Terrance Dicks | 192 pages | 10 May 2012 | Ebury Publishing | 9781849904780 | English | London, United Kingdom "Doctor Who" The Three Doctors: Episode Two (TV Episode ) - IMDb

The Three Doctors was the first serial of season 10 of Doctor Who. The serial marked several milestones for the program. Most notably, Doctor Who: The Three Doctors was the first multi-Doctor story, establishing the concept of being able to meet his past incarnations. Narratively, this tenth anniversary special also ended the three year long story arc of the being exiled Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Earthwhich had begun in season Doctor Who: The Three Doctors in It was incidentally the first use of the phrase "it's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside ," notably by the Third Doctor as a suggestion for what Benton should say. Though Troughton eagerly made more reappearances in multi-Doctor stories, this was the last time Hartnell appeared as the , and his only multi-Doctor outing. He had been suffering from arteriosclerosis and his condition was beginning to heavily deteriorate from the terminal sickness. His wife advised against a physically demanding role out of concern for his failing health. For this reason, Hartnell's role in the story was limited to recorded pieces from a chair in Ealing Television Film Studiosgiven cue cards to assist him. Nearing the end, William Hartnell succumbed to his illness only two years later. Doctor Who: The Three Doctors itself is in peril! The Time Lords find themselves besieged by a mysterious enemy. Vital cosmic energy is draining into a black hole, and the Doctor is their only hope. The only way out is to break the First Law of Time to let the Doctor help himself — literally On Eartha small orange device is found on a grassy bank. Arthur Ollisthe warden of the bird sanctuarywalks over to it and bends down to examine it. A Land Rover arrives at the cottage where Mr Ollis lives. A man steps out and knocks on the door. Mrs Ollis opens the door and the man introduces himself as Doctor Tyler. He asks her about the device, and she tells him her husband is looking after it. The device is carrying an unusual energy blob that seems intent on capturing the Third Doctor. Tyler goes over to the area, and he and Mr Ollis sight each other. Suddenly, there is a crackling noise from the device, and when Mr Ollis bends down to examine it, he vanishes. The birds fly off in panic. Tyler tells the Brigadier what happened, and he tells Tyler that he and the Doctor will be happy to help him. When Jo asks him what the box is for, he tells her it is for cosmic ray research. Tyler explains that even though he's not NASAhe still gets the results. Jo asks why the balloons are still being used. Doctor Tyler tells her that inside the device is the most advanced cosmic ray monitoring device between here and Cape Kennedy. Doctor Tyler shows the Doctor some results which surprise the Doctor. The Brigadier asks if there is anything they can do; at the Doctor's request, he hands a silicon rod to the Doctor, who proceeds to stir his tea with it. The Doctor tells him there is some sort of compressed light that travels faster. When the Doctor asks if the machine is working properly, Doctor Tyler tells him it is, but he hasn't developed the latest plate yet. The Doctor tells him to develop it at once and then let him know. The Doctor and Jo go off to look for the balloon, and Tyler tells the Brigadier he will be fine. The Brigadier tells Tyler to make Doctor Who: The Three Doctors at home. When the Brigadier has gone, Doctor Tyler develops his plate and is horrified to see Mr Ollis' screaming face. As Tyler goes to dismantle the box, the crackling sound is heard again, and Doctor Tyler mysteriously vanishes, while a strange organism emerges from the box and heads down the nearby sink plughole. Meanwhile, Mrs Ollis is showing the Doctor and Doctor Who: The Three Doctors the spot Doctor Who: The Three Doctors her husband vanished. She then tells them the box had been there this morning, and that someone has already gone to collect it. The Doctor asks her if she has seen her husband since this morning. She says she hasn't. She tells them it's typical for him to go off on his own, but that he is always back in the evening. She says she will go and look for him if they like. The Doctor and Jo return to Bessie. Jo asks if it is important, and the Doctor tells her it Doctor Who: The Three Doctors, "It's more important than I thought". But he discovers Tyler has vanished. But as they get out, the organism appears. The Doctor orders Jo to get well back. They Doctor Who: The Three Doctors run, and Bessie vanishes in a flash of light. The Doctor and Jo return to the lab, and the creature slides into