As developed frow. sources


EXPLANATION -1 rn 1915, tbe Rev, walker Miller Gage v~ri ting from St.Andrew's Rectory, l. 7 No:r:til Main Avenue, in the City of Albany, N. Y. sent out a prifl.ted letter concerning the assembling of GAGE Family records. GAGE FAMILY--(Gage-Gsige-Gauge-Gadge-Gach} Five branches of the Gage family appear in the early records of this country.The effort to construct a family history dealt with a11 of the branches. A brief account of the five then kno~n branches was set forth and a11 its memb~rs were encouraged to lend their assistance into bringing into being the various lines down to the present generation and to have the families connected historically •

.At the close of his letter, the Rev .Mr. Gage stated: nir it is not possible to have my copiuS' notes published, I will place them' in the New York Sta+,o •r,ibrary at Albany, and in other places a typewri tton copy of A:t.L:.I H.AitE G.ATHERED. Then there will be a permanent and aucurate record for others to read. t!Y manuscript ·will not be btu· in some dusty chest and for­ gotten but will be obta:.U1able and usable. It is important, that this work be donG ~rnv1 as the period from 1776 until 1800 (when the country vms 8i:)=1 ·Ln restored to some kind of peace and when migrations ceased) tJ di.fficult to search.Now there are those who. can go back in memory, filling the gap. n In 1943; ,·; nGarly thirty years of s tupcndous effort, tho Rev .,Ml'. Gag:., :' ,::;0C-:.icatcd man, brought into being a most :omproh?ns5:vc R·,,J iDL·-!'.',n□ tive record of a11 Gago-Gaige fan,.ilics ln :Amo::?1Jo·S."

This ccw.pi 1 ,c; i)r:. I.::: c c"::.:~,}icate of a typmvritten original and is bound 5_,1 ,,. ha::r-::: e::Yv::::.r. I0 :Ls in the posse'.'.;sion of the New York Public Li. brEU.'J, Fif·~h Ave and 42nd Street, Now York, N. Y • It's Titlo-- "Notos on various brc..;nchcs of the Gage-Gaige Families, also biographical sketchesu 8th edition 1943 by the Rev.Walker Miller Gago.Library Class ·Mark ApV plus sign G.AGE, Tho location of tho typewritten original is not known. It is presumed that it was filed with tho New York State Library at Albany~ accordance with tho statement made by the Rev .Mr. Gage at tho close of his lotter VJhich ho released in 1915. In tact, the book's title is mentioned in their index and is shown as an oversize book. Ho~ovor, it was not to be found on their shelves in the last fevi t:rfmos, I visitca tho library, this leaving tho only other copy, tho whoreabou~s of which is known,in the _possession of tho Now York Public Library. ..;, Tho Rev. Mr:, qago died at his home in Red Blufr,ca11r. in 1950 In tho<.thanuscript section of.the New York State Library at Albany, N,f. will be found a manuscript collection of records compiled by tnc1fov .Mr. Gage onti tlod "Gogo ,Smith and .Allied Fcmilios." Tho library's file HZ 12390-- seven boxes of un­ published gonea logica 1 records and notes. Most of the infor.m.­ ation deals with fCmilics whose members married into tho Gago Family and there is·much information on their genealogical backgrp\l.fld,Thoro is, however, very little additional inform- , ation on the G.AG'P.; F.At1ILY proper to that which appears in the book in tho possession of the Now York Public Library. As ·one greatly interested in the Gage record as a whole and working from photostatic copies of tho pegos carrying the genoalpgic£il dctuil sot forth in the 8th edition of Mr. Gage's book, ~hich I obt2inod from the Now York Public Library several years ~go, I hovo undertaken the task of further developing· the open gcneologicol lines of the Johfi Gage of Ipswich,Moss. Family cs rocordod by the Rev. Mr. Gage.

I wish to pay my respects tc tho Rev. Mr. Gage, and to that ond I offer this book on ths John Gogc of Ips•wich,Mass. family as a continuation of tho·L vn1ic:.r... he began end has so ably presented in his $th edition •• I~ :s .my pleasure to dedicate this offering to him. M2y it hol~tJ tc ..,crry out his oft-expressed wishes and desires by p:r.ovidi1:.g u u•--::-c,to:i:- distribution of GAGE FAMILY informat::.on anio11g the :t:.;1;:t1rios of this country and cmong tho fami li cs tna i_ ~Ti. du.': 1 mo;ubors •

.Additicn,.1 rccor:1s D!!rl. changes in e:xistinc records hove been developed by c_c:::-:r·::::,s_pondoncc with indi vidua 1 families snd from other r::·:tio.bJ .. c sc-...1.~~·.)ofl:

Tho gone"' :·;_og:i. :;ci l } :i.s·~ .. :t.n,:s in thi.s book, unless otherwise explot,nod s ·r;o_c;; 'hi. 'c:1. the parents.Und0r ·a.hat hooding is n list­ ting cf oJ".il.d:r.on,I1hc fnt:lrnr is glvo12 a number and that numbor is kncwn CiB c: faJ.r1J .. !.y nu.. 11bor.If there e;rc no children, tho numborod on·t,ry 5.s bro:1g'.1t forward and the information as to the of t.b.o son's wife, if known, is addod, Preceding gcnc~ntions ere detorminod by r0ferenco to the individ­ ually m.unboroq person (Child nnd parents) Sucoeoding generations urc determined by reference to the individually numbered person { p,:::rents and child) -3 JOI-ffi GAGE of' IPSVII CH, MASS • John Gage first appears in as one of the signers of the covenant of the First Church in Boston headed by Gov. Winthrop 8/27/1630 and from. his position in the ::.1st it is in­ ferred that he came in Winthrop's Fleet and like the Governor was of County Suffolk. He remained in Boston until March 1633 when he went with John Winthrop Jr. to begin a _plantation at Ag awam afterwards called Ipswich v.;here on 3/b/1633 he was admit ted a Freeman. He received several small parcels of land and worked as a Q8fpenter farmer and often laid out boundaries be~ween Ipswich §nd other towns and was once chosen as one of' the SE;:;ven uien( selectmen} In 1639 he is first called Corporal .in Ip$wich.He settled in that pert of Rowley called Merrimack Village and afterwards at Bradford before 1661.In the latter town he was called Sergeant. He deposGd 3/25/1662 that his age was 58 years.He died 3/24/1672/73.

1000 J"Qhn Gage 1604: 1673 England to Ipswich ,Mass. M" ?Amy (.Aimee) probably Wilford. Died about 6/,1658 M: 11/7/1658 Sarah, widov; of Robert KGyes { died 6/1661) 4000 Samuel 1638 2001 Daniel 1639 2002 Bcnj~min 16h3 2003 wathaniol 16/,.; 2004 Jona th811 l•S-45 2005 Josiah 1648 ·Mary, M: John p:rcssie. , 2000 88Jr..uel Gage, horn Ipswich,Mass 1638 died at Have.rhill,Mass 7/;:o:;'J.6?6,._ Le was admitted a Freeman at Havorhill 5/31/16& 1;-~ 6 · 10/Jh?,\ FR.~t.a Stickney }1;1,:'i za'betl1 ) /L2 /ll•75 Brad±'ord .Died before 1717 M: De. vl d L a S0.:.1. { tVv:i.n~ i::i:)r'"'. 8 :.1.d di .;d 6 /22 /J.. 676 :: D::1116},j,c.3:;:a (t,;,-..1:1.11) born and c.i.eJ' 6/22/1676 2001 Don~.01 Gage 1.639;11/8/1705 Bradford, Mass. ·M~ 5/3/1674 Sarah Kimball, born about 1654.She died 9/15/1692.She was the daughter •of Hanry and Mary (Wyatt) Kimball of Wenham, Mass. 3000 Daniel 3/12/1676 3001 Joha 1/1/1677 3002 samuo.11. 5/9/1680 Mary 2/1/1681 M:Samuel Griffin tydia 1/30/1684 M: Eloazer(Ebenezer)Burbank Sarah 1 14/1687 M: Samuel Barker 2002 Benjamin.Gage 1643:10/10/1672 Andovcr,Hnvcrhill,Mass M: 1st 2 ;16/1663 Mary Keyes (6/16/1645: 12/20/1668) daughter of Sarah and Robert Keyes. Admitted a Freeman at Haverhill,Moss 5/Jl/1671 John 9/27/1666:2/25/1671 M: 2nd 10/11/1671 prudence Leaver (6/ll/1644:10/26/1716} daughter of' Thomas and Dam.eris (Beyley)teaver 3003 John 7/15/1672 2J03 NathaniG 1 1645: 4/30/1728 Brndford,Mass . He was 0dr1.i tt0d c: mcm.bGr of tho Bradford church 5/6/1683 and vvas rocoivcd se;ain by letter from the church in UE,ldcn 4/27/17O1.G.r,~.vcstonc [It Brs.d:t'ord. M: Mary (Wool-cs) G:;..~c--·ni Viido-w of Tho.tn2s Graen of Malden 3004 Nntl1Dniol 4/1"3/1696 MGry J. /12 /1697 t:: 10/15/1718 Bonj2.min Thurston ( 5/4/1695:9/6/1746) 2004 Jonathan Gage 1645:J/15/1674 Brudford,Mnss 'fllierriod 11/12/1667 Ecr-tc:, Chsndlc:r NEH.Uon Sooioty Jt1~s i.?08. It .cppoars from a deed recorded vvi th the Ipsvdch ::.00C:.s V~l 4 pr,ge 333 that the widow of Jon::ithan married tfc·h:. 1.• _;r~.1..son o:c.:"' Eliz;.,bcthtovJn·N.J end no further ::-ccord of t.:li.s fe.m,jly appears in Mass. 3009-•l Jo'12:t~1E,.n -2 N,:iomi 9/2/1672 1-J: Stephen Bedford of HI. In 4ii.c H., 0 ·1~ Gs.;;.~~'.-: 2t11 E:c°1ition he ncmcs 1004 Thomas Gtge o:;i J~_._...;o d of 'J ... ·ui:_;.'. ly located in Vfoodbridgo NJ A o:-::irtL1u_ct"~ c~J. o:t' 2004 Jonathan Gage which b:rings out tho co.c,.-~;'.: ... ;.u.'.::·.;ir;1 ,_1 •./: .:;orrics it forward into the 1004 Thomas lie_; ·.':U::. 1> 1~._-:.·:1f 1Jor,wcnc:tn; qt page herein. 83 2005 .:r:-;:::·~c~. c:,;;.·, bo~o. ,(;,.147/i died 2-t :i:rcvcrhill 7/5/1717 l CJ V, c ~' L ff?e,,e1.11,;t.1.i. • }.0 /U.. _/162":2 f;:t. :.v,::stono in Pcntuckot r·,\..,DJ,~ ❖ ,.-;)~"/!:• ; £I:~~ \7C1~l -~~· !.. _.;_:,, -' -~,1 • r-;:: -~ r·'lq"·. ':qrl";,, r:::.•"'' 1 ,,,,,... ,, ·1 '1 '3c>'i'.::~,-.·:·· v·,g'< 4/8/1665 died 1 •:3 •/; ~ ~/~' ; ;. U .; ,. I~ \ '"~ ~,,-~ ,-t :~:.• • _L •• f"':_: ~ ~; •-•.~t .. ~~ t.:J 1~ ;~--~ ,r ·, l •~; t n ·-· 1 ·"'·:·/ .: ·,., , ,, ... 1 . l,•-· U<::...1t-...... QJ. j.} ..,1 ... - ,.'. <:.lL,., .Linn I,add M: ?::i. 1·1u··iV.i:1 ·1;:_ivu., born 4/l/l{;7'j died 2/10/1716/17 the cic:-: 11.f':i ... t,:,r of 8·\; ,;_[ ond Ann (St ono) Dow of Havcrhi 11,Ms • no c.hi ld:r:on

3000 DDniol Gcgo 3/12/1676:J/14/1747 Brcdford,ri'.fass Ho was c member of tho North RGt~iment in Essex and was one of those v~ho und"ar tho co1r.... 'U0nd of C2utain Haseltine of Brudford in 1710 W'are sppoi rr~od to koep snowshoes and moccasins M:3/9/1697 ·Mertha Burb,:nk(2/22/1680:9/8/1741) M:5/12/1742 M□ rgarot Hnrrimc'n (8/19/1686: ) 4000 Josiah 12/3/1701 /+00). Moses 5/1/1706 4002 Doniel 4/22/1708 4003 ~mos 7/28/1718 Mohitable, 12/29/1698 l.T:Bonjn.rriin Barker Murtha 4/7/1703 M: James 'Jilson Lydia 5/24/1705 Y: John Morrill cobtinuod on next p0go. -5 3000 Dc:, rJ.ol Gllgc--continucd. Childron Sc.rah '2/19/l.709 M: Eamund Hardy Jemima , 12 /2 l,1711 M: Richard Kimbc 11 TY'f: John 1Ncbster Naomi 3/25/1714 M: Duvid Hall Esther 5/15/1716 M: Jonoth2n Currier MBry 8/31/1722 M: Ebenezer Goodhue J/13/1724 M: Phineas Hardy

3J..,...1.L John GGgc 1/1/1677: 1759 Bre.dford, Mass He was ono of tho S!lov; shoe mon under Capt Heseltine 11: 12/25/1706 Sum~nnti Ross (she died 9/10/1746) 4004 Abrohom 3 ,8/170d ' 4005 Joseph 11,/iC/l.r! 15 4006 .Aaron 2/24/1718 MC1 ry 11/6/1707 ¥:Joseph Jevvett Sussnnah 1/8/1711 M: Timothy Stovons Ruth 4/3/1711+

3002 somuel Gc.gc 5/9/16So Brndford, Mass M: 2/26/1709 Nfc,ry Watson ( :1684) M: 9/30/1725 Eliz2bcth Lewis M: 6/1747 .Abigail Bond (2/22/1680: ) 4007 Samuel 21,12/1720 Dorothy 1/27/1710 4008 Job 6/26/1722 Dorcas 11/18/1712 ·M: David H0rdy 4009 Stophon 1728 yory 1719 l~:Gideon Hardy libigeil 5/24/1716 MStophenRussell ;

3001.t ·.fL1,,~:J_g_;\ ?! ~;.~ge 4/l~/1696: '....,_L/2/1777 Bradford Mass ~v!: 8/.LS/17.t9 t•'10:,2tetblo KimbGll (d;lb/1699: ) 4016 J:.-1bez 9/:i.3/1?23 Hehitable 1/6/1721 4017 Richard' 1/12/1726 1J; Joh~ Head 4018 Nnthunio l 12 /5 / l 730 Soreh 2/4/1733 M; Nohenunh Carlton 4000 Josiuh Gogo 12/3 ;1701: 7/18/1775 Brc.1dfordMsss.Pelhom NH M: 12/3/1724 Robocca Morrill ?M: .Abigail L;:.:dd (7/2/1726: ) 500Q Nathonic! 4/2/1728 Lydia 10/3/1725 5001 ~mos 3/2b/l733 Rebecca 6/30/1735 ?MJohnBurton 5002 Josiah 5/3/1738 r:-chitablc 8/22/1742 5003 BenJ::min 7/20/1740 1I: · Jon~than Gego 5049 Honne.h, M: Jesse Wilson -6 4001 Moses Gz::go 5/1/1706 : ?1771 BrGdford MO ss Salem NH U: 4/12/1733 Mory Hesseltine (2/7/1711: ) 5004 Yosos 3/7/1736 5005 Jnmos 6/10 11739 Sarah 11/9/1737 5006 William 111/24/L748 M: Stephen CEirlton 5007 Thz..ddous 4/17/1754 4002 DcniGl Goga 4/22/1708:9/24/1775 Pclhem NH M: 4/10/1736 Ruth KimbGll 9/4/1719:8/31/1764 M: 2/lh/l.766 Phebe Fryo ( 12/J0/1714:2/8/1796) 5008 Pierce 3/29/1741 5009 Daniel 9 /8/1?/,5 5010 Dcvj_d 8/9 ;'1750 5011 .Abnc:..~ 6/22/:i~::_;.3 Joseph 2 /4/:... 7:i:3: 9 /1758 Rebecca 6/12/1737 M: Edward Kimbt::111 Ruth 6/26/1743 M: Thomas Wyman .Abigail 6/29/l?L:.8 M; HE.llTH Mo:.--y 12/27/]_756 It~ Amos Eaton -go.rthc 7/ll. l./5t M: Eliphalet Woodward Lydic 12/5/1760 M: Stephen Woodw&rd

4003 CDpt.:iin Amos Gc::go> bcrn Brcdford,1-tI□ ss 7/28/1718 died Po:tb.8.m Nir 9/8/1FJ2.r.Te w2s 0 captnin of one of the 5 companlos :!:'C,isod hy New Hampshire for reinforcing Fort E6v;-o:rd d1.1.ri.c_g t.;-.;c I'renc~h and Indian War and ·was sta·::5-cncd o't 1~·,:< I: n.m1 c:::v ..n·lestown 1:--IB by tho order of Gonc::.. r;l Webb o·::; '.:;2Q.L:Lsted cs MDjor G,.-:ge of Pelham in•NH Rovcl.P\tnn.i.::ry Wo.r Rolls.Selectmnn of Pelham 1775-1776.He was G113~tc15. ,,_ r<' iJ ,·:LJ:ri,/1.ny c,f volt.mtoors which marched from P?:U1.c._r;1 ?{c:i ) /'J.S' /~:_•7 77 ttt:::l ;J oi.~ ... cd. the Northern Continenta 1 .A:;.~m~· e. L; 3<::::,,:1·supc., :c:-c 3v:Ul0r:;;J.:1 served only a short time as :~•s~·sc-:.n ::,- t3:~.c e;r-rrroc.ny ls ::.,,1tsr given as Lieut I ::::3c c C:) (,hJ:':i ~-"' ;:;; (,,:w,.\.a n7 .1;Jor,:- ! s rs0imont of volunteers e·1- ::::';.,,-.c-i•:-("t''.. 1 •r•r,c; n·,·.:JI1('c\·? 0:1t 0 .. ']/'''y'" _1 '·· U .J. .• • / ._ -· t,""".) ,.,. ~ ,.. i , ·' J., . .;.. , . "• I. • y··· •.• • ~ ~ _,. r:,na',.. c~1·scharge-a',l ·~ -': .'? .~:· /1 --; r:' r"' ,... ,.- ✓ 1·-1,{~ ~f~'.rr::_ c .: ~ ::_2 /18 /17 40 Hohi tt1 ~le re·{ n,.'r.'cJ lJ_( 11/,2 7 /1721: 2/16/1794 ·:::ion1 }3:•,d.:f'o:::.·u Muss died Pellla.'.n. m-~ SCJ'.'_:2 :'>J~-:i,icl ] ,')/t:./~.t1 kl died FrencL"·. end Indian War ;::"] ~: {!, '""' "'1 ! C. ~' ,j .. .,,,, ,,J ~-~ C..i.. '4-/~ ...... /"} i ;,,~'- -40 5 i..,"1· 4 );\',._ ... ,{;3 1 1"·'·~ /" J.cS/,1 ~ '·· '75 ✓~-r.' R""')i'j 5015 -➔ mos 8/9/\/58 (l1S) 5016 Daniel 9/28/J.761 {RS) Elizaboth 12/22/1743 1l;3/2/1765 Benjamin Cole M: 9/10/1778 Samuel Kimball Sarah 8/20/lo/48 M 4/29/1791 D2niol Parker Betsey 1751:12/28/1754 Deborah 5/8/1753 wr J/27/1790 peter .Austin -7 4004 Abrrihom Gage 3/8/1708: 1774 Mic1d1Gton M::rns M: 6/7/1734 Mercy Bradford (6/1/1710: ) 5017 John 10/23/1735 patience 7/13/1737 5018 .A'brol1om 12/20/1741 Mary 10/20/1738 H: pecbody 5019 Timothy ;/30/1749 Rcbcccc 7/4/1740 M:John Han.noh 9; 11/17 44 Burton M:Timothy Bor~lc Morey bp 6/12/1743 Ph!Ube 2/J.7/1752 F: Jomes Scules H: 4\sa Dresser Susunno11 ill/20/1755

4oor..1Joseph Gc:gc l:!./J.8/}.T15 P-J.'c:dfoz·d Mess. Killed in battle 9/8/1755 .:.ic,G:; 0 ·.:.Pko r.:icc.:".'gu in French and Indian Wa.D. 5020 Josc?ph 1:./~/).7-~-)_ .4nn.o 4/5/1741 ?M. Reuben Emerson 5021 Eb01:r-:;;~0r 1/.L/:.751 SJ.senna 1/1/1747 0c:ccos 1/3/1749 ?M JamesPettingill 4006 Aaron Gage 2/2Ldl718~3/12/1797 Merrimack NH Sergeant of ·:;1 com.ue.r..y wlli ch marched from Merrimack to Ticonderoga ~ M: 5/16/:.'745 Hannah Stevens {10/l/1720:12/15/1749) M: 4/23/1'?52 Sarah Hall (11/1725:1785) 5022 Isaac 2/3/1746 1,cre.b...i table 9/9/1760 50'.?.3 .Aaron 3/3/1749 1-.1l':Thom8.s Underwood 502!+ Po.Lwas 5/}7/1758 Sarah, 8/18/1764 502 ~ ·Moee.s 5 /25 /:L',"1:SC H: Josiah Tinker Olive :../20/J.71S6 Hannah ll/10/1747:4/6/1771 M~ J9mrs He~~ert

400? Semue1. Grig

4002. v!)G ~.:::.zt.- (. .,..,?,.[; •') .. r/~2:~~: 1 1 •: .;~ ~';-':__ -~,~ (·?l;?6:l0/ll/1796 .. .Asn.bu~.~ton,Vlorcester Co Mass)

4010 Lieut Gage 6/24/1699:9/26/1782 Bradford Mass Pennycock NB'. M: 8/2/1722 Rebecca ~ul:iken (6/12/1699:8/28/1775) 504Q Benjamin 1/31/1729 Eliza beth 7/1/1723 M:Samuel Johnson Sarah 1/29/1726 M:StephenTilton 4011 Jonatpan Gage 6/1/1701: Pennycock NH Joppe Me -8 M; 4/27/lTJO ir.artha Gr

4015 William G:::g;.; 9/?5/l'il"..: ~'1.757 11::sthuen,Mass M: 9/30/1736 Deborah Swan (~/?9/l718: ) 5052 .Abij.ah 5/17/1743 Deborah 5/19/1739 l-J:DavidBurbank 5053 Asa 9/28/1745 Elizabeth 3/29/1741 5054 Joshua 2/24/1748 Olivo L~/26/1755 11:SBmuel Brown 5055 William 3/19/1750 -9

4018 ca pt lit> ~.;~1ani e:t c~sg2 (P.S) 12/5/1730: 4/5/1797 Bradford Mass He ·v'Jaa n c2r•t&in 4th Essex Regiment. li; 10/6/175? Dorothy Kimball {4/16/1734:3/24/1815) ;:: ,....,?"'½ ",.:<;-. !1 /1 r-1 ./-1 r?f...t1 .~ l) '- ~~' .J~· •.3 ... ~ •~r ,j w--. ! 1· ,.~~ ; .._. \.,· 5fJ56 1:r~·- ~j_bJ:.1.:.13_-3'.;_ 9 /*;?. /1766

S C·{1 '1 i~· G~i=~.ah 3 ,/;:,_:.: ./'~. 7 ?J F · tc'::~::i:, ::_::/.1.5,jl 768 ?M Daniel Carelton

5002 Josiah Gags 3/3/1738 Pclham,N.H. M:12/24/1764 rrc1rthe Wilson M: 11/5/1815 Ali oe Messer( 7/28/1751: 2/1/1843 )vddowDanDodv11ell 6002 Jeremiah 12/20/1765 - 6003 Josiah 3/8/1779 Mercy 2/3/1768 1,r :Timothy Merri 11. 5003 Benjamin Gage (RS} 7/20/1740:12/15/1820 Orford NH -10 l'-: 8/2/1770 Sarai Richardson( 2/23/1742: 6 /1812) 6004 V!i.lliam 3/?./1771 4.Sarah 3/22/1776 6,'.)05 Bai:15,-2i:1:..v. ·-:,_/i·:.,./:_:·72 F: _Asa Kimball 6852 600b -Jo;i;:~ ll/1/::.<·;! 5.l;':,'!'Y(Polly)l/7/1778 V; Seymour Marsh

5004 Moses Gage 3/7/!736(4/h/:736): Bradford,Mass M: 6/22/1758 ElizA:1etL~ 'I'hurston ( 5/6/1740:6/9/1769) ·r,tr: 11/1/1770 A blt:: i 1 K:...mUG 11 ( 2 /17 /175;2: ) 4094 6007 J·9 t11es 2/25/":...775 l.Mary 2/2h/1759 6008 Moses 7/211773 2.Abigail 9/7/1762 ?M Abner Kimball 5371 ).Elizabeth 9/19/1771 6.Molly 5/2/1779 7.Sarah 1/1/1761 ?M Hariner Kent

5005 James Gage 6/10/1739:4/17/1794 Pelham,Orford NH M: 8/13/1757 Rebecca Kimball 4082( 5/24/1739: 1/8/1813) 6009 Richard ll/28/1758:8/24.1776 6010 Iseac 2/10/l76l(J2mes Gage of Woodsville NH a grandson 6011 Jemes 4/22/1771 5006 William Gage ll/24/1748:1/15/1791 Bradford Mass M: 11/25/1769 Rhoda Norton (1750:12/21/1841) 6014 Daniel 1/8/1770 3 Judith 1/5/1775 6015 Michael 2/18/1773 '?M Moses Porter 5007 Thaddeus Gage (RS) 4/17/1754: 5 /ll/18Lf5 Sanborton~Franklin• Private Cspt Nathaniel Gage's company minute men. N.H. M: 11/30/1775 .Abigail Merrill ( 1756:12/1789) M: 7/29/1790 Molly Bean (4/17/1761:5/13/1831) 6018 Richard 12/11/1776 2 Mary 6/12/1779 unm 6019 Daniel 9/9/1781 Brad, 5 .Abig8il 9/6/1785 6020 Moses 8/16/1785 M:Jeremiah Ellsworth 6021 William H 3/21/1791 6 Mehitable 11/21/1788 6022 David (B) 4/3/1795 }JI:Joseph Day Rhoda 7/8/1793 10 Polly 12/30/1804 NI: John D Clr1rk M:Dovid D Thompson

5008 Pierce Gage (RS) 3/29/171}1: 7/14/1821 Wilton,Polham NH M:11/29/1764 l~ry Bodwell (7/21/1740: } it: 9/17/1782 Eunice Eaton (l/5/1771:4/13/1786} M: 1/23/1787 Susannah Noyes ( 2 ;27 /1771: 5/3/1831) 6023 Joseph 8/20/1769 lRuth 3/13/1765 M: Jesse Ha 11 6024 l~os es 8/10/1779 5 Judi th, M: Jesse Ha 11 6025 Richard 6/25/1784 6.Eunice 4/7/1786 1-::Ezekiol Lovejoy -11 5009 Daniel Gage (~S} 9/S/1745: :Pelham NH 'M; 5/?7/:i.779 Eltza':1eth C:-.·raenough

1 ~ -i:· 'l. T 6026. ""'"LK :J-·' .. e.- ..··, .L;b;;,..,,., - J..,.J,,· .. J.Za b eun..... 1"8"''r'--.1 ~-,:uosep• h K"J. ttrn d ge

The territo~:•-':__ ,~ ~ ,~-v~rs of the Ur,:_t':·,d States, compiled and edited by r;::;_:::~:r,._3•10e Eowara. CartsI· .These volumes were gotten out for alJ_ u· --~~1e s'cates ~hat '/.s:re originally territories, drawn ~1J'.'"i.ncipal 1_y :t1:om the archives of the Departments of Stato,111:·:'ef'.sur,,r,?r2.:r. Interior and Post Office and manuscript Di vision of J;~-'-e '-'rary of Congress and the Senate and House files :;_n Wasinn- ton D. c. Volumes V and VI are for Mississi:rni , .At page 733 to and including page ... "!36 is found a petition of sundry i.m.habitants of the District East of·pear1River in the Mississippi territory to the Honorable, the Congress of the dated May 1809 complaining about the territory being so large and too far between settlements for them to get any advantage from their taxes etc. They were asking that the territory be divided.This lat~r~ was effect­ ed in 1817 when Mississippi became a State and the other half of the territory remained Alabama Territory until 1Sl9 The following Gage men signed the petiti•n: Joshua 73rd on the list,Jeremiah 174th on the list,Daniel 207th on the list and Moses 209th on the list. None of them appeared in the 1816 census and must therefore not have stayed in the territory. The Daniel who signed 207th on the list is believed to have been Daniel Gage, a Revolutionary Soldier born 9/8/1745 Pelham NH Married 5/27/1779 Elizabeth Greenough and had children as shown above Daniel born 1785 died 12/18/1852 and a daughter Elizabeth who married Joseph Kittredge(l775:1832) The record of the marriage of Elizabeth Gage to Joseph Kittredge was sent to tho Evans Memorial Library,.Abordeen, Mississippi by Mr.Edward Henry Ki ttredgo Baldwin of Ulupakua ,Hawaii, Island of i,raui. A printed record of this is found in Compendium of American Genealogy by Virkus Vol 7 P39. Moses Gage, tho 209th signer is believed to be the one found in what is no~ tho southwestern part of what is now tho State of Alabama. The others have not been identified. -12

5011 Abner Gago (RS) 6/25/1753::'.:..:_4 4~C-~iGh NT-I.Ohio W:bunded at Bunker Hi J.l~ M: Susan Ober M: 1790 Nancy Rogc.;rs 6038 Daniel 1780 3.Susan, M: Israel Hull 6039 .Abner 4.Polly, M:Phineas Dunsmoor 6040 Joseph 1789 7.Ruth 5/2/1795 M:Samuel Strong 6041 John R 8/21/1793 6042 Joshua L 12/25/1796 6043 Eliphalet l/6/1799:1850 6044 Stephen T 1/24/1801 5013 .Asa Gage 4/5/1746: Pelham, NH M: 8/30/1770 Olivo Hovey (2/24/1745: ) 6050 Asa 3/31/1780 2.Dorcas 5/2/1782 M:David Cutter 5014 Abel Gage (RS) ll/18/1755:9/3/1846 born and died Pelham NH M: 1/13/1780 A bigc.d 1 Runnels (8/21/1755: 8/2/1825) 6J55 William R 2/20/1783 6056 .Amos 3/22/1791 4.Mehfu.tablo 2/5/1789: 7/31/1861 6057 Stephen 8/4/1792 7.Doborah 11/21/1795 6058 Abel 11/23.1798 M: Joel Butlcr- 1.Sarah 1/20/1781 M: Seth Cutter, Jr. 'M: Henry March ).Hannah 4/26/1787 i,11': Samuel Marston 5015 Amos Gage {Rq) 8/9/1758: Sudbury,Cenado,Bothol,Woterford Vt M: 4/22/1767 Lois Hovoy (6/14/1759: ) 6059 Thomas 6/8/1789 6060 Leander 9/20/1791 6061 .Amos 3/2/1797 3. William 3/15/1795: 1/1/1820 unm 5016 Daniel Gago (RS) 9/28/1761 Bethcl, M:?1788 Sarah Grover 1.Sarah 6;25/1789 2.0li ve Lf/12/1794 M: Joseph Whcolor

5018 Sorgt ..4brahGm Gcgo (RS) 12/20/1741: 1\t;iddletown Mass M: 12/1763 Mory Knight ( l/28'.1741; M: 1774 Lydia Herrick 6066 Robert 5/24/1764 6068 ~ovi 10/5/1773 6~67 Abrc.h-am 5/3/1767 Susc.nnci 6/21/J,769 M: .Andrew poabody 5106 Sergt Abrahum ~as in Col Samuel Johnson's Regiment -13 5019 Timothy G0go (RS) 1/30/1749 Bro.dford Mc1s:s. 1/1': 3/14/1771 Hannah Thur st on 4004 6069 Daniel 8/J0/1776 2 Hannah 4/i/1771 t,~ Samue.;Qhadwick 3 Betsey 11/177-3 M: Thomas Webster 5022 I saa o Gogo (RS) 2 /3 /17 46: : Char~..r'~-<; o~vn;Mass H: ?1770 yary Webster {1753:3/1813 1 6076 Ebenezer 12/21/1770 2.:20;_.;_;v (r,1:ory) 9/20/1775 6077 Benjomin 2/13/1780 ·t, John Wilson 6078 rsaac 4/5/1788 3. Hoh...:_;-eh 7/17/1777 6079 Charles 10/2:J /1790 }' ! Ebenezer Thompson 6080 a·eorgo 8/l/1795:6/20/1839 5.Eliznbeth 2/3/1782:12/22/1857 6.Robecca 5/14/1785 M: Lewis Stearns 9. Caroli no 6/3/1793 11 • .Anno 3/12/1798 M:Dr Poter Underwood

5023 ,Aaron Gage 8/3/1749:1/5/1832 Morrimack,Bodford NH M: 3/30/1773 Harths Stevens of .Andover Mass (12/17/1752:1/20/1824) 6081 Benjamin 10/23/1778 6082 Solomon 11/23/1782 6083 rsaac 3/4/1785 Hannah 3/24/1774 M: William Moor Naomi 10/28/1780 M: D8niel Mussey Sarah 5/18/1787 M IsraelConant, M:Stephen Crooker Martha 5/18/1791: 1/12/1835 Fanny 10/25/1795 M Jacob Flynn Aaron Jr 4/7/1776:9/14/1869 unm Mory putnnm 9/17/1789:11/18/1875 unm

5024 Phineas Gago (RS) 5/17/1758: 1840 Bedford NH M: Lydia Dodge (or Rogers) M: StillY-- M: 2/3/1796 Elizabeth Gago of Mcrrimcrnk NH 6084 Isaac 6/25/1789 l.Lydia 9/15/1782 6085 Benjamin 4/19/1791 M:.A10xander Wilkins 6086 Enoch 2.sa11y 7/11/1784 6087 StGphon 1803 M: Robert We11a ce 6088 Gcorgs W 8/23/1808 3 • .Ann£1 bp 7/7/1788 1J Jacob Fisher 6.Mary 9/21/1798 M Asa Fisher 5025 lfoscs Gage 5/25/1768: 5/27/1835 Mcrrimo ck NH -14 M; 4/29/1788 Ruth Fuller (1764:1./3/1827) M; 6/12/1828 Mory Blnncbard (:..777:9!.~_8/1838) 6089 Moses 2/4/1?91 1.Botaoy '2/2? /l 789llf:JohnLLamson 6090 John 3/30/177,3 5~8nlly l+/2j/179'nlf:Copt JohnLrtmson 6091 David 9/8/1?95 6,R'--i.t'·;: 1C/3O/:1-'i'99 H:RobertKennody 6092 Joseph N 3/25/lf,02 8,,1r.r:h:t·t;r1bL; :i_,2/Lf/1804 M:LeviStorrett 6093 Charles F 8/8/1809 9, St::s,~u." i:-:/7/1007 M. Garbet . B(R)Biley

5036 Stephen GL:ge 2/15/1751: S<1lcn lE: M; 1/25/1780 S:·:rc,h Cross 6l06 Stenhen 1783 6l07 Lt Joh..":. 9/5/1786 HcthuGn Moss 5039 John Gage (RS) 5/26/l757:8/27/184r} Haverhill,Mass M: 6/15/1786 Hannah Duston( 6/20/1764: 12/26/1795) M: 7/17/1796 Charlotte Swan (5/2/1768:8/21/1843} l.Betty 3/26/1787 2.Phebe 11/26/1789 3 .Hannah 7/21/1792?1,iLt Moses Merrill 4.Charlotte 7/23/1799M: Ebenezer Du(r}stin 5040 ·Major Benja.rrJ.n Gage 1/31/1729: 7/27/1796 Bradford, Mass In Col Samuel Johnson's Essex Regt of Mass. Militia M: 2/22/1750 Priscilla Poor (l/15/1728:7/28/1796} 6115 Peter bp 2/12/1751 2, Bette 12/1/1752 M:Asa 6116 Jonath2in bp 4/15/1759 Plummer 6117 Isaac bp 3/23/1766 3.Hannah 12/22/1754:8/J0/1775 6118 Joseph bp 8/28/1768 4. Rebecca 11/lli-/1756:8/9{ 775

5043 Benjan, Gage 10/6/1745: Newburvuort Mass pennycock NH Joppe, "Maine M': 12/31/1764 Lydia 'Mitchell

5044 Thomas Gage 9/15/1740:5/15/1812 Bradford Mass M: 10/J.5/17711':'Bry Whittier( 1742:8/10/1825) l..P

5048 John Gage 12/16/1738: 1/26/1765 }>~l~U1Rm, N.H. M: 2/5/1761 Margaret Foster 6143 Jesse 8/6/1764 l.Elizabeth 9 /:21/1761 ?M: JonathanMoore

5049 Jonathan Gage 4/24/1747: 8/27/1824 Pclhc:m 't-.TH . M: 4/1771 MehitBble GDge bp 8/22/1742:4/15/1772 M: 5/25/1773 Dorcas Swan {;11/20/1748:10/28/1830) 6144 Frye 2/7/1?82 l.Dorcas 1/29/1779 6145 Thom.GS 9 /lb/1784 H: capt Sam Hobbs 2 ,Mehi tab lo 2/11/1780 5.CharlOtne 8/11/1788 6. Phebe 10/14/1792:10/27/1816 , 5050 Solomon Gage (RS) 2/81,1739 Concord,Enfiold NH M: ?1767--­ M: 6/7/1782 Sarah St ovens 6146 Stephen 7/26/1768 6149 Solomon 6147 Benjamin 3/5/1769 6150 Simeon 6148 Phineas 1772 6151 Samuel -

Li ber O pngo 159 $ /16 /1820 re 00::-':' c i :.J./3> /182.1, J"abish Gage ( 5057) of Greenwich and Sus11nn:::1 h:5.2 w{_:rc, se11 · to Phineas GQge in Green:Nich 30 acres in Cr:flL;beJl patent. Liber O pnge--8/19/1820 reccrJed :i..J_/9/1821 J"Elbish Gage(5057) of G~cenwi ch ana Suscnnah,his wif8. sell 1and to Phineas- Q-Oge in Greenwich 168 0cros lot m:unber 3 which is part of· lot number 29 in the grcnd division of the Saratoga patent. Liber? poge 1 ~/20/18~4 recorded 1/21/1824 Phineas of Greenwich and Philena,his wife sell to Solomon Rose and Richard Gage(see under 5057} of paris, Oneida County NY (Married: Gertrude Race or (Base} but probably Gertrude Rose a possible daughtor of Solomon Rose) and William Gage of Augusto, county of Oneida ond J"ohn Potter of Graenwich for $20.00 giving o quit claim deed to cer~ain lots of land in Greenwich,being part of lot no--in the sub-division of lot 29 in tht grand division of the s0r0toga pntent,being the farm formerly owned by Jabez Gago,knovm on a map of the sub­ division made by Edward Barber by lots 1,2 end J of lot-- and 34 poles of land a11otted to the widow Susonnah Gago os . her do~er in tho estate of Jabez Gage {5057)dccoasod,which 3rd part is included in the southeast corner of said farm,the said 4/12 subject to the estate of soid Susannah Gage during her lifetime. Liber U page 506 2/12/1825 recorded2/15/1827 William Gage of the county of Oneida end Town of' Augusta and Nancy his wife sold to John Tilton of Easton }TY quit claiming-all right, title etc to farm or piece of land in Grconwich,being pa.rt of lend formerly owned by Jabez Gago(5057) deccased,which according ton survey mado by Edward Bnrbwr is lot number 2. Libor AA page 135 11/1/1833 recorded 11/1833 Elish~ Gage of Gresnwich (whom I am unable to identify) sells to William Goge(apparcntly the son of Phineas) admin­ istrator of the estate of Phineas G2gs,dccecs0d, about 60 acres of Vnd in Greonv'Jich and 01so i aero on the Hartford rood,said lots being formerly owned and occupied by Phineas ~ge 5057A -18 JAMES GAGE--born 1746 died 10/6/1777 p, quotation from page 148 3rd ont'.".'y of tt.8 t.1isce11anoous section ' of the book "Notes on vnri ous br·enchcs of t_~0 GOge-Gaige families, a1s0 biographical sketchm,, " 8th Gdi tion 1943 by the Rev .Walker Miller Gage.

Here we are dealing with wh2t .b.c1S turned out to be an item which concerns two Gage men nc:!med · --.J-~HES.

0 We quote the item in the exact form in ':'i~":;.:L ch it is set forth: "James Gago· 1746:10/6/1777: said to be a brother of J.ABEZ &. NATHAN Gage, private in 2nd regiment Ulstc,r County NY Militia: Brig.Gen.James Clinton;·killed in action ct Fort Clinton and Montgomery on October 6, 1777. James Gage nvws killed in the battle of Stillwater in the Revolutionary Vvar.He was in tho Commissary Dept.ctnd there was no need of his going into battle." 1He left a widow and three small children." M: ?1770 Christine ( :?1818) Tayler (Duncan&. Mory (Gillis) of .i1rgyle. Christine M: 1806-Squiro Wm Reid, 1st JP of Argyle (SEE:Sons of Rov.: N. Y. : 1896 :Puhlic papers of Gov. Clinton 4 .650"

In developing this record, we have determined that the first p 0Tt commencing vvi th James and ending with the date October 6, 1777 exolusi ve of the words "soid to be a brother of Jabez &. Nsthant-1 has application to a fsmily,who ofter the death of her husband, the widow with her son, Jomes Gage and her d~ughtcr Elizabeth went to canado and settled at, Stoney Creek, Ont as United Empire Loyalists. Tho widow in this case was Mary Jones.Tho Rev.Mr Gage lists a 3031 John Gage, born 11/5/1726 of th0 family of William Ge;ge of Freotown,Mass as the husband of Mory Jones but proof has been furnished by a descendant of the Canadian family of James who wont to Canada with his sister Elizabeth nnd his mother ·Mary Jones, that James the soldier, 1 -illed on o etober 6 1777 was actually her husbond. As a matter of fact, the des­ cendant,James Gage Beemer filed an applicetion for membership in the Sons of the Revolution of the State of Now York on the basis of this soldiers service record and he became a member on that record and was given insignia number 1994. This record will be more fully explained when the book contQining the Canadian Fsmily records is published whiuh it is expected to bo before the end of the year. This leaves tho balEince of the record: "James Gage was kill d in the battlG of Stillviater11 and continuing 0 .n to the end of the listin~·together with the words "said to be a brother of Jabez and NEltha .11 which are to be cdded t:o this Portion of the record for fu thor consideration. 80 for the purposg. of cltarifying the record on James, ·we now list !he lost hal:f of ·tho entry o.nd it reads: 7 9 "J::.o:1.o t Gage was killed in oction at tho bottle of STILLW.ATER: in the Revolutionary Wor.Hc was in tho com.tt1.issary department an.a there was no need of his going into bottle. He left a widow and throe small children.

