Notre Dame Scholastic Football Review
scholastic spr HH -j/f^ X / I I football revieNA/ ixmm mi^s^?. r Beechwood Ageing could be an ""advertising gimmick." But it isn't. (For instance, , last year we bought h almost 2^ million pounds of Beechwood j strips... enough to fiU 67 freight cars.) WHEN YOU SAY Budweiser. YOU'VE SAID IT ALL! ANHEUSER-BUSCH. INC. • ST. LOUIS ^ V-£wwvuv^^yvvi^X«4«C3^&«fiflflfiM december 10, 1971 notre dame, ind. scholastic volume 113, no. 8 football reviexA/ 4 introduction ^T^^SS^^^^ the season ^KMS^'^^^ 5 northwestern 8 purdue 10 michigan state 12 miami ^^^^^^^ 14 nortli Carolina 16 southern California 18 navy 20 Pittsburgh 22 tulane 24 louisiana state 28 coming attractions 32 only a game Football Review Editor: Don Kennedy Art Director: Rick Fitzgerald Writers: Don Kennedy, Vic Dorr, Mike Mooney Photographers: Joe Raymond, Jim Hunt Staff: Dan O'Donnell, Pat McCracken, Greg Chinchar Mimi Wheeler, Tim Walsh, Joe Hotz "Doonesbury" cartoon courtesy of G.B. Trudeau The opinions expressed in the SCHOLASTIC are those of the authors and editors of the SCHOLASTIC and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Notre Dame, its administration, faculty or student body. Second class postage paid at Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. The magazine is represented for national advertising by National Educational Advertising Services, 360 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10017. Pub lished fortnightly during the school year except during vacation and examination periods, the SCHOLASTIC IS printed at A\'E MARIA PRESS, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. The subscription rate is §5.00 a year (including all issues and the FOOTBALL REVIEW).
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