E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION

Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 No. 16 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was pay for abortion services. While I op- more control over when and how they called to order by the Speaker pro tem- pose this restriction, it is important to start their families; let’s support com- pore (Mr. WEBSTER of Florida). emphasize that this statute is already prehensive sex so that teen- f the law. It was passed in 1976. Yet the agers know how to be safe and prevent legislation we are considering today unintended pregnancies; let’s make DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO would take that restriction even fur- adoption easier for loving families so TEMPORE ther. that no child is left spending his entire The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- My friends on the other side of the youth as a ward of the State. fore the House the following commu- aisle are no longer content with simply Mr. Speaker, I know that many of us nication from the Speaker: banning Federal funding for abortions. will never agree on the very personal WASHINGTON, DC, Now even private funding for this con- and emotional issue of abortion, but in- January 28, 2014. stitutional right is up for debate. A stead of rehashing the same fights, I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL vote in favor of this bill will authorize let’s focus on things we can agree on. WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on for the first time penalties for private Let’s reconsider the definition of ‘‘pro- this day. insurance companies that offer plans life’’ to include efforts that improve JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. that cover abortion services. Let me the quality of life for people in Amer- say that again. This bill will allow the ica. Being pro-life should mean sup- f Federal Government to use tax policy porting programs like Head Start and MORNING-HOUR DEBATE to punish private companies that even school lunches, which help our young The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- offer coverage for abortion as part of people succeed. Being pro-life should ant to the order of the House of Janu- their insurance plans. mean supporting investments in ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- And the penalties don’t stop at insur- programs to help people find nize Members from lists submitted by ance companies. This bill also goes well-paying so they can provide the majority and minority leaders for after consumers, penalizing those who for their families. Being pro-life should morning-hour debate. choose insurance plans in the Federal mean supporting a raise in the min- The Chair will alternate recognition exchange that include coverage for imum so a single mother who is between the parties, with each party abortion services by removing their working 40 hours a week isn’t living limited to 1 hour and each Member eligibility for income-based subsidies. below the poverty line. Being pro-life other than the majority and minority Mr. Speaker, the hypocrisy is stag- should mean supporting SNAP benefits leaders and the minority whip limited gering. so that working families don’t have to to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Every day on the floor, my col- choose between feeding their children bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. leagues lecture about their mission to and paying their rent. f keep the Federal Government out of The list of things this Congress can the daily lives of the American people, do to support the lives of Americans A WOMAN’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE but apparently those principles don’t whom we represent is endless. It is a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The extend to a doctor’s office or to the shame we waste so much time having Chair recognizes the gentleman from most private and intimate choices a the same old arguments. I am afraid we Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. woman can make about her own body. have lost sight of what our constitu- Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, as Yogi A woman who makes the choice to end ents sent us here to do. Let’s stop at- Bera once said, ‘‘It’s deja vu all over her pregnancy should not have her mo- tacking women’s health, and instead again.’’ tives questioned. It is a choice no one let’s focus on making investments in How many times can we have the wants to make, but the unfortunate re- our future that will help Americans re- same argument? ality is that many people have to. If alize their full potential and live the Forty-one years ago, the Supreme my colleagues are looking to end abor- American Dream. Court affirmed a woman’s constitu- tion, let’s take actions that will actu- f tional right to choose. Yet, four dec- ally reduce the number of abortions in- ades later, this Chamber will vote yet stead of making policies that embar- A QUIET LEGACY OF CONVICTION again to rob women of their right to rass and demonize women. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The control their own bodies. Here are a few suggestions: Chair recognizes the gentleman from Today, the Hyde amendment pro- Let’s invest in family planning pro- South Carolina (Mr. GOWDY) for 5 min- hibits the use of taxpayer dollars to grams that help men and women have utes.

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 Mr. GOWDY. Mr. Speaker, one of the name of his pharmacy. He left on his December, and he discussed the issue most enjoyable parts of our job is pharmacy the name of the man who at length in his past two State of the speaking to children at schools, and owned it before him. Union addresses. I expect him to return you get some tough and interesting He had the quality that best defined to the theme tonight and in the coming questions. A couple of months ago, a the Lord Jesus that he believed in, months of the 113th Congress as we pre- precious child at a school in upstate which is humility. He didn’t want to pare to go to the polls in November. South Carolina asked me who was the talk about himself; he wanted to talk There is a broadly held, national con- most famous person I had ever met. about you. He didn’t want to tell you sensus that an overly high concentra- That is a very good question, I told the his opinion; he wanted to ask you your tion of wealth spawns a host of eco- child. I have met President Bush; I opinion. He didn’t want to talk about nomic social and political ills, but that have met President Obama; I have met his illness; he wanted to talk about agreement has not fostered a concerted JOHN LEWIS; I have met PAUL RYAN; I your illness. He didn’t want to talk strategy on expanding opportunity and have met Bono, the lead singer of U2; I about how life had dealt him an closing the wealth gap. America has al- have met McGruff, the Crime Dog—I unplayable hand of cards; he wanted to ways rewarded hard work, and the pos- have even met TIM SCOTT—but I told talk about grace and hope and things sibility for a better life has been part the child the most famous person I had that last beyond our lifetime. of the attraction for generations of im- ever met was his teacher, and we all In conclusion, Bruce was humble, and migrants and others struggling to smiled and laughed. he believed it was more important to climb the economic ladder; but eco- But it did get me thinking, Mr. live a sermon than to preach one. nomic mobility, as a recent study from Speaker, that we are surrounded by So I want to thank you, Bruce, for Harvard and Cal demonstrates, varies fame. We fly into an airport named for setting an example of average, ordi- greatly within the United States, and Reagan. We work in a town named for nary people building this country, and while economic mobility has not Washington. We pass monuments to the next time a child asks me who the changed significantly over time, it is Jefferson and Lincoln and Dr. King. most famous person is I have met, I consistently less prevalent in the The buildings we work in are named for will tell him it is you. United States than in most developed famous people, and within those build- f countries. We should never seek to ings are statues and portraits of still punish success or to, as some describe more famous people. We are surrounded THE STATE OF OUR ECONOMIC UNION it, soak the rich, but we must take by fame, Mr. Speaker, and it is easy to steps to address the problem of growing forget that, while those people made The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from inequality both in the short term and contributions to our country, the coun- in the long term. try was built, is being built, and will California (Mr. SCHIFF) for 5 minutes. continue to be built by average, ordi- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, this I believe there are three things that nary women and men who lead quiet evening, from the dais behind me, Congress and the President can do to lives of conviction and courage—aver- President Obama will deliver his an- give Americans and the middle class age folks doing above average things, nual State of the Union message; and and those who aspire to join it the ordinary folks doing extraordinary while there are hopeful signs and a chance to move up: things. That is the essence of who we brightening of the economic outlook First, we need to extend emergency are as a people, and while there may for the country as a whole, the Presi- assistance for those not be a monument or a portrait dedi- dent will almost certainly concentrate who are still looking for work and who cated to those ordinary men and on the battles ahead. cannot find a job on their own. The women, there is something even better, Even as America struggles to shake weekly litany of those who are losing and it is called a legacy. So, in honor of off the effects of the worst downturn benefits is disheartening, and we must those women and men, Mr. Speaker, since the , our econ- not turn our backs on our fellow Amer- who lead quiet lives of conviction, I omy and our society are being chal- icans; want to honor a man who was just like lenged by a yawning inequality gap Second, we need to raise the min- them. that affects tens of millions of Amer- imum wage nationwide, and it is Bruce Cash was a pharmacist in my ican families and threatens to erode shameful that it has been 5 years since hometown of Spartanburg. He was bur- the underpinnings of our social con- the last increase. In fact, according to ied last week—way too soon, in my tract. one study, the today is Last fall, economists Emmanuel Saez opinion, but such are the ways of the actually worth $2 less than in 1968. and Thomas Piketty released an anal- Lord. He was a pharmacist, so we saw Raising the minimum wage to just over ysis of 2012 tax returns, and they found him when we were sick, and more im- $10, as I support, would push millions that the top 10 percent of American portantly, we saw him when our chil- of hardworking Americans out of pov- earners took more than half of the dren were sick. He was compassionate, erty and stimulate economic activity country’s total income in 2012—the and he was kind, and he acted like you throughout the country; were the only person he was taking highest level ever recorded. The top 1 care of that day. He was active in his percent received more than 20 percent These two steps can be part of a church, doing everything from driving of the income earned by Americans, a short-term solution that stops the a bus on choir tour, to being chairman level not seen since 1928, the year be- bleeding, but real change requires giv- of the Board of Deacons, to taking his fore the stock market crash and the be- ing American workers the education vacation time to chaperone other peo- ginning of the Great Depression. Top and training to compete domestically ple’s children while they went and sang earners have also recovered more and internationally for the high- to prisoners in prisons. quickly over the last 3 years as their skilled, high-wage jobs that are the He was a devoted father and husband. and investments have recouped ticket to the middle class and beyond. He and his wife, Kitty, had six children value at a much brisker clip than those Investing in education and building and scores of grandchildren; and when of the rest of Americans. schools and curricula for the 21st cen- you walked into his pharmacy, Mr. Inequality has also been a persistent tury is a long-term project, but it is Speaker, you didn’t see his business li- political theme here and around the the one that has the greatest potential cense, and you didn’t see his pharmacy world, and it helped to launch the Oc- in terms of economic growth and in- license—you saw a picture of his chil- cupy Wall Street movement. Last year, creased opportunity while preserving dren. He wanted to quietly signal to Pope Francis spoke out against what the spirit of free enterprise and entre- you that that was the most important he termed an ‘‘economy of exclusion’’ preneurship that built this country. thing in his life. while New York City’s new mayor, Bill Mr. Speaker, tonight the President I would tell you, Mr. Speaker, to look de Blasio, won the election by high- will challenge us to join him in an ef- up Bruce Cash on the Internet, but you lighting inequality there. President fort to reinvigorate the American are not going to find much. In fact, he Obama, himself, made expanding op- Dream for another generation. Let us never even bothered to change the portunity a major theme in a speech in join him in that sacred task.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1435 THE DARRELL GWYNN providing each with a power wheel- The President has signed an execu- FOUNDATION chair. tive order, which I congratulate him The SPEAKER pro tempore. The I encourage all members of our south on, understanding that you cannot live Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Florida community to attend the Dar- on less than $10 an hour. It needs to be Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for 5 min- rell Gwynn Foundation event on Fri- more. That is investing in the Amer- utes. day, May 9, at Casa Larios Restaurant ican way. That is generating the jobs Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, I in Miami. so that individuals can then spend rise today to recognize the Darrell Congratulations, Darrell and Angel. their dollars and then more jobs are Gwynn Foundation, a national organi- May you continue to help so many af- created. zation that for almost 12 years has flicted individuals. So tonight I don’t want there to be a made its mission ‘‘to provide support f retrenching. I don’t want us to be over- whelmed with this myth of debt and for people with paralysis and prevent OPTIMISM spinal cord injuries.’’ deficit so much so that we cannot in- On Friday, May 9, this important The SPEAKER pro tempore. The vest in the education of our children foundation will be holding an event in Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from and we can’t fix the horrible situation my congressional district to assist in Texas (Ms. JACKSON LEE) for 5 minutes. of individuals not having access to Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I providing power wheelchairs to chil- higher education. rise today to speak of the optimism of dren and young adults with spinal cord Who in their right mind would con- this Nation and of her people. Frankly, injuries. tinue to allow those who are chron- Darrell Gwynn, son of former NHRA we do live in the greatest Nation in the ically unemployed and need unemploy- drag racing world champion Jerry world. Sometimes we are questioned ment insurance to suffer, as they are Gwynn, seemed destined to replicate when we say that, but I say it proudly doing? Who would allow four out of five his father’s achievements when his life and with a spirit of humbleness. I know beneficiaries who have at least one took a tragic turn at the young age of that because on faraway shores and adult that they are taking care of, chil- 28. While participating at a demonstra- lands there are men and women who dren that they are taking care of, or tion race in England, Darrell’s car wear the uniform proudly. multiple adults, who would allow 50 This morning, in our own House of broke apart, then veered into a retain- percent of those who have a college Representatives, we held a reception ing wall at 240 miles an hour. education and 36 percent who have a for participants of the Wounded War- high school education and are not able b 1015 riors program. These individuals are in to get jobs, and not extend the unem- He sustained life-threatening inju- a number of Members’ offices. Many of ployment benefits on an emergency ries, but faith and determination al- us look forward to that opportunity, basis? Who would allow the over 9 in 10 lowed Darrell to survive this ordeal. and they continue to serve. that live in households with a total in- In response to his new circumstances, So I know as President Obama rises come under $75,000 that need this ex- Darrell was motivated to help others tonight to speak to the Nation, he will tension of so who face similar challenges, and he have a sense of optimism, which I will they can pay their rent or mortgage, founded the Darrell Gywnn Founda- enjoy and support. He will note, how- who would allow such a crisis? tion. The Foundation’s cornerstone, ever, that as we are optimistic, we We are doing it right here, and we the Wheelchair Donation Program, pro- must provide that optimism and eco- should be optimistic. vides the gift of mobility and independ- nomic opportunity for all of our broth- I have introduced legislation to ex- ence to those living with paralysis. ers and sisters, citizens and persons, in tend unemployment for a whole year. Darrell’s spirit and relentless efforts the United States of America. It is an emergency. Then I introduced to offer support to people living with It is well known that we have made H.R. 3888, which indicates that those paralysis have earned him