From here, we trc,::it tho entry :::;nd supply cl1c: nges in dates end other information gleaned from vc:rious rolioblo sources. Married: ?1767 Christine TE:yler ( : 12/25/1818) daughter of Duncon and Mary (Gillis) Tc:.:;yler of Argyle. She is buried in the old graveyard below lc;rgylo village. children 1.Elizabeth Gage, born 9/1/1768 died 10/2/1844 Moreau, Saratoga County NY egod 75 Married 10/2/1785 at Stillwater NY to peter Stevenson(9/6/1752:9/6/1843) (More to follovv on peter Stevenson.) 2. llbigFJil Gage 1772:6/5/1796 in her 25th year · M: Daniel payne (1765:6/7/1832) The payne :f'~mily moved from Warren Conn to Fort Miller NY {a few miles from Argyle. J. unknown From volume 2 pcge 184 Gibson papers, -"He(William Rcid,Esq.) subsequently married Christine Tayler, a doughtGr ~f Duncan Tayler of Argyle end his wifo Mary Gillis, ona who was the widow of Gage who had been killed in one of the battles of Bemis heights.She lived about 12 years after this marriage but had no children and died 12/25/1818 aged 69 years. n (See next paragraph} From e record of Rev. Archibald Whyte--morriuges--· · January 1, 1799.MElrried at Mr paynes in Argyle,Christine Tayler, a1iaa Gage to William Reid esq) This changes the marriage record to William Reid from 1806 in tho item to Ja nuory 1 1799. The Family- of Willic:m Reid: "His (William Reid's ) first wife being dead, he married tho widow Gnge.Her maiden name was Christtne Triyler.She was a sister of John and Alexander of Argyle.Her first husband was a brother of Nathnniel and Jabez Gage,who lived where the brick kiln ,near the Sheriff Gales old place- in Greenvdch now is. This is perhaps the present •wriddle Falls, formerly G-8 lesville just outside Greonwi ch. Mrs. Gages first husband died in the Revolution •• Duncan Tayler with his wife Mory Gillis, and daughter Mary or Polly, and other children, came to-America in the same company With other .Argyle settlers in 1738, landing in thr city of New York. On-the division of the pc:itent,he drew farm and town lots Nos. 122, which were conveyed to him by tho Trustees on J~nuary 15, 1765.In the spring following, he settled on farm lot No. 122. His bhildrcn were:Elizobeth, who married 11 a b:t'other of Garth Brisbin\Nr1ncy; who married Daniel S.mi th, Christine who married 1st 'Mr.~ege, o br•ther of Jabez end Nathaniel(not : Nathan)as given 1: the Gaga record (8th edition) 13nd he dying during or soon af ,·r the r-evolution, she m1:'.rried William Reid osq l/1/1799, his second wife, of Mary or Polly-the othsr daughter We have nothing further. There were two sons, Alexander and John -20 In view of the fc ct thl:."'.lt as ono of the dcughtcrs of Duncan Tuyler nna Mory Gillis, she is oxpl□ inod c,s born 1749,n.Drricd 1st Mr. Gogo, n brother of Jabez and Notha.nicl ( ~ positive stctenont) we conelude thct Janes Gcge was a member of' the f-:,mily of 4016 Jabez Ga~e who in turn was of the family cf John Gage of Ipswich concerning pet;cr Stevenson, who married Elizohnth Gage, the daught­ er of Ohr;J.stino·Teylor and James Gc,ge, ·wo wish to make mention of certain facts concerning him.

He was born in Scot lend r~ 175 J nnd was tr, ined to be a silk weaver which occupation he followed until ho VH3S 19 years old. He then ).eft home .,~ncl joinod the English ermy .His family at that time consisted ofa widowed mother and e sister Jo net .His ermy record for the next few years is unknown but v;hen General Burg­ oyne invcdod Nev: York StcJtG, he was in tho Scotch troops under General Fraser.It w8s fivo years after his onlistnent, he being 24 years old. When General Burgoyne surrendered at Saratogc 10/17/1777,the terms of surrender agrocnont VJ ere that -the troops were to m.r,rch to Boston and there ombcrk for England, svvearing not to take up arms against tho colonies. When some of tho provisions were not carried out, a 1arge number of troops were compelhed tr stey in this country end meny then took up arms for the colonies renouncing c11legiGnce to King George ond took an oath of fealty to the States. In this group was Stevenson.His service record shows that he entered the ser­ vice of the colonies nr:rch 22, 1781, 1:.rnd served until his dis­ chorge in Februc,ry 1783 as privc1te in the Massachusetts line undr~ Captain Mills and prag and Colonel Vose.He further stated that part of his service was as a gunra for General ·w£1shington. His re~idence during service was at Old Marlborough, 11fidcllesex County, Moss. After the war, he want back to Saratog0 to visit the bahtlefield snd to seo the place where his beloved General Frc::ser had died., he having been an oide to General Fraser.Ho vvas then JO ye!lrs old Th~ro ho mot nnd married c Scotch girl 13 yoars his junior,. - 'Eliza beth Gc:go, she was then living at .Argy lo, Wa shin6ton County. Ho spent more thon 60 of his 90 years in s~_,r0togc:; County .Ho is buried at Gensevoort N.Y.

Mrs. Halon E.Butlor of 2381 E,1st Whitney Road,Fairport, N.Y. 14450 is very much intorestod in this James Gcgc-Christint:: Tayler rec~rd and will npprocic:te hearing from n.ny ono ,~ho mcy hovo Oddi tiona 1 inforn, ti on. 5057 Jabesh (Jabez) GcJge $/18/1747 ?Greenwich, N.Y. -21 ( .At Argyle 1\1Y census 1790-Greenwi ch 2 part of Argyle until 1802) M: Susannah---(See 5056 Liber O end pages as explained. 1. ?Susannah 11/21/1785 1'r:Israel Slater

Now a continuing record formed by using thecensus record of 1800 Washington County,E;lso records found in Rev.Mr. Gage's 8th edition a,s further explained. The census redord--12'' in the femily Males,2· unde1"' 10, 3 16/26, l· over L,5 - Females, 2 under 10, 2 10 /15, 1 26 ,:45, 1 ovP-r 45 The 8th edition reoorc.--page 148 en-':;:r_y 5 with additional comments. l.Amos 2 Thomas 3 James 4. Richard '7'1775:85 vrsshington County NY Oneida County NY M: Gertrude Race{Base) (see explanation under 5056 Liber p page 1) (also an Elisha Rose was a blacksmith in Utica Oneida County NY in 1804 1 Daniel: M: --- 1. orvell ( Orwell) 2 Hamilton 3 Delso 2.Jabott unm 3.Jam0s 4.Richard 5.Uriah 1810 M: Abigail Ham (Haw) 1.M UGCige 1837:M 1859--- 3 children by 2nd wife 1. Clinton 1860 2. 1862 3. Ella 1864 4. Frank 5059 Jesse Gogo 9/9/1754 diod 3/ll/18JO ago 47 Stillwater NY

Now a 111uotation from pago 156 entry number 2 of the Misc section of the Rev.Mr.Gage's 8th edition. "Jesse Gaga: : 1800 Stillwater NY (Surg-Court 1, 58:¥11 60) wife Eunice.She was pregnant at tho timo:.Apparently none other; Nathaniel Gage(his brother) of Vfashinf;ton County N.Y. end imos Mullikon,ExGcutors.u S Census 1790 1-1-1 "Capt J.lmos Gago' s ( 4003) Company of volunteers marched from Pelham in 1777 and continued to Stillwater" (Peterboro NH in tho Revolution 239) 5060 Nathaniel Gage (RS} 6/13/1763:4/9/1844 born Pel.ham NH - 22 lived Saratoga NY,.bmherst Mass,StillvJater 1-JY,Greenwich, NY Washington County NY Onondaga County NY, Fabius and Lafayette, Onondaga County NY He is buried at Cardiff' NY 5 to 10 miles from Lafayette,N.Y. The record reads :N~hsni.el Gag0 of Pelham, soldier from Amherst dieo. 4/9 /1":'Ji.i.4 Li'ved -with son .Amos

Washington County R3cords: Liber G page 252 5/2/i7?6 recordsi ~/15/1804 John Dra:per,Joerma,ht.s vvife and cthe:cs sell to Nathaniel Gage of k'gy le lot 93 in Campbell patent Li ber G page 277 11/25/1802 recorded 10/9/1804 Nathaniel Gage and Mehitable,his wife of jrgyle sell to ~hineas Gage 30 acres lot 93 Campbell patent Liber H page 421 8/17/1805'recorded 5/3/1807 Nathaniel Gage and Mehitable of Greonwich,N~Y. sold to John Skinner of cambridge NY 168 acres lot 93 of Campbell patent,reserving one acre sold to James R (~) being wh~re his home now stands In No. 11472 brief in the ~ase of Nathaniel Gage of I,afayette County of Onondaga NY (Act 7th Juno 1832) for Revolutionary pension (S-13117) ho was allowed service for the following: , . . 1779-July 1 1 month,private capt.Elijah Dwi~ht~ColPorter. 1779-Sopt 1 3 months,private Capt Montague-Col~Chapin 1780-June 1 3 yoars,private Capt.John Thompson,Major Dickinson,Col.VanVechten,aged 68 years.Dec- laration mado bdfore a judgo,the applicant disabled by bodily infirmities.Engaged in no battles. Resided at Amhcrst,Mass.whon entoroa tho service.Suppo~tod by traditionary evidence. Also, in t~e briof,hc stated that ho was born on tho 25th· day of Juno 1764,by information roccivcd from his parents. Has no record of his ago, That at tho ago of 5 years,ho removed with his father to Sarathoga (Saratoga) whore ho rosided·until tho yosr 1779 when he wont to reside in Amherst, aforos,aid "-.Chat after tho pea co of 1783 ho resided at Sti'llviatcr so.c:'.cthing more than one year, than removed to the town :bf Greenwich, now in Washington County vvhoro he resided until tho year 1806,thnn removed to tho·town and county of onondsga where he resided until 1823,thon removed to Fabius, on.rn:ndaga County ·where ho resided tv.Jo yosrs, then removed to Lafayotte,Onondogo County NY in which town· he now resides )23 The dote of birth of 6/13/1763 given by the Rev.Mr.Gage in his 8th cd!i..tion is in a detnilcd ,f"!im.ily record of Jabez G age::, . t~thaniel's father.

The children of N□ thaniol and 1lohttable Tefft 6186 William 3/22/1790 6187 Jesse 8/15/1792 6188 NOthaniel 10/3/1794 6189 .Amos 6/25/1797 It is believed also that this 5060 !¥1thcnic 1 Gnge is tho one referred to on pc:,ge 13 10 fi:rst entry of the Misc.Section of the Rev.Mr. Gage's 8th edition which rGads us follows: .AlOO Nathoniel Gago of New York b 1770:75 (?RS in bsttlo of M: B1oody Pond) .A200-3 "Fi nn:ts of poa -1 Betsey,nonr Johnstown NY .A201-4 Gerret 2/23/1803 -2 Kc:thorine As proof has not been definitely established,the record of these believed to be additional children of 5060 Nc1thaniel G8ge and their fomilios is bcinc; brought forward in a later book under the heading of tho Nathuniel Gage of New York Family as a family of undetermined origin.

5061 Uriah Gogo 4/29/1755:8/30/1837 BrGdford,Mass M: 1/25/1787 HannDh Tenney {bpl/22/1761:3/14/1837) l.Nancy 6/8/1788 M:John Ingersoll 2~ Zelindo 8/15/1791 M:William David Stickney 3.Julin 7/15/1794 M: Col Uriah Builey 4.Hannah 8/14/1797 M Nathaniel Gngo 6160 5. Ruby 12/22/1800 M:'Cept Noth.Thurston 6026 M: John Perley 5063 Richard Gage bp 9/16/1759:1825 Londonderry NH 'M: 1/16/1801 Jnno Kimball (2/26/1776:1/13/1859) 6193 Wil.linm 2/12/1803 6194 Tenney{~) 2/29/1808 . Eliza K 6/10/1805 M: John N .Anderson .Almira 6/10/1810 M: Fisher 5064 capt Willi cm Gngo 2/22/1762: : Lond ondcrry NH M: 5/1789 liehitOblc Kimbnll(bp 9/5/1762) nochildren -24 5065 .Aso Gage 4/t7/1760 · ?'M: 2/1795 Molly{Polly) Kimbell (8/2/1765:1839) Note thot his brothprs fomily moved to cambridge(C0mbridge .Asa Gngo 1796 bur 4/20/1841 age 45 VR .Asa Gage 1845 a 2/12/1849 ago 24 Boutell S GQge 1811 bur 9/21/1842 age 31 .Abigail A Grige 4/12/1812:5/10/1829 'M Zebulon Tufts Anna A M: 9/24.1825 Silas Farrar 5066 capt Nathaniel Gage (RS) 9/2/1766:11/10/1828 N AndoverMs. M: 5/31/1792 Betsey Kimball (9/2/1770:9/25/1817) 6198 tT8thnniol 7/16/1800 6199 DOniGl {K) b/L,/18'.)2 Betsey (K} 3/7/1793 M George KimbGll }f:Dti ldo 11/3 /::. 79'5 Y: No than Webster Louisa 9/8/1798 H! Dnvid C Kimball Sophia 9/J0/18r04 M: Col.John parker Ch8rlottG 6/18/1806 M:Joshua .Holt 6000 Nathaniel Gage 6/25;1762 LaFoyotte,Onondaga Co NY M: 11/21/1793 Sarah Butler ( 10/2.3/177~: ) 7200 NOthoniel 2/25/1795 1.sa11y 1/8/1795 M.Coburn 7201 Jacob B 12/9/1800 J.Lavina 12/12/1797 7202?.Amos M:Samuel P.Dudloy M:Life Richardson 6.Mary M: George Carlton , 6001 Henry Gage 4/7/1766:11/28/1839 Pelham,NH M: 6/11/1794 Dolly Davis (4/19/1769:9/19/1830) 7203 John (D) 7/15/1799:6;17/1826 Perces 2/23/1796 'M:Joshua Butler .Anna i2/13/1801 M Christopher Howe Hurriet 1/27/1808 ?M Copt Joshua Webster S.oph;o 4/5/1803 6002 Jeremiah Gage 12/20/1765 Pelham NH M: 10/24/1793 Rebecca Gage 5001(7/26/1772: ) 7204 Obadiah 4/19/1794 7205 James Vvilson 8/1/1796 · 7206 Harrison J/24/1798 2.Delilah 6/8/1795 6003 Josiah Gage 3/8/1779:?1840 Pelham,New Boston NH {Gonl54 ?M 9/30/1802 MGry Stickney(l0/27/1779:10/12/1812){Stickney ?1f 7/1813 .A bigsil Ayer · 7207 Iro 1/1$04 3~Mary 9/5/1809, 7208 Alfred 11/24/1807 4.Snrah 1811:1857 6004 Dr Willinm Go.go 3/2/1771: 1813 Pelham NH M: 2/12/1802 Elizabeth Kimball(8/13/1779:l/ll/1846) 7209 Samuel (K) 7/25/1802 7210 Chorlos Castle Pickney 3;1/1804 .Anno ~~rrier 12/27/1806 Julia Moria 12/27{1806 Sarah Adeline 5/1/1809 . -25 6005 Mcjor Benjamin Gage l/27/1772:5/2/1824 Pelham NH M: 4/26/1798 .,Anne ( Joo nnn) Emerson (3/18/1774: 5/13/1863) 7g11 Elbridgo G, S/28/1798 7212 Joseph B 1/28/1803 7213 Benjomi4 1(12/1809:1/6/1835 . 11.0 children JuliD lloria 9/17/1812 2 Philemia 9/2/1800 M:Robcrt Thorn M: Benjamin Chnse Elizabeth 6/29/1821 4. Joanna 3/4/1805 M: Edwin F .Ayer M: Moses Whiting 5.Sarah 2/24/1807 1v": l'fosos Whiting 6006 John Gago 11/1/1774 :Orford l\1H in 1794 M:--- pcerl anc1 Heath Gen 22 M: 1803 Dorcas Mcrrj,11 7214 Charles P 10/20/1813 1.Elizabeth 4/3/1812 M: .Aaron P Heath 6007 James Gago 2/25/1775:10/24/1842 Methuen Mass ,: M: Mary---( 1776:9/16/1841} 6008 Moses Gage 7/2/1772: 11/24/1840 Brodford Mass M: 4/11/1805 Mary .Abbott ( :12/29/1854) , 7218 Frederick 10/25/1806 \7219 Charles (7) 9/18/1829 ,· Elizabeth 2/12/1809 M:John McKenna · M: Tri str,Jm Brov'Jn Hannah E 4/2# 1811 M: Moses Dustin .A biOJil 9/29/1813 Nancy 6/7/1820 Martho 7/15/1823 Susan W 4/10/1826 6011 James Gage 4/22/1771 : Cornish, N.H. M: 5/15/1794 Hunnoh Fost0r 7226 Jamas 10/5/1794 2.H0hitc1blo 4/2/1796 M .Amos.Atwood 7227 Jesse 12/24/1799 5Ji..uS't"'R1, 3/24/1886 M .Aaron Gago 7228 Manley 2/24 f.1804 · ' 1 Henry 2 Horry 7229 Harvey 5/14/1808 7.E.giily 3/ll+/1815 M JosophLund 7230 Benjr.:min 7/16/1817 Rebecca 2/2/1798 Hci nnoh 12/31/1801 6014 Denie+ {David) Gage 1/8/1770 Sanbornton NH (See History) i.J 1 -~-- 1 . .Ann 6015 Hi cha el Gago 2/18/1773: 11/26/1839 t,Iothuon Mass BrodfordMs. M: S/20/1795 Hi:1nnah Kimbell (10/21/1766:10/7/1845) 7243 Lewis 8/26/1799 7244 WillidJm 1/8/1803 5 Lucinda 4/9/1809 7245 Charles F 11/30/1804 M: Joseph Je ckm,an 7246 Moses 4/26/1807 6 Sarah 6/28/1812 7247 G0orge W 6/15/1814 M Luther S Beiley -26 6018 gojor Richard Gage 12/ll/1776:5/18/1855 Boscawen, N.H. M:2/6/(8) 1806 Susan Fornwn Ch,;ndler (12/7/1768: ) 7254 cnlvin tl/17/1811 7255 John C 4/11/1814 7256 Hiram 1/25/1816 7257 Luther l/5/1820 3 Mari om~. 8/11/1822 'M: 7258 Benjamin F 11/7/1827 Nehe~iah Butler. 7259 Richard 8/13/1831 6020 Moses Gage 8/16/1783:10/l/1851 Fro.nklin-Sanbornton NH M: 2/26/1806 Nancy Bean{ Crockett} M= 10/22/1840 snrah Rollins (6/18/1784:10/22/1840 7266 John 2. Julin, M: Plkins Chet_pmfln 3. Mery .A. M:Samuel VJ Thompson

6021 William Has el ti no G6 go 3/21/1791: 9 /26 /18 72 Sanbornton,Boscawen, N.H. M: 1/25/1814 Holly B.Morrison (l/1792:2/15/1833) M: 1/26/1836 Sarah Sergent (6/15/1808:1892) 7267 rsaalr K 10/27/1818 l.Sophronia S 1/21/1815 7268 .Asa 'M 8/8/1820 M: John Russ 4.Phebe P 9/23/1822 M: .Andr'ew J Russ 5.Polly R 8/1/1838 M: Samuel R Mann

6022 David Benn Gage 4/3/1795:8/19/1863 Sanbornton, NH 11.[: 2/26/1824 Martha Eaton ( :10/10/1856) 7269 Nathan M. 7/26/1825 7270 David K 8/25/1836 2.Anna l)Jaria 9/23/1827 7~71 Thomas W 1/22/1841 · M:Charlos J Wadleigh · Jo$eph L unm ).Betsey E 2/19/1832 M: Samuel Kingsley 8, Ma:rtho Ella 9 /J0/1849 5.Saroh Cook, M: · M;En.01;1 Hoyt Johnson .Albert P.l!orrison

6023 Joseph Gage 8/20/1769:12/19/1835 Wilton NH M: 6/12/1794 Mary cra.m--no children 6024 Moses Gage 8/10/1779 Vifilton, Pelham NH Weston Vt Ki ttory Me M: ?1805 Joanna Moses ( : 11/19/1837) ( or Norton} 7272 Moses 9/6/1806 2.Joseph E 11/12/1851 7273 Richard 1810 c1ockmos Co.Ore one says Moses· sister M: Seth carpenter. 6025 Richard Gago 6/25/1784:6/12/1854 Wilton NH M: 3/16/1809 Betsey Hutchinson (7/3/1785: 4/29/1863) 7274 David 12/26/1809 7275 Samuel 9/6/1811 5. vary 6/1/1817 7276 Pierce 9/4/1813 M: Mason H Carr 7277 rsnac N 6/12/1815 6. Elvira 7/11/1819 7278 Charles 7/16/1821 M: Nethaniel G Jones 7279 George W 9/7/1823 7280 Sidney R 10/14/1826 6026 noniel Gage 1785: 12/18/1852 Hudson NH -27 Ni: 11/1811 Betsey Tenney (11/8/1786: 5/12/1819) H: Hannah Church )ll/24/1786:7/28/1839) M: B6tsey Mnrshall 7281 Daniel T 10/17/18llj. l.Elizoboth 9/11/1812:12/12/1838 7282 Chorlcs 7/20/1816 6031 David Gage 9/4/1778:1/9/1827 Pelham NII M: 1806 Betsey Hobbs M: Mehitable Butler (1/20/1786: )

6032 Jonathon Gage 5/24/1780:9/11/1866 Pclhem,New London, Ccrnish,NH M: 5/23/1807 Snrc1h. psttengi 11 0 1~ 1] ~,, ,, ,.,,.,95 7292 J 0 h,..11 /--, J / .0'.)';' { .... Newto11 12/29/1817 729 3 David 11/10/JED O 7296 Joseph 5/15/1825 7294 Milton l/6/1C:L5 Jonathan 12/11/1812:6/1/1854 unm 6033 Paniel Gage 1/1784:1/5/1827 M: 11/15/J.$08 Rhode Ri ·.hardson (10/23/1784: ) M! 6/$/1813 Abioh Richardson 6034 John Goga 4/1787: 11/1/1865 Pelham, N.H. M: 11/5/1815 Betsey Tyler (3/20/1789:6/25/1870) 7300 John Calvin 12/6/1817 2 .. northa C 3/13/1820: 3/4/1855 J.nary E bp 6/22/1823 M: ·waiter H Kinb □ ll 7100

6035 N0than Gage 5/27/1791:2/20/1861 Pelham }lli M: 5/29/1817 Hehi table Wood bury( 2 /17 /179 5: 9/27/1879) 7301 Seth 5/23/1818 4 Abiah 8/6/1830 7302 John N 5/30/1825 ·M: Christopher Webster 7303 Daniel 6/4/1828 5.Louisa 4/29/1832 7304 Nathan 2/21/1837 M: James Gibson Mohi table 4/10/1835 8 Mery E 4/25/1839 l:T:Moses Gibson M: .i.4lonzo Currier 1~: irames Gibson

6036 Joseph Gago 4/3/1793:1874 Pelhnm NH M: 4/l.i./1820 pnry .Ada li9-e Hsmblet { 5 ,16 /1799: 10/1/1884) 7305 Joseph D 8/15/182D 7306 David 11/8/1830 7307 VJ'illiam Vi 5/5/HYJ7:4/8/1869 7308 Ezekiel C 12iJ0/1844 .A.rm M 1/24/1832 lJT: Gilman Stickney Virginia 8/17/1833 'M: Frederick iH.1gur,tus Cutter Elizob'.Jth 10/22/1822 H: William Brndford .Abby 0., 8/31/1824 M: Granville McClure Emma 3/16/1s2n M _ A 1 exis Proctor 6037 Alvoh Gage 10/16/1796:2/2/1850 Pelham NH M: 1830 Lydie Atv1ood l.Elizabcth (.A) M: psge Clarke -28 6oJ8 Daniel Gage 1780: Washington County Ohio M: Polly Shaw of 't-IB 7309 .Alpha .A 1818 7310 1/lilson S 5/21/1825 lfclrian 1808 M: Hemphill Susan H 1815 'K ~Ni lliar.1 pr,wons Ruth 1820 M: Young Mory 1823 M: Edward Sprague EliZtibeth 1823 'M: John Mccaddon Martha 1827 M: J"onnthan Sprague , 6039 Abner Gage 9/24/1784 Pelhnm,Snlem N'"rl M: 12/17/lGOB Judith Haseltine 7311 Eliphulet 1/2./1813 4 Sarah H l+/23/1818 7312 Joseph H 2/16/1815 M: John Burnham Rowe 7313 .Abner D 4/14/:..533 5 Mary D 2/21/1822 7314 John H 3/10/1835 M: D0vid W C Wentworth 3 Susannah 11/28/1816 8. Hannah J 12/23/1829 M Richard E Corliss 6040 Joseph Gage 1789: 7/19/1861 Cluremont NH M: ?1814 Caliste (Esthor) Sprague (3/19/1791:2/4/1842) l.Almira, M: Frederick Stoddard 6041 John Rogers Gage 8/21/1793: :Sheffielo,Ashtabula Co Ohio . . 'M: Vloodbury .. 7318° ,4ndrew 1.Lodema (Lodiena) , 7319 Julian 3.Laura · 7320 LUd:Lan 4 Samuel unm 5 Hai-rj_et 6042 Joshua Lancaster Gage 12/25/1796:2/3/lGGl Sheffield Ohio M: 12/26/1829 .Anna Taft ( 1800: 11/24/11:857) 7321 8tephon T •. 3/7/1831 7322 Geotge G-10/17/1834 _.. . 7323 Norris Lancaster 1/15/1842 Ashtabula Ohio 7324 .A lbcrt 8/11/1842: 11 ".1868 . · · , C.oroti,ne 6/12/1832 M:Rev Moses B Kenney Chest:J,nc 2/6/1836 M: Henry .H Stevens

6044 Stephen Tho:e,nton Gage 1/ 24/1801:6/12/1874 Virginia City M: Huldah Ta ft · Nev 1. Almira 2 Ruth

6050 Asa Gage 3/31/17130:G/21+/1860,PeL.iiam,New'London NH M?ljOl Abigsil Gage 5010 (11/13./1783:9/26/1840) 7338 .AGCiscn 2/12/lGOG 6/14/11302 M:DavidSimpson 7339 George W 3/9/11312 : /· . . •' /Gile 7340 Chcrltes p 4/9 /lul4 2 11 chsa 5/7/1804 M: Nathaniell,Jtirsh 7341 Alvoh 3/18/1820 3 Olive E 3/9/1G06M:Nathaniel 7342 Dllvid .A 6/30/1822 .. · Ma:tl'sh 7343 Dnniel(David(8/17/1827 continued next page -29 6050 Asa· Gago, continued: 5;carolino 3/10/1810:1850 Secrunonto Calif 8. Ezekiel C 3/20/lGlG:11/26/1839 u.nm. 11 .i1bignil 3/16/1£524 M: E. L. S11cw 1 0 "'11"·l!)J, w1.· J.. 11·c1m....,;, .J,;"!.i' muJ.. V.&.kc·"" ..,_ 12 Asa 12/20/1$25 un.t1 Boston 1-ffass 13 Mary A 8/13/1827 M: Enoch Gove

6055 Willian Runnels G2gs. 2/20/1763: J/7 /1837 P:elho.m I\1H Londonderry N:FI died PeH1am NH · M: 7/23/1805 Abigail Hull {6/17D4:4/19/1C08} M: 11/11/1013 Robcc~a Wilson {17C2:ll/3J/1816} M: 1/1S/1C518 N~naJ ..:',n;:erson (10/tJ/iJ:)3:G/19i'1165) 7350 Cr:leb 10/2/lGOS 7354 .. /::ron· H 1/13/1824 7351 Chc.rles J/5/J.Cll5 7355 John J;~ 6/25/1827 7352 vVill.iomWashingtcn 12/30/lGlG 7353 Le.andor 10/2/1820 .i;big,::dl 6/20/1822 6056 .c'lmos (Jago 3/22/1791: Boxford Moss M: 11/5/l8l5 qc1endc Hevey ( bop 8/19/1792: 7/4/1830) 7356 warren 3/17/1816 7357 George 0/26/1022;11/23/1863 Abigc-,il 3 ~1/~_GlG ·M James Carlton Harriet R 3 /L,/1820 ·M: Daniel Chenborlain Calenda 6/l/1G29 6057 Stephen Gage G/4/1792:5/9/1834 Boxford Mass M: 12/22/1818 Olivo Bradford 73.513 Willian B 9/29/1823 1 Caroline 1/5/1821 · M: Russell Richardson 3.Laura Ann 1/31/1827 M: Rev Moses H Bixby 4. Rebecca E 7/24/1829 5 • G/25/HJ34 605n Abel Gag$ ll/23/1798:1877 Boxford Mass Pelham NH M: 12/6/1[~~6 .Anno Moody Johnson of Hudson NH 7359 .Arthur .A 3/9/1830 l.Angcline 1'~tildG 1/6/1828 7360 Walter Ed 6/16/1833 2 Henrietta Philona 8/16/1837 7361 Lyman B·6/27/1G35 7 Emna rsndorc 9/24/1841:3/17/1861 7362 RoscooW. 9/2/1339 8 Ellen Isabel 9/24/1841 7363 Sydney payson 12/11/1843 7364 Otis ~llen 11/13/1846

6059 Thom s Hovey GGgo 6/G/1789: 4/10/1823 Both 1\fc,ine 15: 12/17/1815 Frances Angicrs Stockbridge ( :1/11/1862) 7365 WiLi..ic.n L 2/27/1820 1. Lois H 2/25/1817 H: Joel Holkins

6060 Dr Loondor Gcge 9/20/1791:4/24/1842 Watorford,Bothel Maine M: 10/7/1020 1U1h8 B Stlrgont (1/16/1794:7/21/1876) 7366 Thonos H 5/22/1£!26 l.Frencos 3/5/1823 736'i/ Ggp;t'f.$.9.,Jff 8/22/1834 15: Col J:Ilh.ra.phrey Cousens . 4.Ltnn,:t'5/io/132G 2. Iror_;o B 10/16/}824 11: Colvin· Foster l:i: Samuel Wurren 6061 Amos Gage 3/2/1797: 5/7/1869 Waterford Maine -JO 'M: 4/8/1823 trary warren { :J/26/1870} no children 6067 .Abraham Gage 5/3/1767 Middleton Mass M: 6/25/1795 LUoY :reabody ( 9 /28/177::>:9 /28/1801) M: 5/22/1806 Edah Ni.chols(l/1776:2/18/1815) M: 2/24/1818 Dorothy .4verill ( bap 4/2/1784: ) 7383 Dennison 5/17/1796 · 7384 .Addison 12/h/1798 7385 Sukey 8/27/1808 (?girl) Lucy 10/5/1806 7386 Abraham 2/11/1813 M! David Thomas 7387 Christophef, 9/29/1818 7388 John 12/11/1821 6068 Levi Gage 10/5/1773: :·Middleton Mass M: 4/25/1795 :aetse y Gage l 6069 Daniel Gage 8/30/1776 ( Thurston Gen 143) died 5/7/1861 New Sharon i.iraine M: 7/9/1798 Hannah Trask (12/2/1775: ) M: 2/13/1800 Mary Curtis ( 1778: 11/71,1861) 7392 Edmund 5/11/1802 Betsey 31/22/1801 .Anna 8/29/1800 ·r.r: Col Phineas Webster Rebecca 7/14/1798 Eliza 8/16/1804 M: Benjamin Thurston

6076 Epenezer v"vebster Gage 12/21/1770: Boston,. Lo-well Mass M" 3/2/1794 Jane Baird (6/19/1770:1/3/1867) 7405 Ebenezer d 1834 );Nancy Beard :'?"M'Ebenezer Whittier 7406 Vli lliam M 4. : M: Smith Dyer 5. :11 Charles Freeman 6.Mary le'arker 7.Mary Jane 8.Sophronia 6077 Benjamin Gage 2/13/1780 ?M 10/7 /H104 .Ann Hay ( 1786: 1/15/1843) 7407 Benj.Webster bp 4/24/1808 .Annie .Adams, bp 9/1/1803 M:S llas Farrar Harriet, bp 5/10/- M: Sylvester Proctor s,arah B bp 8/31/1816 6078 Isaac Gage 4/5/1788:4/13/1866 Bradfo~a Mass Bedford NH M: 3/19/1816 Sally EUnlilerwoo·d (7/8/1787: (Cousins} 7408 Thomas U 9/30/1819 74b9 William U 10/10/1823 Sally Jane H: Elijah P.Parkhurst Lydia 5/21/1825 15:Merrill Latitia Lucind& EdvHird .A 6081 Benjamin Stevens Gage, born Bedford NH 10/23/1778 died 2/4/1831 M: 1/16/1804 Sally Nichols (6/7/1785:6/12/1808} M: 5/17/1810 .Annie Moor ( 10/9/1784:died Vloburn,Mass. 8/10/1865 the daughter of Lt James ana Sally( carson~1foor of Bedford. -31 60$1 Benjamin Stovcns Gago-continued: cr.i ldricn 74'iB-1iron 10/28/1804 3.~ames Moor 5/1/1813:12/20/. 7417 Stcpnen 5/8/1806 1854 unm 7h18 Bonj2m:i.n 4/24/1815 7. Betsey R 11/28/1820 7419 Wil.liam W 4/15/1817 rr: Oliver L Kendall M:El:tza .Ann· Helvinl/17 /1869 7420 Gawi~ R 1/20/1819 Sally 1811: 8/3/1812 7421 Richa;rd 12/27/1822 Elizabeth 3/4/1808:9/9/1814 7422 E¢l,yard 11/10/1825: 1/10/1873 Ponttst paris France 6082 Solomon Gnge ll/23/1782:3/4/1852 born Bedford NH died Beloit, W; J, far.msi~ and wheelright. 'M: 12/29/1807 Doroth3, Chcse(5/14/1787:9/l0/1864) She was born Litch­ field 5/14/1787 daug,."ltcr of Lieut Joseph and Elizabeth (Darr~n} Chase_snd granddaughter bf Frances Chase~ the first Baptist imm.orsod in New HDmpshira. Children born in Bedford. . , , 7423 Frederick 9/3/1813 M:Amanda Sm.ith,livod Woburn;Mass 7 424 Solomon· s /17/181~ rT Bothia Annis, li vea Providence RI 7425 Silas pratt 12/26/1818 l'l":Lydiu T,::ylor,lived FloydWis 7426 putnnm Flirnum 1/26/1821 'M: Elizabeth G~ffi th li vcd 1")fton Wisc .Al59 Hnrriet u. J.0/11/1808 diod Beloit Wisc 2/'47/1886 Y: Selden Doroton 1'.~osloy .Al60 W::ry Putnam 12/9/1809 died 11/1/1850 Chnrlcstown Moss. M: cu1vin Travis Dolly Chase 4/8/1812 M: Isaac Currier .Al62 narthe1 Jane pr1ttcn 7/13/1826 '[\."': John 'f\.'icGi lvsry Frances Flynn 8/22/1828 H;l$52Elisho Shapley Tt1sker lived Northwood NH Joso ph Franklin 2/1/1830: 12/27/1911 urun Dolly 2/25/1810? . A 167 .4nn~c ;~ Gngc 8 /1/18321 1 Enoch P. Mcirsha 11 6083 Isaac Gage. 3/4/1785:10/6/1869 Bedford NH· M; .1808 Pary (Polly) Ingalls of Merrimack, N.H, (l,787.,f 6/18/1822) 'M:· 12/24/1822 Hcry Jone Patton (2/14/1794:5/11/1877} SJ').e was the daughter. of Josnph c1nd ·Mary (Dickey) Patten of Bedford. 7 42 7 Chc;r. 1es 1810: 18!+8 7428 Henry A 10/7/1818 7429 Willi<:m P 11/1824 7430 Aaron luinay 5/12/1833:1849 2,El:i.zabeth 4/1812 M:Jnmes pnrker 3. S,;:::-c:h .Ann 1815 M: Isaiah Herrick 5. irory JGne 4/1826: 1$57 1:S: Chr.;rles S .Anderson of 1:,Terrima ck 7.Curolino .A 8/20/1830 H.WilliDm Moore· Joseph 1836:12/10/1849 bi>rn Bodford. -32 6084 rsanc Gogq 9/23/1789: Bedford NB ?M Elizebeth· Tapley (3/6/1792: )

6J85 Bcnjcmin Hall Gcgo 4/19/1791:4/16/18M's Dr.:icut H£iss .Amh.erst 1'1H M: 12/7/1815 Tamosin F Richardson (8/31/1792 : ) 7435 Jatnea U 3/30/1824 2 Ann .Augusta 11127 743.6 ~obcr~ VT 5/4/1829 4. Abby {Elizc) 2/4/1839 ·· · M: J"ohn Drew 6086 Enoch Gago: :Me!'rirn.0ok NH .~~ l2/Ji/1?33 Rebecca Prince 7t,/J9. EtioGh · F. 6087 $~opb.en Q-cgo 1803: Li/23/1879 .Amherst NH ~- H~rmaJ:i Gou.L:3. ( 1811: 10/18/1864) 7443 ~tepL10n i.-- 1840 l.Hun..i-iah P 1838 7444 we than .A 18Li5 M: H lTcQ,ueston 7#45 ·Horaoe D 12/7/1851 2.sophronia:1 1839: ?4/8/1890 4. Mary Enn H342 6088. G~orgc Washington Gago;born Merrimack, N.H.8/23/1808 died 3/4/1871 Bedfo1·d 1TH M; t?/l./1843 Lovisio 1; "Roby {8/7/1820: 2/25/1892) She· was the daughtn·r of John and potty(Vfoods} Roby. In 1843 he purchased tho Willinm Cnldviell Farm and moved there 12/1/1843 7446 Goorge F 8/2/1844 7447 Charles H 11/17/1845 Lovisia J 1/19/1849 H: rsoa c .A Hodgman 6089 Moses qage 2/4/1791: 12/5/1877 Bedford Goffsto·wn NH M: Aybyl Barron M: Miss Tinker 7448 r,roses 3/1/1819 1. rrery AB 6/24/1817_, 7449 S,qmucl B 2/24/1021 M: Jomes l~cDougal 7450 We;iter L 3/10/1S2J 5. Caroline 11/25/1825 M:Elijah -·..- . . Hall 6. Louisa F 4/14/1829 7. Frances J 12/12/1831 6090 Jphn (}ago 3/30/1793:5/11/1861 I,yndeboro NH M: 4/29/1817 Sally Tinker (died 8/G/1C59) 7451 I)Dvid 2/27 /13?. l+: 2/16/1889 New Boston NH 7452 J"os0ph 6/20/18)~ 7453 John 9/27/1$36 Sc.1rch 6/2G/J.81G :5/15/1849 Har:i:-5.ct 2/3/1820 M. John Nowell Luuy ~ 3/31/1822:3/7/1845 Ruth .A 6/9/1826 wr: John VJ Burnham, Ludlow Vt Eliza J 2/24/1832 'M John Newell ' 6og]J Rcv.Dnv-~d'G~$·~ 9/D/1795:l.r/4/1841 Hcrrimeck,Wilton NH IM: 8/12/l~~J' ~otsoy Putnam ( 1/26/1!300: 12/4/1879) 7454 'J"p!t:n b/l!/1828 -33 6092 Joseph N Gego 3/25/1G02 :Lawrence Hass , U bcrnl ?Jo. 19: 6/17 /182G Hannah Brown lh l/17/1837 Jane Noyes 6:)9J ChEll'l~a F.0-~c U: Nancy Johnson , 6106 Stephen Gngo 4/6/17$3: 5/30/1857 Hethuen M8ss ?M 12/6/1804 Abigail Swon-(8/5/1772:7/22/1834} ?M 9/17/1835 Mnry Emerson, widow Joseph Frye 7493 John i¼ 12/10/1G05 7494 ChD.rlcs 6/16/H309 6115 peter Gago 2/12/1751:10/14/1831 Brodford,Mass M: 12/16/1773 Mary Wobstor (6/17/1754:8/31/1831) 7519 Joseph bp 7/16/1775 2 Polly 11/13/1779 M:Joshua Bushnell 4- Charlotte bp B/1788 3.Bctsey 1/27/1783 - ?M:Rov WmGould M: R0v Daniel Kimboll 6791 5-?Hannah bp n/1790 6134 Ebenezer Goge 5/24/1774:10/29/1821 Bradford,Haverhill,Ms. M: 12/3/lSll Priscil1S J'Scquos ( :9/6/1812) M': 3/16/1015 Sarah .Adams ( : 4/2/1G16} 6139 James Gage $/5/1767:1/24/1856 Amherst N~Litchfiold NY HcHen:ry Ill. 'M: 9/10/1793 Polly Drury(6/21/1776:ll/2/1840) 7576 Jemos L. 8/12 11800 1 Bary 5/15/1798 M: John Fm'y 7577 John D/12/1802 6 Sarah 1/2 1810 i~:Edward E.Perkins 7578 Jarod 1/25/1805 7 "f)Jaria 6/20/18114 M:ilnsoncowels 7579 Leoncird 6 /23/18'J7 10 Esther R 10/9/1818 7580 George 8/J0/1813 M:Dr .Abner R Bartlett 7581 Elijah 11/28/1816 6140 Snmucl Gago ll/17/1773:4/3/1860 Arohorst,Jnffrcy NH M: 10/30/1799 Lucreti □ (Lucinda) (4/H\/1779:9/24/H332) .. ·.· .. Edgerton 11: 9/J/1B33 Rhoda Griswold (11/2d/1790:ll/16/18?7) 7582 Rnnsolo Vfatson 10/2/1C04: 6/12/1G56 had 3 wives 7583 Dr John L 2/2C/1822 75s4·sam ~ddison 9/10/1024(hnd 2 wives) l:,Phobo 8/18/1800 H:Hcsscngor 2.Emily 10/22/H$02 11: Messenger 4 Caroli.tie l/lJ./1g15 l:T: Collins Blodgett 5,··Jinn vr:_5/1/1817 lI: Nelson 11 Judd 6 S~nthn 6/2G /1819: 11/21/1840 6142 J6~a:lA~,n'Q:::1go 1/23/1782: 3/13/1868 Jaffrey,Fitzwillia.m NH M: 6/1 (4) /1807 Hnnnoh Frost (8/25/1785:9/15/1855) / DAR says Hn nnch Wor cos ter 7590 James 2/19/1C08 7593 Joseph 2/27/1818 7591 William 2/9/1811 7594 Jonathon .A 8/22/1823 7592 Abner 2/9/1Cl6 continued -34 6142 Jonathan Gogo-continuod Children ,. Nancy 5/4/1814 M: Ephrnim Worcester 6. Mory 8/~6/1820:11/27/1905 unm 8.Scrah 12lll/1827 · 9.Eliza 12/24/1830 M: Cutter,Joliet Ill 6143 Jesse Gage b 4/6/1764(8/6/1764} died 8/22/1843 M: about 1787 Murcy---(5/22/176J:6/5/184G) 1.sophic1 12/4 /l7f37: 3/1/1817 2.John 5/17/17fJ9 3.Wright 3/7/1791 4.Elizcbeth 1/2/1793 5 Sally G/6/179Li 6 Jesse J? G/lJ/1797 7 Ros0113/,22fil8GA/15/1802 8 Hosea J /221/1£30~ 9 Jason 7/17/1804:9/24/1805 .Al68 Jonathon ll/lG/1807:2/11/1877

