Staffordshire. Leek

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Staffordshire. Leek DIRECfORY .] STAFFORDSHIRE. LEEK. 231 Petty Sessions are held at the Town ball, Market street, School of Art, Science & Technology, O}len September every alternate wednesday, at II a. m. &i at the Clerk's to July as per detailed programme, to be obtained free office, IO Derby street, Leek, daily (except on satur­ at the Institute, containing time-table, subjects, fees day), at II a.m. &i at the Public hall, Bradley &c. &c. Subscription Library (Book Cluh) ss. per Green, the second monday in every month at II a.m. year; open at all times when the library is open The places in the petty sessional division !!re : Alstone­ Leek Urban District Council Officials, Kineton Parkes, field, Biddulph, Blore-with-Swinscoe, Bradnop, Butter­ principal of Nicholson Institute; William Craigmile, ton, Calton, Cheddleton-with-Basford, Endon &i Stanley, head maste:r of school of art Fawfieldhead, Foxt, Grindon, Heathylee, Heaton, Hol­ Public Baths, 65 Derby street, James Olulow, supt linsclough, Horton, llam & Throwley, Ipstones, Leek, Stamp Office, Derby street, Aa.ron Ostler, distributor Leek Frith, Longsdon, Longnor, Lowe, Onecote, Quam­ Temperance Hall, Union street, Geo. Hy. Bowers, sec ford, Rudyard, Rushton James, Rushton Spencer, Town Hall, George Green, keeper Sheen, Tittesworth, Warslow &i E:kstones, Waterfall, Weighing Machine Offices, Derby street, J Ghn Ed ward W etton & W oodhouses Counsell, clerk PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS. VOLUN~E:ERS. Catholic Institute of the Blessed Virgin, King street, Mrs. rst Volunteer Battalion (The Prince of Wales's) North Elizabeth Haslam, lady superior Staffordshire Regiment (I Co. ), head quarters, Ca~-.. Cemetery, Compton, Charles Henshaw, registrar; Eli market, Capt. & Hon. Major Bernard Wardle; Capli. Beard, sexton Fred Davenport ; Colour-Sergeant W. Galton &i Sergt. Concert Hall, Town hall, Market st. Tom Maskery, sec John Boughey, drill instructors County Court, 52 St. Edward street, His Honor William Mullholland K.C. judge; William Alien, registrar & LEEK UNION. high bailiff; William Ernest Allwood, clerk &i assistant Board day, wednesday, fortnightly at the Board room,. high bailiff. Court sits once a month (except August) Union ~ffices, 6 Rnssell street, at II a.m at the Town hall, Market street; it comprises wit.hin The following are the places in Leek union, viz. : Bid­ its jurisdiction the following places~ Abbey Green, dulph, Bradnop, Butterton, Endon &i Stanley, :Fawfield­ Armshead, Ashcombe, Ball Haye Green, Basford, Bas­ head, Grindon, Heathylee, Heaton, Hollinsclough, Hot­ ford Bridge, Blackshaw Moor, Blackwood, Bottom ton, Leek, Leek Frith, Longnor, Longsdon, Lowe, Nor­ House, Bradnop, Broncote, Brownedge, Brund, Butter­ ton-in-the-Moors, Onecote, Quarnford, Rudyard, Rush­ ton, Catsedge, Cellar Head, Cheddleton, Clay Lake, ton J ames, Rushton Spencer, Sheen, Smalltborne, Tit­ Cobbler's Brook, Colly Hole, Crowborough, Dane tesworth, Warslow & Elkstones. The population in 19o:r Bridge, Denford, Ecton, Elkstone (Upper & Lower), was 41,867; area, 75,409 acres; rateable vaJue in 1903, Endon, Fawfieldhead, Ferny Hill, Ferny Ford, Flash, £46,652 Ford, Gradbatch, Gratton, Grindon, Goldsitch Moss, Clerk to the Guardians & Assessment 0Gmmittee, Josep"Q Gunside, Hardingsbooth, Harpur's Gate, Hazle Bar­ Shaw, 6 Russell street, Leek row, Heath House, Heathylee, Heaton, Rollins­ Treasurer, James Swindells, Parr's Bank Lim. Leek clough, Horton, Horton Hay, Horton Biddulph, Relieving &i Vaccination Officers, No. I district, John Hnlme End, Knowsley, Ladderedge, Lask Edge, Leek, Kidman Hyde, CrusD street, Leek ; No. 2 district, N oah Leek Frith, Leek Brook, Leek Lowe, Longnor, Longs­ Palmer, Norton-in-the-Moors; No. 3 district, William don, Meerbrook, Middle Hills, Mixon, Mosslee, Newton, Millwaru, Longnor; No. 4 district, Jonathan Nixon, Onecote, Pool End, Quarnford, Reaps Moor, Rownall, Biddulph Moor Rose Bank, Rudyard, Rushton James, Rushton Marsh, Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Biddulph district, Rushton Spencer, Shafferlong, Sheen, Southblow, Stan­ James Craig M. B., C. M. Bradley Green; Butterton ley, Stockton Brook, Swythamley, Tittesworth, Thorney district, Alfred Hall, Waterhouses; Endon district., Lee, Treble Locks, Upper