CORO The Sixteen Edition CORO The Sixteen Edition Other Sixteen Edition recordings available on Coro Philip & Mary Spem in alium Heroes and Heroines Music for Monarchs and Magnates Handel arias from Solomon, Ariodante, Hercules, A Marriage of England & Spain Alcina cor16025 corsacd16016 SARAH CONNOLLY This disc draws together Harry Chirstophers music by Tallis, Byrd, Gibbons and Tomkins, The Symphony of Harmony and Invention some of it never berfore recorded, some not "It's simply an astonishing performed since the disc from start to finish." time of its writing. bbc radio 3 cd review

Samson Victoria 1605 George Frideric Handel - 3 CDs cor16008 NEW RECORDING corsacd16036 "Powerful choral singing Priest, scholar and from The Sixteen and singer, this remarkable alert playing by the Spaniard epitomised the period-instrument band emotion and fervour make this the most of Renaissance Europe. pleasurable Samson yet Victoria's lavish Requiem recorded." of 1605 became his most Page 1 sunday times famous and revered work. The Sixteen THE VOICES OF HARRY CHRISTOPHERS To find out more about The Sixteen, concerts, tours, and to buy CDs, visit cor16037 1554 represented a truly European year in English history. marriage only in terms of good politics. But It was a worrying time for the English populace; the thought Philip & Mary this particular union was, for the Spanish, less of a Spanish king, or, worse still, a Spanish heir to the throne, A Marriage of England and Spain than satisfactory. Philip's courtiers all agreed that 'the bride was a faded little woman with was a disturbing prospect. But in musical terms, this was an red hair and no eyebrows'. Mary, however, opportunity for the best musicians from Spain to join forces n 3 August 1553 Mary Tudor arrived saw her marriage to a sovereign as with our very own to celebrate the wedding and monarchic in London to stake her claim to the an ideal with the old faith, which union of Philip (later to become Philip II of Spain) and Mary, OEnglish throne. The journey was not would bring to thousands of her Queen of England, sister of Elizabeth and, above all, a Catholic. an easy one, After years of uncertainty as subjects. princess, the exile of her mother Catherine of After the turbulent years of the , England was The marriage ceremony at Winchester was Aragon, the religious upheavals towards the full of pomp and ceremony, and regardless of to return, albeit briefly, to Catholicism and Rome. Cardinal end of her father's reign and the Protestant what Philip might have thought of his bride Pole returned to England to absolve the land of its sins. Philip’s own , the Capilla reforms under her younger Edward it would appear that they lost little time in Flamenca, and sundry other musicians, came with him to London to adorn occasions when VI, Mary as the next reigning monarch trying to conceive a child. In November 1554 a European union of the arts was made. was prepared to lead her country back to the returned Cardinal Pole to England Tallis is the driving force behind the concept of this recording, as he was indeed at the Catholicism. She now rode with the Spanish for the country's submission to the Holy ambassador, who only four days later hinted See, and on the very day of his arrival it was forefront of so much of the great music of this time. The Puer natus is quite unlike that the Prince of Spain would be a fitting announced that the Queen was with child. anything else Tallis composed. The lay-out and tessitura of the voices is more suitable to the husband for her. There has been some debate The Cardinal's sermons spoke in themes continental style, yet it remains Tallis at his very best. On paper it almost looks static, but over whether the English welcomed a return of national penitence for the sin of heresy, in performance it comes over as a sublime work capable of extreme interpretation. Added to the Catholic faith or were content with the which the people greeted with great remorse, to this are works by Guerrero and Manchicourt, whose music featured strongly in Philip’s new reforms, however it is clear that the idea although the following and Christmas court, and by Sheppard, who at this time was one of the principal composers of the Chapel of a Spanish king on the English throne was celebrations were splendid, and for a short met with virtually unanimous disapproval. period the citizens of London put aside their Royal. Thus, we have a truly European disc. Nevertheless, Prince Philip landed at differences towards the Spanish to welcome a There are many special moments but if I were to single out just one, then it has to be the Southampton on 20 July 1554, from the start much hoped for heir to the Tudor throne. angelic treble singing of Carolyn Sampson and Ruth Dean in Sheppard’s Libera nos. heavily handicapped by the prejudice against Christmas Day 1554 was celebrated in St him - especially from Londoners, whose hearts Paul's Cathedral, where a great musical feast he attempted to win. Mary first met her was enjoyed by all in attendance. It featured prospective husband on the night of 23 July Philip's Capilla Flamenca, whose musicians in the Bishop's Palace at Winchester, where included the organist Antonio de Cabezón, the