Town of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Master Plan 2019
Town of Wolfeboro, new hampshire Master Plan 2019 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Town of Wolfeboro would like to thank the following groups and individiuals for their contributions to the development of this Master Plan. The Town would also like to thank the Planning Department, Town Staff, and Resilience Planning & Design for their support throughout this process. PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT HEADS Kathy Barnard Alana Albee, Libby Museum Director Vaune Dugan Christine Collins, Parks and Recreation Director Peter Goodwin Dave Ford, Public Works/Water/Sewer Director Brad Harriman Brenda LaPointe, Tax Collector Mike Hodder Barry Muccio, MED Director of Operations Susan Repplier Troy Neff, Finance Director John Thurston James Pineo, Fire Chief/Town Manager Dean Rondeau, Chief of Police SELECTBOARD Cindy Scott, Library Director Dave Bowers Matt Sullivan, Planning and Development Director Brad Harriman Patricia Waterman, Town Clerk Linda Murray David Owen, Former Town Manager Paul O’Brien Becky Merrow, Former Town Manager Dave Senecal Luke Freudenberg (Former Member) MASTER PLAN SUBCOMMITTEES ARTS AND HERITAGE HOUSING, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Anne Blodget POPULATION Ronn Bronzetti Kathy Barnard Gene Denu Steve Durgan Vaune Dugan Alan Harding Jeanette D’Onofrio Jim Kimberly Jerome Holden Rich Masse Brenda Jorett Cindy Melanson Cindy Melanson Roger Murray Maggie Stier Jeff Ouellette Lynne Palmer ENERGY Kathy Tetreault Mary DeVries Susan Fuller FUTURE LAND USE Susan Goodwin Kathy Barnard Nancy Hirshberg Patty Cooke Bruce McCracken Joyce Davis Paul O’Brien Cindy Melanson Elissa Paquette Roger Murray Ken Perry NATURAL RESOURCES Bill Peterson Dan Coons Susan Repplier Carl Crosley Suzanne Ryan Joyce Davis Steve Durgan COMMUNITY FACILITIES Chris Franson Mike Hodder Peter Goodwin Julie Jacobs Suzanne Ryan Aaron Morrissey Dave Senecal Justin Marbury Linda Murray TRANSPORTATION AND Dave Senecal INFRASTRUCTURE John Thurston Brad Harriman Paul Whalen Reed Marbury Blair Moody Linda Murray Paul Whalen Alison Wilson 2019 Wolfeboro Master Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Vision 1 Master Plan at a Glance 3 1.
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