$2.2M$2,200,000 $2,100,000 $2,000,000$2.0M $1,900,000



$1,600,000 $1.5M$1,500,000 $1,400,000



$1,100,000 $1.0M$1,000,000 $900,000



$600,000 $0.5M$500,000 $400,000




$000,000 PLEDGED COMMITMENT CT SCANNER PROJECT September 3, 2021 1909-14 Ave. Wainwright Building Better Communities Star News Inc. Wainwright AB. Volume 8 Number 46 Our mission: To serve our readers with news and advertising of high integrity. 780-842-2010 Students head back School zone to school for another speed limits year of learning back in effect

Students at Wainwright Elementary School were excited to return to the classroom on Wednesday. Photos: Zak McLachlan Zak McLachlan [email protected]

tudents at schools around the Wainwright area Sbegan returning to the classroom for another year of learning on Wednesday, September 1. A number of schools used a staggered return-to- school approach, with half of the students begin- ning their school year on Wednesday and the rest on Thursday. The Buffalo Trail Public Schools’ back to school plan includes a number of health and safety mea- sures, as students return to the classroom cautious of COVID-19. Masks are mandatory for students on busses as per the provincial health order. Visitors must As students received instruction on the newest school wear masks inside the school and complete the procedures at WES (pictured above), Wainwright Fire & BTPS COVID screening app. Staff and students Rescue members reminded motorists to drive safetly in will have daily screening and must stay home school zones as the new school year begins (below). when sick. Enhanced hygiene and cleaning pro- tocols will also be in place. Although some students waiting to enter the school building at Wainwright Elementary School on Wednesday morning said they would rather still be in bed, the excitement could be felt around the school yard as parents dropped off their children for their first day of school. Wainwright Fire & Rescue were on hand at all the schools in Wainwright to remind motorists to follow the proper speed limit now that school has As of Wednesday, September 1, all school zones in Photo: Zak begun and school zone speed limits are 30 km/h Wainwright now have a reduced speed limit between McLachlan between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. EDGE 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. Please drive slow and safe when passing through school zones.

Nordstrom Dental changed its Name to “We love to make you smile” Accepting New Patients!! (780) 842-6838

Same Great professional service, Same Great team! 2 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 Irma School celebrates their Class of 2021 with graduation ceremony

Zak McLachlan [email protected]

rma School held their graduation cer- Iemony for the Class of 2021 on Friday, August 27, in the school’s gymnasium. The ceremony, which is normally held in late May, was postponed until the end of summer this year because of the pandemic. Family, friends and teachers gath- ered at the school gymnasium as the graduates celebrated their achieve- ments with a special day in their finest attire. The seven-graduate class, includ- ing valedictorian Jaida Fuder, Destiny Fuder, Donna Bagga, Lincoln Glover, Emily Larson, Skyla Leblanc and Gabe Gosselin, chose “And so, the adventure begins” as their graduation theme this year. In her valedictorian speech, Fuder gave thanks and praise to those who have helped the graduates along their journey and prepared them for the ad- The Irma School Class of 2021 celebrated venture ahead. their graduation on Friday, August 27. Pic- tured above and bottom right, Jaida Fuder “As we fly away from the nest, we gives her valedictorian speech. Pictured top wish to recognize all of the people right, from left, are graduates Skyla Leblanc, who’ve played a role in our develop- Emily Larson, Lincoln Glover, Donna Bagga, ment and thank them for their support Jaida Fuder and Destiny Fuder. Missing from and nurturement. You have construct- the photo is graduate Gabe Gosselin. Submitted photos ed our wings that will carry us into the future and allow us to enjoy the adven- I want to give a special thanks to the ture that awaits,” she said. parents for both figuratively and liter- “To the teachers and staff at Irma ally giving us gas to travel to new plac- school who have created a nurtur- es. The road we have traveled thus far ing environment, we will continue to has had its fair share of potholes and uphold the values you have instilled speed bumps. We’ve made mistakes, in us, and we will always cherish the but we are fortunate enough to be memories we have created together. raised in an environment that forgives “And as we merge into the real world, our mistakes.” EDGE Third vaccine doses NOW OPEN available September 1 IN OUR NEW See News LOCATION! ? Zak McLachlan weeks after their second dose include: Happening [email protected] - Transplant recipients, including solid 1005 14 Avenue, Wainwright organ transplants and hematopoietic CALL Zak @ eginning on Tuesday, September 1, stem cell transplants. Watch for details on our Grand Opening (780) 842-4465 Bthird doses of COVID-19 vaccines will - Individuals with chronic kidney dis- be available for all seniors living in con- ease who are receiving regular dialysis. gregate care facilities and for immuno- - Individuals in active cancer treat- Tel (780) 842-3146 compromised Albertans. ment (chemotherapy, immunotherapy www.hrblock.ca Fax (780) 842-6236 Seniors living in congregate care facili- or targeted therapies) excluding those HRS: Tues & Thurs with extended hours through tax season. Call for more info or to book an appointment.

ties will be eligible to receive their third receiving only hormonal therapy, radia- an EDGE 4-pack dose approximately five months after tion therapy or surgery. their second dose. Eligible residents will - Individuals on certain medications for receive their third doses at their facilities. autoimmune diseases, including ritux- Immunocompromising conditions that imab, ocrelizumab and ofatumumab. qualify for an additional dose at least eight EDGE

ROSE Rose compliments of Wainwright to you Flower Cart EVERYDAY 20% DISCOUNT* for Seniors, Military, Teachers, Healthcare Workers VOTE Jeff GOLKA The Royal Purple *some conditions may apply Ladies )RU%DWWOH5LYHU&URZIRRW For your outstanding job. :KHWKHULW·VLQGXVWU\FXOWXUH ZD\RIOLIHRURXU Aleve Back & Body WEEKLY IXQGDPHQWDOKXPDQULJKWV IUHHGRPV SPECIAL Caps 220Mg 65 ...... $15.99 VHQGPHWR2WWDZDDQG,ZLOOalways vote for If you know someone who deserves recognition, ZKDWLV BESTfor the WEST. email The EDGE at: [email protected] or www.denwoodpharmacy.com &217$&70(72'$<  or JRONDMHfI#JPDLOFRm call 780-842-4465 How do you pronounce freedom? “MA-VER-ICK”. The recipient will be contacted by the Flower Cart to pick up their rose. EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 3 Town asks for vandalism to cease at Bevan’s Park

Zak McLachlan paired the netting numerous times, but [email protected] each time it is repaired, it is once again cut and torn by the unknown vandals. he Town of Wainwright is asking The new volleyball net in the Be- Tresidents in the Bevan’s Park area to van’s Park area was also vandalized keep an eye out for vandalism and sus- earlier this summer, as the netting was picious activity. cut similar to the soccer nets. The Parks For the past couple months, the and Recreation Department fixed that Town’s Parks and Recreation Depart- damage, and so far it has been undam- ment has been dealing with vandalism aged since. to the soccer nets in the area. The de- “We ask anyone who sees any sus- partment installed new netting on the picious activity over there to call the soccer nets in Bevan’s Park, only for the Town Office or the RCMP,” said Parks netting to be continuously vandalized and Recreation Director, Scott Walker. by unknown individuals. “We want all kids to be able to utilize Town staff as well as respectful users the spaces and not worry about having The netting on the soccer nets at Bevan’s Park has been continuously Submitted photo to get all that stuff vandalized.” vandalized this summer, and the Town of Wainwright is asking those who of the soccer fields in the park have re- see any suspicious activity in the area to report it to the Town Office or EDGE Wainwright RCMP as soon as possible. MD Transportation and Utilities reported activities Selling Farm Land, It’s All We Do to Council $49,588 in SLR

Roger Holmes [email protected]

orking on rail Wcrossings The Director of Trans- portation for the MD of Wainwright, Preston Iver- Chauvin Stand Up Triple son, reported to Council on 3 quarters For Sale Oct 13, 2021 Chauvin, AB Tuesday, August 17, that they are adding gravel to 3 contiguous Quarters selling as one Parcel near the Village of about 14 rail crossings in Chauvin, AB. With massive SLR and the potential for significant the MD to help smooth the crop rental income, this opportunity is one you will not want to driving transition across miss! See Website for Starting Bids. the tracks. He noted they will be working with CN | | | Rail to coordinate the work. Winter coming Iverson reported they This pump house in Fabyan currently con- Photo: Roger are getting ready to mix tains only one pump to supply water to Holmes road salt for the 2021-2022 the community. The second pump has been  [email protected] removed through the roof for maintenance by winter season. MD crews. Fabyan water system TOLL FREE 1 866 263 7480 It was noted that one of the pumps at the Fabyan pump house pump while a new pump is being has failed, leaving only one working built. EDGE

Hosted by the Wainwright Downtown +PJO6TŷO Business Community SEPTEMBER172021 Downtown Wainwright   !     !    4 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 Maverick Party candidate, leader visit Wainwright

