[Communicated to the Council and Official No. : C. 762. M. 359. 1932. XI. the Members of the League.] [ O.C.294 (m).]

Geneva, October 1st, 1932.








No. 22.—Fleischmann-Simonsohn Case. See O.C.1247 and The German Government reports (July 21st, 1932) that Julius 1247 (c). Also O.C.294 (7j, Landau, alias Lutz Platzheim, and Franz Fleischmann have been pages 140-141, arrested in Germany. Landau was sentenced to six weeks’ imprisonment O.C.294f/z), page 6, and to pay the costs of the proceedings. In regard to Fleischmann, and O.C.294 (j), the case is still pending. page 4. 21717/157.

No. 52.—Seizure of Morphine at Hoboken, N.J., ex the s.s. " Innoko Minutes of the M . Montanel, delegate of the International Criminal Police ArtvisorvSrnmmittpp Commission, informed the Advisory Committee that the representatives pages 56-57. ’ of the forwarding agents, Messrs. Gordon & Sons, had been cross- See also O.C.1277, examined. They had declared that the cases seized had been delivered 1298 and O.C.294C'g), on June 27th, 1930, to the Express Transport Ltd., Paris, by Angelides, page 18. who had said that they contained electrical apparatus and had transported 1383/157(53) and them in a lorry bearing no distinctive mark. Angelides had stayed at 21667/157. an hotel in Paris from June 19th to24th, 1930. Hehad left France at the beginning of July 1930 and there was no record that he had returned. Chrysalis had been identified, but he had protested that he had acted in good faith and that he was completely ignorant of the traffic in which Angelides was engaged.

Nos. 56 & 272.—Seizures of Cocaine at Calcutta, ex the “ Seattle Maru ” and the “ Tacoma Maru ”, August 8 th and September 26th, 1930. Illicit Traffic in Cocaine between Japan and India. O.C.S.48fa ). The British representative on the Advisory Committee forwarded, See O.C.1279, O.C.S.20, on July 11th, 1932, a report received from the Japanese Government 0 .0 .294^;, concerning this case. The report states that, in addition to the pages 19-20, transactions mentioned in O.C.S.48, the Japanese Government reports O.C.294 (i), that Yakushiji and Sato, in collusion with Kokuryo, illicitly exported pages 4 and 8, to Calcutta three consignments approximately between April and July O.C.294(k), page 5, and O.C.294fZ;, 1930, amounting in all to 17 kg. 750 grs. (625 oz.) of cocaine hydro­ page 3. chloride. This cocaine was bought from Yamanaka and exported to Calcutta in the same manner as the other consignments mentioned in 13336/157. O.C.S.48. 30622/157. The British representative also reports, on the same date, that, up to the time of making the report, Toyojiro Kokuryo has not been traced. Steps will be taken with a viewto his deportation from India as soon as his presence in that country is detected.

No. 111.—“ Ile de France ” and “ Majestic ” Cases, New York. Minutes of the M. Montanel, delegate of the International Criminal Police 15th Session of the Commission, informed the Advisory Committee that investigations Advisory Committee, page 57. instituted by the French authorities into this case led to the cross- See also O.C.1331 examination of an hotel employee who recognised Samuel Bernstein series and O.C.294(g), and Jacob Bloom from photographs which were shown him. During pages 39-40. Bernstein’s stay in Paris from February 6th to 27th, 1930, he was often 18819/157. visited by Bloom, w ho brought him packets at each visit. It had not been possible to establish as yet whether the French firms concerned were guilty or not.

No. 202.—“ Milwaukee ” Case, New York. O.C.S.lOfcj. The Yugoslav Government reports (September 13th, 1932) that the See O.C.S.IO series, enquiry into this case is now completed. There has never been any O.C.294(h), page 13, and O.C.294 (j), firm of Kandra & Co. in the National Bank building or its vicinity, page 9. or in the neighbourhood of Belgrade. According to the Postal and Telegraph Administration, no postal service has been rendered to any firm of that name. The telephone number 1736 is the number of the firm Adrija, Customs agents. It has been established that that firm has had no relations with any firm of the name ofKandra & Co. Moreover, the police have not been able to establish the fact that any Customs agency at Belgrade has been involved in the smuggling of narcotics.

S.d.N. 570 (F.) 545 (A.) 11/32.— Imp. Réunies, Chambéry. — 4 —

No. 397.—Seizure of Cocaine at Calcutta ex the “ Maru ", June 8 th, 1932.

O.C.S.48 (a;. The British representative on the Advisory Committee reports (July pase^cf 11th, 1932) that Kozo Kishi, the Japanese quartermaster on board the Honolulu Maru, who wTas implicated in this case, is under orders for 31584/157. deportation on the expiry of his sentence of two years’ rigorous imprisonment.

No. 472.—Seizure of Cocaine at Calcutta on the “ Muroran Maru”, August 5th, 1931.

O.C.S.48 (a). The British representative on the Advisory Committee reports pa»e°20 294^ ’ (July 11th, 1932) that Masubuchi, the Japanese sailor implicated in ° ~ ' this case, has been deported from India, after having served his sentence 34658/157. of nine months’ rigorous imprisonment.

No. 490.—Seizure of Cocaine at Valencia, Spain, in February 1932.

See O.C.S.62 and The German representative on the Advisory Committee states O . C . 2 9 4 page 6. (September 9th, 1932) that, of the two labels purporting to be that of the 13555/157. firm of Merck & Co., of Darmstadt, seized in connection with this case, the first is a genuine label of that firm and belongs to a large consignment sent by the firm of Merck to its agent in Barcelona, and there made up into small packages of 10 grammes. It is unfortunately not possible to discover to whom the seized 10 gramme packet was delivered, but the Barcelona agent of the firm of Merck states that it could only have been to a licensed retailer. Messrs. Merck are also unable to determine when and on which export certificate this consignment of cocaine was delivered, as the agent in Barcelona always keeps the cocaine in store and only takes out the packets as they are needed. For this reason also, it is not possible to say to which consignment the cocaine belonged. The second label is a forgery, as the paper on which it is printed lacks the watermark “ E. Merck ” and the lettering is not the same as that usually employed by the firm of Merck.

No. 501.—Seizure of Drugs at Cairo Railway Station, November 1930. Habib Aziz Case.

See O.C.23(æJ22 and The Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, states (August 9th, O.C.294(k), page 27. 1932) that this case was taken to the Court of Appeal, with the result 38667/157. that the sentences imposed on Habib Aziz, Sarhân, Hemaya, Zeid and 36138/32007. three others were upheld. Sentences of three years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E500, inflicted upon six persons, were increased to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E 1,000. The wife of Habib Aziz, Angèle Aziz, wrho had been sentenced to one year’s imprisonment and a fine of £E500 wTas sentenced to two years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E 1,000. The sentence of another person was increased from one year’s imprisonment to three years’ and a fine of £E500 and another sentence of one year was increased to two years with a fine of £E200. Three persons who had been acquitted were sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E500.

No. 508.—Seizure of Hashish on the s.s. “ Pilsna " at Suez, November 1931.

O.C.S.66.^ ^ The Italian Government reports (May 1932) that Ettore Papa and cTc 294? ^a-^eGiovanni Cvitanovic, who wrere convicted in connection with this case, { )> Page • are now prison at Syracuse serving their sentences, which will expire 37258/157. on July 27th, 1932. As soon as they are discharged, they will be prohibited from engaging as sailors for two years.

No. 551.—Seizure at Sallisaw, Oklahoma, in January 1932.

O.C.S.46fa^. The French Government reports (September 21st, 1932) that enquiries _ „ _ , instituted by the authorities have established the fact that there is See O.C.S.46 and . „ . O.C.294 fz), page 15. n0 iirm of the nam e ol C ham bretin, in P ans.

1383/157(82). PART II.


1. R aw O p iu m . 5. Co c a in e . 2. P r e pa r e d O piu m and D ro ss. 6. In d ia n H e m p . 3. M o r p h in e . 7. M iscellaneous. 4. H e r o in .


No. 574.—Seizures at Canton during June Quarter 1932. 1. 315/157(6). 2. The Chinese Maritime Customs, through Mr. L. A. Lyall, Assessor on the Advisory Committee, September 1932. 3. Jane quarter 1932. Canton. 4(a). Raw opium : 1 kg. 814 gr. (48 taels). Prepared opium : 453 grammes (12 taels). Ethyl-morphine hydrochloride : 454 grammes (16 oz.). 5. The drugs were found on two British vessels and one Chinese junk. 8. The ethyl-morphine was found in 16 1-oz. bottles marked Burgoyne, Burbidge & Co., East Ham, England.

No. 575.—Seizure at Shanghai, May 1932.

1. 315/157(20). 2. Chinese Maritime Customs, through Mr. L. A. Lyall, Assessor to the Advisory Committee, September 1932. 3. May 24th, 1932. Shanghai. 4(a). Raw opium : 340 grammes (9 taels). 5. By s.s. Shuntien (British). The opium wras of Persian origin. 9. Found on board the vessel.

No. 576.—Seizure at Port Said, ex the s.s. " Belkas ”, December 1931. 1. 9635/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932. 3. December 12th, 1931. Port Said. 4(a). Raw opium : 11 kg. 600 gr. Hashish : 1 kg. 140 gr. 5. By s.s. Belkas (Khédivial Mail Line). 6. Persons implicated : Aly El Fahla ; Metwalli Yacout (sailor) ; Abdou Ahmed el Guindi (sailor). 9. The drugs were contained in a trunk which was brought to the Port Said police by a launch-man w'ho stated that it belonged to one of the passengers on board the s.s. Belkas who had left it behind, asking the launch-man to keep it until claimed. The police, suspecting the trunk because of its unusual weight, opened it and found the drugs inside. Investigation being made, the three above-mentioned persons were arrested. 10. The Customs Commission sentenced the three accused to pay jointly a fine of £E23 for smuggling drugs. They were further tried by the native tribunal and sentenced each to two years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E500. El Guindi appealed against his sentence and was released.

