Relaxase (Tral) of Incpa Plasmid RP4 Catalyzes a Site-Specific
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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 90, pp. 2925-2929, April 1993 Biochemistry Relaxase (Tral) of IncPa plasmid RP4 catalyzes a site-specific cleaving-joining reaction of single-stranded DNA (bacterial conjugation/active-site tyrosine/sequence-specific recognition of single-stranded DNA/termination of transfer DNA replication) WERNER PANSEGRAUt, WERNER SCHRODERt, AND ERICH LANKAt§ tMax-Planck-Institut fur Molekulare Genetik, Abteilung Schuster, Ihnestrasse 73, D-1000 Berlin 33, Federal Republic of Germany; and tFreie Universitat Berlin, Institut fur Biochemie, Fabeckstrasse 36a, D-1000 Berlin 33, Federal Republic of Germany Communicated by F. William Studier, December 14, 1992 ABSTRACT Conjugative DNA transfer of the self- (TraI) to nic. The role of TraH is to stabilize the initial transmissible broad-host-range plasmid RP4 is initiated by complex of form I oriT DNA, TraJ, and TraI by specific strand- and site-specific cleavage at the nick site (nic) of the protein-protein interactions (2). transfer origin (oriT). Cleavage results in covalent attachment We report on the mechanism of site- and strand-specific of the plasmid-encoded relaxase (TraI) to the 5'-terminal cleavage at oriT as part of a study of components involved in 2'-deoxycytidine residue at nic. We demonstrate that Tyr22 is the initiation and termination processes of RP4-mediated the center of the catalytic site of TraI, mediating cleavage via DNA transfer. The specific interaction of RP4 relaxase with formation of a phosphodiester between the DNA 5' phosphoryl defined oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates served to de- and the aromatic hydroxyl group. The specificity of cleavage scribe (i) the cleavage and rejoining reaction, (ii) the nucle- seen with form I oriT DNA was verified with short oligodeoxy- otide specificity within the nick region, and (iii) the nature of ribonucleotides embracing the nick region. The reaction re- the covalent bond between the DNA and the relaxase. To test quires TraI and Mg2+ but is independent of the relaxosome the hypothesis that termination of transfer DNA replication component TraJ. Cleavage produces one oligonucleotide frag- occurs by site-specific recombination between single- ment with a free 3' hydroxyl, the other part forms a covalent stranded oriT sites, we employed purified TraI of plasmid Tral-oligonucleotide adduct. Like nicking of form I oniT DNA, RP4 in an in vitro assay detecting strand exchange at nic. Tral-catalyzed oligonucleotide cleavage reaches an equilibrium Consideration of analogous DNA sequences in a variety of when about 30% of the input Tral exists as a covalent protein- other DNA transfer systems, including the agrobacterial Ti DNA complex. In the presence of two differently sized oligo- plasmids, leads us to suggest that the mechanism described nucleotides, defined hybrid oligonucleotides are produced, here is a widespread mode ofgene transmission between both demonstrating that TraI catalyzes recombination of two single closely and remotely related organisms. strands at nic. This rmding shows that TraI possesses cleaving- joining activity resembling that of a type I topoisomerase. Reactions are dependent on the sequence of the 3'-terminal 6 MATERIALS AND METHODS nucleotides adjacent to nic. Only certain base changes in a few Proteins and DNA. TraI and TraIA3 were purified as positions are tolerated, whereas the sequence of the 5' terminal were labeled either nucleotides apparently is irrelevant for recognition by Tral. described (2). Oligodeoxyribonucleotides The reactions described here further support the hypothesis at their 3' ends by using [a-32P]ddATP (3000 Ci/mmol; 1 Ci that DNA transfer via conjugation involves a roiling circle-like = 37 GBq) and terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase (Am- mechanism which generates the immigrant single strand while ersham) or at their 5'-ends by using [y-32P]ATP (3000 Ci/ DNA-bound TraI protein scans for the occurrence of a second mmol) and phage T4 polynucleotide kinase (4). cleavage site at the donor-recipient interface. Cleavage and Site-Specific Recombination of Oligodeoxyri- bonucleotides by TraL Oligodeoxyribonucleotides (5 pmol) were incubated with Tral (4 ,ug, 50 pmol) in 20 ,ul of TNM (20 Horizontal gene transfer by bacterial conjugation requires the mM Tris HCl, pH 8.8/50 mM NaCl/5 mM MgCl2) for 3 hr at generation of a defined DNA single strand by a rolling 370C. When appropriate, the reaction was stopped by the circle-type mechanism of replication. Following relaxosome K and formation, the key step in this process is site-specific hydro- addition ofSDS (10 mg/ml) and proteinase (100 ,Ag/ml) lysis of a scissile phosphodiester bond at oriTby the relaxase, incubation for an additional 30 min at 37°C. Products were which becomes