North Cotswold Villages Childswickham, Murcot, Aston Somerville Broadway and Leedons Parks, Willersey, Hinton, Bretforton Village News March 2017 And don’t forget STOP PRESS

Editorial time is running out for Eric. Village News has a new editor and new email.

WARNING DO NOT READ THIS WITHOUT YOUR DIARY! More within March 11th Art & Craft Show Childswickham Memorial Hall Tribute nights to fill your diary at Childswickham Inn March 11th 1980’s music ... the glam era ... at Sedgeberrow Hall Mothering Sunday 26th Fourth Sunday in Lent Three weeks to Easter! British Summer time begins from 01.00 spring forward to 02.00 You have until October 29th to change that car clock!

Send emails to [email protected] Visit the Childswickham web site

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Childswickham Church St Mary the Virgin Sunday Services at 10.30am

 Communion 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays  Mission, Praise and Prayer 1st and 3rd

Canon John Thompstone 01386 852930 Joan Barnet (Church Warden) 01386 858309

St Mary the Virgin PCC wish to thank David Matthews on his retirement as Churchwarden. His long service and experience has been invaluable and will be very much missed. He will continue as Treasurer, thank you David.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting – 12th February David Matthews retired as Church Warden after many years of faithful and diligent service. Mrs Joan Barnett and Mrs Carol Strotten were elected as Church Wardens for the ensuing year. Joan is well known to us, already: Carol is a more recent member of the congregation. Together they will seek to provide a friendly face and helpful presence in St Mary’s.

Members of the Parochial Church Council were elected as follows – Paula Cook, Steve Cook, Angela Kirk, Philip Morgan, Len Wood, Brenda Wadsworth. The Rev. Julia Hook is Chairperson, for the time being: John Thompstone attends ex-officio.

March 1st – Ash Wednesday. 10.30am. Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes.

‘The Church – a unique Community, established by God – even in Childswickham!’ Starting tonight 7.30pm. at Greyfriars, Broadway Road, 5 dips into the Letter to the Ephesians. Hopefully, some people who don’t often come to these events may like, to join these informal Group evenings. Please let John Thompstone know if you would like to come. Tel: 852930 email: [email protected]

Cleaning Contacts Childswickham Coffee Rota Mar 3rd & 10th David Matthews, Churchwarden 852712 March Mrs P Hackett & Mrs Kirk Joan Barnett, Churchwarden 858309 5th Margaret Flanagan 17th & 24th 12th Carol Strotton Mrs Jacqui Saville 19th Susan Morris 31st & April 7th 26th Joan Barnett Mrs Stephenson & Mrs Hawkins Bell ringers: 14th & 21st Tower Captain, Graham Lee Mrs Thompstone & Mrs Kendry 01386 858422

House of the Open Door Childswickham House, Buckland Road, Childswickham, WR12 7HH email : [email protected]

HOUSE OF THE OPEN DOOR COMMUNITY MEN’S BREAKFASTS These are held at 8.30am on the first Saturday of each month, and gentlemen you are welcome to come and “taste and see”. Good food followed by good singing and prayer, if you would like to stay. No charge, but donations welcome if you can. Let us know in advance if you are coming and if you have any particular dietary requirements.

Please contact Tom at: Email: [email protected] Tel: 01386 852084

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017 HARVEST FESTIVAL. CHILDSWICKHAM.

Hello, I’m the new editor of the Village News, and I am taking this opportunity to introduce myself. My husband and I moved to the area fourteen years ago escaping from the commuter belt of Berkshire. After experiencing the floods of 2007 I decided to move to, hopefully, a flood-free home in Childswickham four years ago. I am a semi-retired widow, doing a few hours of secretarial work a week for the Vicar in Broadway and also producing another parish magazine for 2 villages in the North Cotswold and Vale benefice. My days are filled with voluntary activities and walking the dog around the village or along the river at and Stratford upon Avon. I recently joined the indoor bowls — I’m quite useless — but enjoy the evening very much. I hope to continue with Eric’s efforts at producing a magazine of interest to you. But I can only do it if you contribute too! I look forward to hearing, writing about and promoting events that are happening in the area. Please think about using the magazine to inform everyone of your fêtes, trips and quizzes, etc. The new email address is [email protected] Best Regards Lavinia Stephenson

Mothering Sunday, 26th March 2017

Mothering Sunday, sometimes known as Mother's Day, is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday and usually falls in the second half of March or early April.