No. 577.—Seizure at Port Said, ex the 11 Apollonia ", June 1932. 1. 38265/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, July 23rd and August 9th, 1932. 3. June 25th, 1932. Port Said. 4(a). Raw opium : 16 kg. 870 gr. 5. On the s.s. Apollonia (Dutch tanker), coming from Constanza. — G —

6. Persons implicated : Chinese crew on board. 8. Label : Lion mark with the inscription “ Qualité extra extra supérieure Grande Maison de Commerce d’Opium fondée en 1904 Istanbul 9. On information supplied by the captain of the vessel, the Egyptian authorities searched the crew’s quarters and the opium was discovered and seized. 10. The accused were each sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment and a fine of £E100. The Customs Commission at Port Said further sentenced the accused to pay jointly a fine of £E16 970 millièmes for smuggling opium.

No. 578.—Seizure at Suez, ex the s.s. “ Ormar ”, August 1932.

1. 38839/157. "2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, September 4th, 1932. 3. August 6th, 1932. Suez. 4(a). Raw opium : 1 kg. 5. By s.s. Ormar (Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co.), coming from Gharaka. 6. Person implicated : Hussein Mohd. Mekki, Egyptian fireman on board. 8. The wrappers bore the inscription of a lion and the words : “ Qualité Extra Supérieure, Grande Maison de Commerce d’Opium Fondée en 1904 M. Theodorides, Istanbul, Grande Rue Voyvoda 98 9. Found on accused when disembarking from the vessel. 10. The criminal trial had not commenced at the time of making the report, but the Customs authorities inflicted a fine of £E1 65 millièmes.

No. 579.—Seizure at Suez, ex the s.s. “ Helix ”, August 1932.

1. 38838/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, September 4th, 1932. 3. August 8th, 1932. Suez. 4(a). Ran opium : 1 kg. 260 gr. Hashish : 250 grammes. 5. By s.s. Helix (Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co.), coming from Beirut. 6. Persons implicated : Limbo Lamdam ; Locoy Filder Loogy, Chinese members of the crew. Khamis Mohd. Gumma, alias El Aawar, bumboatman. 8. The opium was contained in wrappers bearing the inscription of a lion and the words : “ Qualité Extra Supérieure, Grande Maison de Commerce d’Opium, Fondée en 1904, M. Theodorides, Istanbul, Grande Rue Voyvoda 98”. The hashish was wrapped in paper marked with an “ Aeroplane ” and the words “ Extra Extra No. 1 9. Information having been received by the authorities that Gumma intended to smuggle ashore from the s.s. Helix drugs that he was obtaining from the crew, the vessel was searched and the opium and hashish discovered. 10. The criminal trial had not commenced at the time of making the report,but theCustoms authorities had inflicted a fine of 930 millièmes on Limbo Lamdam and a fine of 450 millièmes on Loogy.

No. 580.—Seizure at Suez in August 1932.

1. 38799/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 20th, 1932. 3. August 14th, 1932. Suez. 4(a). Raw opium : 12 kg. 250 gr. 6. Person implicated : Faragalla Metwalli El Wakil, a fisherman of Suez. 8. The opium seems to be of Ezmir quality. 9. El Wakil was arrested while throwing the opium into the Red Sea. He stated that he had been asked to take it to the shore by a party of five other persons in consideration of a sum of £E2 500 millièmes, but no evidence to confirm his statement was forthcoming. The whole party was arrested and sent to the Parquet for investigation.

No. 581.—Seizure at Naples, ex the s.s. “ Bantria ” , February 1932.

1. 38568/157. 2. Italian Government, August 17th, 1932. 3. February 28th, 1932. Naples. 4(a). Opium : 800 grammes. 5. By s.s. Bantria (Cunard Line, British), coming from Patras. — 7 —

9. The opium was found in the cabin of one of the crew, William Thompson. Thompson stated that, on the morning of February 28th, an unknown person requested him to take some opium to Leghorn and promised a large sum in payment, but that he had refused to do so. Enquiries instituted by the Italian authorities as to the origin of the opium produced no result.

No. 582.—Seizures at Aruba and Curaçao in September, November and December 1931.

1. 251/157(7). 2. Netherlands Government, July 7th, 1932. 3. September 13th, November 9th and December 27th, 1931. Aruba and Curaçao. 4(a). Raw opium : 3 kg. 188 gr. 5. 438 grammes were found on a Chinese on board the s.s. Troca, coming from Brazil and the United Kingdom. 6. Persons implicated : three Chinese and one British. 8. 438 grammes were labelled : “ Qualité extra supérieure, Grande Maison de Commerce d’Opium, fondée en 1904. M. Theodorides, Istanbul, Galata, Grande Rue Voyvoda No. 98 ”. 9. There were four cases. The Chinese arrested on board the Troca was a member of the crew. He stated that he had bought the opium in Brazil for £4 from an unknown person. 10. One of the Chinese was fined 250 florins or two months’ imprisonment. The other two were fined 100 florins or one month’s detention and 250 florins or three months’ detention respectively. The case involving the British national was not taken up.

No. 583.—Seizures in Macao during April 1932.

1. 15458/157(6). 2. Portuguese Government, July 23rd, 1932. 3. April 1932. Macao. 4(a). Raw opium : 4 kg. 912 gr. (130 taels). Prepared opium : 193 grammes (5.1 taels). 5. The raw opium came from China (Yunnan). 9. There were eight cases. All the accused were of Chinese nationality. Sevencases were in connection with the keeping of opium dens without a licence. 10. Fines ranged from $5 to $1,000. They were paid in all cases.

No. 584.—Seizure at New Orleans in May 1932. Case of Alleged Cultivation of Opium Poppies in the State of Louisiana, U.S.A.

1. O.C.S.71. 1383/157(88). 2. Government of the of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 11th, 1932. 3. May 29th, 1932. New Orleans. 4(a). Raw opium : 15 grammes (% oz. 12 grains). Gum opium : 0.780 gramme (12 grains). Powdered opium : 14 grammes (220 grains). Ipecac and opium .: 5 grammes (71 grains). Morphine sulphate : 3 grammes (40 grains). Cocaine : 2 grammes (30 grains). Codeine sulphate : 16 grammes (250 grains). 5. The raw opium was allegedly procured from poppies grown on a farm situated about twenty miles from Alexandria, Louisiana. This farm was about five acres in size and consisted of three main fields of poppies planted at different times. 6. Person implicated : Claude C. Fuqua. 8. Each of the bottles, with the exception of those containing the raw opium, bore the label of Merck & Co. (America). 9. The drugs were purchased from the accused, who admitted that he had obtained them by robbing a local pharmacy. In regard to the raw opium, he admitted that, during a visit to China, he had from a farm near Shanghai procured the poppy seed, which he had smuggled into the United States. He stated that this was the first time that he had grown the opium poppy. A chemical analysis of the juice obtained from the pods showed that the moisture content of the preparation was extremely high— —namely, 61.96 per cent ; consequently, there was but a showing of 3.6 per cent of anhydrous morphine. Had the product contained the ordinary amount of moisture, about 20 per cent, the morphine content would have been approximately 11 per cent. — 8

10. The accused was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for stealing and being in possession of the narcotics. At the time of making the report, he has not been tried for producing and selling opium without a licence.

* * *

Noie.—Seizures of raw opium were also made in connection with the following cases, which included seizures of other drugs and which have been summarised under corresponding headings. See Cases Nos. 590 and 591, under " Prepared Opium ”.

Q u a n t i t i e s o f R a w O p i u m s e i z e d , a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t : 94 kg. 93 gr. Also 14 grammes of powdered opium and 5 grammes of ipecac and opium—see Case No. 584.


No. 585.—Seizure at Port Said, ex the s.s. " Gold Shell ", August 1932. 1. 38856/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, September 6th, 1932. 3. August 24th, 1932. Port Said. 4(a). Prepared opium : 138 grammes. 5. By s.s. Gold Shell (British). 6. Person implicated : A Chinese member of the crew. 9. Found in the cabin of the accused.

No. 586.—Seizure at Rangoon, ex the s.s. “ Santhia ", July 1932. 1. 3607/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, September 16th, 1932. 3. July 7th, 1932. Rangoon. 4(a). Prepared opium : 363 grammes (31 tolas). 5. By the s.s. Santhia (B.I.S.N. Co., Ltd., Rangoon), coming from Osaka, Kobe, Moji, Amoy, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Penang. The opium was of Chinese origin. 8. Seized in twelve tins, seven of which bore the impression of a lion, a globe and Chinese characters. The otherfive tins bore no markof identification. 9. Found on board the vessel.

No. 587.—Seizures in Macao during May 1932. 1. 15458/157(6). 2. Portuguese Government, September 5th, 1932. 3. During May 1932. Macao. 4(a). Prepared opium : 53 grammes (1.4 tael). 6. The accused were all of Chinese nationality. 9. The prepared opium was seized in connection with arrests for the keeping of opium- smoking dens without a licence. There were four cases. 10. Fines ranged from $5 to $12. They were all paid.

No. 588.—Seizures in Macao during June 1932. 1. 15458/157(6). 2. Portuguese Government, September 5th, 1932. 3. During June 1932. Macao. 4(a). Prepared opium : 151 grammes (4 taels). 6. The accused were all of Chinese nationality. 9. The prepared opium was seized in connection with arrests for the keeping of opium- smoking dens without a licence. There were seven cases. 10. Fines ranged from $3 to $10. They were paid in all cases.