prince wore a French grey satin surcoat, Philippe de Monte and possibly Pierre de 'and very gallant he looked'. It was no Manchicourt [c.1510-1558] and Thomas among the Spanish that Philip saw the Tallis [c.1505-85]. This recording presents a 2 3 number of works which may have been the Epiphany respond Reges Tharsis 2. But 1554 might have brought, the fairytale appropriate to or even performed at this most impressive is the 7-part antiphon soon ended. By August 1555 it had Philip & Mary flamboyant ceremony; there is no record Libera nos bn, with its ethereal combination become clear that the Queen had A Marriage of England and Spain of what music was performed at the royal of upper voices balanced with an even-note experienced some sort of phantom wedding. cantus firmus in the bass. pregnancy, and the rogations and It has been popular to link Tallis's setting of On the Spanish side it is difficult to pin- intercessions of England's clergy for the PIERRE DE MANCHICOURT the Mass Puer natus est nobis 8 - bm (a child point specific works that may have been safe delivery of a prince were discontinued. 1 Jubilate Deo 6.17 is born unto us) with the Christmas Day Mass performed, but the music of Francisco With no prospect of a male heir to the JOHN SHEPPARD when there was no doubt by anyone that the Guerrero and Pierre de Manchicourt would English throne Philip's hopes as Regent 2 Queen was pregnant. The Capilla Flamenca very likely have been represented. Guerrero of England were dashed, and his father Reges Tharsis 4.54 would have had no boy trebles among their [1528-99] was by far the most famous ordered him to Flanders on other business. PIERRE DE MANCHICOURT number, and Tallis's 7-part Mass and the Spanish musician of the time. The composer On 29 August Philip took leave of his 3 Reges terrae 6.10 similarly scored motet Suscipe quaeso were himself is unlikely to have been present at English bride at Greenwich. The Queen, both composed without the characteristically the marriage, but his music would have been her eyes overflowing with tears, bade her THOMAS TALLIS soaring English treble. The works seem to part of the staple diet of any Spanish choir. king farewell. She was not to see him again 4 Suscipe quaeso 9.41 be highly suited to a joint performance by Ave virgo sanctissima 5 was among the most until the spring of 1557, by which time the FRANCISCO GUERRERO the English and Spanish chapels. Tallis's popular works in Europe in the mid to late crowns of Spain were transferred to Philip. 5 Mass survives in an incomplete (but largely 16th century, appearing in a vast quantity of Shortly before Mary's death in November Ave virgo sanctissima 4.34 reconstructable) state; only the has sources during his lifetime, while the themes 1558 Philip's next political move was to 6 Ave Maria 4.19 6 suffered by the loss of all the music except the represented in Ave Maria and Pastores secure a union with Princess Elizabeth in 7 Pastores loquebantur 6.09 final section from 'et expecto'. Suscipe quaeso loquebantur 7 would have been highly order to continue his English ties, but the 4 seems also to be thematically related to appropriate to the Christmas Day proceedings. future Queen resisted and some 30 years THOMAS TALLIS the Mass; apart from the similarities in vocal Pierre de Manchicourt is a lesser known later was to oversee the great defeat of MASS 'PUER NATUS' distribution and scoring, the final climax at Flemish composer who spent the majority the Spanish Armada under the aged King 8 Gloria 10.57 'nullus est enim mundus' is reminiscent of the of his working life under Spanish patronage. Philip II. The marriage of England and 9 opening motif of each of the Mass movements. With the help of Charles V's premiere minister Spain was dissolved. 4.39 bl Benedictus 3.39 Tallis's contemporary John Sheppard would Granvell, Manchicourt had worked his way © Copyright David Skinner probably have been among the most senior up from a post at Tours Cathedral to become bm Agnus Dei 8.49 members of the , having spent choirmaster of the Capilla Flamenca in 1559. some time in Cardinal Wolsey's household The non-liturgical Jubilate Deo 1 is among his John Sheppard chapel and later at Magdalen College, Oxford. mature works which would have been suitable bn Libera nos 3.28 Sheppard's musical style contains all the to any joyous occasion, while Reges terrae 3 is grandness and idiosyncrasies of English a seasonal work for Candlemas. harmonic invention, as is aptly displayed in Whatever the hope that Christmas Day Total playing time 75.03 4 5 1 Jubilate Deo PIERRE DE MANCHICOURT Jubilate Deo adjutori meo. Rejoice in God my strength et psalmum dicite illi, and utter forth a psalm to Him quia exaltavit cornu meum for He has raised up my strength et senectutem meam in misericordia uberi; and empowered my age in his abundant mercy; et usque in senectam et senium and even in my senility and decay non dereliquisti me. He has not abandoned me. Si dormiero, iterum surrecturus sum If I should sleep, I will again arise et in carne mea videbo Deum meum; and in my flesh I will see my God; et haec spes mea, and this is my hope ut portio mea sit in terra viventium. that my lot might lie in the land of the living.