Zak McLachlan dom to do that for western . [email protected] The time has come now where MPs should not be muzzled to not speak eff Golka, Maverick Party candidate about how they feel about carbon Jfor Battle River - Crowfoot, and in- taxes and Paris Climate Accords and terim leader visited Wain- firearms and those bills that matter to wright on Thursday, August 26, to western Canadians.” meet with constituents ahead of the The Maverick Party team contin- federal election which is upcoming ued from Wainwright to the Czar area, on September 20. where they held a rally that evening. Golka, a native, said it was After that, Golka said he would con- important for he and Hill to meet with tinue to visit communities throughout community members and spread the the Battle River - Crowfoot area, while message of the young federal political interim leader Hill along with deputy party to rural Albertans in the Wain- interim leader Allan Kerpan and the wright area. rest of the campaign team continued “It’s a fast and furious affair to do it visiting Maverick Party candidates in like this with a rushed election, but ridings throughout Alberta and the rest Jeff Golka, the Maverick Party candidate for Battle River - Crowfoot, Photo: Zak we’re rising to the challenge and do- pictured middle, visited Wainwright last Thursday along with Maverick Party McLachlan of . ing our best to put the Maverick mes- deputy interim leader Allan Kerpan, left, and interim leader Jay Hill, right. Golka said he is a family man from sage out,” Golka said. Hardisty with three children. He has He said that message is one of bring- been in the oilfield business for 15 ing fairness to the West and giving a hasn’t had a fair deal in confederation. tion to the region and to have a better years and also involved in real estate voice to the people of ridings such as We feel that we do matter in this con- choice of Western representation. We for about the same amount of time. Battle River - Crowfoot. federation. We want to have a larger can take the needs of our region more “I grew up on a farm. I know the val- “The Maverick Party is a western- voice, and we want to make a differ- seriously and without following a big ue of work and a dollar, and I feel I can based party which believes the West ence for the West and the outcomes of party line. The big party platforms just contribute that experience to the Mav- everything from seem to lose people in different re- erick Party. I am really proud to be the social programs gions of this country by running one candidate for Battle River - Crowfoot,” to projects to our type of platform, whereas we are more he said. way of life. dedicated to the region and the needs Canadians will head to the polls for “I think people of those people,” Golka said. the federal election on Monday, Sep- NOTICE OF NOMINATION DAY Local Authorities Election Act (Section 26) should vote for “I think we can offer better represen- tember 20. me if they feel tation without the challenge of our Polls will be open from 7:30 a.m. to

Local Jurisdiction: Municipal District of Wainwright No. 61, Province of Alberta they should have leadership telling us we can or cannot 7:30 p.m. on election day. a voice of dedica- talk about things. We have the free- EDGE Notice is hereby given that Nomination Day is September 20, 2021 and that nominations for the election of candidates for the following offices will be received at the location of the local jurisdiction office set out below within the period beginning on January 1, 2021 and ending at 12:00 Noon local time on Nomination Day.

Each nomination paper must be accompanied by a $100.00 deposit in cash, Certified Cheque, or Money Order. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Number of Ward or Electoral Office(s) Vacancies Division Number AND CLAIMANTS Councillor 1 Division 1 Councillor 1 Division 2 Estate of ͞ŵĂŶǁŚŽƐƚŽƉƐĂĚǀĞƌƟƐŝŶŐ Councillor 1 Division 3 James Harold Kish ƚŽƐĂǀĞŵŽŶĞLJŝƐůŝŬĞĂŵĂŶǁŚŽ Councillor 1 Division 4 Councillor 1 Division 5 who died on August 24, 2021 ƐƚŽƉƐĂĐůŽĐŬƚŽƐĂǀĞƟŵĞ͘͟ Councillor 1 Division 6 If you have a claim against this estate, you Councillor 1 Division 7 - Henry Ford must file your claim by October 15, 2021. with Peter Van Winssen Professional Location (Address) of Local Jurisdiction Office: CALL US TODAY! Corporation M.D. of Wainwright No. 61 Administration Building at 1013 - 5th Avenue (780) 842-4465 717 - 14 Avenue www.starnews.ca • 1027-3rd ave. Wainwright, AB T9W 1B3 Wainwright, Alberta T9W 1L6

Dated at the Town of Wainwright, in the Province of Alberta, this 1st day of September, If you do not file by the date above, the 2021. estate property can lawfully be distributed Neil Loonen without regard to any claim you may have. Notice of Nomination Day (Returning Officer) Local Authorities Election Act. (Section 26) Celebration of life for Local Jurisdiction: East Catholic Separate School Division, PROVINCE OF ALBERTA. Notice is herby given that Nomination Day is September 20, 2021 and that nominations for the election of candidates for the follow- ing offices will be received at the location of the local jurisdiction office set out below within the period beginning on January 1, 2021 BLESSED SACRAMENT CATHOLIC CHURCH GRACE UNITED CHURCH WAINWRIGHT PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY and ending at 12:00 Noon local time on Nomination Day. 906 - 6th5&.4&:     3)5&.4&:    3)5&.4&:   Saturday at 5:00 pm- Anticipated Sunday "-!/12)*0)&,%*.3)& ".$34"18  "- 4.%"8 $)//, Offices Number of Ward or Electoral Mass &5/+6"%* "2&,&  "-0-!/12)*0 Vacancies Division Number 4.%"8"22"3 "- JEHOVAH’S WITNESS CONGREGATION  0-/.!&%.&2%"8 *#,& 34%8*%9/.& Trustee (The Theresetta 1 Ward 1 CANADIAN MARTYRS’ CHAPEL (CATHOLIC)   5&.4&:   Ward) 4*,%*.( :!"*.61*()3 "-!/12)*0 "23/12".4%8"1$)4+ Ricky (Ericka) Nash Trustee (The Wainwright 2 Ward 2 Sunday 9:00 a.m. PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Ward) "*3)/--4.*38//1%*."3/1  3)5&.4&:  3)5&.4&:   will be held on Sept 11th 1.3/.8!&14.(" "-!/12)*0 4.%"8 $)//,  "-!/12)*0 from 1-4pm at the Arm Lake Trustee (The Stettler/Killam 1 Ward 3   &73  Ward) "23/1%/23& ST. PAUL’S CHAPEL (PROTESTANT) Campground. CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 4*,%*.( :!"*.61*()3 Trustee (The Provost Ward) 2 Ward 4 LORD OF THE NATIONS FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Burgers and hotdogs will be served. "-%4,3 4.%"8 $)//,     31&&3:   4.%"8 "- Trustee (The Vermilion Ward) 2 Ward 5  "-!/12)*0 &15*$&2"3"- 0- "*3)/--4.*38//1%*."3/1 There will be a slideshow and some of &15*$& 4.%"8 $)//,%41*.(!/12)*0 &5&.3/12-". her favourite music playing in the back- Location (Address)of Jurisdiction Office: &15*$&'/1",,"(&2"23/18".!//% ST. THOMAS ANGLICAN CHURCH   &73    3) 31&&3:   ground. Please come and help the East Central Alberta Catholic Separate School Division EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH  "-!/12)*0 family remember and celebrate the life 1018 - 1st Ave., Wainwright, AB T9W 1G9   3)5&.4&:   &5%"$)"&,"1+&1 of this amazing woman who will forever Dated at the Town of Wainwright, in the Province of Alberta,  "-/1.*.(!/12)*0 &15*$& -"*,1&51"$)"&,0"1+&1(-"*,$/- be remembered and always in our &.*/1"23/1"15*.&..&1 this 25th day of August, 2021. hearts. It is BYOB and lawn chair. Shirly Prosser (Returning Officer) EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 5 OPINIONS

