AT 5.30PM


Riccarton/Wigram Mike Mora (Chairperson), Helen Broughton (Deputy Chairperson), Natalie Bryden, Vicki Buck, Community Board: Jimmy Chen, Peter Laloli and Debbie Mora

Spreydon/Heathcote Paul McMahon (Chairperson), Karolin Potter (Deputy Chairperson), Phil Clearwater, Community Board: Melanie Coker, Helene Mautner, Tim Scandrett, and Rik Tindall

Community Board Adviser Community Board Adviser Peter Dow Faye Collins Phone 941 6501 DDI or 027 4893749 Phone 941 5108 DDI Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]







For copies of Agendas and Reports, visit:

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Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from the decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


Joint Extraordinary Meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote Community Boards 11 March 2015 Agenda

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Contact Contact Details Executive Leadership Team General Manager, Culture, Leisure N Member responsible: and Parks Officer responsible: Unit Manager, Transport and City N Streets Author: John Edmonds, Project Manager Y 941-8611


1.1 This report relates to the Annex/Birmingham/Wrights Route Upgrade project, which is part of the Capital Programme in the Council’s Three Year Plan (2013 – 2016), shown on page 305.

1.2 The purpose of this report is to:

1.2.1 Update the Spreydon/Heathcote and Riccarton/Wigram Community Boards on the preferred scheme design for the Annex/Birmingham/Wrights Route Upgrade project, following the consultation process;

1.2.2 Request that the Spreydon/Heathcote and Riccarton/Wigram Community Boards recommend that the Council approve the preferred scheme design for the Annex/Birmingham/Wrights Route Upgrade project outlined in Attachment 1 and as described in this report.


2.1 The purpose of the Annex/Birmingham/Wrights Route Upgrade project is to improve the network capacity and safety in the Middleton Business Park Area. It has ID1341 on Page 305 of the Planned Capital Programme in the Three Year Plan (TYP).

2.2 The Wigram/Magdala overbridge and roading link construction project has now been contracted for construction. The bridge and link will provide a new connection from Wigram Road to a new signalised intersection at Annex/Birmingham/Magdala. The traffic using the new link will have an effect on traffic distribution and level of service through the Middleton Business Park area. This upgrade project is proposed to improve the network to accommodate the additional demands and ensure safe movement corridors for all users.

General Arrangement

2.3 The four roads of the project; Annex Road, Birmingham Drive, Wrights Road and Matipo Street are designed to have a consistent cross-section throughout, comprising:

2.3.1 2.5 metre central median

2.3.2 3.3 to 3.5 metre traffic lanes

2.3.3 1.8 metre cycle lanes.

2.3.4 1.5 metre (minimum) footpaths (on each side)

2.3.5 On-street parking provided where corridor and kerb to kerb width permits.

2.4 This cross-section will allow improved vehicle flow over the existing situation, allowing vehicles turning into and out of property accesses to utilise the central median, out of the active traffic lanes. On road cycle lanes, footpaths and shared path facilities respond to the needs of the active modes in the area. The typical cross-sections for each of the four roads are shown in Attachment 2.

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2.5 It is intended to replace the existing roundabout at Birmingham/Wrights/Vanadium with a signalised intersection. The preferred configuration also includes signalising the Annex/Lunns intersection.

2.6 A series of shared use cycle and pedestrian paths are proposed for Annex Road on the southern approach to the rail crossing, and from the rail crossing to Blenheim Road. Shared use paths are the preferred treatment due to the overall complexity of movements for all road users at the Annex Road intersections with Lunns Road, the rail crossing and at Blenheim Road.

2.7 The carriageway changes have necessitated the removal of on-street parking. There are currently 357 on-street car park spaces in the project area (note that this does not include the area around the signalised intersection at Annex/Birmingham/Magdala). The rearrangement of the road cross-sections removes 190 of those parks.

