Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 38 1926

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hurst, Notes on the Life of, Iby F. V. Baker, 5. Accounts and Balance Sheet, 1925, Baker (Bacar). Benet, 5 ; Oath., 6, 25: xlvi—li. Oustance. 173 ; Bdmond, 176 ; Eliz.. , manor, 83, survey of, 42; 7, 10, 25 ; Lady Eli/,., 25 ; James, 5 : vicar of, 23. Joan, 5,25,173; John. 173.175,178 ; Aldington, ordination of the vicarage, Sir John, 5—10, 12—26, will of, 25 ; 189. Mary, 25: Rich.. 5, 25 (2); Sir Allin, Edmund, 23. Rich., 21, 22; Thos., 5 (2), 25; Amadas, Mistress. 9. Wm., 26, 173. Ambrose, John, 175. Barbor, Bartilmew, 174 ; Elix., 174» ; Amhnrst. John, 73 ; Mary, 73. Ezechiel, 174; Henry, will of, 174 ; Amyee, Sir Geo.. priest, 178. John. 174 ; Mary. 174 ; Susan, 174 ; Andrew, Alan, 182; Oustance, 173; Thos., 174; Vincent, 174: Wm.. Isabella, 182; Joan, 173 ; John, 174. 182(2): Roger, 182; Thomasine, Bardelby, Robt. de, rector of Sand- •will of, 173 ; Wm., 173, will of, hurst, 189. 173 ; —, 173. Barfleld, Peter, will of, 175 ; Thos., Anselm, Thos., warden of St. Mary's 175; Wm,, 175. Ohapel, Cant. Oath., extracts from Hargrove, Chas., 43 ; Dean. 43 ; Isaac. account book of, 139, 160. 29 • John, 29 : Dr. John, survey of Anselm the mercer, IGli. estates made by, 29 ; Thos.. 33, 43, Anunde, Walter, 160. 44. Appledore. reference to a survey of Barnard, John, 57. manor of, 44. Barnes, Clement, 175 ; Henry, will of, Argall, Thos.. 25. 175 ; James, 175 ; Sexborough, 175. Arrowe, John, 173,174, will of. 173 ; Barrett, Anne, 26 ;• Cicely, 26 : Ed- Rich., 174 ; Wm., 173, 174. ward. 7,25 ; Elix., 7 : Geo., 7 ; John, Ash, lands in, 181. 26 ; Joyce. 26 ; —, 42. Ashbey, Mr., 36. Barrow, Wm., 37. Askew, Anne, l(i. Box (Baxe), Goodman, 40; Henry, Aspe, Kiohard, 176, 180 (2). 181 : John, 173. Asshowe, Jane, will of, 174: Thos.. Baytield, Agnes, 177 : Henry, 177. vicar of Eos try, 174, 175, 179. Beaiiehamp, Viscount, 12. atte 1'eld, Stephen, 120. Bede, Jlixt, Keel., extract from, relat- .atte Lose, John, 120. ing to burial of kings and archbps. at Welle, Thos., 177. in St. Austin's Abbey, 97, 98. Aucher, Sir A nthony, 38; Dr. John, 30. Belloo, Tlw Old Road, reference to, Audley, Thos., Lord, 11 ; Sir Thos., 63. 9 ; —. 13. Bens?er, Joan. 175; Oliver. 175; Wm.. Augustine, archbp. of , 175. will of. 175. burial-place of, 97—100. Berd, Rich., 178. Awdoen (Awdwyne), Sir Hery, 178. Bertham. John de, rector of Xew- ohurch, 190. B Best. Jonathan, 44. Bestan, John de. rector of Clyve, 191. Bailay, John, 176. Betteshanger, 174. Baker, Sir John, of Sissing- Bilde, Ove, chancellor of Denmark, 8. 202 GENERAL INDEX.