6144 Frye Gago 2/7/1782:ll/22/186G Pelhum NH M: ?1808 t:ory Tenney (::.2/13/1784:1/22 /1Cl5) M: 1/30/1321 Kezi2 Cutter (1/17/1794: ) M: 10/1816 Surah Tc!lncy (G/25/1791:12/1/1817) 7599 Jon::ithGn ?11315 7600 Thomc,s 11/28/1322 · 7601 John C 4/20/1835 Dor ens Swan 11/9/1808 M: Jonathon Stickney Mary T 1/15/1825 Sarah Jane 2/26/1829 M: Joseph B Proctor. 6147 Be~jomin.Gage,b. 3/5/1?69 Enf'ield NH d 7/2/1850 Enf'ield pe~ gravestone. aged 81, Buried Cemetery Enfield NH Married; 3/4/1792(Junuary 1791) Enfie.Itd NH Susannah J.ohnson·oaughter of Jesse and Priscilla (Kimball) Johnson, qprn 10/30/1773 died 6/18/1862 per gravestone age 87 buried Tov1n . Cemetery Enfield NH. He is in Enfield. census 1800 to 1850 inc. indicating he wos always a resident otherwise he would not hnvo been taxed for polls as he was His•ostete was in tho tax lists from 1851 to 1883 inclusi vc. children 7610 J:.mcs Shepherd 12ft2/1796E.'.1fiolc1, N.H. 7611 Jesse Johnson 3/29/1803 " 7612 Franklin 10/28 11805 " 7613 Albert 5/5/1887:12 16/t892 7614 Bcnj:m n 4/13 /HnJ: 7/18/1885 7615 Daniel Buswell 10/7/1821 Enfield NH Solly 12/21/1792 Enfield NH d 3 120 /1877 H: Hn4 l1rchclous Stcvons,son of Jomes and fipphic(Hoyt) Stovens.b 5/1/1790 Enfield NH a. l/811876 Danville NY Betsey 1.roore 8/21/1794 Enfield NH d 10/11/1868 M: Nathan parker Jr went to Harwood NY continued -J5 6147 Benjamin Gogc--continhed: childtien~ Lorind~ 3/12/1799 Enfield NH (TWin) d 7/27/1835 M: .Ansel Berry went to Norwich NY llmanda J/12/1799 Enfield NH (twin) Hannah Jqhnson l0/21/1809:7/13/1890 . M: Ansel Berry.Ho also married her sister Lorinda 'Melvina 11/30/1815 Enfield NH a 2/2/1892 Lcbonon NH M .3/3/1g1~ Enfield NH Aaron Gile son of Daniel afia Lydia (Hawkes) -Gile, b.3/12/1812 Enfield d 12/~3/1889 Lebanon NH imry Ann 3/28/1818 Enfield NH d 10/29/1894 Lebanon NH M: Soth How8rd. 6148 Phineas Gego 1772 Concord NH d 9/17/1849 Enfield NH buried Town Cemetcry,Enfiold M:2/19/1797,Enfield Phebe Eaton,b 7/4/1776 Chester NH (Candia NH) a 3/8/1860 buriec To~n Cemetery Enfield NH.Ho is in Enfield census 1800-1840 inclusive and in Enfield tax lists 1798-1842 inc. 7616 Jesse 7620 Harry 5/15/1805 7617 George 7621 Cwlvin 7618 Samuel 7622 Hiram 7619 William 7623 Converse 6/18/1817 Nancy, M: .Aaron Wells Pamelia Eliza 4/23/1807 l": Benjamin Collins it: B0nj0min Perley .Abigail 12/10/1814 M: Francis R.Rob 1;ins

6149 Solomon Gage: :Richmond NH Cobot,~.mrshfield Vt H, l/lU/1813 i1ririam Gurnsey (5/2/1788: ) 7624 John 1/23/1814 2?Comfort, M: David Evens 6150 Simeon GogE;, Marshfield, Cabot, Vt 1. Sarah 2.Suson ( died 1905 6151 Samuel Goga 2/1781 H: Lydia Ke~logg of Rutlond Vt 6154 Samuel Goge 2/3/1768:10/J0/1852 Lebanon NH Hartford Vt M: 4/6;1797 .Anna ClGVSlrtnd (1/18/1778:3/9/1872) 7644 Moses C 9/30/lDOO 7646 James 8/1/1807 7645 Benjemj.n 3/19/1802 7647 Samuel A 11/21/1814 Hannah, O 2/24/1798 E: John parker Frances A 11/8/1805 J;nno C 12/20/1808 M: Cc

6160 Lieut Aso Goge 4/25/1773: 3/26/1807 Bradford Mass 1~: 2/179 5 lfolly Kimball (8/2/1765: 2/21/1840} 7663 tJnthanicl 2/22/1:'3~1. Polly 11/25/1797 Mehitablo 2/6/1796 Priscilla 4/15/1799 Mary 2/6/1796

6161 William Gage lD/6/1776:5/13/1849 'M: 8/9/1801 Sc;rch Hooprr--no chilclren 6162 John Gage: 12/0/1072 M: 8/1/1803 Betsey r~srriam 7664 John Tyler 11/14/1803 7665 William 2/12/1807 tnura 7/22/1805 i~aria Elizebeth 5/16/1809 M: 1/11/1831 John J Kilburn

6163 Jonsh{ Josiah} Gage 12/1:5/1785 Yvalpole 1'J1I. St Johnsbury Vt M: ?1803 D9rothy--- 7666 George W 6/26/1804 7667 Robert F 1/7/1806 7668 William H 5/23/1815 7669 Horatio Belson 1/28/1821 Sally Place 9/24/1807 V: John W Stiles , W 10/22/1810 M: Phineas T Spencer Fanny Jlfaria 10/12/1812 1:rary Jane 2/5/1819 Mira .qda 1/22/1824

6165 Rcv 1Roy~7.l Willil:m Gage 2/15/1791:9/23/1856 Vfostminster Vt M": o/24/j.. t:ll .Annie Teyler (5/1J/1791:ll/17/1849}?Lytl:e 7674 \'lil.lic.r, P 4/20/1817 1. Lavina 8/25/1813 7675 Benjamin 7/29/1824 J.Anna 5/16/1S21 7676 Frederick Adams 10/19/1828 6.Hclen C 10/3/1832 M:George C Smith

6166 Gardner Gage, Charlestown Vt M··--- 76 77 Simo.t}. 6167 William Gage 1776:6/22/1818 M: Nabby Pike (1775:1836) 1.Charles --nochildren 5. John Pike unm .,;\ 2 Thom8s Pike unm 6 Dennis died at 7 months 3 Deborah ? Al97 WillL1m 1805:1850 616$ Lieut John G8go 12/6/1779:4/8/1857 Wendell N1f C8 nandaigua NY M: 3/7/1805 Lydia Brockelbank( 9/12/1781: 6/3/1834 ) i~: 12/31/1833 Betsey Brockelbank (7/16/1704:9/28/1861) Sisters and daughtrrs of' Lieut Samuel and JaneBrockelbank continued -37 6168 Lieut John -O-Oge--continued children 7685 John Langdon 10/5/1805 2*Ho.nnah 11/29/1806 7686 ~lbcrt Gallatin 12/29/1809 died 12/11/1806 7687 v.rilliam. 5/29/1814 7688 G:oorgo Washington 7/16/HJ16 7689 Benjamin Frun.klin 1/4/1819 3 Mary (Polly) 1/17/1808 Sarah Jane 2/4/1 ~2 5 NancyBrockelbank 1/11/ M: Edward Begel 1812:2/9/1888 unm M: C/2/1838 7779 Ch0rlcs E lJ/16/1838 M:Peter S Peterson 7780 BonjeirJ.n (S) 4/7/1857 6.~enny {S) 4/24/1863 71~1 KtmbBll S 6/4/1865 1ir Emerson L.Swift 6198 N~t~a.n,t el (i:flge 7/16/1800: 5 ·, 7/1861 · washua, Pet·~rsham, "NH Westboro Mass. M: 8/1/18~7 .Abby R,ic!10rdson Gardner (6/2/1804!1/10/1891} ?792 11 1inot G- 9/11/1840 · Ellen (G) 7/9/1829 or Ella Gardner 7/9/1828 M: Charles Henry Wheeler t,oui$a C 10/18/1833 M': Franklin Perrin Phi Beta Kappa Harvard 1822 6199 Daniel Kimball(or Tenney) Gage 6/4/1802:3/7/1875 North .And over Mass M: 11/30/1826 Mary T D9y ( 1807: ) M: 11/13/1855 Nancy C-ord on Dickey ( : 12 /1891) 7793 Nathaniel 12/23/1828 l • .Abby G 8/8/1827 7794 Daniel T .3/24/1831 M:Geo Edmund Davis 7795 John G 11/17/1835 4. Harmon K 11.26/1833 7796 Edv,ard F 1/10/1863 d 7/16/1915 Truckee Calif 7200 Nathaniel Gage 2/2:/1795:12/15/1874 Pelham NH M: 9/18/1834 Mary .Ann Gile (2/3/1797: ) 10000 Frank E 10/17/18'37 .3.Mary .Ann 8/13/1838 10001 Cyrus B 11/27/1840

7201 Jacob Butler Gage 12/9/1800: :Fisherville NH M: 10/21/1829 Susan Goodrich(Goodridge) (1807:1869) 10002 Joseph in Mexican War lOOJ.3 Jacob B 6/4/183.3 10004 George 10005 Na.thaniE'l 2. Lydia, M: Thomas Ward 7207 Ira Gage l/1804:6/10/1884 New Boston NB M: 7/5/1839 ~~ary Spoft'ord (2/28/1809: ) 10016 Henry 12/1845: 1/27/1865 10017 Augustus 1/7/1847 10018 Paul A 5/3/1849 7208 Alfred G ge 12/24/1807 M: 8/17/1833Eliza T Truessel 10019 Alfred Fra neis 5/11/1836 (Grc.;du,.. ted 6/25/1857(Merri Valley 194) .Annie Eliza 3/30/1842 F: Charles A Kimball 8630 . -39 7209 Samuel Kim.ball Gage 7/25/1802:4/27 11870 Pelham NH Mi 4/22/1830 Myra parker (1808:10/2/1847) ioo20 W~i11am Hathorn 1831 ?Dr of Taunton Asylum 100~1 Samuel Kimball 1832 11)022 Nathaniel parker 1838( one was Supt schools of DC · $~rah Ann 1835

721i ~lbrigge G Gage 6/28/1798 . M: '12/Jl/,1~30 Louisa J Thorn 7212 qapt ?psep4 Butterfield Gage l/28/1803:5/5/1873 Pelham NH "M: 12/21/1$30 Hannah Shepard Read(4/20/1806: ) l.0027 George H d 5/10/1864 1. Ida Cornelia 11/22/1849 7214 Qpari~~ Pickney G2ge 10/20/1813:8/22/1893 Nashua NH l.~; 6/29 / 1tati lda ,.Adelaide Baker ioo3J Charles M 1/20/1847 l.Adelaide · · 3 Alice 4.Helen 7226 ~ames Gage 10/5/1794 parents lived Cornish NH M_; 2/14/1816 Mehi tab1 "; .A tVvood 10057 Charles 1005,, E.,•1lvester 2.Em.ily 10058 Cyrui 10060 wi11iomH. 4. Mary

7227 Jesse ~age 12/24/1799 :1864 Orford,NH Ill M: llfar1a G~ge ( 2nd cousin\ 1827 )Orford 11H died 1829 1f: Sophrom.a How~:rd 4/28/J,811 10061 Thomas Whipple 3/14/18'29 2.Maria 10062 Henry H. 4. Harriet 10063 Richard J. 12/8/1831::1903 5. ·Mary M: L8 ura S oanc}landl870 ( born 12111._/1 e1i ..3, · 7228 Yanley Gage 1/27/1804 {History of Tov1in 6:F-Vorm::sh,N.H.) In census of Meriden, LaSalle Co Ill 1850 age 45 born NH liv~ng vvith family of his brbther 7230 Benjamin F Gage and s vvife ·Margaret Harforc1 and daughterFrances M?p;r?ie(l; ·. If9rriot Ford +0066 Ja+n$s. 1mo6 7 Edwin 7229 ija+-vey Goge 5/14/1808 oxfordville NH 1836 to Elgin Ill 'M; 181:iO Sopqronia Butler :j.0068 Jfahlt;,s. H 1/3/1843 3.Emily 1.! 15/6/1851 M.Amos Scott 4-0069 My:rpn 10/21/18 +5 4.1Tartha 4/1855 unm. · 5. Jeanett 3/31/1859 M Herman .. _, . Swanson 7230 BenjDmin Frc'.nklin 7/16/1817 fnmily located at M0riden, L88t1llc County Ill cencus 1850 Benjamin age 33 ]ll"argc,ret age 27 both born NH 1ir:Margaret Harford 1, Frances _ Y. age 6 in census L-b1844) Li vin~;·wi th this family at the time of the census 7228 11:anley, his brother age 4 5 born N. H 1/27/1804 and Thomas W. No. 10061 born NH 3/14/1829 a son of his br1thorJosse 7243 Lewis Goga 8/26/1799 M: 11/26/1826 Sarah L.Knowles of Chester NH -40 7245 Charles Franklin Gago ll/30/1804:12/17/1879 Plymouth NH 5/4/1830 Hannoh Gill (7/13/1805:11/30/1878} 10100 Charles Albert 4/21/1831 7247 George Woshi~ton Gago 6/15/1814 M: 1/24/1843 Emily North 10103 George L 2/6/1845 Emma Honnoh 8/28/1847 7254 Hon c·o]Yin Gugo ll/17/1811:1/31/1889 Fishorville,Pennacook NH M: 9/21/1835 Rebecca FJBrson (11/12/1815:1/31/1889) 'M:·4/29/18h6 EJ.iza':Jc~h R.Ryan (7/4/1818: ) 10121 Horloy O l:J/?i,,-'1851 1.Rcbecc[:1 P 5/2/1848 10122 John F 5/3/lSbD M:Goorgo D Prescott 10123 George M 12/23/1863 2 • .Annie B 2/18/1859 10124 Spicer M lJ/21/1866 in Albert H Yeaton 5.Mary Henrietta 5/8/1856 4. Hannah P 9/5/1853 M:Ylillicm H Hazelton M:John B Hazelton son of Vlm G and 6, Nettie A 4/21/1858 Ella Baker Hazelton 7255 John Chnndler Gago 4/11/1814:4/2/1895 Boscawen,Fisherville NH 'fl-T:"-ll/ZJt/1843 Elizabeth S Sergent of Canterbury . (3/19/1821:2/26/1853) 'M: 12/27/185.3 Hannnh Clough Stevens( :4/22/1902) 10125 Arthur A 7/27/1862 11·artha 7/18/1846 M: Theo Henry Gleason Elizabeth 11/29/1855 M:.Alvin Benton Cross 11:obcl ChDndler 7/28/1858 7256 Fi;rom q.ag0 l/25/1816: Boscawen NH, Clinton Iowa M; 1./26/184.3 Hiriam B Fellows (3/16/1819: 1:)/11/1875} 1g:126 Will. 1am H H 6/27/1845 l.Susan M 4/14/1844 1.127 Jc$so B 2/6/1857 M:John Wnyne M: E S- Bt:»rcr 3.Caroline 9/7/1848 M: G R Cole 72~ Luther Gago 1/5/1820 Boscewen NH M ?1847 Sctrah Jone CD•):'lS ( 5/l/1824:9/18/1857) 10128 Nathcn S 10/2/1852 l.Sarah P 10/11/1849 10129 Luther C 8/4/:856 M: 3/2/1859 Priscillu Plummer (5/28/1826: 7258 Benjnmin Frc,nklin Goge 11/7/1827: M: 10/8/1854 Amanda I,ong ( : 10/8/1867) l .. Lizzie E 7/20/1855 2 1~aae110 J 4/20/1859 7259 Richnrd GGgc 9/13/1835:10/6/1876 Boscawen NH -41 M: ?1851 Nnncy rrcnsfield (5/13/1831:7/17/1866) 10132 Edward E 6/28/1852:1912 Minnesota 10133 George H ll/7/1856:6/26/1879 10134 Thaddeus O 8/l/1858:2/25/1888st0UX CI'I'Y,.lCWA nosgood wn 10135 Addison F 5/1/1860 10136 Hcrbsrt C 8/25/1861(65) Julio W 7/16/1854 M Oscar E Smith (6/15/1849: son of RcvLcvi and .Ame1ia(Webb0r)Smith

7267 rsnnc K'imb::-11 GDgG · 10/25/1818:9/24/1$91+ Bos:cnwon, Fis.hcrvi lle, N,w m:impshire M; 10/27/1842 Su son G::ge Johnson (7/5/1820: 10149 Frederick J ~/JZ/1843 · rs~ic:.:c VlilL.,;Ir- ~/1/1861:1,2/17/1880 unm Gc:orgicnnc l/lb/1848 ~,r: .Abiel V Rolfe Mory M 12/22/1849 1-lf: Filton W Wilson Lucy Kimball 6/11/1858 7268 .Asa 'Morrison Gcgc 11../17/1820 Boscawen NH M: 12/21/1844 Sophie v~-hit.tlc Caldwell 10150 Fronk H 4/10/JP4~ Edwin ..4 8/5/1.SL::,; J.371 urun Helen S 10/13/1.847 111 Horace H Dnnforth (1842: IdEl M. 11/8/,i8:;l 7269 N0thun Moors G~e 7/26/1825 Frnnklin Fc:11s NH i[:. 3/28/1849 Sarah Jane Davis (7/21/1824: ) 10151 George Clari 10/17/1864 Helen F 9/28/1851 M: Charles Warren Prescott .Anno Belle 1/3/1859 1" John S Whc;eler 7270 J)[;vid K Gage 8/25/1836:9/4/1915 Frnnklin NH Quincy Mass M: 10/14/1861 Eliza Jone 1irorrison (11/5/1838 : ) 10152 Joseph Libby 7/26/1864 7271 Thomas V/yntt Gage 1/22 ·,1841 Kasson, Dodge County Minn M: 11/24/1864 Loura .AA Stevens

7272 i,iroses Gcg0 9/6/1806:4/3/1889 poris He.V'Iilton NH M: 1/27/1832 Hulda swct-tl (3/12/1805:9/5/1888) 10153 1~oscs N 10/10/1:.:34 1.1irary Eliza 3/7/H333 10156 Jos cph S 7 /23,' j_C)6 l11": Thomns Briggs Bcnj::min F 5/2·,1/1844 4.1-'"arg1CJrotto 11/1/1838 d lD/1~/1862 i_i:r--.1.AR M: Don, Dunbar Farnum 5. Lucind::: C 11/7/1840 1,r: Hiram D M::irsha 11 7 .Georgie: .A 5/13/1849 M: 1f.Ti lliom E Cur-tis 7273 Richnrd G, g· 12/26/1209: 5/10/1887 '\i'lilton NH V: 7/30/18.35 Sc:,rsh J Ruswell (2/15/1813: 12/16/1891) children: 10159 Frtcimsn D 7/28/1836 c:nntinued next page Richard Gage --continued -42 chilg_ren {Sidney B 1/1/1843 ( 10160 10161 Julian P 10/7/1846 10162 George E i2/9/1849 10163 Herbert E 5/.18/1856 Isaac H 9/28/1840: 2/10/1866 unmJacksonville Fla 7275 Samuel Gage 9/6/1811:4/21/1851 Wilton, Washington NH M:---( :i851) Shoemaker M1836 Elizcbo,h .A Jones (J/15/1820:12/25/1869) 10164 .Alb2rt fir 5/7/1837 1::>165 Hiram J S/J0/"...844 2. Charles C 2/16/1839: 2/24/1881 10166 Roger S 2/~S/:~~l

7276 Pierce Gs.gB 9 /4 /1'213 ~!!:'.. l ton NH M: 6/15/1837 1•:ary Lovejoy (6/21/1808: 7/26/1844} M: 11/27/1845 Nancy Dodge Herrick{ 7/4/1820:6/4/1894) 10167 .Aibert P 5/9/:..038 2 0rietta F 1/1/1847 10168 Arthur H 6/5/1352 M:Lewis A Holt 4.Josephine H 3/14/1850 3 Eliza J 5/31/1859 M: Frederick W. Stone 7277 Isaac N Gage 6/12/18.1.5:5/1/1885 Washincton NH M: 12/26/1837 Lucy H Fiske(9/15/1815:2/19/1868) 10169 George N 11/27/1851 Elizabeth 3/19/1$39 iir: Brooks K Webber Lucy .Ann 2/14/1844 1,ir: Dr Galen .Allen 7278 Charles Gage 7/16/1821:6/24/1856 Washington NH Melrose Ms. M: 8/13/1843 Sarah A Lynde (3/4/1827: ) 10170 Cha~los 10/26/1844 2 Sarah F 10/23/1850 M: Jabes S Dyer 7279 George W. qogo 9/7/1823 Wilton NH Melrose Mass ·M; 9/:l-6/1845 wancy E crane (4/19/1827: ) l.Josoph:l-!3.6 10/28/1850 N:Stillman S Eaton M: Chnrles E Walker 2,Nellie ? 6/30/1859 1\/f: Oscar H Wiley 7280 Sidney R Gago 10/14/1826 Nashua ,Vli lton, Washington NH M: 11/28/1850 August □ Bixby {9/30/182,: 11/17/1890) l.Kitty A 6/24/1853

7281 Daniel Tenney Gago 10/17/1814: 11/22/1890 Hudson NH M: 3/7/1839 Herr iBt N Hutchinson ( : 7/}l/H34 7) M: 8/31/1848 Horio Kimball ( 12/30/1Si9:'11/7/1893) 10175 Daniel 1/:J.0/1840 10176 ? Tenney 10177 Nehemiah (Nehemiah Hutch.Gaged 7/1/1866 Phi Bota Kepp3 (Amherst College) 7282 Charles Gage 7/20/1816 Winchester Mass M: Mary Ann Heald ( :7/22/1886 -43 7292 John Gage 2/J/1809:2/2/1877 PelhLm, New London NH u: 1/13/1836 Robrcca Greeley (5/5/1803:6/G/1855) M: 2/20/1856 1mry Green ofGreensboro Vt 10200 Eliphalet B 10/2/1839 10201 George N 3/16/1842 4.Yory F 6/27/1851:10/23/1872 10202 Clarence N 2/21/1845 7293 David Gage ll/10/1810:1/2/1879 New London NH M: 9/19/1837 Cl1.:rissost er ling ( 1!313: } 10203 Horbert 1. Th enkful H 12/15/1838 M:Hirom W Fevor 2 • .Adeline 7294 Milton GDgo 1/6/1815 Pclhc:m, Cornish, N.H. M: 11/1/1838 Ro:;:_,J. n ic' C Seumens ( : 5/5/1849) M: 10/5/1852 t:nrg:,::0t Morrison · 1. Olive F 9/3/J.84 1.l': Jonc=~s P.Hoyward 2.Celia I 7/29/1843 M: John J Henderson 7295 Newton Gsge 12/29/:ir17- :6/16/1894 Pelhc~m,.Acworth NH ¥:HarrietCompbcll Wethersfield Vt M: 5/11/1852 Olivie .Arnold (6/2/1822: )wt.i.dow Dr. Henry D.Hitchcock 10204 Edward L 5/26/H'-46~4/1892 10205 Seth N 4/2/185~· 10206 .Alfred S 2/8/lG6o 7296 Joseph Gage 5/15/1825: 10/1885 New London NH M: 1,123/1850 Clare .A Whiting 7301 Seth Gage 5/23/1818:4/12/1903 Chicago Ill · {&,-Seth Gage was in the donsus 1850 Dayton, LnSallcCo Ill) M 11/18/1841 BetseJr Webster ( : 2/27/1907) 10215 Albert S 12/30/1842. 7302 John Nowton Gage 5/30/1825: 6/11/1887 Chicago Ill M: i;z/l.5/J..849 11\'arthc Webst er ( :2/21/1908) 10216 FrRnk N 7/12/1853

7303 Daniel GD(g;e 6/4/1828:2/9/1901 Lowell MOS$ lf: 4/22/1855 .A binh S Hobbs (2/18/1826: 7 ·,4 /1908) 1. 11,rartinn unm 2.Alice L 2/27/1868: 7/11/1883 7304 Nnthon Gogo 2/21/1837:1/27/1910 East orongG NJ M: 2/21/1861 15ircndc Jones { : 7 ;1875) lrr: l/J./18G1 1',J-c•cy 1·cria Underwood ( : 1898) 10211 D □ nill N 8/1882 7'305 Joseph Duvis Gnge C/15/1826: 7/2/1899 Santo Anu Calif M: Mary Durgin of Polhr,m NH 10218 Ralph 1.21 daughter

7306 David Gnge 11/J0/1830:8/9/1909 Chico C1:1lif M: 1/1868 Sybi 1 .Ariunnu Currier {7/16/1840: ) 10219 Henry D 7/3/1871 10220 Edward C 2/7/1875 7308 Ezekiel Cheever Gago 12/J0/1844:1/11/1915 Pelham. NH -44 M: 12/18/1878 Alice Woodbury (12/1/1848: ) 10221 Fronk P 7/15/1882 7309 Alpha S Goga 1818:1851 M: NE ncy .4 Gi lm.ore { 1816-1892) 10222 Willard A 6/13/1850 1.cathorine 1846:1/13/1921 1,10 Wilson Shavv Goge 5/21/1825:1/26/1896 Vl2.shin;ton Co.Ohio calvary, Mo zunes ville Ohio and l[econ Ill M: 1/2£11857 Catherine Hnrriot Sterigore (10/27/1G32:J/16/1904) 10223 D8vic L 4/2/1858 4.Emily 2/24/1868 10224 Willrrd ~ 12/7/1860 M: Myron W Gage 10235 Ddniol 8/2/1863 unm 5 MDricn H 9/2/1871 M: Herbert A Royston 7311 Eliphslct GDge 1/1/1813: 7/30/1869 Solem NH M: 3/4/1836 Theodosia Staples (10/3/1814:7/2/1885} 10225 Joseph H 12/28/1841 7312 Joseph Haseltine G;,go 2/16/1815: 11/25/1895 Sale.rn,N.H. Washinc_;ton County,Ohio M: 11/8/1838 Mary Adlizo Cook (3/2/1814:1898) aau of Salmon and Polly (Drew)Cook of Vermont . 10226 Horace D 3/19/1843 l.John .A 7/5/1845:9/6 11904 hnm 10227 George R 1/10/1854 10228 Myron W 8/23/1857 3 ·Marian 10/15/1847 M: Waldo Smith 4. Flora T 12/5/1849 M: James _:nunbor 7313 Abner Dunsmoor GDge 4/4/1833 Salem tm M: ?1858 Ruth Austin (10/15/1894: ) 10229 Edwin A 1864 Mary J 1/13/1859 Bertha L 5/7/1870 Mirtie E 5/7/1870 7314 John Hnseltine Gage 3/10/1835:1913 M: Snroh Coulter 10230 ChQrlcs S 1864:1941 10231 William. C died ubout 1944

7321 Stonhen Thornton Q.r?ge 3/7/lGJl:9/13/1916 ooklnnd Calif M:31,17/1875 Bessie Flotcher (ll/26/1849:10/29/1895) 10244 GsorgG Guilfora J/20/1880 l.Mabel T 12/14/1875 10245 Stephan Norris 7/12/1886 M:Dr Joseph L Pease 2.Ethel F 3/6/1877 M:George ErnestGross 3.Bessie S 7/5/1878 M:WilliCTm HenryRich0rds8· 7322 George Guilford Gngc 10/17/1834 Topeka Kans M: 2/15/1868 Louisa Ives 7338 Addison Gage 2/12/1808:i0/1888 Arlington,Moss -45 M: 12/27/1832 .Anna Harrington 1~ M:GH Newell 7339 George Washington GOge 3/9/1812 Chicago Iil M: 11/14/1844 Scrah Hood Barker 10282 George W 5/8/1859 l.Eva 0/1/1845 10283 David Atwood 6/12/18622.Mory B 2/14/1848 3.Cnroline E 5/19/1852 4.Sarah A 11/30/1854 M: Henry A Ha 11 7340 Charles P.Gnge 4/9 /1811.i. Mobile .Ala l,t: Sarah Bemis -Crocker 10284 Frr'nk C l~.Alice 3.0live 7341 Alvah Goge 3/13/1D20:9/12/1G96 Soludo SC ?M 10/18/183-Suruh Burpee (12/27/V312:1861) M: Joanna Burpee (11/22/1818: ) no children 7342 David .A Gage 6/30/1822 Kscno NH Chicago I 11. Df;·nver Colo M: 12/5 /H~46 Foustin::: i~ulikon Locke ( 1819: 11/4/1850) M: Eliza Wetherbee of Gh,~rlestown Mass ( : 11/1894) 1.c1~ru 6/15/1848 M; Robert C Clark 7343 Daniel (David) A Gage M·-­. 1 a daughter M: J B Wyman 2 a daughter M: RUNYON 7350 Caleb Gage 10/2/1806 Manchester NH M: 6/25/1830 Susan Claggett 10305 Leander 11/23/1833 10306 George F 4/J0/1839:9/14/1876 10307 WilliGm Cloggett,born Pepperell Mass 1/10/1842 died Bnttlo Creek Mich 9/9/1907 Melinda (C) 12/4/1831 M: Milligan 7351 Charles Goge 3/5/1815:6/20/1892 Bedford NH lll! 11/9/1847 Moi-y Newton (4/6/1817:4/16/1889) 7352 William Washincton·Gage 12/30f181~:8/15/1898 Somerville, Boston, lJGss. 1vT: 8/,27 /V346 Sar8h W Griffin 10308 Ch::;rlcs .Augustus G/G/lf34 7 b Londonderry NH 10309 Wi llinm Washington 5/31/1864 b Somerville Mass .Alice .A 10/15/1854 b.Braintr,-e Moss .i\nnie S 9/27/1856 B. " rt . Abbie F 10/5/1858 b. " « · Williom Weishington Gnge born in Pelham,N.H. M: Sarah VTode Griffin in the Tavern, Londonderry NH on the Mammoth Rond, the highway between Cone ord NH and· Boston,M~ .As a young man he showed great intores·c in music, conduct­ ing n singing school, playing on n · melodeon and later made his first violin from a cigar box.Still later on in continued. -46 som.crvillc, ,wrass, he WEls first violinist in orchestro conducted by Henry Hadley. First lived in Br□ intreo.About 1858 moved to Somerville whore he died.His wife born 10/25/1828 v.edford MDss died 10/13/1913 in Somerville Moss. 2 • .Ali co Augusta, M: Vli llio.m. Elliott born 3/26/1826

7353 Loondor Gcge, l0/21/lG20:8/5/1894 Braintree MDss M: 6/1G/1D44 po.ry Donton Allen ( l/3/1824:4/19/1903) 10310 WilliFm L 12/20/1845 10311 Rich~1rd .A 7/16/1852 7354 .Aaron Hcrdy Gngo 11/13/11324 Kcokuk,M,irshDlltown Iowa SonFroncisco Calif ilf: 3/20/1849 Hcnnr:h Lovv Humphrey (11/4/1327: 3/28/1884) 10312 George Edwin 3/i~/H356 l • .i:'jn.11.a J 3/19/1850 7355 John lindorson G~~gc, 6/25/1827: 12/30/1898 Derry NH Nf: 5/6/1851 t.~~::rth:- TGnnoy (10/28/1829: ) l.Elln J 5/23118~2·12/25/1874 2.Annic 9/29/1850 3.Nsncy Jane 6/9/1861 l·r Volney H Moody

7356 Warren Gage 3/17/1216 Brr~dford Mass M: 11/15/1842 carolinG Bsrtlett Foster 10313 Henry W 9/19/1863 1. Ellen I 5/6/1846 2. Carrie M 3/11/1857 3. a dau. C/28/1860

7358 Wi llic1m Bradford Gage 9 /29 /HJ-23 Boxf'ord Mass, Providence !RI M: 9 /2 11846 Louisa Dearborn 1. Louisa (D) 7/16/1848 7359 Arthur Augustus GCgo 3/9/1830 :12/18/1903 Boxford,Moss Pclhcm NH Portsmo11th NH M: 10/25/1854 tirory Frances Luey( Lucy) of Strnthsm NH She was born 7/28/1836 10317 .Arthur E 12/2/1858 2.111ory Anno 6/9/1860 3.Ellen I 5/12/1862

7361 Lyman Berkeley Gugc 6/27/1835:1/10/1897 llcthuon l,1T::1ss,Pelhcm NB:, Ncshu: NH · M; 4/21/11$58 Sc~rch Tyler Clnrk (9/13/1837: 11/20/1893) 'l. Emme 6/19/1G61 2. Carrie i; G/3/1863 H: Wille.rd Bodwell 3. Julia ii 9 /lG/1865 M: Herbert Nichols

7362 Roscoe Wisner GDge 9/2/1839:2fl/lfJ69 Boxford Mass ·M: 11/24/1863 Lbhie Robecca Cole (12/14/1840: ) 10320 Herbert E 8 /9 /11365 2 .Ji lice Mny 2/4/1868

7365 Capt Vlillie:m Lcundcr GDge 2/27/1820:10/28 ;1883 Baltimore Md M:----2 children M: Hannah Dorsey 2nd. 10325 Ed1,',ard S 1.Willism drowned at sea 10326 limos L l/l~/1865 5.Hennah D. lJr:Rolond Stoddart 10)27 ..11exqnder S 6 Susnnnoh, M: Cherles F Hei 1 •1,:r-, · 366 Dr Thomas Hovey Goge 5/22/1826: 9/17/1909 Wc.terford~ -i,;Z1n0, 7 phi Beto Kappa Harvard 1856 M: 6/5/1860 .Anno Maria LOne (4/1829:1/11/1908) lOJ28 Homer 10/18/1661 10329 Thomas H 1/13/1865 ll~Obel C 5/19/1868 unm in 1939 7367 George Manlius Gage G/22/1834: 4/18/1910St Poul Minn M: 8/14/1861 Elizabeth S Webber (3/3/1835:2/21/1899) 10330 Benjuroin W 2/11°,1865 1.Fronces C 10/14/1863:7/15/1915 unm 3 Mary E G/19/1875 MCharles T Tinker 73SJ Dennison GP1:,e 5/17/1796: Middleton, Lynn Mass M: 11/8/1827 Hopze_bc:h Lewis (9/16/1804:6/20/1885) 10359 Dennison 10/5/1832 10360 Addison 7/24/1836 10361 Nath.Herbert 2/21/1847 2.Lucy P 1/30/1835

7384 .Addison GFige 12/4/1798 M: Anna (11/24/1798: )

7387 Christopher Gage 9 /29 /18:t.8 Mess. Nevado, M: Mary Desire Loomis (1/22/1824: )

7392 Edmund Gage 5/11/1802 M: Almira C Webster (1809: ) 10376 William E 2 Rebecca Ann 1837 unm 10377 Edwin V 4 Julia W 5 Clara 1845 6 Martha Curtis 1849 7407 Benjsmin Webster Gage 3/22/1808 bap 4/24/1808i a 12/27/1875 Qharlcstown Mass Boston Mass(Hovvard 54) M: 11/29/1836 Caroline J Oakes (10/8/1811:3/23/1861) dau Of Thomns and Mery (Hovvard)Onkes l.Sarah Ann 11/29/1838 2.Benjomin Webster 1/24/1845

7408 Thomas Underwood Gage 9/30/1819:l/20/1D67 Bedford NH buried Noshuo NH M: 6/12/1845 Dolly tdnlinc French (1/20/1826:2/8/1896) 10406 EugonG French 12/15/1850 10407 Edward A 1/2/1854 Clora Etto 2/G/1860 M: Fred S Neff.Ono daughter Dolly Lovino Neff v-,hose pronny whereabouts r:ire unknow~

74~9 William. Underwood 10/10/1823: 7/26/1879 Bedford M8SS M: 2/14/1872 H□ ry J1 bby Hodgt!tan {11/10/1831: ) Ida A Gago 7/30/1875 Ms. 7416 .Aoron Gage 10/28/1804 : 12/1/+882 .Amesbury ,Bostofl.48 M: 6/).7/1833 Harian Couthouy (67,17/1814: 7/31/1877) daughter of capt Joseph & Susanna(Pblly)Couthouy 10420 Alfl"ed H' nry 12/25/1840 10421 Edwarc 12/10/1850 Joseph Couthou, 9/29/1844 10422 Frederick 12/2/1853 d 5/19/1876 unm 10423 .Aaron W 10/17/1855 Marian, -died young .A323 1tarian 8/2/1837 Charles, died young M:6/17/185- .Amelia, died young Dr He ru:.· y Wai nri ghtMs son of Geneva Switzerland •·7417 Stephen Nichols Gage 5/8/1806: 12/26/1893 Ogc,ensburg NY M: Margaret Briggs .A 324 C:bnstantia A. M:Hurlburt 10424 Stephen H .A325 Florette, M: Hammond .A326 Marian, M: Cummings .A327 Nettie, M:

7418 Benjamin Gege, born Bed~ord,NH 4/24/1815 d 9/21/1888 Concord,NH.M:5/18/1853 Mary .Adeline Mix(4/18.32:6/8/1862) daughter of John Bnd Her...rietta (Parsons) Mix 1. Mary .Annis 7/8/1857~3/2/1908 M 2nd at Woburn Mass. Lydia Moor.She died Concord,Mass 11/1/1884 , 2. Bessie Moor 4/26/15G5:2/9/1911 unm 7419 William Wellman Gage 4/15/1817: 1/17/1869 Woburn,Mass M: 8/1/1844 Eliza .Ann Melvin (3/30/1817:Lf/7/1897)nochildren 7420 ~win Riddle Gage 1/26/1819: ll/25/1892Woburn Mass M: 1/1/1849 Caroline Abbott (8/14/1823:3/2.6/1899) daughter of William and Hannah{Bailey).Abbett) .A330 James Edward died 8/19/1951 unm A331 Caroline Eliza 9/5/1859 M6/Z6/1884 Frank Brooks Richardson (5/6/1859: ) 7421 Richard Moor Gage 12/27/1822:7/26/1875 llfobile.Ala-V!oburnMs. 1-ir: 11/19/181J.7 Lydia Wyer dau of George and Hary(Rice) Wyer b5/18/1824 d 9/27/1905. A332 George Clarence 6/7/1859:2/24/1903 unm 10430 Richard Arthur Gage 8/24/1857 7423 Fre'derick Gage 9/3/1813:4110/1880 WohurnHass(?Lynn) M: 1/21/1837 Amanda 1.'J Smith (4/l/1815:4/14/1901) dau of ~tark and .Amy (r)opp) Smith 10434 Frederick Fox :2/2/1843 A334 Emma Jane 2/4/1852 A333 Frences Matilda 12/5.1840 M:KennethMcCauley M: ]-';Ll'3l'Son G Jllison .A335 Dolly ME 5/31/ 1854 died at Boston 10/8/1905 M:JohnLymanCorliss 7424 Solomon Gage 8/27/1816:7/1/1881 Providence RI M: Bethia .Annis 10435 EugE:,ne 2. E~la,M:Otis Carver 3.Dolly 7425 Silas Pratt gage 12/26/1818:1/9/1867 Floyd,Iowa M: ·l,iYa.ia Taylbr 7426 Putnam Farnum Gage l/26/1821:9/24/1903 .Afton,Minn -49 M: 10/2/1846 Elizabeth Griffith 10439 nyron P. 10440 Ulysses Grant 10441 Emmett D 4., M: Joseph Carli. She died 12/25/1892

7428 Henry .Augµstus Gage 10/17/1818:5/16/1898 Manchester NH M: 1st 5/28/1863 Sarah Hurd 2nd Elizab~th Eunice Newell(6/5/1836:7/4/19la-) daughter of John and Betsey(Stetson)Newell n A502 Mary Lizzie Gage l/15/1865M:4/6/188q Hon.LucianThompso .A503 Harriet 1fewell Gage l/ll/1869M: 6/12/1895Frank H Osborn 7429 William r .Gage 11/24/1824: 1888 M: Sareh B., C'..lrtis 10446 Charles H 5/12/1862:1884 l~Emma J 1854:1874 I 7430 .Aaron Quincy Gsg:;;,bo:-r:-n Bedford NH 5/12/1833 d.Manchester NH 3/16/1912 M: 1/12/1860 lrartha J Moor( 7/l/1836:2/3/1897) daughter of Col.,Wj 11.iem 'Moor • .A505 Carrie E 2/2c-/l.G61 .A506 Gertrude Anne 7/28/1868 M: .Andrew 1~cDC'u601 .A507 MAry Jane 7/28/1870 of Goffztown,d 5/10/1892 7435 James Underwood Gage J/;,0/1824: 7/3. /1911 M: Julia .Ann Rice 10455 James .A 1/23/1858 7439 En:bch F Gcge: :Bedford NH iir: 1861 Ycry Dodge ( 10/8/1839: 1/31/1890

7443 Stephen P.Gage 12/7/1851: Amherst NH M: 10/12/1881 Nancy Clark(4/16/1859: )

7446 George F Gage,b Bedford NH 8/2/1844 d 9/28/1882. M: 6/7/1876 1'11ary J Jenness.She d ~ · 1/8/1902.She was the daughter of Simeon and Eliza (Paige) Jenness of Bedford. After the death of George F Gago,sho marrned a 2nd time 10/13/1882 Eddy K Fox.Two children by her 2nd marriage Charles Henry Fox and Florence Fox.

