Bul­ »pule, Fifteen Cents per Word—Minimum 10 Words Slip and Break Proof Safety letin co itains novel breaks. fill-Ins, 25c Extra for Box Bervi« SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR TRUM­ boogie effects und tricky embellish- iMton- Remittance Mum Accompany Copy PET, Alto. Tenor, Piano, Base Drums. accidentally turned wrong beeauae ment’i for 4 of the best hit songa. (Count Name. Addrru, City and Stat.) Full three-way harmony. Free Hat. Jack «m has Send 25 cents atamps or coin, for Nunn, 85 Lyndale Drive, Rochester 11, “TIP-LOC” latest issue. 10 consecutive r^ues. N.Y. ITevent Record Breakage. A welcome addition $2. Mention, if piano teacher. phone to your record family. “Rec-Album” always a TENOR SAX CHORUSES—Note for note better album. Beautiful Tu-Tone colors and Axel Christensen Studios record copies of Dark Eye«, St. Louin trim CENSORSHIP , My Ideal—as recorded by world’s L H. SYMONS ASSOCIATES 21 Kimball HaH Bldg. CHICAGO 4. ILL. leading tenor men. All three for $1.00. AD Rdvertninp copy must pass the rigid eennonhip which has Kittredge Music Service, 165 Fairmont St., constantly protected Down Beat readers against the unworthy. Fitchburg, Mass. tut. NEW ARRANGING SERVICE Ex-GI’s— experience writing for all ’yne band», Popular Band Loader and RECORDS any style. Ix>w prices s itisfaction euaran- Vocalists Photographs COMMERCIAL PRESSINGS DANCE MUSICIANS- Commercial midwest teed. WILLIAMS-SHARMAN ARRANG- tlletley FOR SALE traveling territory band. Weekly »alary. ERS. 1520 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas. Seven beautiful glossy photos of your favorite Band Made from your original recording. Sell Leaders size 8 by 10 ready to frame—for only to stores - dhtributors - Record shops. Start rehearsal« March 30. Fat’s Carlson, 81.00. Send list of leaders wanted including sec­ 1308 South Glendale. Sioux Falls, South MUSIC PRINTING—lend aheet- Profes­ ond choice, with $1.00 In currency or money order Labels printed in your name. Details $ CONN — Model 24-1« and Dakota. sionals, Sale Copies. Also Piano Ar­ plus lOo for mailing and handlino—or 2Sc in (stamp), Special Excellent condition— good buy I rangement*. (New »ong» fri» to profes­ stamps or coin for one sample ghote. URAB Box A-419, Chicago 1. ional») KENNEDY 173 Washington BUSINESS MINDED MUSICIANS a anted. Barre, Vermont. KIER'S BOOK HOUSE IERS 1343 «»»ut si Iks (Ussrtui (Ilk Ass.). Nsa T«k CKr II’ Year round work. No panic,.