Zak McLachlan Aaron Holmeses Editor

Teachers COVID Briefings

chool is back in session, and that means some of ope you had a great summer. Sthe most important people in our communities H As it turns out, the celebrations where we are back to the daily grind. burned our masks were premature. We failed the Teaching is one of the most pivotal, influential marshmallow test by entering Stage 3 of the Open for and rewarding jobs out there. Summer plan on July 1, 2021. Teachers - alongside parents, guardians, coaches Numbers were pretty low then. Not zero, but and others mentors - play a massive role in the devel- pretty low. opment of a child, and, in a broader sense, the next We can learn from this. For example, if you ever generation of our society. have a house fire, and the firefighters tell you the But teaching can also be one of the most stressful, fire is mostly out, don’t send them away and move exhausting and patience-testing jobs too. back into the house. Instead, wait for them to finish Teachers go through a lot in any school year, let putting out the fire. alone one in which they must navigate the difficult Given the absence of provincial leadership, a and ever-changing world of a global pandemic. panel of Medical doctors and experts have convened And that is why it is important to remember the “Protect our Province: COVID Briefing”. It’s going Support businesses to treat teachers with the respect, compassion and to be on three times a week, and they take questions patience they deserve. from the press. that keep your Last year, many parents quickly learned a little This group is more forthright about the situation bit about what it takes to be a teacher. With at-home in the hospitals and the science around COVID than community and it’s learning throughout the school year last year, par- we’ve seen from our political leaders. ents were faced with a tough challenge. They know how exhausted the hospital staff are. Do you remember trying to convince your student They know how important continued use of masks newspapers alive. to focus on their school work even though all they are. They can see what happens when the restric- wanted to do was go outside and play? Or how about tions are lifted too early. tyring to explain fractions to your Grade 2 student By telling people what they know and what while they were hungry right before lunchtime? they’re experiencing, they’re allowing us a better Well, now imagine doing that with 25 bored or view of what’s going on with the pandemic. hungry or distracted students in the room at once. That approach has put kids, particularly the That is no easy feat. under-12s who aren’t eligible for any COVID vac- And now teachers have to deal with rules around cines yet at risk. masks or no masks. They have to teach a room full In any case, if you’re looking for fresh, unspun of students who have yet to be vaccinated against takes on the current state of the pandemic, you can’t COVID-19. They’ve had to prepare lessons in a whole do much better than these briefings. new way with at-home learning becoming an unfor- In the meantime, keep doing the right things tunate reality at times. It must be extremely stressful. despite the absence of leadership in this province. So try to remember to treat your student’s teach- Listen to the doctors and experts. It’s going to take ers right this school year. Be polite when you have longer to get to COVID-Zero than we’d like. Stay safe. concerns. Share a kind word when you see them at school or in public. Send a small gift to class with your child once in a while. Positive vibes and kind gestures can go a long way.

Verified Circulation 4,863 Published by Just Looking Around 2008 WINNER 2009 WINNER 1027-3 Ave., Wainwright, AB T9W 1T6 Terry Hunka Carrie Ph: 780-842-4465 Fax: 780-842-2760 Accounts Baumgartner website: www.starnews.ca Receivable Production Lead/Sales Some were excited, some were not. Temperatures are dropping fairly [email protected] [email protected] But either way, students headed quickly, and plenty of trees are Roger Holmes Zak McLachlan Phyllis Holmes Gale Aykroyd back to school on Wednesday for changing colour or even losing Publisher Editor Writer Financial the start of the 2021-22 school year. their leaves already. Autumn is just [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Administrator It seems the summer break just around the corner. [email protected] flew right by. **** The EDGE has 9,646 followers in print, i.e. 4,823 published with an average of two readers per printed copy. **** Many people have big plans for With school back in session, school Labour Day weekend, as they cel- LETTERS POLICY: zone speed limits are now reduced ebrate the last long weekend of The Wainwright EDGE welcomes letters to the editor to 30 km/h from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 summer. But make sure to celebrate for publication. Letters must be signed and a phone We've got you covered! number included so the writer’s identity can be verified. p.m. on Monday through Friday. safely. Don’t drink and drive. And The Wainwright EDGE reserves the right to edit letters Please drive safely and carefully don’t spread COVID either. for legal considerations, taste, and brevity. through school zones, especially **** Please mail, e-mail, or drop off early in the school year while stu- The Wainwright region is up to your comments to: dents continue to get re-adjusted to 56 active cases of COVID-19 as of Letter to the Editor 1027-3 Ave, Wainwright, AB T9W 1T6 school life. Wednesday. This is not good. Not Phone: (780) 842-4465 Fax: (780) 842-2760 **** good at all. E-mail: [email protected] More and more election signs can **** The letters appearing in today’s paper have been edited be seen in the community as the “Civilization rests on the fact that for length and other considerations. Please try to keep your letters under 300 words to ensure your Letter to federal election gets closer and clos- most people do the right thing the Editor appears as close to its original form as pos- Read The Wainwright EDGE E-Edition online weekly er. Election day is September 20. most of the time.” - Dean Koontz sible. Thank you to everyone who took the time to send at StarNews.ca And check us out daily on facebook us comments on the important issues of the day in our facebook.com/WainwrightStarNews community. Keep your input coming.


21091CE0 21091CE1 21091CE2 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 7

Sergeant Wes Bensmiller Constable Greg Bamber Corporal Norm Weber Constable Charles Lambright Corporal Kirk Smith Constable Lisa Harrower Constable Ben Dixon Constable Jennie Reddick Constable Michael Hamilton Constable Mitch Gardipee Constable Karanvir Nanuan POLICEBEAT