Mothering Sunday was originally a time when people returned to the church, in which they were baptized or where they attended services when they were children. This meant that families were reunited as adults returned to the towns and villages where they grew up. In time, it became customary for young people who were working as servants in large houses, to be given a holiday on Mothering Sunday. They could use this day to visit their own mother and often took a gift of food or hand-me-down clothing from their employers to her. In turn, this moved towards the modern holiday.

Mothering Sunday is now a day to honour mothers and other mother figures, such as grandmothers, stepmothers and mothers-in-law. Many people make a special effort to visit their mother. They take cards and gifts to her and may treat her to brunch, lunch or high tea in a cafe, restaurant or hotel, or a beauty treatment or fun outing People who cannot visit their mother usually send gifts or cards to her. Specially decorated Mother's Day cakes are available in many stores. In the days and weeks before Mothering Sunday, many schools, Sunday schools and children's organizations help their pupils to prepare a handmade card or gift for their mother.

Mothering Sunday is not a bank holiday in the . Public transport services run to their usual Sunday timetables. Cafes, restaurants and hotels may be fully booked a long time ahead, as many people treat their mother to a special meal on Mothering Sunday. Those wishing to eat in a restaurant on Mother's Day may need to reserve a table in advance.

Front Picture of White Rabbit and The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party below from Alice in Wonderland

A long-held view is that the hare will behave strangely and excitedly throughout its breeding season, which in Europe is the month of March (but which in fact extends over several months beyond March). This odd behaviour includes boxing at other hares, jumping vertically for seemingly no reason and generally displaying abnormal behaviour. An early verbal record of this animal's strange behaviour occurred in about 1500, in the poem Blowbol's Test where the original poet said:

Thanne þey begyn to swere and to stare, And be as braynles as a Marshe hare (Then they begin to swerve and to stare, And be as brainless as a March hare.)

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Childswickham Memorial Hall Day Time Activity Contact Monday 7 pm-10 pm Carpet Bowls 01386 853752 Tuesday 9.15-10.15 am Keep Fit Tess 01386 858796 10.30-12.00 am Yoga Aston Colley 01386 870893 2 pm- 4 pm Carpet Bowls Robert Simms 01386 853752 6 pm-8 pm Puppy Training Sue 07857 277184

Wednesday 10 am- 12.00 am Quilting Georgina 01242 820423 2 pm – 4 pm Evergreens 2nd/4th week of month Dawn Bindoff 01386 858769 7 pm – 9 pm WI ( 1st & last week) Innes Cole 01386 852740

Thursday 7 pm – 9 pm Dancing Ballroom Kleo 01386 858905 7 pm – 9 pm Parish Council 1st week alternate months 01684 773236

Friday 9 am-12 am Art Group Claire Watson [email protected] 9 am-12 am U3A winter months only nd 2 Friday Sunday 7 pm-12 pm Ballroom Dancing Phil Milward

Charges Main Hall Residents £6.50 Non Residents £11.50 Helen’s Room Resident £6.50 Non Residents £11.50 Snooker Residents £4.50 Non Residents £5.00 For more information and to make a booking please contact Anne Wood 01386 854955 See web site for Rules and Conditions

Childswickham WI

Held at Childswickham Memorial Hall on Wednesday 1st February

This was the first meeting run by the new committee. We were welcomed by our new Vice President, Pam Folsom in the absence of our new President, Innes Cole. Twenty-two members were present, including 4 new members from Aston Somerville. Pam introduced our speaker for the evening, Mr. Nicholas Clark who wished to do his presentation before any WI business.

