H0'm8 ot the Ninus . All The News' Of All the Pointes Every Thursday OlD e .-ews -Comp~e '_~ews .Cover~ge'ofAll.the Pointes VOLUME I8-NO~ 28 Entered as Second Class Matter . ,.5c Per COpy 20 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation at the Post., Office. at , Mich. GROSSE' POINTE1 MIG~IGAN~; JULY. I I. 1957.; ~50 Per yeg,

.-Civil Defense DEADLINES School Districfs .Conducting of tbe WEEK Big Exercise As Compilea by the Building Program Operation Alert to GrCl~se Pointe Ne1QS ' 1957 Be Outstanding Test of .Making Progress Nationls Readiness Thursday, July 4' In Emergen'cy OFFICIAL WASHIN G TON made a poor effort to conceal ~Construction Projects Practically on Schedule; Brownell H th t' 11 G I ,... F II I ypo e lca y, r 0 sse its glee in the Russian purge of SCh00 I t 0 0 pen In ~ Pointe will be devasted by a powerful bloc of Stalinist op- of a "puclear attack" tomorrow positionists. Nikita S. Khrush- 1958 chev, Communist Party- boss,. Alf construction' projects being undertaken by the morning, July 12. During won a smashing victory when Grosse Pointe, Board of Education, are progressing accord- Operation Alert 1957, ap- he expelled Georgi Malenkov, ing to schedule, it wa.~ announced by Harold Husband, proximately 125 cities will .V. M. Molotov., Dimitri Shepilov director of Administrative Services. be hit by one or 'more bombs and L. M. Kaganovich from The biggest single construc_0>------'with a megatonnage far in their high posts in ~e Red excess of any previous na- Party. tion, the 'Samuel M. Brownell W' d H tional training exercises. • • • Junior High Sc1lool, Chalforite Q State and target city civil de- Friday, July 5 00 S me and Lothrop, is shaping up well, fence directors will not know in THREE SUBURBS of Detroit I d d and all mdieationsare that the nva e advance what cities are to be were hit by tornado winds new edifice will be ready for . attacked or what the bomb which inflicted hesvy damages. No casualties were reported. • ~he opening of the school year yields will be for their respec- . m 1958, as planned. By Burglar tive areas. Sealed envelopes will Hit were Hazel Park, Hq.nting- ton Woods and Royal Oak., The Roof .Almost Completed --- reach them a Jew hours before storm, which police. called a . The roof of the two-story' Valuable Jewelry and $50 the tactical alert is to be ~imu. lated ,t'Omorrow:.morning. Only "small tornado," first struck building is, almost completed, in Cash Taken During t!1en will they know what their Huntington Woods, then jumped and partitioning is, und~rway Night survival problems will be for across Woodward avenue and for the claS5rooms. The shops, this year's traUring exercise. slammed through Royal Oak. offices ,and boiler room are A tornado funriel tore the roof about 80 per cent completed. ~oods pOlice ~re mvesti-I . TO Inject RealisM off two factories in Hazel Park. The work on the servi-ce tun- gat~ng. the br~akin~ and en- Realism is being injected into Damage throughout South Oak- nel, for wires, pipes 'and other termg m the mghttrme of the the radiological defense actions land County was heavy. Royal" various utilities are about 85 home of Anthony 'Tocco, 632 with actual. weather of the fore- Oak police said damage was per cent finished, Husband said. L 0 c m' 0 0 r, on Saturday, noon of July 12, to be used in confined to the souther{l section h of the city. ' . .The bottom slab for the' July 6, in which burglars estimating the area to be evacu- • *. ; .:;L.f}:..;:':~:.' school's swimming pool has al- took a substantial amount of ated or to recei'l[e "take cover" Sllturday, .July 6 . . . ' ':-Picture by frea Runnells ready been poured, and the jewelry and $50 in cash. instru<:ti~ bi.."Causeof the drift WARSAW CIRCLES said the Bayview Y.C. Junior Sailing Club members are for- Mackinac race ,champions. Sarns won both tfie 1955 Port walls are ready for pouring. Wood Det. Leroy Tobian said of rad)oactive fallout. four .top Red Party membe:rs tunate youngsters in this locale because they have the _Huron' and -Mackinac race wi~h his "Revelry" The balancing tank, to maintain the burglar or burglars broke The purpose of "Operation purged several days ago con- opportunity t')learn sailing from some of the' best sailors . and Sl6ss is the only 'man to win five Mackinac titles with the level of the pool, is about into the home by cutting the Alert 1957" is'to improve the fessed to a plot t'O oust Nikita in the 'World. This quartet from left, BOBBY BENKERT, his own boats, '~e;youD.gst~r:;; 'ar.e. ~embers .0£ Bayview ready, for installation. screen and breaking a pane of readii:teSs',of ~he Nat~().nto meet S. :Khrushchev. The reported JOHN C?ALDER, ~N CALDER .and ~USAli-.,BRIDGE, \Yac~t Club:s .iie~ly for~~d ',Junior. Sailing .Cllfb which .. All on Schedule glass of a reS;!' ~oor of the promptlt ~~ effective!y emer- confessions climaxed a 35-hour are getting some.pomters about,blg yacnt~'fr~)ln.'NORM,;. prOVIdes salling,.,instruc~on; durlij~:the summer, months. , Th ' t'all, 'ti' of' plwnb'ing house, aibout. nudnight, gency slt~tIOns resultmg fro~ debate in the Soviet Commun- AN SARNS d DAVE SLOSl::!: b k' ., d B .th. , d '" I .,' " ; ,...'..... ', ..... e .!Us, ~ o~ , ; , '01 . unct enemy actIOn, to test communl- ,. an.:, .. 8t.,;' .. ,!i~,,~t0U.:p,." o'~,ar~.! ".a~. ~p)pc~a ..~P!g¥Eyp,'P:'!-!1'~g.;~~ ...)¥!~:~~~.::.~ , ":',.'.h~~t~" ..a;+!i....~le~tric~l, eq~p- ~ew nay.ArO cations :facilities at all echelons ist Parly's Central Committee. , ' .' . . .., .. " . : ,- .' "i,-: ;r '".~.j-,.'f.'i::,. ""', ... ment 15. m keepmg WIth ..the ,He s~d the thIef apparently of government to continue pub- Khrushchev is said to have, sent I:epresentatives to Poland, Red SChlned~:~-.Grosse Pointe High ~lJth; ~~al~~tedabod:t~;~ :rf~~~~~f ~~e:l China, and to the sensitive J.B-Y ear-O ld Farms ..t(f-Colitttict~.ArinuaI~'.B'ert~WicTiiiig~'" =~:~: . " .. . ! '1 ~,.,".: . .., SChool the old boilers have c 0 es ~ ose an o~e esser in the i r immediate 'essential Soviet Republic of Georgia, Stalin's birthplace, to explain Arr ested in Regatta and Fleet. Review .Ay. ain ~Heads. ~een r~mov:ad, and new foun~a- ~::oe~m~ the upstalI'S master wal"th-ne.functions .. what had taken place and why. . _. '., , . ,.' .' . , , ,: ...... :. tions are 10 place to recelye The detective said no one wit- ~e first man 10 G r 0 sse On June 28, V. M. Molotov, Georgi Malenkov, Lazar Kagan- Stolen Car At, Municipal.'Pier':Au'g~" '18'::.SehoolBoard ~%~~~ ~~~s~~~~.typebOl~- ~=d~=i:;~~~;~~UJ~o:'~:~~~e;:.~~t~~n~~e~ ovich and Dmi,tri Shepilov, be~ ______' Renovatl,?n of t~e school s leading to the. conclusion that ~ge Elworthy, DIrector of fore their purge, admitted they 'lce F-lnd _.3~AutoR' Q'ueen and Court' to ,Preside Over Varied Festivities ---,.- boilers was started 10 the An~ the burglar completed his work Cl~il Defense ~~r the Grosse State Pol consciously or subconsciously - W h . ' Succeeds Robert F.-Weber nex boiler room last May. From in the dark. This he said led Po1Ote Commumties and Harper tried to take over power by mafic in' Jacket Pocket. it Dance Scheduled to' Close Elaborate . : To Serve His Seventh there trenches were dug tpward to the belief that the thief kneW' Woods. He will notify' his staff anti-party methods.' When They Nab Youth ,.. Progra'm.at Nig~!' . . , Term. as :President' the Auditorium - Gymnasium where the jewelry was kept. to 'meet immediately at the • * • ------'--- I' tunnel' feed and return steam Taken were: a diamond en- Neighborhood Club. The club's Asleep ~e fourth ,annual Fleet: Review and Regatta,_ under '. . . ' pipes 'installe~ in.sulated BIld gagement ring with a large five trunk .lines will be used to Sunday, July" -- the Jomt sponsorship .o{ the ,GI;osse Pointe ,Earms Boat Ber.t~; . W} c kl ng was ditches filled. stone flanked by two baguettes alert all police, fire, and hospi- GEORGI M. MALENKOV, ex- premier and ex-deputy premier An 18-year~old youth, who OWl)ers' Club and GroSse.Point~ ~~, will be held at the .named p r. e SId en t of. the The renovation is now fu. the on each side, valued. at $7,000; tals in the area. This job will of the Soviet Union, might pos- at the last report, refused to municipal pier on Saturday, ~ugust.18.seven-member.~~0~e ~omte 'High S~ol boiler room itsel:f. a. double-set diamond wed~g take approximately four mi?- sibly face new charges and be identify' himself, was arrest- .Festivities' are scheduled. to~ Bo~rd of ~du:c~~l(?~ at ~ts:~~ The' ni.odernizing of the 'high rmg, w~rth $400; a ~an'~ white utes. ~ch department has Its put -on trial for his life, relia- ed by State police st~rt at 1,1 a.m. and 'reac? t~e pubIidtY .. The.: general chai~~ nua!' ~~e~t~prrheltl.Ju~y 1.._ s~oOl;s 'offices 'is 'going 'accord- gold wrlSt wa~ch Wlth diam~nd own list of persons to alert. ble sources said. In further So- on Saturday, July 6. .in climax WIth a danqe wJ:uch IS man is Harry -Dey' .. He succeeds RobertoF:Weberj in to schedule n~erals, whic~ cos~ $150,. a 2,000 Nurses Here viet developments, Nikita Khru- s-cheduled to' start at 8 p.m. ' . . ' .. ' who was elected treasurer after g . diamond heanwlth chlpped dia. I th e of an tual dis Algonac after being found Sailboat' races will start off ' Charle~ DaVies ~spre~ident. of haying .s~ed a~ p~'e~ident,the ., PQOITo Be Ready . ~onds ar~und it, and. a large ast~ :llc~octors .;~ nurse; schchev, Red Par t y b 0 s S, asleep in a car he is said to. the program (\t 11 a.m. and will the Boat Owners Cluo which 'past year. Chet'Sampson was re- The Parcells Junior HIgh dIamond In the center, value I'd b call d 1;0 t charged Malenkov with helping ' bill 1 '.h' 'd t H . .- ffi 'unkn. wou e e upon repor ave s 0 en rom a rosse, e 0 owed by the marine pa- a ong WIt VIce presl en arry elected secretary, .an o. ce School's 35 by 75 yd. swimming 'Own. h .tals d f" t .d ta to plot the death of several top h t 1 f G Pointe Park resident. rade headed, by the Queen and Carsos is w~rking on final ar~ 'which he, had Held since July pool, is practically finished. The Other Jewelry Missing ~ os:; EI an :th ITS t ~ :h Communist officials in Lenin- Si:t her court, which will b~ selected rangements to, s~lec.t.the judges 'a 'year ago: . pool in the newell of, the Also a 'square' white gold thlOnsp'. r . wor bYlsad b grad in 194&: The a'CCusation The car, owned by P.eter b th' . lif' 'rd. .. and guests of honor' ~ . . '. . '., . be d' e omte was e sse y is. the most serious leveled at Pilarski of 1050 Maryland, was y e pIer e gua s. , . ' .. . ~ . . . ~__.HIs Seven~h Term . bUlI~g, 18 certam to .rea y man's r~ng, valu~ not .known; a having over 2,000 Registered any of the Red leaders who reported stolen from in 'front of I;' T~ Award Ptizes For informatIon: mterested , Mr •. Wic;:king,has the. long~st ,by thIS ~all, Husba~d s8.1d.. l~dy's dla~ond rmg WIth a large Nurses living in its five cities. were swept from office last Pilarski's home on Friday, The - judges' committee, 'will ,persons should caU.Ed.; Lau~r,. te~ure, of. any. member of. ~he ~ot f~mg &l well, ISthe thIrd dIamond, m the center and ~wo Most of these are not practicing week. July 5. - .award prizes to boat, owners .on the Farms represE!!ntabve, at present Ibom:d. He. was fIrst ~'Yunmmg :pool,. located at the small diamonds, on e3:c~ SIde, but could be called on in an • • • originality and theme o.f'decora:' TU. 5-9899. ,ele~t~d to the bo~d In 1913:and !?lerce.JunlO': HIgh School. The value . undete~ed; ~amond emergency. Monday, July 8 . Youth ,Was Sleeping tion. There will be, first, second .1. .h~ ~er,!ed:.continuously ;smc~; ~l, measunng 30 by 6,0yard~, cuff. links and pearl~a:nond The Grosse Pointe, Harper THE WEST IS HOPING that State polite of the St.' Clair and third place prizes~for all M' . P This ISJUsseve~th ~erm a,s,l1r~sl. rmght be ready.by fall, but this earrmgs, va1ues unknown, and Woods Civil Defense System in~ the purge wl\ich made Nikita Post, came' upon the car in AI:" events. . " .'. '" f , otO.rlstS. ay 'den:~!his .p~~yjous experence oc- is doubtful. the cash. ... . eludes many departments, each Khruchshev undisputed strong- gonac as it was parked. ai8ng- There IS a pO~lIbl1ityof speed ,F B d D .. cu.rrmg, m .1947-1949 al}d 1951- Complicati(lns mad~ 'it ne~es- Det. Toblan SaId t~e thIef l~ft headed by men whose profes~ man of Russia would bring side the road. They .arrested runs, by unlirmted class (Gold, or a . rIVIng 1955. I ...., SaI:Y to dig .new servIce tunnels the.Tocco ho~e WIthout dlS- sions would enable them to about a Soviet peace gesture. ~e occup~nt who :vas sleeping 'Cup). boats if the weather, per- Great Growth Noted. and relocate me-ehanieal and turbmg anything. Even the et bl :ti' ted ' Western diplomats are specu!at- m the vehIcle. . mits. If the lake is too rough -..--- Mr. ,Wickfug.now heads a ' ': H' drawer from which the jewelry me pro ems ~ Clpa. In ing ,cauti~usly for improved The youth had no identifica. george Simon and Bud. Saile' OnI~ three ~ n. per.sops ac- $213000,000 assessed. valuation electrl.cc~l~qWpm.en~... 0w.:ever, and cash was taken,was left in the event of a c;l1sas.ter. Dr. dealings WIth Moscow. Several. tion and :l'~fused to tell author- ~ill have their' craft on exhibit.. cused of traffIC VIolations ap- scho~l district. He has seen the ~eraml-c ng wlthm the pool neat order. Alonzo H.?gers IS chaIrman of d" ..' S' th "Mi' U' S" peared' before Park Judge C ,. tho , d'd I' . t .-the Itself and locker, shGwer and (Continued on Page 2) Isarmament negotlators In Lon- ities his name and place of resi- l7lon owns e ss.. Joseph Belanger on Wednesday' grdiOtwt .~:f.rn, eve,?pmelnlmln of toilet rooms, have already been ------don felt the ~ussian shakeup dence. and Salle the "Miss Wayne"'~ Jul 3 Th " . ' S rlC ,om an ,enro en t tart'd and hould be co leted . would lead to greater Soviet There will be synchronized Y'.' ose 'wpo faIled t~ '5,127 to 9,456,'and still growing. s. ~ . s mp Incinerator Sets flexibility in the London talks In searching the y'Oung man swimming exhi'bitions in be- .h~ed thell' .court .summons for"' . The demand for elementary wlthm Sl~ weeks. , '. Residents Flock and make a compromise easier. arid the car, police fOlIDd a tween evoe~ts.' • -". . felted bon~s totalmg $82.50. schools has. ,been. so grea~~: 1'h~ ent~re c~nstruchon' Pl?OJ;- Awning Ablaze • • • jacket belonging to the youth, I '. Chairmen Listed " Daniel Lagodzinski of 6646 Wicking has seen' the buildi~g ect IS ,bemg fInanced by the To Beach Parks Tuesday, July 9 and in one.of the..pockets was a Chairmen.heading the various S~inole, Detroit, a pedestrian, .. of the new Kerby Sc~ool a~d Its $3,475,000 bond levy ~pprov~ The Fanns fire department THE WORST RAIN on record .38 ~aliber automatic. committees .are:. Bill. 'Gleason, wa!:l found 'guiltY.,of crossing addition, the ',Montel~h School, b~ the voters of the School DIS- had only one call over the long Fourth of July crowds flocked fell on Detroit and the subur- Car Returned. to Owner. saiLboats; Jim .Allor,ou1lboards; against o~areq. light and causing (Continued 'on Page 2) trlCt on January 24, 1~56. Fourth of July Weekend. to the Pointe's five .municipal ban areas snarling traffic and Park Police Chief Arthur Joseph,Rem, inboards; Leo Mc-. a. car acCident a~ Nottingham . ----- On the morning of July 5, a parks breaking attendance re-e- hindering communications. The Louwers said the State Police Eacbin;' Matine parade;", Bill and Charlevoix and was fined ; d · H t 'SHRUBBE:R~' S~OLEN' pumper was sent to the 'John S. ords over the four day, week- raging rainstorm swept down in are charging the unknown lad L~itrier and ~nl ~li.ne".p;i~es;. $10:, ' " "'. ,. ',. . 'Pe estrlan ,ur Gordon Spoor of 1150 Oxford. Hammond home at 70 Cam- end. a vicious pre-dawn assault. The wit h carrying a concealed VICVerhaeghe, race starter; Ed 'Athanasios Patouhas O'f 159. I P 'k T if. toad; a building contractor, reo:.bridge road. An awning on a The.Park reported the largest official rainfall was set at 2.25 weapon. The car has been .,re- Lauer, cour~e .,patrOl; ~ill Loye., Virginia park, Detroit, charged: n ar ra-le ported to Shores police on rear window was set afire by turnout, with' 7588 using the inches, but in some areas.it was turned to the owner, he said. less. and, Mrs. Dorothy. Foguth,' with ignoring a'stop street Stf . . Tuesday, July 2. that two ever~ sparks from an incinerator. park at the end of Windmill six in-ches. Thousands of home .,.-- . hr 1.._' f t f h The blaze was extl'n'gulS"hed Poin:te on July 4, Total for the basements were flooded, and Paul. and Maryland, was found : Edwin Maischep. 73,. of 3440 .green oS UJ.r.>.In ron 0 a orne weekend including the' Fourth. r stree~s and highways were Boat Rl-de .Ends.l-n.. Tragedy guilty and.'orderE\d to pay a fine Yorkshi~e" Detr.oit; sUife e4' ,a 'he is building at 64 Raymond, before it could do any further was 14,962. The fireworks dis- turned into impassable canals. of $6. . ,. broken leg. whe~ 'he was ,struck were .stolen., damage. , .play, canceled because of rain, Rubber boats had to be utilized - .It co;;; Susie H.. Simmons of bya car 'at MaGk' avenue: ahd' will be presel1ted on, August 3, to rescue passengers from busses As CrUI-se.r Rams Outb-oard 642'Melarum',Detroit 'a fine of Kensington,l;lri Saturday, JulY',6, In the Woods, 5531 residents stalled in flooded underpasses. ; \.' $10, irfter 'sh~ was 'fo~d guilty Ticketed,~pr ,the 'mishap 'was and their ~ests .used the park ln some of the lower spots of ------of.oSpeedirigon"J~ers(>n. Yee .Quock Zee, '2~, of 763'7~, Va,ndals Co'mpletely Ruin on Thursday. Six more thousand . tr 't A boat ride on Lake St. Clair ard and Edith, Ireland ....neigh- . ~. '., ',. . McNIchols" ,De,tro~t,;. ,wh.o.'.,I/> 01'1 th e De 01 area, cars were com- ended in tragedy Sunday morn- bors of Towar's in Roseville';, ,. " The f0I.I0Wl~gdid, n'?t appear, charged with ,making an' im- came' Friday: ,Saturday and pletely subm.erg.ed.under water. ing" when Richard S. Towar, of Mr. Ireland was treated for.'a }n ~~urt. 'l;'hetr names, charges. proper turn-and interfering 'with Truck ut.Con$truction Site Sun~ay. " Roseville, drowned after beil'l.g eut. which . required. stitches. agalJ:.l&t.them;!Uld the amount' a pedestrian and causIng an ac- In the Farms early morning Wednesday, July 10 thrown from his outbQard, Mrs. Ireland wa~ not injured,.. ,of bond forf~lted, ar~:, cident.' , Farms police detectives are had been turned over and then. crowds on the Fourth indicated RUSSIAN SOURSES hinted which was run OVE:rby a 22-foot A skin diver r e c 0 v. ere d ;', John L. W~ts0Il; of 4438 Trum- . Maischein, Park police said, investigating- ?~e of. the .w~rst battered on,its side with a front that all attendance records that the way is being cleared cruiser about' a half-mile off Towar;s.body at 5 a.m. Suilday. bull,~. ~De.trOlt,. rmpr~per left has jUst alight"ed,from a bUs at cases of, mallcl~us destr1;1ctl~n end loader lxador. would be broken, but the after- to oust three former top Rus- shore from 10 Mile road. The two boats ,collided ,about, 1 turn at Jeff~rso~, and, ~ed!ford, Mack and. Kensington, and' in to .~ repor~ed ~ t~.at CIty. m The vandals drove the tractor noon cloud~ evidently deterred si:illS from the Communist Ch I K'aft d' a.m. A medical.exammation Xe-' $,10'; ~~ole 'A. 'CoPins of. 5263. crossin'g Mack was waiting :in.' many;"years. I, Someti1ne dw.:mg about 300 feet from where it many more from coming to the Party. The three were deposed '1 t ar/~h I .' o~~r h anI vealed' that' Towar ha'a been un_';['ownsena;, rUhillng'. °a sign~l the center of ,the street for traf:' the night of July 5, or the morn. was parked to where the truck pier park.' \rhe day's total was as deputy premiers about a ~l 0 o. e cruls;r w lC co - consclous before he','drown~d.'~ . light at'J~fferson'and'Wayburn,: fic to clear, when Zee made a ing of July 6, vandals com~ was standing. They placed the 4145. Over 11,000 visited thEt week ago from the So vie t li~ed WIth Towar s small boat, 'Only 31, Towar had lived..with $10; Salvat()~e .Li-cavoIi of' 61~1 left turn from Kensington and pletely wre-eked a panel truck lift loader under the side of the park over the long weekend. Union's ruling body. Facing saId he ne~er,saw the outboard, hi .&~ Mr d M .,'C'-.. _1_ Bluehill Detroit speeding on hit th d". ",' owned by. the <:onstruction com- DOdge and flipped it over, Not The City's park on the Lake . h although both boats were carry- s pareUIP'>, . an.; rs.. S! .L~ll\" ' .' • _ , '. ,.' , .e age man. '. .. '.. , . , expulSIon from t e party are . 'Ii h J. Towar of Moross'road Until' Jefferson,:' $12.50;,Cosreena Mc- Mcnschen was knocked to the pany', that IS bwldmg the content with their' job, , they at the foot of University place. V. M. Molotov, Georgi Malen- mg runnmg g ts. he moved to Rosevill~~ 'He wase :FarUn pf,' 16~6 Tyler,' Detroit;, pavement and his left leg was Brownell' school at Chfl,l:fonte then lifted the heavy loader played host to 5000 swimmers, kov and. Lazar ~ag~ovich. Tow~r ha~ taken t¥?:o.fri~nJs ..g~ad\latecl from _,qros~e:. :Pp~p.~~sp~Q.in.~_.,?!1.M.~c~~.Jl.5.. ,. .broken below~the'.'kJ?~~ He ~a~ and M~~r r?ad. over the trock and dropped it, picnickers, and boaters. Slxteen Malenkov, It ~as saId, mIght be .for a rIde Saturday evemng and HIgh School ana was a ,veteran Artnur Caramlttos of, ~643 taken to Bon Secours HospItal, Albert Rondeau, a foreman battering it to a wad of scrap hundred used the park on the brought to trIal and ,could pos- they were returning to a pier of the Korean War sel"?'mgwith Lemay;: speeding on Jeffers.on,' for treatment for the Charles R. Beltz Co., metal. Fourth. sibly face a death sentence. He at 10~Mile road when the crash the ,Air Foree. ',',.. $15i.. ThomaS Marshall' of 1300': Zee claimed he had looked reported 'the damage shortly Detectives have yet to find In the Shores attendance was succeeded to the premiership, of occurred. Kraft and his wife ae is also survived ..by, a. sis-~ J;aj;n'1s, .Detroit, -cutting, in and' both ways for .oncomin'g traffic' after he reported for work Sat:. ~ witnesses who heard or saw double what had been antici- the Soviet Union on the death were entertaining another ter, Barbara, of'New ~o'rk"CitY,; out"of'tr'affi,c;'$10;and ~arbara, .imd when traffic was cl~ai, he ur~.ay mor~ing.When detective the vandals in acti9n. If anyone pated. More than 1200 went to of. Stalin. !he tm:ee are charged ~ouple on ~eir boat. ~ter the Th~ funer~l. was .held ~. L~ci~~ ,G~rd!>n:()f~4~8,Lo,thIOl>rmade his t';ITD' H~ said h~ did sergeant Ja:k Paisley arrived at has info~ati~n which may h:lp the j;>arkon July 4. and another Wlth plotting agalnst the party.,s Jmpact. the two men JUlIIlped C h r 1s t Church, on 'rUesday' d1ivmg left ,of center on. Ker- ..not see M~schen m the, nuddle the flchoql :>lte,Rondeau showed the police fmd the culprIts, 3000 visited on Friday, Satur- "monolithic unity." into the water and rescued Rich- morning. cheval, ..$10. .. ,of"the'street..;'-~'.., ,.".' him,the1951 Dodge truck which please call the. Fanna station. day and Sunda¥- .. - [

\ L ., ) . . - : " : .. \ ' .

