JOHN GAGE OF IPBWICH,MASS • .AND HIS DESCEND.ANTS .AN msToRICAL, C-ENEALOGIC.A L .AND BI OGRA PHI-a.AL RECORD As developed frow. sources COMPILED, DO ctJMENTED ii ND EDI TED BY: CLYDE V. GAGE 63 MAIN STREET, WORCESTER, N.Y. EXPLANATION -1 rn 1915, tbe Rev, walker Miller Gage v~ri ting from St.Andrew's Rectory, l. 7 No:r:til Main Avenue, in the City of Albany, N. Y. sent out a prifl.ted letter concerning the assembling of GAGE Family records. GAGE FAMILY--(Gage-Gsige-Gauge-Gadge-Gach} Five branches of the Gage family appear in the early records of this country.The effort to construct a family history dealt with a11 of the branches. A brief account of the five then kno~n branches was set forth and a11 its memb~rs were encouraged to lend their assistance into bringing into being the various lines down to the present generation and to have the families connected historically • .At the close of his letter, the Rev .Mr. Gage stated: nir it is not possible to have my copiuS' notes published, I will place them' in the New York Sta+,o •r,ibrary at Albany, and in other places a typewri tton copy of A:t.L:.I H.AitE G.ATHERED. Then there will be a permanent and aucurate record for others to read. t!Y manuscript ·will not be btu·:l.cd in some dusty chest and for­ gotten but will be obta:.U1able and usable. It is important, that this work be donG ~rnv1 as the period from 1776 until 1800 (when the country vms 8i:)=1 ·Ln restored to some kind of peace and when migrations ceased) tJ di.fficult to search.Now there are those who. can go back in memory, filling the gap. n In 1943; ,·.alminc:It.in.e; nGarly thirty years of s tupcndous effort, tho Rev .,Ml'. Gag:., :' ,::;0C-:.icatcd man, brought into being a most :omproh?ns5:vc R·,,J iDL·-!'.',n□ tive record of a11 Gago-Gaige fan,.ilics ln :Amo::?1Jo·S." This ccw.pi 1 ,c; i)r:. I.::: c c"::.:~,}icate of a typmvritten original and is bound 5_,1 ,,. ha::r-::: e::Yv::::.r. I0 :Ls in the posse'.'.;sion of the New York Public Li. brEU.'J, Fif·~h Ave and 42nd Street, Now York, N. Y • It's Titlo-- "Notos on various brc..;nchcs of the Gage-Gaige Families, also biographical sketchesu 8th edition 1943 by the Rev.Walker Miller Gago.Library Class ·Mark ApV plus sign G.AGE, Tho location of tho typewritten original is not known. It is presumed that it was filed with tho New York State Library at Albany~ N.Y.in accordance with tho statement made by the Rev .Mr. Gage at tho close of his lotter VJhich ho released in 1915. In tact, the book's title is mentioned in their index and is shown as an oversize book. Ho~ovor, it was not to be found on their shelves in the last fevi t:rfmos, I visitca tho library, this leaving tho only other copy, tho whoreabou~s of which is known,in the _possession of tho Now York Public Library. ..;, Tho Rev. Mr:, qago died at his home in Red Blufr,ca11r. in 1950 In tho<.thanuscript section of.the New York State Library at Albany, N,f. will be found a manuscript collection of records compiled by tnc1fov .Mr. Gage onti tlod "Gogo ,Smith and .Allied Fcmilios." Tho library's file HZ 12390-- seven boxes of un­ published gonea logica 1 records and notes. Most of the infor.m.­ ation deals with fCmilics whose members married into tho Gago Family and there is·much information on their genealogical backgrp\l.fld,Thoro is, however, very little additional inform- , ation on the G.AG'P.; F.At1ILY proper to that which appears in the book in tho possession of the Now York Public Library. As ·one greatly interested in the Gage record as a whole and working from photostatic copies of tho pegos carrying the genoalpgic£il dctuil sot forth in the 8th edition of Mr. Gage's book, ~hich I obt2inod from the Now York Public Library several years ~go, I hovo undertaken the task of further developing· the open gcneologicol lines of the Johfi Gage of Ipswich,Moss. Family cs rocordod by the Rev. Mr. Gage. I wish to pay my respects tc tho Rev. Mr. Gage, and to that ond I offer this book on ths John Gogc of Ips•wich,Mass. family as a continuation of tho·L vn1ic:.r... he began end has so ably presented in his $th edition •• I~ :s .my pleasure to dedicate this offering to him. M2y it hol~tJ tc ..,crry out his oft-expressed wishes and desires by p:r.ovidi1:.g u u•--::-c,to:i:- distribution of GAGE FAMILY informat::.on anio11g the :t:.;1;:t1rios of this country and cmong tho fami li cs tna i_ ~Ti. du.': 1 mo;ubors • .Additicn,.1 rccor:1s D!!rl. changes in e:xistinc records hove been developed by c_c:::-:r·::::,s_pondoncc with indi vidua 1 families snd from other r::·:tio.bJ .. c sc-...1.