“The Police Beat” is a joint effort be- a residence in Wainwright. Members » 11:40 p.m. - Complaint of a group of vehicle in the parking lot of a business tween Star News and the Wainwright attended and located the individu- individuals knocking on numerous in Wainwright. Members made patrols RCMP and is put together by a repre- als involved. Situation was mediated. doors in Wainwright and then run- and located the vehicle. Member de- sentative of both organizations. Further police intervention was not re- ning away. Members made patrols and termined the occupants of the vehicle August 16-22 quired. located a group of youths, who were were not up to anything criminal or » warned about their actions. suspicious. Zak McLachlan with files from 9:00 a.m. - Complaint of an abandoned Sgt. Wes Bensmiller vehicle which was later determined to » 6:00 p.m. - Complaint of a disturbance have been stolen out of Killam. Vehicle August 19 at a liquor establishment in Wain- » had been located in a rural location east 12:00 p.m. - Report of a two-vehicle wright. Members attended and spoke to 7KHUHZHUHFRPSODLQWVLQFLGHQWVÀYH collision at 10th Street and 1st Avenue deer-related incidents, eight ‘not a police of Wainwright. Vehicle was towed and all individuals involved. Matter is still later returned to the registered owner. in Wainwright. No injuries were report- under investigation. matters’, two false 911 calls, ten cases of ed. Collision report completed. IDLOXUHWRDSSHDUDQGVHYHQIDOVHDODUPV » 10:00 a.m. - Complaint of an unknown » 8:20 p.m. - Complaint of an online » were reported during the week. female hiding in a garbage bin. Mem- 4:30 p.m. - Complaint of a suspicious fraud. Complainant advised a seller on bers later located the female and spoke male near the splash park in Wain- Kijiji was attempting to sell an item at wright. Members made patrols, but August 16 to her about the incident. Female left a price well below market value. Com- the area without issue. they could not locate the male. No fur- plainant believed the matter to be a » 10:00 a.m. - Report of a van crashing ther complaints received. scam, and reported for information pur- into a pole in a residential area in Wain- » 10:05 a.m. - Complaint of a theft. Com- » 7:15 p.m. - Complaint of a male firing poses. No money was lost. wright. Driver fled the area on foot. plainant advised two unknown indi- viduals stole items from a storage shed a crossbow at targets in Wallace Park. » 8:30 p.m. - Complaint of a number » 10:04 a.m. - Complaint of a break and behind a business in Wainwright. No Members made patrols and located of cows on the highway near Fabyan enter. Complainant advised an un- suspects. the male, who was educated about the campground. Owner of the cattle was known male broke into the complain- laws on weapons in public areas. Male » contacted to retrieve the animals. ant’s residence brandishing a firearm 10:10 a.m. - Complaint of a break in to left the area. and demanding a vehicle. Another com- a residence in Wainwright. Complain- » 8:00 p.m. - Complaint of a theft of beer. August 22 plainant was carjacked at gunpoint on ant advised various items were stolen. Male advised he had left a case of beer » 2:20 a.m. - Request to assist EMS with the street in Wainwright. Suspect also No suspects at this time. in the basket on his bicycle in the area an aggressive patient. Members attend- fired shots at the complainant’s vehicle » 10:15 a.m. - Complaint of a distur- of 6th Avenue and 6th Street in Wain- ed and provided assistance. Further po- before stealing the truck at gunpoint. bance. Complainant advised a male wright, and it was stolen. No suspects. lice action not required. Vehicle was later located in the Kitscotty and a female were arguing loudly in » » area. Police pursuit was initiated, which the Walmart parking lot. Members at- 9:00 p.m. - Complaint of a suspicious 11:00 a.m. - Complaint of a male and a continued through multiple RCMP ju- tended and spoke to both parties. Fur- vehicle driving around a house that female causing a disturbance. The two risdictions. Police chase came to an end ther police action not required. had burned down the week prior. Ve- individuals were yelling at each other when the vehicle crashed into a tree in hicle eventually left the area. Members in the Wainwright Health Centre park- » Wallace Park in Wainwright. Driver was 12:30 p.m. - Complaint of a male made patrols but could not locate the ing lot. Members attended, but both in- arrested, charged with numerous offenc- breaching his conditions of no contact vehicle. No suspects. dividuals had already left the area. No es and remanded into custody. by sending text messages to the com- further complaints received. plainant. Members investigated the » 10:15 a.m. - Complaint of a vehicle August 20 » 11:20 a.m. - A blue and black Bear matter, but they could not determine » 12:00 p.m. - Complaint of an unwant- speeding through a construction zone Mountain HPR bicycle had been lo- where the text messages originated. No ed male at a residence in the area of 6th on Highway 41. Vehicle was believed cated on an individual’s property. Un- grounds for an arrest. Avenue and 6th Street in Wainwright. to be the truck which was earlier stolen known where the bicycle came from. » Members attended and removed the in- in Wainwright and was involved in the 12:45 p.m. - Request to conduct a well- Bicycle will be held for 45 days in at- toxicated male from the residence. No police pursuit. being check on a male who had not tempts to find the owner. contacted his family in over a month. further complaints received. » 2:15 p.m. - Complaint of damage to a » 1:20 p.m. - Complaint of a disturbance Members attended the residence and » 3:30 p.m. - Complainant who had lost vehicle while parked at Wainwright between two males at a residence in located the male, who did not require his debit card reported he was missing Health Centre. No suspects. police or medical assistance. Wainwright. Members attended and a large amount of money from his bank mediated the situation. Males were » 3:00 p.m. - Complaint of a disturbance » 3:00 p.m. - Complaint of a theft of an account. No suspects at this time. separated. at a residence in Wainwright. Com- SUV from a motel in Wainwright. No » 5:00 p.m. - 911 hangup from a resi- plainant advised it sounded as if some- » 7:00 p.m. - Complaint of shoplifting suspects at this time. Vehicle entered dence in Wainwright. Matter was de- one was breaking a door. Members at- from a business in Wainwright. Sus- into police database as stolen. termined to be a dispute between a tended and searched the property, but pects were identified and banned from » male and a female. Members attended no suspects could be located. No further 3:30 p.m. - Complaint of a theft of fuel the store. cards. Complainant advised the fuel and mediated the situation. No further complaints received. » cards stolen from their vehicle had police action required. 9:00 p.m. - Complainant advised they » 4:00 p.m. - Complaint of an unknown had been stranded in Wainwright. been used at a gas station in Mannville. » 8:10 p.m. - Report of cows on the road male defecating on the field behind Members provided the male with in- Matter is still under investigation. on Highway 614. Members made pa- Wainwright High School. Members formation to assist him in getting back » trols in the area, but the cows were no made patrols in the area, but they could 8:00 p.m. - Complaint of shoplifting. to the airport in . Complainant advised an unknown longer on the road. No further com- not locate any suspects. » female walked out of the Cornerstone plaints received. 10:00 p.m. - Complaint of a possible » 4:40 p.m. - Complaint of an erratic theft of a vehicle in progress. Mem- Co-op grocery store with a basket of » 10:30 p.m. - Complaint of a suspicious driver east of Wainwright on Highway bers attended and located the suspects. food without paying. Members made female walking on the roadway in the 14. Complainant advised the vehicle Members determined the individuals patrols, but they could not locate the fe- area of 8th Street and 10th Avenue in was speeding and swerving on the were not stealing a vehicle, but instead male. No suspects at this time. The bas- Wainwright. Members made patrols, road. Members made patrols, but they were dropping off a vehicle after hours ket with stolen items was later located but they could not locate the female. could not locate the vehicle. in the parking lot and returned to the for service. Nothing suspicious. » 11:00 p.m. - Complaint of two un- » 6:30 p.m. - Request to conduct a well- store. known individuals ringing doorbells at being check on a male at a residence in residences in the area of 8th Street and Wainwright. Members attended and August 18 4th Avenue in Wainwright. Members located the male, who did not require » 1:10 p.m. - Report of a collision. Com- made patrols in the area, but they could police or medical assistance. plainant advised one vehicle had struck a parked vehicle. No injuries were re- not locate any individuals. No further » 6:40 p.m. - Complaint of a suspicious ported. Collision report completed. complaints received. vehicle at a residence known to police » 11:05 p.m. - Complaint of a very large in Wainwright. Vehicle was later deter- » 1:45 p.m. - Compliant of a vehicle on bonfire in a backyard of a residence mined to have been stolen out of an- fire in a garage at a residence in Wain- known to police. Members attended other detachment area. Two occupants wright. Wainwright Fire & Rescue at- and spoke to the residents, who were were arrested without incident. Both tended and extinguished the fire. Cause advised to extinguish the fire. No fur- occupants of the vehicle were found of the fire not believed to be suspicious. ther complaints received. to be in possession of a controlled sub- » 3:00 p.m. - Complaint of an injured stance and were subsequently charged deer west of Edgerton. Members made with a number of offences. Both were August 21 patrols and located the deer, which was » 4:00 p.m. - Complaint of a possible later released on court compelling doc- put down. uments. impaired driver leaving a gas station » 3:30 p.m. - Female who was wanted in Wainwright. Members made patrols, August 17 on warrants out of was lo- but they could not locate the vehicle. No suspects. » 8:40 a.m. - Complaint of a distur- cated and arrested. Female was later re- bance between a male and a female at leased on court compelling documents. » 5:30 p.m. - Complaint of a suspicious 8 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021


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$800,000 HWY . 14 EAST 780- $700,000 842 5518 WAIN $600,000 MON-FR WRIGHT I 9:30 $5 -6:00, $ 00,000 SAT 10-5 0.5M THE BIG ONE $400,000 Ma ON NO $300,000 rch W $200,000 Sta 12, 2 ! r News Inc. Wa 021 )U inwright A BIG $100,000 R B. Volume 8 SELEC QW Number 21 EV TIO 1 EN BIGG N $000,000 Our missi ER SAV on: Ne IN PL To w s GS! EDGED CO serve elec MMITM our re tions ENT aders with have arrived CT news and ad SCANN vertising o Check u ER PRO f high in PATIO F s out! Buil JECT tegrity. URNITU ding Bet RE IN S ter Commu TOCK Donations c nities an be made Green space in Wainwright at all E Banks and ncompass C Each redit Union in the area. Canadian Agricultural Wainwright to be Safety Week $2,2 - 0 0 $2. ,00 2M0 $2,1 00,0 2021 00 $2,0 $2.00,0 See 0M00 In $1,9 side 00 , 000 $1,8 00,0 00 named Dr. Beverly Brilz Park $ 1,7 00,0 00 $1,6 00,0 00 $1,5 Fe $100,0 Za b .5M00 k M Sta rua $1 c r N ,400 Lac ew ry 1 ,00 za hlan s Inc 0 k@st . 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Be W FNG  3HW  H UR oMeetto S H WainwrightNum  W Health Centre’s2 e lay d fe Q D L v KH VV S K R r o r WK J RQH - Ma PLQJ G erly B R H D GHFL HV NH RU [S be DY Z .9 , E , 2 w en HZ RI yo DSD T rilz, IL Z U QG W I F WLQ ODLQ r 1 H Q 9 lectr 0 , Br RUOGÍV r Bria UNDIWHU own of pictured UVWO Q )DYUHDX  GHG KD RU RP J H 3 WR % x9 i ILUVW n Beth ORFD WK Wain right, R KL I  WK  P  RW G KHO on in lli &7  SRUWD un O GRF H w wrigh was FN W URP WR DG DO X K W S 96 25 ic P VFDQ EOH e WRU L ill be t and surpris GR    SXUFK WR O WKH EXV QLW HU KD M Tr ol QHUV V YHU renamin the W ed las ZQK V ORFD F LQH \D EX WEXO N ai is WLQJ \ ILW Co g a ainwrig t wee XU O E ORV  V VL u TH ler 'U  mmu local par ht & D k with DS H Z XV DVH H OR NHH VH OVR QH r mVL S $ B %ULO] nity He k in h istrict the new SH K L V GR FD S VL VV issiQH OA r KDV alth Fo er hon Comm s tha QH DOO W DW QH RPH Z O WK VZKVX HV o VVHV C DOVRV “, OR undation our. 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E Every Friday with current news, sports, editorials and features! 15 26 38 59 68   0%!")+1-)'(/3(   www.starnews.ca (E-Edition)   [email protected] Dr. Shelena Ask, OD. Ph: 780-842-4224 | Fax: 780-842-4225 SALE  #"--)%./"-+%1.#" 13 20 42 53 62 [email protected] | eyesintown.ca Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00am - 5:30pm   )+&,./"-+%1.#" 617-10 St. Wainwright AB T9W 1P2 Open Late Thurs. til 7:30pm Service 8 19 FREE 60 71 You To be a Sponsor Deserve! &RQWDFW&DUULH# ɃǒƟǧӷGr ֕ ǍƭɚȦȀǪƭȻ»ȦɃƟǧȮ ǍƭɚȦȀǪƭȻӷ 28335570 1  :ljɨɽȈˎljǁČljɨʤȈƺlj780-842-4459 RUHPDLO 2202 - 14 Ave., Wainwright AB T9W 1L2 FDUULH#VWDUQHZVFD 12 24 41 51 65