Bingham, Edmund, vicar of Brede, leading to, 76—79, 83 : St. An- Sussex, 110. drew's, rector of, 189 ; St. Michael's,. (Burne juxta Cant.)) Westgate, 189; St. Mildred's,, 3». houses in, 168 ; St. Thomas' Hos- Bland, John, vicar of Adisham. 23. pital, Eastbridge, deed of sale be- Blomfield, Sir Arthur, 153, 154. tween and St. Mary's Hospital, Boleyn (Bullen), Anne, queen of Ospringe, 116. . 7, 9 ; Margaret. 6; Sir Canterbury Cathedral, The Cha- Thos., (>. Boniface VIII. bull, Cleriois laicns, 1. pel of our Lady in the Crypt,, Boteler (BoUer), ttrysill, 176 ; John, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 153; will of, 176 (2) ; Eich., 176 ; Th,os.. endowment charters of the altar,. 176 (2). 166, extracts from accounts of Boughton . rectory, 30, survey Thomas Auselm, 160; flooding of,. of, Si. 154w ; inscription on bench end, Bowes, Lady Anne, 20 ; Sir Martin. 165 ; lights in, 161, 166, 167 ; 25,20: Sir Robert, 20. mural paintings.. 154 ; offerings at- the altar, 168 ; ordination deed of Box, E. &., on Lambarde's " Carde Lady Joan de Mohun's chantry,. of this Shyre," 89; Note on. 169; reredos, 155 ; restoration of Sevenoaks marke't, 83. screen in, 154 ; wardens of, l'B9r Boyle, Earl of Burlington, tomb of, 164. 35. Canterbury, Rich, de. 167 (2). Boyne, Deane, 39. Canteys. Thos., 181. Boys (Boyse), Dean, 29 ; —, 174. Capel, Thomas, rector of Sevenoaksr Brachie, llobt., 10. 188. Bramblin Court, survey of, 40. Carleton, John, 119. Brandon, Reginald de, rector of Or- Card's, W. D., 104. pington, 191. Carpent. John, 58. Bredgar, Wm., 102«. Carpenter. Adam, 177. Bregwin, archbp. of Cant., burial- Carter, Isabella, will of, 177 ; John,. place of, 108. 178. Brewar (Brewere, Brewher, Bruer), j Cecil, Sir Wm., 18. 24. • - Adam le, 110; Agnes. 177 ; Alice, Champion, John, 178 ; Margery, 178 ^ 176 ; Isabella,' 177 ; John. 120, 170 Richard, will of, 178 ; Thos.. 178. (2), wills of, 176, 177 ; Margaret, I Chapman, Alex., 30, 34 ; Dr., 34 ;. 377; Eich., 17G; Stephen, 176; Wm., 120. Wm., 176. Charlton, Mr., 163. Brithwald. archbp. of Cant., burial- , corn mill, 31, survey of^. place of. 106, KJ7. 38 : deanery, 31, survey of, 39 ; British camps in Bast , 77. fulling mill, 31, survey of, 37 ;• Broker (Brokar), Alice, 177, 180 ; manor-house, 31, survey of, 38. John, 177, will of, 177. Cheriton, Robert de Glastonbury, Brooke (Broke), Lord, 24 ; Mr., 178 ; rector of, 190. Thos., 10. Oheseman,Bobert. ref. to portrait of,. Browne, Sir Anthony, 12, 13; Lord 26. Justice, 24. Cheyney. Sir Thos,. 12. 17. Bryan, Margaret, 177 ; Wm., will of, Chiche, Stephen, 168 ; Thos., 167 (2)r 177. 168. Burghersh, Bartholomew, Lord, 157, Chilham, tomb of Quintus Laberius- 170 ; Joan, dau. of, 157. Durrus at, 78. Butler, Mr., 35. Chillenden, Thos. de, prior of Christ, Byrk, Clement, 175. Oh., Canterbury, 120. Byxle, Adam of, Iii7. Chirche, see Church. ! church, 177. i Chumley, Sir Koger, 24. 0 1 Church (Chirche), Agnes, 179 (2); Alice. 179 (2); Eli/,., 179 ; John,. Cade, John, 121. 176. 178, 179, will of, 179; Mar- Camaka, description of, 169. garet, 178 ; Rich., 179. ISO, will of,. Canterbury, mayor of, 121; old roads 179; Roger, 179; Stephen, 121 -r GENERAL INDEX. 203"-

