General Index

General Index

Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 38 1926 ( 201 ) GENERAL INDEX. hurst, Notes on the Life of, Iby F. V. Baker, 5. Accounts and Balance Sheet, 1925, Baker (Bacar). Benet, 5 ; Oath., 6, 25: xlvi—li. Oustance. 173 ; Bdmond, 176 ; Eliz.. Adisham, manor, 83, survey of, 42; 7, 10, 25 ; Lady Eli/,., 25 ; James, 5 : vicar of, 23. Joan, 5,25,173; John. 173.175,178 ; Aldington, ordination of the vicarage, Sir John, 5—10, 12—26, will of, 25 ; 189. Mary, 25: Rich.. 5, 25 (2); Sir Allin, Edmund, 23. Rich., 21, 22; Thos., 5 (2), 25; Amadas, Mistress. 9. Wm., 26, 173. Ambrose, John, 175. Barbor, Bartilmew, 174 ; Elix., 174» ; Amhnrst. John, 73 ; Mary, 73. Ezechiel, 174; Henry, will of, 174 ; Amyee, Sir Geo.. priest, 178. John. 174 ; Mary. 174 ; Susan, 174 ; Andrew, Alan, 182; Oustance, 173; Thos., 174; Vincent, 174: Wm.. Isabella, 182; Joan, 173 ; John, 174. 182(2): Roger, 182; Thomasine, Bardelby, Robt. de, rector of Sand- •will of, 173 ; Wm., 173, will of, hurst, 189. 173 ; —, 173. Barfleld, Peter, will of, 175 ; Thos., Anselm, Thos., warden of St. Mary's 175; Wm,, 175. Ohapel, Cant. Oath., extracts from Hargrove, Chas., 43 ; Dean. 43 ; Isaac. account book of, 139, 160. 29 • John, 29 : Dr. John, survey of Anselm the mercer, IGli. estates made by, 29 ; Thos.. 33, 43, Anunde, Walter, 160. 44. Appledore. reference to a survey of Barnard, John, 57. manor of, 44. Barnes, Clement, 175 ; Henry, will of, Argall, Thos.. 25. 175 ; James, 175 ; Sexborough, 175. Arrowe, John, 173,174, will of. 173 ; Barrett, Anne, 26 ;• Cicely, 26 : Ed- Rich., 174 ; Wm., 173, 174. ward. 7,25 ; Elix., 7 : Geo., 7 ; John, Ash, lands in, 181. 26 ; Joyce. 26 ; —, 42. Ashbey, Mr., 36. Barrow, Wm., 37. Askew, Anne, l(i. Box (Baxe), Goodman, 40; Henry, Aspe, Kiohard, 176, 180 (2). 181 : John, 173. Asshowe, Jane, will of, 174: Thos.. Baytield, Agnes, 177 : Henry, 177. vicar of Eos try, 174, 175, 179. Beaiiehamp, Viscount, 12. atte 1'eld, Stephen, 120. Bede, Jlixt, Keel., extract from, relat- .atte Lose, John, 120. ing to burial of kings and archbps. at Welle, Thos., 177. in St. Austin's Abbey, 97, 98. Aucher, Sir A nthony, 38; Dr. John, 30. Belloo, Tlw Old Road, reference to, Audley, Thos., Lord, 11 ; Sir Thos., 63. 9 ; —. 13. Bens?er, Joan. 175; Oliver. 175; Wm.. Augustine, archbp. of Canterbury, 175. will of. 175. burial-place of, 97—100. Berd, Rich., 178. Awdoen (Awdwyne), Sir Hery, 178. Bertham. John de, rector of Xew- ohurch, 190. B Best. Jonathan, 44. Bestan, John de. rector of Clyve, 191. Bailay, John, 176. Betteshanger, 174. Baker, Sir John, of Sissing- Bilde, Ove, chancellor of Denmark, 8. 202 GENERAL INDEX. Bingham, Edmund, vicar of Brede, leading to, 76—79, 83 : St. An- Sussex, 110. drew's, rector of, 189 ; St. Michael's,. Bishopsbourne (Burne juxta Cant.)) Westgate, 189; St. Mildred's,, 3». houses in, 168 ; St. Thomas' Hos- Bland, John, vicar of Adisham. 23. pital, Eastbridge, deed of sale be- Blomfield, Sir Arthur, 153, 154. tween and St. Mary's Hospital, Boleyn (Bullen), Anne, queen of Ospringe, 116. England. 7, 9 ; Margaret. 6; Sir Canterbury Cathedral, The Cha- Thos., (>. Boniface VIII. bull, Cleriois laicns, 1. pel of our Lady in the Crypt,, Boteler (BoUer), ttrysill, 176 ; John, by C. Eveleigh Woodruff, 153; will of, 176 (2) ; Eich., 176 ; Th,os.. endowment charters of the altar,. 