the respect great strides. We no longer have the who are on unemployment benefits can and adulation of his colleagues. My horrific mortgage collapse, though we get training to redirect their good friend for many years—decades, are still working with homeowners. We with a stipend—their unemployment actually—Angel Pardo, president of don’t have the debacle on Wall Street benefits do not cease—so that they can Spinal Cord Living-Assistance Develop- because, as Democrats, we worked hard come back to what they want—the ment, said the following: to fix that problem, as Wall Street con- very stories that I listened to as I went Mr. Gwynn is passionate about his work, tinues to thrive. Of course, we have to career recovery and resources fairs. and works hard to help others. Despite being taken ourselves out of the doldrums of Mr. Speaker, tonight, I will be opti- quadriplegic and a partial arm amputee, he a deep depression—or —in 2008 mistic. I will be optimistic for Maggie, often works 7 days a week. and 2009 with a powerful stimulus a 25-year-old Army veteran who has to Thank you, Angel. package which today, in Houston, get food stamps. She makes $10 an Mr. Speaker, the work that Darrell Texas, has seen the retrofit of the hour, 6 days a week, in order to save Gwynn and Angel Pardo do every day Mickey Leland Federal Building. With for paramedic training. She is the very on behalf of individuals afflicted by $90 million, they put people to work example of someone that we can pro- this condition is very important. There fixing a building where citizens come vide that training for so she can invest are an estimated 12,000 new cases of for services. in the community, even though she spinal cord injury and paralysis each That is the American way of invest- tried nursing but did not have the year. Over 36 percent are a result of car ing, and not handouts, as has been de- money to finish. Or, maybe I can speak accidents. scribed by my colleagues on the other of Ms. Aguilar, who lives in my State I know from the many personal sto- side of the aisle. When are we going to of Texas, which refuses to expand Med- ries from my constituents and friends recognize that the investment in icaid under the Affordable Care Act. just how devastating these injuries can human resources is really the answer? Where is the optimism, Mr. Speaker? be. The toll is often not exclusively Thank you, Mr. President, for under- So tonight, Mr. President, you do physical. The emotional and financial standing that. what is necessary for the optimism of tolls can be substantial, both on the Theodore Roosevelt said: this Nation. It is the greatest Nation in victims and their families. The man of great wealth owes a peculiar the world. We will stand with you as The provision of a power wheelchair obligation to the State, because he derives you invest in human resources, create can return confidence, freedom, and special advantage from the mere existence of jobs, provide , independence to a victim. This life- government. and raise the minimum wage to cure changing piece of equipment, however, That is true. Wealth inequality must wealth inequality. comes at the considerable cost of ap- be fixed, and it must be fixed now. In f proximately $25,000 a chair, and that is the U.S., income inequality has been where the Darrell Gwynn Foundation rising steadily over the past four dec- CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK comes in. They are committed to im- ades, reaching levels not seen since the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The proving the victims’ quality of life by late 1920s. Chair recognizes the gentleman from

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1436 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 heroes responded to a two-story apart- cent nation she can be, linking East minutes. ment building fire where people were and West, North and South. Her poten- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I reported inside. Toledo Mayor Michael tial is unlimited. rise in recognition of an important Collins said it best: Ukraine’s people, who have suffered week for my community, but also for The average person would run in the oppo- so much, not just currently, but over our Nation as a whole. site direction than they do, but that is their the last century, are owed their most This is the 40th annual Catholic . deserved day in the sun. History’s Schools Week, and it is a time to rec- As we all go about our busy lives clock is ticking. May God be with ognize the importance of parochial every day, we often fail to recognize them. education on the fabric of our commu- that we likely owe our way of life to f nity and our country. This year’s someone else because of their sacrifice. b 1030 theme truly encapsulates the critical Firefighters, police officers, and other mission of Catholic schools: Commu- emergency and law enforcement per- MASSACHUSETTS SNAP RECIPI- nities of Faith, Knowledge, and Serv- sonnel put their lives on the line for us ENTS WILL BE HARMED BY ice. These are important things to every single day. We should all take a FARM BILL HEAT AND EAT CUTS teach our children. moment every now and then to say The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Yesterday, I was happy to be able to thank you to these extraordinary citi- Chair recognizes the gentleman from stop by St. Mark’s School in historic zens. Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 Bristol, Bucks County, and meet with Our hearts go out to the families who minutes. schoolchildren there. St. Mark’s School Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, to- has been providing a top-rate education lost such brave and generous loved morrow we will be voting on a 950-page- for Bucks County families for over 125 ones. May they be comforted with the plus bill that no one has read. This is a years, and, like all Catholic schools, knowledge that Stephen and James bill, the farm bill, which was first made their connection to their community is died in a noble profession founded to available to us late last evening. deep and vital. protect and serve our people and our Parents are involved at the school. Republic. They accomplished their To make matters even worse, Mr. They were there at the school when I mission for our city. We are forever in- Speaker, we are told that we will only arrived, running a book fair for the debted to them, and are flying flags have 1 hour of debate on this bill, and students. The teachers sacrifice greatly over this Capitol today in their mem- we are not even to have a rule on the for the children, as do the families ory. bill. We are going to have a rule that make sacrifices to send their children CALLING FOR AN END TO VIOLENCE IN UKRAINE incorporates the farm bill with an to St. Mark’s and to other Catholic Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, I want to abortion bill. What they have to do schools throughout our country. reference as well this morning the Uni- with one another, I have no idea. As a Catholic school graduate, the versal Declaration of Human Rights, But it is clear what is going on here, husband of a Catholic school teacher, which reads: and that is that the leadership of this House does not want anyone to know and a parent also, I understand how Everyone has the right to freedom of important it is to draw attention to peaceful assembly and association. what is in that bill. One of the things that is in that bill, which I find rep- the academic, the faith development, Sixty-five years after the ratification and the community service excellence rehensible, is an $8.6 billion cut in the of this most important document, po- SNAP program. performed year-round in Catholic lice in Ukraine continue to brutally schools. The SNAP program exists to make fend off protesters and journalists, who sure that people in this country do not Mr. Speaker, there are few things have been demonstrating for over 2 more important to a parent than the go hungry. On November 1, last Novem- months in the bitter cold for their ber 1, a cut of $11 billion went into ef- success of our children in and out of human rights and democratic free- the classroom. One of the most impor- fect. The recovery moneys ran out. doms. We know there have been count- Congress did not renew them, so every- tant decisions a parent makes is the less injuries, and now, sadly, there school that will educate their children. body on SNAP, all 47 million people, have been five deaths. received a cut. National Catholic Schools Week is a Kiev, a beautiful and historic city, time to recognize the importance of Food prices didn’t go down. The econ- now resembles a war zone, covered with omy hasn’t gotten much better, but school choice for families looking to ash and burning fires. The situation in increase access to opportunity and the their food benefit went down. And their Ukraine grows more dire everyday, and benefit is, on average, about $1.40 a American Dream for future genera- we in Congress have the responsibility tions, and also to say thank you to the meal per day. So those who think that to stand with Ukraine’s freedom this is some sort of generous benefit parishes and schools that serve our marchers. children this week and every week. have no idea what they are talking I call on our fellow Members to sup- about. f port the passage of H. Res. 447, which So we cut their benefit; and they are HONORING FALLEN TOLEDO supports the democratic aspirations of now ending up spending more time at FIREFIGHTERS the people of Ukraine and calls for con- food banks and food pantries, looking The SPEAKER pro tempore. The demnation of the regime’s undemo- for ways to put food on their table so Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from cratic practices. We implore President that their kids don’t go hungry; and we Ohio (Ms. KAPTUR) for 5 minutes. Yanukovych and the opposition leaders bring a farm bill to the floor that cuts Ms. KAPTUR. Mr. Speaker, tonight, to advance the cause of freedom for all that program by another $8.6 billion. the President will deliver his State of the people of Ukraine. Now, supporters of the farm bill say, the Union address to the Nation. Our Last evening, Ukraine’s parliament well, really it could have been a lot Nation is great because of the patriot- rightly repealed its early passage of worse. You should just be happy it is ism, strength, and self-sacrifice of our the anti-free assembly laws, and its $8.6 billion. You should declare victory. people. prime minister resigned. These are Well, those people who are going to In that spirit, Mr. Speaker, I rise hopeful signs to calm the unrest. be adversely impacted by that $8.6 bil- today to give honor to two fallen To- As we gather this evening to learn lion cut don’t feel a lot of victory. ledo firefighters, Stephen Machcinski about the state of our own Union, let Yes, it is targeted. It is targeted at and James Dickman. us not forget the state of our trusted those individuals who are on this so- Mr. Machcinski is survived by his allies around the world. I ask President called ‘‘Heat and Eat’’ program. These parents, sister, and brother. Mr. Obama to please draw attention to the are poor people who get a little bump Dickman is survived by his wife, 3- economic and political crisis in up in their benefit to put food on their year-old daughter, 1-month-old son, Ukraine here tonight. table, mostly elderly people, mostly and parents. No more blood should be shed in disabled people. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ukraine. The world community looks So we are going to go tell them that the families of these brave men. These to Ukraine to live up to the magnifi- they are going to get significantly less

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1437 a month in a food benefit, but the good NATIONAL SCHOOL CHOICE WEEK and promoting school choice; yet their news for them is there will be some The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bill removed the school choice mecha- that won’t be adversely impacted. They Chair recognizes the gentleman from nisms that were already in current law. should take some satisfaction in that. California (Mr. GEORGE MILLER) for 5 And their bill failed to require that We talk about numbers all the time. minutes. schools in districts improve when they We talk about statistics. Let me read Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. are failing to effectively educate stu- to you a couple of real life examples. Mr. Speaker, for the past 40 years, my dents. William, an elderly man from Salem, work in this House has been guided by With the Republicans’ Elementary Massachusetts, currently receives $181 my firm belief that every child, regard- and Secondary Education bill, along a month in SNAP. He lives in senior less of his or her ZIP code, deserves ac- with sequestration, the majority housing, where heat and utilities are cess to a quality education that will turned its back on the Nation’s most included, but the rent exceeds 35 per- prepare them for future success; and vulnerable students. They took money cent of his $802 a month supplemental every parent deserves to know that away from America’s poorest schools, Social Security income. their child’s school is helping their son and they took money away from Amer- His SNAP benefit of $181 a month is or daughter achieve his or her full po- ica’s poorest students. The very people that the majority’s based on the Heat and Eat option. He tential. incurs other health-related expenses That is why, under No Child Left Be- school choice media opportunity pre- not covered by Medicaid, but he has hind, we demanded the accountability tends to support are the same ones that had significant difficulty producing the include transparency on school per- are hurt by the majority’s actual votes detailed verification required by the formance. We share the collective re- in this Chamber. Not a media conversa- tion, not the posturing to appear to State. sponsibility, at all levels of govern- soften the image, but the actual votes His current SNAP would be signifi- ment, to make good on the promise of taken in this Chamber harm the very cantly reduced by more than $80 a high-quality education for all students. children that they now say they want month if he lost this Heat and Eat op- Unfortunately, we all know that not to support with this media opportunity tion. every school is living up to that prom- Pamela, a severely disabled woman to soften their image. ise. It was the Democratic Elementary from Northborough, Massachusetts, When any school fails its students, it and Secondary Education bill that held currently receives $115 a month as is our responsibility, not only to give schools accountable for improvement SNAP benefits. She gets $1,007 in those students a high-quality public and demanded that children be afforded monthly Social Security disability school option, but to also improve the benefits. In addition to other medical new education opportunities when low-performing schools. It is simple: no stuck in a failing school. conditions, she is a diabetic and re- child should be stuck in a failing quires a special diet to meet her daily School choice should not be an empty school. promise. It should not be a political nutritional needs. This week is National School Choice While she lives in public housing, she tag line that frees my colleagues from Week. Many of my colleagues on the taking responsibility for our Nation’s must pay for her own appliances and other side of the aisle and their strate- maintenance fees, including her air education system. gists have embraced the so-called Mr. Speaker, if you want meaningful conditioning unit, essential to her ‘‘school choice’’ as a part of their re- health. She does not have a car, but school choice, you must demand branding effort to appear more caring. schools be held accountable for equi- uses her limited income for private Politico reported just last week that transportation to medical appoint- tably serving all students, and you the Republican strategists have been must provide the support that the ments, grocery shopping and pharmacy counseling the Republicans that talk- trips, as she is not near any public schools need to provide that quality ing about helping poor minority chil- education. transportation. dren softens the Republican image. Without that accountability for With the loss of the Heat and Eat Talking about it, not doing something school quality, what choices would par- SNAP option, her SNAP benefit will be about it. ents really have when their schools are reduced by $100 a month, so from $115 Conservative advocacy groups have failing? to the minimum of $15 a month, signifi- declared in planning documents that it An option between two low-per- cantly impacting her ability to main- is an excellent media opportunity to forming schools? Not a good option. tain her special diet. focus on kids and the future. It is a An option between low-performing Let me say to my colleagues here, media opportunity to focus on chil- neighborhood schools and figuring out the cut that went into effect last No- dren, not to do something about it. how to get your child across town to a vember will cost the average family of This new effort even has a warm and different school, providing the trans- three about $30 a month in benefits. fuzzy name, the Growth and Oppor- portation, and still hold down the job, Those who will be impacted by the cuts tunity Project. This is political pos- that is not a fair option. of this Heat and Eat program will lose turing at its worst, and it does nothing What we know, Mr. Speaker, is that an additional $80 to $90 a month. So to provide actual choice for our Na- if you ask parents all across America, their reduction in their monthly ben- tion’s students. they will tell you that their first efit for food should be between $120 and The cornerstone of true school choice choice in school choice is to have a $130 a month. is the principle that every child has the neighborhood school that is high-per- Where are they going to find the right to attend a great school. Not only forming; have a neighborhood school food? should the students have high-quality that meets the demands of that family Who is going to make up the dif- options, but we need to demand that and those children to get a first-class ference? low-performing schools improve, and education; not to drive across town; My colleagues on the Republican side support that improvement. not to spend time putting their kids in say, well, they can go beg to the Without quality schools to pick from, transit or putting their kids in harm’s States; the States ought to do more; or families face an empty choice. Yet that way trying to walk to that better if the States say no, go to the churches is all the Republican majority has of- school. or the synagogues or the mosques. fered Americans so far. Fix the neighborhood schools; and if Maybe they will do more. Neither school choice nor quality of you don’t, then provide that child the The bottom line is, if any of my col- schools was on their agenda when they alternative to go to another school, as leagues took the time to go back to voted for the Republican rewrite of the we did in current law, not as we do in their districts and visit their food Elementary and Secondary Education the media release. banks, they would realize they are at Act. That bill abandoned our responsi- I challenge my colleagues on the capacity. Food banks can’t give out bility to ensure that every child has other side of the aisle to go beyond the any more. access to a high-quality education. It rhetoric and posturing and sit down So I would urge my colleagues, vote undercut Federal support for schools. with me and others to make real, sus- against this farm bill. Do not make The majority leader pledged that Re- tainable improvements in public edu- hunger worse in America. publicans remain vigilant in protecting cation for all students.