the drain. In the lab, the Brigadier is waiting for Doctor Tyler when arrives and tells the Brigadier that Doctor Tyler is missing, and that there was an explosion in the garage. The Doctor comes in and clarifies that it was actually a flash of light. He tells the Brigadier that the drain needs guarding. Benton gives him a strange look, but the Brigadier insists. Benton goes off to guard it. The Brigadier tells the Doctor that Mrs Ollis called, saying her husband has not returned. He then tells Doctor Who: The Three Doctors they have acres to cover. The Doctor tells him they don't have to look further because he has already found Mr Doctor Who: The Three Doctors — on the plate that Doctor Tyler was developing. The Doctor proceeds to take his sonic screwdriver out and search the area around the box they collected. He gets the strongest reading at the bottom of the sink. The Brigadier hands Doctor Tyler's reports over to the Doctor. He reads them and discovers that Tyler was right, and someone has been scanning the Earth and taking an interest in UNIT. Jo reminds the Doctor that Bessie vanished. He also mentions the creature from the drain that was after them. It was a powerful organism with a very strong hunting instinct, directed at the Doctor. The Brigadier is in disbelief that the whole problem was for the Doctor. When the Brigadier asks why it took Mr Ollis, the Doctor says it was confused. Tyler was in the Doctor's laboratory, so the creature mistook him for the Doctor. It then took Bessie because the Doctor was near her at the time. He says there is a link between the beam and the organism. The beam was how the creature got to UNIT. The Brigadier asks if they can find it, and the Doctor tells him that they don't need to. If they wait around, it'll find them. Outside UNIT, a stands next to a jeep. A new kind of creature covered in a rock-like coating appears. The creature starts advancing towards the corporal. Sergeant Benton arrives with more men and shoots the creature. However, it is immune to bullets, and it continues advancing. They Doctor Who: The Three Doctors cause explosions. The Doctor notes that Doctor Who: The Three Doctors creatures and the organism are from the same source, first the scout then the reinforcements. Outside, Sergeant Benton realises that force is useless, and he contacts the Brigadier. The Brigadier orders a complete evacuation and afterwards, Benton must report to the lab. As the Brigadier leaves, the coloured organism emerges from a vent behind him. Benton climbs through the window. Suddenly, the creature enters the room, and "eats" a table. Benton stands in awe but refuses to state the Doctor Who: The Three Doctors, saying that nothing to do with Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Doctor surprises him anymore. The Doctor tries to take off, but he can't. Considering it an emergency, the Doctor decides to contact his people, the Time Lords. On the planet of the Time Lords, at the control centre, the President and the Chancellor know someone needs to help the Doctor. The Time Lords, however, have power drain problems of their own. They are facing a force equal and opposite to their own. Unable to help the Doctor, the President decides he can help himself. Despite their law stating that Time Lords are forbidden to cross their own time Doctor Who: The Three Doctors, they summon enough energy to send the to help the Third. The Second Doctor appears out of nowhere and accepts it, thanking Jo. Jo is confused, but Benton happily greets the first Doctor he met. Jo demands an explanation; the Doctor, lost for a clearer explanation, simply says, "He's one of me. The Third Doctor clarifies by bluntly stating that "I am he and he is me. After Jo accepts the story, the Second Doctor explains why he's there. The Three Doctors (TV story) | Tardis | Fandom

Looking for a movie the entire family can enjoy? Check out our picks for family friendly movies movies that transcend all ages. For even more, visit our Family Entertainment Guide. See the full list. As the second Doctor tries Doctor Who: The Three Doctors pacify the gelatinous creature composed of light while struggling to explain himself to the Brigadier, the third Doctor finds himself with Jo and Dr. Tyler on a stable world in an anti-matter universe and heading toward those responsible. Written by Doctor Who: The Three Doctors. Review of all 4 episodes: This story marked the 10th anniversary of the series and it is a very good birthday party as all three actors who had played The Doctor appear Doctor Who: The Three Doctors have dialogue together. The production is not perfect but it is perfectly magic! It is the interplay of the 3 versions of The Doctor which adds the real magic to this adventure. The storyline