176 (2). 166, extracts from accounts of Boughton Blean. rectory, 30, survey Thomas Auselm, 160; flooding of,. of, Si. 154w ; inscription on bench end, Bowes, Lady Anne, 20 ; Sir Martin. 165 ; lights in, 161, 166, 167 ; 25,20: Sir Robert, 20. mural paintings.. 154 ; offerings at- the altar, 168 ; ordination deed of Box, E. &., on Lambarde's " Carde Lady Joan de Mohun's chantry,. of this Shyre," 89; Note on. 169; reredos, 155 ; restoration of Sevenoaks marke't, 83. screen in, 154 ; wardens of, l'B9r Boyle, Earl of Burlington, tomb of, 164. 35. Canterbury, Rich, de. 167 (2). Boyne, Deane, 39. Canteys. Thos., 181. Boys (Boyse), Dean, 29 ; —, 174. Capel, Thomas, rector of Sevenoaksr Brachie, llobt., 10. 188. Bramblin Court, survey of, 40. Carleton, John, 119. Brandon, Reginald de, rector of Or- Card's, W. D., 104. pington, 191. Carpent. John, 58. Bredgar, Wm., 102«. Carpenter. Adam, 177. Bregwin, archbp. of Cant., burial- Carter, Isabella, will of, 177 ; John,. place of, 108. 178. Brewar (Brewere, Brewher, Bruer), j Cecil, Sir Wm., 18. 24. • - Adam le, 110; Agnes. 177 ; Alice, Champion, John, 178 ; Margery, 178 ^ 176 ; Isabella,' 177 ; John. 120, 170 Richard, will of, 178 ; Thos.. 178. (2), wills of, 176, 177 ; Margaret, I Chapman, Alex., 30, 34 ; Dr., 34 ;. 377; Eich., 17G; Stephen, 176; Wm., 120. Wm., 176. Charlton, Mr., 163. Brithwald. archbp. of Cant., burial- Chartham, corn mill, 31, survey of^. place of. 106, KJ7. 38 : deanery, 31, survey of, 39 ; British camps in Bast Kent, 77. fulling mill, 31, survey of, 37 ;• Broker (Brokar), Alice, 177, 180 ; manor-house, 31, survey of, 38. John, 177, will of, 177. Cheriton, Robert de Glastonbury, Brooke (Broke), Lord, 24 ; Mr., 178 ; rector of, 190. Thos., 10. Oheseman,Bobert. ref. to portrait of,. Browne, Sir Anthony, 12, 13; Lord 26. Justice, 24. Cheyney. Sir Thos,. 12. 17. Bryan, Margaret, 177 ; Wm., will of, Chiche, Stephen, 168 ; Thos., 167 (2)r 177. 168. Burghersh, Bartholomew, Lord, 157, Chilham, tomb of Quintus Laberius- 170 ; Joan, dau. of, 157. Durrus at, 78. Butler, Mr., 35. Chillenden, Thos. de, prior of Christ, Byrk, Clement, 175. Oh., Canterbury, 120. Byxle, Adam of, Iii7. Chirche, see Church. ! Chislet church, 177. i Chumley, Sir Koger, 24. 0 1 Church (Chirche), Agnes, 179 (2); Alice. 179 (2); Eli/,., 179 ; John,. Cade, John, 121. 176. 178, 179, will of, 179; Mar- Camaka, description of, 169. garet, 178 ; Rich., 179. ISO, will of,. Canterbury, mayor of, 121; old roads 179; Roger, 179; Stephen, 121 -r GENERAL INDEX. 203"- Thos., 178, 179(2); Wai., 173(2). D'EIboux, E., on A Roman Burial. 179 (2).-wills oil 78, 179. Clark (Clerke). Cicely, 170 ; Clement, at Hailing, 184. 170 ; Isabella, 180 ; Robt., 178 ; De la Motte, —, 8. Wm., 179. Derby (Derbe). Alice, 180: Isabella, Clifford, Simon, 175. ISO; Margery, will of, 180 ; Peter,. Clitheroe, Hugh. ISO. 178, ISO (2), will of, 1S1 : Thos., Clyve, rector of, 191. 1S1. Gnoville, Nich. de, rector of Maid- Despencer. Edward. Lord. 170«; Lady stone. 3. Eliz.. 170. Cobb, Chas. A., 74. Densdedit or Frithona, archbp. of Cockel. Symon. 