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T H E O B S E Rv The Observer VOL. XXV NO. 114 THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1993 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Senators named; Off-campus elections Friday AIDS virus By NANCY DUNN has ‘latent’ News Writer STUDENT SENATE ELECTIONS There will be a run off elec­ period tion for off-campus co-presi- DISTRICT 2 dentson Friday between the WASHINGTON (AP) — The tickets of McGuire/Lanser and KING AIDS virus can hide for years in Bulakowski/Toohey. 60.96% OTHER lymph nodes before launching The official winners of 0.73% a final, lethal attack on its vic­ Wednesday’s student senate tims, scientists report in a new elections are Erin King of South HALBACH finding that shows the disease Quad, Jennifer Halbach of God 51.63% is never idle. The discovery Quad, Sean Sullivan of North * Quad, and Dana Anderson of may lead to earlier treatment Mod Quad. for patients. SULLIVAN Two studies to be published “We’re just gong to keep re­ 51.39% Thursday in the journal Nature m inding people to be sure to show that once a person is in­ vote on Friday,” Kevin McGuire OFF-CAMPUS fected, the AIDS virus can con­ said of the run-off election. “We There will be a run-off ANDERSON gregate in lymphoid organs, need to keep reiterating what between McGuire/Lanser (40%; 64.16% __ and Bulkowski/Toohey (34%) such as the tonsils, spleen, we want to do for next year.” adenoids and lymph nodes, The Observer/Ann-Marie Conrado The McGuire/Lanser ticket where it steadily infects key captured 40 percent of the vote blood cells and breaks down while Bulakowski/Toohey District 4. Anderson expressed District 3. He had also been an for today’s off-campus elections, cells that filter out viruses. landed 34 percent of the vote. her frustration with being uncontested candidate until the and we hope that there will be Today’s election reduced the subjected to a late challenge by day of the election when he was as much interest in the run-off,” Eventually, the filter cells in number of tickets running from a write-in ticket. She said she challenged by a write-in candi­ said election committee co­ the lymph organs are destroyed four to two. ended up having essentially date. “I ran a clean and legal president Andrea Sullivan. and infected blood cells spill only one day to campaign. campaign and am glad to see out into the body’s circulation “I am very excited to have re­ that people appreciated that,” Voting for the off-campus run­ system, leading to a collapse of ceived this position and am “I am looking forward to said Sullivan. off election will be at the the immune system, the classic ready to do the best job that I working on the senate next LaFortune Student Center from sign of the lethal stage of AIDS. can,” said Dana Anderson from year,” said Sean Sullivan from “There was a high turn out 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday. The researchers said the findings show that drugs must be found to combat the AIDS Pangborn chosen as best dorm on campus virus from the moment of di­ By BEVIN KOVALIK Pangborn Hall alive and begin worked to sponsor such agnosis and that therapy can­ News Writer building excellence, community, activities as the “Snap-a Scam” not be relaxed during periods and spirit, she added. and the upcoming “Price is when there are no symptoms. For its outstanding service, Right” fundraiser, Bambrick Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of spirit, enthusiasm and dedica­ “We have done things typical said. the National Institute of Allergy tion to the Notre Dame campus, of other halls, but the fact that “Everyone, including the hall and Infectious Diseases and a Pangborn Hall was awarded we pulled together to sponsor staff and our rector have co-author of one of the studies, “Dorm of the Year,” by the Hall some new things during our worked to make it the best said the discovery answers one Presidents’ Council (HPC), ac­ first year has helped to make women’s dorm during our first of the key mysteries about the Pangborn Hall a success,” she year, and it has really paid off,” cording to Marianne Ravry, residents and staff have really course of the AIDS virus built a name for themselves.” said. she said. former HPC co-chair. disease. Tuesday night HPC honored “Pangborn Hall is comprised Over a hundred eager Fauci said that many patients Pangborn Hall with a plaque for of a medley of individuals who freshman and approximately 40 HPC accepted essays of appli­ infected with HIV, the virus that the annual award recognizing have brought their many gifts women who transferred from cation from all dorms, and the the special achievements and from other places,” said Kathy other