I The Past 12 Months (Continued from page 57) with her French version which topped the hit parade at that time. “Calcutta” was number 2. Lolita got her first American release with “Sailor” which smashed. Composer Robert Storz cele- brated his 80th birthday. In that time he composed over 100 film musicals, 50 operettas and over 2000 hit tunes. Frank Sinatra asked 10,000 dollars a night here for a tour and was turned down and the Marlene Dietrich tour lost over 25,000 dollars. A film was PROGRESS made here featuring Duke Ellington, MUSIK GMBH Nat Cole, Sarah Vaughan and many other German and American stars. “Never On Sunday” started it’s climb to the top with plenty of versions and Lale Anderson made her biggest come- back with the song selling over 75,000 Topping the German Hit copies. The song sold over 1,500,000 records in Germany alone. Ariola pre- sented their “Week of Phonograph Records” and had a great success. Parade 11 Months in a Radio Luxemburg presented their for “Golden Lion” to Freddy as the most popular artist of the year. The Pop Music Festival of Radio Luxemburg was won by with a Row with Million Sellers: hillbilly parody called “Rosalie, Must Not Cry” and the record went on to become a top hit. kk OCTOBER 1960 Elvis Presley picked up his first Ger- THE GERMAN NEVER ON SUNDAY man million seller with “It’s Now Or Never.” German stars Peter Kraus (EIN SCHIFF WIRD KOMMEN]—PROGRESS MUSIK and Conny, both teenagers, recorded PUBLISHER OF songs in English, French, Flemish, Dutch and other languages. Music HIT TUNES composers, writers and publishers met in Munich for their yearly conference. S Sonet-Storyville opened offices in FRANCIS DAY & HUNTER SAILOR “RAMONA” Hamburg with distribution being han- dled by Metronome Records. Paul An- 8 MACK THE KNIFE ka made his first German record with an American playback and flopped. The record also hurt Anka’s English VOLAREVOLA! FRANCIS DAY I “WHEELS” & HUNTER sales here. The record sales fell off about 3 million in comparison to last NORTH TO ALASKA S year. The second channel TV was set I for operations. Violinist Yehudi Menu- SUMMER SET hin made his first film here. The I French record firm Vogue started a ^WHERETHE German production with Gunter Gayer BOYS ARES handling the A&R chores. Caterina LIMELIGHT k OTHER Valente received an invitation to make § TUNES UNDER THE TOP 5 the show. NOVEMBER 1960 The new Freddy record “Weit 1st Der Weg” sold over 200,000 records within FRANCIS DAY & “APACHE HUNTER 3 weeks of release and Freddy con- tinued to be the Elvis Presley of Ger- many as far as record sales are con- cerned. His style is more on the “folks § music” side. The German industry “ARE YOU LONESOME TONIGHT” copied their American brothers and (BIST DU EINSAM HEUT’ NACUT)—MELODIE DER WELT did no new Christmas production. They relied on the standard material I GERIG and enjoyed top sales. The German I teenage clubs 90,000 strong elected “IN A UTTIE SPANISH Conny, Peter Kraus, Rex Gildo and I MUSIKVERUGE TOWN” Heidi Bruhl as their favorites of the (WIE DAMALS IN ) FRANCIS DAY & HUNTER year. Ralph Maria Siegel premiered s s his new musical comedy “Herr Kayser § THE HOUSE WITH und die Nachtigall” to packed houses. . . A /V A''/V'nrr'/V''Trr'A'''A'*''A'''VV''VC-%'V'''Vf''Vv'''-A''''A'’'Vv''''/{''>v''''A'*'-A'*''A'''VC'^A‘''/r^/0'A'''/C^'/v'^

58 Part II —International Section Cash Box—August 5, 1961 jc