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Travel with Star News Newborn Screening Awareness Month

Submitted article ing loss as early as possible in a baby’s life. This is one of the most common conditions found in newborns. Finding permanent eptember is Newborn Screening Aware- hearing loss early gives your baby the Sness Month. best opportunity to develop language and If you are a new or expectant parent, it is learning skills and prevent possible devel- important to know about newborn screen- opmental delays. It’s best for your baby to ing and the provincial programs available be screened for permanent hearing loss by for Alberta babies. one month of age. Newborn screening is the best way to 2. Alberta’s Newborn Metabolic find out if your baby has a condition that Screening (NMS) Program: This pro- you, your doctor or midwife might not gram uses blood spot screening to find cer- know about. It’s possible to have one of tain serious conditions soon after birth that the screened conditions even if there is no can’t be seen just by looking at your baby. family history. Finding these conditions early ensures Screening helps your baby have the best that treatment can begin sooner to prevent start to life possible. The tests are quick and irreversible problems, improve health and safe, and they can be done shortly after maybe even save your baby’s life. birth. It’s best for your baby to have newborn About Alberta’s newborn screening pro- blood spot screening between 24 and 72 grams hours after birth. AHS provides these services free of Where is screening offered? charge through our two provincial pro- You’ll be offered to have your baby grams. screened in hospital before discharge or 1. Alberta’s Early Hearing Detection given information on where to get screen- and Intervention (EHDI) Program: ing done in the community. This program identifies permanent hear- Learn more at ahs.ca/newbornscreening. Trudy and David Dort snapped a photo with their copy of The EDGE Submitted at Crandall Mountain Lodge in Waterton Lakes National Park. photo EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 9 Win BUY A TICKET ONLY $5.00 Buy a ticket from any Rotarian or at Mike’s Petro- for a Can and help us raise funds for the CT Scanner. YEAR Wainwright Cruise In Night Wrap Up to Summer event raises over $10,000 for hospital Zak McLachlan [email protected]

he Wainwright Cruise In Night has Tbeen a popular weekly event this summer in Wainwright. A group of local residents began the weekly car show in the Canadian Tire parking lot, with the event held each Sunday evening. Car enthusiasts from all around would show up to show off their vehicle, peruse the many other Wainwright classic and sporty cars and socialize in Rotary Club the warm summer weather. Each week, a 50/50 draw was held at the Cruise In Night to raise funds for a local cause, and for the final night, they raised over $10,000 for the Wainwright The Wrap Up to Summer event in Wainwright this past Sunday raised $10,500.23 to donate Health Centre. towards the purchase of a new patient lift system for the Wainwright Health Centre. Well over 1st Prize: The event organizers decided to send 100 vehicles were on display as well as live music and a barbecue lunch, which was enjoyed by the the summer off with a bang with their hundreds of people who showed up to support the event. Photos: Zak McLachlan Molson Wrap Up to Summer event this past BEER FOR A YEAR Sunday, August 29. (Supplied by Wainwright Liquor & The Wrap Up to Summer was held on Cold Beer Store & Molson/Coors) 14th Avenue by the Cornerstone Co-op (value $1,000) grocery store and The Brick in Wain- 2nd Prize: wright. Well over 100 vehicles were on display throughout the afternoon, with Molson live bands, activities for children and a BEER FOR A YEAR barbecue lunch making it a fun Sunday (Supplied by Wainwright Rotary Club) afternoon for families from all around (value $1,000) the Wainwright area. 3rd Prize: A silent auction and 50/50 draws throughout the day were held to raise BBQ (Supplied by funds to help purchase a new patient Wainwright Canadian Tire) lift system for the Wainwright Health (value $500) Centre. And thanks to the support of 4th Prize: those who attended, the event raised a Meat Package total of $10,500.23 to donate to the cause. ( Supplied by Meatco Sales) EDGE (value $500)

Tickets $5 Draw Date: November 20, 2021 Rotary Club members: Bev Brilz George Bunz Calvin Clark Barry Hall Roger Holmes Doug Morgan David Neville Bryan Perkins Arthur Schwentner Shelden Welch Charlie McCormick Ann Marie Nicklin Wes Taylor Allan Samm Lanette Van Winssen 10 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021

THE EDGESPORTS Wainwright Golf Course crowns its

Zak McLachlan champions for 2021 [email protected] he Wainwright Golf Course held its annual Club TChampionship on Saturday, August 28. A strong turnout of 52 members showed up for the tournament on a beautiful Saturday morning to play for the title of club champion. Cooper Joy won the Junior category, shooting a 76 on the day. Amy Easton followed up her Ladies Open title earlier this summer with a Ladies Championship title, shooting an 85 on Saturday. Connor James narrowly beat out his playing part- ner, Rene Mailloux, by a single stroke by shooting a 74 to win the Men’s Championship. Rene Tomlinson won the Senior Ladies category with a score of 103. Blair Macnab was another Open winner who also won the Club Championship with his score of 73 to win the Senior Men’s. The Wainwright Golf Course held its annual Club Championship on Saturday, August 28. Submitted photo After the round, all the golfers enjoyed a delicious Pictured above are the Club Champoinship winners. From left, Blair Macnab (Senior Men’s), Amy lunch catered by Vera’s catering at the golf course. Easton (Ladies), Rene Tomlinson (Senior Ladies), Connor James (Men’s) and Cooper Joy (Juniors). EDGE Races tighten for CFR berths Wainwright’s Graham brothers rope their way to top of Canadian standings

Submitted article tling Champion, CPRA Cody Cassidy who won Drayton Val- o say Dawson and Dillon Gra- ley and added a Tham have been ‘on fire’ lately 6th place split at Dawson and Dillon Graham of Wainwright have been on a roll in the world lately. Photo submitted by: would be an understatement. And Regina for a total The local team roping brothers have finished in the top two in numerous lately, which Billie-Jean Duff the Wainwright team roping brothers of $2000. Cassidy has earned them a solid lead atop the standings as the CFR draws near. found their way to the pay window is joined by his once again this past weekend with a brother Curtis and Virden, Manitoba’s South of ‘49 standings. For PRCA event results and smoking 3.8 second run at Regina’s Justin Miller - both of whom moved Wildwood, Alberta bronc rider Daw- World standings, www.prorodeo.com Pile O Bones Rodeo that netted each higher in the rankings as well. son Hay did not qualify for the Na- See //www.rodeocanada.com/re- man $2334. When added to sizeable At the rough stock end of the arena, tional Finals Rodeo last year, ending sults.htm for complete unofficial re- cheques from Pro Rodeo (1-2 Eastend, Sask bareback rider Dantan the season 18th overall. His 2021 goal sults. split, $1731) and Drayton Valley (2nd, Bertsch maintained his grip on the to be in the top 5 going into the NFR Next up on Pro Rodeo Canada’s $1212) the total helped the ropers es- season leader position after earning came closer to being a reality at Rapid event roster are two central Alberta tablish a strong lead in the Canadian the win at Okotoks on Vold Rodeo’s City, SD where the second generation stops: the Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo standings. True Grit with an 88 point ride ($1433) cowboy won his first PRCA Xtreme at Innisfail Sept 2-4 and the Benalto Several steer wrestlers also bettered and a couple of solid placings at Regi- Broncs Tour title after winning the Stampede Sept 4-6. their chances at a CFR berth, among na and Drayton Valley. ($2900 for the Tour Finale and $26,678. With this them five time Canadian Steer Wres- weekend) win, Hay moved to 4th in the World ATHLETE of the week Proudly Sponsored by Mason Shaw The Wainwright EDGE is pleased to announce Mason Shaw as this week’s Athlete of the Week. MOTORS

Shaw recently inked a two-year, two-way contract with 2110 - 15 Ave. Wainwright, AB T9W 1L2 the Minnesota Wild organization. 780-842-4471 Congratulations, Mason! TOLL FREE 1-888-842-4471 www.wainalta.com EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 11 Norris Ford hosts Feed the Food Bank event

Norris Ford in Wainwright hosted a Feed the Food Bank event on Thurs- day, August 26, to support the Wainwright Food Bank. Plenty of local families attended the event to enjoy the face painting, bouncy castles, a barbecue lunch and a visit from Marshall from Paw Patrol, all while sup- porting the local food bank. Pictured above, Tony Norris, left, and Carl Nemyo, right, present George Smith from the Wainwright Food Bank with the donations from the event. Submitted photos

Wainwright, Chauvin players join forces with players from Camrose, Rosetown to go undefeated in Battle Submitted article together very much came on the Border tournament Scott Walker, U13 Rage coach together very well, working hard, getting better every game while having a blast ver the weekend, a on and off the ice. Ogroup of ten 2008 & 2009 They ended up going 6-0 born girls came together to on the weekend beating a form the “Rage” for the U13 North West Saskatchewan division of the Female Battle team in the final 8-3. on the Border 3-on-3 tourna- Ultimately it was their ment in Lloydminster. fast pace of play along with This division featured five strong goaltending that led teams from all over Alber- them to a very successful ta and Saskatchewan. The weekend. Rage team was made up of This was a very well run two girls from Wainwright, tournament and the girls two from Chauvin, four from had a blast while using it as Camrose and two from Rose- preparation for their respec- town. tive upcoming minor hock- Most having not played ey seasons.

