Development Management Report
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Committee and Date Item Central Planning Committee 28th July 2011 5 Public Development Management Report Application Number: 10/05427/FUL Parish: Alberbury With Cardeston Proposal: Change of use of agricultural land to a static caravan park with camping area and erection of amenity blocks Site Address: Lower Wigmore Farm Wigmore Lane Wattlesborough Heath Shrewsbury Shropshire Applicant: Mr Peter Stokes Case Officer: Richard Denison email: [email protected] Cabinet Member (Portfolio Local Member: Cllr David Roberts Holder): Cllr M. Price Grid Ref: 335461 - 311365 © Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Shropshire Council 100049049. 2011 For reference purposes only. No further copies may be made. Contact Stuart Thomas on 01743 252665 Central Planning Committee – 28th July 2011 RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY: 10/03410/FUL Change of use of agricultural land to a static caravan park with camping area and erection of amenity blocks WDN 6th September 2010 10/04288/OUT Renewal of extant Planning Permission Ref: 07/1224/O - Outline application for the erection of a free range egg production unit to include siting and means of access WDN 10th November 2010 10/04289/OUT Renewal of extant Planning Permission Ref: 07/1223/O - Outline application for the erection of a free range egg production unit to include siting and means of access WDN 10th November 2010 10/05427/FUL Change of use of agricultural land to a static caravan park with camping area and erection of amenity blocks PDE 1.0 THEPROPOSAL 1.1 This application relates to the change of use of agricultural land to provide a static caravan park for 44 mobile homes and a camping field for touring caravans and tents. The proposed site will also incorporate a mobile home for the manager’s accommodation, a toilet and shower block, games room/office and bin storage area. An internal road system will be provided with hardstanding adjacent to each of the proposed mobile homes. Extensive landscaping will be provided through out the site with a mixture of tree screening and hedging. A new vehicular access will be provided incorporating part of the side garden of Bernie with the closure of the existing access. To compensate the loss of part of the side garden of the residential dwelling a small section of the agricultural field will be converted into private amenity space. 2.0 SITE LOCATION/DESCRIPTION 2.1 The proposed site is located in open countryside to the south of the main A458 road situated adjacent to Halfway House village. There is an existing access driveway directly to the rear of the village shop and café and runs along the eastern boundary of an agricultural field and leads to a small car parking area which serves the angling pools. This access continues along side the main pool to a small brick pump house and causeway. The site for the static caravans is currently a grazing field with hedgerow boundaries, whilst the proposed touring camping field is part of a larger field. The nearest residential property is Oak Villa which has a rear garden which partly boarders on to the western boundary of the site. The land to the north of the static caravan field is rough and overgrown with the provision of a dried up pool which scrum has taken over. 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 This application is recommended for approval. 4.0 REASON FOR COMMITTEE 4.1 Six or more individual representations have been received relating to material planning reasons. 4.2 The Parish Council have submitted a view contrary to officers based on material planning reasons and these views cannot be overcome by negotiation or imposition of planning conditions. Contact Stuart Thomas on 01743 252665 Central Planning Committee – 28th July 2011 5.0 PLANNING HISTORY 5.1 10/03410/FUL - Change of use of agricultural land to a static caravan park with camping area and erection of amenity blocks. Withdrawn 6th September 2010. 6.0 CONSULTEE RESPONSES 6.1 Shropshire Council, Highways - The proposed access to this site is from the A458 trunk road which is under the control of the Highways Agency. 6.2 Shropshire Council, Planning Ecologist - A detailed Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey and Great Crested Newt Survey have been undertaken to assess the potential wildlife that may be affected by the development. This concluded that a small/medium population of Great Crested Newts were close to the site, although it concluded that the proposed development would not adversely impact upon them and that the conservation status of the population can be maintained. A condition is imposed indicating that a European Protected Species Licence will be required, together with any details of the surfacing of the access track. The habitat survey also indicated that a number of bats forage around the site and a condition is proposed to agree any external lighting which may impact on foraging. An informative is proposed to highlight that nesting birds are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 (As Amended). 