Thos., 178, 179(2); Wai., 173(2). D'EIboux, E., on A Roman Burial. 179 (2).-wills oil 78, 179. Clark (Clerke). Cicely, 170 ; Clement, at Hailing, 184. 170 ; Isabella, 180 ; Robt., 178 ; De la Motte, —, 8. Wm., 179. Derby (Derbe). Alice, 180: Isabella, Clifford, Simon, 175. ISO; Margery, will of, 180 ; Peter,. Clitheroe, Hugh. ISO. 178, ISO (2), will of, 1S1 : Thos., Clyve, rector of, 191. 1S1. Gnoville, Nich. de, rector of Maid- Despencer. Edward. Lord. 170«; Lady stone. 3. Eliz.. 170. Cobb, Chas. A., 74. Densdedit or Frithona, archbp. of Cockel. Symon. 1615. Canterbury, burial-place of, 106., Codrington. Hainan Roaflf in (treat Digge, John, 167 (2), 168. Britain, reference to old roads in Dodek.ere, John, 196. Kent in, 80. Dorrell. Christopher, 37; Sir Johnr Codsheath, hundred of, 55, 56. 37 ; nee also Darell. Cole, Dr.. 184. 185. Dorset, Henry Grey, Marquess of, IS ; Oolherd, Edward. ISO ; Juliana, 180 : Richard Sackville, Earl of, pur- Roger. ISO: Bibelle, ISO; Wm.', chas.e of manors of Knole and will of. ISO. Sevenoaks by. 59. Confiscation of Chantry lands and Dover, inquisition at, 189 : interdict Church plate. 21. on, 190, Cook, W. II., 1813. Downecourt, manor of. 120. Coppin, Mr., 41. Drake, Charles H., on The Hos- Coptone (Coppetone), Jespard, 162» ; pital of St. Mary, Ospringe,, Richard, 162». commonly called Maison Dieu,, Coren, Richard, 10. 113. Oowpar, Roose, 180; Thos., will of, Drom. Mr.. 178. 180. Drylonde, John, 117. duller (Craler), Wai., vicar of Eas- try, 175, 181. will of, 180. Duncan, Leland L,, review of his. Cranbrook, church, 42;- Quakers' Index of Wills proved in the- burial-ground, 38, 41 : rectory, 33, Rochester Consistory Court, 195. survey of, 41 ; vicar of, 23. Dunkin. Goodman, 38 ; Goody, 38. Cranebourne, John, 120. Dunton, Paul de. 119. Cranmer, Thomas, arehbp. of Canter- Durant, Peter, 167 (2), 168; Wm.r bury, 11, 13. 120. Crawford, 0. B. H,, 183. Dyer, James, 21. Crocker, Mr., vicar of Preston, 35. Dyne, Edward, 73. Cromwell, Thos., Earl of Esses, 9. Dyneley. Eliz., 7 ; Thos., 7. 10. Crnndale, vicar of, 119. Oulpeper, Ciceley, 26 ; Wm., 25, 26. E Cuthbevt, archbp. of Canterbury. burial-place of, 107. Easthelle, Richard of, 167. Eastry, church, survey of. 43 ; houses-- and lands in, 17!!—182 ; lights in D ohuroh, 173/175—177, 179—182; manor, poplars planted on, 33, sur- Dacrcs, Mr., 1,'i. vey of. 43 ; Our Lady Chapel, 173 ; Damplip, Adam, 10. rectory, 33. survey of, 43 ; vicars, Dancy, —, 42. 173, 175, 178. 179, 180. Danish merchants, reference to peti- tion for admission of, to trade in Eastry Wills, by Arthur Hussey,. London, 8. 173. Darell (Barrel)), Christopher, 36 ; Eastry, Walter of, 1(57. Wm., 120 ; xee also Dorrell. Ebbsfieeb, British camp at, 86 ; ferry Davidson, Edith, 165 ; Eandall, arch- at, So ; inner harbour of, 85; old bishop of Canterbury, 1(>5. road at, 85. Day and Nicholson's Rochester Bank, Edbald, king of Kent, and his wife- 74. Emma, burial-place of, 108, 111. 204 G-ENERAl; INDEX.

