Chapter 93: Pennsylvania Water Quality Standards
Presented below are water quality standards that are in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. EPA is posting these standards as a convenience to users and has made a reasonable effort to assure their accuracy. Additionally, EPA has made a reasonable effort to identify parts of the standards that are not approved, disapproved, or are otherwise not in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. Pennsylvania Code, Chapter 93 Water Quality Standards Effective March 19, 2021 The following provisions are in effect for Clean Water Act purposes with the exception of these three provisions that EPA disapproved: The addition of the human health criterion for chlorophenoxy herbicide (2,4‐D) to Table 5 The revision to the designated use for Chester Creek (Basin), (locally known as Goose Creek basin, Source to East Branch Chester Creek) from Trout Stocking, Migratory Fish (TSF,MF) to Warm Water Fishes, MF (WWF, MF) The revision to the designated use for Reynold’s Run (Basin) from High Quality Waters, Cold Water Fishes (HQ‐CWF, MF) to High Quality Waters, Trout Stocking (HQ‐TSF, MF) Ch. 93 WATER QUALITY STANDARDS 25 CHAPTER 93. WATER QUALITY STANDARDS GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 93.1. Definitions. 93.2. Scope. 93.3. Protected water uses. 93.4. Statewide water uses. ANTIDEGRADATION REQUIREMENTS 93.4a. Antidegradation. 93.4b. Qualifying as High Quality or Exceptional Value Waters. 93.4c. Implementation of antidegradation requirements. 93.4d. Processing of petitions, evaluations and assessments to change a designated use. 93.5. [Reserved]. WATER QUALITY CRITERIA 93.6. General water quality criteria. 93.7. Specific water quality criteria.
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