The U13 Rage team went undefeated in their tournament in Lloy- dminster last weekend. Pictured in the back row, from left, are Scott Walker (Coach), Reese Kampen, Hayden Smith, Ellie Sandberg, Olena Pawliuk, Oscar Buck (Coach). In the front row, from left, are Quinn Smith, Cambree Legge, Devany Bullock, Isabel Buck, Addison Kvale, Peyton Walker. Submitted photo Are you tired of having to drive for hours to your vehicle’s dealership? IMPORT At Vic’s Service, we offer local, warranty approved, service SPECIALISTS and repair on all imported makes and models. Not only can we service your imported car, we can access, track, and manage all of your vehicle’s maintenance intervals and send you reminders on when these warranty required services are due. CALL CAROLINA TODAY 780-842-4172


2YEAR VICSSERVICE.CA (780) 842-4172 40,000KM or Book online at Email: [email protected] Warranty 12 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 Wainwright wins the Walk ‘n’ Roll Challenge

It came down to the last day, but in the end, Wainwright was named the winner of this sum- mer’s Walk ‘n’ Roll Chal- lenge with a total of 10,315 trips registered.

The friendly competition between Wainwright, Stettler, Rocky Moun- tain House and Ponoka encouraged residents to take trips to and from work, shopping or other destinations by walk- ing, biking or using any other form of physical transportation.

Family Recipes 21053AL Served with l ve

By Phyllis Holmes [email protected]

Thank you to my sister, Eunice Gordon from Mix well. Blend in egg-raisin mixture, oatmeal, oat Paradise Valley for this cookie recipe, in time bran and chopped nuts. Dough will be stiff. Drop by for back to school lunches. heaping teaspoons onto ungreased cookie sheet or BEST OATMEAL COOKIES UROOLQVPDOOEDOOVDQGëDWWHQVOLJKWO\ZLWKIRUN Bake at 350 F for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. 3 eggs, well beaten 1 cup raisins 1 teaspoon vanilla extract I cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup white sugar FXSVëRXU 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking soda 2 cups rolled oats (or use 1/2-cup oat bran for part) 3/4 cup chopped pecans Serve on lettuce leaves.

ombine eggs, raisins and vanilla and let stand for one hour, covered. Cream together butter and sugars. NOTICE OF NOMINATION DAY $GGëRXUVDOWFLQQDPRQDQGVRGDWRVXJDUPL[WXUH Local Authorities Election Act (Section 26) The Local Jurisdiction: The Buffalo Trail School Division, Province of Alberta Tarp Maker LAND FOR SALE BY TENDER Notice is hereby given that Nomination Day is Monday, September 20, 2021, and that Over 50yrs in Business nominations for the election of candidates for the following offices (Wards/Subdivisions) will be Custom made craftmanship received at the location of the local jurisdiction office set out below between the hours of 8:30 Sealed tenders will be received by Smith & Hersey Agribusiness Law, of Consort, until the A.M. and 12:00 noon on Nomination Day.  Boat Covers  RV awnings & enclosures deadline of 4:00 p.m. on October 6, 2021, for the sale of the following Land: A $200.00 deposit (cash, certified cheque or money order) must accompany the nomination paper  Truck tarps  Windshield covers 1. W ½ 1-39-5-W4 (leased) 4. E ½ 1-39-5-W4 (deeded) in accordance with Bylaw 02/2020 of The Buffalo Trail School Division and pursuant to the Local  Roll ups  Commercial awnings Authorities Election Act - Section 27, 29 and 30 being Chapter L-21 of the Revised Statutes of  Hunter Tents  Insulated wraps 2. NE 2-39-5-W4 (deeded) 5. 14, 13, 11 of 2-39-5-W4 (deeded) Alberta 2000. A nomination paper shall not be accepted by the Returning Officer unless the correct  Banners  Quality material only 3. full section 11-39-5-W4 (leased) deposit is accompanied with the nomination paper. The Nomination form must be signed by the  Repairs You want it, we make it!  A  1+'8+*')7+8 minimum number of electors – Sect. 28(3.01) LAEA. Nomination papers are available at Buffalo  Shoe Repair Trail Public Schools Central Services or online at https://www.alberta.ca/municipal-election- Wessels in Mannville 780-763-3789 A*++*+*')7+8 forms.aspx#jumplinks-1 A115'7)+18'7+-7'?/3-1'3*,+3)+*+=)+11+39-7'88'3*<'9+7 Ward 1: A115'7)+18'7+)433+)9+*(:9.';+8+5'7'9/43,+3)/3- One (1) Trustee to be elected by residents of that part of the County of Minburn lying East of AC &.'8'89++1 = 8.4554<+7)477'18<'9+7*:-4:9-'81/3+ the road running South to North from between Sections 15 and 16, Range 12, Township 50 to & $ %% !"! between Sections 2 and 3, Range 12, Township 53. WAINWRIGHT MINOR '3*/814)'9+*2/1+8<+894,'*4-+34E<> '3*"" #)473+74, Ward 2: 5745+79> One (1) Trustee to be elected by residents of the Town and Municipal District of Provost. HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Ward 3: $+3*+78439.+ '3*2:89(+'))425'3/+*(>')+79/D+*).+6:+('30*7',947+1+)9743/) 97'38,+7/3,';474,@#2/9.+78+>-7/(:8/3+88 '8 Municipal District of Wainwright lying West of Highway 41, including Camp Wainwright and the 4,'5574;'14,9.+8'1+ '88/-32+39(>1(+79'3;/7432+39'3*!'708 $.+4<3+7'3* Village of Irma. for the 2021-2022 hockey season. 9.+8:))+88,:1(/**+7 Electoral Subdivision #1: One (1) Trustee to be elected by residents of the Town of Vermilion. on their own research of the Lands, and Smith & Hersey Agribusiness Law and the owner September 9, 2021 Electoral Subdivision #2: One (1) Trustee to be elected by residents of that part of the County 2'0+34<'77'39/+8477+57+8+39'9/438/37+-'7*949.+ '3*8 of Vermilion River located West of Secondary Highway No. 893, South of the County boundary !         and South from the Allendale Road (Township Rd 522) at NNW 7-52-7-W4, East 20 miles to 7:00-9:00 p.m. Secondary Highway No. 893. Hall 1 & 2, Wainwright Communiplex %!#    #'#.4:1*'549+39/'1 !:7).'8+7.';+'3>6:+89/4387+-'7*/3-9./89+3*+751+'8+)439')99.+%+3*4781'<>+7 Electoral Subdivision #3: One (1) Trustee to be elected by residents of that part of the County of Vermilion River located East of Secondary Highway No. 893, South to the North banks of the "+/*&/10/+'99.+3:2(+7(+14<  Battle River and all those residents located South of the Streamstown road located at NNW 21- %RDUGSRVLWLRQVWREHƓOOHG $.+4<3+7.'8)4251+9+*/8)7+9/43<.+9.+794'))+599.+./-.+8947'3>9+3*+7 :79.+7 51-4-W4, East 22 miles; inclusive of the Villages of Kitscoty and Paradise Valley. 5HJLVWUDWLRQQRZRSHQRQOLQH /36:/7/+84794'77'3-+;/+)439')9/3-"+/*&/10/+'9  Electoral Subdivision #4: One (1) Trustee to be elected by residents of that part of the County  477+/*82/9..+78+> )42 $+3*+788.'11(+8+'1+*/3'3+3;+145+2'70+*@   of Vermilion River located north of the Allendale Road and the Streamstown Road, North to the 7KHGHDGOLQHIRUUHJLVWUDWLRQV County boundary; inclusive of the Villages of Dewberry and Marwayne. is September 15 $ "B'3**+1/;+7+*94 Smith & Hersey Agribusiness Law Location of Local Jurisdiction Office: 99+39/43"+/* &/10/+ The Buffalo Trail School Division - Central Services 7KHUHZLOOEHDGUDZPDGHDWWKH$*0IRU 1041 - 10 A Street, Wainwright, Alberta, T9W 2R4 )UHH5HJLVWUDWLRQ )42 EHPDGHDWWKHHQGRIWKHPHHWLQJ  35+784394"+/*&/10/+/3438479+;+7>&+*3+8*'> Faye Dunne, Returning Officer EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 13