• / Thursday, July 11', 1957 'Page Two G R 0 S S-E PO' NT E N EW S' Thursday, Pointe to Be 'Bombed' Pointers Head Spending Holiday Teaching Experts Noisy C1t.Ib Swim- Body Dr. H. Leroy Selmeier, Direc.' ly recagnized. for his leadership lIege campuses ~d has contrilb- A young boy: (Continued from, Page 1) respansible, fOr the dissemina- toro! Instructian 'far the .Grosse in his field. Selmeier has been u.ted many: a~ticles to :prafes- mand from City MAICf lYMYMY IIOIfITMt1T •• ttICIlIGAII! 1lhe doctors' c: 0 m it t a e. -It tion .of drugs in case .of an PaintePUblic: Schaol Syst$, is, guest lecturer an numerous cal- slonal publicatians. m emergency. Bill Moir keeps an Painters ~aul' Rot h, 'Ed . ,YJE1COME OUR YIIl~S-MAKE 'nlBot FEELAT an.other fram hi woud be ~is job ta allOCate on a busman's haliday;' The well 4. About 5a,r{ account . .of appraximately haw Schoenherr and Bill Becken. HOME.'MJGHICAN~ lOUN';T'INDU5T"1' 'DE" known expert in the field . .of nurses and doctors to the Vlar. lad sneaked his much food stuff is kept an hand hauer 11 were eleCted' t~po~ts J:lENDS ON ~ iJSINESS. BE ~IEHDlY! curricwum,,' who warks with ious hospitals and first aid sta- of the garage at all the local grCiCery stores. in the Michigan'. Inter.Club BE.HOSPIJABLf .. GIVE OURQUfST.S ,GOOf>'.' • teachers'throughout the school tiam:. SERVICE.J;r'~OHABlE PfIlIGES ,ANp.l)lEr', AnBou,Dcenaent! Have Special Jobs Certain foods might have to be SwimmiI:\i Associatian reCently, 'year; is 'teachIng' tWo shart-term . WIll MEEP COMING BACH AGAIN. AND AGAIN. .'. x Alfred .r~ Meyer wauld be confiscat~d in the event Of a Mr. Rath, .af the Detroit Yacht educatian. coursesat.the Univer~ , . "'<"';~ :{,~,\&;;;~:. f H ' -----.------disaster. . Club; was elected president, Mr.: ." i : , sity'of Maine this,manth during '*""'''''''', .....The former owner 0 ow&rd s his vacat~0l1ltim~., . . - "'~:".~~$:~R~~~".':::.<:\~ k More than $2,060 ~ of Schoenherr, 'of 'the' G r '0 S 6 e' ' ~/0lJ'AE. ON llfI WIlCDM'NG CCMMITTIII. ,,:',ti?it"> Dept. Store, 20741 Mac (near Sha . The three-weeks courses are medical supplies and operating Pointe Yacht Club was elected HOT£L A.NO MOTEL ClEAAS,.GROCEI\Y """",0;;' ' .'. Vernier) is now associated with equipment has been' hermeti- secretary. and Mr. Beckenhati'et,. ST~E ~P.SONNEL,GAliOUNESTl"noN.' on elementary and secondary cally sealed. ~d stored in the .of the LOchmool' Club. became - AmNDANlS,WAITEP.S AND WAITRESSES . 'Curriculum. construction. ODly Connie's Children Shop, 23208 Ent War Memorial 'Center. This a director. Also elected, were ARE THE FIRST,lINEOF CONTACT WITH: , . a d van c e'd graduate students, Mack Ave., neor 9 Mile- Rd. building wauld be used as a C. A. Lea~tter,of the Western MIC""CAN'Si GUES~S. MAKE"SURE llIEYAA~ mostly experienced teachers and boy temporary hospital. Golf, and ,CountrY Club, became FUN.POINTllIE WAY TOSCENIC:SPOTS~' administrators, were permitted He is looking forward to seeing vice president 'and .treasurer and,. ... ACCOMfoKlmTJONS -fISHING SiTES•BE': : ,to en~oll.; Charies Verheyden would L, J. Kroha, of the DetraitGolI .'" PtfAOY WITH MICH1GAN'SHicHWAV MAP. "I have sgent my vacation this his old friends and customers have the task of setting up a Club, was.elected to:.thebOard. '_ ' AND ,A CHEERy-.,'LL !E"SEEING -.oo~,. way' before," said Dr. SelrJneier. ond greeting the new, Red. morgue and. disposing" .of the. ., j.. A "In fact, this is my second such fataUy injured. Memberclilbs of.tbe ,.Associa- MR'l'ONE 'BENEFltS'MOM NOYOU WILL, WITH MICHIGAN SiYlf ticm are the Detrait Boat Club, , HICHIGAN'ITOUIIJIT 'H~! . , HOSPITALITY .. _. , trip ta'the ,Maine campus. ,.In' Canis's 'Children's Shop carries 1954 I taught a three-weeks SINeI1t3' 'Twa rendezvous areas have Detroit'Golf Club, Detroit Yacht EACH YEA~ MICHICAt4 ATTf'ACTS .'" " v: the largest sjeleetion of infant's been designated as centers for CI b G p't y CLa h,- MANY MILLIONS OFTOURIST DOl" .' " , cO,urse;foI:.graduate students in , and c;hildren's wear in ,this oreo. To dispatching v(1lunteer workers. U,. rosse onI e. ~ '.' c LARS.llIIS t'tOHfY' BEHEFfTS '!V- - .ltIi:iI.[,. " '6t.ue.' ~lB' educati.on., And 'in, 1'952' I .used Joe They are the large parking ,lot moor Club, Oakland H~l1sC?':ID~ ERYOHE ItfTHE STATE~R£SOllTAND"~- w~ ~"s.. my vacation to teach a similar Francois' try Club, ~lum. Hollow Golf MOTEHl'~INER SJlORTSUOP KEEPER; " 2S" I 12" ' shortc.ourse at San Jose. State Plenty ,oj Parking G behind the Woods Theater; and Club;Red,Run.GolfClub"West- fA~MEf\/CR9cER,ANO LOCALIANIF. .C1_";u~., tI... '. ~L, in Califarnia. It'sag~ad,way to ' Free Gift W r",pping Olean Plale the parkiIlf!. area at Wayburnern Golf and Country Club"th~ ~"W~ ~ ONntE.WEl.COM- learn first~hand what's going on and J efferscm. Past experiences ~= ~r- . Gr in other schaol systellls," Sel- CONNIE'S CHILDREN'S S,HOP Blubbers have ,proven that hundreds of P' H t Cl b h . STJU.:' 1 7U meier declared. volunteers streaming into a dis. Olnte. un.. .U'. and t e Dear" " .....MO',i'JEH~ ~ MInOHE' . 'f' :.. f Jddl 7" "...... (NEXT TO PRICE APPl,IANC() born Country ,C,lub, , ' -.. .;...iUA tuUll~,,""".'~ iTIT... . ~ The' Grosse Pointe scnool af- aster area have done more harm _ - wn,/U; TUfI~,. A Happy Birthday than. good.. Under the rendez. The Associatian. S po n s .or s , .NE MlCHIf/AN'''' " ." /' S" '.. , ficialhashis A.B. andM.A/de~ 23208 Mack Ave" St. Clair Shores vous plan, a local police .official swimming'meetsthroughout the ,;~~'~ YlNMIBF/ . . . .grees fram the University of To PR 78020. \ in charge would have radia con- sl;l1l1mer months for .boys 'and i1/tp/t:AH FE.4TIII/EJMI£.r ~ Ay N/l!lIId4H ~ lWNCIt ..M197 Michigan. and his Ph.D. from JULY 9, 1957 tadwitlh all-parts .ofth~ city. It girls fram, the ages' of 8 to' 18 , \. . '. Yale University. He is national. Judy- McKee. 26'1 Ridgemont Rei. Mary SUzan Cook. 430 Rivard would be his job, to'. ,diSpatch years old, There are abaut 3tl ... " Blvd. volunteers as they are needed. ypungsters "'Who compete fro~ H' .. t L' . W. k" Anne Decker. 1120 Audubon JimJ1l'Y Courage. 263 Kenwood .Depend on Ham Radios' each club. . ' . ope .0 .ure . Ie tny Elaine O'Leary. 1Y1 Touraine Donald McLeod. 569 Neff Rd. In all likel~hood, loc~l police It was this association th,~.t 'New Industries. ./ Paul Gibb, 1468 Maryland '. communicatian would be over. sponsored 'the, U. S. Olymp~c'. . .. (C!>ntinued from Page 1) Jeff Brett, 419 Lincoln Road CynthJa Tate. 1372 KensJngton laaded, so the SO to 60 ham trials la-st year which netted ------M. Ftaszek. 22811 O'Connor radio aperatars in the commun. $55,000 which ~as turn~d over With a. recor~ breaking~sum. the PauP,a;rd, School, the Ferry. G. :Lanront Allen. 22907 Engle. ity would be called upon, to ta the OlympIC c~mm~ttee to. mer. taurlst ,season forecast far, School arid :the Barnes School. hardt supplement police and fire de~ s:n~ the U. S. SWImmIng and Michigan, it was announced ta~ '. Alsa biiilt whilehe\was~onthe' JULY 10, 1951 rlment cammumcation cus- dIVIng . teams, ~a Melbourne, day that the annual screening board were the Parcells' Junior Saving's Made' William Neuman. 1212 Bishop pa u" Austral1a last WInter. . . .' . . Jimmy Kurtz. 508 Pemberton terns. ' program to locate mdustrial . I Stuart Dykstra. 1136 Balfour Steven Dykstra. 1136 Balfour The total exercises will be prospects' amo~g hundreds of Susan Kamischke. 1100 Whittier Patricia Johnson. 891 Lincoln conducted in seveItaI phases. Car Stalled thausands .of visitors in" the Easier lor YOU ••• Lucy Schaible. 1387 Bishop Hits '~oyd Mark!. 1930 VanAntwerp One wHl deal with civil defense state will be intensified. David Carbone. 487 Lakeland pla:nnin'g aOO actions prepara. Jeffrey Charles Myers. 22725 tary to the opening .of the exer- On Lake Shor' e' ·' 'this progrCim, sponsored by Rosedale Mark Squlllace. 22819 Avalon cise. This will be followed by -- the, Michigan- Ecanomic Devel~ AT MICHIGAN'S Judy McKee. 2O~21Maxine Ithe thearetical nuclear attack Twa cars had to be towed apment Department .and Michi~ • JULY 11. 1957 and the exercise will close with from the scene .of a minor acci- gancommunities ta find iridus- LARGEST SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Sa.ndra Lee Hancoek, 1443 government .officials workingon dent an Lake.' Shore road' near 'trIa. '} execu t'Ives among summer Hollywood problems of surVival and re- Elm court, on Friday afternoon, visitors and acquaint them with Deniae Leone. 1220 WhIttier Current 3% Rate-- Anne Wingfield Stoepel. 579 covery, ~ul~ 5. industrial - advantages ~f the Neff , . Lmda Lou ~e.eb .of 1747 area, was started in: 1950 and. Michael Kramer. 1381 Kensing- The maJority of the pol?ula- Severn was drIVing west an 11 . ult d" . b \. frar ton Mark Boyd. 308 Ridge . tion will nat be aware oCthe, Lake' Shore in a 1955 Plymouth, as !e~ tIn a 1?'~ ~r ,o~. Bud Sehollenberger. l23'7 Bal. hypothetical at t a c k. but to and ramxried i~to the rear .of a nort~wm us rIes, espeCI y m re- . the four \L.... ds f 'vU d f . s ceners. Rale Walker. 585 Lincoln U1ousa~ 0 Cl e e~ un,lts, sta,lled car awned by Peter O. Mary Lee. 822 Lakepointe Operatlon Alert 1957 Will pro- Rivard .of 4480 Rachior in De. Acording ta L~e Uhl. chi.e! i Sharon Deiplace, 324 Kerby ltd. Gary Rieveflchl. 232 Lothrop vide L'1e most rE"alistic national troit. ' • .of theareadevelapmel).t divi-:. Leslie Ruth Kovach. 263 Mt. civil defense exercise yet held, Rivard's car was damaged to ,sion .of the Econamic Dev~lap- . Vernon Brett V. Obra. 22811Detour ------the extent of $150, as was also ~ent Depqrtment" experIence. Edward Bradley Thorn... 20005 the Zeeb vehicle. There were h~~ ,proven that. many summer ' Gaulker DOUSE CAR SEAT FIRE no personal injuries. . vlSltors who enJay the recrea~ JULY 12, 1957 Park firemen extinguished a ______• tional advantages of Michigan BERT WICKTNG Kenneth Lared Gould. 384 Mc- have selected a site near their .'. ~, Kinley car seat fire in a vehicle owned - favarite vacation spot far man'- High School, ~he n~w Samuel Betty Jan~ Winkler. '1'41Lake- by Robert A; Hicks .of 9345 REAL DIPLOMAT 520 " land ufacturirig or other business Brawnell JW:1or HlgJ;1 ~chooF North of C Thomas Wood. 448 St. Clair Woodlawn, Detrait. The car was The man who knows when operaions. ' ' the Grosse Pomte Pub!i:c ;L.Ibrary .. Kercheval' near St. Clair Derek Tate. 1372 Kensington parked in the parking lot at ta keep still shauld be. given a . and the Grosse_ POInte High Use Our Drive.ln Window Kenneth L. G>Juld. lli. 945Not- tingham Windmill Pointe drive and Alter prize fot having a fine com- ~IWe know that, among theScihool, auditorIum and gym.' Chrlstopher Todd. 905 Balfour road on Th,ursday, July 4. mand of .language. vacatianists there are indu~- nasiWri. ' . . • Richard Montmorency, 1515 Aline Drive. ,trialists who might be linterest- Mr. Weber has been an th~ . Carl Limberg. 827 !'faher :Rd. edin" M~chigan. as",a l~ation Board .of' Educaton since 1'954 Paulette Sue Wernet, 1328 Lake- pointe for a br~nch plant .or. for ~ an4'was re-elected 'la.st' ~cnth Jebby Brock. 81)5 Lakeland new, location for present opera~ in the annual school election. for tions," Mr. UhI said, "During an: additianal fotir:year term.' JULY 13, 1951 IVY David Clinton. 256 Ridgemont the summer tauristseason .our ,Also re-elected"last manthfor Kathryn J. Chleger. 2081 Hunt program is designed to locate faur more years was' Mr. Samp- Club J'ohn GraftlWl. 472 Lakeland SHIRTS these individuals and let them son: He haS just completed his '.'~;;;il"l; Gary Rutledge. 655 Cook Rd. know all abollt the industrial ,sixth year, having been elected Mike B. Marzdf. 1445Lakepointe Beautifully 'Ioundered Sandra Jacob. 920 Bedford and finish.d. Individ. Q,"esources and. advantages" we to anif, 1307 Somerllet Moal glaftlorou. car In a generallon Charles Graul. 1429 Somerset dustries to consider locatians in Mary Katherine' Sprengel', 838 our state." Notre Dame Pamela Kirsten. 824 l;lalfour Dick Wunsch. 497 Rivard Carl Schneider. 27 Beacon Jlill . Donald McLeod. 569 Neff Terry Kelly. 956 Pemberton Mary Jo Heidt. 24107 Harvard Shore Gayle Lundber" 22000 Sunny- side Janice Nelson. 3t~ Share Robin Michael. 22949 Avalon JULY 15, 1951 Dan Barrett. 1024 Whittler 20737 MACK AVENUE Lisa Hartmann. 237 Merri- GROSSEP9~TE FARMS 19195 Mt weather TU 4- Ruth Warner. 6100 Univereit)- Billy Laney. 867 Roslyn Ken Stoeker. 21910 Mauer Ample Fre'• Sally Fisher. 754 Rivard James Bruno. 80s Trombley • Ronald Schaupeter. 7r1 Berk- I Charge ./j shire William EdwardJI. Jr.. .1 Mc- ltw;, Kinley James Watson. 7 Radnor Circle OPEN i Maureen Bradley. 63 Vendome R. Lowell Ahee. 19943 W. Wl11iams Ct. Karen 'l'heuerkorn, 2160 Stan- r ho.,e Ricky Marr. &2 Hawthorne JULY 16, 1957 Ju.Ue Hjggjm. 141'7 Somerset R1indy l\!ic:haei. 1344 BeacoNl- , ,. field Sally Duff. 213 StepheM THE MIGHTY'CH""YSLER.A"AToGA

, ! \.'" ,4l i \, \. • .'1' .• • ~ • '" - '.. - ~ :0- . j , 1".' '1


y, July rr, 1951 Thursday, July II, 1957 ~R05SE POINTE NEWS Page Three .;rts Noisy Muffler Marks Joy Ride .....Neighbor's Dog Nips Youngster _puses and has contrilb- launeh ingH u ge,,'S:uccess, A young boy received a repri- ny articles to profes .. a joy ride round the block. The Board of Health was no- Spaniel ':owned by Robert L. dog under observation for the ~blications. mand from City police ~,d then The tipoff was a neighbor tified 'or a dog .bite in the Benkert of 452 Moran. lO-day quarantine period. another from his father on July who called police complaining Farms on" July 5. Seventeen- Young James was crawling 4. About 5 ,a.m. Thursday, the of a noisy muffler in the area; month-old James Adanis of 455 on his neighbor's front porch People find it very easy to lad sneaked his father's car out A squad car crew picked up the. Moran, was nipped on, his. right when the dog bit him. Mr. keep in touch with society if of the garage and took it for boy minutes later. cheek by a', female' Springer 'Benkert was asked to keep his they have money to lend. . i • wner of Howard's • 20741 Shoe Clearance ~~ck (near FLY ; FASTEST '1/ ossoci~ted with Luxuri;ous Twi. Engine Idren Shop. 23208 Entire stock of melt'S, DeHAVlllAND DETROIT to .ear 9 Mile. Rd. EXECUTIVE AirJiners boy's .and street shoes wlfh- DO~7~WN } AIRPORT { LAKEFRCNT forward to seeing ds and customers the new, Reduced 10% 10 40% SO MINUTES LEAVE DETROIT-8:10 a,m., 10:30 a.m., 4:25 p.m., 6:55 p.m. ren's Shop carries Except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays election of infant's s wear in this area. #oa;j's TAG AIRLINES~ Inc. DETROIT CLEVELAND Plenty of PiWlcing GROSSE POINTE STORE ONLY Downtown City Airport Lakef-ront Airport Grosse Pointe at 17140 Kercheval DR 1-8080 CHERRY 1-0378 ale! BOTH STORES

. , , . -Picture by Fred Runnells, The balloon launching at the Neighborhood Club on Monday ;July 1, was a huge success as can be verified by the many Day Campers who have received replies from the finders of the balloons which had' the youngsters' names and addresses, on a return • postcard attached to them. . With the wind out of the ------.------northwest, the, 200 balloons F '.. J .. .. F tb' 'Il L · floated out over Lake St. Clair arms olnlng' 00 a OOp.. and were found by people in liON Belle River, Riverside, Woods- The representation of, the and P. B. Day; registrars, W. H; lee. and. Leamington', Ontario. Grosse Pointes' in the All~ Schervish and W. Mumaw; :fi- Three of the balloons soared as America Little Football League nancial, J. L. Drummy and E. J. far as Barberton, Medina. and will expand to three -teams for Schoenherr~ equipment, W. R. frankly, I find that Grafton, Ohio. the 1957 season when the newly Briscoe and J. E., Coyle; pub- The deadline for the return formed Farms Packers join the licity, P. H. Haller. Team phy-' the best values are" at cards to be mailed back, has veteran Cit~. Rams and the sician~ are J. E. Coyle, M. D. been set for the' end of Summer Park ,Lions. and M. W. Haisten, 'M.D. OPEN 9:00 A. M. TO 6:00 P. M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY , Day Camp on July 26, at which' - F.ieJd~g the: P~ckers wil~ be Persons wishing to help with time the, child whose vallo on th~ Grosse Pomt~ Farms LIttle ,the coaching of either the Var- flo~ted the furthest, will receive Footballers, Incorporated, _v.;ho sity or Frosh squads may con- WHALING'S a prize, rec.ently elect~d the folloVflIlg tact P. K. Butterfield (TU The launchirig was in conjunc- offlcer~:., presIde.nt, Rohert S. 1-3275) or A. L. Favrow' (TU tion with the opening of the Black; v:ce-presl~ent, John L, 4-6196). ~articular]y needed are • 9JJeit8 weaJt, Geophysical Year and .was di- Drummy, treasurer, Edward J. assistants famili'ar with ,the 520 Woodward' 6329 W. 7 Mile rected by Pauline Masak' the Schoenherr;' secretary, Arthur fundamentals, if not the int~ica- , ' tireless, camp director. L. Watts, Jr.. ' . ~ies, of. football. Clair North of City County Bldg, Near Livernois Summer Day. Campers, ages Th~ Co-ch~lrmen of commlt~, Farms residents will receive I 6 to 11, number 200, meet every tees lIsted w~ll v.:elcome volun- a letter during August giving Monday, Wednesday and :F'riday teers to a55lSt ill the rather f the d t'l f the gram felley I f 'd bI t k f 1 ch" ur r. e aI so' pro . I from ~June 24 through July 26, o:ml a e' as o. aun mg Registration' of the boys will and :sre divided into... 'four this new football squad ... If you take place during the weekend DOWNTOWN AT 1430 WASHINGTON BLVD. groups:-the Jupiter Jets, Venus have talents that are sUIte,!-.to of August 24; details of which' GROSSE POINTE AT 17140 KERCHEVAL Rockets" ~';Mar., Meteors ' and work on any of these co:rmmt- '11 b . d ' -a l~"'er .. t' t 't th f 11 .' -f' Id WI e announce ,10 ...~, Satujrn .Ccimets. The actiVIties ees con ac. e 0 OWlOg: Ie, f th G P . t N Issue 0 e rosse Oln e ew,s. IVY WALK SHORTS include a halid and soft ball arrangemen ts" W. J . MacLeod Practice sessions will start league, a Newcombe (vo~Iey- , ball) League, handcraft, scien- singing, track events an,d danc- immediately after Labor Day' in .wosse Pointe Only IN COOL tific research, dramafics, choral. ing. preparation for the season COTTON CORDS opener September 21. made with excl:isive DONEGAL "SELFSIZER" $5~ NATIONAL BANK This season's most popular :HTO ; fobric ••• Sanforized Cot~ Selected groups, of meq's fine OF DETROIT ton, Cord .•• now availoble in patented 'selfsizer' walk quality suits and furnishings .LER shorts; ivy styled with pleatless front and back at substantial reductions. strap with buckle. They size themselves efficiently and STATEMENT O~ CONDITION, JUNE 30, 1957 effortles~Iy to stretch when you do, or toke up the • SUlTS slock. through the hidden 'Selfsizer' beltline expan- Reduced 20% RESOURCES sion. Cash on Hand and Due from Other Banks • • • • • $ 434,337,373.50 BLUE - GRAY - TAN United States Government Securities. • • • • • • 610,110,535.69 Size. 28 to 42 FURNISHINGS OtherSecurities ••••••••••••• 148,444,148.98 , Loans: 19195 MACK AVE, Reduced % ,to .% TU 4-5320 Loans and Discounts • -; ;.:; '; '; ~ ~ • • $ 589,726,235.14 • Re81 Estate Mortgages . . • • • • • • • 132,157,913.72 721,884,148.86 Ample Free ParklnCJ a11b~ts AcCrued Income anCl Other.Resources • • • • • _ • 7,522,658.08 :Hiflim ~ f~ ... BankPremises .. , ..... _ ••• 14,070,150.94 Charge Accounts• stores~men 80 KERCHEVAt ON THE Hfll- TUxedo 2-3590 Invited , , pustomers' Liability-Acceptances and Credits • • • _ 1.691,951.77 OPEN THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAtTURDAY EVENINGS ... WASlI."OI aft. lANK MILD/Ill .s. IICIII&AI• $1,938,060,967.82 IfTItlW IllMII5."AJ . OIICA&O Q p..., N EiiI 'V. sa LIABILITIES Deposits: . COmmercial, Bank, and .Savings • • • • • • • $1,617,796,1&3.44 United States Government • • • • • • •• 97,050,159.10 Other' Public Funds ... . _ • • •• 63,705,502-22 $1,778,551,849.76 AecruedEJq>enBe8 and Other Liabilities • • • • 19,393~654,38 ror e , I • • Acceptances and Letters of Credit, • • • • • • • 1,691,951.71 ode,ed Kitchen' Capital Funds: d Character history I lel1l Common Stock ($10.00 par value) • • • • • • $ 28,974,000.00 f Charm an Smplus . . • • • • • • • 90,000,000.00 o US fOR A • • • • • won the Mobilp .Undivided Profits • • • • • • • • • • • 19,449,51~.91 138,423,511.91 rs1er'g pushbutton ctiiE ES1\MA lE $1,938,060,967.82 er you can buy- LARG~\ 1'\0 J08 i~O JOB100 SMALl' New for YearsI \ United states LovemmeDt Sec:uritie. carried' at $223,5:la,709.96 in the £oregoiDg statemtlDt are pledged to BeCUre public deposim. including depoaa crf $1"106,667.96 crf tIM TtaaURr', 8tll.. of Michigan, and for other purposes required by law_ ld of the rest in )(;pularity - record () drive last year'8 MIX~OR-MATCH Showing Complete Line of Famous G.ne ....1 Electric Applianc •• .• 0 A R DO' D I RrECTOR 5 r,~m~ glamoroUi Through our experience we have been able to design and build some iistoryJ Chryder'. of the most charming and efficient kitchens to be found enywhere. W. Howard C. Baldwin William M. Day Ben R. Marsh Nate S. Shapero RlCCees today ~ can rebuild your kitchen quickly and economically •.with little fuss or muss. . , Henry T. Bod;man Charles T. Fisher" Ralph T. McElvenny R. Perry Shorts temand tomorrmDJ In our showroom. w. have four complete kitchens ••• lit both wood PreritiSs M. Brown Chl!lrlesT. Fisher, Jr_ John N. McLucas Donald F. Valley g the moet-wanted • end metal cabinek ••• featuring many clifferent colors and combinations. ~"John S. Coleman John B. Ford Peter J. Monaghan BenE. Young Chrysler U tJlw4yw eOlOR CHOICE Harlow H. Curtice B. E. Hutchinson W. Dean Robinson TUxedo I-320' APPLlANC~S

16911 HAIPII AnOll fr~ YOfIH Th~tIIr•. . I . 58 Neighborhood Offiqes serving Detroit and Suburbs ~urlil'lIlowir "ECTRICAL APPliANCES _ !?~trott Edison , Service Agency Inc. STOITI HOURS--Open "" ':00 Mo.., l'h.I'I, eM 'If., .... tift "':01 .,~" "' ... , .... Sai. VAlley 2-5717 er

• I , " ' t t ! ,M"t oM e.-'.- • t crt.. t one- t M or b" 'tS? ,=4", 6tr m"dtb'b' ,cnn t 'or'W'ctrl,,1'P F'C"".btttC'dtr DC" me trY' w ttd !,."sl' Pi'S t $17m.' 'M-ftMlCStr'. bra,,) to VI to '" « It dCd an.t "ft. Htf " 0" t ~hft.} ...... ".1' d.tbMA-...... M. tC s1t ...... -4f-l-i!-.~-:;:._~--~-', , .. r ~: Thursday, July II, 1957 Page, Four - Thursaay, LAWN MOWER STOLEN ! A super camera that can take Mrs. A. F. Wall of 1051 Dev- pictures at the rate of two mil. Hollywood Glamor Pleases. Girls on Sizmp~on Tours - Po~te, Firenten 'Aid Ball Teams onshire complained to Park po- liop. fra~e~ pe~ s~cond is used. , . '. . . : . . . . .' . The CIty of Grosse Pomte 1 are m a large way responsible lice on Tuesday, July 2, that by the Naval Ordnan~ J;A1b~ l some one broke into her garage oratory, Silver Spring, Md.; to cries~~ all the '.~o~h~a~~~r:ar., e.:~.aI.r..:S..~...~..dan.~t.o.O....f....:. e.e.fS~ur.tS.•th...oa.~..~Of.e:t.'~.~.k.-..'..•..1..US''Ki•..)....•ng...~..ean..ts.•d. t~.'m.~T!1~ar;. ~~~c~a~n~~~~:'s a A;~~Ci:f ~~~r~~11~~~~~ar~~t~q::n~y~e- - during the night and stole a show exactly., what happens way .ill," ~:~~~fl~~;"Oh, Ws huge!!", of art will be reproducedl::nri:.. with Plat It mo~e~~e of om: dri~ers were, s~en amon~"o~~. ~~t::.~el $50 each, to The Little League ------power lawn mower. when an explosive explodes. "Watch out, here it. comes!!" fill: live models. The Lord's. Supper to compOSItion.:He Sald, All, stoppe4 by for a VISItWIth Rita Iand Babe Ruth League of GO DOWN FIGHTING. the air as a big-crested :wave is the most famous one, we are these sets are like people-lots, Moreno, who was one of the Grosse Pointe It' bett t b ked b . . t leL' ' of falsefronts!~ The' old, pro- starS in "The K.irig and 1." . . s er 0 e wrec y thunders and .boils down toa 0, ; .'.' ,.w '.' . '. . "I d "- .. A spokesman for the assocla- too much ambition than to'sit stop at Lagl.\Jla Beach, CRll- Twenty-feur hour~,were spent l~sorher~ . onder, what al e, Our. last. day In, H~llywood tionstated that the organization and rot from being over- Like An Old Keepsake. • • fornia .. Weha:ve now reached at Laguna, and then we were h:un.. , .. ~as sp.ent m the frantIc pack- believes the baseball leagues confident, the Pacific Ocean.' off, . first for Disneyland,' and. _ Our evenings provldeda great mg of ,clothes and :r;>resents.As . Folks,stop and stare, as they then for Hollywood;, , variety of things to do:. "The ~e turned: the key,s 1~ t~e locks, ------in'(ariable do, anywhere the Disneyland' is .as' magical ,as DrUnkard,naIl. old~fashi~ned It .was 'WIth ~ certaIn amount caravan goes"as thejnvasion of Cinderella's fairy godmother. inellerdr~e~where we.hIssed of regret. We check out of the 76 water-hungry-girls' (and ,16 Bright Ughts'an.dg~ly-:-colored. ,the villian; the~~(~Ioulin.Rouge rooms at noon but we spent the hungry drivers) starts. Fresh settings cre~te the. mo~_of featuring a ,sh0'Y_by.L~bera.ce;.a:fternoonat the pool. salt water is quite' an-experi. Fantasylanf4'Frontier~and, A.d- ~he. ~reek:T:hea!er"sta.rrm~ . Our luncheon guests that day featuriJ?~ ence, and after taking a tumble .veritureland, and, Tomorrow- Judy GaJ:landj:.Grauman'~Chi- wer~ Barbara Rush and John or two in the breakers, mO,stre. land~-"SluepFoot Slie....presid.es. ,nese. Thearer, ..,famous '10r, its, Lupton; the' fOrpler being very tire to work on their suntans. ove; the,. Golden Ho~e!.?hoe star-studd~a sidev.raJ,ks,and any. active in movies, and the latter A few stay in, though, bound paloon (wiiereonly Pepsi. is number of'.other ".shows. During known ohiefly as the star oft~e ~ Shoes and determined to master the serVed)~ Sleeping Bea~ty lies our stay, In()st-of'us managed t,o Broken arrow TV series. Both for Infants and Children art of riding 'the waves. pe.acefully"waiting .for her lov- ~keinatle8st ..two of them. answ~ed the few remaining all "Pied Pipers" are designed for little The ocean wasn't ,the only at- er, for to see.D~vy Cro~k~tt The next day was chock-~ulli ~uestlons we h~~ on Hollywood feet, and are expertly fitted under the traction, because the city is also ,and ~om Sawyer 1ive,~gam mot things to do; We first went films. and televlSlon. direction of Mr. William McCourt. Ex. known as an. artists' colony. FrontieI~d, (aIf~ Tom s Island to CBS Television City. al~ Three .blasts on a horn sum- I:lusive1yat Peter Pan in Grosse Pointe. Hundreas of. little shops, filled' is full of pIrates).' . there saw Art Linkletter's House moned us back to the wagons, with budding artist~' ,work, .line. We alternately took ,a trIP. to Party where we were inter- d with a quick look backward I 7015 Kercheval the streets. One Wlll be fIlled ~e, mo?n, paddled: ~an~es. up viewed. (Were you watching, at the hotel, we were off on with sculpture, another with nvitrs infest~?,lth. !hdians, folks?). After a' tour .0£ the fa- .our way to' Yosemite and San TUxedo 5-9236 oils, another with ceramics. travelle.dup ~Jung~e 1'1Ver~- , cilities, we ,next saw the Bob Fra~cisco. , Our resting place. at- Lag'una plete w~thalligato~s" r.()demules Croslby show, and again a .na- - Beach was the lawn of the Fes., thrTOUgl:iki~~es~ernll desert}. . tion-wide. audience 'heard of -f tival of ,Arts. The seG,.ond'trip urn . W) O.L"a • ages oose 10 Chet's.faimous tours. (Did you ______- ======~this summer will see this famous that, settmg. for, sIx, h~urs anid watch that,. too?) event. During our stay, the see what you end up Wlth. Let s'. • . ; hooths for the festival were be- see, we had countless hC1-ts,bal- For lunch,. vre went out 1:1;). 'nO' put up and painted and a loons, hugesuokers, postcards; style to the BIt of Sweden Res-, SPEOIALISTS IN 1 '" ) . "bubble g.wn. bags o~candy,and" taurant, where we had as our incidentally, em p t Y wallets. guests for Smorgasbord, Je~ . JYfan, those cars.. were' stuffed. Hunter, Nancy Gates, and Bill REPAIRING T. o Get College that night (and not just. with Hayes. We had an info:rnnal in- . .Credits by T V happy: kids,ei1lher.) We had. terview withtherrt after lunch. aU kinds ,feasted also on southern.fried One question was: "Jeff, since and makes -- chicken atth.e'Plantation Inn, a you changed yoUr name frOO! A unique plan offering col. restaurant cverlookingthe ~Mis- Hank McKinnies to Jeff Hunter, lege credit courses on television si'ssippi River.' / what change cou1d yousuggest will be detailed starting Sun- After we had calmed down for'a nsmelike Baxter Melan- Clocks and Watches day on a series of four-times.a- from Disneyland, one consuming ger Hart Wrighton, ITI?" (One Modern .. Antique - Foreign week l'aidQ broadcasts on three desire inflamed us into near of our drivers). That stumped stations. frenzy. Beds!! Beds!!' Beds!! him. 1 Domestic Free Estimates The plan starts at the Uni. Only one more night of sleep- 'After lunch we took off for versity of Detroit in September. iJig bags. Is it, can it really be Gene Autry'S' ranch where the' Students attend lectures in their true?? I don't think any of us Wyatt Earp series is, being shot. factory Trained Personnel homes via television, afternoons did much sleeping that night, Gene's- ranch sports a complete' or .evenings; then come to the just tlUnking what it would be western town set with all. the Telephone VA '-6257 campus weekly for quizes, dis- like. So by ,the next day when trimII?ings. Several" scenes were cussion, and counseling and we checked. into the Hollywood. shot while we were there, and DELIVERY SERVICE exams. Algiers hotel with REAL, beds in between takes, Hugh O'Brian . The complete freshman cur- in it; the first thing we did was talked tcithe group about the Out' 35th Year Edward Craft, Mgr. riculum of the College of Arts. to. rUn to. our rooms and go mad series and gave. the background and Sciences is offered in :this over. ,those things, with mat- on what they were doing. GROSSE POINTE CLOCK series over WTVS, Channel 56, tresses and springs, Beds, wow, Like Jeff Hunter and .the Detroit's educational television real beds!!. . other personalities we met, Mfgr. and Repair Co. station. We were highly perceptIve HwghO'Brian is an a.sSociJaJte-of L 15233 Kercheval Be:fc~~~reld Grosse Pointe It will be expl~ned in'detail that day fo~ some .reason. That'~ Chet's in several of. his Holly- on "This Is TV College!" the ~ow ~e ,discov~red the large wood motion picture activities. I radio program to be broadcast pool rIght ?utslde our doors. We heard all about a: Western at 9 p.m. Saturdays on WEXL; Secol~dreaetio~: pool! wow, re~ film they plan to snoot' in Au- 11:45 a.m. Tuesdays on WJLB; poo~.. ~ey, Walt a mmute, don t gust. Maybe the next tour will and at 9:15 p.m. Sundays and go 3f .Wl~~all your clothes on. get a part. in the pictw:e. Boys, 1 a.m. Wednesdays on WJBK. Can t walt. Well '. . start lettIng your haIr. grow Gnjo'J the ,Vrivac';j 0/ 'Jour own The radio programs will con- As one by one we dri,£t~clback long! tinue through the last week in thOtOlurthrooms after glvmg the All the movie personalities o e e once-over, we saw ' . -. August.. . . " them through different eyes. the group met, showed them- SWIMMING POOL They will gIve academIC and Th' '''h ...... :_ " th. selves to be real. everyday peo- . I d ta'l f' th TV ere were o~ er IILUUgS m etn ' , . techmca. e 1 ~ o. e . besides beds. One room to every pIe, the same as you d fmd b~ck -~, One Day Only course~; feature .m~erVlews~Ith two girls, and they had: bath- ~ome. Sort of renewed our faIth professors who. WIll teach the room. .facilities, another thing m Hollywood. , Showing of courses, and sam~les of the ,we stared dumbly atforY"i while, The last full day m Holly- Recently Completed t c~asse~ thems~lves, and pro- more 'than adequate fwmture, wood started 'Out" wond.er;~y Pool VIde mformatIon on ~e gen- and nice roomy closet~.. And be~aus.e we got to sleep In. By Do you really have time eral .~ature of ed,ucatIon by what's more, there was' a tele- thlS:trm.e, Of c0';lrse, W;~ were , 1063 Sunni-ngd,ale te~~V1~lOn. . phone, something most of us had used to beds agam, and It sur,e to "do right" by your Investments? . Thi.s U. of D. cred.lt TV plan gotten out of the ,habit of using. felt good" Lunch at Farmers. lJ SUNDAY"JU~Y 14, IS of Immeasura:ble.. rm~o~nce It didn't take long to get back. ~ark.et proved to bE: one of the 12:00 to 5:00 p. m. to the commumty, saId Dale, By this time we were.. com~ highllghts of the trIp,. Stevenson, U. of D. staff mem~ pletelyreacted out so there was The most unusu.al thing, how. Too lDany m.en-because there just aren't enough hours ber directing the program, nothing to do but lovingly ever, was the strm.g of restau- "Not only can it ease the store our sleeping bags away rants down the mIddle of the in the day-have to slight their investment program. strain that will be imposed, both in the closet and settle down to market. A good many ~f them • ~~~~~e!financially and physi~lly, when enjoy a life ~f luxury and Chet's feature: foo.ds from. differen~ Result: missed opportunities, and, too often, a program universities are faced with program of glamorous- activi- co~trIes hke' .Mexlco, Italy, dangerously out of balance. doubled enrollments in the ties. Chma, ~tc., whIle others sell near future; but it 'can provide After changing into fancy salads,. deserts, and beyerages. y To help a;toid the risks or~too little time", do as so many evening students wit!). more clothes which had been mailed You PIC~ up a, tra and JU~tdfO~f- James R. Dale Pool Co. l N others do-take advantage of our Investment Research and TW 3.4240 FO 6.5499 TU 1.4276 time for study." out to us, we started out that ow your nos~. ever ,n:uzt , I Stevenson, U. of D. professor very day by 'takinga tour of y~u end upWlth a combU1atl~n Guidance combined with our Securities Safekeeping Service. Display Pool at 19949 Conant, near Outer Drive of'radio and television, isa resi- MGM Studios. Bing CroSby had of tlalma.les,cofke,.ChoPHsueJ:?.a d t f G P . t . b h . sma pIece 0 pIzza, . awallan en 0 rosse om e,arl,'anged a tour by ~t. our pineapple salad, ~ blueberry This service puts at your co:mmand an entire depart- tii======ffl group,. and the one commg ~ut pie to wash it all aown. Ummm! ment of experienced'investment people who give your invest- later In the s~er. The bIg- Good! Ohhh, the. stOmach aches ~est sound stage In the. world the next day. ments cons~ant attention. The fee is nominal, and you can I~ there. 'I1h~y.even bul1d .en-. Lunch was followed by a visit retain full control. . ~Ire ranches mSld~ these bUIld- to 20th CeIitury Fox .Studios'. mgs. All the settmgs are made Fox had ~he most colossal sets. Just phone qur Investment Department (WO 2-5670) for Room' Size. Rugs of a. wood frame and plaster (Prdba!bly set up to influence. covenng. . particulars. No ohiigation, of co~rse. After seeing many of the in- BOY BITTEN BY DOG door and outdoor sets for "The MEMBER OF THE "'DIe: Brothers Karamazov" (to star The only aJ'Jrnal bite reported Up 1o Yul Brenner), and the Free- in the City within the week 50% OFF! haven street scene. for. "Rain- took place in the driveway en- THE DEl'rROIT BAN~ tree Country (to star ElizQlbeth trance to the Oren scotten es- Taylor ,and Monty Clift), you tate at 17500 E.Jefferson., on & TRUST COJVIPANY simply cannot distinguish be- July 4. tween the real and the fake. Joseph G, Fl)lary of 13763 TRUST OFPICE • FORT AT SHELBY Van J!oteren Esther Williams' pool i,s there, Hen&ics in Detroit, was ridh1g and so is Mrs., MiniveJ:'s house, his bicycle pn .th~ diivewa:\i, Service and Securlty for over a Century carpeting co. complete with river. In Another when he was bitt}~n..()nthe right lot, they hav~ street settings. ankle 'by a German. Shepherd from France, England, China, owned by the.8cottens. -" ' near Buckingham 15839 E. WARREN TUxedo 1..6022 and the New, York' tenemant The bite was. treated at Cot- district. 'In fact, we saw so tage Hospital,. and .the dog was - taken to a local veterinarian. . • • NOW MAKE YOUR SHOPPING IN CANADA EASIER . ~ modern ...... gas ranges g'ive you New, Auto Tunnel Booklet Tells U.S. Customs Exemptions so mU,chl • $10 Personal purchase

