University of Amsterdam Graduate School of Social Sciences International Development Studies Master Thesis Macadamia nuts - the new gold of South Africa? Inclusive value chain integration of macadamia nut small-scale farmers in Limpopo, South Africa 24th of June 2015 Katarzyna Jaskiewicz 10626948
[email protected] Supervisor: Dr. Yves van Leynseele Second reader: Dr. Mirjam Ros-Tonen Acknowledgments First, I would like to thank Dr. Yves van Leynseele, my thesis supervisor for his support, patience and valuable insights. I appreciate also his openness in sharing his knowledge and experiences of Tshakhuma making the period of the fieldwork very unique. Secondly, I want to thank my classmates Ulrike Chawiche and Emanuele Sessa for their care and unconditional love, that made them my dear friends during this intense year. Thirdly, I am grateful for the second reader Dr. Mirjam Ros-Tonen, who is an appreciated leader of this research project. Also, I want to thank Dr. TT Rabothata, Petronella Chaminunka and Malin Olofsson for all their help in South Africa, that made Tshakhuma feel like home. Lastly, I am thankful to my family. Dziękuję, bez Was nic z tego nie byłoby możliwe. ii Abstract The goal of the South African government to build a class of black African farmers is far from being reached. Nevertheless, the efforts of transforming the dual agrarian economy are increasingly realized through a focus on black small-scale farmers growing high-value commodity subtropical tree crops. The main aim is to uplift rural poverty by creating employment opportunities and income generation through exports. This research zooms in on the macadamia nut value chain taking an inclusive development perspective.