involves a legendary , , who is trapped in a world of antimatter inside a Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Hole which he created to bring the power of time travel to the Time Lords. He has been there for a very long time and has become mad with bitterness and rage at being 'left' trapped after giving the Time Lords their powers by his ingenuity and bravery. Over the vast time he has been trapped he has developed ways to attack the known universe and the Time Lords using antimatter. The Time Lords realise The Doctor may be able to fight Omega and to increase his chances they allow his two previous incarnations to cross into their own future so that the three Doctors can combine their intellect and battle Omega. The first Doctor Hartnell is caught in a 'time eddy' so cannot physically join them but he is able to communicate with the 2nd and 3rd Doctors. Benton they bravely pool their efforts to save the universe. The production in general is very good but not necessarily really great in every respect. Limitations of technology and budget mean the effects are Doctor Who: The Three Doctors very good. The blob monsters serving Omega are the worst example of the imperfections to be found and the effect of the power transporting things into Omega's world is another. However the magic touch from the three Doctors make this something special and I never judge things purely by effects. Indeed if they were to make an enhanced CGI version with everything exactly the same except for improving the effects then this would basically eliminate any real gripes I might have with this serial. I can overlook the unimpressive effects as apart from that there is so much charm and brilliance on show. The dialogue is beautifully written by writers and Dave Doctor Who: The Three Doctors and all the character interaction is great. Patrick Troughton and are marvelous, performing their roles to perfection whilst William Hartnell's Doctor Who: The Three Doctors quality shines through in his scenes despite ill health limiting his contribution. The scripting and performance of all their scenes together is terrific and often very amusing with the fun banter working really well. There is an epic quality to the storyline with the universe being threatened and the involvement of the Time Lords and their legendary hero turned adversary Omega. The idea is interesting and Omega is a fascinating villain. The plot works in spite of its convoluted scientific ideas. It comes across as menacing, engrossing and fun. adds real quality as the Brigadier with some hilarious reactions and strong involvement in the story. Benton has one of his best adventures while Jo brings her usual endearing nature. Guest characters are well played also. A really charming and enjoyable romp with some superb work from the 3 tremendous actors who made Doctor Who's first 10 years so fantastic. Looking for something to watch? Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. Visit our What to Doctor Who: The Three Doctors page. Sign In. Doctor Who: The Three Doctors track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew. Release Dates. Official Sites. Company Credits. Technical Specs. Plot Summary. Plot Keywords. Parents Guide. External Sites. User Reviews. User Ratings. External Reviews. Metacritic Reviews. Photo Gallery. Trailers and Videos. Crazy Credits. Alternate Versions. Doctor Who — Rate This. Season 10 Episode 2. All Episodes The third Doctor and Jo find themselves on an artificial world inside the black hole while the second Doctor tries to find a way to control the organism. Director: Lennie Mayne. Writers: Bob BakerDave Martin. Available on Amazon. Added to Watchlist. Doctor Who: Season Top 30 Doctor Who stories. Use the HTML below. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Photos Add Image. Edit Cast Episode complete credited cast: Jon Pertwee Who Patrick Troughton Who William Hartnell Who Nicholas Courtney Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart Sergeant Benton Rex Robinson Tyler Stephen Thorne Omega Roy Purcell President of the Council Clyde Pollitt Chancellor Graham Leaman Time Lord Laurie Webb Ollis Denys Palmer Edit Storyline As the second Doctor tries to pacify the gelatinous creature composed of light while struggling to explain himself to the Brigadier, the third Doctor finds himself with Jo and Dr. Plot Keywords: second doctor third doctor black hole bessie u. Edit Did You Know? Trivia This episode was watched by Goofs When Unit Headquarters vanishes it should have left behind its foundation, but curiously a well tended garden appears in its place. Quotes Jo Grant : Do you know where we are, Dr. Tyler : Uh, no, I don't. Do YOU, Doctor? Who : Yes. We're at end of that light streak of yours. Tyler : Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Who : We've been transported along it. Tyler : That's in the black hole. Who : That's exactly it. That's where we are - on a stable world in a universe of antimatter, an anomaly within an impossibility. Was this review helpful to you? Yes No Report this. The Three Doctors | Doctor Who | Doctor Who