, It's magic! The new "burner with. a • $10 Gift purchase YI 7 brain ' makes every utensil automatic. , Jlistdial-the degrees of heat required, and the burner maintains that tem- • Duty and tax free-once every 24 hours perature ,automatically. Foods can't scorch; b9il over, overcook! Canadian shops offer you a wide selec- The amazing new "burner with sf brain'~ is juStO'M of the features that maketoday's modem gas ranges your tion ,9f personal and gift items tha~ are best buy. Other advantages ,you'll appreciate include: unus,!al, high quality and affractively ,."Set it and forg~t it" cooking. Precise oven controls, priced. Write fo~ the booklet on U. S. automatic clock-timers, choice of 1001 instant heat ~tifu~. . customs exemptions and then come to Canada by way the Tunnel. Better. tasting meals. Perfect, broiling, roasting, baking of -as well as top--of-the-range cooking! (The nation'. finest chefs cook with Gas!) 'Cean, coo,, fast, economical cooking. Ask your :friends DETROIT-WINDSOR TUNNEL -they'll tell you that 'Gas cooking is best! See the , 4465 Penoblcot 8ulldlng, Detreit 26, Michigan exciting new, .modern Gas ranges at the Gas CompanJ" and Dealer shoWrooms. Choose yours, today! Please send me FREE your new booklet on United States .THE DETROIT AND WINDSOR AUTO TUNNEL, .Customs Ex~mp.tion$• .-.-. Thl . only international auto tunn~1 in the ~orld, is the NAM_E _ MICHIGAN CONSOLIDATEO GAg. COMPANY direct, fast and convenient way to cross the border. \ ADDlt,f_Sl_$ ~------_

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• . , I: \ >

n _ sssnps 7 p • 2 sm . _..- . " . y. July II, 1957 Thursaay, Jl~1y ". "1957 G R OS'S E 'P 0 I N T.E N.E W S Page Five all Teams large way responsible ding character and de-

,Iuvenile delinquency.

DOWN FIGHTING tter to be wrecked by h ambition than to sit Q t from being o.,er- I t.

,, ~. , , / ?Jf'ft' II Shoes nfs and Children are designed for little 'pertly fitted under the . William McCourt. Ex- 1:er Pan in Grosse Pointe. ''/ 5 Kercheval .I edo 5-9236 •

- . ~/~~ " I ,<; ) lV'

,r.:'~>,~::~ .,~. ',:~ ..,~ • .. I

'{. ,

, I) r f) 0 I\lJ ?

There', really no place like Grosse Pointe's

Kercheval Avenue, with its truly fine sh'ops 'of . '

lashion~nationally known rei:ail stores-

lamed for their success in selec~n8 the clofhes

Grosse Pointers instinctively demand' ..•

the styles so distinctively Grosse Pointe;

identified the world over tor their casual air, K . 1 their simplicity that 18 the epitome of good taste. })I Grosse Pointers shop Grosse Pointe stores with an assurance borne of past 8ucce~s. ' ----

r I A EASIER 'i " r • ,. , emptions --

yall •• I:LII,.HEIi I...

'j .; very 24 hours 1_,'_- J wide selec- WALTon-PIERCE I"L ms that are rEJ1/7'- - ../,f, attractively et on U. S. en come to Jacobsons' ,'TNt ' PEC~ &,;,PECK [lOTHE5 LINE on United States tf~l £..lLnP~~ Thl Village Stor. , :!.J " IHe , IN~. THERE IS NO OTHE,R PLACE QUITE LIKE GR'OSS'E POINTE

AT_E _

, \ i' J I .' • •

Page $ix GRO 55 E PO I"'" T E NEWS Thursday, JufY,II,J9S1 Thursd~y, to the pit<:her for the final went eightinnlngs 'in the~':tWf DodgerS. Haner was throwing Ifirst tim«:., at ~at and his team Life is nothi out. That's Little League, whereof 'the double header when two a sizzling fast ball from the first. backed him. Wlth 13 runs. Two sentence at har you .see;mo~e baseb,,all, 'in:, an solid, ~ts by Handlos and Ran- inning, to the sixth inning. The Dodgers scor~ bu.t Hall~r had few things ad, hour and a ,half ,than you would. dall se,wed up the ~e. for the Dodgers just could not get close" a NO-HITTER to his credit. havior. to the ball. In the six innings, Final Score: think possible; also the spirit Yankees. 21 men faced Haller and he Brave _ 13 and the amazing kn.ow-Iedge,of It was evident. in this di"' ...... e Only Dodg 2 ~u struck out 13 Dodgers. ers .._ _ .. baseball, displayed .by. thO!:i~ that the Indian, hi~ting is con-three men walked and it was as • • • youngsters is the 'most gratify- tinuing to fall off (shades of close to a perfectly pitched ' On July 2, the Cards took on ing sight ,in t!!e world. today. former: sluggers), but also evi- game as one will see for a long the league-leadL"lg Cubs. A -- dent that the yankees". Tom time. Haller was as fresh on his fierce pitchers' duel immediate- INTERNATIONAL, LEAGUE Carl, has 'developedmto a fine last pitch as he was on his first ly developed between Sachs of GAMES, DURING' WEEK pitcher. " one. the Cubs and Sclunatz of the ENDING JULY 5 The final score was Yankees At the plate, Haller led his Cards. Sachs gave up three hits 1"DO.,itofi. MontreallO,J)uffalo 9. 5, Ind.tanS 3. team-mates with a single his I (Continued on Page 7) by ,.fRfD RUnnELLS Toronto 11, Miami. 10. ,Over in the National League Columbll5 21, Miami 10. 'on Monday the GiantS clobbered NEW SUMMER POLICY-AT Havana 4, Toro~to 18. the Reds 9 to 1 with heavy hit- T R tt 0 H I-d1 y ' ' ft U E MontrEal 14, Rochester 'I. tiJ;1g -by Hiener and Bla<:kb~ ~ ~ . wo e~a as ..ver °B "a LIT'TLE'LEA~.. . ~=~.83.~~:L :=';i;:'te~~~~~ / ,. lon on (lst lenty usy Riclimond 11, Rochester 6.. play for the Reds could't stave • Dinner Served from 5 to II p.m. Keep SkIppers P , . WOODS-SHORES . field' and at the pl~te..' '. . .Miami 2,Rlclm¥»nd'lS. off>tllis defeat. . • Bar Open from 12 Noon to I a. m. ------, , , . Bob Anderson; Minnapolls Havana 6, Buffa10 3, Th' t . ht th P' t • Closed Sundays and Mondays Two regattas over the long Fourth of July weekend As the season gets closer to hurler does a real nice'J'ob on Rochester.,,6, Toronto 15. ," e,.nex lllg e ll'a es b th d d the ral'e for top" , came: to life and cashed in on • Closed, for Luncheon kept local sailors plenty busy and proba ly some 0f them e.e~ so oes .' r r d the mounq' but can't overcome Rlchlnond 10, Buffalo 9. tlie Phillies' mistakes to dig out .-----c------:-:----:---:::-~-:::_:_-:-"7:"----. lost many honor pofnts with the little woman for staying posItIon.. T~lelJntdianapo IS an the errors behirid -him. . - .a .n.n.tory,'6 to 1. Rent ;L-a-ch Introducing New Modified Table d'Hote Menu. ------'- the LOUlSVle eams are run~ . , . 11 . Y"'" J!lJ away from ho~e so long. . " ning one-two, with Toledo and Den:ver \didn t fare so. we, INTERNATIONAL L~~~UE was the winning pitcher.' Distinguished French Cuisine, Dinners at Popular Prices Windmill Pointe Y. C. held Its Hanson; "HappiNess" Karl Ness; St. Paul coming up fast. ,The droppmgall three; games~ b~t STANDINGS AS OF . Y 5 On July 4 the Ehillies bounced third annual .regatta on, ~e ;'Glory Bea!I" Jim Carlin; "Bal- star attraction of the week was not b~au~e. they . ~eren ~ ~ TEAM' W 'L Pet. back into the win column be- Fourth with 143 boats hlttmg quihidder" Bill Bremer; ,"Grace the Louisville _ Inltianapolis there fJ.gh~mg. TheY.Joustdi:dn t Columbus 10, 2 .833 hind Maertens' fine pitching. He th~ startin~ line, under sunny Note," Kurt Keydel; "Winlassie','game in which, both managers, get the hits at ~e ngh~ time. Toronto io ' 2 .833 mowed down 14 of the-Reds on skies and light all'. But before Bob Dodd. Egan and Tamblyn used all the In ,the three .games, pltcher~ Rochester 8 4 .666, strikes imd allowed them only E~~~ most .o~ th~ fle~t got back to 1\AVENS "Thunderbolt," s1;rategy.tHey could muster. It Jerger an~ ChrIstenson only .a~- Montreal 5. '1 .583 two hits. The score was' Phillies the fmlsh line m front of the Body Benkert; "Nauti~gal," AI body's }jall game right lowedthell' opponents a total of Richmond 4 8 .333 11; Reds 2. JOEL NASH- at the piano 8 p.m., to I a.m. host club downriver Mother Bortolotti; "Waif". Jim Mason; wastoanthYelast. iru:iing when Rusi- .28 runs. Denve.r hit re~ good Havana 4 8 .333 CITY No Minimum-No Cover. For Reservations Call Nature whistled uP. omino,us "W.hite Hea.ther,'~' Gregory-Ja- unPowpl'cke:::'up a hot liner. an,d and. looked gO?d o,n,~e f.leld but Buffalo 4 8 333. A' "li "'11 t' TUxedo 4-5015 T..1I':u t th ht t Miami 3 9 '250 SlZZng pace Stl con mues storm clouds and an~creasmg pmga; "FrIday:' Gordon ,u.....c- <:~lmly threw to his first base- nOt a. e rlg , .lme. .' • in the City Little League. -The ~ ...... '-"'-" ~ - 20-25 southwesterly wmd that Cabe; "Naraka," Nagel-Des- mall' for the final out. Both ,Baseball,the national pastlme, Cards are still continUing their ~ forced some .0£th~ s~aller craft mond. teams ,were great on .offense is nev,er playect with greater "AMERICAN ASSOCIATION winriing ways and have jumped London East .to lower t~~lr mamsalls to keep P~IV ATEERS "Niaid," and d.efenSe. Kennedy 'looked enthUSIasm nor' more from MINOR LEAGUE-WEEK- :from last .plar.e to a tie. forsec- 123 KERCHEVAl GROSSE POINTE FARMS from capslZlIlg. . Chuck Haug; "Cotton Top", Bob like Hank Greenberg playing ~he ~eart than when pls;yed ENDING JULY 6 ond with the Braves. The • Little Club Regatta Roadstrum; "Spindrift," Oscar first base; Jerry Hancock tend- m ~ttle Le~gue. In LIttle Louisville 12,"Denver7. Braves Oaught up to the league- TU 2-8526 Grosse Pointe (Little) Club Carlson; "Indian Drum." Sid ed right field and. picked off League .anythmg. can happen Louisville 14, Minneapolis 4, leading Cubs and were tied for , held its regatta two days later, Marsh; "L'Allegra," Bill Ho\v- flies that looked impossible, andan~ usually doe~,. where. a I.lOuisville10, indianapolis 7. fitst, but the Braves could not Saturday, July 6, in a. strong ard. Garry Kais~x: at s~ond robbed dribble down the fll'st base line Minneapolis 6, Charleston O. .' hang on and dropped ,down to "A Grosse"Pointe 'rradition" ~ westerly that sent the fleet or L CLASS":'" "Gael" George his oppone~ts' of one hum- can~~ean a three-lbagger or a Charleston 10, Omaha 5, sec'onq. None of the coaches are 132 boats dancing aroun~ t~e McCoI'hlick; "Escape" Fred Jen- dinger when he ran a city block hot ~er can be a d?uble-pl~~, . Indianapolis i3, st. Paull. making any serious ~redidions AFTER AFTER DRYA trianglar courses m JIg sen; "Nite Wind" Alee, Chap- to pull down a liner. Better where an easy outfIeld fly IS. Charleston 10, st. Paul 3, in this very tight race. ' . YEAR YEAR YEAR time. man; "Sally K", -Guy McNaron; baseball has never been played 'played '!he hard way-on the Omaha 7; Denver 4, Only July 1, the Braves.start ... The start of the Grosse Pointe "Lillith," Fred Kagel; "Sham- in the Little League than was }lOp. It s all from the heart Toledo 5,Charlestonl., ' ed the fireworks early in: their / Club regatta was postponed a l'ock," Guy Ireland; "Rogue," played this day. . .'" thougl.I, eve~y out, ev~ry ~ Toledo 21, St. Paul 18. game with the Dodgers~ For the half hour and it wasn't until B. Dilks; .'Red Wing" J. Bress- Charleston. split with t~o and ~very hit of every Innmg. .Olnaha 27, Minneapolis 5. past two weeks ,the Braves and that night at the dandy par.ty er; "West Wind" Harold Mi<:ou. wins ~infour tries this week TwIce each wee~, 540 boyt:., Toledo 16, Denver 5. the Dodgers were tied for seco~d at the dub ,that th~ sailors dis- LUnERS - "Nil:e" Pete behind Some real nice pitching from ,the. Grosse ~omteWoods- -- and this was the big game. 17624 covered the reason when race Stroh; "Hobby Horse," E. Shor- by Heidish, who bad to get 11 Shores' I:l~tle ~eague m.arch o~t ' AMERICAN ASSOCIATION' Haller took the mound for the chairmen Bobby Ford and Pete ek; "Afert," Dick Wozniak; strike-outs on bis first try and to the .dt.aII!:0n~sand gl'v:ethelr MINOR LEAGUE STANDINGS Braves to opose Morrison of the COMBINES Stroh explained. "Yum- Yum," Ward Detwiler; ten on the second,. to chalk up all :for slX.mmngs. Behmd the TEAMS . W L Pet. ------They called for the postpone- "Cardinal" Dexter Ferry, nis first two wins. That's a lot yo~~ster.s.. are the ~tna,nagers Louisville" 10 2 .833 I Fine Food with Fine Entertainment ment to all0'Y Da~e Sloss to g:~ CK CATBOAT TEAM - De- of strike-.outs in this league. and c?a~es who ~lve. freely Indianapolis 8 3 .727 (est J to the startmg lme after hIS troit Y. C. 29; Edison Boat T 1 d . 'ththr of, thell' tune to help bUlld the Toledo 6 5 .545 "best' band C'Kathmar III" had become in- CIUlb21; Detroit Boat CIUlb15; . 0 e. 0 c,ame up t ~~ behi ~ boys into better men. The star st. Paul,' . 6 6 .~OO STARTING THURSDAY. JUNE 27 volved in an accident with a 5t. Clair Y. C. 12. Individual _ WIns ~n as many rles _n attract~on and a good example Omaha. /' 5 6 .454. '.. " fishing boat that ran across his Pat Clancy, EBC; Connie Otto Schne~der, Morea~, and Eb}j~s, of the fine spirit displayed was Denver 4 8 .333 In tow n bow without warning. Neither DYC; Fred Meno III, DYC. SchneIder 1;tad~o get 15 stnke, the game played this week be- Minneapolis 3 7 .300 fisherman was injured but were o~ts for h~ wm, a~" .Ebbe~ tWeen the American Associa- Charleston 3 8 .273 Ve~e Wirwille . THE HOLIDAYS visably shaking from their un- CK FREE-FOR-ALL, - E. ~ad to ~at, ~~ own wInnIng run .tion's .Louisville and Indianapo- and hi, troubadorl . A't Sl Wallace, Carl Estler, J. Hunt, m for his WIn. li 1 b Thi GROSSE POINTE FARMS af the Twin~Bahy Grands expected swrm. s 1 was oss W Sh 0 H d L S ith . '. s c,U S", s was a game to . d f d was about ten I?~nutes l~t~ .:for CL~~L<)Ot.:: peeTu~ner: .81. Paul went down fi~htmg deci.de first place as botll teams The activity in the American - goo . 00 his start in CrUlsmg A dlvlslon. b G . J B k this week-what we can,t un- haVIng played and won the Divisi'On of the Farms .Little d f R'eservations Suggested: VAlley 2-4118 But the race committee feared ,B;EN~~~nl'_ 'Je::; jenkins d~rstand is how Keller can same amount of games. Man- LeaJgue started ':Last week with ~ goo ~'.un ! ¥~ a storm was brewing and could- Fred Pessel Otto Scherer Jr' pItch such a. won~erful ~all~ ager Jack Tamblyn played a boom when the Ti,gers humili- Special Attention to 15301 E. Jefferson, at Beaconsfield n't delay any longer for fear of ' . '. • gam~ as he di~ agamst .Indlan- more baseball and worked ated the Indians by a score of Parties and !anquets 'Enjoy a Sn. endangering the rest of the .CRESCZENhTlkSULOOPSB-bDlckkapohs .and s11.lllos~ It., Not harder from. the bench than 'I to 2. Red Butl fleet with a squall that was HIli, E. ue e, ynn a coc , only dId he"l>ltcli wrth al1.he'anyone of the Boys on the team. Brydges of the T~gers struck threatening but nev~r hit. . A. Churchman. had, but he ~ls? snared ,all He used strategy that even OUitonly five batters and walked Eddy Shepberd's Some new faces were seen m FOLKBOAT - Bob Wood, batted balls WIthin 15, feet, of Casey Stengel hasn't thought of nine, but brillicint fielding by 7t90~ E. Jefferson at Van Dyke ANAl the winners' circle. For exam- Walt Burnett, S. Bra~ley. the moufld. Batted the ball real .yet, but to no a,vail, as his team bis teammates kept him out' of VA. 3-1,155,' BOESKY'S 18455 I pIe Susie Fisher's Pilot sloop A UNIVE~AL - Te~ hard at the plate but t;tIere Y1as.went down to defeat 10 to 7. trouble. Conversely, DeIPlace "Old Rarity" which n

Burkard's '~Meteor III" by 56 THISTLES - oug a 0 e, timely hits to make the ,win winning runs to score. The Tiger.s again showed their Good Food - Good Reputation EDDIE PAWL l~ AT NORTHL seconds. Llwyd Ecclestone's Howard B

, Oscar Carlson Wins Mason, Nagel-Desmond, Greg- --DeSolo Adventure-- - . .. ' - .. ~ Oscar Carlson enlisted the aid ory:'Japinga. New in name-but antiquated! of a couple "OLD C" boaters, PRIVATEERS - Oscar Carl- Joe Matte III and Nils Jorge- son, Bob Roadstrom, Sid Marsh, Specicil Hardtop BI'1 son to win his first race in the 'Charles Haug, sam learned a lesson, so tried and true: Pri~ateer class since buying L CLASS - Gforge McCor- "Spindrift". These two OLD mick, Guy Ireland, Guy Me- urfo cafs a bargain, if it ain't new!" PLAYI sailors were in virtual retire- Naron, Alee Chapman, Fred THE CHANCE NOW ment and resting on their past Jensen, Bud Dilks, Fred Kagel, OF A '~. Gold and Wh~te Color combination - 'Color Sweep laurels, but came out just once Hilary Micou, Jerry Bresser, paint treatment "'!"'Special desigtied Gold 'Yheel covers mo.re to try their hand at this John Rickel. I \~ ~ -#- ., "1 game of boating. .. ' . LUDERS:- Dick Wozniak, LIFETIME - Forward look-Medallion -. Special charcc:>a1carpet They did a terriflc Job m Ward Detwller, Pete Su:oh, with Gold LureX~Special dedc lid mol9ings-Special showing the regular Privateer Harry Weintraub, Eldon Shor- C skippers a thing or two about er. Steering wheel~pecial Trim-345, HP Ehgine:-:.l'ower sailing small boats. Hopes that CRESCEN'r - Earl Zue~lke, steering, - Ppwer Brakes- Safety cushion. panel ~ Play Matte and Jorge will come out Dick Hill, Art Churchman, .$3,695 Dual outside rear' view mirrors :- Dual exhausts' - to play again were explode~ Lynn BabcOck. . when both went back into re- CLUB SLOOP - N. Horvath, Dual headlanipS-:-Dual rear anteooas-Large 8.5Ox14 tirement immediately after ~ R. Turner, R. White. ' plus tax White~ sidewall tires - All weather heater and, def:tost- .Moral:.lt- doesn't cost a penny more race. Could it be they figure , K CLASS - A. Boylston, and license ers -'Electric dock -. Hmd brake sigp.ar'-, Prismatic they should quit while they are Bud Wellman,' Riney Zeidler, ahead? North Stockton, Phil Dickinson. mirr~r - Vanity mirror - Town N'Country,radio-. '..~. put your money on tomorrow.! F Winners 01 the Windmill VINEYARD HAVEN,- Jo)m R~ seat speaker ,-' 'Wind~hied washerS~ DirectiOll8,1 I Pointe Y. C. Regatta are as Ledyard, George Munro III, signals -'TorqueFlite ~ans, ttPush'ButtonDriv~ng';'-, Poor Sam! The same money he in~ested in an outmoded car could have put him FEATUR follows: Allan Shelden. ' - Read All CRUISING A - "Tigress" LIGHTNINGS - Wes Weid- in the -driver's seat of a really-new Swept-Wing Dodge. For the same money Frank White; "Last Sttaw," rick, Fred' Wilhelm, Hank These- See IT.at -, he could have enjoyed such advances as Torsion-Aire Ride, Push-ButtOn Baker. Clements; "Tamara," Ckwthra, Warren Jones, 'Walt Special May-Dondon; "Falc.on," cla~e Roney, Dick Dickman, JiJ;n Mil- TorqrieFIite' and ,Total-Contact Brakes-to. say nothing of ijlat dashing-low Jacobs' "Merry Malden," Wll- lies, Jr., Burt Jones,AIex Flalurls F:.RANK-AL 'EIi~s Ired McGuire; "Nordic," Arvid Allardyce, ,R a I p. h O'Hara, style. So before you buy any new car, remember that the Swept-Wing Dodge Lundell. . George Davis, J onn Lesesne, New 148';11 K-' rc' he al at Alte~' , CRUISING B - "Fleetwood" Dick Westerman, Bob Verhelle. Location ' . - ,e V Road obsoletes all other cars in i~ field. See your nearby Dodge dealer right away. Bod Ford; "Meteor Ill" Hank THISTLES - Doug Wake, Formerlx E. Jefferson at AI,er Road .. Burkard; "Bikini" Llwyd Ec- Herb Mainwaring, Ayres Mor- ' VALLEY clestone; "Spray" Bill Maul; rison, Al Przblowicz, George Open Ey~n;ngs till 9:30 "Tzigane" Al Wilson. Devlin. 2-8000 Join the swing to the Swept-Wing Dodge! CRUISING C - "Old Rarity" CK CAT BOA T TEAM - LOTS OF OTHER' FLOOR MODEL SPECIALS lusie Fisherj 4'Dauntless" To~ Detroit Y.C, 28, St. Clair Y.C. • •

\.1. ,i ( , I

.... ,' - -,- ----, -, -,-~i-{ , ; -, I' " \

\ y. July II, J951 ihursd~y, July lr, '1957

, Page Seven Life is nothing more than a I:f you :feel you must ask ' singled .twice d scored twice. The only' hit .off Giant pitching 'more, apparent f.that .a going unbeaten until their first sentence at hard labor - with a someone to take your part b_ an. :comes Wilson. few things added for good be- John Parent doubled and singled was a single by Jimmy Greene. terrific~ race for first place 16 loss to the Giants on June 25. The Athletics in turn beat the careful that they don't take aU and .scored once. The Cards - Final scores wc:re: Qiants 6, developing in both the -t\meri- The Giants have remained in havior. you have. Senators 14 to 4. Dan McCarty walked away with this one and Senabrs 1; Giants 16, Phll- can and the •National Leagues. secqnd, place since the start and hit a home run in this game. 4 _...... 13 it sent them. into a tie with the lieS O. . In the Ameri<:an League the the crowding for 1irst place with In a burst of fireworks on the •._...... 2 Bra"{es for second place; . On SatUrday, July 6, the Sen- Orioles:,bave held on to first two games behind the leader. • • • 4tnof July theVVlUte Sox beat Final Score:, ators won a 7-iJining game from place~~.se -they overtook the' Wih'1.a full. week of basball the Orioles 19 to 6 with Dan Jy 2, the Cards took on Ca.rds ; Ii the Grosse Pointers.' 11-4. Sen:-A~hletics in the. first week of the seCond place Athletics of the gue-Ieading Cubs. A Braves ' : ~ ;...... 2 at?r pitchers Bo~ Cran:~'.8.!1C! .June~.. The ;Athletics dropped American League downed the Telep taking the pitching hon- ors. . The Orioles bounced back ltchers' duel immediate- League. StandlDg Miller gave .up hits to-qoMSOo,to. third in'"early June but are first place Orioles 6 to 5. Marc loped between Sachs of the next day to beat tne Sen- w~ L. :a~ltz. M~ap'c,J;),9bb~,. ~d'. agaln.~in second place for the Lonesk hit a home run in this ators 15 to ,2. It was . Marc s and Schmatz of tha Oubs ; 7 5- ~ilson ~f the Grosse .]?omteJ.'~'third c~ecutive week game for a. total of six. The Sachs gave up three hits (Continued ,from Page 6) Cards , ; : ;.., 6 6 ~th Gn~~an. and ;Iqodtget-: .. . the National League the .. Se-nators beSt theWbite Sox Loensk's day with three home Jn runs and driving in ten runs. ntinued on Page ~) to the .Cards and lost ~ heart- Bradves ,.~..~•.,~ :. 6 6 tm~ two ~tseach :fi~ Gl:'os;>ePirates hav:e lleld on to. first 16 to 7'with credit for the win- D 5 This brings Marc's total home breaker. I The "key" hit for the. . 0 gers ':;:....; ;~ ,... '7 i~~~hs~~,~~~d~e:d~~~: ,piacesince ,the ~~ason began, ning pitcher, going to John runs' for the season to nine. Cards was a: mightY home r\.~ CITY (MInors) , - vanta Schnurr of the Senators by Matthews with Ghesquiere h • • • on base' in the first inning. The Giants of Grosse Pointe starred ,with a ,ome run.' In the National League the Helms and Ghesquiere picked City's Little. League Minors won Standing w.." Pirates lost their second gamet up .singles in the second '.and bq,th o~ then games. last we,~ L. of the. season to the second II p.m. third innings for the Cards, but toretam ~commandmg lead m Giants_ .~...... 5 1 place Giants 3 to 1. Mike Ver- to I a. m. Sachs had perfect control and,: the st~ding.s. . I Senators ._ , , 3 3 Use the new municipal parking aree