No. 589.—Seizures at Curaçao and at Riouw, N.I., in November 1931 and March 1932. 1. 251/157(7). 2. Netherlands Government, July 7th, 1932. — 9 —

3. November 9th, 1931, and March 12th and 24th, 1932. Curaçao and Riouw. 4(«). Prepared opium : 28 kg. 955 gr. Dross : 37 grammes. 8. 28 kg. 910 gr. of prepared opium were marked " Leeuw, aardbol en slang ” and Chinese characters. 9. There were three cases.

No. 590.—Further Seizures in Siam during March Quarter 1932 (see document O.C.294(Z), page 11, No. 536).

1. 25045/157(2). 2. Siamese Government, August 24th, 1932. 3. March quarter 1932. Siam. 4(a). Port seizures : Internal seizures : Prepared opium : 2 kg. 337 gr. (62 146 kg. 615 gr. (3,909 tamlungs 72hoons). tamlungs 32 boons). Raw opium: 1 kg. 388gr. (37tamlungs). 35 kg. 841 gr. (955 tamlungs 75 boons). Dross : 1 kg. 176 gr. (31 tamlungs 35 12 kg. 656 gr. (337 tamlungs 48 boons). boons). 5. Seizures made on steamers, mostly coming from Swatow and Hong- Kong, in the River Menam. 9. There were seven seizures. There were 1,518 seizures. 10. There were four prosecutions and the There were 1,373 prosecutions. Fines ranged maximum fine was 2,340 ticals. from 593 to 5,744 ticals and terms of imprisonment from twenty days to eight months.

No. 591.—Seizure in Siam during June Quarter 1932.

1. 25045/157(2). 2. Siamese Government, August 24th, 1932. 3. May 11th, 1932. Bangkok. 4(a). Prepared opium : 4 kg. 988 gr. (133 tamlungs). Raw opium : 1 kg. 875 gr. (50 tamlungs). 5. On the s.s. Hiram (Agents : Messrs. Tan Wang Lee) coming from Hong-Kong via Swatow. 6. The accused were of Chinese nationality. 9. Found by the Customs on board the vessel.

No. 592.—Seizures at Boston, Mass., U.S.A., in March and August 1931.

1. 1383/157(92). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, September 23rd, 1932. 3. March 8th and August 25th, 1931. Boston, Mass. 4(a). Prepared opium : 8 kg. 420 gr. (296\ oz.). 6. Persons implicated : two Chinese. 8. Marked : Lam Kee, Macao. One side of the tins bore the word “ Cheong ” and the other side the impression of a rooster. 9. The drugs were seized from the defendants at the time of their arrest. 10. One accused was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment for violation of the laws of Massachusetts. On the completion of his sentence, he was arrested for violation of the narcotic laws of the United States. As it was ascertained that he was born in Canada, he was fined $1 and deported to that country. The second accused was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment and a fine of $100 for violation of the laws of Massachusetts, but the prison sentence was suspended on the understanding that he would leave the city. He is now being sought for prosecution of the narcotic laws of the United States.

No. 593.—Seizures in Nogales and New York, U.S.A., May 1932.

1. 1383/157(87). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, July 21st, 1932. 3. May 4th, 18th and 26th, 1932. Nogales, Ariz., and New York. 4(«). Prepared opium : 923 grammes (324 oz.). — 10 —

6. Julio Angulio, of Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. Albert Chin, reporter for a Chinese newspaper known as the Daily News ; Lon Kom, laundryman ; Frank Chang ; Leon g Quong, and Chuk Mui, Chinese. 8. 738 grammes were marked with Lam Kee Macao and Elephant labels. 9. Angulio was arrested with 185 grammes of opium in his possession which he admitted having smuggled into the United States from Mexico. He stated that he was asked by an unknown American in Nogales, Mexico, ,to bring a can over the border and to meet him in Nogales, Arizona. He did not know what the can contained. The 738 grammes of opium were seized by narcotic agents from the five Chinese at the residence of Chin, 73 Mott Street, New York. Chin carried a document permitting him to pass all police lines at any time. 10. Angulio is being held for prosecution. Lon Kom, Frank Chang and Leong Quong were sentenced to one year and one day in the penitentiary and will be deported. Albert Chin, an American citizen, received sentences aggregating three years and one day, but will be required to serve only one year and one day, provided he agrees to leave the country and not return. The case against Chuk Mui was dismissed.

No. 594.—Seizure at Nogales, Arizona, U.S.A., in June 1932. Case o£ Alleged Poppy Cultivation in Mexico.

1. O.C.S.71. 1383/157(88). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 11th. 1932. 3. June 3rd, 1932. Nogales, Arizona. 4(a). Prepared opium : 57 grammes (2 oz.). 5. The accused stated that this opium had been smuggled into the United States from Mexico, having been prepared from poppies raised in the Altar District, approximately 50 miles from Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. 6. Person implicated : Benjamin Wong (Chinese). 9. The opium was seized on the accused at the time of his arrest. Unconfirmed reports state that there are large fields of opium-producing poppies being raised in the Altar District and that the second crop is expected to ripen in September 1932. The Secretariat has asked the American Government for information on this point. 10. Wong is now held in default of $1,500 bail.

No. 595.—Seizure at Honolulu in June 1932.

1. 1383/157(89). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 26th, 1932. 3. June 23rd, 1932. Honolulu. 4(a). Prepared opium : 3 kg. 948 gr. (139 oz.). 6. Persons implicated : Fusataro Izumi and Yasuto Miura, both Japanese. 8. Contained in five-tael tins bearing the impression of a rooster on one end and “ Lam Kee ”, in Chinese characters, with the Chinese characters “ Chong ” stamped in the metal on the other end of the tin. 9. The accused were arrested after making a sale to a Federal agent.

No. 596.—Seizures at Honolulu in June 1932.

1. 1383/157(88). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 11th, 1932. 3. June 1932. Honolulu. 4(a). Prepared opium : 822 grammes (12,641 grains). 5. The accused were all of Chinese nationality. 8. Some of the tins were marked wilh the " Cock and Elephant ” label and " Lam K?6! Macao ”, Two tins had the word “ Chong ” stamped in the metal as well as the letter “ C ” in English characters (Chong brand) and another had the letter " K (Kong grade) stamped in the metal.

10. There were three cases. The defendants in all cases were arrested and held f o r prosecution. 11 —

No 597 —Seizures at Honolulu in July 1932.

1 1383/157(90) and (92). , , ^ 2. Government, of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, September 1st and 23rd, 1932. 3. July 15th and 16th, 1932. Honolulu. 4(a). Prepared opium : 36 kg. 323 gr. (1,2/9 oz.). 6. Persons implicated : Edward K. Akana, Chinese-Hawanan, Joseph H. Kaili, Hawaiian , and Hong Chack, Chinese. 8. Six 5-tael tins were seized marked with the impression of a rooster on one side of the tw and an elephant on the other, as well as the words Lam Kee Hop , 185 tins we seized which, in addition to the above marks, bore also paper labels with a picture of a Chinese child and Chinese characters which read : The Lam Kee trad^ a has been nubliclv registered in order to prevent imitation. 1922. On one side ot the Un^in Chinese characters, appears " Lo Fook Kee Lion and Horse Trademark . 9 The defendants were arrested after having sold some of the drugs to Federal officers. The rest of the drugs were seized in a trunk at the home of Akana, who had meanw been released on bond.

No. 598—Seizure in Honolulu in July 1932.

1. 1383/157(92). , , „ 2 Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government September 23rd, 1932. 3. July 23rd, 1932. Honolulu. 4(a). Prepared opium : 4 kg. 33 gr. (142 oz.). 6 Persons implicated : Walter B. Serfess, alias W. R. Carroll, alias Floyd XVilson ; Joseph R. Hoke ; Daniel Sullivan, alias John Martin ; Wong Koon Lieu. All Americans. 8 Marked ■ Lam Kee Macao. Contained in the usual shaped 5-tael opium brass containers, with the impression of a rooster stamped in the metal on one end of the tin and an elephant on the other end, as well as the words “ Lam Kee ” in Chinese characters. 9. Seized from the accused at the time of their arrest.

* * *

TVoZe —Seizures of prepared opium were also made in connection with the following cases, which included seizures of other drugs and which therefore have been summarised under corresponding headings : Cases Nos. 574 and 583 under “ Raw Opium ”. Case No. 600 under “ Morphine Case No. 613 under “ Heroin . Case No. 626 under “ Cocaine ”.

Q u a n t i t i e s o f P r e p a r e d O p i u m a n d D r o s s s e i z e d , a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t :

Prepared opium : Dross . 239 kg. 568 gr. 13 k£- 869 Sr‘


No. 599.—Seizures at Wenchow in April and May 1932.

2. Chinese Maritime Customs, through Mr. L. A. Lyall, Assessor on the Advisory Committee, July 1932. 3. April 11th and May 2nd, 1932. Wenchow. 4(a). Morphine : 6 kg. 45 gr. (160 taels). 5. On s.s. Haean (Chinese), coming from Shanghai. 8. There were no marks or labels.

Wong Koon Lieu was one of the Chinese implicated in the seizure report on page 44 of O.C.294(ff). Case No. 119. — 12 —

No. 600.—Seizure at Rangoon, ex the s.s. “ Santhia ", April 1932.