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 Poor and minority kids are not a mall in Columbia, Maryland, and 16; Ricardo Herrera, 17; and Alexander media opportunity. These are real chil- opened fire, killing two people before Lagunas, 18. dren who deserve an equal shot at a taking his own life. Prior to the mall Mr. Speaker, I stand here in honor of bright future. shooting, we saw six school shootings their memories, asking my colleagues f take place nationwide in just 10 days. to get serious about gun reform and to Countless other Americans are ter- pass legislation to help them stem the HONORING THE LIFE OF MRS. rorized each day on streets that have ADELFA CALLEJO tide of shootings in this country. I become shooting galleries where kids hope one day never to have to add an- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The aren’t safe to walk to school or go to other name to that list. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from the corner store or sit on their front Texas (Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON) for porches. And yet we do nothing. f 5 minutes. Time and time again, despite the Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of headlines and the bloodshed and the RECOGNIZING BART OFFICER Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pleas from the parents of the victims TOMMY SMITH honor the life of Mrs. Adelfa Callejo, a to act, Congress has failed to pass com- well-respected civil rights leader and monsense gun reforms that would save The SPEAKER pro tempore. The attorney in Texas. thousands of American lives, including Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mrs. Callejo was 90 years old when background checks, which are sup- California (Mr. SWALWELL) for 5 min- she passed last week. She developed ported by 90 percent of Americans. utes. into her role as an advocate for justice b 1045 Mr. SWALWELL of California. Mr. at an early age. As the oldest daughter Speaker, there is no person more wor- of a father who did not speak English, Somehow, in the years between Col- thy of respect and tribute than he or Mrs. Callejo often had to serve as an umbine and Newtown, we have devel- she who lays down their own life while intermediary in the defense of her fam- oped a collective indifference to the working to protect others. Today it is ily against intimidation from Federal killings. After each shooting, we are in with great sadness that I wish to honor immigration agents or unfair treat- disbelief; but then we shrug and move Bay Area Rapid Transit Sergeant ment in schools targeted at Mexican on, dismissing the mass shootings as Thomas Smith, whose end of watch American immigrants. isolated incidents and ignoring the ev- came too early when he was tragically As the first Hispanic woman to grad- eryday shootings altogether. killed on January 21 of this year. Sadly, a callus has formed where our uate from law school at Southern Sergeant Smith, known as Tommy to Methodist University, her background compassion should be. Or is it that the gun lobby’s agenda has taken the place his family and friends, is from a law and education have not gone unno- enforcement family that knows all too ticed. Mrs. Callejo emerged as a promi- of our country’s conscience? I am at a loss because I truly do not well the daily risks of wearing a badge nent civil rights attorney in Texas, and serving the community as a police battling questionable city council re- understand how we can continue to ig- nore the public health epidemic that is officer. Sergeant Smith’s wife, Kellie, districting in the late 1980s, and also works as a police officer, as do his staunchly opposing illegal immigration gun violence in America. What will it take? How many more must die? How two brothers, Ed and Pat, and also his policies in Farmers Branch, among brother-in-law Todd. So aware were other prominent legal battles, that many parents must weep before we do the right thing? Sergeant Smith and his family of the have helped to shape our State. personal danger they faced in their jobs Mrs. Callejo was known best for her Make no mistake, gun violence is that they had a rule of what they forceful advocacy and fiery person- robbing us of a generation. It is a slow- would say to each other whenever they ality. She overcame tremendous adver- motion plague that is killing our kids would leave each other’s company: sity as a female and as a Hispanic, al- one day at a time. Never say good-bye. You only tell each though nothing would deter her from In the Chicagoland area, gun violence other, ‘‘Be safe.’’ becoming a powerful financial and so- has claimed some of our best and our cial force in Texas. brightest, like 15-year-old Hadiya Pen- But Sergeant Smith is not a hero be- She once said: Only through edu- dleton, who was shot and killed a year cause of how he died; he is a hero be- cation will we make the world a better ago this week while standing in a park cause of how he lived. On the job, Ser- place than we found it. She lived true with friends. You may remember, she geant Smith worked honorably every to these words and worked with the was killed a week after performing for day—not just the day that we lost Dallas Independent School District to President Obama’s inauguration. him—to protect our community. ensure a better education was offered She was certainly one of my dis- Sergeant Smith cared most about his to a more diverse range of students; trict’s shining stars. But she was, by family, and nothing else was even a and for that, she was honored by a far, not the only one. There were many close second, as his own lieutenant de- school being named for her in the Dal- Hadiyas, young people with promise scribed earlier last week. Sergeant las Independent School District. and potential who were felled by gun Smith took every opportunity to spend Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Callejo was an in- violence. They had family and friends time with whom he called his ‘‘girls’’— spirational character who offered her who loved them, communities who his wife, Kellie, and their 6-year-old talent and her resources to those who mourned them, and they are: daughter, Summer. were less fortunate. While she had an Eva Casara, 17; Tyrone Lawson, 17; May we always remember Sergeant incredible presence in Dallas, her rep- Maurice Knowles, 16; Darnell Williams, Smith and how he lived so honorably utation as ‘‘the Godmother’’ extended 17; Abdullah Trull, 16; Leonard Ander- for us. And may Sergeant Smith now far beyond the city limits. son, 17; Jaleel Pearson, 18; Malcolm watch over us from above, as he always While her passing comes as a great Whitney, 16; Fearro Denard, 18; Tyshon did on Earth, to make sure that all of loss to many, we may continue to look Anderson, 18; Tyrone Hart, 18; Ashaya us can be safe. to her life for an inspiration. I am Miller, 15; Equiel Velasquez, 17; Chris- proud to call her my friend and sup- topher Lattin, Jr., 15; Rey Donantas, f porter. 14; Victor Vegas, 15; Tyrone Lawson, 17; Mr. Speaker, we have lost a warrior. Antonio Fenner, 16; Frances Colon, 18; RECESS f Jorge Valdez-Benitez, 18; Oscar Marquez, 17; Jonyla Watkins, 6 months; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- GUN VIOLENCE Arrell Monegan, 16; Victor Damian, 15; ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Clifton Barney, 17; Miguel Delaluz, 17; declares the House in recess until noon Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Leetema Daniels, 17; Fearro Denard, 18; today. Illinois (Ms. KELLY) for 5 minutes. Patrick Sykes, 15; Dionte Maxwell, 18; Accordingly (at 10 o’clock and 50 Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, Miguel Villegas, 15; April McDaniel, 18; minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- on Saturday, a gunman walked into a Fernando Mondragon, 18; Kevin Rivera, cess.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1439 b 1200 H. Con. Res. 75. Concurrent resolution pro- introduce the Women’s Health Protec- viding for a joint session of Congress to re- tion Act. My bill would put a stop to AFTER RECESS ceive a message from the President. the unprecedented attack on abortion The recess having expired, the House The message also announced that the we have seen at the State level over was called to order by the Speaker at Senate has passed a bill of the fol- the last few years. It would ensure that noon. lowing title in which the concurrence every woman has access to the medical f of the House is requested: care she is entitled to. S. 1901. An act to authorize the President Decisions about pregnancies are PRAYER to extend the term of the nuclear energy deeply personal and difficult, and they The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick agreement with the Republic of Korea until belong to the woman and the doctor J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: March 19, 2016. she trusts, period. Loving God, we give You thanks for f f giving us another day. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The people’s House prepares to wel- The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- THE STATE OF OUR NATION’S come the President of the United tain up to 15 requests for 1-minute FOREIGN POLICY States this day, as well as the other speeches on each side of the aisle. governmental, judicial, and military (Mr. HOLDING asked and was given leadership of our Nation. The world f permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his re- watches as America’s great experiment THIS IS AMERICA, NOT BURGER marks.) in civilian self-government is in high KING relief. Mr. HOLDING. Madam Speaker, (Mr. POE of Texas asked and was May all who populate these hallways when the President delivers his State given permission to address the House this day be possessed of goodwill and a of the Union address tonight, it will be for 1 minute.) shared commitment to guarantee the important to note what he won’t say Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, the freedoms and responsibilities inspired about the state of our Nation’s foreign State of the Union is tonight, but the by the soaring rhetoric and subsequent policy. This is because, on President President has already said that he actions of our American ancestors. Obama’s watch, America has been no- would ignore Congress if he doesn’t May all that is said and done in this tably absent from the world . have his way. He is going to rule by Chamber today redound to the benefit His foreign policy has taken America pen and phone: the pen to write down of our Nation and glory of Your holy away from a role of global leadership laws and executive orders, bypassing name. to a shuffled retreat. Madam Speaker, Congress; the phone to call lower-level Amen. successful foreign policy is defined by operatives I suppose, like the EPA, the your friends trusting you and your en- f IRS, NSA, and impose new rules and, emies fearing you. Chances are the THE JOURNAL thus, again, bypassing Congress. President will only touch momentarily Mr. Speaker, nowhere in the Con- on the Iranian nuclear deal tonight and The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- stitution is the phrase ‘‘executive for good reason. It has gathered strong ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- order.’’ It is not in this Constitution. bipartisan opposition, and the regime ceedings and announces to the House This is not an imperial kingdom where in Tehran has flaunted the deal as a his approval thereof. the ruler makes his own rules as he legitimization of their shadowy nuclear Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- goes along. program. nal stands approved. We all learned in ninth-grade civics Madam Speaker, those who seek free- Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, pursu- that Congress makes the law, and the dom and democracy look now more ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote President can approve or disapprove it. than ever to America for leadership. on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval It is in the Constitution. Chances are you won’t hear much of the Journal. Rather than rule by pen and phone, about that from the President tonight. The SPEAKER. The question is on the President should be bound by the the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. law and rule by the Constitution and f The question was taken; and the by his oath, but the Constitution seems Speaker announced that the ayes ap- to be a mere suggestion to this admin- ROBERT MOSES PARKWAY peared to have it. istration. FUNDING Mr. HOLDING. Mr. Speaker, on that Madam Speaker, this is America; it (Mr. HIGGINS asked and was given I demand the yeas and nays. is not Burger King. The President can- permission to address the House for 1 The yeas and nays were ordered. not always have it his way. minute.) The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, And that’s just the way it is. Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, today rule XX, further proceedings on this f the New York Power Authority took an question will be postponed. important step toward righting a his- THE SO-CALLED NO TAXPAYER f toric wrong by providing funding to re- FUNDING FOR ABORTION ACT move the Robert Moses Parkway in Ni- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Ms. CHU asked and was given per- agara Falls. Niagara Falls is a national The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman mission to address the House for 1 treasure, drawing millions of visitors from New York (Mr. HIGGINS) come for- minute.) each year. ward and lead the House in the Pledge Ms. CHU. Madam Speaker, H.R. 7, the However, with the construction of of Allegiance. so-called No Taxpayer Funding for the Robert Moses Parkway in the 1960s, Mr. HIGGINS led the Pledge of Alle- Abortion Act, is as deceitful as it is the New York Power Authority created giance as follows: dangerous. We already ensure that tax both economic and physical barriers to I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the dollars don’t fund abortions and have Niagara Falls in arguably the greatest United States of America, and to the Repub- ever since the Hyde Amendment was waterfront in the world. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, introduced in 1976. For Niagara Falls, it is not about indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. This new effort is an attempt to cre- tearing something down; it is about f ate restrictions far beyond the scope of building something up. Removal of the current law, interfering with how parkway is a critical step in giving this MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE women use their own private dollars, city the waterfront it deserves and A message from the Senate by Ms. on their own private insurance, for unleashing the limitless economic po- Curtis, one of its clerks, announced health coverage. tential that comes with it. that the Senate has agreed to without This is just the latest Republican as- The New York Power Authority did amendment a concurrent resolution of sault in their ongoing war on women. the right thing, and the future of Niag- the House of the following title: It is why I felt it was so important to ara Falls will be better because of it.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 STATE OF THE UNION PREVIEW It is important to note that America NATIONAL SCHOOL CHOICE WEEK (Mr. WILSON of South Carolina is great, as we watch our soldiers in (Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina asked and was given permission to ad- foreign lands wearing the uniform with asked and was given permission to ad- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- pride. dress the House for 1 minute and to re- vise and extend his remarks.) We must invest in the American peo- vise and extend his remarks.) Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. ple. Food stamps, which are now given Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. Madam Speaker, this evening, I am mostly to working Americans, are an Madam Speaker, let me begin by re- glad to hear the President will deliver investment, and the President can be minding the House that the gentleman the State of the Union address focused optimistic and work for all of America. that spoke before me on this side of the on optimism. f aisle, Mr. SAM JOHNSON from Texas, is Optimism requires he changes his a real American hero, and let us not disastrous policies destroying jobs, as NO TAXPAYER FUNDS FOR forget that. revealed by the record number of food ABORTION This week is recognized as National stamp recipients. Each higher food (Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas asked School Choice Week, a week dedicated stamp report uncovers job destruction. and was given permission to address to bringing awareness to a very simple Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin the House for 1 minute and to revise idea: let’s put parents in charge of has proven jobs are created by citizens and extend his remarks.) their children’s education. keeping their own money. It is not the Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam School choice means giving every government’s money. Dangerous defi- Speaker, last week, amid frigid tem- child the opportunity to learn at the cits are unsustainable. peratures, hundreds of thousands of place that best meets their needs, not The President needs to repeal and re- Americans marched in our Nation’s one they are relegated to because of place the ObamaCare train wreck Capital in support of the unborn and where they may live or what district which destroys jobs. He should uncover the value of life. Today, it is our turn. they are assigned to. the tragedy of the Benghazi murders It is our turn to stand for life by sup- For decades now, where our children and promote peace through strength to porting H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer Fund- learn has been decided by arbitrary prevent further attacks. Reducing the ing for Abortion Act. This bill would government rules that could never un- military threatens American families ban the use of taxpayer dollars to fund derstand the needs of each individual with expanded terrorist safe havens. abortions once and for all. The last child or family. When kids fail to make The IRS targeting of citizens should thing pro-life taxpayers should be re- the grade, the solution has been to really be investigated. The NSA should quired to do is subsidize unethical throw more money and government be restricted and not spy on all Ameri- practices. It is their money, and you regulation into the mix, but the end re- cans. The Department of Justice and better believe I will fight for them to sults cannot be clearer. FBI eavesdropping on media should be have a say in how it is spent. This top-down, government-knows- stopped, with reprimands for malfea- Enough is enough. best system has failed to serve the very sance. Madam Speaker, today, this isn’t people it seeks to help, and support The President can restore optimism just what Republicans want. According from parents and teachers for initia- if he and his advisers change course. to multiple polls, the majority of tives like Common Core continues to Americans have seen the overreach of Americans oppose the use of Federal crumble. Big Government. Now we should work funding for abortions. This is what the Be it a charter school, private school, together for limited government and American people want, and it is time home school, or local public school, the expanded freedom. folks in Washington listened. Remem- fact of the matter is parents know In conclusion, God bless our troops, ber, we work for them. what works best for their child, not and we will never forget September the Let’s stand for life. It is the right and Washington. We owe it to our children 11th in the global war on terrorism. just thing to do. to help them reach their full potential. f f I strongly believe that every child, regardless of background or school dis- WORKING FOR ALL OF AMERICA UKRAINE trict, should have the opportunity to (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was (Mr. QUIGLEY asked and was given learn at the school that best meets given permission to address the House permission to address the House for 1 their needs. Let’s work together for a for 1 minute.) minute.) brighter future for our children. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, f the President is going to address this today, Ukraine faces a pivotal moment b 1215 House and this country with great en- in its history. The Ukrainian people thusiasm about the work that he has are making their demand for freedom EVERYONE WHO WORKS HARD done with his Cabinet, Democratic and economic growth loud and clear, AND PLAYS BY THE RULES DE- Members of Congress, and others who protesting President Yanukovych’s re- SERVES A CHANCE AT SUCCESS have worked with him to make Amer- fusal to sign accords with the European (Mrs. DAVIS of California asked and ica better. Union. Ukrainian police forces have was given permission to address the He will able to report that 3 million met protesters with intimidation, and House for 1 minute.) Americans have enrolled in the Afford- the escalating violence has resulted in Mrs. DAVIS of California. Madam able Care Act, giving suffering Ameri- the death of protesters. The use of ex- Speaker, tonight, the President will cans with preexisting conditions the cessive force to silence peaceful voices address a key American principle, that opportunity for good health care. He undermines the country’s democratic everyone who works hard and plays by will able to acknowledge that people future. the rules deserves a chance at success. like Mrs. Aguilar would be better off if The United States and Ukraine share We certainly expect our kids to work States like Texas would have expanded an ideal of democracy in which citizens hard in school and play by the rules in the Medicare coverage. Her children may live free of oppression and may hopes that they will have strong fu- are covered, but she is not. We are elect their own leaders. When those tures that include a shot at the Amer- committed to working to make sure leaders their promises, it is even ican Dream. that that happens. more important that citizens can free- No matter what side of the aisle we He will be able to say that he stands ly express their discontent. are on, we can all agree that what we on the side of extending the unemploy- We all must closely watch the nego- want is the best for our kids and, in ment for working Americans—those tiations between the current adminis- some cases, our grandkids. But what who have worked and now are unem- tration and the opposition. The United kind of future are we giving them if ployed, and yes, he will be able to say States should continue to stand with they have to start behind kids in other that it is important that we invest in the Ukrainian people in their desire for countries where access to pre-K is the infrastructure. economic growth and a free republic. widespread?

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1441 Kids who are part of a quality pre-K the Hyde amendment permanent, the mortgage, it is putting food on the program are more likely to graduate which will cause detrimental and dev- table for the children of the people in high school, to earn higher pay, and astating effects to all women, espe- those homes. live more productive lives. cially low-income women. That is not a messaging bill. That is In looking for common ground, we We must stand by women and vote the work that we were sent here to do. should learn from the recent spending ‘‘no’’ on H.R. 7. f deal which showed bipartisan support f GROWING CONCERNS ABOUT THE for boosting early education. Let’s not THE CONGRESSIONAL SCHOOL AFFORDABLE CARE ACT let tonight be a wasted opportunity to CHOICE CAUCUS give our kids the strong start that they (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania desire. (Mr. MESSER asked and was given asked and was given permission to ad- f permission to address the House for 1 dress the House for 1 minute and to re- minute and to revise and extend his re- vise and extend his remarks.) FEDERAL REGULATION marks.) Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. (Mr. MULLIN asked and was given Mr. MESSER. Madam Speaker, no Madam Speaker, when we needed bi- permission to address the House for 1 child in America should be forced to go partisan action to lower costs and im- minute and to revise and extend his re- to a school where they won’t have a prove health care, Congress passed the marks.) meaningful chance to learn. That is Affordable Care Act on a party-line Mr. MULLIN. Madam Speaker, I why school choice matters. vote. would like to call attention to recent School choice is about the freedom of Given the growing number of failures remarks made by Department of the parents to choose the best educational that have been revealed since the law’s Interior Secretary Sally Jewell. Re- environment for their child to succeed. implementation began, it is time for garding document requests submitted For some, that means open enrollment. Congress to work together to address by the Natural Resources Committee, For others, that means a public charter the unworkable provisions for the good the Secretary gave excuses as to why it school. Some may prefer a magnet of the American people. was inconvenient for her agency to school or a private school or even a vir- Fortunately, opposition to the ACA’s comply with these requests and allow tual school. Others may want to home flawed policy is moving beyond party Congress to fulfill its duty in providing school their children. labels. Last year, the Democratic-led oversight to Federal agencies. Whatever the choice, National Senate voted 79–20 to repeal the law’s I serve on the Natural Resources School Choice Week is about cele- medical device tax. Since then, more Committee, and the document requests brating those choices and recognizing and more Members of Congress recog- submitted concerned Federal regula- that applying market-based principles nize there are bigger problems. tions burdening this Nation. The Sec- and technology to education can en- Earlier in January, despite the retary noted that going through these hance student achievement and lead to Obama administration’s vocal opposi- documents was a waste of time and better results. tion to the efforts to boost consumer money for her agency. That is why I am creating the Con- protections under the law, a veto-proof Yet Congress is charged with keeping gressional School Choice Caucus, which majority of Republicans and Demo- an agency like the Department of the will be dedicated to expanding edu- crats in the House voted to pass H.R. Interior accountable because we are cational freedom and promoting poli- 3811, which would help secure personal all, in turn, held accountable to the cies that increase high-quality edu- information on the online exchanges. American taxpayer. We want answers cation options for all children. Madam Speaker, the American peo- to these regulation questions. I urge my colleagues to join us and ple deserve bipartisan solutions. A battle is being waged in our coun- empower parents with a choice so their f try between an increasingly over- kids have a chance for success. NO TAXPAYER FUNDS FOR bearing government and an increas- f ABORTION ACT ingly burdened country of entre- AN UNPRECEDENTED ASSAULT ON preneurs. The struggle between regula- (Ms. LEE of California asked and was WOMEN’S HEALTH CARE tion and innovation has tied the hands given permission to address the House of many job creators. (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given for 1 minute.) The Federal Government must stop permission to address the House for 1 Ms. LEE of California. Madam putting people out of business through minute.) Speaker, here we go again. Instead of regulation and help get our country Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, today, working with President Obama and back to work. this House will consider H.R. 7, which Democrats to create jobs, economic op- f is an unprecedented assault on wom- portunities, and fight poverty, extreme en’s health care. Tea Party Republicans are at it again, NO TAXPAYER FUNDS FOR This law would mean that millions of attacking women’s health care and re- ABORTION ACT American women who would like to productive rights. Yes, it is another (Mr. LOWENTHAL asked and was purchase their with battle in the war on women. given permission to address the House their own money cannot purchase com- Instead of working together to ex- for 1 minute and to revise and extend prehensive health insurance, insurance tend unemployment benefits, here we his remarks.) which is their legal right because this are today debating another dangerous Mr. LOWENTHAL. Madam Speaker, House of Representatives and, Madam and divisive attempt to strip away the instead of talking about jobs, or the Speaker, I would note, a House of Rep- rights of women. economy, or the unemployed who have resentatives, particularly on the ma- Madam Speaker, Congress currently lost their benefits because of our inac- jority side, that is dominated by men, imposes unfair limitations on insur- tion, we are here talking about legisla- tell them they cannot do so. ance coverage of abortion and, through tion that strips women of their funda- What is even more cynical, however, the Hyde amendment, that is a fact, mental right to make their own med- is that those who are promoting this even though I personally think we ical decisions. and have said this know that it will not should get rid of all these restrictions. If H.R. 7 passes, millions of women become law. It is a messaging bill. Yet this bill, H.R. 7, creates an un- who work for small businesses, or who It is intended to send a message to precedented interference in the lives of will be buying insurance on the ex- whom? women and their families by restrict- changes, will lose access to comprehen- And just what is that message? ing coverage for women’s health in pri- sive health care. So while we are debating that, the vate insurance plans. H.R. 7 is a radical bill that places re- House is not taking up unemployment It specifically attacks low-income strictions on how women can spend insurance extension, which is not a women in the District of Columbia by their private dollars to purchase their messaging bill. It is heat in the home, permanently, mind you, permanently private insurance. It would also make it is keeping the lights on, it is paying prohibiting the District from spending

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 its purely local funds on abortions for RECOGNIZING THE SERVICE OF Mr. HUELSKAMP. Tonight, Presi- low-income women. DAVIE COUNTY DEPUTY SHER- dent Obama will give another speech How many of you would want the IFF CHRISTOPHER FLEMING on the state of the American Union, Federal Government to restrict your (Ms. FOXX asked and was given per- and here are a few facts you likely funding in your local districts for any mission to address the House for 1 won’t hear him report to the American health care benefits for women? minute.) people. After 1,834 days as President, It codifies the harmful Helms amend- Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, today I here are the results: ment. Enough is enough. rise to recognize Davie County Deputy 6.5 million more Americans in pov- Sheriff Christopher Fleming, injured erty; $6.6 trillion in massive new debt f last week while attempting to appre- on our children and grandchildren; 13 million more Americans on food NO TAXPAYER FUNDING FOR hend a violent suspected home invader. stamps; 5 million Americans and ABORTION ACT When deputies initially attempted to arrest the suspect, he fled to a nearby counting have lost their health insur- (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN asked and was home and held two juveniles hostage at ance because of ObamaCare; and 24.2 given permission to address the House gunpoint for over an hour. After the million Americans are still looking for for 1 minute and to revise and extend hostages were released, Deputy Flem- a full-time job in the Obama economy. her remarks.) ing, along with three other members of Mr. President, I can only hope that Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- the sheriff’s office, entered the home in you will recognize and that you hon- er, I would like to thank Messrs. SMITH order to apprehend the suspect. estly will admit and that tonight you and LIPINSKI for introducing H.R. 7, the The suspect opened fire, hitting Dep- will apologize for the damage your No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, uty Fleming in the shoulder. Deputy policies have inflicted on our Nation, a crucial bill that will help us save so Fleming’s canine partner, Gorky, a on the American people, and on the many innocent lives. As pro-life Mem- Russian shepherd and 5-year veteran of American Dream. bers of Congress, we have a commit- the force, was also shot in the incident f ment to fight on behalf of those who and died last Thursday. WOMEN SHOULD MAKE THEIR OWN have no voice and to take the nec- Madam Speaker, I am happy to re- HEALTH CARE DECISIONS essary steps to advance legislation on port the suspect is in custody, and Dep- the floor. uty Fleming is in good condition and (Mr. BARBER asked and was given The vast majority of Americans do expected to make a full recovery. permission to address the House for 1 not want their tax dollars to be used to This incident is a reminder of the minute.) pay for abortions. This bill would es- risks taken by those who work to keep Mr. BARBER. Madam Speaker, as tablish a permanent prohibition on our communities safe. We must not the husband of an incredible woman taxpayer subsidies for abortions. take their sacrifices for granted. who has guided and advised me for 46 For many years, the Hyde amend- f years and the father of two strong and ment and other Federal prohibitions on accomplished young women and the public funding for abortion have been PROTECTING ACCESS TO grandfather of three granddaughters, I enacted as appropriation riders, but REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE stand with all women today. they are not permanent. We need to get (Ms. KUSTER asked and was