2.8 Community consultation involved a leaflet and plan drop to stakeholders and owners/occupiers in the area; drop-in sessions; on-site meetings and the Have Your Say website. Consultation was open for four weeks closing on 12 December 2014. Approximately 52 percent of respondents fully supported the project, 23 percent objected. Of the feedback comments, the removal of on-street parking throughout the area was the most significant, followed by commentary around how cycling facilities in the area are planned. In response, it is intended to maintain some of the on-street parking by modifying the kerb positions (namely Matipo Street north of the rail crossing, and Annex Road (south/cul-de-sac). No changes are planned to how cycle movement through the area is configured. The City Plan requires businesses to provide a minimum level of on-site parking sufficient for staff and visitors. This is a newer area, and the Council has no policy to provide long term off-street carparking outside the CBD

2.9 The traffic control and parking controls required for the project will be submitted to later meetings of the Spreydon/Heathcote and Riccarton/Wigram Community Boards, the Infrastructure Transport and Environment Committee, and the Council.


Project Objectives and Feasibility

3.1 The Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy (UDS) has identified south-west Christchurch as a major urban growth area, and the area continues to grow quickly since the earthquakes.

3.2 The Christchurch to Rolleston and Environs Transportation Strategy (CRETS) and the South West Area Plan Transport Assessment (SWAPTA) identified Wigram Road as one of the new arterial corridors linking the south-west with the more central part of the city, hence the Wigram-Magdala Link was included in the 2009-2019 LTCCP and the tender has now been awarded for its construction.

3.3 These earlier studies recognised that improvements to Annex Road, Birmingham Drive, Wrights Road and Matipo Street would be necessary to accommodate the growth in vehicle traffic as a result of developing the Wigram/Magdala link. All four roads are currently classified as collectors in the City Plan. The Replacement District Plan considers the Birmingham Drive/Wrights Road/Matipo Street links to be Minor Arterial Roads (urban industrial). Annex Road remains a collector (urban industrial).

3.4 Feasibility options were first examined in 2010/2011. They identified the need to improve traffic flow through the road links in the area, and the need to improve the functioning of the Annex/Lunns, and Birmingham/Wrights/Vanadium intersections.

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3.5 More recent traffic modelling, using the CAST model identified opportunities to improve the operation of Blenheim Road through the Blenheim Road Optimisation Corridor Study (BROCS). In particular, the study identified that the capacity of Blenheim Road and the intersections at Annex Road and Matipo Street could be improved by providing additional traffic lanes and modifying signal timing.

3.6 The location of the project area is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Project Location Plan

3.7 The Community Board areas are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Community Board Areas: Riccarton/Wigram is shaded blue - Spreydon/Heathcote is un-shaded.

3.8 Based on the background above, the scheme investigation commenced with the objectives:

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3.8.1 To improve/enhance the transport network in line with the Christchurch Transport Strategic Plan (CTSP). The CTSP shows the Birmingham/Matipo link (minor arterial and strategic route) forms part of the strategic road network. So the route upgrade should be designed to cater for the additional demands on the link as a result of the Wigram/Magdala Link and managed to maximise journey efficiency and reliability. This will ensure residential and business growth is facilitated in the south-west.

3.8.2 Wrights Road (main distributor in CTSP) and Annex Road (Local Road in CTSP) should be designed appropriately for the road hierarchy classification.

3.8.3 Freight movements in the immediate area (all links) should be catered for through appropriate design and conflict between access movements for freight and through movements for general traffic needs to be managed. There is also a freight hub identified in the area, so provision for that function (which partially exists currently) should be made.

3.8.4 Accommodate the Major Cycle Routes (MCRs) on Annex Road and across Wrights Road. Provide cycle facilities on Birmingham Drive and Matipo Street (local cycle routes in the CTSP), and ensure that cycling can be accommodated on Wrights Road.