744 7 Charles H Gago, born Bedford lli'H 11/17/1845 M: 6/20/1888 Mrs. Ida L.(Proston) Robic(Roby of New London} ( born 10/3/1858)Sho was tlic daughter of .Au[,ustus and .Ann (Messer) Preston. 104 76 Ch,~,rles Harry 10/14/1893 1 Bessie Lovisia 1/4/1889 10477 Evorott Preston 7/15/1896 2 Lucolia Eva 4/23/1891 7448 i~oses Gago 3/1/1819: Bodfolf!'d NH. t~issouri ?M Jane---- ?M' Sop.:io Tucker 104 78 Y!infield S 8/7/1847 1. Josephine 2 Frances 7449 Samuel Baron Gage 2/24/1821: Iowa. Lawrence Kansas 'M: 12/27/1847 H□ rrict Day ( 1827: ) 10480 Baron L 11/1856 10479 Horoce Honn 1852 .Arvills F 1849 7450 W?ltcl" ta:raycttc Gage 3/10/1823: 6/28/1883 -50 Grand Rapid$, M: 2/'?-/184$ Eliz • .Ann Furbur (1/26!,1826:4/13/1849) M: 12/20/1$49 Elizabeth Knight (11/1/1831: 1/31/1917 M;l856 Mory Sophia Tinker (4/24/1852:7/19/1896) 10481. Perley W 2.Emma K 8/2/1861 M:George D l.?Lizzie 10/31/1848 Taylor of Bedford 4. Etta S 10/13/1874 5. 0 daughter 1/28/1885

7452 J6seph Gag·e 6/20/1834: Lyndeboro NH M: 4/25/1855 Harriot A Wyman 10485 Porloy R 6/29/1856· 10486 George E. Gsrrett,Ind

7453 John G8ge 9/27/1836 Henniker NH M: 6/3/1856 Anno E Dutton( 6/5/1838: 8/9/1862) M: 10/24/1863 Louisa .A Briggs M:· 6/3/1885 Phila 111,Gustin of t,:'ranchestcr NH 10487 Vslodo 12/13/1864 10488 Lindley 5/27/1869 10489 Waldo C 4/12/1877

7454 John Gngo 6/15/1826: Wayne County. Missouri M: 2/24/1859 Susan Ford (7/17/1840:3/8/1901) 10490 Walter F 1/5/1866 7493 John A Gage 12/10/1805 M: 10/2/1834 Claris::i::i 1~ Kcozor 7576 James Lamson Gage 4/8/1800 Litchfield NY died 5/18/1863 Gages tak0 Ill. Li vcd also McConnells ville Ohio M: 1/1/1829 Frances Dana Barker at Grsenwi ch, Conn ShG wns born 10/12/1808 died 11/10/1884 10730 George W 2/22/1831 10734 Joseph B 7/14/1842 10731 Chcrlos 11/24/18.33 Mary 9/6/1835 unm. 10732 .Ambrose R 3/26/1837 St1rah unm. 10733 John IT 7/29/1839 7577 John G~go 8/12/18::>2: 12/29/1890 Chicagoill Vinol0nd NJ M: 10/4/1830 ?ortia Kellogg (3/15/1813 :2/23/1903) 10735 Asahol 3/20/1836 10738 Augustus 7/1/1852 10736 Henry H 3/2/1842 Jnred Dana 1/2/1834: 1~737 John P 7/31/1846 d 1/12/1868 · 7578 Jared D8-1V3 (logo 1/25/1805: 3/31/1880 Utchfield, Po:l:1trigc·yi 11,€;, NY. '!IT~ 1:~/ll/1829 Hannah Weed( 4/11/1808: 3 /4/46) 1,ir: 5/6/1847 Sernh Merrill (Newoll)(3/9/1811:4/6/1887) 10739 John L 8/23/1833 2 nary L. 10/6/1838 1074C George Ni 2/17/1849 M: George VJ Stoutenburgh 10741 FrDnk J 11/24/1854 H: ColEdward S Wilcox 7579 Lconnrd Gage 6/23/1807:1/20/1880Litcflfield NY Chicago Ill H: 5/12/18.33 Alsono Fidelia Bnll ( 3/10/1808:6/1/1872) 10742 Jomes 'L 4/20/1834 2.Lucy(B)l0/22/1837 10743 T.,OOD:3rd J 3/25/1845 n: Ches White Smith ?580 George GPtsc 8/30/1813 McHenry I 11 -51 - M: 7/4/1838 iwrtha Persis Heald ( 10/7 /1.817:8/2 11900) 1.Alsena G 18/5/1839 }II': Harrisotj. Smith 2. Ellen M 5/31/1844 l,,.: John 'M Smith 3. -r,irartha G 5/7/1849 1\11' Homer Clemens 4. 1~oria F 5/2/1847 H. Chester V Stevens 7581 Elijah Drury Gcge ll/28/1816:3/8/1846 Sullivan NYNor½ich or poris Oneida County NY M: 3/19/1843 Charity I .King 10744 Frank LevHlyn d in Soldiers Home in Illinois 1"inorvn 7/15/1845 7582 Ransola 1:'r::tson Gcgo l0/2/1804:6/12/1856 . M: 1st 1/28/1830 1\J: 2nd--- M: Jrd---

7584 Samuel Addison G~ge 9/10/1824 M: 1st M: 2nd----

7590 James Gt~e 2/19/1808:11/29/1866 Jaffrey NH M: 1833 Eliza Wright (6/24/1883) 10760 Charles May nard9 /6 /1838 no trace sinco 1870. l.Sarah 5/2/1834 4. Eliza J 8/8/1840 M John V! Wilson M: William W Fish 2 Harri0t E 6/26/1835 5.Georgianna 7/5/1842 M: B· ~~11~TA'1'•-.1•i· ·F··;~r-· -·,· ,- J\'!'.-O J:!,i~v.t-:,L .1.:i 1 ~/-:...·b.w..L-'-'f _u M: Horo ce W Killans

7591 William Gcgo 2/9/1811:9/12/1842 Fitzwilliam NH .Albany NY M: 12/20/1837 Abignil Worcester (3/30/1817: ) 7592 Abner Gage 2/9/1818:9/30/1881 Fitzwilliam NH M: 11/11/1845 Elizabeth Bailey (9/26/1816:12/7/1883) 1 Julio E 11/27/1846 M: ca lvinBrigh2m 2 .Altice Muy 5/1/1859 7593 Joseph Gage 2/27/1818: Fitzwilliam NH Hartford Conn M: Hannuh Worcester (8/10/1826: } 7594 Jonathon .Alonzo Gage 8/22/1823 Fi tzwilliom J\lH Cnnton NY M: i.rnrio L.Gilmore (4/9/183::>: ) M: 10/26/1871 Lauri nde Leonard (5/18/1842: 6/27/1886) 1. Helen L 8/15/1879 2 Lucy Emmo 2/16/1881 7~99 Jonathan Gage: :4/1878: Redding Calif M:Alice Swezey ( : 1884) 1. Fronk d 4/11/1890unm 3.Ella F M: W L carter 2.Edward Frye 5/1840: 1913 4. Nellie M: C H Darling 7600 Thomes Gngc 11/28/1822 M: 11/16/1852 Ruth R Wells 7601 John Cutter Gcga 4/2J/1835:1915 Konsas City Mo M: Ida M.Bsiley 10780 John (B) 2/24/1887 t.:aricn Monsur 3/14/1889 M: Frank Groves M: Henry C Fraser. Jomes Shepherd Gage 12/12/1796 Enfield NH d 10/l/18£J8..: -52 M: .Anno Pettingill Currier,daughter of Richard und .Anno (Pettingill} Currier, horn 9/17/1802, 11/17/1802 or 9/14/1803 Enfield NH Ho is in Enfield Census 1890 and in Enfield Tax lie,+- 1823-31.

7611 Jesse Johnson G0gc J/29/1803 Enfield NH d 4/14/1878 M: S8lly·Willicms,aau of William and Sally 1J (Worthen) Willi0ms, born J/26/1806 Enfield NH He is in Enfield nensus 1830 2nd in Enfield Tex lists 1823-31 inc 7612 Franklin Gage 10/28/1805 Enfield NH a 4/15/1880 'M: KNOX 7613 .Albert Gego 5/5/1807 G8rrcttsville Ohio d 12/6/1892 M: 2/21/1830 Mery Dunn b 2/1/1815 Hartford Vt.

7614 Benjomin Gago h 4[:_J/J.1313 Enfield NH a 7 /18 ;1885 M: Eliza 0Gks,b 6/13/1810 d 6/29/1895 Date of mc,rr1.cgo 10/31 ;1842 ct Boston Mass 1 ~ Emme .Ann 2/l/JJ3L~!:. u.t-~rn. 3 Harriet Eliza 6/2/1848 2.Froncos 8uscn 2/;>,:i._/:Lt346unm 4 Henryetta 6/2/1848al0/9/ 1849

7615. DoniPl Fum-rnll Gu;,:, ~) 10/7/1821 Enfield NH d 8/1/186,3 Memphis Tonn~ Br;.r:~,:-;d 1:1own Cemet0ry Enriold NH. Mcrried ll/26/l8L5 OD.r_rwn l[-I Jerusha Ford, aaughter of Cyrus F::i:cd. of DG.nb11ry 'i_'ifH end Jorushn Leeds Bullock, aau of Elishc. Eullock of Grafton NH.She was born 3/28/1824 orongo NH diod 4/21/1892 pasndeno Calif

His Civil War Record: Enlisted in Com:Jj-1nY C, Captain Hoses Lang of the New Hamp­ shire RegimGnt of voluntoors, Col. John 1.Y Kingman.

His regiment was ordered in Doc 1862 to tho southwest as. - port of Bc1.:1ks oxpodi tion. A p1:1rt of his regiment passed· tho winter ona most of the spring in camp ot Carrollton, I,a on the loft bank of tho Mississippi Ri var, seven miles above Now Orlccns.

A bout tho 21st of Mt1;7 > his regiment, Vii th other troops was ordered to Port B.'c.1 dson L8 on o bluff strongly fort­ ified by tho robo1_s. lf'tcr a siege of 44 anys and two bloody osscu1·:;s on 1>h0 27th of Mny end tho 14th Of June it surren~10r-od. He was on his wo.y home with others in his regiment whon he was taken sick and sent to a hospital in Memphis where he died of ty:Phoid fovl':?r ond buried nearby. later he was buried in E'nfie:...a. Children of DGniel und Jerusha(born in Enfield. follov.i on next page. 7615 DOni ol Buswell G<.'1ge, conti nuod: -53 children 10807 William HCtrrison Gngc, b 12/30/1846 d• 7/6/1924 West Medford, Moss. 10808 Charles Henry Gage, b 12/6/1848 a 12/17/1900 Clifton Ariz Benjamin Fr0nklin Gage b 7/14/1851 a 1/1/1871 Enfield NH Cyrus Ford Gage, b 6/14/1858 a 2/1916 unm Georgianna Johnson Gage, b 10/6/1855 a 7/5/1947 Pasadena Calif 'M: 1st 5 /15 /18 78 lJurcollus E Pi 11s bury He was born 10/26/1846 a 8/19/1879 M!2nd Alb:-rt E Pinkhnm, b 3/6/H!,54 Uborty Me d 3/3/1931 pasadeno Calif

7616 Jesse Gr;e : Ni 'M: ?1822 fl[:ip_>icL Trusell Sweetland (12/27/1798: 3/1887} 1. Phineas p '7/9/1.823 Tamping Bar:1869 unmarried Ssin Franc~_s::;c, California.;._gee explanation below: 10809 Rosvrn:.i :~. 3/2_C/J.829 2.Laurs G 12/3/1826 M: John 10810 Doxter P 4/1.7 ;H;Jl Trissel Milton 5. Phebe J. 11/20/1832 M: David D Shattuck

Note-the inff"..J:'D8. c..ion shown below has application to Phineas shown above:

Horvord University Medical School Warren .Anatomi 0 al lirusoum 25 Shattuck St Curator:s Office Boston 15 ·Moss 2/13/1958

lJr. George P Fish 641 A Street -1':E Washington 2, D. c. Dear Mr. Fish: .Anent to your lotter of inquiry of January 31, 1958, I wish to r:dvise you that we ao hove in the Warren .Anatoro.ica 1 Hust;u.11 the skull end the crowbt~,r of Phineas P. Gage, born i.t1 1323, date of birth unknovvn, whose family livoa in L.obunc.n NH in 1848.The report of Dr. John M.Har1ow of Woburn,MassDchc.sctcs.,v1ho c:ttcndod Phinoos'l?. Gage after the' accident. , v,h~ uh oocurcn in Cuvcndish, Vt., on Septoro.bor 13, 1848, ana who continQod ~is interest in his pstiont throughout ::ontinuod next pogo the 1ntter' s life, states :bh1t Mr. Gogo di od in Sr:n -54 Frencisco in tho homo of his mother anc1 son-in-1uw D.D. Shattuck, esq. then c leading mcrchc1nt in San Francisco, nt 10 PW!" May 21, 1861, tv1olvo years, six months eight days after the date of his injury.

Sincerely yours, (Signed} Paul I. Yakovlev, M.D. PIY/vt Cure:tor,Worren .AnutomicDl ·Museum.

Following is still another rc:forence to this matter.

BORDERLANDS OF P,SYC:-IT ...4TRY, by Stnnley Cobb - Cheptcr 4 Gnge. In Septembor of 1848 , ?hi nea s Gr1gc hod charge of a ros d construction gcng in Vc:,_·.::r1onto He hnd worked his way up to this position of f'oJ:61•0 n. b cc use his employers considered him energetic, por.sJ_stcnt- in c:~ocutiri.._g plnns,and shrewd. His associate~ tho:;ght ll:i.m. v,sll balnncod ond smart •

.All this snC1c.bj_~1 c.odsJ r,,;1 September 13,Gage was temping a charge of p,:,v,d:.3:,::- ir:to c, '10~.o drilled in rock; the cherge exploded, :,} nc" 'G.hs tD,ny:-'..r_g.L. cil 'ND s driven upwards through his heaa, 0ntorins hclo,J i.,11c loft molar bono end passing out through the c;i:·'J nh:w botv,een the fronta 1 bones ,

After months of severe illness ½ith various draining wounds and nbscossos,ne recovered his strcngth,but could not go back to his former job b~couse of his change in porsonelity Ho became 11 irr0vcront,profane and impot!hent of rostroint"; he was obstinnte,yo·t; cspricious and vacilluting.Toking to a ro:Ving life, he did sm.-:: 11 jobs horc 8 nd there, fi no lly showing him­ self as a f:roak by exhibiting the iron bar alnd his wounds • .After 12 yo8rs he bogon to have convulsiuns which became more frequent and severe until he diod after a fit in 1861.

The skull :·\nc1 bor c1ro in the W0rron Museum of the Harvard Medi co 1 Schoo 1 -55 7617 George Gage: : Waterford NY M: pary Whitford (7/2/1805: ) 10811 George C 3,)irary Elizabeth d 5/23/1890 10812 John E 4. caroline, 'M: Dewitt C s Lawrence 10813 Alden F 6. a son 7. a dau M: Vledderburn 7618 Samuel Gage 4/18/1800:4/4/1876 Randolph Vt Lebanon NH M: 1829 Rosamond .Alden (11/16/1800: 3 /16 /185.3) vr: Nancy Little. 10815 zenGs {A) 1/11/1831 10818 Elvin Edson 1842 died 10816 George W 3/2/1833 8/29/1862 2nd battle of 10817 Samuelt D 5/1/1837 Bull Run 10819 Cha±les, adopted Lydia L 3/12/1832: lG/7/1909 unm Susan P 8/2/1833 'ilJ: John L. 1·rellington 7619 William Gage: :}'J:n:'ield NH 'M: Eliza J ;:1:anbc-,7,...,

7621 Calvin Ge?> JC/~\.;_.·:t.8D9:2/17/1876 Enf'ield NH M: '?lf:l::10 A":/i. 6c,il 1,rescott (10/28/1820: ) 10824 i:-E:::-am 12/16/1849 1. Lucy A 4/18/1841 M John H Morse 2. Juli0 M 4/JD/1844:3/5/1866 unm

7622 Hiram Gaze 111: Eliz:: both Greendell of Maine

7623 Conve:css G'1ge 6/18/1817:4/20/1882 Enfield,Sutton NH M: Li.. /17 /i.g4h Cerlania cerroll 1082G ~eorge W 12/12/1853 1.Susan E 12/13/1847 1:: ChDrles '· purmort

7644 Hoses Cleveland Gage 9/30/1800: Roya lton,Hartford Vt M: 1st :!../8/1825 Rossmcnd Ransom (5/9/1803: 5/14/1866) M: Sophia Enos (VTht t·~ak(~r) 10867 G-eo:e:ge, F 5/2'J/1827 2, vrary L 8/31/1832 M: George B Kendrick J. Ellan Maria 3/5/1837 M: Cy1·us .A Adams

7645 Benj::7min Gc:ge J/19/::..802:12/1852 Lowell Mass Waukegan Ill M: 1st J./1;~ /1330 ·.Gouisa parker ) 9 /12/1838-died ) M: 2nd 5 /10/181+1 R..1°ch P .Stevens ( died 7/25/1849) 10868 Al'..,c:i:·t S 8/15/1845 1 Rosamond L 1831 James Gage 8/l/1807:4/19/1851 Hartford Vt Concord NH -56 M 3/23/1834 Susan Dudley (2/10/1816: ) 10869 .Albert 1/21/1837 10871 James D 6/26/1842 10870 oscar 10/10/1839 Frances E 2/17/1835 7647 Samuel .Augustus Gage 11/21/1814 Hartford,Northfield Vt M: 1/11/1844 .Amanda Morse 10872Benjamin .A 8/6/1846 10873 Eugene Morse 10/1850 7648 l1toses Gage Jr. 1798: 1/10 1854 Oxford NH Burkstown Vt ?M. Mary (Polly) Smith (1797: ) 10874 Horace 10877 .Asa B 10875 Henry 10878 rsaac 10876 Richard Arabella

7652 Ebenezer Swnnor Gage 3/5/1803: 5/26/1859 Portland Me. Hartford Vt Fairfield Iowa M: 5/30/1827 Velancort 5/29/1828 2 Theodore S 8/30/1844 unm 7653 Charles C Gago,Bangor Me. Boston Mass 8, lj9 M: 9/3/1838 ~liza Harriman (6/11/1808: )Bangor Hist Mag 7654 John D Gf:\ge ?l.81.0 Columbia Me • .Addison Me Bangor HistMag M: 4/28/lfr)3 i~drncoa C Nash (4/25/1813: ) 8,159

7663 Nathan:>:' G:~igc 2 /2-:::/::.801: Bradford Mass ?M: 11/30/18?6 Hanr:-:-1h Gr:gc 5061(8/14/1797:8/5/1878) 10902 Nr:,if'lt~_,n :13&d. I.ey 8/25/•died in California ') Vi'·•,·;-• r ••· 4 _/')r, /•• ,j.3") 1090;) ilL.1-.L1.Jj.:..O;.., 10904 Eve~ctt I 2/12/1839 4 Almira 7/29/1834 t"c:;.ry :::r; :Ll/3 /1829 P: Rev Nathaniel Day 5.Julia Ann 11/3/1837

7666 Georgs 1fC1~;hingt0n Gage 6/26/1804: 1874 NY City M: l.86C t'f-1:ty Caroline Spencer (7/3/1808: 10/18/1838} 10910 '??. -,~~,-'. l Vl

7667 Rober~ )' ~- ::..::.ov~s Gage 1/7/1806 ·M: 10913 ?''':'-- 1 l:Lam 2 da u H: David H Holmes

7668 VTil1.:i.2m ~:J.tbo:r6 Gago 5/23/1815 Wolpolo NH M: 8/21/1836 mnriGG C Libby (7/3/1814: ) 7669 Horatio Wolsc1.1 Gago ~/28/1821 M: Mary BBrtiGtt · .J\515 Edwa:r.c. Ne.:.::lon Gc.:gc,Cleveland Ohio 1/28/1859

7674 William fern r~2gc 4/20/1817:6/9/1880 Westminster Vt M: l0/3/H1i+S L,ci.u:~a. T' Richmond (9/2/1824: ) unm 10926 W:.:tl't,cr :q :.d)/S/1850 2. Justin ll/26/1852:12/10/1874 10927 S1.l)fo1Y :.1/25/J8~3 4. Nora 1/25/1858 5.Vic+:1):·.- S/J./:/1359 H: Holland W Churbh ' C::. 2/!6/1:•)86 unm M: R0v EE ttargra:f 7675 Benjamin F Gage 7/29/1824: 8/23/1874 -57 H: 6/6/1853 Lauretta Hartwell Huntley( 5/23/1853: 3/17/1890) 10928 Jesse BT 5/8/1860 l.Bcatrice Leola 1/13/1856 10929 Elbert E 1/13/1867 St JohnsburyVt M: 5/17/1881 JohnWesleyBridge 2. Genevieve .A J/24/1857 died l!Tethuen Mass 7685 John Langdon Gage 10/5/1805 M. Mary Tufts 5 Charles E urun 1. Ellen urun. 6 Julia, M: Wm. Ray 2.Mary,M:Georgo H Chapel 7 Susan, M: Joseph Kellis 3 Eliza Jane, H: .A er 8 m1nnah tied at 12days 4.Julia E died age lJ 9 Hary, M: .Asa R"Gynolds 7686 .Albert Golla tin 12/29/1809 Y: Mrs Sar8h .A Gags, no children

7687 William Gago 5 /29 /J.814: 2/1/1898 Wendell NH Canandaigua NY Burton Mich,.l'i": 12/;::s/1836 .Ann Bishop( 1813: 10/16/1837) 1 ch5- :.a .. aj_ 0,2 w~10n : weeks cld M: 2nd l/!_/:~:.L:.19 Ec:ll1n2h scar-r in Clio wrich(6/16/1828: · 4/17/1909) Nancy;; .. :.:;/.::.6/.:.81/; F .Albr!'-t W Stone ::n:.s.z ,,:=:_:~:..'.S/Js51 M: Johns Rollin LydJ.a >·'.:: :..·r .:>:8/28:'.)7 t!: BGnjainin F Jonson

r,.,,.,(•·~ ·,[/•;, ·· ;,., "''J'', ,-;'rl 0,,<:I a'"' 7/16/1816 7688 Ge:r -~~ r__:\_, ~ .. 1 ..•.-1--,, •~:-. , .• , .. v."- 0 0 1 1 iff: ]_''t·,; ~)")_._"-:: _:_:_ ~ i.'vt~:::-y ~½to J0~c d:ca aga 1 H: 2nd '.tJJ :;a ~If :B'ronch-no children

7689 Benjc~mi .n ~9':cc.nkJJ.n Ge:ge 1/4/1819 ' M: E0.J. ~1-:i. o~:-~.11a BL1.,mcy l.InD ~m: G2_:3c, r,T .3'-rr:d fTowton Chanel He ~•.1s 0 ;;;-i_.-, son o.t George H Chanel and Iffory G0ge, the ',,l-cl" ,·~, o-f' 1 a <--t '.(:, _ ~i...... _:.. t.,Toh .L...1 -r-rc,rcra-oniJO ..LQ G··,geC... -

7745 Rsnss:..: F· :r '/f:,tson Gago 1804: 6/22/1860 castle ( Covington) Wyo, County d\ .;1~~:tcvillc NY pcinesvillc Ohio M: -· }If• '?lc:·-ii: iA,~7 .Ar•r ·:;,:cr,1,1-mino o..,. Amsterdam l\TY(2/17/1SlD· ,,. . ,.. ~ _, , - ·-. --~ ,. , .,. ~ • d 2/2/1845 . 11070 rt •. lr.nd ?.'!.:132 3.r!c,ry U 1/22/1838 M: Rev Gilbert 11071 Lo~is P l~/l;lC35 Sears n 4,Sorah 1839 M capt John Tho Marti 5. J·u1ia lf45 ~= William Weeks 7746 .Addison G":gc J814:4/17/l877 Baare,Orleons Co 1\TY M: 1836 El:z.S0~hi0 FsrgQson (5/23/1813:5/10/1870) 11072 Ve'i11.L:,,;l L 2/?+J/1842 11073 Tcylr'T / 1 l:!/: 1 Cl: .~·u l'.'.".l.,:,'t,''.; •:_, ~!\' Ri ch~ra ShGW 2 Han}:"! 1.. :P"'_c. l'~L.,O M John Vleld l_.':,-- 7 .• .. , r.• -, •:.,.r: , ., .·'< n:· ~!f • H"'· nrtr H t:ro 1 .i. 4 l." ,_, .. ~)..) "- .I .. ; ....., ' ~ . .L J..> L ., • ... "-,.a' J. J _... ..!.l. .... u 5. iilioo 1.F' :·1:::, 1: 1i": John H Post -58 7471irilo H Gage: :Olcott, N.Y. 7 M: Hiss Shaeffer 11074 Filo L 4.Mary, M:Atkins 11075 Horace 5 • .Addie, 'M: Vosburg 11076 Dwight

7748 Dr.John Gage 11r: --- 11077 John Weeks RFD Painesville Ohio 7757 Willard Gage 7/1/1821 California M: Isabella Montgomery 7758 .Anson K Gage 4/28/1825 Kansas, California M: Sally Weiger

7759 Leroy Barber Gage 8/19/1826 M: Nancy Fairchild

7760 James Gage 2/27/J.830 l"': Hannah Bailey

7761 George Vl Gage 3 .'29 /1832 M: Jane F.':::-·osc M: M'ar,y -::;:L lbr:i~

7762 Harrison Gage J/2/1854 ll: Belle Grsllam 7763 .Asa Gage 1/28/18.38 ·Manchester Mich M: Myra 1Jorse (1/12/1838: ) l.Emma May 2/11/1861 J.Myra L 2/6/1883 2 Blanche 2/16/1873 7764 Miles Gage 1/29 /H340 M: 1irarthc Morse

7776 Willi3m Tenr} Gage 3/16/1843:2/7/1935 LeRoy NY, Rome, N.Y • .Anamosa Iowa M: 1/9/1858 Elizabeth Godwin (ll/16/1845:7/9/1902) M: Julia Ber-:':'y 11133 .Als~:ander K~-~ribaD.. Gag8 5/17/1874 11134 ,:,ij_J.J_ittm Hs.::u:y }.0/24/1872 11135 Phl lli.i) Stearns 11/13/1885 Bessie, died at ege 16

7777 Rev. Wi 11:Lcam Leonard Gege 6/12/1832: 5/31/1889 Hartford Conn M: 1/15/ !B5'/ Ce:i.•olino .Aikdn Kiaball (8/5/1836: ) l. Helen :~/1?./18;8 Y:J:ev. Frank S Hatch

77?8 Dr Natn::irJ.i.01 ~ii;--;r~ru'.;t GBge l/3/1B34:2/8/1865 Manchester NH M: .Anni 0 ,:,.::< gr,c 5 .. ,... :u_, ch.!_ ldren -59 7781 Kimball Stevens Gage 6/4/1865 Bath NY M: 4/25/1895 .Anna Louisa Hollaran 1. Mary L 6/15/1896 M: Ralph Brown

7792 Hinot Gardner Gago 9/11/1840:2/27/1897 Cambridge i~ass H: 6/8/1870 Ellena F.Boutell (3/14/1848: ) 11163 Walter B 4/21/1872 11164 Harold M 7/24/1874

7793 Nathaniel Gage 12/23/1828: :North .Andover Mass M: 11/15/1881 rrarion E Andrew 11165 l\Tathaniol 1/23/1865 2.Mary A 10/1/1886 11166 Herman Tenney 12/30/1892 7794 Daniel Tenney Gage 3/24/1831:12/1891 N Andover Mass M: 9/4/1866 1mria Louisa Burton 1. wrary M., M:Honry Nevin 7795 John Gi.lman Gage ll/17/1835:12/20/1901 N .Andover Mass Phi 1::id G l phi e. pa M: CsrciI:1e .Augusta Stockton (9/14/1845: )

7796 Edward. Frt::nklfn G.:ige 1/10/1863:6/1/1909 N .Andover ·Mass lt1rm: lr-.-..!_·- /1 ,.,:, /" :.o• 4-r-•r•... ) ··•,;_,c.,fl-., r, ., ".\T:,8.LSOn • M: ~?!_~r,_,/·,so? ,,:i:::1~.'~,- TI/0hel Nourse lll'd. .('° :1--11,.d l ·e,;1orian 11172 ~u-2cs 4 Et~0l F 12/1908

10000 Frsn.k E1b1·idc.:; Gage 10/17,/1837: Hookset NH Rockford, Ill M: 2/11/1854 1,rery .A Wright (8/4/1843: )

10001 Cyrus Bradley Gage 11/27/1840 M: 4/6/1861 Josephine Esterbrook (8/3/1843: ) 16003 Frcnk Edwin uary Elizabeth 1/6/186)

10003 Jacob Butler Gage 6/4/1835: 1890 MGdford 1\ID M: 1855 Hc}rriet Wellington 16007 Fronk W 10/15/1860 16008 George W 4/25/1868

10033 Charles Minot Gage 1/20/1847: 5/5/1920 M: 9/17/1868 KG to HUmJ>hrey Cutler 16066 Charles N 8/28/1874 l.Susan A 12/18/1869 H: Chfirlos T Dale 2.Lucy C 7/22/1872:5/23/1912 10061( seepage 59.A) 10068 James Harvey Gage 1/3/1843: 1897 1ff: 4/11/E,67 Isabelle 1rccorna ck ( 1842:_ 1910) 1613/+ .1.~ 1_0 --1.'t J 1871 l. Eliza beth l.86ts" "',r: Eugene Mead 16135 Ch2rl6S D 1873 4. FlononccI. 1878 l':: Viilliam E Chapman \

10069 Myron' G<'~gG l0/2J./lG45 : :Elgin Ill M: 3/13/Hs72 1:".'crc,:1r:.:;t Jennie 1·ccorneck 16136 V!i lli~-:m C 16:.3 7 Re., lph 1~ 16138 Robert P 2. 1;obcl 4. Helen 5. Edna 10061 Tho.mos Whipple GDgo, born 3/14/HJ29 Orford NH 59.A tho only child of 7227 Jesse F.Gago und his first wife rmric Gnge(his second cousin). Appears in the fqmily of his Uncle 7230 Benjamin F.Gage in tho 1850 census of Heriden, t,aSa lle County, Ill. born NH, age 21 Appears again in the census of 1860 for Gardner, Cr1.Lndy County,Ill.uarried and with his then family.Was in the Union 8/13/1862 to 4/28/1863.Gun shot wound in the thigh. Ho died 7/7/1895 LUCygne, Linn County,Kons. ~'.18rried: norths Arminta Rogers, born 5/10/1834 Rensselaer County,N.Y~ th0 daughter o:f S.M.Rogers and Tenny .Armstrong Of Vermont.

Number 1012J. 10121 Horloy ca1vin Goge 10/24/1851 :Washington DC -60 M: 2/11/1883 Mary Eldora Mott (6/20/1859: ) 1.1~argaret Vi via n 10125 Arthur Andrew Goge 7/27/1862:5/25/1908 Hoboken NJ M: 10/1885 Lauro Kinchol 16240 5/12/1887 10129 Major Luther C Gage 8/5/1856 Chicago Ill M: 5/22/1879 Solly Mary Honeyman (5/20/1856: ) 16254 Ralph H 8/12/1880 2 Doris 10/8/1884 10149 Frederick Johnson Gage 9/12/1843 Fishorville NH Boston Ms. M: 3/11/1868 Hattie .Augusta 'Morse of Bostob Ms. (3/25/1844: 16280 Frederick H~eley 10/20/1874 l.Blanche 11/24/1869 2. Charlotte 2/22/1873 M:George H Symonds 10150 Frank Henry Gage 4/10/1845 Boscawen NH Troy NY M! ?113'/0 Lucy .Ann Smith 16281 Edwin .Asa 2/8/1372 16283 George J 16282 J.ot:-:rt oadwell Fanny.Atkinson 2/27/1874 10155 voses·Norton Gage 10/l~/~834:6/12/1888

paris,l,,Jaine 1 Byda Pf.11'K,~iass,, Washington DC M: 11/?'I /1856 Ev2J.~.n8 A Bcloher( 11/7/1835: 1/30/1925) 00 r,1•,,,">","i"'c 1i/1ri/1-r>.~7 162 ,,I~ ,,l.&.r.J....l,,VO F.·.1. ._..1-, (, ...__1.,., 16293 Edw~rd E 8/?6/~862 2.Alice E 1/23/1859 16294 Walter I 6/11/18'17 M: George Monk

10156 Gen. Joseph Sumnor C~_ge 7/23/1836: Missouri; Chetopa Kans M: 1869 ':Phcmpson San Jose, Calif M: 5/9/1888 Diontho R Truax(l829:l/8/1884) w:!. do".N Yr. lPrcnch 1629 5 Vvi lliO.u1 E 6 /15 /18 70 10159 Freeman D Gage 7/28/1836 Nashua NH M: 4/7/1861 Mnry Jennie V!s tson( 7 117 /1841: ) l.Gro co E 3/26/1863 lf: Willi0m L.Hubbord 2. Agnes E 6/16/1869 1,f: George H .Ackerman

10160 Sidney B (P) Goga l/l/1843:6/15/1889V!ilton,Manchester NH 'M: 1877 ]'J.c:rc E Thomas of Rockland Me 16300 8ldnoy B l. ·Lulu 10161 Julian r.Gngc 10/7/1846: Wilton NH Springfield Mass 15: 6/20/lf:?6 AJ_:~_::;3 1➔ Hill of Riddloford, Maine

10163 Herbert F c:c-:1/ _:i:i.:'1_jt:;5G N'.1shuc NH Combridgo Mass Nr: 2/15/1 · ~:_, i\L~b ./ :.'",~"1cott (4/5/1860: ) 1. Sarch n 2.:2 ..

10165 Hiram Jones Gage 8/30/1844: Washington NH M: 1/1/1867 Elmina s Kida er 16.310 Eugene C 6/l~/1871 2 1r:innie F 9/27/1873 . ; 10166 Roger S Gage 2/19/185.ll: : VTilton; 1\ffi,1'arner, N.H. Ilion 'NY, CJ.ayyi lle NY M: 8/24/1870 Jennie Neaskern (4/20/1851 ) 16.311 Fr1:1nkS 9/29/1871 4.Ellen D 4/29/1881 16.312 Frederi~k 9/21/1873 7 .Irena O 5/1/1892 16313 Charles C 12/31/1878 8.Edith 1/22/1894 16314 Roger W 7/26/1883 16315 John D 2/12/1890

10167 .Albert P. Gage 5/9/1838:6/3/1864 Vlilton NH (GAR) M: Julia Barnes of Woodstock, Vt 10168 Arthur Herbert Gage 6/5/1852 Vlilton !\TH M: 3/25/1875 .Ann:i.e Catherlne Benedict (1/5/1855: ) 16319 1:rcJ.lie (~) 1/3/:.. 376 16320 r.·:c:1.ard :!?j.nrcs 2/3/1881 l• • D"r-/,c•/"r'87 1632lpn1- 1..l,,.:.i.. .u ~-: __ \.,.- / ~~ _. .t,:'.i 10169 Dr.George N Gage il/27/1851:1/10/1903 Washington NH M: 11/29/1883 Ella F Brockway (6/26/1849: ) 16322 Charles F 9/10/1884

10170 Charles Gago 10/26/1844 · M: 7/30/- .Ann---Lynde of 1taldcn,Mass 10175 Daniel Gage 1/10/1840: Hudson,N.H. M: 12/7/1865, - . - , . , .- 1'~ariotta Lind Marsh (6/10/1840: ) 16334 Daniel Vlillis 11/26/1866 2. Clarissa J 11/3/1870 16335 Edwin Stanton 3/21/1873 10200 Eliphalot Butler G?;ge 10/2/1839 3/12/1913 Pelham 1',;H, 1:::cm°:Jstonc .A:::.."iz,Prescott .Ariz San.Francisco Calif M: 6/14/1882 Far~_s F Fisher (3/18/1847: ) no children 10201 George Norman Gago J/J.6/1842: 5/15/1913 Cha;rlestov,n 111, Tc1J_p0 .4riz. Los Angelos Calif M: :J_st 5/l/136J Ecm~ Morris (12/20/1847: 12/187~) M: lnd :_0/28/i.874 Nsnic Nesbit (l0/2/1855:513/1921) 1.t,.rarthEi ; 1'".'; ?/13/1875: M: Robert B. Burmister 2. Louie VJ..f 'Le· ~-/U/1879 'M: John Dennett 10202 Clarence~~~~~~ c~~3 2/21/1845:12/21/1876 Pelham NL~·: r,w J :.i ~- ':,f.t, .Ashte,bula Ohio M: 2/15/};~{16 /:'' ... CG t;,.Stickncy (J/10/1845:

163·76 .Ar·i;hur, A :.2 I / 14 , /1866 Tombstone .Ariz -62 10205 Judge Seth Newton Gage 4/2/1857 .Acworth NH Cembridge Mass M: 1/13/1866 Cora C Henderson 1866: 1936 Grace G 8/6/1888 M: Q.uirin of .AscutnG'y, Vt

10206 .Alfred Stevens Gage 2/8/1860 .AlpincTexas M: 5/1894 Ida Swan

10215 .Albert Seth Gage 12/30/1842 Chicago Ill M: 6 !2/1864 Fartha .A Hobbs,Pelham NH-no children 10216 Fr~nk Newton Gago 7/24/1853 Chicago Ill M: ll/6/1889 Olive E Lewis 16402 John Newton 7/8/1890 10217 Doniel Nathan Gog9 8/1882: :Hartford, Conn M: 1/28/1909 1mry E 1~oore 16403 Daniel N. 1909 10219 Henry David Gage 7/3/1871 Oakland Calif M: 1/1905 Rose wagner--no children 10220 Edward Currier Gage 2/7/1873 Chico Calif M: 5/12/1914 Holen Somm-er (5/26/1888: ) 1. Sybil (S) 3/15/1821 M:--- 10221 Frank p Gage 7/15/1882 Pelham NH M: 1/29/1912 pearl Thompson (12/2/1885: ) 1 • .Alice L 11/3J/1912 10222 Judge Willard .Alph~ Gage 6/13/1850 Garnett Kans M: 5/8/1877 ir:argery E Chapin( 1860:6/3/1894) 16412 Charles .A 10/10/1880 16413 Ray Willard 3/30/1884 10223 David Leslie Gsge 4/2/1858 Bunnel ,Fla. M:10/27/1891 Mary Elizabeth Ware (1/17/1868: ) 1641L~ Lyman L 8/18/1899 2 Flora 11 2/1895 l. Claro L 4/1/1893 3 l~arian E 8/22/1897 M:Clifford Hoppe 5 Dorothy 1/17/1906

10224 Willard Evcrott GBgo 12/2/1860: Chilhowee , Mo. M: Doro Simmons 16415 Leslie 1.Soroh 1895 'M: R C Stonley 16416 William 919 No 3rd Atchison 16417 Doniel 5. Dorothy 10226 Horocc Dunsmoor Gage 3/19/1843 :5/23/1922 Roxbury Ohio M: 11/14/1861 purgoret Josephine Cody ( 1843: ) 16422 Ronson S S/25/11362 2 • .Alico R 5/9/H!,64 16423 Alvn H lC/22/1866 4.Hny 4/28/1869H:Solomo!11'1fetsgar 16424 Joy ~./6/:!i!'/? 6. Lucy 3/7/H374 11r:.AlvinPugh 16425 Josr.:,i:;.:F_!,.,\,,lGGl 7.Lena Lcotc1 9/8/1878 · ·'M: Charles Bowman

10225 Joseph H +2/28/1G41:2/14/1903 Solem NH Tilf• 2/11187 4 so rah l,,. Rolf. -63 10227 George Rodney Gage 1/10/1854:4/13/1923 Cutler, Ohio M: 10/30/1876 Emily Selby, (6/20/1856: ) daughter of Marian tind Matilda (Morris) Selby l.MSdge 10/10/1877 M: Frank Spies 2. Georgia iir: 2/23/1879 M: Morton Newlon 3. Gladys 3/13/1884 4. Edi th 12/29/1886 H:Louis carpenter 10~28 Myron Went'IPJorth Gage 8/23/1857:3/10/1939 Cutler Ohio M: 1891 Emma Gage 7.310( 2/24/1868: ) 164::lSDaniel James 8/20/1894 l.Beatrice .A 4/21/1892 (Huron SD) 3. Frances L 3/24/1899

10230 Charles S Gage 1864:1941 M: Ada C Smith (1875:1944) .A 700 John Raymond Gage 1905 .A 701 James Walter Gage 1911 10231 William C Gage, died about 1944 M: Margaret Coulter ( Called Rilla) died 1960 .A702 'William Gage,lives Columbus Ohio .A703 Harold Gage lives 10606 Cardinal Lane.Brecksville Ohio a daughter, died in infancy

10229 Edwin .A Gage 1864 Salem NH M: 10;12;:iss6 Lillie May Stimpson l.Bertha M 6/22/1903 10282 George W Gage 5/8/1859 M: 1888 at Schuylerville NY Celia Frances Brenton l.Brehton .Albert H 11/25/1889?5/29/1915 2. Cicely Eva 9/8/1892: 1919