given I stand in support of every woman’s rid of this patchwork approach and permission to address the House for 1 right to be able to choose what is best enact H.R. 7 to ensure that Federal minute.) for her and her family. And I stand funds are not used to pay for abortions. Ms. KUSTER. Madam Speaker, ready to protect and preserve the abil- I will continue to work with like- today, the House will, once again, vote ity of every woman to make her own minded Members of Congress to pro- to restrict access to our reproductive health care decisions with her doctor mote H.R. 7 and all pro-life legislation health care. H.R. 7 would callously and without the interference of politi- because I understand that we have a re- deny coverage to comprehensive health cians in Washington. And I stand in op- sponsibility to protect the innocent un- care for millions of women across position to H.R. 7, which would restrict born. America. the rights of women and their access to When women are denied the freedom care. f to make their own personal health care I urge my colleagues, every one, to decisions, their economic opportunities stand with me. ASSAULT ON WOMEN’S HEALTH are diminished as well. Instead of deny- f CARE ing tax credits to women and small (Ms. FRANKEL of Florida asked and businesses seeking affordable health A WOMAN’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE was given permission to address the coverage, Congress needs to work to- (Ms. TITUS asked and was given per- House for 1 minute and to revise and gether to empower women and increase mission to address the House for 1 extend her remarks.) opportunity. minute and to revise and extend her re- Ms. FRANKEL of Florida. Madam We should start by passing the Pay- marks.) Speaker, I found her. Forty years ago I check Fairness Act so every woman de- Ms. TITUS. Like those who have spo- found my friend, Flora, bleeding, near serves and receives equal pay for equal ken so eloquently before me, I stand in death. She was a victim of an illegal work. This week marks the fifth anni- strong opposition to H.R. 7. This legis- abortion, forced to turn to a back-alley versary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay lation would drastically undermine a practitioner. She survived, but many Act being signed into law. Enactment woman’s constitutional right to choose like her did not. of this law was a landmark achieve- and could effectively eliminate access Today, my Republican colleagues ment in the fight against gender dis- to safe, legal reproductive care for low- are, once again, trying to take us back crimination, but there is so much work income women across the country. It to those days with a new, radical bill to do. would also hurt our small businesses to deny our mothers, our daughters, Madam Speaker, Congress needs to by raising taxes on those who offer our sisters the right to obtain a safe get to work for women, not against their employees comprehensive health and legal abortion. women. insurance. I have a better idea. Madam Speaker, f Republicans have repeatedly dem- let’s pass the Women’s Health Protec- b 1230 onstrated a lack of understanding tion Act that will allow all women, no about basic women’s health care, and matter where they live in this country, OBAMA ADMINISTRATION this bill is just one more example of access to the tools and information STATISTICS their continuing attack on women’s that they need to make their own pri- (Mr. HUELSKAMP asked and was rights. vate health care decisions. given permission to address the House H.R. 7 is a step backward. It is noth- Madam Speaker, we cannot—we will for 1 minute and to revise and extend ing more than a distraction from the not—go back. his remarks.) critical work we should be doing to

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1443 pass immigration reform, strengthen casualties of this multifaceted assault of the Committee on the Judiciary, the chair our economy, and create jobs. We ap- on a woman’s right to choose and re- and ranking minority member of the Com- parently have no time to vote on un- productive rights. mittee on Ways and Means, and the chair benefits for our neighbors and ranking minority member of the Com- f mittee on Energy and Commerce; and (2) one but plenty of time to take away a 40TH ANNUAL NATIONAL motion to recommit with or without instruc- woman’s right to choose. tions. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on SEC. 2. Upon adoption of this resolution it this harmful and unconstitutional leg- (Mr. LIPINSKI asked and was given shall be in order to consider the conference islation. permission to address the House for 1 report to accompany the bill (H.R. 2642) to provide for the reform and continuation of f minute and to revise and extend his re- marks.) agricultural and other programs of the De- UNEMPLOYMENT partment of Agriculture through fiscal year Mr. LIPINSKI. Madam Speaker, as a (Ms. HANABUSA asked and was 2018, and for other purposes. All points of proud graduate of St. Symphorosa order against the conference report and given permission to address the House Grammar School and St. Ignatius Col- against its consideration are waived. The for 1 minute.) lege Prep, and as a strong supporter of conference report shall be considered as Ms. HANABUSA. Madam Speaker, Catholic education, I rise today to rec- read. The previous question shall be consid- many who are unemployed through no ognize the outstanding contributions ered as ordered on the conference report to fault of their own remember December Catholic schools have made to our Na- its adoption without intervening motion ex- 28. That was when the unemployment tion. cept: (1) one hour of debate; and (2) one mo- tion to recommit if applicable. insurance was not extended and Con- Next week is the 40th annual Na- gress failed them. 1.3 million Ameri- tional Catholic Schools Week, and I POINT OF ORDER cans were without any support as of have introduced H. Res. 461, along with Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I that day. In 6 months, that number the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. raise a point of order against House will grow to 1.9 million—72,000 a week, SMITH), to honor the work done by par- Resolution 465 because the resolution or one person every 8 seconds. ents, teachers, administrators, and pa- violates section 426(a) of the Congres- The real problem that we face is real- rishioners for the more than 2 million sional Budget Act. The resolution—in ly the lack of job opportunities. children at over 6,600 Catholic schools waiving all points of order against con- Madam Speaker, we must bring the in America. This year’s theme, ‘‘Catho- sideration of both H.R. 7, the anti- President’s proposal for job creation to lic Schools: Communities of Faith, abortion bill, and the conference report the floor. Remember, you have to be Knowledge, and Service,’’ highlights on H.R. 2642, the farm bill—waives sec- actively seeking work before you can the values that are the centerpiece of a tion 425 of the Congressional Budget receive unemployment insurance. Do Catholic school education. Act, thereby causing a violation of sec- you see the problem? There are no ef- Later on this week, I will be visiting tion 426(a). forts to create jobs, and there is no bill several schools, including St. Rene in The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. there to protect those who are unem- Chicago, St. Francis Xavier in La BLACK). The gentleman from Massa- ployed through no fault of their own. Grange, the SS. Cyril and Methodius in chusetts makes a point of order that This is the highest long-term unem- Lemont, and St. Catherine’s of Alexan- the resolution violates section 426(a) of ployment this country has seen since dria in Oak Lawn. the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. World War II. People need government Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues The gentleman has met the threshold to recognize this problem, and we have to join me in honoring Catholic schools burden under the rule, and the gen- failed. We need to go back and know across our Nation for the outstanding tleman from Massachusetts and a why unemployment insurance was cre- education they provide to so many Member opposed each will control 10 ated in the first place. We need to be Americans. minutes of debate on the question of that compassionate country again. consideration. Following debate, the f f Chair will put the question of consider- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION ation as the statutory means of dis- NO TAXPAYER FUNDING OF OF H.R. 7, NO TAXPAYER FUND- posing of the point of order. ABORTION ACT ING FOR ABORTION AND ABOR- The Chair recognizes the gentleman (Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of TION INSURANCE FULL DISCLO- from Massachusetts. New York asked and was given permis- SURE ACT OF 2014, AND PRO- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, sion to address the House for 1 minute.) VIDING FOR CONSIDERATION OF first of all, let me just say that it is Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. outrageous, absolutely outrageous, York. Madam Speaker, for years, the 2642, FEDERAL AGRICULTURE RE- that the Republican leadership has other side of the aisle has been trying FORM AND RISK MANAGEMENT combined a major piece of antiabortion to get between a woman and her doc- ACT OF 2013 legislation with the farm bill con- tor. Now they are trying to come be- ference report into one single rule, re- Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, by direc- tween a woman and her health insur- stricting our ability to debate both of tion of the Committee on Rules, I call ance company. They want to open a these important issues. up House Resolution 465 and ask for its new front in the war on women, and There is an $8.6 billion cut to SNAP immediate consideration. this one cruelly focuses on poor in this conference report, a cut that The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- women. will only affect poor families, pri- lows: The law of the land is already clear: marily the elderly and the disabled. no Federal funding for abortions. But H. RES. 465 Besides being cruel and heartless, this with H.R. 7, which will be on the floor Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- cut is also an unfunded mandate. If today, even private insurance plans lution it shall be in order to consider in the States, cities, or towns want to prevent could be restricted from covering abor- House the bill (H.R. 7) to prohibit taxpayer funded abortions. All points of order against hunger from getting worse, they will tion if you get a government subsidy. consideration of the bill are waived. An have to spend more money out of their So if you are a low-income woman who amendment in the nature of a substitute own budgets. needs help affording health care insur- consisting of the text of Rules Committee Now, I know my Republican friends ance, this bill is aimed squarely at you. Print 113-33 shall be considered as adopted. are in a big hurry to go off to their Rather than tackling the real the The bill, as amended, shall be considered as issues retreat at some luxurious resort, problems of economic growth and job read. All points of order against provisions but maybe we could have found an- creation, the other side of the aisle in the bill, as amended, are waived. The pre- other hour somewhere. seems obsessed with curbing a woman’s vious question shall be considered as ordered Madam Speaker, I am honored to on the bill, as amended, and on any further reproductive rights. They may not amendment thereto, to final passage without serve on the Agriculture Committee. I want to call this a war on women, but intervening motion except: (1) one hour of was honored to serve on the conference I would point out to my colleagues debate equally divided among and controlled committee for the farm bill. I want to that women—and only women—are the by the chair and ranking minority member thank Chairman LUCAS and Ranking

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1444 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 Member PETERSON and all of my col- help poor people is the price of admis- polar vortex, a virulent winter season, leagues for their hard work. sion to get anything done, any piece of whether or not they will go hungry or I want a farm bill. I want to support major legislation passed, then we have be cold. the farm bill conference. But from the strayed very, very far from our prin- This is a problem all across the land. beginning of this process, I made my ciples. Madam Speaker, again, I want In my Connecticut district, nearly one position very clear that I will not vote to remind my colleagues that this is an in seven households are not sure they for a farm bill that makes hunger unfunded mandate because there will can afford enough food to feed their worse in America. And this farm bill be an increased burden on States, cities families. In Mississippi, 24.5 percent fails that basic test. If this bill passes, and towns to deal with this issue of suffer food hardship. In West Virginia hundreds of thousands of vulnerable hunger. and Kentucky, 22 percent. In Ohio, Americans will have less to eat, period. By the way, Madam Speaker, when nearly 20 percent, and in California, Now, some people will say, well, an $8 people are hungry, when kids are hun- just over 19 percent. billion cut in SNAP is better than what gry, they don’t learn in school. When The continued existence of hunger in the House Republicans wanted to do. people are hungry, they end up going America is a disgrace. That is why in That is a strange argument, Madam to the emergency room more often. the past there has been a strong tradi- Speaker. It is like saying thank good- When children are hungry, when they tion of bipartisanship on fighting hun- ness the burglar only took the silver, get a common cold, they end up stay- ger and supporting nutrition. This because he could have taken the jew- ing in the hospital for a period of time. farm bill flies in the face of that tradi- elry, too. That all costs us a great deal in terms tion. It takes food from the poor to pay The fact of the matter is that any of not only Federal money but State for crop subsidies for the rich. cut to SNAP will be piled on top of the and local money. So, in my opinion, Food stamps have one of the lowest cut that already went into effect last this is an unfunded mandate, and this error rates of any government pro- fall. And any cut to SNAP will result is a burden on the States. gram. It is a powerful and positive im- in more Americans going hungry. And Madam Speaker, how much time do I pact on economic growth because they any cut in SNAP will increase the fi- have remaining? get resources into the hands of families nancial burdens on State and local gov- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- who are going to spend them right ernments. tleman from Massachusetts has 51⁄2 away. The research shows that for There are those, Madam Speaker, minutes remaining. every $5 of Federal food stamp benefits, who claim that the Heat and Eat pro- Mr. MCGOVERN. I yield the remain- it generates nearly twice that in eco- gram is some sort of a loophole. It ing time to the gentlelady from Con- nomic activity. isn’t. It is a policy decision. It is a way necticut (Ms. DELAURO). Children’s Health Watch, those re- for States to help some of our neigh- Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I searchers found that after collecting 14 bors who are struggling through very thank the gentleman from Massachu- years of data on over 20,000 low-income difficult times. But even if this is a setts, and I thank him for his dedica- families that when families experi- loophole, I ask my friends, of all the tion and his passion on this issue that enced a loss or reduction in food stamp loopholes in Federal law, of all of the people in the United States of America benefits, they are more likely to be special interest giveaways, this is the should not go hungry. food insecure, to be in poor health, and one you are going to target? This is the I rise in support of my colleague’s their children experience intensified one that is in your crosshairs, a pro- point of order. This farm bill contains developmental delays relative to their gram that helps poor people get enough cuts to the food stamp program that peers. food to eat? My goodness. will transfer the responsibility to Most importantly, food stamps are There are those who say that States States and cities to provide food to the right thing to do. It is the job of a and local governments or food banks or their families. May I remind the Mem- good government to help vulnerable food pantries should pick up the slack. bers of this body that food stamps—our families to get back on their feet, and Have any of those people actually ever Nation’s most important anti-hunger cutting food stamps will cause more been to a food bank? Have they ever program—was just cut 2 months ago in hunger and health problems for Ameri- talked to a director of a food pantry? November—in November. cans. In the words of Harry Truman: Because they are already at capacity, Because of the recent expiration of Madam Speaker. They can’t meet the Nothing is more important in our national the Recovery Act provisions, food life than the welfare of our children, and needs of the clients that they already stamps have already been cut by $5 bil- proper nourishment comes first in attaining have. lion for next year and $11 billion is the this welfare. My Republican friends have made cut over 3 years. What does it mean? It This bill—this bill—flies in the face their priorities very clear. They want means that a family of four lost $36—or of that. It will cut $8.5 billion. You cou- to dismantle the social safety net. 16 meals—a month in support. That is ple that with the cuts that have al- They want to get the Federal Govern- already the difference between health ready been made in the economic re- ment out of the business of helping and hunger. covery program, and that is almost $20 people get enough to eat. But I also want to say that I am dis- Now the savage cuts in this farm bill billion in a cut to the food stamp pro- appointed, Madam Speaker, in the peo- would push Americans already living gram. Some of my colleagues will say, 1 ple in my own party, here in the Con- on the edge that much closer to the well, we only did 8 ⁄2 billion in the farm gress and in the White House, who are brink. Because of the $8.5 billion in bill. Let me just tell you: it may come going along with this. cuts here, 850,000 households—trans- from two sources, but the constituency Tonight, the President of the United lates into 1.7 million Americans—will is the same. States will stand in this Chamber and lose an average of $90 a month or 66 Who are we as a nation? Where are deliver the State of the Union; and more meals a month. Low-income sen- our values? If we can provide crop sub- when he talks about income inequality iors, with families, indi- sidies for the richest farmers in this and helping people get into the middle viduals with disabilities and veterans Nation and tell them that they can class, all of us Democrats—and I hope would be particularly impacted by make $900,000 a year before they will some Republicans—will stand up and these cruel cuts. not be able to get a subsidy, or 26 indi- cheer. But before that happens, we Perhaps some Members have forgot- viduals who get a premium subsidy for have an opportunity to put our votes ten. That is because we eat well. That crop insurance of at least $1 million a where our cheers are; we have a chance is because we eat well every day. Mem- year—those folks are eating, they are to match our actions with our rhetoric. bers have forgotten hunger is an high on the hog, they got three squares And the way to do that is to vote ‘‘no’’ abomination. We are talking about a day. When we provide $1.40—it is $1.40 on this conference report. men and women experiencing real per meal for food stamp beneficiaries— physical trauma, children who cannot the people at the top end don’t have an b 1245 concentrate in school because all they income cap. They don’t have any asset So I say to my fellow Democrats, if can think about is food, and seniors are test, and that is not true for food cutting SNAP or other programs that forced to decide in what has been a stamp recipients. We prescribe who can

