To Loin Faculty Work Day Will Serve As Johnson Memorial
DI G IN DIG IN PO T? FOR J Oil NS ON JOHNSON DAY DAY Seniors of the Class of '56 -. elected to Phi Beta Kappa, left to right, Ted Mdrgolis, Patricia Hennmgs, Yvonne Noble, Vashti Boddie, Barbara Preston , Shirley Needham and Art Goyette. - photo by Hoyt Six Jnstriictdrs To loin Faculty Next year Colby's faculty will be Eight members of the class of held in the Roberts Union on Mon- increased by six instructors. Two 1956 were recently elected on the day,. Hay 7, 1956. President J. of these will be in .the English de- basis of high scholastic achievement Seelye- Bixler will be the speaker. partment, two will teach modern to the Colby Chapter of Phi Beta The chapter has invited the highest languages, and one will aid Dr. Kappa. ranking sophomores and juniors to Carpenter in the art department. They are : attend. Dr. Archibald Allen, the new pro- Vashti 0. Boddie, English, Balti- The student body may be interest- fessor of classics, is replacing Pro- more,. Md. ed in the manner in which candi- fessor Bliss who left last year, leav- Arthur B. Goyette, History, Berlin, dates for Phi Beta Kappa are chos- ing the classics department vacant. ¦ ¦ !¦ ' v ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ; : Nb H. ' - ' : ¦ -; . .- en. Immediately after the record- A temporary addition will be a .Patricia A.b Hennings, Sociology, ing of . .the mid-year , markSj; the visiting .professor' of history who Mt; .Clemens, .Mich. ; .v : ., ; ' :... .' chafrman'^ '.will "come,. tob-'CP^y.^'fTip.^t/W/lUa!^ M. Theodore ; Margolis, . Biology, committee obtains a list, in ord^r College under the Whitney , Foun- Beverly, Mass.
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