FEATURES ARTS & SPORTS Instructor Bob Jensen ENTERTAINMENT Olympic softball player visits shares his, excursion inP Fullerton Museum Hornet field4 the Far East Project is looking for .Page 5 ...Page7 ...Page 4 talented artists.. I - ' I -m- I : , I , __ I I II- HE ORNET Serving Fullerton College Since 1929

Leanin Facilityto Oen Sring20 The $22 million center magazines, Ayala said. Facilities Bond Act that was passed Construction of the LLRC began "At FC, many centers such as by voters in November of 2002. in August 2003 and will continue will consolidate multiple reading/tutoring and disabled facil- "Another $5 million was given until December of 2004. The facili- campus learning services~ ities are all over campus, which in additional construction costs and ty will be open in spring of 2005, By Lisa Maiorana makes it frustrating for students to furnishings from the Measure X after proper renovation and inspec- Hornet Staff Writer get to," Ayala said. "Which is why bond so that, the building would tion, Portolan said. we plan on making the LLRC a have the enhancements we wanted After the LLRC is completed, Fullerton College's new one-stop shopping center for stu- for a signature building," said Vice the campus library's original build- Library/Learning Resource Center ( dents in terms of learning and President of Education - and ing, the 200 building, will be con- will open in the spring of 2005 said research." Planning Janet Portolan. verted'into a house of campus com- John Ayala, dean of learning The center costs $22 million dol- The center will house the current mons that will hold the Student resources. lars. Of that amount, $17 million William T. Boyce library, the Staff Center, Cadena Center, campus The facility will be two. stories will come from the state capital out- Development program, the book store and other services cur- PRhoto by Joey Macias / The H tall and hold space for most of the lay funds, which were'supported by Academic Support Center, rently housed in the 2000 building, A NEW LOOK-An artist's rendition of what the new Library/Learning campus library and its resources Proposition 47, the Kindergarten- Adaptive Services Center, the Math said Public Information Officer Research Center will look like once completed. and such as books, dictionaries University Public Education Lab and the Friends of the Library. Andrea Hanstein. Former FC Orange County Remembers Fallen in Iraq Official's Residents held a candle- dents decision to send them off to war. mark the one- "Nine-Eleven doesn't count because Trial On Hold. light vigil to 9/11 wasn't a military attack per se. year anniversary of the war Were going in blaming any Arab nation Absent lawyer in Iraq we can because we can with no evi- postpones preliminary dence at all. hearing By Joey Macias "The whole media said that Saddam Hornet News Editor had something to do with 9/11 and By Julie Anne Ines never gave us any reason why. It was Hornet A&E Editor ORANGE-Residents from all over something we were supposed to Orange .County converged at the City The preliminary hearing of for- assume," Vaughn said. mer Fullerton of Orange Saturday night for a candle- The City of nge was chosen to .. ,Ora admin light vigil. host the vigil .for many reasons. In College Ron .Approximately 200 people, both for November 2003, a march and rally was istrator was x . . and against the war, attended the event held at Hart park. Protesters marched Krimper in Old Towne Orange. down Glassel Street to the Orange cir- postponed last due Y<> The vigil coincided with the protest cle then back to Hart park. Thursday absence and march that was held in Hollywood Orange resident Lianne Lawrence to the one of the Krimper earlier in the day. attend both demonstrations. of in the multi- The day of protests marked the one- "I was pleasantly surprised with the attorneys involved case. year anniversary of the beginning of the amount of people that came out. We defendant accused of embezzling war in Iraq. strdout down in Hart Park ad Also in con- Supporters from both marched up to the circle Victor Valley College funds sides shouted slogans and back. And there were nection with a program that trained during the four hour "Proud t o bean a lot of people. You know the employees of 62 local compa- nies are former president event. "Bush lies, people AmericC,anl. behind the 'Orange' vvc Nicholas Halisky and former VVC die" was one of the slo- Curtain' you don't expect t contract employee Lynn Puckett. gans chanted:' "Drop - Tim Whipittacre, Santa that, but it was pleasantly . their Bush not bombs" was Ana Resid(leent, 12-year surprising," Lawrence said. All three plead innocent at another. vetotoeran USMC Former Fullerton arraignment hearing in October felony charges of one Many attended the College student and :;:e 2002 after vigil for different reasons. Orange resident Kevin count of embezzlement each were San Orange resident Elaine Brewer attended the vigil brought against them by the County Sheriff's Slamint attended the vigil to show her for different reasons. Brewer was more Bernardino support for the troops. concerned with the passage of the Department. Halisky's* attorney, Grover "I wanted to do something and I Patriot Act and what effect that would Porter, was engaged in a murder wish there was more I could do and I have on the citizens. in Riverside and was not want to bring our boys home. Its terri- "It was a spur of the moment thing. I trial released by the judge presiding ble," Slamint said. was checking out books from the case, said Mark Cantrell, Slamint added "I don not support the library and it occurred to me as I was over the president; I am opposed to the war more Krimper's attorney. leaving I started to wonder if someone...... '4 '. ' than anything. These poor boys are Because of Porter's absence, wasrai keepingg adIt track o ofg tt dying." the abooks a I onwas San Bernardino County Superior Judge David Cohn chose to Fullerton College student Daryl thing I never worried about until the Court postpone the hearing until April 1. Vaughn attended the vigil to show that Patriot Act passed," Brewer said. To avoid similar conflicts, he "this is not a dead issue." "I don't want to see the precious lib- ordered all attorneys, defendants "There still is an occupation. We arc erties that people have fought for, died and witnesses to appear in court on not the world's police and we do not for just thrown down the toilet for no have the right to be there," Vaughn said. good reason," Brewer added. Vaughn that though he did support Photo by Luis G Gomez / The Hornet the troops, he did not support the ,presi- See Candlelight page 3 PASSIVE PROTEST- Saturday's candlelight vigil in Orange was a calm event according to police. Thousands Protest Bush in LA . 'Tinseltown' rc)115 out foot, on bikes and circling the sky in trated in signs that read "Bush lied for prc a helicopter overhead. and soldiers died" and "Bush-worst red carpet )testors The one-and-a-half mile march, president ever." which started with an opening rally When asked why she was By Julie Anne Ines p.m. at protesting, Muna Coobtee of the Hornet A&E Editor at approximately 12:30 Hollywood Boulevard and Vine Free Palestine Alliance said, "We're HOLLY WOOD-M lore than Street in front of the Pantages here because we believe Palestine, Bound to El Norte-The Los 20,000 anti-war de monstrators Theatre, moved west on Hollywood like Iraq, is fighting for self-deter- Angeles Pulitzer Prize-winning marched in Los Angeles to mark the to Highland Avenue, south on mination and we support that." photo journalist Don Bartletti will one-year anniversary o1ifthe war in Highland to Sunset Boulevard, west Among the anti-war, anti-gov- speak and present a slideshow of Iraq, according to the, Act Now to on Sunset to Hollywood, then east erment and anti-George W. Bush protestors were supporters of Bush, his work on Thursday, March 25 in Stop War and End RRacism Los on Hollywood to the main rally the Wilshire Auditorium. Angeles Web site. point and stage in front of the several of whom engaged in The international organization Kodak Theatre. arguments with protestors at the was one of the main c)rganizers of Marchers included members of opening rally. the rally that took lace on an the Socialist Labor Party and the Bush supporters waving Gene Isaacson's sculptural international scale. Green Party, along with individual American flags and holding up exhibit, "Companions in Clay," The LA Police Department marchers from various, parts of LA. pictures of relatives serving in the anti- military also lined the corners of closes today. View the collection showed a strong presence at the The group harbored strong Photo By Julie Anne Ines / The Hornet in the FC art gallery (1000 building). Hollywood rally with officers on George W. Bush sentiments illus- See LA Protest page 3 TENSION-Protestors and pro-Bush supporters nearly came to blows. 2 OPINION STAFF 1II