The Speaker

Our talk this month was entitled 'Bus Across The Andes'. The speaker, Mr. Clark lives in Beckford – a man of many talents who has worked in the wine trade, the army and teaching. He is a very well travelled man and in 2006 he and his wife took a a much longed for trip to South America. They started in Santiago in Chile, crossed The Andes to Argentina, moved on to Paraguay and finally to Brazil, ending in Rio. The whole journey was done by bus!

We were shown some wonderful slides of this trip which were accompanied by many amusing anecdotes. The slides included many different landscapes – snowcapped mountains, desert lands, ancient settlements, farmland and scenic waterfalls. The photos of towns, villages and people were very interesting, showing the culture and sometimes the poverty that exists.

There was a lot to cover in 45 minutes but Mr. Clark kept us enthralled with his wonderful knowledge and sense of humour. S Speake

CARPET BOWLING Carpet Bowling continues in the Memorial Hall on a Monday evening, 6.30pm to 9.30pm. Bowling on a Tuesday afternoon is from 2.00pm to 5.00pm.

All are welcome. No bowling experience is required. Robert Simms

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

With apologies to those concerned. This should have been in the Feb issue.

Childswickham Memorial Hall AGM

The Chairman thanked Frank Spencer and John Davis who have retired from being trustees. Frank played a leading part in the refurbishment of the hall in 2002 and John has been involved in maintenance, including regularly monitoring the fire alarm and electrical system.

John Cole was welcomed as a trustee and has agreed to monitor the electrical and fire alarm systems.

The treasurer reported an increase in income as hall lettings continued to improve.

Carpet bowling has continued on a Monday evening and a Tuesday afternoon with 20 people regularly bowling. There have been new activities in the hall, puppy training on a Tuesday morning, ballroom dancing classes take place on the third Sunday of the month and a U3A photography class on a Monday morning.

A clothing bank was installed by British Textile Recycling Co, thank you to those who have supported the bank this year it has raised £108.00.

As the hall is a public building mandatory testing has to take place of the following:-  The servicing of the gas central heating system and boilers  The servicing of the fire extinguishers  The P A T testing of electrical appliances  The test of the emergency lighting at the exits The cost of these was £617.00.

With the increase in revenue from hall lettings it was decided to:-  Refurbish the snooker table which included replacing the cloth and cushions and installing a new lighting system over the table  To have the hall deep cleaned by a contractor which included cleaning the high ceiling and walls and shampooing the carpets and chairs  To have the exterior of the Memorial Hall painted The cost of these improvements to the hall was £3600.00. Robert Simms

 Love is when my Mummy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.  Love is when daddy gives mummy the best piece of chicken.  Love is when my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her, even when his hands got arthritis too.

WICKHAMFORD Wickhamford Gardening Club

The next meeting is on Wednesday, 22nd February in the Memorial Hall. Speaker Anne Chambers will be talking about Kiftsgate Court garden. Members and visitors welcome.

Our March meeting is the annual Spring Show, taking place on 22nd March at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. We invite all members to raid their gardens for spring flowers and shrub specimens, together with honing their baking skills for the final class in the show schedule. Tiny Hadly, club president, and Colin Hill, club chairman, will be judging as usual in accordance with RHA regulations. Show schedules were distributed at the February meeting, but further copies are available from club members. We look forward to seeing you all.

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Childswickham Art Group presents

Art and Craft Show

Childswickham Memorial Hall Saturday, March 11th 10am – 2pm

Exhibition of Art Work, Craft stalls Refreshments Raffle

Proceeds for Evesham ABI unit

Anyone wanting tables at £10 please ring Marilyn 854661 Or email [email protected]


The GWR is unique among the larger heritage lines in having only a handful of paid employees. In order to build on this success there is a need for more volunteers to help run the railway. Anyone who feels they have some spare time to help run our railway can find details of volunteer roles at, under the ‘Supporting the Railway’ tab. Additionally, the railway will be holding a recruitment fair at Toddington on Saturday and Sunday 1 and 2 April, when prospective volunteers can come and see what is on offer and talk to volunteers from all departments of the railway.

Campden Morris is looking to recruit some new members. We are a family friendly group that seeks to preserve an important and unique Campden tradition whilst also having some fun. Most people will be used to seeing us at Scuttlebrook when we have lots of dancers but this is the exception at the moment which is why we need more members.

