$3.95 January 2013 Special 48-page Memorial Issue Elena Donaldson Akhmylovskaia March 11, 1957 - November 18, 2012 Northwest Chess January 2013, Volume 67-1 Issue 780 Table of Contents ISSN Publication 0146-6941 Published monthly by the Northwest Chess Board. Georgi Orlov and Elena Donaldson Akhmylovskaia...............................Cover Office of record: 3310 25th Ave S., Seattle, WA 98144 From the Editor’s Desk by Jeff Roland..................................................................3 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Northwest Chess, PO Box 84746, Elena Donaldson Akhmylovskaia (1957-2012) by Frank Niro.........................4 Seattle WA 98124-6046. World Youth Championship (NW Players) by the players/families.............18 Periodicals Postage Paid at Seattle, WA USPS periodicals postage permit number (0422-390) Seattle Sluggers U.S. Chess League Champions............................................22 Idaho Chess News......................................................................................................31 NWC Staff Washington Chess News...........................................................................................36 Editor: Jeff Roland, Oregon Chess News...................................................................................................39
[email protected] Dr. Ralph Hall Northwest Grand Prix by Murlin Varner..............................44 Assistant Editor: Frank Niro, 7th Annual Grand Pacific Open (Victoria, BC)Tournament Advertisement...46
[email protected] Seattle Chess