Edward I., demand for a subsidy Folkestone, The Roman Villa at, by, I- by S. E. Winbolt, 45. Edward trie Black Prince, bequest to Fox, Tka Arts and Monuments, ref. the altar of St. Mary Undercroft to, 10, 12. by, 155, 156; marriage "with Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, 350. Fraunces, Wm,, 57. Edwards, Thos., 73. Freningham. John, mayor of Canter- Egbert, king- of the English, burial- bury, 121. place of. 108. Fresshall, John, 181. Egleston. Bdmonde, 178. Friars, papal privileges exceeded by, Elthergate, Thos.. 179. 190. Elvare. Margery, 181; Thos., will of, Frindsbury, flint implements and 181.' workshop found at, 183. Elwardon (Ehvartune) in Stone, 167 ; Frode. Thos., 179. Henry of, 167 ; John of, 167 ; Thos., Fryn (Frenne, Frin), John, ISO, 181 ; 167. Kobt., ISO, 181 ; Roger, 181 ; Thos., Englefield, Sir Francis, 22. 175, 177, 180; Wm.. 175, 179—181 Epiphany Pageant of .Henry VIII., (2). ref. to bonnets purchased for, 8. Erasmus. Religious Pilgrimage, ref. G to chapel of St. Mary, Canterbury Cathedral, in, 154,154«, 158. Gage, John, 10. Erconbert, king of Kent, death, of, Gardiner, Stephen, bishop of Win- , 10B ; burial-place of with, his wife chester, 12, 19. Sexburga, 108, 311. Gilford, Jo., 41. tErmestede, Win., Master of the G-loueestei'. Alex, de, 117. Temple, 6 Godard. Oliver. 1715. Ethelbert, king of the English, bur- Godin the Spicer, 106. ial-place of, 104; Ethelbert II., Gold or Copperess Stoanes. 41. burial-place of, 109. Goldstone. Thos., 154. Excommunications for vii rious causes, Goldwell, Thos., 39, 159 ; rebus on his 188, 190, 191. name, 32. Exmewe, Joan, 181; Bobt., will of, Goldwore, John, 173. 181. Gfotselin, Hist. Trans. ,V. Aiig., ex- tract from relating to burial of S. Augustine, 98—101. Graham, Miss Rose, on the Siege Farnborough, date of market fran- of Maidstone Rectory, 1; editor chise, 56. of Begistruin Jiolierti Winc-Jielsvi/, Faversharn, church, 31: rectory, sur- 187. vey of. 36 ; vicar of, 36. Grenehull, Wm. of, 167. Fenell, Alice, 182; Oi-istlne, 182; Greneweye, John of, 166 ; Wm. of, Eliz., 182 ; Kmme, 182 ; Joan, 182 ; 166. John. 182 (2); Stephen, 182 ; Win., Grey, Lady Jane, 21, 22 ; Thos., will of, 182. 18. KTerre. John, 166. Grissen, Sir Nich., 181. Feyrefax, Agnes. 182; Isabella. 182 ; Kichard. 182 ; Walter, will of, 182; Wm., 182. II SFinglesbam (Fencylasham, Fengle- sam), 174,177. Haerenden, house and lands called FitzHubert, Daniel, 168. Woohope, 181. KtzWilliam, Karl, 7 ; Mildred, 7 ; Hales, Christopher. 9 ; Sir Jas., 19, Wm.. 6 ; Sir Wm., 7. 21 ; Thos.. 40. Fleet, meaning of, 8(5. Haliberge, John of, 1G7 (2), 168. Fletcher, Bichard. vicar of Cranbrook. Hailing-, A Roman Burial at, 23. 184. Flint Implements and Workshop, Halsted. Sir Robert of. 18S ; William, find of, at Frindsbury. 183. son of, rector of Eolvenden, 188. Foach, Mr., 33, 40. Halstow, Lower, Berksore manor GENERAL INDJEX. 205