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Ř3D\UROOŘ*67 FEED GRAINS Ř&5$UHPLWV CHARTERED PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANT FORWARD THINKING. PLAIN SPEAKING ŘSHUVRQDOWD[UHWXUQV WANTED and reasonable rates Sunhaven Farms Milling, Irma, AB Kevin D. Tower, CPA, CA Bookkeeping for Ř\UVH[SHULHQFH We are looking to purchase Feed Grains: Carmelle Nickel, CPA, CA Small Business. Wheat, Peas, Fabas, Barley. We offer competitive pricing and prompt payment. Unit 1, 2002, 15th Avenue Wainwright For more information and pricing, please contact: 409 - 10 Street | Wainwright, Alberta | T9W 1N9 email: [email protected] T: 780.842.3501 | F: 780.842.6217 Ted Ratte, Manager Cell: 780-806-9245 Ph: 780-842-3271 Fax: 780-842-3471 Phone: 780-754-2708 Fax: 780-754-2709 W: www.kdtpc.ca Mon. 9-4pm | Tues. 9-4pm | Wed. 9-Noon | Thurs. 9-4pm | Fri. 9-4pm e-mail: [email protected]

BATT NICKERSON ROBERTS LE R IVE R D. Barristers & Solicitors ELECTRIC LT Providing Full Legal & Real Estate Services ELECTRICAL / VOICE & DATA Approved Relocation Lawyers Serving Wainwright & Area Since 1974 Terry B. Roberts, Q.C. Wainwright (780) 842-4485 608 – 10 St. Wainwright AB T9W 1E2 Provost (780) 704-0596 780-842-6185 www.battleriverelectric.com

RIBSTONE COLONY ADVERTISING IN DIRECTORIES CORRAL PANELS can be an affordable and effective marketing tool for small businesses. Advertising offers a targeted Leonard Gross way of spreading the word about your business to Sales Manager large numbers of people. 3 +(.(0$4- WE SPECIALIZE IN:1X[JU>JWNU\O]fO] <1/2.(5(",4,10:(($.5+9$/4<105$&5(04(4 4NWLN:RWN4NNMN[\+ERWMK[NJTN[\f1JUO+ < $)(5:.$44(4<(4,*0(3:(8($3< 60*.$44(4 6X[\NAQNM\ 0JUN4NNMN[\f>RYN>[XLN\\RWP +10(    Cell: 780.806.3694 Box 270 34103,$/  2/ $9    Email: [email protected] Edgerton, AB 2(0$5(!+6345,.  2/ /$,.,0)1(:(4,05180&$ ENK[RK\]XWNLXUXWbLX[[JUYJWNU\ LJ T0B 1K0   5#$,083,*+5!# #(%4,5(888(:(4,05180&$

Tara McKendry YOUR AD HERE Groomer YOUR AD HERE 1002-21 St. ONLY $117/MNTH Wainwright ONLY $117/MNTH FOR 3 MONTHS! 780-920-9948 FOR 3 MONTHS! Text or message CALL CARRIE TODAY for appointments. CALL CARRIE TODAY 780.842.4465 OR Dog prices start at $60 780.842.4465 OR 780.806.8401 Cat prices are $85. Rockin’ Spaw 780.806.8401 14 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021

position to strike. Help Make it Grow JOIN THE CREW

Compiled by Phyllis Holmes from the newspaper archives $20K [email protected] Ten Years Ago “History cannot give us a program for the in the 50 meter freestyle and the other in $19,000 Sept. 6, future, but it can give us a fuller under- the 100 meter freestyle. The men’s 17 and 2011 standing of ourselves, and of our common over relay team consisting of Ian Perkins, humanity, so that we can better face the $18,000 Shawn Bullock, Leonard Elrick and Don- future” Robert Penn Warren ald Lafferty picked up a silver medal.

$17,000 The intersection of Highway 14 and $16,000 Main Street in Wainwright was approved by Alberta Transportation for upgrade last year and the tender is now out await- ing bids. The intersection was slated for $15,000 Thirty Twenty improvements as the traffic count for that Years Ago Years Ago intersection hit over 9,500 vehicles per Sept. 4, Sept. 4, day back in 2009. After years of requesting $14,000 1991 2001 something be done with the intersection, Alberta Transportation agreed. $13,000

$12,000 A group representing the Town of Wain- Organizers estimate that 500 people wright, Minburn Vermilion Health Unit attended the Grand Opening of the Peace $11,000 and Camp Wainwright were toured Memorial Multiplex. Local dignitar- through the Camp Wainwright water ies M.P. Kevin Sorenson, M.L.A. Butch One Year treatment facility August 28th. The tour Fischer, Commanding Officer Lt. Col Putt, Ago $10,000 was organized to examine the facility in Wainwright Mayor Grant Davis and M.D. Sept. 4, response to the increasing number of com- MAKE A DONATION of Wainwright Reeve Bob Barss fired com- 2020 plaints of water odor and appearance. Lt. memorative pucks at the ribbon during & JOIN THE CREW: Col. Lawrence, C.O. of Camp Wainwright the “Ribbon Cutting Ceremony”. COMBINE SEEDING commented, “the water is potable, but barely palatable”. Sgt. Provis of the camp Nine Wainwright girls have been taken CREW CREW water treatment plant advised “the water for hundreds of dollars by a dishonest $1000+ $500+ is tested at the Provincial Lab, there is no Edmonton apartment manager. These Ken Wasmuth Larry & Diane danger of getting sick, it just tastes bad.” nine girls – Jennifer Marko, Amber Law- The first day of school was much differ- Malachy Young Kingswood rence, Becky Rasmussen, Jenna Chan, ent than ever before as students returned Phil Valleau Dale & Jane Scott The Wainwright Torpedo’s Swim Club Anonymous Rachel, Rebecca & Reanna Lomheim, Jana Tondu, Heather to the classroom for the first time since the brought home several medals from the Marilyn & Joe Pospolita Elizabeth Pospolita Vanzetta, Colleen McLean and Michelle COVID-19 pandemic closed school build- Ron & Marilyn Grunow Ray & Francine Poulin Provincials held at Lindsay Park in Cal- Gail Belanger Brianne & Brandon Smith found accommodation this past ings back in the spring. George & Louise Bunz Thompson gary August 24-25. Ian Perkins picked June, but just last week they discovered Irma School held a special graduation Lyle Anderson up two bronze medals, one in the breast they had no accommodation and that the Keith and Aileen Brower ceremony on Friday, August 28 to cel- Robert & Marilyn Enstrom TRUCKING stroke and one in the individual medley , manager who promised them apartments ebrate the Class of 2020. The graduation Ribstone Colony Welding CREW a silver in the 50 meter freestyle and a gold had disappeared with their money. & Fabricating in the 50 meter fly. Kara Wiley brought ceremony, which is usually held in the Cornelia & Werner Heim $100+ Bargaining broke off between the Public Carl & Louise Bergerud home a bronze medal in the 50 meter spring, was postponed due to COVID-19. Wilf & Lilli Baier Service Alliance of Canada and the Trea- Marcia Beare fly and a gold in the 50 meter freestyle. The graduates were honoured with a cer- Ross & Bernie Stearn Carmen Coleman received 2 medals, a sury Board and now PSAC is calling for a emony as traditional as possible, while SPRAYING Linda Fletcher general walkout across the country. One social distancing in the new school gym- CREW bronze in the 50 meter freestyle and a sil- ver in the 50 meter fly. Todd Werbowski, hundred and seventy two Western Area nasium. The class chose “Small Town, Big $250+ coach and competitor won 2 silvers, one Training Centre employees are now in the Dreams” as their theme. Bank of Montreal St. Mary’s Anglican Church Women Wed. Sept. 1 A cheque made out to WDCHF will be eligible for a charitable tax receipt from the Health Foundation. Cheques can be dropped off at the EDGE Office or mailed to Wainwright Rotary Club, Box 2870, Wainwright AB T9W 1S7

CT Scanner Grow Project SPONSORS Triple M Livestock Premix Wed. Aug. 18 Wed. Aug. 25 Wed. Sept. 1

Peter Van Winssen Prof. Corp Wainwright FCC (Farm Credit Canada) MAJOR SPONSORS: Auto Dealers

Rotary is partnering with a team of DR. BEVERLY farmers, sponsors and the EDGE to Gibsons V. B RILZ grow Canola on a quarter section in PROFESSIONAL ORACHESKI CORP. the Rosedale area with all net pro- AG SERVICES ceeds supporting the CT Scanner. We are inviting individuals and busi- nesses to join in helping the CT Scan- Cornerstone ner by becoming supporters of the Grow Project. Farmer Team: Bryan & Sharon Perkins, Arthur & Shannon Schwentner, Ian Perkins Farming, Perkins Farms, Greenbelt Farms, Zajic Farms The farmers and sponsors are providing the land, conducting the farming operations, and covering actual input costs. EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021 15 Classified ads get results! To place a classified ad by, call (780) 842-4465 CLASSIFIEDS email [email protected] or visit our website at www.starnews.ca. We take credit card payments by phone for your convenience.

FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS  ',))(5(17 $$ 0((7,1*6 We’re Hiring! Permanent %8,/',1*61RZ :$,1:5,*+7 part-time to full-time 6HFXULW\ &DPHUDV $OFRKROLFV $Q  DL class 5 an asset IRU\RXUSURWHFWLRQ RQ\PRXV0RQGD\ Starting wage $15/hr or more %DFKHORU $SWV QLJKW SP # depending on experience Reliable Trust worthy 6WDUWLQJ DW  /XWKHUDQ &KXUFK Criminal record check required 6PDOO%HG   $YH :DLQ STARTING ASAP! URRP$SWV6WDUWLQJ ZULJKW7KXUVGD\ $OOXWLOLW DQG 6DWXUGD\ Contact Kristin LHV LQFOXGHG LQ QLJKWVSP#6W 587-281-9719 ERWK HYHQ SRZHU 7KRPDV $QJOLFDQ [email protected] DQGFDEOH&ORVHWR &KXUFK6W +RVSLWDO&DOO :DLQZULJKW)UL  GD\1LJKWLQ,UPD WH[W Buffalo Trail IRUPRUHLQIRUPD Public Schools )851,6+('2) WLRQRQWKHPHHWLQJ ),&( 63$&( IRU $$ +HOS /LQH Classifieds email: [email protected] FULL TIME CUSTODIAL

UHQW &DOO 5RJHU Classifieds phone: 780-842-4465 (102)    POSITION is looking for a Part Time motivated, hard- PDQQHGKRXUV  working DETAILER to join our team. DUHDDDRUJ Buffalo Trail Public Schools is now accepting applications for a Regular Full Time Custodian Detailers are key to our success in delivering DW:DLQZULJKW+LJK6FKRRO&HQWUDO2IƓFH7KH vehicles to customers in immaculate condition. position is for eight (8) hours per day to commence This is a physically demanding, Part time permanent positon, with the hours being from CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS DVVRRQDVDVXLWDEOHFDQGLGDWHLVVHOHFWHG7KH 1 pm – 5pm Monday – Friday. UDWHRISD\LVKRXUDFFRUGLQJWRWKH&83( &ROOHFWLYH$JUHHPHQW QUALIFICATIONS: - Strong attention to detail Applications to be submitted to: - Valid drivers license with clean abstract WANTED Buffalo Trail Public Schools - Ability to work well both on a team and Attn: Jennifer Schneider, Custodial Supervisor independently DEAD OR ALIVE 1041 – 10A St. Wainwright, AB T9W 2R4 - Able to work under tight time constraints Fax: 780-842-3255 - Excellent communication skills Email: [email protected] - Customer focused APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, Sept. 17, 2021 Previous detailing experience will give you an Canadian Prairie Pickers advantage, but is not a requirement. Buffalo Trail Public Schools is pleased to accept all TXDOLƓHGDSSOLFDWLRQVEXWRQO\WKRVHFDQGLGDWHV If you are a motivated, hardworking, customer are once again touring the area! VHOHFWHGIRUDQLQWHUYLHZZLOOEHFRQWDFWHG focused individual we want to hear from you 7KHVXFFHVVIXODSSOLFDQWZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRVXEPLWD Please apply in person with resume to

Paying Cash For Coin Collections, EMPLOYMENT FXUUHQW&ULPLQDO5HFRUG&KHFN Gary Miller 2202-14th Ave., Wainwright, AB Silver & Gold Coins, Royal Can. Mint Sets. Also Buying Gold Jewelry $ $ We purchase rolls, bags $ $ $ or boxes of silver coins $ maverickparty.ca PAYING HIGHEST PRICES TRUE Happening? Authorized by: To arrange a free, discrete in-home visit Chief Agent of the WESTERN CALL Zak @ call Kellie at 1-778-257-8647 Maverick Party REPRESENTATION 780-842-4465 Bonded since 1967 or 780-806-8404

AW NA These blanket classified ads are produced through a joint agreement with The Wainwright EDGE and Alberta Weekly Newspaper Association (AWNA). These ads appear in all AWNA member papers (111 BlanketClassifieds papers) for the cost of $269.00 for the first 25 words, $8.00 per word over 25. To place a blanket classified, call The Wainwright EDGE at 780-842-4465.


What’s Happening is a community events calendar intended for Non-Profit Groups only. $40 plus GST To Put Your Event on the Calendar for a 6-week maximum run (40 word maximum) We do not accept Bridal Shower, Wedding, Birthday or Anniversary Announcements. WHAT'S HAPPENING? CALL 780-842-4465 FOR DETAILS SEPTEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS 10 Legion Steak Fry’s are back starting September 10 from 5:00-7:00pm. Future Steak fry night’s will be Walk ‘n’ Roll Challenge-Competition between Ponoka, Stettler, & Wainwright. From May 1– determined by current Covid restrictions.Cost: Adults $20, Kids options available. come our for a night of fun August 31, walk or bike to a destination-leave your car at home. Register trips @wainwright.ca. Monthly draws to be and good food and support your local Legion. (AD# 59895) won! Contact Town Office for info. (Ad#59726)

Al-Anon Family Groups is starting in-person weekly meetings again on September 2nd. If you are or have been OCTOBER affected by someone elses drinking, please join us on Thursdays @ 8:00pm in the Provincial Bldg. (Ad#59849) 7 WMFRC Annual General Meeting 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Garrison Community Centre. Registered attendees will receive lunch gift card. Call to register by 1 October 780-842-1363 ext. 1253. (AD# 59902) MAKE SURE TO GET THE WORD OUT FOR YOUR UPCOMING EVENT! *under current covid regulations

STAR NEWS INC. 1027 3RD AVE. TEL: (780) 842 -4465 FAX: (780) 842 -2760 EMAIL: [email protected] 16 EDGE | Wainwright, AB | September 3, 2021


Bud, 95 Bud light $35 24 pk cans Canadian, 95 Coors Light $35 24 pk cans Heineken 12 pk cans 95 or btls $24 Coors 95 Original $35 Corona 95 24 pk cans 12 pk btls $23

Old 95 Milwaukee $18 Lucky 95 15 pk cans Big Rock 95 48 pk cans $54 AB Genuine $23 Draft 24 pk cans Bud Light 95 Chelada $26 12 pk cans White Claw 95 Variety Pack $39 Bud Light Seltzer 95 24 pk Cans Mixed Seltzer $18 American Vintage 95 12 pk Cans Hard Iced Tea Lemon, $19 Mixer Pack 12 pk cans

Twisted Tea Smirnoff Ice 95 Original, Half & Half,, $8 Mixer Pack 12 pk cans Light Black Cherry, Okanagan 95 Blood Orange, Original, Mixed Cider $19 95 Raspberry, White Peach 4 pk cans 12 pk cans $21

Smirnoff Ice 95 Blue Raspberry, $10 Grapefruit, Green Apple, Lemonade, Mike’s Hard 95 Lime, Orange Screwdriver, Peach & White Freeze $10 Mango, Peach Bellini, Pineapple, Pink 6pk Cans Lemonade, Raspberry 6 pk cans

TASTE OF WAINWRIGHT September 17, 5-9:00pm Downtown Wainwright

1800 Alberta Forty Creek Polar Ice Captain Captain Te q u i l a Pure Vodka Barrel Select Limited Morgan Morgan Reposado or Premium Whisky Edition Glass Spiced Rum White Rum 750ml Rye 1.14l 750ml or Plastic 750ml Glass 1.14l 750ml or Plastic $3495 $2695 $2195 $1795 $2195 $2695

Bailey’s Bombay St Remy Jack Daniels Twist of Fate Arboleda Irish Cream Gin VSOP Brandy Old No. 7 Canada 750ml Chile 750ml 750ml 1.14 750ml 750ml Malbec Merlot, Cabernet Pinot Grigio Sauvignon, Chardonnay Sauvignon Blanc 95 95 $32 95 95 95 95 24 $19 $26 $7 $14


Menage a Trois Gazela Norton Reserve Rib Shack Torres 5G Us 750ml Portugal Argentina South Africa Spain 750ml Decadence Cab Sauv, 750ml 750ml 750ml Garnachas Gold Chardonnay, Red Rose, White Malbec Red Blend Blend, Silk, Midnight 95 95 95 $1095 $7 $9 $995 $11

PLUS MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS Ř6WUHHW:DLQZULJKW “Your Community Minded Liquor Store” VISIT US ON WAINWRIGHT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOURS: Locally Owned & Operated BUSINESS OF THE YEAR 2010 MON. - SAT. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Please don’t drink and drive /wainwrightliquor by Jay & Sandra Robinson 2007 Alberta Retailer of The Year SUN. 11:00 am - 7:00 pm