NEWS EDITORS JOEY MAClAS MICHAEL OCAMPO OPINION EDITOR WILLIAM BLOOMFIELD Voting From 0.r.A FEATURES EDITOR ELIZABETH BLANCHARD The Heart 0011 A&E EDITOR JULIE ANNE INES .When the bombs ripped through question. Yet the question is, LOCAL EDITOR train carriages picking up morning essentially, no less relevant to the ELENI REED commuters in Madrid, killing over American people, headed slowly 200 people and injuring some 1400 but surely toward the Presidential SPORTS EDITOR more, Spain was only three days election in November. - --- STAFF away' from its national elections. 'How would you' vote in the my dose of The Brothers Grimm, Do you remember that scene and another reading of the real from Disney's Beauty and the CLASSIFIEDS EDITOR Spain's government claimed almost November election if, three days LIZ ROMAN immediately that the Basque before you cast your vote, al-Qaeda story of The Little Mermaid. Beast when the Beast uncovers separatist group, Euskadi Ta struck again on American soil? In Then, as I grew older, I started Belle's eyes to show her the PHOTO DIRECTOR 'Askatasuna (Basque-Fatherland and fact, a man claiming to be to realize that there was a world library filled wall to wall with STACY R. SCHWED Freedom), were responsible for the al-Qaeda's European military beyond the universe I had created books? Coming into journalism ~A candid Ghmpse iin my mind. There was a world that was kind of like that, except PHOTO EDITOR terrorist attack. However, in the spokesperson promises further LUIS G. GOMEZ following days it became apparent attacks against America and its was more vivid and full of people without the singing clocks, dancing who had their own stories to tell. candelabras and speaking feather that al-Qaeda was responsible. allies, adding, "Will it be Japan or Amers:':can Lefstts PHOTOGRAPHERS March. 11, the day so many lost America, or Italy, Britain or Oslo or The earth seemed like a giant dusters with French accents DIRK.JHNO library with encyclopedias, (although, sometimes I think~ TAMMY WRIGHT their lives in Madrid, marked two Australia?" He further says that and a half years since the tragedy of al-Qaeda wants GW. Bush to win, tragedies and comedies populating that the computers have a mind ONLINE EDITOR 9/11. As I said 'in an e-mail to the saying that Bush, "who deals with it. Each person was a book on legs of their own, but that, too, my JASON DIXON Spanish Consulate, sending my matters by force rather than with and each was writing their own friends, is a story for another day). heartfelt -condolences and wisdom," is a better choice than story. I remember thinking at one It seems that every singleJ. person. CAMPUS ... BUZZ. remembering the words I had heard Kerry, because Kerry "will kill our. " Every Person Has point that I would love to read I come into contact with, even >ALICIA DAVID . LISA MAIORANA those two and a half years before, nation while it sleeps because ,he every single one. the eccentric ones, ... has a story A Story To Tell I remember thinking it, but I did to tell. ft. we were all Spaniards that day.. and the 'Democrats have the* .:i:::. not. act on it (one .of my, worst No matter iie... what anyone says, AD MANAER Tragedy knows no borders. .- .cunning: to, -embellish. blasphemy... *i... DAYNA RHODE' By Julie Anne Ines faults, but that's a story for another I think that't."'.'.".iild people are more And apparently politics knows and present it to the Arab and ..".*.-.".*,.'...... ".*i no restraint. Muslim nation. as. civilization." Hornet A&E Editor day) and I buried the thought complexh...... r than we give them credit COPY EDITOR/EDITORIAL' d...6 JAMES POMEROY The government of Spain, If such talk bothers you-good. behind Shakespeare and Emily for. Everyone is a mystery, a headed : by Prime Minister Jose It ought to. It certainly bothers me. Stories have always been a part Dickinson in high school. It did not comedy, a tragedy and a love story CARIST~ Maria Aznar, remained mindful of It ought to make you think, as it has of my life.. As I was growing up, I resurface again until the fall of all rolled into one. TIM, LYNCH the :elections ahead. The. made me. think, because. thinking- made it -my goal to read all the last year. I don't think that I will ever government remained. mindful about what's going on is. the only books in the Fantasy section of the I signed up for , the newspaper. outgrow my love of stories, and class here at Fullerton college just I hope STAFF WRITERS enough -to worry that exposing way to stand, in the end, against library (of course, 'then, I that I never do. JOSE BALDERAS al-Qaeda as responsible for the those who are depending on~ your, pronounced it "lie-bare-ee"). A to "see what it was." like." I didn't The human condition is far too JILL week was not complete until I had expect it to fit so.1 well. fascinating to ever discount. COOK'. bombings might result in very bad' being emotionally reactive. In the h ANDREAS FERNANDEZ publicity for the Prime, Minister, . I . end, you should vote your 1-1.1-1.1-1-I'll'-...:::.. -:,-*,-.,-,--,-,,., , ::i: :i:i: :j: :i:.,..