If you are interested in joining contact Patrick Sexton for more information. There will be an open evening in March with date/s time to be published soon. Find us on Facebook, Chipping Campden Morris Dancers, and our website


Sunday 7th May 2017: Open Recruitment Day at the Bowling Club Sunday 28th May 2017: Open Recruitment Day at the Bowling Club Saturday 18th November 2017: Bingo Night at the Bowling Club

For further information please contact Avril Wood on 01386 834768

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Cotswold Hares Set to Run!

Giant hares are about to leap These will be regularly across the and hare updated in case any new into over 20 of its towns and or travelling hares leap villages! From March 25th 80 of on board over the six these 5 foot sculptures will be in month Festival period. place, nestling in hotel lobbies, Printed maps will also be tucked into shop doorways or available. proudly taking centre stage in town High Streets. At the end of the Trail in October the hares will be The hares have been decorated by amateur and auctioned with any net professional artists, including schools and community profits going to National groups. All lovingly designed and carefully crafted Star and to local they are unique works of art. The 80 hares are all historical projects such placed around the Cotswolds to form a trail for as museums. "harers" to follow. The Trail runs from March 25th to September 10th, giving everyone a good chance of There will be an Official finding them all. Festival Director, Florence Cotswold Trail Launch Beetlestone, who previously ran the Cirencester on 22nd March at March Hare Festival for three years, explains "we Woodstock - want to encourage people to explore all the delightful Oxfordshire Museum at corners of the Cotswolds and to use public transport, 4pm with the proceedings opened by Joey the life- walk and cycle the route wherever possible. " size puppet from War Horse and the unveiling of 4 Woodstock hares. The Trail Festival has been designed to promote local The Public Trail starts on 25th March. businesses through tourism and to showcase the wonderful artistic talents of the many creative people living in the Cotswold area. " now that the Trail is set up towns and village have a fantastic opportunity to showcase their businesses, their heritage and culture with their own internal trails of small hare sculptures "leverets" and linked hare themed activities and events. The Trail is very much a catalyst to inspire towns to get involved and show off what is unique and wonderful about them." says Florence

"Harers" are asked to record their sitings of each hare by uploading selfies to social media. There will be prize events for people to enter.. "It will be a real challenge to find them all " explains Florence. To help them the Trail map has been divided into 4 regions with suggested links in each section. The Festival website contains a map of the Cotswolds showing the towns where the hares are located and the number in each town. Linked Town maps will show further details.

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway (GWSR) on target to reach Broadway in 2018!

As you are probably aware the GWSR initiated a share issue in 2016 to raise the £1,250,000 needed to complete its extension to Broadway and run trains to the village for the first time since 1961!

The share issue ‘Broadway – the Last Mile’ reached the £1,000,000 mark in early February 2017, which is fantastic, but that still leaves £250,000 which is needed and which must be raised before the share issue closes on 30 April 2017.

We are seeking to raise these final funds from our normal supporters, that is, our members and volunteers, our shareholders and the general public interested in railways.

However, this is very much a community project and support from the local community is greatly appreciated. The President of the Heritage Railway Association, Lord Faulkner of Worcester, has gone on record as saying that every £1 spent by passengers on a Heritage Railway creates a further £2.70 spent in the local community, i.e. in restaurants, hotels, B&Bs and so on. With a turnover of £1.8million you can readily see that our railway makes a substantial contribution to the local community, a contribution which is likely to grow dramatically when we reach Broadway.

To support the GWSR you can buy shares or make a donation to the Warwickshire Railway Trust (GWRT).

For shares, the minimum purchase is of 100 shares which costs £100. This level of shareholding gives the shareholder 3 free travel vouchers (each currently worth £17) every year for ever! You can readily see this is a very good return and having these tickets is, for example, very handy for grandparents having a day out with their grandchildren! Share application forms may be downloaded from the website,, or by emailing [email protected] or calling 01242 621905.