GROSSE POINTE FARMS . Cubs .....•....•...•....•.•.....,•...••....•.!.••••••••. -J TU 2-8526 A twin bill was set for July 4, 3 P.M. - 1 A.M. TU 2-8526 with the, first.game between the. Cubs and the Dodgers. Dhooge of the Cubs was the biggest USE YOR _CHAR,GA.P(ATE lTadition" ~ "firecracker" on the field, He

exploded when \ he bok the , ' A..FTER YEAR mound against Rowlette of the Dodgers. Dhooge gave 'the CUibs a NQ-HITTER paced them with' two 'doubles and scored three CARRY OUT SERVICEONLY times. , ~ Sachs came through with a SHOE Closed Mondays . timely single in the third to \ 17624 MACK Between University and Neff bring in two runs for the Cubs. '. Dhooge weakened in the fourth . inning and two' Dodger runs scox:e6 Q.D, three, walks and. two ~ntertainment errors. Dhooge bore down and Cest La Viel Enjoy dining in Defroit's most got the next three' men out. Rowlette pitched a three hitter, JUNE 27 U ~ chorming Porision R&stourant. and this ordinarily ~hould be ,good enou~ to win but the . Operated by one of Detroit's Cubs needed this game to stay , . )AYS most fomous French Ohefs. or.. top and they came' through . , with the victory, Business Men's Luncheon Final Score: 7rands Cubs ...... •....•..•..., ,. 4 ,Dodgers ; , 2 Private Banquet Room The second game of the twin- 'Ailey 2-4118 Open for Lunch and Dinner bill brought' together the Cards. ~eaconsfield ~ who were on a "hot" winning Enjoy a Snack alte rthe AIR-CONDITIONED streak. and the braves, who neded ,a win to sUiy tied for Red Buttons Show CLOSED MONDAYS first. Mike LaRue' took on the mound duties for the Carf~ and ANATOLE'S FRENOH RESTAURANT opposed Greg Miller of the CLEARANCE ~SKYIS 18455 LIVERNOIS AVENUE, NEAR 7 MILE ROAD' Braves. LaRue with e i g h t strikeouts kept the Braves. un- For Reservations Coil UN 3-4500 der comp:iete control-and gave up only two hits and two runs. Here's a grand opportunity to buy summer's smartest dress shoes r (ofe 71 LaRue led his teammates at the plates !'lith, two doubles, and casuals. at a fraction of their original prices! Navy, white brown Entertainment ~ scoring - twice, and .knocking iri NORTB:LAND five runs. Schmatz. singled and .and beige calf; black patent, .navy or brown with white~ ting Nightly ~4. PLAYHQUSE' scored three times. I Matthews IE PAWL 1/1; I singled and doubled and scored AT NORTHLAND CENTER ••• Off is Orchestra twice as did Ghesquiere who Greenfield between 8 and 9 Mile HAWKINS FREE PARKING ELgin 6-1400 the Piano I. Miller 85 'Custom Craft 85 ions Suggested '06g. 24.98 to 28.98 17 orig. 19.98 to 22.98 15 12.3883 Last 4 Days Fil10l Perfor~ance Corner Sunday Evening, July 14 l/o'rren Barham Troylings . 85 Joyce. Casuals 85 • IN PERSON orlg. 14.98 10 orig. 9.98 ,to ,12.98 7 Ingenue ,I' 128~ . ~ . RED orlg. 16.98 to .19.98 ...... - 1_ BUTTONS Jacob~on~. ~ , Starring in lip ETTIC 0 AT FEV ERII Kercheval. at St. Clair "One of the briglrlest items of the ye~r ••• An amiable lark into hilarity."-New York. Times lots of connecfioDs! For Choice SeatS CALL ELgin 6-1400 What a selectionf 8"30 pm Tues - Wed. Thurs. and Sun .. $3. $2,50. $1.65. $1.10. Fri. at 8~.30 p:m:. Sat, '';t 9 pIiJ. $360. $3 "$2.2 O't*N1.65hTlaaxd~n~a~Plll~:k~.o~~. Tickets: Downtown at Grinne Us. A 0 rt n. . Playhouse Box Office. I"' for a new car deal, outright stean

r was so outdated, FORMIRLY MILODY'CIRCUS ne-fwt antiquated! 01 the Ifounds of BOTSFORD INN BlAND RIVEI AT liGHT MIL! RD.-DR, 4.1.0 ~ tried and Broadway Musi,c:als at Holf the Broadway Pricer true: I.. Famed Theater-In. The.Round Setting 1m, if it antt new!' ~'t,zING LAST 4 DAYS "THE NEW MOON" a COMING TUES'DAY, JULY 16 clor~d Playing Through Sunday, July 21 all dOlf nore JO WILDER in saturdolf. Imorrow! PETER pAN thru lId have put him FEATURING:Dick Armbruster as the talking dog. aug'ust 10 the same money Betty McNamara as Wendy. Roy Irving Ie, Push-Button as Capt. Hook and Mrs. Darling ;hat dashing-low Pet... Pa.. hal been Crowding ept- Wing Dodge the London Theatres $ince 1940 mler right away. Phone Reservations Accepfed nlnlIlIUICES'UQ. "(linuClt Fli. I SUI. AT 8:30 ', •• I4T TWILICH-:. 6 ,."~~~AT,un $~W. $:» '.11. • It PEI'O•• Allel 11I'.14'.. , Dodge! "leLI 'U'O."AIICE 'IICES <1... .1.1.) ""'0, $2.95, $1.15 IA!:.TWILlCiHT 'ILY: ••• • ~90, Jl.15, 904 Kercheval at St. Clalr

• S 7 tr 0- .'S.$ db ve'rm Sb me me 7 sante 2m .7 spurn. =7 7 7 2 7 ms s" 7SE? s ,'_n s mm d 217 S$ Or • SO b •• , "

1'I1ursday; July '.1",1957 _ Thursday, July Page "Eight - I, 1't1ili\ III i\\llIllIlI:llIimilllllllllllllillllllIlIllIllRlllllllllllllllllllllllUlIIllIlIlIIllIIlIlIIlIIlIIlll1ll1l1ll1lll1llllil11l1l1lillllilllllllllllllllllllllllUIllIn; Sto Grosse Poi~tl,N~w. Petti.Point@rs Big PUBLisHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO' PUBLISHERS. Gro •• e~: ',Of Buil INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD, By OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, JULY12'-JUL:Y18 -'9PENSmIDAy'12 ~5 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 36, MICHIGAN The vast amoun EzacgeratioDS , Grosse Pointe 'War' .Memorial Center's 'New Telephone Mary Jane Palmer the Pointe comm Phone TU. 2-6900 ":N1unber Is:'TU 1:-1511 , . expended in the pas A. PRYOR' to improve storm r Three Trunk Lines *All' Ce~ter SPonsored' Activities 'Open to the Public Novocain and pumping stati UTo leave unseen so many. II' glorious sight, NOTICE:: ,Pl,~ase .c~1lfor l~tartic1es at the office. :funds well spent, \ ' They will be. held for 30 .days. Member Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial As,s'l1. .To le"veso many la1UlsiJ.rJ"v;sited~ One corner of my mouth still ;smiles, reports frOll} the Hospital" equipment ,av.ailable for free loan - crutches, halls. f. NATIONAL ADVER'r18ING REPRESEN'rA'rIVB: To leave so manyworlhiest books. unread, 'The deep-freeze side turns down; f Weekly Newspaper Representatives. Inc. wheel: chairs 'and h~pItal beds, '''BI~d available to' During the de ! 404 Fifth Avenue, New York 18. New York, BRyant 1-7300 UnreaUzeaso .many visions bright • • • CHICAGO OFFICE: Oh! wretched yet inevitable spite Grosse Pointe' Residents:.in case of accident, or em~rg- I'm comedy and tragedy, poured down on ~ North Michigan Avenue. Phone FInancial 8-UU area on Monday, J Entered as second-class matter at the post. office, Detroit, Or our brief sptm/' eiicy - free of, charge." A crazy, mixed-up clown. Michigallt under the Act of March 3, 1897. (Richcd Trench). * . bas~ments .and str * * troit and many of FULLY PAID CIRCULATION . Friday, July 12 j , * • * *Memorial.Bridge Clu~Duplicate Bridge-Mr.' and Mrs. What Goes On 1IIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIJ\UDlIIIIIDUlllnuumU ROBERT B, EDGAR .EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER We were' surprised thatAil~e of.J~e ~o~~istsc~~ ..' .. Andrew':W1alrond, Directors,-7:30 p.m. . i MATTHEW M. GOEBEL. ADVERTISING MANAGER mented on something Steve .. an as on d e, *Center Clu~Dance:-9-12 p.m .. LAKES I Wl'll ;r~t.war at PATRICIA TALBOT , , .FEATURE.PAGE, 'SOCIETY Mike Wallace progr~.He ,tol~ ~ ..~ce ,~ a~ 'd s" ., .. * *. * FRED RUNNELLS., ,._ , SPORTS. EDITOR were for the birds ••. a.'1d since teve has rec~l~e . many, , Saturday, July 13 UNITY CE JAMES J. NJAIM , , , , ,.;..:,•., NEWS . it s.c>u,ndedsort of queer. Howeyer e eX£liamedthat : Ann Bla~hill and Conrad' Krankel.- Wedding Breakfast- Your Library 20760 Mad Near 8 Mile - G, ROBERT G. EDGAR _., , .NEWS awards are usually given in order, to: give pu, 'city to the 1 p.m. . By } ellfJ T"yJM ANNE SCHRAGE : , , ,., , .NEWS pe()ple giving them, Let uss,ayther;ejs a product called the * * * Devotional Se ARTHUR R. BLYLER , , ,.,....•••, .ADVERTISING '''Bluecollarbutton'' quick like a shot they given an . ' Monday, JJlly 15 , many urgent requests for the Sunday - 11:0 PATRICIA BLYLER ,..,..ADVERTISING award, sometimes just a piece ofpap.erwith'important '*Can-cer Information and ,Service Center-. 11 a.m. JOYCE McCORMIC~ electric sanders which may be Midweek Ser ROY ANGER, Jr , , , , .ADVERTISn{G., ' looking writing ~nd seal.' . '. ,they call It the "Blue Collar Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe. - Luncheon Meeting - Guest Columnist borrowed free' and form. just a Tuesday. 8:0l JOHN MacKENZIE ,.., , , BUSINESS. Button Award of the year for theb~st :perfformerkon TV.". .12:15 p.m.' ' , . The Grosse Pointe Public small part of the tool colledion Instruction CI ALBERTA WILKE.~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTI~ING '.. Then, according to Steve they look around or.ali ely'per- *Memorial Bridge Club-~DuplicateBridge-Mr. and Mrs. Library seems"to have acquired which was donated by the Ro- Thurs.- 11 a.m. C JOANNE EASON ACCOUNTS former who will make a personal'appearanceand thereby Andrew Walrond, Directors,-l p.m. a unique reputation for lending tary Club. Among the tools that Affiliated with Un: FLORA HARDING ,..~ CIRCt.-tLATION get- the blue .collar butt~n s<;lmefree .plug~. AsStev~ said: ' :Recovery---;-Meeting-8 p.m. a variety of' objects. Just the circulate most frequently are of Christian pits, braces, saws of many sizes, Lee's Summit. HI go to their banquets and eat theIr .chIc~enand, speak *Bridge Less6ris~Mrs.G. A. "Carrie" Kiley, Instructor- other day one of the local teen- Center open Daily j and I have a nice time ... but I'm, probably there beca:use 8 agers asked if it would be pos- and many plumbing and car- WewllJ pray wit) . l' . p.m. • they tried to get Jackie Gleason and'e's'h m Ca ifornial" * * * s~ble to borro-w money on his pentering tools. ..ive you counsel , Well, we don't think St~ve will have to worry about any . Tuesday, July 16 . library card-what better co1- Regularly scheduled programs draw thos,e interested to view TUxedo 4-! The Police Sho,uld Know FUTURE awards from here on in! *Service Guild for .Children's Hospital-lO a.m. tropicallateral? fishTo manythat ainhabitchild thethe ~olor TV on the set that was IIli1mllHlIIlIlIlIIllllIllllIlIlIlIlIllllII1 We can't go along with the nonchalance of too many * * * *Bridge Lessons-Mrs. C. A. "Carrie" Kiley-Instructor- aquarium. in the Children's given to us by the Friends of the parents of today who toss off their teenage child~en's ' , 8 p.m. Room would make a fascinating Library. Speaking of television, pranks and scrapes with the local authorities as just mani- The Pointe is needling a young. woman member of a * * lie loan to, carry home from tht either children are, b e i n g First Eng festations of youth. larue family who lived in' a large house. They decided to Wednesday, July 17, library. But the inquiry that weaned away from it or are be- sell the house, so each member of the family took off to *Style, Grooming an9. Modeling Class-Mr. Lief Bergan' shook us all a bit was the re- ing stimulated by it. Whichever Ev. LUlht So frequently we hear a parent making an excuse :or find other quarters of 'their own. This gal was the first to . will conduct classes for both "Miss and Mrs. GrosSe quest to take home the large side of the question you prefer. a son or daughter, with, "They're just kids letting off. a leave, so she took this and that fur~, itur~, with, shall we P . t " 73 Alexander Calder mobile that the results, as far as public libraries are concerned, are Churel little steam ... we all did some cutting up when we were say, eyesbigge,r than the. house sh e boug h..t.,As th.e,movmg *Me om0 l'aI'e..B-:' 'dg: O,p.m..Cl.b D l' t B 'da Mr nd Mrs hangs '50 maJ'estically in the 't know why the youth of to'day are no. ' m r rI eu - up lca e rl oe- • a . main reading room. Needless to good. More and more children Bra.nch Semc tdifferenthat age •than'the.. I don were 25 years ago." , men came into,the new house with the fur'niture, she would An dr'ew W'aIron,d D'>l!lrect.*ors,-:-*:7 30 p.m. say, we couldn't bring ourselves are flocking back to the Library Ferry Elem. say: "Just put that in' the basement :r~r the time being." to part' with .it. The inspiration to discover the old .and new Eoslyn. at Mer Our local police authorities will be the first to tell Time marched on, as did the moving men ••• with ~adame. Thursday, .July is , might yet come for one of us on treasures housed on the shelves Sunday School these condoning parents that they a~e watching the ball ordering them to the basement. Finally one of the men a~- Women's Credit Union-Dinner 6:30p.m; the staff to write the great and the response to. our motion Every Sun game from the deep center field bleacher seats on a foggy nounced, "Lady, there aint any basement left. Now WHERE The King Pins Hot Rod Club--:-MeMeting 8:30 p.m, American mystery novel MUR- picture programs for children is Church WorshiF d do you want THIS' piece?" ...... , ,.. .. . DER UNDER THE MOBILE and sometimes overwhelming. Dur- First Sunday ea, ay. where would we be without a ing the summer months, a series, New Church Under * '" *,' ' of children's movies is, being ~t Vernier Rd. ~ One local chief who has sf:rved.as a police officer in A G MARX ~O mobile? shown every Friday at 2 p.m. Paul F. Kepple the Pointe for over 30 years stal.t,;.'~most emphatically tl1at We have never 'pai'dparticular atte~tion to women's .' • . . '. ~. To those of us who work at at the Central Library, at 10 VAlley 2-4 he cannot remember a year which can compare with 1957 hands, Perhaps it is a sub-conscious wish that no one will. the Circulation Desk of the Cen- a.m. Fridays at the Woods' for the number of complaints of juveniles tearing up the pay any to our's since they looka~ if we were x:aised weed- AS PHALT SLATE' TILE tral Library, this is only a small Branch and at 10 a.m. Thurs- neighborhood, eit:l~er physically or in their cars. ing a g~rden or brought up banglllg a typewriter all day. . (and extraordinary) sample of days at the Park Branch. A Anyway, we don't go inforhair-rai ..s.ing nail polish and th.e ROOF REPAIRS the widely ranging queries that word of warning-come early. He flipped open the police blotter, in which is re- only grooming our digits receive IS. doneI WI.th a coarse na il cometel e pacrossh 0 n e.the Librariesdesk or viahavethe .Books? Oh yes, we still have books, They are our main rea- corded a report of every complaint and call the depart- .brush. . .. RE-ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK changed a bit in the last few son for being and will continue ment receives. However, the other evening we atter:ded a. hen, party TIN OR COPPER SKYLIGHTS GUTIER CONDUCTORS ,years and the many new serv- to be. "On Friday night of last weekend we picked up a local where everyone was playing a card game of sorts and hands ices now offered were never high school student who smashed into some cars in a park- were flying all over the place. Since wet were just an on- WAlnut 1.4330 Estab. 1914 dreamed of in Grandpa's day. POLICE ACCUSE DRIVER ing lot. In his car were 11 empty oeer cans. During the looker we took a gander at the nail department. Well now. 8106 Mack Avenue But these services tend to bring Willie Broden of 21701 Gib- next two hours we received a half dozen calls from resi- They ~ere as varied as faces. One woman wore a sickly ,- more and more people to our son court, Ferndale, was -arrest- h d The recently added framed ed while driving on Lake Shore dents complaining of kids in sports cars driving fast and orange.polish th.at was. gha.stly in th.e electric light. An..oth.er -1-' ------. doors. road by Shores police. on (Pl smashing beer bottles in the street. A squad car appre- had chipped nalls AND chipped pohsh and yet another a .. art print collection, containing Wednesday, July 3, and charged 1& Ll hended them and it was evident to the officers that the nails so long we wonder how she manages to get through I ' CITY OF reprints of such artists as with vioIating Michigan's Drunk ~ boys had been drinking. We issued the driver a ticket for the day. We can think of a hundred things we couldn't do., Utrillo, Dilly and Picasso, ]:las I Re'\'.l Motor Law. He posted $150 Rev: P l"eckless driving and separate violations for driving with- with those long Chinesey nails sticking out and, were been partil::ularly pop u Ia r. bond pending an appearance in (tj- ., ']0 Itc out a license and not having, a permit for the car. His pas- tempted to ask 'her, for example, how she can pull on a .. ...""rIt~~ ~t.nl.., ,~tnn'.-l These prints may be rented for court. sengers were uncooperative, so they received court notices girdle. Another gal had two long fingernails on one,hand ..... ~~~~ ",.l~. Rt: "'~ a fee of $1.50per month. We get WOIt! for disorderly persons." and the ~thers wer,e brokeIi;0~fd~w~t9he~e,! ~~I~,i~st190k- ., . ------'--..:- -< CHm The chief turned the page. "Look here. The same ing thing in the world, On the other hand. (w1ioop~) we think most men have nice looking nails .•• so what'? SU'MMARY . OF' " MINU.T..E',S Bids Wanted ---...... night. Kid drives across the street to smack a parked car. When the officer arrives. he says he doesn't know how * * * REGULAR MEETING FOR PAVEMENT RECAPPING all the empty beer bottles got in his car." M~re Impressions in Arsenic, if you'll pardon the ex- JULY 1, 1957 "This boy's father phoned me today to say, that he pression: . AND SEALING wc.s going to call the traffic court judge and request that' MRS, HOWARD SMITH SR .•.. English Muffins •.. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M.' 2141411Moross Rc his son's license be revoked for six months. T~ bad there Doves ••• Crocheted Mittens , ~ • Soft" Laughter. , • "Who's Present on roll call: Mayor William F: Connolly, Jr .• -.'.atOI' L Artl Councilmen J. Lawrence Buell, Jr., William 'G. Butler, Wil arn't more fathers like him." Who" • , • Cairn T.erriers . . . ' 10:00 a.rJ1. MornJ MRS. CHARLESA. DEAN JR .. , . ~ed Poppies. , • liam G,Kirby and Edward C. Roney, Jr. . Absent: Councilmen Henry. E. Bodman II and Richard 11:20 a.m. Sund~ Below this report was a list of complaints of several Pot'traits of Italian Beauties ••• Court Etiquette, . , Black ~tO~StlPointt.im1ll~ 6:30 p.m. Open L. Maxonj" .' .', ill I Va.cation Bibl residents that a teenage p~r.ty was keepmg the neighbors Town Cars" .• Picture Hats ." • Cuba Libra. Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr. presided. July 15 awake. Investigation revealed that the gang of "just or- MRS, C. HENRY BURL •.• Beige Satin ••• Toothpaste Minutes of the regular meeting held on June 17, 1957, Sealed proposals for one-c

... ,, , \' • " - ay. July '11", 1957 .. Thursday, July 11,1957 GROSSE POINTE t'fEWS Page ~inG - B~gStorm Proves lVisdom I Dters Of Building New Sewers \ The yast amount of tnQney were floded several feet deep. the Pomte comm:unitie:; have Traffic was snarled, and in some' expended in, the past three years places, .cars were completely to improve storm relief sewers covered by water, caused by the and pumping stations, proved worst rain flood on record. funds well spent, according to till .smiles, reports froJr) the various ci"ey The Poi,!te, however, took the halls. railfall, officially recorded at down; VIGOROU$ & WINW During the deluge which 2.25 inehes, in stride. Wher~ poured down on the Detroit basement iloodings occurred, the (\ trouble was founa to be local. area on Monay,d JuIy (;, home bas~ments . and streets in De- The Park repor~d that a troit and many 'of its suburbs number of calls were received from residents complaining of 1.LB. 'BAG · I-LB.: BAG 1-L8. BAG On 1II1I11IDlmDDJflIIIIIIB1I1Jf1llUlllliilllllllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllll~ flooded basements,! but .investi- .-(ome See • • • LAKESIDE Igations pt;oved them to be local. , Only three street intersec. UNITY OENTER ~_= tions in the Park were said to YDu11 Sove have been flooded, due to debris- ary ~ 20760 Mack Ave. . ~ covered catch basins. £ Near 8 Mile -G, P. Woods ~ Only six Or eight calls came iE Devotional Services into the City's office concerning, 'At A&P! lrgent requests for the Sunday _ 11:00 a.m. flooded basements, and these too, proved local. Several sanders which may bit Midwe.k Service. ut L.a. I Tuesday. 8:00 p.m. streets were flooded up to the ~d free. and form just a "" lAG 2.49 BAG art of the tool collection curb, but the water receded 3 3 Instruction Classes ~as donated by the Ro~ D= Thurs .• 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. rapidly when the storm ended. lb. Amo:lg the tools that ~ Affiliated Witb; Unity School The Farms office said ~ot a e most frequently are ~ of Christianity. single call was received CORl- ~ces, saws of many sizes, ~ Lee's Summit, Mo. plaining of water in the pase- A&P Vacuum Packed Coffee • 1 . I lIly plumbing and car~ . I ~_~======ment. A few streets were flood. REGULAR OR DRIP GRIND 19 tools: I:~ rive~~nt:mP;~a~aj~Jo~:you counsel on request.~ _ ed, but this was blametl on the arly scheduled programs =: , debris which covered catch It's real news' when the price com" down Oft ..America'. A8IP Coffees. No ef1ange in quality ••• no change in flavor lose interested to view I TUxedo 4-5230 basins. ~1~95c •.. it just costs less to enjoy Custom Ground A&P CoffeeI 'V .on the set that was .,favorite beverage! And A&P ••• America's largest. coffee ~[mll"nnllllt1lllllllllllllllll"II"lIIl1nlllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllrre The new sew~r system' in- This will: make millioll& happy .... how about you? I us by the Friends of the stalled by the Shores and re~ retailer ••• hat just reduced the Price of ita Cu.to~ Ground l Speaking of television, cently completed, proved its . .children are. b e i n g First English worth. No flooding of any kind away from it or are be- was reported. IISUPER-RIGHTl'I-BEST BUDE CUTS lulated by it. Whichever Ey~Lutheran Two flooded basement reports "SUPER-RIGHT" [the question you prefer. were received in the Woods, L fults, as far as public both attributed to local trouble. are concerned, are C~urch Streets were flooded; but this ore and more children Branch Service. at Canadian Style Bae:on ing back to th. Library Ferry Elem. School was deliberately done by checks placed on street catch basin} to Chuck Roast ~ver the old and new Roslyn, at Morningside ~s housed on the shelves retard water rece15sion and thus CENTER response to our motion Sunday School 9:15 G.m, prevent water pouring into Every Sunda" basements. .- PORTION programs for children is Church Worship 9:15 ,a.m. LB. 89e: po:~~~.79e: es overwhelmIng. Dur- First Sunday each month The Woods' pumping stations summer months, a series New Church Under Construction pumped millions of gallons of LB~ ren's movies is being at Vernier Rd. and w st. water into the Milk River, caus. every Friday at 2 p.m. ing the water to almost reach 7~ Paul F. Keppler, Pastor OVEN.READY-l.6TO 22-LB. SIZES I Central Library, at 10 VAlley 2-4904" the banks of the stream, but ~idays at the Woods the objective, to prevent water : and at 10 a.m. Thurs- entering basements, was ac- t the Park Branch. A complished. Beef Roast ..~'g:"lN:f.~~'CIlf K. 41c Oven-Ready Ducks :~;,t .. 39c f warning-come early. The Woods' neighbors, Harper Turkeys s? Oh yes, we still have Woods and St.Clair Shores They are our main rea~ were plagued with hundreds of ,~~~~R:~~r;,P~(;' being and will continue calls from their citizens com- . , Sliced Bacon 67 c Skinless Franks .~~~~: - 49c plaining of water in their base- . ments up to 'several feet deep. lCE ACCUSE DRIVER LB. 39e: Smoked Chipped Beef •• ~: 29c Large Bologna ;~'Ir.~R~f.~~.. 43c e Broden of 21701 Gib- Memorial lIt, Ferndale, was .arrest- Accident Blamed Ie driving on Lake Shore Ohurch by Shores police on (Presbyterian) 1. Lake Sbore Rei. On Wet Brakes $ ;day, July 3, and chaIged ~~*~~i~*f#&i#i~t Ii' It~#~tI"'t*".#~$'1 f~ II t,~# (,letting Michigan's Drunk MINISTERS The. heavy 'rains of Monday Rev • ..rank l"itt, DD. Law. He posted $150 morning did relatively little GEORGIA,' SWEET, RED RIP. Rev; ~aul F. Ketchum f ending an appearance in ,THIS WEEK'S FROZEN. FOOD' BUYS Rev. BeD L. damage in the Pointe, although Tallman one traffic accident in the WORSHIP SERVICE Farms can be directlyattrib- A&P-OUR FINEST QUALITY 10:00 a.m. uted to the storm. < CHURCH SCHOOL Josephine Howard of 1350 - __ 10:00 a.m. lted Fairholme, d r 0 v e her 1951 Watermelons- Chevrolet into the path of a 1955 Chrysler owned and oper- Strawberries ~OAPPING ated by Peter LeFleur of 20 ~.S. Edgewood. Miss Howard was 26 LBS. G ~ driving east on Beaupre and AVERAGE 97.,C, her brakes failed as she ap- ~~K~ I.21t101MorON Rd. at Harper ~ 4 69e: PallO' L Artnur McAth ~ proached the intersection at 10:00a.m. Morn1ng Worihlp ~ Moross. The car continued into 11:20 a.m. Sunday Schoo) ~ Moross where it was struck in ./ ~.JMmS I 6:30 p.m. Open Air Service ~ the right side by LaFleur's 6.0%. LIS. STAL'IC A&P Orange- Juice ••• ~ •• 6 CANS Vacation Bible School ~ Chrysler. Fresh .Peaches S~~~~~N 3 49c Pascal Celery • • 29c 69c pavement recapping July 15 - 26 ~ • 10-0Z. Mornings 9 a.m. - 12 noort ~ The police report stated the f . Aiif' BIANO • • • reets will be received Call TU 2-2728 ~ brakes were soaked and this PINT LB. Fordhook Limas 2 PKGS. 35c DSse Pointe Farms 36. ~ lAG 10-0Z. All Welcome ~ accounted for their failing to Cultivated Blueberries 10": 35c Potatoes UCJ-II~;.S'. • • 10 49c day, July 26, 1957, at .'. Garden Vegetables IlI68V'i QUAU'rY 2 PKGS, 39c pened and read aloud. operate. They warn motorists to test their brakes after driv- GOLDEN RtPI .... 10oOZ. onditioning the exist- ing through deep puddles. • • 2 33c Hot HOUH Tomatoes" • • • 29£ Libby's COI'II 9tAM m~ • • • • 2 PKGS, pplying either a one- Bananas 35. ~ sunace or a bitum- Estimated damage was $200 coat On the respective FIRST CHURCH OF to eadh car. , ------. CHRIST, SCIENTIST, A&P-OUR, FINEST QUALITY! I, RELIABLE BRAND-BIG .VALUEr ~PPING GROSSE POINTE 1,800 Sq. Yds. FARMS 46~OZ. 16-0%. Sunday Service.!! 10:30 a.m. CANS CANS Sunday School--lnfant5' .Tomato .Juice 5 99e: Garden Peas 6 79e: )AT Room 10;30 a.m. Wednesday Testimony Meetin' _ ~ , 8:00 p.m. A&P-OUR FINEST 'QUALITY ANOTHER ~G VALUIl 15,000 Sq. Yds. KERBY SCHOOL 20,000 Sq. Yds. ~5 Kerby Road, at Beaupre \1or05520,000 Sq. YcIs, ALL ARE WELCOME . . . 6 ~6A:'69c lona Tomatoes " r 6 ~~~'69c 1e to Whole Kernel Corn • • • • nere 2.100 Sq. Yris. 10.600 Sq. Yds, • ANN PAGE 6 29-OZ. PKGS.1~c Corn~ Beef Hash "SUP!l.IUGHt". 2 49c Bartlett Pears' IONA HAND • •• CANS 25.700 Sq, Yds, !ou u. lDvtted to UJe the Sparkle Pu.,dd Ing5' ASSORTED • ,. 1t~~.J 3 951 Jefferson Avenue •. 20~OI. 25 Qt. 93,400 Sq, Yds. Ohristian Science Cherry Jam ANN PAGI • • • e ~ • • l~t:r25c Cake M IXH ANN PAGI. • • • • • • PKG.. C Mayonnaise ANN PAM • • • ~ • • • JA~ 491 Baptist Ghurc,h 16.0Z. 27c 8.C)%. Reading Room Apple Sauce' A&P BRAND ..... 2 CANS . Yukon Beverages ASSO~T!D • • • 3 2:T?l: 29c Elbow Macaroni ANN PAGE e • • • PKG. lOe rson 2,600 Sq. YcIs. 93 Kerch.val 13331 E. Jefferson at Lokeview 7-oi. 89c.' 16-0!. D East 700 Sq. Yds. Tuna Fish A&P WHITE MEAT •••• 3 CANS Fruit. Cocktad SULTANA ~RAN8 : • 3 ~OAc;.~'1.09 Pork & BeaM M1'AHA MANO • • • CAN lOc 1,300 Sq. Yds. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Homer J. Armstrong, Mini5t.r Nest 3,700 Sq. Yds. "SUPER-RIGH-T" QUALtTY MORNING .WORSHIJ," lth 2.100 Sq. Yds. Gross~ Point. farms l~ Place 4,500 Sq. YcIs. Open from 10 a,m, to ~ p.m. sunday. 9:00 and 11:00 &.m. Blvd. 8,000 Sq. Yds, daily ex c e p t SundaY$ and DELICIOUS' DAIRY BUYS! JANE PARIEI VALUES Holidays. Friday evenings fron CHURCH SCHOOL CO.rned Beef 3 1.00 . c.. ix 5,400 Sq. Yds. 7 to 9 o'clock. sunday, 9:45 a.m. JAN E PARKEtt-REGULAR J9c r:'0n 2.700 Sq. Yds. ,MARVEL-A&P's DELICIOUS . .Butter Kernel Corn •••• e 2 ~6A~~'31c Blvd. 5.200 Sq. Yds. JELLY STREUSSEL 3,70Q Sq. Yds. You 'are cordially in~ited to attend ••. IERWIN OR CLiff SHAlt • • • l'::i:J 4,000 Sq. Yds. Charcoal 5 39c 2.400 Sq. Yds. 1.200 Sq. Yds. Grape Juice. A~P BRAND • • • • e 4 2:T~{99c 4,300 Sq, Yds, Sixth Church of Christ, Ice Cream.. ' '-oz.' 1.100 Sq. Yds. Ann Page Mustarei .-...... JAR IOe Coffee Cake"- 2.600 Sq. Yds. 2.500 Sq. Yds. Scienti~t,,Detroit AN~~IT~Off'.. orth 1.500 Sq. Yds. VI-GAL, Cieansing Tissues 2 J'::~o'43c 1~730 Kercheval.' bet. Manistique and Ashland CARTON ONLY NOW 69e: SUPEtt~Ott IRANO • .~. ~. ONLY 59.500 Sq. Yds. Sunday Services - 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Paper Plates J~~'49c 33c lnfant.s Room Open for 10:30 Service. ~xamined at the Office hours. and copies may Wednesday Evening TesUmonial MeeUng--8:oo' p.m. ,GOLDEN SHORTENIN. C~N • a.INCH 39 READING ROOM - 16348 EAST WARREN Sunnyfield Milk.. • • • _. • • Yc~:.L.38c .. Fluflo 3 99c LemOft P181...... SIZE c Wednesday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. SundaYl 2 to 4:30 p.m. >anied by a certified Mon.. Tues .. Thurs .• Fri. and Sat. 10 a.m. t& 9 p.m. lrety bid bond in an Silverbrook Bu.ter' fl~1 ~'UALITY p~rNT 65c. Sliced' Rolls ~~TAA~:G~ '. • • ~~\ 29c Ihe total bid price as ALL' A&P SUPER .MARKETS - " .tance of the contract. OPEN, Treasurer of the City Grosse Pointe Congregational . Met-O-Bit Slices PR~HCEi~SE~D. • • ~~J:29c' Spanisll ..Bar Cak.,. • • • • • ONW 33c THURSDAY. AND FRIDAY 'TIt. 9 ,.M. and , . .,Ie' Bread JANE PARKE« 2 l1;4.LB. 37c' , be withdrawn for at Sharp Cheddar WISCONSI~ AGID .. 59c Wh . FRESH DATED. LOAVES of. the bids. The City Methodist Church C~OSED ON SUNDAYS e rIght to waiVe any COMBINED my or all bids. should SUMMER SERVICES . All prices in this ad effective. through.- Saturday, July 13 ...MERIC ...'~FO.EMOST FOOD HTAIW ••• SINCE 1159 ~SEPOINTE FARMS at the ~Cy, Ad Detergent liquid'Vel Dial Soap Methodist Church,' 211 Moross Lifebuoy .Soap .• LB. lATH 29. 10 PKG. .2.19 lOc .0" ..LA'" . 2 BATH .37c 2 CAKES C. 22.0%. CAKIS SUNDAY, July 14th, 1957,10 A~M. 50.0Z. 24-0i. 5Se REGULAIt"IZI tOe 72c 3.7c CAN . IIGYlAa SID S fw IPc REVEREND MARCUS W. JOHNSON, MINISTER 'KG. .. . 'KG. Church School and Chil~ Car. Provided at Servlc.

