1 Peter Study for Individuals


Peter is writing this letter to Christians being persecuted in Rome (which he calls Babylon). In this letter, Peter equates these Christians with Israel in the sense that now they are God’s chosen ​ ​ people. As such, they must see and use hardship as opportunity to show the world how the kingdom of God is different and thus spread Christ’s love and the message of the gospel.

For a short, comprehensive and engaging explanation of the book of 1 Peter, watch the Bible ​ Project’s summary here. ​

*Question notations: (Pers) = Personal *From the reader* Answers aren’t necessarily based on the text, but can be ​ ​ ​ tied to the text.

(Obs) = Observation *Point to the text* Answers are based exclusively on the text in question, ​ ​ ​ and often are “right there” without having to do much inferring. There are layers of observations to be made for many passages. It may be illuminating to read the text through two or three times.

(Interp) = Interpretation *Point to the text* when developing thoughts. Answers are logically ​ ​ ​ inferred based on the text and the observable evidence we find in it. Be careful not to let personal bias color your interpretation. It’s something we cannot avoid altogether, but try to exclude as best we can.

(App) = Application *Connecting ideas from text to personal life* Answers are taken from ​ ​ ​ logical inferences from the text and applied to address possible action steps to take in our own lives. It may help to think of analogous situations in life as you experience it to those situations surrounding the text.

(Pr. Kn.) = Prior Knowledge These questions may require prior study, research, internet ​ searches (though be careful) into cultural, linguistic, or situational background. Having some prior knowledge about how Jews and Gentiles felt about each other in the 1st Century CE, for example, would greatly aid in the interpretation of many NT texts, and may help us to observe ​ ​ ​ nuances we would not otherwise have noticed.

Side-note: When I read anything that has a word or a name I can’t pronounce, I tend to get hung up on it. There are a few city names in this letter that, if it helps, I pronounce like this: (of course, being English and not Greek speakers none of us probably pronounce them correctly, but for ​ ​ what it’s worth…)

Pontus = PAWN-tiss / PON-tuhs Galatia = guh-LAY-shuh Capadocia = cap-uh-DOH-shuh = bih-THIN-ee-uh)


As you read: It is recommended that you keep a journal, scratch paper, whatever to write down answers to these questions. You may want to keep one page dedicated to questions 1 & 2 here and add to them as you read.

1. Take note of what stands out to you most as you go through this text. Use this space to write down verses/references as well as why you think they stand out.

2. Note also any words or ideas that are repeated:

3. Thirdly, as you read, keep in mind who is writing and who is receiving this letter. Try and observe as if you were one of the original readers as often as you can. Watching the Bible Project video (link in the Introduction) will help you do this. WEEK ONE  ➳ FIRST PETER CHAPTER ONE THROUGH CHAPTER TWO VERSE TWELVE

Day 1 Read 1:1-2:12 all at once without stopping. Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

1. (Obs/Interp) How do you suppose Peter’s readers/listeners (audience) are feeling as they ​ begin reading/hearing this letter? Why do you think that?

2. (Obs/Interp) What do we learn about who God is according to this first section of ​ Peter’s letter? (What does Peter’s summary of faith teach us about who God is and how we relate to Him?) a. (Obs/Interp) How do Peter’s readers relate to this God? ​ b. (App/Pers) How do you feel about God/Christ? Why? ​

Day 2 Read 1:1-12 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

3. (Pers) What are your reactions and feelings as you read this section? ​ ​ c. What encourages you? d. What puzzles you? e. What other reactions do you have?

4. (Interp) What do you think Peter’s readers were supposed to understand from this ​ greeting? Why do you think that? (Keep in mind that it’s okay not to know for sure; interpretation ​ ​ questions ask you to think about it, to make your best guess based on what you observe in the text and then to hold your interpretation loosely - the farther you have to guess, the more loosely you should hold that interpretation.) ​

5. (Obs) According to Peter, what do hard times serve? ​

a. (Pers) How have trials in your life shaped you? How have they shaped your faith? ​

b. (App) Take a moment here to formulate a prayer. Tell God how you really feel ​ about the hard times you have faced. Ask for what you feel you need to endure them, ask for perspective, thank Him for the work He is doing in you and anything else as you try to let His Spirit within you guide this prayer. 6. (Obs/Interp) What does Peter’s summary of faith teach about who God is and how we ​ relate to Him?

7. (App) Formulate and write down (and perhaps personalize) a 1-3 sentence prayer of worship and thanksgiving to God based off of this passage (1:1-12):

Day 3 Read 1:13-21 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

8. (Obs) List out the commands in this section and the reason for each command: ​

9. (Obs) Remember to write down the repeated words and phrases, either here or at the ​ beginning of the study (if you put them all in the same place, you will start to see patterns from the entire letter instead of just section by section).