Alternatively, to make a donation to the GWRT please send a cheque payable to GWRT to; GWRT Chairman, The Railway Station, Toddington GL54 5DT. If you require a gift aid form please send a request with the cheque or call 01242 621905.

You can learn lots more about the GWSR, the Heritage Railway in your area, by accessing the website,, or by emailing me directly at [email protected] Kind regards,

Chris Bristow

Sudoku Each line, column and square must contain the numbers 1 to 9. Easy 1 Intermediate 1

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

The first age is learning at school, the second is learning at work and the third age is when that is over and you can learn whatever you like. Our name can be misleading. We are not remotely like university students. We do not sit exams. It is all about friendship, keeping active in body and mind, and enjoying our leisure hours in ways that our parents would have envied. Membership is only £22 a year for a couple or £12 for individual. A general open meeting is held at Willersey Village Hall on 2nd Thursday of each month from 2.00pm and usually finish by 4.00pm. Groups meet throughout the week, mornings and afternoons, at this hall or other determined places. As usual there is the web site for more information. Our Open meetings are open to visitors. We welcome a donation of £2.00 for members and non members. March 9th Willersey Village Hall 2.00 pm Fingerprints for Detection and Intrigue – Sue Clegg Sue, a retired police expert, will explain fingerprints, their history and how they have been used to crack some of the most notorious cases to appear in the media. Come and meet some of the group leaders and some members. If you are new just say hello. We pride ourselves as being a friendly group.

Neighbours on Line New to Computers ? Wondering what the internet is all about? Come and learn at your own speed with people in the same boat. In a relaxed atmosphere. Friendly tutors and helpers. Tea and coffee.

Use our computers or bring your own. Become more confident No charge, donations welcome. 2– 4pm 1st and 3rd Wednesday. 1st and 15th March URC Hall, 77 High Street, Broadway Mark 07949 296738 [email protected]

Domestic Home Support

Yoga to Relax & Revive Friendly and helpful service Gentle movement and relaxation. General help with everyday tasks Beginners welcome. Housekeeping/cleaning

Childswickham Village Hall Tuesdays 10.30-12.00pm, Shopping trips Doctor/Hospital appointments Bretforton Village Hall Tuesdays 6.30-8.00pm. Holiday caretaking Small pet care Broadway Lifford Hall Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm. Contact Jo for more information Enquiries Aston Colley 01386 870893 0747 707 9516 (Ashton-Under-Hill)

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

St Michael & All Angels, Broadway Sundays 1st, 2nd 4th Parish Communion 10.30am 2nd & 4th Holy Communion 8.00am 3rd Morning Worship alternating each month with Iona service 10.30am 5th Parish Service 10.30am Wednesdays Holy Communion BCP 11.00 am

Broadway United Reformed Church

Sunday Service 10.30-11.30 5th 12th 19th 26th

77 High Street, Broadway

St Mary’s Church, Aston Somerville Dear Residents,

So long since I have had the pleasure of writing to you, but we are back now for this March edition. Well as I write, the long prophesied bitter winter has not yet materialised, but perhaps it will have done by the time you read this. Personally I do not like the bitter cold or the snow as it brings back memories of struggling to get out in the car and the prospect of falling in the snow. Other childhood memories of snowballing have been completely obliterated by the problems. But oh how lovely to watch the beauty of it through a window of a snug sitting room.

Should the weather allow St. Mary’s Church in Aston Somerville is holding a series of five led discussions on aspects of Christianity which we may have never fully understood. These discussion will be held at 3 Post Office Row, Aston Somerville at 10.30 - 11.45 approx. starting on Thursday, 9th March. This should be an interesting group discussion on subjects as diverse as ‘Who are saints?’, to ‘What is meant by the after life?’. Just turn up and you will be welcomed.

You may recall our services are Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month and Praise and Worship on the third Sunday - both at 9.45 am. Although we are not having a Mothering Sunday Service at St. Mary’s this will be held at Buckland Church at 10 am. I would also like to mention that there will be a Good Friday Meditation with Drama on Friday, 14th April from 2pm. to 3pm. This a quiet time before the celebration of Easter Day on the 16th April.