1. 3607/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, July 20th, 1932. 3. April 24th, 1932. Rangoon. 4(a). Morphine hydrochloride : 454 grammes (16 oz.). Prepared opium : 246 grammes (21 tolas). 5. By s.s. Santhia (B.I.S.N. Co., Ltd., Rangoon), coming from Calcutta. This steamer is on the Calcutta-Rangoon-Far East route. 8. The morphine was in two packets, which bore no mark or label. The opium, which was of Chinese origin, was in seven oblong tins, each bearing the embossed impression of a lion and a globe, together with Chinese characters. 9. Found on board the vessel. There was no accused.

No. 601.—Seizures in Siam during June Quarter 1932.

1. 25045/157(2). 2. Siamese Government, August 24th, 1932. 3. June quarter 1932. Bangkok. 4(a). Morphine hydrochloride : 18 grammes. 6. The accused were all Chinese labourers. 9. The morphine was confiscated in all cases and destroyed. There were five cases. 10. The fines ranged from two to nine bahts.

No. 602,—Seizure at San Antonio, , U.S.A., in July 1932.

1. 1383/157(92). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, September 23rd, 1932. 3. July 31st, 1932. San Antonio, Texas. 4(a) Morphine hydrochloride : 1 gramme (21 grains). 6. Persons implicated : Neal Smith and Jusro Gusjardo, Americans. 8. Contained in a bottle, together with 128 grammes of magnesium carbonate.The bottle was sealed with parrafin and wrapped in glassine paper. It bore a label written in Spanish with the name of Paul Hope, Hamburg, thereon. 9. The drugs were seized from the defendants as they were attempting to sell them to Federal agents. The defendants had promised to bring about 284 grammes (10 oz.) to the meeting place. The bottle seized actually contained three cubes of pure morphine weighing 10 grains and the rest of the contents was magnesium carbonate in cubes dusted over with morphine, to simulate morphine cubes. The defendants stated that they had acquired the bottle from a well-known Mexican narcotic smuggler from Mexico.

No. 603.—Seizure at Seattle, July 1932, of Morphine labelled “Japan Pharmaceutical Establishment, Osaka, Japan".

1. O.C.S.76. 1383/157(91). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 26th, 1932. 3. July 7th, 1932. Seattle. 4(a). Morphine : 13 kg. 632 gr. (480 oz.). 5. By the Venice Maru (K Line, Japanese), coming from Yokohama. 6. Persons implicated : George Black ; Masaichi Kagikawa ; Toraju Yoshioka and Tadauki Ito. 8. The morphine was labelled “ Japan Pharmaceutical Establishment,Osaka, Japan ”. 9. It was seized from the accused asthey attempted to transport it from the vessel by rowboat. 10. The defendants were arrested and will be prosecuted.

No. 604.—Seizure at Seattle, Washington, on the s.s. " President Madison ”, August 1932.

1. O.C.S.77. 1383/157(92). 2. Government of th.3 United States of America, through th e Netherlands Government, September 23rd, 1932. — 13 —

3. August 10th, 1932. Seattle, Washington. 4(a). Morphine hydrochloride : 14 bottles containing 68 grammes (1,050 grains). 5. By the s.s. President Madison (American Mail Line), coming from Hong-Kong, Shanghai and Yokohama. 8. One label bears Japanese characters,1 followed by words in English : “ Imperial Hygienic Laboratory ”. A round paper label was marked in English : “ Billiken Brand— Nippon Yakuhin Yoko ”. A small square label bore Japanese characters 2 and the words : “ Morphinum Hydrochloricum ”, 9. The drug was found on board the vessel.

No. 605.—Seizure at Waco, Texas, in June 1932.

1. O.G.S.78. 1383/157(92). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, September 23rd, 1932. 3. June 22nd, 1932. Waco, Texas. 4(a). Morphine : 17 grammes (255 grains). 6. Persons implicated : Ernest Parson and Leslie Price. 8. The morphine was labelled : “ C. F. Boehringer & Soehne, Mannheim, Germany ”, In small print, under this label, appears the name : “ Lemmel, S.A., Barcelona ”, 3 9. The accused were both arrested after having sold several small quantities of drugs to Federal officers. 10. Parson was sentenced to 25 months in a penitentiary and Price to 10 months in prison.

Note.—Seizures of morphine were also made in connection with the following cases, which included seizures of other drugs and which therefore have been summarised under corresponding headings : Case No. 584 under “ Raw Opium ”, Case No. 628 under “ Cocaine ”.

Q u a n t i t i e s o f M o r p h i n e s e i z e d , a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t : 20 kg. 264 gr. Also : 2 ampoules. See Case No. 626. 454 grammes of ethyl-morphine hydrochloride. See Case No. 574.


No. 606.—Seizure at Kiaochow, April 1932.

1. 315/157(14). 2. Chinese Maritime Customs, through Mr. L. A. Lyall, Assessor to the Advisory Committee, July 1932. 3. April 25th, 1932. Kiaochow. 4(a). Heroin : 2 kg. 947 gr. (78 taels). 5. By Hoten Maru (Japanese). 6. Person implicated : K. Nishio, Japanese. 9. Concealed in the luggage of the accused. 10. Nishio was arrested and handed over to the Japanese police.

No. 607.—Seizure at Tientsin, ex the s.s. “ Tungchow ", March 1932.

1. 315/157(24). 2. Chinese Maritime Customs, through Mr. L. A. Lyall, Assessor to the Advisory Committee, July 22nd, 1932. 3. March 30th. 1932. Tientsin. 4(a). Heroin : 529 grammes (14 taels). 5. S.s. Tungchow (British).

Translation of Japanese characters : No. 5525, Morphine Salts, Showa 7 year, July. 5 gr. . * Translation of Japanese characters : “ Poison—Japan Pharmacopoeia Morphine Hydrochloride. Contents : 5 grammes . 8 For previous mention of the firm of Lemmel & Co., Barcelona, see document O.C.».94(i) pages 6 and 9. — 14 —

No. 60S.—Seizure at Alexandria, ex the s.s. " Lukia ", December 1931.

1. 38673/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932. 3. December 17th, 1931. Alexandria. 4(a). Heroin : 250 grammes. 5. By the s.s. Lukia (Greek). 6. Persons implicated : Ulysse Coutsoumbis (Greek sailor on board) ; Antoine Selvelli (Italian, passenger on board, commission agent at Istanbul). 9. Coutsoumbis was searched on leaving the ship and the heroin was found in his possession. Selvelli attempted to get the packet of heroin and Coutsoumbis away from the guard and back on board the ship, but they were both arrested. 10. Selvelli was sentenced by the Italian consular court to four months’ imprisonment and a fine of 500 lire ; Coutsoumbis was acquitted by the Greek consular court.

No. 609.—Seizure at Alexandria, ex the s.s. “ Roumania ", March 1932.

1. 25146/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932. 3. March 23rd, 1932. Alexandria. 4(a). Heroin : 320 grammes. 5. By the s.s. Roumania. 6. Person implicated : Nicola Stefanescou, member of the crew. 9. The heroin was found in the shoes of the accused. 10. The accused was sentenced by the Roumanian consular court to six months’ imprisonment and to a fine of 10,000 lei. He was further excluded from serving on any of the boats of the Roumanian State Lines.

No. 610.—Seizure at Alexandria, July 1932. Nicolas Teofanide Case. 1. 38859/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, September 6th, 1932. 3. July 19th, 1932. Alexandria. 4(a). Heroin : 52 grammes. 6. Person implicated : Nicolas Teofanide, member of the crew of the s.s. Dacia (Service Maritime de l’Etat Roumain). 9. Teofanide was arrested on suspicion at a bar in Alexandria and the heroin was found hidden in his hat. 10. He was sentenced by the Roumanian consular court at Alexandria to six months’ imprisonment and sailed on August 23rd, 1932, for Roumania, where he will serve his sentence.

No. 611.—Seizure at Alexandria, ex the s.s. “ Dacia ”, August 1932. 1. 32632/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, September 1st, 1932. 3. August 22nd, 1932. Alexandria. 4(a). Heroin : 113 grammes. 5. By s.s. Dacia (Service Maritime de l’Etat Roumain). 6. Person implicated : Theodore Yean Broaska, Roumanian, fireman on board. 9. Found on the person of the accused on board the vessel. 10. The accused was handed over to the police authorities for necessary action.

No. 612.—Seizure at Hoboken, New Jersey, ex the s.s. “Vincent", in July 1932. Polakewitz-Feldstein Case. 1. O.C.S.79. 1383/157(91). 2. Government of th e United States of America, through th e Netherlands Government, September 10th, 1932. 3. July 6th, 1932. Hoboken, New Jersey. 4(a). Heroin hydrochloride : 15 kg. 851 gr. (34 lb. 14 oz.). 5. By the s.s. Vincent (Cosmopolitan Shipping Co., U.S.A.), coming from Le Havre, France. 6. Persons implicated : Consignor : Jacob Polakewitz, alias George Ross, alias Caro. Consignee : Louis Adelman, New York. Addressed to : S. Feldstein, 100 Gold Street, . Purchased from : Ignatz Endler, Paris. — 15 —

8. The shipment was packed in four cases declared as containing ladies’ light shoes, marked S F 201, 202, 203, 204. 9. When Jacob Polakewitz was arrested in Paris in June 1932, together with Maurice Herzberg, in connection with the seizure on the Ile-de-France,1 one kg. of narcotics was found in the possession of Herzberg. Herzberg claimed that he had acted only as an interpreter for Polakewitz and, as an evidence of good faith, advised the French police of the consignment on the Vincent. The United States authorities were informed and, on opening the cases, the drug was discovered. There was also found concealed in the cases a narcotic mixer. Polakewitz stated that the heroin was ordered by Adelman, a notorious narcotic trafficker, at present out on bond on an immigration charge, who requested that the shipment be consigned to S. Feldstein. (This name is believed to be fictitious.) Polakewitz added that he purchased the heroin from Endler, who at the time had it concealed in a suit-case deposited at the Gare du Nord, Paris. 10. It is understood that Polakewitz is being held for trial in Paris and that Maurice Herzberg has been released. At the time of making the report no arrests had been made in the United States, but a thorough investigation was under way.

