Lexiko Ido-Angla Ido-English Vocabulary
LEXIKO IDO-ANGLA IDO-ENGLISH VOCABULARY If a word is an adverb (not derived), conjunction, interjection or preposition, this is shown by {adv.}, {konj.}, {interj.} or {prep.}. Similarly, a prefix is indicated with {pref.}, and a suffix with {suf.}. Verbs: {tr} = transitive; {ntr} = intransitive; {tr/ntr} = both transitive and intransitive; {imp} = impersonal (needing no subject). The abbreviation "Ant:" precedes an antonym. An obsolete word has a bracket before it, and is followed by "(obs.)", a chevron and the word by which it was replaced. A list of abbreviations is given at the end of the vocabulary. Se vorto esas adverbo (ne derivita), interjeciono, konjunciono o prepoziciono, to esas indikata da {adv.}, {interj.}, {konj.} o {prep.}. Simile, prefixo indikesas da {pref.}, e sufixo da {suf.}. Verbi: {tr} = transitiva; {ntr} = netransitiva; {tr/ntr} = transitiva e netransitiva; {imp} = nepersonala (sen subjekto). Vorti inter kramponi, pos verbo, esas vorti qui normale esas uzata pos ta verbo. La abreviuro "Ant:" sequesas da antonimo. Obsoleta vorto havas krampono avan ol, ed esas sequata da "(obs.)", chevrono e la nuna vorto qua remplasis ol. Listo di abreviuri esas ye la fino di la lexiko. Sslonik /www.twirpx.com/ Sslonik 1 A -a (gram.) (adjectival ending) a (= ad) {prep.} (prep.) to (indicating that to which there is movement, tendency or position, with or without arrival) -ab- (gram.) (suffix for shorter versions of the perfect tenses: am-ab-as = esas aminta; am-ab-is = esis aminta; am-ab-os = esos aminta; am-ab-us = esus aminta)
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