3.8.5 Provide bus stops for the existing bus routes, and ensure new/future bus routes can be accommodated.

Scheme Investigation and Options 3.9 The scheme investigation was focused on identifying the most effective balance between road space, safe mode operation and limiting property purchase requirements. Options were constrained to fit within existing property boundaries. Options were considered in three packages:

3.9.1 Annex Road MCR: Annex Road from the new Birmingham/Magdala intersection to Blenheim Road was investigated for its ability to function as a major cycle route. It was determined that there is inadequate corridor width (boundary to boundary) to accommodate a full-specification MCR due to the conflicting demands between separation from traffic and separation from property boundaries. Ideally an MCR should be three metres or more from a property boundary (visibility for vehicles exiting a property); however large truck and trailer units require a very wide curve to track as they turn into properties, negating the effects of any separators between the cycle lanes and the vehicle lanes. The need for an MCR on Annex Road was subsequently removed from this project’s objectives and cycle movement on Annex Road was then required to meet the similar standards of the remainder of the route.

3.9.2 Intersections: The recommended configurations of the signalised intersections on the route have been developed through both this scheme investigation and from decisions made as result of the BROC Study.  Birmingham/Wrights/Vanadium: Options for the Birmingham/Wrights/Vanadium intersection included a larger multi-lane roundabout than existing; a large signalised intersection and a signalised version that fitted within the existing property boundaries. Modelling indicated the smaller signalised intersection will function effectively. A signalised intersection is preferred over a roundabout as it offers improved safety for cyclist and pedestrian movements (plan C111 in Attachment 1).

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 Annex/Lunns: The modelling of signalised and non-signalised options indicated Annex/Lunns will perform more effectively, with the higher traffic loadings from the Wigram/Magdala link, with signals. A signalised intersection at this point is also preferred to accommodate cycle and pedestrian movements. Due to the arrangement of the cycle facilities at Blenheim/Hansons and Blenheim/Annex intersections, there will be cyclists who are southbound on the shared path and who will need a facility to cross Annex Road. Signals at Annex/Lunns provide that (plan C114 in Attachment 1).

 Annex/Blenheim: The BROC Study determined performance improvements for the Annex/Blenheim/Hansons intersection could be achieved through extending the right-turn queue lengths into both Annex Road and Hansons Lane. Subsequently the southern kerb on Blenheim Road has been moved to widen Blenheim Road at this point to provide space for the queues, against a modified central island (plan C113 in Attachment 1).

 Blenheim/Matipo: The BROC study considered a combination of signal phasing changes and lane modification to improve the functioning of the intersection. In particular a right-turn arrow was assessed from Matipo (southbound) turning into Blenheim Road (westbound) to promote public transport movements. The provision of an additional straight-through lane (northbound) allows this timing change to function without restricting Blenheim Road. 3.9.3 Links between intersections: The options considered for Annex Road, Birmingham Drive, Wrights Road and Matipo Street have always recognised the need for a corridor suitable for the industrial nature of the area. Therefore a wide central median (adequate for turning vehicles to wait), traffic lanes and high-standard cycle lanes (to Local Cycle Route standard) and footpaths have been fundamental. For Annex Road, several sections of the northbound on-street cycle lane have been replaced by shared paths to better accommodate the multiple movements on the west side of the road resulting from the Annex/Blenheim and Annex/Lunns signal configuration. On-street parking provision has been considered on each individual road – the provision or not (at least up to consultation) was based on a balance of available corridor space and the extent of kerb changes necessary to allow parking.

3.10 Prior to public consultation, the Wrights Road (south) section, (from Birmingham Drive to Lincoln Road) was removed from the project scope. Wrights Road required full kerb and channel renewal and has the potential to be included in a future review of the Nor-west Arc Major Cycle Route. Further, the reduction in project scope allows the overall project to fall within budget.