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1445 receive them. There are income limita- addressed to Congress from the mayors This is important. SNAP in and of tions and asset limitations. Who are we of Baton Rouge, Boston, Dallas, the itself is not going to solve the problem as a nation? What are we about? Let’s District of Columbia, Gary, Hartford, of hunger or poverty. The bottom line not take food out of the mouths of fam- Ithaca, Los Angeles, Madison, Mem- is by cutting it the way we are doing, ilies and their children. phis, New York, Providence, Raleigh, we are making things worse for people. Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I claim Sacramento, Salt Lake City, San I stood on the floor today, and I read time in opposition to the point of order Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Tuc- the descriptions of individuals in Mas- and in favor of consideration of the res- son urging us in both the House and sachusetts who, if this farm bill passes, olution. the Senate to reject these SNAP cuts. will see a significant cut in their ben- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- These mayors have made it very clear efit, and their question to me is, what tlewoman from North Carolina is rec- that it would have an adverse impact do I do? Where do I go? Tell me how to ognized for 10 minutes. on the people that they represent. put food on the table for my kids. Tell Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, the They have stressed in this letter the me how I’m going to survive. question before the House is should the importance of SNAP to help people to House now consider H. Res. 465. This be able to put food on the table for We should not be making the lives of point of order, Madam Speaker, is a their children. people who are suffering more miser- dilatory tactic. I will remind the gen- I also would like to reference a state- able. That is not our job. tleman that each bill under this rule ment from the Food Research and Ac- I will also insert for the RECORD the will be separately considered and de- tion Center, otherwise known as FRAC. entire Food Research and Action Cen- batable on the House floor. They are urging us to vote against this ter statement. Madam Speaker, in order to allow conference committee report if these the House to continue its scheduled SNAP cuts remain in the bill. They Madam Speaker, in Massachusetts business for the day, I urge Members to have said that SNAP is essential to the alone there will be 125,000 SNAP house- vote ‘‘yes’’ on the question of consider- nutrition, the health and the well- holds that could suffer up to a $70 to ation of the resolution. being of 47 million Americans each $80 a month cut in SNAP benefit if this I yield back the balance of my time. month, but every participant suffered a farm bill goes through as it is. There is The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time significant cut in benefits beginning no reason in the world that we should for debate has expired. last November 1. be cutting this program. This is not an The question is, Will the House now As the gentlelady from Connecticut ATM machine to pay for big farm sub- consider the resolution? made mention of, on November 1, an sidies. This is not an ATM machine to The question of consideration was de- $11 billion cut in SNAP went into ef- make up for the fraud, the waste and cided in the affirmative. fect. All 47 million beneficiaries re- the abuse in the crop insurance pro- A motion to reconsider was laid on ceived a cut. Food prices didn’t go gram. the table. down, but their benefit went down, and Again, I will repeat to my colleagues, POINT OF ORDER now we are going to pile on. There are tonight we are going to hear the Presi- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I some who say, well, it doesn’t affect all dent talk about income inequality, and raise a point of order against House 47 million. It is only going to be about my criticism here, it is a bipartisan Resolution 465 under clause 9(c) of rule 1 million or so people that will be ad- criticism. I’m critical of the Repub- XXI because the resolution contains a versely impacted, but those people that licans for the cruel cuts that were pro- waiver of all points of order against will be adversely impacted stand a H.R. 7, the abortion bill, and the con- great deal to lose. The November 1 cut posed in the original farm bill—up to ference report on H.R. 2642, the farm for the average family of three resulted $40 billion—and I’m frustrated that bill. in a $31 a month benefit cut. You add there are people in my own party, in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- this on top of it, and it is another $80 cluding in this White House, who don’t tleman from Massachusetts makes a to $90. So that family of three will re- believe this is worth a fight. Well, this point of order that the resolution vio- ceive about $120 to $130 less per month. is worth a fight. If this is not worth a lates clause 9(c) of rule XXI. What are they going to do? Even be- fight, I don’t know what the hell we Under clause 9(c) of rule XXI, the fore these cuts went into effect, they are here for. If making sure people in gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. were going to food banks, they were this country don’t go hungry is not a MCGOVERN) and a Member opposed going to charities looking for help be- priority, then I don’t know what we are each will control 10 minutes of debate cause their benefit was so meager to doing here. on the question of consideration. begin with. What are they supposed to We can explain this away, we can ra- Following that debate, the Chair will do? I think in this House of Represent- tionalize it and justify it. I have heard put the question of consideration as atives, I don’t care what your political all the talking points. My favorite is follows: ‘‘Will the House now consider party or ideology is, it should never, that nobody will actually lose their the resolution?’’ ever, ever be acceptable that anybody benefit. The Chair recognizes the gentleman in this country—the United States of from Massachusetts. America, the richest country in the Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, history of the world—should go hungry. b 1300 the conference report on the farm bill The fact that we are moving forward What that neglects to tell you is that was made public at around 7:30 last with the farm bill—a deal that con- your benefit will be cut down to almost night. With nearly 1,000 pages dumped tains this $8.6 billion in cuts—I think is nothing. Yes, they will still get a little on us at the last minute, we know that outrageous. I’m all for a deal. I want a benefit, but it might be $15 a month in- no one has had a chance to read the en- farm bill. I’m willing to swallow a lot stead of $115 a month. I mean, is that tire thing. I’m a conferee, and even I of things in this bill that I don’t like, the best we can do, on both sides of the had an extra few hours to try to digest but the price of doing that should not aisle? This never used to be a partisan this monstrosity of a bill, but who be to increase hunger and poverty in issue. This never used to be a polar- knows what is in this bill? That is why this country, and that is what this bill izing issue, and now all of a sudden it I’m raising this earmarks point of does. has become one. Again, I plea with my order. We talk about deals. Behind these colleagues on both sides of the aisle, As I said earlier, Madam Speaker, deals are real people. They are our let’s come together and get a farm bill one of the things that is most trou- neighbors. They are in every commu- done, but not at this price. bling to me and a number of my col- nity. There is not a congressional dis- leagues, again, is this attack on poor trict in our country that is hunger free. And I urge the White House to stand people and is this attack on SNAP, a These people are everywhere. We have up and fight alongside of us on this. program that does nothing more than an obligation to not turn our backs on They should be taking a greater leader- provide food to people. them. SNAP is one of the most effi- ship role on this. It is not enough to Madam Speaker, I would like to in- ciently run Federal programs with one just talk about income inequality; you clude for the RECORD a letter that was of the lowest error rates. have to fight for it, too.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1446 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 MAYORS OF BATON ROUGE, BOSTON, From: On Behalf of Food Research and Ac- this with regard to the health care bill. DALLAS, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, tion Center Some of my colleagues on the other GARY, HARTFORD, ITHACA, LOS Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 side of the aisle kept asking us if we ANGELES, MADISON, MEMPHIS, To: Ellen Teller have read the bill. No one has really NEW YORK, PROVIDENCE, RALEIGH, Subject: FRAC Statement on the Farm Bill SACRAMENTO, SALT LAKE CITY, read this bill. There were four people [From FRAC, Food Research and Action who negotiated this work. There could SAN DIEGO, SAN FRANCISCO, SE- Center, Jan. 28, 2014] ATTLE, AND TUCSON, well be significant earmarks in this ef- SNAP CUTS IN FARM BILL WILL LEAD TO LESS January 27, 2014. fort. FOOD FOR VULNERABLE PEOPLE Hon. DEBBIE STABENOW, Let me point out the reverse Robin Chair, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutri- WASHINGTON, DC.—The Farm Bill moving Hood legislation here. It steals food tion and Forestry, Russell Senate Office from conference committee to the floor of the House and Senate will cut SNAP benefits from the poor to help pay for handouts Building, Washington, DC. to wealthy agribusiness. Let me just Hon. FRANK D. LUCAS, to an estimated 850,000 households by an av- Chairman, House Committee on Agriculture, erage of $90/month. The Food Research and give a couple of examples. In violation Longworth House Office Building, Wash- Action Center is encouraging members to of the congressional rule that provi- ington, DC. vote ‘‘No’’ on the bill because of the pain sions passed by both bodies should not Hon. THAD COCHRAN, this provision will cause for so many of the be changed, the conference, four peo- Ranking Member, Senate Committee on Agri- most vulnerable members of our society, ple, more than doubled the annual pri- culture, Nutrition and Forestry, Russell making monthly food allotments fall even mary payments from $50,000 to $125,000, Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. further short of what is needed. SNAP is essential to the nutrition, health or $250,000 a couple. They reopened the Hon. COLIN PETERSON, loophole that was closed in the House Ranking Member, House Committee on Agri- and well-being of 47 million Americans each culture, Longworth House Office Building, month. But every participant suffered a sig- and in the Senate that allows wealthy Washington, DC. nificant cut in benefits beginning last No- farmers to collect far more than the vember 1st. Demand at emergency food pro- nominal payment limit: $50,000. They DEAR CHAIRWOMAN STABENOW, RANKING viders around the country has skyrocketed. raised it to $125,000 for an individual; to MEMBER COCHRAN, CHAIRMAN LUCAS, AND Now the Farm Bill, if passed, will consider- RANKING MEMBER PETERSON: As mayors of a couple, $250,000. House and Senate on ably worsen the already bad situation for a bipartisan basis closed the loophole. major cities across the United States, we nearly a million households. write to express our serious concerns about The SNAP cuts in the conference bill This allows payments to be collected provisions under discussion in the Farm Bill amount to $8.6 billion over 10 years. The bill by multiple people on the farm. What reauthorization conference that could make has modest boosts in nutrition supports in we have today is eight people can col- it much more difficult for millions of Ameri- respects (e.g. for The Emergency Food As- lect a $125,000 payment, leading to a cans to put food on their tables. These provi- sistance Program (TEFAP), for ‘‘double million-dollar subsidy for a farm. sions include billions of dollars in cuts to the bucks’’ farmers’ market programs, for im- Seven of those eight people never have Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program proved SNAP education and training pro- (SNAP). We urge you to work to remove to put their foot on the farm. It is grams, for Healthy Food Financing). These called padding the . ‘‘Farmers,’’ these cuts to a program that provides essen- are small positive steps but are far from tial food support to low-income families and commensurate to the SNAP damage in the they don’t have to undergo any income individuals across the country. bill. means testing to receive a subsidy. SNAP provides food support for approxi- We appreciate that key conferees and other The Durbin-Coburn amendment in mately 47 million Americans, more than half Senators and House members spoke and the Senate would reduce the level of of whom are children and seniors. As may- acted to reject the far larger harmful cuts Federal premium support for crop in- ors, every day we see the importance of proposed by the House. But FRAC believes surance participants with an adjusted SNAP benefits and how they have helped the $8.6 billion SNAP cut is deeply harmful. gross income of $750,000. The con- millions of Americans to feed their families This cut has been opposed by major news- ference report—four people—deter- during an extended period of economic un- papers, anti-poverty and anti-hunger groups mined that they would make that cap certainty and high unemployment. Although and food banks across the county. It is in- the economy is showing signs of recovery, consistent with polls showing voters—across at $900,000. Again, the wealthiest peo- unemployment rates are still above pre-re- party, age and other demographics—reject ple in the Nation. cession levels and we are still faced with food stamp cuts. It is inconsistent with the Let me tell you about crop insurance. rates above the national average in many President’s proposals to improve, not harm, I don’t know that the American public cities across the country. SNAP benefits. In a bitter irony, the bill knows that the Federal Government, In addition, since every dollar in SNAP goes to the floor almost exactly a year after you, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, you pick benefits generates up to $1.80 in local eco- an expert Institute of Medicine committee up 60 percent of the cost of that crop nomic activity, cuts will also have a nega- found that SNAP benefits are already inad- insurance. That doesn’t include admin- tive impact on our urban economies. equate for most families to purchase an ade- quate, healthy diet; and it comes in the same istrative fees. There are 26 individuals At this critical juncture in our recovery, month that researchers issued a new study today who get at least a million dollars we urge you eliminate changes to the SNAP showing that low-income people have in- in premium subsidy. We can’t find out program that will reduce a support as basic creased hypoglycemia-related hospital ad- who they are. They could be Members as food to so many struggling Americans and missions late in the month because they run of Congress, because they are pro- could undermine our local economies. out of food. The SNAP cuts will be a blow to Sincerely, tected: 26 individuals. We have almost health and nutrition, and to the govern- 50 million people who are on the food Ralph Becker, Mayor, Salt Lake City; ment’s long-term fiscal well-being as well. Karen Freeman-Wilson, Mayor, City of stamp program, 16 million of whom are Gary; Todd Gloria, Interim Mayor, Madam Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to children. And there is no fraud and City of San Diego; Melvin L. ‘‘Kip’’ the gentlewoman from Connecticut abuse in this program, the way there is Holden, Mayor, City of Baton Rouge; (Ms. DELAURO), the balance of my in the crop insurance program; and yet Edwin M. Lee, Mayor, City of San time. we want to take food out of the mouths Francisco; Bill de Blasio, Mayor, City Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I am of families and children in this Nation. of New York; Eric Garcetti, Mayor, proud once again to join my colleague. It is the wrong thing to do. This bill City of Los Angeles; Vincent Gray, I, too, want a farm bill. In fact, I had Mayor, District of Columbia; Kevin should be rejected. Johnson, Mayor, City of Sacramento; the honor of helping to negotiate the Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, I Nancy McFarlane, Mayor, City of Ra- 2008 farm bill, the nutrition portion of yield back the balance of my time. leigh; Ed Murray, Mayor, City of Se- it, where we maintained that historic Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I rise to attle; Mike Rawlings, Mayor, City of coalition between the safety net for ag- claim time in opposition to the point of Dallas; Pedro E. Segarra, Mayor, City riculture and the safety net for nutri- order and in favor of consideration of of Hartford; Angel Taveras, Mayor, tion. the resolution. City of Providence; A C Wharton, Jr., I think it is almost unbelievable that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- Mayor, City of Memphis; Svante L. we got a thousand-page bill, and I just Myrick, Mayor, City of Ithaca; Jona- tlewoman from North Carolina is rec- than Rothschild, Mayor, City of Tuc- want to say to the American public ognized for 10 minutes. son; Paul R. Soglin, Mayor, City of here that they should ask Members of Ms. FOXX. The question before the Madison; Martin J. Walsh, Mayor, City Congress whether or not they have House is, Should the House now con- of Boston. read the bill. We went over and over sider H. Res. 465? This point of order,