10305 Leander Gage ll/23/1833:8/20/1865 Hanchester NH M 5/3 11857 Cordelia B Keene 16553 Charles Henry 9/8/1863 Susan .Ardell 2/14/1860 10307 William Claggett Gage,Manchester NH, born pe,,pperell,Mass 1/10/1842 died Battle Creek Mich 9/9/1907 t1: J/28/1860 Nellie Lydia Jones daughter of Enos and Rozara (Harriman)Jones of NH 16557 Frederick Vfilliam 4/5/1866 Manchester NH 16558 Frank Herman 6/9/1868 died 9/28/1934 • Linda May 8/18/1873M:Paul Roth .Arthur H Harry Mabel 8/5/1880: 10/16/~918 M 1st Stewart 2nd L C Couls­ . ton 10309 William Wt1shington Gage 5/31/1864 Derry NH M: 1st Hattie E Zoach (no children) °tlf.: 2nd caroliD0 E ?.aymond ( b. 4/14/1868) 16562 Guy Elliot·c 2/27/1907 .A 712 William Raymond 10/11/1912 A 713 Edvvara Everett 10/14/1914? conti~ued next pgge io309 William Washington Gage continued -64 Children Edi th Barbara 8/6/1908 M: Frank Jewell Blanche ..~ugusta 11/2/1909 M: Wa11aoe Rice iirargueri te Eleahor-deceasea Vera Frances ?1916 adopted.her name changed to Puriel 11ane Rollins-last residence California 10310 William Leander Gage 12/20/1845 Braintree Mass· ~t~ 6/20/1876 Mary Ella Burr (4/15/1852: ) 16563 Charles H 7/21/1878 1. Bessie M .5/14/1877 16564 Henry Chester 2/8/1883 M: Harry Warren Bond 3.Nina Belle 1/18/1880 M: H Clif'ton Wo.odsum 10311 Richard Allen Gage 7/16/1852 Braintree Mass M: 11/26/1874 Hattie A Holbrook 10317 .Arthur Edward Gago 12/2/1858:2/24/1928 Woburn Mass M: 12/8/1883 Marilla Mason Sanborn( 1/10/1858: 11/26/1891) M: 9/29/1896 Cyrena Dwinnell (9/4/1857: ) 16581 ciarence E 8/28/1884 2.Arthur R 6/21/1886:6/5/1906 3 • .Anna Elizabeth 8/24/1887 10320 Herbert Edwin Gage 8/9/1865 .Allston Mass M: 9/18/1895 Harriet Frances Clarke (2/4/1864: ) 10325 Edgar Stockbridge Gage M:-- 16590 Edgar S 2.Edna 16591 Harry 4. Emma 10326 Dr.Amos Leander Gage 1/10/1865;2/1898 M: Emma--- no children 10~27 Dr • .Alexander Selkirk Gage, Baltimore Md M; -- 1. Mildred Estella Dorsey 10328 Dr Homnr Gage 10/18/1861 : 7/4/1939 Worcester Mass tff: 6 /15 /189 3 vabel Reynolds Knowles· (7/28/1869: ) 16594 Homer ll/17/1895:9/2/1925 A.B. Harvard Phi Beta Kappa,Harvard 1882 10329 Thopias·:}IoyeY Gage 1/13/1865: · Worcester Mass M: 6/8/1898 Mary .Alice Clark, dau of Charles .Augustus and.. Mary T Clark. 1. Mary Hovey 11/29/1901 }.1": Albert White Rice 10330 Benjomin Webber Gage 2/11/1865 M: 4/29/1890 Lson21 l~.Guild (2/11/1866: ) 16595 Gsorge H :3/20/1891 Frances M 7/26/1894 Ghidy,s E L, 1?9/1892 M: Leon C Gibbs ,, M:Vlil,~op. BMiller teona G 2/26/1897 M: Paul E Holm M George Thompson 10359 Rov Dennison Gage 10/5/1832: 7/25/1862 Mt Vernon Iowo -65 M:8/22/1855 .Anna Dorothy Brigham (8/Jl/18.33:6/26/1863) .Anna F 2/17/1857 ?":William H Sylvester Minnie A 5/3/1859 iir Rev Edgar Davidson 10J60 Aadison Gage 7/24/1836 Middleton Mass 1.1: 11/24/1860 Adelaide Louisa Emery (11/1/1839! ) 16646 Charles Albert 8/15/1865(6) 1.Louie Evelyn 16647 George Albion 3/27/1876 {11/16/1862) 16648 Ernest Leslie 3/27/1876 10406 Eugene French Gage 12/15/1850:3/20/1885 Rochester,NashuaN.H M: 10/19-.Ada Walker who died 9/1904 no children He was a graduate of·Physicians and Surgeons at New YorkCity Buried in Walker Lot,Unitarian Cemetery Nashua NH He was in practice at Rochester NH at time of his death 10407 Edward .Augustus Gage 1/2/1854: 3/9/1939 Haverhill,Mass born 1/26/1881 Addie Laura Webster (8/3/1861: ) 16725 earl W 1/7/1882 Nashua NH 16726 Myrl Edward, born Bradford Mass 2/S/1883 16727 Fred Harriso~ Gage 4/4/1896 Bradford,Mass 10420 Alfred Henry Gage 12/25/1840:9/25/1892 born Mobile .Ala died Washington DC M: 1/12/1869 Amelia Stebbins (Tilley) born 11/3/1847 Babylon,U died Washington DC 12/24/1872 Shewas the daughter·of John Band Mary .A Stebbins. 16749 Alfred Tilley,born Washington DC 11/3/1869 died Washington DC 9/26/1930 16749.A Harry Stebbins 6/13/1872:7/23/1872 Washington DC 10422 Frederick Sargent Gage 12/2/1853 ~~ont c1air NJ M: 5/30/1880 Ella Florence Drake( born 3/10/1856) She was the daughter of Nathan and Clara Hilton(Firth)Drake l.Bortha Muriel Gage 10/10/1883 2 Dorothy Couthouy Gage 6/18/1887 ., ,J l0423 .Aaron Willis Gage 10/17/1855 Brookline Mass M: 4/10/1880 Hattie Rollins 1.1rnrian Gage 1/10/1881 Simons College l04JO Richard Afthur Gage 8/24/1857:6/3/1898 Stevensville NY M: Eugene Wagner--no children l0434 Frederick Fox Gage 12/2/1843 M: 10/29/1868 Lucy J Calef{ll/13/1843:7/27/1908) daughter of Hiram and Eliza .Ann (White) Calef Frederick Hiram 6/12/1869:5/9/1893 Mark Benja.min 8/7/1870: 11/13/1871 Walter Lincr,.n 5/7/1872:4/4/1873 , Isaac Brad:l.oe 8/21/1875 a physician,Atlantic,Me. Lucy HeJ.ert J,.2/?q/1877 Harriet Eliqa • 1? )18{1879 Hory Frances lv/J,;2/ 883:8/22/1884 10455 Dr James Arthur Gage 1/23/1858 Lowell,Tyngsboro Mass. -66 M: 9/20/1919 Sarah Abbie Bowen (11/9/1867: ) daughter of Andrew and Polly Arnold (Lyon} 10478 Winfield Scott Gage 8/7/1847:9/23/1918 M! 3/6/1871 'Margaret White Mc.Allistcr(4/3/1842:6/30/1920) 16844 Elmor Scott 2/10/1875 16847 Joseph B 4/27/1884 16845 Walter L 9/12/1877 Clsra 8/15/1872 16846 Chnrles F 5/18/1881 M:Herbert M Kidder Maggie M 4/18/1882 M: John Lillis 10480 Barron Luzerne Gago 11/1856 11 : Annie Hunter 16851 Ernest· of coneda · 16854 Baron, Deadwood SD 16852 Archie ,Spoarfish,SD Inez, M: SevernJohnson 16853 Homer E 1/4/1888 10485 Perley R Gago 6/29/1856:8/7/1889 FtWoyno Ind M: Laura E Ritzc1man 10730 George W Gago 2/a2/1831:6/15/19D4 VcConne11svillc Ohio Beaufort SC. 1/1': Fa.r..ny Loring 111' 1/15/1857 Sarah 111arsh8 ll Ely ( 9 /28/18l34: ) n 17301 .Albert Lamson 6/8/1869 2 1~yra Dana 8/10/1871Nf:Scoute 10731 Charles • Gago ·11/22/1834 Columbus Ohio, St Louis Mo M: 1/15/1857 Mary Sherwood (4/5/1838: ) 17302 Charles L 7/5/1862 Frances 11/24/1857 H Chorles F Hatton Elizabl9th 9/19/1861 M Werv;i ck 'M Hough Mory R 11/30/1874 M: Harmen Heyer 10732 .Ambrose R ice Gage 3/26/1837 bornMcConnellsville Ohio died 6/20/1883 Minneapolis,Kansas M: 4/14/1859 Milford Cente:r Ohio to Juliet Reed .A 729 .Ambrose Reed 10/8/1861 A 731 'Mary, M: Johnston A 730 Dana .A 732 Clarence 10733 John Harry Gage 7/29/1839 M: Jennie Waddell 10734 Josoph Barker Gago 7/14/1842 Docatur,Ill He was killed in tho Ford Thenter,Washington DC whon fldtor caved in.I~: Serah P.Sanborn( 1/28/1838: ) no children

l 10735 .Asahol Gngc 3/20/1836:12/29/1893 Watertown NY VinelandNJ M: 12/18/18~7 Holen Shepard (5/30/1845: ) 17309 John ( S) 5/1/1870 17310 .Asr.:.1cl W :~/1\/1875 17311 Vict0r R 12/26/1882 1.0736 Henry H Gage 3/2/1842:5/7/1911 Chicago Ill -67 M: 6/27/1872 Mary Clara B8llnrd (12/2/1848: ) 17312 Edward (B) 3/29/1873 17313 Stanley K 1/12/1877 17314 Lloyd G 9/24/1879 Fortin 2/6/1882 M:William Hi.3mmerly Lee 10737 John Porcius Gage 7/31/1846 Vinelond NJ M: 3/19/1973 !vT~Jry Celestia 17315 Porcius(S)ll/9/1874 10738 .Augustus Neander Gago 7/1/1852: 5/29/1910 Wilmette CookCo M: 9/3/1874 .Antoinette Heider . Illinois 17316 Jared pace 6/15/1815 17317 Henry Neander 4/18/1882 17318 Frederick Leonerd 10/7/1899

10739 John Liychficld Gogo 8/23/1833: 1908 (D ~ D) M: Miss Loring

10740 George Merrill Gage 2/17/1849:1:?/3/1890 Chi ca go I 11. Sn 1 t Lake City Ut&\h M: 9/6/1881 Serah Valentino (9/7/1853: ) no children 10741 Frank Jared Gngc 11/24/1054 Hubbwrd Woods Ill M: 8/2/1877 Clcra Conover M; 1/11/1888 Ncthcrcot 17322. ,Harold Frank 6/29/1890 1. c1,.\rC\ Louise 4/17/1881 17323 Sidney George 6/28/18943.Jossio E 1/24/1892 M: John F Danley 10742 James Lucius Gego 4/20/1834: 1/18/1880 (1/-/1875) Ch2mpaign Ill. M: lJ/19/1862 Mory C Howkins 17324 Burtis E 6/1/1866 l.Della, 'M: Moreness 17325 Clifford .A 7/19/1870

10743 Leonara Joseph Gage 3/25/1845:~/14/1917 M□ rkville Minn M: 10/11/1868 Ellen A Colby M: 9/25/1879 s •.Addie Wilcox l.Lucy, M: Smith 10780 John Bailey Gage (Hon) 2/24/1887 Moyer K2

10807 Williom B/:rris,J-:-:, G .. 6c b 12/30/H~46 d 7/6/1924West Medford­ Mess. i~: .5 /:_/ ::.JJ0:, -:::ro ce .A Bartlett of Northwood Nerrows NH. She was th,.:; c'.DU.rthtcr of John Bartlett and Eliza Pi ( Caswell) Bartlett •. Gr:::co VJ&s born 3/23/1861 died Franklin Hospital Franklin NH 7/7/1951. both buriod Lawrence,Mass continued 10807 Vlilliam Harrison Gage continued children born Lawrence Mn ss -68 17455 George William Gage 11/14/1887:1957 17456 Frank Warren Gage 9/19/1889 10808 Charl~s Henry Gage 12/6/1848 d 12/17/1900 Clifton .Ariz M: Mary .Alice Bowen 5/29/ 1873 Huntsvilln,Walker CoTex 1.Eva Gage, b 5/10/1878 Ganser Station,Mil2tm Co.Tex M □ rricd: George F.Tilton 10809 Roswell Rockwell G,1go 3/28/1829 M: 5/13/1850 Sarah Foster Uttle (2/24/1831:12/2/1892) M! 3/1904 Addie Josephine Cole {10/12/1850: } 17460 Fred 8/29/1862 Ella R 2/26/1851 'M Jomes HoElwain Eva Mery 8/3/1854 M Marcus 1·~ Kilton Emma J 12/14/1856 11::Fr8r...k Bruce Oli vcr 10810 Dexter prichnrd Guge 4/17/1831: 3/19/1869 M! 6/9/1853 Mary Baker Eastman 17461 Chnrles .A 1/20/1861 2.Alice B 5/23/1862 17462 Dustin s 2/2/1864 M: Albert D Thompson 10811 George C G~ge ''M: Margaret Scott

10812John E ~ge M: 11l"ary VIillson ( or '\Alirlbur) 10815 Zencs .Aldon Gage 1/11/1831: 10/1900 Lebanon NH, Ganier Mich, Louisville KY M: Cornelia Button of Schaghticoke NY (1832:5/6/1893) 1. Birdie L. 3/29/1864 M: Charlcs---of v:insing, Mich 10816 Georgw Washington Gage 3/2/1835:9/1/1868 Enfield Vermont M: 12128/1864 l~8ria Louisa Allen (l/31/1846:7/13/1905) 17474 Samuel E 7/13/1866 10817 Samuel Dunsmoor Gage 5/1/1839: 2 ;11/1908 SDginew Mich M: Julie Fowler l.Ro:ssmona 2. Lillian 5/9/1869 unm 10823 Henry Fuller Gage 6/4/1845: Royalton Vt M 8/20/1867 Esther 'MC~iL Hurst (Hunt) (8/15/1848: ) 17488 ·(13orge H 6/2/1868 17489 Bonjsmin F 5/2/1871 10824 Hiram Gege 12/16/1848 M: 5/14/H374 Mo.ry Kendrick Dresser( 1/17/1848: 1/20/1903) no children 10828 George WilliOrDS G~go 12/12/1853 M: 4/11/1894 Et:"Jc.:·, pcige of Worner NH 1. r.:rarriot c l/2/'.097 2.Emeline P 2/22/1899 3.GoldioJ/1/03 10867 George Frcderi ck G-ogo 5/25/1827" Scrcnton pa Hartford Vt M: Milry Ro ck:V;ell no children M: 9/7/lf354 T"Bry 1,JcKinnoy-no children 10868 Albert S Gage 8/15/1845 Waukegan I 11 -69 M: Sophia Metcalf of Rockford Ill M: Clara Hartwig of Chicago Ill no mole issue

10871 James Dudley G~ge 6/26/1842 Lincoln,Neb M:--- 1.Frances

10872 Benjamin .Augustus Gage 8/6/1846 Dorch(')ster, Mass M:----"2-tf: .Aurilla C Young l.Anna Maude 2.Edi th Lincoln 10875 Henry Gage M: Wealthy White of Burke Vt M: Amy J Quimby 17581 Justus 3. Elizabeth L l.Colesta 4. Wealthy E 2.carolina A 10876 Ri cha rd GD go ·M: Roancy L.Hunter--3 children M: Jane Rosebrooks 2 children M: Ellen Bryant(l0/15/1836:2/1/1871) daughter of Joseph and Cynthia {Norris) widow of Jccob B Angier 17582 Eddie 17585 William 17583 Fred Nellie 17584 .Asa 10878 Isaac Gage M: Lovina L.Burrington 1. Allie of Burke Vt 10883 va1ancort vrsnmorc wa11ace Gage 5/29/1828:1/24/1927 Hartford Conn:-' Fairfield Ohio or Iowa M: 9/13/1855 Sarah Jane Black (ll/6/1828:7/17/1910) 17599 Fr:..1nk S 10/9/1856 17600 Fred W 10/12/1864 2.Edwnra M: 9/24/1859:7/13/~ 17601 Chnrl8s H 7/28/1870 1904 urun 10903 William Leverett Gogo 4/30/1832:7/30/1876 Bradford Mass M Caroline !)ny 10904 Everett Ingersoll Gage 2/12/1839 M:-- Buswell (Hav VR) 10910 Royal W Gc~ge : : 11/18/1911 Brooklyn NY M: Carolina Brookfield(4/15/1850: ) daughter of James and catherine(Brandriff) 17657 James,, B 10926 Welter H Gc:ge 10/6/1850 Fitchburg Mass t-~ •. Fannie Horris .LO chi ldren 10927 Sidney ll/25/1853:4/6/1823 Bollows Falls Vt M: 2/21/H377 Ellen L.Leonara 10929 Elbert Ellsworth Gage l 113/1867 -70 M: 1891 Carrie A Ford aau of Hobart Band I,ttcy(l1orse) Ford ·

10952 William John Gage 5/25/1862:2/26/1913 Flint Mich M: 1/11/1893 Mnrgarette P.Franklin (6/4/1869: } 17736 Rupert 12/28/1893 · 17737 Gof)l"ge LeRoy Gage M: 1st Alice ·wagner 2nd--- l0953 Harry Deightoh Gage 7/12/1868 M: 9/22/1895 Bertha B Richards 17738 Donsld--adopted

11071 Louis (Levds)Philli:p Gage 11'11/1835:2/8/1912 Painesville 0: Erieville, ·Madison County NY M: 10/19/1859 .Anne. Eliza Va.nDeusen( 10/27 /183l7: 10/6/1873) M: 2/2/1875 Celestia .Angonette Bloss 1. Anna Lee 6/19/1869 1J:Oharles E Booth

11072 1Hilliam HGrrison Gage 2/23/1842 Albion Orleans '00 NY 151st regiment Company D (Civil War) 1\[arried: 10/29/1867 Norietto Gibson(she died 1870) daughter of Henry and Sophia Gibson · l. Holen (Junette} M:Richard Shaw. 11073 Taylor Addison Gage,Cortland,Newark NY M: 12/22/1£374 Althea .A Gates (died 11/20/1892 ) M: Gertrude parks 1107 4 Yi lo L. Gage Detroit, Nfi ch M: Jone Klining 17846 Arthur F 7/23/1887 Alice, 'M: i~r Dailey Berthn unm 11075 Horace Gage, Lockport NY M: 3 or 4 girls one son 11076 Dwight Gage M: 17850 ..~ lb0rt E Rochester NY 11133 Alexander Kimbnll Gage 5/17/1874: Detroit, Mich M 4/18/1903 Gertrude Chnndler( or Cs.ndler) (9/8/1277; 17961 Clcudias C 10/25/1906 17962 A lexn nder ~. 6/10/1908 17963 Henry Thurston 2/14/1912 1"'1 ;)<'!' (,~ .,, fH" 1et 5/ 5'/ 191t 11134 Will1am H Gage lJ/24/1872 M: 9/5/1914 Jessie Campbell 17964-1 William H 8/8/1915 11135 Phil~p Stourns Gc 6c 11/13/1885 born Detroit Mich Lives 53 Robin Rcod Road 1'.iE .Atlanta Ga M: 1911 Irene Toll 17965 Philip Stearns Jr 1912 .A735 Betty Whistler 1914 -71 11140 Benjamin Emn1-ons Gago 5/18/1881 ·M: Ethelyn Maud .Austin 17974 Charles Stevens 1911 17975 Benjamin .Austin 1914

11163 Wslter Boutwell Gage 4/21/1872 Tarrytown NY M: 6/2GJ1900 Florence A Devis (1/12/1873: ) 18012 Bradford 6/6/1906 11164 Harold Minot Gage 7/24/1874 Braintree Muss M: 6/4/1900 Ethel Allen (1/12/1873: ) 18013 Che:rles 1.1 3 ,f28/1901 Phi Bots Kappa Harvard 1923 18014 Minot Gnrdnor 1/29/1907

11165 Na'.bh8niel .A Gag0 1/23/1885 M: 6/25/1910 Lena M Elliott 18015 Charles (E) 3/21/1911 2.Virginia 1/30/1913 16007 Frank Wellington Gage 4/25/1860 Pittsburgh pa M: 7/5/HJ88 Jane children

16008 Dr George Wellington Gage 4/25/1868 Pittsburgh pa M: 4/8/1[397 Ida May Lovering ( 7/30/1875:4/21/1910) M: 7/18/1911 Alice Maria Lovering (11/15/1879= ) 26016 George Wellington 2/29 /190l~ 26017 William L 3/15/1906 Harriet H 11/25/1899 16066 Chcirles Minot Gage 8/28/1874 North Highlands NY M: 10/4/1902 Ena Breelove Jones 26125 Cherles S 7/24/1903 2. Bliz.Cutter 8/26/1906 3. Frances B 8/26/1906 1-:1·: Frank Kei thPerkins

16134 Albert J Gage 1871: :Chicago Ill M: 1900 Alice Maude Ferrell 1 Ele&nor Maude 1901

16135 Chnrles D Gago 1C7) lf: Graue 1'1!'.Stevens--no children 16136 William Charles Gage M: c1sr0 Johns on l .Alice 2 Clara

16137 Rolph 'M Gage M: Nan Newton 1 Helen 2 Dorothy 16254 Ralph Hawes G~e G/12/1880 Chic~go Ill M: Nell Davidson 16292 Charles Irenrj -~~y~~ 11/17 /1D57: 3/14/1931 New York NY M: 10/15/1089 Effie E Jones (10/25/1860: ) 26622 Elliott H ti/12/1891 2 Corinda 12/23/1902 · ' ' M: John F Bachman 1629 3 72 'Edward Ellsworth Ga~e. 8(26/1862-4 1/!esh Street, canton,Mass }f: 6/27/1D94 Groce Whiting 26623 Chnrlcs Knowles 1/29/19:lO 1.Edith(W)B/10/1897 16294 Walter Irving Gage 6/ll/187f'J n: Clc.ra Stone { : 5 /14/19.34) 16295 William B Gago 6/15/1870 : Gridley,Kons H: 10/6/1890 Luella L.Lcwis 26631 ors G 4/8/1892 16310 Eugene rO Gage 6/13/1871 M: 1st 1/1/1895 Kate Gordon (2/14/1871:8/26/1895 M 2nd 2/9/1897 ..~lmc F Jackman (3/14/1879: ) 26671 Eugene Cerroll 1/24/1901 l.1Wr joroe .Arline 12/24/97 16311 Frank S Gage 9/29/1871 onset Jot lTass M: 12 120/1892 .l':nnie J .Ashlep:

16412 Charles Alpha Gage 10/10/1880 Independence Kans 'M: 12/1902 '.t~nola Belle Willey · , 1.Morgaret E 8/26/1903 M: Doyl Hooper, Tucson1Ariz 16413 Rny Will3rd Gage 3/20/1884 Uplnnd Calif 'Mf 12/28/1904 Fannie Brovm · 26875 Chorles Henry 2/21/1908 1.Wilme 'M 11/28/1905 26876 poul f,lpha 3/10/1910 M: }lfelvin Dinger,Ifplana , ·- Cal 16422 Rnnso.n Selwyn Gage 9/25/1862 Dover, Wesley Ohio H 2/6/1884 Lauro Grant iirorrow (8/29/1863: ) daughter of John ond Mary June (Hem.mill) Morrow 26916 Horace Dale 10/1/1891 l.Ollio M 11/16/1885 26917 John Gale 10/1/1891 M:Vlilber H Carnes 2.Mary Jo 5/1/1887 5. Murno Lnno 1/15/1906 M: Simon C Croft 16423 f;lvn H Gag(j, 10/22/1866 :Bartlett, Ohio M: Addie Covey{or Cooey) M: --Huffman 2691G Ransom 26920 H~rold 1913 26919 Ernest 26921 Gsruld 1915 16424 Jay Gage 1/6/1872: :Cutler Ohio H: iiray Maines M: Mildred Campbell 26922 Richnrd C 5/5/1895 26923 Joseph 1904 16425 Joseph H Gogo 7/3/1881 Guysville Ohio M: Bossie Compbell--2 daughters 16557 Willi2im Gage, 41,5/1866 w:inchestor NH - · M: 2/24/1887 Katherine 1~madon, born Bat.tle Creek,Mich 3/15/1866 died 9/1/1909 daughter of George W nnd Partha (Byington)tmndon(Hinsdale 273} continued next page · -73 16557 Frederick Will._iam Gage, conttd children: born B0ttle Crcek,Mich A900 HDrry IPwrence, 11/20/1887 A901 Edwin Byington 8/13/1892 .A902 Walter Harriman 12/28/1900 .A903 V!illiam Coleb 2/21/1908 16558 Frank Hwrman Gage 6/ 9 / 1868:9/25/1934 M: Jessie Crandall .A904 Gertrude, M": Lloyd Newton ( a son Ri cherd) .A905 Esther, M: Pe:roy Merimontes( a dau Virgini0 Lee) 16562 Guy Elliott Goge 2/27/1907 Box 212 Rockland 'Mass M: 6/2/1928 Edrona V O'Neil (died 1951 age 42) A906 Guy Elliott Jr 10/4/1930 A907 Richard .Albert 5/15/1933 16581 Clarence E Gage 8/2G/V3G4 Yilwaukoe Wisc ·~ M: 9/21/1910 Bertha 1,,.aria Crosby (3/25/1/362: ) 27207 Arthur Pierce 27208 Robert (0)6/19/1914 l.Florence

16595 Gcorgo m:ilsoy Ggge J/20/11391 Portland ore 952 Woodworth Avenue M: 6/16/1917 1irarguerite Eleanor Nash(l0/10/1895: l.Goorgianna Louise l/17/1922

16725 Corl Webster Gage, born Nashua NH 1/7/1882 li -ees 2 Avon.rtoad Bronxville NYl7: at Haverhill, 'Mass 9{30/1914 Janette Wells 1:ritchell (4/1/1886: (Note) il908 Helen C Gago 8/11/1917 2t Hovcrhill,?,fclss unm J,909 Edward "'~ Gnge 4/29/1919 et Ha~-1orhill,!l~ass Noto-the daughter of Edwnrd Ji 'fl:Ti tchell ond Kn tie( Chese) ~~itchell who was the aaughtwr of Rufus Chase and Jone: (Perkins) Chase of Haverhill, Mass.They were mnrried at North -~dams MOSS 6/4/1885. 16726 Myrl Edward Gage,born 2/8/1883 Brndford,Mass U: Mrs Lonie Edgeley (widow) A910 Ronsld Thomas Gage, born Dover NH 9/27/1932. 16727 Fred Horris on Gnge, born 4/4/H396 BrDdford ,Mass M: 4/3/1918 Elizabeth Bell, of Pensacola Flc She was born Porisacola Fla 10/18/1900.He was married while taking training as a naval aviator .li911 Fred I-Iurriscn Gage Jr. 5/6/1919 li912 Eleanor Gage 2/20/1930 1l:John .A Diamond

16749 1,lfred TillGy Gage, born Washington DC 11/3/1869 ¥; 6/22/1899 Fa,nnie :rorko 1;t1ee, born Washington DC 7/26/1867 died GlennDale Md 5/25/1960 27528 1awrG 1J.ce J.; G-2g0, born 4/23/1900 unm 16844 Elmer Scott Gage 2/10/1875:. Manchester NH -74 M: 6/4/1900 Mary .Agnes Flately ( b 12 /1876: } 27720 John Chsr1tes 5/2/1904 u1rargaret May 2/11/1903 27721 Fred Elmer 1/20/1908 2 Alice Nora 8/5/1906 27722 Harold James 7/3/1909 27723 Ernest George 4/25/1911 16845 Walter Lafayette Gago 9/12/1877 Manchester NH M: 4/26/1904 Mery Agnes Gilmore(5/4/1880: ) 27724 Thomes LBfeyette 4/30/1905 27725 Vlalter Frederick 9/14/1906 27726 Ervin John 12/28/1908 27727 Howard Joseph G/4/1910 27728 Dnvid Allon 8/28/1912 16846 Charles F GogG 5/lo/1880 i~: 5/20/1907 Cora E Kendrick (2/25/1885: 27729 Harry E 2/25/1908 4.Florence E 12/24/1913 27730 Frank K 5/7/1909 5.Dora raude 12/C/1915 27731 Chnrlcs F 11/8/1911 6 Cora Edno 9/30/1917 16847 Joseph B Gago 4/':?7 /1884 M: 3,l27/1912 l,.t1ry Turnbull (3/Jl/HW5: ) 27732 Elmer Alexander 10/8/1912 27733 Joseph 'M 4/4/1915 16853 Homer E Gage 1/4/188$ Gridley Calif M: Josephina P □ lmer 1.Harj_oric M: Dr Rc::ndolph i;r: Ernest Hatch 17302 Charles L.Gcge 7/5/1!362:12/3/1930 Contrsl City Calif H: 1,irary Mathus 17309 John Shepard GuGe 5/1/1D70 ChicDgo Ill M: Susie J,ugust-1 Blanding 28495 John Kellogg 2/1/1901 2.Elo □ noro 7/1/1904 .3 Susanne 4/12/1909 17310 .Asahol '\Viley GGge 5/14/1875 Clearwater Fla M: 7/3/1915 B0 ssio B Bresse 17311 Prof Victor Raymond Gngc 11/26/1882 Ithnco NY M: 9/23/1900 Helen l~orton Heath 1.HGlen Victoria

17312 Edvvard Bellard Gege 3/29/1873 .Alger ?!ont (Lovrnr Canada) M: 12/6/1903 1r.amie pegan (J/26/1860: ) 28499 Henry Crume 5/14/1907 28500 Gvvynn Bo llara 4/7/1909 17313 Stnnley K C-cigo 5/12/1877 Chicago,Ill H: 7/6/1904 i(C tlLl' Louise Pnnushko 2:1501 1/illifllll r±,:J.D.TY 3/4/1912 \ 17314 Lloyd GGrrison Goga 9/24/1879 Butte, Mont -75 M: 10/10/1906 Ednc Rymcn ( 8/11/lD/30: 10/1/1912} l'r: 7/15/1918 Olive Spurgeon 1.iirary Cornelia 8/6/1908 17315 Porci us Si lkmnn 11/9 /~ 174 in: 6/6/1910 Lauro r,·etzler 28505 John Porcius 4/25/1914 17324 Burtis Elmore Gago 6/1/1866 228 S East Ave ook Park Ill Nf: Norene Jo nos ( 10/1868: ) 1 Dorothy 6/1/1894 2 llfildrod 7 /15/H396

17325 Clifford li Gage 7/19/1870 M: ?1893 Ruth B&ll,Deland Minn . l.Gltidys 3/25/lf394 2 Myrtle 7/8/1897 3 Norene 7/8/1897 17398 John Cuttor Gage 7/4/1923 5510 Chadwi ckSt Shawnee l-l!"ission 11!": Eleanor Peck 6/16/1950 Kens. A913 John Bailey 2nd 10/27/1951 .b914 Claudia .Ann 10/15/1953 A915 David Frank 2/14/1957

17399 Frank Hires Gage 9/13/1924 627 Vi 56thSt Kansas City wro M: 12/3/1949 Carolyn Campbell li916 Hires Walton D/11/1951 li917 c~llin campboll 3/25/1953 .A918 Elizobeth .Anne 8/27/1955 A919 Georg3nne 3/30/1960 17455 George Willinm Gage ,born 11/14/1887 d 8/7/1957 vr: Llewe11a Q,uarrie 8/15/1918 .~leanor, b 10/15/1919 NY City M 2nd ?di th 1/\'uriel Cravens 6/1/1937 17456 Fronk Warren Gage, b 9/19/1$89 I,awrence ; i1rass. H: Jean Innes Smith, b 5/20 ,1887 Dundoe,Scotlana Date of marriage 9/20/1922 rrethuen,Hsss.She·was the doughter·or Joseph Choy.!18 Smith, b 2/23/1853,Aberdeen, Scotlana, died 1irethuen,1n:ass 1/8/1936 who married Catherine Hogg Futhieson 12/31/18G4,..'.➔ beraeen,Scotlana. catheri~o was born·l0/1/1860 Aberdeen,Scotlana., died 11/22/1929 Yeti.1u0n, vra ss. children · A919"l Joe Warren Goga, b 5/13/1924 Now York City Phyllis Allon,b 1/12/1926 New York City 1r: 10/14/195J Roselle, N.J. to Daniel Hrtko, b. 5/30/1925 Hillside NJ G/23/1955 name chcngcd to HJ';RTLEY 17460 Fred Gago G/2C;-' ;<:2 M: ll/22/l~'r)7 tcl1J'.'D E Bucklin (4/29/1867: ) 28760 l1lvin 0' 10/21/1894 1.Ethcl L.10/6/18138 F:Rollie C Leonard

17461 Charles .:."i GLgo 1/20/1861 M: J/25/1884 Frcnscna G Ryder. no children 17462 Dustin Shcttuck Gag€ 2/2/1864 -76 H: 12/24/1888 Ellu liT.Johnson--no children 174 74 St~muel Edson Gage 7 /13 /H366 New York NY 1~: 10/29/1890 111'Grgorct Lawrance Hicks{7/29/1867: )no.chil

17492 G-eorge Henry Gogo 6/20/H368 H:6/25·/189111eonorc1 Lewis (or Levines) M: Cloru Bonson 28814 Nelson Lowis 10/U394 1.,iri1aroc1 E 2/22/1893 17493 Benjamin Fuller Gcgo 5/2/1871 M:1/27/1893 Philo E.Morso,Rochester NH 28815 Leonard l.Glaays 1\ 11/16/1893 2 Myrtle. 17599 Frank Sumn6r Gage 10/9/1858:12/27/1900 Foirfield,Iowa M: 4/12/1888 itillie E.Kellner-no children 17600 Fred wa11ace Gag, l0/12/1864:9/30/1920 Foirfield·Iowo - M: 9/7/1891Clrira.A.:an.ocK.( 11/11/1869: ) Chicogo,Ill. 289 74 Fred W 7/7/1896 1. ~!argnret 12/19/1892 M: Ralph W Zimmerman 17601 Charles Herbert Gago 7/28/1870 Foirfield,Iowo M: 4/6/1893 Florence N. Corry (7/1/1869: ) no children 17736 Rupert Gage 12/28/1893 H: Elsie Irene Wagner 1.Wilmo Gage-- 2 Juanita Gage 17846 Arthur F.Gagc 7/23/1887 Detroit, l'fich H: Letta E. Lawson l.June Elizabeth 2.J;lice, H:Dl)ILEY 3 Bertha 17965 Philip Stcerns Gc,gc, Jr. 1912 M: 11/15/1941 Elizabeth deLormeier n920 Philip Stoornsrrr 10/30/1942 A921 John Stcphon 12/811943 A922 Ellon Moore 10/18:1947 h923 William daLormcior 10/19/1950 A924 James Warren 12/25/1952 1,925 Vi:r:gi nir:: I reno 5 /19 /19 55

28499 Dr Henry Crume G2go 5/14/1907 677 So.Gilpin St Denver 9 M: 8/9/1931 3'loretts Gentry Colo 30000 H~nrictta June 10 /2/1936 30001 Roncld Henry 11/2/1939 M: 8/22/1962 B.Jrbara Downs (1/22/1941 ) 28500 Gwynn Ballard 4/7/1909:6/12/1958 M: 1/2 ,1942 Inez Odegnrd 30002 Edwcrd Doniel 10/19/1946 28501 Vlillinm Honry Gage 3 ;4/1912 - 192 Ht Varnon Road, Snyder 26, NY M: at Snyder NY 4/10/1941 .Adelaide Robertson 30003 Portia Louise 12/15/1943 b Buffalo NY )0004 Stanley Robertson 4/21/1945 b Buffalo NY

28974 Fred W2tllGce Gage 7/7/1896 M! 7/5/1920 Mnrvo 1 Rullman (1/28/1898: ) 45948 Fredwrick Wallace 5/30/1924 2. Kathryn .Ann Al97 Williom Gage 1805: 1850 M: Ssroh Jjy 8 rs Ingroham ( 1812: 1874) Ji 1024 Scro.h J Gc.1gc, 'M: William Ruy .Al025 Betsey .Ann Gage, M: 1st Henry C.Northway 2nd Charles L.White A 1026 Wi lli;:.,m Monroe Gage Al027 John Pike Gege 11/6/1834 Holly,1Jich died 10/20/1$15 buried Stefford ore

A 515 Edviard No lson Gago, Cleveland Ohio 1/28/1859 ·M: Mury Dix North 10/7/1884 (born 12/8/1864: Al062 Robert of California · 1,1063 Nelson Edv:ore: of Louisville Ky{b.9/11/18$7: -78 1t600 WilliCm Henry Gago, b. 10/1/1857 Gordner, Ill died 1/6/1930 Culdosac,Ncc Porco Co.Idaho Enrly pioneer in the territory of Idaho NocPeroe Co 1875 Married: 12/27/1884 Julia Yario $bmpson.Sho was born 8/14/1867 Linnco •. orogon the daughter of Ephraim .Alfred Snmpson, b 4/19/1835 Plr1tte Co Mo and Eunice J; Warner, b. 10/13/H136 Indiana. Chilc1ren--a11 born Gonesse, Idaho l.Jess 9/28/1886:7/30/1953 Eureka Calif 2. W illic.n1 Columbus l/8/1887 d 196-Vleiser Ioaho 3. Habel .Armetha 2/12/1892 d 196-Spokane,Wash 4.Erncst Whipple G/13/1889 5.Chestor Edwin 4/18/1894 (See page 7Mfor further record this fan1ily.} 6.Pearl .Angelia 1/15/1896 ' 7. Ralph 7 /lj /189 7: 12 /18 /1898©0nes 00, Idaho 8.Eunice May 10/12/1899 d 194- Weiser,Idaho 9. ?1901:d 1902 Genessoo Idaho 10 Esthor narir1on 7/19/1903 11. Ina Ilona 2/17/1906 12 Glenn Edward 1/12/1910 13 Louise Juli0 1/2/1914. A700 John Rc.1ymond Gage 1905: 33G9 DarroV·i Road ,Stow, Ohio M: Starla V Strousc,born 1906 .Al086 Gail V 1937 i;1087 G-Gry S 193L~ 11701 James Walter Gage 1911 2912 Nicholas Place NV'! Canton 8 Ohio M: Helen:-- 11713 Gage 10/14/1914 M: Haggerty .Al094 Edward E Jr 12/23/1934 Al096 Sheila Ann .A 1J95 William, unm lC:RobcrtVJFlnroro.c .1.1109 7 Richard 11729 .Ambrose Reed G<::ge 10/8/1861 Milford Center Ohio died 10/5/1950 1,rinneapolis Kans 'M:12/25/1895 Grace Culp 1;1098 V!nltcr Reed lH099 George 1,Jaurico, deceased-no children .AllOO Mariana, M:George M Logan 500 Vlest.AustinSt Nevada Mo .bllOl Ralph Dano (cec) 'M: Thel.1110 Humphrey 533 Locust S:b Ottawa Kans .A733 Dana Q,ogo, M: Uno Sexton .A 1102 Francis 1J!l03 Dorothy,M:HovJard Ili> Ji 1104 Ernest 236 Via Eboli Newport Beach Calif lill06 Richard .A 1105 June ~t: C V Heyl, 442 .3 .Arbor Road Long Bea ch 11, Calif 1➔ 9QO Harry t,aw:rance Gage, b Bottle Creek 1~ich ll/20/HW7 M: 12/25/1911 rmry Croig Ross(born 9/30/1885) She was the daughter of Hugh and Jignes (lJenzics}Ross lllll4 Hugh Frodorick b Bottle Creak 4/26/1913 1,1115 Katherine /i"gncs,b Pittsburgh pa 4/28/1917 \ -781:t c11ester Edwin Gage son of No • .A6oo Willian Henry Gage and Julia Farin Sampson ( soc pogo 78} Born 4/18/1894 Gcncsscc,Idoho. garricd: Hazel Elise Oylecr 3/30/1920.Sho was born·Hoscow,Idaho 8/31/1900, tho doughtor of Jow~thon Charles oy1ear, b 9/16/1838 Missouri and nary l,lico Holnes, b 7/15/1872 Missouri. Served in world wsr 1-vvcnt overscas-vms gassoa. Children 1Dorotliy Caroljean 9/22/1921 t,ewiston,Idaho 2V'lilliam Charles 5/29/1923 Culdosa c, Ida d 4/ll/1924Culdesn c,I do 3 Evelyn Eloise, 6/9/1924 Culdosoc,Idaho Harried: Buren Newton Corter, Fort Sumncr,Now Mexico 1942 born Toxas cb.ild mizol coroljcon 12/3/1943 Sacramento Colif H: Robert Lohman 3/7/1963 carson City Nev