Safety Audit

3.11 A safety audit was undertaken on the project plans prior to consultation. The audit key findings were related to cycle movements throughout the area, signalised intersection layouts and pedestrian facilities at signalised intersections. Plan changes were made responding to the audit findings:

3.11.1 The northbound cycle facilities on Annex Road were redesigned to the now intended shared use paths, to simplify the cycle and pedestrian movements on Annex Road, and increase the length of the left turn (Annex to Blenheim) lane;

3.11.2 Annex/Lunns intersection lanes were redesigned to better accommodate the movements at the intersection, and the signal phasing will be co-ordinated to prevent swept-path conflicts between turning movements of large trucks. Joint Extraordinary Meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote Community Boards 11 March 2015 Agenda

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3.11.3 Pedestrian crossing islands were added to Birmingham Drive, Wrights Road and Matipo Street to assist pedestrian safety and access.

3.11.4 Green surfacing of cycle lanes adjacent to bus stops was added to make potential conflict points more visible to cyclists.

3.11.5 Cyclist right-turn hook-turn boxes were added to the Birmingham/Wrights/Vanadium and the Blenheim/Matipo intersections.

3.12 All changes in response to safety audit have been reviewed by the auditor and signed off by the Christchurch City Council’s internal design safety manager.


3.13 An initial information letter was delivered to properties broadly bounded by Annex Road, Southern Motorway, Addington Raceway and Barry Hogan Place on 25 September 2014. The letter provided general information about the project purpose, and intended changes.

3.14 The Annex/Birmingham/Wrights scheme plans were presented to the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board on 24 October 2014. The presentation included the set of scheme plans which showed the recommended configuration at the time of presentation. The decision making process that led to the design elements of the project were explained. The scheme plans included shaded areas related to the possible off- street parking areas. The Board’s recommendation was to remove the shaded areas for the consultation leaflets, and indicate the areas with a ‘low-key’ label as “possible parking area”.

3.15 The project scheme plans were also sent to the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board at approximately the same time via a memorandum.

3.16 Community consultation was undertaken from 17 November to 12 December 2014. A Project Information Leaflet (PIL) was provided to landowners and occupiers of properties in the same area as the initial information letter, with the addition of properties on Matipo Street, north of Blenheim Road. It was delivered to 620 properties; 419 posted to absentee landowners and a further 332 distributed to various stakeholders, including Community Board and Council representatives, community organisations, and relevant Council departments. In total, 1371 copies of the PIL were distributed. Feedback forms were included in the PIL.

3.17 Two public drop-in sessions were held on Tuesday 25 November and Monday 1 December 2014, from 4pm to 8pm in the Kudos Café Board Room on Annex Road/Nazareth Avenue intersection. The project was included on the 'Have Your Say’ section of the Christchurch City Council’s website.

3.18 Six people visited each of the two drop-in sessions, and several calls and on-site meetings were held with property owners and occupiers. The key issues raised related to parking, train operations and stormwater management. All of the stakeholders completed the feedback forms.

3.19 There were 71 written submissions in response to the information leaflet. Thirty-seven indicated full support for the proposed upgrades, and five indicated general support with additional comments or concern. Sixteen opposed the project and 13 provided no indication of support/opposition.

3.20 The two issues attracting the most feedback were:

3.20.1 Proposed removal of much on-street parking throughout the area.

3.20.2 The need for, and type of cycle facilities proposed throughout the area. Joint Extraordinary Meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote Community Boards 11 March 2015 Agenda

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3.21 Other issues included:

3.21.1 Bus stop requirements.

3.21.2 Pedestrian access and safety, including road crossing, and the need for facilities for sight impaired.

3.21.3 The impact of train movements on traffic flow throughout the area.

3.21.4 Road markings and lane layout at the signalised intersections, and the effects of right-turn arrows.

3.21.5 Management of stormwater throughout the area.

Responses to Consultation

3.22 Close to half of the submissions raised concerns about the loss of on-street carparking. Investigations identified three potential off-street carparking locations, with capacity totalling approximately 114 spaces. However, these have not been included in the recommended option for the following reasons:

3.22.1 The City Plan requires businesses to provide a minimum level of on-site parking sufficient for staff and visitors.