* : ;:j: : ' * *- :::: : :j: , :j:j:: , ::,i::::::!:' ::!:, :: ::: : :::::::: :i::::::::::.:.;:::::::::::::::::. :::::::::Z;::::::::::::*,**,...*:.:,:" id' ' ' ' ' * ' ' , ...... '.'.'.'.'..... ::::.:::::,::::::;::::*:,:::,:,:::::::::::':*::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::,::::::::::.:::::::::::.::::::::::::::: ::- i:-:::::::::::':'.' : :::::::::'--':.:: ...... ,., ...... 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Constitution .,-::: ;i:i: :j: :j.*: : : :j: ; : :.,:i: :j:::: ":j: :,::i:i: :: :: : : : : : ; - -j::::: : : ;-...... -.-.....--..-...--.-...... ,.,.::."":""";:,.,.,.,...... : ii iil: :ii: :i*i:i:: i--':- ::::j"::::::::':"". ::: ft ...... -..-...%-..S tft . i::]:i:.- :::-i:k : : : :j: i: :i.i.i::: 14i'.*'-,i i: ::i." -' .UUid. The Hornet newspaper is iiil:iiiiiiiiiii:i i]iiiii]:iiiii iiiii:iii :i::i::::: *:j: :j:j:j:i:j:j:j: : : :j:j:j: :]::i:i:i::,: : : : -i: :.':::j;j: i: i:i]i:j: :j:j: ii:i:i:i:j:j:j.-.,::: -j:i::::..:j'ii : : i:ii:i::: :ii.ii i]i i :iii i i: :.. ii..:." .:,.::::::::::,:::: ::::::: e.::::::::::::::::::::::::- .. :"::E::::-:::.:::::::::.:::.:...... -.-.Z.-.-.-.-.-.-...... *:,:":.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.i::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::i:i:::.,..-. ,.-. li - :' ..I-~...... 0-1:' who was ousted in the election. The and the Bill of Rights. :j:j::::i:i:i:::::::::i: :::: ::i: :i:::::i:i:: .i:i:::::::::,:i::::::::::.::*::::::.::::::::::::::::::::: i :i]:iiiiii:i:i.. i *.*.; rlklh . ...._...' 'iii::i: :iiiiiffioo." ii: f-_ fij " iv ""'h" 0:---..-,.- - :::j::::::::::::::::::::::::;:i*iii::::::i..... -"-'.*,"",,:...... ':: :i:: :: ii:?.4..A th i . 6 ..t . i-.-,.-. i.t.b.. '6 :...... ii. .. _bi ...... :...... ::im. t ..... i ii : : :i:i:i:i:i::i. ::: ii ::,::::;::::::::::i!., ...... _..-...-..-...... - _- ...... --...... '.-... - j:;i]::j:j:j:j... ,_ .HE4 ...... " " -:i ::: :*:::::::*:' . -,-.*-.,:.--.*-.- ...... - published as a learning expe- *::::::: . .WW : .:S:...... k-a ::::a::z:-.::.-.- .. .:;:;::-'..:.-..--_._. .,....-.'.'. new prime minister, Jose Luis You, as an American, as a :',*,'-",:::::;::::...... :::::::::::i:::::::::::::.:i::.-:.i:i:::::...... -.. ..i':i:::i;]: ::j:i:i.:. ::j: :::i:i:i:i:::i::.",.:::ii:: " ' * ::::.:-:-:::::.::: iii:ik::::::;:;ii:*::: ii:: i ii: ]i i : '. -* *.h... ;:.:.,.:.: ".-:ii;,4.'.T:::: :.::W.:.:-:.: ':'::aR : '9 C'& ..'...... _...... - under the guidance of : '.::...:::::*..::::: : &. iW M :::::::::::.!..iai ...... ai*i; :.,g t.,.,..., i-: : i : : : :i :ii::.:::.'._._... ,:.:-:.::..:,:. ::::::..:::i:::. ...:.:::...... ": -. 11 .'.'.,:,.,'...'...... ,...... -...... -.. a....'....W-9...*. rience, .....%...... i ' ..-.:..:::: ....,.":., .. h ;o .. ...' "b -" ' "*:,*,:::: : ,.^,.:.,.,:-':':'.*.- .. .:.:.:.:.:-...... --- :::::::,:::, Rodriguez Zapatero, intends to person with the right. to vote, share ...... "... .'-.'-.'- ...... 'i:i:::b .... :i:::::i:i:::i:i:i:i:. ... ::::: .,..".-.-.: :j:j:j '*"R "".c ...... :i!: :i::::::, :i:i:::i: g,:*::::i: :::i:i: :: :j: ...... :-i ..::::,. ,b -'.ig':i'4; w .-.'.h -' : .. I.'In *IQ::::: the Fullerton College journal- . :- ! M .;cgi i.... F i ::.:.:.::]:i::::::.::,:::i::.:.::;::::::::::..-. .. :-.-.--'---._---.DnSiX)00 i..... 1-5.K:::::::i._ . ,-- ...... Rilles,'...... ism instructional 'program. withdraw. Spain's troops from Iraq with all other voters the honor and, The editorial and advertising by June 30 "If the U.N.. doesn't take. the responsibility of making .... matter published herein, control of Iraq."Zapatero intends yourself heard as a representative of including any opinions to do what the citizens of Spain our country's most honored expressed, are the responsi-, wanted all along. documents. .11- bility of the student newspa- This brings us to an important The burden falls on your shoul- 1 per staff. Under appropriate question: Did the Spanish people ders to. vote. your state and federal court deci- vote in fear and give al-Qaeda what conscience, because doing anything