No. 613.—Seizure at Nogales, Arizona, in May 1932.

1. 1383/157(88). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 11th, 1932. 3. May 12ch, 1932. Nogales, Ariz. 4M. Heroin : 28 grammes (1 oz.). Prepared opium : 185 grammes (6| oz.). 6. Person implicated : B. R. Magoffin. 8. The heroin bore a label reading : “ 1 oz. Sulphate de Heroina Garantizado Puro 100 %, Atlas Chemical Company, Argentine ”. 9. The accused was arrested on the highway driving an automobile in which the drugs were found concealed in a sack of chili. He stated that he had smuggled the drugs from Nogales, Sonora, Mexico. The drugs were seized. 10. The accused was held under bond of $2,000.

No. 614.—Seizure at New York, July 1932. Discovery of a Chemical Factory and Apparatus for the Manufacture of a Substance to be sold as Morphine.

1. O.C.S.75. 1383/157(91). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 26th, 1932. 3. July 1st, 1932. New York. 4(

Note.—A seizure of heroin was also made in connection with a case of illicit traffic in hashish. It has therefore been summarised under that heading : Case No. 631.

Q u a n t i t i e s o f H e r o i n s e i z e d , a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t : 20 kg. 156 gr. There was also seized 13 kg. 575 gr. of a mixture of quinine and ethyl-carbonate containing approximately 10 per cent heroin. See Case No. 614.

1 See document O.C.294(()> pages 17-18, No. 558. — 16 —


No. 615.—Illicit Traffic at Portsmouth on Board a British Warship.

1. 38061/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, August 2nd, 1932. 3. July 5th, 1932. Portsmouth. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 227 grammes (8 oz.). 5. H.M.S. Royal Sovereign. The accused stated that he had purchased the cocaine from a Greek in a port in the Mediterranean which he believed to be Suvla Bay. 6. Person implicated : John Grech, Maltese, employed on board the vessel. 9. The arrest was effected as the result of information previously received by the police that Grech was endeavouring to dispose of cocaine. Investigation failed to disclose any organised traffic or to indicate that the case is of any great importance. 10. Grech was sentenced to twelve months’ imprisonment.

No. 616.—Seizure at Singapore, ex the s.s. “ Sui Sang ”, in July 1932.

1. 20271/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, September 17th, 1932. 3. July 23rd, 1932. Singapore. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 2 grammes. 5. By the s.s. Sui Sang (Agents : Messrs. Boustead & Co., Ltd.), coming from Kobe, Shanghai, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Penang and Calcutta. 9. Found in a small bottle on board the vessel.

No. 617.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the “ Bengal Maru ” , March 1932,

1. 3S044/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, July 14th, 1932. 3. March 3 ^ , 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 1 kg. 47 gr. (36 oz. 380 grains). 5. By Bengal Maru (Nippon Yusen Kaisha, Ltd., Calcutta), coming from Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Moji, Sakito, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Penang and Rangoon. According to the statements of the accused, Rahim Bux and Takasawa, the drug was purchased from a Chinese in Kobe. 6. Persons implicated : Rahim Bux, Indian bazaar coolie ; Yeizi Takasawa, Japanese quarter­ master on board the vessel. Consignee (according to statement of accused) : Ferengi, a fruit merchant of Calcutta. 9. There were three packets seized : two on Rahim Bux as he was going ashore, and the third on board the vessel, the hiding-place being disclosed by Takasawa. 10. Rahim Bux was sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment and Takasawa to one year.

No. 618.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the s.s. “ Kut Sang ", March 1932.

1. 3606/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, July 14th, 1932. 3. March 20th, 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 704 grammes (24 oz. 340 grains). 5. By the s.s. Kul Sang (Agents : Messrs. Jardine, Skinner & Co., Calcutta), coming from Hong-Kong via Singapore and Penang. 6. Person implicated : Wong Piu Suk, Chinese tallyman on board. 8. The cocaine was in one tin labelled “ Cocain. Hydrochloric, Puriss, Boehringer, C. F. Boehringer & Soehne, Mannheun ”. In addition, the wrapper bore a small paper seal inscribed with the skull and cross bones and marked “ Poison ”. The wrong spelling of the word Mannheim on the label suggests that they are not genuine German labels. There is no direct evidence to show the origin of the drug and the accused gave no indication as to the manner in which the drug was obtained by him. 9. Found on board concealed in a double-sided fish-tin, packed in a basket. 10. The accused was sentenced to six months’ rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs.500 ; in default, a further six months’ rigorous imprisonment. — 17 —

No. 619.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the s.s. “ Kut Sang ”, in May 1932. 1. 3606/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, August 11th, 1932. 3. May 23rd, 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 10 kg. 525 gr. (370 oz. 257 grains). 5. On the s.s. Kut Sang (Agents : Messrs. Jardine, Skinner & Co., Calcutta), coming from Osaka, Kobe, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Penang. 6. Person implicated : Ah Yuen, Chinese cook on board. 9. Concealed in 30 packets in three baskets of merchandise in specially constructed false compartments. 10. Accused sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 1,000 ; in default, to undergo a further six months’ rigorous imprisonment.

No. 620.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the s.s. “ Kum Sang ”, in June 1932.

1. 4424/157. 2. The British representative on the Advisory Committee, August 19th, 1932. 3. June 25th, 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 137 grammes (4 oz. 360 grains). 5. By the s.s. Kum Sang (Agents : Jardine, Skinner & Co., Calcutta), coming from Osaka, Kobe, Amoy, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Penang. 6. Person implicated : Thu Chang, Chinese fireman on board. 8. No marks or labels. 9. Found on the person of accused. 10. Accused sentenced to four months’ rigorous imprisonment and to a fine of Rs.200, or, in default, a further two weeks’ rigorous imprisonment.

No. 621.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the s.s. “ Tilawa ", June 1932. 1. 4427/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, September 10th, 1932. 3. June 26th, 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 120 grammes (4 oz. 100 grains). 5. By the s.s. Tilawa (Agents : Messrs. Mackinnon, Mackenzie and Co., Calcutta), coming from Osaka, Kobe, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Penang. 6. Person implicated : Abdul Hamid, fireman on board. 8. Seized in five phials, each of which was labelled “ Tacmnufa Fo One ” and “ Cocainum Hydrochloricum ”. 9. A statement made by Nadiruzzaman, another fireman on board, indicated that the drug was purchased by the accused from a Chinaman at Kobe. 10. The accused was fined Rs.500.

No. 622.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the s.s. “ Sui Sang ” , in June 1932. 1. 20271/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, August 19th, 1932. 3. June 30th, 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 114 grammes (4 oz.). 5. By the s.s. Sui Sang (Agents : Jardine, Skinner & Co.), coming from Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe, Moji, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Penang. 6. Person implicated : Wong Sheung, Chinese fireman on board. 8. No labels or marks. 9. Found on the accused. 10. Accused sentenced to 6 months’ rigorous imprisonment and to a fine of Rs.100; in default, a further two months’ rigorous imprisonment.

No. 623.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the s.s. “ Sui Sang ", July 1932. 1. 20271/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, August 25th, 1932. 3. July 3rd, 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride: 55 grammes (1 oz. 406 grains). 5. By s.s. Sui Sang (Agents : Messrs. Jardine, Skinner & Co.), coming from Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe, Moji, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Penang. — 18

6. Person implicated : Ping Kxvang, Chinese fireman on board. 9. Found on the person of the accused, as he was leaving the vessel. 10. Accused sentenced to a fine of Rs.50; in default, one month’s rigorous imprisonment.

No. 624.—Seizure at Calcutta, ex the s.s. “ Kut Sang”, July 1932.

1. 3606/157. 2. British representative on the Advisory Committee, September 6th, 1932. 3. July 25th, 1932. Calcutta. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 710 grammes (25 oz.). 5. By s.s. Kut Sang (Agents : Messrs. Jardine, Skinner & Co., Calcutta), coming from Osaka, Kobe, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Penang. , 9. The packet of cocaine was thrown through a port-hole of the vessel on to the quay.

No. 625.—Illicit Traffic by Rosalia Campagnoli at Milan, June 1932.

1. 39044/157. 2. Italian Government, September 17th, 1932. 3. June 18th, 1932. Milan. 4(a). Cocaine : 6 grammes. 6. Person implicated : Rosalia Campagnoli. 9. Rosalia Campagnoli has been known to the police for some time as being engaged in the sale of cocaine among the clients of clandestine houses of prostitution. Up to the present, she has, however, evaded legal punishment. In June 1932, information reached the authorities that she had received a considerable quantity of cocaine and, enquiries being made, it was found she had rented a small villa where she was carrying on the illicit traffic. A raid was made on the villa but only 6 grammes of cocaine were discovered. Rosalia Campagnoli was, however, found in the act of cutting up grease-proof paper to make wrappers for the drug, which showed that, although she had not yet received the consignment of which the authorities had been informed, she expected to do so in the near future. Investigations subsequently carried out proved that Campagnoli was engaged in the illicit traffic but it has so far been impossible to ascertain the origin of the drug. The villa has been closed by order of the authorities.