I have become aware that new people are moving into our villages and we do hope that they have been made welcome by neighbours. I know that the places covered by this magazine have always welcomed new comers into their villages. So we also welcome them to come to our churches and feel the love of God.

Many blessings to you all Revd. Wendy (Foulger) Aston Somerville

Broadway Tourist Information Centre

We are looking to welcome two or three new volunteers. It really is an interesting fun job with lots of people coming through the door and friendly supportive colleagues. You will need a lively personality and a real interest in Broadway and the surrounding area. All training is provided prior to being let loose on the public. If you think you might be interested in joining us, phone me at home at Hunter’s Lodge on 01386 853247 and we can meet. Dottie Fried

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Hinton on the Green St Peter’s Church Upcoming Events

Back to the 80’s

An evening of music from the 80’s Performed by Pleasuredome

Ticket £7.50 includes ploughman buffet

Bar and Raffle

March 11th 2017 Sedgeberrow Village Hall

Contact: Kerrie Spurr 07515881601 Clare Davis 07814188077 Lisa James 07866654923

Coach trip to Cardiff Victorian Market on Saturday, May 20th. Pick up from Merstow Green at 8.30am and other stops can be arranged. Seats £12.50. Please ring or text Lisa James on 07866654923.

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017


A professional dog grooming service where our number one priority is your pet.

Lucie is ‘City & Guilds’ qualified and operates from a well equipped, relaxed luxury parlour in Broadway. Please contact 07807 666859 or

Pick up and drop off available to fit in with your busy lifestyle. Going away on holiday? I can have your pooch staying with me in the comfort of my own home.


Holiday Homes Services

Whatever direction you wish to follow from Broadway we offer a select range A local independent company. of distinctive Holiday Homes located in the and around the area. So for a short or long stay contact our office in Broadway or NPTC certified and fully insured. visit our website.

Long Term Rentals Tree Surgery & Felling We also specialise for those who wish to stay Hedge Cutting for longer and have a personal and Garden Clearance professional service with landlords and tenants. Visit us at our web site for full details Tree & Hedge Planting

For more information, please call WWW.COTSWOLDPROPERTYLETTINGS.COM Dave on : 07790 794 321 Saddlers Barn, Kennel Lane, Broadway 01386 858147

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Merstow Green Anthony Halling Garden Machinery Specialist FUNERAL HOME Sales New and used machines Local Independent Family Run Funeral Directors Service Repairs & Sharpening Hire Mowers, Strimmers, Hedge trimmers, Cultivators 24 HOUR PERSONAL SERVICE Private I also sell spare parts for all leading makes Chapels of Rest All at very competitive prices Golden Charter Over 35 years Experience Prepaid Funeral Plans Tel No 01386 858713 Please contact us if you would like Or call into to arrange a free no obligation home visit to discuss a prepaid Pry Farm Workshop, Cheltenham Road, funeral plan. Broadway, WR12 7LX [email protected] CAB Citizens Advice Bureau At Merstow Green Funeral Home we are here to provide practical guidance and emotional support when grief and intense feelings of loss can make at SignPost in Broadway even the simplest of tasks overwhelming. Our qualified Funeral Director Mr Philip Tomlins and his professional staff are committed to offering the 01386 859029 highest level of service and bereavement care during your time of need. Sessions usually last Thurs in Tel. 01386 49903 (24 Hours) Email [email protected] month 1.00pm –3.00pm

Your local, legal specialists offering quality professional advice in the following areas:-

 Residential and Commercial Conveyancing  Bespoke Will Drafting Service (to include free drafting for over 55’s* ) * terms & conditions apply

 Probate/Administration of Estates

 Lasting Powers of Attorney and Court of HINTON PEST CONTROL LTD Protection Matters A local Company with 15 yrs of Pest Control Experience

Speedy Response to Domestic Calls For further information or to book an appointment Commercial Quotes Available Wasps, Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Carpet Moths/Beetles, Biscuit please contact our office.