Hulme, Wall Grange, War­ Edgar Somerville M. D. Derby street, Leek; Leek slow, Wetley Rocks, Werrington, Wink Hill, Withy district, T. E. Dakeyne L.R.C.P.Edin. 36 Stockwell st. Stakes. The ancient court leet for the town has fallen LePk; Leek Frith district, .John Mountfort Johnson into desuetude :M. D. 31 Ball Haye street, Leek; Longnor district, For bankruptcy purposes this court is subject to the juris­ ~~braham Thomas Bury L.R.C.P.Edin. Sheen; Norton• diction of Macclesfield, Arthur Crabtree Procter, 23 King district, John Leys M.B., C.M. Norton Edward str~et, Macclesfield, official receiver Superintendent Registrar, Joseph Shaw, 6 Russell street, William Carr Gymnasium, Nicholson. Institute, Stock­ Leek; deputy, Robert Farrow, 4 Ford street, Leek well street, Very Rev. Dean Stubbs D.D. president; Registrar of Marriages, William Shuebotham, Ashbourn& F. P. North, chief instructor; Miss A. Bestwick, Miss road, Leek; deputy, Tom Shallcross, St. Edward st­ G. Doherty, F. Hudson & J. Lilley, assistants; Kineton Leek Parkes, sec. ; classes for ladies &J gentlemen; free & Registrars of Births &i Deaths, Biddulph sub-district .. public on 5 nights per week Jonathan Nixon, Biddulph Moor; deputy, James H~ County Police Station, Leonard street, Waiter Thomas Nixon, Biddulph Moor; Leek sub-district, Mrs. Elizh. Gasson, superintendent ; 2 sergeants & 9 constables ; Barlow, 20 Fountain street, Leek; deputy, John Kid­ Reuben Burnett & Edgar Brunt, police surgeons, St. man Hyde, Cruso street, Leek; Leek Frith sub-distr-lct, Edward street, Leek Daniel Torr, Rushton, near Maccles:field; deputy, Jsph. County Silk School, Nicholson Institute, Kineton Parkes, Torr, Rushton ; Longnor sub-district, William Mill­ principal ; Arthur Shaw, .silk weaving instructor; G. ward, Longnor, near Buxton; deputy, George F. L. H. Burst, silk dyeing instructor Millward, Longnor; Norton sub-district, Noah Palmer, Fever Hospital, Ashbourne road, Mrs. Elizabeth Sand­ Norton-in-the-Moors; deputy, George Wood Walker, well, matron Norton-in-the-Moors Fire Brigade Station, Stockwell street; Richard Clowes, The Workhouse, .Ashbourne road, is a. plain structure ot capt. ; Micah Carding, hon. capt brick, available fur 250 inmates, &i has an infirmary Leek Urban District Council Electric Light Generating for about 6o patients; Thomas Edward Dakeyne, medi­ Station now (1903) in course of erection, Cruso street, cal officer; Rk:lland Roberts, master; Mrs. Alice Roberts, Charles Henshaw, sec. Town hall, Leek matron. There is no paid chaplain, the services being Literary &i Mechanics' Institution, Bussell street, Charles conducted grafuitously by the ministers of various Morris, librarian denominations Memorial Cottage Hospital, Stockwell street, T. E. Dakeyne L.R.C.P .Edin. A. Somerville M.D. Percy PUBLIC OFFICERS. Herbert Vickers Hammersley L.R.C.P.L., J. M. John­ Assistant Overseer, John Shallcross, 45 St. Edward street son M.D., J. C. ~lcClew M.B. James McClew M.B. Certifying Factory Surgeon, John Mountfort Johnson M.D. Reuben Burnett M.R.C.S.Eng. & Edgar Hi. Brunt 3I Ball Haye street M.B., C.:M. medical officers; A. Fogg L.D.S.Eng. & A. Clerk to Commissioner of Taxes, Edward Challinor, 10 Sumerling L.D.S.Irel. hon. dentists; Miss Lamble, Derby street matron Clerk to Justices, Thomas Shaw, 10 Derby street Nicholson Institute, Stockwell street, Free Public Lending Collector of Taxes &i Poor Rates, .Tohn Shallcross, 45 St. & Reference Library, Art Galleries & Museum; School Ed ward street of Art, Science &i Technology; The Very Reverend Wm. Inland Revenue Officer, Wm. H. Nithsdale, Southfields Stubbs D.D. president; Kineton Parkes, principal; Stamp Distributor, Aaron Ostler, Post office William Craigmile, hon. A.R. C.A. head master of school TGwn Crier, Walter Osborne, I6 Broad street of art; Miss Lucy Nixon, assistant; George A. Wood, assistant librarian. News room open daily (sundays PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of services. excepted) from 8.30 a.m. to IO p.m.; library, 10 a.m. St. Edward the Confessor's Church, Rev. Thomas Henry to 2 p.m. & 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. (thursdays Io a.m. to 2 Browne Fearon M.A. vicar; Rev. Henry Wm. Lowe p.m. only); art galleries & museum, Io a.m. to dusk. M. A. & Rev. Sidney Montague Watson, curates; sun. .
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