sions, college newspapers they'wanted, or did they vote their less, regardless of circumstances, ..... and magazines are free from conscience regardless of who lessens the value of those prior restraint by virtue of the First Amendment to the might. be pleased or displeased? documents and diminishes the United States Constitution. With regard. to, the -motives of spirit of those who fought and gave Accordingly, information Spanish voters as a whole, we may their lives.. in the name of published in this newspa- never know the answer to that democratic freedom. per/magazine, including any opinions expressed, should not be interpreted to repre- sent the position of the North Orange County Community College District, the College, or any officer or employee thereof.

LE 3:t#t* tQme...:..; tb,.EdUlr

~The*one e:slt

Laura Speer, 18, Zoology

"No, because the classes I'm taking don't have anything to with what I want. "

I" ". " . L NE WS::::::: 3lj~i~jt: ~ii~i~ ii~~iii~:iii~~i~~4 :i4



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Photo by Julie Anne -Ines I The Hornet THE OIC OFTHEPEOLETousndsof emostraorsflodedthestrets f Hllyoodon Saturday in oppostion to the protracted U.S. occpatonof ralef) an AprtesorleaingralyAfhaistn hats nd avng P letnan flag (night)

LA~ ~ ~rmSgn ~ ~ ~ fpoetr~ Prts~~~~~ otne n uh

sometimes you have to stand up. District Attorney "Its like the school yard bul- ;~'.~ Fermin wanted to avoid due to lied who . his involvement in other cases. keeps you up The delayed hearing upset both day after day and taking your and Krimper. * lunch money. One, of the days A frustrated Puckett called the you just have to stand up and say no way," Cauly said. hearing the biggest farce she had

Santa Ana resident and 12- ever attended. year veteran of.the Marine Corps According to her attorney, Eric Tim Whitacre attended the Chase, Puckett's name has been for "besmirched" since September. vigil to show his support Puckett said *that the the president. "It's a shame that people courts were ignoring the rights of like myself fought and bled and the defendants by "playing gave their lives so that people silly games." Krimper also chose to address could come out here and do this. People are out here with the flag the court and stated that he was upside down desecrating what waiting for a liver and a kidney we fought and bled for" MARCHING * wastransplant. delayed, The thefurther greater the casehis Whitacre said. FOR TROOPS- Santa Ma chances of missing an opportunity * ~tt~ Ctmd1~lig1it "V~ Resident Tim to receive a transplant. Whitacre (top) Noting the presence of the 1,. leads a pro- 'media, which included th~ Victor ~ ~ ~ ~ Bush group at . Valley Daily Press and the the Orange can- *. . Orange County Register, 1, ~ I3USH R~~v~iy 3 dlelight vigil. I'~Irimper stated that the case was PEACEFUL ruining his life, a statement that his f3013 M2kI,5 LOST PROTEST-

Fullerton ~ . ... ~. attorney echoed when asked about U 5310? Mad Sheep DIS~~ College student ~ ...... ~.'-' the postponement of the hearing. 1~AMM1~ i~AMM~ Daryl Vaughn "This is ruining his life. (left) plays the Colleagues are asking him about it, ~ 'EBi~ &other~. War ~ Peace. . . . drums. its affecting his job prospects, he s Fre~dom is Slavery OLD GLORY- waiting for a liver transplant.. .it employeesCity parks has a very detrimental affect on his U (BUSH) Bring US take health. So we wanted to go for- Soldiers Hoi~ie Americandown the flag frontward ofto putthe ourcourt side to ofhopefully the story get in (right) during ~...... - BUSH DOCTRINE "I "With Militarism and Tyranny ~. ~ Saturday's can- this case dismissed." dlelight vigil As it stands, Krimper, Halisky for All" and Puckett have to wait two more Photos by Luis weeks until they know whether or * NoBlood for Oil Goinez / The Hornet not there are grounds for the dis- missal of the case. 4 FEATURE S