house. 31, survey of, 37 ; church. 31, survey of, 37; rectory, 37. Ham, 174. Jamberfc. archbp. of Canterbury, Hamo the bedell, 166 : Roger, son of. burial-pla-je of, 108. 166. James II. at Rochester, 72. Hanning, Symou, 167. John the bedell, 166. Harrison, Rich., 41. lohn le lord, lt>7. Harvey, A. E. Martin, review of his John, of Obford, 155, 155». Sir Jolin Mordan and Ms College, John, king of Portugal, sift of relics 192. of St. Augustine to, 103. Haynes, Dr., 13. Jues, Mr., 36. Head. Sir Edmund Walker. 73 ; Sir Justus, archbp. of Canterbury, burial- Francis, 73 ; Sir Francis Bond, 73 ; place of, 105. Sir Rich., 72. Heawood, Edward, on dates of water- marks, 93; on date of Map of K Kent, 93. Bering, Cicely, 173 ; John, 173 ; Robt., Keith, Sir Arthur, report on. 173. remains from Roman grave, 183. Heron, Sir John, 8. Kemp. Gregorie, 41. Hertford, Bdw. Seymour, Earl of, 12. Kemsinff, church, fi6 ; date of market Hills, Goodman, 38. franchise, 56 ; manor court, 62. Hogen, John, 176. Kenriok, Mr., 34. Hokyng, Gunnora, 117. Kent, James, 39. Hollingbourne, reference to painted Kete, Sir John, 174. panels in manor house, 72 ; refer- Kiddle (Kedle), description of, 41». ence to a survey of manor of, Killick, J. K., 183. 44. Kiugsbury road, 78. Holloway, Thos., 41. Kingston, Sir \\rm., 12, 13. Holm, John, K, Kit-kman, John, 181. Holmesdale Valley, early traffic in, 88. Knocker, H. W., on Sevenoaks r Holte, John, H>7. The Manor, Char oh and Market, Honis, Goodman, 40, 42. 51. Honorixis, arohbp. of Canterbury, Koton candles, description of, 163. burial-place of, 106. Horton, E. A., 183. HuSam, Rich., 178. Hull, Nioh., 162». Human remains in Roman grave, Lake, John, 37. report on by Sir Arthur Keith, 185. Lambarde's "Garde of this Hunsdon. Henry Carey, Baron, grant Shyre," by E. G. Box, si); date of of manor of Sevenoaks to, 59. printingf, 92 ; origin of, 93 ; Pur- Huntingdon, Countess of, 110—112 ; anibvlatwn,

.Lloyd. State Worthies, ref. to Sir Morrone, Peter, pope Ccelestine V., John Baker in. 7. 187. Lodge, IllwttratimiK of British His- Morton, archbp. of Canterbury, rebus tory, ref. to Sir John Baker in, 8. on his name, 32, 89. Logespeye. John, ll(i. Morton, Cardinal, burial-place of. ^London, Falcon Inn, Purple Lane, 158, 159, Gray's Inn, 82, 39. Moyle, Sir Thos., 15, 23. Inner Temple, 5, G. Mulus or Wnlf, kinpr of the West St. Vedast, Foster Lane. 178. Saxons, burial-place of, 101), 111. jLonya, John. 1 IS. Lothaire, king1 of Kent, burial-place . 01,109.111. .Lovell, Sir Thos., 31. X Lucas, Richard. 57. Ludenham. vicar of, 36. Netbersole, Sir Boprer, 4». Lydd, renewal of charter causes ex- Xewberry (Nnberri), John, 1B2«. communication on those procuring; Newchurcb, ordination of vicara?e. it, 191. 