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1447 Madam Speaker, is a dilatory tactic. the Federal Agriculture Reform and me the customary 30 minutes, and I None of the provisions contained in the Risk Management Act of 2013, under a yield myself such time as I may con- underlying measures meet the defini- standard conference report rule. sume. I will attach extraneous mate- tion of an earmark under the rule. Madam Speaker, since 1976, the Hyde rial to this part of my speech since we The chairman of the Committee on amendment—which prohibits the Fed- only have 30 minutes on two legislative the Judiciary certified that H.R. 7 con- eral funding of abortions—has been in- matters. tains no congressional earmarks by in- cluded in relevant appropriations bills. Madam Speaker, at a time when mil- cluding the following earmark state- Each year it has been consistently re- lions are struggling to find work, the ment in the report accompanying this newed and supported by congressional majority has decided that their top pri- bill, which was filed on January 23, majorities and Presidents of both par- ority, one of the first 10 bills of the ses- 2014: ties. sion that they number, is to continue In accordance with clause 9 of rule XXI of NARAL, an abortion advocacy group, the decades-long assault on a woman’s the Rules of the House of Representatives, has suggested that prohibiting public constitutionally protected right to H.R. 7 does not contain any congressional funds for abortion reduces abortion choose. earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited rates by roughly 50 percent. That Before I go any further, let me be tariff benefits as defined in clause 9(e), 9(f) or means that half of the women who clear: this bill is a hoax. Federal tax- 9(g) of rule XXI. would have otherwise had a publicly payer dollars are not spent on abor- The following was included in the funded abortion end up carrying their tion. This has been true for more than Joint Explanatory Statement for the babies to term. three decades. Under the Hyde amend- farm bill: In 1993, the Congressional Budget Of- ment, the use of Federal dollars to pay Pursuant to clause 9 of rule XXI of the fice estimated that the Hyde amend- for abortions is flatly prohibited except Rules of the House of Representatives and ment prevented as many as 675,000 in the case of rape or incest or when rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Sen- abortions every single year. This the life of the mother is in danger. ate, neither this conference report nor the means that millions of Americans are Thus, despite what the majority may accompanying joint statement of managers alive today because of the Hyde amend- contains any congressional earmarks, con- claim, H.R. 7 is not a solution to a ment. After 38 years, it is time for this problem but a poorly, thinly veiled at- gressionally directed spending items, limited life-saving amendment to become per- tax benefits, or limited tariff benefits, as de- tempt to chip away at ObamaCare and fined in such rules. manent law. women’s reproductive rights, another When Barack Obama was elected in battle in the war against women. I also remind the gentleman that this 2008, a myriad of long-established laws, Madam Speaker, H.R. 7 is a reflection conference agreement is a bipartisan including the Hyde amendment, cre- of a majority out of touch with the and bicameral measure. Nine of the 10 ated a mostly uniform policy that Fed- American people and struggling to un- Democrat conferees from the Agri- eral programs did not pay for abortion derstand fundamental truths about re- culture Committee have signed the or subsidize health plans that included productive health. And we really mean conference report. The conference re- coverage of abortion, with only narrow struggle. port was made available to all Mem- exceptions. bers and the public yesterday, in full Unfortunately, ObamaCare destroyed This extreme legislation was origi- compliance of the 3-day availability that longstanding policy, bypassing the nally sponsored by a man, originated rule. Hyde amendment restriction and pav- from a subcommittee composed of 13 In order to allow the House to con- ing the way for publicly funded abor- men, and was passed out of the Judici- tinue its scheduled business for the tions. The President’s health care law ary Committee with the votes of 21 Re- day, Madam Speaker, I urge Members authorized massive public subsidies to publican men. This has been the prob- to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the question of con- assist millions of Americans to pur- lem for a long time—men in blue suits sideration of the resolution. chase private health plans that will and red ties determining what women I yield back the balance of my time. cover abortion on demand. In other can and should do when it comes to The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time words, hard-earned taxpayer dollars their own health. for debate has expired. are now being used to pay for elective One such Republican man has de- The question is, Will the House now abortions. This is simply unacceptable. clared that ‘‘wife is to voluntarily sub- consider the resolution? Madam Speaker, H.R. 7 will codify mit’’ to her husband in a book that he The question of consideration was de- the principles of the Hyde amendment recently wrote. Another has declared, cided in the affirmative. on a permanent, government-wide and this is a new one, this is not the A motion to reconsider was laid on basis, which means it will apply long- one from the last election, ‘‘the inci- the table. standing Federal health programs such dents of rape resulting in pregnancy The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- as Medicaid, SCHIP, and Federal Em- are very low.’’ In other words, Madam tlewoman from North Carolina is rec- ployees Health Benefits, as well as to Speaker, the men who are making ognized for 1 hour. new programs created by ObamaCare. these decisions simply don’t know Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, for the H.R. 7 prohibits the use of Federal what they are talking about. purpose of debate only, I yield the cus- funds for abortions. It does so by pro- Meanwhile, a Republican man on the tomary 30 minutes to the gentlewoman hibiting all Federal funding for abor- Judiciary Committee recently said from New York (Ms. SLAUGHTER) pend- tion; prohibiting Federal subsidies for that today’s legislation is good for re- ing which I yield myself such time as I ACA health care plans that include ducing the unemployment numbers be- may consume. During consideration of coverage for abortion; prohibiting the cause: this resolution, all time yielded is for use of Federal facilities for abortion; Having new children brought into the the purpose of debate only. and prohibiting Federal employees world is not harmful to job creation. It very GENERAL LEAVE from performing abortions. much promotes job creation for care and Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I ask This bill applies to the Federal fund- services and so on that need to be provided unanimous consent that all Members ing of abortions, except in cases of for a lot of people to raise children. have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- rape, incest, or when the life of the Unfortunately, the hypocrisy of that tend their remarks. mother is in danger. This commonsense statement is it comes from a majority The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there measure, which restores a longstanding that staunchly opposes increasing any objection to the request of the gentle- bipartisan agreement, protects the un- funding for pre-K education or paid woman from North Carolina? born and prevents taxpayers from for working parents, and the There was no objection. being forced to fund thousands of abor- same majority cutting nutritional ben- Ms. FOXX. House Resolution 465 pro- tions. For these reasons, I urge my col- efits for the working poor under the vides for a closed rule allowing for con- leagues to vote for life by voting in farm bill that we will consider tomor- sideration of H.R. 7, the No Taxpayer favor of this rule and H.R. 7. row. Such a hypocritical and mean- Funding for Abortion Act, and provides I reserve the balance of my time. spirited agenda reminds me of another for separate consideration of the con- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I quote from former Congressman Bar- ference report to accompany H.R. 2642, appreciate the gentlewoman yielding ney Frank who once famously said that

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1448 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 the anti-choice legislators ‘‘believe ly banned the use of Federal dollars to pay for credit would be a major tax INCREASE on that life begins at conception but ends abortions except in cases of rape or incest or small businesses for simply keeping the same at birth.’’ In other words, once it is when the life of the mother is endangered. In insurance coverage that they already have. born, they don’t want to have anything part, the Hyde Amendment reads, ‘‘None of In short, today’s legislation is an attempt to to do with it. In looking at the major- the funds appropriated in this Act, and none of rewrite our Nation’s laws so that it is finan- ity’s legislative priorities, it is almost the funds in any trust fund to which funds are cially impossible for a woman to access a pri- impossible to disagree. appropriated in this Act, shall be expended for vate health insurance plan that provides abor- Madam Speaker, a new poll shows health benefits coverage that includes cov- tion coverage. And it is yet another attack on that 64 percent of Americans agree erage of abortion.’’ women’s rights from a Majority that seems to that ‘‘decisions on abortion should be Despite the Majority’s claims to the contrary, be struggling to understand the most funda- made by a woman and her doctor.’’ The today’s legislation goes far beyond the defini- mental aspects of an issue important to Amer- government should never have gotten tive language of the Hyde Amendment in an ica’s women. into the business of being between the attempt to restrict a woman’s reproductive Indeed, when it comes to the issue of repro- woman and her doctor, or anyone else health options under private insurance plans ductive rights, one member of the Majority has she wants to consult. Only 24 percent and her ability to spend private dollars on a declared that ‘‘the incidence of rape resulting say ‘‘government has a right and obli- constitutionally protected right to reproductive in pregnancy are very low.’’ Another member gation to pass restrictions on abor- health care. of the Majority has declared that today’s legis- tion.’’ Perhaps that is why the major- At the heart of this legislative attack is the lation is good for reducing unemployment, be- ity is passing H.R. 7 on the same day as extremely broad and vague language included cause ‘‘having new children brought into the the State of the Union, because we in today’s bill that redefines the definition of world is not harmful to job creation. It very know it is not going anywhere. We ‘‘federal funding.’’ Under this legislation, the much promotes job creation for all the care know that the Senate will not take definition of Federal funding would be ex- and services and so on that need to be pro- this up; and if by some strange set of panded to include the benefit of a tax expendi- vided by a lot of people to raise children.’’ events it should pass the Senate, which ture. While this terminology may seem com- Quotes such as these make it clear how it won’t, the President would never plex, its consequences are quite simple. such extreme—and extremely misguided—leg- sign it. If this bill becomes law, a woman pur- islation has made it to the floor today. They chasing health insurance that includes abor- also remind us why it is so important that the b 1315 tion coverage will be denied a premium tax Majority allows an open and transparent legis- But anyway, we bring it up on the credit that helps make coverage affordable in lative process so that such dangerous legisla- same day of the State of the Union, the first place. Facing such a circumstance, tion never sees the light of day. Unfortunately, it is under a closed legislative rushing it through Congress to make she would be financially incentivized to buy a process that variations of this legislation have some kind of point to some people cheaper health insurance plan that does not been introduced and pushed through the somewhere before they leave on a include abortion services. As more women House of Representatives in recent years. Re- weekend retreat and making one rule give up health insurance plans with abortion peatedly, the Majority has written similar legis- to consider two drastically different coverage, health insurance companies will lation and included provisions that attempted bills even though we would have had stop offering such plans. Very quickly, it will to redefine rape. The Majority, who just weeks plenty of time to have had two rules become both prohibitively expensive and dif- ago decried the role of the IRS in Obamacare, here. ficult to purchase abortion coverage in a has even introduced a variation of this legisla- Included under today’s rule is the health insurance plan. tion that empowered the IRS to audit any conference report on the farm bill, a In so doing, this bill takes particular aim at woman who has had an abortion. This in no major piece of legislation that impacts the reproductive rights of poor women. way should be the responsibility of the IRS all aspects of the economy. Surely it Women who are struggling to get by rely al- and any attempt to impose the IRS in a wom- deserves a full and open debate before most exclusively upon insurance premium an’s medical decisions is nothing but an attack its final passage. subsidies to reduce the cost of health care Instead, the majority is proposing on her constitutionally protected rights. while more affluent women can often access Once again, it is under a closed legislative another closed and House rule-breaking additional benefits such as Flexible Spending process—and an abandonment of regular process because we have not had time Accounts to reduce their health care costs. order—that we find ourselves here today con- to read it. This will also be their 100th While insurance premium subsidies are elimi- sidering yet another misguided attempt to re- closed rule since taking control in 2011, nated under today’s bill Flexible Spending Ac- strict women’s rights. and allowing just an hour of general counts are left untouched. In fact, while today’s legislation bears the debate for each bill and 15 minutes ba- We should not be restricting either of these same name, it is not the same bill that was re- sically on the rule on our side of the tax benefits that serve America’s women, but ported out of the Judiciary Committee earlier House. it is particularly immoral for the Majority to be this month. If one wonders at the lack of produc- targeting the most vulnerable women among Instead, it is an original Rules Committee tivity from this Congress, just look at us. print that was first made available less than a the closed and partisan legislative Sadly, targeting the reproductive health care week ago and includes significant legislative process pursued by the majority and of poor women is nothing new for the Repub- changes, such as the addition of text from two you will quickly understand. lican Party. As far back as the 1970’s Henry bills that have never received any committee Madam Speaker, with all of the Hyde infamously stated ‘‘I would certainly like debate, review or mark-up. major issues facing our country, at- to prevent, if I could legally, anybody having Furthermore, the Majority is asking that we tacking women’s health care shows an abortion: a rich woman, a middle class consider this new bill under another closed just how extreme—and extremely out woman, or a poor woman. Unfortunately, the rule. If we do, it will be the 100th closed rule of touch—the Washington Republicans only vehicle available is the [Medicaid] bill,’’ he for a Majority that just concluded the most are because the Republicans at home continued—which as we know only affects closed session in history. don’t feel that way. low-income women and families. Madam Speaker, it comes as little surprise We should be passing legislation to In addition to taking a tax benefit away from that bad legislative process has produced an- create jobs, to grow our economy and those struggling to get by, today’s bill would other bad bill. to level the playing field for working raise taxes on small businesses in another at- Over and over again, the Majority has women, not taking the country back- tempt to make force small businesses to drop shown no interest in opening up the legislative wards with bills that attack women’s insurance coverage. Under this legislation, process and coming to the table to work on rights. small businesses that offer health insurance commonsense legislation with members from I urge my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on plans that include abortion coverage would be the other side of the aisle. My Democratic col- today’s rule and the underlying legisla- ineligible for the Small Business Tax Credit. leagues and I believe that we should be voting tion. Currently, 87 percent of all employer-spon- on bills to create jobs, grow our economy and Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- sored insurance plans include coverage for level the playing field for working women—but ance of my time. abortion, and the Small Business Tax Credit we will never be able to do so until the Major- Madam Speaker, for more than three dec- can be worth 35–50% of the cost of a small ity allows us to truly participate in the legisla- ades, the so-called Hyde Amendment has flat- business’ premiums. Taking away this tax tive process.