No. 626.—Seizures in Netherlands in March, July and August 1932. 1. 251/157(7). 2. Netherlands Government, September 26th, 1932. 3. March 11th, July 27lh and August 25th, 1932. Helmond, Amsterdam and Rotterdam. 4(«). Cocaine : 500 grammes. Raw opium : 3 hectogrammes. Prepared opium : 365 grammes. Morphine hydrochloride : 2 ampoules containing each 20 m’grammes and 10 tubes. 5. The cocaine was probably of French origin. 6. Persons implicated : A. G. J. J. T. Elzinga, restaurant-keeper ; J. P. C. van Breemen, shopkeeper at Amsterdam ; A. Lammers, merchant at Amsterdam. These three persons were connected with the seizure of cocaine. Heinrich Funken, German, draughtsman, connected with the seizure of morphine and a Chinese laundryman connected with the seizure of raw and prepared opium. 8. The cocaine was contained in a tin and in a paper bag in another tin covered with a red metal lid and bearing the letter " R ” and " marque déposée ”. The morphine was in 12 small boxes. The raw opium was wrapped in an English newspaper, while the prepared opium was in two tins and a glass pot with a screw-on cover bearing Chinese characters. 9. The cocaine was found in a café in the Wilhelminastraat, Amsterdam, and was left there by two unknown persons speaking German. The morphine was found at the residence of Funken and the raw and prepared opium in the quarters of the Chinese crew on board the Sibajak (Rotterdamsche-Lloyd). 10. Funken was fined 30 florins or 15 days’ detention, and the Chinese on board the Sibajak 40 florins or 20 days’ detention.

No. 627.—Seizure at Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone, in April 1932. Lionel Cruz Case. 1. O.C.S.74. 1383/157(90). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, September 1st, 1932. — 19 —

3. April 3rd, 1932. Cristobal, Panama Canal Zone. 4(a). Cocaine hydrochloride : 50 grammes. 5. By s.s. Pastores (United Fruit Co.), coming from New York via Havana, Port Limon, Costa Bica. 6. Person implicated : Lionel Cruz, alias Claro Cruz, Lionel Cruz Armstrong, Lionel Cruz Perez, Lionel Armstrong, and Leon Relain, a Cuban employed as cook’s mate on board the vessel. 8. Contained in two bottles marked E. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany. 10. Cruz was tried on June 24th, 1932, on the charge of the violation of the Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act and discharged. He was, however, sentenced to serve five years in the penitentiary on a charge of bringing counterfeit United States money into the Canal Zone.

No. 628.—Seizures at New Orleans and San Francisco, U.S.A., in April and May 1932.

1. 1383/157(89). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, August 26th, 1932. 3. April 18th and May 31st, 1932. New Orleans and San Francisco, U.S.A. 4(a). Cocaine : 61 grammes (934 grains). Morphine : 26 grammes (397 grains). 6. Persons implicated : Eugene W. Klein and Katie Klein (in connection with the seizure at New Orleans). Fong Tong, and two other unknown Chinese, in connection with the seizure at San Francisco. 8. Of the cocaine, 19 grammes bore the label of Messrs. Merck & Co., of Darmstadt. The morphine bore the label of Messrs. C. F. Boehringer & Son, Mannheim. 9. The 19 grammes of cocaine were found in the possession of Klein and his wife. The rest of the cocaine and the morphine were purchased by Federal agents from Fong Tong. 10. Klein was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary ; his wife was acquitted. An indictment has been brought against Fong Tong and his arrest is expected in the near future.

No. 629.—Seizure at Nogales, Arizona, July 1932. Villasenor-Garcia Case.

1. O.C.S.73. 1383/157(90). 2. Government of the United States of America, through the Netherlands Government, September 1st, 1932. 3. July 10th, 1932. Nogales, Arizona. 4(a). Cocaine: 852 grammes (30 oz.). 6. Persons implicated : José Villasenor ; 1 Adela Garcia.1 8. In twenty bottles, each containing about I oz. cocaine and marked Ferdinand Boques, 36 rue de la Bretonnerie, Paris, No. 499. 9. The cocaine was seized from Villasenor, after he had led Federal officers to the home of Adela Garcia, where the narcotics were purchased 10. Villasenor is being held for trial under $5,000 bail. Adela Garcia was acquitted.

* * *

Note.—A seizure of cocaine was also made at the same time as a seizure of raw opium. It has therefore been summarised under that heading. See Case No. 584.

Q u a n t i t i e s o f C o c a i n e s e i z e d , a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t : 15 kg. 112 gr.


No. 630.—Illicit Traffic at Cairo by Mohamed Mustafa Nafe and Others.

1. O.C.S.72. 37865/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932.

José Villasenor has figured previously in connection with a seizure at . See ° No^BS303' Adela Garcia was one of the defendants in a seizure at Los Angeles in February 1932. See docume • • w> P g > — 20 —

3. 1920-1931. Alexandria and Cairo. 4(a). Hashish : quantity not stated. Heroin : 9 grammes. 6. Persons implicated : Mohamed Mustafa Nafe ; Mohamed Abou Fadl, Port Said ; Treifi Ouda, a Bedouin of the Howeitat tribe ; Hassan Ali Embabi ; Ahmed Amr el Komi ; Hanafa Mahmud Meliss, Alexandria ; Samuel Croudo, and others. 9. Nafe has for many years belonged to a gang of international criminals. At the beginning of the great war he was expelled from Egypt by the British authorities, but he returned six years later and has, since that time, been engaged in the illicit drug traffic. He ran a series of so-called private clubs, which were merely gambling dens used as a cloak for his other activities. He was a shipowner trading under the name of the Egyptian Steamship Navigation Company,1 and used vessels belonging to the company for smuggling purposes. The Egyptian authorities knew of his activities, but, until 1928, when the new narcotic law was passed, had been unable to lay hands on him. In February 1931, information was obtained that Nafe had once had a secret hiding-place for drugs in a villa at Mat aria ; this was located on April 14th and proved to be in an isolated villa on the edge of the desert, in one of the cellars of the villa, the flooring of which consisted of stone slabs. On the removal of nine of these, a wooden floor was revealed in the centre of which was a trap door giving entrance to a chamber, the floor and sides of which were entirely constructed of pitch pine, thus ensuring the absolute dryness of the interior. After a photograph had been taken, the hiding-place was re-sealed. Soon after this, Nafe left Egypt for Greece, Turkey and other places and returned on October 23rd, 1931. Suspicion was aroused on account of the fact that he returned without luggage and he was questioned. He stated that he had had two valises but that he had given these to a young man whom he had met at Rhodes and who had arranged to take same through the Customs and on to Cairo for him. This man, a certain Samuel Croudo, was later found and admitted having taken charge of the two valises for Nafe. These were handed over to the Customs authorities, who found three packets of heroin weighing 9 grammes therein. These were proved by analysis to be samples, each varying in colour and strength. Further investigation then brought to light the fact that Croudo was actually an ex-employee of Nafe, having been employed by him in one of his numerous gambling-clubs. Nafe’s house and office in Cairo were then searched and important documents were found. Investigation also led to the search of a garage in the neighbourhood and here twelve sailcloth bags well waterproofed were found, each capable of holding 50 kg. of hashish. Three large rolls of glacé paper similar to that used for the interior of heroin packets were also found and a further search in rooms occupied by Nafe’s brother brought to light a large quantity of new empty bags of \ kg. and 1 kg. size as used by traffickers for heroin distribution. In a private flat belonging to Nafe in Alexandria, a pocket- book containing the names and addresses of most of the important traffickers in Turkey, Greece and Syria was found. A little later, three further hiding-places were discovered, two at Cairo and another at Mataria. The one at Mataria was, like the first one discovered, under the foundations of a villa. The two in Cairo were under the steps leading up to a house which Nafe had occupied and in the garage mentioned above. Mohamed Abu Fadl was the owner of several steam launches working on account of the Egyptian Government. He was undoubtedly the principal smuggler of Port Said and he took delivery of drug consignments from the ships on behalf of the gang. Hanafi Mahmud Meliss was actually in Syria at the time of Nafe’s arrest arranging matters of contraband ; he spent his time going to and from between Egypt and Syria, acting as liaison officer between Nafe and his Syrian associates. Treifi Ouda was responsible for the conveying of hashish consignments across the deserts, and Hassan Ali Embabi and Ahmed Amr el Komi were both distributors for the gang, the former in Alexandria and the latter in Cairo. 10. Nafe, Fadl, Ouda, Embabi, el Komi and Meliss were each sentenced to five years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E 1,000.

No. 631.—Seizure at Cairo, February 1932. El Sueissi Case.

1. 38293/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932. 3. February 1932. Cairo. 4(«). Hashish : 750 grammes, two turbas, several packets and other quantities, am ounts not given. 6. Persons implicated : Mohamed Abdel Rahman el Sueissi, alias Khawaga George ; Hamid Ismail el Serag, of El Arish ; Ali Mahmoud el Mohandiz ; Ismail Mahmoud el Mohandiz, a shopkeeper in Cairo ; Abdalla Khalil Salman es Shami and his brother Hussein, farmers at Facous, Markaz Zagazig ; Awad Shawish, Port Said ; Sam

1A previous mention of Mohamed Nafe and his connection with the Egyptian Steamship Navigation Company will be found w document O.C.998 series. (See also documents O.C.294(e), pages 140-141, and O.C.294(/), pages 30-31). — 21 —

Minyawi,1 pseudo ship’s chandler at Istanbul ; Mohamed Ahmed Minyawi, Port Said, brother of Sam Minyawi ; Mustafa Sultani, and nine others. 9. A quantity of hashish was seized by the Cairo police, which led to the arrest of Ali Mahmoud el Mohandiz and his brother. Investigations led to the arrest of el Sueissi and Sareg. Letters were found on Sareg addressed to a certain Khawaga George at the Café El Askar and it was found that these letters were taken by El Sueissi himself, who confessed that he was Khawaga George. They were unsigned, proved to have been sent by Mustafa Sultani, of Beirut, and referred to drug transactions. A branch of the organisation was situated at Kaid Bey, where four of the accused were arrested on attempting to sell 750 grammes of hashish which was seized. Two turbas of hashish were found, together with many important documents, in the possession of Abdalla and Hussein es Shami. These documents led to the arrest of Awad Shawish of Port Said, who was well known as a smuggler. Investigations revealed that he had forwarded large sums of money to Sam Minyawi at Istanbul. Sam’s brother, Mohamed Ahmed Minyawi,managed Sam’s illicit activities in Egypt. The authorities also raided the establishment of a coffee-house in Cairo, where several packets of hashish were seized which had already been prepared and were ready for distribution to clients. 10. All the accused were sentenced to 5 years’ imprisonment and to a fine of £E 1,000, with the exception of two who were sentenced to three years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E500. Sam Minyawi, of Istanbul, being of Egyptian nationality, was sentenced " by default ” to 5 years’ imprisonment and a fine of £E 1,000.

