Colby Echo News May 5, 2016 Greene Shares Thoughts Colby Chooses New Provider

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Colby Echo News May 5, 2016 Greene Shares Thoughts Colby Chooses New Provider THE OLBY CHO Volume CXXXVIII, No. 22 C Published by Colby Students since 1877 E May 5, 2016 Admin announces new food provider, Sodexo out and sustainable food. The Col- BY KIERNAN SOMERS lege viewed the contract expi- Co-Editor-in-Chief ration with Sodexo as a unique opportunity to reevaluate Col- The Palo Alto, CA based on- by’s priorities for on-site dining. site restaurant company, Bon Six firms submitted propos- Apétit Management Company, als, however only three were in- was recently announced as the vited to present on campus: Bon new dining services provider Appétit, Sodexo, and CulinArt. for Colby. The announcement Bon Appétit emerged as the ended a longstanding agreement leader throughout the proposal with current dining service pro- process. The special advisory vider, Sodexo. Bon Appétit was committee reviewed the written selected by a special advisory proposals, all-campus presen- group which included students, tations, and recommendations faculty, and administrators. from current clients. Bon Appétit was founded in Five students served on the 1987 with the mission of pro- committee which was chaired viding quality sustainable food by Terp. Mara Badali ’16, Class cooked from scratch. The com- of 2016 Co-President and mem- pany is one of the premier on- ber of the SGA Dining Services site food management compa- Committee, in an interview with nies and operates 650 cafés in 33 the Echo, commented that the states for corporations, univer- College’s priorities centered on sities, museums, and specialty improvement to retail dining venues. The firm cooks all their options and catering services, food from scratch and is an in- working conditions for dining dustry leader in socially respon- services staff, consistency, au- sible practices. thenticity, quality and diversity As previously reported by the of food options, and attention to Echo in 2014, the College has dietary restrictions. been reconsidering its dining In an Official Notice announc- services contract for some time. ing the switch to Bon Appétit Colby has contracted with So- sent to students on April 28, dexo since the 1960’s and in June, Terhune and Terp stated, “In the Bon Appétit’s possible rendering for the Spa. Courtesy of Bon Appétit Management Company the current contract will expire. review of proposals and presen- On January 27, students re- tations by multiple companies, ceived an Official Notice from Bon Appétit’s proposed program ing, saying, “Bon Appétit’s duced foods. They recently an- humane certification” and that Vice President for Student Af- emerged as the leader for its fo- companywide Farm to Fork nounced additional initiatives, such through their Fish to Fork pro- fairs and Dean of Students cus on food quality, variety, lo- policy requires that at least 20% as the Maine Course, an expanded gram, all fish must be “local James Terhune and Vice Presi- cal sourcing, and healthy, from- of ingredients come from small, local food sourcing program. and sustainable defined [sic] for dent for Administration and scratch cooking techniques.” owner-operated farms and McDonald also expanded on wild and farmed seafood.” The Chief Financial Officer Doug In an email to the Echo, Bon ranches within 150 miles from Bon Appétit’s midsize sourc- firm also has general standards Terp. The food service industry Appétit District Manager Kelly our kitchen.” ing for meat, poultry, and fish, has changed dramatically over McDonald commented on Bon Since 2000, Sodexo has been stating that, “producers of meat the past 20 years representing Appétit’s commitment to sus- making a concentrated effort to and poultry within 500 miles, con’t on BA, p. 2 a shift in focus towards healthy tainability and healthy cook- purchase locally grown and pro- which must carry a third-party Take Back The Night creates conversation on campus and women shared narratives Next year, the Feminist Alliance and counselors were avail- include the possibility that the BY MICHAELA MORRIS at the event, highlighting that hopes to reach out to even more able during and after the event event creates an expectation News Staff although sexual assault is typi- groups on campus to encourage to support both the audience for victims of sexual assault to cally framed as a women’s issue, them to attend together. and the presenters. Snyder and share their stories, as well as the On Thursday, April 28, over the problem affects all genders. Additionally, Fuller and Sny- Fuller specifically expressed risk that members of the audi- 200 Colby students carrying This year, Feminist Alliance der hope that the event will gratitude to Director of Colby’s ence could be traumatized or re- plastic candles and wearing T- Co-Presidents Abby Snyder ’18 play a role in traumatized. Sny- shirts reading “Take