10. (Obs) What does Peter say in this section about who God is? What are His characteristics ​ and actions?

11. (Interp) What do you think it means/looks like that our “faith and hope are in God?” ​ a. (Pers) Who comes to mind right away when you try to think of someone you ​ know personally whose faith and hope are in God? Why does that person come to mind? (Think also about how other people deal with the trials in their lives).

12. (Pers) What speaks to you most in this passage? What do you think God wants you to ​ understand? Why?

Day 4 Read 1:22-2:3 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

13. (Obs/Interp) What title might you give this section? Why? ​

14. (App/Pers) What do you need to do, internalize, understand or ask in order to live out ​ Peter’s commands here? a. (App) Take a moment to pray on that point. ​

15. (Interp/App//Pers) What do you think it looks like to “love one another deeply” as Peter ​ commands us here? Why do you think that? a. (App/Pers) What do we do about people we genuinely don’t like? ​

i. (App) Take a moment to confess to God what you need to about how you ​ see and/or treat other people

b. (App) What do you need to do in order to foster this kind of love? (what ​ perspectives must you keep in mind, what practices do you need to change or encourage, what training do you need, etc.?)

16. (Obs/Interp) What perspective is supposed to keep us from doing the bad things Peter ​ lists in 2:1 and to keep us doing v. 2-3?

17. (App) How do we go about actually carrying this out? ​

a. (Interp) Do you think Peter is serious when he asks his readers to do these ​ things? Why? What happens if they don’t?

Day 5 Read 2:4-2:12 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

18. (Interp) What is Peter (the author) trying to do here? Why do you think he included the ​ piece about the cornerstone?

19. (Interp) What do you think Peter means when he says “Once you were not a people, but ​ now you are the people of God…” in verse 10? a. (Pers) What is your reaction to this? ​ b. (Interp) What do you think the reaction would be from Peter’s original audience? ​ What about those who didn’t accept ?

20. (Pers) How do you experience Jesus? When have you stumbled over him and when have ​ you treated him as your foundation - the most important rock on which you build your life?

21. (Obs) According to this passage, how are we as Christians like Christ? ​

22. (Obs) What will be the possible reactions of non Christians towards us? ​

Day 6 Today is a bit different. Open your Bible to 1 Peter chapter 1 and say a prayer for guidance and mindfulness. If you’d like, repeat or adapt the following:

All-Loving Father, Thank you for your work in building your church, your chosen people, through your servant Peter. In your love and mercy you have caused your message to be written in a way we can understand it. Holy Spirit, I humbly ask that you open my mind to understand and my heart to receive your Word. Transform me by it. Guide my thoughts and bless my efforts to grow in love, in understanding, submission and obedience to you, Holy God. Amen.

Read slowly, out loud through :1-2:12.

Underline, highlight or write down the one or two verses from this section that stand out to you the most. Set a timer for 5 minutes. For these 5 minutes, think on the verse(s) you have chosen. If all that comes to your mind is the repetition of those words, memorize them. Dismiss any thoughts that come to mind that are not these. In doing this, you are practicing spiritual discipline and strengthening spiritual muscles. If your mind wanders, non-judgmentally bring it back to the verse(s). Ask God for help.

Day 7 Today, without looking at the text try and remember what you have read and thought about this week. Set a timer for 5 minutes and write down everything you can remember, or try telling a family member everything you can remember. See if you can remember the verse(s) you meditated on yesterday.

Journal a prayer to God. You may choose to bring in themes from your readings this week, or just thank Him and ask for His continued guidance and illumination.


Day 8 Read 2:13-4:6 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

1. (Obs) List out the commands (the do-s and don’t-s) Peter lays out in this section and the ​ reason behind each command.

a. (Interp) Based on this list, what seem to be Peter’s top priorities for his readers? ​

2. (Obs) What kinds of people is Peter addressing in this section? What do the groups have ​ in common with one another? How do you know?

a. (Pers) With which group of people do you most closely identify? Why? What do ​ you find encouraging, frustrating or otherwise stands out to you about what Peter wants his readers to do?

3. (Pers) Don’t forget to write down your reactions and what stood out to you most in the ​ place you have reserved for them. Ask God to continue transforming your heart and will to match His own.