1615. Canterbury, burial-place of, 106., Codrington. Hainan Roaflf in (treat Digge, John, 167 (2), 168. Britain, reference to old roads in Dodek.ere, John, 196. Kent in, 80. Dorrell. Christopher, 37; Sir Johnr Codsheath, hundred of, 55, 56. 37 ; nee also Darell. Cole, Dr.. 184. 185. Dorset, Henry Grey, Marquess of, IS ; Oolherd, Edward. ISO ; Juliana, 180 : Richard Sackville, Earl of, pur- Roger. ISO: Bibelle, ISO; Wm.', chas.e of manors of Knole and will of. ISO. Sevenoaks by. 59. Confiscation of Chantry lands and Dover, inquisition at, 189 : interdict Church plate. 21. on, 190, Cook, W. II., 1813. Downecourt, manor of. 120. Coppin, Mr., 41. Drake, Charles H., on The Hos- Coptone (Coppetone), Jespard, 162» ; pital of St. Mary, Ospringe,, Richard, 162». commonly called Maison Dieu,, Coren, Richard, 10. 113. Oowpar, Roose, 180; Thos., will of, Drom. Mr.. 178. 180. Drylonde, John, 117. duller (Craler), Wai., vicar of Eas- try, 175, 181. will of, 180. Duncan, Leland L,, review of his. Cranbrook, church, 42;- Quakers' Index of Wills proved in the- burial-ground, 38, 41 : rectory, 33, Rochester Consistory Court, 195. survey of, 41 ; vicar of, 23. Dunkin. Goodman, 38 ; Goody, 38. Cranebourne, John, 120. Dunton, Paul de. 119. Cranmer, Thomas, arehbp. of Canter- Durant, Peter, 167 (2), 168; Wm.r bury, 11, 13. 120. Crawford, 0. B. H,, 183. Dyer, James, 21. Crocker, Mr., vicar of Preston, 35. Dyne, Edward, 73. Cromwell, Thos., Earl of Esses, 9. Dyneley. Eliz., 7 ; Thos., 7. 10. Crnndale, vicar of, 119. Oulpeper, Ciceley, 26 ; Wm., 25, 26. E Cuthbevt, archbp. of Canterbury. burial-place of, 107. Easthelle, Richard of, 167. Eastry, church, survey of. 43 ; houses-- and lands in, 17!!—182 ; lights in D ohuroh, 173/175—177, 179—182; manor, poplars planted on, 33, sur- Dacrcs, Mr., 1,'i. vey of. 43 ; Our Lady Chapel, 173 ; Damplip, Adam, 10. rectory, 33. survey of, 43 ; vicars, Dancy, —, 42. 173, 175, 178. 179, 180. Danish merchants, reference to peti- tion for admission of, to trade in Eastry Wills, by Arthur Hussey,. London, 8. 173. Darell (Barrel)), Christopher, 36 ; Eastry, Walter of, 1(57. Wm., 120 ; xee also Dorrell. Ebbsfieeb, British camp at, 86 ; ferry Davidson, Edith, 165 ; Eandall, arch- at, So ; inner harbour of, 85; old bishop of Canterbury, 1(>5. road at, 85. Day and Nicholson's Rochester Bank, Edbald, king of Kent, and his wife- 74. Emma, burial-place of, 108, 111. 204 G-ENERAl; INDEX. Edward I., demand for a subsidy Folkestone, The Roman Villa at, by, I- by S. E. Winbolt, 45. Edward trie Black Prince, bequest to Fox, Tka Arts and Monuments, ref. the altar of St. Mary Undercroft to, 10, 12. by, 155, 156; marriage "with Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, 350. Fraunces, Wm,, 57. Edwards, Thos., 73. Freningham. John, mayor of Canter- Egbert, king- of the English, burial- bury, 121. place of. 108. Fresshall, John, 181. Egleston. Bdmonde, 178. Friars, papal privileges exceeded by, Elthergate, Thos.. 179. 190. Elvare. Margery, 181; Thos., will of, Frindsbury, flint implements and 181.' workshop found at, 183. Elwardon (Ehvartune) in Stone, 167 ; Frode. Thos., 179. Henry of, 167 ; John of, 167 ; Thos., Fryn (Frenne, Frin), John, ISO, 181 ; 167.

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