190. Newenden, market, 58—fil, Newenham, Thos. de, 118. ivoninston, house and lands called Esole, 181. Machin, Henry, diary of, 24. Norfolk, TJios. Howard, duke of, 11, 12, 10. :]Haidstone Rectory, The Siege of Worth, Sir Edw., 1". in 1297, by Miss Rose Gra- Northumberland, duke of, grant of ham, i. manors of Knole and Sevenoaks to, Mailing-, Peter of, 167. 59, Mandy, John, 180. Norton, Stephen, 1747!.. :Maps of Kent, Lambarde's, 89—9") ; Norwich, Sir Robt., 9. Saxton's, 89, 94, 95 ; Symondson's, Nothelm, archbp. of Canterbury, 8i)«, 95. burial-place of, 107. Markets in West Kent, date of grants oi: franchises, 5t>. .Marlowe, G-eo., 41, 0 'Marsh, John, prior of St. Austin's, 102. Maun, Lady de, gift to St. Mary Old Roads in East Kent and Chapel, Cant. Oath.. 157. Thanet, by G-. P. Walker, 75. Maxstede, Eliz., 174. Oi-g-aver, Sir John, vicar of JEastry, May, Mr., 41. 179. ^Mellitus, archbp. of Canterbury, Orpington, date of market franchise, burial-place of, 100, 105. 56 ; rector of, 191. Messager, Robt. le. 117. Osber.6, fuller, grant of house' to Mi«hell, Margery, 181. Christ Ch. Canterbury by, 167; Mildmay, Sir Walter. 24. Isabel, widow of. gift to same, 1H7 : .Miller, Peter, 178 (2) ; Wm.. 178. Martin, son of, Jti7. M Usted, Gregorie, 41. Ospringe, Hospital of St. Mary Milton (Meleton) next Canterbury, rector of, 188. of, commonly called Maison Milton (Midd)eton), survey of rec- Dieu, by Charles H. Drake, 11»; tory, 3ti ; vicarage house, 87. ceilings of, 113; charters, 118; Mohun, Joan de. founder of chantry chimney piece, 113; corodies. 117, in St. Mary Undercroft. Canter- 119, 120: deed of sale with St. bury. 157, 169, tomb of, 157 ; John Thomas'Hospital, Canterbury, 116 ; de, Lord of Dunster, 1B7. grant of land in Wingham, 117 ; Monkton, ref. to a survey of manor, indult from the popei 117 ; masters 44. of, 117—120 ; pardon to in connec- aioutague. Sir Edward. 21. tion with purchase of lands, etc., .Mordfiit) Sir Julai and his College, 116.117; release from taxation, 117 ; review of, 192. Eichard II, at, 119. G-ENERAL INDEX. 207

,<0springe, The Roman Cemeteries at, by W. Whiting, 128. Eandolff, Stephen, 121. Ospringe. lands in, 117. Reames, Joan, 25 ; Stephen, 25. 'Otford. boundaries of, 55; chapel, lleculver, chapels of the mother 66 : gifo of manor to Christ Oh., church, 189 : decision relating' to Canreibury, 54 ; manor, 54 ; sub- custody of the offering's and lega- manors of, 54. cies and for maintenance of the •Owre (Oere). Eliz., 179; John, 174; lights in the church, 192 ; old road Wm . 179//. from Canterbury to, 83. •Oysel, Win., HiS. Reviews. 187. Richard, Thos., 170. Richixrds. Thomas. 