* Chairman of the Theatre Arts "We went [to China] to let them know what Mekong River.' Department and his'wife go on a they are doing was important and the people in "I also saw the famous gates of Kunming," 3r~et~46wmk e~? 3~'a ~~e-e journey to research and write. the United States care about them," Jensen said. said Jensen. "The gates which had been torn In a 'world that is so different from ours, down by the Chinese during the Cultural By Stacy Schwed Jensen sits down with me and tells of his Revolution," Jensen continued. With the gates Hornet Photo Director experience while in China and Thailand. being beautifully restored it provided a contrast "Travel changes the way you see things," between gorgeous skyscrapers and the gates. A journey that lasted only two weeks gave a said Jensen. Traveling in China is a little '"The return of the gates suggest a change in FC instructor and his* wife a lifetime of different than in the United States. We mostly the government's~ attitude about old China" memories. traveled by foot, many traveled by water said Jensen. Bob Jensen, FC's Chairman, of the Theatre buffalo (through the rice fields), we even rode a Kunming is noted for its famous flower and Arts Department and his wife Sandra returned took-took, it's a three wheeled taxi cab with a bird market. . However due to the Avian Flu last week from China. They were invited .canapd over the top. epidemic, they have since disappeared. to China and Thailand, to research a minority "I observed some different things in China, "There were supposed to be 300-500 birds in group, and be able to write about in terms of changes," said Jensen. The there and when l got there, there were none," their experiences. population in Kunming, China has doubled in Jensen said With different minorities in China Sandra Jensen is a freelance writer, she also .10 years. and Thailand always comes a different cu~lture does manuscript service, and writes for JDC, a The Chinese government invited people to of food. There were several different minorities radio broadcast production company. Sandra move out of the country,'due to the fact that the represented in the open-air market. also writes for Focus on* the Family, and writes city was rapidly getting bigger. "We ate Burmese, Chinese, and Thai food," short stories. "Advertising billboards and downtown said Jensen, "We went to. this restaurant called, Jensen and his wife went to support their shops was a westernization of products and 'The Shouting Muslim."' friends in China who were in a 'relief goods; and had 'a western look to things. It The minority people Jensen's group visited organization involved in village doctor training looked like China wanted to be accepted by the live in China, Thailand, ' Bufma, Laos, and English language educajion.. ~west," Jensen said. and' Cambodia. In his travels he found those Some unusual things were seen in people to be successful farmers, with a lot ~of China, like a Kentucky Fried Chicken interaction with other minority groups from the was opening up on the lower level of mountains with whom they traded goods. a skyscraper. Jensen and his wife stayed with the Village "They had three girl dancing in front Chief and his family. of this KFC in the promotional "I marvel that the irrigation and farming opening," said Jensen. "1 saw pride in which is about '700-800 years old, is still done eyes of the parents, as they watched the same way effectively and just to see the ir single children dancing in front pride the Chinese take in farming and their this KFC, with~ KFC hats on," village," Jensen said. &4 Jensen continued. "1could'see the pride and interest he [village Later Jensen's group visited a smaller chief] had in iniproving the roads, the sanitation ~ city called Jinghong, along the Mekong facilities, the garbage disposal, and all the K' River in southwestern China,' at the things a 'westerner.' might notice on the first Yunnan Province. Mekong River comes. day. I can see he wanted to improve the out of the Himalayas and moves into the info-structure of his village," Jensen continued. Photo Couritesy of ob Jetnsen Golden Triangle, which connects the Over a two week period in China and three countries of China, Burma, and Thailand Jensen was very impressed by the rig Laos. Here, Jensen bad a chance to kindness and hospitality, of all the people he view different cultures of living along the met and the different cultures he explored. ~,,U,,-,,I,,,,,,,-1,,-,L-,,;,;,,--;--,-. ___~___ ULifecom See What It Can Do For You

