In His Steps: 1 Peter 2:18-25 Sunday, February 21, 2016

CONVERSATION GUIDE: Here, the crookedness of masters suggests not only As toddlers, we begin to realize our strong sense of physical mistreatment but also dishonesty regarding fairness. As adults, even though we know that life pay, working conditions, expectations. Even to isn’t fair, we are prone to fight back when we feel we these “sorrows” and “sufferings,” submission and are victims of unfair treatment. obedience are required “for the Lord’s sake (2:13). The trusting awareness of God’s presence and the How do you tend to react if you think someone is confidence that he will right all wrongs enable treating you unfairly? Christians to submit to an unjust master without resentment, rebellion, self-pity or despair. Christians are to be Christ-like. Since suffered, Peter concludes that part of the Christian’s calling is For Christ suffered for you, trusting God (2:21- to suffer (2:21) - a remarkable change from his view 25) Why are we called to suffer? Because such of suffering in Matthew 16:21-23. suffering was part of the life of Jesus, which we have been called to imitate: because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you READ 1 Peter 2:18-25.1 Note: the word should follow in his steps. “employee,” though not conveying the idea of absence of freedom, does reflect the economic status and skill level of these ancient “slaves” better APPLY than “servant” or “slave” today.2 1. In what way can you follow Jesus’ example when you suffer through something that you view as unfair? DISCUSS 1. What is the primary motive for submission? What does the phrase “when, mindful of God” 2. What does it mean to fellowship in another’s mean? (v. 19) suffering?

2. Why does it find favor with God if we are 3. God wants us to endure suffering patiently. patient when we suffer unfairly? Why might God ask you to suffer?

3. Discuss the example Jesus left for us. (Note: Peter quotes from to show how Jesus did Peter uses suffered (pascho) rather than died.) How not retaliate when He was wronged: did Jesus suffer in his life? How did Jesus act when suffering? Whom did he turn to in order to get justice? (v. 23) First, Jesus did not commit sin. He always acted in obedience to the Father. Second, there was never 4. What reasons are given in verse 24 for Jesus’ any deceit in His mouth. He didn’t bend the facts death on the cross? to win the argument or get his own way. He was always truthful. When he was reviled, He did not revile in return. He didn’t trade insults. Lastly, he Living as servants: be subject to your masters uttered no threats. (2:18-20), even to evil ones. Although “servant” comes the closest, no single English word is adequate – there isn’t a fitting word, something There is a response for the suffering person, one meaning “semi-permanent employee without legal perfectly exhibited by Jesus: trust him who judges or economic freedom.” First-century slaves were justly. generally well treated.3

1 2:21-25 – all of these verses are dependent on Isaiah 53. 2 Wayne Grudem, 1 Peter, Page 132. 3 Ibid. 1 In His Steps: 1 Peter 2:18-25 Sunday, February 21, 2016


Day 1: MEMORIZE Day 4: TRAIN For you were called to this, because Christ also We sometimes forget that the incarnate God is a suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that God who suffers. you should follow in His steps. ~ 1 Peter 2:21 The sovereign God himself has come down into this world and experienced its darkness. God has wounds. He knew firsthand rejection, poverty, Day 2: READ abuse, despair, bereavement, torture and death. Read 1 Peter 2:18-25. As you read, make a list of Only , of all the world's major religions, Jesus’ (in)actions. teaches that God came to earth in Jesus and became subject to suffering and death himself. Jesus is a Next week: “Mutual Submission and Self-Sacrificial man of sorrows. Love.” Read :1-7. See what this means?

We do not know the reason God allows evil and Day 3: EXERCISE suffering to continue, or why it is so random, but Read 2 Samuel 16:5-14. we know what the reason is not. It cannot be that he does not love us. It cannot be that he does not care.  How is David cursed unfairly? How does He is so committed to our ultimate happiness that he bear up under it patiently? he was willing to plunge into the greatest depths of suffering himself. He understands, he has been there, and he assures us that he has a plan to wipe away every tear. Read 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 Only the sacrifice of an innocent God could justify  What does momentary light affliction the endless, universal torture of innocence. Only the produce in us? How has this been true in most abject suffering by God could assuage man's your life? agony.

When pain and suffering come upon us, we see not only that we are not in control of our lives, but that Read 2 Timothy 2:12. we never were.

 What is the result if we endure? The says that Jesus is the light of the world. He is indeed a light in the darkness, by which we can find our way. His Word is the lamp that helps 4 us to see. Read three of the following passages: Matthew 27:4; John 8:29, 46, 18:38; 2 Cor. 5:21; Hebrews 4:15; 1 John 3:5. Day 5: PRAY Choose an event in Jesus’ life that mirror an  How do these verses illustrate the experience in your own: unjust accusations, betrayal sinlessness of Jesus? Why is that important? by friends, being misunderstood by family or colleagues, becoming exasperated with others, facing temptation, or grieving death. Imagine Jesus sharing in your suffering. Pray deeply into this solidarity with him.

4 Excerpts and paraphrased thoughts from Tim Keller, "Walking with God through Pain and Suffering" 2