, I.' I


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,(; RO SSE. P.OI NT E.,NE,WS Thurs Page Ten . I , / 0" d" S' ,'t F 'B II ~ . When a friend slaps you \ The man who thoroughly en- LaFave Hurls N 0-:H it Ope~er 'I.sters e . or a u1ame heartily on the back he's prob-, joys life has learned to make " __ ------. ' , ,', ' " ' ' , . .. ,.' 'ably getting ready to make a every minute of every day Littl~ .League Results e The Pointers" composed 01 ..Jiril'Fcixx:ofa sure hit~:Fol'. the: All-star te~ ~~de .UP- of tI: ,AmerIcan DIVISIon, IS pre- .sof~ touch. " count. ~ ': (Continued from ~age '1) The Braves ~d the Pirates 13 ,and 14-year-old boys froIIl. rest.of the seveninninggaIPemal'lagers,~oaches,a#d"direc~ dic~d., . , ..------. donckt gets credit for this played o~t, a raIn~d game .0nGrossePoin~e 'Farms;: 'go~:offLaFaye's ~~at~s:b.a~ed him,"torsof. the..,BaJ)e,.Ruth.:',l;.eague 'The Little Bucket rests, In the ! game, driving in the winning JulY,5 wIth the ~lrates lOSIng to ~great ~~art.in ,the 81asB B 'u:p WItf;1,81r;-tlg~t:fl~l?ing.tog~ve . f Gr~se Pointe will'meet in trophy case at the NeIg~bor- Greenlawn Mower Sharpening Shop run with a double in the sev. 16. to, 12.. Bud WIlson was the 'basebaUle~gue"a~B~lduckI'ark.him hIS n?-hitt,er,/lnbis fus,tO " ~.<' ,"," ;:'S _hood Club and the N~tiona1 i enth inning. WInnIng pItcher,. last, Friday, July 5,' when start ,o~th~ season. ,.', the,U',secon~ ~uill g~~: .un Leaguers have been settmg ~p WE PICK UP AND DELIVER The still hot Giants beat the .. • • Marty 'LaFave htir}ed a ,.m).;;hit~.,: In, addition to LaFave's ex-.day afternoon',:,a~,4, ~ clock at a strong squad to ass,ure thell' . Sharpening • Overhaul • Repair t• Dodgers 8 to 7 the next night. In the. Collegiate, Northern terto beat the, Rookies 'team, ee]?,tiona,lh,urliiig.h~,*o .pa~e~Neigliborhood Fi~l.r' Vls~on .' J,..Lvm , .. ¥. ------.-:::==.-::::.------==-======-==--=------!' , . There was no joy for the Kirsten took the honors as the COLLEGIATE LEAGUE' 'four runs. . .Farms.. " Dodgers on the 4th of .July winning pitcher. (Southern) LaFave tired near theenct.of .6., fierce fight by I these sea- when the Braves overcame Fordham handed ,unbeat~n .the .game and 'WaS plagued 'by' soned v.:eteian5freShores 36. Hubbard has If' Hi-Fi speaken-from both 'Pointe.;MemOI IIideef 4-Speed changer plays Forward your bid in a sealed r.10". 12'" records intermixed. envelope marked on the outside Ch'icken Pa'rts, SOMETHfNGNEW .' PIC-NtC PAK ':is the genera: Automatic shutoff (even the "Bid- W ate r Feeder Main." HYGRADE Lb. 29 : Newlywel powerf). Separate be8B, tre- Bids are to be 'filed with the ALL MEAT BoK $1 ble CIOIltroJs...... pensRted vol- Village Clerk on or before 5:00 Hot Dogs 3 hom~. They. i ume cootl'oL In walnut « p.m., July 16 1957, at which HYGRADE'$ SUGAR CURED SWEETENIZED time, who arE ~~~ ... $ time they wih be publicly . WITH' c 6~O:l. c Charles' B. ( -rJIIrt Is aetllitlt fitler ttIaI opened by the Bid 0 pen in g Breasts. RIB. Lb. 69 , Canad'ian Baleon Pkg. Committee. The Village reserves Rose 53 a STROMBERG-CARLSON" the right to reje<:t any. or all FINE FOR SANDWICHES - GREENfiELD'S Visitors Frol Bear the Stromberg.Carlson Hour bids, to waive any irregularities c c in bidding and to award the Fresh, legs !.iI•.59 A great ~ Every Sunday, 3:00 p.m. Beer Salami ... 53 Mrs. Edsel-L, Station WLDM-FM work to the bidder who, in the opinion of the Villa,ge, is best c HYGRADE'$ FINEST PURE GROUND Loughlins ar' able to perform the work. The Meaty 'Wings u,..29 Lb. c Linda and T< c. A. Nutting successful bidder. will be. re- Roll quired to furnish satisfacto!y P9rk'S'~usage I 3 99 MtMal!ons,o COMPA~Y pp.rformance, labor and materIal f ' ~, of Chalfonte • RADIO. TELEVISION bonds, and insurance 'certiii- SAVE IOc ON FAMOUS KROGER "3-EGG RECIPE drive. Established 1924 caJtes. ~ ",. ;. . \ ..... 341 Fisher Road Last WeE TU 5..0110 Terrys of Cal Village of Traceys, of I 6353 E. Jefferson Grosse Pointe Shores The couples ' L07.5500 17600 LIVERNOISnr. McNichols • UN 3,7100 Angel Food Cake in Doremus I For Dependable TV Service 15304 KERCHEVALnr. Beaconsfield • 'A 2.9070 Call LO 7-5500. C. B. Loranger. CI~rk On Tues light and tender. Fine with :ce luncheon in . Large .cream. Buy now at this special low to La Grang Size 39~ the week SO Kroger price. party planne YORK JEWELERS summer hOI EVERYDAY LOW PRICE - KROGER c Maguires. Su ...... er Sale Applesauce 2 ~~29 Wedding ,F EVERYDAY LOW PRICE ~ KROGER SAVINGS UP TO 60% c Brides a tion and a 1 t. Fruit 2 J::. 47 Cocktail of pre-nuptic: JUST LIKE CORN OFF THE COB Joan, wI 2 Qt., Stainless of Stanton] Sa'iad Bowl ~ OFF Steel Niblets (orn 2 July 27 in S' With Handles groom is the on All EVERYDAY lOW PRICE - PACKER'S LAB£L Oven Proof Pastry 303 Matron Cow Hall'China Summer IServer Cream Style Corn bride herseU for the Ran .Jewelry t Fisher and ~ .39 FINE FOR SALADS OR COOL, TASTY SANDWICHES Mr. Rar

. $19.95 2S-Ft. Twenty-Five Beacon Hall Plastic North Bay Tuna To Picnic in Camera Set China Hose I With Case M€mbers 0 With Brass Oven Proof Grated style. Helps' a,;~t~ summer '1' c -. 5 Year Club of Flash Coupling Bowls heat when you make salads or sandwiches, 6-OJ. Attachment , • Caw ' Chapter, D.1 economical too!, guests of th, 9.95 se<:retiary, M c Gregor, at } A~~rid~i~LC~~Beets 3::. 2S "River Vista, shore oPPos: Cake $3.00 Stainless Wednesday, . v;~;RYS~~h~tti ~=.1Dc After a c Plate Community Steel eon, the host Plate lee.Tongs EV:RYDAY LOW PRICE ~BUTTERF.ELD 300 1Dc latest travel With Cover en \ . . Mrs, Willi Snack Se!' Irish Potatoes Kensington r' KROGER 'EVERYDAY lOW PRICE . -10 will again 1: c attending fro 39 Strongheart Dog. Food '~ c Mrs. Albert: moor boule v Johnston, of $5.50 ' C..D, Macph $8.50 $52,50 avenue, and 4..Pc. C~REFULL Y SELECTED, FIRM, RED-RIPE RED CHIEF BRAND of Yorkshire Menls . . : ~ . P'ace Setting Penguin Gruen Mel Mac Ice Bucket Waterproof Unbreakable Watches Red Chief'oma'oes~ girl Dishes Produce is fresher at Kroger.' For your picnic 14-0z. c good pel 1.98 salads orsandwic~. Priced extra Iowan this T.. 19 ', week. - lobs. emf Remember Our New Address Reo' RfPE,J\1tC£: LADEH fees. com Iadi' 9.9' 'c. Watermelon • • • • • • sonal intel

1.6835' TRY soME,.OF tHE BERRIES W1:rH CR.EAM 39 ;~ .... ' , Blueberries . . . . . • . Pillt C . J KER'CHEVAL perso Across from Best's ' Get Top Value' Stamps' Plus Low, Low, ..L~wIPrices al Kroger! J-%I pe TUxetio 5-1232 Wl

" 't .... \

- , _ ~ • ~, ~. _"'- ,_~ .. _* !! _.... .t .. -,' ""Y. '. .... _. ~ - - ....' - -'. - '.~ .... " .&' ••• ,. ~ .. ' - • _ .... day, July -,'1', ., 957 . Thursday, July II, 1957 G rto:S's E :P'O'" NT'E 'N7E':WS Page Eleven

man who thoroughly en- d • ife has learned to make .minute of every day Poj'nteMisse$ 'lea:rnTenr~is' ~l.CampCa~en. Kerc'heva'Z Avenue Skops. . ,-' """ '.' ,,', ' " "".:-. , -, , Provide Fashion Center rpening Shop Whether you are crossing pansion is typical of all these Kercheval or the C'ontinent you 'fine stores. DELIVER won't find a fashion shoppirig Yes, the Grosse Pointe entre. cen!~r quite like Grosse Pointe's preneurs have branched out. ir Kercheval Avenue. It agrees with what is so' often n Tools It's like a: fable .•. yet this repeated by the Grosse Pointe 9 is true ... Here is a fashion cen- Bus i n e s s Men's Associatio~ ter made up of men and women "There is no other place quite . 6-7752 who are famed for their success like Grosse Pointe." in selecting the clothes Grosse Pointers demand: These creative ~ fashions are recognized, the Mary Johnston world over for their casual air, their simplicity that is the epi- To Wed July 20 AIR tome of good taste, With an artist's skill the It will be a quiet family cere':' • FLOAT ~ 11)) o~Jr.. , seventeen women's and chil- mony July 20 when Mary John- ston weds' Thomas Hilary Con- into the EASIEST \\JJ1f(Q)~~~ JrQ)TImllc, ~. jf~{%...iW~ ...' ~~~~~~~~fur:h~~d~~G~~:~:way, ill, in St. ~atherine's ions. They serve up clotlies that Chapel of SS Peter and. Paul move well and adjust to many Church. ' ',' V t'. occasions. Mattress or l! Her parents, Mr. \ and ' Mrs. . . 'TS. ,au; ,er:.. Remember? The w 0 men's IM George O. Johnston, will, give a small reception' in the gardens K~~ .98 ToWed ,J Z:tly 18' ~~~~~t:~~~~:.tt~~:n~~ of their nothrop road home fol- From Another Pointe -- decades ago. The first was Best lowing the wedding. , from 11.98 Mrs. George H.. Vawter and & Co.; the second Peck and Lynn Johnston will .be her from 11.98 HienryG. Downes, will divide _ . -Picture by E. J. Arthur Peck. Peter Pan, Ja<;obson's, sister's only attendant and Mr. of View 'their time between an apart-" . MARSHA WALTZ, 1781 Broadstone". J ANE,T LEKICH, 1713 Broadstone; Walton-Pierce, Furs by Robert, Size" Conway's brother,' Patrick, will ment in Lm<:olll road. and a .Grosse' Pointe, Woods, shows tennis' tech..:, LEIGH WILMORE,!, 555 Neff' Road; Young Clothes, Winkleman's, be his best man. They are the hOme in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., niqu~s to'sonieoftheGros~ePointegir1s' . 'BETSY PEABOpy, 870 Bedford; Back Margaret Rice, Hirrielhoch's, sons of the Thomas H. Conways, after their July 18 weddIDg. "" at the _YWCA!s ,Camp.Cave),!. Watching' row,' left to righ~: SALLY BOESEN, 789 Valerie De Calan, D. J. Healy's, by Patricia Talbot Jr" of Boston boulevard, Is They wilLspeak their .marri- her. demonstration,are;;'front. row, left. to Hawthprne;TERRYANNE STACY, 461 ~~;d.and the Village Store WOodward 3-6625 .... Last week Mrs. J ehn Ingold Quite an upheaval in Muskoka road is underway the~e age vows,that amternoon in.:the ,right: JOAN:MARKLEY, '365 Lakeshore; "Belan~r;,pIAN~,STEWART, 1064 Somer- entertained for the bride-elect bright summer ,days with a trio of long time residents Lincoln'road home of IYIr.a:nd CLAUDIA DAVIS ~2'Mapleto'n; TERI . set;DI~E HASSIG,. 161 .. Stephens; po?~~erin~~,~~o~o~P'~ ~as~~~ at a luncheon and linen shower moving away and some young new families taking over Mrs.•~. Llwy~ Eccle~0J.le 'Yl1t~ l\.1ARKLEY, ,365' L r".ke s h o'r.e', ELLEN JUDITH RUESTER 326 R' d and the William J. Kirchners their homesteads. . . .a large receptIOn fo.l1owm~. .'. MOO' RE •92 ' 'M. lit. . SAN.D.RA' 'JO. y.:: ..', ...; ." ~. . 1 g e Road; and ~he Clothes Lin~. gave a cocktail party and bar Mrs...Hamson .Watron WIll,be .. '- ,. , .ap e ,on, ; ...... ' '. DEBRA GITRE;~ 405' Hillcrest; and BAR- "Un~uestio!l81bly it was con. shower. Muskoka is one of those friendly blocks like Meadow Mrs. i Vawter's 'attendant,. and' ,~ER,:48 Ha~thorne;Secon~row, lefttoBARA,CROOKS, 667 Unfversity. venience that gave impetus to A quartet of bachelors feted lane which is a real neighborhood in the old fa~hioned Mr. Downes has, asked Ge,orgerlght:F AY STACY, '461. Belangel~; ~ Grosse Pointe as a shopping the couple at a cocktail party sense of the word. The Reade H. Ryans have al:;:oeady Mann, 'of Wilton,' Conn., 10 :be, . . .\, .', \ , center," said John Hannan, and kitchen, shower. on Satur- moved temporarily to Plainfield, N. J., while theysh'op his best man. M. A. M . B. k E. t rt . P l H. b. manager of Jacobson's, on Mon- day. The hosts were Marc Prass, about for a house inCoimecticut near enough to New York Following ,the "rec~ption they '. UIrS ..rrlVe . rs.; ur e n ealMS, ess' .- IY Ie day .. "Then because of the de- Al Gri..iIlel1; Robert Tobin and for Mr. Ryan to lead 'the exurbanite life. will leave for California and For C' h.r.zs. t.e.,._..n.I'.n'y For Bride-Elect Edith Ebel', R. .t R . l d mand for, fine clothes several Bush Hodde. Mexico to ,return .here about .; .1 --' .' I es. evea e .. Detroit shops which had catered OnSundlly at the Detroit Meanwhile decorators have taken over their corner September 1. They will l~ve __ Mrs. , Patrick J. Burke, of to a select clientele began seek- Boat Club Mis. Ezra White, Mrs. house readying it for the Seymour Morrises, of Princeton, 'later in the fall for a Medlt-er..; Here from ..their home. in Lakepointe avenue, and Mrs. Mrs. Carlton M. Higbie, of ing locations in the Pointe." Leonard Healy, Mrs. Frank Gor- N. J., who will be movi~g in shortly. ranean cruise. 'Simsbury, COnn.,'.forthe christ- Fred. W. Lindbloom, of. Bloom- Oxford,' Mich., announces .the ~."J a<;obson's located here a man and Mrs. James Dinan gave The Philip Taylor Van Ziles have al;ready moved to Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. ening of. their'. small son, Wil- field Hills, entertained last week' A '1 17 f h dozen years ago and has been a luncheon. ~ Le' liam'. He'wI'e MUl'r,.III,.'are. 'Mi. \.' ....,. . . marlage on pn . 0 er expanding every mORth since," Cloverly road and their Muskoka menage is now tlie Fr~kD., .Boyton,.,o.l.. WIston for brl'de e.lect Edl'th Ebel ..m-the daug.hter, Ann .Bradford ...Hi

.'.t / ~.' .' ~ -~, ,_-1_, '_', l ~ • I ~. __ --;,,:-:r::---~

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, G It O'S S E PO 1NT E "N'EW S . Thursday. July II. 1951 Thursday, Page 'Twelve Society News. Gathe:red from All of the Poin tes Wo: Elaine Craig Kihen to / European Trip Sarah " -: ,"; ~-.-'- . '." ~ ,Pointe' S.hort-and'. . th Mn.' ,and: '.~S.:' .JOHN,' II.: .! d~t will vistwith Nancy:".and' MURPHY' II'(PATRICIA,MOR.', , ;Diane for a fe~ days" before Follows Spea~ Marries Mr. Calvin , RISSEY): ,Of ,Graytonroad/:8ir~:' ';, . John. Cousins'(::alvin. boarding the French liner, The Wedding nounced the: '"Qirth:.,of:~'~, Mrs: ~', 'Floundre, sailing from :New' son~;_ . ". ~ ~ Wedding Trip to Bermuda Follows Afternoon Marriage CHRISTOPHER. ':RlEILLY~:"oni ,; York,. 'July 27. After a s~ort Constance Beverly BolinWeds John Charles Van Scoter Becomes Br: Saturday in Christ Church and Reception at July 8. .' ••.• ~~: ". ~' s1a:y m. E~land and".S;cotlan.d, Saturday in Grosse Pointe Baptist Church. Epiphan' they" wIll pIckup a SIm~ ~ • • I b ' Boat Club; Pair Will Live in Bay City 'MR: and MRS . .ALBERT E; Paris and' d r i v e' leisure~~ ' Reception' at Grosse POinte-Yacht C U Elaine Craig Kihen, daughter of the Edward F. Kihens, JEFFCOAT 'of Bishop rpad. cut..;: through France, Switzerland, . h S d- af Holland; Germany, Italy and A tour. of the Contment followed, t . e atur ay ter- In an after] of Kensington'road, spoke her marriage yows Sa.turday nounced:the'July.fbirth ofiJi~ir Spain, returning 'home'some- noon weddit;g of Constance l?everly ~lm to John Charles Church, July 6, afte:-noon in Christ Church to John COUSinS CalVin, son first ,sop.~d, second. child, Floyd Lee Hall , f B C't THOMAS EDW:ABD, Mr~.J~;. time in November. Van Seater m the Grosse POInte BaptIst Church. . W C 1 at the ceremonj of the Benjaniln . a vms, 0 ay I y. coat is'the former' JEAN, MOLY;, • • • The bride, daughter of the~ For her wedding the bride~------NEUX of Westport, Conn,. . /Back home from a .week's Otis Earl Bolins of Moran of Aurora, Ill:, and Mrs. WiI. The bride is wore a white silk taffeta taffeta ballerina frocks accent.. '.. • ~unt aboard their cruiser, "Co- road, chose a go~n of ivory lia.m Wise, of Whitefish Bay of Mrs. Edna M gown fashioned with a sa- ed with vio!-et drap~d cumber- MR 'and' MRS' WILLIAM. quina," are th,e A. GRISWOLD peau de soie ~designed with WIS, . '. Paget court ;: • e klm' e accented .wI'th bunds fo.rmmg a s11ght bust.le. ';'.4'." "'1 . . , A.'C";;:... .. b nna n c PITT~YJ.h.nB L' . 'A, M 0 Nof, .; ,HERRESHQFFSj of Lin c a l~ a deep v neckline, empire DavI~ Van Sco:er was hIS MacFarlane 0 j . t d Ch t'll 1 'th The maId of honor carrled Mo!ntg.ome,rYj Alabama, an- . road. They stopped at Harbor b d' d h t sleeves of brother s best mat:. They are unpor e an I y ace WI white and deep purple delphini- nounce thebilth',oftheir secona Beach, Fla. Mr . Beach ,during theiJ;:.;~ruise; and 0 Ice an s or the sons of the Waher D. Van' son of and more of the lace ..repeated urn tleur"'ttes and the attend- '. visited' the F RAN CIS' H~ hand corded Alenc~m . lace. Seoters', of Fredonia, N.Y. Mr. d b d th bouf.... son, BERT LEWI~'on June 24. in a wi e an on e - ants' bouquets were.of the pur- Mrs. Pittman.' is :"the' former BOURKES, of Rivard' boule:- Garlands of ma~chmg l~ce Seathig th~ guests were Daft B. Hall of Ann fant s!drt which deepened pIe fleuttes. . BUrFY.'WICKl~G~ :daughter of' vard.' accented the prmcess skirt vid Lavine, of St. Paul, Minn.; The bride desig into a chapel train. The best man was Ben W. MR. 'and MRS:,BERT:WICKING • • • which was drawn into a Richard, Lundberg, of Aurora, her own wedding ,A small cap of seed pearls Calvin, Jr., of Bay City, the of Trombley road. ... " ; MR. ana.' MRS. CHARLES A.. bustle. Ill.; and Dorne Dibble, of Pon- layers of white CI and lace held her short French bridegroom's brother. The ush- . ••• PARCELLS, JR.' (FRANCES Loops of peau de soie held tiac. aqua net. It was j illusion veil. She wore lace el'swere Boyd N. Shertzer, Jr., More news of the Wicking nEARTT H A,M IL TON), of 'her two tiered ivory silk il- For her daughter's wedding a v-neckline fitte( mitts and carried stephanotis, of Ann Arbo~; Alan Ru~er- f&'1lily. 'is' that. about BERT Stephens road, announce the lusion'veil. She carried a cas- and the reception which follow- ballerina length white orchids and ivy. busch, of Bay Clty; Roy SchIller WICK;tNG,J~.: He ,and .his birth of a daughter, KATHRYN cade' of white roses ,and ivy. ed at the Grosse 1?ointe Yacht with baby Irish with seed pearls Joan Merril was maid of hon. of Bay City, and Warren W, f~iend, .PETER O'ROURKE. of HAMILTON;. J~ne 21. The bridegroom's, sister, Mrs. Club Mrs. Bolin chose a moss or and the other attendants Johnson, of Kalamazoo. Detroit no ',soo~er- ,completed",-. ~r; Her fingertip veil . Gorden Henry, of Skaneateles, green chiffon frock with mat- were Mrs. Fred Hertel, Mrs. For her daughter's wedding exams' at tne, Detroit College,of. :.. MR. and MRS.. EDWARD thO t f h h' g e . M "" was held in placi Benjamin W. Calvin, Jr., of and the reception~t the Detroit Law'in June when they'tookoff:' LINDSAY'MAY (MARY FLOR- N. Y., was e ma ron 0 onor c m acc ssones. rs. ~an baby Irish lace. Bay City; Mrs. Warren W. Boat CI~b Mr~. Kihen ~~ose a for Waildki :Beach, Hawaii, for' . ENCE WATERFALL), of Lin- in a waltz length daffodil yel- Seater was in'deep violet with stephanotis on a Johnson the bridegroom's sis- dusty pmk s!lk crepe sneath the summer;'Bert will start his' . , coIn road, announce the birth of low silk organza gown. Her dusty rose .accessories. book. ter ot' Kalamazoo and Mrs. with matching accessories .. Mrs, third year at the college in Sep. a son, THORTON ALBERT" on picture hat was of Italian and When the couple left on a Margaret Hole July 7. she carried a cascade of yellow wedding trip to Europe the Mrs. Arbor was the bl Cl~yton C. Purdy. ' , C a I v i n was beige and both tem1ber. ft They were gowned in white mothers v,ore orchids. • •• • • "... • shasta chrysanthemums.' Van Scoter was wearing a corn tendant. She WOrt . When the newlyweds left for LT. WARREN W. GIDDENS, MR. and MRS. EDWARD F. Dressed like the honor at- flower blue linen suit with talette gown and Bermuda the bride was wearing ~on of MR. and MRS. WILLARL MITCHEEL, of S. ~rys drive tendant v..ere the bridesmaids, matching hat and white acces. quet of pink carn. w. Hurst MQntees Home a black cotton princess dress R. GIDDENS, of Three Mile with SUSAN .and CYNTHIA, the bride's sister, Jacqueline sories. They will make their Lawrence E. H From Six Weeks in West with Eton jacket and white drive, has completed his second are touring California with Bolin, Mrs. Richard Lundberg, ~ome in Fredonia. brother as best accessories. They will live in year at the Stritch School". of visits to San Francisco, Yosemite , were Frank Holc< Mr. and Mr. W. Hurst Montee, Bay City. I Medicine, Loyola Uni"(ersity~ National Park and Disneyland night, BARBARA BEAUPRE ond $500 schola~ship from thlt Blanc and Fred S and is now on ,duty in the Medi.; , -Photo by Bean;ice Zwaan on their agenda. of Roland road will'assist in the Detroit News. The awards were Arbor. of McMillan road, are home " from a six.week visit in the Naval Ordnance' Laboratory cal::~ranch of tl1e US Army in 'At an aft.ernoon ceremony Saturday in Christ . ... preparations for 'the affair by made to 20 carriers at a lunch- For her daugh West. They stayed at the Brood. scientists at Silver Springs, Md., Valley Forg~ Church ELAINE CRAIG KIHEN, daughter of -the. Ed- ".' After two weeks on the West acting as chairman CYf the or- eon on July 10. ' Mrs. MacFarlane P:. • . ,..; Coast. MR, MRS. VICTOR of blue lace with moor Hotel in Colorado and in are developing an instrument MISS. NANCY 'K O.T T' EN:.. ward F;.., Kih. ens; of ~ensin. gton.. r~~d, bec.am~ the bride and chestra committee. • • • Jackson Hole, Wyo. called the "Derry," a more ac:' - f "I f th W C f B Y S M'A G A, of Whittier road, . . ... MR. and MRS. FLORIS DE and pink rosebul ""ETTE..J ht ~ MR. d ,/0 'M, r. va Vln, son 0 e BenJamIn. .a 1Vlns, a a Then they went on to Seattle, curate thermostat than those.a.,S , '-Iaug er O.l. • an C'ty , stoped at The Flamingo in Las ERIC RANSTRUM and his MEULENAERE and daughters wore a lavendar "' Vegas, Nev. frock and yellow Wash., where they were the now used to regulate home heat- MR S. KOTTENSTETTE,. 0 f. I , ...... two sons, ERIC and LARRY, of JOANNE and MARYANNE or guests of Mrs. Montee's brother ing plants. The heat of a match Harvard. road, . who . recently . .' Santa Barbara, Calit, are here Mack avenue, have arrived at and sister-in-law, the Harry 10 feet away will make the ,graduated from Newton College classmates, Mary Beth O'Reilly~ Iand Diane Russell of Pleaoant .Spending three weeks at the visiting the OSCAR RAN. LeHavre aboard Home Lines Montees, a~d the Donald K. An.; sensitive electro-chemical in- of the Sacred Heart, plans to of Highland Park, Illinois, Josie Ridge,' Michigan .. Homesteaq in Hot Springs, Va., STRUMS, of Grand Marais bou- flagship, the S.S. Homeric, for are MRS. ARTHUR H., WROCK dersons. strument work. tour Europe ~th three of 'her Medart, of St. Louis, Missouri, Miss O'Reilly and Miss Me- levard. a two-month, vacation in sever- and BILL WROCK, of Windmill .. .. . al European countries, bepar- Pointe drive. MRS. THOMAS F. PAD. ture from Quebec permitted a ~ • • • DOCK, of Notre Dame avenue, St. Lawrence Valley tour. ... MR. and MRS. BENJAMIN ... IS Y( ! w.. JAYNE, of Sunningdale and her daughter MRS. ROB- .. , ;;; drive, will move. July 15 to ERT C, KERR, of Franklin Vil- Holidaying aboard the'ir boat, ~ lage, with CECILY, TOMMY, the. Captain, were MR. and ~ Bimungham. :: ... .. PAM and BETH, are vacation- MRS. CARROLL M. BOUTELL, MARTHA PARKER, daughter ing in Goose Rocks Beach; Me, of Tonnancour place. ! MR PADDOCK and ME. KERR ... '" IGoin, On Now! of MR. and MRS .. GEORGE E. . PARKER, JR., of Lewiston road, will fly there later in the MR: and MRS, WILLIAM AE left Wednesday for Great Falls, month. MOORE JOY entertained at Mont. • • * I cocktails and dinner Saturday .. ... THOMAS E, SWANEY, 15, of evening in their Provencal rl)ad 'I.:::,:1. Sale! PFC. and MRS. JOHN A. 764,Anita, has received his SE!C- (Continued on Page 13) BRYANT have returned to Sa- vanna, Ill., following his ten-day 2711 East' J. leave here with his pareri:ts, the • =i ~ WILLIAMR. BRYANTS, of ~ University Plac.e,. and her par. \ g"" • ents, the ELMER E. KNOCHS, ~ of Norwood drive. -~ . ... . ~ M:..'tt. and MRS. JOHN 'FENft E Featuring superb WICK AIRD (MARY STUART ~ MacDONALD, formerly of :: ::, fashions from: Grosse Pointe), of New York, .~ announce the Ibirth of a daugh- ;;; '= lerin, CarneCJie~Troy, \ ter, CARROLL, on July 3. The Aitds will be moving to Grosse ~ Miller, ReJg, Cassini, :== Pointe shortly .. = .. .. iE Chapman, Leser E MR. AND MRS. CHARLES " ~ MARTZ of Pompano Beach, :: and many others! ,Fla. will be visiting their ~ daughter and son.in.law, MR. ~ 2 WEEKS ONLY AND MRS. PAUL RUDEMANN = =is of Chalfont.e road, during the ~. month. of July. SPECIALPUIICHASE x: ... , .... *, ~ Ii= . . JOHN W. WATLING, III, Best Quality All Wooi Moth- :: flew in from Englarid Monday ~ . after managing the Yale varsity crew at the; Henley regatta on, Proofed Knitting. Worsted Dress, day and the Thames last week. He flew over with the crew directly iev~nlng, in after the Yale-Harvard races at per 203 skein ~ 69' iE New.London, Conn.,. following groups at •• his graduation. He.will be in J .the Pointe for two weeks' be- $35 $25, $20 fore reporting for military serv- Sen6alional FREE INSTRUCTIONS ice. John is" the son of MRS. CHARLES B: WARREN, JR., of Also substantial reductions on dresses and .~...... --...... Washington road . • • • spo,;tswear, including cashmere sweaters • :' Tre Junior.Senior Banquet and Dance of the Mt. Carmel Mercy Hospital Unii of the DUluunUUUUIUllnUllllUUUlllllllnUDuuuuullunRulmUllunUIUIUlIIlll1UllllllUllllnllllllUUUIIllllnUllUlllmUllIIlllllllllllUJUlmUUUUllUHIIUIIlUm~nllllllllllnUllnIIlIUllllllnllllunllll~UIlllllmmnmll!mIUU111IIUIIlrnJlUIIIUllllUlJHUlllllllllmUllUlllmnUllllllliUUIUlIIlUllllUUUlllli YA,RNCRAFT Mercy School of Nursing of De- , 343 FISHER ROAD GROSSE POINTE Suits ~nd coats • • • troit will be held at the De- troit -Yacht Club on Wednesday, . TUxedo 1..0595 '/;z off July 17, from, 6 p,m. to 12 mid-

last week we tcld you about our If~rs, "S," and how she hap been in aJreaay to buy the best =_====_~=_

en her own sweet (and clever) shopping schedule. Our July Sale had. been going o'n then, only three days, but II Mrs. Sales" had been in on THE VERY FIRST I.?AY Ind had found eve~hin~ I' • she was hoping to find very quickly. Most of it has been delivered to her by this time, but "Mrs. .. ~ , S." is an old hond at our sales and she',s ba~k today t~ pick u~. a few mor~ things and'h,lve afit~. '_i=-. ting on the suit she chose. FURTHERMOREshe just happened to take the time last week t'o:pick Sportswear, blouses 5 . ".. our entire stock of out something special for her daughter.in.law's birthday and to glance over the sale things in lie...... ~ '13 to 'I:? off E daughter's 'size. 'As a result of this foresight "Mr,s, Sales" will have an opportunity ..to discover '~ \' ~ whether that print gown she looked at last, week and didn't take' might still bel available! ""Mrs.: = Foolwear Sales" has the most brilliant philosophy .bout sales. She says. ~'Generally speaking, ~8smartes! .. ' I •• , ", WIDE SELECTION OF STYLES IN BROKEN SIZES .possiblo timo to go to 0 good .. 10 is 01 the boginning. On tho othor hond Ihere con b. odVo.-: ; .,.. ,1==_= "ages to going the second week. Then too, IF you'll wait just" little longer you migh~find .more! ' formerly t" 32.95 ..•...... ,18.85 . I d' ~ Millinery ~ •• Oh! The BESTway is to go EVERY~eek. Can't te II what you'l fin I' ~_ $5 lip formerly to! 8.95 .... ~.~,.~.,..•,.•. 13.85 ,,' As we sclid last week, "Mrs. Sales" K 'one of.th. s~artest women we know, andappar- I i formerly to 16.95 .. ,.~.'•. ~ -.. 11.85 .ntly it runs in the family! == I • ~IIc~suals ~ndflats '1.0 •• 8.85 I , I spectators. 13.85 siles • to 44 . brown o"cl ~hite block and white DlCIIYAL AT ST. CLlII I"SSI ... 111 blue and white