Day 9 Read 2:13-25 (verse 25 is the end of chapter 2, sometimes noted with “ff” - today you read 2:13ff) and 3:1-7 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

4. (App) Who are your authority figures in this society? (if not master or spouse, then perhaps ​ teachers, parents, bosses, bossy friends, family members, officials, etc.)

a. (App) Pick one or two of them who are not Christians (or that you don’t know if they ​ are or not), and pick the one(s) that get under your skin the most if you can. What are your thoughts, attitudes, perspectives about them? Why? How might you cultivate the attitudes and behaviors God (through Peter) is asking you to? (This is a great time to ​ ​ ​ pray, especially if you get frustrated when you think about it!) ​

b. (Pers) What would (or does) happen when you do not behave in the way Peter ​ ​ ​ requires here?

i. (Obs/Interp) What is God’s desire / the ultimate goal of our behavior towards ​ these people? How do you know?

5. (Interp) Why do you think it’s important that Peter includes Jesus’ example in this section? ​

Day 10 Read 3:8-12 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

6. (Pers) Which item in Peter’s list in verses 8-9 is the most difficult for you to live out? ​

a. (App) You guessed it! It’s confession time. Confess to God your difficulties, pride, ​ attitude/perspective or whatever else has kept you from obeying these commands. Consider asking for forgiveness, the power to do better, a changed mind & heart, humility and whatever else comes to mind. (Know that you are not alone in your need to confess; if you were, Peter wouldn’t have had to write these directions to Christians in Rome a couple thousand years ago).

7. (Pers) Where have you seen the church living this out well? ​

8. (Obs) What kind of relationship do the righteous have with God? ​ ​ ​

9. (App) How can you pursue peace today? ​

Day 11 Read 3:3-17 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

10. (Obs/Pers) What in this section rings especially true? Why? ​

a. (Obs/Pers) What do you find encouraging? Why? ​

b. (Obs/Pers) What do you find challenging? Why? ​

11. (Obs/Pers) Don’t forget to write down what stands out to you and what questions you ​ have in the place you designated at the beginning of this study. 12. (Pers) When do you (or people in general) suffer for doing good? Why do you think this happens? a. (Obs) When this happens, where can we look for encouragement and meaning?

Day 12 Read 3:18-4:6 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc. William MacDonald in his Believer’s Bible Commentary says, “Verses 19, 20 constitute one of the most ​ ​ puzzling and intriguing texts in the NT” (p.2272). Thus, we are going to enlist a bit of help, give ourselves grace and hold our interpretations loosely.

13. (Interp) What title would you give this section? Why? ​

14. (Interp) What do you think Peter primarily wants his readers to understand here? Why do you ​ think that?

15. (Obs/Interp) What is clear from this passage? ​

16. (Obs) Here is a note from the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible if it is helpful: ​ ​ ​

“3:16-4:5 Ancient writers sometimes used inverted parallelism, called a chiasm. One such chiasm ​ ​ might occur here, if one may identify the “spirits” of 3:19 with the angels of 3:22, as many scholars do: A Your slanderers will be ashamed (3:16) B Suffer though innocent, in God’s will (3:17) C For Christ suffered for the unjust (3:18) D He triumphed over hostile spirits (3:19) E was saved through water (3:20) E’ You are saved through water (3:21) D’ Christ triumphed over hostile spirits (3:22) C’ For Christ suffered (4:1a) B’ Suffer in God’s will (4:1b-2) A’ Your slanderers will be ashamed (4:3-5)”

17. (Obs/Interp) What does Peter communicate here about who God is, how He operates and ​ how we relate to Him?

18. (App) In what way(s) does this passage inspire you? What will you do with it? ​

Day 13 Open your Bible to 1 Peter chapter 2 and say a prayer for guidance and mindfulness. If you’d like, repeat or adapt the following:

Sovereign Lord, You are beyond my comprehension, Eternal King. You are the Living God who does not forget His people or the actions of human beings. Forgive me for having allowed the messages of the world around me and not your message to infiltrate my thinking. Right my perspective and give me a righter understanding of Yourself and of myself. Thank you for Jesus’ sacrifice. May I consider suffering for your sake as a privilege that I might be like Him. Deepen my love of you and may I live fully in your love for me. Amen.

Read slowly, out loud through 1 Peter 2:13-4:6.

Underline, highlight or write down the one or two verses from this section that stand out to you the most. Set a timer for 5 minutes. For these 5 minutes, think on the verse(s) you have chosen. If all that comes to your mind is the repetition of those words, memorize them. Dismiss any thoughts that come to mind that are not these. In doing this, you are practicing spiritual discipline and strengthening spiritual muscles. If your mind wanders, non-judgmentally bring it back to the verse(s). Ask God for help.

Day 14 Today, without looking at the text try and remember what you have read and thought about this week. Set a timer for 5 minutes and write down everything you can remember, or try telling a family member everything you can remember. See if you can remember the verse(s) you meditated on yesterday. How about the one(s) from last week?