No. 632.—Seizure at Alexandria, ex the s.s. “ Ankara ”, February 1932. 1. 32634/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932. 3. February 20th, 1932. Alexandria. 4(a). Hashish : 5 kg. 250 gr. 5. By s.s. Ankara. 6. Person implicated : George Henry Blesse (British). 9. Found in a double-bottomed trunk belonging to accused, who stated that the trunk was given to him by an unknown person in Athens. 10. The accused was brought before the British consular court at Alexandria, but the case was dismissed.

No. 633.—Seizure at Alexandria, ex the s.s. “ Patris II ”, in August 1932.

1. 38857/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, September 6th, 1932. 3. August 4th, 1932. Alexandria. 4(a). Hashish : 320 grammes. 5. By the s.s. Patris II. 6. Persons implicated : Georges Catzaounis, Greek, electrician on board the Patris II ; Isaac Amiel, French, taxi-driver of Alexandria. 9. The two accused were stopped by the Customs Guards as they were coming out of the Customs gate in a car. The hashish was found in the car. 10. They were both handed over to their consular authorities.

No. 634.—Seizure at Alexandria, ex the s.s. " Abdel Khader ”, August 1932.

1. 38858/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, September 6th, 1932. 3. August 26th, 1932. Alexandria. 4(a). Hashish : 1 kg. 145 gr. 5. By the s.s. Abdel Khader. 6. Person implicated : Emmanuel Constantin Androulakis, Greek. 9. Found on the person of the accused when searched by the Customs Guards. 10. Androulakis was handed over to the Greek consular authorities.

No. 635.—Seizure of Hashish at Port Said, hidden in Cases of Olives, June 1932.

1. 38666/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932.

1 For previous mention of this person, see document O.C.294(i)> pa=e 6, No. 268. — 22 —

3. June 13th, 1932. Port Said. 4(a). Hashish : 25 kg. 5. By railway from Haifa. 8. In two petrol tins contained in a consignment of eight cases of olives marked I to S.M.T 9. Information was received by the Port Said police that a consignment of olives woulc arrive at Port Said which contained hashish. The consignment was searched ant the hashish found in the petrol tins.

No. 636.—Seizure in the Sinai Desert of Hashish hidden under the Hair of Camels.

1. 38782/157. 2. Central Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Cairo, August 9th, 1932. 3. Date not given. Sinai Desert. 4(a). Hashish : 140 cakes. 5. By camel caravan from Syria. 9. Information was received that a quantity of hashish was to be smuggled in on camels. Camel patrols were sent out and met a caravan at the Sheikh Zowaid outpost. One of the patrol, thinking to buy a camel for himself, ran his hand over a camel and discovered the hashish which had been glued on to the skin of the camel after the hair had been removed. The hair had been replaced with glue and nothing could be seen. There were 25 camels and each camel had three pieces of hashish glued on each of its sides. Six men were in charge of the camels.


Nole.—Seizures of hashish were also made in connection with the following cases, which included seizures of other drugs and which therefore have been summarised under corresponding headings. See Cases Nos. 576 and 579 under “ Raw Opium ”.

Q u a n t i t i e s o f H a s h i s h s e i z e d , a s r e p o r t e d t o t h e S e c r e t a r i a t :

36 kg. 865 gr. Also : 2 Turbas, several packets and other quantities not stated. See Nos. 631 and 632. 140 cakes. See Case No. 637.


No. 637.—Illicit Traffic by Members of the Crew of the s.s. “ Helouan ” in 1931.

O.C.S.66. 37258/157. The Italian Government reports (May 1932) that two members of the crew of the s.s. Helouan (Lloyd Triestino) were convicted of drug-trafficking in February and June 1931. In the first case, the accused was a seaman, Pietro Trani, of Trieste, who was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment with hard labour and a fine of 1,500 lire. The sentence expired on May 20th, 1931, and an order was issued by the Harbourmaster of Trieste on May 21st, 1931, prohibiting Trani from shipping for two years from that date. The person involved in the second case was Vittorio Stricca, a steward, living at Trieste. He was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 lire for attempting to smuggle 225 grammes of heroin. The sentence expired on July 11th, 1931, and he has also been prohibited from shipping for two years from that date. Nole by the Secretariat.—These two cases are connected with the seizure on the s.s. Victoria. See document O.C.S.34 and O.C.294(k), page 8.

No. 638.—Illicit Traffic by Ettore Barone and Cumbaro Nikita at Cairo, in 1932.

37802/157. The Italian Government reports (July 1932) that the fact that Ettore Barone and Cumbaro Nikita were engaged in the illicit traffic in drugs was brought to the notice of the Italian authorities in Cairo by the Egyptian police. The two persons were tried, with the result that Barone was acquitted and Nikita was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment with hard labour and a fine of 1,000 lire. QUESTIONNAIRE REFERRING TO PART II.

1. Documents issued and Registry dossier No. 2. Reported by. 3. Date and place of seizure or illicit transaction. 4. Kind and quantity of drugs (a) seized or (b) involved in the illicit transaction. 5. Origin of Drugs. Where drugs shipped. Method of transportation, and destination. Route followed. Nationality, name and owners of ship involved. 6. Names of consignor, consignee and addressee, or other persons implicated. 7. Forwarding agents and other persons or firms whose names appear in connection with the case. 8. Name of manufacturer of drugs ; labels, marks, packing, etc. 9. Additional details. 10. Legal proceedings and penalties. — 23 —


Country and Locality Dale Page Country and Locality Dale Page

China : Portugal : Canton June quarter 1932 ...... 5 Colonies : Kiaochow April 25th, 1932 ...... 13 Shanghai May 24th, 1932 ...... 5 Macao April 1932 ...... 7 Tientsin March 30th, 1932 ...... 13 May 1932 ...... 8 Wenchow April 11th, 1932 ...... 11 June 1932 ...... 8 May 2nd, 1932 ...... 11 Siam : March quarter 1932 . 9 Egypt : October 1931...... 20 Alexandria December 17th, 1931 ... 14 June quarter 1932 ..,. . 9, 12 February 20th, 1932 .... 21 Spain : March 23rd, 1932 ...... 14 July 19th, 1932 ...... 14 Valencia February 1932 August 4th, 1932 ...... 21 August 22nd, 1932 ...... 14 August 26th, 1932 ...... 21 U nited K ingdom : Cairo During 1920-1931 ...... 19-20 Portsmouth July 5th, 1932 ...... 16 November 19th, 1930 ... 4 October 1931 ...... 20 Colonies : February 1932 ...... 20-21 During 1932 ...... 22 Straits Settle­ Port Said December 12th, 1931 . . . 5 ments : June 13th, 1932 ...... 22 Singapore July 23rd, 1932 ...... 16 June 25th, 1932 ...... 5 August 24th, 1932 ...... 8 Sinai Desert Date not given ...... 22 United States of Suez November 1931 ...... 4 A m erica : August 6th, 1932 ...... 6 August 8th, 1932 ...... 6 Boston, Mass. March 8th, 1931 ...... 9 August 14th, 1932 ...... 6 August 25th, 1931 ...... 9 Cristobal, Germany : April 27th-28th, 1930 ... 3 Panama Canal Zone April 3rd, 1932 ...... 18-19 Hoboken, N.J. July 19th, 1930 ...... 3 India : 1928-1930 ...... 3 July 6th, 1932 ...... 14 Calcutta August 8th, 1930 ...... 3 New Orleans April 18th, 1932 ...... 19 September 26th, 1930 . . 3 May 29th, 1932 ...... 7 August 5th, 1931 ...... 4 New York March 12th, 1930 ...... 3 March 3rd, 1932 ...... 16 April 24th, 1931 ...... 3 March 20th, 1932 ...... 16 May 4th, 1932 ...... 9 May 23rd, 1932 ...... 17 May 18th, 1932 ...... 9 June 8th, 1932 ...... 4 May 26th, 1932 ...... 9 June 25th, 1932 ...... 17 July 1st, 1932 ...... 15 June 26th, 1932 ...... 17 Nogales, June 30th, 1932 ...... 17 Arizona May 4th, 1932 ...... 9 July 3rd, 1932 ...... 17 May 12th, 1932 ...... 15 July 25th, 1932 ...... 18 May 18th, 1932 ...... 9 Rangoon April 24th, 1932 ...... 12 May 26th, 1932 ...... 9 July 7th, 1932 ...... 8 June 3rd, 1932 ...... 10 taly : July 10th, 1932 ...... 19 Sallisaw, Milan June 18th, 1932 ...... 18 Oklahoma January 1932 ...... 4 Naples February 28th, 1932 .... 6 San Antonio, Trieste February 1931 ...... 22 Texas July 31st, 1932 ...... 12 June 1931 ...... 22 San Francisco, apan : 1928-1930 ...... 3 Calif. May 31st, 1932 ...... 19 Seattle, Wash. July 7th, 1932 ...... 12 etherlands : March, July and August August 10th, 1932 ___ 12-13 1932 ...... 18 Waco, Texas June 22nd, 1932...... 13 Colonies : Aruba September 13th, 1931 Colonies : Curaçao November 9th, 1931 . December 27th, 1931 Honolulu June 23rd, 1932 ...... 10 Netherlands During June 1932 ...... 10 Indies : July 15th, 1932 ...... 11 Riouw March 12th, 1932 July 16 th, 1932 ...... 11 March 24th, 1932 July 23rd, 1932 ...... II — 24 —