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 28, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1449 Finally, I would be remiss if I failed to men- is probably far larger because one in consent request to the gentleman from tion the farm bill conference report that is also four women who would have had pro- Michigan, Congressman KILDEE. brought to the floor by this resolution. Having cured an abortion don’t go through (Mr. KILDEE asked and was given only received the 900-plus page bill last night with it if public funding isn’t available. permission to revise and extend his re- Members have had little chance to read the Madam Speaker, H.R. 7 seeks to ac- marks.) bill. In fact, as my friend Mr. MCGOVERN has complish three goals: Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I ask noted, even conferees who supposedly nego- One, make the Hyde amendment and unanimous consent to insert my state- tiated this deal were not given a chance to other current abortion funding prohibi- ment into the RECORD in support of ex- read it! tion permanent; tending unemployment insurance for But the one policy I know is included in the Two, ensure that the Affordable Care 1.6 million Americans instead of this conference report is a massive, $8.6 billion cut Act faithfully conforms with the Hyde radical Republican assault on women’s in SNAP, formerly known as ‘‘food stamps.’’ amendment, as promised by the Presi- health care rights. Families receiving SNAP benefits already saw dent; Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I And three, provide full disclosure, a cut in their monthly food budgets of approxi- yield for the purpose of a unanimous transparency, and the prominent dis- mately $30 less than three months ago. For consent request to the gentlelady from play of the extent to which any health some families, this will mean an additional cut Connecticut (Ms. DELAURO). care insurance plan on the exchange of up to $90—a devastating blow for a low-in- (Ms. DELAURO asked and was given funds abortion. permission to revise and extend her re- come household. Madam Speaker, in the runup to pas- marks.) In closing, I strongly urge my colleagues to sage of the Affordable Care Act, Amer- Ms. DELAURO. Madam Speaker, I vote ‘‘no’’ on today’s rule, so that we can get ica was repeatedly assured by Presi- ask unanimous consent to insert my to work on real solutions for the American dent Obama himself, including in a statement into the RECORD in support people and put an end to the Majority’s dan- speech to a joint session of Congress in of extending the unemployment insur- gerous attacks on a woman’s constitutionally September of 2009, that: ‘‘Under our ance benefits for 1.6 million Americans protected right to choose, as well as their dis- plan, no Federal dollars will be used to instead of what is a radical Republican regard for the plight of the poor and those fund abortion.’’ searching for work. On March 24, 2010, President Obama assault, a continuous assault, on wom- Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I yield 5 issued an executive order that said the en’s health care rights. minutes to the gentleman from New Affordable Care Act ‘‘maintains cur- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I Jersey (Mr. SMITH). rent Hyde amendment restrictions gov- yield for the purpose of a unanimous Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam erning abortion policy and extends consent request to the gentlewoman Speaker, I thank my good friend for those restrictions to newly created from Massachusetts, Congresswoman yielding. I want to thank VIRGINIA health insurance exchanges.’’ Nothing CLARK. FOXX for her extraordinary leadership could have been clearer. That seemed (Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts asked on behalf of the weakest and the most to be ironclad. and was given permission to revise and vulnerable among us. As far as my colleagues will recall, extend her remarks.) Madam Speaker, because abortion the Hyde amendment has two prin- Ms. CLARK of Massachusetts. dismembers, decapitates, or chemically ciples: it not only prohibits direct Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous con- poisons an unborn child to death, funding for abortion, but also bans sent to insert my statement into the Americans have consistently demanded funding for insurance plans that in- RECORD in support of extending unem- that public funds not pay for abortion. clude abortion, except in cases of rape, ployment insurance for 1.6 million I would note parenthetically—and we incest, or to save the life of the moth- Americans instead of this radical Re- just saw this last week—since 1973, er. publican assault on women’s health some 56 million babies, unborn babies, We now know that the Hyde amend- care rights. have been killed by abortion, a num- ment principles have not been extended Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I ber, a death toll that equates with the to the newly created health insurance yield for the purpose of a unanimous entire population of England. exchanges. H.R. 7 seeks to correct that. consent request to the gentlewoman Madam Speaker, a huge majority— Under the Affordable Care Act, from Massachusetts, Congresswoman well over 60 percent according to the Madam Speaker, massive amounts of TSONGAS. most polls—show that women and men public funds in the form of tax credits (Ms. TSONGAS asked and was given in this country don’t want to be are today paying for, and will soon pay permission to revise and extend her re- complicit in abortion by subsidizing it. for, insurance plans that include elec- marks.) A December 2009 Quinnipiac poll found tive abortion. That violates the Hyde Ms. TSONGAS. Madam Speaker, I that 72 percent opposed allowing abor- amendment and that violates the ask unanimous consent to insert my tion to be paid for by public funds President’s solemn promise. statement into the RECORD in support under health care reform. As we all know, the new law is poised of extending unemployment insurance Another poll asked: If the choice to give billions of dollars—they call for 1.6 million Americans instead of were up to you, would you want your them tax credits—directly to insurance this radical Republican assault on own insurance policy to include abor- companies on behalf of people who pur- women’s health care rights. tion? Sixty-nine percent of women said chase health insurance. The Congres- Madam Speaker, I want to share emails no. sional Budget Office counts the cost of from just three of the many people I hear from Madam Speaker, this is because an these so-called tax credits under the each week who have been personally affected ever-growing number of people recog- ACA as either direct spending or rev- by House Republicans’ decision to block a nize that abortion isn’t health care; it enue reductions. Direct spending in- vote on extending unemployment insurance. kills babies and it hurts women. volves funds taken from where? The Katie from Chelmsford: ‘‘I was laid off in We live in an age of ultrasound imag- Treasury, to subsidize health insurance April and have looked for a job since then— ing: the ultimate window to the womb coverage. According to the CBO, the with no luck—In spite of the news reports and the child who resides there. We are ACA premium assistance credits will about the economy and how great the job in the midst of a fetal health revolu- cost the Federal Government $796 bil- market is, we all know that is not true. I know tion, an explosion of benign life-affirm- lion over 10 years. so many folks still looking for jobs in MA—all ing interventions designed to diagnose, Absent repeal or reform of the law, well educated, well qualified good people! . . . treat, and cure the precious lives of taxpayers will then be forced to foot I truly hope unemployment benefits are ex- these youngest patients. Abortion is the bill for abortion. Again, an over- tended.’’ the antithesis of health care. whelming percentage of the people Clark from Westford: ‘‘I am writing you re- H.R. 7 will help save lives and it will have consistently polled they don’t garding the stopping of the Federal Emer- reduce abortions. The Judiciary Com- want to be complicit in the taking of gency Unemployment Compensation program. mittee report accompanying H.R. 7 human life. I am a married father of 2 children in local notes that the high demand has saved Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I area colleges living in Westford, MA and rely over 1 million children, and the number yield for the purpose of a unanimous on this emergency money to survive. I have

VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1450 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 been able to work 8 months this year over 3 for 1.6 million Americans, including Ms. LEE of California. Madam jobs but all were temporary positions that did nearly 7,500 New Mexico job seekers, Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to not lead to full-time employment. The econ- instead of this radical Republican as- insert my statement into the RECORD omy is not yet hot enough to create enough sault on women’s health care rights. in support of extending unemployment full-time jobs and without this money our fam- Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I insurance for 1.6 million Americans in- ily will not make it. Please find the money to yield for the purpose of a unanimous stead of this radical Republican assault pay for extending this program as it is saving consent request to the gentleman from on women’s health care rights. our lives . . . literally!’’ Georgia, Congressman JOHNSON. Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I Doreen from Lowell: ‘‘I’m a single mom of a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The yield for the purpose of a unanimous great 14 year old daughter who is an honor Chair will first make a statement. consent request to the gentleman from student! (Very proud.) In May of 2013 I was The Member asking to insert re- Rhode Island, Congressman CICILLINE. marks may include a simple declara- laid off after 23 wonderful years of employ- (Mr. CICILLINE asked and was given tion of sentiment toward the question ment with the same company. This has been permission to revise and extend his re- under debate, but should not embellish a life changing time for [my daughter] and my- marks.) the request with extended oratory. Mr. CICILLINE. Madam Speaker, I self, however we have taken the change with The gentleman from Georgia is rec- nothing less than a positive attitude. We have ask unanimous consent to insert my ognized. statement into the RECORD in support made sacrifices such as canceling our cable Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam and Internet as well as making cuts from cell of extending unemployment insurance Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to for 1.6 million Americans instead of phone service to more frugal grocery shop- insert my statement into the RECORD ping. this radical Republican assault on in support of extending unemployment women’s health care. ‘‘I found out today that after 6 months of un- insurance for 1.6 million Americans in- employment it has ended! I received a letter Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I stead of this radical Republican assault yield for the purpose of a unanimous just two months ago that I would be extended on women’s health care rights. H.R. 7 is until May of 2014, however because of Fed- consent request to the gentlewoman enumerated appropriately because it from Texas, Congresswoman JACKSON eral budget cuts this is not happening. I’ve reflects the priorities of this Congress. been looking and applying for jobs faithfully on LEE. Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker. (Ms. JACKSON LEE asked and was a weekly basis with no luck. Nothing comes The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- given permission to revise and extend close to what I was making before, I have a tleman will suspend. mortgage by myself as a single mom . . . For what purpose does the gentle- her remarks.) Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, ‘‘I’ve been proud of myself for this accom- woman from North Carolina seek rec- I ask unanimous consent to insert my plishment and being a positive strong role ognition? statement into the RECORD in support model has always been important to me for Ms. FOXX. Madam Speaker, I would of extending unemployment insurance my daughter. I don’t understand how an ex- like to ask the Chair to reiterate her for 1.6 million Americans instead of tension can just be cancelled like that! My statement made just a few minutes ago this radical Republican assault on daughter and I are now just our small savings about the extent of the remarks that may be made. women’s health care rights. account away from being homeless and that’s Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I a shame. I can only hope that someone in Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I yield for the purpose of a unanimous yield for the purpose of a unanimous Congress is listening to us hard working peo- consent request to the gentleman from ple and will step up and do something about consent request to the gentlewoman from Connecticut, Congresswoman Maryland, Congressman VAN HOLLEN. this. It upsets me to think after 23 years of (Mr. VAN HOLLEN asked and was ESTY. service I can’t lean on my government for sup- given permission to revise and extend port. I don’t expect to be on unemployment for The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentlewoman from New his remarks.) long but unfortunately 6 months wasn’t Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, enough, it’s still tough out there! I really appre- York will be charged due to the embel- lishment of the gentleman from Geor- I ask unanimous consent to insert my ciate you taking the time to read this email statement into the RECORD in support and please, please, please be my voice and gia. The gentlewoman from Connecticut of extending unemployment insurance make them hear me.’’ for 1.6 million Americans instead of I urge my colleagues to pass an extension is recognized. (Ms. ESTY asked and was given per- this radical Republican assault on now and help hardworking people throughout mission to revise and extend her re- women’s health care rights. our nation avoid economic disaster. marks.) Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I Ms. ESTY. Madam Speaker, I ask yield for the purpose of a unanimous yield for the purpose of a unanimous unanimous consent to insert my state- consent request to the gentleman from consent request to the gentleman from ment into the RECORD in support of ex- New York, Congressman ELIOT ENGEL. California, Congressman TAKANO. tending unemployment insurance for (Mr. ENGEL asked and was given (Mr. TAKANO asked and was given 1.6 million Americans instead of this permission to revise and extend his re- permission to revise and extend his re- radical Republican assault on women’s marks.) marks.) health care rights. Mr. ENGEL. Madam Speaker, I ask Mr. TAKANO. Madam Speaker, I ask Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I unanimous consent to insert my state- unanimous consent to insert my state- yield for the purpose of a unanimous ment into the RECORD in support of ex- ment into the RECORD in support of ex- consent request to the gentleman from tending unemployment insurance for tending unemployment insurance for Texas, Congressman AL GREEN. 1.6 million Americans. We really have 1.6 million Americans instead of this (Mr. AL GREEN of Texas asked and to have compassion for people. People radical Republican assault on women’s was given permission to revise and ex- are starving. We need to help them. health care rights. tend his remarks.) That is what Congress should be all Ms. SLAUGHTER. Madam Speaker, I Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Madam about. yield for the purpose of a unanimous Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to The SP