Journal a prayer to God. Try to include each element of the A.C.T.S. prayer and connect each piece to something from this week’s reading. Example: (based in 2:13ff. I like 3:8-12 for this exercise a LOT as well. All of it is good!) Adoration (praise, worship): Lord, you are all-powerful Sovereign. You set authorities in ​ ​ place and it is your justice which should prevail… Confession: Forgive me, God, for having been unwilling to submit to these authorities… ​ ​ Thanksgiving: Thank you for our example of humble submission in Christ Jesus and for ​ ​ my salvation which came from it…(!) Supplication (requests): Empower me to show proper respect to everyone for your sake. ​ ​ May my life reflect the fact that I take you seriously...


Day 15 Read 4:7-5ff Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

1. (Obs) What do you notice about God in this section? ​

2. (Interp) What seems counterintuitive in this section? How might these seemingly ​ counterintuitive things actually make sense?

3. (Pers) Which of Peter’s commands pop out to you the most? Why do you think that is? ​

a. (App) Where do you need help to do the things Peter asks of us in this section? ​

b. (App) Ask God to reveal to you where your focus should be. What is the next ​ step he is prompting you to take? What thoughts will you consider now?

Day 16 Read 4:7-11 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

4. (Pers) Reread verse 10. What are your gifts that you do or could use to serve others? ​

a. (Obs) How are we to go about using our gifts to serve others? ​

5. (Obs) What kind of suffering should we consider good and what kind bad? Why? ​

6. (Obs/Interp/App/Pers) What kind of people are we supposed to be? What kinds of ​ things should define us as Christians?

a. What kind of person do you want to be? Are you that person already? What kind of work do you have to do / What kind of work is God doing in you now?

7. (Obs/Interp) According to this letter, describe the healthy Christian relationship. ​ Describe also the healthy church. a. (Pers/App) What relationships do you have that best exemplify this? Which ​ relationships need an injection of this kind of character?

Day 17 Read 4:12-19 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

8. (Obs) How does Peter seem to think Christians should react to suffering? Why does he ​ think this?

a. (Pers) When have you suffered because you follow Christ? How did/do you ​ react?

b. (Interp/App) How is it possible to rejoice while you are undergoing suffering? ​

9. (Pers/App) Based on what you have just read, is there something you need to confess, ​ ask, or say to God? Say it now.

10. (Interp) If you experience trials because of Christ, turn your ______into ​ ______. (Bonus points if your answer rhymes…)

a. (App) Do this by: ​

Day 18 Read 5:1-4 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

11. (Obs) What kind of attitude are we to have towards each other? ​

12. (App/Pers) Take a moment to think through your relationships with other Christians. ​ Where have you been prideful, where have you been humble? Treat with God on this matter now.

13. (Interp) Who are elders/shepherds and what is the flock? How do you know? ​

a. (Pers) Who are our elders and shepherds? ​

b. (Obs) What must church leaders do in order to please God? ​

c. (Interp) Why is this important? ​

Day 19 Read chapter 5 Write down anything that stands out, that you see repeated, questions, reactions, etc.

14. (Obs) How does Peter attempt to embolden his listeners in this chapter? Did it work for ​ you? Do you feel encouraged and emboldened?

15. (Pers) Peter promises us that God “will himself restore you and make you strong, firm ​ and steadfast.” Where could you use this in your life? Take a moment to thank God for these things and accept them.

16. (Pers) Who is like a to you, serving alongside you in the faith like a brother? ​

17. (Pers) Who do you know who is in “Babylon,” living surrounded by people who would ​ oppress them for their faith?

18. (Pers) Who is like a Mark to you that you are guiding and teaching in Christ? ​ (Remember Journey Through Mark? Remember how you heard that the gospel of Mark was commonly understood to be the memories and teaching from Peter?)

a. Take a moment to pray for each of these Christians.

19. (Obs/App) Craft a prayer based on this chapter (feel free to use your own form, adopt the ​ A.C.T.S. form you practiced earlier or use another format you like!).

Day 20 Read the whole letter of 1 Peter

20. (Obs) What are Peter’s overarching themes, repeated ideas and purposes in this letter? ​

21. (Pers) How has and how is God shaping you through this letter? What have you ​ revisited? What are you feeling prompted to do? How has your thinking adjusted?

22. (App) Which verses from this letter did God use to speak to you? Write them down ​ individually and pick one to memorize.

Day 21 You have finished reading and re-reading the letter of 1 Peter to the early Christians in Rome, at lease for this study. What do you not want to forget? What will you take with you? Spend some time reciting the verses you have highlighted and some time in prayer. Pray for God’s Church ​ and Christians in exile around the world.

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.” - :10-11

“Peace to all of you who are in Christ.” - 1 Peter 5:14b