L Dorothy caroljeo.n Gage 9/22/1921 Lewiston Idaho.World VTo.r II .A.N.C. Harried: orson Lntrar i¼ndcrson 7/3(1946, Salt Lake City, utnh(born 12/J/1924 Price,utah son of Orson Bryner ..;ndcrs:bn b 11/16/1902 Price Utah nnd Elda Mae Edwards, b 5/lJ/1905 Sunnyside Utah,World WarII .A.A.F children l Bonnie Mae l)nderson 7/25/1948 Salt Lnko City Utah 2 Sherri Fae 6/9/1951 Salt Lako City Utah 3 Chester Lee linderson 11/16/1952 Morristown NJ .A901 Edwin Byington Gogc, 8/13/1892 Bottle Crook, Mich .. 79 M! 9/22/1916 llfary Jeanette Co0tos. She w0s born Cassopolis, Mich 8/18/1888 daughter of FloYa nnd Katherine (Stockdalo)Coates Alll6 Edwin Byington 7/22/1917 0Gk pork Ill All17 Frederick Abbott 12/31/1920 oak perk Ill Alll8 },trnry Ellen 6/27 /1921:9/22/1934 1\1119 Thomns 9/1.3/1922 .A 1120 J'Sremioh 9/13/1922: 9 /14 ,1922 .A902 Walter H3rrimon Gage b.Bnttle Creek,Mich 12/28/1900 V: Jessie Burch 7/28/1925 dnughtGr of Clarence L and Dorothy 'MacKenzie) Burch .All21 Vlnltor Harriman b Battle Creek rich 9/27/1931 All22 "~2rtha Gage, b.Battle Crcek,Mich 4/8/1934 .A903 William Caleb Gsg6, b.Bnttle Creek,Mich 2/21/1908 F: 8/23/1929 Nergaret Helen Baker,odoptcd daughter of Roy and toilc }YcGuire) Baker .A 1123 Petri cie Emlen, b. Batt lo Creek Hi ch 7/19/1930 .All24 Frederick Fenner, b.Battle Creek,Mich 9/8/1931 A906 Guy Elliott Gage Jr. 10/4/1930 H: 5/24/1953 Ruth pcrlon All25 Guy Elliott III h/17 /1954 .All26 Jerald Stephen 5/2/1955 A907 Richard Albert Gage 5/15/1933 ~if:'---- A1127 Richard Albert Jr. .A1128 Deborah A9J9 Edward .A Gaga b 4/29/1919 Haverhill, Mass M: 7/10/1854 ,:largerot B Clark, daughtor of Ed1.1vard S Clark, Jr,Bny City,Mich end Margaret ( BCiley} Clark Anthony of Bronxville NY All29 earl W Gago II, born Bronxville NY 5/8/1955 All30 Edward Anthony Gogo 4/25/1957 A1131 Thomf.,s Underwood Gnge 6/1/1960 A910 Ronald ThomGs Gnge, b.Dovcr NH 9/27/1932 Chief of Police VIhi tofiold NH. ]~: Lillian Goupil, born Somersworth NH St 1irortins Cctholic Church .All32 Steven Thomes 11/2/1955 Al134 Jenny Ann 9/18/1958 .i1113J Susan Yorio 6/18/1957 .,Ul35 Denise PolmC1 9/18/1958 A911 Fred Harrison GGgc, Jr. born Pensncola Fl8 5/6/1919 M: l/4/19Lf2 at Sc,nDiogo Colif,Dorothy Jeanne Beck, born Portland,oro 9/19/1921,hhe daughter of Robert Hilford Beck born 12/19/1888 Collinsville Ill.died SonDiego Calif 9/30/ 1955 and his wife 1imcnia Huddlostone Beck.Located at present time at Naplos,Italy ½hero he is stationed as o commander in the U S Nnvy All36 Fred Harrison Gugc III 10/8/1950 .iI 1137 nn.0 .qugc 3 /1211945 .All38 Kcthloon Gdgo 9/17/1947 Joo Warren Gage, b 5/13/1924 Now York City -80 H: l1rdyth Rco Tnllm.on, ct Teaneck, N.J. 5/15/195# She was born 5/18/1932 died 12/14/1962 Lake Hopntcong NJ 1.;David Warren, b 5/31/1955 d 12/14/1962 " n '.Z.Robin Leslie b 7/20/1956 d 12/14/1962 n " 3 Douglas .Allan b 5/14/1958 at NJ (clso David ond Robin) , 4. Karen Lee, b 2/25/1962 }!iontcl8ir, N.J •

.Al026 Willinm lTonroe Q-t..,1ge, 'M: lstHenriottaBootri ce P. ckerson 2ndIJJvinio R (Stone)Gordon 3rd Jessie H(linderson0 Gage ( no children) .A4005 William D • .A40'J6 Junior i·onroe A4009 Edwin Pike ..14007 Louro, dy (10/31/1867:9/19/1941) A4008 John E a,oge 5 .A4Jl0 Frank

Al027 John Pike Gage 11/6/1834 Holly ,Mich d 10/20/1915 buried Stafford, Ore Married: 11/6/1856 Missouria .Ann Moses (l0/7/1835:3/26/1930) buried Stafford, Ore. From Oregon Historical Society lotter 2/28/1961: uJohn Pike Gage, born 11/6/1834 in Holly ,Onkland · County ,Micho · Married: 15issouri Jinn }!icsos 11/6/1856, overland to Oregon frDm Michigan in 1853,died .st Stafford,Ors 10/20/1915, Returned to trichigan in May 1856 after the death or his futhcr end lived there for 16 yoars,Returned to Oregon in 1870. Hr. Gage crossed. the plains, the first time in 1852 and come to Oregon City with captein Hayes. Ho then went to California ona returned to Michigan via the Isthmus of panama through ·Now York in 1870 He again come to oregon and settled in the plooe'whero hls wife still livos(1915) His wife and seven children followed in 1872.His place was tho first one west of Oregon City that was touched with a plow. n Children .A40ll Eilen(Ellie} (EastcrnStar) blO /7 /1857 M: Cyrus Sweek .A4q12 William 1,rdor. 9/17/1859(.brdie)Cloverdale,Tillamook i County, Orogoji A4013 Ronnie,died of o concussion when about 2 years , of age.Buried in Michigon A4014 Ohnrlie Mortin, 8/27/1863:9/22/1915 Mtst Della pegc who died in childbirth 'M2nd Juli n Lewis, no children ~.A4Ql5 Julia Bee 2/15/1867:10/6/1891 died in scarlet fever epidemicburied Burns,ore. A dressm~kor.Had store carrying materials for handwork 1¼4016 ..~lbert Henry, 7/19/1865:1941 buried Stafford ore. continued' .next page John Pike Gnge, continued. -81 children 1r4017 gory J;gnos 8/5/1868 M: Judson J Howard t4018 John Quincy 1/10/1870 J4019 Ollie Zoe 3/10/1876:3/16/1960 i;4020 Don Roye 1 3/27/1881: 7/8/1900 b.Stafford Ore. drov,;nod in YJ1.11amette River when on summer encemnmont neor Solem Ore.Nntionnl Guard. buriea Stefford Oro J,1063 Nelson Ec1•·.etrc1 Gnge of Louisville Ky 9/11/1887 M: 1/20/1912 El0nnor Miles h4021 Edward Ne~son Gago of Cleveland Ohio Mildred Gnge 7/3/1889 l\E: 7/3/1916 Wright Bronson Katherine Gogc 4 ;1/1895 M: 3/10/1916 Chnrlos W Brown Richard North Gcge 5/26 11900 .:U098 Walter Rood Gage 1840 .bnderson,l\5anhottan,Kans L4020B Welter Reed Jr. lillOl R □ lph Dana Gago, l\·T: Tholmr: · Eumphroy 533 Locust Street ott2,we ,Kr:ns A4020E Relph Dsnu A4020F Goorg0 Reed A4020G Rob0rt Gordon il4005 William D Gcge, ~if: Bortho Joslyn .A5:)00 Jack R J.) 5004 Fred 1;5001 Sr..dio 1\:. nge 29 A5005 Joe S d age 28 1, 5002 Eva R M: John E Hupmsn .i:\5J06 Bessie E M:Mclilester 1,5003 D~isy Pd age 1 1,500 7 J;rlie E li4006 Junior Monroe @gc, M: Hattie Culver 1: 5008 Kcthorine, 6 Wellington .l:vc Pittsfield Mass 115009 VTillio, died age 1 month

A4009 Edwin Pike Gago 10/31/1867:9/19/1941 H: 10/13/1886 Louisa Jinn Welch b.'lleilos 1/31/186509/19/1941 li 5010 lF; bel Mny 10 /2 1888: 1/30/1913 . M: 1912 J.VernonHoopes(ll/29/1882:11/12/1952} .A 5011 Horry Edwin 7/27/1891

.:i4:no Frank Gage, M: 1st JGSSi e H • .Andurson J\50!2 lff8UC.O 4/17/189:i.:12/l1/1899 h5013 TiilliBm Fr0nk 3/3/1893 M: 2nd Sarah .:'i:1n Garvey .A5014 Peggy 5/16/19'J7 M: 11/1927 V!alter CharlesFlint A 5015 BGr nice Irene 9/22/1908: 6 /7 /19 36 lf: 11/1927 Robert Rhodes 1,:riller J,5016 lignes H GGge 6/11/1910 ·M:7/1929 Eclward N Kiefer · M: 9/28119.Jff-Iarley D Howard A50l7 Honriottn 6/7/1912 M:2/14/1930 i . - .GegJ•gc Wi llin.m. Mnyborry :, 5018 EGVJi.t1 Mike Gage 3/10/1914. ~4a12 Willin.m lirdon Gcge 9/17/1859(.Ardic)Clover(ole -82 Tillamook County,orc. · H: Josephine Dutcher, botn buried HcHi.ti..nville,Ore 115031 ze1rcthu 11/4/1889 l!: Christion C.Yolgcord 1233 Vine Street, poso Robles, C,":lif .A5032 Vlilliom.(Bill) rt:1yor Boy City Mich,1·T:Violr: Elroy .;-)·" 5"33V Jo'nn~ s n~,,,-c.,e,t,, ,-,.,-, c'i"i •:,C:~ -~ 0.L"" pnC U.010UJ.•~,• .-. Lt'"'S Un young man I5034 Elle B. Gc:gc, H: 1st Bert Ray 2nd LOSlio Vhlll3 co

.A4Jl6 .l'i lbcrt Henry· l/19 /1865: 1941 StG fforc:1 OrG M: HoggiG Juli:· 'Yels.h in Canon City ore .A 5035 Jnnci Boo G:::go, M. Leslie Vln llr: co A4~H8 John Q,uincy Gago l/:LJ/1870 St Helens Oro, buried at St~1ffo:cd,Oro.M: Wine B page( 7/14/1879) sister ofD011apage lJ 5041 V!altcr Pike 5/25/1899 H: Cleo Lllipin A5042 Roy Q. 4/17/1901:1926 .li5.l~3 i,dolia Zue M:lst Victor Sherrill 2nd 1furton Everest ( 8 children) .A5'J44 lirc'on John 8/27/1912 killed on Okinawa buried National Cemetery S

A4020B Wultor Reed Gogt::, Jr 2 children by first wife lives 51.)J Povvers Ferry Road.111Vl Atlanta Ga A5050 Cheryl .Ann 2/28/1953 5601 ·west 10th Topeka Kans .A5051 Yvalter Reed 3/6/1954 A5:)00 Jock R Gsge, 1-i:Wi lhelmina Ringe .A 70'J'J .A loan .A 7.:)0l t:artha .A 7001 Betty Lou A5011 Hnrry Edwin Gage 7/27/1891 HoisingtonKans. M: .3/29/1913 pearl Verne Smith( 5/7/1889: ) A7007 Loonord Edwin 4/22/1914 .A7'J08 Habel Eave G/31/1916:9/13/1943 J,7'J'J9 Lillian ucx:ins J/2/1922 H:Thomt1.s Duer Wilson 6/1/48 · born 2/23/1926 .b 7010 Eunice Lorr"',inc- 11/25/1927 H: 6/3/19V; "/irgil W Coon (ll/6/1926: ) A7007 Lconord Edv11ir:. Gcige ~/22/1914 1~: 4/23/1939 Olive' ·:,"orie King( 10/30/1916: ) .A8o~::, ·:):iight Loon;rcl 12/19/1940 J;8'JOL; J::;nic8 l"Gric(nurse) 7/5/1942 .1\8J.'.)5 Elvo Eileen G/8/1948

A80'JJ J)v,1ight Lconc;rcl Gage 12/19 /194.'.) .. 1~: 13/14/196~,,.--·+:orol Jeon 1'~illsr{ 2/1/1942: ) l.9J08 Zonob1b Donitc.1 2/?/1961 /;9'J02 Richord Lee !,9:):)1 Robort Linn 2/5/1962 12/29/1963 83 Th0 family of 1004 Thomas Gago-died 1703 Woodbridge N.J. as it hos been incorporoted into the family of 2004 JonathEln a,aga. The. Rev. Mr. Gngo gives the 1004 Thomas family as a separate fumily but it is proven to be otherwise viz:

2:J04 Jonathan G~1go 1645:3/15/1674 Brodford,Mnss. Married: il/12 /1667 Hoster Chcinc11or. 3009-1Jonot}1e:n' -2 Naomi 9/2/1672 From n record' rbtninc::1 at the Free public Library, Atlantic City, N.J. Jonr..thDn Gngc, born 1645 died 3/15/1674/75 M:Hostor Chandler From "First settlers of Ye 1nantotion of Piscataway and Woodbridge, Olde Enst Jersey 1664: 1714n by lffonette.m::ime · early spelled GliCH, both G 1)peGring ns positive surnames in N.J. Thomes Gage, son of Jonsthpn Gage, part 4 page 521 was first settler of Woodbridge be!'ors 1700 whore he died 1?03. Will doted 3/28/1703 called Thomns Gaige of Woodbridge,ship car­ pontor.Proiied 4/23/1703 nsming wife Elizabwth{who was before widow of Samuel Vail} son Thomris, apporontly other children and sons-in-1aw.Thom2s Vcnle(Vail) witnesses John .Adie and Thomes Pike and inventoried by l8tter and John Pike.

There w0s on intimate relc,tionship betvveen Newbur,y ,Mass and other settlements in the noe.r vicini ty--Ipswich,Rov'Jley ,Sfllisbury, Amesbury and Hempton and f'rom intermarriage and neighborly· relationship likewise in hho towns of Dover and Portsmouth,NH. It is easy to understnnd the lines of migration and related families and neighbors from this section to the communities of Piscatovmy and Vioodbridgo.From tho same nuthority,John Winthrop Jr Robert Coles Q.nd John Gngo oppoor as early as 1633 They camo by water fro.r.i Ipswich through Plum. Isl~nd Sound and up the river Q,uasoocunquen (now river porker) to the place they hna selected.

In view of the proccdinLs) c now record of 2004 Jonathan is in order,viz: 2::,04 Jonathon GogG 16L:.5: 3 /.l .5 /16 74 :qradford, Mass l,[arricd: 11/12/1667 Hc8ter Chandler 3)09-1 -2 Naomi 9/2/1672 M: Stephen Bodford of RI 1004 Thomes r:r0gc :16138:1703

Now it will bo noted thc:,t 1JJ4 Thor.ans Gago hos been added.In the 8th oditiwn nroviously referred to, the Rav Hr Gage has listed th? separoto-· t-Tow Jo:rf~y Fnmily of 1004 Thomas s s follows: continued next page 1004 Thomas Gago: : 1703 Woodbridge, N.J'. -84 Married: Elizobeth (1656:1747) widow of Vail Elizabeth morriod 3rd 8/2J/1709 John Griffith of Bucks County, pa 2;)23-1 Thomns -2 Mary, 111: Willicm. Bloodgood Due to the securing of additional information from the New ;rwrsey Archives, it is necessary to chongo the above to the following:

1004 Thomas Gc:go ?l6GJ 0 170.3 (will inventoried) Woodbridge NJ Married: ElizGb:Jth (1656:1747) widov; of Samuel Vail Elizabeth r1nr:riGd 3rd 6/20/1709 John Gridi'fith of Bucks County pc. - 2:::> 1782:177) -2 llfary,M:Y7illiam Bloodgood We return now to 3809-1 Jonsthan the other son of 20~4 Jonathon and his sister Naomi. vre locoto no further record of her or of her family. Of Jonathon there are some clues to a further record. We will consider theso roco:rds separately commencing at page 86 herein. Now again from the 8th edition previously referred to, we consider tho children of 1004 Thomas as given above: 2023 Thomas Gage ( a '~ueker) :Vloodbridge NJ' Married 8/17/1721 Elizabeth Bloodgood. ?r-,~arriod: 1 1ary------3O75-7 Nfartin nGash" 3076-G Thomas n -11/iury 2/lljl724 M: James Eddey -2 Elizabeth 3/30/1726 M: Elisha Inslee -3 Snrah 12/25/1727 M: Nathaniel Pike -4 Martha 11/29/1729 ·M:Samuel Randol -5 Annuh 12/18/1732 'M:Isaao Donham -6 Esther, 'M: Jacob Shot-well -7 ca thcrine, M:Mich0el Tolyn Here again odditionel information brings changes, viz: 1 "'; pril 12 1763--.A bstra ct fror- < New Jersey i,rchi vos, Gach, of Woodbridge Tovmship, Yic1dlcsex County, will of •••• Eldest son John! tho plcntc,tion where he lives(exccpt 10 acres at tho west end thot was sur~rnycd in my own right) with four s cres of salt mGDdow ct thG scuth end of my m.eadow below Strawberry Hill; also 3! o cres in P,cri tnn rn.eadows ·1Ni th-~ of my freehold rights in thG cot1...i.'::ons. Grcmdson Thom.os Gach, the other ! of said plantation, but r'J.r:1ciin to tho· use of his father John Gach,· during John's lifG,son Philip, my homo pl::-1ntation where I now iivo,nnc'. the rest of the salt meadow,end lnnd on Strawberry Hill, and tho lot odjoi~ing Jonathon Horned,nnd ~ohn H~rned and also tho 18 oores;nlso ½ of f'JY freehold rights in the comnons of Woodbridge, when he is 21.Daughters, Mary.,Elizabeth Sarah, Marthe D :1d iinne; a 11 the severe 1 lots on the south side of the road th0+. leads to iir1boy to be sold and the .money to be divided between the~ and Thomas Shotwell,son of my deceased daughtor Esther,wife Elizabeth,tho use of said lands,

r:r.l'lt-.i nned next nage -$5 1s:x:ecutors: Hy v1ifo and Janos Eddy. Vli tnesses Sa.ouel F. Parker James parker,Sar.iuel Insloe.

It will be noted thot 3075 Martin "Gosh0 and 3076 Thonus "Gcshn are not mentioned in the Will. This th0n causes tho record of 2023 Thonss Gage to be re-written yartin and Thor::tDs •will have a qU"".'ISt:L.on mark placed before their names. The re-written i ten novJ follo\"JS:

2023 Tho.t!las G2ge (a Q,uaker) Woodbridge, N.J. 1702:1770 Pill probi:,:tcd 3/9/1770 1\1.:urried: 8/17/1721 Elizabeth Bloodgood Married : ?Mnry--- John ?1727 Phi lip 1744 sti 11 in NJ 1795 { see page 88 and 89 ?3'J75-7 Mortin ne-cish 11 ?3076-8 Thomas 17 Gash" 1\irary 2/11/1724 M·: Edc;.ey Elizabeth 3/20/1726 M:Elisha Inslee SEE ~afe 86 Sarah 12/25/1727 M:·-..othGniel PikeSse pag ±6::"­ nartha 11/29/1729 15:Snmuel Rcrndol Jinnah 12/13/1732 1t:Iscsc Do.t1..J.'1Elr.1 Esther 17 41 1'.I: Ja~ob Sl10t:well ?Catherine,M: l'Tichael Tolyn

In the abstrncts of New Jersey lirchives,Thomos G-Dgo is called Gcugo 2/6/1733; Gage 7/19/1747 and 2/28/1749; Gotch 12/16/1750 and 3/22/1756;GDge 2/3/1752 and Gach 4/12/1763 and 3/4/1758. John and Philip rire not nomed in tho 8th cdi tion previously . referred to. 1111 · of the daughters ore n:.:1m0d in the wi 11 except cathcrin0. Now contimuing the record from the 8th edition previously referred to.

3075 HCrtin 11 Gosh" Burlington NJ l'f8rriod: 12/27/1766 ~"inn Johnson ~

From Volume 22 r:ierringe records New Jersey .Archives 1st series we find nThom:~s Go c~: cf '.'Joodbrif',se to Keturah Clnwson 11/24/ 1759 -86 Eliznboth Ge.l~e, 3/2J/1726 aoughter of 2023 Thonns Gago of f;ooabridge NJ ~urriod Elisha Inslo~(born 6/1/1722)

!, son Gage Inslco, born 1747 or 175J Porth J,.c1boy NJ died 10/29/1792 Vfoodbridge WJ.l~c:rriod 1770 Woodbridge NJ 1irargcret Pike. born 6/4/1753 died lJ/31/11328 New York City. She was tho daughter of Janes Pike b 1721 Woodbridge NJ died 5/16/1761 Woodbridge NJ cmd Mory Horiot ·when ho ncrriod 3/7/1747 Ji daughter of Gcgc Inslec end HEirgarot Pike--Elizabeth Insloe born 4/23/1774 ,-1i cc 6 /3 /183·2 Nev; Jersey narri ed her cousin Ellis C-rngo, born 12/1/1773 r~iC:dlesex County NJ the son of Jonath:Jn Gc1gc one, Jeanot Pil;:c( a sister of Margeret Pike} Their children: Llncorson Fenton Gc1c;s b 4/3/1799 c. J/29/1S74Lawrenccburg Ind 2.cathcrine(M) 01~,o 1Nc:rcc\rct, buried r,awrcnceburg,Ind J.Susan Gage, b lJ;,12/18;)4 NJ d l'J/6/1864 LOwrenceburg Ind 4~Zebulon Pike Gegc b G/28/18~6 NJ d l/3]/1856 Lawrenceburg Ind ,~ 'Elizabeth· at-:go b 11/14/1814 or 1815 c1 1?//27 /lS87Lawrencoburgind 6.Hario Gage, b .c:ibout un6 diod 5/2:J/19J2 Lbwrenceburg Ind l'if'tcr 'Elizabeth's denth, Ellis ,incl. fcnily noved to I,awrencoburg Indiana to live vd th son l1ndorson Fenton Guge who cane before and murried 1-~arie Herriott Pike, widov\/ of Wordell. t.nderson Fenton Gage, son of Ellis ~ge and Elizabeth Insloo, born 4/3/1799 dioc1 3/2S /1D74 Lawrenceburg Ind •• Married: uaria Herriot Piko(her 2nd husband) She was born 8/22/1789 iric~dlesox County NJ .Hor obituary from Wostern Christian lidvocato P127 reads :1\Jric. H Gage of lTid dlcs0 x County NJ died 9/11/1844 in her 55th year noor Lnwrenooburg Ind. She wns tho daughtwr of Col. Zebulon Pike M: 1st Thon.tis Wordell.,.,lip:r:i. 11:: 12 • She was o sister of Ggnurnl Zebulon 'Monteomcry 'Pikc.Car:::.o to Cincinnati in 1794 with her poronts, ~,ro dote of morriugG to Hr; GOgo

S2rah GG~c 12/25/1727 dr:ughtor of 2023 Thomr~s Gage of Wood'6ria'.go NJ 1-ri:: rriod 1--mth2niel Pike son of Nnthcniwl ond Groce(Turnbull) Pike. Nllthoniol was born 1725.

Of 3009 Jonnthc..;n Gnce v~ho vrns born probably 1668 Os his sister was born 1672 vJe ccnnot at this tine establish the continuing recor' •• In tlic Now Engloncl Historic Genealogic8 1 Societll volunc for 19:)8, it r.:1.::kos ncntion of the fact that .A Joncthr1n Gago in a list of debts in the invonto~y of the estate of John Lllon of 1."Dodbridge NJ filed 1/10/1683-1084., lis tho elder 2J04 Joncthon wc.s dona ct· this time, this possibly

refers to the ....vrmngor ~- Jonathen no JO:}).

!\nether record of 0 Jonnthon Gflge r:ppcsrs in tho t'l'isc sol)tion of ur Gsc;E)'s 8th oc1ition DS follows: Pace__ .156 22nd en~ry. Jonathon Qr.go ?16G3 died 2/7/17561 ngo 73 \Jorccstor Buri a 1 Grounds. The fomily is not identified. continuod.., -87 Still another Jonathon record is shown i ':'I. tho misc sootion of the 8th edition pnge 156 ontry mm.ber 21 end cs further c:x:ploinod viz:

Jon[lthcn Gege .Re cords of Uni tact Brot.rJ"on Con6rcgati on,Stnten rs1ana.1,rarrioc: 8/26/1778 by Rcr.r. H. Gnmbold to Elizabeth Medos she was born 8/26/1764 (NYR 39,105) This is not identified.

The only pocsibility c:F: ,:.., · connection vdth Jone than· 3J09 is a record of o Jou::-:thc n G::-,[:,:, ·;,;ho nnrricd Joe net Pike o sister of I'.crgcro t p·J. k a VJJ1D' rigfrr:t.r:c:" .. C...::'gc Insloo encl he-id a daughter' !Uizaboth Inslcc v,ho r:·ce::rri,::ic Ellis G2c;o :.::, son of Jonathan and ;p-,nnat. Thero 1N'Sre throe known children of Jonatllr,nand Jea net--Elli s born 12/1/1773 Uic~c11esex County N. J. Janes of Nhon nothin,;:: furthew._ (Bic;) Philip of whon there are possible re<'.3ords. See page 8G. 8 nd 89

Fron the book nv!oodridce and Vicinity; the story of a New Jersey Township11 by Rev Joseph YI Dc:1 lly--.b n incident concerni ne "Jennett" Gage.' "Jennett Goge vrns a nothor historic chora cter belonging to this period; but her numo is cht ~,fly associated with the raising of the first 11 li b(:rty polG 17 or flacstof'f in Vfood.bridgo.It vrns sonetim.e after the 010s0 of tho wnr.Popular excitement ran high for a while ovcz the result of tho prolongsd struggle.The general enthusiasm. r.1;:,nifostod itself in v.::1rious ways. Jennet was dotcrn1incd to havo a polo erected.; so toking tho blEJck nan "Joe" and a yoke of oxen, she wont into tho woods and selected one of tho stntoliost und most syor1ctrico1 hickory tro 0 s, "Joe" cut it down with sroot satisfaction una trim.1od it with care. Thon tho oxen wore brought into reqµisition and the tree was drown· to tho corner of tho road opposite C~!!lmoss & Ensign's store,whcro it was sot in tho ground by Jennet and Joa. Here tho "storp and stripes" were unfurled and grc cofully saluted tho villagers as the rcttlins holJ;i.nrds boro thom to the top of tho polo.This staff vias standing nearly in front of the old "Cross Kojrsn Tr.vcrn ' it so insecure that it was t:::kon down. Jo:1.not wos tho sister of Zobulon Hontco.mory Pik0' s father and was the mother of Ellis, J2nes and Big Philip Gego.She lived below Hampton. Cuttvrs prosont rosidonco-ho lf woy bn ck betvJeen his house· and his cj.oy bunk G long the brook. It :li.s not improboblc thc::t sJ10 tounc1 hor tall hickory in the ·wooas near her awellinc. Jon... '1.ot is representea as being ti wor.ian of' · enthusiastic tcnpcrr:1ent c-;nd of rnthcr r.1::tsculino character, .,hnt of lh1,doubtGd nctriotisn. -88 philip Goge born 1744 still in New Jersey 1795 a son of 2:)23 Tho.m.Ds Gege of Woodbridc;e N. J. There are two ciscell8neous records of a Philip Gage Family both of Woodbridge N.J.l"iscpago 137 entry 2 c.:1d 137 ontr,r 3 one Philip was born 7/3/1791. died 1/1£186. Ls the Jonathon Gage wh1 who married Jeanett Piko hna e son uBi{s;1 Philip ond Big Philip had on ol(~or bro1~her Ellis {born 12/1/1773) it is logical to prosur:~o tl1at tho follov-,inc record of this Philip a,,plies to the son. of Jonathon and Joe net. ~ -·.,.m· C/er thot foct has not been clefi ni toly established: This record follovvs: Phili '9 Gage 7/3/1791: 1/1€386 1'loodbridge NJ M: Deborah (!rery) Flood (2/15/1793:1884) 1.May E 1814 7.Elizcboth 1828 2 Clarkson 1818 D.Gsorgc 1833 3 l~artha 1816 5 Sarah 1825 6 Stephen F 1825 , 4.Willit1m (F) 11/lJ/1822 :12/5/1899 Ynrengo,Ohio M: 6/11/1844 i"'ary Jane Price,daughtcr of John nnd Borbarn (Silkknittcr)Price l.James P 4/10/1846 M: 1.: gnes Keese l.Bcrt(.Albert) 2~1irinnie, M: Brandenburg 3. Clara, 'M Vo lll:tndi nc;ha.r.1 4 EVfi 2~ Samuel (P) 10/2/1850 l:f: 10/3/1873 J;lice Sherman(4/18/1851: l.Ralph Price Gage 1/5/1876 3. Pearlee Uillicm Gage 11/12/1852: :Delaware Ohio M: Minnie Slife l.Gertrude 4. Eliza 4/11/1854 F Willinn Hunt 5. Willian Ellsworth

1~nother Philip record. e;i vcs no du te of birth o~- doa th, just the residence at 1Nooc,brii' This Philip could have been 0 younger Philip. His :f'L:st child Sydney was born in 182.:) indicoting a po:.:siblc rLrriGge of his parents probubly in 18.JO or theroc,bouts . His fcriily hes not boon ii!lontified.

The fanii ly re cord f o llc,v, s:

Philip Gagc----Vioodbridgo NJ

1\'!'•l . • ---­ l.f,ydney Gage 1820: 1905 ~~orricd:---- 1,;Goorgo of RahvJL"ly NJ-sevcru 1 chi ldron 2~Fary HDrriet, M: HOYT 2 .1-'artha , l!: RYNO· {REYNO} 3.Goorg~, Bt;001iQP.1 'N.J• lit ---- lGoorgo-dio d without issue 2.Ynrie,t,r.:Edvmrd Bricker 3 • .;.nnio, 1·T: John Hartin phili ry Guc;c-contir'ucd CI1i lc1ron y;;-: Cornelius Ba kor G/12 /11324 H: 6/3/1£346 linne Gnrrif:uc(Garriguc)(Elios and P8nela) 1.Ella Ursula 1848 1~: David L Wildrick 2. Jeanette B 185D 1ir: J '.'.' Sttmmis 3. Efiin~ Estelle 1854 uhm 4. Harriet L 1862 l~ \·'rilliam H Br0wster 5 • .Agnes Irene 1858 M: Vlilliam C Harris 6. Be:utha O 1865 H:. Dr F W FlGgge 7.Rev Raymond Hillard Gago 8/31/1869:1933 Wenonah NJ Doctor Gage was pest or of the' Wenonah Memorial Presbyteria.:.i Church for 36 ,years. He had been n::.oderato:r of tho ·:est Jersey Presbytery and was also moderator of the VJhole state.He vvas graduated from Yale in 1891, from. the Princeton Theological Seminary in 1894 and recoiv€d the degree of Doctor of Divinity from Lafayette Univcrsi ty in 1922 •. HarriGd: 1/21/1897 Corrie Pardee Worden 1. Raymond H Gage 12/8/1897 2. James Werden Gago 12/20/1904 5.Smith,diGd 1860 unm 6.ursula, lll': E_phrrdm Li:1dsley 7. n.Auntie11 Jewcll M: Jewell 8. Harriet, M: Dr BBldvvin I1'1DEX OF (:}.AGE SONS ' -90 'EJ(cept in a very ~ew·instances,such as having diem young, or never having married, Gage sons named herein for the most part, are given a specific number. This is their individual number when listed under their parents name ana their family number when they marry and either have or have no children. TWO series of ntuEbc1--s are shown. Those with no letter and those bearing a precedinp; letter.The unlettered numbers have beeh brought forward from the book nNotes on various branches of the Gage-Gaige famil.iE,S, also biographical sketches" 8th edition 1943 by the Rev. Vla 11'::er Miller Gage, New York Public Library reference A.P.V. plus sign GAGE. This library is located at

5th avenue and 42nd Street 1 NevJ York, N. Y. The numbers preceded by the letter have been assigned to those Gage sons who have been located and established as members Of the John Gage of Ipswich,Mass family since tho Rev.Mr Gage prepared and filed his massive ~ork on the Gage Families in .A.m.eri ca • In a compilation of this character where so many different indiv­ iduals-are listed and to make this an easily understandable record, we have copied an indexing feature from the Rev.Mr. Gage's individual -work. We list by tho Christian name at the hea(l of a that heading,,Ne list the inaividual's number. This is followed by the complete aatc of birth, the year of birth or by no birth record at all depending on tho information knoi."lll. Then if o miaalo name or a mitale initial is known that is shown.

There are sono instances where it has been found to bo more practical to refer to page numbers 2nd in these instances such proEoduro has been followed. llaron A bra ham Albert 4006-2/24/1718 4004-3/8/1708 7324-8 /11T1842 5023-8/3/1749 5018-12/20/1741 7613-5/5/1807 5023-4/7/1776 6067-5/3/1767 7686-12/29/1809-Gollatin 6011- 7386 ?/1:, 118, 3 10164-5/7/1837-N 7354-11/13 /1824-H , -~ _,_J_i ,.i. 1J16 7--5 /9 /1838-P 741"6-10/28/1804 10215-12/30/1842-S 7430-5 /12 /183 3_r;hri ncy 10868-8/15/1845-S 10423-10/17 /1855-WAddison 10869-1/21/1837 73 38-2 /12 /1808 16134-187Jl-J .Abel 7384-12 /4/1798 17301-6/8/1809-Lamson 5014-11/18/1755 7746-1814 17850-E 6058-11/23/1798 10135-5/1/1860-F .A4016-7 /19 /1865 10360-7/24/1836 page 88. Abijah 5052-5/17-1743 .Alden 10813-F Abner 41318-1/18/1923-Dalo 5011-6 /22 /1753 6039- 7313-4/14/1833-D IT'TDEX OF G.AGE SONS -91

1noxnndor i\nson 10327-S 7758-4/28/1825-K Benjamin . 11133-5/17/1874 6005-1/26 /1772 Ki.mbnll .Archie 6077-2/13/ 780 17962-6/10/1908-A 16319-1/3/1876-B 6081-10/2.3 1778 16852- 6085-4/19/ 791 Alfred 614 7- 3/5/ 769 7208-11/24/180? .Ardon 6153-6/4/1766 10019-5/11/1830- A5044-8/27/1912-John 7213-1/12/1809 Francis 72JJ-7/16 /1817 10206-2/8/1860-S Jjrtl'1ur 7258-11/7/1827-F ~ ,.. '9 !· rt,.." ~ 7272-5 /2 7/1844 1042J-12/25/1840 ?j 59-J I ; lb)1.,•-.

charles Charles. Drma 6079-10/23/1790 26125-7124/1903-S A730- 609J-8/$/18J9-F 26623-1/29/1900- 6167 Knowles Danforth 7210-3/1/1804- 26875-2/21/1908- 7765-9/23/1842-F castle?ickncy Henry 7214-10/20/1813-P 27731-11/C/1911-F Doniel 7219-9 /10/1829 2001-1639 7245-11/30/1804-F Charlie JJJJ-3/12/1676 7275-2/16/U339--C 114'Jlh-8/27 /1863 4YJ2-4/22/l 708 7278-7/16/1821 58J9-9/8/1745 7282-7/20/1816 ch,::,stcr Edwin 5012-lp/5/1741 7340-4/9 /1814-P li6CJ-Page 78A 5016-9 /28/1761 7351-3/2/1815 b 4/lC/1894 5:357- 7427-1810 . 6014-1/8/1770 744 7-11/17 11845-H Christonher 6019-9 ;9 /1781 7494-6/16/1809 7387-9 /29 /1£118 6026-1785 7653-C 6033-1/1784 7685-E Clarence 60313 7779-l'J/16/1838-E 10202-2 /21/1845-N 6069-8/30/1776 10033-1/20/184 7-lT 16581-8/213/1884-E 6199-6/4/1802-K 10057- A732- 7Z81-lj/17/1814-T 10100-4/21/1831- 7303- 6/4/1828 .Albert Clr:rkson 7310-8/2/1863 10170-10/26/1844 1818 Page 88 7343-S/17/1827 io230-1864-S 7615-10/7/1821-Buswell 10309-8/8/1847-.::';ugustus c1audies 7794-3/44/1831-T 10446-5/12/1864-H 17961-10/25/1906-C 10476-lJ/14/1893-H 1Jl75-l/10/1840 10731-11/22/1834 Clifford 10217-8/1882-N . 10760-9/6/1838- 17325-7/19/1870-.A 16334-11/26/1866-Willis 1~aynard 16403-1909-N 10808-12/6/184c'J- Clinton 16417- Hen:cy 5057- 16426-8/20/1894-James 10819- 16066-8/28/1874-N Colin DtWid 16135-1873-D A917-8/25/19 53 4017-12/16/1765 16292-11/17/1857-H compbell 581~-8 /9 /1750 16313-12/31/1878 5:>51-1/13/1742 16322-9/10/1884-F ConvGrso 6'J22-4/3 /179 5-B 16412-l-/10/18GJ-A 762 3-c. /18 /HJ 17 6031-9/4/1778 16553-9 /8/1863- 6091-9/8/1795 Henry Cornelius 7270-G/25flD36-K 16563-7/21/1878-B pa go 89-8 /12 /1824 72 7 4-12 /26 /18 09 16646-8/15/1865- Baker 7293-11/10/1810 .Albert 7306-11/3/1830 16046-5/18/1831-F Cvrus 7342-6/JD/1822-A 17302-7 /5/186~:~, , 7615-6/14/1858-Ford 17461 -1/20/loOJ..-ll lOJJl-11/2711850-B 7343-8/17/1827 17601-7 /25 /187:)-H 1J058 7451-2/27/1824 l 7974-1911-StcvonG 180l3-J/28/19Ql-~ 18~15-J/21/1911-E INDEX OF GAGE SONS -93 vovid Ebenezer Edwin 1'01 _,, ~223--4/2/ld>u-L0 6Jg,4-5/24/1774 f.1901-G /3 /1873 '"'4"i:;I .._s.,.-- 1:,283- -6 /12 /1C62- Byington .Atw ood 76 52-3 /5 /lGJJ-S kJ.116-7 /22/1917 27728-G,.?28/1912- Byington .A llen Eddie ~4JJ9-1J/31/1067 A915-2/14/1957- 17582- Piko .i15J1G-3 /lJ /1914- Frnnk Edgar A919.A-5 /31/19 5 5 liiko Warren 16590-S ElbGrt nean 10929-1/13/1867-E 6152-11/19/1764-0 Elbridge . Edvrnrd 7211-3/281,1798-G $J78- 16JJ3-10/15/1864 6189-1J /6 /1819- Franklin Den...11is llmos 6167- 7422-11/lJ/1825 Elijnh 7599-Frjrc , 7581-11/28 /1816 Dennison 7796-1/lJ/1363-F 1J061--.L876- Eliphalet 7383-5 /17 /1796 Chnrles 1J359-1J/5/1832 6J43-l/6 /1799 lJ 1J~-J".!n f-/,,.., ~0 "'/1 ~0J-~ Qi-? E 7311-1/1/1!313 Dexter 10204-5/26/1846-L lJ2JO-lJ/2/1839-B 1081~-4/17/1831-P 1J22J.~2 /7 /1875-C 10325--·S Elliott Don 1J4J7-121,10 /1850 26622 - A402J-3/27 /1881 1J421-12/1J/185J Royal 16293-8/26/1862:E 17312-3/29/1873-B Ellis 3JJJ2-1J/19/1846 D :io ld PEigGS 86-87-818 0 Dnn:i;~ 12/1/1773 17738- .4 515-1/28/1859 .A 713-10 /14 /1914- Elmer Douglas Everett A919A-5/14/195G 16844-2/1J/1G75~dcott Allan .A9'J9-h/29 /1919-A 27732-lJ/S/1912- A 1J94-12t2J/1934E J; lexandor Dustin f)i 1130-1+/~5 /19 57 Ii nt.b.ony J"r i 7462-2 /2,/1864-S Elvin J;4J21 .. Nols orj.. 1J818-1G42-Edson Dwight 11J76- Edwin Eni..mett .A8JJ3-12/19 /194J 7268 .. G/5 /1849-A 10441-D Leonard l'JJ67- 1Q229-l36h-l-i Enoch Ebene§er 1J377-V So86- 4012-9 /17 /17:)3 162Gl-2/G/1G72-Asa 7Lf39-P 5021-1/1/1751 16335-J/~1/1873 5045-6/17/1742 st~:,nton 6076-12 ·,21/177J INDEX OF GAGE SONS -94 Ernest Franklin George 16648-3/27 /1876- 7612-lJ /28 /1DJ5 6J80,-B/l/l 795 Lcslio Frea 6JG8;:;.8/23/1BJ8-W 7247-6/15/1814-W 16851- 16727-8/4/1896 26919- ._ Ecrrison 7279-9/7 /lfJ23 17L<,J-G/2/1G62 7322-18/17/1034-G 27723-4/25/1911--rGcorgo 7339-3 /9 /1812-W A600 1889-Whipplc 175C3- 7357-8/26/1822 All04- l 76JJ-1J/12/1864-W 7367-G /22/1834 Ervin 2 772,l-l/2J /19::.H1-El1ncr 7 446-8 /2 /1844-F 2J9 7Li--7/7 /'J..S96-W 7580-FJ/3:l/1813 27726-12/28/1908- ~ o, ~ 5 /f-· / 1 9, 9 .i.1-;i.!.J.- j ...... J.. ,.1. 7617- John H8rrison 7666-6/26/1804-W 1 .t;1A 1 .i....,,,,.v1.\-lv" ,/C •1--:l 105J- Eugene Hiii·•rison 7688-7/16/1816 10406-12/15/1850-French ... Washington 7761-3/29 /183 2 10435- A5JJ4- lOB73-10/1850- lOOJ4- Morse l0027-H 16310-6/13/1871-C Frederick 10061-1860 Higby 26671-l/24/19Jl~­ 721£5-1::l /25 /1806 _1000>3,2 /6/1845-L Carroll 17 46 o-G /29 /1862- 10123-12/23/1863-M 10133-11/7/1856-H Everett 7423-9/3;1813 10151-10/17/1864 10477-7/15/1896- 7676 1:i /19 /1828 Clark Preston Adams 10162-12/9/1S49 10904-2/12/1839-I 10ll~9-9 /12 /181-i.3-J 10169-11/24/1851-N 1J422-12/2/1853 10201-3/16/1842-N Ezekiel 1::,43 4-2 /2 /1843-Fox 1022 7-1/10 /18 54-R 7308-12/JJ/1844-n 10434-6/12/1869- 10244-3/20/1880- 6050-3/2J/181G-- Hiram Guilford 162GO-l0/10/l874 10282-5/8/1859-W Francis Healey 10306-4/30/1839-F .A 11)2 16312- 9/21/1873 10312, 318/. 1856 16557-4/5/186c Edwin -Willif:lm 10486-N Frank 17319-10/7/1899-Leonard 4047- 45948-5/3011924- 10730-2/22/1831-W 7599- Via 1ia ce 107 40-2 /17/1849-M lJOOJ-10/17/1837 All17-12/31/1920 Abbott l:'.)150-4/10 /1S45 Ji 112l,-9 /8/1931 Fenner l'J811-C 10216-7/12/1853-N . l'J816-3/2/1833-W 10221-7/5/1882-P 1J828-12 /12/1853-W 10284-C , Fr0eman 10867-5/25/1827-F 10741-11/24 )344 l'Jl59-7 /28/1836-D lJ.744-Llcwelly n 16'J'J8-4/25/1868~N 16::>04-Edwin 16283-J Frye 16 562-2/2/1907 16007-10/15/186J-W 6144-2/7/1782 Elliott 16511-9 /29 /181-S 16 59 5-3 t,20 /1891-H 16558-6 /9 /1868 _Gara.rror 16647-3/27/1876- Herman 6166- Albion 17399-9 /13 /1924 Hires 17455-11/14/HW? Gary William 17 456-9 /19 /1889- i;l'JB7-1934-S worren 17599-10 l(J ;1856- S 2 773:,_5 / GOwin /1q~q ?i r;? J {21 /J 1119-B INDEX OF GliGE SONS -95 George Harry 17486-6/2/1868-H 60ll- Hires 17737-LeRmiy 7620-5/15/1G95 1,916-8/11/19 51-Vlolton 26016-2/29 /1904- 1JJ61-1G71 Wollington Vl hi_pple Homer A332-6/7 /185J- .1~07 10328-10/18/1861 Clarence 1 6 ,Cl 1 - 16594-11/17/1895 Al099-Mauri ce 167491-i-6/13/1872 16853-E Ji4D2OF-Reed Stebbins pnge 88 1833 2 7729-2 /25 /1908-E Horace page 88 1190:::J-11/20/1$87 7445-12/7/1851-D If.l'N-J'.'O nqe 10226-3/19/1843-D Gerald A 5~.n1~·1:;av-1in 104 79-1852-Mann 26921-1915 10874- I-IBrvoy 11075- Glenn 7229-5/14/1808 11172- 11600-1910 26916-10 /1/1891 na le Edward Henry