I WALTon-PIERCE '10551 'OIRI .... ) I •• " • .. .. ------~------, • , , • • I • •...... ~ , .._ .. " "

July 11, 1957 Thurs~ay, July II, 1957 GR,O,SSE j: Page Thirteen

tes Woman's Page ' by, of,. and for Pointe Women .• • I : Sarah MacFarlane Mrs. FI~yd.Lee HpU. Mrs.; John NobletHeir;rich IMiss Morris Weds Speaks Her Vows. John Noble Heinrich Bride Wears Italian Silk Bombazine'for Recent Rites Charles Van Scoter Becomes Bride of Floyd Lee Hail in Ceremony in I ptist Church; Epiphany Church; Couple to Make Home In St. ColombaEpiscopal Church; Reception Yacht Club In LaCrosse, Wis. Held at Detroit Yacht Club Betty PaJIlela Morris, daughter of the Frank G. Mor~ the Saturday after- In an afternoon wedding ceremony in the Epiphany rises,. of St. Clair avenue, wore Italian silk bombazine for olin to John Charles Church, July 6, Sarah Jane MacFarlane was married to her recent marriage to John Noble Heinrich in St. Colomba Floyd Lee Hall. The Reverend Smith officiated ist Church. William T. Episcopal Church. ~------at the ceremony. A rec-eption followed in the parish hall. Her gown was designed lerina frock with a white over- ra, Ill., and Mrs. Wi!. The bride is the daughter0 with a sweetheart' neckline skirt. The bridesmaids were ise. of Whitefish Bay of Mrs. Edna MacFarlane of The bride was graduated from Mrs. Lowell Johnson, of Mt. Paget court and Charles Grosse Pointe High School and and cap sleeves deeply ac- Pleasant, and Darline Hasel- Van Scoter was hi. MacFar lane 0 f R i vie r a Rockford College, and has been cented inrosepointe lace fal- huhn, of Pontiac, best man. They are Beach, Fla. Mr. Hall is the a physical therapist at the Uni- ling into princess lines. A Mr. Heinrich, son of the Emil of the Watter D, Van versity of Michigan Hospital for son (If Mr. and Mrs. Lester lace and seed pearl crown J. Heinrichs, of Bishop road, of Fredonia. N.Y. the past three years. Mr. Hall B. Hall of Ann Arbor. held her illusion veil and she asked Robert Jackson to be his g th~ guests were Da. was graduated from Ann Arbor best man, Seating the guests ne. of St. Paul. Minn.; The bride designed and made High School and served in the carried shattered carnations were Robert Edwards and Rob- Lundberg. of Aurora. her own wedding gown of three U. S. Navy for four years. They and a white orchid. ert R, Brown, J r. Dome Dibble, of Pone layers of white crystalette over will make their home in La- G e r..a1d in e Bookstahler, of Following the ceremony there aqua net. It was fashioned with Crosse, Wis. Grand Rapids, was' maid of was' a reception at the Detroit €f daughter's wedding a v-neckline fitted bodice and a honor in periwinkle blue bal- Yacht Club. reception which follow. ballerina length skirt trimmed with baby Irish lace outlined Pointer to Head Benefit e Grosse Pointe Yacht celebrated the 61st wedcling' an. LES EARL ASKEW, son of s. Bolin chose a moss with seed pearls and sequins. Fall Exhibit in New York Her fingertip veil of illusion net niversary of Mr. Foerster's Par. MR. and MRS. DECHLER AS. iffon frock with mat- ents, the CHARLES V. FOER. KEW of Memphis, Tenn. l~cessories. Mrs. Van was held in place by a cap of Mrs. Rockweil T. Gust, of baby Irish lace. She carried STERS. as in deep violet with Cloverly road, and Mrs. Fred stephanotis on a white prayer . '" .. se accessories. J, Kennedy, cf East Jefferson book. avenue, have been appointed MR. and MRS. FRANK A. the couple left on a REID III, of Royal Oak, an- Margaret Holcomb of Ann local chairmen for the tenth an- ,Business Notes trip to Europe the Mrs. nounce the birth of a daughter, Arbor was the bride's only at- nual Amateur Neddlework of The following area residents ter was wearing a corn- KATHRYN JANE, on J'une 18. tendant. She wore an aqua crys- Today ~xhibit. attended the 38th International blue linen suit with talette gown and carried a bou- -Picture by l::lranaby Studio BETTY PAMELA MORRIS, daughter of, the Frank Mrs. Reid is the former MARI- Cost Conference of the National hat and white acces- quet of pink carnations. The national display will be The former SARAH JANE MACFARLANE"daugh-, G~Morrises, of St.. Clair'~yenue, was married recently to LYN BAILEY. The paternal Association of Accountants held hey will make their Lawrence E. Hall served his held November 26 through, De~ ter of Mrs. Edna MacFarlane of Paget court, and Charles Mr. Heiririch in St.Colomba:. Church. He is the son of the grandparents are MR. and MRS. in'.Washington, D,C., June 23-27: Fredonia. FRANK A. REID, of McMillan brother as best man. Ushers cember 7 at the Lighthouse in S. Mac Farlane of Riviera Beac;h, Fla. was rparriedto, the Efnil J. Heinrichs, of Bishop'road •. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Kasper and were Frank Holcomb, of Grand New York for the benefit of son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Hall of Ann Arbor. The • • • family of 348 Fisher road, Mr. Blanc and Fred Stewart of Ann the Friendship Fund of the and Mrs. E. Roll of 232 Ken~ scholarship from th_ wedding vows were exchanged 'in 'the Church of the M. BARNUM have moved from A.B. degree in 1931. SANDRA BROWN, daughter ews, The awards were Arbor. Lighthouse. of MR. and MRS. LEWIS wood court, Mr. and Mrs. F. Epiphany, Detroit, on Saturday. .. . McMillan r.oad to RIvard boule- In senior year Miles was 20 carriers at a lunch. For her daughter's wedding FISHER BROWN, of Lothrop Brown of 1007 Yorkshire road, Mrs. MacFarlane chose a gown vard. Their new. home was named by :faculty and fellow Harold Scott of 17525 Maumee uly 10. PERFECT FIT ~lIIl1l1ll11ll11l11l1l11l1l1l1l1l1l1l11l1l11l11l11l1llll1l11l11l11l1lllllll\lIl11l1l1l11l11l11l11l11l1l1l11ll1l1l11l11l1l1l1l1l11m1I111111111111111111111111i11l1l1l1l1l11l1l1llfll'.:S formerly owned by MR. and students to the list of "Who's road, is visiting the W. O. .. . . of blue lace with matchin.g hat RINGBYS, of Denver, Col. avenue, Lester Elliott of 111 d MRS. FLORIS DE and pink rosebuds., Mrs. Hall There are many definitions of g Sh rt d t t.h p. t ~ MRS~ WILLIAM C. FINKEN~ who in American Colleges and .. * .. Touraine road and 0 t t mar wore a lavendar voile afternoon tact, but lying out of it grace- ;_=:., 0 an b "e. 0 In e 1_ STAEDT, now of Grand Rapids. Universities," an honor based Waldow pf 681 Washington r~ad. AERE and daughters =- • '" '" on academic accomplishment, MR. and MRS. CHARLES A. frock and yellow rosebuds. Ifully seems to cover most cases. Over 30. top business execu~ and MARYANNE of 19l1illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlII1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",~ In a new home ,on Hampton participation in co _curricular PARCELLS JR. announce the enue, have arrived at . 'IL' 't' 1 d h' 'al June 21 birth of a daughter, tives and financial experts in- aboard Home Lines (Continued from Page 12) in St. Louis, Mo.,. until mid~ road, are MR. and MRS. W - actiVI les, andea ers Ip qu - KATHRYN HAMILTON. Mrs. cluding Deputy Post Master the S.S. Homeric, for home. The group of 65 then August. Miss Sutter will be a LIAM C. PORTER, formerly of ities. Parcells is the former FRANCES General Maurice H. Stans, ap- onth vacation in sever. went on to the Little Club for freshman at Michigan State Hillcres,t road. A. tour~year member of the HEARTH HAMILTON of Hunt- peared before the conference. ean countries. Depar- dancing. University in the fall. .. '" ~ Collegiate 'Club,. the publicity. t W V '" • • • • ... Holidaying at the H u r 0 n and reception organization serv- mg on, '. a.. • One of the highlights of the' Quebec permitted a conference was a discussion of ence Valley tour. MR. and MRS. DOUGLAS Vacationing in Haw a i i is Mountain Club were MR. and icing various university func- IS YOUR INSURANCE GEARED TO DONALD, JR., of Muir road, ELI Z A B E>TH LED YARD, MRS. REUBEN M. WATER- tions, he was .elected its pres- MARY JO McCOY, daughter the impact of giant electronia computers on office and account- . '" '" with three year old LYNN have daugther of the HENRY LED- MAN, of McKinley place. The ident as a senior. He was on of MR. and MRS. James A. Mc- ying aboard their boat. PRESENT DAY VALUES? COY of Fisher road is attending ing procedures and methods, tain, were MR. and left for a three week vacation' YARDS, of L e wi s t o.n road. W ate r man s with ROBBY, the Student Council, college in Chatham, Mass. Traveling with her is CARLA PAULA and LOIS willbe there annual, Midwest Club, and a summer se$soin at the Uni- The major office equipment RROLL M. BOUTELL. ... ," • HIGBIE, daughter of MRS. through July. served as Advertising Mana,ger versity of Michigan where she co mp ani e s displayed over ancour place. was elected president of Kappa CAROL RUTH S U T T E R, CARLTON M. HIGBIE, of Ox-...... and Business Manager' of the $2,000,000worth of the latest of. . '" . Alpha Theta House for the daughter of the ELMER C. ford, and the late Mr. Higbie. I At the Old Club on theu: Hoya newspaper. A hard work- fice equipment including sev- and MRS. WILLIAM ARTHUR J. ROHDE SUTTERS, of Stephens road, • ...... boat over the July 4th week- er' and impressive personality, summer. eral advanced models of the JOY entertained at AND OOMPANY who was graduated from Grosse MR. and MRS. KEN MAIT- end were MR. and MRS. Miles also served on the Senior • • • electronic "brains.". and dinner Saturdav Pointe High School last month LAND and MR. and MRS. AL OSCAR, OLSEN;,. of ,Renaud Ball and the Frosh-Soph Week- MR. and MRS. ALFRED 3. The directors of the Boydell in their Provencal road is with the Youth Caravan con- JEHLE, next door neighbors on road, WIth two.of t:Q.elr sons, end Committees, and as Vice:.. FISHER, Jr., marked their 14th Bros. Co., paint manufacturer, tinued on Pare 13) INSURANCE ducted by the Evangelical and Rivard boulevard; ga.ve aback_CHRIS and RONlfY, and/JACK Chairman of the Bermuda Trip wedding anniversary last Thurs- announced today the election of NAVIN and BOB BURKHAL- :Committee. . , day with a steak roast for a Wililam C. Boydell as vice 2711 East' Jefferson, Detroit " MiCh. Reformed Church Synod which yard barbeque Saturdayeve.TER., The other' two Olsen' . -.. fewc;lose friends in the garden president. Mr. Boydell will be is doing volunteer work all over ning in thei? ga;de,..ns. sons, NILS and LANCE are at In the fall ?-e w111t~ke. up of their Renaud road home. in full charge of all aspects of the country. this summer. She Camp. Algonqum on Burt Lake. gra.dua~ stUdl~S ,at MIchIgan Tomorrow, they take off to at- the Industrial Paint Division of will be at the Caroline Mission MR. and MRS. MALCOLM '" ...... UmverSlty Busmess School and 'tend MR. and MRS. ROBERT the company. At the same Former Poi n t e r VERNON has marriag~ in. his plans for WHEELOCK'S house party in meeting, Mr. John F. Boydell III FRANK SIMMONS was gradu- next year. MIles gradu~ted from Corsicana, Tex. was promoted to Trade Store ated. from Michigan State Uni- Cranwell Prep in Leno'4 Mass., • ... • Sales Manager, having previ- . in 1953, and is a member o.f st. DR. &.d MRS. KRIEG of versity last month and is now Paul's Parish on Lake Sho"'e ' ously served' as assistant trade living in Albuquerque, N.M., drive. ~ Middlesex road gave a gradua- store sales manager. Both are with his wife and, daughter, • • • tion party Sunday for their great grandsons of the original KAREN. cou!;ins WhbOwere graduated founders of' the company who • • • MR. and MRS. FREDERIC from Cran rook. They. were began business in 1865. The FOE~STER, of Harcourt road, BRUCE MaCAUL, son of MR. Board of Directors also elected MISS CLAIRE E. CANNIFF, have returned from a visit to and MRS. EDWARD McCAUL has been' graduated from the H. Gordon Wood, an attorney, St. Pe~erSburg, Fla., where they of Bloomfield Hills, and CHAR,:" G eo r g etownUmversity Law as Chairman of the Board. ) Center in Washington, D. C., receiving her Bachelor of, Laws degree. She is the daughter of l\'I;R. and MRS; J 0 UN T. ESTELLE CANNIFF of Lake, Shore road. Both her parents Special feature in our are piactidng lawyers ill De- troit. Miss Canniff earned her Bach~ Outdoor Sport Shop elor. of Arts degree at Newton College, Newton, Mass., in 19Mt At ,Geor.getown's Law .C~nter she was a member of Phi Delta Delta'legalsorority. Her :futllre Bernardo' plans are to take, a position ,with a law fiIm in Detroit. . ... '" * ' MILES MATHEWS O'BRIEN, 'Sandal INSTRUCTIONS JR., son .of MR. and MRS. MILES M~ O'BRIEN, SR., of 397 I=lSI-lER ROAD. GRQS51=PoiNTE Hendrie lane, has been grad- n dresses ~lnd uated . from \ Georgetown Uni- versity College.' of Arts and, ere sweaters Sciencesiri. Washington,' D.C. A history major, he received a Closed Saturdays during July and August Bachelor of Arts degree. His AFT father. is an alumnus of .the GROSSE POINTE College, ~aving' received. his

discri mJnati ng \HATER- W()Y\rlonLuO ~ typically ~kuus.. MIXERS margaret ric. ~~~ ~ - bniU/~ (#Ad. pO.itd (tp podtet). r5<22 . left: tan. • • tan with white . ..

and black •••••• 1 •• I •••• t .8.95 ~, &J1fiy." p~ 6&J.dt<1 right: red • " • two~fone • • • black and white .••••. :8.95 SIZES wnt, sU~ a«c1 wiW- 4 also tan with saddle. • . and IS ~ 6 5" prefer black with bl~ck .. , .. 9.95 ~S SILVER SPRINGS J, bottled w~ter, IS Till pvrl sprilll WIler Mlat brinp out III fuft flavor and true dtai'acter of 1IlIi18d beveraaes, Bottled'on-ttJe.spot • Si'* S , Springs in Northville, Midtiaan. Request it It your favorite club ot resnurllll ComPtm-t . your .uests wit"'the luxury of Silver SprkIp . Water. Call TO 8-4735 for nearest- deII«.

ERCE 76 Kerch&Val • • • on the hill '.OUl 'OID'

( ,; ( (' \J , \ . , 1 , ,1' t t •• ' f f • t }_"': ~_ " .• ' ,_ '," .~' h ...• I '"," '. _.-. ' .. '-'-' r ~ ,.

Page Fourteen G~R 0 S S'E' PO I N TEN E W'S Thursday, July II. 1957 • Thursday, JI Society NewsGa theredfrolll.Allofthe Wo Mrs.' Jerrold "l.MePartlin . Mrs~John Charles 'VanScot~r From Another Pointe of View_, Janet Arlene Clark , , ..'. .' ' n July 18 at the officers of the club include Mrs. man of the nursE ~OUSEHOLD HINT , . /' Grosse Pomte Yacht Club at Clem Brossier, president; Mrs. Mrs. George Wi Be sure to come early and . Hawaii and Tucson,Ariz., where ~ theIr summer h.ome. Spring, Md.• to tell what hap- 12:30 o'clock. Harold Schaill, secretary, and join in this last get-together in ----- sne was the guest of her son- recording secret; Sheer Bembergs, voiles and .VIsiting the 1-,fitchells no?, pens inside a "mine before it The party is 'being planned by Mrs. Lawrence Aikens, treas- the Pointes' most beautiful set-. Self - made obstacles often in-law antt daughter, Mr. and bert V. Book, Jr. silk organdies stretch easily. are Mr. Mitc.~ell's daughters, blows up an enemy ship. The Mrs. George Davis newly elect- urer. Luncheon tickets are $4.00 ting. Of course, the affair will keep men from striking their Mrs. John W. Mikesell, Jr. . secretary, and M To prevent stretching, try Deborah and Mario; Deborah mine automatically transmits ,ed vice president of the club. and all Pointe newcomers are .On, Jr., treasure go on inside in event of rain. stride. When Mrs. Lee leaves for her stitching them on tissue paper. will leave July 18 with a group the date to a monitor radio. There will be another bridge~ invited to attend. . ' The board of d • ing for a certifiE teach four half d; plicants for thE parents wishing their children Mrs. Samuel La\ Equipment is the schooL E dolls, toys, furJ;l a storage cupbol These items will Use Your Charga-Plate the donor will c; Worce~ter,TU. ~ Mrs. Douglas charge of progl school year an Boresch is the man.

save dur;~n9our annual Be Slim JULY SLIP SALE

Only at Jacobson IS' can you save so much oa these luxurious nylon .tricot and dacron~nylon- cotton slips and half-slips for your everydaYI . travel and" back-to~s&ool wardrobes •• _ lav- ish.d with pleats, lace or sheer. Perfe.ctfor gift-giving. ,.

A. O~ own nylon tricot slip with permanently pleated bottom., and appliqued lace at back and front top. White. Sizes 32.40_ i 7.99

.8. Matching whIte nylon tricot half~slip' with pleated bottom. S-M-b 4.99

Co Monogrammed nylon mcot sUp with em- Or broidery and val Jaee. White., beige, pink. L Sizes32.40. 5;99 Yes, bathin~ in all thew! D. Matching monogrammed ftylon tricot half ... you the icin( slip. White. pink, beige. S-M~L. J.99 Find out jus -withafl

I. New satin.finish "luminalr." dacron-nylon- • No Strict Diet- • No electricity- ~otton slip with lace and embroidered,'fop • Gently stimulal • $2 (or less) pel and----..bottom. White. Sizes 32-40 1.99 "Pay.As.You.SE • Free make-up , f. Matching white "LuminaireH daQf'on-nylon- • Open 9 3.m. to • Air.conditioned , cotton petticoat. $.M-L: 3.9' • Fr•• Baby t


18600 W. Me" Detroit

"' ~\ ", 'f t .

~ • - f ,- • - ... , ,_, ... _, ... _," "-.,._ .,.,,' • ..,., ~- '4" • • --~ July II, 1957 Thursday, July II, 1957 Page Fifteen , $

tes Woman's Page ' by"o'f, an'd, f'or Pointe Women I ..• , I of V'iew .. Dance, Bridge'-' C,ruise Planned ) Rosernary Tomlclc On DBC Agenda By' Democrats Miss Lydick Weds .e's brother. Harold nd David Robinson. . . I Off. Si?,th, seventh- a~d., eighth Fourteenth Congressional Dis. Wed5 Ma r I ne ... Ice r graders will have a frolic at the trfict' Democrats -are going to forget politics the night of Robert Heidrich Boat Club this Friday n~ght at Thursday, July 25 to goon a onth Mrs. Wallace Pair Speak Vows on Fourth of July Morning in St. Clare. a square dancing par-ty under the stars. " Bob-La' Mo~light cruise. The St. Mary's Church'in Mohawk Scene of Marriage1 he bride-~Iect with . of Montefalco Church: Will Live in Virginia There will be dancing to cruise leaves' the Bob~Lo dock , - \ Pair Travel +0 Niagara Falls and Washington; ossiter's bmnch was Following Trip to Cape Cod George and Phylis'-Tho.p,1~son's at the foot of WQodward at 9 They Will Make Home in South Carolina ower. music' from 8 untIl 12 0 cla<;k ,p.m. Chi Omega sorority Rosemar.r G. Tomicic chose eggshell Dupioni silk and refreshments served at a The Moonlight i~ sponsored St. MaIJ

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Page Sixfeen &, 1le~S'E JI.O" NT E NEWS Thursday. Jury 11'.1957 Thursday, SO( Society News 'Ga.thered,~ from' Atl of the Pointes • CBI .Veterans Drinkaus E~ds His Army Duty Charred Toast - , Mrs. Edw~rd'W..Jetikins Bride Jenkins-McKibbin. pean Reunion' FORT RILEY, July 2 (Spe- United States and Fort Riley in clal)-The commanding officer July, 1956. Shortly after his ar- ,Good. Antidote Detroit has been' selected as of Fort Riley's 47th Surgical rival here he was named com- the site for the Tenth Annual Hospital; Lieutenant Co Ion e 1 mander of the 47th. Surgical Vows Solemnized. ClUuTed toast 'is a: highlyef- Convention of the National ~3!0~d I. Drinkaus, r~verted to HospitaL, , . • fective antid~teagamst conimon China-BtirmR-fn'diilVeterans mactive duty here June 30•. He Before commg on active duty Newlyweds Travel to New York ,'After Marriage an household poisonings, theMich- A . ti.' to be h ld A gust returned to Gross-e Pomte, the Colonel attended 'Wayne . D artm t Olf Health 'd SSOClaon ,e u. Mich., where he will practice University in Detroit, Mich., St. Philomena Church and Reception at Hawthorne Igan ep en, Sal 7 t~rough 10, at the Sheraton- ,medicine. No successor has and the University of Detroit House: to Make Home in Lansing in Fall . . today,Because of "the increased ;use Cadillac Hot~l., t d been named to the J' ob. where he received his Doctor of On .the conv~ Ion agt:n a Drinkaus came on active dutiy Medicine degree. A.wedding trip to New York followed the recent mar- ,of chemical preparations in the . are several busmess meetmgs in May, 1953. Mter a brief While' at Fort Riley the riage of Mary Lou McKibbin and Edward W. Jenkins in St, home, accid~:rital home poison- to outline the group's pr-Ogram training period he joined the Colonel, his wife. Beatrice M.~ Philomena's Church. ings are on the increase, Jthe for the C?!Jrlngyear. The As~o- 7th Evacuation H 0 spit a 1 in and their two children, Barbara The bride, daughter of the Ushering were" Wilfred Ross department said. Last ,year 87- ciation supports several chanty Europe and commanded that and Harold J., made their home James' M. McKibbins, of and Clarence W. Jenkins. Michigan p~rsons die.d in!1c~i- projects, 8Il1ong, which, is the unit until returning to the on the Post. For her daught~r's wedding dental home' poisonings. The', -sponsoring of exchange stu.; _ Fisher road, wore a white and the breakfast reception at department' said. each home dents from the China. Burma embroidered organdy gown, the Hawthorne House Mrs, Mc- should be equipped with' eni~ , and India area. There will also ballerina length, and a Kibbin chose a mocha silk ergency antidotes. be an election of national of- flowered cap held her short shealth. Mrs. Jenkins was in The charred toast, antidote fica-fl,' • veil. She carried stephantois orchid silk with pink acces- can be prepared byb~g a ' Highlight .of the convention ...AlJaitat!e at and ivy, sories, piece ,of toast,. crumbling it is the Puja night,' at. which Margaret Ann McKibben was The couple left on a wedding into a,juice glass oJ::glass, jar,. members and their wives don 5 her sister's maid of honor in a. trip to New York and .will make and storing in the ~tchen or costumes of' the China, India, ,Robelle' Beauty Salon .light blue organdy gown and she their home in Buffalo until fall bathroom. When nee d. ed, the or Burmese mode for a parade: -Photo t Mr. and Mrs. carried small pink roses and when the bridegroom will. re- charred crumbs can be mixed Prizes will be presented for the 19027 MACK AVE., at Moross Road head of RoslYI white carnations. turn to Michigan State, Univer- with water or milk. ' most outstanding C 0 S t u m e s. the engagemen1 Mr. Jenkins asked his brother, sity ro com~lete his s~udies. An antidote of this type~ould Other events planned for 'the Daniel Jenkins, to be best man. of'o,.ea! 01 pcir~ ter, THELMA save a life or prevent 6enou~, members include a trip to G. Schmidt, SOIl They are the sons of Mr. and injurybybeing,administered~ Windsor, a moonlight crlnse, a Mrs. A E. Jenkins, of Williams:' Synchronetts Ludwig Schmi while the poctor is bemg called. visit to Greenfield Village in Shores. ville, N, Y. 'It also can be used when the Dearborn, and a rour ,of one of IMEDIA Keeping Busy . the Chrysler Corp<>ratioo.plants. The ~ouple exact .nature of the • pOlson The convention will be climaxed 18 wedding. rm.e .Grosse Pointe Hunt Club swallowed. is unknown. PETITE Consul to Give .LOU by the Commanders' Banquet. Synchronetts are being coached . To reduce accidental poison- The assoCiation's members ...... L1QU,ID CREME HAIR COLOUR Hold Benefit Garden. Party 'by Miss' Felice ReauVle since ings in the home, the state are veterans who have served the' end of June, 1957, These health department recommend- in the' China, Burma, or India -ips just naturally hetter! At Mrs. Sam Champagne will bubble and young girls puthton an eVpe~~tg ed: . At, a ,recent c~r,emony in St. P.hllomena's:,:Ch.urch, theater during World War II. the Marseillaise ring out on water show at. e Grosse om e • I-Keep all drugs, poisons Any CBl veterans who are in- It gives the hoir ~ longer lasting, more A benefit g: Sunday when Consul Jean Paul Hunt Club on the 4th of July. and other household chemicals MARY LOU McKIBBIN, daughter of the James M. Me- terested. in, atterldiI)g tile' cOon- translucent colour and is. as gentle as a the Patna Mi Desparrnet and Madame Des- On July 7 the Synchronetts put out of the reach of children lind' Kibbms, of Fisher road, was married to Mr. Jenkins, son vention; or desire further info- face crec!lm. sponsored by tll Home Makers, parmet observe French Bastille on a .duet performance. at the, away iromfood. Lock up,flav- of :the A. E, Jenkinses,of Williamsville, N.Y~ '. ' mation regarding the' associa- Appqi1'lJments--TU 4-1130 Day with a garden party in their Deti'Olt Boat Club durmg the ored aspirin and other prepara- tion, please contact William home of Mrs. Roslyn road, ye Balfour road home. Hunt Club-Boat Club .dua1~eet, tions which children might mis- Martienssen, CBI Pub 1i c i t y Air Conditioned L w Vl.olators Pay .l.n.Shore.s Approximatel In French embassies and con- A1:l summer~ese gIrls wl1Jbe take for candy.' .C h air man, Sheraton-Cadillac Open Thur. and Fri. Evenings a ...... tended, There sulates all over the world this puttmg on skits. for varlou~ t) .Read 11-1 'bel":' d f '_ ' Hotel' DetrOI't MI'c:t..:gan ~~~~~~~becl~~~~~~~~ - .a ~~M ~ ~~&~~~~~ ~~KS~W~~' '_'_.__ '__ ~ ' _ luncheon and I celebrated. Me.yor Cobo and mer they will be entering the low the ~strUCtiO~s carefully; Ira boulevard, Van Dyke; and Oxford road, was found guilty The Rev. Fr. Governor Williams are on the Invitational Inter-CuLb S y n - 3-Don t contamlllate food or Norman Legg'at of 13303E. C~;. of s~ on Vernier. She S, J., of the U invitation list to this lqcal party cnronized Swim Duet Cham- food utensils when using insect field, Detroit, were bo;bh found p~d a fine and, coit'O:f'22308 Bar- ton, St. Clair Shores, was,found ...., guilty of speeding. on Lake Saturday, July 13, from 10 a.m. Shore and ordered to pay $17.50. '-dfa!Jdondlo~J PU,BLI'CAUCTION Robert P. Veen of 354 Bel~ Eslale of: Mr. C. S. Vaughn a.."lger, paid a fi~e' of $15 for INTERIOR DESIGNERS speeding on Robert John road. 439 University Plac~, Gross') Pointe Saturday, July 13, Starting at 1 p. m. RichJard P. Hanna of 672 15218 E, Jefferson, Grosse Pointe TU?,edo 2-0300 Piper boulevard, Detroit, was at the. found guilty. 'of speeding on Sunday, July 14, from 10 a.m. Lake Shore and ordered to pay ~--_..."- Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Olawson . L. E.,Smart Sal.s Fa,rm $15 or serve three days i,n jail. He paid the fine. Report. oj ~ondilioR oj 1910 Ceder Hill Drive, Birmingham. Wilbert Logan of 1211 St. (W. 14 Mi. Rd., Bet.:lohser & Cranbrook Rds.) 330 W. Tienken Road Clair, Detroit, paid a fine and cost of $17.50 rather than face MANUFACTURERS NATIONAL BANK Rochester, Mich. a five~ciay jail term after 'bein'g Salurday, July 20, from 10 a.m. found- guil'ty .of speeding on " Lake Shore. D.TROIT. MICHIGAN Fumitur. and AcceSiori.. from the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mark George C. Daugherty o! 1120 .e:s~ 622 Rivard, Grosso Pointe 'MARC T. PATTEN E. BreckenricLge,Femdale,paid $15 raJther tharn go '.to jail for AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 30, 1957 fProperty for sale by Champion Realty) three days, for speedirig un 'i~i!""'" ~eJt LO~9 Lake Road Verpier. ' • • 0' DBTIlOIT • • Bloomfield "'Hills John Slowiczek, Jr., of 22707 , Sunday, July 21, from 10 a.m. Ridgeway, St..Clair. Shores., paid ,'" • CHESTS CHAIRS a fine of $10 for ignoring a sig- Cuh and Due from Banks ~...... $154,276,709.92 walto Eslale of: Mr. N. Sheeler United States,Government Securities...... i 16,290;9p9.48 CUPBOARDS RUGS' nal Ught and not. having' a '370,567,619,40 4020 Sturtevant . driver's license ..on 'his person Public Housing Authority Bonds and Notes •••• .39,897,695.21 TABLES' STEINWAY SPINET PIANO f$. of Davison, 1 BI. W. of Dexter) while ~ivingoIi'Lake. Shore, ~ State and Municipal Securities :...... 17,419,«Z.39 100-PIECE CLASSICAL RECORD LIBRARY Other Seeuritie:s •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• =- .' 12,205,961.10 a .•••••••••••••••••••••• 0;- Sale Conducted by \ Little 'League Loans and 'Discounts. %41,361,506.69 , All' proceed. to Christ Church, C:ra~brook Real ~state Mortgages- F.H.A ~ '1,051,754.10 D. O. MeNierney Holding Dance , Veteran .- 16,993,344.15 S) Preview Friday, July 12, 2:.00-9:00 p.m. All. Other., '••••• Appraiser 424 Book Building 31,291,764.'9 '40,698,369.'3 The Grosse Pointe Park Little Bank Premises and Leasehold Improvements •• ~ ',448,603.36 WOodward 1-9085 Sealed lids Accepted League Will hold"its fourth 'an- Furniture and Fixtures . 272,106.52 nualget-togetherdanfe at the Accrued Income and Other Resources ••••••••• 1 War Memorial f,::enter on Fri.; 3,992,959.36 day, July 19. The' affair will. be T o.tal .. '790,502,756.93 \ featured by d.ancing, refresh': ments,' cards and .,games from i.I A B I L IT IE. " 8 to mitk1d,ght. There will be Demand Deposits: prizes for winnerS of the games. Individuals, Corporations and Banks ••••••• 4. $420, 726,39~ .02 Get %OnYo~r Savings The purpose of the dance_ is 3 United States Government. ~••••••••••••••• 4' 23,519,043.07 to ,acquaint the parents with one Other Public Funds ••••••••••••.••.•••••••• ~ 'anoth~r who have boys play- 26,357,965,53 '470,623,405.6i Sa~ings P.eposits II> ••••••••• ing the. league. . 1 264,231,131,11 at PEOPLES FEDERAL SAVINGS The dance committee is com~ Total Deposit . , ~ 734,854,536.73 prised of"- Mesdames ..Murray AccrueciExpenses and Oth~ Liabilities .. SAVE .CONVENIENTLY WHERE HARPER, AND OUTER DRIVE MEET Robertson, .M~chael Telep, and 12,175,385.06 Russell Peebles. Tickets may be Capital ,Funds: , obtained by calling VA- 4,-2829, Common Stock ($10.00 Par Value) •••••••••• 10,962,500.00 ED 1-3824.or TU 2~5616. ,r~ Surplus •.•.••••••••••••••••••••••••• -••••• , •• 20,037.500.00' Undiyided Pronts . 12,472,835.14 43,472,83'.14 Total .••••••.•.•••••••••••••. ~...... $790,502,756.93 •• MORANDUIIII Securities pledged to secure public deposits, includ. i~g deposits of $10,691,789.12 of the State of Michigan, and for other purpose"required by law. ,' _.__