campus dorms helped to winner was selected by the HPC causes AIDS, experience an redeeming qualities of one Lohmuller, Pangborn Hall rec­ kick off the year in Pangborn executive committee, Ravry initial bloom of virus particles campus residence hall, said tor. “The residents have come Hall, according to Katie said. Pangborn Hall co­ in their blood, a condition Ravry. together to form a community Bambrick, Pangborn Hall co­ presidents Katie Bambrick and called viremia, within weeks of “Pangborn got off to a slow bond.” president. Anne LaFleur wrote the win­ exposure. But then traces of start with its transformation Many young women from Pangborn has been active in ning essay describing why virus disappear from blood into an all women’s dorm this dorms across campus wanted to several service oriented projects Pangborn exemplifies Notre tests and patients often live continue to keep the tradition of and members of the hall have Dame spirit. year,” said Ravry, “but the see AIDS / page 4 Malcom X’s widow speaks on the role of women, youth By BRIAN SEILER The change must start with News Writer individuals, Shabazz continued, for “if change is to come, it Dr. Betty Shabazz, the widow must come through people. We of Malcom X, told young have to be the gatekeepers and people today they need to work we have to change,” she said. together to change the Personal change involves self­ conditions of the world. reflection and realizing “W hat we all need to under­ personal validity and concen­ stand is that all hum ans are trating on reliability, she said. equally endowed with dignity,” she said in a guest lecture at “We are where we are be­ Stepan Center . cause of us,” she quoted from Malcom X. Shabazz spoke on the topic Education is the key to end­ of “Blacks and Women in ing racism, she said. “We have Today’s Society,” but said, “I’m institutionalized racism, and we supposed to talk about blacks need to dissolve it.” Another and women, but really we can part of ending racism involves talk about people and take care equal employment opportuni­ of everything.” ties, she said. All people, by the fact that they are human, have the “Affirm ative action is only a rights to “dignity, options, and tool, while the goal is equal The Observer/ Michelle DIRe opportunity,” she said. The employment opportunities” she Dr, Betty Shabazz, the wife of Malcolm X, lectures yesterday at Stepan Center on the “Status of Blacks and young people of today must en­ said. All concerned young peo­ Women in Today’s Society.” Following her lecture, Shabaaz held a press conference in the Center for sure these three rights because ple should review Affirmative Continuing Education and a reception and book signing in the Sorin Room of LaFortune Student Center. “we are our brother’s keeper,” Action documents and human have proper training and edu­ dates you then you must vali­ We must all strive for a world she said. rights documents, she added. cation opportunities open to date yourself.” where everyone possesses the them.” “Women must not al­ “You must develop an ethos,” “right to believe in your ethnic “We need people to lead us “Women should have experi­ low themselves to be abused,” Shabazz told the audience. group and not be called a and support us sovereignly into ence in political activity,” she continued. “Women must “Young people must develop a hater,” she concluded. the future,” Shabazz added. Shabazz said. “They should understand that if no one vali­ purpose in life.” page 2 The Observer Thursday, March 25, 1993 INSIDE COLUMN WEATHER REPORT K"*** for noon,Thursday. March 25 FORECAST Han, Luke, and Partly cloudy and Lines separate high temperature zones for the day. warmer Thursday with highs in the mid. me: Star Wars 50s. Warmer Friday \ V-V \\N\y with highs in the Remembered upper fifties. TEMPERATURES City H L Anchorage 32 17 Atlanta 71 56 “A long time ago in a Bogota 66 52 Cairo 75 52 galaxy far, far aw ay...” Chicago 42 37 So begins The Star Cleveland 40 35 Wars Saga, and a Dallas 80 49 Detroit 42 37 generation is forever Indianapolis 49 40 changed. We are Star Rosemann Jerusalem 66 43 London 54 39 Wars babies, and George Accent Columnist Los Angeles 69 59 Lucas is our grandfather. Madrid 70 54 We were blessed to be -------------------------------- Minneapolis 35 25 Moscow 41 28 given the modern fairy tale on the big screen. Nashville 60 42 We saw magical twins united, and a young New York 40 37 FRONTS Paris 52 37 prince defeat his corrupted king, and a galaxy Philadelphia 47 40 saved in an interstellar epic. My childhood was Rome 63 46 filled with the glow of clashing lightsabers, the Seattle 52 36 WARM STATIONARY © 1992 Accu-Weather, Inc.
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