~~·.)ofl: Tho gone"' :·;_og:i. :;ci l } :i.s·~ .. :t.n,:s in thi.s book, unless otherwise explot,nod s ·r;o_c;; 'hi. 'c:1. the parents.Und0r ·a.hat hooding is n list­ ting cf oJ".il.d:r.on,I1hc fnt:lrnr is glvo12 a number and that numbor is kncwn CiB c: faJ.r1J .. !.y nu.. 11bor.If there e;rc no children, tho numborod on·t,ry 5.s bro:1g'.1t forward and the information as to the no.mo of t.b.o son's wife, if known, is addod, Preceding gcnc~ntions ere detorminod by r0ferenco to the individ­ ually m.unboroq person (Child nnd parents) Sucoeoding generations urc determined by reference to the individually numbered person { p,:::rents and child) -3 JOI-ffi GAGE of' IPSVII CH, MASS • John Gage first appears in Massachusetts as one of the signers of the covenant of the First Church in Boston headed by Gov. Winthrop 8/27/1630 and from. his position in the ::.1st it is in­ ferred that he came in Winthrop's Fleet and like the Governor was of County Suffolk. He remained in Boston until March 1633 when he went with John Winthrop Jr. to begin a _plantation at Ag awam afterwards called Ipswich v.;here on 3/b/1633 he was admit ted a Freeman. He received several small parcels of land and worked as a Q8fpenter farmer and often laid out boundaries be~ween Ipswich §nd other towns and was once chosen as one of' the SE;:;ven uien( selectmen} In 1639 he is first called Corporal .in Ip$wich.He settled in that pert of Rowley called Merrimack Village and afterwards at Bradford before 1661.In the latter town he was called Sergeant. He deposGd 3/25/1662 that his age was 58 years.He died 3/24/1672/73. 1000 J"Qhn Gage 1604: 1673 England to Ipswich ,Mass. M" ?Amy (.Aimee) probably Wilford. Died about 6/,1658 M: 11/7/1658 Sarah, widov; of Robert KGyes { died 6/1661) 4000 Samuel 1638 2001 Daniel 1639 2002 Bcnj~min 16h3 2003 wathaniol 16/,.; 2004 Jona th811 l•S-45 2005 Josiah 1648 ·Mary, M: John p:rcssie. , 2000 88Jr..uel Gage, horn Ipswich,Mass 1638 died at Have.rhill,Mass 7/;:o:;'J.6?6,._ Le was admitted a Freeman at Havorhill 5/31/16& 1;-~ 6 · 10/Jh?,\ FR.~t.a Stickney }1;1,:'i za'betl1 ) /L2 /ll•75 Brad±'ord .Died before 1717 M: De. vl d Ki.mba L a S0.:.1. { tVv:i.n~ i::i:)r'"'. 8 :.1.d di .;d 6 /22 /J.. 676 :: D::1116},j,c.3:;:a (t,;,-..1:1.11) born and c.i.eJ' 6/22/1676 2001 Don~.01 Gage 1.639;11/8/1705 Bradford, Mass. ·M~ 5/3/1674 Sarah Kimball, born about 1654.She died 9/15/1692.She was the daughter •of Hanry and Mary (Wyatt) Kimball of Wenham, Mass. 3000 Daniel 3/12/1676 3001 Joha 1/1/1677 3002 samuo.11. 5/9/1680 Mary 2/1/1681 M:Samuel Griffin tydia 1/30/1684 M: Eloazer(Ebenezer)Burbank Sarah 1 14/1687 M: Samuel Barker 2002 Benjamin.Gage 1643:10/10/1672 Andovcr,Hnvcrhill,Mass M: 1st 2 ;16/1663 Mary Keyes (6/16/1645: 12/20/1668) daughter of Sarah and Robert Keyes. Admitted a Freeman at Haverhill,Moss 5/Jl/1671 John 9/27/1666:2/25/1671 M: 2nd 10/11/1671 prudence Leaver (6/ll/1644:10/26/1716} daughter of' Thomas and Dam.eris (Beyley)teaver 3003 John 7/15/1672 2J03 NathaniG 1 1645: 4/30/1728 Brndford,Mass . He was 0dr1.i tt0d c: mcm.bGr of tho Bradford church 5/6/1683 and vvas rocoivcd se;ain by letter from the church in UE,ldcn 4/27/17O1.G.r,~.vcstonc [It Brs.d:t'ord. M: Mary (Wool-cs) G:;..~c--·ni Viido-w of Tho.tn2s Graen of Malden 3004 Nntl1Dniol 4/1"3/1696 MGry J. /12 /1697 t:: 10/15/1718 Bonj2.min Thurston ( 5/4/1695:9/6/1746) 2004 Jonathan Gage 1645:J/15/1674 Brudford,Mnss 'fllierriod 11/12/1667 Ecr-tc:, Chsndlc:r NEH.Uon Sooioty Jt1~s i.?08. It .cppoars from a deed recorded vvi th the Ipsvdch ::.00C:.s V~l 4 pr,ge 333 that the widow of Jon::ithan married tfc·h:.
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