* A one-stop, multi-service website for all school you plan to transfer to. Otherwise, just pick one college students. from the list. You don't however need to register to navigate through much of the site. it.~ ~ i::~~:i::'~~.iiii By Jason A. Dixon "ULife.com strives to reflect the collective voice of ~fdrn'et'Online Editor ~he college cpmmunity," Masso says. mna~~ii~~lra~""" wJa# The internet is a wealth of information, but what part ULife.com offers: that info 'is relevant to you? Do you need a date? Are you wondering what to, wear, which sociology Connect: dating, chat, email, IM ~y Qama Ewir5~ ictue,Pii~that~i o ide instructor best suits your learning style; where you can I bowotnth andeiepbihdi get used books? The answers are out there and Barrett What can 1 see'i~~i The Honi et?' Masso, Arizona State University junior, may be able to Trade: browse, buy, sell, trade As teblndd" iie help' you find them. If> ::;. .;; ; Would Masso is the CEO of ULife.com, a 'recently 'text books' See beyond existence """""""""""""""""""" ' See hathe bin4see rtile"to write ort."" a laun~hed "web portal" for college students Media: music, movies, I eemyher dece:fived;;;i:::: Features~i::section'r across the country. ULife .com is a one-stop, Ada grset acos multi-service website. sports, fashion Do you have something you want to sell? There is a place on the site where you can sell lextbooks, event Specials: news, j6bs, talent Mytersdstoyte toe liabethi~ii~~i~:8iii~i ll tickets, and vehicles among other things. If you're exposure, classifieds, travel. toste ys nve tod Blncari~i;~~i~~~~~~iin interested in meeting other college students you'll find specials, games Have beom seenbyrn communication tools including chat rooms, instant No da';;:~rki5 less doste g~ y ee """"""uom52 messaging, e-mail, and even a dating service. Asyubcm"n~ Tools: resume builder, homework Do yobegi~'": toi see:i~2 Other sections include style, downloads and sports. 'Hatelies n al Navigate through the. classifieds or the travel specials helper My:::i~~woun will always prove it~: ~"''~ to look for deals. There is even help available for So iwjj:ii:i::::: ll myt~zpassi~~ii o to see:r:: ~~ii creating a resume. Sports: college sports, pro sports ; Masso says, "We are uniquely in tune with what students want and need because we are out there and Downloads: software ACCOMPLISH MOREIN iF TA listening to what they have to say. If there is something YOU:::l::~~i::EVER HOUGT POSIBL they want to see on the site, we'll make it happen." 44j AT:jARGOSY:~:~~:::~;i. UNIVERSITY~j~ Registration for community college students may' be Dne of them. -For more information ~o to ORAGECONT When Get:aneuainta aksadfeec. Args nvriyofr registering for the site you must choose a ULife.com ' ~~ grdaeadudrgaut ~ ~ : ereprgasi scolg n uses school from' the drop down list. The list doesn't include an rdaedereporm in education.:a 2-year colleges. If you're transferring, choose the " ~ aeeigweed;::::; ;:~ n online::intuto a~iilbe,ti o'yu convenience. Conac ustoayard eehw aryo cno Unerrdut an rdaeDerePorm arosu:d'1.800.710.9598a AROY NVRST/OAG CUT Chpa AeuSut 63745W.~.Orange,CA. 9286 0

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The walkway contains eight Gene lsaacson's Collection of How To Avoid Art 4 foot concrete planters and is a Pre-Columbian main access route to several Companions in Clay the Fashion retail businesses and offices. runs through March 24 The project area is considered Police the birthplace" of Fullerton at Monday-Thursday and Saturday the corner of Commonwealth and 10 a.m.-2 p.m Wednesday 5 7 p m U Afraid of being a fashion Harbor. It was here in 1887 that 'don't'? Follow these ten tips Fullerton founders George and and you'll be a 'do' every Edward Amerige planted the sur- time! veying stake and began dividing plots for what would become Standard Dvat CD By Lisa Malorana Fullerton's downtown. Hornet Staff Writer Artists interested in applying should be degreed in art and have The award-winning FC Jazz bands j excellent communication skills, come together on this CD under the When purchasing colors, experience working with at-risk direction of Dr. Gregory Woll and first put colors against and high-risk teens, and fluency Bruce Babad. face to see which .your ~ .~ in both English and Spanish. hues best complement Applicants must submit a pro- Call the music department office at your skin tone. Do not just buy a posed theme for the project. (714) 992-7296 for CD purchasing color because it's popular or your Given that 2004 marks the information.

favorite. centennial of the city's incorpo- ~ ..

""""' ration as well as the project's location, an historic theme is encouraged for the art project. Side Show Never wear more than two Selection of the artist and March 11-25, 2004 or more trends, together. approval of the final design will March 11, 12,13,18, 19,20 and For example, never wear be made by the city's Public Art 25 at at 8 p.m. stripes with florals. Committee. Application packets may be This Tony-award nominated musi- *8888888888 Photo by Steve Mason! The Hornet obtained by contacting Aimee cal chronicles the lives of sisters Aul, education coordinatorfor Daisy and Violet Hilton. wearing Fullerton Museum Center~ at Decidean item ifbecause you are you like it the Past CUFFS projects include 301 N. Pomona Ave., one block High School Theatre Festival brushes museum's art education program or it's a trend? * Grab your paint a painted mural tribute to east of Harbor, in downtown March 26 and 27, 2004 The Fullerton for teens offered through Fullerton! Fullerton native and guitar inno- Fullerton. Project is look- Community United for Fullerton * 8 8@~* 8 8 8 8 8 Museum vator Leo Fender on the west Deadline for returning the High school students from all over ingfor you! Safety-CUFFS, a multi-agency program designed to reduce gang side of the Transportation Center applications is 5p.m. Southern California will partici- Do not use brand and involvement and drug use Parking Structure and the outside Wednesday, April 7. pate in various drama competi- designer names when By Steve Mason youth. north wall of Fullerton's La Further information may be tions in the High School describing your attire. Hornet Staff Writer among The goal of the mural project Sierra High School. obtained by calling the Theatre Festival. The Fullerton Museum Center is to involve teens in their com- The site for the project is a Fullerton Museum Center To purchase tickets to music or the- arti$ts interested in munity and the arts bycontribut- pedestrian walkway and parking Education Office at is seeking atre events, please contact the and producing a public ing to the production of a perma- area bounded by Amerige (714) 738-3136. When covered up from neck designing Fullerton College box office at mural art project on a series 'of nent art piece.. Avenue on the north, Persons requiring special accommodations to submit (714) 992-7433. The box office is concrete ' planters along a The artist selected to head the Commonwealth Avenue on the applications are asked to notify open Monday through Fridayfrom public access ' path in project will be responsible for south, Harbor Boulevard to the 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and is downtown Fullerton. designing the mural and super- west, and Pomona Avenue on the museum staff prior to April 7. located in fiwit of I/u The project is part of the vising the young artists. the east. campus Theatre that says Von Anything L Dutch. If you see 'Tom I--I-mull -Green wearing it, the trend I '.'.'''.-.. is over.