173. Richborough. Castle, roads to, 77, 79, 80, 83. Riche, Sir Diehard, 10, 12—10. Paget, Wm.. 12, 13. Ridley (Kydleye), Dr. Lancelot, 17S; Palmer, Henry, 43; Idarg., 7; Sir Nich., 178. Thos., 7. Roberts, Joseph, 43, 44 : Mary, 7 ; Papal supremacy repudiated 1521). !). Kobt., 7. Paramor, John, 1711. Robertson, J. C., on an account of Parker, Oath.. 7 : Joau, 7 ; Rich., 175 : Pope Alexander VII., 29. Thos!. 179—181. Rochester, Sir Robert, 22. Paulet, Sir Win., 13. 15. 1'awel. Margery, 110; Nich., 110; Rochester, A House in High Rich.. 110. Street, by S. W. Wheatley, 69 ; Payable, Etymon. 107 (2). 108. painted panels in. 70. Pecharn, John, arohbp. of Canter- Indi'ii' of Wills priiKi'/l in tht< bury, date of death, 187. Ccmsitsttiry Court, 1440—1501, 1!)5. Pem'ton, Win., 180. Rogfer, Henry, 181 ; John, 178 ; Penances for incontinency and sor- Juliane, 181. cery, 102. Roger, rector of Sevenoaks, 188. 'Penfold, Alice, 120 ; Koberb, 120. Rogers, Alice, 180, 181; Joan, 181; "Pente, Henry ate, ICC. Juliane, 181. Penye, Win., ISO. Rolvenden, disputed patronage of the Petit, Steven, 107. rectory, 188. Petre (Peter), Sir Wm,, 19, 22, 25. Rouwn ffollivntona, a vcewd of nxeti- Pittock, Mr., 43. vation, ofjtoman Villas, etc., review .Pollesholt, John, 57. of, 196. Poire, Robt., 1GS. Roman Villa at Folkestone, by Portage (Pordage), Lieutenant, 3o. S. E. Winbolt, *5 ; bone imple- Potemau. Thos., l'20. ments, 49 ; coins, 49 ; date of, 50 ; IPotts, R, U., on the Tombs of description of, 45—48 : Folkestone the Kings and Archbishops in round stamps, 50 ; hypocausts, St. Austin's Abbey, 97. 40 ; ornaments, 49 ; Samian pot- tery, 49 ; tiles, 50 ; water pipes, Poynte, Sir Michael, 18. BO. Preston next ]?aversham, survey of Roman burial at Hailing, 185, church, 85 : Oopton manor house, Roman vessels found in cemetery at 8ti, survey of. 84 ; survey of rectory, Ospdnge, fibula and other orna- 85 ; vicar of, 85. ments, 125. 120. 145—149 ; srlass, Proceedings, Abstracts of, xli—xlv. 125—127, 129, 131; pottery. 123— Propchant, Thos., 170, 151 : skulls, 130. Pye, Win.. 100. Romney, hospital of, 190 ; patron of, Pysinge, Thos,, 173. 11)0. Ruck, Mr., 35. llussell, John, Lord, 12,13. Rutland, Thos., 178. Q

S Snergate. Lady of, 190 ; William, son of, 190'. Sackville, Oath.. 6 ; Ciceley, 25 ; Isa- Somerset, Duke of, 20. bel, 7 : Joan, 7 ; John, G ; Margaret, Somery, John de, 188 ; Thomas der 6, 7 ; Mary. 7 ; Mildred, 7 ; Rich- rector of Staplehursc, 188. ard, G. Sondys, Sir George, 43. Sadler, Sir Rafe, 12, 13. Southampton, Wm. Fitzwillinm, Earl of, 11, 12. St. Austin's Abbey, The Tombs Southwell, Sir Robt., 14, 15. of the Kings and Archbishops Spene, Richard, 180. in, by R. U. Potts, 97. Springold, Reginald. 166 ; —, 166. St. John, Wm., Lord Paulet, 10, Stanburne, Win. of, 166. 15. Stnndish, Henry, bp. of St. Asaph, Saltwood, rector of, 190. 8,!). Samuel, Alice, 168 ; Rich., 167 ; Wal- Stanes, Benedict of, 167 : Nich. of, ter, 167. 