3.22.2 A principal aim of the Christchurch Transport Strategic Plan is to improve the efficiency of the transport network. It indicates: ‘Where a shared priority corridor is identified through the new road classification system, there may be a need to reprioritise road space for public transport and active transport’.

3.22.3 The Council has no policy to provide long term off-street carparking outside the CBD.

3.22.4 Additional development and maintenance costs would be incurred by the Council to provide off-street carparks. Across the Council’s entire Transport Programme, (including Major Cycle Routes), this cost could be most substantial.

3.23 The following are changes which have been made to the plans as a result of consultation feedback and in response to an additional safety review and internal feedback during the consultation period.

3.23.2 The kerb on the west side of Matipo Street between the railway line and south of Blenheim Road will be moved slightly westward, to allow the retention of existing on street parking.

3.23.3 Subject to successful land purchase, two short-stay (P10) indented parking areas will be created on the north side of Birmingham Drive, just east of Hands Road.

3.23.4 Subject to successful land purchase, the kerb on the west side of Annex Road (south – cul-de-sac) will be slightly further west than shown in the consultation plan, to allow for angle parking.

3.23.5 New bus stops on either side of the road are proposed for Matipo Street/ Wrights Road. The northbound stop is on Matipo Street, just north of the railway line, and the southbound stop is just south of the railway line, on Wrights Road. These bus stops are approximately half way between the next set of stops on Matipo Street (north of Blenheim Road) and on Birmingham Drive (west of Wrights Road). Joint Extraordinary Meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote Community Boards 11 March 2015 Agenda

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3.23.6 KiwiRail have specifically identified that heavy vehicles right turn into their working areas on Annex Road, north of Lunns Road and the rail crossing. To accommodate this movement and allow unrestricted queuing for and operation of the Annex/Lunns signals, no-stopping restrictions will extend north of the rail crossing on the west side. This will allow the right turning heavy vehicles to wait (in lieu of a painted median) and northbound traffic can pass, using the marked diagonal area.

Overall Project Arrangements

3.24 The final recommended proposal is shown in plan set in Attachment 1 (80504501-04- 001-C101 to C114 Rev D). In general, the roading upgrades include:

3.24.1 Common widened road cross-section on Annex Road, Birmingham Drive, Wrights Road and Matipo Street including:

 2.5 metre painted median

 2 x 3.3 to 3.5 metre traffic lanes

 2 x 1.8 metre cycle lanes

 2 x 1.5 metre (min) footpaths

 2 metre kerbside/indented parking on one or both sides as the corridor width allows.

3.24.2 Typical cross-sections for each of the four roads in this project are included in Attachment 2.

3.24.3 Kerb modification on the south side of Blenheim Road between Annex Road and Hansons Lane, allowing improved queuing distances for the right-turn lanes. A widened shared use path is provided for cycle and pedestrian movement between Annex Road and Hansons Lane (including Blenheim Road west bound cyclists).

3.24.4 Modified Annex/Blenheim intersection, including dual right-turn lanes and extended left-lane Annex to Blenheim; removal of the left-turn slip lane Blenheim to Annex; two stage signalised pedestrian crossing of Annex Road and a right-turn Annex to Blenheim cycle lane, accessed from the shared use path.

3.24.5 Annex Road has the typical cross-section above, with the exception of northbound cycles using a shared path from Lunns Road. A new footpath will be formed for the full length of the eastern side.

3.24.6 Annex Road/Lunns Road intersection is signalised, with cycle and pedestrian facilities using shared paths from north of the railway line to south of the intersection. Separate phases cater for cycle and pedestrian movements.

3.24.7 Adequate northbound road space is provided to accommodate KiwiRail right- turning heavy vehicles north of the rail crossing, and the northbound straight through vehicles.

3.24.8 Annex Road south of Lunns Road conforms to the typical cross-section, until it ties into the Annex/Birmingham/Magdala intersection (associated with the Wigram/Magdala link project).