- ::::::::::::.:::.:.:.:.:.:::.::.:.:.;.::-::.:::-::.:.::.:::-::-:.-. -- :-::::::-:::-:: :::::: ::: :-:::::::::: ::., : - ' KVideo Game :.:.::.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:::::.::.:.::::.,:.:I::.:.:.: ::.:::::.::.:.::.::..: - ...... -- -- ...... : Open toe sandals with guage, but simply the lingua fran- Their sophomoric effort, Enter the Matrix was written and cracked feet. No one wants Breath of ca of the international music 10,000 Hz Legend, was to success /nter the: Matrix directed by Larry and Andy hang nails. trade), is still an what polyester was (and still is) to Wachowski, at the same time they to see your of the Fr.esh 'AIR' album certain to make you feel high fashion. But if you've heard * Enter the world wrote and directed 'Matrix Reloaded, 888888888*888 "smoove and luffly" for 'the the soundtrack to Sofia Coppola's and Revolutions. All of the same the * Air's latest album leaves (unfortunately brief) forty-three award-winning movie, Lost in equipment, the same crew, and Don't wear head-hugging you* feeling "smoove and minutes it lasts. Translation, then you have already same actors were used in the game. films. hats (beanies) with warm luffly" Drifting from the piano and heard the song, "Alone in Kyoto," were in the Matrix By Russell Shidler game, you are locked in a weather. handelaps of "Venus," with its which came out before Talkie Special to the Hornet In the Walkie. life or death struggle to save the last By James Pomeroy dreamy cadence and pretty har- * 888888888888 the Matrix takes you to the surviving human city 'of Zion. The Hornet Staff Writer monies, through the more up- Sofia Coppola apparently has Enter tempo, bass-and-rhythm driven, good feelings about the band, as next level of game play, as you war' between the humans and the Always remember that just Take the best mellow, spacey mid-album '~Surfing on a Rocket" they'also did the soundtrack to her become part of the Matrix Reloaded machines has lasted tor over one because your favorite celeb synth-pop eighties music and (or 'wocket," as the chorus seems adaptation of Jeffrey Eugenide's in a way never seen by the gaming hundred years. The last hope to save is wearing it, doesn't mean lounge it up a bit, dash in a bit of to sing), to the final resting place, The Virgin Suicides. world. Zion lay in the hands of one man that it is right for you. Brian Eno and friends, upgrade it "Alone in Kyotd," with its pensive The soundtrack is considered You have two roles that you can Neo a.k.a. "The One," as he is referred to in the prophecy. The One - by some critics to be one of AIR's play, with each one, the story is dif- *888888888888 into the new millennium all loveliness like a forgotten garden, without losing touch with those Talkie Walkie is an all-too-brief best efforts. I think Talkie Walkie ferent. Your first choice is Captain is the man who will bring peace to roulette wheel space station voyage through haunted sci-fi is another. Niobe of the Logos. Played by Jada the on-going war. Choreography of the fighting 'in Keep away from large dreams -i-- and you might have melodies and trippy space, port Pinkett' Smith, Niobe is as tough as this game was done by master Yuen pnnts. They always some idea of what the French band electronica. they come. AIR Wo Ping, who also did all of the add the illusion of a AIR sound like, at least this time AIR have' been around the 'The second role you can play is fight choreography for the movies. fuller frame. around. ~block a couple of times,' and have Talkie Walkie (two-disk) Ghost. Played by Anthony Wong. amazing Although you would not buy it Ilot enjoyed a flawless career, Ghost is the copilot and'gunner of This creates a the most' And always remember: 2004 fight moves that you have ever seen for the lyrics (you can tell that though few are those who have, of , the Logos. He is an excellent martial ever made. have tunt English is not AIR's primary Ian- course. artist and an expert marks men. on any fight game



By Julie Anne Ines

I I r ' 'C 6 . Local

-i :

EKite Flying: A Hobbby of Fun, ages. No kidding! Although many historical records indi- cate that kite flying had military origins, By James Pomeroy or were initially used for military purpos- Hornet Staff Writer es, many wonderful traditions eventually developed wound flying kites~ "Go fly a kite!" It's a nice way to tell * In India, romantic verses are some- someone to get lost (except in Thai, appar- times written on 'patangs' (kites) as mes- ently), and it's certainly a fun way to lose sages to a person's beloved. yourself, too. * In Haryana, India, kite-flying is a After All, there's something inherently large part of the Festival of Spring, called calming and pleasant in slowly letting .out Basant Panchami, and people spend a lot the string of a colorful kite, watching it as of money on theirs. it floats and flutters up there in K In many places across the wild blue yonder. Asia, where kite-flying is Or, if excitement believed to have d&ieloped, and skill are what there are numerous 'kite-fly- you're craving, you might want to hang on U In the port city oF an try your Nagasaki, Japan, April 7 is ~ the day for "fighting the many1 varieties of ~h. kites," when contestants

- use string coated with In any case, just j K ground glass in an attempt to cut between ~ou and me- opponents' -you know there are kite strings. *certainly worse ways * In China, kite-flying is often a part to impress a date or of the Qing Ming lie (Tomb Sweeping meet p&ople! D a y ) *h o I i d a~ y Kite-flying in celebration. Southe~~ California is * In the U.S., we have National Kite especially nice, of Month, which is celebrated from March course. We really do 27 to May 2, and is marked by kite-flying live in an ideal place for events all over the country. If you'd like to go fly a kite~a good There are place to do it is Huntington Beach~'which m a n y offers visitors many more things ~to do good-~tized than flying kites. , .1 parks ~where Local beaches are often thebest places ,Acite-flyjng~ is to .go fly kites~due of course to the fre- ~all&wecI, and our nearby beaches often quent ds~~nh~c~t, but there are offer ah' 'ideal setting for letting your also all the btherg6od things they offer, kite fly. from places for swimming, sunning . and As the days get warmer and the skies surfing, to places where you can eat, 'drink become brighter, it would almost be a and shop toyour heart's content. crime to, deprive them and yourself of If you don't have a kite, don't'despair. those colorful, fascinating, simple or Good kites can be had for $20 or less at elaborate aerial decorations. hobby shops, although you could spend *Just imagine it: you, a cool beverage, quite a bit more for a kitethat would~real- good food, some friends, and a kite ly make people stop in amazement. You or two. could even make your own. People have been finding it fun for Hope to see you there, flying your kite!