WENDELL W. ANDERSON JR. ARTHUR J. FUSIDIAN y~ PrlS;J~, -tJ Gm.....1~ EMclllift Y'" ~.;,u., BIIJNI7TII6;';8 e-P"'7 MERVYN G. GASItIN OSCAR"L. BARD IT.IiJmt, Ttqlor 6' G.... I., CluJ;""'"" of tJJ~ &tmJ , M;~h;8_ Ttiol Comp-7 SHERWIN A. Hn.L - Hill, ~ .AUrftIIt, . H. GLENN BIXBY .. Gr_.~Qr .Ad.",. Per the girl , Pr~.;J."" &-Q~O ~ GEORGE M. HOLLEY J8.. - War. REEvE CLARK Prnit/.", collar makes ALL ACCOUNTS ARE INSURED up:ro $10,000 a,,;,..,_ ~ Ih~ &.rJ Hollq CMj"",tor Co"",c-~ Iong,long 13 Twtll/Wit~ PNJtl,,~I. CorPor.tiM Children's shoes fitted by CHAR.us A. KANnlR odordinw~ Folks save at Peoples Federal Savings to educate, children, p'urchjl5e a home, , expertS' • • • backed by 29 E. M.FORD DirKItw, Nt4iotu/ SInl Ctwpor..,. Ch";""tIII of th~1JoMyJ GEORGE W.1CENNJlDY Many more , many worthwhile purposes. Have a savings plan too. Start your 'account now. years of experienee. "'7illlaofU CD_lull erwp.,.."." a.mr.." of ,hi BotmI Funds received on or before the 10th of the month earn from th~'firsfoHhe month. WILLIAM CLAy FORD K,/sn.H.7., Cot1f/J""7 Yi~~P,.,.iJnll-tJ DirfdH HARIly].LoYND ) , CHESTER'S Pof'J ~otor CowrP""7 Prwltlat, P.. M, DHb 60 e..tt"", PEOPLES FEDERAL SAVI"GS. BOOT ,SHOP Ofpl!=IS ,.'N DITIOIT .DIAIIORN • HIGHLAND 'AU • 1l00MfllLD !' OIOISI POINTI WOODS Children', Shot! Specialisb \ MILVINDALE • NORTHVILLI • PlIASANT IUD.I • llO'OID • JOUTHPlILD • VAN DYK' yall GRISWOLD AT STATE 14729 HARPER AND OUTER DRIVE .15911 E. W~RREN M..w IWweI ..... ~ 0..... ,. at 'Bllckinham • PHONES: Main Office WO }-OJ 72 Branch LA 7-72JO' TUxedo 5.cJ863 1"0 Kred

J • ,"'" • •

7 tEE FE r sri $ on in f f ,

y, July 1",1957 Thursday, July II.. 1957 GROSSe POINTE NEWS ntes ! Page Seventeen Society News,Gathe~r~~-fromAll. .' oft'he Pointes Army Duty Bride-elect Will. Bear. . Down On-. Fast Drivers . States and Fort Riley ill Engaged Troth Told Betrothal T~.Id- r Goodwill Needs Your Discards 956. Shortly after his ar- Detroit traffic .safety authori- Deputy Sup~intenderit Fur- ~ere he was named COIn- ties this week dir~ted .their ef- long said that, while records Every summer the majority Outgrown clothing or repair- r of the 47th Surgical forts to the prevention of acci- show sPeeding to _be the cause of adults discover they have put able clothing is renovated by al. in one-third of fatalaties .where re coming on active duty .dents ca~sed by spe~ .driv-drivers are' at fault, some vet- on a little more weight here handicapped people at - Good- olonel attended 'Wayne ers. eran police officers believe the and there during the winter will and then placed on sale at ity in Detroit, Mich .• Deputy Super~tendent Miles percentage, is. m u c h .higher. months, -'Parents discover their moderate prices in seven re- .e University of Detroit Furlong, of "the Detroit ,Police Everyone agrees, he S8.ld!that children have far outgrown last tail stores. The clothes are com- he received his Doctor ot Department, dir.eetecl -,all of- 'speed increases. the seventy of year's summer clothes. Children pletely replUl'ed, cleaned and . e degree. ficers .to be alert for the speed- any accident. grow up. pressed and placed in nearly e at Fort Riley the ers. - He poin~ed' out that police A recent National Sat e t y All this tends to make "US a new condition. 1, his wife, Beatrice M4 recor~.t' show that .too m~ch .Council taken of. holiday eir two children, Barbara survey little sad, yet a little glad. One Goodwill points out that. me of the problems it brings is the contributor helps in three ways nrold J., made their home ~r:eISfa~~ C~:fd:;t;ne~~~~~ and vacation highway traffic Post. necessity that new clothes have without costing the persOn time drivers are .at fault. accidents supports this.. The to be purchased in spite of the or money. First, he receives a --The Traffic S8fe~ Associa- NSC sUrvey s~o:wed that speed fact that last year's attire is moral uplift in the knowledge ~~. tion prepa~ed 1,300 posters for was a .factor m 71 percent ~f in good condition or could be that he has helped his neigh- l placement in the Detroit area the aCCIdentsover a rece-"ltholi- in good condition with a little bor, one less fortunate than him- t this week, carrying:the caption, day. fixing. . self; second, over 450 handi- ~ at t HArre You •Dfiving Too Fast?" Th.e' Traffic Safety .A.ssocia- Goodwill Industries has a so- capped persons are kept work- In addition to the 1,300 used in tion pointed out that-the speed lution that will lift your spirits, ing at self-supporting jobs; I~~. Detroit and the Metropolitan limit in Detroit was 25 miles per help handicapped people, and third, those who would go with- It, Salon ~L,..... area, another 1,200 are being hour unless otherwise posted. help others who need larger out, if it weren't for Goodwill's I -Photo by Spellman Studio -Picture by Paul Gach Mr. and Mrs. William ,H: erected in outstate -communities The highway .limit is 65 during sizes in clothing, but find it moderate prices, can buy and 'Moross Road Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Muir- Mrs. George Black Hester of BOTSFORD of ROslyn road, The engagement of INGER and On state highways. the day and 55 at night. difficult to pay the top dollar.. nave a happy summer. ANNE WOLD, daughter of Mrs( ! • f . head of Roslyn road announce Balfour road, announces the announce i.e engagement of Brynhild Wold, of 16935 Village --- the engagement of their daugh- engagement of her daughter, their ~aught~r JANE to Bruce lane, and Mr. O. Wold, Peru, ter, THELMA ANN, to Alfred JANE CAROLYN, to Richard A. Corrie, SOn of Mr. and Mrs. ~nd., has been announced to G. Schmidt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hellmuth Strauss, son of Mr. George "W. Ccrrie,. West Hemp- Burton T. Sp~rrier, son of Dr. Ludwig Schmidt of St. Clair and Mrs. Hellmuth Strauss of stead, N.Y. The couple ~e and :Mrs. Ethelbert Spurrier, of Shores. .Du Mouchelle Art Galleries Co. Gr~enwich,. Conn. ~nd Ogu~- graduates of Denison. Univer.~ Kenwood c,ourt. The ~ouple plan a January qUIt, ME:. The brIde-elect IS sity where she is affiliated with The bride.-etect is a gradua,te 18 wedding. majoring in mathematics and Pi Beta Phi and he a member of Indiana University where she. biology at the Uniyersity of of, Kappa Sigma. A September was a member .0£ Kappa. Kappa IInnounces II Colorado wherE;' she IS a mem- wedding is planned. ' Hold Bene-Fit ~arden Party ber .of Kappa Alpha Theta Gamma sorority. Mr. Spurrier At Mrs. Sam Ortisi's Home sorority. Her fiance attends the is an alumnus' of Michigan. University of Colorado School Report of Stolen Car State College where he belong- A benefit garden party for of Engineering and is affiliated ed to Beta' Theta Pi fraternity. the Patna 'Mission of India, with Kappa Sigma fraternity. Slightly Exa~erated The couple 'plan' a late SUIn- ., sponsored by tl1e Eastern Junior mer wedding and will make Home Makers, was held in the A stolen car report was their home in Toledo, Ohio. home of Mrs. Sam Ortisi, 44 Party Given phoned into Farms police on Rosly-n road, yesterday, July 10. July 3. Further investigation Approximately 100 women at- For Soldiers revealed that the vehicle was O'ver 900.Taking tended. There was a buffet a toy peddle car which had been luncheon and prizes. General Russell A. and Col. left on the sidewalk in, front Summer Study lit The Rev. Fr. Robert G. Liska, . k M Al P t d' of the F. J. McDonald resIdence Fre d.e~lc . ger os an at 164 Moran road. - S. J., of the University .of De- Over 900 students are taking Amallary, VFW No: 9~5 of Mrs. McDonald reported that work at. Grosse Pointe High troit School, E. Jefferson and Grosse Pomte entertamed Sibout th 11 11 car belonged St, Antoine, was the guest School this summer, it was dis- fifty soldiers from the A Bat~ e sma ye ow closed by Walter R. ClerninSon, speaker, He talked about India, tery, 85th AA unit located at the to he7" son. She saw a colored 409 .E•. Jefferson Ave. principal. There are 631 en~ foot of Lenox in Detroit. lady In gr~en two-door, load and displayed silks, jewelry and !l rolled in the regular six weeks native costumes of that country. . . , the vehIcle mto her car and On July 3 dlnner was served drive away about 9 a.m. program, grades 7-12, in courses " at ~he Post rooms at 6:30, af~er. Wednesday, in English, MatheIn;atics, Social 'of the Fine Furnishings and bric-'abrac removed from the which a program of entertam- Studies, and Typing. DOLL REPAIR SHOP ment followed. ' The Post rooms Of these 631 students, 62 are are located at 17145 St. Paul John A. Bernard Takes also signed UIPfor Driver Train- Complete line of wigs, shoes, avenue. ing this summer. The total home of the late stockings and dresses. The following were present at Training at Fort Riley number of students enrolled for Repairmg Dolls Since 1895 the party-Capt. D. Galipeau, Driver 'l:raining is 334. In main, COMPLETE LINE OF Lt. Manross and his wife, Lt. FORT RILEY, Kan. (AHTNC) they are from parochial and Calderon, Commander Lawrence John A. Bernard, son of Wal- private schools. IN,EI CHAPIN NEw bOLLS AND W. Light of the post and his ter V. Bernard, 1363 Devon~ The Driver Training program , DOLL CARRIAGES wife, and the Auxiliary presi- shire, Grosse Pointe, Mich., i~ is ~ade up of three classroom KAMMERER dent, Mrs. Howard Wood and receiving six, weeks of ROTC sessions-June 17-J'uly 5, July 8- her husband. Also present was summer traning at Fort Riley, July 26, and July 29-August 16. Lakeshore Road also a fine Glass Collection and others. BABY CARRIAGE CO. the Community, Service Chair- Kan., with members of the Uni- There are four two-hour classes 3'705 GRATIOTWA at Fischer 1-2710 man, Mary Keller'and her C:;OID.- versity of -Notre Dame, cadet daily, the first. beginning at 8:00 mittee. program. a.m. and the last finishing at , Cadet Bernard, an accounting 5:30 p.m. In addition to the _ BEGINNING 'major at: the university, i5 thirty hours tJf class room. in- scheduled to complete the train-struction, each student receives ing August 3. eight and one-half hours of, be- July 15th through July- 20th 10 A M. to 6 P. M. He' was graduated from the hind-the-wheel instruction. 'University of Detroit Hi g h Eighte~n teachers are as- TU~edo 2-0300 School in 1954. signed to the regular six w~eks In academic, session. In the' Driver HOUSEHOLD HINT Training program' there are comfort ••• Spring and summer rains three inst1'1.lctors. All twenty------I . I . one teachers are regular staff create a prob em In c eanmg members of the Gros~ Pointe Famous Bass when mud splashes and stains Public School System. clothing. Here are suggestions Donald R. Campbell, assistant WEEJUNS' from the textile specialists of th U S D tent f Agri- principal of Grosse Pointe High I BANK e .. epar ~ 0 School, announces that he may Tasseled mocossin In antique cul~ure On remo:rmg the mud~. have a few openings for Driver brown or antique block. stams ~om clothing. Brush off Training due to enrollment can- . ~SNA1'10~ 11.91 a~l loose dry mud. firs.t. The.n cellations for the third room rmse th: m~d-stamed, fabrIC session, July 29-Aug'ust 16, !~ several tImes m _cold water to Regulatoln mocossin In an- take out all particles of soil 'i~~ tique red, brQWJ'Ior block. lodged in the yarns. Don't • • 0' DETROIT • • 10.91 plunge mud-stained fabrics in'l;O hot soapsuds ,because some red and yellow clays make a stain walton-pierce~ like ironrust that rpay be set $370,567,619.40 by hot soapsuds. When no more 39,897,695.21 mud can be rinsed out in cool 17,419,442.39 water,.. wash in warm spapsuds, using several washin.gs if neces~ 12,205,961.10 sary. Ship.n. 'Shore8 J40,698,369.'3 S,448,603.36 button;;..,button 272,106.52 3,992,959.36 we've got "the $790,502,7S6.93 button-down oxford! $470,623,405.61 264,231,131.11 734,854,536.73 12,175,385.06 SALE of A fine collection of Oriental rugs, furniture, silverware, 43,472,83'.14 $790,502,756.95 paintings. Many many items to select from.

LIBRARY OF BOOKS to be sold Thursday evening July 18th at 8 p. m. M A. MAoYBB1l&Y Get two for Pr.sidmt IS W. PAlUCDl Dirukw the price of one! "OitEJj_~ PLAINPRI'CES GUY Ropp f r V;u Pr.sidnl# Por the girl who"s always perfectly poised! ~tton-down iON SEYBURN collar makes her feel very collegiate IConter-Dack pleat. and 'III. w._ al4l., ~S. STR1CiO.AND long, long tails keep her beautifully CCputtogether'".Zephyr sidntt",", DmCIDr 'MJ.&-.nr B,.,.m8S, ,... oxford in white and light tones - delightfully suds-manneredt LARRY F. Du MOUCHELLE LLIA)( SUCHER Pr.sidmt Many more e%Citing netD Ship"A Shor88 for girir. '>'lrDkMm CtwIIor.,. , F. TURNBULL \, RT J. WOODALL Apprllisers IIn" Liquit/lltDrs of Estlltes "'oc.J.Jll1NilUtrin, -.

GROSSE POINTE WOODS AUCTIONEER and APPRAISER JTHPlIlD • VAN DYE. yall•• a.."ME. 20445 MACK Opp. Howard Johnson's tr .. 1... ------WOodward 3-6256 I 110 Krechevel TUxedo 1-7227 I

~,I •

"tdQ'trtnS.CZ'httb"'.'" 'tt.trtg'j', ..!:t' ..... 'itMt ..... 0IIIl.-..L...Jtttl,g:,. L ..... b 'n...60ws'_....f'd"Mii'*i=ic__ n.•• " .. e __ ...... " H&o-.'h_ •. C '" me Q't.1$ ... ;••••••• O'ort1rttnnmdC l' _ 0$%1.#".0,31 0'. t nt • me ..... GROSSE POINTE NEWS 1'ttursday, July II,. t 957 ' ,Thursday, Ju Page Eighteen CLAS 13-REAL ESTAT FOR SALE

LOVELY BRI ALTER ROAD, , Thr.e Trunk Line, to Serve You Quickly 'EADLINE" P.M. TUESDAY JEFFER YOUR AD CAN 8E CHARGED Three Trunk Lines toSerye You 9uic:ldy" Owner moving 0 . , Nice.5-room asi 4-HELP' WAHTEP 2-car garage and CLASSIFIED RATES MAL! and FEMALE . joining; zoned fo rm., din. rm. an Chorge,Ads-IS words for $1.00 EXPERIENCED fitter and gen- eral alterations. Please apply . r.ms.; fully carpe Cash Ads-15 words for 90c in person at 3 Kercheval. .sider land co 5c eoch additional word weekdays after time Sat. and Call 1-2528. TUXEDO 2-6900 GROSSE P J Trunk Lines Kenwood Court; large and well LINER STATIONS bedroom Colon 1949. Lot 212 f CUNNINGHAM DRUGS ANN BEDFORD 16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame • TU 5-6063 TU 5-9698 JOHN S. GO, HARKNESS PHARMACY 20313 Mack Ave. at Lochmoor BIRMINGHAM, If 'I'U 4-3100 By owner, Con 5 rooms down, ~ KINSELS 17051 Kercheval at 8t. Clair fireplace, full . TU 5-4827 Carpeting. awn softener & disp< basemen t, 2lh Lots of ext r ,(-2529. GROSSE POINT Willison; 21, acros Yacht Club. Nl beclroom, 2% bat peting and drapE out. Paneled 0 dining room, br effident kitchel washer and buH floor laundry rl basement rec. .1 places, loads of walk to Shores sider :smaller mo trade. $53,000,< TUxedo 1

. FIRST OFF On new street, J Lake St Clair, Cape Cod with, baths, 20x20 F and a Show cJ around brick pa St, Paul's, Chri! Memorial. BRUCI TAPP, ltealtor


CLOVERLY, Col rooms, 2 baths, livmg room and cia room, large room, 2 car gar .irable features

I. RENAUD, eus "level, 4: bedro, library with f: plete w/carpeti air conditioned.

SWEEl & GROSSE POINTE FARMS MOO: INC 379 Moross Rd. A charming 2 bedroom-ranch with loads ,,; 1-6800 20 of built-ins,' screened ter- , race, knotty pine rec. room, 2 car garage, 60 ft. lot. 279 Me Oniy $24,600, LEON P. SANKAR Roc TUxedo 2-5444 Perfect conditi 357 LODGE DRIVE, beautiful . bedroom Colo home near river. 4 bedrooms, kitchen, knotty plus third floor apt. Large fenced yard with fountain. fast room, NE $27,500, Terms, owner. VA nace, jalousie I 2-9191. ed recreation diate occupanc TWINKLING LIGHTS SONABLE pric The fascination of twinkling lights on a switchboard, the fun of setting up calls to faraway Open places, the glOW of satisfaction from helping people in emer- Sun( gencies . • . all these add zest OWNER WANT: and excitement to the of a life or sell this telephone operator. Georgian Ci Starting salary for beginners is MIDDLESEJ $51.50 a week and you'll earn or 3 bdrn \ sp.acious full pay while you learn. For .xtras. 4: /)( more details, just visit or call pwdr. rm" one of these neighborhood em- standing gal ployment officeS any week day, TU 4-0600, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. JOHNSl 17045 Mack at Cadieux, WA JOHN5 5-9900, ext. 187. 13635 Greiner, near Gratiot, DR KARL D, 1-9951- REAL'] 22915 Gratiot, near 9 Mile, PR ru. 5-~ 5-9966. 8.\ Kerche\ Member G. P. 1 MICHIGAN BELL For Quick TELEPHONE CO. Guaranteed Repair Work anne parker op Pointe, Sunda • Television - Radia TELLER vard. see this • Sound Equipment Cape Cod; 5 1: Permanent position for young insulated attic woman at 17150 Kercheval EAST END legal income, ' between Neff and St. Clair. basement, new Must be of good character, RADIO AND TV feet of cheJ acc1zate with figures, and Sales & Service Park . Cab COe; $22,500 . , • aI able to meet the public pleas- 13940 Kercheval near EastJawr E. J effetson; i ano,;ly.Excellent working con- VA.. 4-9823 . ment eorner ' dittons. :S-aay week. See Mr. VA '2.2411 and access. 7 ~ Harold G. Phelys, Manager. 1st, huge attic it' "sits" prOl FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS terms ... 2 POlITE GUSTOM TAILORS simple know. Th. poor haye house a big littl.; beggars Men'. ud' Ladies' Suits Tanored to Order. A1tei~ rooms, llh ba non.; the rich too ations, reUninc. Double breasted suits restyled 'VA 2.3040 24804 Marine SAVE AT COLONIAL FED~RAL SAVINGS, ~ .. to single breutetl. much; enough ••• KellY, a spar n~t one. "lItrt Yoaf Dollars Earn More" / 'liiiilii 3-bedroom br 20247 Mack at Huft. Clvb • Groll. Point. Woocf.. 14931 EAST JEFFERSON, al OiIJ Limits Sunday, 2-6 WIKIRT liTI ONSA.VINGS .... 4-5200 OPEN MOM.. THUU- 9;30:, 4:30 - IlIDJ.Y 9:30 •• :00 Fred M. Schuman Established 1925 Open Eves un 6:30 with only $3 1-0448, 2-.(66().

r ~, I ,, 1"

t-: ••,. Pis .\ , . ,

y, Jury II, 1951_ Thursday, July II, 1957 G RO SS E. PO" N TE NEW S ' Page Nineteen 16-PETS FOR SALE 2,lE~~ST.OM CORSETS, . 211--PAINTING~ND - 121 R~CEt.tENT WORK 21U~LUMBING '._ III11I111111I1111I1I11UlJ1JIIliiOllllllllllfllUllllllllllllllllllllllllrmmmmlJ1lJ , CLASSIFIEDS (cant.) COCKER: SP ~NIEL pu~pies"". ~PEN~.t:R ~ORSET~. ,'. DlC~RAl1,NG .,.'. ,_ . LICENSED. VALENTINE SERVICE . champIOn stock, ,3 months IndivIdually, deSIgned, llght~ PAINTING, papenng, pape_r re-CEMENT CONTR~CTOR ' 12017 Camden C' h'urc'h News U-REAL EST~TE 13-REAL ESTATE . old. TU. 5-5886, after5:36'p.m~weight fouildations and sUr- moved . Wall washing., 'Neat. " FOR SALE FOR SALE - . ' " .' gical garments. over 2~ years '. reliable. 'w 01" k guaranteed.W A L KS, :DRIVES, FLOORS, LA 1-3464 WA 2-4940' III1UlIlIlIIlIlIlIIIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIlIIIlIIlllllIIlIlIlllIUlIlIlIIlIUlIIlIIlIIlIlIlIlIlIIO KERRY :aLUE puppies; regiS-'. ~xperienc~, .M~.udeBanIlert, Mertens, 122.Muir: TU. 2-01)83. PATIOS, BRICK & BLOCK Ten year guaranteed automatic 1956 SEVERN..;.... 2 - year - old, ter:ed litter, fema~~, 5 months ,':368 McKin1ey;--Grosse Pointe. ' - .. -' ,...... , WORK; 'PORCHE~; REPAIRS. water heaters, glass lined, $95; GRACE EVANGELICAL LOVELY BRICK DUPLEX Colonial, 3bedlooms, paneled. old. FromchamplOn'stock;ex::, TU. 5-4027 or TO.' 6-6235. :M. JAGER, . :a,EASONABLE RATES. alumimlln.$145; galvanized, Lakepointe at Kercheval ALTER ROAD, SOUTH OF $95. AbovepI:ices include instal- R.obert P. Beck, Pastor. den, slate entry, terrace, ex- cellent for pets oI;.show. TU 21~ 'ROOF SERV.ICE I PRo 8-6\48' HE 4 P.M. TUESDAY JEFFERSON 2 6880 - Complete Pal.'nting and , lation. Basement toilet, $140. Sunday, - 9:45 ~,m.-Church cellent condition. Owner •. A-I CE'll....,.....TT. and brick work 0 ' . N. . Decorating . J.VJ..I:IJ.'4 Warm M r n i n g incinerator, School and Morning Worship. Iros FOR SALE owner moving. out of Detroit. leaving state. $31,500. TU ENGLIS~ POINTER puppies. , CA U LKI G ' ,Residential and Commercial of all kiniis. Chimney repairs. $125, Gas heat. All plumbing re- Monday through Friday. 9:30- Nice.S-room aside, Ph baths, 4-2796 Registered} hunting and field Caulking'donebY,anoid experi~ " Free 'Estimates All ,estimates free; VA. 2-4618, pairs. City violations corrected. 11:30 a.m. Vacation Bible Sehool HUNDERBIRD Fordo- 2.car garage and extra lot ad- NEW CAS T L E, 3 - bedroom trial stock, LO 3-1910. erlced man..' Caulk now. Save; • VA. 2-8971., Free estimates and terms. at Grace.