Beetles, Ants, Cockroaches, Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Squirrels, Birds, Moles. Tele No. 01386 858107 Fax 01386 859454 Email [email protected] Fully Insured, BPCA/RSPH II Qualified Staff Web site Very Competitive Rates

Telephone: 01386 41762/ 07775 168666 The Old British Schoolroom, Website : 47b High Street, Broadway, WR12 7DP

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

Philip Tomlins Your Local FREDERICK C TAYLOR Funeral Directors & APPROVED ELECTRICIAN Taxi Service Monumental Masons 40 yrs experience All types of installations large & small BLUE CABS Prompt, friendly, personal service

TEL : 01386 852297 Tel ( 01386) 765133 The Old Forge, The Cross, 07770 175 175 24 Hr Service Childswickham, Broadway, WR12 7HJ Private Chapel of Rest Any Distance The Leys, Evesham LINDSAY BECKMAN & CO LTD 24/7 WR11 3AP

PREBOOKED Pre payment Plans Available Chartered Accountants

Business & Alan Aston Tax Advisors Motor Engineers First For Service For all your accountancy needs

Eastwick Garage 8, Bloxham Road, Eastwick Drive Evesham Worcs. Broadway, WR11 2LG Worcs, WR12 7EU Tele. No 01386 760700 01386 853653

The Perfect Venue from only & Tea Rooms £11.50 per hour Open 7 days a week If you’re looking for a spacious venue Extensive range of antiques for your event or activity, our hall in Experienced local dealers the beautiful village of Childswickham all under one roof could be just the place for you. Antiques bought as well as sold, old & Kitchen facilities - Snooker room interesting items wanted available-Separate meeting room- House clearances undertaken Parking-Disabled facilities Sunny garden tea rooms serving over DANCE CLASSES – MEETINGS - ART 20 varieties of tea, freshly ground GROUPS – DEMOS – TALKS - PLAY GROUPS- CHRISTENINGS - FUNCTIONS - RECEPTIONS coffee, delicious cakes & light lunches etc

Abbey Terrace, Winchcombe, GL54 5LL


Please phone Anne on 01386 854955 Email: or Rob on 01386 853752 [email protected]

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017



Domestic - Commercial - Industrial


NICEIC & Part P fully approved Contractors

Testing & Inspection Reports

For free no obligation quotations call:-

Tel: - 01386 423600

March and April Events

5th March Fleecey Folk : Leveret. £15 ’s finest folk musicians. Cheltenham Festival Preview Night 2017 oops sold out

A Flavour of the Fleece 3rd April at 5.45pm £20 Join Nigel for a tour and drink in the artefacts and history of this fascinating building. Complimentary tea or coffee and a short talk followed by a 2 course meal

Fizzy Friday Every Friday 12 noon—9pm Visit the web site for Start the weekend early and enjoy a bottle of Prosecco for just £15

Fish & Chip Take away Whats on Monday-Saturday 12 noon-2.30 pm & 6.30pm –9pm Or Treat yourself . Freshly Beer battered Cod and Chips £5.75 Look in Folk Night Every Thursday in the Pewter Room from 8.30/9.00 pm STOP PRESS Celtic Folk night Every third Wednesday night in the Pewter Room Pie and a Pint Night Every Tuesday from 6.30pm-8.30 pm Enjoy a homemade pie of the day and a pint or standard lager or real ale £9.95

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017

WR12 7HP Find us on Facebook. 01386 852461

Mothering Sunday March 26th Book early to avoid disappointment

Cheltenham Festival week Tuesday 14th March to Friday 17th Follow it live on three large screens.

Tribute Evenings £12 per person for entertainment. Friday March 10th Motown & Soul evening with Clayton Stevens

STEAK NIGHT SUNDAY LUNCH FISH FRIDAY Every THURSDAY 12 noon– 6.00pm Every 3rd Friday Sirloin, Rump and Ribeye £18.50 2 courses A selection of delicious fishy starters and main courses washed down with £12.95 £21.50 3 courses that Friday Fizz.




Station Road, Broadway WR12 7DE T: 01386 858117 M: 07972 506248

Next issue April 2017 Deadline March 10th Village News March 2017