6.3 Shropshire Council, Landscape Officer - A detailed Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Tree Survey has been submitted which has identified a number of important landscape trees on the site, mainly within the existing hedgerows running adjacent to the access tracks and along field boundaries. The report indicates that the proposed development will not impact upon any trees of reasonable value providing appropriate tree protection measures are undertaken prior to the commencement of the development. The report also includes the provision of substantial hedge and tree planting which will provide a substantial benefit to the area and increase the level of tree cover in the landscape. The proposed development will not be detrimental to any significant tree, group of trees hedgerow or other arboricultural feature providing sufficient protection is provided during the construction phase of the development. 6.4 Highways Agency - No objection is raised subject to a condition regarding the proposed highway works being agreed. 6.5 Shropshire Fire & Rescue Service - Recommend that access for emergency fire service vehicles and water supplies for fire fighting are provided. 6.6 Alberbury with Cardeston Parish Council - Objection is raised regarding the proposed access which is considered not suitable for caravans entering and leaving the site. However, it has been suggested that a condition is imposed that the caravan park closes for two months of the year to preserve its holiday park status. 6.7 Severn Trent Water - No comments received. Contact Stuart Thomas on 01743 252665 Central Planning Committee – 28th July 2011 7.0 PUBLIC REPRESENTATIONS 7.1 Fifteen letters of objection have been received raising the following concerns:- Reduced visibility from access due to the alignment of the road. Existing road traffic accidents have occurred with vehicles entering the nearby café. The new access will impact on pedestrian access for the occupiers from Heath Drive. Increase in traffic movements. Access is in close proximity. Inadequate sewerage treatment. Concern of permanent use of the static caravans. Noise and disturbance. Inadequate landscaping along the northern boundary. Visual impact of the static caravans due to the contours of the land. Future use of the land for permanent residential use. Impact on wildlife. 7.2 Four letters of support have been received raising the following comments:- The proposed development would provide employment opportunities. The development would increase tourism. The site is well screening with existing mature trees. The existing angling pools provide commercial activity Visitors to the caravan park will support the local shop 7.3 One letter has been received from a local resident raising no objection to the proposed caravan park, but raise concerns regarding the highway safety concerns along the A458. Concerns are also raised that the recent traffic calming measures have not reduced traffic speeds. 8.0 PLANNING POLICY 8.1 Central Government Guidance: PPS1 : Delivering Sustainable Development PPS4 : Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth PPS7 : Sustainable Development in Rural Areas PPS9 : Biodiversity and Geological Conservation PPS25 : Development and Flood Risk 8.2 Shropshire Council Core Strategy (February 2011): CS5 : Countryside and Green Belt CS6 : Sustainable Design and Development Principles CS16 : Tourism, Culture and Leisure 8.3 Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Local Plan (June 2001): GP1 : General Requirements for Development GP2 : Character and Setting GP3 : Landscaping of Development LNC3 : Development in the Countryside LNC10 : Trees and Woodlands Contact Stuart Thomas on 01743 252665 Central Planning Committee – 28th July 2011 TLR2 : Facilities for Tourism, Leisure and Recreation TLR12 : Holiday Camping and Touring Caravan Sites TLR13 : Holiday Caravan Parks and Chalets 9.0 THEMAINPLANNINGISSUES Principle of Development Highways Impact on Landscape Trees Impact on Residential Amenity Ecology Design & Appearance Drainage Flooding 10.0 OFFICER APPRAISAL 10.1 Principle of Development 10.1.1 National planning guidance in Planning Policy Statement 4 ‘Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth supports tourism that brings local economic and social benefits, whilst taking into account the particular quality of an area. The proposed static caravan park and camping field will allow visitors to support the local shop, public houses, restaurants and local facilities, whilst will also provide local job opportunities. 10.1.2 Policy TLR12 ‘Holiday Camping and Touring Caravan Sites’