Name Page Name Page Name Page

Aawar, e l ...... 6 Fadl, Mohamed Abou 20 Miura, Yasuto ...... 10 Abdul H a m id ...... 17 Fahla, Aly el ...... 5 Mohandez, Ali Mahmoud el 20 Adelman, Louis ...... 14 Feldstein, S...... 14 Mohandez, Ismail Mahmoud “ Aeroplane ” m a rk 6 F erengi...... 16 e l ...... 20 Ah Y u e n ...... 17 Fleischmann, Franz 3 Akana, Edward K ...... 11 Fong Tong ...... 20 Nafe, Mohamed Mustafa. . 20 Amiel, Isaac ...... 21 Funken, Heinrich ...... 18 Nikita, Cumbaro ...... 22 Androulakis, Emmanuel Fuqua, Claude C...... 7 Nippon Yakuhin Yoko... 13 C onstantin...... 21 Nishio, K ...... 13 A ngelides...... 3 Garcia, A d e la ...... 19 Angulio, J u lio ...... 10 Gordon et Fils, Paris .... 3 Ouda, Treifi ...... 20 Armstrong, Lionel ...... 19 “ Grande Maison de Com­ Armstrong, Lionel Cruz . . . 19 merce d’Opium”, Istan­ Papa, E tto re ...... 4 Atlas Chemical Co., Argen­ bul ...... 6(3), 7 Parson, Ernest...... 13 tine ...... 15 Grech, John ...... 16 Perez, Lionel Cruz ...... 19 Aziz, A ngèle...... 4 Guindi, Abdou Ahmed el . 5 Ping K w a n g ...... 18 Aziz, Habib ...... 4 Gumma, Khamis Mohd. . . 6 Platzheim, L utz ...... 3 Gusjardo, Jusro ...... 12 Polakewitz, Jacob ...... 14 Barone, Ettore ...... 22 Price, Leslie ...... 13 Beneckson, Jacob ...... 15 Hamid, Abdul ...... 17 Beneckson, Samuel ...... 15 H e m a y a...... 4 Relain, Leon ...... 19 Bernstein, Samuel...... 3 Herzberg, M aurice...... 15 Roques, Ferdinand, Paris . 19 “ Billiken ” B rand ...... 13 Hoke, Joseph R...... 11 Ross, George...... 14 Black, G eorge...... 12 Hong Chack...... 11 Blesse, George Henry .... 21 Hope, Paul, Hamburg ... 12 Sarhân ...... 4 Bloom, J a c o b ...... 3 Sato, G oro...... ' ...... 3 Boehringer, C. F., Mann­ Imperial Hygienic Labora­ Selvelli, A ntoine...... 14 heim ...... 13, 19 tory ...... 13 Serag, Hamid Ismail el.. 20 Boehringer & Soehne, Mann- I to, T ad au k i...... 12 Serfess, Walter B...... 11 h e u n ...... 16 Izumi, Fusataro ...... 10 Shami, Abdalla Khalil Breemen, J. P. C. van... 18 Salman es...... 20 Broaska, Theodore Yean . 14 Japan Pharmaceutical Esta­ Shami, Hussein e s ...... 20 Brooks, Nathan ...... 15 blishment, Osaka 12 Shawish, A w ad...... 20 Burgoyne, Burbidge & Co., Sim onsohn...... 3 L ondon...... 5 Kagikawa, Masaichi ...... 12 “ Skull and Cross Bones ” Bux, Rahim ...... 16 Kaili, Joseph H ...... 11 m a rk ...... 16 Kandra & Co., Belgrade.. 3 Smith, Neal ...... 11 Khawaga, George ...... 20 Stefanescu, N icola...... 14 Catzaounis, Georges 21 Kishi, Kozo ...... 4 Stricca, V itto rio ...... 22 Campagnoli, Rosalia 18 Klein, EugeneW...... 19 Sueissi, Mohamed Abdel Caro ...... 14 Klein, K a tie ...... 19 Rahman el ...... 20 Carroll, W. R ...... 11 Kokuryo, Toyojiro ...... 3 Sullivan, D an iel...... 11 Chambretin, Paris ...... 4 Komi, Ahmed Amr el . . . 20 Sultani, Mustafa ...... 21 Chang, F r a n k ...... 9 “ Kong ” m a r k ...... 10 Cheong ...... 9 Tacmnufa Fo One ...... 17 Chin, A lb e r t...... 10 Lam Kee, Macao 9, 10(3), 11 (2) Takasawa, Y azi...... 16 “ Chong ” mark ...... 10 Lammers, A...... 18 Teofanide, N icolas...... 14 Chrysalis...... 3 Landau, Julius ...... 3 Theodorides, Istanbul . . 6(2), 7 Chuk Mui ...... 10 “ Leeuw aardbol en slang ” , 9 Thompson, William 7 “ Cock ” mark ...... 9, 10 Lemmel S.A., Barcelona . 13 Thu Chang ...... 17 “ Cock & Elephant ” Leong Quong ...... 10 Trani, Pietro ...... 22 m a rk ...... 10, 11(2) Limbo L am d am ...... 6 Coutsoumbis, Ulysse 14 “ Lion ” m ark ...... 6, 11 Villanesor, José ...... 19 Croudo, Samuel ...... 20 “ Lion and Horse ” mark. 11 Cruz, Claro ...... 19 " Lion on Globe ” mark .. 8, 12 Wakel, Faragalla Metwalli Cruz, Lionel ...... 19 Lo Fook K e e ...... 11 e l ...... 6 Gvitanovic, Giovanni .... 4 Lon Kom ...... 10 Wilson, F lo y d ...... 11 Loogy, Locoy F ild er 6 Wong, Benjamin ...... 10 Deutsch, Benjamin ...... 15 Wong Koon Lieu ...... 11 Magoffin. B. R ...... 15 Wong Piu S u k ...... 16 Egyptian Steam Navigation Martin, John ...... 11 Wong Sheung...... 17 Co...... 20 M asabuchi...... 4 “ Elephant ” m ark ...... 10 Mekki, Hussein Mohd. . . . 6 Yacout, Metwalli...... 5 Elzinga, A. G. J. J. T 18 Meliss, Mahmoud Hanafa . 20 Y akushiji...... 3 Embabi, Hassan Ali 20 Merck & Co., Darmstadt . 4, 19 Y am an ak a...... 3 Endler, Ignatz. Paris .... 14 Merck & Co., America ... 7 Yoshioka, Toraju ...... 12 Express Transport Ltd., Minyawi, Mohamed Ahmed 21 Paris ...... 3 Minyawi, Sam ...... 21 Zeid ...... 4 C.762. M.359. 1932. XI. (O.C.294. (m).) Errata.

Geneva, December 30th, 1932.



Summary of illicit transactions and seizures reported to the Secretariat of the League of Nations between July 1st and October 1st, 1932.


1. On page 7, the text of Case No. 582 should be replaced by the following:


1 931 •

1. 251/157(7) 2. Netherlands Government, July 7th, 1032. 3. September 13th, November 9th, and December 27th, 1931. Aruba and Curaçac 4(a) RAW OPIUM: 3 kg.626 grs. 5. 876 grammes were found on a Chinese on board the s.s. "Trocas" coming from Brazil and the United Kingdom. 6. Persons implicated: Three Chinese and one British. 8. 876 grammes were labelled "Qualité extra supérieure, GrandeMaison de Commerce d ’Opium, fondée en 1904, M. Theodorides, Istanbul, Galata, Grande Rue Vovvoda No. 98." 9. There were four cases*. The Chinese arrested on board the s.s. "Trocas" was a member of the crew. He stated that he had bought the opium in Brazil for £4 from an unknown person. 10. One of the Chinese was fined 250 florins or two months’ imprisonment. The other two were fined 100 florins or one month’s detention and 250 florins or three months’ detention respectively. The case involving the British national was not taken up.

* These four cases include a seizure of prepared opium reported under "Pre­ pared Opium". See case No. 589.

2. At the top of page 8, the amount of raw opium seized should read 94 kg. 524 grs.

3. On pages 8-9, Case No. 589 should be divided into two as follows:

No. 589. SEIZURE AT CURAÇAO, November 1931.

1. 251/157(7) 2. Netherlands Government, July 7th, 1932. 3. November 9th, 1931. Curaçao. 4(a) PREPARED OPIUM: 45 grammes. DROSS: 3 7 grammes.

No. 589(a) SEIZURES AT RIOUW (N.I.) IN MARCH l932.

*• 251/157(7) a. Netherlands Government, July 7th, 1932. 3. March 12th, and 24th, 1932. Riouw, N.I. 4(a) PREPARED OPIUM: 28 kg. 910 grs. 8. Marked "Leeuw, aardbol en slang” and Chinese characters. 9. There were two cases.