Free Pattern Lion Brand® Lion® Bouclé Boucle Scarf Pattern Number: kbcl-scarf

Scarves shown: Fun Fur Scarf ®(top), Lion Bouclé® Rainbow Poms Scarf, Polarspun® knit pink flowers scarf and Homespun® Bias Knit Scarf Free from Lion Brand Lion Brand® Lion® Bouclé Boucle Scarf Pattern Number: kbcl-scarf

SKILL LEVEL: Easy + (Level 3)

SIZE: One Size 10 inches x 64 inches CORRECTIONS: None as of Oct 4, 2016. To check for later updates, click here.

*Lion® Boucle (Article #930). 79% Acrylic, 20% MATERIALS mohair, 1% nylon; package size: 2.50oz/70.00 gr. • 930-205 Lion Brand Lion (57yds/52m) pull skeins Boucle Yarn: Sorbet 3 Balls • Lion Brand Knitting Needles - Size 10 [6 mm]


12 stiches = 4 inches (10 cm) in Garter st (k every row). When you match the in a pattern, your project will be the size specified in the pattern and the materials specified in the pattern will be sufficient. The needle or hook size called for in the pattern is based on what the designer used, but it is not unusual for gauge to vary from person to person. If it takes you fewer stitches and rows to make your swatch, try using a smaller size hook or needles; if more stitches and rows, try a larger size hook or needles.

Making a Gauge Swatch


MB (Make Bobble) Row 1 [K 1, p 1, k 1, p 1] in 1 st. Rows 2-6 Knit. Row 7 Ssk, k2tog, psso.

ssk (slip, slip, knit) Slip next 2 sts as if to knit, one at a time, to right needle; insert left needle into fronts of these 2 sts and k them tog.

SCARF Cast on 18 sts. Row 1 MB, knit across. Row 2 Slip 1 as if to purl, with yarn in back, inc 1, k 14, k2tog. Row 3 Slip 1 as if to purl, with yarn in back, knit across. Repeat last 2 rows 6 times more – 1 segment completed. Repeat last 15 rows18 times more. Work Row 1 once. Bind off all sts. Weave in ends.

ABBREVIATIONS / REFERENCES Click for explanation and illustration beg = begin(s)(ning) cont = continu(e)(s)(ing) dec = decreas(e)(s)(ing) foll = follow(s)(ing) inc = increas(e)(s)(ing) k = knit k2tog = knit 2 together MC = main color p = purl psso = pass slipped stitch over rem = remain(s)(ing) rep = repeat(s)(ing) rev = revers(e)(ing) rnd(s) = round(s) RS = right side ssk = slip, slip, knit St st = Stockinette stitch st(s) = stitch(es) tog = together WS = wrong side yo =

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Every effort has been made to have the knitting and crochet instructions accurate and complete. We cannot be responsible for variance of individual knitters and crocheters, human errors, or typographical mistakes.

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