Back The and Sierra Fuller ’18 organized altering the der spoke to the Night” sat in front of Miller Take Back the Night with sever- campus’s mind- delicacy of the steps. For the following two al goals in mind. The first was set around the narrative aspect hours, members of the Colby geared toward a cultural shift reporting pro- “[Take Back The Night] is part of help- of the event: “As community listened in support regarding sexual violence on the cess. “It’s really a culture, we re- of fourteen of their peers, who College’s campus. important for ing people understand that [sexual as- ally value story- shared narratives of their own “Take Back the Night is about students to see telling. However, experiences and those of anony- people sharing. Part of that is the guilt that sault] is still a pervasive problem.” this means that mous contributors with sexual awareness,” Snyder said. “You goes through we don’t just val- violence or assault. The event, may think, ‘Oh this doesn’t the minds of ue issues at large. called “Take Back the Night,” happen at Colby,’ because your victims and Abby Snyder ’18 We have to have a was hosted by Colby’s Feminist friends never told you this hap- how hard it is to Co-President of the Feminist Alliance personal connec- Alliance and in conjunction pened to them. It’s part of help- come forward. tion to it.” with the larger, international ing people understand that this Hopefully, peo- In addition to nonprofit of the same name. is still a pervasive problem.” To ple understand the planned read- The organization has been in increase awareness on campus, how problem- ing of the narra- operation since the 1970s and Fuller and Snyder reached out atic it is to accuse someone of Gender and Sexual Diversity tives, at the end of the event, af- advocates for the end of sexual, to the captains of each sports falsely reporting an incident on Program Emily Schustebauer, ter all submitted narratives had domestic, and relationship vio- team on campus to personally campus,” Fuller said. the who was instrumental in been read, members of the audi- lence in all forms. invite them and their teammates Although the event was pri- organizing the night. The event ence were invited to share their Thursday’s event sought to to the event. “Going with a team marily planned and hosted by was funded by the Student Gov- own stories of sexual violence. increase awareness specifical- makes it a group experience and the Feminist Alliance, many ernment Association, and in the Snyder ’18 added, “Even ly of sexual violence, as that is is one way to draw people who members of the Colby, and even days after, many students sport- though we have some larger one of the most prevalent issues might normally come,” Fuller the broader Waterville com- ed the event’s purple t-shirts. goals with the event in terms on college campuses. Nation- said. She cited the importance munity, were involved. Narra- Additionally, all money earned of changing Colby’s culture, the ally, one in five undergraduate of fostering a culture where tive submissions were open to from selling T-shirts was do- most important aspect is that women experience sexual vio- sexual violence is recognized, all campus members. President nated to the Maine Coalition to people are able to take back lence while in college, as well which is a key step in decreas- of the College David A. Greene End Domestic Violence. their own narratives and have as one in six men. Both men ing sexual violence on campus. spoke at the start of the event, Some critiques to the event agency over their stories.” Local: Features: Opinions: A&E: Sports: Study of Professors Interview with Beer die is Theatre and dance Four mules Housing Student band dying out Senior thesis Win NESCACs p. 3 p. 4 p. 7 p. 8 p. 12 Page 2 | The Colby Echo News May 5, 2016 Greene shares thoughts Colby chooses new provider email, “[Bon Appétit] is cur- to offer house-made soups and on Spring Board meeting cont’d from BA, p. 1 rently scheduling one-on-one stews, made-to-order authentic appointments with employees to dishes, and seasonally and eth- reassure them and explain how nically inspired dishes. at 9 Main Street. Three sites were that it plans to implement at the transition will work when Another area of interest for the BY PEG SCHREINER originally considered for the project, Colby, such as “not using rBGH it comes to their benefits and College was a revamping of the News Editor but Greene noted that the Levine’s in milk or gestation crates in vacation time.” She continued, current retail dining offerings. building was “leading” with hotel pork production.” “[Bon Appétit] will of course be “Our plans are tentative at this “I am consistently encouraged by developers due to, in part, its strong Tim Gallagher ’16, a member doing a lot of training prior to point and subject to change as we the support of our trustees, as well as location and proximity to the river.
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