166 (2) ; Symon of, grant of yearly Sandal de gene, meaning of, 169. rent to Christ Church. Canterbury, Sandhurst;, rector of, ISt). 166 : Wm. of, 167. Sandwich, old roads leading to. 79 ; Staplehurst. vector of, 188. St. Bartholomew's Hospital. 174. Stephen of Chertsey. 188. Sandys, Win., Lord, 12. Stone, Wm., 178. Scorye, Jlr.. 178. Stone, Elvevton manor house, 31 ; Scotc, Kli/..,' 25. survey of, 8(5. Seal, chapel, 06; date of market Strawbrok, John of, 166. franchise. 56. Suffolk, Chas. Brandon, Dake of, llr Seasalter, survey of fishery, 41 ; sur- 12. vey of manor. 40. Sundrid

Thompson. -Gladys, The Tirysden Wightman, Wm., IS. Lieutenancy Papers, review of, 193. Wihtred. 'king of the English, burial- Tilden, Mr.. 37. place of, 109. 111.112. Tillotson, Dr., 30. Wildeman. Giles, 180. Tonbi-idge, date of market franchise. Wilford, Sir James, 20 ; Lady Joyce, 56. 25, 26. Tonge, sequestration, of fruits of Williams, James, priest at Easily. 173. rectory, 190. Willoughby, Dr., vicar of Ohilham. Tourney, John. 182. 103. Treadcroft, Rich.. 41. Wills, Index of, proved in tlw Trip, Bartholomew, 175. HocJiexter Consistory Court, 1440— Trnnstede. Alex of, 166. 1661, review of, 195. Tufton, John, 25 ; Mary, 25. Winbolt, S. E., on the Roman Tunstall, Outhbert, bp. of Durham, 12. Villa at Folkestone, 45; Roman Turner, Mr., 36 ; Richard, 14 ; —, 14, Folkestone by. review of, 196. Winchelsey, Robert, archbp. of Can- terbury, besieged in Maidstone V Rectory, 1 ; mandate of excommu- nication of, 2 ; Register of, 187. Village origins.'reasons for selection Winchepe, Wm., warden of St. Mary's chapel, Canterbury Oath., 164. of their site, 51—53. Wingfield, Sir Anthony, 12,13. Wing'ham, lands in, 117 ; manor. US. W Wodnesborough, 173 ; church, 177 ; lands in, 116. Waldegrave, Sir Bdw., 22. Wolnoth the forester, 166. Walker, G. P., on Old Roads in Woodruff, C. Eveleigh, on the East Kent and Thanet, 75. Chapel of our Lady in the Crypt Walter, Wm.. 14. of Canterbury Cathedral, 153 ; Wantsum Channel, 81, 84. on a seventeenth-century Sur- Warwick, Earl of, 20. vey of Estates of the Dean and Water-marks on paper, dates of, 92. Watting Street, 76, 78. Chapter of Canterbury in East Wattes. Stephen, 173. Kent, 29. Webbis, Benedict, ] 80. Worth church. 177. Wem, Sir Philip, 119. Wriothesley, Sir Thomas. 10, 12, 13, Westerham, church, 66 ; manor court, 10. 61; market franchise, date of, 56. \Vrotham, manor court, 61 ; market franchise, date of, 56. Wheatley, S. W., on a House in Wybouvne, John. 57. Rochester High Street, 69. Wydgare. Symon, 163?z. Whiston, —, 43. Wynter, Mr., 14. White, Oath., 25 ; Henry, 8. Wyrlee, Henry. 163?s. Whitfield (Whitefeld), Andrew, 182 ; Thos., 173, 179. Whiting, W., on the Roman Cemeteries at Ospringe, 123. Wiokham, West, date of market fran- chise, BG, Young, Dr., 24.

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