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3.24.9 Annex Road south has a fully formed shared use path on the western side, on NZTA property, to connect to the Major Cycle Route underpass, and formalised angle parking on the west side and parallel parks on the east.

3.24.10 Birmingham Drive has the typical cross-section throughout, with a new footpath formed on the northern side, and a number of indented parking areas on either side (fitted where corridor width and property accesses permit).

3.24.11 The roundabout at Birmingham/Vanadium/Wrights is to be replaced by traffic signals with full cycle and pedestrian movements accommodated.

3.24.12 The new signalised intersection ties into the existing Wrights Road arrangement south of the intersection.

3.24.13 Wrights Road northeast of the intersection is modified to remove the parking on the northern side to accommodate the typical cross-section identified earlier. A slightly wider cycle lane is proposed on the north side, to accommodate the cyclist riding wide from the deep dish kerb and channel and property accesses that intrude into the lane area.

3.24.14 Wrights Road will include a pedestrian crossing island opposite properties no 123 and 118, and a new southbound bus stop just south of the rail lines.

3.24.15 Matipo Street north of the rail line has an altered kerb position on the western side to accommodate the typical cross section and provide on street parking on that side. A northbound bus stop is provided north of the rail lines.

3.24.16 Matipo Street northbound approach to the Blenheim Road intersection converts the left turn only lane to left and straight. The additional capacity allows signal phasing to provide a protected right turn from Matipo Street southbound into Blenheim Road. Northbound cyclists join the pathway on the northern side of the intersection, before merging back onto the road before Rex Street.

3.24.17 Throughout the project, cycle lanes have green surfacing on the approaches to signalised intersections, and where they cross side streets and run next to bus stops. Shared paths have green surfacing where they cross property accesses.

Assessing Against Project Objectives

3.25 To confirm the project’s alignment with the Council’s strategy, the plan is reviewed against the initial objectives. The objectives and the response to them are as follows:

3.25.1 To improve/enhance the transport network in line with the Christchurch Transport Strategic Plan (CTSP). The CTSP shows the Birmingham/Matipo link (minor arterial and strategic route) forms part of the strategic road network, so the route upgrade should be designed to cater for the additional demands on the link as a result of the Wigram/Magdala Link and managed to maximise journey efficiency and reliability. This will ensure residential and business growth is facilitated in the south west.

Response: This project has been designed to facilitate the additional demand, and the design and modelling to date indicates that it meets the requirement.

3.25.2 Wrights Road (south) (main distributor in CTSP) and Annex Road (Local Road in CTSP) should be designed appropriately for the road hierarchy classification.

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Response: Wrights Road (south) has been removed from the project. Annex Road has been designed to accommodate the future traffic loadings it is expected to carry, and has been designed to be consistent with the design of the other project roads. Annex, Birmingham, Wrights and Matipo are all expected to carry approximately 14,000 to 18,000 vpd once the Wigram/Magdala link is constructed, hence the standard cross-section is appropriate. The Annex Road cross-section focuses on meeting the functional needs of the traffic volumes and current City Plan requirements, rather than having a different design to other roads that make up the route.

3.25.3 Freight movements in the immediate area (all links) should be catered for through appropriate design, and conflict between access movements for freight and through movements for general traffic needs to be managed. There is also a freight hub identified in the area, so provision for that function (which partially exists currently) should be made.

Response: Road designs specifically accommodate the freight function, particularly through the use of wide medians and consistent width traffic lanes.

3.25.4 Accommodate the Major Cycle Routes (MCRs) on Annex Road and across Wrights Road. Provide cycle facilities on Birmingham Drive and Matipo Street (local cycle routes in the CTSP), and ensure that cycling can be accommodated on Wrights Road.