- '

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Photo by Eleni Reedl The Hornet SPORTS 7 Hornets Flattened by Chargers

taken out of the game early and Jimmy Dietz came in EFullerton College splits on the week, to attempt' to patch things up. winning against Irvine Valley and Fullerton tried to respond with catcher Jeff Jones notching a defeat from Cypress. blasting a rainbow over the wall in left field, but the Hornets were lheld scoreless the rest of the game. By Brian Guthrie Cypress came~ alive again and cashed in on some Hornet staff writer. of Fullerton's mistakes in the fifth inning. Dietz put' a little too much effort on a throw to The Hornets took the field against third after a bunt, by Cypress first baseman Jeff the Cypress Chargers Thursday. The Kerley. Another run came across when Luque Chargers offense proved to be too much attempted to steal second and Jones short-hopped the for the home team in the. end, Chargers.. < throw . to shortstop Kyle beat the Hornets 8-4. Nicoletti. Kerley scored from The Hornets showed up putting the k":r third on the throw. sting on the ball, early: Right fielder The' Hornets racked up four errors Willie Keene batted in shortstop Jeremy before -the sixth inning. The :sloppy play Arbiso on a ground out to the shortstop to put kept the possibility of winning. out .of reach the the Hornets up 1-0 after the first inning. > rest of, the game: (The Hornets had barely In' the bottom half of the second, Hornets squeezed by Irvine Valley the Tuesday prior.) first baseman Chris Winger scored on a wild } Pitcher Kyle Nash fractured his hand during throw to second by Cypress pitcher Ron.Ball; the game against Irvine Valley so the rest of after Kevin Meadows hit a ball right back to the the pitching staff will have to step up for pitching mound. the team. The Chargers woke up .in the third inning, S The Hornets still have 13 games left in

batting through the line-up, four'runs straight. .. conference play. They have a chance' to Ricky Sauceda, second baseman, hit a bomb off make the playoffs, but they will have to the wall in right-center allowing center-fielder .~excute in order to tally some in the Jacob Luque and short stop. Freddy Rodriguez to win column. score easily. Kevin Smith followed Sauceda with an RBI CATCH. ME IF YOU CAN- single to right field. Hornet -first-baseman Frank The'starting pitcher, Bret Carlin, who also LoNigro catches a ball in mid air. batted*third in. the line~up for the Hornets, was


United States Olympic Team visits Fullerton College who is a utility player. well against powerhouses from !Softball players star in The gold medal hopefuls are: South America and Japan. photo shoot, Baseball using the tournament at CSUF as The Olympic teams won't be players offer backdrop. practice for this summer's games in' strangers once they reach. athens, Athens, Greece where they will* they have been. playing against each face the some of the world's most' other for- the last four years, only By:Brian Guthrie :SOM } jti" - ::":"". .ifr'f is ::p,.; :Y: ii.'}: v{."{"+;'" \"'r n"Z talented athletes now the' stage is much bigger and ::": ti:??r: is :=#. 'ii" {}iv Hornet staff writer ;{: $.'r' v: ... ; tit;ti".{: :i}:}r{;.; . Players from the Hornet baseball national pride is on the line. The Players from the United States team were used as a backdrop for United States softball team,. as Softball team were on campus portions of the photo shoot. The; always, will be a heavy favorite others want to Tuesday, March 16 for a photo Hornet baseball diamond played and the team the shoot with Bolle sunglasses while host for this mini-media frenzy. take 'down. from, all playing exhibition games in Cal Some of the players used in the The team is gathered a majority of the State Fullerton's own Kia Classic. photo shoot were: Kyle' Nash, Kyle over the USA, but Pitcher Jennie Finch was the Sheek, Joey King, Ryan Williams, players are locals' from southern 13 of 16 to be exact. main attraction sporting the new Jeremy Arbiso, Chris Wilson, California, hail from Texas, shades. Bolle spokesmen say the ad James Voorhees, Cory Achay, John The' others will most likely run in ESPN or Peterson, and Kyle Nicoletti. Florida, and Arizona. Maxim magazines. The team' carries a heavy The team plans on playing during Along with Finch, a native of La schedule of games, suiting up a few multiple exhibition games times' a week. Freed say there is their stay in southern California. "Mirada, were shortstops Natasha Watley and Jamie Clark as'well as always competition where ever they The Olympic Games kick off 13th in Athens, Greece.. " Olympic veteran Amanda Freed, play and the team has performed August


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Photo by Jill Cook/The Hornet 'HEY NOW, YOU'RE AN ALL-STAR' - Picther Jennie Finch of the United States olympic softball team poses with members ,of Fullerton College's baseball team for a Bolle sunglasses ad...... 8 CAMPUS I Carnstructi~h Jn at wvo

rd 7p.m. PWilshire ni 12p.m.


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