2 Reges Tharsis JOHN SHEPPARD Reges Tharsis et insulae munera offerent, The kings of Tharsis and the islands will offer tribute, reges Arabum et Saba dona the kings of Arabia and Saba will bring gifts Domino Deo adducent. to the Lord our God; THE SIXTEEN Et adorabunt eum omnes reges, and all the kings will adore him, SOPRANO omnes gentes servient ei. and all the nations will serve him. Ruth Dean, Sally Dunkley, Helen Groves Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Carys Lane, Rebecca Outram, Carolyn Sampson 3 ALTO Reges terrae PIERRE DE MANCHICOURT Andrew Giles, Michael Lees, Reges terrae congregati sunt, The kings of the earth gathered, Christopher Royall, Robin Tyson convenerunt in unum dicentes: they came together and said: TENOR Eamus in Judaeam et inquiramus: Let us go to Judaea and ask: Andrew Carwood, Neil MacKenzie Ubi est qui natus est rex magnus, Where is he who is born the great king, Nicolas Robertson, David Roy cujus stellam vidimus? . whose star we have seen? Alleluia. BASS Et venientes, invenerunt puerum cum Maria And when they came there, they found the child Simon Birchall, Robert Evans matre ejus, et procedentes adoraverunt eum, with Mary his mother, and going in they adored him, Timothy Jones, Francis Steele offerentes ei aurum, thus et myrrham. Alleluia. offering him gold, incense and myrrh. Alleluia 6 7 4 Suscipe quaeso THOMAS TALLIS 7 Pastores loquebantur FRANCISCO GUERRERO Suscipe, quaeso Domine, Receive, I beg you Lord, Pastores loquebantur ad invicem: The shepherds said to one another, vocem confitentis, the voice of one who confesses; transeamus usque Bethlem, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem scelera mea non defendo, peccavi. I do not defend my wrongdoing, I have sinned. et videamus hoc verbum, quod factum est, and see this thing which has come to pass, Deus, miserere mei, O God, have mercy on me, quod fecit Dominus et ostendit nobis. which the Lord hath made known unto us. dele culpas meas gratia tua. and do away with my faults by your grace. Et venerunt festinantes, And they came with haste, Si enim iniquitates recordaberis, For if you were to call to mind our offences, et invenerunt Mariam et Joseph, and found Mary and Joseph, quis sustineat? who could stand his ground? et infantem positum in praesepio. Alleluia. and the babe lying in the manger. Alleluia. Quis enim justus qui de dicere audeat For who is so just that he would dare to say Videntes autem And when they had seen it, sine peccato esse, he was without sin? cognoverunt de verbo, they made known abroad the saying nullus est enim mundus in conspectu tuo. For no man is clean in your sight. quod dictum erat illis de puero hoc. which was told them concerning this child. Et omnes qui audierunt, mirati sunt: and all that heard it wondered at those things et de his quae dicta erant a pastoribus ad ipsos. which were told them by the shepherds. 5 Ave virgo sanctissima FRANCISCO GUERRERO Maria autem conservabat omnia verba haec, But Mary kept all these things and pondered Ave virgo sanctissima, Hail, Holy , coferens in corde suo. Alleluia. them in her heart. Alleluia. Dei Mater, maris stella clarissima. Most blessed mother of God Salve, semper gloriosa, bright star of the sea. margarita pretiosa, Hail ever glorious, precious pearl, sicut lilium formosa, beautiful as the lily, Mass 'Puer natus' THOMAS TALLIS nitens, olens velut rosa. shining and giving perfume like the rose. 8 Gloria Gloria in exclesis Deo. Glory be to God on high. 6 Ave Maria FRANCISCO GUERRERO Et in terra hominibus bonae voluntatis. And on earth peace to men of good will. Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum; Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, We praise Thee, we bless Thee, benedicta tu in mulieribus Blessed are you amongst women glorificamus te. Gratias agimus tibi we glorify Thee. We give thanks to Thee et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus. and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. propter magnam gloriam tuam. for Thy great glory. Sancta Maria, , dulcis et pia, Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven, sweet and faithful, Domine Deus, Rex caelestis, Lord God, heavenly King, O Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, O Mother of God, pray for us sinners, Deus Pater omnipotens. God the Father almighty. ut cum electis te videamus. that we may see you with the chosen. Domine Fili unigenite, Iesu Christe. O Lord, the only-begotten Son, Jesu Christ. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father. Qui tollis peccata mundi, Thou that takest away the sins of the world,

8 9 miserere nobis. have mercy upon us. Qui tollis peccata mundi, Thou that takest away the sins of the world, The Sixteen suscipe deprecationem nostram. receive our prayer. HARRY CHRISTOPHERS Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, Thou that sittest at the right hand of the Father, miserere nobis. have mercy upon us. fter nearly three decades of world-wide Quoniam tu solus Sanctus, tu solus Dominus, For Thou only art holy, Thou only art the Lord, performance and recording, The Sixteen is tu solus Altissimus Iesu Christe. Thou only art the most high, Jesu Christ. Arecognised as one of the world’s greatest vocal Cum Sancto Spiritu With the Holy Spirit ensembles. Its special reputation for performing early in gloria Dei Patris. Amen. in the glory of God the Father. Amen. English polyphony, masterpieces of the Renaissance and a diversity of 20th century music is drawn 9 Sanctus from the passions of conductor and founder, Harry Recording Producer: Mark Brown Christophers. Over eighty recordings, many prize- Recording Engineer: Mike Hatch (Floating Earth) Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Holy, Holy, Holy Recorded at St Jude's on the Hill, Hampstead Garden winning, reflect The Sixteen’s quality in a range of Suburb, London, 21-23 January, 1998 Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Lord God of hosts. work spanning the music of six hundred years. Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Sheppard/Manchicourt translations by Jeremy White The Sixteen has toured throughout Europe, Japan, Cover image: The National Archives, Kew in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest. Australia and the Americas and has given regular Design: RBDA and Andrew Giles performances at major concert halls and festivals Sponsored by Fundación Cristobal Colón, Seville worldwide, including the Barbican Centre, Sydney bl 2006 The Sixteen Productions Ltd. Benedictus Opera House, and Vienna Musikverein; also the © 2006 The Sixteen Productions Ltd. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. BBC Proms, and the festivals of Salzburg, Granada, Lucerne and Istanbul. The vigour and passion of its For further information about The Sixteen recordings Hosanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest. on CORO and live performances and tours, performance win new fans wherever it performs. call +44 (0) 1865 793 999 At home in the UK, the group promotes A Choral or email [email protected] bm Agnus Dei Pilgrimage, a tour of our finest cathedrals bringing music back to the buildings for which it was written. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the The choir is enhanced by the existence of its miserere nobis. world, have mercy on us. own period instrument orchestra, The Symphony of Harmony and Invention, and through it Harry Christophers brings fresh insights to music including THE VOICES OF bn Libera nos JOHN SHEPPARD that of Purcell, Monteverdi, JS Bach and Handel. 2004 witnessed the launch of the group's annual Handel Libera nos, salva nos, justifica nos, Free us, save us, defend us, in Oxford Festival, a weekend of concerts and events O beata trinitas. O blessed Trinity. dedicated to the life of this great composer. N 10