. Full power, hard and joining; zoned for duplex. Liv. • # Friday, 6:330 p.m.-VacatiOD ranch, 2-car gcwage, carpet- SIAMESE Privat~. V]4 9-2220. , ~- > WAlnut 1-5125 ' GENERAL REPAI~S on brick, rtible tops. Low mileage, rm., din. nn. and 2 large bed. . VALENTINE SERVICE Church School Program fol- ing and draperies, 3 'years old, and Burmese kit ten s from GRIFFORDS ROOFING and . , porches, stOlle steps, chim- and white. $2,900, 674 rms.; fully carpeted. Will con- 12017 Camden lowed by Open House for par- beautiful landscaping. - champion blood lines for sale. Gutter Works., Roofs repaired A- "Painting and ,Decorat- . neys, cement work of all Renaud. sider land contract. Call 1 Residence LA 1-3464' WA 2-4.940 ents and friends, with refresh- weekdays after 6 p.m., any- DE COSTER Stud service. LIncoln 1-6498. andrecove-r"e,d, gutters \ lng, wall washing. ,patch kinds. WA2-3287. Ten year guar-anteed automatic ments. pUR neighbor select, a time Sat. and Sun'. VAlley TUxedo 4-6460. ' .. cleaned/. repaired, and, re- pi f" lawn furn-iture . , water heaters, glass lined, $115 _ leconditioned Cadillac fOt" 1-2528. " ,20-PIANOSERVICE painted. TU 2-2134. . \ as erlng,.... >.. A-I BRICK and block work. installed; alu;ninum, $165; gal- ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL ~t the Cadillac Factory BRING YOUR , sprayed."- A-I ref~rences. ~or,~hes, chimn~ys,. ~arages, vanized, $95. Above prices in-- 20475 Sunningdale Park , COMPLETE pia nos e r v ice. ~; for f~rther informa~ REAL ESTATE Tuning, repairing, refinishi~lg R 0 O,F S - Hot tarred and re-Colored:James L,. Craw- flreplac:s. ReSIdentIal and elude installation; Basement (Ne-dr Mack and Vernier) • ~11Frank Bromley. Days. GROSSE POINTE PROBLEMS TO and moth proofing. Place your _-,coated. Prtvate. VE 9-2220: ford. VAlley 1:'3385. commenal. TUxedo 5-5857. toilet, $150. Warm Morning in- The Reverend Edgar H. Yeo. 5-S180; evenings. TU. Kenwood Court; an .. unusually cinel'ator, $140. Gas heat $260 man Rector DISTIN SHORT order e a I' 1y. R.' Zech, RE - G. UTTER'S 21S-CARPENTER WORK ~. S13Vernier Road. large and well maintained 3- & ',9-3232. '. . FOR "THEFINEST general .' complete. An plumbing repairs. William n. Hurst, A.A.G.O., bedroom Colonial, built in 14900 HARPER AVE. Gutters' cleaned, repail'edand painting'and. decorating at MAINTENANCE 'work of all City violations corrected. Elec- Organist ~TOS WTD. TO BUY 1949. Lot 212 ft. in depth. VE 9-9600 21A-GENERAL ,SERVICES painted inside and out. Gutters reasonable. cost see :Charles. kinds, Porches, kitchens, etc. tric sewer cleaning. New an,d Sunday, July 14: 8 a.m" Holy ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN unplugged, Private: VE 9-2220. A. Schrader. V4lley, 4-038~. 30 years' experience. TUxedo used plumbing material. Free Eucharist. • TU 5-6063 LO 7-4706 WE BUY, SELL ?R !R:-ADE. FIREPLACE equlpment, brass WE NEED Member" Grosse. P~)1nte and irons. tools/repolishel;l 4-0917, estimates and terms. 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer and JOHN S. GOODMAN ROOF REPAIRING. 54 and 1955 Automobiles Brokers AssoclatlOn and lacquered, screens ' re:.. Sermon. Church School Sum- Ex'pert on leaky.raofs and re- LEO'TEETAERT, JR "- You naI)le -it, we" build it. 21V-SILVER PLATING Pick-Ups or Trucks mer Session (Toddlers through BIRMINGHAM:, 1851 Mansfield. FOR sale or rent in Rochester, paired. Smith-Mat1hews, 6640 pairing, private. VE 9-2220. Interior and' Exterior' Custom made cabinets and \ Sn.,vER & GOLD PLATING Years We Have Been By owner. Corner lat, brick, Mich., in Oak Bluff; beauti- Charlevoix .. WAx 2-:7155....,. , - De~oratitig Grade VIII). For-mica,>tops Oxidizing and Repairing g Up to $100 More 5 rooms down, 2 up. Natural ftil, new 3-bedroom home, 1% GUTTERS cl~ned, repaired or Free Estimates replaced, rnetal deCk, roofs re- NU-BEAUTY CABINET SHOP Brass Polishing and Lacquering ST. JAMES LUTHERAN ~rper, Berkshjre-Balfour fireplace; full dining room. baths, full basement, lovely VENETIAN BLINDS, " VALLE'Y 3-1570_ ',paired, flat or, shingled, pri- r. J~welry . Repairing, Engraving McMillan at Kercheval :=. H. COOK Carpeting, awnings, water- yard, 2-car garage. Must have' WINDOW SHADES Call TWinbrook 1-2747 softener & disposal. Finished references. TU. 2-5658. vate party. Free estimates. . R E P AI R SCREENS, £ences, LEEBERT Rev. George E. Xurz TUxedo 2-9145 PORCH SHADES Call from 7 a.m. untii10 a.m. ALL, PAINTING;. paper' hang- _,porches, steps, doors, win':' Sunday: Sunday school, 9:30 basement, 23/2 car ~arage. SILVERSMITHS Open Till 9:00 ALUMINUM STORM or 'anytime ,after 3 p.m. Ask ing guaranteed. New samp'les. dows, cab in e t s, bookcases'; a.m. Service during the sum- Lots of ext r a s. MIdwest 14508 CHARLEVOIX CALL at your home to 4-2529. GROSSE POfNTE WINDOWS AND DOORS for NelSon. PR 6-7159." . 21 years on' Detroit's eaSt good wor~. prompt- se'rvice. mer, 9:30. a.m, Nursery for ALUMINUM AND FIBER \ side. For low free estimate S. ,E. Barber, 20380' Holly- NR, CHALMERS small children. Uly model used car, any VA 2-7318 , for cash and pay you GROSSE POINTE SHORES LAKESHORE LANE, Large GLASS AWNINGS 21H":-RUG 'CLEANING ca11 ED. 1-1471. wood, TU -4~0(}51. ' Willison; 21; across from G. P. GLaSS BATH-TUB > COMPLETE landscaping serv- money. Tom Roney. custom ranch with view of CARPET .LA,Y IN,G, ,sewing Hughe.s Brot.'hers.',' /GEN)iAL BUILDING )1 X-GARAGE ice, lawn cutting" cultivation, Motors, lJ\. 6-6611-15. Yacht Club. Nearly new 3- Lake. 4 bedrms., 21h baths, ENCLOSURES and' rep,airing; also ,cleaning in A-li ' MODERNIZATION v 1 edging and clean-up work. bedroom, 2 hbath ranch. Car- Large circular e n c I 0 sed Complete Repair Service . your oWD,home or our shop._ Painting and Decor'ating", erati,ons,attic l"ooms garages. . GARAGES rat-proofed, leveled Julius La Quiere. PR 8-2709 . .OATS AND MOTORS petingand dooperies through- porch. Library. Exquisite Cleaning, .Repairing Work guaranteed. Reas~mablelnter!or_Exterior Wall Washing' DR I-I 195 and straight-ened. C em en t Free estimates. $1.85 an hour. out. Paneled oak, den, full details. Vacant SOOD. Inspect Recondi Honing rates. TYl~r 5~0137, any time; F,ree Estimates, EARL DECK ALE: 14 ft. aluminum • t work, floors, walks, porches, dining room, breakfast nook, KRANTZ BROTHERS land- d over outboard boat this fine offering TbD~ Y. RADKE c:arp~t cleaners, carpet; ~xpert 'Paper. Hanging. LICENSED Bl1ILDER side-drives. F.H.A. term s. effident kitchen with dish ESQUIRE'SHADE CO. scaping, grass cutting, lea!. mounted steering wheel. rugs, furn'iture, expertly TU :1-1165 VA 1-1835 VAlley 2-2706. washer and built-in stove; 1st 172 HILLCREST. Off Ker- 15133 Gratiot raking, gutter ele~ning and s and remote gas tank. Open Friday Until 9 P.M. cleaned in your home with 5293 Yorkshire RECREATION and attic rooms, floor laundry room, fin~hed cheval in the Farms. Now COMPLETE painting. Reasonaole and de- n by 'appointment only. LA 1-1515 LA 1-1516 the latest m e~ hod s. Moth <:: Elmer T. Labadie. TU,2-2064., basement rec. ,room, 2 TIre- open for your inspection. MODERNIZA'rrON SERVICE pendable. Free estimates. TUxedo 2-!H29. proofed, repairing, binding. Finer , REPAIRS and im'provemen~s: places, loads of extras, short Delightfully different infor-, DRYERS VENTED, $15,00.. 3-in. For" Specializing in' recreation Phone VA. 4-2827, or VA. walk to Shores beach. con- PION sail yacht "Wind mal colonial -residence, Mas- standard installation. Call' LA . Free est i m a t.e s. Call DR Interior and Exterior' , All ty.pesof c&.rpenter ~ork. rooms, porches, kitchen, addi- 4-8579. sider smaller mOdern house in This 26-foot yacht is for ter bedrm., dressing rm. and 7-0533, TU. 1-411)2. 1-3133. P" d D . Also aluminum combination tions, remodeling. and repairs. trade. $53,000, owner. . al.~'hn9 an ecoratmg doors, windows and awnings. H~RBOLD LANDSCAPING ilor who wants the best bath. Aetivities nfl" de luxe Over 25 y'ears' expeI;'ience. ing and limited cruising TUxedo 1-0849. kitchen on 1st floor; 2 ,bed- CARPET LAYING BEST CARPET 'CLEANERS CHRIS 'C. CHARRON' J. Barker, EDgewater 1:'1865. FHA terms . This beautiful Merion Blue sod ies, Extensive inventory rms. and bath on 2nd. At- NEW AND OLD . 1 CLEANING DYING';.i . CO. CARPENTER _ finisher, builds Frank J, St.Amour TU -2-8324 Stair,Carpet Shifted won't last. Order t 0 day for must be seen to be ap- FIRST OFFERING tached garage. Beautifully REPAIRING DR 1-2686 PR 8-477~ porches, garages, does all ted, Completely refurb- Repairs of. All Type 21Z-LANDSCAPING future free delivery on 100 yds. On new street, a step to situated on, wooded lot in PROMPT HOME SERVICE Satisfaction Our Guarantee tyPe of carpentering. Esti- and ready for the water. •Leo Trudel or more. Lake St Clair, 2 yr. old one of our finest new sub- FREE ESTIMATES Established in 1925, mates free, prices right ,TUx- g record is unparalleled TU. 5-0703 HEATH TREE SERVICE • Sodding, Top Soil, Sand Cape coo. with 4 bedrms., 3 divisions. OPEN for inspec. 'INSURED Full Insurance Coverage For edo 5-5892. al competition and has Complete landscaping and baths, 20x20 Florida Rm. tion Sunday. Several wood- TU 2-6556 Your Protection INC. a consistent winner dur- maintenance and a Show ~.Garden bIt. ed sites left for the home of VENETIAN BLINDS Personalized Tree Service er 7 year lifetime. Five CARPETS, .rugs, furniture ex- REMODELING around brick patio. Walk to your choice. WINDOW SHADES 21J-WALL WASHING Richmond Michigan Privateer Class cham~ pertly' cleaned in your home; Repairs, basement leaks to PRescott 6-5852 . St. P-aul's, Christ C'hurc:h or Cleaning - Reconditioning Bonded and Insured and only two time con- prompt . cOl:ll'teo'us' service. Memorial. PORCH SHADES WAU~ 'vVASHING chimney tops. Remodeling, re- RA 7-3665 PR 5-1708 ve overall winner of the Free estimates. Kief 'Carpet CHAMPION Drapery Hardwaro AND PA.lNTING newed' kitchens, porches, etc. TYRRELL TREE, SERVICE llS Bayview North Chan- Cleaners/, TUxed9 1-0369. GARDENING, landscaping, sod~ Free Estimates INTERIOR M"TI' EXTERIOlt Also design and build new ace. Terms can be ar- TU '4-5700 ' .;vill ding and complete lawn main. BRUCE N. 21I-PAINTING AND Our work guaranteed to your h~mes. Have 7 lots on Doremus, 'DUTCH ELM REMOVAL d to enable the yachts- satisfaction. For free estimate taInimce. Walter Anno, VAlley DECORATING St. Clair Shores. Can furnish to own a winner pain- CITY SASH & Call, , 4-2075. TUxedo 4-0970 . Shown by appointment ", any size lot. Free estimat,es. TAPPAN GROSSE POINTE I SOD DI N G, landscaping, tree Call Fred Runnells, TU Realtor TU 4-6200 PYRAMID , VEni2e 9-7169 Kleiner's Lawn Service LAKESHORE ROAD SCREEN CO. C. A. Patterson, Builder trimmingd lawn cutting and 4 after 6 p.m. PAINTING COMPANY Lawn cutting for summer IN THE FARMS 14000 EAST SEVEN MILE RD. Wall washing, 27 years exper- TUxedo 2-3252 maintenance. WAlnut 5-9323. RESIDENTIAL Free Estimates T LONE STAR with 33 LA 7-3700. ience. Elmer T. Labadie, TUx- . . By Appt. For discriminating buyer, - COMMERCIAL Evinrude mot 0 r. Sell WE GIVE. edo 2-2064. CARPENTER repairs, doors, Merion Blue Gr~ss sodding, TUxedo 2-2865 3 yr. old WilIiaffiSlbur.g Col- GOLD BELL GIFT STAMPS FREE ESTIMATES r. iully equipped includ- • locks, sash cords, eabinet CLOVERLY, Colonial, 4 bed- onial ~offers the finest 01 Open Friday~ 'til 9 p.m. tree trimming and spraying. TRUCKING, TOP SOIL AND ailer. 1956 model. $1,250, - ,TUxedo 1~3029 , WALL WASHING work. ED F4576. rooms, 2 baths, fireplaces ,in everytbing. Exquisite detail FURNlTUREAND C~RPET FILL DIRT TU 1-0717 for appoint- '21a..:.-WATCH REPAIRING LAkeview 6-0668' Complete tree, lawn and garden' living rOom and liorary. Flori- throughout, 5 B.R., 3 baths CLEANIN'G - JIMSUTTON service and maintenance. VAlley 4-5646 DRexel 1-0721 da room, large kitchen, rec. plus maid's room and bath. Call OWENS for all your'decor- I -PAINTING- EXPERT WATCH and clock re- , 1677 BRYS. room, 2 car garage, many de- Lar:ge paneled activities rm. ating needs. Expert work- INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR GRIFFORDS T R E E Service. ~AL ESTATE pairing. Prompt service. Rea- Carpenter Work, Repairing and CAL FLEMING .irable features. with raised 'hearth and cork manship .and. custom colors. Free Estimates'- - Trees topped, trimmed and PR SALE son a b 1e price~. Bradley Remodeling,' Attics, Porches, General Landscaping Service f I 0 or. Superbly equip~ed removed. Reaspnable. TUx- Jewel

," I .. -._~~...--- ..... '~.' - - - 1

/ Page Twenty Thursday, July II~1957 .... , , AD * * * * Fe a tUf-e Page * Of Eve Pointer of Ihte~e~.t Good Taste., Favorite Recipes . of' / ' , VOLUME Peopiein'The Know flJ~nte ( LIME PIE by , Counter Points Mrs • .John Philip Worcester 1 can. Eagle :,Brand con- BY PAT ROUSSEAU BY PAT TALBOT densed milk Cooler than a, cucUmber . . . lighter than air' are the An old fashioned insane aslyum, straight from the 3 beaten' egg yolks handsome,.white batiste madras shirts -at Proper's. Tissue-, lh cup lim~ juice . , pages of Dickens with iron barred windows and chains, 1 drop 'green colormg weight Oxford cloth, also shares honors in a man s sum .. a real snake pit, was once neighbor to the Pointe's first Beat egg yolks welL Add' mer wardrobe. Sheer, ... but not transparent ... perfectly Country Club. milk. Beat.: Then add lime poised and contrived fer maxi:rllUID comfort. ChoI< *'* • ,by Patricia Talbot " -Picture by Fred Runnells different handling stages from shchev, Red P Most prominent case to focus the public's attention Stumbled on what could .be the beauty scoop of the Nikolai Bulgani on the Lakeland Hospital was the death of William Zill. A well rounded education is what 'every mother wants prepa~i~g. the :food,.through to for her daughter and this' nineteen year' old miss h~ just Eastern Michigan Collegs where delivery and rangmg. fro m year. Promised not to release it yet. It's a NEW tech- state visit, Bu man. He hung himself in the cellar of the building. Dr. Bell Khrushchev to g that. Not only has she had an exten,siv.e academic caree~. she is 'a Tri Sigma, snacks tQ complete. dipne~. nique, now in use at l'4arie Bird's Salon ... on the Hilt It said on the death certificate he died of melancholia~ which ld Back from' a short jaunt to Growth: of ,the,- restau.rant's to honor the Rt was difficult for the county physician to accept, but she has followed her' stuclious bent around the wor' . 'New York' she' is anticipating takt:-ut food service through the would really take an entire column to' tell the complete the man who' The Journal quotes this 'report from a woman who Penny is the youngest of 'fi~e' ~< a trip to Quebec with her' years is pointed up by the maga~ story. 'Very specialized and individual, it's a short cut to destroyed the ar kept a bake shop and cigar store within a few .feet of the daughters and' when she was few months the troUlble' dver mother, to soak up some French' zine. ,R. ,also treats';,with the in- new beauty for naturally curly hair. Call Marie Bird ••• in Russia. Bul hospital ' graduated from Grosse Pbinte Cyprus came to a head and feel- Canadian : culture, for Mrs. novations the Richard Lehmans, premier is very High School three years ago ing was, intense. She was ~not Londes, in ,this internationally- the oWners of th~r eestaurant, TUxedo 1-6833 for an appointment. This may be just right "I saw the Saxe boy when he ran away. Mr..Fisher, '" . she hadn't decided what ber .allowed: out,' of the 'school' as mind~dfainily, is, a Montreal have put into' practice in devel- for 'you. agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Co., of petroit, ~as THE AIR FO: life's work would be. Her f8,- t~ere were r,lots ~nd demonstr~- gir}.. , Penny may return' to oping the service here' in Grosse that its B-58 lit in my store when the boX came down the road. He trIed ther, Nick Londes, the sports tlOns by umverslty:students 'In, At.hens in August: with her Pointe where many' garden, and '" * :fast enough to 1 to get Mr. Fisher to let him ride to the city in his buggy. czar decided that travel was the the streets. Anyone as pro- father for a flying visit. patio' events as well as dinners Special refreshl1re1tt • • • specially priced! Blue Grass ••• friction with thE Then he ran over to Mrs. Hunter's summer 'house, and ticket for Penny. After a short British as ~enny'" fel~'.out ,of She is hestitating about mak- and teaS call for the serving of cologne and talcum ••• togethet' " doubly successful wat'11J is said to be a hid beneath the steps, frightening Mrs. Hunter. Dr. Mogk stint selling at the Clothesline; sYl!!'pathyWlth the politlcal Slt- 'ing the .trip and a~its that if food. ! she flew' off to visit her bro- uatlOn and s~e soon flew off to Lonaon were the landin,g' spot _ weather t:-eat , , . no~ priced to save you up to a dollar tweit:tj speed of 1,290 n came running after him and caught him.", is genrally aCCl ther-in-law and sister, Dr. and England agam. she'd oe off in a minute. POOR POLICY Of this poor patient another young man in the hos- An five ••• at Trail Pharmacy. tha,t the bombe: Mrs. James Marshall, who were There 'were tours of. the eXperienced traveller by this No man has ever, been able pital said: "Glenard Saxe? Why yes, he used to be punched plane, which m living in England, ' Aegean islands, Turkey, Italy time she knows how to pack to' prove the' excellence of his all over. Someone used to pull his hair, and I frequ.ently * '" * able of doing' First Stop Cam~ridge and the European capitals. with all those nylons for flyin,g lug- talents by shootiilg his critics. , On the ball with black! ',[he little black dress is BIG in the heard him cry when he was punished.'~ hour, : . Dr. Marshall was on duty as her parents and'~then, back to gage requirements, but insists '" ',' ., fashion picture this year be {i; crepe or cotton ... flowin~ skirted Such odium attached to the Bell hospital it was finally 1" Frank W. D an Air Force medico in Cam- Athens 'and more school. She this takes s~e doing when it's or a sheath. Favored both day and evening ••• black is a ~ong sold to a road house proprietor and then was torn down bridge and Penny took to Uni- ~pent~uite a .time at the.LO'U.;,re120 degrees in At~eI1s in, the gineer of Convai 'See Gray color for those wonderful, wearable, fifth season dresses that Tex.; which mac when the era of the gaudy pleasure palaces' passed. versity life like a Phi Beta Kap- m P~ns,. ~ut she says .ne~:un-. summer and 40 degrees in mer;:y seem to span time and place. These long awaited ••• smart, p~. She arrived in March '?Jld preSSlOnIS mostly of her sever,e old England. the oomber w~ attended summer classes.at this :p.eada~h.e because, you, c~ t After Penny completes her and Play! transition dresses or dresses and jackets are now in • • • at i " do its ,top-notqI traqitional seat of Britis~ learn.. cram s~ mo~ths of vlewmg studies as an, art majo!""she Ma.rgaret Rice. . it could not star. who, where and whatnot . air friction. ' ing. .Penny. fell in love with, masterpleces m ,a few afte:t:- would.-like"to"work.at.,comme~--,t- ~.A' '. * * '" ~ by wh~ozit England and admits she would n'Oons,and she .tned. I cial art,-,butt'if'her" fatlier' sug-' ,: . 1;.i:AVI,NG, on" H~waiian hilarity' ... a fish ... capriciously cast as leave for het dreax:n.country pastry and F~twear _ Igests a 'few months of graduate .~:":-'-l ..-~"''MLLlAM F. a catch-all! Woven of light straw, very realistically cop- tomorrow, and live 'there con- ,'In Athez:s she enJoyed meet- work at a university abroad, VACATION' , sistanlt U. S. a When Hans Becherer, who is making the Grand Tour tently. mg ~he glrls from the Greek you can bet this young lady • ied from nature, except for one detail •.• a bamboo will :fly ..to Fr:3 of the Continent, arrived in Paris for the christening of his She jourI1leyed throughout ,provmces. Sh~ learned-a, ,great would pack ,up immediateh' to' ------handle. More island fun, baskets with. oriental figures and personal appea: new nephew, Thomas Chartier, he brought a traditional the island and attended the deal about G~eece !rOtn the.tn. continue her campus 'round the G<>vernmentfor dramatic meta! fastenings .•• priced about fifteen dollars gift for such French ceremonies all the way from the music festival, in Edinburgh Every otper store m the Clty w.orld career, Stock up on of George and • Pointe. that summer. Late in August seemed to be a pastry shop,or ~ at The Lea.gue Shop. who are acc~ Comtesse de Rostang had given Hans an antique box her mother came' over and es- shoemakers. She. gained- 15 Adler * * * for Russi a. of the First Empire period. The star shaped, glass studded carted her to France,lllostly pou:llds on the delectaJbles and Park's ,Tennis charging the tw Every woman loves 1/;, sale. Yesterday, I d!scovered S01'J14 through art mus~ums, as. this bought pointed sho~s,two years or band,and wife, ' container holds pastel colored candy coated almonds, tradi- is the young lady's chief inte- ahead of ~e styles here. very special pm'chases on seasonal wear ••• wtth as much as, tional confection at French christenings. Tourney: Delayed Wigwam Sox Federal grand rest' Greece lS .a poor ;country, not fifty per cent reduction on some items at Higgins and Frank, York. * * * p'e nny's father emigrated ~ornmercialized for tou:ists as The Grosse Pointe Park post~ the mens' store, where WOme1l-shop for men. Here's II good Sunny skies blessed the tenth wedding anniversary of from Greece when was a teen ltS more wealthy' nelgh~ors, The Zlatkovsl poned, annua~ tennis tourna~ chance to round out this summer war.drobe at a savings. with conspiring 'ager and he was most anxious Ita~y ~d, France. T~at,. great the Henry Kleins last week when they marked the event ment, originally scheduled for in New Yor with a lovely garden party at their Touraine road home. for .his daughter to study inantiq~ty, the Acr?polis,. JS free Saturday,. July 6, has been re- * * * Athens and, meet his family. most days to the Y1~wer..O~ the Here's a forecast for July. Cool transition cottons are seeD Paris, Austria Ii Hostess Mrs. K. was radiant in white chif~on: beaded sch.eduled',for Saturday~ July early on the fashion horizon. D. J. Healy features a lovely en- to obtain secret in silver and proudly displaying her anniversary gift, a So in September she enrolled week-ends and"holidays lt c~ts 20. in th.e American College in the 2 d~acma,sto see th~ Acrop?lis; semble . . • the dress of charcoal cotton with 'a stunning jacket fense da.tafor tl solid gold charm bracelet dangling a baby carriage, (the city of ancient' culture. ' that s 3lbou~,2 ~ents l~ Amerlc~n The reason for the postpone~ , .. the fabric with the looks and manners of fine .w~l .. ~touched They fled to F with velvet at the colla.r .•. this is also.availa~le m brown ..• prosecution in latest of the quintet of Klein daughters was born this past . Athens Was Strict ~oney. ~Ul; Penny ,sa~sthe best, ment' was due to the construc- priced at fifty five dollars. High fashIon strIPes debut in a year), and a replica of their cottage in, Kingsville, Ont., An all-American girl, Penny t~meto ~a~der about.m ~e an-, tion of the -new courts which' scooped neck charmer and an important black and 'white print will present to enscribed minutely with "God Bless Our Home," was in for a big surprise as the (:lent. rwn. IS aoout fivem. the delayed ,the start of tennis~at . : . at forty dollars • • • makes a stron~ market bid in fashion the evidence Tables with hmicane lamps' dotted the laWn and there only American born boarder in mornm g.A rl C d the park this summer.' Entry futures. ,Zlatkovskis wer A was dancing 'to the trio of stroIiing players with Mrs. K. a gids school with 75 residents Wh n h me tcan dO-Ie.tyea'r' blanks may be.,obtained at the' '" ~ Sh' en sere urne as Park beach gate .and deadline' Friday, leading some intricate harmony in her inimitable way, Mrs. 400 * * * and ,over da'y stu4ents. . e from Athens she enrolled in the for filing entries,. has been set Straw Hat comes but once " year: • • • now in season aI THESUPREM Louis Asmus was a vision in a white silk,' printed with studled ~~ee~, of ~ourse, whlch Univers'ty of Michigan summer 'for Thursday,. July 18. ,'10 Jacobson's, this fun-in-the~sun fragrance by Faberge , •• is deck. that there was ,lavish aqua and royal blue flowers and accented with a she adnuts l~ qUl.e a .puzzle-.'sch'001 an~d was glad to enJ'oy the t th surp the Constitution men. .BUt , .e b,~.g .r~se was privileges of an ~erican co-ed, There', will be competitiDn in ed in 'read straw and red linen to make gifting a delight! cummerbund. Titian haired Mrs. Ralph Fisher topped her rvlSlon hower Adminis1 the ,stn,ct ,S"lPe: she found This fall she will be ,contln~g ,Men's ~i?~le~and. doubles; Wo- waived any rig: tangerine silk sheath with a pale blue jacket cuffed re- behind .th~ hlgh walls ?f the, a an art education maJ'or at 'men's smgles; mlxed doublesj * * * gally in white fox~ school, whlch corresponded aca- s , . Junidr boys'~, anp girls'-.under~ Sun glasses can be outstanding summer accessories ••. they court-martial to * * * demically, and in no"other way, "\ \ 18 singles.'Entry' fee, is 35 cents. should be practical too . . • at Trail Pharmacy you'll find the liam Girard. Th At Independence Day doings 'for the tots at Lochmoor perfect combination. Beautiful sunglasses with fine lenses • . • Japan the right to a junior college in'the USA. Safest Drivers 'Th~, annual :swunmipg ~eet which are a -:llendof colors .•. green and blUE;(to reduce glare) 'a Japanese civ After she had 'been ,there' &; ,. . has Deenset for Sunday, August Club, scores of gold fi~h, were dumped into the baby pool and amber (which cuts out haze.) They absorb sunburn and charge of mans and the youngsters had a whirl diving for the wiggly Honored in Park, 4,. En~ry bla~s may, be ~b~, heat rays, permitting exceptionally sharp definition under hazy ~I- death of a JapCl' marine life. '_'__ . tamed at th,e,ga~ of, the Park. atmospheric conditions. More good news • • • these sunglasses are alsGavailable fO'rchildren. ' Japan vowed Two Badly Hurt ----- Nylon 1.00. All-wool 1.00. will be given a'; "'* * Sev~teen Park m~cipal , 'BUM STEER Part Wool 75c. Cotton 60c. Somewhat embarrassed was a bcal matron, not too In 'Car Crash . employes were honored ' on ever, the House handy with her needle, when a neighbor arrived to borrow Wednesday, July 3, for their Very often 'the man ,woo sets Shqres Tennis Title in Japan tIe for an amenc a cup of flour and found her husband stitching away at a A h~sband' cmd'.wife were total of 72 years of.safe driving, the pace'is found to: ,be.travel- aid bills which Tan or white. 2.75 ,to 5.95. slipcover, His wife found the sewing bey()nd her and was , '. . and were award"ed'safety cer-ing in the wrong' direc~ion.- . Word has reached the Pointe gional Camp Schimmelfennig, American .servi injured,~ the, wife., .Crl1;lcally,tificates for their achievements. ' ~' . ',' . Men's Tennis Sweaters 13.50. tried in foreig about to hire the work done at a fee which astounded this that Lt. Robert Peterson, of 956 near Sendal, Japan. when the husband lost control . The awards are presented an- Hogs' are moving to market Shetlands 13.95 House Rules COl provider. He whipped up a stunniDg cover, too, with very of the ,family."car ,and' crashe~ nU?lly' by 'an inSurance cOJIl.-earlier. in the,summer months Lincoln road, and .his partner Peterson was a tennis star on the Grosse Pointe High the way for a rl tiny, neat stitches, and his mate willl1ever hear the last 6£ int{).~a tree ,at_Peeplands", an9. pany' to the community drivers than 'they wer~ five years ago.. Capt. Hubert Callahan, have bill. this feat, we wager. Lake 'Shore 'roads on ,Thursday, having the safest driving record~ Farmers,:.have been::aiming ,for, School team in 1059. He also . ,. won the doubles event in ,the played for Ce;)tral Michigan * * * July. 4.. ', '. ~ ", ':, The certificates were'preseJ;lt~. the' high ,pric~ ;poiri,tthat was, tennis championships of Re- <;'ollege. THEAGAKH Jack Barlow, who for some years has been an advertis- InJured ~ere ..James R. Fost~r" ,~d to, the' drivers, by Victor formerly: in' August The SUUl- who was almost ing man, modestly admitted to friends gathered' about the 5.1, of ~601 Ca~v.m,who sp!f~,:r.~d;Huvaere, ,Park superintendent mer high is now',m June. • than 20 million cuts apout th~.,face, a fractw:~d~of streets himself a recipient of' :.,' ,'" . < portable the other day and'bewailing the fate of the Tigers, Islaimi sect, cliel le:ft 'wrist and.sev.~a:l.fta,ctftf:~di of th~ awards. : , was an intern that he had had his fling at professional baseball as a one ribs; an~,}lis1 ~~e? H~len, ~ho::' Honored fot ~O years' of acci- Sague,nay ;.Cruises. LAS' CALL thropist and clip catcher. He reached the Triple A League and played in the of !l heart attad s,uffer,e:(U~fractured_skl1:U".!h!,~e!dent free 'd:-iving 'were, Albert A Glorious Vacation for ", Tiger farm system' before enlisting as a pilot in the RCAF broken rlbs, 4lternal" injur.iesl Cook; Cyril 'Ko;rte and Fr!'-I?-k . ~Afloat ana Asho.;.e ' Lake Geneva, S, in World War II .• Played with Freddie Hutchinson and and cuts lifboutthe face and Sandley. ' .'. a long illness. many of today's major leaguers. head. In' the nine-year category' FULL who will be his Both were taken to St. John were, Franlt DeBets,' ClydeT.,' 1 $1'83, is believed it m * * * , , CHET. SAM'PSON'S,, PILFERINGS Hospital by Shores 'police ~am-:Rennoh:ls and. Th~a:fl, S.tack. " DAYJ~'ly .. ' I ' est son, Ali KI i "I figure there are more good people in the world titan bulance, At the host>ital doc- /G;etting~awards for 'bwoyears.. A: 'MostScenicCruiseThruFrench .If the Shoe Fits - Wear It husband of Men tors ,said, MFs: ,Foster!s, condi~!of..safe driving' were, BenjaI!1in; 'Canada's BelldItlful',Waterways Hayworth. bael ones. I don't miild if a gent scratches a match on my tion 'was critical. .. ', '.. ; 'Hall,' Victor, Huvaere, Richard' .... stop-overs"at.Flnest,BotelS. Sperry Top Sider 8.95. Jack A friend of furniture so long as he's careful to go with the grain." • '•• Shores' POllce Chief Fred' Rob!>,and CharleS RobertS. .! : Phone or, w.rite' Purcell Tennis Shoes 7:50, B. F. Western 'our the Aga wil bE " Eddie Cantor. • Duemling 'said 'an 'ihvestigationi One-yeal~bury;.Wllliam qrl~s_""':', 'TRAVEl"S£RVI~E: . ' JULY'27.AUG. 31 In tw'o sections: worth billions, 1 Foster; nor his Wife were' .ab~e ,beck, . Helman : Kei~hi. ,Oscar .2i4 STATE" , WO 1.7075 vealed his' W4 Carson, Pirie and Scott book department and demanded a One for girls. One for, boys. complete set of Dickens and a complete set of Scott. "1 to say what 'happened.-, ' Sa1:ib,ecmd Daniel We,!-v~r. " throughout the don't care about the bindings and I don't care, about the An, accid~,t r~p{)rt ~d .~hat i (This \vill be the l.;st Western tour ever offered for boys,) mourning. Foster somehow lost control of • price; just find me the cheapest sets you can," she told the his car, which ran off the left' Budget Plan' Available This tour covers 14 states and nine national parks: Yose- 'I'HE AIR FO astonished clerk. "You see, I have to have them. I've left mite, Yellowstone, Tetons, Bryee, Zion, Grand Canyon, to use a sky pI: side of Lake Shore,traveled Good Names to live with '-' them to my grandchild in my will." about 65 feet onto' the:' island, , , , Wind Cave, Mesa Verde, and Rocky Mountain National tempt to launcl * * * left the island and cr0s5edthe. ' Parks; Hollywood, S~ Francisco, &Ut Lake City and Lake, sands of miles Here is some dialogue between a father cmd son while road at an angle for abQut, ~5. FIRTH •. MAGEE • BIGELOW Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Black Hills, Mt. ltushmore, Bad- rOCkethas been authoritative s sightseeing in Washington: feet, ran over the right c~b , Open Mondays and Fridays till 9 p.m. B~~qnet lands, Petrified Forest, Painted Desert, Laguna Beach, and struck a tree with the '~ight and Colorado Springs, and many more. missile might b "That man, son? He's Chaplain of the Senate." time in Octobl "Does he pray for the members, dad?" rear end of the car. , The vehicle continued on for ~FRANKR. BROWN Sport.Sh~p Applications and Information avallabl. at: said the roeke1 "No, son. He looks at the members and prays for the another 20 feet and' struck an- travel "many, n country." ern than the. ~ other tree with the front end, TU 1-4484 Grosse Poin,te 106 KERCHEVAL CH ET SAMPSON'S TRAVEL SERVICE, INe. , have reached s * * *. This tree was 16 feet from the CARPETS Yo~ can't have your cake and somebody e:se's cookie, TU 1..2262 TU 1.5262 100 Kercheval Ave. Pho..e: TU 5-7510 sile, however, right ,curb. the police report 185~O MAC~ AVE. ~iW WMrm yond the earll toe. said. ' ! force, it was SI I (ContinuecJ \ i I . .1 (