Response: Project does not meet MCR Annex Road Requirements. The requirement for Annex Road to be an MCR was dropped once it was determined that it could not function safely with multiple heavy vehicle crossings. The MCR crossing of Wrights Road refers to the pathway alongside the Christchurch Southern Motorway. As Wrights Road (south) is no longer part of this project, the MCR crossing is being managed through the MCR programme.

3.25.5 Provide bus stops for the existing bus routes, and ensure new/future bus routes can be accommodated.

Response: Bus stops are accommodated, and new stops included to meet the latest update to the bus route network. The protected right turn from Matipo into Blenheim was originally intended to accommodate bus movements. The new bus routing does not require this turn, now. However, the design is still effective for general traffic movements.


Property Requirements

4.1 The development of the following widened shared paths and on street parking, is dependent upon property purchases.

4.1.1 Annex Road south – relocation of widened path on western side onto New Zealand Transport Agency property – approximately 420 square metres.

4.1.2 Birmingham Drive – indented parking area north side:

 6 Birmingham Drive – owner Sarasamat Ltd – 11 square metres

 4 Birmingham Drive – owner Anona Baker – 6 square metres

 2 Birmingham Drive – multiple owners on 4 titles – 15 square metres

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4.1.3 Note: alternative arrangements might be possible with these properties – the land required is a thin sliver to allow a 1.5 metre footpath to fit around indented parking. The property owners may consent to the path on their property without property sale/purchase.

4.1.4 Annex Road/Blenheim Road – widened path between Annex Road and Blenheim Road – 367 Blenheim Road; owner Produce Place Ltd – 56 square metres.

4.1.5 Blenheim Road – widened path on southern side of Blenheim Road – 375 Blenheim Road: owner Steel and Tube Corporate Holdings Ltd – 121 square metres.

4.1.6 Annex Road at the rail crossing – widened carriageway and paths require the following additional land. It should be noted that Annex Road already occupies approximately 2600sqm of railway land at the crossing:

 eastern side – approximately 341sqm from land already held by Christchurch City Council

 eastern side – approximately additional 157sqm from railway land

 western side – approximately additional 25sqm from railway land

Legal Considerations

4.2 Resource consents are not required for the stormwater discharge from the increase in road and path paved areas. However, efforts will be made during the design phase to respond to the Council’s and Environment Canterbury's goals of improvements to quality of discharges, by including downstream treatments within the stormwater network.

4.3 All roading changes fall within the City Plan requirements so no consents are required for changes to kerb-to-kerb widths or parking changes.


5.1 Annual and total budget figures:

Three Year Plan Year 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Total Budget $192,340 $2,079,919 $7,098,936 $1,087,112 $10,458,307

5.2 Project costs for completion of the detail design, and subsequent construction are estimated to be $8,152,136. These costs include estimated property purchase costs.

5.3 A preliminary economic evaluation using the latest cost estimates, and assessed under New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) criteria, results in an especially high Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) of the order of 17. This is being further investigated.

5.4 The project is expected to have strong alignment with the funding requirements of the National Land Transport Fund and therefore will be able to apply for NZTA funding. Councils expected subsidy is 48 per cent on any work deemed eligible.

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It is recommended that the Spreydon/Heathcote Community Board:

6.1 Recommend that the Council approve the Spreydon/Heathcote components of the preferred scheme design for the Annex/Birmingham/Wrights Route Upgrade project as identified in this report and in Attachments 1 and 2.

It is recommended that the Riccarton/Wigram Community Board:

6.2 Recommend that the Council approve the Riccarton/Wigram components of the preferred scheme design for the Annex/Birmingham/Wrights Route Upgrade project as identified in this report and in Attachments 1 and 2.

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11. 3. 2015 - 25 -


Joint Extraordinary Meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote Community Boards 11 March 2015 Agenda

11. 3. 2015 - 26 -


Joint Extraordinary Meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote Community Boards 11 March 2015 Agenda

11. 3. 2015 - 27 -


Joint Extraordinary Meeting of the Riccarton/Wigram and Spreydon/Heathcote Community Boards 11 March 2015 Agenda