6JJ1-4/7/1766/ . Horatio Grant o0ll- 7669-1/28/1821-Nelson 10061-1868 742G-10/17 /1818-A Sherman l u_~v-.'\'• ~ .(. 12· / /1..:...() 045 Howard 10062 .. 27727-8/4/1910-Joseph 1 ·" ') ~ "' ri 1~5. 1 Guy ..1- v '- .l..), •• I I ;'lS:l:O 7.L- D A9 06-10 /4 /19 JO l J 3 l J-9/l9/l863-W Hosea Elliott 10736-3/2 /1C42-H 6143-3 /22 /1802 All25-4/l 7 /1954 1)823-6/4/1845-F Elliott 1087$- Hugh 16564-2/8/1883- Alll4-4/26/1913 Gwynne Chester Frederick 285'J0-4/7 /1909 17317-4/18/1882- Ballard Neander Ira 179 )-2/14/1912 7207-1/1804 Hamilton Thurston 5:)5 7- 213499- 5/14/19D7 Isaac Crume 5022-2/3/1746 H8rley 6cno-2 /10 /1761 l0121-lq/24/1S51-C 6078-4/5/1788 6083--3/4/1785 Harold 6084-6 /?-5/1789 11164-7 /24/187 4-lJ 6117-3/23/1766 17322-6 /28/1890 7277-6/12/1815-M Frank 7267 9/1/1861: 20920-1913 Herman William 27722-7 /3/1909-James 11166-12/JJ/1892 7273-9/28/1840-H .A7'J3- Tenny 10878- 10434-8/21/1875- Harper Hermon Bradelee l0061-1G71 6199--11/26/1833-K Rogers Isaak Hircim. 5057-8/18/1747 Horrison-J/24 /1798 7256-1/25 /1016 No. 72'J6 7622- 7762-3/2/1834 1Jl65-G/30/1G44-J l]D2h.-12 ,16 /1849 INDEX OF G.AGE SONS

Jabesh Jared 5J57-8/18/174 7 John 7573-1/25 ;1805 lJ00-1604 ry57ri_1 I 1-I /2 I/1834- Jabett Dana 2 J02-9 /2 7/1666 5057 17316-6 /15 /1875 3001-1/1/1677 pace 3003-7 /15/1672 Jabez 4014-9 /13 /1,708 4016-9 /13 /172 3 5017-lJ/23/1735 Jason 5039-5/26/1757 6143-7 / '1- 7/1. ... oC'·O i+I Jack 5046-12 /3 /1744 .A5000-R 5048-12/16/1738 6006-11/1/1774 Jacob 6031+-4/5/1787 7201-12/9/1800-B 6041-C/21/1793-R Jeral/- Phineas 7448-J/l/1819 Bailey 5J21.+-5/17/1758 7644-9/30/1800-C . _ 5056-7/22/1745 7648-1798 Norris 5056 -1779 l(H53-10 /10 /18.34-N 614f5-1772 7616-7 /9 /1823 Myrl \ Norris 16726-2/8/H383- 7323-1/15/1842 Pierce Edward Lancaster 5008-3 /29 /1741 Myron 7276-9 /4/1813 10069-10 /21/1845 10228-8 /2 3 /18 5 7-Vl INDEX DF GA GE SDNS -99 porcius Richard Royal 11)5-11/9/1874-S 10311-7/16/1852-Ji 6165-2/15/1791 10430-8/24/ 1~57- l.J910-W Putnam -lrthur 742l-l/26 /1821- 10876- Rupert . Farnum 1632J-2/3/1881-Pierct7736-12/28.1893 26922-5/5/1895-C ' Ralph 41329-9/22/1817- sam 10218 Keith 7584-9/10/1824 16137-M A907-5/15/1933-.Albert Addison 16254-8/12/1880-H 1, l'J97- .A600--1897 Ji 1106 Samue'],. .A 1101 RalphDana A1127-hlbcrt 2000-1638 .A4020-E Dana L 1063-5/26/1900 300~-5/9 /1680 North 4007-2/12/1720 page 88 1/5/1876 1;9003-12;29 /196J-=tea.5oJ5-10/2/1749 Price 6041- RobGrt 614!il-ll/17/1773 6066-5/2411764 6151-2/1781 7436- 5/4 /1829-W 6154-2 /3 /1768 Ransola 7667-1/7 /1806-F 6164-10 /24/1787 7582-10 /2 /1804 16138,~P 7209-7 /25/H!~ Wa~son 16282-Cadvrnll 7275-9/6/1811 27208-6/19/1914-C 7449-2/24/1821-B Ransom J1J62 7618- 16422-9/~5/1862-S /. 4J2 JG-Gord on 7647-11/21/1814-A 26918- .l\9 JJl-2 /5/19J2 10021-1832-Kimball Linn 10817-5/1/1837~ Ray 174 74-7/13/1866 16413-3/JJ/18[;4 Roger Edson Willard 10166-2/19/1851-S page 88 10/2/1850 p 163ll~-7/26/1883 Raymond Seth page 89 H 12 /8 /;G9 7 Roland 7301-5/23/1818 page 89 8/31/18D9- 11070-1832 10205-4/2/1857-N Hillard 11171- Sidney Ronald 7280-10/14/1826-R i;91J-9 /27 /1932 1016 0-1/1/1843-B Ren&se:t.awr.:- Thomas 10927-11/25/1853 7745-1804 JJ.JOl-11/2/1939 16300--B Hem:y 173,2 3--6 /2~,/189 4 Richard - George 4017-1/12/1726 Ronnie 5057-1.775 A401J- Silas 5057- .. 7425-12/26/1818Pratt 5058 -8 /18 /1752 Roscoe 5063-9 /16-1759 7362-9 /2 /1839-W Simeon 6009-11/2£3 /1758 6150 6018-12/11/1776 Roswell 60~5-6/25/1784 108J9-3/28/1829R Simon 7259-8/13/1831 6775 7273-1810 -- Roy 7421-12 /~7 /1822 b5042-4/17/1901 Q 10063- 12;8/185.l~J Il\IDEX OF GAGE 80t1S -100 Smith page 89 Taylor Va. le do 110 73-.A lOL1-87-12 /13 /1864 Solomon 5050-2/J/1739 6082- 11/23/1782. Te :1.nosr Volancort 6149 619L.-2/29 /1808-K 10883-5/29/1828 7424-8 /17 /1G16 T ddeus ,ti ctor I"",-. ~ r'1 J '1 r-1 .,, N,... ' Snicor )._1,.; 1-,+ /J. ( j.:.. /-:>Ll- 7674-9 /14 11859 13124-lJ/21/1865-t; 10:1:.Jh-8/l ,.,1858-C 17311-12/~6/1882-R Stanley 17313- l/12/1D77-K 3JD O4-4 /21 /i9 l.; 5 Robert;son St,. nton 774~-- Stephen 4009-1728 5036- 2/15/1751 6044--1/24/1801-T 605 7-8 /4/1792 6087-1803 6106-1783 611+6-7 /26 /1768 7321-3/7 /1831-T 7417-5/8/18::>6 7443-1840-P 10245 7/12/1886 No~".'ris 1:1424-H page · · 8£< 1825-F Warren Stevpn 7356-J/17/1816 All32-11;2/1955- Thomss Vlillsrd 7757-7/1/1821 Sukey(girl)? 10222-6/13/1850-A ;27 10224-12/7/1860-E 7385-G /1G28 Timot'.""1.lf Sydney 50l9-:}./30 /17 49 Vii lliam 7363-12 /11 /l8Lf 3- /.,,015-9 /25/1711 payson Tom 5006-11/24/1748 page 88-1820 41320-7 /10/1919-Vl 5042-8/19/1735 5055-3/19-1750 Sylvester Ul~.r::ses 5056--1799 104l,.J-Grant 5;)64-2/22/1762 100~9- 6004-3/2/1771 Uria.i.1 6 0:.21-.3/21/1 791-H 5061-4/29 /1755 6055-2/20/1783-R 5:)57-181(.} INDEX OF G.AGE SONS -101 William rTilliam 61591/31/1785 William 6161-10 L6 /1776 7687-5 /29 /1814 16136-0 6167-17·16 7776-5/16/1843-T 16295-6/15/1870-B 7777-7/12/1832-L 16416 6186-3/2~/1790 10020-1831 7244-1/8'18-03 Hathorn 175$5- 7307-5/5/18}7-W 17964-8/$/1915-H 7352-12/30/1818- 10060-Henry 26017-3/15/19D6-L V!ashiw•.ton 10126-6/27/1845-H Al97-1805(Page 26) 73 58-9 /29 /1823-B 10231-C A6oo 1887 Columbus 7365-2/27/1820-L 10307-1/lij/1842 .A 702- Clag .ett A712-lO /ll/1912- 7406-M 10309-5/31/1864 7409-10/10/182~~u Raymond A903-2/21/1908-Celeb 7419-4/15/1817-d 1J3~~~~~fi~/f845-L 7429-ll/1824P 1+923-10/19 /1959 10376-:c deLoremeler 7591-2/9 /1811 10807-12/30/1846 7619- Ji.1095- 7665-2/12/1807 Harrison A4005-D 10903-4/30/1832 .A4 012-9 /17 /1859-.Arden 7668-5/23 t,1815-H 10913- 7674-4/20/1817-P A5013-3/3/1893-Frank 11072-2/23/1842-H .A 5032- 11134-18/24/1872- Page 88-Ellsworth Henry P2ge 88 11/10/1822-F page 78.A 5/19/1923 Charles Y!illie l\5009- Wi nfi eld 104 78-8 /17 /181+ 10478-8}17/1847-S Wilson 7310-5/21/1825-S V'lright 6143-3/7 /1791 Zebulon page 86 8/28/1806 Pike INDEX OF GAGE DAUGHTERS -102 This has been prepared in the same manner as that of the Gage sons.The only exception is that where they have a lettered nwnberassigne& to then, they are not listed under that number unless they have married into the Gage family and have children bearing the Gage name in VJhmch case, the Gage daught,·:rf s num.bcr becomes the family number. There are a fevv inste 11ces where Gage daughters have m-::i:rried into other ! families and in this ccse, the Gage daughter's nwnber in·this index is the famil.y number to v~hich the daughter belongs. Abbie A6 nes .A 5000- Amanda 614 7-3 /12 7352-10/5/1858-F .A SC) :)J.- page 89-1858-Irene 1799 Abby .Amelia 60 36-8 /31/182 L~-C J.1 lice 7416 6085-2 ;,4/1839 5010-11/15/1788 6199-8/8/1827-G 7214- .Angeline 7.30 3-2 /27 /1868-L .Abiah 6058-1/6/1828 7'340- . Matilda 6035- 8/6/18,(jO 7352-10/15/1854- .Au.gusta Abigail Ann 7362-2 ,4 /1868-tray 6014 2001-10 /4/1687 7592-5 /1/1859-IJay 6036-1/24/1832-M 3000-3/13/1724 7746-Jane 6060-5/10/1828-L 3002-5/24/1716 10155-1/23/1859E 6085-1827-Augusta 4002-6/29/1748 10221-11/J0/1912-L 4014-12 /24/17 40 10226-5/9/1864-R 6140-5/1/1817-M 5004-9 17 /176-2 10810-5/23/1862-B .Anna 5007-9 /6/1785 11074- 4004-4/,5/1741 ;010-11/1.3/1785 16136- 5000-4/5/1760 5047-8/20/1764 16844-8 /5 /1906 5003-9 /8/1786 5065-4/12/1'.312 Nora 5022-3/12/1798 6008-9 /29 /181.3 17846- 5024-7/7/1788 6050- 3/16/182h 5044-6/28/1784 6055-6 /20 /1822 .Allie A4016-Bee 6056-3 /21/1818 10878 5065-.A 6148.;.12/10/1814 6001-12 /131,1801 J.~lm.ira 60014-12/27/1806 .A chsa 5063-6/10/1810 Currier 6050-5/7/1804 60L:.0- 6022-9 /23 /182 7-Mard.a 6Dl:-4- 6069-8/29/1800 Ada 6193- 6154-12/20/1808-C 76 74-3/14/1861 7 66 3-7 /29 /1834 6165-5 /16 /182 7 7269-1/3;1859-Belle .Addie .Almyra 7747- 6011-3/24/1806 Alsena 7580-10/5/1839-G .Adelia .Ali-018 •Zuo .Adeline 7293- INDEX OF G~~ GE DAUGHTERS -103

.Anna Borri..i ce 7354-3/19/1850-J Caroline .A4010-9 /22 /1908 60:5)-3 /lJ/1810 10317-8/24/1887- Irene Elizabeth 6057-1/5 /1821 6083-8/20/1830-.A 10359-2/17/1857 Bertha 1O872-Yaude 6089-11/25 /1825 11071-6/19 /1869 7313-5/7/1870-L 6140-1/11/1815 Lee 10229-6/22/1903-M 7256-9/7 /1848 101,22-10 /20 /1883- 7339-5/19/1852-E tturiel 742 J-9 /5 /1859-Eli za 11.D?h.- 10875-11 .Annah pagG G9-!.B65-C 2023 12/18/1731 · (see pages 84,85 Bsssie Carrie 7356-3/11/1857-M .Anne 7321-7 /5/1878-S 7361-8/3/1863-.A 741G-4 /26 /136 5 7430-2/26/1861-E 4012-3/11/1733 Moo:r 10061 -18q2-Francos 7776- 10780-1/2 · 1929 Catherine Elizabeth, ' 7447-1/4/1-(§39 202,-pages 84-85-86 Lovisia 5044-7/16/1788 10310-5 _/14/1€377-!vT 7309-1846 .Annie 17846- 607 7-9 /1/1803- ..44)05-E .Adams Colla 729 4-7 /29 /1843-I 6082-8/1/1832-E Botsoy 7208-J/30/184.2- 4016-,2 /G /1759 Chsrlotto Elizabeth 5001-7/23/1762 7254- 2/18/1850-B 5039-7/23/1799 7352-9/27/1856-S 5019-11/1773 5049-8/11/1788 S025-2/27 /1789 5066-6 !,18 /1806 7355-9/29 /1856 5:l52-5/21/1778 page 88--- 6115-8/1788 5053-1/131,179 3 lql49-2/22/1873 5054-5/29 /1788 .Arabella 5066-3/7/1793-K 7648- Cheryl 6022-2/19 /1832-E A4J20B- 2/28/1953- 6:)69 -.3/22/1801 .Ann .Arlie 6081-11/28;1820-R .A4005-E 6115-1/27 /i 783 Ch::stina 614 7- G/21/1794- 6042-2/6 ;1836 .Arvilla rioore 7449-1849-F 1 6 1£59-u· "'/1 _t:./ ''· ln1o __ o-n Cicely Cinn 10282- 9/8/1892-Eva .Ascenath .Al97-linn 6057-8/25/1834 Clora ca lcnda 7342- .Atlanta 6056-6/l/1G29 6163-10 /22 /1810-\'l 7392-1845 7408-2/8/1860-Etta calosta .Auntie Jewell 10223-4/1/1893 page 89 1JS75 104 78-8 !,5/1872 10741-4/~7/1881 Caro lino Beatrice 5 J22-6 /3 /179 3 161·)6- 7675-1/13 /1856t 6 ;J42-6 /12 /1832 Lelola Page 88 1022C-4/21/1G92-A Il\.1DEX OF G.AGE DAUGHTERS -104 ciarissa 5052-8/8/1787 Dora Eliza 10175-ll/J/187J-J 1681+6-12/8/1915 6069-G /16 /1804 Maude 6142-12/24/1830 Claudia · 6148-4 ;.23/HJ07 17398-~J/15/1953 Dorcas 759J-8/rJ/1840-J .Ann 3002-11/18/1712 7685-Jane h805-l/3/l 749 1JG75-L . Comfort 5013-5~/l 782 pago 88 4/11/1854 521+9-l 1/29 11779 5051-5,/1/1777 I !' 6 6149- 6lhli.-11;9 1800 Elizabeth s,:.;a 11 2JOJ-3 /12 /16 75 Constantia 2J23-3/30/1726 7417-li (Seo pages 84-85-86) JJJJ-10/21/1696 Cora 4003-12/22/1743 16846-9 /20 /1917 Dorothy 4Jl0-7 /1/172. 3 Edna 3002-1/27/1710 4Jll-G/2 /1739 102~3-1/17/1906 4012-4/4/1736 Gorinda 10~2h- 4013-10/13/1755 16292 10422-6 /18 /1887 4J15-3 /29 /1741 Couthoy 5 J 03-C/21/1782 D, iS(y 1613 7- 5Xl4-9/19 /1777 .A4005-P l 732L,-6 ll/1894 5JJ9-1780 A 7'):;- 5010-2/16/1782 Deborah PGgc7~ C,:rclj_oc-]l 5 'J22-2 /3 /1782 4003-5/8/1753 Ebbs 5JL11+-3/24/1773 4015-5/19 /1739 7688-Janc 5JL}G-9 /21/1761 5014-11/21/179 5 506 3-6/10 /1805-K 50 52-11/2 7/17 79 Edith 6JJ5-6 /29 /1821 50 54-10 /29 /177 7 1Jl66-1/22 J1894 6JJ6- 6167- 10227- 12/29/1086 60J8-2/12/V309 1.907- 1J309-8/6/190G- 6 J26-9 /11/1_[312 Barbora 60 36-l'J /22/1822 Delilah 10872-Lincoln 6J3 7-11 . 6002-6 /8 /179 5 1629 3-8/10 /1897-W 6038-1823 6JG1-3 /4/HJOfJ Della Edna 5083-4/1812 10742 .A600-1901 6JG5-2 / 4/1BD9 10069- 6090-2/24/1832-J Denise . 10325 6143-1/2 /179 3 .A910-9 /18/1958 PBlina Eleanor 6193-3/2/1845 ~ ~·' .-6193- 7255-11/29 /1855 Dilly '16134-1901 7276-5/31/1859-J 5003- ' raude 7277-3 /19 /1839 1672 7-2 /2J/19JO l'J06G-1868 Dolly ,, l TJ09-7/l/19'J4 L'.) 731-9 /19 /1861 16066-8 /26/1906 5052-6 /19 /1770 Elqctn 5053-5/3/l77C Cutter 6l89-3/4/1G36 .Anne 6082-4/8/1812- _f 17399-8/27/1955 Chrse pae;o 8G 1828 6082-2 /25 /181:) page 86 11/14/1814 7423-5/31/1854 M 7424- INDEX OF GAGE DAUGHTERS ... 105

Ella Fanny 5J57- C.1C)0 7 ·'9/ r}2() 5J23 lJ/25/1795 o .... :; o- I - lv ~)1- 5J53-4/15/1784 Gt::;rdnor 6 J.63-lJ /12/1812-Maria 7355-5/23/1852-J 1015J-2/27/l 7C4 7424- 1-itkinson 7599-F 10809-2/26/1851-R Flor3 10061-1855-Katc 7312-12/5/1849-T A4:)12-B lJ:223-2/1895-E page 89 1Gl~8---Ui·sulc Flo1~onco Ellen lJ'.)68-1378-I 6J58-Isobol 7,C::,5<11_ 6198-7 /9 /1829-G 4/1913-I 7356-5 /6/lC/+6-I 16C46-12 /~ 7359-5 /12 /1G6?-I 758J-5 /31/H144-}t 7644-3/5/1837- variO 7685- 10166-4/29/1081-D 17965-lJ/113/1947 1Jf0O).;6 lilJ27-I017 /1857 Ellie AlJ27-lJ/7/lG57 Etl':ol, Elvc: 7)21-3 /6 /1877-F A 7JJ7 rl- /r) lQ l fj, J:-, -u IC)/ jl./U n..-,96( { ..,_~1 ? .'10,,-.,o- '"\O F Eilo6n 17h60-1J /6 /183G-L Elvire Ette 6J25-7/ll/1Gl9 7450-lJ/13/1074-S Emeline CtDil l0828-2/22/lG99 i, 7JJ-1937 Emily · C-on0•1iovo 6::nl-3/14/1815 76 75-3 /24/1857-i\ 6050-6/14/1802 6140-10 /22 /l8J2 Goorganne 619 3-4/ll+/14541 l 7 399-3 /38 /1968 7226- 7~29-lJ /6 /18 51-"1 Goo:..... gio 73iq-2/24/1G68 7272-5/13/1849-A lJ'.227-· 2; 2J/1879-M Index of Gage Daughters -106 Helen Ida Georgianna 7254-9 /5/1853-P 7212-11/22 /1849 7267-1/16 /1848 7·36 5-D Cornelia 7590-7/5/1842 7685- 7268-11/8/1851 7615-10/6/1855 7687-3/16/1851- 7409-7/30/1875-A Johnson ~/iaria 16595-1/17/1922- 7746- Ina Louise 7689-May Harriet 10061-1859-Tenny G-ertrude 6001-1/27/1808 .A600-1906-I lena 7430-7 /28/1868-Ji11nE601t1 16558- 6JS6-3 /4/1820-R Inez page 88 6177-5/lJ- 10480 6082-J.b /11 /1808-U Gladys 6090-2/j/1~20 Irena 10227-3/13/1884 7227- 10166-5/1/1892-0 10330-4/29/1892-E 7428-1/11/1869 17325-3/25/1894 Newell Irene 1749 3-11/16 /189 3-~4 7590-6 /26 /18·35-E 6060-10/16/1824-B 7614-6 /2 /L84i3- Goldie Eliza Janie 10828-.3/1/19)3-M 10434-12 /lD /1879- A 7007-7/5 /1942 Eli zsbet.h Yarie

Grace .. 1n828-1/211·.., I I • 80,.,. 7_0..""" 10159-3 /26/1863-E 16008:-11_/25 /J.899-M Jeanette page 29 7229-3/31/1859 Hannah page 89-1862-L Page 89 1850-B 4000- 4004-9/11/1744 Helen Jeanet 4006-11/10/174 7 6165-10/3/1832-C page 87 4009-5/5/1753 7214- 4012-1 /31/1730 7268-10 /13 /184 7-S Jemima 4014-10/22/1749 7269-9 /28/1851-F 3000-12/2/1711 4016-lJ /22/17 49 7594-8/15/1879-L 5000-14/7 /l 769 759L~-8/15 /1879-L Jennett 5014-4 ,26 /178 7 7 7Lt6-J psge $7 5019-4/4/1771 7777-5/12/1858 5022-7/17/1777 10069- Jennie 5023-3/24/1774 110 72--Jannette 5054-6/2/1792 5039-7 /21/1792 16137- 5040-12 /21 /1754 16725-8/11/1917-C 5044-12/111779 17311-Victoria 5J5 3-10/21,/1778 I 5061-8 /14/179 7 H~n:riett 'lU 6008-4/24/l$ll-E 6a58 Sj'.16/1837- 6039-2/237\8~9-J "T)hilena Jessie i 6087-1838.;.'p 28499-10 /2 /19 36 10164-8 /19 Z18 77A 6115-8 /1796 , June 10741-1/24)1892-E 614 7-10/2~./18J9 ..4'4010-6 17 /1912

Jolj..t\s on f Joanna 6154-2/24}1798-0 Henryetta 4-:>lJ-6/t;J~/1744 6168-11/2<);/,:l.J.!36 '" 7614-6 /2 /1848 4014-3/12/1749 6168-8/30/1828 6005-3/4/1~05 6189-8/J0/1824-1{ INDEX OF GAGE DAUGHT'TERS -107 Josephine Lati tia Louisa 7276-3/i4/1850-H 6078 7279-10/28/1850 5066-9 /8/179$ 6035-4/29 ,1832 7448- Laur0 26622-8/4/1924 6089 4/14/1829-F 6041- 6198-10/18/1833-C 6057-1/31/1827- 7358-7/16/1848-D Juanita .4nn 17736- 6162-7 /22/1805 Louise 7616-12/J/1826-E .A6D0-1914-Julia Judi:bh 26916-5 /1/1919 5006-1/5/1775 Jean 5:)08- . Lovisia .1.~L)~6 6088-1/19/1849-J L& '.T ::_ ,r:18 Julia 60J0•-·12 /12 /179 7 Lucelia 5061-7 /15 /1794 6)04-12 /27 /1806 61S5-5 /25 /1813 744 7-4/2 3/1891-Eva 1raria Lena Lucinda 6005-9 /17 /181~- 10226-9 /8 i18 78 6015-4/9 /1809 1:aria 3 602J- Lect 607C- 7272-ll/7 /1840 Leona ~~i1:J1r~~t~6~:¾ 1033~ 2/26/1897-G 7392-W Lucy 7592-11/27/1846-E Ltliien 6067-10/5/1806 7621-4/30 /1844-P 1081?,-. 5 /9 /FJ69 6090-3/31/1822-A 7663-11/3/1837- P. 22 .AnnG 5JL1.···3/2 /l.9 7267-6/11/1858-Kimball Maxine 7277-2/14/1844-Ann 7685-E 7383-1/30/1835-P 7685- Linda 7570-10/22/1837-B 7745-1845 10307-8/18/1873- 7594-2 /16 /1881-Emma June May 7621-4/18/1841-.A 10033-7/22/1872-C 17846-Elizabeth Lizzie 10226-3/7/1874 A730- . 7258-7 /2:J/1855-E 10434-12/26/1877-Helen 7450-10/31/1848 10743- I{aren · A919.A-2/~5 /1962-L Lodenia Luella 6041 Ka theri nE} · 10061-1854-Mary .A900-4;2a;1917 Loj.s Lulu .Agnes 6J5G-2/25/1817 1016J- A 1063-4/t/1$9 5 .A 4006- . . . Lora Lydia 6L5 1,-l/2/1810 2:'.JDl-1/30/1681.ti Kathleen · · J'J00-5/24/1705 A911-9 /17 /19;4 7 Lor·inda 4)00-10/3/1725 6147-3/12/1799 Kathryn 4002-12/5/1760 5001-12/3/1766 289 74-.Ann Torrie 5024-9 /15 /1782 ' 1~201-2/13/1879-6J73-5/2/1825 Keziah ·. · . Viola 72Jl 5D51-5/l/178G· 2 - . ~-----· - 10360-11/16/186 7618-3/12/1832-L Kitty Evelyn 7687-5/28/HJ57-Mary 7280-6/24/1853-b INDEX OF GAGE DAUGHTERS 108 Mabel -Chandler 7255-7 /28/1858 Marian Mary 6038-18J}.0 - _.,_• 6038-1808 4Jl2-11/~}; ,/1746 :r7,ii21-12/14/1875-T 7310-9 /2/1871-H 5JJ3-l/3,I778 7%6- 5/19/1868-C 7312-10/15/1847 5004-2 /24/1759 10069- 7416- 5JJ7-6 /12/1779 10307-8/5/1880 7416-8/2/1837 5J22-9/20/l 775 A6J0-1892 7417- 5J23-9/17/1789 Armetha 7601-3 /14/1889- Putnam .A4009-10 /2 /1888 1·ansUE 'I\I.ay n7ouC:.- 5J24-9 /21/1798 L { 7 5044-7/21/1777 A5011-8/31/1916 10223-8/22/1897-E 60J0- Elva iJ42J-l/lJ/1881 6JJ3-9 /5 /18J9 Madella 6J2J-.A MDric nna 5025-6/1/1817 72 58-4/20 /1859-J A729- 6J35-4/25/1839-E 6034-6 /22 /1823-E Madge Morion 6038-1823 10227-10/10 /1877 6018-8 /11/1822-Nf 6J39-2/21/1822-D 6J5J-8/13/1827-A 1~aggie 6J76-parker 10478-4/18/1882-M 6J76-Jane i.ll'ancrvia 6032-12 /9 /1809 6J83-4/1826-Putnam 5J53- 6JG7-1842-.Ann 1-·c.1rtlla 6089-6/24/1817-AB Marg1:1rot ~ ~,'"\,,_4 ,'7 11 7 '1 3 ..,,,;i..., V\..- . I I.._, 6139-5 /15 /1798 ! •, r·,) 7' /1 ~ /'.L., '/",.;; j::) 1Jl21-Vivien '+'-'v;..,• · I J... _,u 6142-8/26/1820 16412-8/26/19J3-E 5023-5/18/1791 6144-1/15/1825 16844-2/11/1903 6 00/3-7/15 /182 3 6147-3/28/1818 May 6J22-9 /30/H349- 6160- 17600-12/19/1892 Ella 6163-2/5/1819-Jane page 86 6034-3/13/1820-C 6168-1/17/18J8 6038-1827 6194-10/2/1838-A Margarette 6:JG2-7/13/1G26- 7200-8/13/1838-Ann 7272-11/1/1838 Jane 7226 7229-4/1855 7227 yarguerite 72 5 5- 7/113 /1846 7254-5/8/1856-Henrietta 10309-Eleanor 73 9 2--1849'-Curti s 7267-12/28/1849-M 7SG0~5/7/1849-G 7272-3/7/1833-Elizabeth 1J20}_ .. 7 /13/1875 7292-6/27 /1851 Maria .A,.·...:.»4j.__,l.:;OJ" ' /rJ:./~9"'4 7313-1/13/1858-J 6139-6 /28 /1811 EA 5"'"'~i.l,..'J·- 7339-2/14/1848-B 6162-5/16/:t-809 page 3d 1816 73 59-6 /9 /V360 722 7 • I nage C8 736 7-3/19 /1875 7588-5 /2 /1~4 7-F pa~o 85-11/29/1729 7428-1/15/1865-Lizzie 1Q061-1864;.. 7430-7/28/1870-Jano Sophronia 11~ory 7576-9/6/1835 page 88 lOJ0- 7578-10/6/1838-L pago 86-184-6 2001-2 /1/1681 7617-Elizab·eth page 86-H '. ?0:::3-3 /12/169 7 7644-8/31/1832-L JOJ:)-G /31/1722 JO:Jl-11/6/1707 )X)2-1719 4;:;02-12/27/1756 4J04-1Q/2J/1738 · R? ~ ~ '? 2 (J ?' 5 Mary INDEX OF GAGE DAUGHTERS 109 Al0~7-S/5/1868-.Agnes 'Mercy Naomi 7663-11/3/1829-E I./J04-6/12/l 743 2J04-9/2/1672Pages 83, 7685- 5002-2/3 /1768 and 84 7745-1/72 /1838-M 3000-3/25/1714 7747- 1~ildred 5J23-1J /28 /1780 7781-6 ,15 /1896 A 1063-7/3 /1889 7793-16/1/1886-A 10 32 7-Estella Nellie 7794-M 17324-7;15/1896 72 79-6 /3 J /18 59-J" 10001-1/6/1863- 17492-2 /22/1893 7599- Elizabcth 1JG76- 10329-11/29/1901 1,,rinorva Hovoy .75Gl-7 /15 /1G45 Nettie 10434-1J/22/1C83- 7254-4/21/1858-A Francos 17 in;:1i o 7417 10731-11/30/1874-R __i v_~,16~-()/2711873-F .,/ _, I 10732- 1J359-5 /3/H359-.A Nina 16422-5/l/1,B7:Jo pcge 88 .A401G-4 /20 7.19 08 l 7T314- 8/6/19'Jo- Myrtle Cornoli0 1111Jr3 nda 1J31J-l/18/1880-Bollo page_ 84 ~163-1/22/1824 pages 84-85-2 /11/1721~ Nora page 88-Harrict "t>Tirtio 7674-1/25/1858 A901-6/27/1921 Ellen 7313·-5/7 /1G7J-E imtilda Norene 5066-11/3/1795 17325-7/8/1897 1vray Olive l0226-4/2G/1c69 4JJ6 1/2 J /1766 page ou('}:-!- 1')11u +-.t!; ""' 4015-4/26/1755 5016-4/12/1794 Mehitable Murna 5 )53-9 /24/1801 3000 12 /29 /169G 16422-1/5/1906 6J5'J-3/9 /18::>6-E 3004-1/6 /1721 Lane 7294-9/3/1841-F 4000-8 /22 /17 ~2 7J4J 4006- 9/9/1766 Myre 4016- 9/l'J/1756 7763-2/6/1883-L Ollie 4018-12/15 /1768 lJ73~-8/lJ/lG71-Danci.AlJ27-3/lJ/1876-Zoe 50:n- 10/4/1768 16422-ll/16/1885M 5007-11/21/1788 My,,,t le 5014-2/5/1 7~9 17325-7 /G/1897 orietta 5025-12 /4/1~94 17~;1 3- 72 76-1/1/184 7-F 5049-2/11,/i 7~J 60ll-4/2/l 7r:!J6 brphana 6035-4/lj/1835 6186 6160-2/6 /1796 6186- ... pameli& 6148- 1'11'elinda 735:) pationco 4004-7/13/1737 Melissa 7746-'M Patricia 119 J3- 7/9 /19 38,"'.'.l!!llcn l'l'elvina 614 7-11/30 /1815 Potty 5001-12/23/l 764 I 1'IDEX OF GAGE D.AUGHTERS 110 pauline 10163-9 /24/1891 Rachel Sally 5003-12/9 /17 79 5024 -7 /11/1784 pearl 5025-4/23/1797 A6 0 0-18 96-.A ng e li a Rebecca 5053-3/19/1781 4000-6/30/1735 6000-1/8 /179 5 peggy 4002-6/12/1737 6078-,Jane .A4010-5 /16 /1907- 4001+-7/4/1740 6081-1811 Blanche c;ooo-J /22/1758 6143 8/6/1794 5001-7/26 /1772 perces 5022-5/14/1785 614 7-12 /21/1792 6001-2/23/1796 5)40-11/14/1756 6163-9 /24/1807 Plc1 ce soi:;2-~/18/1 782 Phebe 50 §3-- 3/2 0;i 79 5 4004-2/17 /1752 6057-7/24/1829-E Sarah 4013-10/13/171+1 6069•-7/14/1798 .A19 7-J 4016-4 /12 /1761 7254-5/2/1848-P 2001-1/4 /1687 5039-11/26/1789 7392-183 7-A nne J00J-2/19/1709 504 7-12/15/1779 3003-6/11/1695 6021-9/23/1822-P Rhoda 3004-2/4/1733 6140-8/18/180:) 5007-7/8/1793 4001-11/9 /1737 7616-11/20/1832-J 4003-8/20/1748 Rhuma 4)06-8/18/1764 Philemia 6189 .. 1 I/23 , /1823 4010-1/29/1726 6005-9 /2/1800 4010-12/27 /1730 Rot:n 4012-7 /4{1731 Philinda P.9 l9J- 7/20 /19 56 4013-1/3./1751 5053 Leslie 5000-3/29/1764 5003- 3/22/1776 Polly Rosamon·a. 5004- 1/1/1761 5007-12/J0/1804 7645-1831-L 50,14-1/20 /1781 5010-4/8/1795 10817- 5016-6/25/1789 5011- 5023-5/18/1787 5022-9 /20 / 1775 Rose 504 7-4/27/1769 5053-2/21/i775 6143-5/4/1800 5054-5/30/1784 5054-4/22/1786 6003-1811 6021-8/1/1838--R Ruby 6004-5/11/1809- 6115-11/13/1779 5061-12/22/1800 .Adeline 6160-11/25/179 7 6005-2/24/1807 6168-1/17/1808 Ruth 6015-6/28/1812 JOOl-4/3/1714 6023-Cook Portia 4J'J?. 6/26/1743 6039-4/23/18--H 1 O736-2 /6 /18 82 50Cle-3/13/1765 6077-8/31/1816-H 28501-12/15/1943- 501L·· 5 /2 /179 5 6083-1815...A nn Louise 502;:, .. 10/30/1799 6090-6/28/1818 6:J3S· ,1820 6139-1/2/1810 Priscilla 60l+l}•- 61L~2-12 ·,11/1827 4012-8 /19 11734 6090~6 /9 /1826--.A 6144-2/26/1829-Jane 5044-11/12/1772 6150- 6160-4/15/1799 Sadie 6168-2/4/1822-Jane A4805-M 7209-1835...A nn prudence 30:)3-5/24/1715 rimEX OF GAGE DAUGHTERS 111 Sarah Susanna 7257-10/11/1849-P 4005-1/1/1747 7278-10/23/1850-F 5018-6/21/1769 7339-11/JJ /1854 5025-7 /3 /1807 7407-11 /29 /1838- A nn Susannah 7576- 3000-1/8/1711 7590-5 /2/1834-.A 4J04-l/20 /175 5 7745-1839 5044-3 /19 /1782 10163-12/19 /1884 5057-11/21/1785 10224-1895 6039-11/28/1816 page 88 1825 7365 pages 84,85,86 12/25/1727 3 us a A910-J/12/1945 17309-4/12/1909 Selphronia 6076 Sybil 10220,-3 /15 /1821-S Sheila A714-Ann Tl1,,.:111J.r.ful '72~, 3~12 /15 /18.38-H Sintha 6140-6 /28 /18 l 9 1JTsu1a I'Jge 89 Sophia 5066-9 /30 /!.804 Vora 6001-4/5/1803 10309-1916 6143-12/4/178/ Frances Sophronia Virginia 6021-1/21/1815-S 6036.,,8/17 /1833 6087-1839 11165nl/30/1913 17965-~5 /~19 /19 55 Sophy · Irene 5053-5/20/;L 799 26922-3/4/1920 Wealthy 10875-E Susan .A910 Marie ; 6/18 /19 5 7 5011- . 6008-4/10/l.826-VT 6038-1815-B z.aratha 7256-4/14/1844 .A4012-11/4/1889 6150- 7618-8/2/la33-P Zelinda 7623-12/13/1847-E 5061-8/15 /1791 7685- ; l0033-12il8/1869-A Zenobia 1030!1 2/4/1860 ~8J03-2/2/1961-Danite .Ardell · page 86 10/l~/1804 INDEX OF OTHER Pl:RSONS -112 The numbers which follow these names are family reference numbers where these names a~pear.

