Semi-Empirical Dissipation Source Functions for Ocean Waves: Part I, Definition, Calibration and Validation
A Generated using V3.0 of the official AMS L TEX template–journal page layout FOR AUTHOR USE ONLY, NOT FOR SUBMISSION! Semi-empirical dissipation source functions for ocean waves: Part I, definition, calibration and validation. Fabrice Ardhuin ∗, Jean-Franc¸ois Filipot and Rudy Magne Service Hydrographique et Oc´eanographique de la Marine, Brest, France Erick Rogers Oceanography Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Stennis Space Center, MS, USA Alexander Babanin Swinburne University, Hawthorn, VA, Australia Pierre Queffeulou Ifremer, Laboratoire d’Oc´eanographie Spatiale, Plouzan´e, France Lotfi Aouf and Jean-Michel Lefevre UMR GAME, M´et´eo-France - CNRS, Toulouse, France Aron Roland Technological University of Darmstadt, Germany Andre van der Westhuysen Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands Fabrice Collard CLS, Division Radar, Plouzan´e, France ABSTRACT New parameterizations for the spectral dissipation of wind-generated waves are proposed. The rates of dissipation have no predetermined spectral shapes and are functions of the wave spectrum, in a way consistent with observation of wave breaking and swell dissipation properties. Namely, swell dissipation is nonlinear and proportional to the swell steepness, and wave breaking only affects spectral components such that the non-dimensional spectrum exceeds the threshold at which waves are observed to start breaking. An additional source of short wave dissipation due to long wave breaking is introduced, together with a reduction of wind-wave generation term for short waves, otherwise taken from Janssen (J. Phys. Oceanogr. 1991). These parameterizations are combined and calibrated with the Discrete Interaction Approximation of Hasselmann et al. (J. Phys. Oceangr. 1985) for the nonlinear interactions. Parameters are adjusted to reproduce observed shapes of directional wave spectra, and the variability of spectral moments with wind speed and wave height.
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