covalently attached to the 5' phosphoryl end analyzed in a 20% (wt/vol) polyacrylamide gel containing 8 ofthe DNA (for review see ref. 1). Covalent adduct formation M urea. Reaction products were quantified by autoradiogra- is thought to conserve the bond energy required for recircu- phy of gels with the storage phosphor technology (5). larization of the transferred strand by a site-specific recom- Sequencing the Active Site of TraL Preparation of radio- bination event at the nick site of oriT. Use of the IncPa labeled substrate. Oligodeoxyribonucleotide (17-mer, 5'- plasmid RP4 as a model system for studying the molecular TTCACCTATCCTGCCCG-3', 1 nmol) was labeled at the 3' mechanisms of DNA processing during conjugation showed end with [a-32P]dATP (3.3 pmol; 3000 Ci/mmol). [a-32P]- that all genes required for relaxosome formation are clustered dATP was used instead of [a-32P]ddATP to avoid different adjacent to the intergenic oriT (2). During assembly of RP4 separation properties of labeled and unlabeled oligonucle- relaxosomes, the proteins TraJ, TraI, and TraH interact at otide-peptide adducts during HPLC. Due to the great molar oriT in a cascade-like mechanism preparing the superhelical excess of oligonucleotide over the labeled nucleotide, the plasmid for initiation of transfer DNA replication (2). The majority of radiolabeled oligonucleotides were 18-mers car- application ofpurified components in vitro revealed that TraJ rying only one 3' [32P]dAMP. The labeled 18-mer was isolated is a specific oriT-binding protein (3) that directs the relaxase by preparative TLC using the United States Biochemical SurePure system. To obtain an amount of oligonucleotide suitable for preparative cleavage by TraI, unlabeled 18-mer The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. §To whom reprint requests should be addressed. 2925 Downloaded by guest on October 7, 2021 2926 Biochemistry: Pansegrau et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 90 (1993) 5'-TTCACCTATCCTGCCCGA-3' was added in 200-fold ex- A cess. Formation of covalent TraI-oligonucleotide adduct. One hundred sixty nanomoles of the mixture of labeled and -18-mer unlabeled 18-mer was incubated with 80 nmol of TraIA3 in 2 = = _-~~~~17-mer by ml TNM for 3 hr at 37°C. The reaction was stopped - d(pCCCG)ddA- addition of SDS (10 mg/ml) and proteinase K (100 ,ug/ml), . ....... ..... .- 13-mer and incubation was continued for 1 hr. After lyophilization, _PePPOK- the reaction mixture was dissolved in 0.5 ml of water. After centrifugation for 15 min at 20,000 x g and 0WC, the super- natant was applied to a C18 reversed-phase column (4 x 250 a b c d e f (pH mm) equilibrated with 10 mM triethylammonium acetate 5' 5' 5' 3' 3' 3' label 6.5). Peptides were eluted over a period of 3 hr at 0.8 ml/min - + + - + + Tral with a linear gradient of 6-30% acetonitrile in 10 mM trieth- - - + - - + proteinase K ylammonium acetate (pH 6.5). Eluted peptides were detected by A220. Fractions containing pepproK-d(pCCCGA*) were B identified (i) by measuring radioactivity and (ii) by gel n4) electrophoresis. pepPrOK-d(pCCCGA*) was eluted at 18.5% acetonitrile (pepproK means a proteinase K-generated Tral ov peptide with a few amino acid residues; an asterisk indicates n 20 the presence of a [32P]phosphoryl group). One and a half 00z'o 10 vOia nanomoles was obtained. The peak fraction (750 pmol) was 0. analyzed on an Applied Biosystems model 473A sequencer 4) (6). 10 20 RESULTS molar ratio 118-mer]/LTral] of by TraL. Muta- Site-Specific Cleavage Oligonucleotides FIG. 2. Site-specific cleavage of single-stranded oligonucleotides tions in the nick region of plasmid RP4 (Fig. 1) demonstrated by Tral. (A) Tral was incubated with oligonucleotides and reactions that several positions in the 8-bp stretch between the TraJ were stopped and analyzed as described under Materials and Meth- binding region and nic are crucial to Tral-mediated cleavage ods. Presence or absence of Tral in the reactions is shown. Where (7). This indicated that other nucleotides in addition to nic indicated, the cleavage reaction was followed by proteinase K diges- interact with the relaxase. It is expected, therefore, that tion. Oligonucleotides were 32P-labeled at their 3' or 5' end. Positions recognition of oriT sequences by Tral is not exclusively of bands corresponding to the input oligonucleotides [17-mer with mediated by the TraJ-oriT complex. It is also conceivable that 5'-end label, d(p*TTCACCTATCCTGVCCCG), and 18-mer with binding of TraK in this region changes the local DNA 3'-end label, d(TTCACCTATCCTGVCCCG)ddA*] and cleavage that nic is exposed as a single strand for cleavage products [13-mer with 5'-end label, d(p*TTCACCTATCCTG), or topology so pepproK-d(pCCCG)ddA* with 3'-end label] are indicated at right. (B) by Tral (8). Tral was incubated with various amounts of 3'-end-labeled 18-mer as To test the hypothesis of DNA single-strand cleavage, described above.