There are some instances wl1ore it has been found to be more practical to refe~ to page numbers and in these instances such procedu-t:3hss be:,en follor.ved •

.Abbott, .Anna 4005 .Austin,Ethelyn Maude 11140 Caroline 7420 Ruth 7313 Hannah(Bailey) 7L~2o .Averill, Dorothy 6067 Mary 6008 Ayor,Abigail 6003 William 7420 Edwin p 6005 .Ackerman, George H810159 .Ackerson,HenriottaBeatrice .A1026 .Adams, Cyrus A 7644 Bachman,John F l:6292 Sarah 61J!+ Backer; Edward page 88 .Adie,· John page 8 3 Bailey, Eliza beth 7592 Alden;Rosamond 7618 Garbet 5)25 Allen, Ethel 11164 Hannah 7760 Galen 727'7 1•5.a M 7601 John 5:;r: 3 Jo~the::· S 6015 John psv•·" 86 urif-lh 5061 Marie Lc-\:.Lj_;:;;a 10816 '.Bc.U."""'d:. ~:"ane 6076 Mary· 1 7353 }?dks:r: Leila (McGuire} A903 .Allipin; CJls,_, ~; •. //f1.S ·tvJargaret Helen .A-903 Allison,Emc,:rf:0r.:. G '/42.3 ~i:-atilda AddlBide 7214 .,, • ~ ,. r:: lj .Amadon, G-00:gr, v1 1.0:;.,,, .':?.oy A-903 Katherine l65S? J:-:a.:i_a~,vi.n,Page 89 Marth:~ {I::;::. ~1.g'c on) l.6 55? -!~.'.n.:1. > /; ls ena Fi deli a 75 79 8 .Anders on, ~ B:_) 111li O Mae ? ge ?::5il l'.?.u:;:;h, 1732 5

Charles 6:)83 '::36::.:U.:lrd 1 Mury Clara 10736 Chester· I.00 page 78.l'. Burker,· Beajamin 3000 Jessie P: 1,1526, 1;4010 Daniel 4]03 Jane 5054 Frar1cos Dana 7576 John¥ 5063 John 3003 Nancy ,6055 Samuel 2001 Orson Bryner page 78.A Sarah Hood 7339 Orson Lamar page, ?AA Barnes; Julia 10167 .Andrews, Jane 50 54 · Ba::::r.on, .Aybyl 6089 Mar· il;Hl:;Ei 7793 .. 53:rtlctt, libncr R 6139 .Angier, t'.f8Cl1).P. B 10876 :; A( Caswell) 10807 .Annis,·Bejtn+a 6082,7424 Grace .A 10807 .Arnold; Qliyia 72~5 J!1hn 10807 Ashley; .Anme J loJll Mary 7669 Atkins, 7747 Bean; Molly 5007 Atlee,·F~nnie Yorke 16749 Beck, Amenia(Huddlestone) A911 .Atwood, Amos 6011 Dorothy Joanne A911 Elizabeth·5oi1 Rojcrt Hilford A9ll Joh!l SOOlt ~~44 ' Bedford, Stephent pa ge SJ Lydia 603.7 .. ·. Bogel, Edward 6108 . Mehita blc· 7226, Belcher, Eveline A 1015 5 INDEX OF OTHER PERSONS -113 Bell, Elizabeth 16727 Brookfield, carolinel0910 Benedict, .AnniG Catherine 1a168 Cathorinc(Brendriff) 10910 Benson, Clara 17492 James 10910 Berry, .Ansel 614 7 Brown, Charles W 1~1063 Julia 7776 Fannie 16413 Bertlo, Timothy 4004 Hannah 6092 Bishop, -l~nn 7687 Joseph 4012 Biswell, Olive pearl 5054 Ralph 7781 Bixby, Augusta 7280 Samuel 4015 Moses H 6057 Tristram 6008 Black, Sarah Ja no 13883 Brynnt, Cynthia (Norris) 13876 Blanchard, ircry 5025 Ellen 10876 Blanding; Susie J1ugusta 17309 Jose-oh. 10876 Blodgett, 6140 Bucklin; LCUrtl'E 17460 Bloodgood, Eiizsbst~ pago 85 Burbank, David, 4015 William pogo 84 Eleazer 2J01 Bloss, C0l•0st::..c ;,ngonctti 11071 Horthu 3000

Bodwell, !;1~n.. o 5)00 Burch 1 c1c1:r-once L A-902 Mary 5:JCJd Dorothy MacKenzie h-902 n111~ai-y, "l ;·-:(.' y; .It - (, t ..,I,_; • J'-e<3Sio·l19J2 Bona, libigcL:__ 1J02 B11r1~-stor, Robert B 10201 H"'rryC-1 ~~ic.V\. •'-·~· .._,r-r v ...'' .,,. .1.'' •.,1310 ....,,., John W 6090 Bonney, Ed~ .. ~ :-'c ')~::~ l:i_'..:; 7689 Bv.rpGG) Joo nna 7341 Booth, Chor~ ,.:2 il J'/1 Sar2h 7341 Bootman; J0t~l.1. :, ::52 i~u::r:.:-, ·Mory· Ella 10310 Boswell; r~~._r-;c:1;'e: KtPb•-:11 62;,:; B~~ri.ngton, Lovina L 10878 1 0 Boutell', Ti!,·,,_,.,.-.- ,L.• V ._,._, ·i 7::,,, • Siirr-t,. J"ohn 5:)53 , Bowdoin,Mj_ o.'-.. .:E. i_ L/,l.:. ~-i,;i:~•·:-;on, John 4080, 4DIJ4

Bowen, Andre> 1~,i1.:: :;, MGr:Le, Louise 7794 Mary A 15. 0c-. i. : :;;:·: :; , '.CS.:.::.r.-..';l:._, Joshua 6115 11 'l '>C'l Polly 11:::-:.., ..... ,t:=;.( ·.:~YLn:, J.~:.'..-5:: .~--t'"-'-~c•,,=•·-r ;...,.,. .~ __ , .• v ... v"4 Sarah .kbt:L-1 )n.v..:s B~~2~~j Joel 5014 Bowman, Char U,s j_J226 ,J _::, ::J.h u-..:1 6 J () 1 , !r. · .; •!· · h Bradford, M,:1.:~•Gf,; i+J04 .., ... ..11 ...... :... ~1 ~ w l·c.V 0"- 031 Olive 6:J5'/ :~·.::.i 0.emie :.i 6.J'18 ~.-, •.. ,,, :, b" William 6J_16 i...-,c.. ,.1. L,;J.~ V"0" V Brandenburg J:df~,(:, 88 Supb.ronia Eunice 7229 Brasnet; Georg,.: /14J18 Button, Cornelia 18815 Brenton, ce:iu Frances 1:1282 Bresso,Bessie B 17310 Brewster, Wi llic1m H :2ago 89 CaldW·3ll, Sophi£. Whi ttJ_e 7268 Bridges, Jqh~:•Wosley 7675 en lo:\ 'Eliza J:1 nn(Whi te}) 1043.l.- Margarqt; ·J4l.7 Birnm 10434 · . Thoms s :'72!].F · ~- . · . ,. Lucy J 18431+ Brigham,.Anna J:>orot'hy 10359 gampbell,Bcssie 16424 Calvin 759:2 Carolyn 17399 Brock, C'.l.;;1ra ·i 17600 Harriet 7295 Brockelben;k, Betsey- 7168 J'essi 0 11134 Jane jl68 'Mildred 16424 'LYdia 6168 • Candler,' 11133 Samuel 6168 Co:-:elton, Doniel 4Jl8 BrockWay, Ell9 F l0lo9 Corli,J"oseph 7426 Bronson, Wri:ght L 1063 INDEX OF OTHER PERSONi1 -114

Carlton, Aaron 3003 Clemens; Homer 7580 George 6000 Clement,Samuel 4012 James 6056 Cleveland,An.l1.a 6154 Nehemiah. 3004 Coates,Floyd .A-901 Peter 4012 Kat heri ne( Stockdale) .A-901 Stephen 4J01 Mary { Jeanette .A901 Carnes, Wilbur H 16422 Cobb, Edward 6189 carpenter, Louis 1J227 L.E. 6189 Seth 6024 Coble, Josephine(Geltner) 26622 Carr, Mason H 6025 Coburn 6000 carrier, l'ill.l'1.B Pettingill 7610 Cochran~Isaa c 4003 .t1nn0 {Pctti~ill) 7610 Cody, rargcret Josephine 10226 Richrird 7610 Coeray, JD 6189 Carroll, Co::r :,.a nJ;:1 7623 Cu:i ·uy l Ellen A 10743 co.riter, Bu::-oL. r~oYvton pogo 781~ CSJJs, · ..Md:te Josephine 10809 \·r' • L'• 7i.:;o,c,4',,, / / BG.~i 5,.:m5.. n 4003 .., R~ r7? ~~ carver, ct: ,--i 71;2 4 \,X G _. ), ~ I F,., )rJ Chadwick, '.:~Lt~:w•l 5019 Coles. A~bte Rebecca 7362

Chamber le~- r., :.~u ;..~.c, ::_ 6J 5S -q., ..,.._. '"'b, V..,1"'.,..•;.; . ...,. ? O· O· 4 Cha ndlor, C~;:;:, ;_,._·:'(l.{.JJ 1.1. :3 3 Cr:lli..t.1.s;i Benjamin 6148 Hester .:::: :,;3 Grj:.:..Dt(:, "i:srael 5023 Susan FCT~'.'t11··t ·\Jna, 8·:;ella Josephine 7780 Chnpcl, Fr.-:,( > '.i,:t,:;.c 768'; C1omic,:-, 'MGrtha A 10162 George E r·.:.:~). ;?t._2;, 1;,_;;1over .1 Clara 10741 Qhap1.n,• ; li

Chapman ' ':1...,,~ ·• ....•."' -. ,..,·,; .• C')2.)< '',·•r .•,,. ,·• ,.')i..'.'I:r ~,":~,·yJ..:., --"- .Adliza 7312 Wi lliaru E . ::· ~;C, ·~ ~i;~.~=: Chase, Bo1:j,,'.1.:_::: J;-.. ·..i,, .J. ~•~ ..•., Y r\. 7\.,,..,-.,,.).,J. • "''".__,, VV 'J 7312 Daniel 5C<) :· ·./':\ :L·'.•:..,:.·l •'i312 Eliza be :.:.J.i ~;;_,,:' ·-:_ :-~r, -.1 1; 4 -... p•: 1 W A 5::>11 Frances 6 ~0,:: (;;~,it"; :,···virgi"' W .A5011 Darrah 6:.)8'.2 ~-:,hr. r.:.-:11::i :1 7423 Dorothy 6Jt'.? 3:;_ ,~:.he: :~c•. ~ff: 6 039 Jane Perk:::.n.;c:, L:i725 cc; .... ,.,.. ,. ··:10 • "r"· n cA N 17601 Joseph 6Y;2 c;;·:i~{~;~).·.' r··o ., 10307 Rufus 1E:!r::• Coulter ,l\U·:::geret(Rilla) 10231 Cheever, EzckiGl 5010 Sarah 7314 Church, Gide.:.,

Cross, Alvin Benton 7255 Dow, .Ann (Stone) 2005 Sarah 5036 · ·Martha 2005 Sarah Jane 7257 Stephen 2005 Culp, ~race A-729 Downs· Barbera 28499 Culver, Hattie A-4006 Drak0: Clora Hilton(Firth) 10422 Cwnrr1-ings 7417 Ella Florence 10422 Currier, Alonzo 6035 Nathan 10422 Isaac 6082 Dresser, Asa 4004 J'onathan 3000 Mary Kendrick 10824 Sybil .4rianna 7306 Drew,· John 6085 Curtis, Mary 6069 Drury, 'Polly 6139 Sarah B 7429 Dudlo:r JEamu@l B 6000 William E 7272 Susan 7646 Cutler, David 5013 D~nb~~r, James 7312 Frederick .4igustus 6036 Dr:.rll-:, Mary 7613 J'oseph 5 OL,? Du.:::smoor, Phineas 5011 Kate HGlnnL,.'oY 10033 DunswtJn, Nathaniel 4012 Keziah 6:Li:!} Durgin,rvrery 7305 Seth 5Jli, Dnrnnoll, Cyrcna 10317 Cutter, 6142 D·:.S tin. Ebenezer 5039 · Ba 1J.!J.8h 5039 V,:)f' :.,s 6008 1· . Dailey, 110~ t 781,S ·i:•, 0 t ch·"~·, Josephine .A-4012 Dale, CharJ.,·:.:i J ·<:0'33 :)11. .. ,to.-1, .Anna E 7453 Damon 5053 ·· elcn T:i-r,·, ·., c :.:r ,7;:::6t- Dyer, H 2662~ Danforth., .., ../, J.. ' - _.; -·· '--' Jabez 7278 Danley,•Joh1.1. ·:r .:..J741 Smith 6076 Darline, - c II 7599 Davidson, Edgar 10359 Nell 16:--! ::ii.: Eastman, ·Mary Baker 10810 Davis, Doll.,._. 6001 Eaton, .Amos 4002 Elva lOlt4 Eunice 5008 Florence J, 11163 Martha 6022 George Edt::,;.nd 6199 Phebe 6148 Sarah Ja n.s 7?69 Stillman S 7279 Day, carolins :0903 Eddy,·Jamcs page 85 · Harriet. 71-,h9 Eddoy,-Jamos pages 84,85 Joseph jJ~'•'i E~i\t•, Louis 16 726 Mary T €>19~i E~oiton, Lucinda Na thani l?l 166 3 tuc-rctia 614J Dearborn,tguiha 7358 Euwt-:r·do, Elda Mae Page 78A deLormeier 11!1liz~seth.17965 FJ.,:., Ali oe 5045 Dennett; Job,.n 10201 . ELi.iott, °S3na M 11165 Diamond, Joliµ ·19727 Yli lliem '73 52 Dickey;• NaqcY,' G·cr,qon ·· o~.l_99, li'lls·vvorth, Jeremiah 5007 Dinger, Mo~vfE J.G4l3 ' Elroy, Viola .A-4Jl2 Dodge Lydia 5024 Ely, Sarah narsha11 10730 Mary· 7439 E.m.:,rson, .Abigail 4JD7 Dodw0ll,Dan 5002 .Anna 6005 Donham; rsa.~_.o .. p~gs Sl~~85 Joanne 6005 Dorsey ,Hannah· 73op .. _, .. 1rary 6106 'Mildred Estella lQJ4 7 Moses 5::1l44 Reuben 4005 I'NDEX OF OTHER PERSONS -116 Emery, Adelaide Louisa 10360 Gack; Thomas, pages 84,85 Enos, Sophia 7644 Gage, Abigail 6050 Ester 4008· 11 lmyr,1 6011 Estes'brook,Joscphine 10001 Betsey 6068 Evens;David 6149 Clarisse 6157 Everest,Murton A-4018 Elizabeth 5024 Enuna 10228 Fairchild. Nc:in cy 7759 Hannah 7663 Farnum, Dana Dunbar 7272 Jeremiah 5001 Farrar, Silas 5065-6077 John Langdon 7685, 7689 Favor, Hiram VT 7293 Jonathan 4006 Ft:iy, John 6139 Mari3 7227 Follows,· Miri □ E1 B 7256 uary 7689 Ferguson, Elizabeti1 Sophia 7746 t:e.b...i table 5049 Ferrell, .Alice t.~e udo lt>134 1'.1fyron W 7310 Fish, Willi::irc. Vl 7590 Nathanial 5061 Fisher, 5063 Rebecca 6002 .Asa 5024 Snrah .A 7686 Jacob 5J21~ Gordnor;.i:; bby Richardson 6198 Mart1aF 10200 Gru: ns e y, l\U r;11am 6179 Fiske; Lucy H 7277 Gn"l.''.!?:1. gn.a ( Gnrrigue) Anne page 89 Fttch,·Henry 5053 ~::~ .. ·:,.as page 89 Flagge, F W ·? .~ -?;G 89 :·'mclo PDge 89 Fletcher, l:/Jr-:. ~ ,·; 73?1 Gr·.r.v0y, Serah .Ann A4010 Flint, wa ltc:: ,).l__Cj, .A-L;O 10 GDtes, ·Althea A 11073 Flood; Doborci.l;a,\tTUl'Y) P3gc 88 Gentry, Floretta 28499 Flynn, Jacob 5023 Gibbs,·Leon C 10330 Ford, Carrio A 10929 Gibson, James 6035 Cyrus 7615 irarietta 11072 Harri et 7228 Moses 6035 Hobart B 10929 Gile, Aaron 6147 Jerusha (Leeds) 7615 Daniel 6147 Jorusha Leeds 7615 Lydia (HDwkes) 614 7 Lucy(Morsc) 10929 Mary Ann 7200 Susan 'M 7451} Gill, Dr; vid Sim)lfl,on 6050 Foster, cc lvin Hannah 7245 caroline Bartlett 7356 Gilmore, Iroria L 7594 Hannah 6011 l,Jary .Agnes 16845 Margaret 5048 Nan cy .P1 7309 Fowler, Julia 10817 Gleason, Theodore Henry 7255 Fox, Charles H0nry 7446 Godwin, Elizabeth 7776 Eddy K 7446 Goodenough 5053 Florence 71+1+6 Goodhue, Ebanezer )JOO Franklin,t~atg2rette P 10952 Got>dridge 7201 Fraser,Hen;ry C r601 Gordon, Kate 16310 Freeman Oh"'.rlos 6076 Lavinie K (Stone) .A1026 French, 'Q}VJf"f OS 6:J;Q_~ Goss, l\,!ary 7620 Dolly ~.~-4eiine 7~qe Goul4. Hannah 6087 Eliza M 7~88 ,;: Wi lliE\m 6115 John 5047 '. Goupil , tillion A-910 Fros,, Hannah 6142 Gove, Enoch 6050 Jane 7,o/61 Graham,·Bella 7762 Fryo,Josoph .. 6106. Groeley, Rebecca 7292 Phoebe 400t.t 4J+J. Fuller, Ruth 5o2.5 Susan .Alden 7620 Furber,Eliza Ann 7450 INDEX OF OTHER PERSONS -117 Green, Mary 7292 Hazelton, Ella (Baker) 7254 Mary (Weel{S) 2003 John B 7254 Thomc1s·2003 l,!ary 4001 Greendell;Elizabeth 7622 Sarah 3003 Greenleaf; Mnrtha 4011 William G 7254 Greenough, Elizabeth 5009 Willi Elm H 72 54 Griffin, Samuel 2001 Hcadr'John 3004 Sarah-Wade 7352 Heald,Martho Fersis 7580 a,riffith,Elizabeth· 6082, 7426 Mary .Ann 7282 John; pages 84,85 Heath, 4002 Griswold,Rhoda 614J .Aaron P 6006 Gross,·George Ernest 7321 Helen Morton 17311 oirover, Fra ~~ 76 O1 Hemphill 6038 Sarah 5016 Henderson, CorD C 10205 Guild,, Leo no 1,; i03 3J John J 7294 Gustin, Philc. 'ILLS3 Henery,, May 26916 Herbert, James 4006 Haggerty A-7~-4 Herden; .Antoinette 1J738 Hale, Richard 4011 Heriot,·Msry page 86 Hall, .Abigail 6055 Herriok, Isaiah 6083 David 3000 T,ydia 5018 Elijah 60~9 l\!,' L.,y Dodge 7276 Henry A '(;; :/J it;: .,:ex, Hermon 10731 Jesse 50"~1:: EGJ l,: C V A-730 Scrah 4000 Fff,"Ds; Willinm 5053 Hamblet, l\•mry i,dnline .SOJ6 Hicks, Mnrgnret Lawrence 17478 Hammond 7417 Hill,· .Alice .A 10161 Hardy, Dnvid 3002 Hires, Elizabeth Wslton (Co~) Edmund 3000 10780 Gideon 3002 Frank Shepard 10780 Phineas 3000 11arjorie 10780 Harford, 7228-7230 Hitchcock, Henry D 7295 Harned, John page 84 Hobbs, hbich, 7303 Jonathon page 84 Betsey 6031 Harriman, Elizabeth 7653 James 506:J 1t~argaret .3000 'Mnrtha A 10215 HarrLngton, :: nna 7.338 Sam 5049 Harris Effie E 16292 Hodgman, Mory .Abby 74;:J} William C pcge 89 Isaac· .A 6088 B8rtley,·Daniel ~7456 Holbrook, Hattie A 10311 H artwig, ;, Clare 1,'.)868 Holkins,·Joel 6059 B8seltine, Judith 6039 Holloran, ii nna Louisa 7781 Hastings,!'Robert 4:)09 Holm, Pnul E 10330 Hatch, Dattd 5053 Holmes, David H 7667 Frank ij 'f'/'7J:/ i1 Holt, He.nxy H 7746 Hatton,· Cf!OJ:!lt;$ ]' ·'1◊731 Joshua 5:)66 Hawkins; Mary G 10742 tewis · .A 7276 Hayward,Jpnos P 7294 Honeyman,Sally Mary 10129 Haynes ,,A ~a (Mo,ore) 5044 Hooper, J Vernon ~-4009 Elizab~'Jjh 4-0l-4 Sarah 6161 John 504.4 . Hoppe; Clifford 10223 Thomas· 504.4 Hough, ,Warwick 'M 1Cl731 Index of Other Persons -118 Hovey, Cnlenda 6056 Lois 5015 Jennison,John 5053 Olive 5013 Jenson,Benjomin F 7687 Washington 5052 Jewell poge 89 Howard, Soph:bo.rJ.e 722 7 Fronk 10309 Ji-730 Jewett,Jamos 4014 Harley .A-hJlO Joseph 3001 Judson .A-1027 Mark 4014 Seth 6147 Mary (Ohuto) 4014 Snmuel 5047 Howe, Christopher 6001 Johnson,,Ann Palo 85 also 3075 Effie E 16292 .An..'10 Moody 6058 Hoyt, paie 8[; • Clare 16136 Ellu M 17462 Hrtki>, Danie:: :.'/!156 Hubbard; WilL.s.m. ::., 10159 En.os Hoyt 6022 Huffman, · 16 42 3 Jesse 6147 Humphrey, Hannnh, Low 7354 N8110y 6093 Thelma A-729, 111101 Priscilla (Kimball) 6147 Hunt 10823 Samuel 4010 Edward H 6189 Severn 1J480 W illiam pagG 88 Susan Gage 7267 Hnnter, Annie 10480 Susannah 6147 Rocncy L- ~'...~:876 Jr;hnston 10732 Huntley, Lau:"t/L t.u }I,:,:i:'"'.;,nel l 7675 Huntoon, Corbin 5J::h Hupmo.n, John E J; .J.i.JO 5 Jonas ,Elizabeth A 7275 Hurd, Sorah 7428 Ena Breelove 16066 Hurlburt 7417 Enos 10307 Hurst, Esther Mari2. 10823 Nellie Lydia 10307 Hutchinson, Betsey 6025 Norene 17324 Horriet·1w 7281 Nathaniel 6325 1vTiranaa 7306. I 11ma n ?417 Rozara{Hsrriman) 1J307 Ingalls, nary(Polly) 6083 Joslyn,Bertha A4005 Ingersoll, John 5J61 Judd, Nelson L 6140 Ingraham,Sarah .l-iyers Ji-19? Inslee,Elisho Pc~ges 84 85 86 Elizabeth pcges 86:.s7' Keene,Coldelia B. 10305 Gage 86-87 Keesei ., i-1gnes Page 88 88muel page 85 Keezor,-c1arissa 7493 Ives, Louisa 7322 Kellner, t'!illie E 17599 Kellogg, Ly.di~ 6151 Portia 7577, .Alma J? 16310 Kennedy; Robort 5025 Joseph 6015 Kenda 11,, Oli vcr L 6081 Jacques,Daniel 4Jl2 Kendrick, Cora E 16846 parker 5044 Heorge B 7644 Priscilla 6134 Kenney,Moses B 6042 Jaquith,WillL:m 6193 Kont,i•rariner 5J04 Jellis, Joseph ?685 Keyesi Mary 2002 Jenness, ElizabBth(Page) 6 Robert 2002 755 snrah lOOJ, 2002 Mary 7446 Kidder, Elmino S 10165 SinIGon 7446 Herbert M 104 78· INDEX OF OTHER PERSONS -119 Kiefer,Edward N 1¼4010 r,awrence,Dewitt C 761$ Kilb~n;JobP, J 6l62 r,awson;'Letta E 17846 Ki llans, Horace W 7590 Leaver,,Dsmeres(Bayley) 2002 Kilton.Marcus l~ 108J9 prudence 2002 Kimball, Abigail 5~04 Thom:i s 2 O02 Abner 5004 Lee, Vlilliem Hamnmrly 10736 Asa 5003 Leonard,Ellen L 109ij7 Betsey 5066 Laurinda 7594 Caroline Aiken 7777 Rollie C 174-60 Charles 1~ 72J8 Levines 17492 Daniel 6115 Lewis,., Elizabeth 3002 David 2001 Hepzi bGh 7383 David C 5J66 Juli:: .i;-1J27 Dorothy 4J18 Leonore 17492 Edward 4:JJ2 Luella L 16295 Elizabeth 6JJ4 Olive E 1Q216 El:len 6193 Revis Clifton 10780 G-eorge 5066 Libby Herriot C 7668 Hannah 6Jl5 Lillis,John 10478 Henry 2081 Lindsloy,Ephroim page 89 Jane 5063 Lj ttlo, Nancy 7618 Moria 7281 Surah Foster 10809 Hary Sophia 6194 LrJck~; Frmsti na 'Muliken 7342 Mary(Wya ~j't :· 2JJl. ·...,:·gan, 'George M A729 1,irehitablo :)JJl+, 4JJJ L5J64 T,ol'.m0.1.;.; Rob0rt page 78A 3/7/1963 Molly 616J Locmis; Mary Desire 7"387 Molly(Pol~y) 5063 Lcring, 10739 PriscillD 4012 Fanny 1073::> Rebecca 5JJ5 tovejoy, Ezekiel 5008 Richard JJOO 'Mary ?276 Ruth 4JJ2 Lovering, Alice Maria 16008 Samuel 4003 Ida May 16008 Sarah 2001 Lucy;Eary Frences 7359 Walter H 6J34 Luey,Hory Frances 7359 Kinchel,Lflura 10125 Lund,-Joseph 6011 King, Charity I 7581 Lynde, Ann l:> 170 Oliver Marie A-7007 Sarah J; 7278 Kingsley,, ss1:3-uel 6022 I,ytle 6165 Kittredge,Eliz8beth 5053 Klining, Jane 11074 Magee, Wyland W 7780 Knight, Elizub&th 7459 Haines, May 16424 Mary'5018 t'!Dnn, Samuel R 6021 Kno~les, MnbelRcynolds 10328 Mons:riold, Nancy 7259 Sarah L 7243 Marble, Nc1thoniel 5001 Knox 7612. March, Henry 5014 Margr!lf, E 'E 7674 Ladd, Abigail 4JJO Marsh, David 5044 .Ann 2005 Marietta Lind 10175 Daniel 2005 ~ . .. .,. ... Lydia-2005 Na tha ni e 1w6O50 r,aFlamme, Robert A-714 Seymour 5003 Lamson, John L 5025 Marsha 11, Betsey 6026 Sarah 5047 Enoch p 6082 v:1nda, Amanda. 7~5? Hiram D 7272 Lane,.Anna Maria ·7Jq6 Constant 107$0 INDEX OF OTHER PERSONS 1-rarston, Samuel 5014 Hartin, John pege 88 1Jix, Henrietta (parsons) 7418 John Thomas 7745 John 7418 Pason, Henry Wairrright 7416 Mary .Adeline 7418 Mathieson, cathcri ne Hi>gg 1745€}1onk, George 1::)155 lll'a tthus, l/l'Bry 17302 · Mayberry .. GeorgG w '.A-4010 Montgomery, Meli lester,· .A-4)0 5 Moody, Volney H 7355 Mc.Allister,1,~areL~ret White 104 78 · Mccaddon; John 6J38 Moor:: , 1,nnie 6081 McCauley,Kenneth 7423 James 6081 McClure, GranvillG 6036 Lydie 7418 'McCornack,Isabelle 10068 ·Marthe J 7430 Marge1ret Junrie 1J069 S8 lly( Carson)6081 , McDonaldl .And!'GW 7430 William 6083 5::>23 7430 James 6089 'Moore, 1/ory E 10217 ' McElwoine, '?'/45 William 6083 James l08:1S Moorrs; Jonathan 5JJ.i8 Mnry Ann ?°?45 Morris, 10201 McGilvary, John 6]82 John B 5054 McKenna, · Job.n 6J08 tTo:trison,i, lbert p 6022 McKinney,MOry 10807 1-!JJ.:tza Jone 7270 McQueston, s H 6;)f:7 l.~·o:r3aret 7294 Meade;Eugorn.; :i.JDSB Hc3.1y B 6021 Modes, Elizt. be en I'-i5o e-ri i.,1o::-~c-.,v ., John 16422 Melgaarti, Christian c I ..J.,J:;,,2 ;..,aura Grant 16422 Me;, Elizc.: .Ann 6.)81 '?4;'9 Har)" Jono )Hamm.el) 16422 Meremontcs,percy 16553' .i.. Morse, .Amandc:i 7647 Mereness 1J742 Hattie Augusta 10149 Merriam, Betsey 6162 John H 7621 Merrill, .Abigail 5007 Martha 7764 Dorcas 6006 Myra 7763 John 3000 Phila E 17493 Martha 5001 Moses, Joanna 6024 Moses 5039 Missouria J,nn A-1027 Rebe cce 4000 Mosley, Selden Deroton 6082 Sarah 7578 Mott, Mary Eldora 10121 Timothy 5002 Mulliken, Rebecca 4010 Messenger, 6140 'Mussey, Daniel 5023 Messer, ·.Alice 5 J02 1.\retcalr, SophiD 10868 Nosh, Morgueri te Eleanor Metsgar;Solomon 1.)226 Rebecca c 7654 Metzler, Laure 17315 NeDskern,Jennie 10166 'Miles,· Eleanor 1~ -1)63 Neff,Dolly Lovina 7408 Miller, carol Jean h-8J03 Fred S 7408 Robert Rhodes A-4010 Nelson; Lena 7796 Vlilson B 10338 Nesbit, Nanie 10201 Millig~n 735::> Nethercot,Emmo 10741 Milton, John Trussel 7616 Nevin, Henry 7794 Mitchell, ii nnie 4009 Newell 7578 Edw§rd A 16725 Betsey(Stetson) 7428 J~nette_We,lJ,.s 16725 Elizabeth Eunice 7428 Katie Chaso 16725 G.H. 7338 L.Ydia 5J43 - John 6090-7428 -121 INDEX OF OTHER PERSONS wewton, Ll.oyd 16558 Perkins, Edward E 6139 Hary 7351 Fr~nk Keith 16066 Morton 10227 Perley, Benjamin 6148 Nan 16137 John 5061 Nichols, Edoh 6067 Perrins.. Frcnklin 6198 Herbert 7361 E Sally 6:)81 Perry, Susan 7688 pctcrson,Petor S 6194 North, Emily 72h7 pottingill,James 4005 Mary Dix A-515 Se1rah 6032 Northway ,Henry C .A-197 Pier, Abraham 7685 Norton 6J24 Pierce Elizabeth .A 7443 Rhoda 5J06 Pike, Grnoe(Turnbull} page 86 Nourse,Hary E:hhol 7796 Jomes ,pc:ge 86 Noyse, Jane 6:)92 Jennet Bages 86-87 Susannah 5JJ8 John 2004 Mnrgurot pages 86-87 -oakes, cc1rolir:.,; J 7407 Mary Herriott page,86, Mary ( Hov-:c:::-d) 7407 Thomas 7~07 IWBRMnf~~7pnges 84,85,86 oaks;Eliza 7614 Thomc1.s, page 83 Obe_r, Susan 5Jll Za"bulon page 86 Odegaara,Inez 285)0 :i.,c:Julon Montgomery pages 86-87 Oliver;Frank :Sruce lC809 and 87 O' Neil,Edro1;.:: v ::.6502 :p.i L' sbury, Marcellus E 7615 osborn ·,Frank .d 'i !128 ::?i~.:.ldlllm, l:; lbort E 7615 Osgood, Annie 7776 J?j_n ce,Dolly 5053 Hannc:ih 5051 :t:1:.u.mmer, .A so 5040 oylear,Hazel Elise page 78.A Pris ci 110 725 7 Jonc1than Cl10rles page 78.A Poor,'PriscillO 5040 Poore, 5J57 page, Della A-1J27, J4018 Benjamin 5055 Nina B 114018 John 5855 paigo,·Emma 1J828 Sarah(Bradley) 5055 palmer, Josephine 16853 Po~ter, Moses 5006 panushko,Kathcrine Louise 17313 p0 st J'ohn H 7746 park 5053 powe~s, Willinm 6J38 parker, James 6J83 prescott, Abigail 7&21 page 85 Cho.rlos Warren 7269 John 5066-6154 Georgo D 7254 Louisa 7645 prossie; John 1000 Myra 72- J9 -· ' Preston, Jinn (Mosser) 7447 NBthcn 6147 Augustus 7447 ; Samuel F !?egc .?5, price, Bc:rboro {Si lkni t t1:r P88 parkhu.rst ·• ,El:i. jcdt:f 6J78 John page 88 par lon; Ru.ttj., .A ..,9 09' Hary Jone page 88 patten, Jpso~h 6083 Prince, Reboccn 6086 Mary ( :01;A>coy) _ 6 J8 3 Proctor, Joseph B 6144 Mary tTonc'li•, 6J83 Pugh, 11 ivin 18226 _ p ea body, .Andrew 5-Jl.8 1 Purmont, Charles W 7623 Ephraim· 5001 Putnam, Betsey 6J91 Lucy 6~67: · . . : pea body· 4004; · : ff Qunrrie, Llewe11a 17455 poarson, Rebacoa.;: 7Z'i4 Q.U;irin 102:,5 peose, Josopfr'•·t: :7321 Peck,'Eloonor 17398 pognn, Mamie 17312 Index of othor persons -122 Randol; Samuel pagos 84,85 Ransom, Rosemond 7644 Ray, Bort ~-4Jl2 Vli llicr.i J; ·• 197- 7685

Rr:ymona'(A, .. ' C"r,..,1.,;'-" L,.' ,..L •..~'"'·1.1..:.; 'TT'..:J 1-¥...>\,,i °'"'"'19 Rend; Ho nn2h s:1G :02 '£'d 7212 Reed, Juliet :1J?32 Reyno page 88 Reynolds, .l¼S8 7:'535 Rice, J; lbcrt Whi tc 10329 Julio Ann 7435 Wallace 1)3)9 BGrt 7.:1 B 12) Richards, ,., ' ,.. ,,.. 5- 3 Ri chnrd son, .1:, ,)i :. '.:.. ::,,_, .5 .:i Frank Brod:.): '."+20 Li:fe 6000 . ,... • . -•· f, • i~•;_, • "i:. I Rhoda 603~:, Sc.inborn, .wl1Zc.1 J 7ol9 Russell 6J;-;' 1..-:-~:ri 1.lD 1:roson 10317 Sarah 5JOl:' t' Su:·:::iL· o 107.34 Tamcsin F 6J85 So:::·gc: ".:. t, .Ann::, B 6021 William Horey 7321 - t :_oy 5::>JJ Ri ch.m.ond LG uT"a ,.,,re"., z.:. 7.,: 7 .1+ . . ' ,~ .. ' ~'.."' ·;~•'- .-~,.:, ...... El~zobeth S 7255 R1. nge, W1. lho lr:\-:. ::: • ... '"'; ... ,., : :i, :r.ah 6021 Ri tze1man, LGtL.- /; :•. :,1.;.2 ~; s•:,•.,-.. ,.-•y, Filliam 4012 • . ·o· • ,, " . ' .. , ...... "' \,,.-..~. ' . Roac&,.h Ha t t 1c ~ ~v~~~ ;-_j~ ,--:-.--.1-•~~ .... ·.;,::,' t)T~mns l • tlv 4~n4.._,... v Robbins,Fr.:,ncls E ('-143 8 :;c1r:r, Gi lbort 77 45 ' d 'l • • ,., R 5 ,.., ~ Ro b er t son,~ 0~01aa ,0 ~i HannDh 7687 Roby,Ida L(Preston) ~choem.nkcr 7275 John 6088 Scandlo.nd, Loura 7227 Lovis:is M 6088 Scott, .itmos 7229 patty·(Woods) 6088 ·Margaret 10811 7 'Jr\/ 7 Rock\'lell, tro.ry ...... ,v_:; Scouten 10730 Rogers, Lyd5.u :i:>24 Soa.m.nn, Roxanna C 7294 ·Martha lir.r-J.into 10061 Solby,Err~ly 10227 Netncy 5011 l[Gricm l02i7 Rolf, SE'lrCth M 1:)225 M □ tildo (Morris) 10227 Rollin , Hcttio 1:::,4~3 Sexton, unc j-730 John S 7687 Sho.offcr·7747 Muriol Jone 10309 Sh·:ttuck, D2vid D 7616 ssrah 6.)20 Sb~w. Polly 6J38• Rolston, vavid 6189 Richard 7746, 11072 Rosebrook,Janc 1J876 Shepard ,HGlcn 10735 Ross, hgnos(Menzios) A-9JO ShcrcPn, · Llicc pngc 88 Hugh 1i-90D Shcrrill,Victor h-4018 Mory Crc:ig A-9JO Shortridgc,Willicm 5J52 So.senna 30Jl Sh:::;rwood; 1:TC\ry l:>731 Roth; poul 1,'.)}J7 Shot-Well, ED cob psgc 84-85 Rowe, John Bur.n11cm 6039 James pages 84-85 Royston; Herbert A 7310 Thor,1ns PGgG 84, narvol 28974 Silkn,in, Hc.',ry c01cstia l;J737 Runncll,,1bigr:,il 5Jl4 Sim.t11.mns, Dore 1~224 Runyon 7343 Slater, IsrRol 5J57 Index of Other parsons -123 Slife, Minnie,page 88 Stovons, Mortha 5023 Smiley, Hugh 4014 Snrah 5050 Smith, Ade C 10238 Tinothy 3001 .Am£nda 5882 Stowort 183J7 .Amanda Vf 7 42 3 Stickney, i>lice M 10802, .Amelia (Wi lbor ) .Ase 5 :no .Amy ( Copp ) 742 J Faith 2000 Charles White., 7579 Gi lnc:' n 6 0 36 George C c165 J" ont1 thc:2 n 6144 Hnrrison 75JJ ltory 6J03 l•T• 1 ':1 • ~ D • d 5 6 James vro.1a o 7312 ;;]..._ .:1.vt':1 CV]. 0 1 Jean Innes 17L56 Sti l.o;.;. J"ohn W 6163 John 'M 758) Stinpso~~, Lillie Moy 10229 Joseph Cl1c y-n:, l7 456 Stockb:rj C:g0, Frances .Angiers 6059 Levi 7259 ~-:o~\~to1:1; Cnroline .Augusto 7795 Lucy l4nn 1~n5:-­ Sto0ctmra,Frederick 6040 Y~k 7423 Stune, ftlbert W 7687 ·Mary 764C Cl:-ra 15294 oscar E 7259 Froderi ck W 7276 pearl Verne A-5011 Storer, E s,7256 Polly 7648 Stcutsnburg,Georgc W 7578 Smith 10743 -=i~ •'ori,;, -s2nue 1 5011 Snow, E L 6~51 8t:-r.:on;-::rn, S trirln V A- . 700 Sommer, 'Helen 1. .'.':~20 Svi~r:, .i'ibigail 61::>6 Spencer, Mary coroi~nc 7666 Charlotte 5039 Phineas T 6163 Dcborsh 4:Jl5 Spies, '!?['Eink, 1022 7 Dorcas 5049 Spofford, Mery 7207 Ida 10206 Spraguo,Caliste 6040 Swanson, H0rm0n 7229 Edward 6038 Swazey, Alice 7599 Es:bher 6040 S'week, Cyrus Jl-102 7 Jonnthen 6038 Ella S 5056 Spurgeon, Olive 17314 Sweet, Hulda 7272 Stanlejr; R C 10224 Sweetland, Hannah Trussell 7616 Staples,-Thcodosia 7311 Swift, Emerson L 6194 Starrett,Lovi 5025 Sylvester,Williom H 10359 Ste0rns,'LOWiS 5022 Symonds, George H 10149 Stebbins, AmoliL(Tilly) 10420 John B 10420 Tcft, 6042 Mary .A 10429 Huldah 6044 Sterigere, Catherine norriot 7310 ' Sterling, Clerissa 729 J TDllmon, ..4rdytha Rea 17456 Stevens, Apphia(Hoyt) 6147 Tapley, Elizabeth 6084 .Archelnus 614 7 Tasker, Elisha Shnpley 6082 Chester V 75GJ Taylor- 6165 Grave M 16135 Taylor, George D 7450 Hannah 4006 I,ydi0 6082-7425 Hannah (Clough} 7255 ~ef:ft, '1\:'Tohi t,,ble 586 O Hannah (Kir.ibC-,11} 6194 Tonnoy, Betsey 6J26 Henry H 6042 Hannah 5061 James 6147 Martha 72355 t.auro "1 7271 nary 6144 · Sarah 6144 INDEX OF OTHER PERSONS -124 Thomas, David 6067 Waddell, Jennie 10733 Flora· E 10160 Wadleigh, Charles J 6022 Thompson,A lbert ll 10810 Wagner, .Alice 10952 David S 5007 Elsie Irene 17736 Ebenezer 5022 Eugen•3 10430 Edna 10156 Ro~e 10219 George 10330 Walker, Ada 10406 Lucian 742B Charles E 7279 Milo 6193 Frankie Elma 16917 pearl 10231 Wal~ce, Electa ?652 Samuel 6oao L•3Slie, .A4012, .A40l6 Thorn,Louisa J 7211 Rube:cs 5024 Robert 6005 ward, 1.,e~.::1 \ i rginia 26922 Thurber, ·Samu.el 5054 Thctr.t'.:3 7201 Thurston, BenjcI::1-n 2003, 6069 Warr'\•311, '11homas page 86 Eli zabe1:;h 5004 VJE-;J:e,Mtiry Elizabeth 10223 Hannah 5019 War w-3:r•; 'Enni ce .A 600 Nathaniel 5061 Ua:rren,Mary·6061 Tilton, George F 10808 wa·,, Jsne 16007 Stephen 4010, 4011 Wdt3ol-:i.J 112:ry 3002 Tinker, 6089 nc.ry Jennie 10159 Charles 11 7367 \!:' :,, 1.1s . · .T :Jhn 72 56 Josiah 4006 ~2hboi.~~ooks K 7277 Sally 6090 :i!: tzabeth S 7367 Toll,·Irene 11135 We.1-.stsr >Addie Laura 10407 Tolyn;Yichael Bages 8L~ and 85 .iA l.mi:ra 7392 Trask,·Hannah 6069 Betsey 7301 Travis, Calvin 6082 Christopher 6035 Truax, Di nthe R 10156 John 3000 Truessel,Elizabeth T 7208 Joshua 6001 Tucker, Mary Sophia 7450 Martha 7302 Sophia 7448 Mary 5022, 6115 Wi iliam F 6050 Nathan 5066 Tufts, Mary 7685 Phineas 6069 Zebulon 5065 Thom:'S 5019 Turnbull, Mary 16847 Vieddcrburn, 7617 Tyler, Betsey 6034 Weed,·Hannah 7578 Weeks, ·William 7745 Underwood, Mercy Marie 7304 Weiger,Sally 7758 peter 5022 Welch, Louise Ann .A-4009 Sally H 6078 Weld, John· 7746 4006 Wellington, Harriet 10003 John L 761$ Vail, Elizabeth 1004, 2004 Wells, Aaron 6148 · Samuel Pcges 83-84 Ruth R 7600 Thomas page 83 Vlelsh,Waggio Julia .A-4016 valentine; sors.h 10740 Wentworth, David W C 6039 vanneusen,.Anna Eliza 11071 Werden,·carnie pardoe page 89 veal Thos2004 page 83 Wescott, .Alms J 10163 Vosburg 7747 Wost, Deborah 5052 Wetherbee, Eliza 7342 INDEXOF OTHER PERSONS -125 Wheeler, Charles Henry 6198 Winthrop; John page 83 Wi tit~ij _re J'6~~ page 8 3 Vlood bursr, .Ali cc 7308 Josopli 5016 lfchi. table 6035 Whi to, Cha:.•los L • .A-19 7 Rut.. "l ~ 6 OLr J..

Wealthy 10875 Woodsw1:;, r: 0 Clifton 10.310 Whitford,Mary 7617 Woodward, Elipho let 4002 Whiting, Clnra .A 7296 Stonhen 4002 Grace 16293 Worcost;r, Abigail 7591 Martha 5055 Epllr,1im 6142 Moses 6005 Hannah 61l~2-759.3 Whitney 5D55 Viright, 'Eliza 7590 Whittaker, 7644 , 1:2:-·y A 10000 Whittier, Ebenezer 6076 Vlyer, C- 0:w1:gc 7421 Mary 501.+L:. L.viia 7h21 Wi lber;Mercy 6109 Mary (Rice) 7421 Wilbur, 10812 Wym.nn, Harriet .A 7452 Mary 7761 J B 7343 Wilcox, S. Addie 10743 W1 lliDm 4G 1.3 Edward S ?"578 Wildrick, David pego 89 7cstor1 • .t➔ lb,·rt H 7254 - • / cJ, Y·Tiley,oscar H 7279 Y. 0'.1LV ;, 1JO Jo Wilford; Amy(Aimee) 1000 .,Jt.::..t'illa C 10872 Wi lldns ,.A lmrnndsr 50~i,. Willey,Anola Belle 16412 Zirt:J:,;JI'man, Ralph W 17600 Williams, Bcn, F '7590 Sally 7611 Sally U (Worjhen) 7611 Wi lliB.m 7611 Wilson, Elizabeth 4016 James .3000 John 5022 John W 7590 Hannah 4000 Martha 5002 Mi 1 ton VI 7267 Rebecca 6055 Thomas Duer .A-5011 Willson, Mary 10812