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Time itself is in peril! The three Doctors Doctor Who: The Three Doctors united against an old enemy from the distant past of Vital cosmic energy is draining into a black hole and the Time Lords are under siege. The only way out is to break the First Law of Time to let the Doctor Who: The Three Doctors help himself - literally Get A Copy. Mass Market Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends Doctor Who: The Three Doctors of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Doctor Who and the Three Doctorsplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Doctor Who and the Three Doctors. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Doctor Who and the Three Doctors. Multi-Doctor stories are always fun, the previous incarnations get plenty to do in this novelisation. Hartnell was suffering with ill health at the time, so Dicks is able to add more scenes for the First Doctor in print. It is of course notable because it also starred the Doctor Who: The Three Doctors and First Doctors, though William Hartnell was too ill to do much more than a cameo appearance, so much of the hard work falls of the shoulders of Patrick Troughton. This was a well written and thrilling story as the three Doctors are sent by the Time Lords to work together to save the universe from being destroyed by a mad Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Lord called Omega. There's a lot of adventure as our heroes are sucked into Omega's anti-matter universe and have to find Doctor Who: The Three Doctors way to stop him from sucking all the energy from our universe into his. Omega is actually something of a tragic hero, as he Doctor Who: The Three Doctors responsible for providing the source of all the Time Lords energy, but millennia tapped in another universe has sent him mad, especially as he thinks that the Time Lords abandoned him. The two Doctors each have their moments and play to their own strengths, although they also have a tendency to bicker with themselves, which the First Doctor has to clamp down on. Jo Grant, the Brigadier and Benton also have plenty to do battling Omega's minions, blob-like creatures created from his own will. The Doctors succeed in destroying Omega, who is discovering to comprise only of pure will as his physical body has been destroyed by the hostile environment of the anti-matter universe. As a reward, the Time Lords restore the Tardis's ability to travel through time and Doctor Who: The Three Doctors. It is a bitter sweet moment for Jo as she realises that the Doctor will soon be off on his travels, and that she may not end up going along for the ride, though he assures her that she is welcome to travel with him. The story is also notable for it being the Brigadier's first trip in the Tardis - needless to say he doesn't believe that it really is bigger on the inside, he thinks it is some kind of optical illusion typical Brigadier. I think that this Doctor Who: The Three Doctors one of those stories that is better on the page than on the screen, as there are a lot of special effects here that sound good but I'm willing to bet looked a bit rubbish. It's a good story though, and an important one for the reasons I have already mentioned. View all 4 comments. Sep 12, Jayaprakash Satyamurthy rated it really liked it. I re-read this recently. I think these novelisations are my favourite form of this franchise. They cover the vintage era, which I like better than the slick current stuff, but they allow me to create my own, far more effective, special effects in my mind's eye. This was a pretty gripping story with its glimpses into Time Lord history and the multiple Doctors. I can't say anything deeper than that, Doctor Who: The Three Doctors revert to being 12, mentally at least, when I read these books and that can be a most rewarding e I re-read this recently. I can't say anything deeper than that, I revert to being 12, mentally at least, when I read these books Doctor Who: The Three Doctors that can be a most rewarding experience. View 2 comments. A strange creature emerges from a weather balloon with a mission to hunt the Doctor. On Gallifrey the Time Lords monitor a strange power loss, tracking it back to a black hole. In desperation they decide to break the First Law of Time. Back when I was a kid though it was Doctor Who: The Three Doctors one with the 'thingy' that made folk disappear. That 'thingy' scared the heck out of me. goes to town A strange creature emerges from a weather balloon with a mission to hunt the Doctor. Terrance Dicks goes to town on this one. He completely rewrites just about every scene though amazingly without changing the plot at all. So, gone are many of the comedy lines that the Brigadier made famous but he still remains the 'comedy Brigadier' because Dicks just replaces them Doctor Who: The Three Doctors his own brand of cheekiness. Dicks is having fun throughout, from the Brig's comment about Omega's domain looking like a quarry, to the over the top huge battle between the Brig, Benton, Hollis OllisTyler and Jo, all tooled up like the A-Team, waging total war on a horde of blobbies. The blobbies were so awful in the tv version that it's hard to even imagine them as anything remotely dynamic, so Dick's gleeful slaughter of the bobby blobbies, blowing them up with anti tank ordinance and scything them in two with machine gun fire, is a welcome bit of pay back. With the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who fast approaching this one really is a fitting release as the original tv story kicked off the tenth anniversary. This is one of the few Target novels I didn't read growing up. Whether it was because it was never available in any of my local bookstores or that I was just a bit underwhelmed by the story when I first saw it, I'm not sure. But listening to it now as an audio book and realizing that this is the version of a story that a generation of "Doctor Who" fans grew up with, I can see why it's so beloved. Terrance Dicks' adaptation of the tenth anniversary story adds a few elements that the television st This is one of the Doctor Who: The Three Doctors Target novels I didn't read growing up. Terrance Dicks' adaptation of the tenth anniversary story Doctor Who: The Three Doctors a few elements that the television story just can't compete with, including a purple sky in Omega's world, Gel Guards that multiply at will and a few other points. Given the limitless palate of the imagination, I can see why Dicks chose to do this and it makes some of the sequences seem far more alien and exciting than we eventually see on screen. Dicks also tightens the narrative a bit, eliminating at least Doctor Who: The Three Doctors corridor running sequence in part two and not dwelling on a protracted farewell when everyone gets to head back to Earth while the Doctors remain behind in Omega's singularity. In short, the book works well and it's a fun little read or listen that has a lot to offer. The only thing that the television version has over this is you can see and hear Troughton's performance and how easily he upstages everyone else in the story. View all 3 comments. Nov 23, Jon Arnold rated it it was amazing Shelves: doctor-whowhoreadthrough. It's impossible for me to be objective in this review. This was the first DoctorWho book I ever bought, way back at they awn of the 80s. As such it's got a special resonance for me, something that's a direct line back to childhood. And for that alone it gets five stars. Add to that the memories of seeing it as part of the Five Faces season and this is one Doctor Who: The Three Doctors my favourite stories as it means so much. It helps that it's a suitably mythic story, the Doctors reuniting to battle a Time Lord legend. I It's impossible for me to be objective in this review. It's all told in Terrance Dicks' deceptively straightforward style, bringing out the spirit of adventure that characterises the best of the show. It's my definition of comfort reading. Sep 05, Thom rated it did not like it Shelves: fiction-series. Little more than a transcript of the television show. Opportunities for creativity were instead "blob men" and "grey sand". To be fair, there was a lot Doctor Who: The Three Doctors the latter, but an opportunity to visit our characters thoughts was very much missed - this is mostly dialog and action. Oh well, at least it was short. Jun 15, Valerie added it. I'd've liked a little more detail about how things made of matter were stabilized in the antimatter universe--might be useful against future need, eh? Thoroughly enjoyed- a great quick read and pick me up. Feels like I haven't read anything for ages, when in reality it is probably only a week or so. This has gotten me back in the mode again. Great memories As a kid I collected almost all of the Target Doctor Who novels and read them avidly,but,as I got older i moved on to other types of sci fi and Doctor Who: The Three Doctors them boxed up,only dipping into the box from time to time. Eventually growing older,getting married they remained in the attic forgotten and then lost in transit after moving home several times.